Written Test - Protection and Migration Coordinator
Written Test - Protection and Migration Coordinator
Written Test - Protection and Migration Coordinator
Name: ___________________
Date: ____________________
You have 1 hour and 30 minutes to answer the below questions. Exams submitted after 1 hour
and 30 minutes will automatically be disqualified. All answers must be typed and you must
include your name in the file name. Each answer will be graded based on accuracy,
demonstration of technical knowledge, professionalism, thoughtfulness and presentation. All
questions should be answered in your own words. Candidates will immediately be disqualified
for any responses which are cut and pasted or plagiarized.
The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is leading a £21 million programme to protect would-be
migrants and refugees from unsafe irregular migration through and from the Amhara, Tigray
and Somali regions of Ethiopia. The Protection and Migration Coordinator, with guidance from
the Technical Programme Manager, will work to mainstream migrant protection into
programme design and implementation across multiple partners, and field locations.
1. Briefly describe what you understand of the term ‘mixed migration’. (5 points)
2. Briefly describe 3 protection concerns that mixed migrants from and through Ethiopia may
experience at different points of their journey. (10 points)
3. For each of the concerns you have identified, propose activities/programs that
humanitarian organizations such as DRC respond? (10 points)
You are requested to lead an assessment in a transit town for irregular migrants, located
between the border of Ethiopia and Sudan. The main objective of the assessment is to
identify vulnerable migrants and to specifically design assistance to reduce the protection
risks that they face.
4. Briefly describe the key assessment tools you would develop to conduct the above
assessment and justify your choice of tools. (10 points)
6. What program documents or tools would you develop following the assessment to assist in
the implementation of the program? (10 points)
7. As a coordinator, you will be responsible for the provision of feedback to inputs
from staff for internal and donor reports.
7.A. Use track changes to edit the inputs for a monthly report. (10 Points)
7.B. Add comments to the points which you believe are unclear or need further
revision. (5 Points)
Regional Migrant Protection Program| OVERALL OBJECTIVE: To create evidence-
based innovative and sustainable development and protection solutions for refugees and
their host communities in Ethiopia, discouraging risky irregular migration
Output 3.1.1 Awareness-raising campaign on migration options and risks for
Eritrean refugee and host communities in the Shire area, including on the new
trafficking-in-persons law
Planned Activities Activities Report
Despite the community discussion both in grass root
A3.1.1.2: Hold community discussion on migration option and risks and the
meetings and grassroots nexuses between gender and customary justice in
events to discuss migration refugee context is going good, the dissemination of
options and risks. information on migration options and risks as well as
the nexus between gender and customary justice
through printing materials is very delayed. Of course,
there is a slight progress in drafting printing materials
like comic book on migration risks, however still it is not
printing. But to grasp the total target now stared a movie
(testimonials stories) showing on migration risks.
Accordingly, in the month of February only, 759
refugees were attended in movies.