ETABS 2016 Composite Column Design: ETABS 2016 16.2.1 License # 13YXXZ8XKFN6FLW

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ETABS 2016 16.2.

1 License #*13YXXZ8XKFN6FLW

ETABS 2016 Composite Column Design

Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Location (m) Combo Section Classification
Story1 C7 7 0 DCon5 columna CFT Compact

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit
3.25000 1 0.95

Analysis and Design Parameters

Provision Analysis 2nd Order Reduction
LRFD Direct Analysis General 2nd Order Tau-b Fixed

Stiffness Reduction Factors

αPr /Py αPr /Pe
0.042 0.007

Seismic Parameters
Ignore Seismic Ignore Special
Plug Welded?
Code? EQ Load?
No No Yes

Design Code Parameters

0.9 0.75 0.9 0.75 0.9 1 1

Design Properties of Steel Section

A (m²) J (m⁴) I33 (m⁴) I22 (m⁴) Av3 (m²) Av2 (m²)
0.0047 0.000044 0.000029 0.000029 0.002 0.0024

Material Properties
Es (kgf/m²) f'c (kgf/m²) Fy (kgf/m²)
20389019158 2109208.88 25310506.54

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio Eqn.(H1-1b)

D/C Ratio = (Pr /2Pc ) + (Mr33 /Mc33 ) + (Mr22 /Mc22 )
0.359 = 0.02 + 0.219 + 0.12

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf) Tu (kgf-m)

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ETABS 2016 16.2.1 License #*13YXXZ8XKFN6FLW

Location (m) Pu (kgf) Mu33 (kgf-m) Mu22 (kgf-m) Vu2 (kgf) Vu3 (kgf) Tu (kgf-m)
0 -4946.97 -1881.95 -1029.35 923.52 869.06 16.8

Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K1 K2 B1 B2 Cm
Major Bending 0.908 1 1 1 1 0.421
Minor Bending 0.908 1 1 1 1 0.332

Parameters for Lateral Torsion Buckling

Lltb Kltb Cb
0.908 0 2.164

Axial Force and Capacities

Pu Force (kgf) ϕPnc Capacity (kgf) ϕPnt Capacity (kgf)
4946.97 122577.03 106061.15

Moments and Capacities

Mu Moment (kgf-m) ϕMn Capacity (kgf-m) ϕMn (No LTB) (kgf-m)
Major Bending 1881.95 8581.17 8581.17
Minor Bending 1029.35 8581.17

Torsion Moment and Capacities

Tu Moment (kgf-m) Tn Capacity (kgf-m) ϕTn Capacity (kgf-m)
16.8 6845.95 6161.35

Shear Design
Vu Force (kgf) ϕVn Capacity (kgf)
Major Shear 923.52 29850.2
Minor Shear 869.06 29850.2

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