Usage of The Amfori Logo: For Members
Usage of The Amfori Logo: For Members
Usage of The Amfori Logo: For Members
For members
• Easily showcase they are part of amfori, and • Build credibility among key stakeholders to
therefore express their support for what amfori their business
stands for
• Stand out from other companies
• Further raise awareness on efforts done by
their company that would otherwise remain • Communicate they are part of a broader
internal network of companies sharing the same
• Concretely showcase how open and
sustainable trade are part of their strategy
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Guides for use
Using the amfori logo and boilerplate
amfori is our all-encompassing brand which Placing the boilerplate in an appropiate way
embodies our holistic approach to open and
sustainable trade. It brings together members To place the boiler plate next to the logo,
all across the world with very different activities members can choose between a landscape and
but shared values. a portrait version depending on where they will
place it.
To highlight they are part of amfori, members
can use the amfori logo together with a short Both are valid options at all times provided the
boilerplate which identifies them as such. same proportions are kept and the boilerplate
and logo respect the minimum size and are
Members cannot use the amfori logo without the legible.
boilerplate. This use is reserved exclusively for
Landscape version
official communication by the organisation.
Member of amfori, the leading global business
As part of their corporate communication association for open and sustainable trade.
members also have the option to communicate For more information visit
the specific service they are part of (be it amfori
BEPI and/or amfori BSCI) within the boilerplate.
Portrait version
The boilerplate text should only be one of those
provided by amfori and cannot be altered.
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Usage of boilerplate
Ensuring legibility and consistency Use of colour - example when the exact colour is not available for text
- The font of the boilerplate should not be Member of amfori, the leading global business
smaller than 7pt. It is possible to have a bigger association for open and sustainable trade.
font (for instance in an A3 poster) but the For more information visit
boilerplate should always keep the same
proportion with the amfori logo.
Member of amfori, the leading global business
- The minimum size for the amfori logo is 3.4
association for open and sustainable trade.
cm wide
For more information visit
- The font should be Benton or Arial (if neither Member of amfori, the leading global business
are available it should be a sans serif) association for open and sustainable trade.
For more information visit
- The use of all upper case for the boilerplate
as in “MEMBER OF..’’ is not permitted.
Member of amfori, the leading global business
association for open and sustainable trade.
For more information visit
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Usage of colour and negative versions
- The logo should always be in the amfori blue. amfori Blue
Pantone 293
If colours are not available it should be in black. C100 M65 Y0 K0
R0 G86 B164
Hex #0055a4
- If it the logo and boilerplate are placed over a
darker colour or over a photograph, it must be
used in its negative version in white.
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Usage of amfori vs amfori bsci/bepi
The amfori logo should be used regardless of
Member of amfori, the leading global business
the services you partake in. Be it that you also association for open and sustainable trade.
participate in the initiatives amfori BSCI and/or We participate in amfori BSCI. For more
amfori BEPI. information visit
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Incorrect logo use
The amfori logo must be used in its entirety, and may not be altered in any way, including proportion, color, element, type, etc.
You may not animate, morph or in any other way distort the appearance of the logo.
Don’t leave out any elements Don’t distort the logo in any way Don’t use photography Don’t use a low-resolution logo
of the logo such as the strapline
Don’t change the colour of the logo Don’t retype the name Don’t adjust the size of any elements Don’t add anything to the logo
Member of
Don’t use the logo in a sentence Don’t use the amfori blue logo Don’t use the amfori blue logo
on a dark background on a dark image
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Where to use the logo and boilerplate
As of January the amfori logo and boilerplate may be used on websites, signage, reports, company brochures, reports business cards
and other materials related to corporate communication of the company.
When tecnically possible it must always direct to the official URL (
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Member of amfori, the leading global business
more information visit
business association for open and sit amet, consectetur así piscina elit,
association for open and sustainable trade.
For more information visit
sustainable trade. For more information
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt tu
Learn more
11 I
Where not to use the logo and boilerplate
The amfori, amfori BSCI and amfori BEPI logos may in particular not be used to indicate any kind of endorsement of any other
product or service, indicate that any official status for any product or service has been conferred by or is otherwise associated with
amfori, amfori BEPI and amfori BEPI or to show any kind of relationship with amfori aside from those permitted.
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Boilerplates available
All members of amfori can use the boilerplate below:
“Member of amfori, the leading global business association for open and sustainable trade. For more information visit’’
All members of amfori who also take part in amfori BSCI can use the boilerplates below:
“Member of amfori, the leading global business association for open and sustainable trade. We take part in amfori BSCI. For more information visit’’
“Member of amfori, the leading global business association for open and sustainable trade. We improve the social performance of our supply
chain via amfori BSCI. For more information visit’’
All members of amfori who also take part in amfori BEPI can use the boilerplates below:
“Member of amfori, the leading global business association for open and sustainable trade. We take part in amfori BEPI. For more information visit’’
“Member of amfori, the leading global business association for open and sustainable trade. We improve the environmental performance of our
supply chain via amfori BEPI. For more information visit’’
All members of amfori who also take part in amfori BSCI and amfori BEPI can use the boilerplates below:
“Member of amfori, the leading global business association for open and sustainable trade. We take part in amfori BEPI. For more information visit’’
“Member of amfori, the leading global business association for open and sustainable trade. We improve the social and environmental performance
of our supply chain via amfori BSCI and amfori BEPI. For more information visit’’
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amfori reserves the right to terminate, amend or limit any use of the amfori logo and/or boilerplate, at its own discretion and at any time.
Any unauthorised use of the amfori logo may result in legal action.
Member may request exemption from any of the conditions above by submitting a request to the
amfori communication team: