Deltav PK Controller

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The document discusses the DeltaV PK Controller and its capabilities as a standalone or integrated controller. It can run independently without a server or other typical DCS elements, or it can be merged into a larger DeltaV system.

When run in standalone mode, the PK Controller does not require connection to engineering software to operate. It has local HMI capabilities and storage on an SD card. Failed controllers can also be easily swapped without engineering.

A standalone PK Controller can be seamlessly merged into a larger DeltaV system using the DeltaV engineering software. This results in a single native database and eliminates data mapping between systems.

DeltaV Distributed Control System Product Data Sheet

March 2019

DeltaV™ PK Controller
„ Powerful Standalone. Easily Integrated

„ Faster module execution

„ Designed for use with any DeltaV I/O family

or safety system

„ Easy controller redundancy

„ Retains configuration without power

„ Native Ethernet device connections

„ Available in 4 sizes: 100 DSTs, 300 DSTs,

750 DSTs, and 1500 DSTs

The DeltaV PK Controller makes compact and standalone control

applications easy.

Introduction Benefits
The DeltaV™ PK Controller provides a control solution for Runs standalone or as part of a DeltaV system: The PK
smaller-scale applications such as skid units or small unit Controller does not require a connection to its PK Controller
operations. It is designed to operate in a standalone fashion, Engineering Software in order to run in a standalone fashion.
meaning that it runs without requiring a connection to a server, Alternatively, it can be commissioned as a part of a larger
panel HMI, or other typical DCS system elements. DeltaV system – you choose the behavior that best fits
your needs.
Any time after being configured to run in a standalone fashion,
the standalone DeltaV PK Controller may be merged into Seamless merging into DeltaV: With our DeltaV engineering
a larger DeltaV system. The merging process incorporates software, a standalone DeltaV PK Controller can be seamlessly
the database and graphics from the standalone DeltaV PK merged into a larger DeltaV system, resulting in one native
Controller into the larger DeltaV Database, resulting in a single, database and system, and the elimination of costly and
native database and system. This process addresses potential time-consuming data mapping exercises.
conflicts with tags, thereby eliminating the pains associated
Easily swap and restart a standalone simplex controller:
with mapping two systems together.
In the event of the failure of a standalone simplex DeltaV PK
The standalone DeltaV PK Controller is configured in a Controller, another DeltaV PK Controller can be swapped in its
standalone fashion using the PK Controller Engineering place and restarted without any additional recommissioning
Software. Alternatively, the DeltaV PK Controller may be activities or the need for a laptop. Simply swap the SD-Card
configured using standard DeltaV Engineering tools on a from the old controller, to the new controller and insert the new
ProPlus or DeltaV Engineering Workstation. controller onto the carrier - easy.

Finally, control of Ethernet devices is made easy with built-in

Ethernet ports and native protocols supported by the
controller– extra cards are not required.
DeltaV PK Controller March 2019

When standalone, no need to manage databases Easily connect third party devices: Third party devices such as
on laptops: The on-board SD-Card stores a backup of all Panel HMIs and variable speed drives are easily connected using
configuration and HMI files, enabling a laptop to retrieve those the native on-board protocols, without the use of a dedicated
files and begin engineering a system without having already had Ethernet or I/O card.
those files on the laptop to start with. This avoids the pain of
Secure: The DeltaV PK Controller requires a password to
having to manage files on servers or drives and ensure the latest
access and edit its configuration. In addition, the carrier has an
is being used.
on-board key that when enabled requires physical presence to
Local HMI: A Standalone DeltaV PK Controller can be deployed download configuration changes to the controller. Files stored
with one DeltaV Operator Station (Panel HMI or workstation on the controller’s SD Card are encrypted. These capabilities
PC) to serve local HMI needs. The DeltaV Operator Station will provide added layers of protection against unauthorized access
communicate with the standalone PK Controller on a dedicated of the controller in standalone applications. When used with
port on the DeltaV ACN and operate as a Full Span of Control a ProPlus as a part of a broader DeltaV system, laptops cannot
Operator Station. The DeltaV Operator Station will support 250 connect to the DeltaV PK Controller or to the DeltaV Network,
DeltaV Continuous Historian tags, which can be scaled up to keeping the DeltaV system closed from unauthorized access.
3,250 tags. The DeltaV Operator Station can support DeltaV
Speed: The DeltaV PK Controller executes control modules as
Advanced Batch functionalities (Batch Executive and
fast as 25ms, enabling control of faster process applications.
Batch Historian).
Advanced Software: The PK Controller supports all of the
Save cabinet space: Using the six built-in Ethernet ports, the
advanced DeltaV features that are expected in a world class
need for additional Ethernet switches is eliminated in many
Distributed Control System:
applications. The introduction of the M-Series 4-wide I/O Carrier
allows for reduced footprint on installations with reduced I/O „„ DeltaV Class-based control and unit-modules
count needs. M-Series 4-wide I/O Carriers are only compatible „„ DeltaV Model Predictive Control
with PK controller and are not compatible with any other DeltaV
„„ DeltaV Neural Networks
M-Series controllers.
„„ Works with DeltaV Batch Executive
Easy redundancy: The DeltaV PK Controller supports 1:1
redundancy for increased availability. Simply install the „„ Works with DeltaV Version Control Audit Trail
redundant controller onto the carrier next to the primary – no
added cabinet space or configuration changes.

Flexibility in I/O: The following DeltaV I/O may be used with

the DeltaV PK Controller: M-Series Series 21 traditional (all cards
currently sold), S-Series traditional once the S-Series adapter
is available, CHARMs I/O Card (CIOCs), and Wireless I/O Cards
(WIOCs), enabling you to select the I/O family that best meets
your needs.

Integrated safety: The DeltaV PK Controller can use either of

the DeltaV SIS products, including DeltaV SIS with Electronic
Marshalling, or the DeltaV SLS 1508 Safety Logic Solver.
Both offer unique benefits and are easily scalable.

1 M-Series Series 1 and M-Series Intrinsically Safe traditional cards are not supported for use with the PK controller.
2 M-Series 8-wide I/O Carriers manufactured prior to 2002 are not compatible with PK controller. Contact your local sales representative for additional information. 2
DeltaV PK Controller March 2019

Product Description Sizing

The DeltaV PK Controller executes control logic based on the The DeltaV PK Controller can be installed as simplex or
process signals derived from the I/O and Ethernet redundant node, and can be used for applications in a
Device subsystems. wide variety of sizes, from 100 to 1500 DSTs, depending on
which capacity controller is selected. For Ethernet Device
Control modules are automatically scheduled by the controller,
Control, The DeltaV PK Controller can be used for a variety of
based on their assigned scan rates. This allows each control
Ethernet Devices, from 16 to 128, depending on which capacity
function to be optimized based on the process dynamics.
controller is selected.
Modules scan times can be set as fast as 25ms, and as slow as
60 seconds. The number of control modules that can be DeltaV PK Controller will be offered in 4 sizes with the
assigned to a controller depends on the complexity and scan following capacities:
rate of each modules. For the fastest loop execution time, use
Sizing # DST’s # Ethernet # Ethernet # Batch Units
the supported High Density cards in a simplex configuration.
Devices Signals (Standalone)
Each controller node can be installed as a simplex or redundant PK100 100 16 4,096 2
node. Redundancy is provided by adding a second controller,
PK300 300 32 8,192 4
mounted adjacent to the primary controller. Controllers may
PK750 750 64 16,384 8
be connected to DeltaV traditional I/O carriers, which are
mounted to the right of the controller carrier. Up to 8 carriers PK1500 1500 128 32,768 12
with 8 cards each can be connected to the local bus I/O, for a
total of 64 traditional I/O cards. 4-wide I/O carriers may be used
in combination with 8-wide I/O carriers2, and in this case, the
maximum of 8 total I/O carriers is retained.

In addition to traditional I/O cards, the local bus supports

fieldbus technologies, including Foundation fieldbus,
DeviceNet, Profibus DP, and AS-I protocols, as well as Serial
interface cards. These various I/O products provide a wide
range of interfaces to meet the needs of your control
application.The DeltaV PK Controller also supports CHARMs
and Wireless HART I/O cards. The CHARM I/O Card (CIOC)
connects via the redundant Ethernet ports of the controller
carrier to provide Electronic Marshalling capabilities. A
standalone DeltaV PK Controller can communicate with up to
16 CIOCs, each providing up to 96 individually configurable
signal types (Limited to the DST capacity of the installed DeltaV
PK Controller). The Wireless HART I/O card (WIOC) provides Simplex DeltaV PK Controller.
redundant communication for up to 100 WirelessHART devices,
providing high availability and reliability of wireless data. DeltaV
PK Controller can communicate with up to 16 WIOCs.

The DeltaV PK Controller is designed for harsh environments

and is rated for G3 corrosive environments, with an operating
temperature range from -40 to 60°C. It is ideally suited for
remote installation close to the process equipment. For more
traditional installations with central marshalling cabinets, the
PK Controller can utilize any DeltaV I/O solution, including
Electronic Marshalling and traditional I/O, meaning it has the
flexibility to be installed where the application requires. 3
DeltaV PK Controller March 2019

Standalone PK Controller The regular media installation of PK Controller Engineering

Software will be installed on the new DeltaV rugged laptop or
Engineering Software any workstation in the DeltaV Workstation and Server Hardware
The DeltaV PK Controller is configured in a standalone fashion Product Data Sheet provided it has 16GB of RAM. The Virtual
using the PK Controller Engineering Software. PK Controller Machine media (running on VirtualBox) can be installed on
Engineering Software is based on existing DeltaV Software and any PC of the users choice, provided it meets the minimum
includes all DeltaV Engineering tools. PK Controller Engineering system requirements. Virtual Windows client OS machines
Software Includes a PK Controller Administration application (e.g. Windows 10) require a Windows Virtual Desktop Access
which introduces a new environment for standalone DeltaV PK (VDA) license subscription or Microsoft Software Assurance for
Controller administration enabling users to communicate and each device which is accessing the virtual client machines. VDA
authenticate, manage configuration and backups, and manage subscriptions must be purchased separately from Microsoft or a
multiple projects for standalone DeltaV PK Controllers. Microsoft partner. Proof of VDA subscription or other valid client
access license is required prior to shipment of DeltaV client OS
There are two tiers of PK Controller Engineering Software:
VM templates from Emerson.
Basic and Professional.

Software Capability Basic Pro

Support for all configuration languages in X X
DeltaV Control Studio
Control Studio Online X X
Process History View X X
Diagnostics (Hardware, software, X X
and configuration)
AMS Device Configurator X X
DeltaV Live Premium X
Workstation Software
DeltaV Continuous Historian X
(up to 50 parameters)
Loop Tuning (DeltaV InSight Basic) X
Model Predictive Control X DeltaV rugged laptop running PK Controller Engineering Software.
(DeltaV PredictPro)
Configuration comparison X Standalone PK Controller
Control simulation (Simulate Pro, etc.) X Advanced Control
Locking & viewing locked configurations X
A Standalone DeltaV PK Controller supports powerful
(locked composites)
embedded advanced control technology to improve control
Advanced Unit Management X
performance and optimize plant operations. The PK Standalone
Smart Commissioning Applications X Controller Engineering Software, Professional, provides
(IO Studio & DeltaV Device Commissioner)
control performance monitoring and on-demand control
SIS Configuration (SLS1508 and CSLS) X
loop tuning which helps you identify control problems and
PK Controller Engineering Software will be available as a regular easily tune underperforming loops. DeltaV PredictPro Model
media installation or as a Virtual Machine. Predictive Control (MPC) is also supported on the Standalone
PK Controller. The PK Standalone Professional Engineering
Software provides unlimited single manipulated variable (MV)
MPC which is ideal for applications involving constraint override,
deadtime compensation, and disturbance rejection. Additional
add-on MPC licenses are available for multi-variable applications
using up to 20 MVs per Standalone PK Controller. 4
DeltaV PK Controller March 2019

Standalone Operator Workstation and Supported/Embedded Protocols

DeltaV Operator Panel OPC UA
A Standalone DeltaV PK Controller can be deployed with one The OPC UA Server in the PK Controller provides native server
DeltaV Operator workstation. To support field mountable implementation of a Data Access profile (real time data)
workstations, the DeltaV Operator Panel is available which is compliant with OPC UA version 1.02. The OPC UA server will
a fully functional, ruggedized industrial PC running Windows allow up to 5,000 reads/second and 500 writes/second.
10 The DeltaV Operator Panel will be available in three sizes:
15.6”, 18.5”, or 21.5”. The PK Controller Engineering software Modbus TCP
configures and downloads the single operator workstation. The PK controller supports Modbus TCP Master and Slave
interfaces. The Modbus TCP Slave interface allows the PK
The standalone operator workstation will be licensed as a
controller to talk to Modbus master devices like HMIs for
Standalone Full Span of Control Operator Workstation.By
monitoring purposes.
default, DeltaV Operate will be the operator interface. This
license also includes a 250 parameter DeltaV Continuous The Modbus TCP Master interface will support Modbus data
Historian. This license is enabled using a small form factor sources such as PLCs, MCCs, analyzers and similar devices
USB dongle which is attached to the operator workstation PC. communicating Modbus TCP. In this interface the PK controller
The standalone operator workstation can be easily upgraded is a Modbus client (Master) reading and writing data from/to
through the following scale-up licenses: Modbus servers (Slave devices). The Modbus server devices
can be Modbus TCP devices or Modbus serial devices using a
„„ DeltaV Continuous Historian Scale-up: 1,000 tag scale-up
Modbus TCP gateway.
licenses for up to 3,250 tags
„„ DeltaV Live Operations Premium Performance Pack add-on: The Modbus TCP interface supports the following types of
This add-on also DeltaV Live displays to be used on the data access:
standalone operator workstation „„ Reading input data from Modbus Coils, Discrete Input,
„„ Advanced Batch: Enables Batch Executive and Batch Historian Holding Registers, and Input Registers.
for recipe management, execution, and historization. „„ Writing output data to Coils and Holding registers.
Scale-up from 2 – 12 batch units depending on the capacity
All reads will be performed periodically and outputs will be send
of the attached PK Controller
when they are written.
Standalone operator workstations can easily merge into larger
DeltaV systems and become regular DeltaV Operator Stations. EtherNet/IP
All operator graphics from the standalone operator workstation The EtherNet/IP protocol allows data sources such as PLCs,
become available on any other workstation in the system and Intelligent Field Devices (IFDs), variable-speed drives, MCCs,
existing displays already in the system become available on and analyzers as well as other devices communicating EtherNet/
the then merged and integrated operator workstation. At the IP to connect directly in to DeltaV via the PK Controller.
time of merge, Standalone DeltaV Operator Workstation Merge
The EtherNet/IP interface will support connections for both
licenses will be required.
implicit and explicit messaging to allow access to both Class
1 and Class 3 EtherNet/IP I/O adapters. Redundancy with
EtherNet/IP Class 1 Implicit and Class 3 Explicit messaging
for control (sending outputs to the device) require special
considerations due to exclusive owner communications defined
by the protocol. Please refer to the DeltaV System Planning
Guide for more information. Class 3 PCCC and UCMM with
Logix tags message classes are also supported.

Standalone DeltaV Operator Panel running DeltaV Live. 5
DeltaV PK Controller March 2019

Hardware Specifications

Dimensioned Drawing of Redundant DeltaV PK Controller with Carrier and Power Modules.

PK Power Module Dimensions



PK Power Module Dimensions. 6
DeltaV PK Controller March 2019

PK Controller Specifications
Item Specification
Input power requirement through the +24 VDC ±10% at 350 mA maximum; 700 mA maximum for redundant
PK controller carrier

Externally applied backup power for +5.0 to +12.6 VDC at 15 uA typic

real-time clock
Power dissipation 7.5 W simplex; 15 W redundant

Isolation None. All circuits are referenced to the +24 VDC return

SD card interface Supports a removable SDHC version 2.0 memory card of either 2 GB or 8 GB capacity.
The memory card is physically accessible only when the PK controller is removed from
the carrier.

PK Controller Carrier Specifications

Item Specification
Capacity Two PK controllers

Input power (redundant) +24 VDC ±10% at 2.75 A maximum

Battery power for real-time clock in +5.0 to +12.6 VDC at 1 mA

PK controllers
Output power to I/O card carrier(s)* +12.25 VDC at 3.0 A maximum*

Redundant Ethernet connections (six) Copper twisted pair: 10/100BASE-TX with RJ45 connectors; full duplex operation

Ethernet port power requirement, +5.0 VDC at 200 mA maximum; carrier supports +5.0 VDC at 300 mA maximum
each (provided by controller)
Mounting Upright on a horizontal DIN rail
*For systems that require additional power (more than the power modules supply), use one of our recommended methods for injecting power into the I/O card carrier. See DeltaV
M-Series I/O Subsystem Horizontal Carriers PDS for more information.

PK Power Module Specifications

Item Specification
Input power (redundant) +24 VDC ±10% at 2.75 A maximum

Output power +12.25 VDC at 3.0 A maximum

Power dissipation 3.25 W 7
DeltaV PK Controller March 2019

PK Controller Carrier Parts

5 6 7 8 9 10

4 11



Callout Description
1 Screw terminals for backup battery connection.

2 Physical key switch

When the switch is in the locked position, the KeyLockStatus parameter of the controller has a value of TRUE and you
cannot download, decommission, upgrade or Telnet to the PK controller. When locked, you can commission and
authenticate the PK controller; and, backup or retrieve the PK controller’s project.
3 Redundant Power Module
Provides power to connected I/O.
4 Ethernet ports 1-3. These appear in software as Network Portx.
The three RJ45 connectors on the primary ports are connections for separate networks. These have an electrically
isolated shield for each port. The Faraday shield for each RJ45 connector has no DC ground connection (floats) and only
used to extend the shield onto the electronics around the Ethernet circuitry.
5 Pushbutton release for Ethernet ports 1-3

6 Screw terminals for primary power

7 Redundant PK controller

8 Redundant PK controller

9 Screw terminals for secondary power

10 Pushbutton release for Ethernet ports 4-6

11 Ethernet ports 4-6. These appear in software as Network Portx.

The three RJ45 connectors on the secondary ports are connections for separate networks. These have an electrically
isolated Faraday shield for each port. The Faraday shield for each RJ45 connector has no DC ground connection (floats)
and only is used to extend onto the electronics around the Ethernet circuitry.
12 Redundant Power Module
Provides power to connected I/O
13 Carrier connector 8
DeltaV PK Controller March 2019

4-Wide Horizontal I/O Interface Carrier Dimensions

Front View
Top View

3.44 cm.
(1.35 in.)

Side View

17.71 cm.
(6.97 in.)

18.14 cm.
(7.14 in.)

4-wide I/O Carrier specifications

Item Specification
Capacity Four I/O cards with terminal blocks.

Maximum current LocalBus (powers I/O cards): 8A. For large systems, use the LocalBus extenders to add more power.
Bussed field power bus (per I/O card): 3.2A at VDC for each connection.
LocalBus cable lengths 0.87m (2.8ft)
1.2m (3.9ft) (standard)
1.53m (5.0ft) 9
DeltaV PK Controller March 2019

Certifications Planned Certifications

The following certifications are available for „„ Marine Certifications: IACS E10
the DeltaV PK Controller: - DNV GL Type Approval Certificate
„„ CE: „„ Security Certifications:
EMC-EN 61326-1 - Wurldtech Achilles Level 2
„„ FM:
FM 3600 Hazardous Area / Locations
FM 3610 The following standards are available for the
FM 3611 DeltaV PK Controller:
FM 3810, Jan 2005 „„ FM (USA):
„„ CSA: Installation: Class 1, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D, T4
CAN/CSA C22.2 No.213 „„ cFM (Canada):
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1 Installation: Class 1, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D, T4
„„ ATEX: „„ ATEX:
EN 60079-0 [Ex] II 3 G Ex nA IIC Gc
EN 60079-15 „„ IEC Ex:
„„ Marine Certifications: IACS E10 Installation: Ex nA IIC T4 Gc
- ABS Certificate of Design Assessment For installation instructions, please refer to: DeltaV Scalable
Process System Zone 2 Installation Instructions.

Specifications for the DeltaV PK Controller

DST Limit 100, 300, 750, or 1500
Module Execution Rates 25ms, 50ms, 100ms, 200ms, 500ms, 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 30s, 60s
User Memory Controller memory
SD-Card memory
Input Power Required +24 VDC ±10% at 2.75 A maximum
Protocols Supported Protocols Supported Natively on the PK Controller: Modbus
TCP (Server & Client), Ethernet/IP (Client: Class 1 & Class 3),
and OPC UA Server
Other protocols available through dedicated Bussed cards
Environmental Specifications

Operating Temperature -40° to 60°C (-40° to 140°F)

Storage Temperature -40° to 85°C (-40° to 185°F)

Relative Humidity 5 to 95%, non-condensing

Protection Rating IP20, NEMA 12

Airborne Contaminants ISA-S71.04-1985 Airborne Contaminants Class G3
Conformal Coating
Shock (Normal Operating Conditions) 10g ½-sine wave for 11ms
1mm peak-to-peak from 5Hz to 13.2Hz, 0.7g from 13.2Hz
Vibration (Operative Limit)
to 150Hz 10
DeltaV PK Controller March 2019

LED Indicators1

Power - Green V Indicates DC power is available

Error - Red Continuous Indicates an internal error condition

Error - Red Flashing Indicates the controller is decommissioned

Active - Green Indicates the controller is operating as the primary controller

Indicates the active controller is not configured or
Active - Green Flashing
a download is in progress
Standby - Green Indicates the controller is operating as the backup controller
Indicates the standby controller is not configured or
Standby - Green Flashing
a download from the active is in progress
1 For additional information refer to DeltaV Books Online.

Software Specifications
Minimum Host Computer Requirements for VM Version of Engineering Software

Operating System Windows 10 (recommended)

Memory 16 GB Ram

CPU 64-Bit Processor

Space 160 GB hard drive available space

1 physical NIC adapter with RJ45 jack (use of wireless network

adapters is not supported)

Peripherals 1 USB 2 port

Protocol specifications of the PK Controller

Modbus TCP (Slave) „„ Modbus TCP protocol as specified by

„„ PK controller as a slave reads and writes data from and to Modbus master devices
„„ Supports 8 connections
„„ Uses MODICON (PLC) based addressing (Modbus absolute addressing is
not supported)
* Please review the VIM2 product data sheet as an alternative to provide added Modbus TCP
functionality (e.g. Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII,etc.) 11
DeltaV PK Controller March 2019

Modbus TCP (Master) „„ Modbus TCP protocol as specified by except for a limited amount
of register types, it only allows 9999 of each category
„„ Register addresses are limited in the following ranges:
--Coils: 1 – 9999
--Discrete Inputs: 10001 - 19999
--Input Registers: 30001 – 39999
--Holding Registers: 40001 – 49999
„„ PK Controller as the Modbus Master reads and writes data from and to
Modbus slave devices
„„ The number of supported connections is different for each model of the PK controller
as indicated in the sizing table
„„ Uses MODICON (PLC) based addressing (Modbus absolute addressing is
not supported)
* Please review the VIM2 product data sheet as an alternative to provide added Modbus TCP
functionality (e.g. Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII,etc.)
EtherNet/IP Interface „„ EtherNet/IP interface in the EIOC is a Scanner Device (Master) that reads and writes
data from EtherNet/IP Adapter devices (slaves)
„„ Ethernet/IP interface supports the following types of messaging connections:
y Implicit messages (Class 1)
y Explicit messages (Class 3)
y Class 3 with PCCC
y UCMM with Logix Tags
„„ Configuration of this messages connections is only supported via manual
configuration on the DeltaV Explorer at the LDT level or bulk edit configuration.
EDS files are not supported
* Please review the VIM2 product data sheet as an alternative to provide added EtherNet/IP
functionality (e.g. EDS file support.).
OPC UA Server „„ PK controller is a Server and allows reads and writes from OPC UA Clients
„„ Supports up to 6 client connections
„„ Allows up to 5000 reads/sec and 500 writes/sec
„„ Supports only the DA profile (real time data).
„„ Is based on OPC UA standard version 1.02 that supports the following:
y OPC Binary Transportation
y 128 or 256-bit encryption levels
y Message Signing
y Digital Certificates – Self Signed and Certificate Authority (CA)
y Support online browsing
*Please review the DeltaV OPC UA product data sheet for more information regarding other
OPC UA clients and servers available in DeltaV 12
DeltaV PK Controller March 2019

Hardware Ordering Information

Description Model Number
Simplex PK100 Controller Assembly PK0100S
(includes 1 PK100 Controller, 1 Carrier, 2 IOPs, and 1 Power Module)
Redundant PK100 Controller Assembly PK0100R
(includes 2 PK100 Controllers, 1 Carrier, 2 IOPs, and 2 Power Modules)
Simplex PK300 Controller Assembly PK0300S
(includes 1 PK300 Controller, 1 Carrier, 2 IOPs, and 1 Power Module)
Redundant PK300 Controller Assembly PK0300R
(includes 2 PK300 Controllers, 1 Carrier, 2 IOPs, and 2 Power Modules)
Simplex PK750 Controller Assembly PK0750S
(includes 1 PK750 Controller, 1 Carrier, 2 IOPs, and 1 Power Module)
Redundant PK750 Controller Assembly PK0750R
(includes 2 PK750 Controllers, 1 Carrier, 2 IOPs, and 2 Power Modules)
Simplex PK1500 Controller Assembly PK1500S
(includes 1 PK1500 Controller, 1 Carrier, 2 IOPs, and 1 Power Module)
Redundant PK1500 Controller Assembly PK1500R
(includes 2 PK1500 Controllers, 1 Carrier, 2 IOPs, and 2 Power Modules)
SD Card (2GB) for use with DeltaV PK Controllers PK7001S2

SD Card (8GB) for use with DeltaV PK Controllers PK7001S8

M-Series 4-Wide I/O Interface Carrier with Carrier Shield Bar; for use with PK Controllers PK4040E0C0

Software Ordering Information

Description Model Number
PK Controller Engineering Software, Basic version; v14.3; English PK2301PR143L39B

PK Controller Engineering Software, Professional version; v14.3; English PK2301PR143L39P

PK Controller Engineering Software, Basic version; Virtual Machine (VM); v14.3; English1 PK2301PR143L39B-VM

PK Controller Engineering Software, Professional version; Virtual Machine (VM); v14.3; English 1
1 Proof of a valid Microsoft license (e.g., Virtual Desktop Access “VDA” subscription) for these templates is required prior to delivery. 13
DeltaV PK Controller March 2019

Standalone Licensing Ordering Information

Description Model Number
Operator Station, Full Span of Control; for use with DeltaV Operator Panel or Workstation on PK2104
Standalone PK Controller systems only
DeltaV Live Operations Premium Performance Pack add-on for DeltaV Operator Panel or Workstation PK2104P01
on Standalone PK Controller systems only
Advanced Batch for DeltaV Operator Panel or Workstation on Standalone PK Controller systems only; PK2248S002
2 Units, Base License
Advanced Batch for DeltaV Operator Panel or Workstation on Standalone PK Controller systems only; PK22UPS066
1 Unit, Scaleup License
DeltaV Continuous Historian Scaleup for DeltaV Operator Panel or Workstation on PK22UPS042
Standalone PK Controller systems only; 1000 Parameters
DeltaV PredictPro MPC add-on for Standalone PK Controller, 2 MV Outputs1 PK3152S002

DeltaV PredictPro MPC add-on for Standalone PK Controller, 5 MV Outputs 1


DeltaV PredictPro MPC add-on for Standalone PK Controller, 10 MV Outputs1 PK3152S010

DeltaV PredictPro MPC add-on for Standalone PK Controller, 20 MV Outputs 1


Quad-Monitor Workstation License; for use with DeltaV Operator Panel or Workstation on PK2104K01
Standalone PK Controller systems only
1 DeltaV PredictPro MPC add-on license is per Standalone PK Controller, with a maximum of 20 MVs per controller. DeltaV PredictPro can only be configured using the
Professional version of the PK Controller Engineering Software.

Merged and Integrated Licensing Ordering Information

Description Model Number
Controller Redundancy VE31RED

Ethernet connected I/O (EIOC and PK): nn Physical Devices* VE4109Sxxx*

Operator Station, Full Span of Control; only for merging an existing PK2104 with a DeltaV system VE2104PKM

DeltaV Live Operations Premium Performance Pack; only for merging an existing PK2104P01 VE2104P01PKM
with a DeltaV system
Advanced Batch Units, 2 Units; only for merging an existing PK2248S002 with a DeltaV system VE2248S002PKM

DeltaV Continuous Historian 1000 Parameters Scaleup; only for merging an existing PK22UPS042 VE22UPS042PKM
with a DeltaV system
Quad-Monitor Workstation License; only for merging an existing PK2104K01 with a DeltaV system VE2104K01PKM

*Where xxx and nn is the number of Physical Devices that you want to license in the EIOC and PK. VE4109Sxxx licenses are system wide and are shared across the EIOC and
PK controllers on the system. Also, VE4109Sxxx license is additive in the system and therefore you just need to buy more licenses if you want to increase the number of physical
devices in the system (there is no scale up license). 14
DeltaV PK Controller March 2019

PK Controller Spare Part Ordering Information

Description Model Number
PK100 Controller KL2002X1-BA1

PK300 Controller KL2002X1-BB1

PK750 Controller KL2002X1-BC1

PK1500 Controller KL2002X1-BD1

PK Controller Protection Cover KL4002X1-DA1

Power Module; for PK Controller Carrier KL1502X1-BA1

Power Module Protection Cover; for PK Controller Carrier* KL1502X1-BB1*

I/O Port Switch Module; Copper; for PK Controller Carrier KL1605X1-BA1

PK Controller Carrier KL4002X1-BA1

*This part is not yet available. This will be available end-of-summer 2019.

Related Products Prerequisites

„„ DeltaV Workstation and Server Hardware „„ For each DeltaV PK Controller (or pair of redundant
„„ DeltaV M-Series Traditional I/O controllers), a PK controller carrier is required.

„„ DeltaV S-Series Traditional I/O

„„ Each PK controller requires a dedicated system bulk power
supply. Please refer to DeltaV Bulk Power Supplies product
„„ DeltaV M-Series I/O Subsystem Horizontal Carriers
data sheet for details.
„„ S-Series Horizontal Carriers „„ The DeltaV PK Controller requires PK Controller Engineering
Software, or v14.3 or later DeltaV software.

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