Tower Paper
Tower Paper
Tower Paper
Newspaper Tower Challenge
The aim of the challenge is to build the tallest tower possible using newspapers and
paper clips. The tower must be free standing (i.e. not attached to the floor, a chair, the
wall or a group member!) and must remain standing during judging.
Split the group into smaller groups of 3-5. Give each group a piece of scrap paper to
plan out their design and allow 5-15 minutes planning time.
Once all groups have completed a plan, distribute a newspapers, scissors, and paper
clips. Each group must wait until they are told to begin making their tower to ensure it’s a
fair competition.
Allow 30-40 minutes for tower construction (give updates as the time runs out).
Once time is up, groups must move away from their tower so that it can be judged.
The winning group is the group with the tallest tower which is free standing (and hopefully
still standing at the end of the judging.)
The ideal structure is based on triangles such as the Eiffel tower. The best structures would be
made by rolling the sheets of paper into ‘sticks’ to give strength and then these can be arranged
into a tripod shape and built up to make a tall tower – to give added strength, a triangle can be
constructed around the bottom of the tripod to ensure that the legs do not slip out from under the
If you look up the definition of a tower, you will find the following: “An exceptionally tall building
or part of a building or an exceptionally tall structure used for some functional purpose.” In the
past, towers were usually used to house bells (bell towers), for observation (watch towers), or
for signaling (light houses). Perhaps the earliest record of a tower comes from the Bible, where
the story of the Tower of Babel is told. Other notable towers include the Tower of Pisa and the
Eiffel Tower, two completely different types of towers. Today there are many more types of
towers that are used for a wide variety of functions. A few examples are transmission line towers,
radar towers, radio and TV broadcasting antenna towers, and towers for suspension bridges.
The objective of this project is for students to design and build the tallest free standing tower
using only discarded newspapers and paperclips. The tower may NOT be attached to the floor.
The challenge of this project is to design the tower to make optimum use of newspapers to
achieve the greatest tower height. The design of the base will also be challenging, as the tower
must be free standing.
Each team should be given 2-3 newspapers, a pair of scissors, and 5 paperclips. Each team will
have 5-15 minutes to plan and design their tower, and 40 minutes to execute their design.
Scissors (one pair for each team)
Each tower will be required to free stand for a period of at least 5 minutes.
The height of each tower that meets the first requirement will be measured, and the
tallest tower will win.
Each team will be given three chances to have their tower free stand for 5 seconds.
High School
Middle School
SPI 0707.T/E.1 Identify the tools and procedures needed to test the
design features of a prototype.