Last 50 Years of Hydro Energy-A Bibliographic Survey: Keywords

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International Transaction of Electrical and Computer Engineers System, 2014, Vol. 2, No.

1, 7-13
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© Science and Education Publishing

Last 50 Years of Hydro Energy-a Bibliographic Survey

Atul Rai, Mohit Jain, Anuradha Tomar*

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Northern India Engineering College, New Delhi, India
*Corresponding author:

Received December 05, 2013; Revised December 18, 2013; Accepted January 08, 2014
Abstract A study has been done for past 50 years in the field of hydroelectric power generation. The various
features of a hydroelectric plant have been covered. The paper has been divided into various categories like control,
maintenance, program based application, hydroelectric power projects and pumped storage plants. The references
have also been provided as a future reference for the analysis.
Keywords: Hydro energy, bibliographic survey, development
Cite This Article: Atul Rai, Mohit Jain, and nuradha Tomar, “Last 50 years of Hydro Energy–a
Bibliographic Survey.” International Transaction of Electrical and Computer Engineers System 2, no. 1 (2014):
7-13. doi: 10.12691/iteces-2-1-2.

transformer units. One unit can be integrated within a

single numerical multifunctional IED for complete
1. Introduction protection scheme regardless of the application
complexity. Section includes literature about the pumped
Hydro power is the most widely used form of storage hydroelectric power plants.
renewable energy which is clean and reliable with very
good efficiency. It cannot be depleted over time and can
be replenished consistently. The energy in the form of 3. Maintenance
kinetic energy is used to turn the water wheels and is
converted into mechanical energy that turns the turbines in Yitao Chen and Zhaohui Li [3], showed that in order to
rotation and the energy is converted into electrical energy reduce the maintenance cost and the equipment downtime,
by the generator and finally conveyed through the the maintenance strategy for hydro power plants have to
transmission lines. The first section is the pumped storage be progressively changed from time-based maintenance
which is also used for generation by storing water’s (TBM) to condition-based maintenance (CBM). A 3D
potential energy. It is the cheapest way to generate dynamic modelling method consisting of digitized
electricity. Various generating methods are dams, pumped modelling (DM) method for hydroelectric generating unit
storage, run of the river, tide and underground water. The (HGU) is discussed and the distributed physical graphic-
study has included various control and maintenance net modelling method to satisfy the demands of CBM in
techniques, program based applications which are the this paper is also discussed. It gives an introduction to the
computer simulations and algorithms. Some hydropower aim of digitized modelling method, technologies,
projects including the three Gorges dam, Murray executive steps and the foundations. According to the
hydroelectric plant and Ertan hydro plant is described. hydro turbine governing system, the methods and its
executive steps of DM method are particularly described
with an application example of wobble gate main
2. Pumped Storage servomotor. With the introduction of the digitized
modelling method in hydropower plant, it has been seen
A.M. Cochran, D.E. Isles and I.T. Pope [1], pumped that this method in the maintenance field is a great
storage is mostly used and is one of the best methods of advancement in course of device operation, maintenance
developing electrical energy. A 3-stage method is adopted and management.
to determine a practical limit to the proportion of pumped I Kuzle, H Pandzic and S Tesnjak [4], described that the
storage plant so that better use of other energy producing maintenance of the generating facilities is necessary for
plant can be made. The first stage is feasibility assessment. economical and for reliable operation of the power system.
The other two stages involved detailed examination. The Economic aspect which is responsible for revenue and
method is also applicable for small hydraulic plant and is technical aspect, which provides desirable level of
one of the best ways of determining the characteristics of reliability of the power system, has to be confronted and
future pumped storage plants. This method is also very the cheapest solution which complies with the technical
flexible. limitations has to be obtained. The paper discussed the
Z. Gajic, J. Menezes, D. Trisic and M. Citakovic [2], mathematical programming method called Benders
Described the design of an integrated numerical protection decomposition. After the brief description, an application
scheme for two pump storage generator or motor of the Benders decomposition on the three Croatian
8 International Transaction of Electrical and Computer Engineers System

hydroelectric power plants in a row on the River Drava is computing technique based on fuzzy control, neural
carried out. network and genetic algorithm was used in the control of
Fu Chuang, Ye Lu-Qing, Cheng Yuan-Chu, Liu Yong- hydroelectric generating unit system of hydropower plant.
Qian and Iung Benoi [5], showed that for realization of Genetic algorithm is used to optimize the parameters,
integration control, maintenance and technical fuzzy reasoning system is used as controller and the rules
management of a production process automation system, of fuzzy controller is used in the design of controller or
Multi-Agent System (MAS) concept and technology is real time control process. Dynamic model of control
applied in order to analyze automation system components. system based on RBF neural networks was designed to
A MAS-based model is also proposed for an Intelligent appraise the controlling performance of fuzzy controller.
Control-Maintenance-Management System (ICMMS). The genetic algorithm increases optimizing speed and
According to the requests of ICMMS, the operational makes fuzzy controller acquire knowledge effectively.
mechanism and functions of all the member agents of this The algorithm was adopted based on general genetic
model is determined based on the characteristics and basic algorithm and character of control system. Simulation
structure of the CMMA. This proposed model was applied results showed that the designed soft computing
to an ICMMS platform for a hydroelectric Generating optimization control system can well control hydroelectric
Unit. generating unit and its control performance is superior to
F Munteanu and C Nemes [6], three different conventional controller.
maintenance strategies namely first come-first served
(FCFS), relative priority (RP) and total priority (TP) are
presented to practical study from theoretical approach. 5. Control Methods
The results showed how these strategies were useful in
maintenance in reliability calculations and their influence Zhang Jian-Ming and Wang Shu-Qing [14], showed a
on MTTF, system reliability, steady state time interval new neuron model-free control method for hydroelectric
reliability and steady state point availability. generating units. Intrinsic characteristics of generating
unit and the problem with the governing control are
considered. The neuron model free control method with
4. Program Based Application PID turning gain eliminates the influences of time-varying
parameters and the disturbances on control behaviour of
Huang Shyh-Jier [7], showed that an application of the system. The results showed that the new control
genetic based fuzzy systems to hydroelectric generation system has good real time control performance and strong
scheduling is presented and discussed. In this method, learning ability. The transient and robust performances are
with respect to objectives and constraints the fuzzy logic improved.
is implemented. A genetic algorithm was included to Nanhua Luo and Xiaoju Yang [15], showed the
further enhance the process of tuning membership development of advanced control techniques for
functions. By this way, membership mappings for those hydroelectric unit and its application in the hydroelectric
important parameters can be optimally adjusted. It resulted power plant. With the recent development in automatic
in the improvement in computational performance. generation control, this paper emphasizes in the
Through the utility data, this method was tested on application of advanced control like the intelligent control
Taiwan Power System (Taipower). Test results have in the hydroelectric unit control. They have also proposed
demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of the the development and direction of control techniques for
proposed approach for the applications. the hydroelectric units. C. Bhurtun and I Jameerbacus [16],
Zhang, Yong-Chuan and D.T. Chiang [8], they showed showed the performance of hydroelectric plant can
the concept of convex dynamic programming. For the deteriorate due to gate limitation caused by large
dynamic programming model of the reservoir dispatch, overshoot and settling time. The problem of saturation in
sufficient condition of convexity was determined. An an isolated hydroelectric generating unit is rectified by
algorithm was proposed based on the convexity property using a fuzzy controller. A fuzzy controller is used to
and was implemented on the Zhexi Hydropower station in improve the performance of the system and effectiveness
China. It resulted in increase of 5.6 % in the annual power is obtained. A linear stable model is developed in order to
output of the Zhexi Hydropower station in China. The study the frequency control problem and the load and the
result of convex dynamic programming was extended to performance of the system is studied when the governor
two other dynamic programming models of hydroelectric controlled gate is subjected to saturation. A fuzzy
power station operation. controller is incorporated in order to improve the
Liu Haiying and Dai Luping [9], showed the fault performance of the system and effectiveness obtained is
diagnosis in the hydroelectric generation a new method shown.
using wavelet packet transform was presented. The
analysis provided a favorable means of high frequency
signals that may exist in the fault signal detection and 6. Hydro Electric Power Projects
identification. Computer simulation showed that this
method was very effective for hydro-generator unit Gongzhi Liu, Zhihe Li, A Fuerst and D Schafer [11],
vibration fault diagnosis. The Three Gorges hydropower project is compared to a
R.H. Liang and Y.Y. Hsu [10], Showed that good traditional structure on the bases of oblique element
controlling performance in control cannot be achieved by design. J.H. Jones [12], The Murray hydroelectric project
the conventional controllers as the hydroelectric is a two unit project with a total rated capacity of 39 MW
generation is difficult and non-linear. An advanced soft located on the Arkansas River is described. The emphasis
International Transaction of Electrical and Computer Engineers System 9

is given on projects electrical features. The two generating [9] Liu Haiying and Dai Luping, “Applications of Wavelet-Packet in
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