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International Surgery Journal

Isa MM et al. Int Surg J. 2019 May;6(5):1443-1446

http://www.ijsurgery.com pISSN 2349-3305 | eISSN 2349-2902

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2349-2902.isj20191863
Original Research Article

Transanal endorectal pull-through in children as the treatment for

Hirschsprung’sd in Aceh, Indonesia
Muntadhar M. Isa1,2, Dian A. Syahputra1,2, Muhammad Bayu Z. Hutagalung2*

Pediatric Surgery Division, 2Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University/Dr. Zainoel Abidin
Hospital, Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia

Received: 30 December 2018

Accepted: 30 January 2019

Dr. Muhammad Bayu Z. Hutagalung,
E-mail: bayuzohari@gmail.com

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: One-stage pull-through operation has become increasingly popular for the treatment of Hirschsprung's
disease. The advantages of total transanal pull-through include minimal resection of the dilated ganglionic part of the
colon, shorter hospital stay, decreased total cost, lower risk of adhesive intestinal obstruction.
Methods: A retrospective study of patients with HD underwent transanal endorectal pull-through (TERPT) procedure
treated at Dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospital Banda Aceh, Indonesia between January 2010 – December 2013. We assessed
patients characteristic, outcome and complication including Hirsch sprung associated enterocolitis (HAEC).
Results: A total 77 patients were included in this study. The mean age was 13.01 months (range from 11 days – 8
years old). Most of the patients (55.8%) were male and female (44.2%). Clinical classification of HD: short segment
74 patients (96.1%) and ultra-short segment 3 patients (3.9%). The mean of bowel resection length in TERPT
procedure was 18.64 cm (range from 7–25 cm). There is no mortality associated with TERPT procedure. Hirsch
sprung associated enterocolitis (HAEC) occurred in 43 subjects (54.5%). Statistical analysis showed the significant
relation between age at surgery and HAEC (p= 0.000) and no significant relationship between gender (p=0.425) and
bowel resection length (p=0.780) with HAEC.
Conclusions: Transanal endorectal pull-through procedure has been shown as an effective minimally invasive
treatment in resolving obstructive symptoms in ultra–short segment of HD patients. The number of HAEC incidence
among HD patients underwent TERPT significantly increased with older age of children.

Keywords: Transanal endorectal pull-through, Hirschsprung’s disease, Treatment

INTRODUCTION The removal of the pathologic aganglionic bowel

segment and reestablish bowel continuity are the main
Hirschsprung’s disease (HD) is a congenital bowel principle of treatment in HD. The minimally invasive
motility disorder with an incidence of 1:7000 to 1:4000 surgical techniques have increased in popularity in these
live born in the western world. Hirschsprung’s disease past decades. This led to a number of modifications of the
patients usually present with bowel obstruction in the standard HD operations, like the transanal endorectal
early neonatal period. Hirschsprung’s disease can also be pull-through, a modified Soave procedure with the
diagnosed in older children or adults with the history of endorectal dissection performed from below. There has
recurrent constipation. Hirschsprung associated also been a shift from three stage towards one stage
enterocolitis (HEC) may also be the presenting surgery in the neonatal period without a diverting stoma.3

International Surgery Journal | May 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 5 Page 1443

Isa MM et al. Int Surg J. 2019 May;6(5):1443-1446

The advantages of total transanal pull-through include relation of gender with HAEC was determined using chi-
minimal resection of the dilated ganglionic part, square test.
decreased the length of hospital stay, decreased total cost,
lower risk of adhesive intestinal obstruction. RESULTS
Hirschsprung associated enterocolitis is a complication of
HD which can occur before and/or after definitive A total 77 patients include in this study with mean age at
treatment. This condition characterized by abdominal surgery was 13.01 months range between 0.3 to 96
distension, diarrhea and fever, and the exact pathogenesis months. The majority of patients is male with 43 cases
is still unknown. Several patients have episodes of HEC (55.8%) and female is 34 cases (44.2%). The mean of
after surgery. The outcome complications from this bowel resection was 18.64 cm range from 7-25 cm. The
procedure vary around the world and it’s believed to be number of HAEC in this study was 42 cases (54.5%). The
associated with various factors such as age, gender and details of patient characteristic showed in Table 1.
length of aganglionic segment.1–3
Table 1: Patients characteristic.
Characteristics TERPT (n=77)
A retrospective study of patients with HD underwent Mean age at surgery in month
Transanal Endorectal Pull-through (TERPT) procedure 13.01 (0.3 - 96)
treated at dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospital Banda Aceh, Gender N (%)
Indonesia between January 2010 – December 2013. Male 43 (55.8)
Diagnosis is made by a combination of medical history, Female 34 (44.2)
examination, a barium enema to determine the type of
Mean length of resection in cm
HD using the level of the transition zone and rectal 18.64 (7 - 25)
biopsy. The feasibility of a TEPT was assessed by a
HAEC N (%)
preoperative barium enema and the patient general
condition. The primary transanal procedure is prepared if Positive 42 (54.5)
the radiological transition zone appeared in the Negative 35 (45.5)
rectosigmoid or mid-sigmoid region. The rectal biopsy is
used to give a definitive diagnosis, performed at least 1 The statistical analysis using independent t-test in Table 2
cm above the pectinate line and types of biopsies were showed significant relation of age at surgery with HAEC
submucosal biopsies and full thickness muscle coat incidence (p=0.000) and no significant relation between
stained with hematoxylin and eosin. length of bowel resection with HAEC incidence
(p=0.780). Another statistical analysis using chi-square
The operative technique was adopted from the test in table 3 showed there is no significant difference of
combination of different investigators to obtain the best HAEC incidence between male and female group
results The patient was placed in a supine position, and a (p=0.425).
colostomy ring was placed around the anal outlet as an
anal retractor. Eight deep stitches incorporating the anal Table 2: Relation between age and length of resection
sphincters were taken through the anal crypts and tied to with HAEC.
the colostomy ring. A circumferential incision was made
5 mm above the dentate line. Submucosal dissection was HAEC P value*
carried out for a distance of 3 to 4 cm proximally. At this Mean age at surgery in
13.01 (0.3-96) 0.000
level, the muscular sleeve could be pulled downward, month (range)
indicating that the dissection had reached a level that was Mean length of resection
18.64 (7-25) 0.780
well above the muscular pelvic floor. When the in cm (range)
submucosal dissection extended proximally to a point *Statistical analysis using independent t-test.
above the peritoneal reflection, the rectal muscle was
divided circumferentially, and the full thickness of Table 3: Relation between gender and HAEC.
rectum and sigmoid mobilized out through the anus. The
colon was then divided several centimeters above the HAEC
P value*
most proximal normal biopsy site, and a standard Soave- Positive Negative
Boley anastomosis was performed. Oral feeding was Male 25 18
started on the first postoperative day.4,5 0.425
Female 17 17
Statistical analysis using chi-square test.
The subject characteristic, outcome and complication
including Hirschsprung associated enterocolitis (HAEC) DISCUSSION
were evaluated in this study. Descriptive analysis is done
to determine the characteristic of the subject. The relation Traditionally, the definitive treatment for HD has been
between age at surgery and length of bowel resection colostomy followed by several stages of the pull-through
with HAEC were assessed using independent T-test. The procedure. In the low income/ developing countries, both

International Surgery Journal | May 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 5 Page 1444

Isa MM et al. Int Surg J. 2019 May;6(5):1443-1446

social and economic burden of HD is becoming a the deaths associated with Hirschsprung disease
National healthcare burden. The development of new (HD).1,10,11
surgical approaches as the treatment of HD is aimed to
reduce the cost, length of hospital stay, and morbidity The number of HAEC in our study relatively high with
associated with staged pull-through procedures. One 42 cases (54.5%). The incidence of preoperative HAEC
stage transanal endorectal pull-through showed has decreased over the past several decades from around
successful results as the treatment for HD in developing 44% to about 5% or less in recent years. Postoperative
countries. This procedure provides excellent quality care HAEC, which occurs in 2% to 42% of children
in one-time hospitalization and prevent the stigma for undergoing definitive procedure, leads to significant
having a colostomy.5 morbidity, including increased hospitalization and
increased cost.12 In our study, the mean age at surgery and
In this study, the age of the subject at surgery range from HAEC showed significant relation (p=0.000) with
0.3–96 months with mean 13.01 months. This finding negative correlation (p=0.000; r=-0.569). This study
similar to study by Pratap et al reported the age at surgery showed decreased risk for developing HAEC with
ranged from 0.25 to 65 months, with a mean of 16.24 increased age at surgery. A study by Haricharan et al
month.5 Another study by Hadidi A included 25 babies from Fifty-two children with Hirschsprung disease
(<1 month old), 17 infants (1 month-1 year), 19 children (median age, 25 days; range, 2 days-16 years). Nineteen
(1 year–5 years), and 7 children (5-13 years) of children (37%) had admissions for HAEC. Proportional hazards
with HD underwent TERPT. The mean age at surgery regression showed that HAEC admissions decreased by
was 11 months range from 0.25 to 156 month.6 30% with each doubling of age at diagnosis (p=0.03).
This study concluded that children diagnosed with
In our study, the majority of patients is male with 43 Hirschsprung disease at younger ages are at a greater risk
cases (55.8%) and female is 34 cases (44.2%). A study by for postoperative enterocolitis.12
Ortiz-Rubio et al reported a literature review TERPT
operation on children with HD from MEDLINE and Another study by Lu et al in a total 650 children with HD
EMBASE between 2005-2012. This study showed the showed a different number of HAEC incidence after
similar result as our study which is the majority of TERPT between neonatal and non-neonatal groups
patients is male with 175 cases (64%) from total 297 (p<0.05). In the neonatal group the number of HAEC is
cases.7 A multicenter study by Lu et al in China with total 45 cases (40.2%) compared with non-neonatal groups is
650 children with HD. This study divided the patients 31 cases (10.2%). In this study, the number of other
into 2 groups: Neonatal group (n=186) and Non-Neonatal complications also significantly higher in neonatal groups
group (n=464). Both groups showed majority of gender compared with non-neonatal groups: perianal excoriation
was male as reported male/female compassion: neonatal (p<0.05); anastomotic stricture (p<0.05) and anastomotic
group (120/66) and non-neonatal group (377/87).8 leakage (p<0.05).8 Another study by Hackam et al13 did
not show any significant increase in postoperative HAEC
In this study the mean of bowel resection was 18.64 cm with delayed diagnosis.
range from 7-25 cm. A prospective study by Abdul-
Ghafoor et al showed the average length of the resected In our study, the gender (p=0.425) and mean length of
aganglionic segment was (13.9 cm) ranging from (9 - 25 bowel resection (p=0.780) showed no significant relation
cm).9 Another study by Pratap et al showed the mean with HAEC. Although the optimal length of ganglionated
length of rectosigmoid resection was 30 cm (range, 20-50 bowel resection is not known, a variable length of
cm). The typical resection length in a neonate was 25 and resection has been suggested in the literature ranging
45 cm in children older than 1 year. The reason to from 2 to 15 cm. The additional resection has been
perform a longer resection that extends beyond the suggested to incorporate colon with abnormal ganglia,
dilated and thick-walled bowel is to avoid bowel with the intent of improving clinical outcomes. A study
dysfunction owing to associated hypo- or aganglionosis.5 by Haricharan et al showed no statistically significant
difference in the HAEC admissions with length of bowel
HAEC is a common complication following HD either resection when the group with 5 cm or less ganglionated
pre-operative or post-operative. Hirschsprung-associated bowel resection was compared to the group with greater
enterocolitis (HAEC) was first recognized in the late than 5 cm resection (p=0.52).12
nineteenth century by Härald Hirschsprung who included
it in his hallmark description of congenital megacolon. CONCLUSION
HAEC is a condition of intestinal inflammation
characterized clinically by fever, abdominal distention, The outcome of one stage transanal endorectal pull-
diarrhea and sepsis. through showed the excellent result as the treatment for
HD patients in developing countries. The number of
Hirschsprung also noted key pathologic findings of costs, hospital stay and complications significantly
HAEC at autopsy; including crypt abscesses, mucosal decreased by performing one stage TERPT compares to
ulceration, and transmural necrosis. Today HAEC is the the staged procedure.
leading cause of morbidity and is responsible for half of

International Surgery Journal | May 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 5 Page 1445

Isa MM et al. Int Surg J. 2019 May;6(5):1443-1446

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS the Outcome after One-Stage Transanal Endorectal

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Pelvic Reconstruction Conference, November 15-18th, Single-stage transanal endorectal pull-through
2017 - Columbus, Ohio, USA. procedure for correction of Hirschsprung disease in
neonates and nonneonates: A multicenter study. J
Funding: No funding sources Pediatr Surg. 2017;52(7):1102-7.
Conflict of interest: None declared 9. Abdul-ghafoor BH, Abdullah AF, Al-amery MAF.
Ethical approval: Not required Transanal Endorectal Pull-Through Procedure for
patients with Hirschsprung`s Disease: A prospective
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