12 Mass Spectrometry: Structure
12 Mass Spectrometry: Structure
12 Mass Spectrometry: Structure
In the last two units (Units 10 and 11of this block), you studied about the spin
magnetic resonance spectroscopy. You learnt there that the spin magnetic resonance
spectroscopy helps in structure elucidation. You may also remember that rotation,
vibration, Raman and electronic spectroscopy are the other techniques which help in
the determination of molecular structure. You have already studied about these
techniques in detail in the various units of earlier blocks of this course. In this unit,
we will introduce to you one more technique which is useful in the determination of
structure of atoms and molecules as well as atomic and molecular masses. This
technique is known as mass spectrometry.
In this unit, we will first explain the principle of mass spectrometry. Then we will tell
you about the salient features of a mass spectrometer. This will be followed by a
discussion on how a mass spectrum is presented and how to deduce information
available from the mass spectrum. You will also be told about the fragmentation
types of various species and factors affecting fragmentation. We will also discuss
McLafferty rearrangement.
Finally we will illustrate the applications of mass spectrometry by taking some simple
0 bjectives
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
This radical ion being highly energetic, may fragment further yielding smaller
fragments as shown below:
The radical ion and other fragments are separated according to their m/z ratio where
m is the mass and z is the charge of the ion. The record of m/z values of these species
verses their relative abundance is known as mass spectrum of the sample. You will
study in the later sections of this unit that mass spectrum of a sample gives important
information about the structure of its atoms or molecules. Although the mass
spectrometry differs in principle from other spectroscopic techniques, it is
considered alongwith them because it complements the information regarding the
structure of the atoms and molecules obtained by other spectroscopic techniques.
Fig. 12.1 (a) shows a vapour inlet from where sample vapours are introduced to the
ionisation chamber.
(ii) In chemical ionisation method, a reagent gas (such as CH4 o r NH3) is passed
into the ionising chamber where it ionises, fragments and collides with neutral 1
molecules to yield CH; or N H reagent
~ ions. This process is shown below for I
Mass Spectrometry
Plth d positive i a u
poetntid applied
Iv) Collector-DeWw
and C H+
~ CH4- C,H; + H2 molecule, CH4) ... (12.4)
These reagent ions protonate the sample to yield MH+ ions which are one unit higher
in mass than the sample.
ionisation is carried out in solution phase and hence thermally unstable
compounds can be studied by using this technique.
A+B- A++B- ... (12.5)
Now you have learnt a lot about what can happen in the ionisation chamber. Let us
look at Fig. 12.l(a) again. The ions are generated in the ionisation chamber. The ions
are then passed through accelerating plates. The accelerating plates accelerate only
the positively charged ions. The negative ions and neutral particles are not
accelerated but are continuously removed. From the accelerating plates, the positive
ions pass through the analyser tube where a magnet is used which reflects them along
a curved path. By varying the magnetic field, ions of different masses can be recorded.
Fig. 12.1 (b) shows a high resolution double focusing mass spectrometer. You can see
that the basic features of the instrument are same as in Fig. 12.1 (a). But in addition it
has an electrostatic analyser which carries out a preliminary focusing and then the
ions are passed through the magnetic analyser. This is known as double focusing. The
The term high resolution will be ions are then allowed to enter the collector detector system where they impinge upon
explained in the next section. an electron multiplier detector and produce a current. The current is amplified by an
amplifier and is proportional to the intensity of the ions. The current so produced is
fed to a computer which processes the data and then usually records it in the form of a
bar graph using a recorder.
Let us now study how does a typical mass spectrum look and what are its salient
+ +
Calculate the m/r values for ZH3, OCH3 and OCCH,.
Mass Spectrometry
Fig. 122: Mass spectrum of ethanol
Fig. 12.2 shows the mass spectrum of ethanol. You can see that the mass spectrum is Re,ative is
a plbt of relative abundance (on y-axis) of positively charged ions verses their mass also Lnm as intensig.
to charge (m/z) ratio ( onx-axis). Since most of the particles are singly charged
(z = I), the m/z of these ions is equal t o their masses. You have learnt in the
previous sections that loss of an electron from a molecule yields a radical cation, i.e.
M + e-- M* + 2-
This iadical cation is also known as molecular ion. The mass of M+ can be taken as
equal to that of M because the mass of the electron lost is negligible. Thus, if we get
the value of m/z of M' from the mass spectrum, we get the molecular weight of M.
The mass spectrum of ethanol shows a peak at m/z 46. Let us see if it corresponds to
its molecular ion o r not? Let us add the relative atomic masses of atoms present in
ethanol (C+H50H) as given below.
2 x atomic mass of carbon + 6 x atomic mass of H +'1 x atomic mass of 0
= (2 x 12) + (6 x 1) + (1 x 16)
Thus, the peak at m/z = 46 corresponds to the molecular ion of ethanol which is
(c~H~oH)+.But this is not the peak of highest intensity.
The peak of highest intehsity is called the base peak. The base peak in the mass
spectrum of ethanol is at m/z 31. The intensity of the base peak is assigned a value of
100 and the intensities of other peaks are expressed relative to that of the base peak.
You can see in the figure that there is a small peak at m/z 47 also. This can be called
as M + 1peak. But where from it has come? The origin of this peak can be
understood if we take into account the natural abundance of the constituent atoms.
Most of the elements exist in nature as predominantly one isotope. But some
elements exist as more than one isotope (Table 12.1) and carbon is one such element.
Carbon exists in nature a :c
' as well as 'ZC.
The natural abundance of ':cis 1.1%
as compared to 'ZC. If 'ZC is present in ethanol molecule, it will show an M+1
'70 isotope and H also occurs as @ isotope. The
peak. Similarly, 0 also occurs as 8
presence of an isotope of these elements would also lead to M+ 1peak. Similarly, if
the molecule contains two :'c atoms or a ':c and $3 or 'i0
atoms, the mass
spectrum would show an M+2 peak also. The other peaks in the spectrum appear
due to the fragmentation of the molecular ion.
Table 12.1 shows the natural abundance of isotopes of some common elements.
Table 12.1 :Natural abundance of isotopes of some elements.
Isotope Abundance % Isotope Abundance, % Isotope Abundance, %
"F 100
3 5 ~ ~ 75.5 3 7 ~ ~ 24.5
You can see in Table 12.1 that Br exists as two isotopes: 7 9 ~and
r "Br in the ratio
50.5 and 49.5. Thus, in the mass spectrum of bromomethane (CH3Br) shown in
Fig. 12.3 you can see an M+2 peak of almost equal intensity as M+ peak.
rn 12
Fig. 12.3: Mass spectrum of bromomethane.
Similarly when chlorine is present in the molecule, the pattern in the spectrum near
M+ region will be as shown below:
Fig. 12.4: PaUern of mass spectrum near M+ region for a molecule containing a chlorine atom.
Mass Spectrometry
Note that the intensity of M+2 peak is about one third of M+ peak In case a
compound contains a nitrogen atom, it shows an odd numbered molecular ion peak.
This is called the nitrogen rule. In case, the number of nitrogen atoms is even, a molecular ion
peak having an even mass will be observed.
So far we have discussed the m/z values which differed from each other by one unit.
This is termed as unlt resolution. Thus, by unit resolution, we shoul&be able to
differentiate a peak of say m/z 400 from that of m / z 399 or 401. To determine the
resolution of an instrument, two adjacent peaks in the mass spectrum having
approximately the same intensity are chosen and are designated as Mn and M, where
M, represents the higher mass number peak out of the two. The resolution R is then
given by the following equation:
Using low resolution instrument all these species yield the peak at m/z 28 and could
not be differentiated.
Thus, using high resolution mass spectrometer one can chose the correct structure
out of the various possibilities.
Thus, we can expect a peak at m/z 29 due to CH2CH3.Remember that it is the
positively charged ion which is detected by mass spectromety. If you look at Fig. 12.5,
you can find a peak at m/z 29 also.
The cleavage could have taken place in the middle of the molecule also as shown
You can see a weak peak at m/z 71 which corresponds to M-15 fragment. This
indicates the loss of .CH3 radical as 15 units. The peak is weak because the .CH3
radical produced is not very stable. The other possibility of charge being carried by
methyl as CH3 is not observed. . .
not observed
Out of the above two pathways possible, first one takes place indicating that the
stability of the cation is more important than the stability of the radical.Thus,
+ +'
fragmentation yields the more stable CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2
cation and not CH3 cation.
Stability of cation is also observed in case of branched alkanes. In branched alkanes,
fragmentation primarily occurs at the branch. For example in 2-methylpropane,
[ YH3
]' W
3 C
+H +
\ CH3 CH + 6H3
fragmentation occurs predominantly via the first pathway because the cation obtained
is more stable as compared to the methyl cation obtained in the second pathway.
Similarly, for Zmethylpentane fragmentation at branches can lead to peaks at m/z 71
and m/z 43 as shown below:
Note that both the carbocations ( m / z 71 and 43) are secondary carbocations and are
stable. You can locate these peaks in the mass spectrum of Zmethylpentane shown in
Fig. 12.6.
CH3- CH-
Fig. 126: Mnss spectrum of 2-metb;lpentant
You can also observe from the above examples that alkanes show homologous series of
M-14 fragments due to the lose of CH2 groups.
12.5.2 Effect of a Heteroatom
Mass spectra of compounds containing heteroatoms (N, 0,
halogens etc.) show
a-cleavage, i.e. cleavage of bond to the carbon that is a to the heteroatom. For
example, two such a cleavages are shown above in case of alcohol.
The resulting cations (a) and (b) can resonance stabilise t o structures (I) and (II),.
respectively. It is here in this resonance stabilisation that the role of heteroatom
comes into play. The unshared pair of electrons on the heteroatom helps in
delocalisation of the positive charge which helps to stabilise the carbocations
(a and b) formed initially.
The a-cleavage rule applies to compounds containing -NRR1, S R , -OR, -C1 and
carbonyl functional groups. Two such examples follow.
It is also worth considering here the fact that where more than one site of a-cleavage
is possible, the ejection of largest alkyl radical gives the largest peak. We can
understand this by taking the following example. In the case of 2-butanol, the most
abundant peak is at m/z 45 resulting from the ejection of ethyl radical.
I ++ H
C H ~ C H+ ~ +C-H
- (iii)
1 (i) y,,I
m/z 73
dn 45 (base peak) CHICH~--&-H
. +
+ CH,
mlz 59
In case of carbony1 compounds, R1> C = 0 , cleavage can occur on either side of
the C = 0 group. This leads to the following possibilities:
: and R; are stable, they are also formed via (i) (b)
In case the alkyl carboutions R
and (ii) (b) pathways.
12.5.3 Formation of Resonance ~tabilisedCations Mass Spectrometry
The mass spectrum of butylbenzene shown in Fig. 12.7 exibits a peak at m/z 91
, and it is in fact the base peak.
I n-butylbenzene
Flg. 12.7 : Mass spectrum of butylbenzene
The mass spectrum of trans 2-hexene shows peaks at m h 84 and 55.Account for
Small stable molecules such as H20, C02, 'CO, q H 4 etc. can be lost from a
molecular ion. For example, alcohols easily lose H20 molecule and show prominent
M-18 peak.
The following fragmentation pathways explain the origin of various peaks in the
mass spectrum.
\ 8 e' C H ~+ C&CH2-C-CH3
mlr 73
f ~ ~ C&
H~ k
C H ~ C H+~ + C -CH3 mlr 55
: 6 ~
CH2 =C
- 6 ~ ~
12.5.5 Rearrangement
You might have observed in the earlier examples that a molecular ion with an even
mass value cleaves to give fragment ions with odd mass values and vice-versa. But if
the even mass molecular ion yields fragments of even mass and odd mass molecular
ion yields fragments of odd mass, it indicates that a rearrangement has taken place.
. ,
In case the mass difference between expected and the observed fragment ion is of one
unit, rearrangement involving migration of hydrogen atom can be expected.
Here X = C and Y = 0
When R = H, aldehyde
R = Alkyl, ketone
when R = H, aldehyde
R = alkyl, ketone
prominent peaks at m / z 72,57,44 and 29. These peaks can be explained as follows:
m/z fragments
29 loss of ~ H ~ C H ~ C(MH-~c3H7)+
, fragment
The peak at m/z 44 (M-28) is an even mass peak from the even mass number .
molecular ion and hence indicates a rearrangement. The McLafferty rearrangement
explains this peak as follows:
(a1 kenel
Spectroscopy Similarly carboxylic acids and esters can also undergo McLafferty rearrangement
provided they have y-hydrogen.
Let us now summarise the important points which you studied in this unit.
3. A compound shows the molecular ion peak at m / z 107. What is the nature of
the compound? '
Self Assessment Questions
s C3 +C4 Cleavage +
CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2 + ~ H ~ C H ~ C H