9 - The World Tree
9 - The World Tree
9 - The World Tree
Design: Wolfgang Baur, Richard Green, Sarah Madsen, Kelly Pawlik
Development & Editing: Scott Gable
Art Director & Graphic Design: Marc Radle
Cover Art: Justine Jones
Interior Art: Rich Longmore, William McAusland, M. Wayne Miller, Pedro Potier,
Dean Spencer, Phil Stone, Karl Waller
Publisher: Wolfgang Baur
Kobold Press, Midgard, Open Design, and their associated logos are trademarks of Open Design.
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Open Game Content: The Open content in this book includes the college of shadows,
the staff of the world ash, and the spawn of Nidhogg monster stats.
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By Wolfgang Baur
offer a quaff of a fiery drink,
a brandywine infused with
flecks of gold to give it a fiery
glitter; this, likewise, provides
no magical benefit, but those
who attempt to swallow
the burning concoction do
entertain the giants.
The First Flame is guarded
at all times by a pack of hell
hounds and is often protected
by an incinis elemental as
well (see Creature Codex),
and only Jarl Isen the Proud
grants his favored guards
and close friends a fire bath.
Non-giants who approach
it are attacked; the giants
enjoy showing their bit of
primordial fire, but rarely do
they allow any non-giant to
touch it. Those who bathe in it
for more than a minute grow
reddish hair and beards and
increase by a size category—in
the most extreme cases, a
humanoid who bathes in the First Flame gathering place among the trollkin, even
is polymorphed into a fire giant of roughly those who carry on ancient feuds or who
similar features. have robbed, cheated, and lied their way
into positions of power, for within the hall,
Great Moss Hall of the Trollkin they feel safe.
Originally built by trollkin shamans of
From the outside, the Great Moss Hall Freyr and Freya, the Great Moss Hall is still
resembles an enormous boulder along the a place of occasional ritual summonings,
shore of a great fjord, covered with mosses, bindings, and great magical workings. The
ferns, and a few scattered pines. However, it many shamans of the tribes and clans gather
is also clearly a long hall in its overall shape, at summer solstice and at the spring and
for it has three great pine doors bound with winter equinoxes to share their lore and to
green copper and embellished with runes of induct new members into their mysteries.
remarkable power; all those who enter are On these rare nights, the Moss Hall also
profoundly moved to peace and goodwill, shows its remarkable acoustics; chants,
and any dueling, berserker rages, or even songs, and invocations spoken within its
cutting insults are extremely rare within stone walls echo and re-echo, gathering
the hall (a DC 18 Wisdom save is required strength and (for those who know its secret
to attempt violence or insult within the workings) making permanent enchantments
hall). As a result, the moss hall is a popular that might otherwise fade with the dawn.
As dawn approaches, a narrow bridge question of the Grindstone Oracle.
to the afterlife opens for ghosts, the walls The oracle itself is a stone said to have
of reality being somewhat thinned by been brought to the Järnhall by Volund
the echoing chants. In the course of a himself, a bit of sandstone brought up
night, several ghosts of famous trollkin from beneath the ocean, which speaks
may appear if their names are invoked answers to questions once each day
and echoed by their descendants. More when it is turned by the priestess Marda
frequently, a banquet is laid out for one or Longfinger. The questions themselves
more recently departed trollkin. Sometimes reflect all of the aspirations, fears, and
these spirits come to bid a final farewell to hopes of the Stannasgard dwarves: “Does
their clan, children, or spouse; sometimes, Igrim still live?” or “Where have the ogres
the offering remains undisturbed, and no of the Greencap band gone?” or even
spirit answers the call. “Why does my journeyman blade never
Rumor has it that a fourth entrance to the keep its edge?” or “Who put a hole in my
Great Moss Hall exists, either in the rafters longship last winter?” The other priests
and out through a hollow tree or down and the clan elders are called about as
below the pebbled floor, through some trick often as the miners, smelters, cooks, and
of light and illusion into the nearby forests bellows‑pumpers; the results are sometimes
or to a narrow slip where a small ship can trite and sometimes momentous, but in
easily be moored for a quick escape. This all cases, the feast hall closes as soon as the
is a place of ritual and yearly feasts led by answer is given, and any recriminations
trollkin shaman. and consequences take place in just a few
minutes after midnight.
Järnhall of the Dwarves The following day, the dwarves return
to work to assist their siblings and their
A heaven for the dwarves and a place that children, teaching the songs of the dwarves,
heroes can tunnel to, though the greedy, the passing on the lore of iron and the secrets of
lazy, and the foolish will never find their gold and silver, and weaving ring magic to
way to it. Most days, the Järnhall is a place give as gifts to various friends and cousins
of ordinary meals and pleasant company and elders of their halls. They dream of
among the dwarves of Stannasgard, but the next feast night, and the mysteries
that changes on Volundag, the one day or trivialities that the Grindstone Oracle
each week devoted to Volund, god of may next reveal, and the young dream of
smiths and fire. On that feast night, the adventure while the elderly dream of days
dwarves summon keg golems and toast long past and the day that the anvil-priest
their ancestors, sing songs of new deeds and called their name. For the custom of the
old ballads, until midnight when the priest Järnhall is that each dwarf who lives in
of Volund strikes the anvil in the closing Stannasgard is called by the oracle at least
rhythm. Then he calls out in the cadence once in their lifetime, though none know if
of the Old High Dwarvish the name of one that call comes in youth or old age.
living person in the hall (almost always a
full-grown dwarf but on rare occasions a
child, a human, or even on one memorable
Ekollon Halle
night, a trollkin in deep disguise). That Clarahekkarina, the queen of the ratatosk
person’s name is echoed by those feasting of Yggdrasil, is the hostess and lady of one
in the hall, and that person may ask one of the strangest feast halls of the planes, the
Ekollon Halle, which is literally cradled in wood. The whole place smells of greenery
the branches of Yggdrasil at the heart of the and life, and the fires are enchanted ones
Great Branching where five major segments of blue and yellow flames, unable to ignite
of the World Tree join together and where wood or leaves but entirely hot enough to
the ratatosk have their largest settlement— toast nuts, warm cider, and cook the richly
the planar town of Grenstad, home to more flavored gryta (a stew) that the ratatosk eat
than 4,000 ratatosk and smaller numbers with such abandon.
of aasimar, tieflings, ravenfolk, and planar Most feasts at Ekollon Halle are held
humans. The feast hall there is a woven according to a lunar calendar, though
one with rafters and roof that use both seeing the moon through the branches
living branches of Yggdrasil and bright of Yggdrasil requires a bit of arcane gift;
green‑and‑silver leaves in its roof as well as ratatosk and many druids have no trouble
its doors, benches, and some walls of carved with it, though most warriors and certain
non-planar creatures do not find the lunar of novelty can be quite fierce—but their
orb to be at all obvious. In any case, three curiosity and love of new things is quite
times per month, the hall resonates with short-lived. Any item brought to Ekollon in
large crowds of ratatosk chittering as well great amounts is seen as interesting but no
as the songs and accents of many friends, longer worthy of swift pursuit.
allies, merchants, and travelers—for Queen The end of a feast at Ekollon arrives
Clarahekkarina permits all creatures to when the queen retires to her chambers
attend so long as they fit through the with a group of favored maidservants and
(relatively modest) eight-foot-tall doors. courtiers. Other ratatosk take this as a sign
The feasts themselves are festivals of gossip, that matters are concluded; no more deals
of mercantile excess with chests of gold and or bargains may be struck. The entire hall
bolts of fine cloth and spices and jewelry and usually empties in an eyeblink, and aasimar
the finest nut flour all changing hands amid and tieflings are sometimes bemused to find
the crowd. The love of bargaining seems to themselves suddenly in an empty hall with
consume some of them, for the ratatosk are rattling bowls of cold gryta and a scattering
nothing if not a gregarious, freewheeling of harried human servants. n
bunch at the feasts. Trading for any item
9 The food at the feast is suddenly filled with maggots and flies, and the drinks all turn
to foul sludge. A necromancer or void mage has drawn all the life energy from the
meal, infusing the substance with necrotic energies instead. Those who ate of it are
sickened and nauseous, moving half speed and with disadvantage on all checks until
they take a long rest.
10 A tiny eridna comes to the hall with a message, but it can barely be seen or heard
among the larger folk. It asks for one of the PCs to deliver a scroll of very bad news to
the lord or lady at the high table and departs before anyone questions it.
11 A guest at the feast is poisoned; he sat next to one of the PCs, who immediately falls
under suspicion as a stranger and (perhaps) a person of low character, known for
slaughtering monsters and civilized folk alike.
12 The fire in the hearth speaks with an elemental’s voice, delivering a prophecy of doom
and danger to all those in the hall. It speaks Draconic or another language that only
one of the PCs understands; all others are simply frightened and confused.
13 An alehouse drake settles itself on one of the feast hall tables and claims a toll of
food or drink from anyone seating themselves at the same table. This is charming at
first, but the drake seems to grow in size far more quickly than anyone would expect,
and in time, its weight cracks the table beneath it, its color shifts to a flame dragon
orange, and it demands gold and jewels before leaving.
14 A band of trollkin raiders arrives, still bloody and in high spirits from robbing
travelers on a nearby road. They share tales and bits of loot with the lord or lady of the
hall in exchange for food and drink.
15 A valkyrie comes into the feast hall, her saddlebag bulging with chosen souls. She
does not speak to anyone unless she is addressed with respect; the servants and
housecarls give her meat and mead and leave her alone. Anyone pestering her
with questions must pass a DC 15 Charisma check or be given a baleful glare and a
warning. Those who do not heed her warning are struck by her spear and suffer a
permanent loss of 1d8 hp as their fate is darkened by the valkyrie’s dark touch.
16 A ravenfolk doom croaker comes and offers to read the wyrd of anyone who asks for
a modest fee (3 gp). Those who accept gain advantage on their next roll if they are
described as “victorious and blessed,” or they gain a curse that haunts them for a week
as their fate closes in on them in dreams and visions.
17 The lord and lady of the hall seem unusually agitated, and when the feast is half
done, they call for a toast: “To the Immortal Void and all the powers of blood and
darkness! Drink with us or be doomed to die this very night!” Their housecarls are
alarmed, their priest is horrified, and everyone tries to figure out how and why they
are possessed. (Dopplegangers have taken their place.)
18 A hill giant comes to the feast hall with a gift: an enormous salmon the size of a pony.
The giant offers it for sale to the chef in exchange for a barrel of ale.
19 Two elves enter the hall, walk through it, and open a previously invisible doorway or
portal at the far end. They step through and leave the door a tiny bit ajar. Will anyone
dare to follow them to some mysterious road?
20 Loki is a visitor at the hall, and he seeks to convince the adventurers to help him in an
act of mischief or petty thievery.
by Sarah Madsen
Master of Thyles, what each Shadowsinger Fira Wolfsdottir (Neutral Good): A
does with the information they discover Northlander, Fira defied expectations
is up to the individual—some use it for and became a skald rather than a warrior.
personal ends while others disseminate Showing great skill with both lute and
pertinent details to the masses—and there blade as a young woman, she spent her
are factions within the organization that time wandering and adventuring before
disagree with their role to play in that returning to Skaldholm to perfect her art:
regard. Some whisper that this dispute will spinning epic poetry and song. Though
eventually erupt into a full-fledged schism the shadowsingers have no official leader,
while others claim the Master of Thyles will Fira (now in her early forties) is honored
step in long before that happens. and respected by many, often mentoring
younger members and offering wisdom
Shadowsinger Ideals to those who seek her out. Her once-fiery
temper has mellowed to a low
All knowledge is worth having. Never let burn but will nonetheless
an opportunity to gather a secret or learn a flare when her ideals (or her
story pass you by. protégés) are threatened.
Make friends in high and low places.
Nobility is only as powerful as its people.
Your mind is your greatest weapon. Wield
your wits, words, and art as ruthlessly as
your blade.
Notable Individuals
Brand Thundershield
(Chaotic Good): A stout
dwarf storyteller, Brand is
boisterous and amiable,
making friends in every
long hall in the north.
His booming laugh and
broad smile hide a ruthless
efficiency however. With a few
rounds of mead and a stirring tale,
he can whip a tavern into a raucous
celebration or a roiling mob. He chafes
at the mistreatment of others and the
inequality in the classes and will often
be found slipping a large amount of gold
into a beggar’s bowl or entertaining
street urchins with no reward other
than their smile.
Jenner Mirin (Neutral Evil): Jenner is a enjoyed in their spacious dining hall or
tiefling thespian and a master at lies and while lounging in the healing waters of the
subterfuge. They use their charm and wiles springs. The Retreat is spoken of by the
to weasel their way into the confidences— lower classes with a mix of derision and
and beds—of commoners and nobles alike. longing—many consider it frivolous and
Jenner’s desire to find the answer to the wastefully overpriced, though few would
Riddle is motivated purely by self-interest, turn down the chance to take advantage of
and they happily claim any perks that its amenities.
come with being a beloved skald, accepting The Skaldic Schools: There are numerous
gifts of coin, ale, and adoration in equal schools within Skaldholm that dedicate
measure. No altruism is found within themselves to the study of the arts and
Jenner—every action is calculated to reap scholarship. Each believes, of course, that
the greatest reward, though occasionally their skalds are the most talented, their
that means doing “selfless” good in order scholars the wisest, and their methods
to make the right impression on the right the truest, and the resulting feuds
person. between them would fill a bard’s book
with legends and keep the washerwomen
Notable Locations gossiping through the cold of winter.
Shadowsingers often start their studies
Baldur’s Barrel: Within the heart of at one of the schools and are scouted by
Skaldholm is a tavern, unremarkable by another shadowsinger who sees their
most standards. The placard above the potential. Once a student is marked as
door features a simple mug overflowing a possible recruit, the shadowsinger
with mead and foam. Despite its benign cultivates their new apprentice under the
appearance, the Barrel is owned by Oda, a guise of legitimate mentorship within
former Shadowsinger, and is a safe haven one of said schools. Only the teacher
for any skalds who need a meal, lodging, and the student—and possibly other
or a quiet place to broker a deal. Every shadowsingers—know the truth of what is
night, a talented performer can be found being taught.
on its small stage, enthralling the packed
room, and every performer is given the
lion’s share of tips for the evening, as Oda Character Options
is well aware of why her patrons frequent The following options are available for
her tables. shadowsingers PCs.
The Retreat: A lodge nestled along the SHADOWSINGER APPRENTICE
coast with beautiful views and clusters (BACKGROUND OPTION)
of relaxing hot springs, the Retreat has For those players interested in playing
become a favored vacationing spot for a shadowsinger, we suggest using the
scholars and nobles of Skaldholm alike. Entertainer background or the Criminal
The perfect place to rub elbows with the (Spy variant) and substituting the traits
elite, debate with master orators, and (of from the charts below as needed.
course) watch and listen for any rumors, Shadowsingers are more than just
the Retreat features suites of rooms for entertainers, and their personality traits and
rent (at exorbitant prices, naturally), motivations reflect that. Their demeanors
delicious meals, and top-shelf drink to be are as varied and unpredictable as a
1 I’m warm and friendly; I’ve never met anyone I couldn’t charm or encountered any
conflict I couldn’t talk my way out of.
2 I’m extremely competitive; I crave attention and praise and take it as a personal slight
when others outmatch me.
3 Predictability and stagnation are the death of relevance, so I’m constantly seeking
out new routines to add to my repertoire.
4 Subtlety is the key to manipulation; I like to leave my marks unaware of the damage
I’ve done to their purse or their reputation until I’m safely out of town.
5 I have an insatiable curiosity and desire for knowledge, which often gets me in trouble.
6 I’m the best at what I do and cannot be convinced otherwise.
7 I enjoy a good verbal sparring. Matching wits with another is more exhilarating than
any battle.
8 I assume personalities as easily as I change hats and become whatever is best suited
for each situation. No one knows the true me, and I like it that way.
1 Equality Knowledge is the great equalizer; the uniformed are easily oppressed and
the ignorant easily manipulated. I do what I do to help those less fortunate than me.
2 Loyalty I answer to my betters. Any knowledge I gather is for them to use as they see
fit. (Lawful)
3 Change Power structures are meant to be challenged, and with the knowledge I
gather, I can shake society to its very foundation and make way for something new.
4 Personal Gain I will search out the answer to the Riddle of the Forgotten Thing, but
anything else I learn during my travels is fair game, and I’ll gladly sell it to the highest
bidder. (Evil)
5 Knowledge Information is neither good nor evil but is just another form of power. I
am the only one I trust to wield it. (Neutral)
6 Influence The more sway I have within society, high or low, the easier it is to
accomplish my goals without getting my own hands dirty. (Any)
1 I have an unwavering loyalty to the Master of Thyles and my fellow shadowsingers
and will answer their call anytime, regardless of my own goals.
2 Intrigue and espionage are the world’s greatest game, and I live to play.
3 My friends who stand by my side are more valuable than any secret.
4 The Riddle of the Forgotten Thing drives me in everything I do. I’m determined to be
the one to find the answer and secure my place in history.
5 A fellow shadowsinger poached a valuable secret out from under me, and now I’m
intent on seeing them brought low.
6 I missed a vital piece of information that led to the death of someone I loved. I’m
terrified of making the same mistake again.
1 My ego is delicate and easily bruised, and I lash out at others when it’s injured.
2 I sometimes get so wrapped up in the game that I miss the obvious, even when it’s
staring me in the face.
3 Being surrounded by skilled deceivers has left me distrustful of others. I find it hard to
get close to anyone.
4 I’m single-minded when following a lead, plowing ahead despite the danger to myself
or my friends.
5 I can’t resist the opportunity to show off my skills and will rise to any challenge.
6 I was clumsy in an attempt to woo someone influential, and now they have it out for
me. I’m probably not as charming as I think I am.
northern storm, from calm and steady to Bonus Proficiencies: Starting at 3rd level,
tempestuous and boastful. you gain proficiency with three skills of
your choice.
Mantle of Shadows: Starting at 3rd level,
Shadowsingers undergo careful training
you can spend an action to twist the
before they’re sent out into the world.
shadows around you for 1 minute or until
Skilled in both music and manipulation,
your concentration ends. For the duration,
they’re the perfect blend of charm and
you gain advantage on stealth checks and
cunning. The tricks they learn in their
you gain the benefits of three-quarters
tutelage make them ideal for the subtle
cover as the shadows themselves obscure
work of coaxing out secrets, entrancing
your passing.
audiences, and dazzling the minds of their
chosen targets. Lover’s Haste: Starting at 3rd level, you
can dash as a bonus action while under the
effects of Mantle of Shadows.
Cunning Insight: Starting at 6th
level, you know exactly where to hit
your enemies, so it will hurt
the most. You spend an
action focusing on a target
after which the target must
make a Wisdom Saving
Throw vs. your Spell Save DC.
On a failed save, choose one of
the following:
• You gain advantage on your next
attack roll against the target.
• You gain knowledge of the target’s
damage vulnerabilities.
• You gain knowledge of the target’s
damage resistances and damage
• You gain knowledge of the target’s
condition immunities.
• You see through any illusions involving
the target.
Shadowsinger: Your words are your power.
Starting at 14th level, you are a master at
weaving stories and influencing the minds
of your audience. With the power of one
performance, you can make or break
someone’s reputation. You spend at least 1 Wisdom, and Intelligence ability checks
minute performing, relaying a tale through and saving throws for the next hour as
song, poetry, play, or other medium. At the they are distracted and overcome by
end of your performance, choose a number paranoia.
of humanoids who witnessed the entire • They become convinced that you (or
performance, up to a number of 1 plus one of your allies if you choose to sing
your Charisma modifier. Each target must the praises of another) are a fearsome
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw vs. your opponent. For the next minute, they are
spell save DC. On a failed save, the target(s) afraid of you (or your ally). In addition,
suffers one of the following: you (or your ally) gain advantage on
• They believe the tale you told is truth all attack rolls against them for the
and will tell others the tale as if it were duration.
truth, even under magical compulsion. Remove curse or greater restoration ends
• They believe someone in the room the effects of this feature. Once you use this
knows their darkest secret, and they feature, you may not use it again until you
are at disadvantage on all Charisma, complete a short or long rest. n
by Richard Green
Author’s Note: Parts of this article are taken from the infamous Nine Chthonic Papyri
of Heknusret the Temerarious, disgraced former member of the Honorable Society of
Portal Wizards. Heknusret traveled to many different times, places, and worlds through
the Red Portals and meticulously recorded what he found there.
Yggdrasil, the World Ash, grew
from a seed stolen from the gods
Frey and Freya by Ratatosk,
first of his kind, which
he buried at the
very center of the
multiverse. The tree
grew so tall and
so broad that its
branches and roots
reached into all of the
Nine Worlds, including
our world of Midgard;
Asgard, home of the
Northern Gods;
the Summer Lands
of Alfheim; and the
Underworld ruled by
Loki’s daughter, the dark
goddess Hel.
Getting Around
the World Ash
Navigating the
twisting pathways
along Yggdrasil’s
branches is far from
easy, and I was glad to
have Orrin as my guide, while old ones die and break. Only the
even if he did sometimes lead us toward ravenfolk and the ratatosk seem to be able
trouble, rather than away from it . . . to keep track of which branch or doorway
The branches of Yggdrasil can be many currently leads where, though the elves
miles in length, so reaching a particular and valkyries know the major routes to the
destination usually takes several days Summer Lands, Valhalla, and the Storm
on foot. Sometimes a quicker route may Court. Even with a guide, it is possible to
exist via a portal connecting two distant get turned around and become lost as the
branches, but a traveler needs to know branches twist and bend in the winds that
how to find it. Portals can appear as holes blow through the tree.
or simple wooden doors in the trunk or Different parts of the tree have their own
branch or as archways formed by entwined local gravity, so sometimes a traveler needs
branches, and they are marked with the to walk along the underside of the branch
Eiwaz rune. or stride vertically up the central trunk.
The vast network of paths is confusing Some branches are treacherous and slippery
enough to inexperienced planar travelers, underfoot, requiring a successful DC 11
but to make matters worse, it is constantly Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to navigate
changing—new branches are discovered safely and avoid a painful fall of 2d4 damage
per 10 ft. to another branch or, worse, travelers a safe place to spend the night as
through a portal leading to a dangerous long as the overly suspicious guards can be
plane. Others seep sticky resin that acts as persuaded to grant admittance. The leaders
difficult terrain, hindering movement. of the ratatosk meet at the fabled Squirrel
Court of Yggdrasil (see below) inside the
Inhabitants of Yggdrasil great tree’s trunk; its precise location is a
Communities of ratatosk and ravenfolk are closely guarded secret.
scattered throughout the tree. The ratatosk’s The ravenfolk live in rookeries—
larger cousins, the ratatosk warlords (see ramshackle collections of individual
Creature Codex), build small watchtowers nests, shops, shrines, and meeting places
and sprawling tree cities among the connected by bridges, walkways, and
branches, which provide protection and ladders. All manner of materials is used in
security for their smaller kin. These offer the construction of rookeries, harvested
from the tree itself and scavenged from
places across the planes.
New Magic Item: Travelers in the World Ash must also be
Staff of the World Ash wary of the wilder creatures that make their
homes in its canopy. Giant eagles live in
Staff, rare (requires attunement by a
the upper part of the tree, offspring of the
bard, druid, ranger, or wizard)
great eagle that keeps watch from the crown
This staff of silvery-grey ash has been (see “The Eyrie” below). Lower down, the
cut from a branch of Yggdrasil and is branches are home to giant elk, which
carved with the Eiwaz rune. Ravenfolk nibble on the tree’s evergreen leaves, and
and other dwellers in the World Ash giant boar, which root out the tasty fungi
create these staffs to more easily travel growing on the bark. Both are dangerous
its planar pathways. if their meals are disturbed. At the bottom
You can perfectly recall any path you of the tree, fell creatures gnaw on the
have traveled while holding this staff. roots, including the terrible serpent-wyrm
By striking the staff on the ground or Nidhogg and its spawn, while the goat-
against a branch of Yggdrasil as a bonus legged kallikantzaros (see Creature Codex)
action, you can transform it into try to saw through the trunk. Pathways
a shillelagh (as the spell) for 1 minute. leading to other realms and worlds are
The staff has 10 charges and regains often warded by powerful guardians.
1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn.
If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. Magic on Yggdrasil
On a 1, the staff loses its properties and Yggdrasil powers certain types of magic.
becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff. While they are among the branches of
Spells. You can use an action to expend the World Ash, druids and clerics of the
one or more of the staff’s charges to Northern Gods operate as if they were 1
cast one of the following spells: create level higher for the purposes of determining
or destroy water (1 charge), freedom of spell slots per spell level and spellcasting
movement (4 charges), locate Red Portal* proficiency bonus. Characters who
(3 charges), purify food and drink (1 have learned the Eiwaz rune (see Heroes
charge), speak with plants (3 charges). Handbook) via the Rune Knowledge feat
can access its rune powers as if they were 1
*see Midgard Worldbook
level higher.
Perilous Pathways watches over the well. PCs who can prove
their worth to Tove Mimirsdottir, the jotun
As we wandered the World Ash, Orrin giant (see Tome of Beasts) guarding this
Bristletail chattered away about the planar mythical location, can gain the wisdom of
pathways formed by its roots and branches the well—as long as they are prepared to
and where each led. He mentioned the surrender an eye to Mimir.
“Nine Worlds” repeatedly but didn’t name
the same nine worlds twice. I came to the PLANAR PATHS
conclusion that this was merely a metaphor Yggdrasil’s other giant roots both reach into
used by the ratatosk and the Northerners different planes. The second root ends at
for what we in Nuria-Natal know to be the the Well of Urd in Asgard where the Aesir
infinite planes of the multiverse. gather to consult the Norns, the three wise
old women who oversee the destinies of
Paths to Midgard gods and men. The Norns mix water from
Where the branches of Yggdrasil reach into the well with earth and use the mud to repair
Midgard, they manifest as World Trees— any cracks that appear in the giant root. A
great trees that act as nodes of divine power, company of valkyries (see Tome of Beasts)
revered by followers of the Northern Gods. keeps uninvited mortals away from the well.
As you travel along a pathway on Yggdrasil The third root leads to the dark world
leading to one of the World Trees, its foliage of Niflheim where the spring known as
and bark begin to take on the characteristics Hvergelmir feeds all the rivers of the world.
of its destination. So the bark of a branch Here, on the Corpse Shore, the terrible
leading to the enormous Winter Tree at serpent-wyrm Nidhogg feasts on the bodies
Domovogrod (see Midgard Worldbook) of murderers, adulterers, and oath breakers
gradually changes from silvery-grey to a and gnaws at the roots of the tree. The
rich, dark brown, and its blue-green oval most wicked of these men are spared being
leaves become the needles of a fir. This eaten and are cursed by Nidhogg instead.
transformation helps reassure you that They become the tveirherjar (see Creature
you are on the right path, though there Codex) and are sent to Valhalla to fight the
is no clear border between Yggdrasil and valkyries and corrupt the einherjar (see
Midgard. These pathways are often guarded. Tome of Beasts). When Ragnarok is at hand,
The route to the Winter Tree is plagued by a Nidhogg and his foul spawn will chew
grove of tree-like children of Yggdrasil (see through the roots, and Yggdrasil will fall.
Creature Codex) while savage lizardfolk The World Ash’s branches extend into
warriors haunt the path to the Black Cypress a multitude of other planar locations.
(see Midgard Worldbook), hunting for fresh Klingedesh, Marketplace of the planes, can
heads to shrink and hang from its boughs. be accessed via the Thorn Gate, an archway
One of Yggdrasil’s three mighty roots of hundred-foot-tall ivory spines carved
stretches into Jotunheim, Land of Giants, with arcane glyphs, which stands on a thick
in Midgard’s Northlands where it is fed by branch near the trunk. Sounds of eternal
the Well of Mimir. Here, Wotan cut out battle ring out on the well-trodden path
his eye and exchanged it for a drink from to the halls of Valhalla. Brightly colored
the well in order to gain great wisdom. The flowers and ivy grow on the leafy branch
god’s eye is said to rest in the well to this leading to the Summer Lands of the elves.
day, alongside the head of the giant Mimir Planar flora (see Creature Codex) is
who was decapitated by the Vanir but still commonly encountered where the boughs
connect with celestial or fiendish
realms. Thorned sulfurlords
guard the pathways to
Muspelheim, Land of
Flame, while alabaster
trees and ecstatic blooms
grow on branches leading
to the heavenly planes,
and devil boughs and
execrable shrubs can be
found on highways to
the Eleven Hells.
Hook. A loved one
has died from illness
while the PCs were away
adventuring. Clerical
magic has failed to
bring him or her back
from the dead, so the
heroes must travel the
undead-haunted road
known as the Helveg
to Gnipa Cave. If
they can sneak past
Garm, the monstrous
hound who guards
the entrance to the
Underworld, they can
appeal to the goddess
Hel to release their loved
one’s soul. Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
SPAWN OF NIDHOGG Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft.,
Huge dragon, chaotic evil passive Perception 15
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Languages Draconic, Northern Tongue
Hit Points 168 (16d12 + 64) Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
Stench of Death. Any creature that starts its turn
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA within 10 feet of the spawn of Nidhogg must
succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 7 (−2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)
or be poisoned for 1 minute. On a successful
saving throw, the creature is immune to the
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +8, Wis +5, Cha +4
stench of any spawn of Nidhogg for one hour.
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +6
Legend’s Scion (1/day). If the spawn of Nidhogg
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed
and slashing from nonmagical weapons instead.
Multiattack. The spawn of Nidhogg makes At the top of the tree sits an eagle the size of
three attacks—one with its bite and two with a roc. No one knows the eagle’s name—he
its claws. keeps it to himself—but he sees much of
Bite. Melee weapon attack: +9 to hit, reach what goes on in the Nine Worlds from his
10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing
vantage point. A smaller giant eagle named
damage and the target must make a DC 16
Constitution saving throw, taking 13 (3d8) Vedfolnir also watches from on top of the
necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as great eagle’s head so that nothing is missed.
much damage on a successful one. Ratatosk visit the eagles each morning and
Claw. Melee weapon attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 evening to find out the latest goings-on and
ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning to relay news from the lower branches and
damage. the roots of Yggdrasil to the two giant birds.
Breath of Decay (Recharge 5–6). The spawn of
The little creatures enjoy embellishing what
Nidhogg exhales foul black mist in a 30-foot
cone. Each creature in the area must make a
they’ve heard in order to stir up trouble, and
DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 52 it’s hard to know what the eagle truly saw
(15d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or without climbing to the top of the tree to
half as much damage on a successful one. ask him yourself. Sometimes, the great eagle
Plant creatures and magical plants make the gets so annoyed by what the ratatosk tell him
saving throw with disadvantage and take others are saying about him that he threatens
maximum damage. Nonmagical plants that are
to deal with the slanderers first hand and has
not creatures simply wither and die.
to be calmed down by Vedfolnir.
Coiled around the roots of the tree is a Hook. The ratatosk go too far and succeed
sinuous wyrm with greenish-black scales, a in provoking the great eagle with their
pointed tail, and a crocodilian mouth filled tittle-tattle. Furious, he leaves his perch and
with sharp teeth. The creature reeks of the flies down to the Corpse Shore to confront
rotting corpses it’s been feeding on. Nidhogg. Vedfolnir wants to go after him
The spawn of Nidhogg the Serpent-Wyrm and persuade him to come back, but who
dwell in the lower reaches of Yggdrasil and will keep watch over the Nine Worlds while
in the dark realm of Niflheim. Like their both eagles are gone? The giant eagle is
loathsome father, the spawn feast on the desperate—can the PCs be trusted to stand
bodies of the dead washed up on the Corpse in? And if they do, what interesting things
Shore and gnaw at the roots of the World do they witness?
Ash, hoping to bring about the great tree’s
death and the end of the Nine Worlds. Their
breath is so foul that it causes plant life to High in the branches of the tree is the sacred
wither and die. place where Wotan hung himself from
Yggdrasil, wounded by a spear and without
food or drink, for nine days and nights. At
Wondrous Locations the end of his ordeal, the god screamed in
During my brief sojourn to Yggdrasil, it was agony as he pulled knowledge of rune magic
only possible for Orrin Bristletail to escort from Ginnungagap, the Yawning Void.
me to a mere handful of its many notable A village of ravenfolk has grown up on
landmarks. I have recorded details of the the branches close to this holy site. Perched
wondrous locations that we visited below. precariously in a crook of the tree, the
rookery is a bewildering mishmash of
architectural styles and building materials SQUIRREL COURT OF YGGDRASIL
and is home to around 100 ravenfolk, many We reached a small, unobtrusive knothole
of them doom croakers. When the wisest in the trunk of the tree. Orrin Bristletail
of these mystics die, their souls will hang scampered inside, gesturing for me to
from Wotan’s Gallows for seven nights follow. I crawled on my hands and knees
after which time an egg will appear in the after him through the hollowed-out tunnels,
place where they died. The departed huginn taking care to keep him in sight. Eventually
hatches from the egg, reincarnated into a I heard a great cacophony up ahead as the
new body. The souls appear as twinkling passage opened out into a large chamber
motes of light. A dozen or so can usually be filled with chattering ratatosk . . .
seen hanging from the branches. In a secret location inside the trunk of the
Hook. The PCs are hired to escort a pilgrim World Ash, guarded by ratatosk warlords,
from the Northlands to Yggdrasil, so she can the leaders of the ratatosk hold court in a
hang herself from Wotan’s Gallows and learn chamber large enough to accommodate
the secrets of the runes. Brave PCs wishing hundreds of their kinfolk, all excitedly
to undertake the ordeal themselves must shouting out their contributions from
offer a gift to Dreamwhisper, the high doom balconies overlooking the council floor.
croaker, a venerable huginn with feathers of The nine elders of the Squirrel Court—five
pure white, save for a black ring around one females and four males—sit in a circle,
eye – a sign of Wotan’s favor. Dreamwhisper listening to the latest news and gossip from
hops excitedly from one foot to the other across the planes, so they can determine
while waiting to see what the PCs have who needs to know what, who will carry the
brought him. This should be something message, and how far the truth should be
shiny or glittery and preferably magic. bent. Matters before the court vary widely,
Each day the PC spends hanging from ranging from messages from the gods
the tree, they must make a death save with themselves and dire portents witnessed
advantage. Achieving three successes means by the eagle in the Eyrie to what really
the PC has survived the ordeal and gains happened on the wedding night of Hosvir
one of the benefits below. Three failures the Unlucky and Rosmunda, daughter of
means death. Once the ritual has begun, the Halvar Flat-Nose.
doom croakers will not interrupt it, though Hook. The PCs have uncovered evidence
the PC’s companions can. that Loki and the Cult of Ragnarok have
• Seek the wisdom of Wotan, gaining entered into a dark alliance with the Night
the answers to up to five questions as Cauldron of Chernobog. Warnings need
the contact other plane spell (no saving to be issued to the priests of the Northern
throw required). Gods and the PCs travel to Yggdrasil
• Gain the Rune Knowledge feat (see to ask the ratatosk to get the word out,
Heroes Handbook) and learn two runes, preferably without embellishment. As
one of which must be Eiwaz. payment, the Squirrel Court demands nine
golden acorns—one for each elder—to be
• Gain the ability to cast the speak with
taken from the Splendid Oak growing in
dead spell once per day.
the Summer Lands. A bold raid across the
planes lies ahead. n
by Kelly Pawlik
If the chest is destroyed, its contents attached to and everything located inside it,
are lost forever, though an artifact always willing or not.
turns up again, somewhere. If a bag of When attuned to the helm, you can
holding, portable hole, or similar object is immediately locate the closest tributary
placed within the sea chest, that item and of the Ever River, and while boating on
the contents of the chest are immediately that waterway, you have advantage on
destroyed, and the magic of the chest is Wisdom (Survival) checks to navigate it.
disrupted for one day after which the sea When the Helm plane shifts, you are alerted
chest resumes functioning as normal. four hours prior to its departure and can
make a DC 20 Wisdom (Survival) check
HELM OF LOKI to guide it to one of two locations of your
Wondrous item, legendary choice with a 50% chance of arrival at either
(requires attunement) destination. Regardless of where you are in
This unassuming ship’s wheel is made of the planes, you can transport yourself to a
weathered birch with two narrow bands of space within 5 feet of the helm as an action
unidentifiable red stone at each point one of when it plane shifts.
the spokes meets the wheel. The true power No mortal magic can identify the helm
of the helm is its ability to, when attached as anything other than a mundane device.
to a boat or similar vehicle, randomly When attached to a vessel that does not
plane shift anywhere in the Mortal Realm use a wheel, the helm transforms itself into
or across the planes, taking the vessel it is an unassuming example of that vessel’s
steering mechanism, though it will always battle raged. Kogen thought the fight might
have two bands of red stone wrapped about be lost, but he persevered and managed to
its narrowest point. slay the captain herself. The battle raged only
seconds longer; his crew was bolstered and
Ship’s History quickly overcame the rival crew not willing
to lay down their weapons.
The exact origin of the Magnificent Muck is Kogen soon realized his ship was too
difficult to determine. Before it was won by damaged to sail, and he did not have enough
Captain Ibisrix, it was under the command crew to man a ship. After confiscating their
of Captain Kogen Blackmaw, who took it by weapons to avoid mutiny, Kogen allowed
force from Captain Tilllera Cloudhaven, a what remained of Tillera’s crew to live.
graceful and capable elven woman who led Delighting in the possibilities of the new
her crew on a great many adventures. shallow-bottom vessel, Captain Kogen set
Captain Tillera possessed the ship for many off. The crew mourned their fair former
decades and most of the crew currently captain, but they knew they did not have the
aboard the ship joined up to serve under her. ability to rise against the ship’s new master.
While Captain Tillera commanded the ship, For some years, the Magnificent Muck
she made some modifications to it, including travelled the waterways of the mortal plane.
the addition of a new helm. One or two of Tillera’s crew disappeared
The adventurous elf was as devout a at various ports, always when Captain
worshipper of Loki as one can be, given Kogen was too drunk to care (but too
the nature of the god himself. One day, well defended to mutiny against). Others
when plundering the wreckage of a ship remained on board, almost as if they were
washed ashore, she discovered the helm and, waiting for the tide to turn.
recalling a description she had read long ago, One day, sometime after its last plane
knew it instantly for what it was, despite the shift, the Magnificent Muck traveled into
lack of magical aura. At the time, the helm the plane of Casino. It was the first plane
looked like a ship’s wheel but Tillera took shift since Tillera’s death, and Kogen, not
it, despite it appearing to be incompatible attuned to the Helm of Loki, was surprised.
with her own vessel, and brought it to the Most of the crew had no idea how it had
Magnificent Muck where it transformed into happened, and those who knew the secret of
the rudder it now appears to be. the Helm of Loki feigned ignorance. Despite
the confusion, the crew disembarked and
FORMER CAPTAIN KOGEN BLACKMAW spent many months enjoying the pleasures
The former captain of the Magnificent and excitement of this entertaining location.
Muck is an angry-faced dwarf named It was here, amidst the exquisite halls and
Kogen Blackmaw (thief lord, see Creature gardens, Kogen found himself at a Dark
Codex, with Darkvision 60 ft., advantage Table in a dingy back pantry of a tavern
on saving throws against being poisoned, kitchen, playing poker with an incubus.
and Intimidation rather than Persuasion). Unlike every other game in Casino, those
Kogen, a capable fighter with a mouth full played at a Dark Table are played in “real”
of black teeth, led his pirate crew on many coin, and the games are not monitored.
successful conquests over the years. One Kogen, a canny card shark with some skill
day, seemingly out of nowhere, Kogen and in sleight of hand, was certain of his win,
his crew spotted the Magnificent Muck. They and thus he bet the Magnificent Muck; in
quickly pushed in on the ship, and a fierce a strange twist of fate, the incubus laid the
winning hand. While the others present Ibisrix knew he was safe in Casino itself,
swore they could not hear it, the dwarf was he was certain he could not out maneuver
certain he heard a mischievous chuckle as those who came to collect him for long.
the final hand was laid. After briefly contemplating challenging an
What remained of Kogen’s original crew, emperor for power, Ibisrix decided to avoid
with the exception of a single halfling, the responsibilities that came with the roll
refused to abandon their captain. The in favor of another risky option.
incubus, seemingly eager to leave in a hurry, Ibisrix had some experience with Dark
let them stay in Casino with their outraged Tables in his time in Casino, always with
leader. Here they have remained for some mixed results; with few options left, he
time, impatiently awaiting a way out of the settled into a high stakes card game. Some
gambling halls and back to the ship. of his opponents proved to be no challenge
at all, and quickly the game was down to
himself and a black-toothed dwarf. Certain
Some decades ago, an incubus was sent on his opponent was cheating but knowing
a task to Casino. Here, he was meant to little could be done, Ibisrix called out to the
gather information and report back to his only god who might help an incubus trying
superiors. Somewhere amidst the cheerful
noises, the bright lights, and the picturesque
landscape, the incubus forgot his task;
waging bets, winning hands of cards,
and entertaining himself with other
visitors proved a much better
use of his time than gathering
information on one or two
sad souls, and nearly a
decade went by. By this
time, those souls had
long since fled Casino,
hopeful they had
covered their trail
and fled from their
Word came Ibisrix
was to return to
the Abyss with his
findings. The incubus
panicked. He knew his
punishment would be
swift and extreme and
had hoped his superior’s
fickle nature meant the
assignment, and Ibisrix
himself, had been forgotten,
in favor of something else. While
to escape his return to the Abyss through a with a ship full of crew and nary an extra
game of cards: Loki. inch on board, Lania encountered a family
By some miracle, Ibisrix won the hand and who had come to find themselves stranded
all the winnings, including the Magnificent in the Shadow Realm. They were terrified
Muck. Quick as could be, the incubus set and wished to return to the Mortal Realm.
off to board the ship and escape Casino. Lania insisted on helping them and, after
He cared little of the small band of pirates some back and forth with Tillera, secured
who wished to stay with the former captain; them passage on the Magnificent Muck in
Ibisrix saw the ship as a means of escape, her place.
not a long-term commitment. He set off Tillera and the crew came back for Lania
with what crew wished to remain aboard as soon as they were able, but she had been
and sailed off down the River Lethe. forced to move on from the location. As
The ship’s first stop ended up being agreed, Lania had headed toward Corremal,
Corremal, the City of Lanterns, in the a popular trade city and the safest place for
Shadow Realm. Here, Ibisrix ran into a mortals in the Shadow Realm; Tillera and
demon eager to report his location. With the crew braved the dangerous waters of the
the help of a returning crewmember grateful River Lethe to search the City of Lanterns
for rescue, the incubus discovered the secret for the ship’s first mate, but the timing was
of the Magnificent Muck and once again off, and the ship’s peculiar nature made it
outmaneuvered those who sought his return impossible to wait.
to the abyss. Eventually, Lania did make it to Corremal,
Captain Ibisrix is an incubus with but her time spent in the Shadow Realm
the following changes: chaotic neutral and the encounters she had along the way
alignment, Hit Points 82 (15d8 + 15), CR 5 left her permanently shadow-tainted. For
(1,800 XP), and the following feature: Better some years, Lania awaited Tillera’s return
Lucky Than Good (Recharge 6). Captain until one fateful day she heard rumor the
Ibisrix can have advantage on any attack Magnificent Muck had returned. She hurried
roll, saving throw, or skill check. to the ship, eager to lay her eyes upon her
friend, only to discover the ship was now
FIRST MATE LANIA TRADEWINDS captained by Ibisrix. Saddened, but eager to
Lania Tradewinds was exceptionally close leave behind the shadows, Lania rejoined
to Captain Tillera Cloudhaven. A faithful the crew and imparted the knowledge of the
right hand to the beloved captain, Lania helm to Ibisrix.
wished to be more than friends with her Lania is a shadow of her former self,
companion, but Tillera preferred to focus affected both by her stay in the Shadow
on the adventure of the high seas, and the Realm and by the loss of her dearest
various planes they could visit once the new companion. Her former crewmates have
helm had been fastened to the ship; Lania been known to tell tales of the energetic and
respected her wishes. And so for decades, happy woman she was before her stay in
the two traveled together, gathering an the Shadow Realm, and she seems to serve
assorted crew of interesting individuals, as a warning against departing the crew
seeing amazing sights, and encountering all for nary a member has chosen to leave the
manner of adventures. Magnificent Muck since her return.
One day, the Magnificent Muck came to She is grateful to Ibisrix for allowing her
be on the River Lethe in the Shadow Realm. to return to the Magnificent Muck and for
Here, while overnighting near the river bringing it, even unknowingly, to collect her
from Corremal. Despite all she lost for her While she is best known for her healing
benevolent act, Lania remains a generous prowess aboard the ship, Tavika is also a
individual, giving away much of the treasure capable combatant.
she acquires in her travels to those who are Songbird. This androgynous human is
down on their luck. actually a disguised fallen deva. As their
Lania is a war priest (see Creature Codex) punishment for slipping into neutrality,
with darkvision 120 feet. Her Imbued Songbird was cast from heaven and told
Warhammer attack deals thunder damage that they could not return to Paradise until
rather than radiant or necrotic damage. they could sing the Celebration of Fourteen
She has the following feature: Storm Bolt Dooms. They seek this lost song still. They
(3/Day). Lania can throw her warhammer have been crew of the Magnificent Muck
to a range of 60 feet When she does so, it far longer than anyone else and precede the
becomes a line of lightning 5 feet wide, ship’s association with the Helm of Loki.
beginning at her and extending straight Songbird is perpetually silent and has lost
toward her target. If the target is less than their healing touch and ability to cast raise
60 feet away from her, the line of lightning dead.
extends beyond it. Each creature in the line
Kror and Klar Ironwulf (wolf reaver
takes 19 (2d10 +8) lightning damage or half
dwarf, see Tome of Beasts). These brothers
damage with a successful Dexterity saving
are two of the most recent additions to the
throw. Lania has two levels of shadow
Magnificent Muck. Hired on by Ibisrix
corruption (see Midgard Worldbook), which
shortly after his acquisition of the ship, the
have not been cured despite her exit from
brothers were found stranded in Beruthea,
the Shadow Realm.
Kingdom of Cats, after using the House of
Infinite Doors to escape a particularly nasty
Ship’s Crew encounter with a band of magma mephits.
There are currently twenty-five They have proven themselves to be capable
crewmembers aboard the Magnificent in battle, and their teamwork is inspiring.
Muck, including Captain Ibisrix. The crew is The Brothers Ironwulf look almost
an assorted bunch; originally from various indistinguishable from each other.
cultures, races, and even planes, what Erasmus. This clockwork watchman (see
the crew of the Magnificent Muck has in Tome of Beasts) has been with the ship for
common is their love of the ship and their several years. The recent addition of the
desire to explore. clockwork soldier (see Creature Codex)
Some of the notable crew include: Number 76 to the crew initially excited
Tavika Wolfbane. (Winterfolk halfling Erasmus who longs to make friends with
druid). Originally press-ganged to join his aloof new companion. For its part,
Captain Kogen’s crew, Tavika found Number 76 feels that Erasmus is always
herself aboard the Magnificent Muck after staring creepily at it and feels uncomfortable
attacking it. She despises Kogen and has around the other clockwork. Number 76
come to respect all of the current crew, does not understand that Erasmus, as a
especially Captain Ibisrix. She is often a watchman, has been designed to stare at
bit standoffish to newcomers and always everything and that he merely wishes to
prefers the company of her gull companion. make conversation. n
A Sonnet to Indigo, Far Wanderer (CC) Court of Whispers to herself
Ship’s Mage Countless Stars
Ahlis Aasimar (acolyte) Plane of Radiance Sheds dim blue light
Bleak Dark Folk (CC) Mortal Realm Grinds her teeth while
Chitters Ratatosk (ToB) The Loom Constantly interrupts
Clara Vulksdottir Human (scout) Mortal Realm Sings in battle
Corrack Cueyatl Warrior (CC) Plane of Water Flicks tongue out
Dhornvig Axeclaw Bearfolk (ToB) Mortal Realm Rubs his poorly healed
right knee often
Ennis Priory Human (bandit) Mortal Realm Absently pats his
Erasmus Clockwork Watchman* Plane of Gears Watches Number 76
Giltis Lesshaven Shadow Fey (ToB) Shadow Realm Swears in Goblin
Ibisrix, Captain Incubus* Abyss Flips a coin to
make decisions
Ick Tavers, Cook Shadow Goblin (CC) Shadow Realm Giggles when
Klar Ironwulf Dwarf* Mortal Realm Scratches his head
Kror Ironwulf Dwarf* Mortal Realm Strokes his beard
Lania Tradewinds, Shadow-Tainted Elf* Mortal Realm Gives coin to those
1st mate down on their luck
Number 76 Clockwork Soldier* Plane of Spears Tries to avoid being
watched by Erasmus
Pia Belittsdottir Human (berserker) Mortal Realm Wears a string of
decaying fingers
Redfeather Aaracokra Plane of Air Molts when excited
Salistree Sunhild Elfmarked (guard) Mortal Realm Squints and frowns
Songbird Deva Heaven Never speaks
Sten Fiendborn Human (gladiator) Eleven Hells Smirks lecherously
at males
Tavika Wolfbane, Winterfolk Halfling* Mortal Realm Talks to her gull
Ship Chirurgeon companion
Tyche Holland Human (guard) Mortal Realm Smells faintly of
Yaniq Ut’Maru Human (guard) Mortal Realm Bites his nails
Yorn Pettersen Neverborn Human Underworld Smells of grave rot
* See description CC = Creature Codex ToB = Tome of Beasts
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designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark Use any Open Game Material so affected.
clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the
13. Termination: This License will terminate
Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open
automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and
Game Content; (f ) “Trademark” means the logos, names,
fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware
mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor
of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination
to identify itself or its products or the associated products
of this License.
contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor
(g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held
copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only
Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
“Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of
Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open the Coast, Inc.
Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016,
this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy
Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee,
or subtracted from this License except as described by the James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims,
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary
to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. Gygax and Dave Arneson.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Tome of Beasts. Copyright 2016, Open Design; Authors
Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this Chris Harris, Dan Dillon, Rodrigo Garcia Carmona, and
License. Wolfgang Baur.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for Creature Codex. © 2018 Open Design LLC; Authors
agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You Wolfgang Baur, Dan Dillon, Richard Green, James Haeck,
a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, nonexclusive license Chris Harris, Jeremy Hochhalter, James Introcaso, Chris
with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Lockey, Shawn Merwin, and Jon Sawatsky.
Content. Midgard Worldbook. © 2018 Open Design LLC.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Dan Dillon, Richard Green, Jeff
are contributing original material as Open Game Content, Grubb, Chris Harris, Brian Suskind, and Jon Sawatsky.
You represent that Your Contributions are Your original Tome of Beasts. © 2016, Open Design, LLC.; Authors
creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights Chris Harris, Dan Dillon, Rodrigo Garcia Carmona, and
conveyed by this License. Wolfgang Baur.
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the The Infernal Salt Pits. Author: Richard Green. © 2018
COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the Open Design LLC.
exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Warlock 9: The World Tree. Authors: Wolfgang Baur,
Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You Sarah Madsen, Richard Green, and Kelly Pawlik. © 2018
must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright Open Design LLC.
holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original
Open Game Content you Distribute.