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re @i€ sR 2 NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY OOO 20 OOOO ® 9 ae pee Seta BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDSCONTENTS a FOREWORD 3 1 scope 7 : 2 TERMINOLOGY 7 ‘ 3. FIRE PREVENTION 2 4 LIFE SAFETY n 5 FIRE PROTECTION 2 6 ADDITIONAL OCCUPANCY WISE REQUIREMENTS + 58 ANNEXA CALORIFIC VALUES OF COMMON MATERIALS 68 ANNEX B.” BROAD CLASSIFICATION OF INDUSTRIAL OCCUPANCIES 9 IN TO DIFFERENT DEGREE OF HAZARD ANNEX C AVAILABLE DATA REGARDING FIRE RESISTANCE RATING we OF VARIOUS BUILDING COMPONENTS - Oo ANNEX D GUIDELINES FOR FIRE DRILL AND EVACUATION 81 PROCEDURES FOR HIGH RISE BUILDINGS ‘ ANNEXE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR HIGH RISE BUILDINGS 87 r ANNEXF ATRIUM 89 ANNEX G — COMMERCTAL KITCHENS 9 oo ANNEXH CAR PARKING FACILITIES oa ANNEX FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR METRO STATIONS __. 96 5 ANNEX K FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR METRO 103 TRAINWAYS ANNEX M FIRE PROTECTION CONSIDERATIONS FOR VENTING IN 105 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS LIST OF STANDARDS <2 NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016 e“suonss Bulging Code Sectional Committee, CED 46 - ‘ae a ea ®eOSCO098@. FOREWORD This Code (Part) deals with safety from fit. léspecifies the demarcation offre zones, restrictions on construction of buildings in each fre zone, classification of buildings based on occupancy, types of building construction According to fre resistance of the structural and non-structural cosiponents and other testrictions ang requirements Code recognise danger to life from fire, smoke, fames or panic before the buildings can be evacuated, The ‘Code recognizes that safety of life is more than a matter of means of egress and accordingly deals with various rats Which are considered essential to the safety of life, The Code therefore covers provisions relating t0 cr access, exit and exit discharge. It also covers Provisions relating to five protection of buildings through portable and fixed fiefightins instanton i : j 5 8 2 i : ae Fare protection techniques have tobe based onthe fire behaviour charnctrisics of different ‘materials and structural fire and life safety measures could be incorporated in the building design right from the beginning, Absolute safety from fire is not attainable in practice. The objective of this Pat is to specify measures that will provide that degree of safety from fire which can be reasonably achieved. The Code endearmnn to avoid ced uments that might involve unreasonable hardships or unnecessary inconvenience or interference ‘with normal 2@eeeed A s : : it é ° i é : 7 i le bung coe anzy ofbuildings, but ints upon compliance with minimum standards of fie safety neon a les building occupants and users. For ensuring compliance of fire protection equipment/installations to the laid down ¥ Mra gematements its desirable to use such equipmeat/nstallacon duly certified under the BIS Canaan Marks Scheme, a aaa pean AERO pe srnie Providing guidelines for minimizing chances of ccurence offre through passive fire protection measures, {his Patt does not intend to cover all aspects of general fte prevention inchuding sources of, ‘ignition. Nor does it Cover the provention of accidental personal injuries during the course of normal ovcupaney” of buildings {Tis Pat while ecognizing that panic in a building on fire may be uncontrollable, ests with the potential panic Heard through measures designed to prevent the development of panic. Experience indieare that panic seldom develops even in the presence of potential danger, s0 long as occupents of buildings are moving towards exits Which they can see within a reasonable distance and with no obstruction or undue ‘congestion in the path of travel. Cede es e & : : 2 5 2 i B & 5 z gs & | i 3 i g E E 2 z Experience has shown that concealed spaces within a building, such as, space between ceiling and false ceiling, pe uZontel and vertical duets and shats, et, tend to actas fles/tunnels during a fire, Provision should, therefore, >be made to provide fire stopping within such spaces. Nothing in this Pert ofthe Code shall be construed to prohibit better types of building construction, more exits or ‘otherwise safer conditions than the mininsum requirements specified in this Part Ce 9° 2 BE Compliance with this Part shall not be construed as eliminating or reducing the necessity for other provisions for safety of persons using « building or structure under normal occupancy conditions, Now ant any provision of this 2 PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 7 GosPart be construed as requiring or permitting any addition that maybe hazardous under normal occupancy conditions. ‘One of the major points brought out in this Part is the limitation of heights and areas of buildings based on fire safety of the occupants. Individual municipal corporations are free to alter Table 2 based on Jocal conditions, but the ratios of areas es maintained in the table for different occupancies and types of construction shall be adhered to, ‘Advantage has been taken of the developments, particularly in fire resistance rating of materials, designating types of construction in a rational manner and relating the area limitations of different occupancies to different types of construction. Halons (halogenated hydrocarbons) which exhibit exceptional firefighting and explosion prevention/suppression characteristics have been found to possess high ozone depleting potential. They come under Group II of Annex A ofthe Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, the intemationel environmental agreement for phasing out ozone depleting substances. Due to increasing evidence thatthe ozone layer is getting depleted at a faster rate thian thought earlier, the Code takes into cognizance the need to promote use of halon alternatives as fire extinguishing media. ‘The first version of this Part was formulated in 1970 and was revised in 1983. Subsequently the first revision of this Part was modified in 1997 through Amendment No. 3 to 1983 version of the Code. This modified version of this Part included few tables for the fire resistance ratings of various building components, such as walls, colurnns, beams and floors. The requirements for wet riser, down-comer, automatic sprinkler installation, high velocity (10-15 m/s) water spray or foam generating system, etc, for buildings were modified. Annex giving guidelines for selection of fire detectors had been deleted and relevant Indian Standards on fire alarm system and smoke detectors had been referred, Also, an annex for determination of fire loads and flue load density for arriving atthe classification ‘of occupancy hazard and calorific values of some common materials were included. Annex for broad classification of industrial and non-industrial occupancies into low, moderate and high hazard had also been included. ‘The Code was then revised in 2005. In this revision, the significant modifications incorporated were: The text was divided into the following broad clauses: (a) Fire prevention — Covering aspects of fire prevention pertaining to design and construction of buildings on passive fire protection measures, also describing the various typos of building materials and their fire rating; (b) Life safery — Covering life safety provisions in the event of fire and similar emergencies, also addressing construction and occupancy features that are necescary to minimise danger to life from fire, smoke, fumes or panic; (¢) Fire protection — Covering the significant appurtenances and their related components and guidelines for selecting the correct type of equipment and installation meant for fire protection of the building, depending upon the classification and type of the building, Also, the classification of building based on occupancy was elaborated, wherein, starred hotels were covered as 2 new Subdivision A-6 under occupancy Group A Residential; heritage structures and archaeological monuments were covered under Subdivision D-3 occupancy Group D Assembly buildings; mixed assembly occupancies were covered as a new Subdivision D-6; underground elevated railways were covered as e new Subdivision D-7 under occupancy Group D Assembly buildings; and TV stations were covered under Subdivision E-5 of occupancy Group E Business buildings. Further, for the extemal stairs for exit requirements, the width and treads were increased to 1 250 mr ‘and 250 mm, respectively; under the requirements for institutional buildings the clear width of all required exits which serve as egress from hospital or infirmary section was increased from 1.5 m to 2 m, Also, provision of patient-Jift was included; and due cognizance of halon phase out programme was taken, while specifying provisions in this Part with respect to fire protection using fire extinguishers/systoms. Based on various comments received from time-to-time, an Amendment No. 2 relating to Part 4 of the 2005 version of the Code, was issued. 5 In this current revision, the following significant changes have been made: General: 1) The scope of application of provisions af this Part of the Code for different occupancies has been clarified, 2) Definitions of various new terms have been included and definitions of some of the existing terms have been updated based on latest developments and use. 7 Fire Prevention: 3) Based on the experience in the use of the provisions of the Code in relation to various occupancies and ‘NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016 4 ee asubdivision classification under various building occupancy types, the same has been reviewed and ‘updated. Also, mixed occupancy and minor occupancy have been further clarified 4) Table 1 on fire resistance ratings of structural and non-structural elements has been updated 5) The provisions relating to fire separating wall, fire separating floors and fire partitions have been detailed, 6) Provisions of fire safety requirements of services shafts have been rationalized and updated, 7) Asseparate comprehensive clause on electrical power supply distribution for fire and life safety systems hhas been included. 8) Detailed clauses on air conditioning systems towards safety and smoke control integration have been provided, 9) Glass facade requirements have been detailed towards fire protection and smoke exhaust aspects. 10) A separate comprehensive clause on Fire Command Centre (FCC) has been introduced covering various requirements, Life Safety: 11) The components of means of egress have been comprehensively brought out covering specific aspects ve have been updated with an approach towards selecting alternative means therefor Ee 6 ) relating to exit access, exit and exit discharge. The relationship of occupantload, exit width requirements E e = and travel distances have also been duly detailed enabling efficient planning for enhanced life safety oe provisions. The table on capacity factors has been modified based on aspect of width per person approach | fy @ ‘used globally. i 12) Requirement for displaying the occupancy load for assembly buildings and call centres, has been included. 1e 13) The concept of firefighting shaft for safe and efficient use by the fire fighters to access the floor on fire Tm and also allow egress/evacuation of the occupants with simultaneous use of refuge area used as staging ¥ » &F of the iccupants, have been well integrated, including in the annex for high rise buildings. Oe 14) Aspects of compartmentation with fire barrier and its passive fire safety requirements have been detailed r* for respective occupancies. lre 15) Pressurization of exits and smoke extraction requirements for respective areas including ear parking 416) The clause on gas supply has becn comprehensively updated. 17) The clause on fire detection and alarm system has been completely reviewed and updated as per the latest practices. Fire Protection: 18) The table on minimum requirements for firefighting installations (erstwhile Teble 23 and now Table 7) has been comprehensively updated. 19) Detailed provisions have been included on fire water storage, fire pump room, sprinkler system and various alternative fire suppression systems. Additional Occupancy-wise Requirements : 20) Concept of progressive evacuation in case of hospital buildings has been included in detail to ensue life safety of the inmates, ©2608 SGE0O 21) Provisions relating to requirement of refuge area have been updated including for D-6 occupancy and introduced for apartment buildings of height 60 m and above. 2) Separate provisions on atritim have been included in Annex F. OX be 23) Detailed separate provisions have beén included on commercial kitchens in Annex G. 24) Detailed separate provisions have been included on car parking facilities in Anne H. 25) Separate provisions on fire and life safety requirements for metro stations and metro trainways have been included in Annex J and Annex K, respectively. PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 5For provisions relating to universal accessibility and barrier-free environment Part 3 “Development Control Rules and General Building Requitements’ ofthe Code may be refered the final 'ysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with - The number of significant places retained in the the specified value in this Part. NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016‘i wa wae @ 20 eo @ oO io on ‘@Seee¢ee5e ©OCR Ce Oe } i I eo 6 | NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 1 SCOPE 1.1 This Code (Part 4) covers the requicements for fire prevention, life safety in relation to fire and fire protection of buildings. This Code (Part 4) specifies ‘occupancy-wise classification, constructional aspects, egress requirements and protection features that are necessary to minimise danger to life and property from fire. 1.2 The provisions of this Part are applicable to, a) all high rise buildings; and b)_ special buildings, those are, 1) hotel, educational, institutional, business, mercantile, industrial, storage, hazardous and mixed occupancies, where any of these buildings have floor area more than 500 m? on any one or more floors; 2) educational buildings having height 9 m and above; 3) institutional buildings having height 9 m and above; 4) all assembly buildings, 5) buildings, having area more than 300 mi? of incidental assembly occupancy on any floor; and 6) buildings with two basements or more, or with one basement of area more than 500m? unless otherwise mentioned specifically in the provisions. NOTE — The owner ofthe building and parties to agroomens, may however, decide to apply the provisions of this Part 19 buildings other than those givon above. 2 TERMINOLOGY For the purpose of this Part, the following definitions shall apply. 2.1 Assisted Evacuation — Strategy thatexists during which a designated person ot persons provide assistance, during an emergency, to enother person(s) to leave a building or a specific part of the built environment snd to reach a finatplace of safety. 2.2 Atrium — A large-volume space created by a floor opening or series of floor openings connecting two or ‘ore siories that is covered at the top of the series of openings and is used for’ purposes other than an PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY enclosed stairway; lifts hoist-way; an escalator opening; or as a utility shaft used for plumbing, electrical, air conditioning, or communications facilities, 2.3 Authorities Concerned — An organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or for approving, or accepting equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure. 2.4 Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System — A system comprising components and sub-systems required for automatically detecting smoke, heat or fire initiating an alarm and other actions as appropriate. ‘This system also includes manually operated electronic fire alarin (MOBFA) system. NOTE — MOEFA system (with or without sutematic fice otection and alarm system) includes all or some of the components such a8 ranusl all sttions (initiating aa lac for fire and other setions a6 require), tall-bace system and poblicaddves sytem, 2.5 Buildiag— Any structure for whatsoever purpose and of whatsoever materials constructed and every part thereof whether used as hiaman habitation or not end includes foundation, plinth, walls, floors, roofs, chimneys, plumbing and building services, fixed platforms, Veranda, balcony, comice orprojection, part of a building or anything affixed thereto or any wall enclosing or intended to enclose any land or space and signs and outdoor display structures. Tents, Shamianahs, tarpaulin shelters, eto, erected for temporary and ceremonial occasions with the permission of the Authority shall not be considered as building. 2.6 Building, Height of — The vertical distance measured in the case of flat roofs, from the average level of the ground around end contiguous to the building or as decided by the Authority to the terrace of the last livable floor of the building adjacent to the external wall; and in the ease of pitched roofs, up to the point where the external surface of the outer wall intersects the finished surface of the sloping roof; and in the case of gables facing the road, the mid-point detween the eaves level and the ridge. Where the building is located in a sloped terrain, height shall be determined from the lowest level (that is approachable by the fire service vehicles) to the terrace level. Architectural features serving ng other function except that of decoration shall be excluded for the purpose of measuring heights.rissa NNR aS 2.7 Combustible Material — A material which either bums itself or adds heat to a fire, when tested for non. combustibility in eecordance with accepted standard [4(1)] 2.8 Common Path of Travel — That portion of the exitaceess which the occupants are required to traverse before two (or more) separate and distinct routes or ‘wo (or more) exits become available. Common paths of travel are patt of travel distance, 2.9 Covered Area — Ground area covered by the building immediately above the plinth level. The area ‘covered by the following in the open spaces is excluded from covered area (see Table 9): ®) Garden, rockery, well and well structures, plant nutsery, water pool, swimming pool (if uncovered), platform round a tree, tank, fountain, bench, Chabutara with open top and tunenclosed on sides by walls and the like; ») Drainage culvert, conduit, cateb-pit, gully pit, chamber, gutter and the like; ©) Compound wall, gate, unstoreyed porch and Portico, slide, swing, uncovered staircases, ramp areas covered by Chhajja and the like; and ) Watciman’s booth, pump house, garbage shaft, electric cabin or substations, and such other utility structures meant for the services of the building under consideration, NOTE — For the purpose ofthis ar, covered area equal the lot atea minus the area due for open spaces inthe plot 2.10 Down-comer— An arrangement of firefighting within the building by means of down-comer pipe connected to terrace tank through terrace pump, gate valve and non-retum valve and having mains not lese ‘ban'100 mrn internal diameter with landing valves on Exrorwcnanes, aT Access ST stARWAY each floor/landing,Itis also fited with inlet connections at ground level for charging with water by pumping from fire service appliances and air release valve at ‘oof level to release trapped air inside. 2.11 Dry Riser — An arrangement of firefighting within the building by means of vertical rising mains not less han 100 mm intemal diameter with landing valves on each floov/landing which is normally dry but 18 capable of being charged with water usually by Pumping from fire service appliances 2.12 Emergency Lighting — Lighting provided for use when the supply to the normal lighting fails, 2.13 Emergency Lighting System — A complete but discrete emergency lighting installation also fed from the standby power source to the emergency lighting lamp(s), for example, self-contained emergency luminaire or a circuit from central battery (with or Without monitoring system) connected through wiring to several escape lighting luminaries, 2.14 Escape Lighting — That part of the emergency Lighting which is provided to ensure that the escape route is illuminated at all material times, or example, at all times when persons are on the premises, or at times the main lighting is not available, either for the whole building or for the means of egress 2.15 Evacuation Lift —Lift that can be used, during fan emergency, for self-evacuation, 2.16 Exit — That unobstructed component of means of egress which is between the exit access and the exit discharge or public way. Exit components include exterior exit doors at the level of exit discharge, interior exitstairways, exit passageways, exterior exit stairways and exterior exit ramps (see Fig. 1), exmaccess eurniscHarce SEPARATION AS REQUIRED For entr encuasune (To8e conTINGaUS} Fig. 1 Components or Means of Eonsss NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016M&O TI SS Re 2.17 Exit Aecess — That portion of ameans of egress NOTES that Jeads to an exit (for example, doorways, staircase lobby, ramps, Veranda, corridor or passageway leading £0 an exit) (see Fig. 1) 2.18 Exit Access Corridor — A corridor in exit access ily have the requirement of exits which may not necessa being met 2.19 Exit way (see Fig, 1) 20 Fire Barrier (or Fite Resisting Barrier) — A fire barrier is a vertically or horizontally aligned member uch asa wall ora fire curtain, orafleor. These may be with discontinuities created by openings with a specified fire resistance rating, where such members are designed and constructed with a specified fire resistance rating to limit the spread of fire that also restricts the movement of smoke. 221 Compartment — A space wit all sides, inckading the top and bottom. 2 Fire Door and fire door assembly. staisonse 1 FRE DOOR FrReveaN's IFT ischarge —The component ofa means of ‘egress betiveen the termination of an exit and a public ina building that is enclosed by fire barrier or fire resistant walls on Door Assembly — Any combination of fie door, frame, hardware and other accessories that together provide a specific fire resistant rating to the opening in terms of its stability, integrity and insulation properties, wher installed inthe openings jn fie separation walls, Fire door is a component of 1 Wherever reference has been made to fie door ot fie ches door in this Part, che same shall be construed as fib door assembly, 2 Fire doors in exits shall have fre rating required in this Partto meet the quirement of integrity and stability, and the insulation criteria shail be 20 sin 3 Fire doors in exits shall be provided with intumescent seal 4 Fire doors in exits shall not be allowed ta be on hold open Position and kept closed and to close by “door clesure—spring mechanism 5 Fite curtains shell not be allowed a2 fie exits. Iso provided for compertmentation, indeperdent fire door shall be provided ‘tting the requisement fr fire door in exits as above (ofthe width as requiced) within the prescribed travel distance requiveme 2.23 Fire Exit — A way out leading from exit access with or without panic bar provided on the door. 2.24 Firefighting Shaft (Fire Tower) — An enclosed shaft having protected area of 120 min fire resistance rating comprising protected lobby, staircase and fireman’s lif, connected directly to exit discharge or through exit passageway with 120 min fire resistant wall at the level of exit discharge to exit discharge, ‘These shall also serve the purpose of exit requirement! strategy for the occupants. The respective floors shall be approachable from fire-fighting shaft enabling the fire fighters to access the floor and also enabling the fire fighters to assist in evacuation through fireman's lift. The firefighting shaft shall be equipped with 120 min fire doors. The firefighting shaft shall be equipped with firemen tatk back, wet riser and landing valve in its lobby, to fight fire by fire fighters (see Fig, 2 for a typical firefighting shaft), wer risen aon / HOSE REEL Preven TALROAGR FLOOR FLAN AND STAIRWAY Marius ten oULY Bpavn ~ Losey (/NYOUT To Be PLANNED AS PER PROJECT BASIS MEETING ALL THE REQUIRED DETAILS) NoTEs 1 Wher uch fobbie and sticese ithe Firesightngehaft ar tray venlatderss- else, te shaft may not be enloed a fire door need aot be provided 2 For all enclosed Frefighing shaft, the ohaf's lobby should have flor plan duly displayed fo the information of Gre fighters. io. 2 Tyescat Firs Fieutine Saar PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETYnero ssHhunsuasnnacnus i ssean sono 2.25 Fire Load — Calorific energy, of the whole contents contained in a space, including the facings of the walls, partitions, floors and ceilings. 2.26 Fire Load Density — Fire load divided by floor area 2.27 Fireman’s Lift—A liftora group oflifts invariably associated with all the features and requirements of a fire-fighting shaft. Such Iif(s) are installed to enable fire services personnel to reach different floors with minima delay, and shall mcet the additional features as requived in accordance with this Part. This lift also serves the Purpose of meeting the requirement of evacuation lit for assisted evacuation, 2.28 Fire Resistance — Fire resistance is a property of an element of building construction and is the measure of is ability to satisfy for a stated period, some or all of the following criteria: ~ 2) Load bearing capacity (Stability) (R) — The ability of load bearing element to withstand fire exposure without any loss of structural stability. b)__ Integrity (£) — Resistance to penetration of flame and hor gases, ©) Insulation (2) — Resistance to temperature vise on the unexposed face up toa maximurn of 180°C at any single point and average temperature of 140°C. 2.29 Fire Resistance Rating — The time that a ‘matertl or construction will withstand the standard fire exposure as determined by fire test done in accordance with the standard methods of fire tests of materials! structures as per the accepted standard [4(2)]. NoTES 1 The requirement of rating of various building cements as given inthis Part shall be applicable in accordance with the ‘Provisions given in the accepted standard [4(2)) 2 The fire resistance rating shall be specified in tems of minutes, 3 Bike resistance rating for non-structural meteria/assembly stall ear ate of compliance oruch iigas pr the approval of competent authority based on testing and evaluation. The label shall be permanently aifxed tothe rateial/assereby and ‘may cary other relevant details such as name and type ofthe product, and manufacturer's details 2.30 Fire Resistant Wall —Fire resistance rated wall, having opening(s) with specified fire resistant rating, which restricts the spread of fire from, one part of building to another part of the same building 2.31 Fire Separation — Thé distance in metre, measured from the external wall of the building ‘concemed to the external wall of any other building on the site, or from other site, or from the opposite side of street or other public space for the purpose of preventing the spread of fire. 10 2.32 Fire Stop — A fire resistant material, or construction, having a fire resistance rating of not less than the fire separating clements, installed in concealed spaces or between structural elements of a building to prevent the spread/propagation of fire and smoke Uhrough walls, ceilings and the like as per the laid down, criteria ores 1 Fire stop assembly for through penetrations is « combination of fiestop compatible for use wits the penetrint, penetration items such es cables, cable tray, conduits, duct, pipes, ete, and their means of support though the well or opening thst together restores the firs resistance rating ofthe fire separiting — elements in terms ofits incegrity and/or insulation properties, 2 Fire stop assembly for joints isthe one where fixe stop with movement capability is used to sea the lines joints between, _cjaceat fre separating elements, co maintain the fee sistance ofthe separating elements, which sould be installed within its tested design limits with regard to size of the join, type of assembly, and anticipated compression and extension of the Joint 2.33 Fire Suppression Systems @) Gas based systems — Systems that use gaseous agents as fire suppression meds, such a, all agents altemate to Halon gases, listed and approved for use by relevant Indian Standards; other methods/types of gos based systems where their protection is equal to ot better than what is suggested above for the type of application subject to the acceptance of Authorities concerned may also fall under such systems. b) Water based systems — Systems that use mainly water as firefighting media such as hydrant system, sprinkler system, water spray system, foam system and water mist system, 2.34 Fire Wall or Fire Separating Wall — A fire resistance rated wall having fire protected openings, which restricts the spread of fire and extends continuously from the foundation to the roof (and through the roof at least lim above the roof in case of combustible roof), with sufficient structural stability under fire conditions to allow collapse of construction. on one side or either side without collapse of the wall, 2.35 Floor Area (Gross) — The area of the floor within the inside perimeter of the outside walls of the floor of the building under consideration with no deductions for comridors and passage-ways, stairs, closets, thickness of interior walls, columns, lifts and building shafts or other features. 2.36 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) — The quotient obtained by dividing the total covered area (plinth area) on all NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016a us 2 ate oom @ cae O9G@eeeeeoeds floors by the area of the plot: Total covered area of all floors Plot area 2.37 ire Exit Hardware — A door-latching assembly incorporating an actuating member or panic bar that s the latch bolt upon the application of a force in the direstion of egress travel, provided on exits. 2.38 High Rise Building — A building 15 mor above in height (imespective of its occupancy) FAR 2.39 Horizontal Exit— A defend in place ora staging arrangement, providing safety from fire and smoke originating from the area of incidence, by allowing altemative egress from a compartment to an area of refuge or andther Compartment ator near the same level. This also includes such egress from a compartment to snadjoining building, A horizontal ext shall be through a fire door of 120 min rating in a fire resistant wall Horizontal exit require separation with the refuge area ‘or adjoining compartment through 120 min fire barrier. ‘The adjoining compartment of the horizontal exit ould allow unlocked and case of egress and exits for the occupants using defend in place strategy. 2.40 Lift Lobby —A space fiom which people directly enter a Tift car(s) and into which people directly enter ‘upon exiting a fiftear(s) 2.41 Means of Rgress — A continuous way of travel from aay point in a building or structure to public \ay, consisting of three separate and distinct parts, that is, exit acoess, exit and exit discharge. 2.42 Means of Escape — A way out of a building or sinacture that does not conform to the strict definition of ‘means of egress’ but does provide an altemate way out 2.43 Metro Station 2.43.1. Concourse — Intermediate level(s) or area(s) ‘connecting a station platform(s) to a public way through stairs, escalators or corridors, 2.43.2 Crush Train Load — The number of passengers inside a train when it is filed to maximum capacity permissible by rolling stock design. 2.43.3 Entraining Load ~The mumber of passengers boatding a train at a platform. 2.43.4 Headway — The interval of time between the aurivels of consecutive trains at a platform in a station. 2.43.8 Mass Rapid Transit — Any station building or part thereof, permanent or temporary, through which people transit for the duration of time required'to enter the building and board the train to depatt the station platform or to alight from the train and depart from the station building. PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 2.43.6 Non-transit Occupancy — Occupancy not under the control of the system operating authority 2.43.7 Point of Safety — One of the following: (a) An ‘enclosed exit that leads to a public way or safe location outside the station, trainway, or vehicle, (b) An at- grade point beyond the vehicle, enclosing stations, or trainway, (c) A point on open track beyond the open ‘or enclosed station or enclosed train-way, and (d) Any other location approved by the Authorities concemed 2.43.8 Station — A place designated for the purpose of loading and unloading passengers, including service area and ancillary spaces associated with the same structure, Composite station — A transit station that is constructed contiguous with non-tiransit occupancy. Enclosed station —A station or portion thereof that does not meet the definition of an open station. 2.43.83 Open station — A station that is constructed such that it is directly open to the atmosphere, and smoke and heat‘are allowed to disperse directly into surrounding open atmosphere. 2.43.9 Station Platform — The area of a station immediately adjacent to a guideway, used primarily for loading and unloading passengers, 2.44 Mixed Occupancy — A multiple occupancy ‘where the occupancies are intermingled. 2.45 Muitiple Occupancy — A building or structure in which two or mote classes of occupaney exi 2.46 Occupancy or Use Group — The principal ‘occupancy for which a building or a part of a building is used or intended to be used; for the purpose of classification ofa building according to the occupancy, an occupancy shall be deemed to include subsidiary occupancies which are contingent upon it 2.47 Occupant Load — Maximum number of persons that might occupy a building or portion thereof at any one time 2.48 Place of Comparative Safety — Places within a building where people can stay little longer until evacuation, for example, refuge areas, terrace, fire! smoke separated compartments, ete. 2.49 Pressurization — The establishment of a pressure difference across a barrier to protect exit, stairway, lobby, exit passageway or room of a building from smoke penetration. 2.80 Pressurization Level — The pressure difference between the pressurized space and the adjoining area served by the pressurized space expressed in Pascal (Pa), nam ns A RRO 2.81 Public Way — A street, alley, or other similar parcel of land essentially open to the outside air, dedicated, or otherwise permanently appropriated to the public for public use and having a clear width and height of not less then 3 m 2.52 Ramp — The construction, in the form of an inclined plane that is steeper than ‘or equal to 1 : 20 (S percent) from the horizontal, together with any intermediate landing, that makes it possible to pass from ne level to another. 2.83 Refuge Area—~ An atea within the building fora temporary use during egress. It generally serves as staging area which is protected from the effect of fire and smoke. 4 Roof Exits —A means of escape on to theroofof 4 building, where the roof has access to it from the ground through alternative stair case or adjacent building, 2.55 Site (Plot) — A parcel (piece) of land enclosed by definite boundaries, 2.56 Smoke Barrier — A continuous membrane, or a membrane, where such membrane is designed and constructed to restrict the movement of sinake. 2.57 Smoke Compartment — A space within a building ciclosed by smoke barriers on all sides. 2.58 Stack Pressure — Pressure difference caused by @ temperature difference creating an air movement Within a duct, chimney or enclosbre 2.59 Travel Distance — The distance to be travelled fom any point in a building to a protected exit or extemal escape route or final exit measured along the line of travel 2.60 Ventilation — Supply of outside air into, or the Femoval of inside air from an enclosed space 2.61 Venting Fire — The process of facilitating heat and smoke to leave a building as quictly as possible by such paths so that lateral spread of fire and heat is checked, firefighting operations are facilitated and ‘miniraum fire damage is caused 2.62 Visual Strobes/Flashing — It is an audio-visual fire alarm for alerting persons with hearing impairment ‘with lashing light. The strobe frequency should be from 0.5 Hz to 4.0 Hz, NOTE — Care should be taken to ensure that sverlapping strobes do not combinc to result in a higher Sequency of ‘ashing 2.63 Volume to Plat Area Ratio (VPR) — The ratio of volume of building measured in cubic metre to the rea of the plot measured in square metre and expressed in metre 2 2.64 Water Based Systems 2.64.1 Hydrant System — A distribution system having a network of piping installed undergroundiaboves ground around and/or through inside of a building with internal and/or extemal hydrants fitted with landing valves at regular intervals according to the occupancy. The distribution system is connected to water supply system for firefighting, 2.64.2 Automatic Sprinkler System — A system of water pipes fitted with sprinkler heads at suitable intervals and heights and designed to actuate automatically, control and extinguish a fireby the discharge of water, 2.64.3 Automatic Water Spray Systems — A special fixed pipe system connected to a reliable source of fire protection water supply and equipped with water spray nozzles for specific water discharge and distribution over the surface or area t9 be protected. The piping system is connected to the water supply through an automatically actuated deluge valve which initiates flow ‘of water. Automatic actuation is achieved by operation of automatic detecting equipment installed along with water spray nozzles. Thete are two types of systems namely high velocity and medium velocity systems, 2.64.4 Water Mist Sysiems — & disteibution system connected to a pumping and water supply system that is equipped with nozzles capable of delivering water mist to the part/entire enclosure or area, intended to control, suppress, or extinguish fire and is capable of meeting the specified performance requirements. 2.64.5 Foam Protection System —Fiefighting systems ‘where foam is made by mechanically mixing air with a solution consisting of fresh water to which a foaming agent (liquid concentrate) has been added, Firefighting foam isa stable aggregation of small bubbles of density tower than oil or water, and shows tenacious qualities Yor covering horizontal surfaces. There are three types of foam applications that is, low, medium and high expansion foams depending upon the application. 2.65 Wet Riser — An arrangement for firefighting within the building by means of vertical rising mains not less than 100 mm nominal diameter with landing valves oa each floor/landing for firefighting purposes and permanently charged with water from a pressurized supply. NOTE —For definition of other terms, reference shell he made to accepted standards (4(3) 3 FIRE PREVENTION 3.1 Classification of Buildings Based pn Oceupancy 3.41 General Classification Allbuildings, whether existing or hereafter erected shall be classified according to use or the character of NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016SoC a O28 @6@¢ sie tau am © 088 See¢o00 Se peep Spe neo ror >Oeoee oe 6 ee e@éeéeoe occupancy in one ofthe following groups Group A Residential Group B Educational Group C Institutional Group D Assembly Group E Business Group F Mercantile Group 6 Industrial Group H Storage Group J Hazardous The details of each occuparicy and example of buildings in each group are given in 3.1.2 to 3.1.20. 3.111 Minor occupancy This is purely incidental to operations in 4 main occupency, which shall be considered as part of the main occupancy and shell be classified under the relevant group for the main occupancy. 3.2 Mixed oceupancy Where two or more types of occupancies intermingle in ‘the same building, the entire building shall be treated as mixed occupancy and the same shall comply with3.1.12. 3:1.2 Group A Residential Buildings ‘These shalt include any building in which sleeping eccommodation is provided for normal residential purposes with or without cooking or dining or both facilities, except any building classified under Group C. Buildings and structures under Group A shall be farther subdivided as follows: Subdivision A-1 Lodging and rooming houses Subdivision A-2 One or two family private dwellings Subdivision A-3. Dormitories Subdivision A-4 Apartment houses Subdivision A-5 Hoiels Subdivision A-6 Starred hotels a) Subdivision 4-1 Lodging and rooming houses — These shall include any building or iroup of buildings under the same smanagement, in which, separate sleeping accommodation on transient or permanent basis, with or without dining facilities but without cooking facilites for individuals is provided, This includes inns, cubs, motels and guest houses. \NOTB~~A ledging orrooming house shall be classified 152 vellingin Subdivision A2, ifn room in any of ite private dveling units is fontd to more than tyes persons PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY b) Subdivision 4-2 One or two family private dwellings ~ These shall inclide any private dwelling, which is occupied by members of one or two families and has a total sleeping accommortation for aot more then 20 persons. If rooms in a private dwelling are rented to outsiders, these shall be for eccommodating not more than three persons per room, If sleeping accommodation for more than 20 persons is provided in any one residential building, it shall be classified as ¢ building in Subdivision A-1 or Subdivision A-4 as the case may be. ©) Subdivision A-3 Dormitories — These shall include any building in which group sleeping accommodation is provided, with or without dining facilities for persons who are not members of the same farnily, in one room ora series of closely associated rooms under joint occupancy and single management, for example, school and college dormitories, students, and other hostels and military barracks. ¢) Subdivision A-4 Apartment houses — These shall include any building or structure in which living quarters are provided for three or more fatnilies, living independently of each other and with independent cooking facilities, for example, epartment houses, mansions and Charwls ©) Subdivision A-5 Hotels — These sball include any building or group of buildings under single management, in which sleeping accommodation is provided, with or without dining facilites for hotels classified up to Four Star Category. 1) Subdivision 4-6 Starred hotels —~ These shall include the hotels duly approved by the concerned authorities a5 Five Star and above hotels. 5 3.1.3 Group B Educational Buildings ‘These shall include any building used for school, college, other training institutions involving assembly for instruction, education or recreation for not less than 20 students. Buildings and structures under Group B shall be further subdivided as follows: Subdivision B-I_ Schools up to senior secondary level Subdivision B-2- All others/training institutions 2) ‘Subdivision B-i ScKools up to senior ‘secondary level— This subdivision shall 13include any building or a group of buildings under single management which is used for ‘students not less than 20 in number, 8) Subdivision B-2 All others/training instinutions — This subdivision shall include any building or a group of buildings under single management which is used for students not less than 100 in number. In the case of temporary buildings/structures which ate utilized for educational purposes, the provisions 0f3.2.5.3 shall apply. {fresidential accommodation i provided in the schools/ institutions thatpottion of occupaney shall be classified as a building in Subdivision A-3. These shall include any building or part thereof, which i used for purposes, such as medical or other treatment or care of persons suffering from physical or mental 8 “4 Convatescents or aged persons con Buildings | i 314 Group C Institutional Buildings i | a 4 i Subdivided as follows: ness, disease or infirmity; care of infants, and for penal or ‘tional detention in which the liberty ofthe inmates restricted, Institutional buildings ordinarily provide ‘Teeping accommodation for the occupants nd structures under Group C shall be further Subdivision C-1_ Hospitals and sanatoria Subdivision C-2 Custodial institutions Subdivision C-3 Penal end mental institutions 8) Subdivision C-1 Hospitals and sanatoria — ‘This subdivision shail include any building or group of buildings under single management, Which is used for housing persons suffering from physical limitations because of health or age and those incapable of self-preservation, for example, hospitals, infirmaries, sanatoria sand nursing homes, b) Subdivision C-2 Custodial institutions —Thig subdivision shall include any building or a srup of buildings under single managernent, which is used for the custody and care of persons, such as children, convalescents and the aged who are incapable of self. preservation, for example, Homes for the aged and infirm, convalescent homes and ‘orphanages, ©. Subdivision €-3 Penal and imental {institutions — This subdivision shall include any building or a group of buildings under single management, which is used forhousing persons under restraint, or who are detained for penal or comective purposes, in which the Uberty of the inmetes is restricted, for example, jails, prisons, mental hospitals, mental sanatoria and reformato: 3.1.5 Group D Assembly Buildings These shall include any building or part of a building, where mot fess than $0 persons congregate or gather for amusement, recreation, socal, religious, pattiotic, vil, travel and similar purposes, for example, theatres, motion picture houses; assembly halls; auditoria, exhibition halls; museums; skating rinks; gymnasiums, restaurants; places of worship; dance halls; chub rooms, passenger stations and terminals of air, surface and ‘marine public transportation services; and stadia, Buildings under Group D shall be further subdivided as follows: Subdivision D-1 Buildings heving a theatrical © ormotion picture or any other stage and fixed seats for over 1.000 persons Buildings having « theatrical or motion picture or any other stage and fixed seats up to 1 000 persons Buildings without a permanent stage having accommodation for300 or more persons but no permanent seating arrange ment Buildings without a permanent stage having accommodation for less than 300 persons with no permanent seating arrange- ment All other structures including temporary structures designed for assembly of people not covered by Subdivisions D-1 to D4, at ground level Buildings having mixed ‘occupancies of assembly and mercantile (for example, shopping malls providing facilities such as shopping, cinema theatres, multiplexes and restaurants/food courts) Underground and elevated ‘mass rapid transit system, 8) Subdivision D-1 — This subdivision shall include any building primarily sreant for theatrical or operatic performances and which has a stage, proscenium curtain, fixed © portable scenery or scenery loft, lights, mechanical appliances or other theatrical Subdivision D-2 Subdivision D-3 Subdivision D-4 Subdivision D-s Subdivision D-6 Subdivision D-7 NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016{ | | | 840 ¢ ® a al 5 2a 2 ie Sea @ ®) °) a) 2) accessories and equipment for example, theatres, motion picture houses, auditoria, concert halls, television and radio studios admitting an audience and which are provided with fixed seats for over 1 000 persons. Subdivision D-2 — This subdivision shall include any building primarily meant for use as deseribed for Subdivision D-1, but with fixed seats up to 1 000 persons. ‘Subdivision D-3 — This subdivision shall include any building, its lobbies, rooms and other spaces connected thereto, primarily intended for assembly of people, but which has no theatrical stage or permanent theatrical and/or cisiematographic accessories and has accommodation for 300 persons or more, for example, dance halls, night clubs, halls for incidental picture shows, dramatic, theatrical ‘or educational presentation, lectures or other similar purposes having no theatrical stage except 4 raised platform and used without permanent seating arrangement, art galleries, community halls, marriage halls, places of worship, museums, lecture halls, passenger terminals. and-heritage and archaeological monuments, pool and billiard parlours, bowlingalleys, community halls, courtrooms, gymnasiums (without spectator seating), indoor swivaming pools (without spectator seating), indoor tennis courts (without ppectator seating) Subdivision D-4 — This subdivision shall include any building primarily intended for use as desoribed in Subdivision D-3, but with ‘accommodation for tess then 300 persons with no permanent seating arrangements, Subdivision D-5 — ‘this subdivision shall include any building or structure, permanent or temporary meant for assembly of people not covered by Subdivisions D-1 to D-4, for example, grandstands, stadia, amusement park structures, reviewing stands and cireus tents, arenas, external swimming pools, tennis and similar type of courts. Subdivision D-6 — This subdivision shall include any building for assembly of people Provided with multiple services/facilities like shopping, cinema theatres, multiplexes, restaurants/food court. Subdivision D-7 — This subdivision shall include any building orstructure like example, underground or elevated railways. PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 3.1.6 Group E Business Buildings ‘These shall include any building or part thereof which is used for transaction of business for keeping of accounts and records and similar purposes, professional establishments, service facilities, ete. City halls, town halls, courthouses and libraries shall be classified in this group so far as the principal function of these is, iransaction of public business and keeping of books and records. Buildings under Group E shall be further subdivided as follows: Subdivision B-1 Offices, banks, professional establishments, like offices of es architects, engineers, doctors, lawyers, post offices and police stations Subdivision E-2 Laboratories, outpatient clinics, research establish- ‘ments, libraries and test houses Electronic data processing centres, computer install- ations, information technology parks and call centres Subdivision B-3, Subdivision E-4 Subdivision E-5 ‘Telephone exchanges Broadcasting stations, TV. stations and air traffic control towers 3.1.7 Group F Mercantile Buildings ‘These shall include any building or part thereof, which is used as shops, stores, market, for display end sale of merchandise, either wholesale or retail Mercantile buildings shall be further subdivided as follows: Subdivision F-1 Shops, stores, departmental stores, markets (any with covered area up to 500 m*) Subdivision F-2 Shops, stores, departmental stores, markets (any with covered area more than 7 500m?) Subdivision F-3. Underground shopping centres Storage and service facilities incidental to the sale of ‘merchandise and located in the same building shall also be included under this group, 3.1.8 Group G Industrial Buildings These shall include any building or part of a building or structure, in which produéts or materials ofall kinds and properties are fabricated, asspmbled, manufactured or processed, for example, assembly plants, industrial laboratories, dry cleaning plants, power plants, 15leat pin generating units, pumping stations, fumigation chambers, laundries, buitdings or structures in gas plants, refineries, dairies and saw-mills, ete Buildings ander Group G shall be further subdivided a8 follows: Subdivision G-1 Buildings used for tow hazard industries Subdivision G-2 Buildings used for moderate hazard industries Subdivision G-3 Buildings used for high hazard industries ‘The hazard of éccupancy, for the purpose of the Code, shall be the relative danger of the start and spread of fire, the danger of smoke or gases generated, the danger of explosion or other occurrences potentially endangering the lives and safety of the occupants of the buildings. Hazard of occupancy shell be determined by-the Authority on the basis ofthe fire loads of the contents, and the processes or operations conducted in the building, provided, however, that where the combustibility of the material, the fame spread rating ofthe interior finish or other features of the building or structure are such as to involve a hazard greater than the occupancy hazard, the greater degree of hazard shall govern the classification. For determination of fire loads and fire load density for arviving at the classification of occupancy hazard, guidance on calorific values of some common materials is given at Annex A. A broad classification of industrial occupancies into low, moderate and high hazard classes is given at Annex B, for guidance. Any occupancy not covered in Aznex B, shall be classified in the most appropriate class depending on the degree of hazard. Where different degrees of hazard of occupancy exist in different parts of a building, the most hazardous Of those shall govern the classification for the Purpose of this Code, except in cases where hazardous areas are segregated or protected as specified in the Code. 8) Subdivision G-1 — This subdivision shall include any building in which the contents are of such comparative low combustibility and the industrial processes or operations Conducted therein ate of such a nature that there is hardly any possibility for any self- Propagating fire to occur and the only consequent danger to life and property may arise from panic, fumes or smoke, or fire from some external source, 16 b) Subdivision G-2 — ‘This subdivision shail include any building in which the contents or industrial processes or operations conducted therein are liable to give rise 10 a fire which will bun with moderate rapidity or result in other hazardous situation and may give ofa considerable volume of smoke, but from which neither toxic.fumes nor explosions are to be feared in the event of fir. ©) Subdivision G-3 — This subdivision shal include any building in which the contents or industrial processes or operations conducted therein are liable to give rise to a fire which will bum with extreme rapidity or result in other hazardous situation or from which poisonous fumes or explosions are tobe feared - inthe event of a fire. 7 3.1.9 Group H Storage Buildings ‘These shall include any building or part of a building used primarily for the storage or sheltering (including servicing, processing or repairs incidental to storage) of goods, ware or merchandise (except those that involve highly combustible or explosive products or materials), vehicles or animals, for example, warehouses, cold storages, freight depots, transit sheds, storehouses, truck and marine terminals, garages, hangars, grain elevators, barns and stables. Storage properties are characterized by the presence of relatively smpll number of persons in proportion to the area, Any new use which increases the number of decupants to a figure comparable with other classes of occupancy shall change the classification ofthe building ‘o that of the new use, for example, hangers used for assembly purposes, warehouses used for office Purposes, garage buildings used for manufactoring, 3.1.10 Group J Hazardous Buildings ‘These shall include any building or part thereof which is used for the storage, handling, manufacture or processing of highly conabustible or explosive materials or products which are liable to bum with extreme rapidity and/or which may produce poisonous fumes or explosions for storage, handling, manufacturing or processing which involve highly corrosive, toxic or noxious alkalis, acids or other liquids or chemicals producing flame, fumes and explosive, poisonous, irritant or corrosive gases; and for the storage, handling or processing of any.material producing explosive mixtures of dust which result in the division of matter into fine particles subject to spontaneous ignition Framples of buildings in this class are tose buildings which are used for, a) Storage, under pressure of more then 0.1 Nimm? and in quantities exceeding 70 m', NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016€ 2809 a 305 a Pa A a ® eae 20 >a ee @ee CM pe eee per ee SCCCOCBAEOSeS @eo fe | | of acetylene, hydrogen, illuminsting and natural gases, ammonia, chlorine, phosgene, sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, methyloxide and all gases subject to explosion, fime or toxic hazard, cryogenic gases, ete; b) storage and handling of hazardous and highly flammable liquids, liquefiable gases like LPG, rocket propellants, ete; ©) storage and bandling ofhazardous and highly flammable or explosive materials (other than liquids); and 4) manufacture of artificial flowers, synthetic leather, ammunition, explosives and fireworks. NOTE — A lst of hazardous substances giving quantities, for ‘which ot exceeding which owners handling such substances sre required t be covereduncer The Public Liability Irsurance ‘Act, 1991, has been notified under the ‘Rules on Emergency Planing, Preparedness and Response for Chemical Accidents by the Govt, of Iadia, Ministry of Environment and Forests Notification No. G.S.R, 347(E) dated 01 August 1996. 3.1.11 Mixed Occupancy In case of mixed occupancy, in so far as fire protection is concemed, all the occupancies/the éatire building shall be governed by the most restrictive provisions of the Code among those applicable for, individual ‘occupancies. The provisions for life safety given in the Code for individual occupancy shall, however, apply to the respective occupancies. Exits in such mixed ‘occupancy shall be arranged 80 as to ensure that means of egress is not decreased in the direction of egress travel Goer oes ee are also required to be separated (horizontally and/or veitically as the case may be) by a 240 min fire resistance rating, 3.1.12 Where change in the occupancy of any building places itin a different group or in a different subdivision of the same group, such building shall be made to comply with the requirements of the Code for the new group oF its subdivision 3.1.13 Where the new occupancy of a building is Tess hazardous, based on life ‘and fire risk, than its existing ‘occupancy, it shall not be necessary to conform to the requirements of the Code for the new group or its subdivision, 3.1.14 A cettificate of occupancy shall be necessary, as required under Part 2 ‘Administration’ of the Code, before any change is effected in the character of ‘occupancy of any building. PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 3.2 Fire Zones 2.2.1 Demareation “The city or area under the jurisdiction of the Authority shall, for the purpose of the Code, be demarcated into istinet zones, based on fire hazard inherent in the buildings and structures according to occupancy (Gee 3.1), which shall be called as ‘Fire Zones’ 3.2.2 Number and Designation of Fire Zones The number of fire zones in acity or area under the jurisdiction of the Authority depends upon the existing layout, types of building construction (see3.3), classification of existing buildings based on occupancy (see 3.1) and expected future development of the city orarea, In large cities or arcas, three fire zones may be necessary, while in smaller ones, one or two may be adequate. The fire zones shall be made use of in land use development plan and shall be designated as follows: ~a) Fire Zone No. 1 ~This shall comprise areas having residential (Group A), educational (Group B), institutional (Group C), assembly (Group D), smali business (Subdivision E-1) and mercantile (Group F) buildings, or areas which are under development for such ‘occupancies. : b) Fire Zone No. 2 — This siali comprise business (Subdivisions E-2 to E-5) and industrial buildings (Subdivisions G-1 and G-2), except high hazard industrial buildings (Subdivision G-3).oF areas which are under development for such occupancies, ©). Fire Zone No. 3-~- This shall comprise areas having high hazard industrial buildings (Subdivision G-3), storage buildings {Group H) and buildings for hazardous uses (Group J) or areas which are under development for such occupancies. 3.2.3 Change in the Fire Zone Boundaries ‘When the boundaries of any fire zone are changed, or \when itis intended to include other areas or types of occupancies in any fire zone, it shall be done by following the same procedure as for promulgating new rules or ordinances or both, 3.2.4 Overlapping Fire Zone When any building is so situated that itextends to more than one fire zone, it shall be deemed to be in the fire zone in which the major portion of he building or structure is situated When any building is so situated that itextends equally to more then one fire zope, it shall be deemed WSRS si anata pa" a to be inthe fire zone having more hazardous occupancy buildings. 3.2.5 Temporary Buildings or Structures Temporary buildings and structures shall be permitted only in Fize Zones No. | and 2 as the case may be, according to the purpose for which these are to be used, by special jermit fromthe Authority for a limited period and subject to such conditions as may bbe imposed in the permit, Such buildings and temporary structures shell be completely removed on the expiry of the period “specified in the permit. 3.2.53 Adequate fite precautionary measures in the Construction of temporary structures and Pandals shall be taken in accordance with good practice [4(4)] 3.2.6 Restrictions on the Type of Construction for New Buildings ‘These shall be 2s follows #) Buildings erected in Fire Zone No. 1 shall conform to construction of Type 1, 2,3 or 4 ») Buildings erected in Fire Zone No. 2 shall conform to construction of Type 1, 2 or 3 ©) Buildings erected in Fire Zone No. 3 shall conform to construction of Type 1 or 2 3.2.7 Restrictions on Existing Buildings ‘The existing buildings in any fire zone shall not be requited to comply with the requirements of the Code unless these are altered, or int the opinion of the Authority, such building constitutes a hazard to the safety of the adjacent property or to the occupants of the building itself or is an unsafe building. In the event of alteretion, it shall be necessary to obtain permission ofthe Authority for such alteration consistent with fire hazard (see Pait 2 “Administration” of the Code) Alterations/modifications/renovations shall be accomplished so as to ensure conformity with all the safety requirements of the new buildings. Such alterations shall not in any way briag down level of fire and! life safety below dat wich existed earlier. Any addition oF aterations or construction af eubicles or partitioning. {fer floor area exceeding 500 m? fr all highrise buildings ball be with the approval of local fire authority 3.3 Types of Constritetion 3:3.1 The design of any building and the type of ‘materials used in its construction are important factors in making the building resistant to a complete burn-out and in preventing the rapid spread of fire, smoke or fumes, which may otherwise contribute to the loss of lives and property. 18 The fire resistance of a building or its siructural and ‘non-structural elemenis is expressed in minutes against specified fire load which is expressed in kcai/mm?, and against a certain intensity of fire. The fire-resistance test for structural element shall be done in accordance with accepted standards [4(2)]. For the purpose of the Code, the types of construction according to fi Tesistance shall be classificd into four categories, namely, Type 1 Construction, Type 2 Construction, Type 3 Construction and ‘Type 4 Construction. The minimum fire resistance ratings of structural and non. structural members for various types of construction shall be as given in Table 1 Non-combustible materials should be used for construction of buildings, and the internal walls of staircase enclosures should be of brick work or reinforced concrete or any other material of onstruction with minimum of 120 min rating, The walle for the chimney shall be of Type 1 or Type 2 Construction depending on whether the flue gas temperature is above 200°C or less, respectively 3.3.2 Itis required thata structural and/or non-steuctural clement/eomponent shall have the requisite fire resistance rating as per Table 1. The fire resistance ating for the structural and non-structural elements shall be based on guidelines as per approved and accepted standards. The fire rating shall be validated and certified with a view to meeting the requirements of Table 1. In the absence of aay validated/certified rating, guidaice may be obtained from tle information available in Annex C, 3.3.3 Load bearing steel beams and columns of buildings having total covered area of 500 m? and above shall be protected against faihure/collapse of structure in éase of fire. This could be achieved by use of appropriate methodology using suitable fire resistance tated materials along with suppression system (see Annex C, Table 25 and Table 26), 3.3.4 The false ceiling, including all fixtures used for its suspension, shall be of non-combustible material and shall provide adequate fte resistance tothe coiling in order to prevent spread of fire across ceiling, 3.4 Generat Requirements of All Individual Occupancies 3.4.1 General All buildings shall satisfy certain: requirements, which contribute, individually and collectively, to the safety of life from fire, smoke, fumes and panic arising from these or similar causes: These are, however, certain general principies and common Tequirements, which are applicable to all or most of the ocoupancies. NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 20168 wee Come a) ‘Table 1 Fire Resistance Ratings of Structural and Non-Structural Elements (minutes) (Clauses 33.1 and 3.3.2) SIN. ‘Structural Element Fire Resistance Ratings (min) for ‘Type of Construction pe Type! Type? Typed Typed 0 ® @ @ o © 1) Extedor walls 8) Five separation lee than 3. m: 1) Beating 240 120 120 60 2) Non-bearing 120 30 © 50 1b) Fire separation of 3.7 m or moce but less than 9m: Y Bearing 240 120 120 60 2) Non-besting 30 © o 50 ©) ive separation of9 mor more 1), Bearing 240 120 120 60 2) Non-bearing 60 oo 0 ~ 60 ii) Fire separation assemblies (Like fre check doors) 20 120 120 120 it) ire enclosures of exits 120 120 120 0 i”) Shafts for services, lit hoistuny and refuse eater 120 20 120 120 ¥) Vertical separation berween adjacent tenant spaces 60 o oo oo ¥) Dwelling unit separation: = - 2) Lead bearing 120 120 o 60, ») Nen-load bearing oo o 30 30 vi) Intevior bearing walls, bearing partitions, columns, beats, gliders, tousies (othr than roof trusses) and framing 4) Supporting more then exe floor 240 120 120 120 ») Supporting one floor oaly 80 90 50 60 ©) Supporting & s00f only 180 90 60 50 i)” Walls supporting structural mernbers 180 0 60 <0 i). Flooreonstwoten 120 0 60 80 Roof eonstastion: 2) Sm or less ia eight lowest member 120 0 6 50 16) Move than $n but les then 6.7 mn height 0 owest member 60 so 80 50 ©) $7 mor move in height to lowest member ° ° ° ° 1 The above fire resistance rating shall be required to achieve the redpective type of consttion unless otherwise specifi ta the respective clauses for diferent applications, 2 In case of lift bet, the pation wall, ifany, need not be of fu rating specified in this table 3.4.2 Exceptions and Deviations Exceptions and deviations to the general provisions of requirements of individual occupancies are given as applicable to each type of occupancy in 6.1 to 6.9. In case of practical difficulty or to avoid’ unnecessary hardship, without sacrificing reasonable safety, local head, fire services may consider exemptions from the Code, 3.4.3 Occupation of Buildings under Construction A building or portion of the building may be oceupiéd during construction, repairs, alterations or additions only if all means of exit and fire protection ‘measures are in place and continuously maintained for the occupied part of the building PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY. A high rise building during construction shall be provided with the following fire protection measures, ‘which shall be rmaintaited in good working condition at all the times: a) Dryriser of minimum 100 mm diameter pipe with hydrant outlets on the floors constructed with a fire service inlet to boost the water in the dry riser and maintenance should be in cordance with good practice [4(5)}. bv) Drums of 2 000 litre capacity filled with water with two fire buckets on each floor, c) A water storage tank of minimum 20 000 litre capacity, which may be used for ather construction purposes also. wv3.4.4 Maximum Height, Floor Area Ratio and Open Spaces Every building shall be restricted in its height above the ground level and the number of storeys, depending upon its occupancy and the type of construction. The height shall be measured as specified in Past 3 “Development Control Rules and General Building Requirernents? of the Code. The maximum permissible height for any combization of occupancy and types of construction should necessarily be related (o the width of street fronting the building, or floor area ratios and the local firefighting facilities available. NOTE — Setback distences (according tothe permissible height foreach type of building as per the accupancy), width of steetsprovicing approach to the building, permitted floor trea ratio (FAR), permitted open space around oF inside bwileings, provision of adequate pussagevay and clearances ‘equired for firefighting vehicles, te shall be stctly govermed by the provisions of Part 3 ‘Development Conteol Rules and General Butlding Requirements’ ofthe Code. Floor area ratio ‘The comparative floor area ratios for different occupancies and types of constuction are given in Table 2 (see also Part 3 “Development Control Rules ‘and General Building Requirements’ of the Code), The requirements of open space around the building(s) shall be in accordance with Part 3 Development Control Rules and General Building Requirements’ of the Code. 3.4.8 Openings in Fire Resistant Walis and Floors At the time of designing openings in fire resistant walls and floors, particular attention shall be paid to all such factors which limit fire spread through these openings and maintain fire rating of the structural members. For Types 1 to 3 constructions, a doorway or opening in a fire resistant wall on any floor shall be limited to 5.6 m? in area witha maximum height/width- £2.75 m, Every wall opening shall be protected with fire-resisting doors, having the fire rating of not less than 120 min. The openings in the floors shall be protected by vertical enclosures extending above and below such openings, such enclosures having a fire resistance of not less than 120 min and all openings therein being protected with a fire-resisting assembly as specified in, Forescalator openings, the smoke spill shall beavoided by provision of smoke barrier (of 450-600 mm) thereby creating. smoke compartment. Further, the protection shall be ensured through installation of sprinklers on all sides of the cut out opening on each floor (see Fig. 3 for details), For Type 4 construction, openings in the fire separating walls or floors shall be fitted with 120 min fire-resistance rated assemblies 20 ‘Table 2 Comparative Floor Area Ratios for Occupancies Facing One Public Street af least 9 m Wide (Clause St Gceupaney ‘Type of Construction No. Classtieaion woo ‘Type Type Type Type w TEE tees eg 2 oe © © © Residential woo20 «lato Eiivational uw 20 ato Institational © 1s 10 os Ascembly Uw 1 07 os Business Ww 29 23 16 Mercantile 80 18 ta tp Unduserial 75 18 16 13 Storage GeeNowS) 60 1S 13 (0 Hazardous 28 Lt 08 NP (ee Note 5) UL — Valiaite, [NP = Not permed. . NOTES 1 The FAR values given in this table are subject to overall ‘estrorons ou the eight of bullngs inthe are of eduestiona, instinutonal, assembly, stvage and hazardous occupancies as specified in col 2 of Table? 2 This table bas been prepared, caking into account the ‘combustible content in the cifferent aecipencies as wells the fre resistance offered by the type of tonstcucton, 3 This table should be mectied by the Autti, teking inte ‘secount ihe other aspect a5 given below: 4) Density in eems of dwelling units per heetave ') Teaflic considerations, ©) Parking spaces, 4) Local fire-fighting feciliie; and ©} Water supply, drainage and sanitition requirements, 4 The FAR values specified inthis table may be inoteased by 20 percent forte following services: 8) A basement or celle spece under» building constructed on stilts and used as paring space and ait cnaiioning plant room used as accessory tothe principal use, >) Watchean's Lath, pump house, garbage shaft, electic ahi or substation and other utility structures meant forthe services of the building under enesiderations; ©) Projections and accessory buildings. as specifically ‘exempted under the Code; ane 4) Staircase coam and lift roams above the topmost sorey; rohitectual feature; and chimneys and elevated tas of dimensions as permissible under the Code; the area ‘of the lift shalt shall be taken only an one floor. 5 Inso far as single storey storage and hazardous occupancies are concemed, they would be further governed by volume to plot area ratio (VPR) to be decided by the Authosty. Service ducts and shafts Openings in walls or floors which are necessary to be provided to allow passages of all building services like cables, electrical wirings, telephone cables, plumbing pipes, ete, shall be protected by enclosure in the form of ducts/shafts having a fire resistance not less than 120 min. The inspection door for electrical shafts/ducts NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016Ca aa a a a Da are we ©. 6 6 e e @ Cs) x a one SOOO @9000000860 e O 2 srmasnneo Honzow ra: oistance serwesn ‘Te crraoien reno ano Te SHORE GARRIEN, £= 150-20. Fig. 3 SeainkLexs ARouND EscataTor OPENING shell be not less tha 120 min, Further, medium and low voltage witing running in shafte/ducts, shall either be armoured type or run through metal conduits. ‘Tue space between the electrical eablesiconduits and the walis/slabs shall be filled in by a fire stop material having fite resistance rating of aot less than 120 min. ‘This shall exclude requirement of fire stop sealing for low votiage services shaft For plumbing shafts in the core of the building, with shaft door opening inside the building, the shafts shall have inspection doors having fire resistance rating not less than 30 min, For plumbing shafts doors which open in wet areas or in naturally Ventilated areas or on externat wall of the building, the shafts may not require doors having any specified fire rating. [NOTE — fe the case of buildings where itis necessary to lower or liftheavy machinery or goods from one floor othe other, it ‘nay be nesessery to provide larger openags in the Door. Such ‘openings shall be provided with removable covers which shall ave the some stengih and fice resistance es the floor. 348.5 Refuse chutes Refuse chutes, if any provided in a building, shall have opening at least 1 m above roof level for venting purpose and they shall havean enclosure wall ofnon-combustible material with fire resistance of not less than 120 min, ‘They shall not be located within the staircase enclosure ‘or service shafts or air conditioning shafis, Refuse chutes inspection panel and doors ehall be tight fitting with (60 min fire resistance. Sprinkler protection system shall be provided for the refuse chutes. Refuse chutes shall be a: least 6 m away from exits. PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY Vertical opening Every vertical opening between the floors of a building shall be suitably enclosed or protected, as necessary, to provide the following a) Reasonable safety to the occupants while using the means of egress by preventing spread of fire, smoke, or fumes through vertical openings from floor to floor to allow ‘occupants to complete their use of the means of egrets. Further it shall be ensured to provide aclear height of 2 100 mm in the exit access, b) Limitation of damage to the building and its contents. 3.4.6 Electrical Installation For requirements regarding electrical installations from the point of view of fire safety, reference may be made to good practice [4(6)] and Part 8 “Building Services, Section 2 Electrical and Allied Installations’ of the Code. In general, it is desirable that the wiring and cabling are with flame retardant property. Medium and low ‘voltage wiring running in shafts, and within false ceiling shall nin in metal conduit. Any 230 V wiring for lighting ‘or other services, above false ceiling, shall have 660 V grade insulation. ‘The electric distribution cables/wiring shall be laid in a separate shaft. The shaft shall be sealed at every floor with fire stop materials having the same fire resistance as that of the floor. High, medium and low voltage wiring running in shaft and in fal$e ceiling shall ran in separate shaft/eonduitsican Sea UST ARON ‘Water mains, gas pipes, telephone lines, intercom lines ot any other service line shall not be laid in the duct for electrical cables; use of bus duets/solid rising mains instead of cables is preferred Ail metallic items like steel structural members, ete, shall be bonded properly to the earthing system. Emergency power for fre and life safety systems Emergency power supplying distribution system for critical requirement for functioning of fire and life safety system and equipment shall be planned for efficient and reliable power and control supply to the following systems and equipment where provided: a) Fite pumps. b) Pressurization and smoke venting; inetucing its ancillary systems such as dampers and actuators, ©) Fireman’s lifts (including alt lifts). ® Exitsignage lighting. ©) Emergency lighting 9) Firealarmn system. 8) Public address (PA) system (relating to ‘emergency voice evacuation and annunciation). bh) Magnetic door hold open devices. J) Lighting in fre command centre and security reom. Power supply to these systems and equipment shall be from normal and emergency (standby generator) power sources with changeover facility. If power supply, is from HV source and HV generation, the transformer should be planned in standby capacity to ensure continuity of power to such systems. Wherever ‘transformers are installed at higher levels in buildings and backup DG sets are of higher voltage rating, then dual redundant cables shall be taken to all transformers, ‘The generator shall be capable of taking starting current of all the fire and life safety systems and equipment as above. Where parallel HV/LV supply from a separate substation fed from different grid is provided with appropriate transformer for emergency, the provision of generator may be waived in consultation with the Authority. The power supply to the panel/distribution board of these fire and life safety systems shall be through fire roof enclosures or citcuit integrity cables or through alternate route in the adjoining fire compartment to ensure supply of power is reliable to these systems'and equipment. It shall be ensured that the cabling from the adjoining fire compartment is protected within the compartmentof vulnerability. The location of the panel distribution board feeding the fire and life safety system Shall be in fire safe zone ensuring supply of power to these systems 2 Citonits of such emergency system shall be protected atorigin by an automatic circuit breaker with its no-vole coil removed. Master switches controlling essential service circuits shall be clearly labelled Cables for fire alarm and PA system shail be laid in metal conduits or armoured to provide physical segregation from the power cables Substation/Transformers Areas in substation shal! not be used as storage/dump areas or for other utility purposes other than those required for the functioning of the substation. ‘The substation area should be adequately ventilated. An independent, ventilated or air conditioned MV panel room shall be provided on the ground level or first basement. This room shall be provided with access from outside (or through exit passageway accessible from outside). The MV panel room shall be provided with fire resistant walls end doors of fire resistance of not Tess than 120 min. Ifthe licensees agree to provide meters on upper floors, the licensees" cables shall be segregated from ‘consumers’ cables by providing « partition in the shaft, Meter rooms on upper floors shall not open into staircase enclosures and should be ventilated directly {to open air outside or in electrical room of 120 min fire resistant walls Electrical MV main distribution panel and lift panels shall be provided with CO,linert gas flooding system for all pane! compartments with a cylinder located beside the panel, Oil filled substation A substation or a switch-station with oil filled equipment shall be limited to be installed in utility building or in outdoor location. Such substation/utiity building shall be at least 7 m away from the adjoining building(s). Substation equipment (exceeding oil capacity of 2.000 litre) in utility building shall have fire rated bafile walls of 240 min rating constructed between such equipment, raised to at least 600 mm above the height of the equipment (including height of oil conservators) and exceeding 300 mm on each side of the equipment. All transformers where capacity exceeds 10 MVA shall be protected by high velocity water spray systems of nitrogen injection system. Dry type substation : ‘Transformers located inside a building shall be of dry type and all substation/switch room walls, ceiling, floor, opening including doors shall have a fire resistance NATIONAL BULLDING CODE OF INDIA 2016raling of 120 min. Access to the substation shall be provided from the nearest fire exiv/exit staircase for the purpose of electrical isolation, Standby supply Diesel generator set(s) shall not be installed at any floor other than ground/first basement. If the same are installed indoors, proper ventilation and exhaust shall be planned. The DG set-room shall be separated by 120 min fire resistance rated walls and doors, ‘The oil tank for the DG sets (if notin the base of the 1G) shall be provided with a dyked enclosure having a volumetric capacity of at least 10 percent more than the volume of the oil tank. The enclosure shall be filled with sand for a height of 300 mm, For detailed information regarding fire safety requirements for hazardous petroleum products, reference may be made to The Petroleum Act, 1934 and the Rules framed thereunder. Lightning protection of buildings Routing of down conductors (insulated or uninsulated) of lightning protection through electrical or other service shafts are not allowed as i can create fire and explosion during lightning. For details, see Part 8 “Building Services, Section 2 Electrical and Allied Tnstallations’ of the Code. 34.7 Escape Lighting and Exit Signage Exit access, exits and exit discharge shall be properly identified, with adequate lighting maintained in the elements of the egress systems so that all occupants shall be able to leave the facility safely. Lighting a) The exit, exit access and exit discharge systems shall be illuminated continuously. The floors of the means of egress shall be illuminated at all points, including angles and intersections, in corridors and passageways, stairwells, landings of stairwells and exit. _») Emergency lighting shall be powered from a source independent of that supplying the normal lighting, ©) Escape lighting shall be capable of, 1), indicating clearly and unambiguously the escape routes; 2) providing adequate illumination along such routes to allow safe movement of persons towards and through the exits; and 3) ensuring that fire alarm call points and firefighting equipment provided along the escape routes can be readily located. PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY ) The horizontal luminance at floor level on the centreline of an escape route shatl not be less than 10-lumen/m?. Jn addition, for escape routes up to 2 m wide, 50 percent of the route ‘width shall be Tit to a minimum of 5 lumen/n? In auditoriums, theattes, concert halls and such other places of assembly, the illumination of floor exitfaccess may be reduced during period of performances to velues not less than 2 lux. ¢) Required illumination shall be arranged such that the failure of any single lighting unit, such as the burning out of one luminaire, wll not leave any area in datkness and does not impede the functioning of the system further. 1) The emergency tighting shall be provided to bbe put on within Ss of te failure ofthe normal lighting supply. Also, emergency lighting shatl be able to maintain the required itlumination level for a period of not less than 90 min in the event of failure of the normal lighting even for smaller premises. g) Battery pack emergency lighting, because of its limited duration-and reliability, shall not be allowed to be used intieu ofadiesel engine driven emergency power supply. h) Escape lighting luminaires should be sited to cover the following locations 1) Near cach intersection of considers, 2) Atexits and at each exit door, 3) Near each change of direction in the escape route, 4) Near each staircase 50 that each flight of stairs receives direct light, 1 5) Near any other change of floor level, 6) Outside each final exit and close to it, 1) Near each fire alarm call point, 8) Near firefighting equipment, and 9) To illuminate exit and safety signs as required by the enforcing authority NOTE — For the parpose of this clause “neat” is normally considered to be within 2m measured horizontally, j) The luminaires shall be mounted as low as possible, but atleast 2m above the floor level. K) Signs are required at all exits, emergency oxits and escape routes, which should comply with, the graphicrequirements of the relevant Indian Standards. Exit passageway (at ground) and staircase lighiting shall also’be connected to alternative supply’ The alternative source of supply may be provided by battery contimuously trickle chatged from the electric mains.ed ners Suitable arrangements shall be made by installing double throw switches to ensure that the lighting installed in the staircase and the corridor does not get connected to two sources of supply simultaneously. Double throw switch shall be installed in the service room for terminating the stand-by supply. ‘The emergency lighting system shall be well maintained by periodical inspections and tests so as to ensure their perfect serviceabitity at all times. Buit signage Where exit access is provided through corridorsipaths, the occupants shall be able to easily identify the way to exits, Exit signs shall be provided such that no point in au exit access is more than 30 m from a visible exit divectional sign. An exit sign indicating the direction to an cxit shall be provided at all changes in direction, Exits shail be clearly visible and the route to reach the cexits shall be clearly marked and signs posted to guide the occupants of the floor concemed. Signs shall be illuminated and wired to an independent electrical circuit on an altemative source of supply. The sizes and colours of the exit signs shall be in accordance with good practice [4(7)}.-Phe colour of the exit signs shall be green NOTS — This provision shall not apply to A-2 and A-é ‘ceupaticies less than 15 m in height ‘The exit sign with arrow indicating the way to the escape ronte shall be provided ata suitable height from the floor level on the wall and shall be illuminated by electric ight connected to corridor circuits. All exit way ‘marking signs should be so instatled that no mechanical damage shall occut to them due to moving of furniture or other heavy equipment. Further, all landings of floor shall have floor indicating boards prominently indicating the number of the floor. Photo luminescent markings shall be pasted at intemal hydrant boxes. 3.4.8 dir Conditioning, Ventilation and Smoke Control Air conditioning and mechanical ventilation requirements of different rooms or areas in any occupancy shall be 95 given in Part 8 ‘Building Services, Section } Lighting and Natural Ventilation” and “Section 3 Air conditioning, Heating and Mechanical Ventilation’ of the Code. Air conditioning and ventilating systems shall be so installed and maintained as to minimnise the danger of spread of fire, smoke or fumes fiom one floor to other or from outside to any occupied building or structure, Many high-rise buildings integrate smoke management systems into their conventional HVAC systems. In such installation, it requires special design considerations, 24 including safe and adequate controls, acceptable and documented testing and reguler maintenance systems, Wherever batteries are provided, the same shall be segregated by 120 min fire rated construction, Ventilation to the room shall be provided as per ‘manufacturer's instructions, Air handling unit From fire safety point of view, separate air handling units (AHU) for each floor shall be provided 80 as to avoid the hazards arising irom spread of fire and smoke through the air conditioning ducts. The air ducts shall be separate from each AHU to its floor and inno way shall interconnect with the duct of any other floor. Within a floor it would be desirable to have separate air handling unit provided for each ‘compartment, Airhandling unit shall be provided with effective means {for preventing circulation of smoke through the system in the case of a fire in air filters or from other sources drawn into the system, and shall have smoke sensitive devices for actuation in accordance with the accepted standard [4(8)] and control Shafts or duets, if penetrating multiple floors, shall be of masonry construction with fire damper in connecting ductvork or shall have fire rated ductwork with fire dampers at floor crossing. Altematively, the duct and equipment may be installed in room having walls, doors and fire damper in duct exiting/entering the room of 120 min fire resistance rating, Such shafts and ducts shall have all passive fire control meeting 120 min fire resistance rating requirement to meet the objective of isolation of the floor from spread of fire to ‘upper and lower floors through shaft/duct work, NOTE — Zoned and compartmented HVAC systems are encouraged with an approach to avoid common exhaust shafts and fresh tir intake chats which will Timi the requcement of suck passive measure and fre rated duct work and damper, The air filters of the airhandling units shall bbe made of non-combustible materials. The air handling unit room shall not be used for storage of any combustible materials. Duct work Air ducts serving main floor areas, corridors, cic, shall not pass through the exits/exit passageway? exit enclosure. Exits and lift lobbies, etc, shall not be used as return air passage, As far as possible, metallic ducts shall be used ‘even for the retura air instead of space above the false ceiling, Wherever the ducts pass through fire walls or floors, the opening around the ducts shall be sealed NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016 2 eee eeYee“ SOCSSOGOCS o ee eae with materials having fire resistance rating of the compartment. Such duet shall also be provided with fire dampers at all fire walls and floors unless such duets are required to perform for fire safety operation; and in such case fire damper may be avoided et fire wall and floor while integrity of the duct shall be rmeintained with 120 min fire resistance rating to allow the emergency operations for fire safety requirements, The ducting within compartment would require minimam fire resistance rating of 30 min. Such ducting material in substantial gauge shall be in accordance with good practice (4(9)]. If such duet ‘crosses adjacent compartment/floor and not having fire dampers in suck compartment/floor, it would require fire resistance duct work rating of 120 min. ‘The requitements of support of the duet shall meet its ‘unctiotal time requirement as above, The materials used for insulating the duct system (inside or outside) shall be of non-combustible type. Any such insulating material shall not be wrapped of secured by any material of combustible nature. Inspection panels shall be provided in the ductwork to facilitate the cleaning accumulated dust in ducts and to obtain access for maintenance of fire dampers, a) Atthe fire separation wall, b) Where ducts/passages enter the vertical shat, ©) Where the duets pass through floors, and 4) At he inlet of supply air duct and the return air duct of each compartment on every floor. Damper shall be of motorized type/fusible Jink. Darnper shall be so installed to provide complete integrity of the compartment with all passive fire protection sealing. Damper should be accessible-to ‘maintain, test and also replace, if sp required. Damper shall be integrated with Fire Alarm Panel and shall be sequenced to operate as per requirement and have interlocking arrangement for fire safety of the building. Manual operation facilities for damper operation shall also be provided, 3.4.9 Heating Installation of chimney and heating apparatus shall be ia accordance with good practice [4(10)], Boiler rooms Provisions of boiler and boiler rooms shall, conform to The Boilers Act, 1923. Pucther, the following additional aspects may bbe taken into account in the Locatjon of boiler room: a) The boilers shall be installed in a fire resisting 100m of 180 min fire resistance sating b) Entry to this room shall be provided with a composite door of 120 min fire resistance rating. ©) The boifer room shall be provided with its dedicated natural or mechanical ventilation systema, Mechanical ventilation system for the boiler room would be accepted with 120 min fire resistance rating ductwork, if it has interface with other mechanical areas ‘Ventilation system should not be allowed to be routed through clectrical room area or through exit corridorfexits, 4) The oil tank for the boiler shalt he provided with 2 dyked enclosure having a volumetric capacity of atleast 10 percent more than the volume ofthe oil tank. The enclosure shall be filled with sand for a height of 300 mm. 34.10 Glazing The glazing shall be in accordance with Part 6 “Structural Design, Section 8 Glass and Glazing’ of the Code. The entire glazing assembly shall be rated to that typeof construction as given in Table 1. This shall Poe Fire or firesmoke dampers be applicable along with other provisions of this Part {Oe These dampers shall be evaluated tobe located elated to respective uses as specified therein. The use in supply air ducts, fresh air and return air cuctsy of glass shall not be permitted for enclosures of exits © passages at the following points: and exit passageway. Glass facade shall be in accordance with the following: 4) For fully sprinktered buildings having fire separation of 9 m or more, tempered glass in a non-combustible assembly, with ability to hold the glass in place; shall be provided, Tt shall be ensured that sprinklers are located within 600 mm of the glass facade providing fall coverage to the glass, NOTE — Incase of al other buildings, fre resistance rating of glass facade shall be in accordance with Table 1 b) All gaps between floor-slabs and facade assembly shall be sealed tall evels by approved fire resistant sealant material of equal fire rating as that of floor slab to prevent fire and smoke propagation from one floor to another. ©) Openable panels shall be provided on each floor and shall be spaced not more than 10m. apart méasured along the extemal wall from centre-to-centre of the govess openings. Such ‘openings shall be operable at a height between 1.2:mand'T.5 m from the floor, and shall be in PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 25 SSO6CS Oothe form of openable panels (fre necess panels) Of size not less than 1 000 mma x 1000 mm ‘opening outwards, The wordings, “FIRE OPENABLE PANEL — OPEN IN CASE OF FIRE, DO NOT OBSTRUCT” of at least 25 mm letter height shall be marked on the internat side, Such panels shall be suitably distributed on each oor based on occupant ‘concentration, These shall not be limited to Cubicle areas-and shall be also located in Common areas/eortidors to facilitate access by the building occupants and fire personnel for smoke exhaust in times of distress. 34.11 Suaface Interior Finishes 3.411 The use of combustible surface finishes on walls (including facade of the building) and ceilings affects the safety of the occupants of a building. Such finishes tend to spread the fire and even though the structural elements may be adequately fire resistant, serious danger to life may result. Tt is, therefore, essential to have adequate precautions to minimise spread of flame on wall, facade of building and ceiling surfaces. The finishing materials used for various ssurfages and decor shall be such that it shall not generate toxic smoke/fumes, The susceptibility of various types of wall surfaces to fire is determined in terms of the rate of Spread of flame. Based on the rate of spread of flame, surfacing ‘material shall be considered as divided into fourclasses as follows (see also good practice [4(11)}}: a) Class 1 Surfaces of very low flame spread, b) Class 2 Surfaces of low flame spiead, ©) Class 3 Surfaces of medium flame spread. 4) Class 4 Surfaces of rapid flame spread The uses for which surface materials falling into various classes shall be adopted in building constmuction are given below: lass} Class 2 Class 3 o @ ® ; Ot Maybe — May be used May be used only in wsedin in any living rooms and bed any situation, rooms (but not in situation except on rooms. on the roof) walls, facade and only as a lining of the to solid walls and building, partitions; not on stairease and staircases or corridors comidors or facade of the building, wors— Paneling (lining) shall be permitted ina imited rca, 1 shall not be permitied in a vestibule Soe EEE et 26 Materials of Class 4 which include untreated Wood fiberboards may be used with due fire retardant treatment as cciling lining, provided the ceiling is at least, 2.4 m rom the top surface of the floor below, and the wall surfaces conform to requirements of class [see Note wader Class 4 materials shall not be used in kitchens, corridors and staircases. Some materials contain bicumen and, in addition to risk from spread of fire, emit dense smoke on burning; such materials shall be excluded from use under these ‘conditions and shall also not be used for construction of ceiling where the plenum is used for retum air in air conditioned buitdings. When frames, walls, partitions or floors are lined with combustible materials, the surfaces on both, sides of the materials shall conform to the appropriate class, because there is considerable danger from fire starting and rapidly spreading within the concealed cavity unknown to the occupants whose escape may be hampered thereby. For detailed information on materials and details of construetion with their fire resistance rating, reference may be made to good practice (4(12)] 3.4.12 Fire Command Centre (FCC) 4) Fire command centre shall be on the entrance floor of the building having direct access, The control room shall have the main fire slarm panel with communication system (suitable public address system) to aid floors and facilities for receiving the message from different floors. b) Fire command centre shall be constructed with 120 min rating walls with a fire door and shall beprovided with emergency lighting. Interior finishes shall not use any flaramable materials, All controls and monitoring of fire alarm systems, pressurization systems, smoke management systems shall happen from this room. Monitoring of integrated building management systems, CCTVs or any other critical parametets in building may also be from the same room. ©) Details of all foor plans along with the details of firefighting equipment and installations (2 sets laminated and bound) shall be maintained in fire command centre. 4) The fire staff in charge of the fire command centre shall be responsible for the maintenence of the various services and firefighting equipment and installations i coordination with security, electrical and civit staff of the building, NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016 ¢ c c a c4 LIFE SAFETY 4.1 General Every building shall be so designed, constructed, equipped, maintained and operated as to provide adequate means of egress to avoid undue danger to the life and safety of the occupants fom fire, smoke, fumes or panic during the time period necessary for escape. For high occupancy areas, it may be required to have anmunciation, announcements and voice guidediaided system to direct the occupants towards safe egress routes, areas of comparative safety orexits, and to avoid situation of panic during distress. Every main occupancy may have certain occupancies which may be incidental to the main occupaney. The exit requirements pertaining to such incidental ‘occupancies from the floorof the occupancy to the level of exit discharge shall be calculated to meet the requirement of the actual occupancy of such type, to ensure adequate means of egress of the occupants. ‘See aiso 13 of Part 3 ‘Development Control Rules and General Building Requirements’ of the Code for accessibility for elderly and persons with disabilities, for various requirements for enabling a smooth and safe caress, 4.2 General Exit Requirements 4.2.1 An exit may be ¢ fire exit doorway; an intemal staircase, exit passageway, external doorway, external staircase and these having access fo the streei or to a Veranda or to a refuge area or to the terrace or roof of building. An exit may also include a horizontal exit leading to an adjoining building/fire compartment hhaving its further access to unlocked/public exit at the same level 4.2.2 Unless otherwise specified, lifts, escalators, moving walks and revolving doors shall not be considered as exits and shall not constitute any part of the required exit. 4.2.3 very exit, exit passageway and exit discharge shall be continuously maintained free of all obstructions or impediments to full use in the case of fire or other emérgency, 4.2.4 Every building having human occupancy shall be provided with exits sufficient to permit safe egress of occupants, in ease of fire or other emergency. 4.2.5 In every buildizig or structure, exits shall comply with the minimum requitemeits of this Part, except those not accessible for general public use 4.2.6 No building shalt be so altered as to reduce the number, width or protection of exits to less than that required, PART 4 FIRE AND LIPE SAFETY 4.2.7 For non-naturally ventilated areas, fire coors with 120 min fire resistance rating shall be provided and particularly at the entrance to lift lobby and stair well where a ‘funnel or flue effect’ may be created, inducing an tipward spread of fire, to prevent spread of fire and smoke. 4.2.8 Exits shali be so arranged that they may be reached without passing through another occupied unit/passage in others control, if they pose challenge or restriction in means of egress. 4.2.9 Doors in exits shall open in the direction of exit. In case of assembly buildings (Group D) and institutional buildings (Group C-1), exit door shall not open immediately upon a flight of stair and all such, entries to the stair shall be through a landing, so that, such doors do not impede movement of people descending from a higher floor when fully opened (see Fig. 4A), While for other occupancies, such doors shall not reduce the pathway in the landing by more then half the width of such staircase (see Fig. 4B). Over- head or sliding doors shat! not be installed. 4.2.10 At least half of the required exit stairs fom ‘upper floors (rounded to the next higher number) shall discharge directly to the exterior or through exit passageways. 4.2.11 Unless otherwise specified, all the exits and exit passageways to exit discharge shall have a clear ceiling height of at least 2.4 m. However, the height of exit door shal! be at least 2.0 m (see Fig. 5). 4.2.12 Where changes in elevation of more than 300 mn are cucountered in the exits, ramps or sloped surfaces shall be used with handrails and floor finish ‘materials that contrast withthe adjacent finish materials, 4.2.13 The capacity of the means of egress required from any storey of the building shal! not be reduced along the path of egress travel until arrival to the exit discharge. 4.2.14 The lifts, escalators, moving walks, tumstiles and revolving doors shall not be considered in determining the required capacity of means of egress for the individual floor(s) or the building. 4.2.15 Turnstiles or similar devices that restrict travel to one direction or that are used to restrict unauthorized entry shall not be so placed as to obstruct any required means of egress. Alternative door openings of required exit width shall be available within 3 m of such devices, if installed. 4.2.16 Suitable means shall be provided so that all access controlled exit doors, tumstiles, boom barriers and other such exits shall automatically operate to open mode during emergencies like fire, smoke, acts. of 21suscestep Lacanion OF WETRISER FIRE — HyDRaNt cLear oF DOOR OPENING NOTE — Daot width shal be based an type of occupancy. 4A MINIMUM REQUIRED UNOBSTRUCTED CLEARANCE WITH DOOR LEAF ENCROACHING ON LANDING IN INSTITUTIONAL AND ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS A> REQUIRED WIDTH 48 MINIMUM REQUIRED UNOBSTRUGTEO CLEARANCE WITH DOOR LEAF ENCROACHING ON LANDING Fra. 4 Door Location ar Lanpine mv Fire Exrrs terrorism, etc, so that people can safely and quickly egress into safe areas outside, If required, a master controlling device may be installed at a strategic location to achieve this. 4.2.17 Penetrations into and openings through an exit are prohibited except those necessary like for the fire protection piping, duots for pressurization and similar life safety services, Such openings as well as vertical passage of shaft through floors shall be protected by passive systems. 4.2.18 Walking surfaces in.exit access stall comply with the following requirements for smooth exit: a) Walking surfaces shall be nominally level. b)_ The slope of walking surface in the direction of travel shall not exceed 1 in 20 unless the vamp requirements are met (see 4, ©) Slope perpendicular to the direction of travel shall not exceed I in 48, 4) Walking surfaces shall be slip-resistant along the entire path of travel 42.19 Basement a) Basement exits shall be sufficient to provide for the capacity ofthe basement as determined in accordance with, In no case shall there be less than two independent basément exits, ») Basements having incidental occupancies to main occupancy shall be planned with exit requirements of the basements for the actual occupancy within the basement. ©) Where basement is used for car parking and also there is direct approach fromr any NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016@ 9 ot 4 eC em | } } i 6 Seeeoeaeeods EXIT C1SCHARGE j—2000-—=| 2400 xm aocess. EXIT Access| EXIT YwTH EXIT PASSAGEWAY AND EXIT DISCHARGE Fic, 5 Minimum Heap Room Measurement ‘occupancy above to the basement, door openings leading to the basement shall need to be protected with fire doors with 120 min fire rating, except for exit discharge doors from the basements. 4.3 Occupant Load For determining the exits required, the number of persons within any floor area or the occupant load shall ‘be based on the actual number of occupants declared, but in no case less than that specified in Table 3. The occupant load of a mezzanine floor discharging to a floor below shall be added to that floor occupancy and the capacity of the exits shall be designed for the total ocoupancy load thus established. ‘The occupant load of each story considered individually ‘Table 3 Occupant Load (Clauses 4.3 and st ‘Group ot Occupsney ‘Occupant Load Factor Na, ‘a/person) (Gee Note 1) a @ ® 1) Group A: Residential 12.50 8} Group B: Eoucational 400 iil) Group C: Institutional (see Note 2) 8) Indoor patients area 15.00 8) Outdoor patents area 100. iv)" Group: Assembly: 4) Concentrated use without fixed seating 06s ) Less concentrated use without fixed seating (soo Note 3) 140 ©) Fixed senting see Noted Dining areas and restaurants with seating and table 180) ¥) Group F: Mercantile: 8) Street oor and sales basement 300, 0) Uppersales ocr i) ©). Storage/wavehouse reqeiving and the like 20.00 vQ Group E: Business 10.00 vi) Group G: Industrial 10.00 iil) Group H: Storage (see Note 5) 30000 1) Group J: Hazardous 10.00 ores 1 Gross 2 shall be the oor area as defined in 2.35. All factor expressed are in gross area unless marked net 2 Occupant load in dormitory portions of homes for the aged, orphanages, insane asylums, etc, where sleeping secommodation is ‘provided, shall be calculated st not less than 7.5 t grdss floor azea/person. 43 These shal! include gymnasium, teble tennis room, billiard room and other gaming rooms, library, swimming pool and like 4 In case of assembly occupancy having fixed seas, Uke occupant load shall be éeermined by multiplying the number of sees by 1.2 5 Car paring areas under cecupancy other than storage shall also be 30 mi? per person, PART 4 PIR AND LIFE SAFETY 29shall be required to be used in computing the number of means of egress at each story, provided that the required number of means of egress is not decreased in the direction of egress travel. ‘The assembly occupancies and call centres shall be required to display, limiting occupant load details positioned in a conspicuous place near the entrance of each of such respective occupancy to avoid possible overcrowding and overloading. The display shall preferably be engraved on ametal plate of not ess than 300 mm * 200 mm, with letters of height and width not less than $0 mm, with detail of occupancy, area and ‘occupaney load (see figure below). ‘The capacity of any open mezzanine/balcony shall be added to the capacity of the floor below for the purpose of determining exit capacity, MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY PERSONS PERMITTED WITHIN THIS SPACE/ROOM IT IS CONFIRMED THAT THE FIRE EXITS ARE PLANNED FOR EGRESS OF THE OCCUPANCY AS MENTIONED ABOVE AND. OCCUPANCY MORE THAN THE ABOVE IS NOT PERMITTED IN THE SPACE/ROOM AS. FOLLOWS: SPACE/ROOM DETAIL: FLOOR NO. Sten: (MANAGERIAUTHORZED SIGNATORY) 4.4 Egress Components Egress components to be considered are the number of exits to which access is provided, capacity of exit access, uavel distance to an exit, the obviousness of the direction to an exit, and any hindrance including due to seourity issues involved. 44.4 Exit Access 8) A common path of travel is desirable in exit access which leads to two independent directions to separate exits b) Capacity of exit access — The width of corridors, aisles or ramps required for exit access shall be sufficient to ensure a smooth flow of occupants tothe exit. Where a corridor is the only way ofaccess to anexit, the corridor width shall not be less than the calculated exit width ©) Objects like tables, chairs or any other temporary/permanent structures in exit access corridors shall be avoided as this mey result in congestion and also impeding smooth flow of personne! during emergencies, ) In order to ensure that each element of the means of egress can be effectively utilized, they shall all be properly lit and marked. Lighting shall be provided with emergency power back-up in ease of power failures. Also, exit signs of adequate size, marking, location, and lighting shall be provided so that all those ‘unfamiliar with the location of the exits may safely find their way. ©) Exitraccess to fireman’s lift and refuge area on the floor shall be step free and clearly signposted with the international symbol of accessibility 1) Exit access shall not pass through storage rooms, closets or spaces used for similar purpose, 8) Thecalculation of capacity of exit access shall be in accordance with 4.4.2 Exits Mumber of exits ‘The minimum required number of exits in a building shall be determined based on occupant load (see Table 3) and width required per person (see Table 4) as appropriate to the type of exit.for respective occupancies, subject to complying with maximum travel distance requirement (see Table 5) Arrangement of exits 8) Exits shall be 0 located that the travel distance. on the floor shall not exceed the distance given in Table 5 b) Travel distance shall be measured fom the most remote point within a storey or a ‘mezzanine floor along the natural and un- obstructed path of horizontal or vertical egress travel to the door to an exit. ©) The dead end corridor length in exit access shall not exceed 6 m for educational, institutional and assenibly occupancies. For other occupancies, the same shall be 15 m (see Fig. 6) 4) Exits shall be placed as remoté from each other as possible and shall be arranged to provide direct access in separate directions fiom any point in the area served. NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016a 26 02 @@¢ eee a@o0980 Cmte Fi L-uFT DEAD-END CORRIDOR Fic, 6 Deap Enp Corripor 44.2.3 Capacities of means of egress a) Exit capacity is the number of people that can pass through a stairway, and level components (door and corridor) and ramps. The total capacity ofall the respective means of egress serving a floor shall be sufficient to allow ‘egress of the entire population of the floor. ©) The unit of exit width, used to measure the capacity of anyeexit, shall be 500 mm. A clear width of 250 mm shall be counted as an additional half unit, Clear widths less than 250 mm shall not be counted for exit width. ©) Width per person for stairways, and level components and ramps shall be determined using the capacity factors in accordance with Table 4 ‘Table 4 Capacity Factors [Clauses, and] SI Occupancy ‘Width per Person Ne. Grows mn — Stairways Level Components and Remps oO @ ® o i) Resideadial (Group a i) Educational’ Group ayf 1? . iil) Instiutiona! (Group ©), 15 3 iy) Assembly (Group D) %) {Group ) vil) Mercantile © (Group) |” 1D 65 vit) Industrial — Qroup G) vit) Storage (Group B) ix) _Hezardous (Group) 18 10 PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY For example, if an exit doorway measures 1 000 mm in clear width, t would be defined as providing exit capacity for 1 000/6.5 ‘occupants, that is, 153 persons (say 150 persons) and number of such exit doorways can then be calculated depending on the occupant load. ‘When caleutating stairways, level components and ramps and other exit means, the capacity of the entire system shall have to be based tupon the minimum capacity available from any part of the system. The corridor, if so provided shall also to be planned with consideration of exit access adequacy for the number of occupants. Further, consider the situation of doors opening to an exit stairway. If the stairway provides an exit capacity of 150 persons, and the doors leading into the stairway provide an exit capacity of 153 persons, the overall exit system would be considered to provide the minimum exit capacity of only 150 persons afforded by the stairway. The exit planning will be limited by the most restrictive exit calculation under the means of egress. In the procedures for determining required egress capacity, the number of required means of egress is based on a floor-by-floor consideration, rather than the accumulation of the occupant loads of all the floors. However, the number of means of egress cannot decrease ‘as an occupant proceeds along the egress path. Types of exit access and exits Various types of exit access and exits are doorways, corridors and passageways, horizontal exits, internal 3tarin and Construction ‘Type) (Clauses and ‘Table 5 Travel Distance (Based on Occupancy Maxinman Travel Distance pee Ee Type | and @ 3000 30.00 3000 30.00 30.00 30.00 450 2.50 3000 2250 SI Oatipaney Group ne | w ® | ‘) Resdaal Gop) i i) Bexatoat(rece 3) | 1) nstseoa (Gee C) i 1) Asentiy (oe) i Y) Business (Group &) vi) Mercantile (Group F) | 4 9) Indie (pO) hoz Sy i vin) Stange (Grup 19 | I) Hanan (op | notes 7 insented by 30 prea of he ues speci \a ia below the st basen nea akg id ramps, Types3 anda a 230 2230 2250 3000 30.00 30.00 See Nete3 4 For fully sprikieced building, the travel distance may be 2 Ramp shall not be counted as an exit in case of basements 3 Construction of Type 3 or Type 4 is not permitted staircases, exit passageways, extemal staircases and ‘Requirements for each are as detailed below. 4.42 b) 4) Q ISR Eaten A Doorways a) Every exit doorway shall open into an enclosed stairway or a horizontal exit of a corridor or passageway providing continuous and protected means of egress (see Fig. 7 on uunaccepted arrangement of doars in a stair). No exit doorway shall be less than 1 000 mm in width except assembly buildings, where door width shall be not less than 2 000 mm (see Fig. 8). Doorways shall be not less than 2.000 mm in height. Exit doorways shall be operable from the side which they serve, without the use of a key. Mitrots shall not be placed on exit doors and in exits to avoid confusion regarding the direction of exit, ‘Revolving doors can be accepted as a component in a means of egress where the following requirements are fully complied wit: 1), Doors shall be capable of collapsing to @ book fold position with parallel egress paths, of width not less than 1 000 ram. 2), Doors shail not be located within 3 m of ‘the foot or top of stairs or escalators. A disperSal area shall be provided between the staits or escalators and the doors. 3) Each revolving door shall be provided with a hinged door in the same wall within 3 m thereof, with same exiting capacity 4) Each revolving door shall be considered 4s capable of exiting only 5 persons ) ANT fire rated doors and assembly shall be provided with certificate and labels prominently indicating the manufacturer’s ‘identification, door details covering door type, seriaV/batch number, month and year of manufacture, fire resistance fating, etc. The doors and assembly shall be certified with all prescribed hardware such as hinges, locks, panic bars, door closer, and door viewers. 8) Access controlled doors — Access controlled doors and electromagnetic doors shail fall under this category. ‘These shall meet the following requirements: a 1) Doors shall have fire rating as per the requirements at the location of installation 2) Activation of the building automatic sprinkler or fire detection system, if provided, shall automatically ualock the doors in:the-direction of egress, and the doors shall remain unlocked wntil the automatic sptinkler system or fire-alarm system has been rhenually reset. 3) Loss of power to the part of the access control system that locks the doors shali splomatically unlock the doors in the irection of egress. 4) A manual release device shall be provided in the readily accessible Vicinity of the egress door with a signage ‘PUSH TO EXIT” and wien the same is operated, it shall result in direct interruption of power to the lock, independent of the access control system electronics, 1b) Turnstiles — Turnstiles or similar devices that restrict travel to one direction or are used to collect fares or admission charges shall not beplaced sos to obstruct any required meds of egress unless door openings of required width are available within 3 m thereof. Turnstiles or such similar devices shall also be disengaged through automatic or manual intervention to allow egress in the direction of exit. J) _ Doors in folding partition shall notbe treated as approved means of egress. Corridors and passageways of means of egress: a) Corridors and passageways shall be of width not less than the calculated aggregate width NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016aa @@086 jae ya ee Tats Levee is wor THE LEVEL OF | EXITPISCHARGE Fic, 7 UNACCEPTABLE ARRANGEMENT FOR ENCLOSING A STAI SERVING as a RequineD Exit MINIMUM CLEAR WIDTH ZR} LET DOOR wioTH Fic, 8 Miva CLear Door Wore of exit doorways leading from them in the direction of travel to the exit (see Table 4 and Table 5). b) Inthe case of buildings where there isa central corridor, which is part of exit access, the doors of rooms (except for rooms having assembly occupancy) shall open inwards to permit smooth flow of traffic in the corridor. Staircases 44.2.43,1 General ‘The requirements of number of staircases shall supplement the requirement of different occupancies in 6.1 to 6.9. All buildings, as mentioned in 1.2, shall have a minimum of two staircases. The actual number of staircases shall comply with the requirement of All exit staircases shall discharge, at the level of exit discharge, to the exit discharge, either, a) directly, or b) through an exit passageway, or ©) through @ large lobby. At least 50 percent of the staircases shall discharge as per (2) and/or (b) above. PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY ‘The minimum width of tread without nosing shall be 250 mun for staircdSe of residential buildings. This shall bbe minimum 300 mm for assembly, hotels, educational, institutional, business and other buildings. The treads shall be constructed and maintained in a manner to prevent slipping. The maximum height of riser shall be 190 im for staircase of residential buildings (A-2) and 150m for other buildings. The number of risers shall be limited to 12 per flight. ‘The staircases may be internal staircases or extemal staircases. Internal staircases ‘The intemal staircases may be constructed with an external wall, or otherwise, and shall comply with the following: 8) Internal stairs shall be constructed of non- combustible materials throughout, and shell have fire resistantrating of minimusn 120 min, b) A staircase shall not be arranged round a lift shaft ©) Exits shall notbe used as a portion of a supply, return or exhaust air system serving adjoining areas, Any opening(s) shall aot be permitted in walls or in doors, separating exits from adjoining areas. 4) No flue chimney, clectromechanical equipment, air conditioning units, gas piping or electrical panels shall be allowed in the stairway. * ©) Notwithstanding the detailed provision for exits in accordance with 4.2 and 4.3, the following minimum width shall be provided for staizcases for respective occupancies 1) Residential (A-2) 1.00 m NOTE —Forrow housing with 2 Soroys, the minimum wick hal be 0.75 m. 2). Residential (A-1, 4-3 and A-4) 1.25 m 33,cE i i cues 34 ; 3) Residential hotel (A-5 and : 3.50 :m A-6) 4) Assembly 2.00 m NOTE — The wieth of state may be abeepted to be 1.50 m in case of assembly ocenpancy having less than 150 persons 5) Educational 130m 6) Institutional 2.00 m 7) All other occupancies 150m 5) A handrail stall be provided on one side of the staircase of width less than t 500 mm, and on both sides of the staircase of width 1 500mm and more, The projection of handrai(s) in the staircase width shall not be ‘more than 115 mm, All other requirements of handrail shall be in accordance with Part 3 “Development Control Rules and General Building Requirements’ of the Code, 8) Handrails may project inside the measured width by aot more than 90 mm, h) The design of staircase shall also take into account the following: 1) The minimum headroom in « passage under the landing of staircase and under the staircase shell be 2.2 m 2) Access to exit staicase shall be through 4 fire door of a minimum 120 min fire resistance rating 3) No living space, store or other fire risk shall open dircctly into staircases. 4). The exit (including staircases) shall be continuous from refuge floors or terrace level, as applicable, to the level of exit discharge. 5) Noclectrical shafts/eir conditioning ducts oF gas pipes, etc, shall pess through or open in the staircases, 6) Lifts shall not open in staircase, 7) Nocombustible material shall be used for docoration/wall panelling in the staircase, 8) Beams/columns and other building features shall not reduce the head roou/ width of the stairoase, 9) The floor indication board, indicating the ‘ocation/designated number of staircase, respective floor number and direction to exit discharge shall be placed inside the staircase, on the wall neatest to the fire door, It shall be of size not less than 300 mm * 200 mm (see Fig. 9) Invlividual floors shell be prominently indicated on the wall outside the staircase and facing it. 10) 11) All staircase shall terminate at the level of exit discharge. The access to the basement shall be by a separate staircase 12) Scissors type staircases shail not be treated as part of exit, 44.24.33 Curved stairs Curved stairs shall not be treated as part means of egress, However, these may be used as part of exit access provided the depth of treed is not less than 280 mun at a point 350 mum from the narrower end of the tread and the smallest radius is not less than twice the stair width, 44.2434 Briernal staircases The extemal staircases are the staircases provided on the external wall/facade, and shall comply with the following ay 1) °) a) °) 8) h) D External stairs shall always be kept in sound and usable condition, All external stairs shall be directly connected to the ground Entrance tothe extesnal stars shall be separate ‘and remote from the internal staircase Where an extemal staircase is provided, it shall be ensured that the use of it at the time of fire is not prejudiced by smoke and flame from openings (for example, windows, doors) in the external face of the building Gere be taken to’ ensure that no external wall or window opening opens on to or close to an external stair, If such openings exists within 3 m from an external staircase, they shall be protected with fire rated doors/window assemblies with rating of at least 60 min (ee Fig. 10). ‘The external stairs shall be constructed of non- combustible materials, and any doorway Jeading to it shall have miniaium 120 min fire resistance, No external staircase, shall be inclined at an angle greater than 45° from the horizontal External stairs shall'have straight flight not Jess than 1 500 mm wide, Handrails, to be provided on both sides, shall be of a height not less than 1 000 mm and not exceeding 1200 mm. There shall be provisions of balusters with maxirnum gap of, 150mm, The use of spiral staircase shall be limited to Jow Qccupant load and tu'a building not ‘exoceding 9m in height. spiral staircase shall be not less than 1 500 mm in diameter and shall be designed to give adequate headroom, NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDLA 2016BLOCK A STAIRCASE No. 3 FLOOR S oO @ee@e6 9A EXAMPLE OF A STAIRWAY MARKING SIGN [FLOOR INDICATION BOARD} FLoo8 Puan wre LocaTiON REMAN CE WET RISER HYDRANT a oO € @250@860 @ECOCCA2BHREOOES 9B STAIR SIGN PLACEMENT NOTE — Block/Wing/Building name ae to be project specific. Staircase chowa as 3" ie intending to show the number essgned to ‘the starease All exits preferably tbe assigned with numberfidentfiation enabling eccupant/fire mento declare locatoniposition, reper eee YON Fio. 9 Siow Martone ano Requirement iw Exit Ramps ©) Ramps ‘and iiitermediate landings shal! continue with no decrease in width along the irection of egress travel 9) Outsideramps and landings shall be designed to minimise water accumulation on their surfaces. 1b). The slope ofa ramp shall not exceed | in 12 4) Ramps shall have landings located atthe top, at the bottom, and at doors opening onto the (6 percent). = ©) Ramp(s) shall be surfaced with approved slip 1h) Every landing shall be not less than 1 500 mm resistant materials that are securely attached. pace Grae tasteanpe aan No perférations are permissible on ramy j poet - J) Where the ramp is not part of an accessible @) Ramps shall comply with all the applicable requirements for staircases regarding enclosure, capecity (see also Table 4) and limiting dimensions, éxcept where specified in 6.1 to 6.9 for special uses and occupancies. floors. t,he ramp laningsoal terested A) Any changes in rave destin in amp sal route the rarp landings hl nb ene be preceded by landings of 1.5 m 1.5 m size, provided that the ramp has a straight run, PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 35| | } | srarweu. oars eeeurrte9 ies aoa 108 OPENING RESTRICTIONS ON STAIRWELL WALLS: Fig. 10 Opening Restrictions 1) Handzails shall be provided on all ramps on both sides (see, NOTE — Above requirements aré not applicable to basement car parking ramps ‘The ramps shall, in addition, comply with the requirements given in 13 of Part 3 ‘Development Control Rules and General Building Requirements’ of the Code, Smoke control of exits 8) Inbuilding design, compartmentation plays @ vital part in limiting the spread of fire and smoke. The design should ensure avoidance of spread of smoke to adjacent spaces through the various leakege openings in the compartment enclosure, such as cracks, openings around pipes ducts, airflow grills and doors. in the absence of proper sealing of all these openings, smoke and toxic gases will obsituct the free movement of occupants of the building through the exits. Pressurization of siaircases is of great importance for the 36 ») exclusion of smoke and toxic gases from the protected exit, Pressurization is a method adopted for protecting the exits from ingress of smoke, especially in high-rise buildings. In pressurization, aris injected into the staircases, lobbies, etc, as applicable, ta raise their pressure slightly above the pressure in adjacent parts of the building, As a result, ingress of smolce or toxic gases into the exits will be prevented. The pressurization of staircases and lift lobbies shall be adopted as given in Table 6. ‘The pressure difference for staircases shall be 50 Pa, Pressure differences for lobbies (or corridors) shall be between 25 Pa and 30 Pa, Further, the pressure differential for enclosed staircase adjacent to such lobby (or éutridors) shall be 50 Pa, For enclosed staircases adjacent to non-pressurized lobby (or corridors), the pressure differential shall be 50 Pa, NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016a é @ 3 e Cee ae 2a @ 4 i Ca Sea ®@200e6 yyy eyes ame Table 6 Pressurization of Staircases and Lift Lobbies : [Clauses (b) and E-2] SINe. Component Height of Building {ess than 15 ma 15mto20m, Mocs than 30 @ @ ® @ “ 0) emi saizeasenot with extemal all Pressurized except foe‘ Presouized Pressurized residential buildings (A2mea-s) i) tema staircase with exeraal wall Pressurized except for Naturally ventilated or Cross-ventilated or residential buildings Pressurized, Presswnized (Adan As) or ‘Nacaraly ventilated i) Lin tosby Not required at ground Naturally ventilated or Cross-venilted or ‘and above, Pressurized! Pressurized! However lift abby segregation and pressurization is required {or it commuting from round to basement NOTES 1 The natural ventilation requirement ofthe sterease shall be, achieved through opening st each landing, of an area 0.5 mi the exter wall. A cross ventilated staircase shall have 2 such openings in oppositeadjacent walls or the samne shal be eros. ‘ventilated tzough the comdor. 2 Enclosed staircase leading to more than one basemert shal be pressurize. "Lif lobby with fre doors (120 min) at all Ievels with pressurization of 25-30 Pe is required, However, iFlit lobby carat be povided 2 any ofthe fevels in sir conditioned builtings or in intemal spaces where funnel/ue effect may be create, lit hastway shall be ‘pressurized at 30 Pa, For bullding greeter than 20 m, multiple pasn injection oir inlets to maintain deste! picaszaton level shall be Provided. I the Tif lobby it ant Statvase are pat of Srefighting shaft, lift Idbby necessarily has to be presbusized in such ease, unless atarally ventilate, ©) Equipment ahd ductwork for staircase 4)» the positions of the extraction grills pressurization shall bein accordance with one pennit a general air flow away from of the following: the means of egress; 1) Directly connected to the stairway by ii) the construction of the ductwork and ductwork enclosed in non-combustible fans is such that, it will not be construction, rendered inoperable by hot gases and 2) Tduets used to pressurize the system are smoke; andl passed through shafts and grills are iii) there is mo danger of spread of smoke provided at each level, it shall be ensured to other floors by the path of the that hot gases and smoke from the extraction system which can be building cannot ingress into the staircases ensured by keeping the extraction ‘under any circurnstances. fans running. 4) The nonnal air conditioning system and the ©) For pressurized stair enclosure systems, the activation of the systems shall be initiated by ressurization system shall be di Teenie ean signalling from fire alarm panel. interfaced to meet the requirements of emergency services. When the emetigency 1) Pressutization system shall be integrated and pressurization is brought into action, the supervised with the automatic/manual re following changes in the normal air alarm system for actuation conditioning system shall be effected: 2) Wherever pressurized staircase is to be 1) Any re-circulation of air shall be stopped connected to unpressurized area, the two arcas and all exhaust air vented to atmosphere, shall be segregated by 120 min fire resistant wall 2) Any air supply to the areas other ) ee h) Fresh air intake for prgssurization shall be Pr away (et least 4 m) fromm any of the exhoust 3), The exhaust system may be continued oulletverile. provided, PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 374.5 Compartmentation 4.5.1 General 4) Iris important to timit the spread of a fire in any building. The usual method is to use fire barriers. In some instances these barriers need to be penetrated for ductwork, plumbing and electrical systems, and in such cases, use of passive fire protection measures shall be done So that the integrity of these barriers is not compromised. >) Floor(s) shall be compartmented with area as given below. 4.5.2 All floors shall be comnpartmented/zoned with arca ofeach compartment being not more than 750 m2, The ‘maximum size of the compartment shall be as follows, in case of sprinklered basement/building: eee eee eet St Use Compariment- No. ation Area 1g © @) @) 3) Basement car parking 3000 ti) Basements (other than 2.000 car parking) iii) Institutional buildings: 1800 Subdivision C-1 iv) Institutional buildings: ras Subdivision C-2 and C-3 ¥) Mercantile and assembly 2.000 buildings vi) Business buildings 3.000 vil) All other buildings 750 (Excluding low hazard and moderate hazard industcial buildings and storage buildings)” P Compartneatation for low hazsrt and moderate hazard industisl buigings and storage buildings shall be done ia cnsuitation with local fire department Jn addition, there shall be requirement of a minimum. of two compartments if the floor plate size is equal or less than the areas mentioned above. However, such requirement of minimurn two compartments shall not be required, ifthe floor plate is less than 750 m. Compartmentation shall be achieved by means of fite barrier having fire tesistance rating of 120 min 4.6 Smoke Control 4.6.1 Smoke Exhaust and Pressurization of Areas Above Ground Corridors in exit access (exit access corridor) are rented for meeting the requirement of use, privacy and 38 layout in various occupancies. These are most often noted in hospitality, health care occupancies and sleeping accommodations, Exit access corridors of guest rooms and indoor patient department/areas having patients lacking self preservation and forsleeping accommodations such as partments, custodial, penal and mental institutions, etc, shall be provided with 60 min fire resistant wall and 20 min self-closing fire doors along with all fire stop sealing of penetrations. Smoke exhaust system having make-up air and exhaust sir system or altématively pressurization system with supply air system for these exit access corridors shali be required. ‘Smoke exhaust system having malce-up air and exhaust air system shall also be required for theatres/auditoria, ‘Such smoke exhaust system shall lso be required for large lobbies and which have exit through staircase leading to exit discharge, This would enable eased exit of people through smoke controlled arca to exit discharge. All exit passageway (from exit to exit discharge) shall bbe pressurized or naturally ventilated. The mechanical pressurization system shall be automatic in action with ‘manual controls in addition. All such exit passageway shall be maintained with integrity for safe means of egress and evacuation. Doors provided in such exit ‘passageway shall be fire rated doors of 120 minating Smoke exhaust system where provided, for above areas and occupaucies shall have & minimum of 12 air changes per hour smoke exhaust mechanism Pressurization system where provided shall have a minimum pressure differential of 25-30 Pa in relationship to other areas. ‘The smoke exhaust fans in the mechanical ventilation system shall be fire rated, that is, 250°C for 120 min, For naturally cross-ventilated corridors or corridors with operable windows, such smoke exhaust system or pressurization system will not be required. 4.6.2 Smoke Exhaust and Pressurization of Areas Below Ground Each basement shall be separately ventilated. Vents with cross-sectional area (aggregate) not less than 2.5 percent of the floor atea spread evenly round the perimeter of the basement shall be provided in the form, of grills, or breakable stall board lights or paveinent lights or by way of shafts. Altematively, a system of mechanical ventilation system may be provided with following requiréments: 4) Mechanical ventilation system shall be designed to permit [2 air changes per hour in case of fire or distress call. However, for NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016normal operation; air changes schedule shall be as given in Part 8 “Building Services, | Section 3 Air conditioning, Heating and Mechanical Ventilation’ of the Code. b) In multi-level basements, independent air intake and smoke exhaust shafts (masonry or reinforced concrete) for respective basement levels and compartments therein shail be planned with its make-up aie and exhaust air fans located on the respective level and in the respective compartment. Alternatively, in multi-level basements, common intake ‘masonry (or reinforced cement eonerete) shaft may serve respective compartments aligned at all basement levels. Similarly, common smoke exhausvoutlet masonry (ot reinforced cement concrete) shafts may also be planned to serve such compartments at all basement levels. ALI supply air and exhaust air fans on respective levels shall be installed in fire resisting room of 120 min. Bxheust fans at the respective levels shall be provided with back draft damper connection to the common smoke exhaust shaft ensuring complete isolation and compartmentation of floor isolation to eliminate spread of fire and smoke to the other compartments/floors. Due consideration shall be taken for ensuring proper drainage of such shafts to avoid insanitation condition, Inlets and extracts mey be terminated at ground level with stall board or pavernent lights as before. Stall board and pavement lights should be in positions easily accessible to the fire brigade and clearly marked ‘AIR INLET’ or‘SMOKE OUTLET” with an indication of area served at or near the opening @ Smoke from any fire in the basement shall not, obstruct any exit serving the ground and upper floors of the building, ©) The smoke exhaust fans in the mechanical ventilation system shall be fire rated, that is, 250°C for 120 min f) The smoke ventilation of the basement car parking areas shall be through provision of supply and exhaust air ducts duly installed with its supports and connected to supply air and exhaust fans, Alternatively, a system of impulse fans (jet fans) may be used for meeting the requirement of smoke ventilation complying with the following: 1) Structural aspecis of beainis and other down stands/services shall be taken care of iu the planning and provision of the jet fans. PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 2) Fans shall be fire rated, that is, 250°C for 520 min, 3) Fans shall be adequately supported to enable operations for the duration as above. 4) Power supply panels for the fans shall be located in fire safe zone to ensure continuity of power supply. 5) Power supply cabling shall meet circuit integrity requirement in accordance with accepted standard [4(13)}. The smoke extraction system shall operate on actuation of flow switch actuation of sprinkler system. In addition, local and/or remote ‘manual start-stop control/switch* shall be provided for operations by the fire fighters. ‘Visual indication of the operation status of the fans shall also be provided with the remote control. No system relating to smoke ventilation shall be allowed to interface or cross the transformer area, elecirical switchboard, electrical rooms or exits, ‘Smoke exhaust system having make-up air ond exhaust air system for areas other than car parking shall be tequired for common areas and exit access corridor in bascments/undergrovnd structures and shall be completely separate and independent of car parking areas aid other mechanical areas, Supply air shall not be less than $ m from any exhaust discharge openings, 4.7 Gas Supply 4.1.1 Town Gas/LPG Supply Pipes Where gas pipes are run in buildings, the samejshall be run in separate shafts exclusively for this purpose and these shall be on external walls, away from the staircases. Gas distribution pipes shall always be below the false ceiling. The length of these pipes shall be as short as possible. In the case of kitchen cooking range area, hood should have grease filters using metalic grill to trap oil vapours escaping into the fume hood NOTE — For detailed informa reference may be made to Part 9 ‘Ges Supply’ ofthe Code. 4.1.2 Thermal detectors ‘These shall be installed into fume hoods of large kitchens forhotels, hospitals, and similar areas located in high rise buildings. Arrangements shall be made for automatic tripping of the exhaust fan in case of fire. If gas is used, the-same shall be shut off. The voltage shall be 24 V or 100 V dc. operated with extemal rectifier, The valve shall be of the hand re-set type and shall be located in af arca segregated from cooking ranges. Valves shall be easily accessible, The hood shall have manval facility for sted or suitable hood extinguishing gas released depending on duty condition, on 8 pipe installations, obing Serviees, Section 4 394.7.3 Gas cylinders and manifold shall need to be housed in a detached location with no other occupancy within distances prescribed in good practice [4(14)] thereof. There shell be an enclosure suitably ventilated It is desirable to provide medium velocity spray nozzles ‘which can be operated by quick opening valve situated away from the enclosure. 4.7.4 In the case of ges cylinders, if manifold has to be installed on podiun/close to podium, the same shall be away from any air intakes/smoke exhaust openings/ any windows. 4.7.5 Pressute regulating stations shall be designed and instatled at critical locations for excess flow shut off valves. Seismic shut off valve at the main distribution point shall be installed for buildings in D-6 occupancy ‘and institutional occupancy above 15 m. 4.7.6 Gas meters shall be housed in a suitably ‘constructed metal cupboard located in a well-ventilated space, keeping in view the fact that LPG is heavier than air and town gas is lighter then air 4.7.7 Wherever LPG teticulation/eylinders are used in buildings above 160m, gas leak detectors shall. be provided at the usage points and monitored from fire command centre. The cables used! for signaling shall be circuit integrity cabies 4.7.8 The gas lines shall not be installed through any clecirical shalis, escape routes, refuge areas/refuge floors, 4.7.9 Kitchens working on LPG fuel shall not be permitted in basements, 4.8 Hazardous Areas, Gaseous, Oil Storage Yard, ete Rooms containing high pressure boilers, refrigerating machinery, transformers or other service equipment ‘subject to possible explosion shall not be located directly under or adjacent to exits. All such rooms shall be effectively cut-off from other parts of the building and shall be provided with adequate vents to the outside air. All rooms or areas of high hazard in additions to those herefabefore mentioned, shall be segregated or shall be protected with fire resistant walls having fire rating of 120 min as fire, explosion or smnoke therefrom is likely ‘o interfere with safe egress from the building, Further, 8) each building shall be provided with an approved outside gas shut-off valve conspicuously marked. ‘The detailed Tequirements regarding safe use.of gas shall be as specified in Part 9 “Pluinbing Services, Section 4 Gas Supply’ of the Code; and b)_allexterior openings in a boiler room or sooms contain central heating equipment, if focated below opening in another storey or if less than 3 m from other doors or windows of the same building shall be protected by a fire assembly as in 3.4.5. Such assemblies shall be fixed, automatic or self-closing. 4.9 Fire Detection and Alarm a) The requirements of fre detestion and alarn systems are covered for each occupancy in Table 7 and under 6.1 to 6.9 for anmunciation to occupants in view of the ensuing vulnerability and to wam occupants early of the existence of fire, 30 a8 to facilitate orderly and safe egress. b) Fire detection and alarm systems in buildings shall be so planned and programmed so as to enable operations of various systems and equipment to facilitate requirements leading to life safety, compartmentation and fire protection. These systems and equipment may include electromechanical systems such as air handling units; pressurization systems; smoke management systems; creation of, compartmentation through the release of fire barrier, hold-up fire doors, ete; and monitoring of fire water storage tanks and pumps, pressures in hydrant and sprinkler system, ete ‘These planning and requirements shall be based on building occupancy and other requirements on case to case basis. ©) Voice evacuation systems shall employ Hindi, English and vernacular language using pre- recorded messages and integrate with fire alarm panels for alerting the zone of fire and surrounding zones/floors as required for ‘annunciation (see also Table 7 and its Note 1), ) Appropriate visual warning arrangement through visual strobes/beacons may be considered: in appropriate situations particularly in public buildings, at required locations to ensure visual as well as alarm for persons with hearing impairment. ©) Forassembly buildings, instinitional buildings and all buildings above 30 m in height where fire alana system is provided in accordance to Table 7, detectors shall also be provided inside the electrical shafts, and lift machine rooms, etc, besides ocenpancy areas. 4) Fire alarm panels shell be connected in peer to peer network or with redundant cables, run in different shafts. Each panel shall be able to work in standalone mode and, master slave architecture may be used where réquired. 8) The fire detection system shall be in accordance with accepted standards [4(15)] NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016THON (oco5) women) 2x 05 an, aw EM x an_| ww we | wow @ © seateg Sees aw we BM EN Ww ww] ww | ow zx | ew | ww ows x0 900 | (@ Cana os») (0N #88) | 09 208) ose xn aw aN x a ay | aN woiw | ow TaN a) 0x 200) 08h wy aw aN Ww a ww | ow wie | ow aN aw. aN aN aw aw x we | ow we fw |e we wyusrom sr | Cs (enon ‘Seog Hom pie sannor |e (I SONT@TINN HINGES oH @ @ WH ‘a a a w @ O_o @ w. (1 a0y 208) (ea0y zm | saasis ekg pee wry pn weg sot | se women seoquds | umphit | sae ey | eg aueeary squomy | "pex | ewoa | mariea | wer | or doaedao09 | oN sonenesm 30264 Supnegsosdén | 1s HL esse 4 PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY2 OF fet) Oo Coo Oooo Uo a wae 2 L aoe ] vo 0001 A (rte pre | (earn 206) | (6 a0n 20) (rao, 201) Gra0y 0) thpsore zZ aw} staoxen |" oooot con oot x z x x aw a ojul ay eon 0. e TE sON Fy ; Ky 200 05 oe 8 jovani: 2150 ft 20 8 n:zatgns 22.000 fom Gay 25) (mone) | eamnog foo'tea 5 00 2 os) (000s) | am005 0 emo) emo) Apooor é os cooot__| “srceaor x x x wa | ow a ala oa ed 8 or FP 2 (9 a0N 201) (9 a0 25) asa 095 3 (ost) (0008) (baton 205) Smpasoxa z Osh 2 00 we aN x a a_| aw wij ul a | swe a | § a} z Sao LON ie aN son) | poor 00 002 x x a x aw aital nmopenoay | TERT 10199 Serpeons Toa seq a4 Ww _| datas) | oooot cop ost aw. x x x w Xa ty | meray | & Cros BRUTE sp 2.20) upeoxs 00 x __| tors | cons coo se aN x y wi | w Mf uf a | marca | waRgUT OSE taovee | (paoyezen Ssapeoox9 00 06 con se aw 1 aw u ww | a | ay |shoge peru st oD (eT 1 ey ©. r wrt sdung pons od serra poe ‘anarnye rupcerpa weeny | “mre (1910N 39) ronan | ampaondt | cenoqeone | “sass smsedsex | pomaues | Connie | ami cy be rinaeat, | mass | ano” | aapetung | wmv pm |-snaoet | wont oH | sy Mea | “mgdaee | MR, «| Bemams | sonmoa | jomnig | ass | sea | soemy ev | ama aig | Lemmon | anmuony | wes | apuony | SRE | een serra | au | “ane ra muy feuedmg | oye LL sipedsy aitng Siding 19044 soneeasu 30 a, supmagyoaies | ig (pamamoa) — 1 >4q@4, 42a iB camino 2 reqs anna aon oo” | w wot ew | ow [Ew | | « (te ) SONU TNORALIISNE ~ RST aesn0 won) oe wx_|enemnsen | CUBS? | omos | we | ow (ORL | | | | |e | eee tyoen9 soo me 006, AN 000 St. IN XN, a x BN, a aN Uw a aaoge pew arse | Cz vemos ait (ost) (000) (ai0yy 298) ‘sKasoys at01l 10 Pw | RL we Pw we we |e |e fw || ersten et = wastdenn | a (1 10N 975) (@) SONIA TING TYNOLLVONGS Perey ae aT one | woe | u |» | wv |u| wife [ul x | sacar « oe igen ness oonest 4 a | “Reeauet i a s an sdung pu g putoone E vain 3 seer re 3M {1 s10Ny 209) E Tent | pda | eevee | “sami | : wodty | Bakes | Og Hy : Smee | race | ume w2sig 7 g ee | anaes eee srry | mean | 029 x om | oes | Seed iprerey { pert Hl aune Leen alee 2 fowio, |-ox | & ‘tins hens sonny smmansi |) & & th 2 2 & 8 &.9. 2.2.9 ) SB.- Tae tt eel ced teed et WRN 285) 2 ‘os oaenoe sos & 06 Ww aw we 2 iw | ow woof we} | ocmnsone 3 GaN TT 2 (osr) ( 30N 298) os aN MN. 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Zz a) 3 —! capura) @| B @sonamncrminvown |Z 4 wer — & aw | cz | ooooe 00 092 x x x x aw wa ital a srocsony |_| 2 TT uw og oda an __| crams | ooooe | 000 ost x x a x aw uofaljs a wv__| (orron2) | oot 000.008 x x ui a ax a if[ula « TaN Ay BaiON aT «ose (ooo) Goro) osr | wraen oy | cons 009 06 x x q 3X] aff e |) mantgrawey |g away WsON aT (oss) ‘ooo9) ‘ a2) eq ose aw 00 oF aN a x x aw x av} wy | a | auger | G @ somertag ssantsne a i om @ w a T9 wee w w sung pngnd i sop poe min pia souny | omnia 20. 308) vanor | sop Grande | (ear aai | sual | ssnoadeg | pomquay’ | “wae | may ang Pe | so | sampateing | unery pe | suas | umsis sou | soem ay | Saas | tomcec, to | smnauds | wee | ze409 by | Bun sown [omedenun | onsucey | Atowre | stony | "oa" | ‘Sweat | aontron | fey | eee ‘ony ouwdw29 | on | Aydd03 359634 7 srmensiser jo adc supueaie mica | 1S (wamnmog) — 4 anqeg, 46a7 (wae sei) (ern) aN ovo ac aN ww a x aN x wieofial a aon 75) GaN aN ‘000 aw Ww. ww ¥ aN XN weoo| aw] a @ (et N29" (9) SONTOTINE TWRELSAGNT an | rane) | 000 07 cooast x x x x aN a ule @ - : r waa ae OF Supoeo%e 8 W | Grsens | one coo 002 x x a x aN x we] a | mauyeasoay | ce Fl aa a He (ot sen 229) com x ej. x aw x a] x & aN we Ww x aw. x wi oll» T cwanong205) aN aw x x aw x x | w_| ime purai (9 w GO wy w D wo w > | 5 | 4 & | ‘sonra, | ‘ova tear £ samadioy ware ea 3 x0 cunry oor oH | suse 3 tpt ena melee oa or | g i soon | ponosd-npun | anmamny enod | perme | aera] an 3 any sousiorg | oy | Aiddag a9y0 9 Ht Auprmesoodcy | is |S F ' a i i oP 8 ®@[UN | terse | ooo ‘000 ost x x aw (er a0x 2) | oop ot 009 oot x us 006 WN 000 06 wt x x 206 aN, 00 02 ww. Ww x oy a. coo 01 Ww Ww x Ww. (9 90x 294) (aon 238) uN Graveze) | cans 000 se x ¥ (9 0y 220) (9205 225) os) ‘ocos) wom) ose 02 aN @ w eA ia) Y ot @ @ assiouey, we wi 56 yoasnssoig vung woh se ‘| sour, Joomemg | @ungau) | emo, (can 288) re aiuas | asodsoy waieds sir ones 2210) vue pe mskg punoetsspun, | soe, ons spreads soy dung | soma auewony sneuoiny Tara emmy (__fedieg drag aiddng sy suogereseay 30 281, NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016“aT ose} toraenae) | anor nose x x x x aK x av |iw | sudpmog (9 0 os | Greene) | ooo ooo x a a a aN x a] a | xoummp ¢ Bee empasiren ataaca pun suis nope |e sosz meg Spe pansoo pari 006 aN ooo se aw aN Ww a aw aN wou] ow wursinore | Ct (0c 20 2) 0 SONTAG BOVBOIS ax__| crane | conoe 00 0st x x x x aw x alia W | (rane | conoe 00 cor x x a x aw a aja zw} raw) | coor 0005 x a a ww aw x aio 1 } 006 w_ | ose Ww x x 4 aw aN Wop es 006 aN voor Ww Ww an] ow aw aw. woj wos I a © wr wr T w c o oI ae a amp | seo) pea | awog | sma foordaaig | ow sae 088 Supmoayootiy, | 1s (pamuuog) — 1, HaNy, 9 PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY8100 Speeoz9 ueuDseq Jo eam 1 UBF U pal & "TY pu t-¥ sevonedeaco Joy pontaued 2g on 100 a Fa TC ako z 2 a Sto sone oko > yons Buta oj ear tp wr paras svsncy Is eas waoaip tong oH fund 9 potato) panabs yu st waste 5 sor oma Joanna Sunde fon}-paa Up tGge Ue 8 ‘upped 2 w paprotd aq ont RUS amo, “onege put W Ye wi ys 25a tay souedaazo 9-¥ pu gy 20j ama RIN anaes C4 eBupLIng fe Soy 8 Talsopan (2) poe Toa ran) A sspoanan 2i y tapes sooen ogee pas awl ey sp tee ate 8 salon g asmnbow sont ~ aN g panbay = g go. wer 2 qpexoKe 3 ou mg § ‘tuppeq 009 E 06 | caz2en ee) | ocnos x uf x u a | x | sou sony oo z Suu ax | zene | aw a x a x XW x a | ow | semis ating Bia L sumsroda |G (or en 28) (D SoNteTHnG saOcaVZVE WO TRRT 006 | Caraenee | ono ar cooost aw a x x Ww x Bia | mOperomn| te ayy a0 sid panos x x a x aw. ¥ af x ep rpg io ol a w o oe wt ou dung Jo.95 104 sapqaudg pre ipa para aos worms | com Joemssayg senor | op ede | (ear0n 208) : ‘urns swroadsey | ponquioy | ums. | amy ang “| eg sero | amy a8uoig | umy pus | omomer | washs sso | cogs un os | wo asco, vwesp6ey | eno piv | Buta SPL gL pwortsmn | opmony | Armee | oortony | "awa | tnor | semgioy | oie | 2 fomednoa9 | oy Aydin soreay __topeesuy yo tk upon goats | 1g (pamueg) — g a1qny, 8 SHERRIE ee EEE ERE Tra enter eneaR ae RP A 5 Fy ATEN a TeV 0 suoprppe Suppaosd fq un 29 wes anaofgo uy ‘edad yo 18 jstorrepe Jo suoroxd ot saNOWEY EZ “rape asep i yooney ae 0 sweat OOF Y>¥9 30} pape aq eduind yo RE SHO Ze : ‘aging 2 so gar paranoo ayy uo pareq2q pags Asedeo dun TZ ‘howed3e (aD) upped 289 onoy-ajn soy ponnused 29 YOu (EHS WBIAY CH M Gp Onoge SBuIpTNg “anemMOH! ttoundasoe ¢ Eno4D pe fy JnexD 295 pang oq O14 Bley UF UE sy onogeE SBapHINE OZ ‘opotednaoe ¢-5 295 paused sq 91 08 now w ST en0ge STUNPLM 6T ‘atoubdn990 2-9 ue 1-5 0} pane oq 6100 Nog UW gy ange uIP BE “sonar 2a joo] a7 sim woneysuea uF Ost DUR pIEDUES ‘apa auerate 30 sg xp 80 120 paqtom 2q oF anny 8 stuScIagNoE aM SenSNpLE Jao a9 ‘uN snp sles qeuN oy a pH RMEDPA D 80020 30} qe sup et won swoutenOoy AID LE soouednaoo x dsp pu q dnosp ‘3 éno4p “g Usoup 26; paused 290s 2OUwyBIng UU OF AOGE SENN OE ‘Kors suo wei aso gy sBuIpTIN4 30} popIond 39 0 pathy SL Cec pH zz SION OH ‘uy ver) aruyony ogt Koodea yo ded apooye oxo pew eye zg 1 Aacede> go (Ka pues) due ese auo pue aunsyo suo Jo Baustsuo9 Yoea sad Jo sas Jo soRUN pasta! 3PTAOIS HY wourBusure uaqarnbe 2an0 Auw 19 edutnd annie fausnbaiy sen 1 (23002 4J0 1 auo Joy povinbor se AxoRdeD que stem sip BuRQnOD pa Kaede aeTES 2p fo dumnd os darnd (909 12 dunnd 240 ey axe fo 359 UT 88 on Jo enn spi parsocuoazxe aq || amssord Buoear) sdeind yino-rynus “ee-nmss9prstos o1 popdmNoees 2 “xojastp pu anes! yf souatode AoA ame AGB WN anoge 20 ug SAmping ast WBN Ut A NOT CF “ex pme ee smn on 228) (21 Shy 298) enyeng ogy Arsodeo go dain aso oms pus uTEan Qs z AxsedaD 30 (kq pene) dau [asp 240 pas oundoqa baa Jo BuxrsuDD gore sds Jo sts o sagan parton aptacia ZT (ez pe zz 0x OF {23aip au pu ourao(2 on Jo Sunstsao> yoeesdamd jo oe Jo aqua pasa 3PI02G TT (€x poe 27 2100 ony 204) (11 31g 408) emtyong ost fupuia Jo dud aimoap2auo ue unujonry age z Atoedeo 30 (Kq puss) dain (aseqp 240 pun asmo[9 an0 Jo SupsttUED yABD sdumd Jo s38 Jo zeqEINE panos MPIC OF opm aoe poe ue esos rem omes puno-Trepun oq wy IAEA PY 24 ENS SHAPES 6 ‘=noge DUE Ht anoqe 4BI2y Lab SBuIpINg 205 peptAard ago Panay g {eu + punoup) sfaros ant eae 01 9g 0 paso 2 00g Spesoxs ware ywourovea 3 Pepe 2g tes sHsoNNTaN wt HEA anqBATEUOMDPY 9 225) (Zi Fig 228) urujony opt f1gede9 yo dune aso on pum UREA ORE Z ADedeD 30 (Ka pees (papmjqueg) — 1 198L DOSS COCoOSEGC ASSES fae pre iia di OOOO PART 4 FIRE AND LIVE SARETY| Ipenrarnerterevm Guidelines for selection of various types of fire detectors for different occupancies and their installation and maintenance shall be ia accordance with good practice [4(16)] and the Part 12 ‘Asset and Facility Management’ of the Code. 1b) Inbuildings where automatic fire alam system, is provided, the following shall be monitored from fire alarm panel: 1) Water level in all tanks, 2) Hydrant and sprinkler pressures of respective zones as provided. 3) Pump ‘ON/OFF status. 4) All isolation valves, wherever provided with supervisory switch (non-padiock valves). 5) Other requirements to meet clectro- ‘mechanical services interface. 4.10 Five Officer 4.10.1 A qualified Fire Officer with experience of not Jess than 3 years shall be appointed who will be available on the premises, for large educational complexes, business buildings with height 30 m and above, residential building with height 60 mand above, institutional buildings of 15 mand above, starred hotels and D-6 occupancy. 4.202 The Fite Officer shall, 1) maintain the firefighting equipment in good working condition at all times. ») prepare fire orders and fire operational plans and get them promulgated. ©) impart regular training to the eccupants of the buildings in the use of firefighting equipment provided on the premises and keep them informed about the fire emergency evacuation plan. 4) keep proper liaison with the city fire brigade. €) ensure that all fire precautionary measures are observed at the times. NOTE — Conipetent authority haviog jristiction may insist on compliarce of the above rules in ease of buildings having very large areas even ifthe height is fess than 30m, 4.41 Fire Drills and Fire Orders Fire notices/orders shall be prepared to fulfil the requirements of firefighting and evacuation from the buildings in the event of fire and other emergency, The ‘eccupants shall be made thoroughly conversant with their action in the event of emergency, by displaying fire notices at vantage points and also through regilar training, Such aotices should be displayed prominently in bold lettering 32 For guidelines for fire drills and evacuation procedures for high rise buildings, see Annex D. 5 FIRE PROTECTION 5.1 Fire Extinguishers/Fixed Firefighting Installations 5.1.1 All buildings depending upon the occupancy use and height shal be protected by fire extinguishers, hose reels, wet riser, down-comer, yard hydrants, automatic sprinkler installation, deluge system, bigh/mediumn velocity water spray, foam, water mist systems, gaseous or dey powder system, manual/automatic fire alarm system, ete, in accordance with the provisions of various clauses given below, as applicable: 4) These fire extinguishing equipment and their installation shall be in accordance with accepted standards [4(17)]. The extinguishers shall be mounted at a convenient height to enable its quick access and efficient use by all in the event of a fire incidence. The requirements of fire extinguishers/yard hydrant systems/wet riser/down-comer installation and capacity of water storage tanks and fire pumps, etc, shall bé as specified in ‘Table 7. The requirements regarding size of rmains/risets shall be as given in Table 8. The typical arrangements of down-comer and wet riser installations are shown in Fig. 13. The wet riser shall be designed for zonal distribution ensuring that unduly high pressures are not developed in risers and hose pipes. b) First-aid firefighting appliances-shall be provided and installed in accordance with good practice [4(18)]. The firefighting equipment and accessories to be installed in buildings for use in firefighting shall also be in accordance with the accepted standard [4(17)] and shall be maintained periodically 80 as to ensure their perfect serviceability at all times. ©} Valves in fixed firefighting installations shall have supervisory switch with its signalling to fire alarm panel or to have chain(s), pad lock(s), label and tamper-proof security tag(s) with serial number to. prevent tampering/unauthorized operation. These valves shall be kept in their intended ‘open’ position, 4) In addition to wet riser or down-comer, first- aid hose reels shall be installed in buildings (here required under Table 7) on all the floors, in accordancé with accepted standard [4(19)], The first-aid hose reel shall be NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016seta a Se »SSCSFSORRDWGS OOS ~, yaa, HH Ooo &©9e8@¢o060 connected directly to the riser/down-comer tain and diameter of the hose ree! shall ot be less than 19 mm, Wet risers shall be interconnected at terrace level to form a ring and cut-olf shall be provided for each connection to enable repair/ maintenance without affecting rest of the system, 1) Pressure at the hydraulically remote hydrant and at the highest hydrant shall not be less than 3.5 bar. The pressure atthe hydrants shall however not exceed 7.0 bar, considering the safety of operators. It may be planned to provide orifice plates'for landing valves to control pressure to desired limit especially at lower levels; this could also be achioved through other suitable means of pressure reducing devices such as pressure controlled hydrant valves. Hydrants for firefighting and hose reels shall be located in the lobby in firefighting shat ‘Those hydrants planned to be provided near fire exit staircase on the floor shall be within 5 m from exit door in exit access. Such hydrant cabinet may finish with doors to meet interior finishes with requirement of glass panel to provide visibility to the installations inside and inscribed with the word: FIRE HOSE CABINET’ offetter size 75 mm in height and 12 mm in width. Such door of the fire hose cabinet ned not be fire resistant rated. The location of such cabinets shall be shown on floor plan and duly displayed in the landing of the respective fire exit staircase e) 8) S.1.2 Static Water Storage Tanks and Pump House Static water storage tanks A satisfactory supply of water for the purpose of firefighting shall always be available in the form of underground/terrace level static storage tank with capacity specified for each building with arrangements or replenishment. Water for the hydrant services shall be stored in an easily accessible surface/underground lined reservoir or above ground tanks of steel, concrete or masonry. ‘The effective capacity of the reservoir above the top of, the pump casing (flooded suction) for various types of ‘occupancies shall be as indicated in Table 7. Water for firefighting shall be'stored in two or more interconnected compartments of equal size o facilitate cleaning atid maintenance of the tanks without interrupting the water availability for firefighting. ‘To prevent stagnation of water in the static water storage tank, the suction tank of the domestic water supply shall PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY be fed only through an overflow arrangement from the fire water storage tanks to maintain the level therein at ‘the minitnum specified capacity. Alternatively, domestic and fire water can be stored in toro interconnected compartments as mentioned above. ‘The suction inlet(s) for the domestic water pumps shall be so located at an elevation thet minimum water requirements for firefighting as stated in Table 7 will be always available for Bre pumps. The static storage water supply required for the above ‘mentioned purpose shail entirely be accessible to the fire engines of the local fire service. Suitable number of manholes shall be provided for inspection, repairs, insertion of suction hose, etc. As an alternative to the axrangement of manholes to allow access from the top, suitable arrangement to enable efficient access to the tank by the firemen from the adjoining fire pump room having direct access from the ground level, shall be made, The underground fire water storage tank(s) shall not be more than 7 m in depth from the level having fire brigade draw-out connection, while the draw-out ‘connection shall not be more than 5 m away from the tank wall ‘The covering Slab shall be able to withstand.a total vebicular load of 45 t (oras applicable) equally divided as a four-point load when the slab forms a part of pathway/driveway. ‘The static water storage tank shall be provided with a fire brigade collecting head with 4 number 63 mm diameter (2 number 63 mm diameter for pump with capacity | 400 litre/min) instantaneoug male iniets arranged in a valve box at suitable point at street level. ‘The same shall be connected to the static tank by & suitable fixed galvanized iron pipe not less than 150 mm jn diameter to discharge water into the tank when required at the rate of 2 250 litre/min, if tank is in the basement or not approachable for the fire engines, Each of the static water storage tanks shall also be provided with a fire brigade draw out collecting head with 63 mm diameter instantaneous male draw out anranged ina valve box at a suitable point at street level, ‘This draw out shall be connected to galvanized iron pipe of 100 mm diameter with foot valve arrangement jn the tank, Firefighting pump house ‘The requirements shall be as given below: 8) Itis preferable to install the pump housé at ground level. Pump house shall be situated so as to be directly accessible from the surrounding ground level Pump house shall be installed not lower than the second basement. When installed in the b) 5310. Rooks scene: x Fl ELECTRICALERE Sune £2 BESELORVENFREPLNE 53 Soceey rune. bv Rescue vessel THR FLOOR SS Fexme comecnon NOK AETRN VALVE B oo pe 5 Bi Stewnn A Bf Tat FLANGE JOINT , aa RowowTes osm VES Test valve osm oe i FIRST fLooR. pela Z q Fae 4 sprmacee, Fo rine BU toon SPRINKLER DRAIN PE FOFInE tanie ELEVATIONAL VIEW 7 rors Sranasr system ——| arenas Pte] rire wareR TaN? TO SKTERNAL FRc trons sd fextennany Fm waren TANK FIRE PUMP ROOM c PLAN ¢ Fra, 11 Tyeicat Syste or Puncrine vita Owe Biecrric, One Dieset Fiat Pump c c c 54 NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016 cABOVE FLooRs yo sy Leceno. TS SIG SIN WANE sy ‘SEE DETAIL-A 390m SECOND FLOGR & Fa Fa we DIESEL ORIVEN ARE Pua FL HYDRANT FRE Pune Jockey Pup EL spRwKteR eur PRESSURE VESSEL. FL BRERVORAWT FAP FIRE ALARMPANEL, SP spruucien Valve —S rlexee connecnoy Re Non return valve. RING TO FAP ‘CONTROL VALVE FLANGE ONT FLow swt TO Stanwers Syste ‘RAN VALVE 290m iRsr FLOOR & ae hii GROUND FLOGR [NAG RISER FROM FRE PLANT ROW [SPRINKLER RISER FROM FIRE PLANT ROO 7 SPRINKLER DRAIN PIPE TO FIRE TANK ELEVATIONAL VIEW Test vauye IaH GLASS ‘UNION yore system «Loe (TERNAL) TORKTERIAL AIRE HYDRANT (EXTERNAL "> re To SPRINKLER svsrew = FIRE WATER TANK FIRE WATER TANK? FIRE PUMP ROOK PLAN Fic. 12 Tye1cat System or Pumps wire Two Euecreic, One Diese Fine Pus FART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 35OH. TANK Hf Hose REEL ot SINGLE HEAD LANDING VALVE AIR RELEASE VALVE see [epee e eet HP ~ HYORANT PUMPIMAIN ELECTRIC PUMP ale custiion rani JP. - JOCKEY PUMP If DP - DIESEL Pune Secure a eee RP ye SLUICE VALVE SP - SPRINKLER PUMP a SH = SUCTION HEADER SPRINKLER LINE TEST ORAW | WET RISER > NON- RETURN VALVE DM ~ DELIVERY HEADER 2 FLOW SWITCH VDE Tosa "SPRINKLER HEAD HYDRANT —> CABLE TO Eee Toor ANNUNCIATION PANEL. SYSTEM BLE CONDUIT FOR AV. AIR VESSEL ooTER 1OV- INSTALLATION — CABLE ConouMr FoR CONTROL VALVE MANUAL CALL BOX 4 HOOTER “C1 MANUAL CALL BOx [-f FIRE BRIGADE INLET TANK FILLING [~ FIRE BRIGADE DRAW FROM TANK YARD FIRE ALARM PANEL WITH = voRANT BATTERY BACK-UP AND ; PA. SYSTEM | 4 = L— ZONAL SPRINKLER Safe ANNUNCIATION PANEL beg vo t [UG FIRE TANK Fe, 13 Tyeicat, Arkanoeenr or Wet Riser anb TorAL SPRINKLER System of BuILomG NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016‘Table 8 Size of Mains {Clause 5.1.1(2)] si Size of he Mains “Type of Building Remarks Ne net o 2) & @ 100 im with Single oir 3) Residential bailing (Ay lending valves 1) Doxmitores 7 2) sparmenss 7 3) Hotels Up 1045 might ¥) Bdscatonal buildings) = 6) Tastntionat buildings (C) Up 1020 mbeight 4) 1 Assembly building D) ~ ) Business buildings (E) Up 045 mheight 1) Mercantile auilings ~ 2) Indust buidings (6) Up 1015 eabsight 13) 130 om with singe outot 2) Hotes ‘Spove 45 might landing valves ») Sueanetts — ©), lantituonal builings (C) ‘Above 30 might ©) Business buildings 8) ‘Above 45 m eight ©) Inusuial buildings () Above 15 mbeight ) Storage buildings (8) Up 0 15 might £)__ Hazardous buildings (D) Upto 15 mbzigh Eee oe ®@o Oe ©6 66 SECES ad e) 8) ») dD 9 mm) basement, staircase with direct accessibility (or through enclosed passageway with 120 min fire rating) from the pround, shall be provided. Access to the pump coom shall not require to negotiate through other occupancies within the basement. Pump house shall be separated by fire walls all around and doors shall be protected by fire doors (120 min rating) Pump house shall be well ventilated and due ‘care shall be taken to avoid water stagnation. No other titity equipment shall be installed inside fire pump room. Insertions like flexible couplings, bellows, etc, in the suction and delivery piping shall be suitably planned and installed. Installation of negative suction arrangement and submersible pumps shall not be allowed Pump house shall be sufficiently large, to accommodate all pumps, and their accessories like PRVs, installation contro! valve, valves, diesel tank and electrical panel. Battery of diesel engine operated fire pump shall have separate charger from emergency power supply cirenit. Exhaust pipe of diesel engine shall be insulated as per best engineering practice and taken to a safe location at ground level, considering the back pressure, Fire pumps shall be provided with soft starter or variable frequency drive starter PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 5.1.3 Automatic Sprinkler Installation ‘The requirements shall be as given below: a) ») 8) Automatic sprinklers shall be installed wherever required in terms of Table 7 throughout the building in accordance with ‘200d practice [4(20)] I selective sprinkleting is adopted, there is a real danger of a fire starting in one of the unsprinklered area gathering momentum spreading’ to other areas and reaching the sprinklered areas as a fully developed fire, In such an event, the sprinklers can be rendered useless or ineffective. Automatic sprinklers shall be installed in false ceiling voids exceeding 800 mm in height. Installation of sprinklers may be excluded in any area to be used for substation and DG set. In areas having height 17 m or above such as inairia, sprinkler installations may be rendered ineffective and hence may be avoided, Pressure in sprinkler system shall not exceed 12 bar or else high pressure sprinkler to be installed for above 12 bar operations. ‘The maximum floor area on any one floor to be protected by sprinklers supplied by any one sprinkler system riser from an installation control valve shall, be based on system protection area limitations considering maximum floor area oryany one floor to be 4 500 m? forall occupancies except industrial and hazardous occupancies, where Authorities 37shall be consulted for advice based on type and natute of risk 1) Sprinkler installation control valves, shall be installed inside the fire pump room, 3) Forindustial buildings, such installation control valves may be installed outside the building and Authorities shallbe consulted in simations where it is not possible to locate them inside the buildings. Icis advisable to provide electrically operated siren for each valve outside the buildings in addition to water gongs in such case. k) The sprinkler flow switches provided shall be monitored by fire alarm panel 2) Tris essential to make provisions for avoiding water from sprinkler/bydrant operation entering lifts and electrical rooms. n) Ramps at all levels shall be protected with sprinklers 8.1.4 Automatic High Velocity and Medium Velocity Water Spray Systems Automatic high velocity water spray or emulsifying system shall be provided for protection of outdoor andi or indoor oil-eooled transformers as applicable in accordance with good practice [4(21)} where applicable (see Annex E). Also, medium velocity water spray system shall be provided for tankage (where applicable), conveyors, cable galleries and other ‘occupancies listed in good practice (4(21)]. 8.4.5 Fixed Foam Installation Fixed foam generating syster® shall be provided for protection of oil storage area for boilers with its ancillary storage of furnace oils in basement: Fixed foam installations can be low, medium or high expansion types, which can be provided based on the type of fire hazards identified in the facility. High expansion foams are used for cable tunnels and other confined aress. Design and installation of foam systems shall be governed by good practice [4(22)}. 5.1.6 Gas Based Suppression System Gas based fire extinguishing installation shall be provided in accordance with good practice on premises where water or foam cannot be used for fire extinguishing because of the special nature of the contents of the buildings/areas to be protected where either the building(s) have very limited manpower or unmanned, The protection design for fixed carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system shall conform to good. practice [4(23)] in all respects. For some special fire tisl/essential applications, carbon dioxide may not be suitable and alternate provisions shall be made as per relevant standatds (see $.1.9). 5.4.7 Firefighting equipment shall be suitably located and clearly marked by luminous signs. 38 5:18 Automatic Water Mist Systems These systems involve the use of fine water sprays for the efficient extinguishment of fires. These systems may be provided to protect areas in buildings for the nses as specitied in good practice [4(24)] 9 Extinguishing Systems with Clean Agents Allemative systems for halon gas protection systems shall be provided where necessary as preseribed inthis Part, These shall be in accordance with the accepted standards (4(25)} 5.2 Fire Detection and Alarm System See 409. 5.3 The fixed firefighting installations and systems shall bemaintained in accordance with good practice [4(26)] and the Part 12 ‘Asset and Facility Management’ of the Code, 6 ADDITIONAL OCCUPANCY WISE REQUIREMENTS In addition to the general requirements on fire prevention given in 3, the life safety requirements given in 4, and the fire protection requirements given in 5, the following additional requirements shall also be complied with for each type of occupancy. For additional requirements for high zise buildings, the provisions as given in Annex E shall apply. Atrium in building occupancies shall comply with the provisions as given in Annex F. For fire protection requirements of commercial kitchen, cooking facitities with or without restaurants, the provisions of Annex G shall be referred. 6.1 Residential Bui 6.1.1 Life Safety 6.LLA Subdivision A~i a) All locking devices, which would impede or prohibit exit, such a3 chain type bolis, limited opening sliding type locks and burglar locks, + which are not disengaged easily by quick= releasing catches, shall be prohibited, b) All bathroom door locks or fasteners shall be designed to permit the opening of the locked or closed door from the outside in an emergency without the use of a special key. ©) No lodging or roomitig house shall have its sole means of egress pass through any non- residential occupancy in the same building. 4) Rooming and lodging houseshaving oor area ‘0f 500m? on any one or morefloors shall have, access to minimum two separate means of exits, at leastone of which shall be so arranged as to have direct exit discharge. lings (Group A) NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 20166.4.2 Subdivision 4-3 8) Requirements of°shall be applicable. b) All sleeping rooms having occupancy of more than 10 persons shall have two separate and distinct exit access in different directions, Subdivision A-4 In case of high rise apartments, of the minimum exits as specified in, the naturally ventilated exit staircases may not require the provision of fire door, However, fire door shall be provided for all other staircases and pressurized staircases. A Subitivision A-5 1a) Panic bars shall be provided in the fire exits. Panic bars shall be located at a height between 865 mm and 1 220 min from the floor level. 'b) All guest rooms and suites shall be protected by extended throw, quick response type sprinklers only. Also these areas shell be provided with audio-based detectors, having 2 sound level of at least 75 dB. ©) Hoyizontal-stiding doors shall not be used for door openings across corridors. 6.1.2 Additional Precautions a) Flammable liquids for household purposes shall be kept in tightly stoppered or sealed containers. For the limits of quantities of flammable liquids to be ailowed in various occupancies, reference may be made to appropriate regulations, b) No stove or combustion heater shall be located directly under or immediately at the foot of stairs or otherwise so located as to block escape in case of malfunctioning of the stove or heater ©) Allkitchen exhaust fans, where provided, shall be fixed to an outside wall orto a duct of non- combustible material, which leads directly to the‘outside. The ducts shall not pass through arcas having combustible materials. However, in case of centralized ducting, the duct shall be provided with adequate protection to limit the spread of fire. 4) Stores, engineering workshops, areas of high hazard, ete used for storage of substantial amount of flammable liquids shall be of 120 min fre resistance rating wall. Such areas shall be provided with fire doors, to be kept closed and shall be posted with a sign on each PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY side of the door in 25 mm high block letters stating — ‘FIREDOOR — KEEP CLOSED" 6.2 Edueational Buildings (Group B) 6.21 Fire Prevention a) Buildings intended for educational occupancy shall not be used for storage of any hazardous material. b) Gymnasiums, indoor stadiums and similar occupancies are permitted to have floors/ running tracks of wood, cinder, synthetic or the like. 6.2.2 Life Safety a) Every room with a capacity of over 45 persons in area shail have at least two doorways. Exit doors shall be operated by panic bars except that doors leading from classrooms directly to the outside may be equipped with the same type of lock as is used on classroom doors leading to corridor, ‘with no provision whatsoever for locking against egress from the classroom, b) A building, which will have only the first floor and is accessible to not more than 20 pupils ai any time, may be used for school purposes ‘with the following exceptions: 1) Exterior walls or parts of walls which are Jess than 900 mm from adjacent property lives shall have no openings therein. 2) Classrooms may have only one exit riot tess than 900 mm wide. ©) Rooms or areas for use by the preschool, Kindergarten, Class/Grade-1 students shall be focated on ground floor/level of exit discharge, Rooms or areas occupied by Class/Grade II students shall be located'not above one floor higher than ground floor/level of exit discharge. 4) Of the minimum exits as specified in, the naturally ventilated exit staircases, may not require provision of fire door. However, fire door shall be provided for all other staircases and pressurized staircases. 6.2.3 Additional Precautions a) Storage of volatile flammable liquids shall be prohibited and the handling of such liquids shall be’ restricted to science laboratories only. b) All exterior openings in a boiler room or rooms containing central heating equipment, 39aaa Sanne MRR i et a Rt RE iflocated below an opening in another storey or fess than 3 m from other doors or windows of the same building, shall be protected by a fire assembly as in3.4.5, Such assemblies shall be of fixed, automatic or self-closing type. 6.3 Institutional Bi tings (Group C) 6.3. Fire Preveniion ‘No combustibfe material of any kind shall be stored or used in any building or section thereof used for institutional occupancy, except as necessary to normal occupancy and use of the building, 6.3.2 Life Safety a) The common path of travel shall be 30m, The snaximum dead end of corridor distance shall not exceed 6 m, b) Principle of progressive horizontal evacuation is of paramount consideration for hospital patients particularly those lacking self- reservation. This calls for moving occupants from a fire affected area to an adjoining area atthe same level through fire resistant wall, to protect them from the-immediate dangers Of fire and smoke (see Fig. 14) ©) Progressive horizontal evacuation operates on the basis of evacuation from compartment to wodh pave.s Reaure> I.5008S, CENTRE HULLIONS PROBED. compartment and on use of adjacent ‘compartments as temporary means of refuge, All compartments shall be divided with seit closing (door closers) fire doors with electromagnetic hold open. A coordinator shall be provided to sequence the closing of double leaf in case of emergency. 4) Doors in fire resistant wails shall be so installed that these may normally be kept in ‘open position, but will close automatically Corridor door openings shall be not less than. 2.0 ma in width of double swing double leaf type door. A éBordinator shall be provided as above, for closing of double leaf in case of emergency. ©) Exits and other features for penal and mental institutions, and custodial institutions shall be the same as specified for hospitals [see 63.2 (g)], in so far as applicable. Reliable ‘means shall be provided to permit the prompt release of inmates from any locked section in case of fire or other emergency. 1) All buildings or sections of buildings in penal and mental institution used for manufacturing, storage or office purposcs shall have exits in accordance with the provisions of the Cod for those occupancies, FIRE COMPARTENT 120 min FRE RESISTANT WALL USED AS COMPARTMENT AND ‘ALSO FORTORZONIAL EXIT — FIRE COMPARTMENT space PEASPEREA ZI) (2) Fig, 14 Parr Pan Inorcatia Conese? 60 008 Leaves ewes IN OPPOSE CiRECTONS oF Hoxizonrat Exit iw Hosprran NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016Ca 2 ® ¢ 28 ss 4 he a ite 1B , 6 Le i he Des ee ee os mcr 26ee0e02 0008 IOS LO eo) be 6 > 2) For hospitals (Subdivision C-1), the following shall also be complied with: 1) Compartmentation shall meet the requirement as per 4.8.2. 2) Bach compartment (see 4.5.2) shall be able to accommodate, in addition to its own, the patients from adjoining compartment also considering-3.5 m? per person. If patients are not bed-tidden, a factor of 0.6 mi? per person is recommended. 3) All critical patients and those incapable of self-preservation and having physical impairment shall be housed within 30m. height 4) Other types of patiézits and occupancies incidental to the hospitals such as consultation rooms, nurses’ stations, ‘medical shops, canteens, ete may be housed at heights beyond 30 m but not more than 45 m. 5) Basement shail not be used to store flammables or for pathological or other laboratories particularly those involving usage of chemicals. 6) Operation theatres, delivery rooms, Intensive care units, recovery rooms, etc, that containing patients lacking self- preservation in case of emergencies shall be fire/smoke separated (120 min minimum fating) from all the adjoining areas. 7) Aisles, corridors, ramps, ete, through which patients are moved, shall have a minimum width of 2.4 m throughout, Aisles, corridors, and ramps in other areas nol intended for the housing, treatment, ‘or use of inpatients shall be not less than 1.5 min width, 8) All exits from hospital or infirmary sections shall be not less than 2.0 m ia width, 9) Minimum width of doot of single or double occupancy patient room shall be 1.25 m while for the wards for 3 to 5 patient beds shall be 1.50 m, to permit movement of patients. The minimum width of door for wards for more than $ patient beds and for areas necessarily requiring patient evacuation on bed (such as ICU, recovery units, delivery rooms, etc), shall have door width of 2.0 m. The width of 2.0m may be reduced to minimum of 1,5 m where two such doors are provided in such areas, PART 4 FIRE AND LIF SAFETY 10) Any sleeping accommodation or suite ‘exceecting 100 m? in area shail have at Teast two doorways leading t0 the exit access corridors. 11) Floor surface of corridors shall not be inclined ata gradient steeper than 1 in 12 to the horizontal 12) Exitaccess corridors from a compartment to another compartment shall be divided at the compartment intersection by a fire door of 120 min fire rating in the fire ‘compartment wall 13) Rooms designated for laboratory and the like shall not exceed 100 m? in area and if additional space is required, fire separation of 120 min shall be provided, 14) Storage of flammable liquids in laboratories or in any other area shall be not more than 3 litre for every 10 m? area, 15) Disposal of any equipment and other (paticutarly hazardous} materiale chal! be accomplished inthe premises by a disposal specialist of ata safe location away irom the health care facility by competent personnel using procedures established in ‘concurrence with the safe practices 16) A stretcher lift in lift bank shall also act as fireman's lift meeting the requirements of Part 8 ‘Building Services, Section 5 Installation of Lifts, Escalators and Moving Walks, Subsection 5A Lifts’ of the Code, h) Progressive evacuation strategy — See Fig. 15, in which, as an example, the exit calculations at two locations shall be based ‘on requirements of total occupancy for area (A, B and C) divided by 2 considering progressive evacuation strategy. 6.3.3 Exception and Deviation It is recognized that in institutions or part of buildings housing various types of psychiatric patients, or used. ag mental institutions and penal institutions, it is necessary to maintain Jocked doors and barred ‘windows; and to such extent the necessary provision in other sections of the code requiring the keeping of exits unlocked may be waived. It is also recognized that certain type of psychiatric patients are not capable of seeking safety without adequate guidance. In ‘buildings where this situation prevails, reliable means for the rapid release of occupants shail be provided, such as remote control of locks, of by keying all locks to keys commonly used by attendants. 6q “sneer nee SS nna Vannaens HoRZonral HORIZONTAL [ Fio. 15 Mniucus of Two Exits Accessiei'é rRow ALL Parts oF Foor 6.4 Assembly Buildings (Group D) 6.4.1 Fire Prevention The following shell be applicable: 8) Decorations of places of assembly shall be of non-flammable materials. Fabrios and papers used for such purpose shall be treated with an effective flame-retardant material. Stage settings made of combustible materials shall likewise be treated with fire retardant macerials of Class 1 flame spread. b) Gymnasiums, indoor stadiums and similar occupancies are permitted to have floors! running tracks of wood, cinder, synthetic or the like. Additional fire prevention requirements for D-6 occupancy Building having D-6 mixed use assembly/mercantile occupancy will limit the height of the assembly/ mercantile occupancy portion of the buildings to 30, Above this height the buildings may be-used for business or residential occupancies with 240 min sepatation. Independent exits shall be provided forsuch ‘occupancy above 30:m and shall not interface with exits of assembly/mercantile occupancy, «a ! 6.4.2 Life Safety The following shall be applicable: a) Exit door width for assembly buildings shall not be less than 2.0 m. 1b) Every place of assembly of sub-division D-1 shall have at east four separate exits as remote from each other as practicable. ©) Every place of assembly of sub-division D-2 shall have atleast two separate exits as remote from each other as practicable and if of capacity ‘over 600, atleast three exits shall be provided with each exit not less than of 2,0 m wid, ) Clear aistes not less than 1.2 m in width shall be formed at right angles to the line of seating in stich number and manner that no seat shall bbe more than seven seats away from an aisle. Rows of seats opening on to an aisle atone end only shall have notmore than seven seats. Under the conditions, where all these aisles do not directly meet the exit doors, eross-zisles shall be provided parallel tothe line of seating so as to'provide direct access to the exit, provided that not less than one cross aisle for every 10 rows shall be required, The width of cross-aisles shall be minimum of 1 m. Steps shall not be placed in aisles to overcome’ differences in levels, unless the gradient exceeds | in 10. NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDLA 2016e) [3 ; i f) | | a | @ Se h) ie je & ‘Pe : dD y m) n) ‘The fascia of boxes, balconies and galleries shall have substantial railings not less than 1 000 mm high above the floor. The railings atthe end of aisles extending tothe fascia shall be not less than 1 100 mm high for the width of the aisle or 1.2 m high at the foot of steps. Cross-aisles, except where the backs of seats on the front ofthe aisle project 600 mm or more above the floor of the aisle, shall be provided with railings not less than 900 mm high. No turnstiles oF other devices to restrict the ‘movement of persons shall be installed in any place of assembly in such 2 manner as to interfere inany way with the required exit fxcilties, In theatres and similar places of public assembly where persons are admitted to the building at a time when seats are not available for them and are allowed to wait in a lobby or similar space until seats are available, such use of lobby or similar space shall not encroach upon the required clear width of ‘exits. Such waiting shall be restricted to areas separated from the required exit ways by substantial permanent partitions or fixed rigid railing not less than L 050 mn high. Bxits shall be provided for such waiting spaces on the basis of one person for each 0.3 m? of waiting space area, Such exits shall be int addition to the exits specified for the main auditorium area and shall conform in construction and arrangement to the general rutes of exits given above. No display or exhibit shall be so installed or ‘operated 2s to interfere in any way with access to any required exit, or with any required exit sign. All displays or exhibits of combustible material or construction and all booths and temporary construction in connection therewith shall be so limited in combustibility or protected as to avoid any undue hazard of fre which might endanger occupants before they have opportunity to use the available exits, as determined by the authority. Places of assembly in buildings of other occupancy may use exits common to the place ofassembly and the other occupancy, provided the assembly area and the other occupancy are considered separately, and each has exits sufficient to mest the requirements of the Code. Exits shall be sufficient for simultaneous, occupancy of both the places of assembly and other parts of the building. PART 4 FIRE AND LIVE SAFETY ») For detailed information regarding cinema buildings, reference may be made to good practice (4(29)] q) Seats in places of public assembly, accommodating more than 300 persons, shall be securely fastened to the floor, except as permitted in (1) befow. All seats in balco and galleries shall be securely fastened to the floor, except that in nailed-in enclosures, boxes with level floors and having not more than 14 seats, the seats need not be fastened. 1) Chairs not secured to the floor may be permitted in restaurants, night clubs and other ‘occupancies where the fastening of seats to the floor may not be practicable, provided that in the area used for seating, excluding dance floor, stage, ete, there shall be not more than one seat for cach 1.4 mi? of floor area and adequate aisles to teach exits shall be maintained at all times. The arrangements shall be as follows in general: 1) Rows of scats between aisles shall have not more than 14 seats, 2) Rows of seats opening on to an aisle at ‘one end only shall have not more than 3) Seats without dividing arms shall have their capacity determined by aliowing 450 mm per person. 8) The spacing of rows of seats from back to back shal be neither legs than 850 rom nor less than 700 mm plus the sum of the thickness of the back and inclination of the back. There shall be a space of not less than 350 mm between the back of one seat and the front of the seat immediately behind it as measured between plumb lines. 1) Lighting — No open flame lighting devices shall be used in any place of assembly, except in the following cases: 1) Where necessary for ceremonial + purposes, the enforcing Authority may permit opea flame lighting under such restrictions as are necessary to avoid danger of ignition of combustible materials or injury to occupants, 2) Candles may be used on restaurant tables: iffsecurely supported on non-combustible bases and so located avoid danger of ignition of combustible materials 3) Open flame deviges may be used on stages where they are anecessary part of 63| | | 64 theatrical performance, provided adequate precautions, satisfactory to the Authority arctaken to prevent ignition of combustible materials, Life safety provisions for D-6 occupancy The following additional requirements shall be applicable: #) Assembly occupancies of theatres, cinema halls and multiplexes shall be so located in the mall building that their exits will be separate and lead the occupant directly to exit discharge. b) The coimon path of travel shall be 30m. The maximum dead end of corridor distance shall not exceed 6 m. ©) The minimum width of an exit passageway shall be 2.0 a, 4) Where wheeled carts or buggies are used by customers, adequate provision shall be made for the transit and parking of such carts to minimise the-possibility that they might obstruct means of egress. Any other storage orhindraaces causing obstruction in exits shall be avoided, ©) Cor parking facilities shall comply with Annex H. Cer parking areas at upper levels adjacent to shops, food courts or multiplex shall be separated by 120 min fire rated construction and building elements, §} 50 percent lifts in common areas in D-6 shall bbe with features and requirement of fireman's itt 8) The manual call points shall be break glass and not pull stations. 1b) Photoluminescent markings shail be done along the width and length of treads in all enclosed exits staircases. Exit directional arrow on the wall (in the direction of egress) shall be 175 mm x 50 mm. J) Refiuge arca to be provided on the floor at or immediately above 18 m shall be not less than 10 percent of gross area of floor. Next refuge area to be ation the floor immediately above 24 m, The refage area shall be 10 percent of the respective floor, which may be divided into two or more separate refuge arcas at each of the respective floors, with each being not less than 100 m*, Refuge area shal! also meet all the requirements of life safety as per 4. 6.4.3 Pire Protection 8) Every stage equipped with fly galleries, grid irons and rigging for movable theatre type scencry, shall have @ system of automatic sprinklers over and under such stage areas or spaces and auxiliary spaces, such as dressing rooms, store rooms and workshops, and the proscenium opening shall be provided with a fire resisting curtain, capable of withstending 4 lateral pressure of 4 KN/m’ over the entire area. The curtain shall have an emergency closing device capable of causing the curtain 10 close without the use of power and when 80 closed, it shall be reasonably tight against the passage of smoke. b). Thestage roof ofevery theatre using movable scenery or having a motion picture screen of highly combustible construction shall have a ventilator or ventilators in or above it, openable from the stage floor by hand and also opening by fusible links or some other approved automatic heat/smoke actuated device, to givea free opening equal to at least ‘one-eighth the area of the floor of the stage. ©) The proscenium wall of every theatre using movable scenery of decorations shall have, exclusive of the proscenium opening, not more than two openings entering thestage, each not to exceed 2 mand fitted with self-closing fire resistant doors. 4) Every place of assembly in which projection of motion pictures by light is made shall have the projection apparatus enclosed in a fire resisting fixes booth in accordance with good practice [4(27)], except thet such booth shall not be requited where no nitrocellulose motion picture film is used. 6.4 Fire Protection and Firefighting System for Metro ‘Stations (D-7 Oceupaney) Fire and life safety requirements for metro stations and metro trainways shell be in accordance with Annex J and Annex K, respectively. 6.5 Business Buildings (Group E) 6.5.1 Life Safety ‘Not less than two exits shall be provided for every floor, including basements occupied for office purposes or uses incidental thereto. 6.5.2 Fire Protection 8) For Subdivision B-2, the requicement shall be provision of automatic fire detection alarm system, while for fire protection, CO, and/or foam based installation to be planned based ‘on the requirements. b) For Subdivision E-3, E-4 end E-5, the requircment shall be provision of automatic NATIONAL BURLDING CODE OF INDIA 2016fire detection alarm system, while for fire protection, any or combination of clean agents, mist technologies, hypoxic air technology, ete, may be planned for appropriate/special situations/locations. Electrical panels may be provided with CO,/inert gas flooding system based on the requirement and reliability of power for.the functional requirement and performance. 6.6 Mercantile Buildings (Group F) 6.6.1 Life Safety Open air mercantile operations, such as open air markets, petrol filling stations, roadside stands for the sale of a farm produce and other outdoor mercantile ‘operations shall be so arranged and conducted as to maintain free and unobstructed ways of travel at all times to permit promptescape from any point of danger in ease of fire or other emergency, but no dead-ends in which persons might be trapped due to display stands, adjoining buildings, fences, vehicles or other obstructions: If such mercantile operations are conducted in voofed-over areas, these shall be treated as mercantile buildings, provided canopies over individual small stands to protect merchandise from the weather shall not be construed to constitute buildings for the purpose of the Code. 6.6.2 Exception and Deviation ‘Any mercantile occupancy, where goods of a highly hazardous nature are predominant, shall be considered under Group J occupancy for thelpurpose of the Code, 6.7 Industrial Buildings (Group G) 6.7.1 Fire Prevention Fire separating walls, fire separating floors and {fire partitions Fire separating walls shall be provided between two buildings or between two blocks inside 2 building, having different fire hazards in accordance with the provisions of this Part. The areas having storage, manufacturing, hazardous activities such as paint store, oil storage, spray booths, etc, shall be separated from non-hazardous areas like administrative office, staff canteen, ete by fire rated walls/doors of 120 min fire resistance rating, The. fire resistance rating of high hazardous areas like petrochemical, explosives shall be 240 min, The fire separating wall where provided shall comply with the following requirements: a) The separating wall shall be carried through the roof, This portion of the wall extending PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY b) ° a °) 8) ») D- 9 above the roof, known as ‘screen wall” shall be of such a height (in no case less than 600 mm} that the horizontal distance at the level of the top of the screen wall between the roofs of the buildings/compartments being segregated is at least 6 m. The screen wall shail be of not ess than 230 mm in thickness if it is an extension of a masonry wall, and not Jess than 150 rom in thickness if itis an extension of a reinforced concrete wall. ‘The separating wall need not be extended as ‘a soroen wall ifthe roof of one or both of the buildings/blocks being segregated is of reinforced conerete construction (RCC) In the case of buildings of unequal height, windows or other openings in the wall of the higher building overlooking the roof of the lower building and within 6 m, thereof, shall bbe protected by fire resistant glass assembly orby approved type fire doors unless theroof of the lower building is of reinforced concrete, In case the eaves of the higher building fall within 6 m of the roof of the lower building such eaves should be cut-off and the screen wall raised as a parapet, 600 mm high over the roof of the higher building, unless the roof of the lower building is of RCC construction, Fire separating walls shall also be extended ‘outwards on both sides by at least 450 mm, Doors and window openings in external walls within 3 m of the fire separating walls shall be protected by fire doors having a rating of at least 60 min and window openings may be protected by fire resistant glass assembly having same fire rating. In the case of buildings/compartments having north-light roofs when a separating wall runs pavalle to the axis of the north-light opening, the screen wall shall be carried through and 600 mm above the ridge of the north light. If however, the separating wall is at right angles to the axis of the north-light opening, the saw tooth gaps shall be bricked up and the screen wall extended 600 mm above the ridge of the north light as well as beyond the extreme nortb-light opening. Similarly, the thickness of the floor slabs in case of buildings having upper levels shall be designéd to provide fire tating as mentioned above. Storage areas shal! be“separated from the remainder of the building/block by fire wails. 65sm) Moderate and high hazard arces in industries to have two fire doors each having 180 min fire resistance rating, 6.7.2 Life Safety In buildings used for aircraft assembly or other occupancy requiring undivided floor areas so large that the distances from points within the area to the nearest outside walls where exit doors could be provided are in excess of 45 m, requirements for distance to exits may be satisfied by providing stairs leading to exit ftnnels or to overhead passageways, In cases where such arrangements are not practicable, the Authority may, by special ruting, permit other exit arrangements for single storeyed buildings with distances in excess ofthe maximum distances specified in, if completely automatic sprinkler protection is provided and if the heights of ceiling curtain boards and roof ventilation are such as to minimise the possibility that employees will be overtaken by the spread of fire or smoke within 1.8 m of the floor level before they have time to reach, exits, provided, however, that in no case may the Aistance of travel to reach the nearest exit exceed 65 m where smoke venting is required as a condition for permitting distances of travel to exits in excess of the maximum otherwise allowed The following shall apply to special purpose industvial occupancies: a) Exits need be provided only for the persons actually employed; spaces not subject to human occupancy because of the presence of machinery or equipment may be exchided from consideration. b) Where unprotected vertical opedings are necessary (o manufacturing operations, these ‘may be permitted beyond the limits specified for industrial occupancy, provided every floor level has direct access to one or more enclosed stairways or other exits protected against obsimuction by any fire in the open areas connected by the unprotected vertical openings or smoke therefrom, The foliowing shall apply to high hazard industrial occupancies: 4) From every point in every floor area, there shall be at least two exits accessible in different directions; where floor areas are divided into rooms, there shall be at least two ways of escape from every room, however smail rooms, except toilet rooms, so located that the points of access thereto are out of or suitably shielded from areas of high hazard Jn addition to types of exits for upper floors specified for Group G occupancies, slide escapes may be used as réquired exits for both. new and existing buildings, NOTE — Alt high hezsed industrial occupancies shel have automatic sprinkler protection of such otier protection as may be appropriate to the paciculas haat Including explosion venting for any area subject +0 explosion hazard, designed to minimise danger 10 sceupents in case offre or other emergency before tizy have time t atilize exits to escape, 6.73 Additional Precautions 4) In any room in which volatile flammable substances are used or stored, no device generating a glow or flame capable of igniting flammable vapour shall be installed or used, such a room shall be provided with a suitably designed exhaust ventilation system (see Annex M). b) For detailed information on”fire safety of ceriain individual (specific) industrial occupancies, reference may be made to good practice [4(28)} ©) Fire protection considerations for venting industrial occupancies shall be as in Annex M- 6.8 Storage Buildings (Group H) $8.1 Life Safety Every area used for the storage of hazardous commodities shall have an exit within 22.5 m of any point in the area where persons may be present or35m where automatic sprinkler protection is provided Every storage area or space exceeding 1 400m? ‘gross area, or where more than 10 persons may be normally present shall have at least two exit access doors leading to the corridors in exit access, which can be readily opened, This shall not be subject to locking so long as any persons ate inside and shall not depend on power operation, Exits in such cases shail be as remote from each other as practicable, For warehouses; natural draft smoke venting shall utilize roof vents or vents in walls at or near the ceiling level; such vents shall be normally open, or, if closed, shall be designed for automatic opening in case of fire, by release of smoke sensitive devices, The following special provisions shall apply to aircraft hangers: 4) Exits from aircraft hangers (storage or servieing areas) shall be provided at intervals ‘of not more than 45 m on all exterior walls of aircraft hangers. There shall be a minimum of two exits serving each aircraft. storage or servicing areas, Horizontal exits through interior fie walls shall be provided at intervals, of not more than 30 m. “Dwarf” or ‘smash’ NATIONAL BULLDING CODE OF INDIA 2016920866 oe 3 ¢ @@e00¢% &> a “ake yey Ea mopar e@eo doors accommodating aircraft may be used to ‘comply with these requirements. All doors designated as exits shall be kept unlocked in the direction of exit travel while the area is occupied. ) Exits from mezzanin¢ floors in aireraft storage or servicing areas shall be so arranged that the maximus travel to reach the nearest exits from any point on the mezzanine shall not exceed 22.5 m, Such exits shall lead directly to a properly enclosed stairwell discharging directly to the exterior or to a suitably cut-off ‘area of to outside fire escape stairs. The following special provisions shall apply ta grain elevators: 8) There shall be at least one stair tower from basement to first floor and from the first floor to the top floor of workhouse which is «enclosed in a dust tight non-combustible shaft b) Non-combustible doors of self-closing type shall be provided at each floor lending, ©) An exterior fire escape of the stair or basket ladder type shall be provided from the roof of the workshop to ground level or the roof of an adjoining annexe with access from all floors above the first ) Anexterior fire escape of either the stair or basket ladder type shall be provided from the roof of egch storage annexe to ground level. { For provisions relating to car parking facilities, see Annex H. 6.8.2 Additional Precautions Requirements specified in 6.7.3 (a) shall apply to Group H occupancies also 6.9 Hazardous Uses (Group J) 6.9.1 Life Safeey ‘Requirements specified in shall apply to Group J ‘occupancies also. 6.9.2 Additional Precautions ‘The following requirements shall apply to all Group 3 occupancies, 2s epplicable: a) Hazardous buildings shall have vapour/flame/ PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAPETY b) a 8) by ember/spark detectors and explosion suppression systems depending on the type of fire hazard involved, Each building where gas is employed for any purpose shall be provided with an approved outside gas shut-off valve conspicuously ‘marked. The detailed requirements regarding safe use of gas shall be as specified im Part 9 “Plumbing Services, Section 4 Gas Supply’ of the Code. Each boilerroom or room containing a heating plant shalt be separated from the rest of the building by a separating wall, In any room in which volatile flammable substances are used or stored, no device ‘generating # spark, or glow flame capable of igniting flammable vapour shall be installed or permitted unless it is enclosed in a flameproof enclosure. ‘The use, handling, storage and sale of gasoline, uel oil and other flammable liquids shall not be permitted in Group J oceupancics unless such use, handling, storage and sale is in accordance with appropriate legislation in force. All openings in exterior walls except wall ‘Vents shall be protected by a fire stop assembly as in 4 and they shall be fixed, autometic ot self-closing. Wall vents having an area of not Jess than 100 cm each shall be placed in the exterior walls near the floor line, not more than 1 800 mm apart horizontally. Each building shall be provided with a power driven fan ‘exhaust system of ventilation which shall be arranged and operated so as to produce a complete change of air in each room every 3 min, Each machine in dry-cleaning establishments which uses flammable liquid shall have an adequate steam line. or any other suitable extinguishing agent directly connected to it, $0 arranged as to have the agent automatically released tothe inside of each machine should ‘an explosion occur in the machine, Bquipment or machinery which generates or emits combustible or explosive dust or fibres shall be provided with an adequate dust collecting and exhaust system, 0i Ee ii Sc NAD (Clause A-1) Reece st Material Catoritte Wood Ne. Value. Equivalent (e108 take)” greg) a @ ® @ 3) Solid Fuste 8) Anthracite 286 1.66 ) Bituminous coal 308 1s ©) Charcost Daa 161 A) Coke (average) 25 Ls6 °) Peat 209) Li 1) Sub-bimminovs ovat 20 125 8) Woods (hard or softwood) 17.6 100 i bons 8) Benzene 396 2.25 ») Butane an 268 ©) Ethane 494 278 A) Eehylone a7 21 ©) Feel oil 415 236 0) Gas oi a9 248 ®) Fexane 49 235 1h) Methave (natural gas) 52°8, 3.00 3). Octane 453 238 ky) Paraffin 396-440 23.25 tn) Pentane 46.0 20 8) Propane a3 26 ») Propylene 46.2 26 i) Ateohole 8) Sibyl aleobot 28.4 Lot b) Methyl aleahot 21a 120 ©) Propy/ sleokot 319 rat iv) Polymers 8) Casein Ba 13t b) Cettulose 0.94 ©) Cellulose acetate Lot 4) Polyethylene 275 2) Polypropylene 295 ) Polystyrece 238 8) Polyvinyletioride 19 4) Polymethpl methacrylate 24.6 140 J) Polyurethane 33.2 2.00 1) Polyamide aylon) 20 128, mm) Polyester 22.0 135 CALORIFIC VALUES OF COMMON MATERIALS AAI The calorific vaiues of some common materials are given in Table 9 for guidance. ANNEX A (Clause 3.1.8) ‘Table 9 Catorific Values of Common Materials ‘Table 9 — (Concluded) a eee ee o @ apna nennnennanonasssnannnenNiRSAnBSSESNISESS ¥) Common Solids ®) Asphalt &) Bimmen ©) Carbon & Cotton (ary) ©) Flex 9) Pure and skins 2) Hair (animal) 4) Leather i) Osokerite (wax) I) Paper (average) ‘m) Paraffin wax 8) Pitch 1) Rubber 9) Straw 9) Tallows 8) Tan bere 9) Tar Giruminous) 3) Wool (ra) 1®) Wool (scoured) vi) Foodsmtts a) Buley ») Bran ©) Bread 4) Bute ©) Cheese (cheddar) 5) Comm meal ®) Flour 1b) Margarine J) Oatmeal i) Rice ') Soya been four 1) Sugar P) Whole wheat vil) Misceltancous a) Acetone D) Acetaldehyde ©) Fonnaldehyde a) Hydrogen 2) Magnesium 8 1K i approximately equal to 1 Btw so the flguces inthe tables se also equivalent to Btu, NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016 @ ® 383 23 334 499 321 13 138. 080 143 ost 137 1.065 209 Ly 16 100 a3 246 154 0.88 40.9 233 33.0 188 374 213 2 075 376 24 203, Lis 332 2.00 26 123 19.6 Lu Wat 0.80 io 0.63 99 06 295 168 18.1 has 141 0.80 141 0.80 295 1.08 158 D0 BS 079 161 091 Isa 0.88 143 oat 297 169 251 143 176 100 1342 1.83 240 136® 26609008 ANNEX B 7 (Clause 3.1.8) BROAD CLASSIFICATION OF INDUSTRIAL OCCUPANCIES INTO DIFFERENT DEGREE OF HAZARD | Light Hazard Moderate Hazard High Hazara | Abrasive Manufacturing | Aluminium Factories | SUB-CATEGORY (A) Premises Aerated Water Factories Agarbatti Manufacturing Areca Nut Slicing and/or Betel nut Factories Analytical and/or Control Laboratories Quality Asbestos. Steam Packing and Lagging Manufacuiting Battery Charging/Battery Service Stations Battery Manufacturing Breweries Brick Works Canning Factories ‘Cardamom Factories Cement Factories, and/or Asbestos or Concrete Products “Manufacturing Ceramic Factories and Crockery and Stoneware Pipe Manufacturing Clay Works Clock and Watch Manufacturing Coffee Curing Roasting and Grinding Premises Condensed Milk Factories, Milk Pasteurising Plant and Dairies Confectionery Manufacturing Blectic Generating Houses (Hydro electric) Electric Lamps (Incandescent and Fluorescent) and TV Picture Ll Atta and Cereal Grinding Bakeries and Biscuit Factories Beedi Factories Bobbin Factories Bookbinders, Envelopes and Paper Bag Manufacturing Cable Manufacturing Camphor Boiling Candle Works Carbon Paper/Typewriter ‘Ribbon Manufacturing Cardboard Box Manufacturing Carpenters, Wood Wool and Fumiture Manofactaring, | Carpetand Durries Factories | | Cashewnut Factories | | Chemical Manufactaring using | | raw “materials having flash points above 23°C Cigar and Cigarette Factories Coir Factories | Coir Carpets, Rugs, Tobacco, Hides and Skin Presses Cold Storage Premises Cork Products Manufacturing, Dry Cleaning, Laundries. Dyeing and Electric Substations/Disteibution Stations Electric Generating Stations (Other than Underground Power houses) Aircraft Hangers Aluminium/Magnesium —_ Powder Plants Bituminised Paper and/or Hessian ClothTar Felt Manufacturing Catton Waste Factories Celluloid Goods Manufacturing Chemical Manufacturing using raw materials having flash points below | 23°C Cigarette Filter Manufacturing Cinema Films and TV. Production Studios Coal and/or Coke and/or Charcoal Ball and Briquettes Manufacturing Collicries Cotton Seed Cleaning or De-tinting Factories, Distilleries Duplicatin§Stencil Paper Manu- factoring Fire-works Manufacturing, Foam Plastics Manufacturing and/or Converting Plants. Godowns and Warehouses (Storing Combustible/Flammable Goods). Grass, Hay, Fodder and Bhoosa (chaff) Pressing Factories Indastriat Gas Manufacturing (Other than Iner/Halogenated Hydrocetbon Gases) Jute Mills and Jute Presses Linoleum Factories ‘Tube Manufacturing Enamelware Factories LPG Bottling Plants (Mini) Electro Plating Works Filter “and “Wax Paper | Mann “Made ‘Fibres "(Acrylic | Bagineering Workshops ‘Mannfectaring Fibres/yam Manufacturing ) Flour Mills Match Factories PART 4 FIRE AND LIVE SAFETY 69nan Risa sa a Fruit Products and Condiment Factories Glass and Glass Fibre Manufacturing Godowns and Warehouses. Storing Non-combustible Goods only Green Houses Gold Thread/Gilding Factories Gum and/or Glue and Gelatine Manufacturing Tee, Ice Candy and Ice-cream Manufacturing Ink (Excluding Printing Ink) Factories Mica Products Manufacturing Pottery Works Poultry Farms Salt Crushing Pactoties and Refineries Stables ‘Sugar Candy Manufacturing Sugar Factories and Refineries ‘Tanneries/Leather Manufacturers Goods Umbrella Assembling Factories Vermicelli Factories Water ‘TreatmentFiltration Plants and Water Purp Houses Zine!Copper Factories Light Hazard Moderate Hazard High Hazard Fruits” and Vegetables | Garages “Mattress and Pillow Making ehyaieg and DIVINE | pent Makers Mol or Ta Fits (her nore Ghee Factories (Other thar Vegetable) Godowns and Warehouses (Other than those Under Light and High Hazard A Categories) Grain and/or Seeds Disintegrating and/or Crushing Factories Grease Manufacturing Hosiery, Lace, Embroidery and ‘Thread Factories Incandescent ‘Manufacturing Gas Mantie Industrial Gas Manufacturing (lnertHalogensted hydrocarbon g8se5) ‘Man-made Yarn/Fibre Manufacturing (Other than | Acrylic FibrevYarn | Manufacturing ) Manure and Fertilizer Works Blending, Mixing and granulating) Mineral Oil Blending and Processing Oil and Leather Cloth Factories Oil Terminals/Depots Other than these Categorised under High Hazard A Open storage of Flammable Liguids in Drums, Cans, ete ‘Oxygen Plants Paper and Cardboard Mills. without Raw Material Yards Piers, Wharves, Jetties and Dockyards other than those Categorized Under High Hazard A Plastic Goods Manufacturing Plywood/Wood Factories Printing Press Premises Veneering than 50 Percent of floor area is ‘ccupied as Engineering Workshop; this may be taken as ordinary hazard risk) Oil Mills, Oil Extraction Plants, Oil TerminaisvDepots handling flammable Liquids having flash point of 23° C and Below Paints and Varnish Factories Paper and Cardboard Mills having raw material yards Piers, Wharves and Jetties ~ Handling Extra Hazardous Materials Printing Ink Manufacturing. Rosin Lamp-Black and Turpentine Factories Saw Mills Sponge ron Steel Plants (Gas Based) ‘Surgical Cotton Manufacturing Tarpanlin Factories and Canvas Proofing ‘Turpentine and Rosin Distlleries Tyre Retreading and Resoling Factories SUB-CATEGORY @) Ammonia and Urea Synthesis Plants CNG Compressing and Bottling Plants Coal Based Methane Plants Explosive Factories NOTE —1n case of complexes having separate plans having varying’ degces of bezad authority having jucisdicton shall be coasulted 'p decide on evel of protection t be proved NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016 7Light Hazan Moderate Hazard High Hazard Pulverising and Crushing Mills Rice Mills Rope Works Rubber Goods Manufacturing Rubber Tyres and Tubes Manufacturing ‘Shellac Factories Silk Filiatures ‘Soaps and Glycerine Factories Spray Painting Starch Factories ‘Tea Factories ‘Textile Mills Tobacco (Chewing) and Pan- ‘Masala Making ‘Tobacco Grinding and Crushing ‘Tobacco Redrying Factories, Woollen Mills NOTE — Any secepancy tha is not covered in this annex shall be classified in the most appropriate lass which resembles the Proposed occupancy. PARTS FIRE AND LIFR SAFETY nif 3 | w a [Nature of Construction and Materials ANNEX C (Clauses 3.3.2 and 33,3) AVAILABLE DATA REGARDING FIRE RESISTANCE RATING OF VARIOUS BUILDING COMPONENTS ‘Table 16 Masonry Walls: Solid (Required to Resist Fire from One Side at a Time) (Clause C-1) ‘Minium Thickness (rim, Excluding any Finish for a Fire Resistance (min) of Load Rearing Now-load Bearing —aEe EOE ae Elilip ® a) ») » | | 2 t es o. 6 90d 180 HO 69120180249 Q Oo © © © M ® © a a Reinforced cement concrete 12949160 200g 23? 25)” 5" aH? as Uareinforced cement concrete wom ~~ ‘Norfines concrete with 8) 13 mm cementisand or gypour/sand = = = = = 150 150150 150 50 5) 23 mm Nght weight eggregae gypsum — — — 180 150 150 130 150 plaster Bricks of clay 2) Withoot nish : 90 400 100171707599 100.179 470 }) With 13 mm ligheveight aggregare gypsum 90908100100. 7S8-— 9080.80. t00 lose Bricks of sand time 8) Without neh 90 100 10019019075 90 20070170, %) With 15 mm lightweight aggregate gypsum 0-89). 100 75908080 plaster Blocks of conccee: a) Without finish 90. 100 100 = — 75 90 100 40150 ©) With {3 rum lightweight aggregate gypsum 90-9090 1001007575 78H 100 laser ©) With mm cemensand or aypsumvsand = — ag 10010 Blocks of lightweight concrete: 8) Without finish 90 100. 100 4010757575135 140 ¥) With 13 mm lightweight aggregate gypsum 90 909010010050. 5 75 plaster © With 13mm cemenveand ocgypsumisaad = — 2575 ta Blocks ofserated concrete . : 8) Witrou fick 90 109 100 ao 800g 251, ») With 13 mu lightweight aggregate gypsum 90 9010010050. plaster imum thickness of sorual cover to reinforcemaent a a 3 a vy vi) vii) 1) Walls containing 2 least 1 percent of vertical reinforcement, > Mini NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016 aA7 ‘Table 11 Masonry Walls: Hollow (Requited to Resist Fire from One Side ata Time) (Clause C-1) st Natuce of Construction and Materials ‘Minisnuan Thickness (nun), Excluding any nish for a Fire No. Resistance (Mio) of Load Bearing ‘Nomload Bearing —_ Fr oF 6 90 120 180 240 30 4 90 10 180 240 @ Q 2 © © ® © ® o ay ay ay D Becks ofeay 8) Without ish 0 170 170 200 20 75 75 90 100 170 170 >) With 13 mm lightweight aggreyate gypsum 100 100 170 170 170 75 75 90 90 99 100 plestr ii) Blocks of concrete: 8), Without finish - ») With 13:mm comendsand or gypiumbend — = = % 1s 2s v0 140 150 — — = 0 25 5 140 140 40 Bid g t I ©) With 13 mm lighoweight aggregate eypen 190 1% 9% 9 10 125 125 plaster @ 'i) Blocks of ighrweight concrete: i 2 Withour ish oo 100 0 ~~ 75 90 9 100 140 . 150 } With mncemenviind ocgypmmiend = = SSS KO 1a 100 © With 13 mm Upheweisht sgeregae gypsum = — — — — — 6 6 6 75 9 100 plaster ‘Table 12 Framed Construction, Load Bearing (Required to Resist Fire } from One Side at 2 Time) ) (Clause C-1) 2 : Sa lit icin ga “ ortSmugigrahncmnien geal to aie e 4 : : \@ a Plasterboard layers with joints staggered, joinis in outer layer taped and filled — as { Total thickness for each face e 5 One ter of 127 a aod wih 8 Ssh of thee seu 3 = oe i te edie teontpns i ‘e eae ee 8 ; re ti Le I i IE meets 2 @‘Table 13 Framed Construction, Non-Load Bearing (Required to Resist Fire from One Side at a Time) (Clause C-1) ‘Bacings on Both Sides of EEE EEE 4 30 o 90120 lq cin min min min i 4) One layer of wood wool slabs ‘Timber 23. = cos +H li 3) Lining win mae ied die to sd, with plates fa qd a) Plasterboard of thickness: eee : ‘fable 14 Framed External Walls Load Bearing (Required to Resist Fire from One Side at a Time) (Clause C-1) st Nature of Construction ‘Minimum Thickness (nvx) of Proteetion fora Fire No. ‘and Materials + Resistance of 60 min @ @ o i) Timber sms at centes not exceeding 600 mam with iworual Linings of Plasterboard layers with joints in outer layer taped and Filled, total thickness of plasterboace 7 31 7 14 NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016= oO OO GE “wie aig 8 aa Se , Seeeeaeons @ Sr aa 2002004600 ‘Table 15 Framed External Walls Non-Load Bearing [Required to Resist Fire from Inside the Building (A)} (Clause C-1) ‘Minizoumm Thieloess (am) of 2)_Wish not les than 13 mm lighoweight sggrogate gypsum plaster st "Nature of Construction and Materials No. Protection for a Fire Resistance of 30min min SOmain Wain 180 min 240 in @ 2 © © © © 7 ® 9) Steel ame with an extra cladding of non-combustible sheets (excluding heat sae), with a see] supporting framework and inerral lining of: 2) Metal Jack and plaster, ticleness of plaster: 1) Sanded gypsum plaster (metal lating grade) RPP Pts eee Eeeeer EEE 2) Lightweight aggregste gypsum plaster go 8 i 6 6 B 1b) Two layer of plasterboard with joints staggered joints in outer yee 210 320 taped and filled ~ Tota sickness ©) Plasterboard of thickness: 1) With not fess than 5 mam gypsum plaster finish agree eet ie 2) With not ess than 13 mm gypsum plaster finish ois Hee eee et 3) With aot less than 10 mma lightweight aggregate gypmum plastss = 93 4) One lyer of asbesos insulating board with wansverse joins backed by 9 = 92D fiers of asbestos insulating board aot less tan 9asn thick, or by timber ‘ ©) Ore ayer of wood/woo! slabs without finish EES eee eee eet One layer of compressed straw building sabe: 2) Winhooe finish BORE eee eee eee 2) With uot less than 5 mm gypsum plaster finish Sor sg eee eee eer ea 2) Aerated concrete blocks 0 0 STS 00 1) Beieks of cay: 1) Withou finish 73 78 99100300 ee ‘Table 16 Framed External Walis Non-Load Bearing (Required to Resist Fire from Inside the Building (B)] (Clause C-1) si [Nature of Construction and Materials Minimum Thiskness (min) of Protection to provide No. ‘Sufficient Insulation to Achleve a Modified Fire Resistance of Up to 240 min a @ @ 1) Stel frame with an extemal cladding of sheet steel fully lapped, steal bolted ane fixed to steel sheeting rails, wit timber or steel supporting famework and intern Lining of 2) Meta lath and plaster, thickness of plaster: 1) Sanded gypsum plaster (mci lating grade) B 2) Lightweight aggregate gypsum plaster 10 ¥) One layer of plasterboard with joints taped and filled 127 ©) Plasterboard of thickness with no ess than 5 mm gypsum plaster 95 Finish 8) Ove Inver of asbestos insulating board with tansverse joints ° backed by filles of asbestos insulting board not less than 3 mam hick, orby timber ©) One layer of wooddwet slabs 25 1) One layer of compressed straw building slabs 50 One layer of chipboard or of plywood 8 1) Aerated concrete blocks 30 2D, Bricks of clay 15 50 ¥) Any intemal decorstive lining with e cevty fil independently supported and retained in position of mineral fibre insulating, rmatesial(oxcluding glaes) ata density of 48 kel? PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY BrE Na ‘Table 17 Framed Walls Non-Load Bearing [Required to Resist Fire from Inside the Building (C)} (Clause C-1) st ‘Nature of Construction and Materials ‘Minimum Thickness (mn) of No Protection for a Fire Reslstance of 90 min o 2 a 3) Timber flame with external cladding of westher boarding or extemal plywood, 93 man wrth an iternal lining of Plasterboard not isa than 9.5 mun thick, finished with 1) Gypsum plaster B 2) “Lighowsight aggregate gypsum plaster note ©) Plsterbonrd not les than 12,7 mii thick, finished with: 1) Gypourm plaster 10 2) Lightweight aggregate gypsum plaster 10 ©) One layer of asbestos insulating board with wansverse joints backed by Alers of asbestos insulating board got lee than 9 ma hice 7 9 or by timber : 2 ‘Table 18 Reinforced Concrete Columns (Clause C-1) SI Nature of Construction and Materiais Minima Dimensions (mn) Rxcluding any Finish, No. fra Fire Resistance af min 60min 90min 20min 180min 240 min a a a @ © o @ 2) Fully exposed =) Wid 130 200 250 300 400 330 0) Cover 40 %@ 40 0 “0 40 8) SOporesetexposed a) Width 5 160 200 200 300 350 ¥) Cover « 40 0 40 “0 ii) One faceexposed a} Thicknees 100 120 140 160 200 240 b) Cover 0 40 4 40 40 0 ‘Table 19 Concrete Beams (Clause C-1) st Nature of Construction and Materials, ‘Minimum Dimensions (iru) Excluding any Finish, No. fora Fire Resistance of 300 900k min min lain min in a 2 8 © 8 © OM @ ) Reinforsed concrete (Simply aupporiady a)” Width 260 200° —~200~=«200~—~«240 a &) Cover 20 2 20 “gh 4i) Reinforced concrete (continous) 2) With 200 200 200 00 ad ») Cover 20 2 mao 50 4H) Prestressed concrete (simply supported a) Width 100 12 150. 200 40.8 b) Cover 25 4 55 9% ao “gh iv) Prestressed concrete (continuous) a) Wider 20 100. -120 150. 200 - 249 by Cover 20 304055709 “gg ” Require atentin to the atonal measures necessary to reduce the isk of spalling, 76 NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016‘Table 20 Concrete Floors (Clause C-1) st Nature of Constrnction and Materials ‘Minimum Dimensions (cu) Excluding any Finish, No, for aFire Resistance of 3 6a _ ® ® 8 © © @ @ i) Reinforced concrete (simply supported) a) Thickness 75 9s OSSD 0 ) Cover 2» 20 238 as! 559 ii) Reinforced coacrete (continuous) 2) Thickness 25 9 os 500 See ») Cover 2» 20 0 8S ag " Requixe atentiont the additional mesures necessary 0 ede the isk of spalling. ‘Table 21 Concrete Floors: Ribbed Open Soffit (Clause C-1) st ‘Natare of Construction and Materials ‘Minimum Dimensions (zum) Excluding any Finish, No. {orn Fie Resistance af i 3 608] min’ min min min min in o ® ® © © © © i) Reinforced conereis imply) ‘Thidkaessoffloor—75—~SC*SSSSCOS SO supported) Rib wid mS SSS ©) Cover 2 38s gg gg 4) Reinforced concrete 1) Thickness of floor 75, sos 300 (coatinvous) b) Rbwidh —* 5S SSDs ©) Cover 2 2S ash Require attention tothe additonal measores necessary to reduce the risk of spalling. ‘Table 22 Encased Steel Columns, 203 mm x 203 mm. (Clause C-1) st [Nature of Construction and Materials Minimum Disensions (sun) Excluding any Finis, No. for aFire Resistance of 60min SOmin 12min TRO min 240 min wo. ® 2 @ © © @ |) Hollow protection (without an air cavity over the fangea): 8) Meta lathing with wowelled ightueight aggrogst> gypsum 13 15 20 2 = plaster? . bb} Plasterboard with 1.6 mm wire binding at 100 mm pitch, Siished with lightweight agaregate gypsum plaster not lest than th thickness specified 1) 9.5 mm plaster boerd : 10 1s - at — 2) plasterboard 0 B a a = Asbestos insulating boars, thickness of bes: 1) Single thickness af board, with 6 mm cover fillets at — 19 2s = cee transvecse joints 2) Two layer, of total sickness - - - 38 50 4) Solid bricks of clay, composition or sand lime, reinforced in 50 50 0 5 109 every horizontal joint unplestered ©) Aerated conerete blocks % oo o = ~ 4) Sold blocks of lightweight concrete 30 30 0 oo 5 Hollow protection (with aa aireavity over the flanges) PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 7Table 22 — (Concluded) ‘ wo @ 3. @ @ o_o 1)” Asbestos insaing Doard sewed to 25 aun sbesas bates 2 9 = iti) Sotid protections 8) Concrete, not leaner than 1:24 enix (anplasterc): }) Concrete vot assumed tobe load bearing, reinforced? 25 25 25 50 % 2) Concrete assumed 1 be load bearing 50 30 0 ws 6B >) Lightweight concrete, not leaner than 1:24 mit 25 2s 2s 40 50 7 Goaplastered): concrete aot assumed 0 be load easing, : reinforced” 2188 fixed or designed, as to allow fall penetration for mechanical boad, 7 °Relnforemen shal consis of ste binding wire not es than 2.3 am in hice, oe tee ses weighing not ss han OS igh Inconerete protection, the spacing of tha teinforcement shall not exceed 200 mm in any duccion ‘Table 23 Encased Stee! Beams, 406mm x 176 mm. (Protection Applied on Three Sides) (Clause C-1) a a si ‘Nature of Construction and Materials “Miainuam Thickness (ram) of Protection . No. fora Fire Resistance of - 20 90k a . o ® ® © © ot @ 4) Hollow prozson (without an az cavity beneath he Tower ange} Mets lthing with aoweed lightweight agaregne gyasom 1313S oes eee pis 1) Plasterboard with 1.6 mmm wise binding” a 100 rm pitch, Finished wich tightveight aggregtte gypsum plaster not lese han the thickness specified fer? 195 a paste board OEE 1O- Eee eee eee HEU - 2) 19mm plaster beard w we 8 wm. lt ; © Asbestos insulting boats, thickest of board ‘ 1D Single thiciness of board, wiih 6 mm cover files st =~ gs, | traererse jets c 2) Two layer of total thickness -~ = = = 28 8 5) Hollow protecon (with an aiccavty below the lower ange) ‘ © Astesos insulding board screwed io 2S mmasbestosbatens = 98 ith Sota provstion + 2) Conezte, not ener than 1:24 me (uplastre): ¢ D Concreie ot assomed co be load bearing setatoced a re 2) Cone assumed tbe load bearing 0 5 5 © Hehewcightconcete®, notes than 124 (min)onplsired «252525 a5 2 80 ised or designed, ast allow Full pentaion for ecnicl bond. © Mie ding sano! be wu, expt adie shoul be sought reguting alemative maods of separ wo enabe te tuer : serene isterbcard to be ned togetierando the lower ange, and forthe op edge of ie patboad wos kali on ci © fetus cnt of eel bndng wnt an 2.3m nico el meh gang vo ee at In concrete protection the spacing ofthat enforcement shall not exceed 200 min in any ducer, ce © Concrecé not assumed to be Toad bearing, reinforced, =e 78 NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016ws = i ive ‘Table 24 Timber Floors - Tongued and Grooved Boarding, or Sheets of Tongued and { t Grooved Plywood or Wood Chipboard, of not Less than 21 mm Finished Thickness 1 (Clause C-1) ite ‘ ; \3 si Notor of Consracion ad Materials Mininan Thickness (nt) of Peet, i 7 aay ye See amen ie peer ae i @ & eS a @ @ a“ &) a 6 i) 37 mm (minimum) timber joists witha ceiling of ° 2 Tinteruing nla yosrof etn \s 7 - 6 9 el ancrielge eee ceee Dente omae aaa 's e a Prelate, 7 a 5 eS ©) Ope layer of plasterboard with taped and filed joints I = aay 3b we nes of puto! with jam sagged mn wet ee i e aes a ocetie a ceased maa al pe e peer : ‘ ce 3 2) Sanded gypsum plaster B za za ® 3). Lipheweight aggregate gypsum plaster z B = a 'e 4) One lyer of plasterboard ct ess than 12-7 mm thick, fhe wih y panes : 7 cs e Bree aad tate é 7 a rE 8) One layer of ashestos insulating board with any transverse joints backed ° 2 ae 7 Se a ae rn ere om e ‘Table 25 Timber Ficors ~ Yongued and Grooved Boarding, or Sheets of Tengued aud Grooved Plywood or Wood Chipboard, of not Less than 15 mm Finished Thickness (Clause C-2) st Nature of Construction and Materials ‘Minimum Thickness (am) of Protection No. fora Fire Resistance of 1 pee 30min Gomi 120 in o ® o “ © 37 mm Gini) ber joist with lingo 8) Timber ating and plates, plaster of thickness 6 - a 1) Meta thing and plaster, thickness of plaster fr 1) Sanded gypsum pases (metal ang grade) 8 ~ 7 2} Lighweightoggregat gypsum pase 8 B 3 ©). One layer of plasterboard with taped nd filled joints at 7 ft ) Two layers of plastesboard with joins saggered, joints in omer lsyer taped 22 3 a “znd fled tol wicks ©) One ayer of plaseoard not ess than 95 ram thie, fish wih D- Gyptum plaster 3 - - 2) Sanded gypsum plaster 5 = 7 2) Lighsweightagregat gypsum plaster u = a 1 One layer of plasterboard not Tess than 127 a thick, ished its 1 Gypsum plaster s = a 2) Lightveight aggregate aypsum plaster 0 = 7 2) Ove layer ofesbesos insulating board, with any transverse joins backed by ° a a fillets of asbestos insolating board not ess than 9 un ick, or by timber © ‘inised ontop with 25 mr minimam chick gas ibe o mineral wool lid been joints. : PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 9Table 26 Timber Floors ~ Any Structuraily Suitable Flooring of ‘Timber or Lignocelluloses Boards (Clause C-1) ; si Nature of Construetion and Materials Minimum Theses (mm) of Protection, No. for a Fire Resistance of Semin @mia > o ® ° ® 4) 37 mm (missy tnber joist witha celing of 8) Timber ahing and plaster, plaster hiekness 8 - ©) Mott ating and plaster, thcness of plaster for: 2)” Sueded! gypsum plaster (metal ang grade) 8 ~ 2) Lighoveightagategat gypsum plaster 3 » ©) Ob lye of plaerboard with ois taped a fled and backed by timbee na -" 4) Two layers Wf plasterboard with joints stggsted, joints in outer layer tped 25 ~ 2 a6 filed oat hckess : ©) Two layers of plateroard, each not es than 9.5 mam thick, joints benween s ~ = >oauds staggered and outer layer finshed with gypmom placer : ; One layer of plasterboard not less than 8.5 mm thick, Finish with ; 2) Sanded sypesm pase B — : 2) Tighovelgh aggregnte gypsum pester 5 = ; 8) One lier of plasterboard aot tse than 12.7 mse hi, ished with 1 Sanded gypoua plaster 1s ~ 2) Lighweighageregne pypsum plaster B 7 : 5) Que lye of asbestos insulating board with any transverse jolts backed by 2 7 1 filets of asbestos insulating boa not less than 9 mun thick or by dnb 80 NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016@2&@80 0 0 ot ©0020606 eeaodcoove csc eit O ANNEX D (Clause 4.11) GUIDELINES FOR FIRE DRILL AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES FOR HIGH RISE BUILDINGS 5-1 INTRODUCTION In case of fire in a high rise building, safe evacuation of its occupants may present serious problems unless a plan for orderly and systematic evacuation is prepared in advance and all occupants are well drilled in the operation of such plan. These guidelines are intended ‘0 assist them in this task D2 ALARMS Any person discovering fire, heat or smoke shall immediately report such condition to the fire brigade, unless he has personal knowledge thet such a report hag been made. No person shall make, issue, post or~ ‘aaintain any regulation or order, written or verbal, that would require aay person to take any unnecessary delaying action prior to reporting such condition to the fire brigade. D-3 DRILLS D-3.1 Fire drilis shall be conducted, in accordance with the Fire Safety Plan, at least once every three months for buildings during the first two years. ‘Thereafter, fire drills shall be conducted at least once every six months, D-3.2 _Alloccupants of the building shall participate in the fire drill. However, occupants of the building, other than building service employees, are not required ‘0 leave the floor or use the exits during the drill. D-3.3 A written record of such drills shall be kept on the premises fora three years period and shall be readily available for fire brigade inspection. D-4 SIGNS AND PLANS D-4.1 Signs at Lift Landings A sign shall be posted and maintained in « conspicuous place on every floor at or near. the lift landing in accordance with the requirements, indicating that in case of fire, occupants shall use the siairs unless instructed otherwise, The sign shall contain a diagram showing the location of the stairways except that such diagram may be omitted, provided signs containing such diagram are posted in conspicuous places on the respective floor. A sign shall reed ‘IN CASE OF FIRE, USE STAIRS UNLESS INSTRUCTED OTHERWISE’. The lettering shall be at least 12.5 mm block letters in red and white PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY background. Such lettering shall be properly spaced to provide good legibility. The sign shall be at least 250 mm * 300 mm, where the diagram is also incorporated in it and 62.5 mm x 250 mm where the diagram is omitted. In the later case, the diagram sign shall be at Jeast 200 mm x 300 mm. The sign shail be located directly above the call-button and squarely attached to the wall or partition. The top of the sign shall not be above 2 m from the floor level. D-4.2 Floor Numbering Signs A sign shall be posted and maintained within each stair enclosure on every floor, indicating the number of the floor, in accordance with the requirements given below. ‘The numerals shall be of bold type and at least 75 mm high. The aumerals and background shall be in contrasting colours. The sign shall be securely attached to the stair side of the door, D.4.3 Stair and Lifts Identification Signs Each stairway and each lift bank shall be identified by an alphabetical letter, A sign indicating the letter of ‘identification shall be posted and maintained at each lift landing and on the side of the stairway door from which egress is to be made, in accordance with the requirkments given in D-44 Stair Re-entry Signs A sign shall be posted and maintained on each floor within cach stairway and on the occupancy side of the stairway where required, indicating whether re-entry is provided into the building and the floor where such re-entry is provided, in accordance with the requirements given below. ‘The lettering and numerals ofthe signs shall be at least 12.5 mm high of bold type. The lettering and background shall be of contrasting colours and the signs shall be securely attached approximately 1.5 m above the floor level ‘D-5 FIRE SAFETY PLAN D-5.1 A format for the Fire Safety Plan shall be as given in D-9.10. D-5.2 The applicable parts of the approved Fire Safety Plan shall be distributed to all tenants of the building by the building management when the Fire Safety Plan has been approved by the Fire Authority. 81| | | | a : i a SSS Sennen als EWA D-5.3 The applicable parts ofthe approved Fire Safety Plan shalf then be distribuited by the tenants to all their employees and by the building management to all their building employees. D-5.4 In the event there are changes fom conditions existing at the time the Fire Safety Plan for the building ‘was approved, and the changes are such so as to require amending the Fire Safety Plan, within 30 days after suck changes, an amended Fire Safety Plan shall be submitted to the fire brigade for approval. D-6 FIRE COMMAND CENTRE ‘A Fire Command Centre shall be'éstablished in the building (see 3.4.12) D-7 COMMUNICATIONS AND FIRE ALARM A means of communication and fire alarm for use during fire emergencies shall be provided and maintained by the owmer or person in charge of the building, D-8 FIRE SAFETY PLAN FORMAT D-8.1 Building Address Street and Pin Code Number. Telephone Number. D-8.2 Purpose and Objective D821 Purpose To establish method of systematic, safe and orderly evacuation of an area or building by end of its occupants in case of fire or other emergency, in the least possible time, toa safe area by the nearest safé means of egress; also the use of such available fire appliances (including sounding of alarms) as may have been provided for controlling or extinguishing fire and safeguarding of human life 8.2.2 Objective ‘To provide proper education as a part of continuing employee indoctrination and through a continuing written programme for all occupants, to ensure prompt reporting of fire, the response of fire alarms as designated, and the immediate initiation of fire safety Procedures to safeguard life and contain fire until the arrival of the fire brigade. D-83 Fire Safety Director “) Name b)” Regularly assigned employment — Title ©) Regularly assigned location 4) How is he notified when at regular location? ®) How is he notified when not at regular location? Normal working hours 8) Duties of Fire Safety Director (see D-9.1) D-8-4 Deputy Fire Safety Director a) Name b) Regularly assigned employment — Title ©) Regularly assigned location 4) How is he notified when at regular tocation? ©) How is he notified when not at regular location? 1) Normal working hours 8) Duties of Deputy Fire Safety Director (see D-9.2) D-8.5 Fire Wardens and Deputy Fire Wardens a) Are their names on organization charts for each floor and/or tenancy? b) Submit typical completed organization chart for Fire Drill and Evacuation Assignment ©) Duties of Fire Wardens and Deputy Fire Wardens (see D-9.3), D-8.6 Building Evacuation Supervisor 2) Name b) Regularly assigned employment — Title ©) Regularly assigned location @) How is he notified when ar regular location ? ©) How is he notified when not at regular location? 1) Normal working hours 2) Duties, of Building Evacuation Supervisor (see D-9.4) : D-8.7 Pire Party 8) Submita completed organization chart for Fire Parties naming person in charge, and his title in the building, b) Indicate standards of selection from building employees based on background and availability ©) How are they notified? 4) How are they notified when they are not at their regular locations? ©) Means of responding f) Duties of each member of Fire Party (see D-9.5). D-8.8 Occupants Instructions Distribution of insiruetions of ail texants, tenants? employees and building employees (see D-9.6). NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016i oa eee D-8.9 Evacuation Drills 8) Frequency of drills 1b) How conducted? ©) Participation? Who participated? How? €) Controls and supervision ©) Recording of details of drills D-8.10 Fire Comtiand Station a) Location b) Requirements: 1) Adequate illumination 2) Adequate communication to mechanical equipment room and lifts control room ‘on each floor 3) Copy of Fire Safety Plan 4) Copy of Building Information Form 5) Representative floor plans showing location of signs, floor remote station, communications, etc D-8.11 Signs | hs | : I a) Signs at lifts landings, Floor diagrams b) Floor mumbering ©) Stairway identification @) Lifts identification ©) Stair re-entry D-8.12 Fire Prevention and Fire Protection Programme See D-9.7. D-8.13 Building information Form see D-9.8 D-8.14 Representative Floor Plan See D9.9 D-8.15 Fire Safety Pian Prepared by See D-9.10 a) Date when prepared, and b) Date-when rovised D-9 DUTHES D-9.1 Fire Safety Director's Duties D-9.1.4 Be familiar with the written Fire Safety Plan providing for fire drill and evacuation procedure in accordance with orders on the subject D-9.1.2 Select qualified building service employees for a Fire Party and organize, train and supervise such fire brigade. PART 4 FIRE AND LIRE SAFETY D-9.1.3 Be responsible for the availability and state of readiness of the Fire Party. 1-09.14 Conduct fire and evacuation drills, D-9.1.5 Be responsible for the designation and training ofa Fire Warden for each floor, and sufficient Deputy Fire Wardens for each tenancy in accordance with orders on the subject D-9.1.6 Be responsible for @ daily check for the availability of the Fire Wardens, and see that up-to- date organization charts are posted. ‘NOTE —Iftheaurber offre Wardens and Deputy Fire Wardens inthe buildingie such hits impractical to indviually contact ch one daily, uggesed method to satisty the requirements is make provisions forthe Fire Warden, ofa Deputy Fire Warden fn the absence of the Fce Watden, to notty the Fire Safety rector when the Fie Warden of tequted nbmber of Deputy ire Wardens are not available, fo order 9 determine the compliance bythe Fre Weeden and Deputy Five Wardens, wen this method is used, the Fee Safety Director shalt make spot chock of several diferent floors each day D-9.1.7 Notify the owneror some other person having charge of the building when any designated individual is neglecting his responsibilities contained in Fire Safety Plan, The owner or the other person in-charge of the building shall bring the matter to the attention of the firm employing the individual. Ifthe firm fails to correct the condition, the fire department shall be notified by the ownerfperson in charge of the building: D-9.1.8 In the event of fire, shall repont to the fire command centre to supervise, provide for and coordinate with respect to the following: a) Ensuring that the fire department has been notified of any fire or fire alarm, ) Manning of the fire comnfand station, ©) Direction of evacuating procedures as provided in the Fire Safety Plan, 4) Report on conditions on fire floor for information of fire department on their arcival ©) Advising the fire department officer in-charge in the operation of the Fire Command Centre. D-9.1.9 Be responsible for the training snd activities of the Building Evacuation Supervisor. D-9.2 Deputy Fire Safety Director’s Duties a) He is the subordinate to the Fire Safety Director, 1b) He shall perform duties of Fire Safety Director in his absence. D-9.3 Fire Warden’s and Deputy Fire Warden’s Duties ‘The tenant of tenants of each floor shall, upon request of the owner or porson in charge of buildings, make responsible and dependable employees available for 83designation by the Fire Safety Director as Fire Warden and Depaty Fire Wardens. {informed from the Fire Command Centre D-9.3.1 Each floor of a building shall be under the that one bank is unaffected by the fire. disection ofa designated Fire Warden for the evacuation 2). If lifts do not service the fire floor and of occupants in the event of fire. He shall be assisted in their shafts have no openings on che fire his dies by the Deputy Fire Wardens. A Deputy Fire floor, they may be used, unless directed more than one bank of lifts, and he is Warden shalt be provided for each tenancy. When the otherwise, a floor avea of a tenancy exceeds 700 m? of occupiable 3) Lifts manned by trained building space, a Deputy Fire Warden shall be assigned for each personnel or firemen may also be used. 7 700 me or part thereof. 4) In the absence of a serviceable lift, the D-9.3.2 Each Fire Warden and Deputy Fire Warden shall be familiar with the fire safety plan, the location of exits and the locationand operation of any available fire alarm system, B-9.3.3 In the event of fire, or fire alarm the Fire ‘Warden shall ascertain the location ofthe fire, and direct evacuation of the floor in accordance with directions received and the following guidelines: Fire Warden shall select the safest stairway to use for evacuation on the basis of the location of the fire and any information received from the Fire Command Centre. The Fire Warden shall check the environment in the stairs prior to entry for evacuation, If it is affected by smoke, alternative stair shall be a) The most critical areas for immediate evacuation selected, and the Fire Command Centre are the fire floor and floors immediately above. notified, Evacuation from the other floors shall be 5) The Fire Warden shall keep the Fire instituted when instructions from the fire Command Centre or conditions indicate such action. Evacuation shall be via uneontiminated ‘Command Centre informed of the means being employed for evacuation by the ‘occupants of his floor. staits, The Fire Warden shall try to avoid stairs being used by the Fire department. If this is not possible, he shall try to attract the attention of the Fire department personnel before such Dersonne! opea the door to the fire floor. cuation to two ot more levels below the fire floor is generally adequate. He shall keep the fire command station informed regarding, his location. ©) Fire Wardens and their deputies shall sec that all occupants are notified oF the fire, and that they proceed immediately to execute the Fire Safety Plan, 4) ‘The Fire Warden on the fire floor shail, as soon &s practicable, notify the Fire Command Centre of the partieutars. *e) Fire Wardens on floors above the fire shall, after executing the Fire Safety Plan, notify the Fire command station of the means being used 8) Ensure thet an alarm has been transmitted. rn Sica D-9.3.4 Organization Chart for Fire Drill and Evacuation Assignment A chart designating employees and their assignments shall be prepared and pasted in a conspicuous place in each tenancy and on each floor of a tenancy that ‘occupies more than one floor anda copy shall be in the possession of the Fire Safety Director. D-9.3.5 Keep available an updated listing of all personnel with physical disabilities who cannot use stairs unaided. Make arrangeiments to have these occupants assisted in moving dowm the stairs to two or more levels below fire floor. Ifit is necessary to move such occupants to a stil lower level during the ire, move them down the stairs to the uppermost floor served by r ‘an uninvolved lifts bank and then evacuate them to the street floor by lifts. Where assistance is required for such evacuation, notify Fire Safety Director, c for evacuation and any other particulars. D-9.3.6 Provide for Fire Warden identification during In the event that stairways serving fire floor fire drills and fires, such as using armband, etc. and/or floors above are unusable due to c contaminationoreut-offby fireand/oramoke D-9-3-7 Ensure that all persons on the floor are notified of fire and all are evacuated to safe areas. A search or that sever We fire in 5 See acacia tote Socks | oes emer Coe oe consideration may be given te using lifts in OU Personnel assigned as searchers can promptly and accordance with the following: efficiently perform this duty, 4 1) the lifts servicing his flooralso service the fire floor, they shall not be used However, lifts may be used if there is D-9.3.8 Check availability of applicable personnel on organization chart and provide for a substitute when the position on a chart is not covered NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016 ‘Seearoeeae ene Q @®o@eoeosoga a PHN a & ) A a iG D-9.3.9 After evacuation, perform a head count to ensure that all regular occupants known to have occupied the floor have been evacuated. D-9.3.10 When alarm is received, the Fire Warden shall remain at a selected position in the vicinity of the communication station on the floor, in order to maintain communication with the Fire Command Centre and to receive and give instructions. ‘D-9.4 Building Evacuation Supervisor’s Duties A Building Evacuation Supervisor is required at all times other then normal working or business hours when there are occupants in the building end there is no Fire Safety Director on duty in the'building. D-9.4.1 He should be capable of directing the ‘evacuation of the occupants as provided by the Fire Safety Plan. -9.4.2 During fire-emergencies, the primary responsibility of the Building Evacuation Supervisor shall be to man the Fire Command Centre, and the direction and execution of the evacuation as provided in the Fire Safety Plan. The Building Evacuation Supervisor's training and related activities shall be under the direction of the Fire Safety Director in accordance with these rules, and the Fire Safety Plan. Such activities shalt be subject to fire department consrol D..5 Fire Party Duties On receipt ofan alarm for fire, the Fire Party shell, a) report to the fldor below the fire to assist in ‘evacuation and provide information to the Fire Command Centre. b) after evacuations of fire floor, endeavour to contol spread of fire by closing doors, etc. ©) attempt to control the fire until arrival of the fire department, if the fire is small and conditions do not pose # personal threat, 4) leave one member on the floor below the fire to ditect the fire department to the fire location and to'fiform them of conditions. ©) on arrival of the fire department, the Fire Party shall report to the Fire Command Centre for additional instructions. f) haveamember designated as nunner, who shall know the location of the nearest telephone, and be instructed ints use. Such member shall immediately upon receipt of information that there is a fire or evidence of fire, go to the telephone, transmit an alarm and await the arrival of the fire department and direct them (o the location of the fire PART 4 PIRE AND LIFE SAFETY NOTE—A chart designating employees and theirsssignments shal be prepared D-9.6 Occupant’s Instructions 1) The applicable parts of the approved Fire Safety Plan shall be distributed to all tenants of the building by the building management when the Fire Safety Plan has been approved by the Fire Commissioner. b) The applicable parts of the approved Fire Safety Plan shall then be distributed by the tenants to all their employees and by the building management to all their building employees. ©) Alloccupants of the building shall participate and cooperate in carrying out the provisions of the Fire Safety Plan. D-9.7 Fire Prevention and Fire Protection Programme @) A plan for periodic formal inspections of each floor area, including exit facilities, fire extinguishers and housckecping shall be developed. A copy of such plan be submitted. b) Provision shall be made for the monthly testing of communication and alarm systems. D-9.8 Building Information Form It shall include the following information: @) Building address... Pin Code... b)_ Owner or person in-charge of building — ‘Name, Address and Telephone Number. ©) Fire Safety Director and Deputy Fire Safety Director's Name and Telephone Number: 4) Cattificate of occupancy. Location where posted, or duplicate attached. ©) Height, area, class of construction. £) Number type and location of fire stairs and/ or firefighting shaft. 8) Number, type and location of horizontal exits, or other areas of refuge. h) Number, type, location and operation of lifts and escalators. j). Interior fire alarms, or alarms to central stations. ) Communications systems and/or walkic- talkie, telephones, etc. m)_ Standpipe system; size and location of risers, gravity or pressure tank, fire pump, location, of siamese connections, name of employee with certificate of qualification and number of certificate. 85,1) Sprinkler system; name of employee with Contificate of Fitness and certificate number. Primary and secondary water supply, fire pump and areas protected, P) Special extinguishing system, if any, components and operation. @ Average number of persons normaily employed in building (Daytime and nighttime), 4) Average number of persons with disabilities in building aad their location (Daytime and night time). s) Number of persons normally visiting the building (Daytime and nighi time), 8) Service equipment such as: 1) Blectric power, primary, auxiliary; 2) Lighting, normal, emergency, type and location; 3) Heating, type, fuel, location of heating unit; 4) Ventilation — with fixed windows, emergeney means of exhausting heat and smoke; 5) Air conditioning systems —~ Brief description of thé system, including ducts and floors serviced; 6) Refuse storage and disposal; 7) Firefighting equipment and appliances, other than standpipe and sprinkler system; and 8) Other pertinent building equipment. ¥) Alterations and repair operations, ifany, and the protective and preventive measures necessary to safeguard such operations with atiention to torch operations. ‘w) Storage and use of flammable solids, liquids andlor gases. ¥) Special occupancies in the building and the proper protection and maintenance thereof, Places of public assembly, studios, and theatrical occupancies, D-9.9 Representative Floor’ Plan A floor plan, representative of the majority or the floor designs of the entire building, shall be at the Command Post, in the main lobby, under the authority of the Fire Safety Director. One copy ofa representative floor plan shall be submitted to the Fire department with the Fire Safety Plan, D-9.10 Fire Safety Plan In planning, evaluate the individual floor layouts, the population of floors, the number and kinds of exits, the zoning of the floor by area and occupants, Determine the movement of traffic by the most expeditious route to an appropriate exit and alternative 86 route for each zone, since under fire conditions one or more exits may not be usable. This format shoutd be used in the preparation of the Fire Safety Plan. Nothing contained in this Fire Safety Plan, format shall be construed as all inclusive. All rules and other requirements shall be fully complied wit. 1D-9.11 Personal Fire Instruction Card All the occupants of the building shall be given a Personal Fire Instruction Card giving the details of the floor plan and exit routes along with the instruction to be followed in the event of fie. A typical Personal Fire Instruction Card shall be as follows: SON: EIN! ‘SEAL NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION] ADDRESS OF THE ORGANIZATION ‘NAME: DESIGNATION: FLOOR NO. DATE FIRE WARDEN INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY YOU SHOULD KNOW 1, ‘Iwo push button fire alarm boxes are provided per floor, You should read the operating instructions. 2. You should read the operating instructions on the body of the fire extinguishers provided on your floor. 3. The nearest exit from your table, ‘Your assembly point on ground floor (check. with your Fire/Deputy Fire Warden), 5. FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION You SHOULD REPORT TO YOUR FIRE/ DEPUTY FIRE WARDEN 8) If any exit door/route is obstructed by Joose materials, goods, boxes, etc. b) any staircase door, lift lobby door does not close automatically, or does not close completely. i ©) [any push button fire elarm point, or fire extinguisher is obstructed, damaged or apparently out of order. NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016e e e oS 8 @ | al ii a 5 a § i @Oo00 . a were Soe eae per ® @ IF YOUDISCOVER A FIRE 1) Break the glass of the nearest push button fire alarm and push the button. 2) Attack the fire with extinguishers provided on your floor. Take guidance from your Wardens. 3) Evacuate, if your Warden asks yois to do so. IF YOU HEAR EVACUATION INSTRUCTIONS 1} Leave the floor immediately by the nearest staircase as directed 2). Reportto your Warden, at your predetermined assembly point outside the building, 3) Donot try to use lifts, 4) Do not go to cloakroom, 5) Do not nun or shout ©) Do not stop to collect personal belongings. 1) Keep the lift lobby and staircase doors shut YOUR ASSEMBLY POINT IS ANNEX E (Clauses 5.1.4 and 6) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR HIGH RISE BUILDINGS ‘E-1 GENERAL High rise buildings (15 m and above in heigbt) shall receive special attention with respect to fire and life safety particularly with regard to planning, design, execution, maintenance ond training so thatthe intended provisions of this Code are well implemented. These get further accentuated as the buildings go taller; some of the key aspects are as follows: 4) Staging and evecuation requirements of occupants. b) Stack effect posing challenges towards pressurization and smoke exhaust. ©) Zoning of firefighting system to meet fumetional requirements of hydraulic pressure and flow. : 4) Challenges experienced by fire personnel in reaching the place of fire and towards evacuation, Aspects to mitigate these challenges require innovative approach, interaction with local fire authorities and meaningful strategie planning towards maintenance and fire drills E-2 EGRESS AND EVACUATION STRATEGY One firefighting shaft shall be planned for each residential building/tower, in an educational building! block, and for each’ compattment of institutional, assembly, business and mercantile occupancy types. For other occupaney types, requirementof firefighting shaft shall be ascertained in consuitation with the local fire PART 4 SIRE AND LIFE SAPETY authority. The firefighting shaft shall necessarily have connectivity directly to exit discharge or through exit passageway (having 120 min fire resistance wails) to exit discharge. Staircase and fire lift lobby of a firefighting shalt shall be smoke controlled as per and Table 6. tis recommended that the pressurization requirement for staircase in firefighting shaft and for other fice exit staircases in buildings greater than 60 m in height be evaluated to limit the force required to operate the door assembly (in the direction of door opening) to not more than 133 N to set the door leaf in motion, ‘The aspect of pressurization, door area/idth and door, closure shall be planned in consideration to the above, 2-3 FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR LIFTS ‘The provisions as given in 7 to 7.2.4 under fire safety requirements of lifts in high rise buildings in Part 8 “Building Services, Section 5 Installation of Lifts, Escalators and Moving Walks, Subsection 5A Lifts’ of the Code shall be applicable. E-4 HORIZONTAL EXTTS/REFUGE AREA Ahorizontal exit shall be through a fire door of 120 min rating in a fire resistant wall. Horizontal exit require separation with the refuge area or adjoining compartment through 120 min fire baivier. ‘The adjoining compartment of the horizontal exit should allow unlocked and ease of egréss and exits for the ocoupants using defend in place strategy. 87et NE Sn Rs aN a) b) ) a e) 8) hy
) There shall be @ minimum of 1.5 m of horizontal clearance from the outlet (fan housing) to any combustible siructure, ©) There shall be.a vertical separation of 1.0 m below any exhaust outlets for air intakes within 3.0 m of the exhanst outlet ANNEX [Clauses and] ‘CAR PARKING FACILITIES EI The provisions given in H-2 to HS shall apply to parking structures of the closed or open type, within buildings above or below grade, H-2 GENERAL, oa a) » 9 ‘Where both parking and repair operations are conducted ip the same building, the entire building shall comply with the requirements for Group G occupancies, unless the parking and repair sections aré effectively separated by separation walls of 120 min. Floor surfaces shall be non-combustible, sloping towards drains to remove accumulation of water, Those parts of parking structures located within, immediately above or below, attached to, orless than 3 m away from a building used for any other purpose shall be separated by fire resistant walls and floors having fire resistance rating of not less than 120 min, This shall exclude those incidental spaces which are occupied by cashier, attendant booth or those spaces used for toilets, with a totat area not exceeding 200 m?. 44) Vehicle ramps shall not be considered as exits unless pedestrian facilities are provided, ©) Other occupancies like fuel dispensing, chall not be allowed in the building. Car repair facilities, if provided, shall be separated by 120 min fre resistant construction, NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 20161) Inaddition to fire protection requirements a3 per Table 7, appropriate fire detection and suppressions systems shell be provided for the protection of hydreutic oil tank and pumps located below ground level for operation of car lifts 2) Mens of egress shall meet the requirements specitied in 4 H-3 OPEN PARKING STRUCTURES (INCLUDING MULTLLEVEL PARKING AND STILT PARKING) 4) The term open parking structure specifies the degree to which the stmetnre’s exterior walls must have openings. Parking structures that meet the definition of the term open parking structure provide sufficient area in exterior walls to vent the products of combustion to a greater degree than an enclosed parking structure. a b)_Aparking structuré having each parking level wall openings open to the atmosphere, for an area of not less than 0.4 m? for each linear metre of its exterior perimeter shall be construed as open parking structure. Such openings shall be distributed over 40 percent of the building périnietér or uniformly over ‘wo opposing sides, Interior wall lines shall be at least 20 percent open, with openings distributed to provide ventilation, else, the structure shal! be deemed as enclosed parking structures. NOTE — A car pak located at the stilt level of within the definition of open car parking [see H-3(b)] and also those situated in the basements shall be known as enclosed car parking stractures. b) All sprinklers in car parking shall be standard response type with minimura K-Factor of 80, area coverage of 9 m? and designed as per ‘g00d practice (4(20)} ©) For basement car parking, compartmentation can be achieved, with fire barrir or with water curtain nozzle (K-23) or with combination thereof. Automatic deluge system comprising deluge valve, piping, nozzles, ec shall be used to zone the compartment in case of water curtain system. In case of water curtain, existing water storage shall be supplemented by water demand for water curtain nozzles for 60 min considering the largest compariment’s perimeter out of ll compartments of car parking in any of the basements. 4) The water supply forthe water curtain nozzles shall be through independent electric pump of adequate capacity (flow and head) with piping/tises forthe water supply to thenozzies, ©) The water curtain shall be operated by the actuation of flow switch actuating sprinkler system. 4) For smoke ventilation requirement of car parking, see 4.6.2. 8) All fireexit doors from the car parking to exits shall be painted green and shall display exit signage, Crna oat oom ros) cnbeconidend sone 1.5 AUTOMATED CAR PARKING UTILIZING. Syitin 50m ofs femaeretaia westinan MECHANICAL OR COMPUTERIZED/ ‘opening and any one of the folowing is complied ROBOTIC MEANS with towatds the permanent natural ventilation requirement i) S0 percent ofthe eat. park perimeter shall be open to permanent natural ventilation. i) At lsat 75 percent of the carpus perimeter is having the 50 percent neta ventilation opeuing. ©) All stilt parking are required to be provided with sprinkler system where such buildings are required to be sprinklered. 4) Open parking structures are not required to be provided with conipartmentation. ©) Opencar parking (open to sky) within building complex having fire bydrant system shall also installation system in accordance with good practice [4(29)]. H-4 ENCLOSED PARKING STRUCTURES a) Those car parking structures which are enclosed on all sides and on top, not falling oO PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY need to be protected with yard hydrant . a) Automated car parking structure can be of open parking type or enclosed types. b) Automated car parking facilities pose more hazard compared to manual parking due to following reasons: 1) Hiigh dengity of cars due to close stacking- ‘one over another. 2) Lack of provision on fire separation/ corapartmentation-horizontal or vertical Teading to rapid fire spread. 3) Non-availability of any person to notice! ‘control the fire in initial stages. 4) Limited access to firefighting personnel. 5) Extensive height and depth involved with highly combustible Joad. ©) Firgescape staircases, atleast | 250 mun wide shall be provided at appropriate locations so 95| | ic A RSS aR that no place is more than 45 m from the neatest staircase, Horizontal walkways, at least 1 000mm wide for access to all the areas shall be provided at every parking level 4) Travel distance and means of egress shall be governed by the respective sections of this Code. ©) The hazardous areas like DG sets, transformers, HT/LT panels for the parking lot shall be suitably segregated from other areas as por requirements given in this Code and all such areas shall be protected by suitable automatic fie suppressions systems. ANNEX J - (Clause 6.4.4) FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR METRO STATIONS 3-1 APPLICATION AND SCOPE The provisions of this annex relates to the buildings constructed as part of the metro stations/metro rail J-2 TERMINOLOGY ASSOCIATED WITH METRO FACILITIES For the purpose of this annex, the terminologies given at 2.43 shall apply. 4-3 GENERAL 4.3.1 Classification Metro stations can be classified under “Assembly occupancies’, These shall include any station building or part thereof, permanent or temporary, through which people transit for the duration of time required to enter the building and board the train to depart the station Platform or to alight ftom the train and depart from the station building, 43.2 Sub-classification Metro stations can be further classified under the following headings: a), Elevated and enclosed stations, b), Blevated and open stations, and ©) Underground stations, NOTE — The above shall include ali opén and enclosed Metro Stations along with theirassoeiated ancillary structures and train pols. Elevated shall mean to include “at grade” stations a3 well 4-33 Fire Zones Metro stations, that is, mass rapid transit may be constructed within Fire Zone No. 1, 2 or 3, as per the teansportation requirement. 4-34 Type of Construction Metro stations shall conform to Type } ot Type 2 or combinations of Types 1 and 2 non-combustible constructions, as defined in 3.3, 4-4 LIFE SAVETY REQUIREMENTS, s-4.1 Occupant Load ) Main occupant load in a transit station is the platform occupant load, on which basis the life safety provisions of transit stations are designed. Occupant loads in transit stations are mainly a function of the train carrying capacities rather than the areas of a station. b) For calculating platform occupant loads for « multiline, multilevel or multiplatform station, ‘maximum occupant load for each platform shall be considered separately for determining the egress capacity from that platform. ©) Atlevels where egress routes from separate platforms converge, occupant, loads of all platforms shall be considered to calculate gress capacity from that level. Simultaneous loads shall be considered for all egress routes passing through each level of that station. 4) Platforin occupant load shall be based on the greater of the AM or PM ‘peak hour loads’ generated by the system and train loads, NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016 ae6 2 e ro 26 a ye eS eS apa as > yer pepe 2eeeeeoeoees ye pa pee ppp e e) a 2) h) dD Peak hour load shall be converted to peak minute loads by dividing by 50 and multiplying further by a system surge factor varying from 1.15 to 1.5, as defined by the transit system authority, Surge factor may require tobe further enhanced where increased footfalls are anticipated like stations catering to sports complex, ete. Platform occupant load shall be determined by factoring in the peak hour entraining loads at platform edges and train loads, in emergency evacuation scenario, as defined here 1) Train on fire— Its assumed that a train loaded to crush capacity travelling i peak direction at peak hour has caught fire, and as per the operating procedure it is brought to the next station, whereupon it shall require to be evacuated. 2) The train in this case being called the “jncident train’ and the platform on which it is arriving being called ‘incident platform’ of thé ‘incident station’ 3) Passengers waiting on all the platforms of the “incident station’ shall require to be evacuated as well 4) Number of passengers shall be determined as defined in (g) below. 5) Only one source of fire, that is, train fire shall be assumed ata time. 6) Ttis assumed thatthe train on non-ineident Platform shall not stop at the incident station and shall stop only at previous! next station. Platform occupant load,, for emergency evacuation scenario, shall be the addition of two headway entraining loads for peak direction platform, one headway entraining load for off-peak direction platforms and one crush train load. NOTE — See also J-4.(b) and 54.10, Occupancy in non-public areas: 1) Use of designated non-public areas: by station staff whose work assignments require their presence in the station structures shall be permitted. 2) Unmanned plant rooms and any other areas where usual occupancy is less thant 0 persons at any given time shall be ‘teated as unoccupied arees. Segregation with non-transit occupancy: Non-transit occupancies, of area up to 250 m?, PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY shall be permitted to be accommodated within the station building, Occupant load of areas under non-transit occupancies shall be in accordance with Table 3 4-5 BGRESS PROVISIONS 4-3.1 Evacuation Time a) » a Means of egress — Public areas — Egress from metro station shall be designed to facilitate the evacuation of a pre-defined platform occupant load to a designated point of safety in pre-defined emergency seenario(s), as defined by the transit system authority Evacuation time from platform — Enough ‘egress capacity shall be provided to evacuate the platform oceupant lond within 4 min from enclosed stations and within 5.5 min from open stations, Evacuation time to point of safety — Further, station design should permit evacuation of the remotest person on platform to point of safety within 6 min ia case of enclosed stations and within 8 min in case of open stations. NOTE — Evacuation tims specified ia () and (e) may bbe modified based on actual engincering analysis by ovaluating meterel heat release rates, sttion geomeity 1nd emergency veatltin systema. For open stations where the concourse is below or protected from the platform by distance or materials as determined by an appropriate engineering analysis, that concourse shall be permitted to be defined as 8 point of safety. For enclosed stations equipped with an emergency ventilation system and where the emergency ventilation system provides protection for the concourse from exposure to the effects of 2 train fire at the platform as confirmed. by engineering analysis, that ‘concourse is permitted to be defined as a point of safety. 4J-5.2 General Arrangement . a) b) ey Means of egress from each station platform shall be provided s0 that they are equally distributed as far as possible, in capacity and placement, throughout the length of platform, There shall be, at least two means of egress remote from each other. Means of egress may however be allowed to converge at concourse or subsequent levels with sufficient capacity t achieve the required evacuation time, 97@) As far as possible, all the ogress capacity required for emergency evacuation shall be provided with the unenclosed stairs and escalators which are used for normal circulation. J-53 Travel Distance ‘The maximum travel distance on the platform to a point at which a means of egress route leaves the platform shall not be more thant 100 m. This shall however be subject to fulfilling the egress requirements specified ind5.2, 5-54 Means of Egress F541 Non-public Areas ‘Means of egress from unoccupied non-public areas shall be permitted to be merged into public means of caress 43-542 Non-transit Occupancies Separate means of egress shall be provided for such non-transit occupancies which are segregated from the station public area to ensue independent evacuation from either occupancy, Stich means of egress may be allowed to converge beyond station concourse arca with the epproval of the competent authority. 4-843 Plaiform, Corridors, Ramps Platforms, conidors and ramps serving as means of egress shail be designed as per following criteria: 4) A minimum clear width of 1 200 mm shall be provided along all platforms, corridors, and ramps serving as means of egress. ¥) In computing the means of egress capacity avaiteble on platforms, corridors, and ramps, 300 mm shall be deducted at each sidewall, and 450 mm shall be deducted at platform edges that are open to the trainway. ©) The maximum means of egress capacity of platforms, corridors, and ramps shall be Computed at 0.082 0 people/mm-min. 4) The meximum means of egress travel speed along platforms, corridors, and ramps shail be computed at 38.0 nvmin, ©) The means of egress travel speed for concourses and other areas where a lesser pedestrian density is anticipated shall be compated at 60.0 m/min. 545.44 Stairways 4), Unenclosed stairs and escalators shall be permitted to be counted as contributing to the ‘means of egress capacity in stations, 98. » °) a Minimum widths of such unenclosed staircases shall be 1800 mm for unidirectional steirs, and 2400 mm for bi- directional stairs Wall or floor mounted sailings on both sides shall be permitied on stairs without affecting the widths stated in (b) above by more than 300 mm, Enclosed stairs in the means of egress shall be minimum 1 200 mrn wide Capacity and travel speed for stairs shall be ‘computed at 0.055 5 people/mm-min and 14.6 m/min, respectively. Escalators Escalators shall not account formore than one- half of the means of egress capacity at any one level Incaloulating the egress capacity of escalators, 1) one escalator at each level shall be considered as being out of service, and 2) the escalator chosen shall be tho one having the most adverse effect upon egress capacity, ‘Where escalators ate permitted as a means of egress in stations, the following criteria shall be complied with: 1) The escalators shall be constructed of non-combustible materials (exceptions ike rollers and handrails shall be permitted with the-approval of the Competent Authority). 2) Escalators running in the direction of ‘egress shall be permitted to remain operating. 3) Escalators running reverse tothe direction of egress shail be capable of being stopped either locally by a manual stopping device at the escalator or remotely by a manual stopping devieg-at a remote location or remotely as patt ofa pre-planned evacuation response. A stopped escalator shall be counted as equivalent to 1 m wide staircase, Where provision is made for remote stopping of escalators counted as means of egress, one of the following shall apply: ‘The stop shall be delayed uintit it is preceded bya miniaum 15 s audible signal or warming message sounded at the escalator; wherein (2) the signal or message shall have a sound intensity that is at least 15 dBA above the average ambient sound level for the entire length of the escatator, (2) the signal shall be NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016aC aC) es ° ° 8 6 6 se Sa ey 9 a) distinct from the fire alarm signal, and (3) the warming message shall meet audibility and intelligibility requirements, oR Where escalators are equipped with the necessary controls o decelerate ina controlled manner toder the full rated load, the stop shall be delayed for at least 5 s before beginning deceleration, and the deceleration rate shall bbe no greater than 0.052 m/e? Escalators with or without intermediate landings shall be acceptable as @ means of egress, regardless of vertical rise. Escalators exposed to the outdoor environment shall be provided with slip- resistant landing and floor plates. Stopped escalators shall be permitted to be started inthe direction of egress in accordance with the requirements for stopping of escalators described in J-5.4.5(c)(3) and J-5.4.5(¢). Capacity and travel speed for escalators shall be computed at 120 people/min and 18.5 nmin (vertical component of travel speed), respectively. 55.4.6 Lifts Lifis meeting the following requirements shall be counted as one of the means of egress in stations. 5-54.61 Capaclty of lifts ‘Where lifts are counted as contributing to the means of egress capacity, a) b) ) 4) lifts shall have minimum 60 min fire resistance rating; they shall account for no more than 50 percent of the required egress capacity; at least one lift shall be considered out of service, and one lift shall be reserved for fire service; and the capacity of each lift shall be.the carrying capacity of the lifts within 30 min, 5- Holding area for lifts Lifts counted as one of the means of egress from any level of a station shall be accessed through holding areas or lobbies at that level, which shall be designed as follows: a) ‘The holding areas or lobbies shail be separated from the platform by a sinoke tight fire separation having a fire resistance rating of at least 60 min but not less than the time required to.evacvate the holding erea occupant load. PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY b) Atleast one stair shall be accessible from the holding area - ©) The holding area shall be sized to ‘accommodate one person per 0.2 my’ d) If the holding area includes portions of the platform, the area within 600 mm of the trainway shall not be considered in the calculation, ©} Upon activation of smoke control in the platform or adjacent trainway areas, the holding area shall be pressurized to a minimum of 25 Pa. £) The holding area shall be provided with emergency voice alarm devices with two-way communication to the system operations control centre 3-5.4.6:3 Design features of lifts Lifts counted as one of the means of egress shall be designed as follows: 4), Shaft enclosures shall be constructed as fire separations having #120 min fire resistance rating. b) The design shall limit water flow into the shaf. ©) No more than two lifts used for means of egress or fire’ department access shall share the same inachine room or lifts pit Machine rooms shall be separated from each ther by fire separation baving a minimum fire resistance rating of 120 min, ©) The lifts shall be connected to back-up power supply. ) During emergency evacuation, the lifts shall travel only between the incident level and a point of safety. 45.4.7 Doors and Gates ‘The egress capacity for doors and gates in a means of ‘egress serving public areas shall be computed as, 8) 60 people per minute (p/min) for single leaf doors and gates, 1B) 0.082 people/mun-min forbi-parting multicleat doors and gates measured for the cleac width dimension, and ©) gates in a means of egress shell be designed in accordance with the requiremenss for doors serving as a means of egress. 5-5.4.8 Fare Barriers a)’ Pare barriers complying with following provisions shall be permitted in the means of gress serving the stations. Such barriers shall bbe designed to release, permitting unimpeded 99,1 a canonconeansenuaicie tavel in the direction of egress under all the following conditions: 1) Power failure or ground fault condition, 2). Activation ofthe station fire alarm signal, and 3) Manual activation from a switch in a constantly attended location in the station of operations control centre. ») Fare barriers that do not comply with the requirements of J-5.4.8(a) shall be permitted in the means of egress where barriers in the equipment are designed to provide egress when a hosizontal foree not exceeding 66 N is applied in the egress direction. ©) Gate-type fare barriers in the means of egress shall meet the following criteria 1) Bech’ unit shall provide a minimum of 450 mm clear width at and below a height of 1.000 mm and 530 mm clear width above that height. 2) Each unit shall be credited with a capacity of $0 p/min for egress calculations, 3) Fare barriers shall be designed so that (heir failure to operate properly will not prohibit movement of passengers in the dlsection of emergency egress. Horizontal Exits Horizontal exits shall be permitied for up to LOO percent of the nursber of horizontal exits and required egress ‘capacity provided that lot more than 50 percent of the nnmber and required capacity is into a single building and provided they comply with the following provisions: a 8) Width of the horizontal exit shall at least be same as that of the exit doorways; b) A horizontat exit shall be equipped with at least one fire/smoke door of minimum 60 min fire resistance, of self-closing type. Further, it should have direct connectivity to the egress staircase for evacuation, ©) Where there is a difference in level between connected ereas for horizontal exits, ramps, slope not more than 1 in 12 shall be provided, 4) Doors in horizontal exits shall be able to open at all times from both sides. I-S.4.10 Platform Screen and Edge Door Horizontal sliding platform screen or platform ‘edge doors shall be permitted to separate the platform from the trainway in stations provided that the doors permit emergency egress from the train to the platform regardless of the stopping position of the train; and the doors provide egress when a force not exceeding 220 N 100 is applied from the train side of the doors. The doors shall be designed to withstand positive and negative pressures caused by passing trains, S541 Access for Fire Brigade Personnel A dedicated access staircase for firemen shall be provided in each underground station. This access shail be arranged so as fo provide uninterrupted access from ground level to station concourse and platform levels. If continuous access is not feasible, smoke sealed lobbies shall be provided at concourse or other intermediate levels and such lobbies shall be protected with fire doors of adequate rating. Firemen staircases shall be maintained under positive pressure at all times. J-5.4.12 Etitergency and escape lighting and illumination of means of ll exits shall comply with the various provisions under 3.4.7 in all respects 5-6 FIRE SEPARATION AND COMPARTMENTATION 4-6.1 Fire compartments shall be provided in transit stations in accordance with the provisions of this Section, Fire ratings of various occupancies within open, stations and enclosed stations shall be as indicated in Table 27 3-62 Purther transit station shall be divided into fire compartments by means of compartment walls and compartment floors by a fire separation of at least 120 min between following occupancies 8) Public areas and non-public areas, b) Transit and non-transit areas, and ©) Ancillary areas located beneath and within 3m. of the trainway in open stations 45-6.3 No fire separation shall be required for occupancies like ticketing offices, toilets, other offices and the like. J-6.4 Incidental kiosks inside stations for other purposes like commercial use, etc shall be fire separated (120 min rating) trom the station building, if areas ‘occupied by such occupancies exceeid 6 m2, J-6.5 Fire Doors Fire doors shall comply with the following requirements: 8) Fire doors shall be constructed of non- combustible material having appropriate fire resistance, aud two fire doors may be fitted in ‘an openiiig ifeach door by itself is capable of closing the opening and the two doors together achieve the required level of fire resistance. 'b) All fire doors shall be fittéd with an automatic self-closing device, of same fire rating as of the door, which is capable of closing the door NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016eeee@saoe @ ©9OCCCOCCHeBO ES oe ‘Table 27 Fire Ratings for Mass Rapid Transit Station Occupancies (Clause J-6.1) ‘Occupancies Fire Rating of Fire Rating of Doors Enelosures > b —_—_ = ‘Open Enclosed’ “Open Enclosed Station Station Station Station © ® a © © © i) Awiliry substation, clectieal UPSatexy room 2 3 3 3 ii) Signaling equipment roar, telecom equipment room, SAT Signing and 2 2 is 1s ‘usin contol) UPS/eavery room, electrical cable shafts, SA cable shafts ii) Euvironmnenal coutol system (ECS) plant room, tunsel ventilation room, "2 2 1s 1s fremen'sstancate, emergency equipment store, CDMA rm, GSM O90, sewage eector room, sump pnp reer, eller plant room, pomp rece, DG panel room 1 2. os Ls i Station manager room, cash and ticket supervisor room, security rcom, store, cleaners room, refuse storage, toilet, phombing shat, staff mess roares,disibution boat room and the tke from any angle and against any lateh fitted to the door, ©) Any fire door fitted within an opening which is provided as a means of escape shall be capable of being opened manually, not be held open by any means other than by an electromagnetic or electro-mechanical device which can be activated by the presence of smoke andjor the fire alarm system, provided that this shall not apply in the edse of fire doors opening into pressurised exit staircases, 46.6 Smoke Compartmentation 2) Smoke compartments shall be created to ensure that in case of fire scenario, the escape routes are not full of smoke and a safe passage is provided to fire fighters to reach fire location. 1b) Smoke barriers shall be provided within the ceiling at platform and concourse levels at locations and spacing as determined by the engineering analysis and shall be designed to withstand temperatures up to 250°C for 60 min. ©) Smoke barriers shall also be provided around all openings containing staircases, escalators and lifts in public areas connecting platform to levels above or below them, 4)" All smoke compartments created withia the station areas shall be designed with segregated smoke extraction systems. J-7 OTHER SPECIFICS REGARDING SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 4) Materials used as interior wall and ceiting and other decorative features in enclosed stations shall be non-combustible, BART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY ») °) d ) 2) h) dD K) For protection against intrusion of flammable and combustible liquids and flooding of underground transit systems, any structure including emergency egress or access stairs or vent or far shaft structure utilized for ‘venlilation of underground system shall be permitted to be terminated at grade, provided that the level at which it is terminated least 450 mm above the surrounding ground level/footpath level. Emergency ventilation fans, their motors, and allrelated components exposed tothe exhaust airflow shall be designed to operate in an ambient atmosphere of 250°C for a mjaimum of 60'min, Operation of the emergency ventilation system components shall be initiated from the central supervising station, All types of kiosks like ticketing booth, information counter, commercial, if any, etc, shall be constructed with non-combustible materials Enclosed stations shell be provided with back- up power connected to lighting, protective signalling systems, emergency communication system, and fire command centre. Emergency lighting shall be provided throughout the station as per Voice evacuation/public address system shall be provided throughout the station, and ancillary buildings as per requirements. Equipment rooms shall be protected by-fire suppression systems as per relevant standards, Emergency command centres and emergency response procedures shall be in place, 101| | m) Evacuation shall take place under the guidance and contro! of authorized, trained system employees or other authorized personnel as warranted under an emergency situation, 1) Adequate warning signs, directional signs, exit signs shall be provided throughout the facility. J-8 BACK-UP OR EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY The back-up/emergency power supply shall have a capacity to cater all critical loads such as emergency lighting, protective signalling system, communication system, fire station and control room, lifts providing required egress capacity, etc. 4-9 FIRE PROTECTION FACILITIES ‘The following requirements shall apply to all open and enclosed metro stations above grade, Provisions for ‘mderground stations are not covered hereunder J-9.1 Details of Protection and Factlities Requived JAI Pumping Arrangements Each station shall be provided with two pumps having @ minimum discharge of | 620 ltre/min with different prime movers. Itis possible to provide two electrically Griven pumps, if assured back-up power is available for driving the pumps. Jockey pump having e capacity of 180 litre/min shall also be provided to take care of minor system leakages. Blectrical wiring for the pumps shall be routed from outside the station buildings in any case (see also J-9.1.9), E-9.4.2 Extinguishers a) Water CO, type, COJABC types, shall be provided in each platform and distributed in sucha way that extinguisher is available within a travel distance of 30 m from any point b) Water CO, type, COYABC types, shall be provided in each concourse for every 300 m? floor area and distributed in such a way that extinguisher is available within a travel distance of 30 m from any point. ©) Atleast one extinguisher shall be provided for ach equipment room and other enclosures for every 300 m* floor area, 49.1.3 Small Bore Hose Reels 4) One hose reel shall- be provided for every 1 000 m? floor area of station platform or part thereof subject to a travel distance of 45 m to the nearest hose reel, b) One hose reel shall be provided for every 1000 m! floor area concourse or part thereof subject to a travel distance of 45 m to the 102 nearest hose veel ©) If equipment rooms are covered with hose reels for concourse and platform, it is acceptable, 39.1.4 Fire Alarm System a) Provisions of detection system shall be purely based on judgement in metro stations. Detectors are required (o be provided only in areas where there are false ceiling(s), false floor(s) and areas for equipment rooms. ‘Wherever there are false ceilings, the detectors shall be provided both above and below false ceiling giving due consideration to depth of false ceiling/‘looring. However, in concourse, the detectors below false ceiling may not be effective due to heights/cross ventilation and therefore may not be provided. In other areas, because of high heights and cross-ventilations, detectors will not be effective and hence they ‘can be dispensed. A conventional dotection system shall suffice at a normal station, b) Manual call station(s) shall be provided at central location(s) on cach platform (near emergency plunger) and at least two on the concourse, on each sidewall. When the concourse is in two halves, a least one manual call station shall be provided on each side. J-9.1.8 Clean Agent Suppression System Main panels like HT, LT and main power distribution, DG change over and main supply panels for the station shall be protected with the above system. Suitable detection mechanism shall be provided for triggering the systemn automatically. F-9.1.6 Provision of Hydrants and Wet Risers @) Minimum two hydrants shall be provided at each platform with hose box containing two lengths of hose pipes 15 m each with a nozzle (Coverage about 45 m). Location of hydrants shall be staggered for better coverage. The hydrants shall cover the entire length of the platform when two hase pipes are coupled to the landing valves and used. If not fully covered, additional hydrant(s) shall be provided. b) Minimum two hydrants shall be provided for each concourse with hose box containing two lengths of hose pipes 15 m each with a nozzle Subject to travel distance of 30 in to reach thie nearest hydrant. Commercial areas, if any, shall also be covered with the provision of hydrants as stated above. Ifequipment rooms NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016wai jE a a 28 oo 8: 9 > ® 9 and other areas are covered within 30 m of the hydiants, the same are acceptable, Hydrants shall be provided at each entry to the station at grouind and upper levels near staircase. At least one hydrant for parking area shall be provided subject to a travel distance of 30 m to the nearest hydrant. Oy J-8.1.1 Automatic Sprinkler System Sprinklers are required to be provided only in the commercial areas and any combustible storage area within the station (see also J-9.1.9), Water Requirement ) For stand-alone meio stations, exclusive water requirement for the fire protection system for the installed pumping capacity as stated in J-9.1.1 shall be at least 50 000 lite. However, when commercial areas are present within metro stations, firefighting facilities shall need augmentation 2s in J-9.1.9, ») 4J-9.4.9 In case of other type of occupancy like commercial areas inside metro stations and combustible storage area, if any within the station, the pumping! water requirements shall be provided as per the Table 28 Water capacity stated in the Table 28 shall be stored in ‘wo equal and interconnected compartments. Size of ‘the main header sball not be less than 150 mm in all cases. Entire fire protection system shall be designed and installed as per the relevant Indian Standards ‘Table 28 Water Capacity (Clause 19.1.9) St “Area Occupied by Hydrant Sprinkler ockey ‘Common ‘Water No. Commersial Occupancies Ymp Capacity Pump Capacity Pumps Standby Pump Capacity of liven liefmin Vive/min live/min tive a ® o @ 8) o. © 1) Up toand inekading 300 +2 280 (Common pump) -> 180 2280 75000 58) More thon 300 and upto 1000-42850 (Common pup) > 180 2850 100000 i) Mare than 1 000 2850 2850 180each 2.850 200000 ANNEX K (Clause 6.4.4) HIRE AND LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR METRO TRAINWAYS K-1 APPLICATION Provisions of this annex shall'apply to all portions of underground, elevated and at-grade metro trainway inchuding tail buffer tracks and sidings not intended to be occupied by the passengers. These provisions may be amended, if required, as per the approval of the Competent Authority. 4-2 USE AND OCCUPANCY K-2.1 Passengers shall be allowed to enter the trainway only in the case it becomes necessary td evacuate a train, K-2.2 Passenger evacuation from train onto the PART 4 FIRE AND LIFU SAFETY trainway shall take place only under the guidance and control of authorized, tained system employee or other authorized personnel as warranted under an emergency situation, K-2.3 Warning signs in accordance with K-4.4.1 shall be posted at locations were unauthorized personnel tnight trespass, K-3 CONSTRUCTION K-3.L Construction Type K-3.L.1 Cut and Cover ‘Where trainways are to be constructed by cut and cover ‘method, perimeter walls, base and zoof slabs and other 103related constructions shall be of not less than Type 1 or Type 2 or combination of Types 1 and 2 non- combustible constructions es defined in this Part. The type of construction shall be further determined by an engineeving analysis of potential fire exposure hazards to the structure K-3.1.2 Bored Tunnels Where teainwey sections are to be constructed by a tunneling method through earth, unprotected steel liners, reinforced concrete, shotcrete, or equivalent shall be permitted to be used. 13.1.3 Rock Funnels a Where trainway sections are t be constructed by a tunnelling method through rock, steel bents with concrete liner, if lining is required, shall be permitted to be used. 13.64 Und jater Tunnels Underwater tunnels shall be not less than Type 2 constcuctions K-3.1.5 Mid Tunnel Ventilation Shaft and Trainway Exit structures Mid tunnel ventilation shafts and trainway emergency egress or secess stairs shall not be less than Type I construction, K-3.1.6 At-Grade Construction Materials used for at-grade construction shall not be less than Type 2 materials. The type of construction shall be further determined by an engineering analysis of potential five exposure hazards to the structure. K-3.1.7 Elevated Viaduct or Portals All elevated structures necessary for trainway support and all structures.and enclosures on or under the ‘ainway shall be of not less than Type 1 or Type 2 or comtination of Type 1 and Type 2 construction. The type of construction shall be further determined by an engineering analysis of potential fire exposure hazards to the structure, K-3.2 Protection against Intrusion of Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Flooding of Enclosed ‘Trainway Any structure including emergency egress or access stairs or vent or fan shaft structure utilized for ventilation of undergroitad system shall be pertnitted to be terminated at grade, provided that the level at which it is tenninated is at least 450 mm above the surrounding ground level/footpath level. K-33 Compartmeatation 3.3.1 Ancillary areas shall be separated from 104 trainway areas within underwater trainway sections by construction having a minimum 180 min fire resistance rating, XK-3.3.2 Ancillary areas shall be separated from tainway areas within enclosed trainway sections by construction having 2 minimum 120 min fire resistance rating, K-34 Combustible Components Where combustible components not specifically mentioned here are installed in atrainway,a fire hazard analysis shall be conducted to determine that the level of occupant fire safety is not adversely affected by the contents, K-3.5 Walking Surfaces Walking surfaces designated for evacuation of passengers shall be constructed of non-combustible materials, K-4 EMERGENCY EGRESS K-4.1 Location of Egress Routes K-4.1.1 The system shall incorporate a walking surface or other approved means for passengers to evacuate a train at any point along the trainway so that they can proceed to the nearest station or other point of safety. K-4.1.2 Walkway continuity shall be maintained at special track sections like cross over or pocket tracks. ‘Walkway continuity shall be provided by cross walks at track level K-4.1.3 Within enclosed trainways, the maximum distance between emergency exits/exit stairways shall, nat exceed 750 m, KK-4.1.4 For trainways in twin bore tunnels or trainways in a tunnel divided by 2 minimum 120 min fire rated wall separation, oross-passageways shall be permitted to be used in-liew of emergency exit stairways. KK-4.1.5 Where cross passageways are utitized in-tiew ofemergency exit stairways, the following requirements shall apply: a) First cross-passageway shall be provided not farther than 500 m from the end of platform ‘of an enclosed station or from the turinel portal -or fiom a mid-tunnel exit way. b) Distance between any two cross-passageways shall not be more than 250 m, ©) The crossover in an enclosed trainway shall be considered as. cross-paceageway. The distance betwoen crossover and subsequent cross-passageway shall not be more than 250m. NATIONAL BULLDING CODE OF INDIA 2016e) Cross-passageways shall be separated from each trainway with separate self-closing fire door assemblies having # fire protection rating of minimum 90 min, A tenable environment shall be maintained in the portion of the trainway that is nat involved in an cmergency and that is being used for evacuation, A ventilation system forthe incident trainway shail be designed to control smoke in the vioinity of the passengers. Provisions shall be made for evacuating passengers via the nonsincident trainway to a nearby station or other emergency exit. The provisions shall include measures to protect passengers evacuating from non- incident tunnel from oncoming traffic and from other hazérds Where cross-passageways are used in-fiew of emergency exit stairways, the interior of the cross-passage shall used for any purpose other than as an area of refuge or for accesslegress to the opposite tunnel, except for installation of non-combustible equipment inside the cross passageways, provided that such equipment does not infringe the required clear space of the cross-passage. K-4.1.6 Level of Cross Passage The level of cross-passage inside the tunnel shall be designed in accordance to the following requirements: a) 2) Tn trainways where passengers have to walle ‘on the track bed during evacuation, the floor of the cross-passages i Such trainways shall bbe kept close to the level of the track bed. The saximum permitted level difference between the level of track bed and the floor ofthe cross passage shéll be 250 mm. Further, a smooth surface for transition of level difference shall be provided at such cross-passages. : In trainways where passengers have to walle on a walkway mounted atthe level ofthe train floor during evacuation, the floor of the cxoss- passages in such trainways shall be kept in level with the walkway. Further, such walkways shall always be provided on the cross-passageway side of the trainway for unobstructed access to the cross-passageway. K-4.1.7 For open-cut trdinivays, an engineering analysis shall be conducted to evaluate the impact of the (cainway configuration on safe egress from a train fire toa point of safety, PART 4 FIRE AND LIVE SAFETY K-4.1.8 Where the engineering analysis indicates that the configuration will impact tenability beyond the immediate vicinity of the fi , egress routes shall be provided such that the maximum distance fom any point within the open-cut section to a point of egress from the traimay shall not be more than 380 m K-4.1.9 All the distances mentioned in K-4..3, K-4.1.5 and K-4.1.8 shall be permitted with a maximum variation of "8 porcont K-4.2 Size of Egress Routes, K-4.2.4 Cross-passageways shall be a minimum of 1 200 mm in clear width and 2 100 mm in height. ‘K-4.2.2 The width of exit stairs shall not be required to exceed 1 200 mm for enclosed trainways. K-4.2.3 If double leaf doors wider than 1 200 mm are provided in egress routes serving trainways, then size of active leaf shall not be less than 810 mim. K-43 Egress Components K-4.3.1 Walking surfaces serving as egress routes within guide ways shall have a uniform, slip-esistant design except as permitted herein, a) ») °) ad) °) Where the trainway track bed serves as the emergency egress pathway, it sbali be nominally level and free of obstructions, Walkvvays that are more than 750 mm above the floor or grade below shalt be provided with ‘continuous handrail along the side opposite the trainway. Raiséd walkways that are greater than 1 200mm wide and located between two trainways shall not be required to have a handrail Doors in the means of egress, except eross- passageway doors, shall open in the direction of exit travel Doors in the means of egress shalt, 1) open fully when a force not exceeding 20 N is applied to the latch side of the door, and 2) be adequate to withstand positive and negative pressures caused by passing trains and the emergency ventilation system. K-4.3.2 Horizontal sliding doors shall be permitted in cross-passageways, K-4.4 Signage, IHumination and Emergency Lighting , K-4.4.1 Waming signs posted.on entrances to the 105,trainway end on fences or barriers adjacent to the twainway shall clearly state the hazard (for example, DANGER: HIGH VOLTAGE —25 000 V) with letter sizes andl colours in conformance with requirements of Metro Raibvay Rules K-4.4.2 System egress points shall be illuminated, K-4.4.3 Points of exit from elevated and enclosed trainways shall be marked with internally or externally illuminated signs. K-4.44 Identification Emergency exit facilities shall be identified and maintained to allow for their intended use. K-4.4.5 Enclosed trainways greater in length than the minimum length of one train shall be provided with directional signs as appropriate for the emergency ~ procedures developed for the metro"system. K-4.4.6 Directional signs indicating station or portal directions shall be installed at maxinnum 25 m intervals, on either side of the enclosed trainways K-4,4.7 Directional signs shall be readily visible by passengers for eanergency evacuation, K-5 FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS K-S.1 Emergency Access K-S.l Except as described herein, points of egress and ' exits from the guide way shall serve as emer; access routes, K-5.2 If security fences are used along the trainway, access gates shall be provided in security fences. K-5.3 Access gates shall bea minimmura 1 200 mm wide and shall be of the hinged or sliding type. K-5.4 Access gates shall be placed as close as practicable to the portals to permit easy access to tunnels. K-55 Information that clearly identifies the route and logation of each gate shall be provided on the gates or adjacent thereto. K-5.6 Access to the elevated trainway shall be from stations or by mobile ladder equipment from roadways adjacent to the track way. K-8.7 Ifno adjacent or crossing roadways exist for the elevated trainway, access roads at 2 maximum of 750 m intervals sball be required. K-S.8 Where the configuration ofan open-cut trainway prevents or impedes access for firefighting, provisions shall be made to permit fire fighter access to that section of trainway at intervals not exceeding 750 m. K-59 All the distances mentioned in K-5.7 and K-5.8 above shall be permitted with a maximum variation of “If percent. ANNEX M (Clause 6.7.3) FIRE PROTECTION CONSIDERATIONS FOR. VENTING IN INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS M-i APPLICATION M-L.1 The provisions given below are applicable only to single storey industrial buildings (factories and storage buildings) covering large floor areas without sub-dividing/separating walls which are usually designed to meet modem production methods. M-1.2 The requirements of fire and explosion venting of industrial buildings, as deelt with inthis section, fall under two categories: a) Smoke and fire venting, and b} Explosion relief vents, 106 M-2 SMOKE AND FIRE VENTING M-2.1 The basic considerations for formulating the design and othet requirements for smoke and fire vents are as given in M-2.1.4 to M-2.1.20, M.2.1.1 The smoke and hot combustion products from a fire, being lighter than the surrounding air, tend to rise, and on reaching the roof or ceiling spread out (rhnshroom) on ali sides and form a layer which floats on top of the cold air beneath. In the absence of vents, this layer becomes progressively deeper until the whole building is filled with hot smoky gases. The time consumed for this to happen may be only a few mimutes, depending on variables like, type of materials on fire, process/storage conditions invoived, ete. NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016M-Z.1.2 The hot gases at the roof level moved by convection currents contribute to rapid lateral spread of fire M.-2.1.3 The provision of properly designed and suitably located vents in adequate number helps the speedy removal of smoke and hot gases, thereby preventing spread of fire, besides reducing risks of explosion of unburnt gases and reducing damage to the contents and structure of the building by heat and smoke, In addition, they facilitate firefighting operations, and minimise personal hazards to the firemen ‘M-2.1.4 The time taken for accumulation of smoke and hot gases within a building on fire being very short, the venting davices installed shall be designed to operate in the eerly stage of the fire and must be automatic so as to ensure speed and efficiency in their operation. M-2.1.5 The smoke and fire venting system shall be tlesigned in such @ manner as to keep the temperature of the combustion products from the fire as low as possible, preferably below approximately 150°C. M-2.1.6 Automatic venting systems are complementary to the fire extinguishing systems, and automatic sprinklers, where provided, should operate before the operation of the vents; otherwise, venting may delay sprinkler operation, It is easier to vent a building of smoke than lear it of smoke once it has been filled, M-2.1.8 Venting is particularly desirable in large arca industrial buildings or warehouses, windowless buildings, underground structures or in areas housing hazardous operations. Automatic fire vents shail be provided for all industrial occupancies (including storage buildings) classified as medium hazard or above having floor areas exceeding 750 i, imespective.of whether they are compartmentalized or not. ‘M-2.1.9 These provisions do not cover other aspects, of ventilation (or lighting) designed for regulation of ‘temperature within a building for personal comfort or meeting process needs. M-2.1.10 Similarly, fire and smoke venting requirements as given here under are also not applicable fo multi-storeyed buildings, as their requirements are different and more complex. (M-2.1.11 Itis difficult to determine precise venting requirements oa account of the many variables involved, For instance, the rate of combustion varies appreciably according to the nature, shape, size and: packaging of the combustible materials a3 well as the size, height and disposition of the stacks of materials, PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 1M-2.1.12 In industrial buildings of floor area less than 750 m? and used as low fire hazard occupancies, conventional ventilators fitted high up near the eaves of the external walls may serve as vents for smoke and hot gases, provided cate is taken to ensure that they are kept open at all times or are designed to open automatically in case of fire. M-2.1.13 Extinction of fires by closing the doots and ‘windows is not likely in the case of industrial buildings because of their large size, where sufficiont air to sustain the fire at least in the initial stages can be expected to be present M-2.1.14 Of the two types of building ventitation, namely, vertical and horizontal, vertical ventilation is the one commonly adopted in the case of single storey industrial buildings, M-2.1.15 Since 70 to 80 percent of heat produced in a fire is convective heat, the ventilation system has to be suitably designed to ensure early outflow of the heat and thereby minimise fire spread, M-2.1.16 Combustible roof linings shall be avoided, as they themselves will contribute to the spread of fire, thereby multiplying the venting problems. M-2.1.17 A wind blowing across a flat roof or a roof with a pitch under 40° produces @ negative pressuré, that is, i'tends to draw geses out of the building and so aids venting of hot gases. Wind blowing across a roof of pitch grenter than 40° will draw gases out om the leeward side, but oppose outward flow on the windward side of the roof, M-2.1.18 For vents to work at full efficiency, the area of the inlets forcold air entering the compariment must ‘equal at least the total atea of the vents. Ideally, the inlets shall be as close to the ground as possible. M-2.1.19 Where roof vents are installed in a single- storey building any neighbouring buildings, particularly ‘those of more than one storey, will be subject to some degree of exposure hazard either from flying birds or radiation, or both, as a result, M-2.1.20 If vents are'td be insialled, the size, design, number and disposition of the vents and the associated roof sereens/curtain boards have to be assessed after careful analysis of the various factors stated under M-2.1.11, as well as other related factors like type of building construction, nature and beight of roof, process hazards, exposure hazard, etc. M-2.2 Venting Area 1M-2.2.1 The estimated requirements for ventilation are largely based on the assumed build-up of the fire from the time of initial outbreak to the time of effective fire fighting action by fire brigade. 107M2.2.2 The vent area required to be provided shall be approximately proportional to the perimeter of the fire area, because the entrained air forms the bulk of the vented gases. ‘M-2.2.3 The effective area shall be the minimunycross. sectional area through which the hot gases must flow out to the atmosphere M-2.2.4 No consideration shall be given to the increased air movement obtained by power operated fans, since itmust be assumed that in the event of fire, power will be interrupted, or fans damaged by heat, 'M-2.2.5 The total vent areas to be provided shall be as per the following ratios of effective area of vent openings to floor area for various occupancy classitications indicated: a) Low heat release content —1: 150 (Sub-division G-1) b) Moderate heat release —1: 100 Content (Sub-division G-2) ©) High heat release content (Sub-division G-3) —1:30t01: 50 M-2.3 Types of Venis 'M-2.3.1 Venting shall be accomplished by any of the types such as monitors continnous gravity vents, until type vents or sawtooth roof skylights. M-2.3.2 Whete monitor type vents are installed, wire glass or metel panels shall be used only if the sash is arranged (o open automatically, M-23.3 The use of plain thin glass for venting shall be avoided on account of its unpredictable behaviour Guiting fire, However, if glass or other suitable plastic sheet materials with early disintegration characteristics are used, they should be designed for automatic operation, M-2.3.4 Where monitors or unit type vents are used, the panels shall be hinged at the bottom and designed ‘0 open automatically, Both sides of the vents shall be designed to vent simultaneously to ensure that their effectiveness at the time of fire is not in any way impeded by wind direction. M-2.3.5 Where movablé shutters are provided for contiouous gravity vents, these shall open automatically. in the event of fire. M-23.6 Unit type venis shalt be of relatively small area, ranging between 1m? and 9 m, having light ‘Weight metal frames and housing with hinged dampers ‘which shall be designed for both: manual and automatic operation. M-2.3.7 Sawtooth roof skylight shall be considered as 108 satisfactory for venting purposes only when designed for automatic operation, M-2.3.8 Likewise, exterior wall windows shall not be reckoned as satisfactory means for venting of fire gases and smoke in industrial buildings. Flowever, they may bereckoned as additional means of venting when, they are located close to the caves and are provided with ordinary glass or movable sash arranged for both ‘manual and automatic operation. M-2.3.9 Baffles shall not be installed inside vents, as they greatly reduce the effective area for venting. M-2.4 Vent Operation M-24.1 The veots shall be automatic in operation, unless where specified in these provisions that they shall be designed for both manual and automatic operation, M-2.4.2 The release mechanism shall bé-simple for operation and indepeadent of electrical power, since electrical services may be interrupted by fire. M-2.4.3 The automatic operation of vents shall be achieved by actuation of fusible links or other types of heat and smoke detectors, or by interlocking with operation of sprinkler system or any other automatic fire extinguishing system covering the area Following their release, the vents shall be designed (o open by asystem of counterweights and associated equipment utilizing the force of gravity or spring loaded levers. M-2.44 Automatic fire alarm system, where installed, shall be coupled to the automatic vents to ensure simultaneous operation ‘M-2.4.5 Automatic sprinklers, where installed, shall operate before the vents open order to avoid any likely delay in sprinkler operation. However, heat actuated devices used for vent release shall be suitably shielded from sprinkter discharge so that water does not delay their action. Further, provision of operating the vents manually may also be provided. M-2.4.6 Premises where height of roof apex is 10m or ‘mote or where the materials handled or stored have high smoke producing characteristics, in addition to fusible links, the vent release mechanism shall be interlinked to smoke actuated automatic fire detectors to ensure early operation of vents. M-2.4.7 Non-corrosive materials shall be. used. for hinges, hatches and other related parts to ensue long {fail-safe operation of the vents M.2.4.8 In case of any doubts regarding the types of vents required to be installed for any particular occupaney, authorities having jurisdiction shall be consulted. NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016paper yaa” ryan ya > @ © © ¢ Oo C ®e@aoo 2 2 M-255 Size, Spacing and Disposition of Vents M-2.5.1 Vents shall be correctly sited to ensure their fimotional efficiency. Ideally, they shall be sited at the highest point in eseh area to be covered M-2.5.2 They shall, as far as possible, be located imumediately above the risk to be protected so as to allow free and speedy removal of smoke and other combustion products in the évent of fire M-2.5.3 The minimum dimension for an effective vent opening shall be not less than 1.25 m in any direction, M284 The spacing of the individual vent shall be based on the prineiple that more number of well distributed smaller vents are more effective than fewer number of badly located larger vents. M-2.5.5 The maxitaum spacing between vents for the three occupancy classifications shall be as follows: a) Low heat release content 45 m between centres b) Moderate heat release content 36 to 37 m between centres ©) High heat release content 22.5 to 30m between centres, depending on the severity of fire potential, M-2.5.6 Vents shall be placed in a sheltered situation where advantage can bé taken of the prevailing wind ‘The design of the vent shall be such as to produce a Suction effect. A wind blowing across a flat roof or one with a pitch of 40° produces a negative pressure, that is, ittends to draw gases out of the building and so aids venting of hot gases. Wind blowing across a roof of pitch greater than 40° will draw gases out of the leeward side, but oppose outvard flow on the windward side of the roof. M-2.8.7 Low level inlets, with total area not less than the total area of vents, shall be provided to permit outside air to be drawn in to aid automatic venting These inlets, which may be in the form of doors, ‘windows or such other openings, shall be designed for manual operation when desired, M-2.6 Roof Screens or Curtain Boards M-2.6.1 Industrial buildings with lange areas and having no subdivision/separating walls limiting the area of individual compartments to 750m? or less, shall be provided with roof screens or curtain boards, ‘These screens which extend from the roof downwards at specific intervals not only prevent lateral spread of heat and smoke in the event of fire below, but PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY substantially assist in early operation of automatic spriniclers and vente, M-2.6.2 They shall be of sheet metal or any other Substantially non-combustible material strong enough to withstand damage by heat or impact, M-2.6.3 They shall be reasonably gas-tight, although small openings for passage of pipes, conduits, etc, shall be permitted. M-2.6.4 They shall extend down from the rooflceiling foraminimum depth of 2.2m, Around specific hazards, the depth shall be 4 m. Where rooffceiling height exceeds 15 m they shall extend down to within 3 mof the floor. For pitched sawtoothed roofs, they shall extend down 0 truss level dividing the roof into compartments, M-2.6.5 In moderate hazatd occupancies, the distance between the screens/eurtain boards shall not exceed 75 m and the curtained areas shall be limited fo a: ‘maximum of 4 500m? M-2.6.6 In high hazard occupancies, the distance between screens shall not exceed 30 m and the curtained area shall be limited to 750 m2. ‘M-2.6.7 The curtained roof area shall be so arranged that they effectively aid in the venting of smoke and hhot gases through the automatic vents provided in each area, M-2.6.8 In sprinklered buildings, the screens shall preferably beso located as to coincide with the individual sprinkler system areas M3 EXPLOSION RELIEF VENTS M-3.1 Industrial premises where combustible dusts can accumulate or where flammable gases, vapours or mists in explosive concentrations may be present are constantly exposed to explosion hazards. Pressures developed by such explosions may be of the order of 7 10° Pa and ordinary buildings will not be able to withstand the shock of such pressures. Hence, such buildings requite explosion relief vents for preventing. structural damage. M-3.2 Basic Principle/Considerations M-3.2.1 Most ordinary building walls will not withstand @ sustained internal pressure as great as 6.9 * 10? Pa, Hence, explosion relief vents for buildings must be designed to operate at pressures well below those at which the building walls will fail 1M-3.2.2 There is a rise in pressure during an explosion within an enclosure even with opep, unobstructed vents, and any delay in opening the venting devices increases ‘that pressure, 109M-3.2.3 Stuctural damage can be minimised by locating hazardous operations or equipment outside buildings and cut-off from other operations by a pressure resisting wall. Such isolated processes or equipment shall be housed in single-storey buildings properly vented and a device provided at the inlet of the collector which will prevent an explosion from blowing back through the duct work and into the building, M-3.2.4 Where highly hazardous operations cannot be located outside of main buildings they shall be segregated by pressure resisting walls and each such unit shall be ventilated outdoors. Extemal walls may beofheavy constuction, if equipped with suitable vents or high weight panels which blow out easily. M-3.2.5 Operations or equipment involving explosion hazards shall not be permitted in basements or areas partially below grade. M-3.2.6 Fire can be expected to follow an explosion jin most oceupancies, so that any fixcd fire extinguishing equipment, like sprinklers, if installed, shall be such that only the minimum damage is eaused to it M-3.2.7 Fora given material, the finer the particle size of the dust, zhe more violent is the explosion. Some saterials, such as aluininfam powder, hydrogen, and acetylene, are difficult to vent effectively due to the rapid rate of pressuse rise, Some slow bumming materials, such as coal dust in a confined space, may do much damage because of the longer duration of their presence, Some dusts, such as magnesium, titanium and zirconium and several metal hydrides may react with and ignite in some common inert gases, such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide. ‘M-3.2.8 The maximum explosion pressure in a vented structure decreases as the size of the vent increases, but is independent.of the rupturing pressure of a diaphragm. M-3.2.9 The most effective vent for the release of explosion pressures is an unobstructed vent opening M-3.2.10 Pressure required to rupture diephragms of the same area and material directly varies with the thickness of the material M.3.2.11 The slower the rate of pressure rise, the more easily can the explosion be vented M-3.2.12 The degree of venting required is directly proportional to the degree of explosion hazard M-3.2.13 Experience has shown that most explosions of dusts, vapours and gases do not involve a laxge part of the total volume of the enclosure, and frequently ‘oceur near the upper or lower limits of the expiosive range, Consequently, such explosions are relatively. weak compared with the optimum, ino M-3.2.14 Rectangular unrestricted vents are as effective as square vents of equal area. 'M-33 Types of Explosion Retief Vents M.3.3.t The explosion relief vents shall be any one or more of the following types, depending on incividual requirements as assessed by the Authority. Open or tmobstructed vents, louvres, open roof vents, hanger type doors, building doors, windows, roof or wall panels, or movable fixed sash, ‘M-3.3.2 The effect or external wind pressure or suction ‘on these devices shall be taken into consideration while designing and selecting the type of vents, since wind pressures may teach over 2 * 10 Pa in severe wind storms. M.3.3.3 The type of vent for explosion relief for any occupancy shall be selected Wwith life safety as the primary aim followed by minimum damage to property. M-3.3.4 Where large hanger type doors of metal curtain doors in side walls are used as vents, care shall be taken to ensure that they are kept wide open during operations. M-3.3.5 Where weather hoods are used to cover roof vents, they shell be as light as possible and lightly attached so as to enable them to be blown off quickly ‘when an explosion occurs. M-3.3.6 Doors and windows when used as explosion vents shall be installed to swing outwards. Doors shall have friction, spring or magnetic latches that will fariotion automatically to permit the door to open under slight internal pressure. 'M-3.3.7 Movable’ sash shail be of the top or bottom hinged or protecteid ype. These shall be equipped with ‘latch or friction device to prevent accidental opening due to wind action or intrusion. Such latches or locks shall be well maintained. ‘M.3,3.8 Fixed sash shall be set in place with very light wall anchorages, or, if tight, shall be securely fitted and glazed with plastic panes in plastic putty. M-3.3.9 Where the process is such that the whole ofa building or a room may be desirable to arrange for a lightly constructed wall or roof to collapse and thus avert the worst effects of an explosion. M-3.4 Design, Size and Disposition of Vents M-3.4.1 The required area of explosion vents shall ordinarily depend on the expected maximum intensity of aa explosion in the occupancy, the strength of the structure, the type of vent closure and other factors. M-3.4.2 Venting shall be planned in such a manner as to prevent injury to personnel and damage to exposure NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016, i b L r a a a ©Se@®eeceaeoegs Ogee Cte es iC i ie Saal > y 4 2O2CCOCGCMRZO8S @e In congested locations, substantial ducts or diverters| shall be provided to direct the blast. M-3.4.3 When ductwork is used, the ducts shall be of sufficient strength to withstand the maximum expected explosion pressure, M.3.4.4 Where explosions are likely within duct and piping systems, they shall be vented by the use of suitable diaphragms designed to blow out at a predetermined pressure, There shall be no physical connection between ductwork system for more than one collector. M-3.4.5 In large structures, the position of vents shall be relative to the point of origin of explosion, when it can be determined, M-3.4.6 Where relatively slow explosions involving, coal dust, chlorinated solvents, etc, are involved, light, hhinged swinging panels may be preferred to diaphragm type of vents, 7 'M-3.4.7 Obstructions of any kind blocking the vents from the risk covered shall be avoided, particularly \here risks of rapid violent explosions are present. 'M-3.4.8 Counter weights add to the inertia ofthe veut and 50 shall be avoided. M-3.4.9 Various iélieving devices, including devices actuated by detonators, shall start to open at as low a pressureas possible. They shall be of light construction, 80 that full opening can be quickly attained. M-3.4.10 Vents shall be of such size and design as fo prevent rupture of the protected device or apparatus 'M-3.4.11 Skylights or monitors with movable sash that will open outwards, or fixed sash containing panes of lass orplastc that wll blow out readily under pressure from within, can be used to supplement wall vents ot windows, provided resistance to their displacement or opening is kept as low as consistent with the requirements for structural strength. 'M-3.4.12 Flexible plastic sheets when used for vent closures shall be installed in slotted frames in such a way that pressure from within bulges the sheets and releases them fiom the holding frame. M-3.4.13 Fragile shoets made of plastic, when used for vent closures, shall be thin sheets that will rack or rupture under less pressure than single strength glass. For this reason use of transparent or translucent plastic sheets ismoie advantageous than use of glass in window sash 1M-3.4.14 If closed vents are inied they shall be larger PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY in area than unenclosed vents to provide equivalent explosion pressure relief M-3.4.15 Small enclosures, such as machines, shall be vented more generously than buildings, beeause if an explosion occurs in 8 machine, its entire volume may be involved M-3.4.16 Vents for the protection of buildings and equipment shall be installed on the following basis: a) Small enclosures of less than 30m, machines and ovens of light construction: 1 000 om? for ‘cach 0.3 m' to 0.9m! b) For small enclosures of more substantial construction having reasonably high bursting strength: 1 000 cm’ for each 0.9m’. ©) Fairly large enclosures of 30 to 700 m?, such. as bins, silos, rooms, storage tanks, ete: 1000 cum? for each 0.9 m* to 1.5 1, In these cases, attempt shall be made to the extent possible to predict the likely point of origin. of the explosion in relation to the vent.,. 4) Large rooms and buildings over 700 m? containing hazardous equipment comprising ‘small fraction of the entire volume: 1) For heavy reinforced concrete, walls 100 cm for each 2.25 m> 2) For light reinforced concrete, brick or wood construction: | 600 em? for each 1.65 m? t0 2.25 mi, 3) For lightweight construction such as prefabricated panels: 1 000 em? for each 1.5 m? to 1.65 m*. ©) Large rooms or building over 700 m! containing hazardous equipment comprising a large part of the entire volume of a room or building shall be vented as gencrously as possible: 1 000 em? for each 0.3 m? to 1.05 in? 1) Imorder ro obtain these ratios, the size ofthe building or room must be limited. For some hazardous materials, such as hydrogen, acetylene, carbon disulphide, et, these limits are extremely low. 2) Emphasis shall always be placed on segregating hazardous areas by means of firewalls or separating walls to prevent spread of fire, 1h) Interior walls of light construction, such as tile, shall be avoided in hazardous locations, since they can cause, injuries to personnel. in the event of ab explosion, uuLIST OF STANDARDS ‘The following list records those standards which sre acceptable as “good practice” and ‘accepted standards" in the fulfillment of the requirements of the Code. The latest version of a standard shall be adopted atthe time of enforcement of the Code. The standards listed may be used by the Authority for conformance with the requirements of the referred clauses in the Code. In the following list, the number appearing in the first column within parentheses indicates the number ofthe reference in this Pat ISNo. (1) .3808 : 1979 @) Isso 334-1 1999 ISSO 834.4 2000 ISSO 834-5 2000 IS/ISO 34-6: 2000 ISSO 34-7 ; 2000 IS/ISO 834-8 : 2003 ISSO 834-9 2003 8) 8757: 1999 7673 : 2004 (@) 8758 : 2013 () 9668: 1990, 12 Title Method of test for non- combustibility of building materials (frst revision) Fire resistance tests — Elements of building construction Part 1 General requirements Fire resistance tests — Elements of building construction: Part 4 Specific requirements for load beating vertical separating elements Fire resistance tests — Elements of building construction: Part 5 Specific requirements for load bearing horizontal separating elements Fire resistance (ets — Elements of building constructions: Patt 6 Specific requirements for beams Fire resistance tests — Elements of building construction: Part 7 Specific requirements for ‘columns Fire resistance tests — Elements of building construction: Part 8 Specific requirements for non- load bearing vertical separating clements Fire resistance tests —- Elements of building construction: Part 9 Specific requirements for non- Joad bearing ceiling elements Glossary of terms associated with fine safety (rst revision) Glossary of terms for fire fighting equipment (frst revision) Code of practice for fire precautionary measures in construction of temporary structures and pandals (second revision) Code of practice for provision ISNo. 3844: (6) 646: (1) 94ST: Title and maintenance of water supplies and fire fighting 1989 Code of practice for installation and maintenance of internal fre hydrants and hose reels on premises (frst revision) 2015 Code of practice for fre safety of buildings (general): Electrical installations (third revision) 2008 Codeof practice for safety colours and safety signs (rs revision) 12349: 1988 Fire protection — Safety sign 12407 ® 11360 11988 Graphic symbols for fire protection plans 1985 Specification forsmoke detectors for use in automatic electrical fire alarm system (©) 655:2006 Specification for air ducts (10) 1649 1642 aq) 12777 (a2) 1642 (13) 16246 1962 Code of practice for design and construction of flues and chiameys for domestic heating appliances (frst revision) 2013 Code of practice for safety of buildings (general): Details of construction (second revision) 1989 Method for clasifiation of flame spread of products 2013 Code of practice for safety of buildings General): Details of construction (second revision) 22015 Elastomer insulated cables with limited circuit Integrity when affected by fire — Specification (14) 6044 (Part 1): Liquefied petroleum gas storage 2013, installations --Code of Practice: Part 1 Residential cormmercial and industrial eylinder installations (6044 (Part 2): Code of Practice for liquefied 2001 (1s) 2175 petroleum gas storage Installations: Part2 Commercial, industrial and domestic bulk storage installations 1988 Specification forheat sensitive fire detectors for usc in automatic fire alarm system (second revision) IS/ISO 7240-5 : Fire detection and alarm 2003 systems: Part 5 Point-type heat detectors ISSO 7240-7: Fire detection and alarm 2011 systems: Patt 7 Point-type smoke detectors using scattéred light, transmitted light or ionization NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016IS No, Tite ISNo, Title ISSO 7240-11 : Fire detection and alarm systems: 926: 1985 Specification for fireman's axe 2011 Part 11 Manual call points (second revision) IS/ISO 7240-15 :Fire detection and alarm systems: 927:1981 Specification for fire hooks 2004 Part 15 Pointtype fire detestors (Gecond revision) using scatiered light, transmitted 928: 1984 Specification for fire bells Tight or ionization sensor in (second revision) ‘combination with a heat sensor 937: 1981 Specification for washers for 11360 : 1985 Specification for smake detectors water fittings for fire fighting for use in automatic electrical fire pumposes (second revision) oO flerm system 939: 1977 Specification for snatch block for (16) 2189: 2008 Code of practice for selection, use with fibre rope for fire brignde use (frst revision) installation and maintenance of ‘ubsinetie fe dcioetion ad 941: 1985 Specification for blowers and alarm system (second revision) cexhauster for firefighting (second : revision) (17) 636: 1988 Specification for non-percolating. 942: 1982 Funetional i unctional requirements for Aexible fite fighting delivery hose 275 Vinin portable pump set he ee 15 Vin portable pump set fe fire fighting (second revision 884: 1985. Specification for first-aid hose re fighting ( ision) eee @ 9 % i 943:1979 Functional requirement. for ie sel fie fighing(retreson) 680 nin tilt pump for Gre ¥ 901: 1988 Specification for couplings, brigade use (second revision) yes double male and double female 944:1979 Punetional requirement for 5 instantaneous pattern for fie 120 linia trae: heat he fen pe Fighting Chir revision) brigade use (second revision) 902: 1992 Specification for suction hose 947:1985 Functional requirement for Xie couplings for fire. fighting ‘owing tender Tor trailer fire pump \oe8 purposes (thind revision) for fire brignde use (frst revision) | a 5 903 : 1993 Specification for fire hose 948 : 1983, Functional requirement for water |o delivery couplings, branch pipe, tender, Type A, for fie brigade ) nozzles and nozzle spanner use Gecond revision) | (fourth revision) 949 : 2012 Functional requirement for ob 904: 1983 Specification for two-way and emergency (rescue) tender a > three-why suction collecting (third revision) joe cd fo ie ing puposes 950: 2012. Functional requirements for 5b (Gecond revision) water tender, Type B for fire : 905: 1980 Specification. for delivery brigade use (hird revision) ) breechings, dividing and 952 : 1986 Specification for fog nozzle for collecting, instantaneous pattem fire brigade use (second revision) 3 for fire fighting purposes (second 955 : 1980 Functional requirements for dry b es) pomer tender fo fire gad use } 906: 1988 Specification for revolving (150 kg capacity) (fr revision) branch pipe for firefighting (hrc 11967 Specification for control van for revision) fre brigade ) 007-4984 - Specifivation for suction 1941 (Part 1): Functional requirements for 1 strainers, eylindicl type for fre 1976 electric moto sireas Part | AC, fighting purpose (second 3-Phase, 50 Hz, 415 volts type ) revision) (second revision) 2097 :2012 Specification for foam making branch pipe and foam inductor Gecond revision) 2175: 1988 Specification for heat sensitive fire detectors for use in automatic detectors for tse in automatic fre alas system (Second revision) 2546: 1974 Specificition for galvanized mild steel fire bucket (first revision) 908: 1975 Specification for fire hydrant, stand post type (second revision) 909; 1992 Speeification for underground fire hydrant : Sluice valve type (third revision) 910: 1980 "Specification for combined key for hydrant, bydrant cover and lower valve (second revision) Seoeoee@eoe nn PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY U34 ISNo. 2696 + 1974 2745 : 1983 2871: 2012, 2878 : 2004 2930 1980 3582: 1984 4308 = 2003, 4571: 1977 4643: 1984 4861: 1984 4927 : 1992 4928 : 1986 4947: 2006 4989 ; 2006 4989 (Part 4) : 2003 5131: 2002 5290: 1993 Tite Functional requirements for 1125 Umin light fire engine (firse revision) Specification’ for non-metal helmet for firemen and civit defence personnel (second revision) Specification for branch pipe, universal for fire fighting purposes (second revision) Specification for fire ‘extinguisher, carbon-dioxide type (portable and trolley mounted) (¢hird revision Functional requirements forhose laying tender for fire brigade use (first revision) Specification for basket strainers for fire fighting purposes (cylindrical type) (first revision) Specification for dry chemical powder for fire fighting B and C class fires (second revision) Specification for aluminium extension ladders for fre brigatle usc (first revision) Specification for suction ‘wrenches for fire brigade use (frst revision) Specification for dry powder for ‘ighting fires in burning metals (first revision) Specification for unlined flax ‘canvas hose for fire fighting (frst revision) Specification for delivery valve for centtifugal pump outlets (frst revision) Specification for gas cartidges foruse in fire extinguishers (dhird revision) Foam concentrate for producing mechanical foam for fire fighting — Specification (third revision) Specification for multipurpose aqueous film forming foam liquid concentrate for extingui- shing hydrocarbon and polar solvent fires Specification for dividing breeching with control, for fite brigade use (second revision) Specification for landing valve (hird revision) ISNo, 5486: 1985 5505 = 1985 5612 (Part 1) :1977 (Part 2) = 1977 5714: 1981 6026 : 1985 6067 : 1983, Isso 7240-5 2003, 18/18 7240-7: 2011 ISSO 7240-11 201 8090 : 192 8096 : 1992 8149: 1994 8423 : 1994 8442 : 2008 9972 : 2002 10460 : 1983 10658 : 1999 10993 : 1984 111 = 1984) Tle Specification for quick release knife (frst revision) Specification for multi-edged rescue axe (non-wedging) (first revision) Specification for hose-clamps and hose-bandages for fire brigade use Hose clamps (first revision) Hose bandages (first revision) Specification for hydrant, stand- pipe for fire fighting (first revision) Specification for hand operated sirens (first revision) Functional requirements for water tender, Type “X’ for fire brigade use (first revision) Fire detection and alarm systems,—Part 5: Point-type heat detectors Fire detection and alarm systems — Part 7: Point-type smoke detectors using scattered fight, transmitted light or ‘nization Fire detection and alarmsystems —~ Part 11 Manual eall points Specification for couplings, branch pipe, nozzle, used in hose reel tubing for fire fighting (frst revision) ‘Specification for fire beaters (rst revision) Funetiowal requirements for twin CO, fire extinguishers (trolley mounted) (frst revision) Specification for controlled percolating hose for fire fighting (first revision) Specification for stand post type water and foam monitor for fire fighting (first revision) Specification for automatic sprinkler heads (first revision) Functional requirements for small foam tender for fire brigade use Specification for higher capacity dty powder fire extinguisher (trolley mounted) (first revision) Functional requirements for 2.000 kg dry powder tender for fire brigade use Specification for extended'branch pipe for fire brigade use NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016a~ ae. 151No, Title IS No. Tile Le 11108: 1984 Specification for portable fire IS 15497:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing 2? extinguisher halon-1211 type 150 14520-12 systems — 1G 01 extinguishing a 8 11833 : 1986 Specification for dry powder fire ‘systems 3 extinguisher for metal fires 15519: 2004 Codeof practice forvwater mist fre 6 12717 : 1989 Functional requirements of fire protection systems — System i 6 fighting equipment — High design, installation and Ye capacity portable pumpset commissioning eS 1100-1 600 témin) 18 15517:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing 4 : 12796 : 1989 - Specification for fire rake 180 14520-9. systems — Carbon dioxide, total 2 e 13039; 1991 Code of practice for provision flooding and local application A and maintenance of external including in cabinet subfloors 206 hydrant system systems , : 13385: 1992 Specification forfire extinguisher IS 15517:2004/ Gaseous fire extinguishing — on SO capacity wheel mounted water ISO 14520-9 systems — HEC 227ea (Hepia 29 type (Gas cartridge) Fluoro Propane) extinguishing \2 13386 : 1992 Specification for50 litre capacity system 3 @ fire extinguisher, mechanical (18) 2190:2010 Code of practice for selection, ) foam type 7 instalation and maintenance of 7e@ 14609: 1999 Specification for ABC dry portable first-aid fire o powder for fire fighting extinguishers fourth revision) Le 14933 : 2001 Specification for high pressure (19) 8841985 Specification for first aid hose # fire fighting hose reol for fire fighting (first De 14951:2001 Specification for .. fire revision) z extinguisher, 135 fitre capacity (20) 15105: 2002 Design and installation of fixed 9 mechanical foam type automatic sprinkler fire 4,8 15051: 2002 Specification for high pressure extinguishing system x fire hose delivery couplings @N) 15325 : 2003 Design and installation of fixed Se 18 15105 : 2002/Design and installation of fixed automatic high and medium x 1806182-1 automatic sprinkler fire velocity water spray system — 2 extinguishing system Code of practice 1S 15220 : 2002/Specification for halon 1211 and (22) 12835 (Part 1) ; Design and installation of fixed 1$0 7201-1 halon 1301 — fire extinguishing 1989 ‘foam fire extinguishing system — media for fre protection Code of practice: Part 1 Low 1S 15683 : 2006/Portable fire extinguishers — expansion foam 1S0 7165 : 2009 Performance and construction— (23) 15528: 2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing Specification systeras Carbon dioxide, total 11360: 1985 Spetification for smoke detectors flooding and local application forse in automatic electrical fire (Gub-floor and in-cabinet), high alarm system and low floor pressure IS 15493 : 2004/Gaseous fire extinguishing tetrigersted) systems ISO 14520-1 systems : General requirements (24) 15519: 2004 Water mist fire protection 18 15505 :2004/Gaseous fire extinguishing systems — System design, 180 14520-6 systems: HCFC Blend A installation and commission ‘extinguishing systems ing —Code of Practice 1S 15506: 2004/Gaseous fire extinguishing (25) 15493: 2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing @ @ @ @ 6 6 e 150 14520-14 systems ~~ 1G $5 extinguishing Systems — General requirements 6 e 8 6 e © en systeras 15497 2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing IS 15525 : 2004/Gaseous fire extinguishing systems — 1G 01 extinguishing 180 14520-13 systems — 1G 100 extinguishing systems systems 15501 :2004 Gaseous firé extinguishing 1S 1550] : 2004/Gaseous fire extinguishing systems —IG 541 extinguishing 1S0 14520-15 systems IG $41 extinguishing systems systems 15505: 2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems“ HICFC Blend A PART 4 FIRE AND LIME SAFETY U5ISNo, 15506 : 2004 15517 : 2004 i 4 15525 : 2004 i a (26) 2189 : 2008 2190: 2010 3844 = 1989 9668 : 1990 13039 : 1991 13039 ; 2014 (27) 4878 : 1986 (28) 2726 : 1988 3034 : 1993 16 Tite Gaseous fire extinguishing systems — IG 55 extinguishing systems Gaseous fire extinguistiing systems — HFC 227 ea (Hepta fluoro propane) extinguishing systems Gascous fire extinguishing systems---IG 100 extinguishing systems Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of ‘automatic fire detection and alarm system (fourth revision) Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenanes of portable first-aid fire extinguishers (fourth revision) Code of practice for installation and maintenance of internal fire hydrants and hose reels on premises (frst revision) Code of practice for provision and iaintenance of water supplies for fire fighting Code of practice for provision and maintenance of external hydrant systers External hydrant systems — Provision and maintenance Code of practice Byclaws for construction of cinema buildings (first revision) Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings : Cotton inning and pressing (including cotton seed detintering) factories (first revision) Code of practice for fre safely of industrial buildings : Bletrcal generating and distributing ISNo, 3058 : 1990 3079 : 1990) 3594 : 1991 3595 : 1984 3836 : 2000 4209 : 2013, 4226 : 1988 4886 : 1991 6329 : 2000 9109 - 2000 11457 Part 1): 1985 (29) 13039 : 2014 ile stations (second revision) Code of practice for fre safety of industrial buildings : Viscose rayon yarn and/or staple fibre plants (first revision) Code of practice for fre safety of industrial buildings : Cotton textile mills (firs revision) Code of practice for fire safety of industia buildings : General storage and warehousing including cold storage (frst revision) Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings : Coal pulverizers and associated ‘equipment (ire revision) Code of practice for fire safety ‘of industria buildings: Jute mills (econd revision) Code of safety for chemical laboratories (second revision) Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings ‘Aluminium’ Magnesiuin powder factories (rst revision) Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings : Tea factories (first revision) Code of practice for five safety of industrial buildings : Saw mills and wood works (frst revision) Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: Paint and Varnish factories Code of practice for fire safety of chemical industries: Part 1 Rubber and plastic External hydrant systems —~ Provision and maintenance —~ Code of practice NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016
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