Long and Short Oo Words Lesson Plan
Long and Short Oo Words Lesson Plan
Long and Short Oo Words Lesson Plan
Topic: Long and Short ‘oo’ Words Grade Level: 1st grade Name: Anna Head
Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
Distinguish long from short vowel sounds in spoken single-syllable words.
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.
I can correctly distinguish between long and short ‘oo’ words by putting the corresponding picture in
the correct column either under the long ‘oo’ sound or the short ‘oo’ sound.
Materials: long and short ‘oo’ words grouping worksheet-picture sort, student scissors, crayons and
glue, pencil to write their name on their paper, If You Give A Moose A Muffin book.
Extend: Have the fast finishers draw a picture of a moose and a muffin.
Support: Move the disruptive students to the back table so they will not be distracting to the other
students who are working.
Management Decisions
Behavioral Expectations: Transitions from place to Fast Finishers: Have them
Students will raise their hand when they place or between activities: draw a picture of a moose
want to ask or answer a question or talk. Stand up for 10 seconds. and muffins and then color
Attention Signal (Regain Student Focus): Material Management: I will Grouping: None
“1, 2, 3, eyes on me…1, 2, eyes on you” look for 3 quiet students to
pass out all the materials.
Lesson Sequence
Time What the teacher is doing What the students are doing
3 min Gain Attention/Activate prior knowledge: Responding to the attention
Introduce Miss Bair to the class. getter.
“1, 2, 3, eyes on me…1, 2, eyes on you” Raising their hand to answer
Ask, “who can tell me what the ‘oo’ sound makes?” the question.
Ask, “what are some words that have that sound in them?” Sitting at their desks.
Say, “we are going to learn about another sound that the ‘oo’
makes. It sounds like the ‘oo’ in moose or moon”.
Items to be collected as a result of this lesson: None but the completed picture sort activity and
drawing of a moose and a muffin will be put in their backpacks to take home.