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Protection Relay for Parallel Applications

Comprehensive Guide

SW version 1.5, September 2014

Installation and Operation Guide

Application Guide
Communication Brochure
Reference Guide

ComAp a.s.
Copyright © 2014 ComAp a.s. Kundratka 2359/17, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
Written by Petra Píclová Tel: +420 246 012 111, Fax: +420 246 316 647
Prague, Czech Republic E-mail: info@comap.cz, www.comap.cz
Purpose of the InteliPro manuals
Installation and Operation Guide
The Installation and Operation Guide serves for the personnel, providing installation of the InteliPro
unit. It contains wiring and setting instructions, needed for service and commissioning of the unit. It
also contains introduction of the user interface and necessary procedures to perform setting and
operating of the unit. Though InteliPro is very simple and intuitive for the operating personnel, we
recommend keeping one copy of this manual available permanently at the installation site, where
InteliPro unit is installed, to facilitate the necessary service and operation tasks.

Application Guide
The Application Guide serves for the designers and engineers, who process the necessary
documentation and implementation procedures on the installation site, where InteliPro is installed. It
contains detailed description of InteliPro functionalities and their practical application.

Communication Brochure
The Communication Brochure gives specific tips for wiring and set-up of communication interface of
InteliPro and preparing it for local or remote communication. For more details about communication of
ComAp products, see the IL-NT, IA-NT, IC-NT Communication Guide published on ComAp download

Reference Guide
The Reference Guide contains library of setpoints, inputs and outputs functionalities and technical
data for the purpose of detailed technical information. This information is referenced in the Installation
and Operation Guide and Application Guide.

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 2

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Protection Relay for Parallel Applications

Installation and Operation Guide

SW version 1.5, September 2014

Installation and Operation Guide

ComAp a.s.
Copyright © 2014 ComAp a.s. Kundratka 2359/17, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
Written by Petra Píclová Tel: +420 246 012 111, Fax: +420 246 316 647
Prague, Czech Republic E-mail: info@comap.cz, www.comap.cz
Table of contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Conformity declaration ......................................................................................................................... 3
Warnings .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Installation data ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Unpacking the unit - what is in the package ........................................................................................ 4
Mechanical mounting ........................................................................................................................... 4
Terminal diagram ................................................................................................................................. 5
Voltage and current inputs ................................................................................................................... 5
Binary inputs ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Binary outputs .................................................................................................................................... 12
Analog inputs ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Tristate inputs ................................................................................................................................ 13
Power supply ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Recommended wiring ........................................................................................................................ 15
Configurability .................................................................................................................................... 15
Options system .................................................................................................................................. 17
User Interface......................................................................................................................................... 18
Control and navigation pushbuttons - basic operation ...................................................................... 19
Signalization LEDs ............................................................................................................................. 20

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-2

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Congratulations to your purchase of ComAp InteliPro protection relay unit! InteliPro is a
microprocessor-based door-mounted protective device, providing a comprehensive set of protective
and supplementary functionalities. ComAp unique modular concept of HW extension modules, SW
options and full configurability allow perfect solution for most of the generator-to-mains parallel
For the complete list of protective functions please refer to the chapter Protective functions in detail in
the Application guide. The full configurability feature allows to cover advanced requirements for mains-
decoupling (inter-tie, „G59/3“), as well as other advanced protection applications.

Conformity declaration
Following described machine complies with the appropriate basic safety and health
requirement of the EC Low Voltage Directive No: 73/23 / EEC and EC
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336 / EEC based on its design and type,
as brought into circulation by us.

The unit is certified to comply to the appropriate requirements of the

standard DIN V VDE V 0126-1-1 (certificate ref. 44 207 11 398020,
available upon request), with the following conditions:
The conformity with the Standard DIN V VDE V 0126-1-1,
chapter 4.1/ 6.1, which is declared in the certificate 44 207 11
VDE O126-1- 398020, requires the tolerance against one fault. In order to fulfil
this functional safety requirement, a redundant architecture has
1 to be built by the usage of two certified units.
It has to be ensured that each of both units is connected to an
output (relay) which is capable to induce opening of the
operated contactor.


Be aware that the relay outputs can change state during and after the unit
setting (before the unit is used again ensure that the proper setting is done)!!!

Be aware that the devices connected to binary outputs of the unit may operate
upon disconnection of power supply, measurement inputs and/or binary

!!! CAUTION !!!

Dangerous voltage
In no case touch the terminals of voltage measurement!

Adjust set points

All setpoints are pre-adjusted to their typical values. Before putting into operation, the setpoints must
be checked and/or adjusted to the required values.
InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-3
InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Installation may be done by qualified personnel only.
To avoid personal injury do not perform any action not specified in this guide!!!
ComAp believes that all information provided herein is correct and reliable and reserves the right to
update at any time. ComAp does not assume any responsibility for its use unless otherwise expressly

Installation data
Unpacking the unit - what is in the package
The package contains:

• InteliPro unit
• Relay Card CT2-REL2 plug-in module (plugged in the unit)
• Mounting holders
• Terminal blocks

The package does not contain any communication module nor any extension module. The required
module should be ordered separately.

Mechanical mounting
The unit is to be mounted onto the switchboard door. Requested cutout size is 175x115mm. Use the
screw holders delivered with the unit to fix the controller into the door as described on pictures below.

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-4

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Terminal diagram

Voltage and current inputs

Risk of personal injury due to electric shock when manipulating with voltage terminals under voltage!
Be sure the terminals are not under voltage before touching it.

Do not open secondary circuit of current transformers when primary circuit is closed!!! Open the
primary circuit first!
2 2
Use 1.5 mm cables for voltage connection and 2.5 mm for current transformers connection.

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-5

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Adjust nominal voltage, nominal current, CT ratio and PT ratio by appropriate setpoints in the Basic
Settings group. Learn about how to view and change setpoints in the User interface chapter.



<Comm Trp> /
<Trip 1> /
<Trip 2> N L1 L2 L3


<Comm Trp> /
<Trip 1> /
<Trip 2> N L1 L2 L3

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-6

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide


<Comm Trp> /
<Trip 1> /
<Trip 2>

L1 L2 L3


L K L1
l k L K L2
l k L K L3
l k

<Comm Trp> /



<Trip 1> /
<Trip 2>


InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-7

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
L K L1
l k L2
G L K L3
l k

<Comm Trp> /



<Trip 1> /
<Trip 2>


To assure accurate measurement of the mains current, we recommend direct metallic connection
between COM terminal of Mains Current measurement and the minus "-" terminal of the unit power
supply. The potential difference between those two points must not overreach 10 V.


G L2


L1 L2/N N L1 L2 L3


InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-8

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Complete measurement wiring scheme with voltage transformers

InteliPro unit

27, 59 Over/undervoltage
47 Voltage asymmetry
81H, 81L Over/underfrequency
50 Instantaneous overcurrent
51 Time overcurrent
46 Current asymmetry
50N, 51N Earth fault current
50GS, 51GS Ground surge current
32 Directional power
50BF Breaker failure protection
Dynamic grid support
QU protection
Phase sequence supervision
Auto fault reset
Maximum parallel time
Battery voltage protection
25 Sync-check
51V Time overcurrent with
voltage restraint
59N Neutral voltage displacement
67 Directional overcurrent
78 Vector shift
78PS Pole slip
79 AC-reclosing relay
81R Rate of change of frequency

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-9

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Complete measurement wiring scheme without voltage

InteliPro unit

50BF 78PS 79

L1 27 78 81H 81R
59 47 81L 32
50 50N 50GS 46 67

COM 51 51N 51GS 51V

NVD1 27, 59 Over/undervoltage

47 Voltage asymmetry
81H, 81L Over/underfrequency
50 Instantaneous overcurrent
51 Time overcurrent
46 Current asymmetry
CB 50N, 51N Earth fault current
50GS, 51GS Ground surge current
32 Directional power
50BF Breaker failure protection
25 Dynamic grid support
L2 IN QU protection
OR Phase sequence supervision
Auto fault reset
L1 L2 L3 N
Maximum parallel time
Battery voltage protection
25 Sync-check
51V Time overcurrent with
voltage restraint
59N Neutral voltage displacement
67 Directional overcurrent
78 Vector shift
78PS Pole slip
79 AC-reclosing relay
81R Rate of change of frequency

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-10

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Binary inputs
The binary inputs of the unit are used to receive basic information about the installation site, its
operational state and conditions. They can be also used for control of the unit operation, i.e. blocking
of protective functions, induce tripping by binary signals or providing remote fault reset signal.

To wire the binary inputs correctly, please use the following picture. The black line is to be wired to the
unit, the blue line indicates internal arrangement of the unit. Use min. 1 mm cables for wiring of binary

The name and function or alarm type for each binary input have to be assigned during the


InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-11

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Binary outputs
Use min. 1 mm cables for wiring of binary outputs. Use external relays as indicated on the schematic
below for all outputs except those where low-current loads are connected (signalization etc..).

The function of each output has to be assigned during the configuration.

Use suppression diodes on all relays and other inductive loads!


Analog inputs
The analog inputs are designed for resistive automotive type sensors like VDO or DATCON. The
sensors are connected either by one wire (the second pole is sensor body) or by two wires.

• In case of grounded sensors connect the AI COM terminal to the engine body as near from
the sensors as possible.
• In case of isolated sensors connect the AI COM terminal to the negative power supply
terminal of the controller as well as the opposite poles of the sensors.

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-12

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
The fail sensor alarm is issued if the measured resistance is smaller than one half of the first (lowest)
point of the sensor curve characteristic or is greater than 112,5% of the last (greatest) point of the
sensor curve characteristic.



Tristate inputs
Analog inputs can be used also as binary or tristate, i.e. for contact sensors without or with circuit
check. The threshold level is 750Ω. In case of tristate, values lower than 10Ω and values over 2400Ω
are evaluated as sensor failure (short or open circuit).

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-13

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
The name, sensor characteristic and alarm types for each analog input have to be assigned during the

Relay Card CT2-REL2 plug-in module

As a default, the unit is supplied with the plug-in module Relay Card CT2-REL2 plugged in the unit.
The module provides:

• 2 relay outputs allowing voltage-free output contacts

• 5 A current measurement input
• 50 mA current measurement input

It is possible to operate the unit also without the Relay Card CT2-REL2 if none of the above
mentioned functions is requested for the application. In that case, it can be removed and the plug-in
slot can be used for inserting another plug-in expansion module, e.g. IC-NT CT-BIO7 to expand the
configurability of binary inputs/outputs.

Relay outputs
The relays on the Relay Card CT2-REL2 module provide a set of 2 NO contacts with possibility of
configuration of any logical binary output. By default, the functions !Comm Trp and !Bak Comm Trp
are configured to those outputs. To change the configuration of the relay outputs function, use the
configuration tool in LiteEdit PC software.

Current inputs
The module Relay Card CT2-REL2 provides two current inputs for purpose of the Earth Fault Current
and Ground Surge Current evaluation. When wiring the current inputs, please make sure that the
wires are connected to the correct current measurement input to prevent damage of the 50 mA
input by excessive current!

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-14

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Power supply
The unit is designed for 8 - 36 VDC (typically 24V or 12V battery, battery charger or inverter) power
supply. Use secured power supply voltage to assure operation of the InteliPro protection relay even
during power supply outages! In case that no suitable DC supply circuits are available on-site, we
recommend to use an appropriate inverter AC to 24 VDC. In case of need, ask ComAp technical
support at support@comap.cz for recommendations.

Recommended wiring
In the diagram below, see the typical wiring of the InteliPro unit inputs and outputs. The wiring is to be
considered as an example for the default configuration and operation mode with 1 common trip output.
The relay contacts of Relay Card CT2-REL2 module can be reconfigured to Trip 1 and Trip 2 outputs
in case of operation with 2 trip outputs, as well as any inputs and outputs can be reconfigured to the
particular needs of the application.
An OFF coil of a circuit breaker is to be wired to terminals RE11 and RE14 or to terminals RE21 and
RE24 on extension module.

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-15

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
One of the key features of InteliPro unit is high level of flexibility and adaptability of the system to the
particular application. The way how to achieve this is the configuration. Use LiteEdit PC software to
read the configuration from the controller or disk, view it, modify it and write the configuration to
controller or disk. To work with InteliPro, LiteEdit version 4.6.8 or higher is necessary. Visit
www.comap.cz for download or update of this PC application and its manuals.
The firmware contains large number of binary inputs and outputs for different functions. Those that are
required by operation of a particular application can be mapped to the physical terminals of the unit.
One of main tasks of the configuration is this mapping of "logical" firmware input and output signals to
the "physical" hardware inputs and outputs.
Configuration parts:
1. Mapping of logical binary inputs (functions) assigning alarms to physical binary input
2. Assigning the "normally closed" or "normally opened" functionality to the inputs
3. Mapping of logical binary outputs (functions) to physical binary output terminals
4. Assigning sensor characteristics and alarms to analog inputs
5. Assigning control values and output characteristics to analog outputs
6. Selecting of peripherial modules which are connected to the controller and doing the same as
above for them
7. Changing language of the unit texts
Some of the logical binary outputs provide also the reversed functionality. Those LBOs are marked
with exclamation mark "!" as the first character of their name.
See more in the Introduction or Library of binary output functions chapters.


The unit is delivered with a default configuration, which should fit to most standard applications.
This default configuration can be changed only using PC and LiteEdit software. See LiteEdit
documentation for details.

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-16

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
You need one of communication modules to connect the controller to a PC with LiteEdit. There is a
special easy removable service module for cases, where there is no communication module
permanently attached.
Once the configuration is modified, it can be stored in a file for later usage with another controller or
for backup purposes. The file is called archive and has file extension "aic". An archive contains full
image of the controller at the moment of saving (if the controller is online to the PC) except firmware,
i.e. besides configuration there are also current adjustment of all setpoints, all measured values, copy
of history log and copy of alarm list.
The archive can be simply used for cloning of InteliPro units, which means preparing units with
identical configuration and settings.


The firmware of this version is compatible only with the archive version 1.4. It is not possible to use for
instance the archive version 1.3.

System of optional functions

The unit offers wide range of protective functionalities. To allow flexibility of the protective functions at
the particular application, some of the features are provided as SW options. These functions are
unlocked by a software dongle, delivered by ComAp or its approved distributors. The SW dongle is a
unique number generated according to the serial number of the unit and the selected protective
functions. The functions are referred by their ANSI numbers, according to the following table:

IPro-25 Synch Check

IPro-51V Time over current with voltage control
IPro-59N Neutral voltage displacement
IPro-67 Directional overcurrent
IPro-78 Vector shift
IPro-78PS Pole Slip
IPro-79 AC reclosing relay
IPro-81R Rate of change of frequency + rocof filter
InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-17
InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
The appropriate selection of InteliPro optional functions is to be marked on the rear side of the unit:

For unlocking the desired functions or changing those functions that are already unlocked, contact
your sales person for the appropriate SW dongle. The following information will be needed:
- Serial number of the unit
- List of requested functions to unlock

Entering the SW dongle:

Once received the appropriate SW dongle relative to the unit serial number, go to the setpoint
General: IPro-SWKey and enter the numerical string, which you have obtained. Though it is more
convenient to enter the SW dongle via LiteEdit PC software, it is also possible to enter it through the
controller screen and pushbuttons.

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-18

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
User Interface
Control and Fault Reset
navigation button

128 x 64



Control and navigation pushbuttons - basic operation

General operation using buttons:

• In the measurement screens, use the and , arrow buttons to browse through the
measured values as displayed on the graphical display. See the chapter Measurement
screens to get the basic orientation.

• Use the button to cycle through display of measurement screens, adjust setpoints and
view the history table. For setpoints change, see the following chapter.
• To enter the init screen, change language or read the list of unlocked InteliPro options, push

the and buttons at the same time. Together with the init screen display, the unit
performs lamp test by simultaneous blinking of all LEDs.

• For confirmation of change any setpoint, use the button.

InteliPro provides 3 levels of password protection. The system of passwords allows to assign different
st nd
levels of password to different personnel groups. After entering of the password of 1 or 2 level, it is
possible to change that password or the password of any of the lower levels. The password for the 1
(highest) level is set to zero "0" by default. Contact ComAp technical support in case that the
password of your unit is lost and needs to be re-issued.

Entering the password

The password must be entered prior adjusting setpoints that are password-protected. Password is
located in the first group of setpoints and the way how to enter or change password is similar to
change of setpoints.

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-19

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Signalization LEDs
There are 5 LEDs for indication of InteliPro status with the meaning indicated in the table below:

LED state Meaning

- Status of the InteliPro unit - used in combination with green LED, see the table below

- Status of the InteliPro unit - used in combination with red LED, see the table below

ON CB1 feedback - activated - state "I"

OFF CB1 feedback - deactivated - state "0"

ON CB2 feedback - activated - state "I"

OFF CB2 feedback - deactivated - state "0"

ON Indicates TRIP state, measured values are in fault conditions (out of limits)

blinking Indicates TRIP state, measured values are in fault-free conditions (within limits). It is
possible to terminate the TRIP state by any of the mthods of of Fault Reset.
OFF The unit is not in TRIP state

Status LED signalization:

red green state Display reading Meaning

OFF OFF No power supply or PowerFail occured

blink OFF "Program Corrupted" or Transient SW failure → Contact technical support with
"System Error" or "System information abut the display message
Error + Wrong config
ON OFF Normal reading Wrong checksum of parameters → Check the complete settings
of your unit and change any one of the parameters. If the state
persists, contact technical support
ON ON Normal reading Wrong checksum of "R" parameters → Contact technical support

blink ON Normal reading Watchdog reset was performed → Save the archive, contact
technical support and attach the archive

OFF ON Normal reading Normal operation of the unit

blink blink Not initialized Unit HW failure → Request repair of the unit

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 1-20

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Protection Relay for Parallel Applications

Application Guide

SW version 1.5, September 2014

Application Guide

ComAp a.s.
Copyright © 2014 ComAp a.s. Kundratka 2359/17, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
Written by Petra Píclová Tel: +420 246 012 111, Fax: +420 246 316 647
Prague, Czech Republic E-mail: info@comap.cz, www.comap.cz
Table of contents
Table of contents...................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Operation mode with 1 common trip output......................................................................................... 3
Operation mode with 2 trip outputs ...................................................................................................... 4
Priority switching .................................................................................................................................. 4
TRIP and Fault Reset description ........................................................................................................ 5
TRIP ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Fault reset........................................................................................................................................ 5
Interconnection to IG/IS-NT controllers ............................................................................................... 5
Shared peripheries .............................................................................................................................. 6
Remote opening / closing of circuit breakers....................................................................................... 7
Protective functions .................................................................................................................................. 8
The concept ......................................................................................................................................... 8
How to set up trip outputs ................................................................................................................ 8
How to set up blocking conditions ................................................................................................... 8
Protective functions in detail ................................................................................................................ 9
Overvoltage, Undervoltage (ANSI 59, 27)....................................................................................... 9
Overfrequency, Underfrequency (ANSI 81 H, L)........................................................................... 10
Voltage unbalance (ANSI 47) ........................................................................................................ 11
Floating average overvoltage ........................................................................................................ 11
"Loss of mains" protections ........................................................................................................... 11
Vector shift (ANSI 78) .................................................................................................................... 11
Rate Of Change Of Frequency (df/dt, ROCOF, ANSI 81R) .......................................................... 12
Overcurrent: definite-time, IDMT and with voltage control ............................................................ 13
Earth Fault Current (ANSI 50N, ANSI 51N) .................................................................................. 17
Ground Surge Current (ANSI 50GS, ANSI 51GS) ........................................................................ 17
Current unbalance (ANSI 46) ........................................................................................................ 17
Directional overcurrent (DOC, ANSI 67) ....................................................................................... 18
Neutral Voltage Displacement (NVD, ANSI 59N).......................................................................... 18
Directional power (ANSI 32) .......................................................................................................... 19
Power Factor (ANSI 55) ................................................................................................................ 19
Synchro check (ANSI 25) .............................................................................................................. 19
AC reclosing (ANSI 79) ................................................................................................................. 19
Pole Slip (ANSI 78PS) ................................................................................................................... 19
Dynamic grid support .................................................................................................................... 20
QU (undervoltage dependent directional reactive power) protection ............................................ 20

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 2-2

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
InteliPro protection relay provides high range of flexibility to the users and their applications. In the
most common cases, one output for tripping is used. In this case, InteliPro provides the common trip
output, which represents logical "OR" of all activated and pre-set protective functions of the unit. If
needed, InteliPro also allows two circuit breakers to operate, where some protective functions are
assigned to one of them and other functions to the other. In such case, the circuit breakers can
provide backup for each other, so that in "fail to trip" situation the other circuit breaker opens under
pre-set conditions to clear the first breaker failure.
Furthermore, InteliPro provides two independent blocking inputs and complex blocking conditions,
which can be used to activate or deactivate any of the protective functions of the unit. All necessary
inputs and outputs can be freely configured to any input or output of the unit. In case of outputs, any of
the 2 relay outputs or 8 open-collector outputs can be selected.
In case that any of the configured protective functions is activated, InteliPro relay provides a Trip
signal. This signal is provided in both positive and negative logic in order to follow the requirements of
the application:

• Due to increased safety requirements, some protective relays require to use negative logic,
assuring that loss off power supply always causes the relay to trip. I.e. the relay contacts are
used, with fault-free position maintained in energized state. In case of power supply fail, the
unit goes to “fault” indication position. The outputs using negative logic are marked with
exclamation mark "!" as the first character of their name.
• In some applications, the negative logic is not a required functionality. The function of opening
the circuit breaker in case of loss of power supply is not accepted as a safety point and the
safety is assured by different means e.g. in the superior system or within the protection relays
intertripping scheme. In such case, the outputs with positive logic (without the exclamation
mark) can be used to signal the detected failure state.

In any case, it must be assured that the InteliPro relay has full control at opening the appropriate
breaker by the trip command - i.e. in case of Trip state the unit receives the appropriate CB
feedback, confirming its open position. The feedback must respond within preset time to the trip
command. A special attention should be paid to opening of motorized circuit breakers, as it could
take more than 2s on some types. In such cases it is necessary to use undervoltage coil for fast

Operation mode with 1 common trip output

• This is the essential mode of operation of the protection relay InteliPro. In this case, CB1
circuit breaker or contactor is considered as the main connection device, protected by
InteliPro. In the ComAp gen-set controllers, this breaker is called "Mains Circuit Breaker" =
• Second circuit breaker or contactor is not expected in the protection scheme, but there is still
possibility to use the "backup trip" signal from InteliPro relay to operate any backup device, if
present on the installation. As such device may be considered another circuit breaker in the
line of mains-connection, CB1 undervoltage coil, or any device which serves as a backup in
case of the CB1 fail.
• The Comm Trp (or !Comm Trp) output is used as the main signal to open the CB1 circuit
breaker. InteliPro expects that in such case, the CB1 Feedback input deactivates as a result of
the protection trip. Adjustable delay can be set by the setpoint General: BackupTrp Del, to
provide backup functionality for the CB1 breaker. If the feedback does not deactivate within
this delay, the output Bak Comm Trp activates (or !Bak Comm Trp deactivates) immediately.
• Any function, which is activated and not blocked within the InteliPro unit activates the Comm
Trp signal. Use the blocking conditions to control which protective functions will be used under
the appropriate circumstances.

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 2-3

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Operation mode with 2 trip outputs
• In some cases, the protection relay is requested to operate two circuit breakers. Usually, one
of them is considered as the main circuit breaker, with most of the functions configured to
operate this circuit breaker. As mentioned above, this breaker often corresponds to the "Mains
Circuit Breaker" = MCB as used in ComAp controllers.
• The second circuit breaker can be from the point of view of the protection relay considered as
a supplementary contactor in the power connection scheme. It can provide back-up
functionality in case that the CB1 does not trip on command, or can be operated individually
by selected protective functions. It can, but does not necessarily have to correspond to the
"Generator Circuit breaker" = GCB as used in the ComAp controllers applications. In such
case, e.g. NVD function is the most often case, when GCB (CB2) is tripped instead of MCB
• In case that 2 circuit breakers are controlled by InteliPro unit, it is possible to freely assign,
swap or configure the functionalities of both circuit breakers and provide appropriate back-up
function of the breakers by the "Priority switching" functionality. It is not practical to use the
Comm Trp output in this case. To distinguish between the 2 breakers, outputs Trp 1 and Trp 2
are available.
• For each protective function in InteliPro, it is possible to assign either Trip 1 or Trip 2 function,
none of them, or both. The setpoint xxx Trp BO (e.g. I>: I Trp BO) in the appropriate group of
protection setting is used for this assignment. By this setting, the output Trp 1 or 2 will then
contain only those functions which were assigned to it.
• Trip 1 output is internally interconnected with CB1 operation, i.e. in case of activation of Trp 1,
the CB1 Feedback is expected to be deactivated. The same applies for Trip 2: in case of
activation of Trp 2, the CB2 Feedback is expected to be deactivated.

Priority switching
Priority switching feature allows using the circuit breakers CB1 and CB2 as a backup to the other one.
To clearly understand this, it is necessary first to understand the possibility of assignment of any of the
operated two circuit breakers to the appropriate protective function (see the chapter Operation mode
with 2 trip outputs).
Though both of the breakers are equivalent and fully assignable within the InteliPro relay, the most
common application for generator-to-mains connection is as follows:

• CB1 is considered as the main contactor of the generator to the mains. In ComAp products,
this breaker is called "Mains Circuit Breaker" = MCB.
• CB2 is considered as a supplementary contactor on the power connection between generator
and mains. There can be specific protection functions assigned to trip CB2 only and it can
provide back-up functionality to the CB1. It can, but does not necessarily have to correspond
to the "Generator Circuit breaker" = GCB as used in the ComAp products.
• Please note, that as both circuit breakers are equivalent, it is also possible to assign CB2 as
the main one and CB1 as the backup, or provide a symmetrical backup of both breakers "one
to each other".

Depending on setting the setpoint General: Prio Switching, the following backup function is provided:

DISABLED - no CB backup is provided

CB1 -> CB2 - CB1 is considered as the primary contactor. If the CB1 Feedback is not deactivated
within preset period after Trp 1, the output Trp 2 is issued immediately to trip CB2 as backup.
Bak Trp 1 is issued at the same time.
CB1 <- CB2 - CB2 is considered as the primary contactor. If the CB2 Feedback is not deactivated
within preset period after Trp 2, the output Trp 1 is issued immediately to trip CB1 as backup.
Bak Trp 2 is issued at the same time.
CB1 <-> CB2 - both CBs provide a backup switching for each other. If the CB1 Feedback doesn't
deactivate in preset period, CB2 is tripped, if the CB2 Feedback doesn't come in preset period, CB1 is

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
TRIP and Fault Reset description
TRIP may be considered as event or status of the unit:

TRIP event:
− Starts in the moment of terminating the count-down of any protective function with delay, or in the
moment of activation of any immediate protective function.
− As a result of the trip event, are e.g. the following consequences:
o Immediate activation of output Comm Trp and deactivation of output !Comm Trp
o LED TRIP goes to red
o History record is created

TRIP status:
− Starts at the moment of TRIP event
− During this status, the Comm Trp and !Comm Trp outputs keep in the fault position
− During this status, it is not possible to perform Fault reset
− TRIP status is active until a successful Fault reset. This may not be done before all measured and
evaluated values are within preset limits.
− If during the TRIP status, caused by some value, another value overreached its limits for TRIP
evaluation, this second overreach is not considered as TRIP. It does not cause a second TRIP
event. However, as a consequence of this, the TRIP duration may be prolonged until the moment
when both (all) values are within limits.

Fault reset
Fault reset is an event, caused by either of the following reasons:

− Fault reset button is pressed

− Input F.R. Button is activated
− Automatic fault reset is performed according to the setting of General: Auto FR setpoint.
− By activation or deactivation of binary input Block 1 or Block 2.

The abovementioned reasons are a trigger to provide Fault reset, however, it is successfully done only
in case that the TRIP status is activated and all evaluated values have returned back into limits. If the
TRIP status is not activated, or it is activated, but any of the values is still out of limits, Fault reset is
not done and any of the mentioned triggers is forgotten. I.e., the unit may not be „provisionally“ fault-
By a successful Fault reset, the TRIP status is terminated.

Interconnection to IG/IS-NT controllers

It is possible to interconnect InteliPro unit with IG-NT and IS-NT controllers on the CAN2 bus. Refer to
the chapter CAN bus connection for the details on wiring the CAN2 bus. The most frequent
applications of this function are as follows:
- Transmitting analog values like active and reactive power, measured voltage or current from
the point of connection to the mains via IntleiPro to the NT controllers. Technology of shared
peripheries is used to transmit up to 4 analog values. The transmitted values can then be
processed by the controllers to allow the requested operation of the gen-sets (e.g. load and
PF control).
- Transmitting binary signal from the point of connection to the grid to the controllers.
Technology of shared peripheries is used to transmit up to 8 binary signals. Typically, the
state of breaker feedbacks or other InteliPro binary inputs can be used to provide inputs to the
gen-set control processes. Another application is to use InteliPro as a communication
interface that allows e.g. setting the remote control switches via remote communication. The
state of the switches can then be transferred to the controllers to reduce power to the value
requested by the external system or provide other signals relevant to the site operation.
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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
- Remote monitoring of the complete site including the InteliPro mains protection and gen-set
controllers through the CAN2 bus and ComAp standard monitoring modules and tools (I-LB+,
InternetBridge-NT, InteliMonitor).

Shared peripheries
The function is compatible with IG/IS-NT controllers. CAN2 interconnection between the gen-set
controllers and InteliPro is necessary to allow this feature. Use the LiteEdit configuration window to
configure the appropriate binary and analog values to be transmitted from InteliPro via the CAN2

communication. In the Configuration window, click the button. The following window opens:

Using the "Module address" selection box to adjust the address of the shared peripheries module and
avoid collision with other module already present on CAN2 bus. Click on the appropriate Binary output
or Analog output in the list to set-up the value to be transmitted via CAN2 bus to the gen-set
controllers. The transmitted values are received by the IG/IS-NT controllers connected via the CAN2
bus. See more about configuring shared peripheries (Shared and Internal virtual I/O periphery and
PLC) in IGS-NT-Application guide.
The shared binary and analog outputs can be used for communicating out the binary statuses of CBs,
trips of the particular protective functions or transmitting the value of mains import in kW, kVAr or kVA
and further processing e.g. for the gen-set control or visualization of the site.

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Remote opening / closing of circuit breakers
InteliPro offers the users the possibility to manually control – open / close a circuit breaker. The
breaker can operated either by binary input or via PC software - LiteEdit and InteliMonitor allow the
user to click either on “Open” or “Close” button and InteliPro will issue a signal (activate binary output)
to open or close the circuit breaker. There are two dedicated binary inputs – CB1 open and CB1
close; for detailed description see Library of binary inputs and three binary outputs – CB1 ON Man,
CB1 OFF Man, CB1 UV Coil to operate the circuit breaker; for detailed description see the Library of
binary outputs. For description of binary inputs

The buttons are password protected and are enabled only upon entering correct password.
Opening of the circuit breaker is possible under any conditions, closing only if all of the following
conditions are fulfilled:
• The circuit breaker has been manually opened before
• InteliPro is not in TRIP state
• All mains parameters are within limits

It may happen that after opening the breaker the unit is reset or some changes in configuration are
done. It is important that even if all mains parameters are within limits the breaker remains open
because it was manually opened and it is a wanted state. The breaker can close only after the input

CB1 close is active or if the button in InteliMonitor or LiteEdit is pressed. There is no automatic
operation of the controller if configuration is change towards remote / manual operation.

There will be an event created in the Alarm list and History when the circuit breaker is manually

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Protective functions
The concept
InteliPro is a compact electronic protective relay, providing complete list of protective functions. Each
of the functions works as an autonomous protective stage, with its independent activation, setting of
the limits and assigning of the Trp 1 and/or Trp 2 output and Block 1 and/or Block 2 input. Besides
that, each activated protective function activates the Comm Trp output as described above. These
settings are done in the setpoints menu, using the appropriate group of setpoints, assigned to its
function. E.g. setting of overcurrent limit, delay, and trip outputs is done in the setpoint group I>.

How to set up trip outputs

To assign the appropriate trip outputs, which are operated by a particular protective stage, find the
setpoint group, which contains the setting of this protective stage. E.g. for overcurrent, go to the
setpoint group I>. In the setpoint group find the setpoint xxx Trp BO, where "xxx" is the abbreviation of
the protective stage. It is possible to use the following setting:
- None: neither Trp 1 nor Trp 2 is activated in case of this protective stage trip. In such case,
only the Comm Trp output contains information about trip by this protection stage.
- Trp 1: binary output Trp 1 is activated in case of this protection stage trip.
- Trp 2: binary output Trp 2 is activated in case of this protection stage trip.
- Trp 1+2: both binary output Trp 1 and Trp 2 are activated in case of this protection stage trip.
- In all cases, the Comm Trp output contains information about trip from all activated protection

How to set up blocking conditions

New version of Lite Edit allows setting of InteliPro blocking conditions for individual functions in
“Blocking conditions” matrix. It provides simple enabling and disabling of functions either in all cases
or only under specific conditions. It also provides option of blocking particular functions by binary input
or blocking if not in parallel to mains operation.

This feature replaces the selection of disable / enable option in InteliPro “General” group of setpoints,
as well as selection of blocking binary inputs for selected functions.

The functions to be blocked are located in the very left column called “Protection”. Functions can be
added by pressing [+] button and removed by pressing [-] button. After selecting desired function, the
“Setting” column offers selection for Disable or Enable the function. The third, “Blocking conditions”
column, provides list of functions to create the logic matrix. It offers list of functions, as well as binary
inputs for blocking (Block 1, Block 2) and operation in parallel (Parallel). Setting if the protection
selected in the first column should be enabled, or disabled resp., by activation or deactivation of the
function selected in the third column, can be distinguished by ticking off the box “NOT”.
Blocking conditions can be also added by pressing [+] button and removed by pressing [-] button.

Help hints describing the set blocking conditions are available for each function upon placing cursor on
the particular box.

Blocking conditions can be saved as a part of an archive and uploaded to another unit with equal sw
version. Blocking conditions cannot be transferred from older to newer InteliPro sw version, due to
possible inconsistency in the range of available functions.

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
The speed of saving settings depends on the speed of the communication channel with the controller.
If GPRS is used, uploading blocking conditions can last longer, therefore do not interrupt the process
until uploading progress bar is shown.
In order to e.g. activate only one adjustable pickup used within a multiple-stages protective function,
set the pickup limit of the other one to zero. E.g. InteliPro allows setting 2 stages of overvoltage
protection. To use only V> and block the V>> stage, set the pickup limit V>> to 0V. In general, setting
of any pickup limit of any protective function blocks this protection stage.

If activation of one functionality (e.g. f<>) is conditional to other (e.g QU Protection), the activation is
triggered by limit violation of f<> and the condition lasts until Fault reset is performed.

It is possible, that in your unit, some optional protective functions are not activated. In such case, the
function is permanently blocked and even the setpoints related to it are not visible. In case that this
protection is requested, please consult your sales representative regarding the options unlocking.

Protective functions in detail

Overvoltage, Undervoltage (ANSI 59, 27)
The RMS value of measured voltage is compared with the preset limit of overvoltage or undervoltage.
When any of the preset limits is over/underexceeded, the output U Sig moves to fault-indicating
position immediately. If the voltage of the given phase keeps out of limits for the delay of the
appropriate stage, TRIP is issued. As the voltage returns back within limits in all measured phases,
the U Sig output stop to signal the fault state immediately, regardless of whether TRIP was issued or
not or Fault reset was performed or not.
Both overvoltage and undervoltage protective stages provide possibility of setting 2 levels with
independent delay assigned to each level.

In order to prevent from unwanted voltage oscillation around the overvoltage, respective undervoltage
limits, there is a possibility to set up voltage hysteresis. The principle is shown in the pictures below.
After overvoltage situation, voltage must decrease under the hysteresis limit to clear the fault. After
undervoltage situation, voltage must exceed the hysteresis limit to clear the fault.

Voltage hysteresis for overvoltage

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Voltage hysteresis for unervoltage

Overfrequency, Underfrequency (ANSI 81 H, L)

The frequency value measured on phase L1 is compared with the preset limit of overfrequency or
underfrequency. When any of the preset limits is over/underreached, the output f Sig moves to fault-
indicating position immediately. If the frequency keeps out of limits for the delay of the appropriate
stage, TRIP is issued. As the frequency returns back within limits, the f Sig output stops to signal the
fault state immediately, regardless of whether TRIP was issued or not or Fault reset was performed or
Both overfrequency and underfrequency protective stages provide possibility of setting 2 levels with
independent delay assigned to each level.

In order to prevent from unwanted frequency oscillation around the overfrequency, respective
underfrequency limits, there is a possibility to set up frequency hysteresis. The principle is shown in
the pictures below. After overfrequency situation, frequency must decrease under the hysteresis limit
to clear the fault. After underfrequency situation, frequency must exceed the hysteresis limit to clear
the fault.

Frequency hysteresis for overfrequency

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide

Hysteresis limit

Pick up value

Measured value

Pick up Drop off

Time (s)

Frequency hysteresis for underfrequency

Voltage unbalance (ANSI 47)

The voltage unbalance is evaluated in case that amplitude difference between any 2 phases
overreaches the preset limit V Unb: V Unb. It refers to the amplitude unbalance of the measured

Floating average overvoltage

The floating average overvoltage protection provides continuous 10 minutes long measurement of
either phase-to-neutral or phase-to-phase voltage (depending on the Voltage Setup parameter
setting). In case that the measured voltage exceeds the set limit, an immediate trip is issued. The limit
Avg V> is in the setpoints group U<>.

"Loss of mains" protections

InteliPro provides two different methods for fast evaluation of loss of mains (LOM), into which the generator
- Vector shift
- Rate Of Change Of Frequency
The loss-of-mains protections setpoints are in the group LOM.

Vector shift (ANSI 78)

Vector shift is one of the LOM protections. It provides very fast detection of mains failure (in units or
tens of ms), based on the principle of shift of the synchronous generator displacement angle. The
displacement angle is an angle between magnetic field of a rotor and the rotating magnetic field of the
stator winding and relates strongly to the load of the generator. In case that this load changes, the
displacement angle immediately changes by a "jump". Compared to the frequency decrease, which
probably also occurs, this jump is an immediate phenomena and is detected as a shift of the
measured voltage sine curve - Vector shift or Vector jump. Depending on the preset limit in degrees
[°], it allows immediate disconnection of very fast failures and thus prevention of severe damages
which could not be prevented within the delay of frequency or voltage protections.

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Vector shift reaction times are usually requested up to 30ms. Typical setting is shown e.g. in G59/3
standard (see below).

Rate Of Change Of Frequency (df/dt, ROCOF, ANSI 81R)

ROCOF is second most frequently requested method of LOM detection. In principle, the method uses
similar evaluation method like Vector shift, but the physical phenomena detected is different. It
calculates the change of speed of the generator, caused by sudden change in its load, together with
unintentional islanding situation (loss of mains), which is normally capable of keeping the frequency on
a stable level. The frequency change is expressed as tangent in time [Hz/s]:

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
In case that absolute value of this tangent overreaches a pre-set pickup limit, the protection trips. It is
a fast protection, similar to Vector shift, however, unlike Vector shift, which detects immediate
phenomena, the tangent calculation requires a certain time for evaluation. In ComAp protection relays,
the evaluation time for ROCOF protection can be adjusted by setpoint ROCOF filt in number of sine
curve cycles being taken into evaluation from 1 to tens of cycles (each having 20ms). This allows
setting up the ratio between the evaluation speed and sensitivity to nuisance trips.

Overcurrent: definite-time, IDMT and with voltage control

InteliPro provides three types of mains-overcurrent with different setting of the protection delay:

Definite time overcurrent (ANSI 50):

The trip is issued in a given delay after the current in any phase exceeds pre-set pickup limit. The
setting is done using the setpoints in the group I>.

IDMT overcurrent (ANSI 51)

The IDMT (inverse definite minimum time) overcurrent protection evaluates the true RMS value of the
current independently in any of the 3 phases (is activated if the overcurrent is detected in only one
phase). This protection provides delayed overcurrent trip, where the delay is based on the current
magnitude. The setting is done using the setpoints in the group I> T.
The relation between the time and current is set by the following curve.

• Tripping

The trip time can be calculated from the following formula:

where t(I) is the trip time

M is the ratio of measured current value and pickup current (pickup is the nominal current),
p, A and B are constants which determine the final shape of the curve

The trip delay, respectively the curve shape is to be prescribed by the DNO, based on the calculations
of short-circuit conditions in the point of the generator connection. The grid protections are coordinated
and allow for isolating the faults by the protections which are located closer to the short-circuit area.
This way, the discrimination of the breakdown point is done by the short-circuit current magnitude
allowing the generator to ride-through a distant faults and contribute to recover the mains voltage after
the fault is disconnected.

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
InteliPro offers pre-set curves according to ANSI and IEC standards, and one “IDMT” curve.
The shape of the IDMT curve can be selected using the parameter I> T: I> T Curve.

The curves can have the following shapes:

InteliPro I> T Curves




ANSI mod
ANSI very inv

ANSI ext inv

delay [sec]

1 IEC Inverse

IEC Very Inverse

IEC Extremly Inverse



1 10 100

List of the used constants for curve shape determination:


Characteristic A B p tr* p**

Moderately inverse 0,0515 0,1140 0,02 4,85 2
Very inverse 19,61 0,491 2 21,6 2
Extremely inverse 28,2 0,1217 2 29,1 2


Characteristic A B p tr* p**

Inverse 0,14 0 0,02 9,7 2
Very inverse 13,5 0 1 43,2 2
Extremely inverse 50 0 2 58,2 2

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Characteristic A B p tr* p**

IDMT 1 0 1 2,5 1
*Reset time for (M = 0)
** Reset constant

If the option IDMT is selected, then the trip time formula can be simplified as follows:

In this case the I> T Del equals to the reaction time for 200% overcurrent (when mains current = 2*

• Resetting

The IDMT protection provides also the mechanism of time-dependent resetting curves after the
current decreases to or below the nominal current. This mechanism respects the cooling
characteristics of the protected device. See the picture below for the complete curves shape including
the reset characteristics:

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
The reset time can be calculated from the following formula:

where t(I) is the reset time after tripping,

Tdial is multiplier (I>T Del in IDMT curve),
I is the measured current value pickup current,
In nominal current (pickup current),
tr and p are constants which determine the final shape of the curve (values to be found in the tables with
other constants above)

The IDMT tripping curve and resetting curve depends on the conditions to which InteliPro was
exposed, as the unit requires some time to recover after being subjected to overcurrent. The reset
time does not depend on the magnitude of the overcurrent, but it depends on how long the overcurrent
(I>In) was present before the circuit breaker was opened.

The provided ANSI51 curve shapes are multiplied by the time multiplier, set by the setpoint I> T Del.
This way, the final shape of the tripping curve is calculated. See the example of the ANSI Moderately
Inverse curve multiplied by various time multipliers:

Time multiplier - ANSI Moderately Inverse



10 multiplier 10
delay [sec]

multiplier 5
multiplier 1
1 multiplier 0.1


0,01 0,1 1 10 100

Please note that InteliPro current measurement inputs range is 5A with over-range up to 9A.
This range provides possibility of ANSI 51 curves calculation up to cca 2x In case that 5A CT
secondary current is used. To allow evaluation of higher currents and appropriate delays according to
the mentioned curves, we recommend using lower secondary rating of the current transformers
(typically 1A) and then setting the current ratio accordingly. Please note, that this solution though
decreases the accuracy of the measurement, which is designed for the 5A CT output.
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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Time overcurrent with voltage control and restraint (ANSI 51V)
The voltage control of time overcurrent assures that the protection is blocked in case that the
measured voltage is above the level set by the setpoint I> V: I> V Control.

The voltage restraint function is a modification of the IDMT overcurrent protection. It uses the same
mechanism of the delay calculation according to the IDMT trip curve, but the delay is further adjusted
according to the measured voltage:

This protection functionality uses the fact that voltage in the point of short-circuit drops to zero or very
low values and with growing distance from the fault, it increases up to the mains nominal voltage
value. Thus, increased sensitivity to short-circuits localization and protection coordination is provided.
The setting is done using the setpoints in the group I> V.

Earth Fault Current (ANSI 50N, ANSI 51N)

For the earth fault current protection, the 5 A current measurement input, located on the plug-in
module Relay Card CT2-REL2 is used. The protection stage allows setting up instantaneous neutral
overcurrent or IDMT overcurrent, similar to the mains overcurrent protective functions. The setting is
done using the setpoints group EFC.

Ground Surge Current (ANSI 50GS, ANSI 51GS)

The function is intended for detection of non-zero current used to indicate earth faults by sensitive
ground sensors. The function enables very sensitive measurement in level up to 50 mA, so it is
applicable e.g. for Hall sensors measurement. Please note, that due to very low measurement range,
it must be assured that the current will not overreach 120mA, what is the thermal capacity of the input.

For the ground surge current protection, the 50 mA current measurement input, located on the plug-in
module Relay Card CT2-REL2 is used. The protection stage allows to set up instantaneous ground
surge overcurrent (ANSI 50GS) or IDMT overcurrent (ANSI 51GS), similar to the mains overcurrent
protective functions. The setting of the 50GS/51GS function is done using the IGS setpoints group.
Unlike the mains current or earth fault current protections, the limit setting is done directly in mA.

Current unbalance (ANSI 46)

The current unbalance protection is used to avoid unbalanced load in the point of mains connection.
The setting is done using the setpoints in the setpoint group I Unb. The units of I Unb are in percent of
current nominal value.

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Directional overcurrent (DOC, ANSI 67)
DOC is sensitive for location of the fault with relation to the measurement point. This way, directional
protection is capable to detect whether the fault happened "in front of it" or "behind". Directional
overcurrent protection, applied in the point of generator connection to mains, is considered a loss of
mains protection, however it does not substitute the traditional loss of mains protections like Vector
shift or ROCOF. The typical application is a generator running in parallel to mains with its own load
consumption (e.g. peak shaving, soft transfer stand-by, or other applications). The generator is usually
used to support the local consumption with no export to the mains. In case of mains transition into an
island mode, the generators, running in parallel with the islanded area, would start to supply its
complete consumption, generating current in opposite direction. DOC protection is used to avoid this
situation, and trip the generator from the islanded mains, combining the overcurrent protection
together with its directional character. Compared to the "reverse power protection", DOC protection
detects also reactive currents from the given angle zone, what allows better sensitivity for tripping.

The following image shows the conditions of activation of Directional Overcurrent protection in
InteliPro – i.e. critical angles between voltage and current, given the voltage is placed at the 0°angle:



Base angle Trip area



The setting is done using the setpoints in the group DOC. The unit allows top test the functionality of
the directional overcurrent protection by setting the setpoint DOC Test to ENABLED. In such case, the
output DOC Test shows the sensing of the protection regardless of the other protection
enabling/disabling conditions in order to allow full quadrant range test of this protection stage.

Neutral Voltage Displacement (NVD, ANSI 59N)

NVD protective function is used in medium or high voltage systems with isolated or indirectly grounded
zero-point. Under healthy conditions of the system, the sum of the three phase-to-earth voltages
should balance to zero. When an earth-fault occurs, it does not cause a short-circuit, because of the
isolation of the system in the zero point. However, the fault provides connection of one phase with
InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 2-18
InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
earth what represents hazard for the system safety (ground-fault in any other phase would then mean
a phase-to phase short-circuit, phase-to-ground voltage of the other phases may fluctuate to multiples
of its nominal, providing increased stress to the isolation system, etc). One of the effects of the fault is
a rise in the neutral voltage, so called neutral voltage displacement. This neutral voltage displacement
is measured in a specific "open-delta" connection of voltage transformers, as shown in the chapter
Voltage and current inputs. In some cases, it is required to clear the fault by tripping the appropriate
circuit breaker. However, the NVD protection itself does not allow detecting the location of a fault and
for this reason it is sometimes used only for providing an earth-fault alarm.
A specific function is provided incase that mains failure is detected by an external device e.g. for
purpose of redundancy: If the external device indicates a mains failure state and activates the input
Ext Mf Relay, the NVD trip outputs are blocked. To unblock the NVD protection, it is necessary not
only to deactivate the Ext Mf Relay input, but also to deactivate the feedback of the circuit breaker,
which is operated by the NVD protection stage.
It is possible to set whether the NVD contributes to the common trip of the relay or uses its own
separate output for signalization of the NVD alarm. The setting is done using the setpoints in the group

Directional power (ANSI 32)

InteliPro provides two stages of power protections, both of them allowing setting of either overreaching
the preset limit or underreaching it. This way, all of the following protections are realized:
- Mains reverse power (protection of unintentional export)
- Generator reverse power (protection of motoric operation)
- Minimum import underreaching (timely trip in case of unintentional export approaching)
The setting is done using the setpoints in the group P.

Power Factor (ANSI 55)

InteliPro provides inductive (current is lagging voltage) and capacitive (current is leading voltage)
power factor evaluation. In case the value of the measured power factor falls below the set limit, trip
output is activated accordingly.
The power factor evaluation is based on the phase difference between current and voltage.
The setting is done using the setpoints in the group PF.

Synchro check (ANSI 25)

This function checks state of synchronism at both sides of the circuit breaker. It is used as a
supplementary function to automatic reconnection of the other functions to assure that the
synchronous conditions are met before the circuit breaker closes back by the protection relay, or is
unblocked to be closed by some other device. In InteliPro, either L1-L2 phase-to-phase voltage or L1-
N phase-to-neutral voltage is measured on the generator side of the circuit breaker and compared with
the corresponding measured mains voltage. Whether phase-to-phase or phase-to-neutral voltage is
used is decided by the setpoint Basic Settings: Voltage Setup. Synchronous conditions are evaluated
based on the pre-set window of voltage, frequency and angle match as set in the setpoint group Sync

AC reclosing (ANSI 79)

The automatic reclosing mechanism is generally used in situation, where temporary nature of the
failure is expected. The protection relay trips the breaker according to the standard protection settings.
As soon as the trip conditions disappear, i.e. the protection senses fault-free situation, the tripping
output deactivates and after a reclosing delay, the reclosing output issues a signal to automatically
reclose the breaker. There may be several reclosure attempts done in case of unsuccessful reclosing
cycle. The setting is done using the setpoints in the group AC Reclosing.

Pole Slip (ANSI 78PS)

The protection against pole slip ensures immediate disconnection of a generator running in parallel-to-
mains in case that the load angle of the generator, which determines its loading, exceeds preset limit.
The protection prevents from high overcurrents and mechanical stresses that occur when e.g. the load
within the supplied area plummet significantly.

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The setting is done using the setpoints in the group Pole Slip.
For pole slip protection evaluation of the RPM input is necessary, thus RPM input wire must be
connected to the appropriate connectors and nominal revolutions per minute must be set in the
setpoint Nominal RPM. Also, number of the engine´s flywheel teeth must be set in the setpoint Gear
Teeth. The load angle limit is set in the setpoint Pole Slip Lim.

For the RPM input shielded cable must be used!
The function is active only in parallel operation, thus all CBs must be closed. For correct operation the
mains voltage frequency and also the generator voltage frequency must be measured and synch
check wires connected. InteliPro must be switched on before the engine starts running.

Dynamic grid support

Dynamic grid support function is used to support balanced status of the grid by retaining the
connection of the generator to mains even during large voltage drops. The relay will not trip
immediately in case of undervoltage, instead it will compare the measured voltage with the preset red
curve. The shape of the curve is determined by voltage levels in setpoints V Lim 1, V Lim 2, V Lim 3,
and time delays in setpoints Delay 1, Delay 2, Delay 3.
If the measured voltage falls below the red curve, a trip is issued. The time delay after which the
protection starts to follow the curve from the beginning can be set in the setpoint Reset Time.

QU (undervoltage dependent directional reactive power) protection

QU, or undervoltage dependent directional reactive power protection is used to disconnect a power
supply from the mains in case that the grid balance is threatened. This is achieved by evaluation of
more variables – this function evaluates combination of mains voltage, current and reactive power at
the decoupling point and only if all of the following conditions are fulfilled, the protection will activate:

1. Voltages in all three phases drops below the setpoint „V<"

2. Currents in one phase exceed the set threshold (setpoint "I Min")
3. The amount of produced reactive power violates the threshold (determined by the setpoint
"Q Min")

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 2-20

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
As soon as all the above conditions are met, the protection will activate and issue a trip to open the
GCB ("QU Gen Prot") with a time delay 1 ("QU Del 1"). In case of no response (CB Feedback will not
deactivate), second trip ("QU Mns Prot") is issued in order to separate the generator from the network
after time delay 2 ("QU Del 2") by the MCB.
If the voltage returns back and exceed the set limit ("Rst V<"), the protection trip state will be
deactivated and fault can be reset.

The conventional fault reset applies, which determines the time after the function will be reactivated
since the condition of voltage return above 95% Un in all three phases and frequency returns to the
range of 47,50 Hz and 50,05 Hz.

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 2-21

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Protection Relay for Parallel Applications

Application Guide

SW version 1.5, September 2014

Communication Brochure

ComAp a.s.
Copyright © 2014 ComAp a.s. Kundratka 2359/17, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
Written by Petra Píclová Tel: +420 246 012 111, Fax: +420 246 316 647
Prague, Czech Republic E-mail: info@comap.cz, www.comap.cz
Table of contents
Table of contents...................................................................................................................................... 1
CAN bus and RS485 ................................................................................................................................ 3
Recommended CAN/RS485 connection ............................................................................................. 4
CAN bus connection ........................................................................................................................ 4
RS485 connection ........................................................................................................................... 5
Communication modules ......................................................................................................................... 7
IL-NT-232 ............................................................................................................................................. 7
IL-NT-RS232-485 ................................................................................................................................ 7
IL-NT-S-USB ........................................................................................................................................ 8
IL-NT-AIO ............................................................................................................................................ 8
How to set up IL-NT-AIO module in LiteEdit ................................................................................... 9
IB-Lite................................................................................................................................................. 11
How to set up IB-Lite module ........................................................................................................ 12

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 3-2

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
CAN bus and RS485
InteliPro provides the possibility of interconnecting it with technology on-site by RS485 communication
and especially with other ComAp units, the CAN2 connection is possible in order to transmit data from
InteliPro to them via the communication line. CAN1 communication line is used to interconnect the
extension modules of InteliPro. For wiring of CAN bus communication, the following rules are to be
• Maximal length of the CAN bus depends on the communication speed. For the speed of
250kbps, which is used on the CAN1 bus (extension modules) and CAN2 bus if it is switched
to 32C mode the maximal length is 200m. If the CAN2 bus is switched to 8C mode by the
setpoint Comms settings: CAN Bus Mode, the speed is 50kbps and the maximal length is
• The bus must be wired in linear form with termination resistors at both ends. No nodes except
on the controller terminals are allowed. Use cable with following parameters:

Cable type Shielded twisted pair

Impedance 120Ω
Propagation velocity >= 75% (delay <= 4.4 ns/m)
Wire crosscut >= 0.25mm
Attenuation (@1MHz) <= 2dB/100m

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 3-3

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
See the web page www.can-cia.org for information about CAN bus, specifications etc.

Recommended CAN/RS485 connection

CAN bus connection
The bus has to be terminated by 120 Ohm resistors at both ends. External units can be connected on
the CAN bus line in any order, but keeping line arrangement (no tails, no star) is necessary. Standard
maximum bus length is 200m for 32C CAN BUS MODE and 900m for 8C CAN BUS MODE. Shielded
cable must be used, shielding has to be connected to PE on one side (controller side).

1. For shorter distances (all network components within one room) – picture 1
Interconnect H and L; shielding connect to PE on controller side
2. For longer distances (connection between rooms within one building) – picture 2
Interconnect H, L, COM; shielding connect to PE in one point
3. In case of surge hazard (connection out of building in case of storm etc.) – picture 3
We recommend to use following protections:
InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 3-4
InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
• Phoenix Contact (http://www.phoenixcontact.com): PT 5-HF-12DC-ST with PT2x2-BE
(base element)
• Saltek (http://www.saltek.cz): DM-012/2 R DJ

Recommended data cables: BELDEN (http://www.belden.com)

1. For shorter distances: 3105A Paired - EIA Industrial RS-485 PLTC/CM (1x2 conductors)
2. For longer distances: 3106A Paired - EIA Industrial RS-485 PLTC/CM (1x2+1 conductors)
3. In case of surge hazard: 3106A Paired - EIA Industrial RS-485 PLTC/CM (1x2+1 conductors)

RS485 connection
The line has to be terminated by 120 Ohm resistors at both ends. External units can be connected on
the RS485 line in any order, but keeping line arrangement (no tails, no star) is necessary. Standard
maximum link length is 1000m. Shielded cable has to be used, shielding has to be connected to PE on
one side (controller side).

1. For shorter distances (all network components within one room) – picture 1
interconnect A and B; shielding connect to PE on controller side
2. For longer distances (connection between rooms within one building) – picture 2
interconnect A, B, COM; shielding connect to PE in one point
3. In case of surge hazard (connection out of building in case of storm etc.) – picture 3 We
recommend to use following protections:
• Phoenix Contact (http://www.phoenixcontact.com): PT 5-HF-5DC-ST with PT2x2-BE
(base element)(or MT-RS485-TTL)
• Saltek (http://www.saltek.cz): DM-006/2 R DJ

Recommended data cables: BELDEN (http://www.belden.com)

1. For shorter distances: 3105A Paired - EIA Industrial RS-485 PLTC/CM (1x2 conductors)
2. For shorter distances: 3105A Paired - EIA Industrial RS-485 PLTC/CM (1x2 conductors)
3. In case of surge hazard: 3106A Paired - EIA Industrial RS-485 PLTC/CM (1x2+1 conductors)


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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide


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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Communication modules
Communication module enables connection of a remote computer or other remote device such as
PLC to InteliPro. The module is to be plugged-in into the slot in the rear side of InteliPro. The slot is
accessible after slot cover is removed.


The modules are compatible with ComAp IL-NT and IC-NT controllers.

This module contains a RS232 port with all modem signals connected internally to the COM1 of the
controller. DB9M connector is used on the RS232 side.


The IL-NT-232-485 is a dual port module with RS232 and RS485 interfaces at independent COM
channels. The RS232 is connected to COM1 and RS485 to COM2.

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 3-7

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide

This module contains USB slave port connected internally to the COM1 of the controller and is
designed as an easy removable service module.

This module requires a FTDI USB Serial converter driver installed in the PC. The driver creates a
virtual serial port (COM) in the PC, which must be used in LiteEdit as communication port when a
connection is being opened.

The FTDI driver is installed together with LiteEdit.

When the USB cable from the controller is plugged-in first time into different USB ports on the PC
including USB hubs, it can be recognized as new hardware and the drivers are installed again with
different number of the virtual serial port.

Use shielded USB cable only!

IL-NT-AIO is an extension plug-in module with four configurable analog inputs for the sensors (in the
range 0-2400 ohm; 0/4-20mA; 0-4VDC) and one configurable analog output for the sensor (in the
range 0/4-20mA; 0-4,5VDC; PWM 5V/500Hz). The setting of IL-NT-AIO can be done via Lite Edit
through some of the supported communication modules.
InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 3-8
InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
The type of analog input is selectable by jumper. Each analog input has its own line of jumper position.
The top position (closest to green connector on the picture above) is for resistive input, central position
for voltage input and lowest position is for current input.

AI1 – AI4 2600 Ohm / 4V / 20 mA

Iout 0 – 20 mA (max 22mA) max 100 Ohm load
Uout 0 – 4,5V (max 10mA)
PWM PWM 5V / 15mA / 500 Hz
Not used Do not connect!

How to set up the IL-NT-AIO module in LiteEdit

In Lite Edit click on the Modify configuration button in the upper toolbar.

In the window Modify, click on the button Extension Plug-in modules under which you can set
extension modules.

Choose IL-NT-AIO option from the drop-down list.

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 3-9

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
After double-clicking on one of the four analog inputs, type of the input and its behaviour can be
defined (Not used, Alarm, or Monitoring).

In case Alarm type is chosen, the input configuration can be defined. In case Binary or Tri state is
chosen, alarm type and contact type can be configured. For analog configuration, type of the alarm
and conditions of the alarm activation can be set up. It is also possible to define the operating curve of
the sensor. The curve can be saved and loaded later.

In case Monitoring type is chosen, an input configuration can be defined. In case of Binary or Tri state,
contact type can be configured. For analog configuration, the operating curve of the sensor can be

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
IB-Lite is a plug-in module with Ethernet 10/100 Mbit interface in RJ45 connector. The module is
internally connected to both COM1 and COM2 serial channels and provides an interface for
connecting a PC with LiteEdit or InteliMonitor through Ethernet/internet network, for sending active
e-mails and for integration of the controller into a building management (Modbus/TCP protocol).

Use Ethernet UTP cable with RJ45 connector for connection of the module into your ethernet network.
The module can be also connected directly to a PC using cross-wired UTP cable.


Please note that for correct operation of IB-Lite interface, the setpoint COM1 Mode must be set to the
DIRECT position!

For communication using Modbus TCP protocol via IB-Lite module, the recommended setting is:
ModbusComSpeed: 57600

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
How to set up the IB-Lite module
There are three possibilities of connection:
A) Direct connection between PC and IB-Lite
B) Connection of IB-Lite to Ethernet/Internet by using dynamic IP and AirGate
C) Connection of IB-Lite to Ethernet by using static IP or to Internet by using public static IP

Ad A) Direct connection between PC and IB-Lite

1. Turn on the controller.

2. Set up local network in your PC at:

• IP Address:
• Network Mask:
• Gateway IP:
Check the “Comms Settings” directly on the controller:

- Press button. Choose “Comms Settings” by using of arrows and

press .
- Check “IBLite IP Addr” – should be as default. If the IP is different

change it with , and buttons to the correct one. “IBLite DHCP” and
“AirGate” has to be DISABLED.

“Comms Settings” of controller can be as well changed by using of LiteEdit software
IL-NT RS232, IL-NT RS232-485 or IL-NT S-USB communication modules.
Disconnect power source from the controller before exchanging the communication

3. Connect the IB-Lite and PC via UTP cable (it is recommended to use the crossed cable).


4. For connection with controller use LiteEdit or InteliMonitor software or just a web browser and
insert IP Address (default IP) into the address bar which will allow you access
to embedded SCADA WebServer.

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 3-12

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Ad B) Connection of IB-Lite to Ethernet/Internet by using of dynamic IP and AirGate

Use this possibility when you have not assigned static Ethernet IP address from your IT department or
static public IP from your internet provider.

1. Turn on the controller.

2. Setup “Comms Settings” directly on the controller:

- Press button. Choose “Comms Settings” by using of arrows and

press .
- Setup “IBLite DHCP” and “AirGate” as ENABLED.
- Setup. “AirGate IP” as “airgate.comap.cz”.

“Comms Settings” of controller can be as well changed by using of LiteEdit software
IL-NT RS232, IL-NT RS232-485 or IL-NT S-USB communication modules.
Disconnect power source from the controller before exchanging the communication

3. Connect the IB-Lite to the router (or Internet/Ethernet socket) via UTP cable.
- Wait a while (or turn the controller off and on).

- Check the “AirGate ID”: Press few times button on the basic controller display
until you see GSM/Modem status screen. Remember the AirGate ID.


0 Waiting for connection to AirGate Server

1 Controller registered, waiting for authorization
2 Not possible to register, controller blacklisted
3 Not possible to register, server has no more kapacity
4 Not possible to register, other reason
5 Controller registered and authorized

4. For connection with controller use LiteEdit or InteliMonitor software or just a web browser with
your WebSupervisor account (http://websupervisor.comap.cz). Connect to the controller via
AirGate, type in the AirGate ID and use “airgate.comap.cz” as an AirGate address (AirGate

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 3-13

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide

Ad C) Connection of IB-Lite to Ethernet by using of static IP or to Internet by using of public static IP

Use this possibility when your IT department has a Static Ethernet IP at your disposal or when the
Static Public IP from your internet provider is available.

1. Turn on the controller.

2. Setup “Comms Settings” directly on the controller:

- Press button. Choose “Comms Settings” by using of arrows and

press .
- Setup items of “IBLite IP Addr”, “IBLite NetMask” and “IBLite GateIP” according to
information from your IT department (internal network) or internet provider (public
network). “IBLite DHCP” and “AirGate” has to be DISABLED.

“Comms Settings” of controller can be as well changed by using LiteEdit software via
IL-NT RS232, IL-NT RS232-485 or IL-NT S-USB communication modules.
Disconnect power source from the controller before exchanging the communication

3. Connect the IB-Lite to the router via UTP cable.

4. For connection with controller use LiteEdit or InteliMonitor software or just a web browser with
your WebSupervisor account (http://websupervisor.comap.cz) or simply embedded SCADA
WebServer with putting of public IP Address (“IBLite IP Addr”) into the address bar.

For more detail about communication of ComAp products, see the IL-NT, IA-NT, IC-NT
Communication Guide as published on ComAp download centre.

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014 3-14

InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Protection Relay for Parallel Applications

Reference Guide

SW version 1.5, September 2014

Reference Guide

ComAp a.s.
Copyright © 2014 ComAp a.s. Kundratka 2359/17, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
Written by Petra Píclová Tel: +420 246 012 111, Fax: +420 246 316 647
Prague, Czech Republic E-mail: info@comap.cz, www.comap.cz
Table of contents
Table of contents ................................................................................................................................. 1
Library of binary inputs ............................................................................................................................. 8
Binary alarm and functional input configuration items .................................................................... 8
Alarm ............................................................................................................................................... 8
CB1 Feedback ................................................................................................................................. 9
CB2 Feedback ................................................................................................................................. 9
F.R. Button ...................................................................................................................................... 9
DC TripCircuit .................................................................................................................................. 9
Access Lock .................................................................................................................................... 9
Ext MF Relay ................................................................................................................................... 9
Block 1, Block 2 ............................................................................................................................... 9
CtrlHBeat sens .............................................................................................................................. 10
CB1 open....................................................................................................................................... 10
CB1 close ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Library of binary outputs ........................................................................................................................ 11
Common Alarm ............................................................................................................................. 11
Comm Trp...................................................................................................................................... 11
!Comm Trp..................................................................................................................................... 11
Bak Comm Trp .............................................................................................................................. 11
!Bak Comm Trp ............................................................................................................................. 11
Del Comm Trp ............................................................................................................................... 11
!Del Comm Trp .............................................................................................................................. 11
Trp 1 .............................................................................................................................................. 11
!Trp 1 ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Bak Trp 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 12
!Bak Trp 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Trp 2 .............................................................................................................................................. 12
!Trp 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Bak Trp 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 12
!Bak Trp 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 12
U<> Prot ........................................................................................................................................ 12
U< Prot .......................................................................................................................................... 12
U> Prot .......................................................................................................................................... 12
f<> Prot .......................................................................................................................................... 12
f< Prot ............................................................................................................................................ 13
f> Prot ............................................................................................................................................ 13
V Unb Prot ..................................................................................................................................... 13
V<Pos ............................................................................................................................................ 13
V>Neg ........................................................................................................................................... 13
PhaseRot Prot ............................................................................................................................... 13
VectorS Prot .................................................................................................................................. 13
ROCOF Prot .................................................................................................................................. 13
DOC Prot ....................................................................................................................................... 13
P Prot............................................................................................................................................. 13
PF Prot .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Ind PF Prot .................................................................................................................................... 13
Cap PF Prot ................................................................................................................................... 13
I> Prot ............................................................................................................................................ 13
NVD> Prot ..................................................................................................................................... 13
!NVD> Prot .................................................................................................................................... 14
NVD>> Prot ................................................................................................................................... 14
!NVD>> Prot .................................................................................................................................. 14
EFC Prot ........................................................................................................................................ 14
IGS Prot ......................................................................................................................................... 14
I Unb Prot ...................................................................................................................................... 14
DC Healthy .................................................................................................................................... 14
Watchdog ...................................................................................................................................... 14
InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014
InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Ctrl HeartBeat ................................................................................................................................ 14
MaxParTime .................................................................................................................................. 14
!MaxParTime ................................................................................................................................. 14
U Sig .............................................................................................................................................. 14
f Sig ............................................................................................................................................... 14
U Unb Sig ...................................................................................................................................... 15
LOM Sig......................................................................................................................................... 15
I> Sig ............................................................................................................................................. 15
I Unb Sig ........................................................................................................................................ 15
DOC Sig ........................................................................................................................................ 15
DOC Test....................................................................................................................................... 15
EFC >Sig ....................................................................................................................................... 15
IGS > Sig ....................................................................................................................................... 15
NVD Sig ......................................................................................................................................... 15
P Sig .............................................................................................................................................. 15
PF Sig ............................................................................................................................................ 16
Sync Check ................................................................................................................................... 16
AC Reclosing ................................................................................................................................. 16
CB1 Protection .............................................................................................................................. 16
CB2 Protection .............................................................................................................................. 16
Self Test ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Mains OK ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Avg V Prot ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Pole Slip Prot ................................................................................................................................. 16
Dyn Volt Prot ................................................................................................................................. 17
CtrlHBeat FD ................................................................................................................................. 17
QU Gen Prot .................................................................................................................................. 17
QU Mns Prot .................................................................................................................................. 17
CB1 ON Man ................................................................................................................................. 17
CB1 OFF Man ............................................................................................................................... 17
CB1 UV Coil .................................................................................................................................. 17
AL AIx Wrn/Trp, AL IOM AIx Wrn/Trp ........................................................................................... 17
AL Aux Volt .................................................................................................................................... 17
AL Common Wrn ........................................................................................................................... 17
AL Common Fls ............................................................................................................................. 17
AIx Wrn/Trp Sig, IOM AIxWrn/Trp Sig ........................................................................................... 17
BIx Status, IOM BIx Status ............................................................................................................ 17
RemoteControl1 - 8 ....................................................................................................................... 17
Library of setpoints ................................................................................................................................. 19
Basic Settings .................................................................................................................................... 19
ControllerName ............................................................................................................................. 19
Mains CT Ratio [A/5A] ................................................................................................................ 19
Mains CT Polar [FORWARD / REVERSE] ................................................................................. 19
EF CT Ratio [A/5A] ................................................................................................................... 19
Mains PT Ratio [V/V] .................................................................................................................. 19
Gen PT Ratio [V/V] ..................................................................................................................... 19
NomVolts Ph-N [V] ..................................................................................................................... 19
NomVolts Ph-Ph [V] ................................................................................................................... 20
Nominal Freq [Hz] ...................................................................................................................... 20
Nominal Power [kW] ................................................................................................................... 20
NominMainsCurr [A] .................................................................................................................. 20
Voltage Setup [Ph To N / Ph To Ph] .......................................................................................... 20
CB1 Prot Timer [s] ...................................................................................................................... 20
CB2 Prot Timer [s] ...................................................................................................................... 21
Start Trip [DISABLED / ENABLED] ......................................................................................... 21
Comms Settings ................................................................................................................................ 21
Contr. Addr .................................................................................................................................... 21
COM1 Mode [DIRECT / MODEM / MODBUS] ......................................................................... 21

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014
InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
COM2 Mode [DIRECT / MODEM / MODBUS] ......................................................................... 21
ModemIniString ............................................................................................................................. 22
ModbusComSpeed [9600 / 19200 / 38400 / 57600 bps] ........................................................... 22
CAN Bus Mode [32C / 8C] ......................................................................................................... 22
IBLite IP Addr ................................................................................................................................ 22
IBLite NetMask .............................................................................................................................. 22
IBLite GateIP ................................................................................................................................. 22
IBLite DHCP .................................................................................................................................. 22
IP Addr Mode ................................................................................................................................ 22
ComAp Port ................................................................................................................................... 22
APN Name..................................................................................................................................... 22
APN UserName ............................................................................................................................. 22
APN UserPass .............................................................................................................................. 22
AirGate .......................................................................................................................................... 22
AirGate IP ...................................................................................................................................... 23
SMTP UserName .......................................................................................................................... 23
SMTP UserPass ............................................................................................................................ 23
SMTP Server IP ............................................................................................................................ 23
Contr MailBox ................................................................................................................................ 23
Time Zone ..................................................................................................................................... 23
DNS IP Address ............................................................................................................................ 23
General .............................................................................................................................................. 23
ProtActiv Del [s] ......................................................................................................................... 23
BackupTrp Del ............................................................................................................................... 23
Comm Trp Del ............................................................................................................................... 23
Comm Trp Len .............................................................................................................................. 24
Auto FR [DISABLED / ON DEACT / CB1+CB2=0 / NOFAULT+DEL] ....................................... 24
Auto FR Del [s] ......................................................................................................................... 24
Prio Switching [DISABLED / CB1 -> CB2 / CB1 <- CB2 / CB1 <-> CB2] .................................. 24
IPro-SW Key .................................................................................................................................. 24
Aux V<> ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Aux >V [V] ................................................................................................................................. 24
Aux <V [V] ................................................................................................................................. 25
Aux V Del [s] ............................................................................................................................. 25
V <> ................................................................................................................................................... 25
V>, V>>, V<, V<< [V] .................................................................................................................. 25
V> Del, V>> Del, V< Del, V<< Del [s] ......................................................................................... 25
Rst V [+/- 0% V<> , +/- 4% V<>, 95%NomVol] ......................................................................... 25
Avg V > [V] ................................................................................................................................ 26
V Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] ................................................................................ 26
V Unb ................................................................................................................................................. 26
V Unb [%Un] ........................................................................................................................... 26
V< Pos [%Un] ........................................................................................................................... 26
V> Neg [%Un] ........................................................................................................................... 26
V Unb Del [s] ............................................................................................................................. 26
V Unb Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] ........................................................................... 26
PhaseRotation [CW / CCW / ANY] ................................................................................................ 26
Ph Rot Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] .......................................................................... 27
Dyn Volt ............................................................................................................................................. 27
V Lim 1, V Lim 2, V Lim 3 [% Un] ............................................................................................... 27
Delay 1, Delay 2, Delay 3 [s] ...................................................................................................... 27
Reset Time [s] ....................................................................................................................... 27
DynVoltTrpBO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] .......................................................................... 27
QU...................................................................................................................................................... 27
V< [%Un] ................................................................................................................................ 27
Rst V< [%Un] ........................................................................................................................... 27
I Min ............................................................................................................................................... 28
Q Min [%S] .............................................................................................................................. 28

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014
InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
QU Del 1 [s] ............................................................................................................................. 28
QU Del 2 [s] ............................................................................................................................. 28
QU Trp Gen ................................................................................................................................... 28
QU Trp Mns [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] .......................................................................... 28
f<> ...................................................................................................................................................... 28
f>, f>>, f<, f<< [Hz] ..................................................................................................................... 28
f> del, f>> del, f< del, f<< del [s] ........................................................................................... 28
Rst f< [100% f< / +0,2% f< / 47,5 Hz] ..................................................................................... 29
Rst f> [100% f> / -0,2% f> / 50,05 Hz] .................................................................................... 29
f Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] ................................................................................ 29
LOM ................................................................................................................................................... 29
Vs Lim [°] .................................................................................................................................. 29
ROCOF [Hz/s] ............................................................................................................................ 29
ROCOF filt [-] .............................................................................................................................. 29
LOM Init Del [s] ......................................................................................................................... 30
LOM Trip Del [s] ......................................................................................................................... 30
LOM Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] ........................................................................... 30
I> ........................................................................................................................................................ 30
I>, I>> [%In] ............................................................................................................................. 30
I> Del , I>> Del [s] ................................................................................................................... 30
I Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] ................................................................................ 30
I> T ..................................................................................................................................................... 30
I> T Del [s] ................................................................................................................................. 30
I> T Curve ...................................................................................................................................... 30
I> T Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] ........................................................................... 31
I> V .................................................................................................................................................... 31
I> V Del [s] ................................................................................................................................. 31
I> V Curve ..................................................................................................................................... 31
I> V Control [%Un] ................................................................................................................... 31
I> V Restraint [DISABLED / ENABLED] ..................................................................................... 31
I> V Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] ........................................................................... 31
I Unb .................................................................................................................................................. 32
I Unb [%In] ................................................................................................................................ 32
IMinDiffEval [%In] .................................................................................................................... 32
I Unb Del [s] ............................................................................................................................. 32
I> V Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] ........................................................................... 32
DOC ................................................................................................................................................... 32
NominGenCurr [A] ...................................................................................................................... 32
DOC> [%In] ............................................................................................................................. 32
DOC> Del [s] ............................................................................................................................. 32
DOC Test [DISABLED / ENABLED] ......................................................................................... 32
DOC Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] ........................................................................... 33
EFC .................................................................................................................................................... 33
EFC> Lim [%In] ......................................................................................................................... 33
EFC> Del [s] ............................................................................................................................. 33
EFC> T Lim [%In] .................................................................................................................... 33
EFC> T Del [s] ........................................................................................................................ 33
EFC> T Curve ............................................................................................................................... 33
EFC Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] ........................................................................... 34
IGS ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
IGS> Lim [mA] ......................................................................................................................... 34
IGS> Del [s] ............................................................................................................................. 34
IGS> T Lim [mA] ..................................................................................................................... 34
IGS> T Del [s] ........................................................................................................................ 34
IGS> T Curve ................................................................................................................................ 34
IGS Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] ........................................................................... 34
NVD ................................................................................................................................................... 35
NVD> [V] ................................................................................................................................ 35

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
NVD> Del [s] ............................................................................................................................. 35
NVD>> [V] ................................................................................................................................. 35
NVD>> Del [s] ......................................................................................................................... 35
Rst NVD......................................................................................................................................... 35
NVD Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] ........................................................................... 35
P......................................................................................................................................................... 35
P>, P>> [%Pn] ............................................................................................................................ 35
P> Del, P>> Del [s] ..................................................................................................................... 35
P> Direction, P>> Direction [UNDER / OVER] ........................................................................... 36
P Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] ................................................................................ 36
Mains Pwr 1…8 [%Pn] .............................................................................................................. 36
Filter Delay [s] ............................................................................................................................... 36
PF ...................................................................................................................................................... 36
Ind PF limit [-] ................................................................................................................................ 36
Ind PF Del [s] ................................................................................................................................. 36
Cap PF limit [-] ............................................................................................................................... 37
Cap PF Del [s] ............................................................................................................................... 37
PF Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] ............................................................................... 37
Sync Check ........................................................................................................................................ 37
Upper V Lim [%Un] ................................................................................................................... 37
Lower V Lim [%Un] ................................................................................................................... 37
Voltage Window [%Un] ............................................................................................................... 37
Phase Window [°] ....................................................................................................................... 37
Freq Window [Hz] ...................................................................................................................... 38
Dwell Time [s] ........................................................................................................................ 38
DeadVm HotVsc [ENABLED / DISABLED] ................................................................................ 38
HotVm DeadVsc [ENABLED / DISABLED] ................................................................................ 38
DeadVm DeadVsc [ENABLED / DISABLED] ............................................................................. 38
Block By AR [ENABLED / DISABLED] ..................................................................................... 38
Dead V Lim [%Un] .................................................................................................................. 38
Dead T Del [s] ........................................................................................................................ 39
SynC Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] ........................................................................... 39
AC Reclosing ..................................................................................................................................... 39
AR Delay [s] ............................................................................................................................. 39
Rec Initiate [Common / Trp 1 / Trp 2] .................................................................................... 39
No.AC Reclose [-] .......................................................................................................................... 39
AC Rec Timer [s] ........................................................................................................................... 39
AC Rec FR Del [s] ......................................................................................................................... 40
Pole Slip ............................................................................................................................................. 40
Gear Teeth [-] ........................................................................................................................ 40
Nominal RPM [-] ........................................................................................................................ 40
Pole Slip Lim [°] ........................................................................................................................ 40
PS Trp BO [ Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None ] .............................................................................. 40
MaxParallTime ................................................................................................................................... 40
MaxParallTime [s] ....................................................................................................................... 40
MaxPT Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None] ......................................................................... 40
CU Analog In ..................................................................................................................................... 41
CU AI1 Wrn, CU AI2 Wrn, CU AI3 Wrn......................................................................................... 41
CU AI1 Trp, CU AI2 Trp, CU AI3 Trp ............................................................................................ 41
CU AI1 Del, CU AI2 Del, CU AI3 Del [s] .................................................................................... 41
CU AI1 BlockBI, CU AI2 BlockBI, CU AI3 BlockBI [Block 1 / Block 2 / Block 1+2 / None] ........ 41
IOM Analog In .................................................................................................................................... 41
IOM AI1 Wrn, IOM AI2 Wrn, IOM AI3 Wrn, IOM AI4 Wrn ............................................................. 41
IOM AI1 Trp, IOM AI2 Trp, IOM AI3 Trp, IOM AI4 Trp .................................................................. 41
IOM AI1 Del, IOM AI2 Del, IOM AI3 Del, IOM AI4 Del [s] .......................................................... 41
IOM AI1 BlockBI, IOM AI2 BlockBI, IOM AI3 BlockBI, IOM AI4 BlockBI [Block 1 / Block 2 /
Block 1+2 / None] 41
SMS/E-Mail ........................................................................................................................................ 42

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Wrn Alarm Msg [OFF/ ON] ......................................................................................................... 42
Trp Alarm Msg [OFF/ ON] .......................................................................................................... 42
TelNo/Addr Ch1, TelNo/Addr Ch2 ................................................................................................. 42
Date/Time .......................................................................................................................................... 42
TimeStamp Per [min] .................................................................................................................. 42
#SummerTimeMod [DISABLED / WINTER / SUMMER, WINTER-S, SUMMER-S] .................. 42
#Time [HHMMSS] ................................................................................................................... 42
#Date [DDMMYY] .................................................................................................................. 42
Sensors Spec .................................................................................................................................... 43
AI1Calibration, AI2Calibration, AI3Calibration, IOM AI1 Calibr, IOM AI2 Calibr, IOM AI3 Calibr,
IOM AI4 Calibr ............................................................................................................................... 43
Library of alarm messages ..................................................................................................................... 44
List of Values .......................................................................................................................................... 46
Mains Measured ............................................................................................................................ 46
Mains Power .................................................................................................................................. 46
LOM ............................................................................................................................................... 47
NVD ............................................................................................................................................... 47
Sync Check ................................................................................................................................... 47
Pole Slip ........................................................................................................................................ 47
Controller I/O ................................................................................................................................. 47
Extension I/O ................................................................................................................................. 48
Statistics ........................................................................................................................................ 48
Date/Time ...................................................................................................................................... 48
InteliPro Info .................................................................................................................................. 48
List of EMC tests .................................................................................................................................... 49
Technical data ........................................................................................................................................ 50
Power supply ................................................................................................................................. 50
Operating conditions ..................................................................................................................... 50
Physical dimensions ...................................................................................................................... 50
Standard conformity ...................................................................................................................... 50
Binary inputs .................................................................................................................................. 50
Binary outputs ............................................................................................................................... 51
Analog inputs ................................................................................................................................. 51
Mains measurements .................................................................................................................... 51
NVD and Sync Check measurement ............................................................................................ 51
Remote communication interface .................................................................................................. 52
Extesion modules interface ........................................................................................................... 52
Interface to other controllers.......................................................................................................... 52
Relay Card CT2-REL2 .................................................................................................................. 52
Recommended CAN cables .......................................................................................................... 53

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Library of binary inputs
Binary alarm and functional input configuration items
Binary Alarm configuration items:
Check this radio button to configure an
alarm on a binary signal

Input name

Select the alarm type according to the table


Select whether the alarm activates on

opening (NC) or at closing (NO) of the input

Functional input configuration items:

Check this radio button to configure a

function on a binary signal

Input function

Select whether the function activates on

opening (NC) or at closing (NO) of the input

If the input is closed (or opened), the configured binary alarm is activated.
Alarm types:
Setting Explanation
Warning No trip, in case of activation, warning appears in the alarm list
Comm Trp Only Comm Trp output is activated in case of binary alarm
Trp 1 Trp 1 output is activated in case of binary alarm
Trp 2 Trp 2 output is activated in case of binary alarm

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Setting Explanation
Trp 1+2 Both Trp 1 and Trp 2 outputs are activated in case of binary alarm

CB1 Feedback
This input indicates, whether the circuit breaker CB1 is open or closed. It is expected that this breaker
opens in case of CommTrp and Trp 1 activation. If it is configured in the unit and it does not open,
CB1 fail is indicated.
In general, this breaker corresponds to the "Mains Circuit Breaker" = MCB in the ComAp controllers
applications. Together with CB2 it indicates, whether the installation is in "parallel to mains" state (both
CB1 Feedback and CB2 Feedback are closed) or in island mode (one or both of CB1 Feedback or
CB2 Feedback are open).

CB2 Feedback
This input indicates, whether the circuit breaker CB2 is open or closed. It is expected that this breaker
opens in case of Trp 2 activation. If it is configured in the unit and it does not open, CB2 fail is
This breaker can, but does not necessarily have to correspond to the "Generator Circuit breaker" =
GCB as used in the ComAp controllers applications. In such case, together with CB1 it indicates,
whether the installation is in "parallel to mains" state (both CB1 Feedback and CB2 Feedback are
closed) or in island mode (one or both of CB1 Feedback or CB2 Feedback are open).

F.R. Button
Activation of this binary input causes fault reset. The input has the same effect as pushing the Fault

Reset button . If permanently activated, every 100ms an impulse to reset the fault is sent
internally within the unit.

DC TripCircuit
Evaluation of DC trip circuit state. When the input closes, history record is made and a message "Wrn
DCTripCirc" appears in the Alarmlist.

Access Lock
If the input is closed, no setpoints can be adjusted from controller front panel.

Access lock does not protect setpoints from LiteEdit. To avoid unqualified changes the selected
setpoints can be password protected.

Ext MF Relay
The input serves for reading the state of external mains failure relay for the purpose of controlling the
NVD protection stage. Its activation means that the external relay has detected a mains failure. If the
input is active, NVD trip outputs are blocked. To unblock the NVD protection, it is necessary not only
to deactivate the Ext MF Relay input, but also to deactivate the feedback of the circuit breaker, which
is operated by the NVD protection stage. If the input changes its state, history record is made. There is
no Alarmlist record or trip protection connected with this input. See description of this lockout in
Neutral Voltage Displacement chapter.

Block 1, Block 2
These inputs are used to disable a certain protection stage. To allow disabling/enabling the protection
stage by these inputs, assign them to this protection stage by setpoint Block BI. Enabling the
connected protection is delayed by time given by setpoint ProtActiv Del. Please note that the Block
inputs trigger immediate fault reset in the moment of their activation and deactivation.

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
CtrlHBeat sens
This input is used to control if an appropriate controller is working. This input is wired to the output
CtrlHBeat of some controller. In case there is no signal coming from this controller, the binary output
CtrlHBeat FD is activated.

CB1 open
Binary input CB1 open is used to remotely open circuit breaker via InteliPro. As soon as this input is
activated, the binary output CB1 OFF Man will be activated.

CB1 close
Binary input CB1 close is used to remotely closen circuit breaker via InteliPro. As soon as this input is
activated, the binary output CB1 ON Man will be activated.

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Library of binary outputs
Some binary output signals are provided in both positive and negative logic in order to follow the
requirements of the application:

• Due to increased safety requirements, some protective relays require that negative logic is
used, assuring that loss off power supply always causes the relay to trip. I.e. the relay
contacts are used, with fault-free position maintained in energized state. In case of power
supply fail, the unit goes to “fault” indication position. The outputs using negative logic are
marked with exclamation mark "!" as the first character of their name.
• In some applications, the negative logic is not a required functionality. The function of opening
the circuit breaker in case of loss of power supply is not accepted as a safety point and the
safety is assured by different means e.g. in the superior system or within the protection relays
intertripping scheme. In such case, the outputs with positive logic (without the exclamation
mark) can be used to signal the detected failure state.

Common Alarm

The output closes in case any alarm comes up. The output opens if Fault Reset button is

Comm Trp
Common output of all built-in protections, activates whenever any of protections trips. Resets
automatically when automatic fault reset function is activated, otherwise has to be reset manually

using the Fault Reset button.

!Comm Trp
Inverted polarity of the Comm Trp signal.

Bak Comm Trp

Output for back-up CB trip contact. Closes if Comm Trp is active and CB1 Feedback doesn't
deactivate within BackupTrip del. Resets automatically when AutoFaultReset function is activated,

otherwise has to be reset manually using Fault Reset button. If any of the CB1 Feedback,
Bak Comm Trp or !Bak Comm Trp outputs is not configured on any physical input or output, this
function is blocked.

!Bak Comm Trp

Inverted polarity of the Bak Comm Trp signal.

Del Comm Trp

Common output for all protections producing delayed pulse of defined length (see Comm Trp Del and
Comm Trp Len).

!Del Comm Trp

Inverted polarity of the Del Comm Trp signal.

Trp 1
Trip output assignable to different protection stages by setpoint xxx Trp BO (e.g. V Trp BO). It
activates whenever any assigned protection trips. It resets automatically when AutoFaultReset

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
function is activated otherwise has to be reset manually using Fault Reset button. This output is
expected to trip the CB1 breaker, i.e. deactivation of the CB1 Feedback signal is expected after Trip 1.

!Trp 1
Inverted polarity of the Trp 1 signal.

Bak Trp 1
Output for back-up CB1 trip contact. Closes if TRP 1 is active and CB1 Feedback doesn't deactivate
within BackupTrip Del. Resets automatically when AutoFaultReset function is activated, otherwise has

to be reset manually using Fault Reset button. If any of the CB1 Feedback, Bak Trp 1 or
!Bak Trp 1 outputs is not configured on any physical input or output, this function is blocked.

!Bak Trp 1
Inverted polarity of the Bak Trp 1 signal.

Trp 2
Trip output assignable to different protection stages by setpoint xxx Trp BO (e.g. V Trp BO). It
activates whenever any assigned protection trips. It resets automatically when AutoFaultReset

function is activated otherwise has to be reset manually using Fault Reset button. This output is
expected to trip the CB2 breaker, i.e. deactivation of the CB2 Feedback signal is expected after Trip 2.

!Trp 2
Inverted polarity of the Trp 2 signal.

Bak Trp 2
Output for back-up CB2 trip contact. Closes if TRP 2 is active and CB2 Feedback doesn't deactivate
within BackupTrip Del. Resets automatically when AutoFaultReset function is activated, otherwise has

to be reset manually using Fault Reset button. If any of the CB2 Feedback, Bak Trp 2 or
!Bak Trp 2 outputs is not configured on any physical input or output, this function is blocked.

!Bak Trp 2
Inverted polarity of the Bak Trp 2 signal.

U<> Prot
Separate output for voltage protection stages. It is active if any of the protections: undervoltage or
overvoltage is active or not acknowledged by Fault Reset.

U< Prot
Separate output for undervoltage protection. Active if the undervoltage protection is active or not
acknowledged by Fault Reset.

U> Prot
Separate output for overvoltage protection. Active if the overvoltage protection is active or not
acknowledged by Fault Reset.

f<> Prot
Separate output for frequency protection stages. It is active if any of the frequency protection stages
(underfrequency, overfrequency) is active or not acknowledged by Fault Reset.
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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
f< Prot
Separate output for underfrequency protection. Active if the underfrequency protection is active or not
acknowledged by Fault Reset.

f> Prot
Separate output for overfrequency protection. Active if the overfrequency protection is active or not
acknowledged by Fault Reset.

V Unb Prot
Separate output for voltage unbalance protection.

Separate output for positive sequence undervoltage protection.

Separate output for negative sequence overvoltage protection.

PhaseRot Prot
Separate output for phase sequence protection.

VectorS Prot
Separate output for vector shift protection.

Separate output for ROCOF protection.

DOC Prot
Separate output for directional overcurrent protection.

P Prot
Separate output for mains reverse power protection.

PF Prot
Separate output for power factor protection. It is active if any of the protections: inductive or capacitive
power factor is active or not acknowledged by Fault Reset.

Ind PF Prot
Separate output for inductive power factor protection. Active if the inductive power factor protection is
active or not acknowledged by Fault Reset.

Cap PF Prot
Separate output for capacitive power factor protection. Active if the capacitive power factor protection
is active or not acknowledged by Fault Reset.

I> Prot
Separate output for overcurrent (ANSI 50 and 51) protection.

NVD> Prot
Separate output for 1 stage of neutral voltage displacement protection.

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
!NVD> Prot
Separate output for inverted signal of 1 stage of Neutral Voltage Displacement protection.

NVD>> Prot
Separate output for 2 stage neutral voltage displacement protection.

!NVD>> Prot
Separate output for inverted signal of 2 stage of Neutral Voltage Displacement protection.

EFC Prot
Separate output for earth fault current (ANSI 50N and 51N) protection.

IGS Prot
Separate output for ground surge current (ANSI 50GS and 51GS) protection.

I Unb Prot
Separate output for current unbalance protection.

DC Healthy
The output is closed all the time when auxiliary voltage is within the limits (Aux protect: Aux >V
and Aux protect: Aux <V). The output opens when Aux voltage is failed or out of setpoint limits.

This output is activated when Watchdog event occurs. The alarm message “Wrn Watchdog” is
displayed and the output Watchdog stays opened after the controller’s restart due to watchdog reset of

the controller until the Fault Reset button is pushed.

Ctrl HeartBeat
The output provides alternating signal with rate 500 ms active / 500 ms inactive while the unit is in
operation. If the output does not provide the signal it may indicate that the unit is switched off,
damaged, the firmware is incorrect or missing, or Watchdog is activated.

Separate output of the short term parallel protection closes after the timer MaxParallTime has elapsed
and both CB1 Feedback and CB2 Feedback remain closed.

Separate output for inverted signal of short term parallel protection.

U Sig
Signalling output of "out of limit" voltage according to the setting in V<> group.
Activates immediately in the moment of fault conditions (does not wait until delay times out).
Deactivates in the moment when the measured values are back in limits. Fault reset has no effect on
this output.

f Sig
Signalling output of "out of limit" frequency according to the setting in f<> group.
Activates immediately in the moment of fault conditions (does not wait until delay times out).
Deactivates in the moment when the measured values are back in limits. Fault reset has no effect on
this output.

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
U Unb Sig
Signalling output of voltage unbalance according to the setting of V Unb group.
Activates immediately in the moment of fault conditions (does not wait until delay times out).
Deactivates in the moment when the measured values are back in limits. Fault reset has no effect on
this output.

Signalling of protection stages Vector Shift or ROCOF according to the setting in LOM group.
Activates immediately in the moment when fault conditions are detected. Deactivates after LOM Trip
Del has elapsed. Fault reset has no effect on this output.

I> Sig
Signalling of overcurrent protections stages according to the setting in I>, I> T and I> V group.
Activates immediately in the moment of fault conditions (does not wait until delay times out).
Deactivates in the moment when the measured values are back in limits. Fault reset has no effect on
this output.

I Unb Sig
Signalling of current unbalance according to the setting in I Unb group. Activates immediately in the
moment of fault conditions (does not wait until delay times out). Deactivates in the moment when the
measured values are back in limits. Fault reset has no effect on this output.

Signalling of directional overcurrent protection. Activates immediately in the moment of fault conditions
(does not wait until delay times out). Deactivates in the moment when the measured values are back
in limits. Fault reset has no effect on this output.

DOC Test
Test output for directional overcurrent protection. When the setpoint DOC Test is set to ENABLED, the
directional overcurrent protection activates this output even if standard activating conditions are not
fulfilled. This is to allow full quadrant range test of this protection – this output stays active all the time
the protection senses the corresponding quadrant and magnitude of the current. Activating DOC test
does blocks the regular function of the ANSI 67 directional overcurrent protection stage!

EFC >Sig
Signalling of earth fault over current condition according the setting in EFC group. Activates
immediately in the moment of fault conditions (does not wait until delay times out). Deactivates in the
moment when the measured values are back in limits. Fault reset has no effect on this output.

IGS > Sig

Signalling of ground surge protection according the setting in IGS group. Activates immediately in the
moment of fault conditions (does not wait until delay times out). Deactivates in the moment when the
measured values are back in limits. Fault reset has no effect on this output.

Signalling of neutral voltage displacement conditions according the setting in NVD group. Activates
immediately in the moment of fault conditions (does not wait until delay times out). Deactivates in the
moment when the measured values are back in limits. Fault reset has no effect on this output.

P Sig
Signalling of out off limit power according the setting in P group. Activates immediately in the moment
of fault conditions (does not wait until delay times out). Deactivates in the moment when the measured
values are back in limits. Fault reset has no effect on this output.

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
PF Sig
Signalling output of "out of limit" power factor according to the setting in PF group.
Activates immediately at the moment of fault conditions (does not wait until delay times out).
Deactivates in the moment when the measured values are back in limits. Fault reset has no effect on
this output.

Sync Check
Binary output related to ANSI 25 Synchro check. The output is active in either of the following cases:
- voltage, frequency and phase condition are met and dwell time is over according to the setting
in Sync Check group
- connection to dead line or bus are enabled and the voltage is under Dead Voltage limit for the
dwell time

AC Reclosing
Binary output related to ANSI 79 AC Reclosing. The output closes AR Delay after power-up of the unit.
The output opens immediately when the appropriate trip event appears. The trip, which is considered
for the reclosing function is selected by the setpoint AC Reclosing: Rec Initiate. The output closes
again with the pre-set delay after the trip state terminates.

CB1 Protection
The output is normally energized for the complete duration of the unit operation. It de-energizes
immediately after CB1 Feedback goes from activated position to zero. It keeps de-activated for Basic
settings: CB1 Prot Timer.

CB2 Protection
The output is normally energized for the complete duration of the unit operation. It de-energizes
immediately after CB2 Feedback goes from activated position to zero. It keeps de-activated for Basic
settings: CB2 Prot Timer.

Self Test
This input indicates normal operation of the unit.
the output is closed:
- after power-up of the unit, when the SW application starts successfully and watchdog was not
- If the watchdog was detected, the watchdog alarm is set. In this case, the output closes only
after fault reset, when the watchdog alarm is cleared.
- when the auxiliary voltage is restored over Aux Low level state.
the output is open:
- when power fail is detected (low auxiliary voltage even)
- in case of watchdog reset
- when the unit is being programmed
- when the unit is switched off

Mains OK
This output indicates that the mains is healthy. The output is closed while all mains electrical
parameters are in limits. The output deactivates immediately as soon as any of the mains protections
is activated. As soon as all mains parameters are in limits again, the output closes immediately.

Avg V Prot
The output activates in case that average overvoltage protection is activated.

Pole Slip Prot

The output activates in case that the pole slip protection is activated.

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Dyn Volt Prot
The output activates in case that the dynamic voltage protection is activated.

CtrlHBeat FD
Output for signalization of the Heartbeat feedback. The output is activated in case there is no
Heartbeat signal from an appropriate controller coming to the binary input CtrlHBeat sens.

QU Gen Prot
Separate output for the “QU” protection to open the GCB.

QU Mns Prot
Separate output for the “QU” protection to open the MCB

CB1 ON Man
Binary output CB1 ON MAN provides 2 seconds long pulse for closing coils of the circuit breaker.


Binary output CB1 OFF MAN provides pulse for opening coils of the circuit breaker. The pulse lasts
until the CB feedback deactivates, but its minimum length is 2 seconds.

CB1 UV Coil
The CB1 UV Coil output is used for control of undervoltage coils of circuit breakers and is active the
whole time when gen-set is running (circuit breaker is closed) or the controller is switched on, and
deactivates for the time determined by the length of the CB OFF Man output activation.

AL AIx Wrn/Trp, AL IOM AIx Wrn/Trp

The outputs are available to indicate warning or trip, caused by any of the analog inputs on InteliPro
unit, or on IOM extension module, where "x" marks the number of the analog input. The output is
activated in the moment when the appropriate AI warning/trip event is issued and stays activated until
the alarm message disappears from the alarm list.

AL Aux Volt
The output activates in case of the Warning-type alarm of the power supply over- or undervoltage.

AL Common Wrn
The output activates in case of any Warning-type alarm.

AL Common Fls
The output activates in case of any sensor-fail on the analog inputs.

AIx Wrn/Trp Sig, IOM AIxWrn/Trp Sig

The outputs are activated in the moment when the appropriate protection threshold is exceeded
without any delay. The outputs stay active all the dime when faulty condition last. The outputs
deactivate when the AI value gets back within limits. Fault reset has no effect on these outputs.

BIx Status, IOM BIx Status

The outputs correspond to the status of the physical inputs of the unit or the IG-IOM or IGS-PTM
extension module respectively.

RemoteControl1 - 8
Eight logical binary outputs, controlled via communication:

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide

These outputs are controlled remotely by setting the value of communication object 10627
RemoteControl via communication. It is also possible to control them from InteliMonitor PC

Mains Pwr 1 - 8
Eight logical binary outputs activated if limits set in appropriate setpoints “Mains Pwr 1-8” in the group
“P” are violated.
Mains Pwr 1
Mains Pwr 2
Mains Pwr 3
Mains Pwr 4
Mains Pwr 5
Mains Pwr 6
Mains Pwr 7
Mains Pwr 8

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Library of setpoints
Password protection
Each setpoint can be protected by password against unauthorized change. The password protection
can be assigned to the setpoints during the configuration procedure. See the chapter Control and
navigation Pushbuttons - basic operation for instructions how to enter and modify password. See also
LiteEdit help to learn about working with password in LiteEdit.

Basic Settings
User defined name, used for InteliPro identification. ControllerName is max 14 characters long and
has to be entered manually using LiteEdit software.
Default setting: InteliPro

Mains CT Ratio [A/5A]

Mains current transformers ratio.
Step: 1 A/5A
Range: 1 – 25000 A/5A
Default setting: 400 A/5A


In case the current transformers are wired with an opposite polarity and the change of the wiring is not
possible the user can switch the sign to the “right” (opposite) polarity in order to have the correct
direction. This will influence the sign of all variables related to current measurement.
FORWARD: does not have any effect on the measured current, use in case of correct wiring
REVERSE: the sign of the measured current will be switched, use in case of opposite wiring
Default setting: FOEWARD

EF CT Ratio [A/5A]
Current transformer ratio for earth fault current.
Step: 1 A/5A
Range: 1 – 8000 A/5A
Default setting: 400 A/5A

Mains PT Ratio [V/V]

Mains potential (voltage) transformers ratio.
Step: 0,01 V/V
Range: 0,01 – 500,00 V/V
Default setting: 1,00 V/V

Gen PT Ratio [V/V]

Generator potential (voltage) transformer ratio.
Step: 0,1 V/V
Range: 0,1 - 500,0 V/V
Default setting: 1,0 V/V

NomVolts Ph-N [V]

Nominal mains voltage (phase to neutral).
Step: 1V
Range: 80 – 23094 V
Default setting: 231 V

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
If the value of NomVolts Ph-N is changed, the value of NomVolts Ph-Ph is automatically recalculated
and stored in NomVolts Ph-Ph setpoint.

NomVolts Ph-Ph [V]

Nominal mains voltage (phase to phase).
Step: 1V
Range: 80 – 40000 V
Default setting: 400 V

If the value of NomVolts Ph-Ph is changed, value of NomVolts Ph-N is automatically recalculated and
stored in NomVolts Ph-N setpoint.

Nominal Freq [Hz]

Nominal mains frequency.
Step: 1 Hz
Range: 45 – 65 Hz
Default setting: 50 Hz

Nominal Power [kW]

Nominal power of the protected mains feeder.
Step: 1 kW
Range: 0 – 32000 kW
Default setting: 200 kW

NominMainsCurr [A]
Nominal mains feeder current. Serves for Ishort and Earth Fault current protections’ evaluation.
Step: 1A
Range: 0 - 32000 A
Default setting: 288 A

Voltage Setup [Ph To N / Ph To Ph]

Method of voltage evaluation. Setting of this setpoint indicates, whether the voltage protections and
control functions are calculated from phase-to-neutral or phase-to-phase voltage.
Ph To N protection is based on phase-to-neutral voltage evaluation
Ph To Ph protection is based on phase-to-phase voltage evaluation
Default setting: Ph To N

Setting of this setpoint influences evaluation methods of the following protection stages:
- Sync Check (ANSI 25)
- Time Over Current With Voltage Control (ANSI 51V)
- Over Voltage (ANSI 59)
- Under Voltage (ANSI 27)
- Volt (Un)Balance (ANSI 47)

CB1 Prot Timer [s]

Setting of the CB1 Protection timer. For this time after CB1 Feedback de-energization, the output CB1
Protection keeps in de-energized state to prevent premature breaker closing. After this time it goes
back to energized state.
Step: 1s
Range: 1 - 60 s
0 = OFF, CB1 protection function is disabled
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Default setting: 0 s

CB2 Prot Timer [s]

Setting of the CB2 Protection timer. For this time after CB2 Feedback de-energization, the output CB2
Protection keeps in de-energized state to prevent premature breaker closing. After this time it goes
back to energized state.
Step: 1s
Range: 1 - 60 s
0 = OFF, CB2 protection function is disabled
Default setting: 0 s


InteliPro supports start into the TRIP state after re-connection of the power supply if the setpoint Start
Trip is set to ENABLED. The unit goes to TRIP state immediately after the auxiliary power is restored.
If all values are within their limits, it is possible to perform Fault Reset when the FR Del time is up. If
there is a fault present, it must be cleared first, then the Fault Reset performed and only then the
outputs are set to fault-free state.
If disabled, the unit will after power supply restoration return to fault-free state.
DISABLED: function is disabled
ENABLED: function is enabled

Comms Settings
Contr. Addr
Unit identification address number. In case of connection to CAN bus together with other ComAp
controllers, different address than that of the controllers has to be entered.
Range: 1 - 32
Default: 1


Switch, defining what protocol/mode of communication is used on the plug-in communication module.
DIRECT: InteliPro (LiteEdit) communication protocol
MODEM: Analog or GSM modem
MODBUS : InteliPro Modbus protocol
Default setting: DIRECT

For a module, providing 2 communication channels, this switch defines the communication on the first
channel (RS232 in case of IL-NT RS232-485).


Switch, defining what protocol/mode of communication is used on the second communication channel
of a plug-in communication module.
DIRECT: InteliPro (LiteEdit) communication protocol
MODEM: Analog or GSM modem
MODBUS : InteliPro Modbus protocol
Default setting: DIRECT
For a module, providing 2 communication channels, this switch defines the communication on the
second channel (RS485 in case of IL-NT RS232-485).

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Auxiliary modem initialization string – executed after the default modem initialization string in case of
modem communication.

ModbusComSpeed [9600 / 19200 / 38400 / 57600 bps]

Adjusting of the speed of Modbus communication
Default setting: 9600 bps

CAN Bus Mode [32C / 8C]

CAN bus speed selection. Use this setpoint in case that you operate InteliPro together with other
ComAp contollers connected via CAN bus.
32C: High speed CAN (250 kbps) applicable up to 32 controllers, CAN bus length limited up
to 200 meters.
8C: Low speed CAN (50 kbps) applicable up to 8 controllers, CAN bus length limited up to
900 meters.
Default setting: 32C

IBLite IP Addr
IP address of IB-Lite module

IBLite NetMask
IB-Lite network mask

IBLite GateIP
IP address of gateway for IB-Lite

automatic IP address assignment through DHCP server

IP Addr Mode
FIXED or AUTOMATIC mode of IP address assignment

ComAp Port
Port for ComAp communication over IB-Lite or IL-NT-GPRS module

APN Name
name of APN access point for GPRS network.

APN UserName
user name for APN access point.

APN UserPass
user password for APN access point.
All 3 setpoints above shall be provided by GSM/GPRS operator.

Communication mode of internet connection
You should disable AirGate mode in case you would like to use standard internet connection using IP

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AirGate IP
IP address of AirGate server (used in AirGate mode)

SMTP UserName
User name or name of e-mail account for verification of e-mail sender on SMTP server. If parameter
left empty, no verification is expected. Works for IB-Lite only.

SMTP UserPass
User password of e-mail account for verification of e-mail sender on SMTP server. If parameter left
empty, no verification is expected. Works for IB-Lite only.

SMTP Server IP
IP address of SMTP server. Works for IB-Lite only.

Contr MailBox
E-mail address used as “Sender” of alarm e-mails from IB-Lite
If SMTP server requires verification of sender, e-mail address has to be registered to SMTP server
and setpoints “SMTP UserName” and “SMTP UserPass” has to be setted to correct values.

Time Zone
List of time zones used for time reference.

DNS IP Address
IP address of Domain Name Server.

This group contains general setting of the unit and its protective functions.

ProtActiv Del [s]

Common delay to activate for the protection stages set to PARALLEL after CB1 Feedback and CB2
Feedback inputs are closed. The delay applies in case of deactivation of Block 1 or Block 2 inputs at
the protection stages that are blocked by these inputs.
Step: 0,1s
Range: 0 – 30 s
Default setting: 2,0 s

BackupTrp Del
Time period reserved for circuit breaker opening. If trip event occurs and the appropriate CB Feedback
does not deactivate within this period, the breaker is considered as "failed to open". Bak Com Trp
output is activated and in case that the functionality of CB backup are set-up, the appropriate actions
are taken.
Step: 0,01s
Range: 0,00 – 10,00 s
Default setting: 2,00 s

Comm Trp Del

Delay for Del Comm Trp output.
Step: 0.1 s
Range: 0.0 – 20.0 s
Default setting: 0,0 s

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Comm Trp Len
Length of pulse on Del Comm Trp output after Comm Trp Del.
Step: 0.1 s
Range: 0.1 – 20.0 s
Default setting: 1,0 s


Setting of automatic fault reset functionality.
DISABLED: AutoFaultReset is disabled
ON DEACT: if at least one of the inputs CB1 Feedback or CB2 Feedback is deactivated,
AutoFaultReset is issued immediately
CB1+CB2=0: if both CB1 Feedback and CB2 Feedback are deactivated, AutoFaultReset is issued
NOFAULT+DEL: AutoFaultReset is issued in the moment when the measured values are within their
limits (no fault condition) no alarm is active plus the delay adjusted by AutoFR Del
parameter. The timeout starts after the last protection deactivation. The
NOFAULT+DEL option is the only method, which is not dependent on the state of
CB1 Feedback or CB2 Feedback binary inputs.
Default setting: DISABLED

Auto FR Del [s]

Delay for activation of automatic fault reset function in the mode NOFLT+DEL.
Step: 1s
Range: 0 – 3600 s
Default setting: 10 s

Prio Switching [DISABLED / CB1 -> CB2 / CB1 <- CB2 / CB1 <-> CB2]
Setpoint indicates the method for priority switching:
DISABLED: no method of priority switching is applied
CB1 -> CB2: CB1 is considered as the primary switch. If the feedback doesn't come in preset
period, Bak Trp 1 is issued and at the same time Trp 2 is issued.
CB1 <- CB2: CB2 is considered as the primary switch. If the feedback doesn't come in preset
period, Bak Trp 2 is issued and at the same time Trp 1 is issued
CB1 <-> CB2: both CBs provide a backup switching for one another. If the CB1 feedback doesn't
come in preset period, Bak Trp 1 is issued and at the same time Trp 2 is issued, if
the CB2 feedback doesn't come in preset period, Bak Trp 2 is issued and at the
same time Trp 1 is issued.
Default setting: DISABLED

IPro-SW Key
Software key unlocking the requested optional SW functions of InteliPro.
Default setting: empty

This setpoint is not overwritten after FW upgrade. The setpoint is not visible on InteliPro display in
reading mode to avoid confusion of the user. It is possible to edit this setpoint through InteliPro display
and pushbuttons - in this mode it becomes visible. It is however advisable to use LiteEdit for filling-in
the SW Key.

Aux V<>
Aux >V [V]
Warning level for battery overvoltage.

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Step: 0.1 V
Range: Aux <V – 40 V
Default setting: 36 V

Aux <V [V]

Warning level for low battery voltage.
Step: 0,1 V
Range: 8 – Aux >V V
Default setting: 18 V

Aux V Del [s]

Delay for battery voltage warnings.
Step: 1s
Range: 0 - 600 s
Default setting: 5 s

V <>
V>, V>>, V<, V<< [V]
Threshold of 1st and 2nd stage overvoltage and 1st and 2nd stage undervoltage protection
Step: 1V
Range: 1 - 34000 V
0 = OFF, the appropriate stage of voltage protection is disabled
Default setting:
− V> 253 V
− V>> 265 V
− V< 200 V
− V<< 184 V

V> Del, V>> Del, V< Del, V<< Del [s]

Delay of the appropriate stage of the voltage protection.
Step: 0,01 s
Range: 0,00 - 600,00 s
Default setting:
− V> Del 1,00 s
− V>> Del 0,50 s
− V< Del 2,50 s
− V<< Del 0,50 s

Rst V [+/- 0% V<> , +/- 4% V<>, 95%NomVol]

Threshold for voltage measurement hysteresis.
+/- 0% V<>: no voltage hysteresis is applied
+/- 4% V<>: increase/decrease of the undervoltage/overvoltage limit by 4% of the limit
95%NomVol> reset value set to 95 % of the nominal voltage
Default setting: +/- 0% V<>

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Avg V > [V]
Treshold of the 10 minutes floating average overvoltage
Step: 1V
Range: 0 - 34000 V
Default setting: 0
0 = OFF, the appropriate stage of voltage protection is disabled

V Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for voltage protections.
Default setting: None

V Unb
V Unb [%Un]
Threshold of the voltage unbalance (amplitude asymmetry). The value corresponds to the maximum
difference between highest and lowest RMS phase voltage of the 3-phase system.
Step: 1 % of nominal voltage
Range: 0 - 150 % of the nominal voltage
0 % = OFF the amplitude voltage asymmetry is disabled
Default setting: 20%

V< Pos [%Un]

Undervoltage limit of the positive sequence.
Step: 0,1 %Un
Range: 0,0 – 100,0 % Un
Default: 1,0 % Un

V> Neg [%Un]

Overvoltage limit of the negative sequence.
Step: 0,1 %Un
Range: 0,0 – 100,0 % Un
Default: 1,0 % Un

V Unb Del [s]

Delay of the voltage unbalance (amplitude asymmetry) protection.
Step: 0,01 s
Range: 0,00 - 600,00 s
Default setting: 5,00 s

V Unb Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for voltage asymmetry protection.
Default setting: None

PhaseRotation [CW / CCW / ANY]

Direction of correct phase rotation.
CW: clockwise
CCW: counter-clockwise
ANY: The protection is blocked, any phase rotation is possible
Default setting: CW

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Ph Rot Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]
Selection of trip binary output for phase rotation protection.
Default setting: None

Dyn Volt
V Lim 1, V Lim 2, V Lim 3 [% Un]
Voltage limits determining the Dyn Volt Prot curve.
Step: 1 %Un
Range: 0 - 100 %Un
Default setting:
- V Lim 1 30%Un
- V Lim 2 70%Un
- V Lim 3 90%Un

Delay 1, Delay 2, Delay 3 [s]

Time delays determining the Dyn Volt Prot curve.
Step: 0,01 s
Range: 0,01 – 10,00 s
Default setting:
- Delay 1 0,15 s
- Delay 2 0,70 s
- Delay 3 1,50 s

Reset Time [s]

Time delay after which the protection starts to follow the curve from the beginning.
Step: 0,01 s
Range: 0,00..10,00 s
Default setting: 2,00 s

DynVoltTrpBO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for Dynamic Voltage protection.
Default setting: None

V< [%Un]
Threshold for voltage measurement
Step: 1 %Un
Range: 80 – 90 %Un
Default setting: 85 %Un

Rst V< [%Un]

Threshold for voltage measurement hysteresis
Step: 1 %Un
Range: 90 – 100 %Un
Default setting: 95 %Un

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I Min [%In]
Threshold for current measurement
Step: 1 %In
Range: 2 – 20 %In
Default setting: 10 %In

Q Min [%S]
Threshold for the reactive power measurement
Step: 0,1 %S
Range: <-10,0;10,0> %S
Default: 5,0 %S

QU Del 1 [s]
Time delay for opening the GCB (CB1)
Step: 0,01 s
Range: 0,00 – 1,00 s
Default: 0,50 s

QU Del 2 [s]
Time delay for opening the MCB (CB2)
Step: 0,01 s
Range: 1,00 – 2,00 s
Default: 1,50 s

QU Trp Gen [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for QU protection
Default: None

QU Trp Mns [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for QU protection
Default: None

f>, f>>, f<, f<< [Hz]
Threshold of 1st and 2nd stage overfrequency and 1st and 2nd stage underfrequency protection
Step: 0,01 Hz
Range: 0,00 - 70,00 Hz
0 = OFF, the appropriate stage of frequency protection is disabled
Default setting:
− f> 51,5 Hz
− f>> 52 Hz
− f< 47,5 Hz
− f<< 47 Hz

f> del, f>> del, f< del, f<< del [s]

Delay of the appropriate stage of the frequency protection.
Step: 0,01 s
Range: 0,00 - 600,00 s

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Default setting:
− f> Del 90,00 s
− f>> Del 0,50 s
− f< Del 20,00 s
− f<< Del 0,50 s

Rst f< [100% f< / +0,2% f< / 47,5 Hz]

Thresholds for frequency measurement hysteresis.
100% f<: the threshold is set to the underfrequency limit
+0,2% f<: increase of the underfrequency limit by 0,2% of the limit value
47,5 Hz: reset value set to 47,5 Hz
Default setting: 100% f<

Rst f> [100% f> / -0,2% f> / 50,05 Hz]

Thresholds for frequency measurement hysteresis.
100% f>: the threshold is set to the overfrequency limit
-0,2% f>: decrease of the overfrequency limit by 0,2% of the limit value
50,05 Hz: reset value set to 50,05 Hz
Default setting: 100% f>

f Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for frequency protections.
Default setting: None

Vs Lim [°]
Threshold for activating the Vector shift protection.
Step: 1°
Range: 1 - 50°
0° = OFF the Vector shift protection is disabled
Default setting: 10°

ROCOF [Hz/s]
Threshold for activating the Rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) protection.
Step: 0,01 Hz/s
Range: 0,00 - 10,0 Hz/s
0 = OFF, the ROCOF protection is disabled
Default setting: 0 Hz/s

ROCOF filt [-]

Determinates number of periods considered for evaluating ROCOF protection. Higher number means
lower sensitivity and longer evaluation time. Lower number means increased sensitivity and shorter
evaluation time.
Step: 1
Range: 1 - 100
Default setting: 5

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LOM Init Del [s]
Delay for what the Loss of Mains (LOM, i.e. Vector shift and ROCOF) protection is disabled after
applying valid measured voltage (stepping into the operational area of voltage and frequency).
Step: 1s
Range: 0 - 600 s
Default setting: 3 s

LOM Trip Del [s]

Duration of Loss of Mains (LOM, i.e. Vector shift and ROCOF) protection trip. After this delay, the fault
is considered as terminated and Fault reset is possible. In case of automatic fault reset, the timer is
Step: 1s
Range: 1 - 3600 s
Default setting: 3 s

LOM Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for loss of mains protections.
Default setting: None

I>, I>> [%In]
st nd
1 and 2 threshold for short current evaluation. The level is in percentage of NominMainsCurr.
Step: 1%
Range: 0 - 1000 %
0 = OFF, the short current protection is disabled
Default setting: 200 %

I> Del , I>> Del [s]

Delay for short current protection.
Step: 0,01 s
Range: 0,00 - 10,00 s
Default setting: 0,00 s

I Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for overcurrent protection.
Default setting: None

I> T
I> T Del [s]
IDMT curve shape selection for ANSI 51 time-overcurrent protection. I> T Del is the reaction time of
IDMT protection for 200% overcurrent (when mains current = 2* NominMainsCurr).
Step: 0,1 s
Range: 0,1 - 20,00 s
Default setting: 1,0 s

I> T Curve
Selection of which curve will be used for ANSI 51: Time Over Current protection.
IDMT: parametric curve, given by the I> T Del and NominMainsCurr parameters as
described in the chapter time-overcurrent protection.
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Mod Inv: moderately inverse curve according to ANSI standard
Very Inv: very inverse curve according to ANSI standard
Ext Inv: extremely inverse curve according to ANSI standard
IECInv: moderately inverse curve according to IEC standard
IECVerInv: very inverse curve according to IEC standard
IECExtInv: extremely inverse curve according to ANSI standard
Default setting: IDMT

I> T Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for time overcurrent protection.
Default setting: None

I> V
I> V Del [s]
IDMT curve shape selection for ANSI 51V time-overcurrent protection with voltage control. I> V Del is
the reaction time of IDMT protection for 200% overcurrent when mains current = 2* NominMainsCurr
and nominal voltage.
Step: 0,1 s
Range: 0,1 - 20,00 s
Default setting: 1,0 s

I> V Curve
Selection of which curve will be used for ANSI 51V: Time Over Current with voltage control protection.
IDMT: parametric curve, given by the I> T Del and NominMainsCurr parameters as
described in the chapter time-overcurrent protection.
Mod Inv: moderately inverse curve according to ANSI standard
Very Inv: very inverse curve according to ANSI standard
Ext Inv: extremely inverse curve according to ANSI standard
IECInv: moderately inverse curve according to IEC standard
IECVerInv: very inverse curve according to IEC standard
IECExtInv: extremely inverse curve according to ANSI standard
Default setting: IDMT

I> V Control [%Un]

The voltage control is applied to the time overcurrent stage under this level. I.e. the overcurrent
protection is blocked if the voltage is higher then this setpoint.
Step: 0,1 %
Range: 1,0 - 200,0 %
200 = OFF, the voltage control of overcurrent protection is disabled
Default setting: 200 %


Enabling or disabling voltage restraint of time overcurrent protection. I.e. the overcurrent protection
threshold is changed according to the voltage level.
DISABLED: protection disabled
ENABLED: protection enabled
Default setting: DISABLED

I> V Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for time overcurrent protection with voltage control.
Default setting: None

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I Unb
I Unb [%In]
Threshold of current unballance protection. Protection is evaluated as maximum difference between
any of the phase currents and the average value of phase currents.
Step: 1%
Range: 0 - 200 %
Default setting: 50 %

IMinDiffEval [%In]
Minimum limit of measured current in % of nominal current, that the current unballance is enabled
from. The value is evaluated as an average value of all phase currents.
Step: 1%
Range: 0 - 100 % of NominMainsCurr
Default setting: 50 %

I Unb Del [s]

Delay of current unbalance protection.
Step: 0,1 s
Range: 0.0 - 600 s
Default setting: 5,0 s

I> V Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for current unballance protection.
Default setting: None

NominGenCurr [A]
Nominal current of the generator(s) connected to the mains feeder, protected by the InteliPro unit.
Serves for directional overcurrent protection evaluation.
Step: 1A
Range: 1 - 32000 A
Default setting: 288 A

DOC> [%In]
Threshold for directional overcurrent evaluation as the % level of NominGenCurr.
Step: 1%
Range: 0 - 150 %
0 = OFF, the directional overcurrent protection is disabled
Default setting: 50 %

DOC> Del [s]

Delay for directional overcurrent.
Step: 0,1 s
Range: 0,0 - 30 s
Default setting: 5,0 s


Enables/disables the testing mode of directional overcurrent protection. When ENABLED, the output
DOC TEST shows the sensing of the protection regardless of other protection enabling/disabling

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
conditions. Activating DOC test blocks the regular function of the ANSI 67 directional
overcurrent protection stage!
DISABLED: protection test disabled
ENABLED: protection test enabled Enabling the DOC test does blocks the regular function of the
ANSI 67 directional overcurrent protection stage!

Default setting: DISABLED

DOC Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for directional overcurrent protection.
Default setting: None

EFC> Lim [%In]
Threshold for ANSI 50N earth fault instantaneous overcurrent protection indicated in % of
Step: 1%
Range: 0 - 300 %
0 = OFF, the earth fault overcurrent protection is disabled
Default setting: 30 %

EFC> Del [s]

Delay for ANSI 50N earth fault instantaneous overcurrent protection.
Step: 0,1 s
Range: 0,0 - 600 s
Default setting: 10 s

EFC> T Lim [%In]

Limit value for ANSI 51N - earth fault time overcurrent IDMT curve. It shifts the curve in current
direction. Level is indicated in % of NominMainsCurr.
Step: 1%
Range: 0 - 300 %
0 = OFF, the earth fault time-overcurrent overcurrent protection is disabled
Default setting: 10 %

EFC> T Del [s]

IDMT curve shape selection. EFC> T Del is the reaction time of IDMT protection for 200% overcurrent
(when EarthFaultCurrent = 2 * EFC> T Lim * NominMainsCurr).
Jepopsáno v dokumentu RL.

Step: 0,1 s
Range: 0,1 - 20,00 s
Default setting: 1,0 s

EFC> T Curve
Selection of which curve will be used for ANSI 51N: time earth fault overcurrent.
IDMT: parametric curve, given by the EFC> T Del and EFC> T Lim parameters as
described in the chapter time earth fault overcurrent protection.
Mod Inv: moderately inverse curve according to ANSI standard
Very Inv: very inverse curve according to ANSI standard
Ext Inv: extremely inverse curve according to ANSI standard
IECInv: moderately inverse curve according to IEC standard
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IECVerInv: very inverse curve according to IEC standard
IECExtInv: extremely inverse curve according to ANSI standard
Default setting: IDMT

EFC Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for earth fault overcurrent protection.
Default setting: None

IGS> Lim [mA]
Threshold for ANSI 50GS – ground surge instantaneous overcurrent protection. Level in 0,1 mA.
Step: 0,1 mA
Range: 0,0 – 100,0 mA
0 = OFF, the ANSI 50GS – ground surge instantaneous overcurrent protection is disabled
Default setting: 0 mA

IGS> Del [s]

Delay for ground surge overcurrent protection.
Step: 0,1 s
Range: 0,0 – 600,0 s
Default setting: 10 s

IGS> T Lim [mA]

Limit value for ANSI 51GS – ground surge time-overcurrent IDMT curve. It shifts the curve in current
direction. Level is indicated in % of NominMainsCurr.
Step: 0,1 mA
Range: 0,0 – 50,0 mA
0 = OFF, the ground surge time-overcurrent overcurrent protection is disabled
Default setting: 0 mA

IGS> T Del [s]

IDMT curve shape selection. IGS> T Del is the reaction time of IDMT protection for 100 mA ground
surge current.
Step: 0,1 s
Range: 0,1 – 20,00 s
Default setting: 1,0 s

IGS> T Curve
Selection of which curve will be used for ANSI 51GS: ground surge overcurrent.
IDMT: parametric curve, given by the IGS> T Del and IGS> T Lim parameters as described
in the chapter ground surge time-overcurrent protection.
Mod Inv: moderately inverse curve according to ANSI standard
Very Inv: very inverse curve according to ANSI standard
Ext Inv: extremely inverse curve according to ANSI standard
IECInv: moderately inverse curve according to IEC standard
IECVerInv: very inverse curve according to IEC standard
IECExtInv: extremely inverse curve according to ANSI standard
Default setting: IDMT

IGS Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for ground surge overcurrent protection.

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Default setting: None

NVD> [V]
Threshold for neutral voltage displacement evaluation.
Step: 1V
Range: 0 - 150 V
0 = OFF, the ANSI 59N - neutral voltage displacement protection is disabled
Default setting: 33 V

NVD> Del [s]

Delay for neutral voltage displacement protection.
Step: 1s
Range: 0 - 300 s
Default setting: 60 s

NVD>> [V]
Step: 1V
Range: 0 – 500 V
Default setting: 50 V

NVD>> Del [s]

Step: 1s
Range: 0 – 300 s
Default setting: 1 s

Threshold for NVD measurement hysteresis.
Options: +/- 0%
+/- 4%
Default:: +/- 0%

NVD Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for neutral voltage displacement protection.
Default setting: None

P>, P>> [%Pn]
Threshold for first or second directional power protection stage respectively, indicated in % of
NominMainsPwr. Positive value of power means that the power flows in the direction from mains into
the feeder.
Step: 0,01 %
Range: -300,00 – 300,00 %
Default setting: 10,00 %

P> Del, P>> Del [s]

Delay for first or second stage of directional power protection stage respectively.
Step: 0,01 s
Range: 0,00 - 150,00 s
Default setting: 5,00 s
InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014
InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
P> Direction, P>> Direction [UNDER / OVER]
Setting of the direction of evaluation of mains-reverse power first or second protection stage
UNDER: if the power is less then the value of the pre-set limit, the protection trips.
OVER: if the power is higher then the value of the pre-set limit, the protection trips.
Default setting: OVER

Example of a possible setting:

An example of setting of directional power protection is shown on the following case. There is a feeder
of nominal power 200 kW. The protection is supposed to trip when the power flows from the generator
to the mains, exceeds the value by 100 kW (50 % of nominal power of the protected feeder) and flows
for a period of 10 seconds. The setpoints will be adjusted as follows:
P> - 50 % (minus sign due to the power flow to the mains)
P> Del 10 s
P> Direction OVER (the protection must trip when the power exceeds 50 % of the nominal power)

P Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for directional power protection.
Default setting: None

Mains Pwr 1…8 [%Pn]

Eight setpoints assignable to percentage of nominal active power value which activate appropriate
binary output in case the measured value exceeds the set limit.
Range: 0-100%
Step: 1%
Default: 0%
0 = OFF

Filter Delay [s]

To avoid hunting of the binary outputs activation and deactivation, adjustable time delay can be
assigned to the measured values. Only if the disturbance lasts longer than the pre-set delay, the
thresholds set in "Mains Pwr 1...8" setpoints will be violated.
Range: 0-300,0
Step: 0,1
Default: 5,0

Ind PF limit [-]
Adjustable limit for inductive (current is lagging voltage) power factor evaluation. Trip is issued if the
measured value falls below the pre-set limit.
Step: 0,01
Range: 0 - 1,00
Default: 0,95

Ind PF Del [s]

Delay for TRIP activation after the inductive power factor limit is violated.

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Step: 0,1 s
Range: 0 - 60,0 s
Default: 1 s

Cap PF limit [-]

Adjustable limit for capacitive (current is leading voltage) power factor evaluation. Trip is issued if the
measured value falls below the pre-set limit.
Step: 0,01
Range: 0 - 1,00
Default: 0,95

Cap PF Del [s]

Delay for TRIP activation after the capacitive power factor limit is violated.
Step: 0,1 s
Range: 0 - 60,0 s
Default: 1 s

PF Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for power factor protection.
Default setting: None

Sync Check
Upper V Lim [%Un]
Defines upper limit for the measured voltage, used to enable the Sync Check function. If the voltage is
above this limit, it is never evaluated as "in synchronism".
Step: 0,1 %
Range: 100,0 - 120 % of nominal voltage
Default setting: 105,0 %

Lower V Lim [%Un]

Defines lower limit for the measured voltage, used to enable the Sync Check function. If the voltage is
under this limit, it is never evaluated as "in synchronism".
Step: 0,1 %
Range: 70,0 - 100,0 % of nominal voltage
Default setting: 95,0 %

Voltage Window [%Un]

Maximum difference between mains and bus voltage measured on the Sync Check input, to be
considered as "synchronous" conditions.
Step: 0,1 %
Range: 0,0 - 100,0 % of nominal voltage
Default setting: 2,0 %

Phase Window [°]

Maximum angle between mains and bus voltage measured on the Sync Check input, to be considered
as "synchronous" conditions.
Step: 1°
Range: 0 - 90°

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Default setting: 10°

Freq Window [Hz]

Maximum frequency difference between mains and bus voltage measured on the Sync Check input, to
be considered as "synchronous" conditions.
Step: 0,01 Hz
Range: 0.01 - 5,00 Hz
Default setting: 0,20 Hz

Dwell Time [s]

Minimum time that the mains and bus voltage have to stay within the Voltage Window, Phase Window
and Freq Window to be considered as synchronous.
Step: 0,1 s
Range: 0,0 - 25,0 s
Default setting: 2,0 s


Enabling/disabling the synchro-check function of closing "dead" mains to "hot" bus.
ENABLED: situation of dead mains (mains voltage below Dead V Lim) and live bus (Sync Check
voltage within limits) is considered as "synchronous" state
DISABLED: situation of dead mains and live bus is not considered as "synchronous" state
Default setting: DISABLED


Enabling/disabling the synchro-check function of closing "live" mains to "dead" bus.
ENABLED: situation of live mains (mains voltage within limits) and dead bus (Sync Check voltage
below Dead V Lim) is considered as "synchronous" state
DISABLED: situation of live mains and dead bus is not considered as "synchronous" state
Default setting: DISABLED


Enabling/disabling the synchro-check function of closing "dead" mains to "dead" bus.
ENABLED: situation of dead mains (mains voltage below Dead V Lim) and dead bus (Sync Check
voltage below Dead V Lim) is considered as "synchronous" state
DISABLED: situation of dead mains and dead bus is not considered as "synchronous" state
Default setting: DISABLED


If enabled, the synchro-check will not evaluate synchronous state until the AC Reclosing output is
activated after the trip termination.
ENABLED: The binary output will activate only after the AC Reclosing output is activated
DISABLED: The binary output activates regardless of the state of the AC Reclosing output
Default setting: DISABLED

Dead V Lim [%Un]

Threshold for evaluating the mains or bus voltage as "dead".
Step: 0,1 % of nominal voltage
Range: 0,0 - 50,0 %
Default setting: 20,0 %

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Dead T Del [s]
If the mains or bus voltage stays under the Dead V Lim threshold for longer than tis time, the voltage
is considered as "dead".
Step: 0,1 s
Range: 0,0 - 150,0 s
Default setting: 5,0 s

SynC Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for synchro check protection.
Default setting: None
In case of setting to None, the sync check function has no influence on trip outputs. If any trip output is
selected, then deactivation of that trip output is blocked while the synchronous conditions are not
evaluated. When the synchronous conditions are met, the deactivation of the trip output is no longer

AC Reclosing
AR Delay [s]
Delay for activating the AC Reclosing binary output after fault reset.
Step: 0,01 s
Range: 0,00 - 600,00 s
Default setting: 10,00 s

Rec Initiate [Common / Trp 1 / Trp 2]

Selection of which output is considered as a trigger for the AC reclosing function. Deactivation of this
output initiates the counter of AR Delay for reconnecting by the AC Reclosing output.
Comm Trp: the output Comm Trp is considered the trigger for AC reclosing counter
Trp 1: the output Trp 1 is considered the trigger for AC reclosing counter
Trp 2: the output Trp 2 is considered the trigger for AC reclosing counter
Default setting: Comm Trp

No.AC Reclose [-]

Setpoint for setting number of allowed AC Reclose actions. If the pre-set number is exceeded, trip is
issued and the relay stays in TRIP stays until fault reset is performed.
Step: 1
Range: 0 - 50
Default setting: 48
0 = OFF

AC Rec Timer [s]

Timer for setting a time interval for the No.AC Reclose setpoint. If the No.AC Reclose reaches its set
limit within the time interval set in AC Rec Timer, warning "No.AC Rec" will be displayed and shown in
Alarm list and History, the unit will stop reclosing and stays in trip state until fault reset is performed.

When the fault reset is performed, the AC Rec Timer will reset and the countdown will start from zero
at the moment when first AC Reclose is performed.
If the number of AC recloses does not reach its limit within the set period, the AC Rec Timer buffer
and the No.AC Reclose setpoint will reset and starts from zero at the moment of next AC Reclose.
Step: 1 s
Range: 0 - 65535

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Default setting: 65535
0 = OFF

AC Rec FR Del [s]

If configured, setpoint AC Rec FR Del allows to set longer time delay (independent on the regular FR
Del) for fault reset when the trip is issued after the last AC Reclose action to allow the personnel to
check the situation. Fault reset can be then performed after pre-set time is up.
Step: 1 s
Range: 0 - 65535
Default setting: 0
0 = OFF

Pole Slip
Gear Teeth [-]
Number of teeth on the engine's (generator's) flywheel for the pick-up sensor
Step: 1 [-]
Range: 1 - 500
Default setting: 256

Nominal RPM [-]

Number of the machine nominal revolutions per minute
Step: 1 [-]
Range: 100 - 4000
Default setting: 1500

Pole Slip Lim [°]

The load angle limit setting
Step: 1°
Range: 90 - 180
Default setting: 100

PS Trp BO [ Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None ]

Selection of trip binary output for pole slip protection.
Default setting: None

MaxParallTime [s]
Timer of the maximum parallel time protection.
Step: 0,1 s
Range: 0,1 – 1800,0 s
Default setting: 300,0 s

MaxPT Trp BO [Trp 1 / Trp 2 / Trp 1+2 / None]

Selection of trip binary output for maximum parallel time protection.
Default setting: None

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
CU Analog In
Setpoints in this group are used for protection on DC analog inputs of the unit.

CU AI1 Wrn, CU AI2 Wrn, CU AI3 Wrn

Level of warning type of protection assigned to analog input 1, 2 or 3 of the unit respectively. The step,
decimals, range and units are given by configuration of the appropriate output.

CU AI1 Trp, CU AI2 Trp, CU AI3 Trp

Level of trip assigned to analog input 1, 2 or 3 of the unit respectively. The step, decimals, range and
units are given by configuration of the appropriate output.

CU AI1 Del, CU AI2 Del, CU AI3 Del [s]

Delay of protections assigned to analog input 1, 2 or 3 of the unit respectively. It is the same for
warning alarm and trip.
Step: 1s
Range: 0 - 600 s
Default setting: 5 s

CU AI1 BlockBI, CU AI2 BlockBI, CU AI3 BlockBI [Block 1 / Block 2 /

Block 1+2 / None]
Selection of blocking binary input for protections assigned to analog input 1, 2 or 3 of the unit
Default setting: None

IOM Analog In
Setpoints in this group are used for protection on DC analog inputs of the extension module IG-IOM or

IOM AI1 Wrn, IOM AI2 Wrn, IOM AI3 Wrn, IOM AI4 Wrn
Level of warning type of protection assigned to analog input 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the extension module IG-
IOM or IGS-PTM. The step, decimals, range and units are given by configuration of the appropriate

IOM AI1 Trp, IOM AI2 Trp, IOM AI3 Trp, IOM AI4 Trp
Level of trip assigned to analog input 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the extension module IG-IOM or IGS-PTM
respectively. The step, decimals, range and units are given by configuration of the appropriate output.

IOM AI1 Del, IOM AI2 Del, IOM AI3 Del, IOM AI4 Del [s]
Delay of protections assigned to analog input 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the extension module IG-IOM or IGS-PTM
respectively. It is the same for warning alarm and trip.
Step: 1s
Range: 0 - 600 s
Default setting: 5 s

IOM AI1 BlockBI, IOM AI2 BlockBI, IOM AI3 BlockBI, IOM AI4 BlockBI
[Block 1 / Block 2 / Block 1+2 / None]
Selection of blocking binary input for protections assigned to analog input 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the extension
module IG-IOM or IGS-PTM respectively.
Default setting: None

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Wrn Alarm Msg [OFF/ ON]
Enables or disables active calls, SMS or e-mail mesages to the selected phone, mobile or e-mail
address when a warning alarm occurs.
Default setting: OFF

Trp Alarm Msg [OFF/ ON]

Enables or disables active calls, SMS or e-mail mesages to the selected phone, mobile or e-mail
address when trip occurs.
Default setting: OFF

TelNo/Addr Ch1, TelNo/Addr Ch2

2 possibilities of enetring phone number or e-mail to which the message will be sent in case that
warning or trip occurs.

TimeStamp Per [min]
Time interval for history record. Time base is based on number of minutes since midnight. History
records are only made in parallel, if CB1 Feedback and CB2 Feedback are configured and closed,
activation delay elapsed and if there is at least one unblocked protection. If CB1 Feedback and CB2
Feedback are not configured, history records are made in case that there is at least one unblocked
Step: 1 min
Range: 0 - 240 min
0 = OFF, TimeStamp event is disabled
Default setting: 30 min


DISABLED: Automatic switching between summer and wintertime is disabled.
WINTER (SUMMER): Automatic switching between summer and wintertime is enabled and it is
set to winter (summer) season.
WINTER-S (SUMMER-S): Modification for southern hemisphere.
Default setting: DISABLED

In case of interconnection of InteliPro with other ComAp units on the CAN2 bus, the setpoint is
automatically synchronized within the interconnected group.

#Time [HHMMSS]
Real time clock adjustment.

In case of interconnection of InteliPro with other ComAp units on the CAN2 bus, the setpoint is
automatically synchronized within the interconnected group.

#Date [DDMMYY]
Actual date adjustment

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
In case of interconnection of InteliPro with other ComAp units on the CAN2 bus, the setpoint is
automatically synchronized within the interconnected group.

Sensors Spec
AI1Calibration, AI2Calibration, AI3Calibration, IOM AI1 Calibr, IOM AI2
Calibr, IOM AI3 Calibr, IOM AI4 Calibr
The value for calibration of the appropriate analog input of the unit or extension module IG-IOM or
IGS-PTM. This value is added to the output of analog input curve.

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Library of alarm messages
ActCallCH1Fail error during sending an SMS to a number stated in the setpoint SMS/E-mail ->
TelNo/Addr Ch1
ActCallCH2Fail error during sending an SMS to a number stated in the setpoint SMS/E-mail ->
TelNo/Addr Ch2
Low BackupBatt Backup battery is low
Wrn Aux Volt over or undervoltage of the power supply
M L1 neg phase sequence is correct, L1 is in antiphase
M L2 neg phase sequence is correct, L2 is in antiphase
M L3 neg phase sequence is correct, L3 is in antiphase
M ph opposed opposed phase sequence
M ph+L1 neg phase sequence is opposite, L1 is in antiphase
M ph+L2 neg phase sequence is opposite, L2 is in antiphase
M ph+L3 neg phase sequence is opposite, L3 is in antiphase
Trp Vm1> trip due to exceeding of the first stage overvoltage in phase 1
Trp Vm1>> trip due to exceeding of the second stage overvoltage in phase 1
Trp Vm1< trip due to exceeding of the first stage undervoltage in phase 1
Trp Vm1<< trip due to exceeding of the first stage undervoltage in phase 1
Trp Vm2> trip due to exceeding of the first stage overvoltage in phase 2
Trp Vm2>> trip due to exceeding of the second stage overvoltage in phase 2
Trp Vm2< trip due to exceeding of the first stage undervoltage in phase 2
Trp Vm2<< trip due to exceeding of the first stage undervoltage in phase 2
Trp Vm3> trip due to exceeding of the first stage overvoltage in phase 3
Trp Vm3>> trip due to exceeding of the second stage overvoltage in phase 3
Trp Vm3< trip due to exceeding of the first stage undervoltage in phase 3
Trp Vm3<< trip due to exceeding of the first stage undervoltage in phase 3
Trp Vm12> trip due to exceeding of the first stage overvoltage between phases 1 and 2
Trp Vm12>> trip due to exceeding of the second stage overvoltage between phases 1 and 2
Trp Vm12< trip due to exceeding of the first stage undervoltage between phases 1 and 2
Trp Vm12<< trip due to exceeding of the first stage undervoltage between phases 1 and 2
Trp Vm23> trip due to exceeding of the first stage overvoltage between phases 2 and 3
Trp Vm23>> trip due to exceeding of the second stage overvoltage between phases 2 and 3
Trp Vm23< trip due to exceeding of the first stage undervoltage between phases 2 and 3
Trp Vm23<< trip due to exceeding of the first stage undervoltage between phases 2 and 3
Trp Vm31> trip due to exceeding of the first stage overvoltage between phases 3 and 1
Trp Vm31>> trip due to exceeding of the second stage overvoltage between phases 3 and 1
Trp Vm31< trip due to exceeding of the first stage undervoltage between phases 3 and 1
Trp Vm31<< trip due to exceeding of the first stage undervoltage between phases 3 and 1
Trp V Unb trip due to voltage unbalance
Trp V Neg Seq trip due to exceeding of overvoltage limit of negative sequence
Trp V Pos Seq trip due to exceeding of undervoltage limit of positive sequence

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Trp fm> trip due to exceeding of the first stage overfrequency
Trp fm>> trip due to exceeding of the second stage overfrequency
Trp fm< trip due to exceeding of the first stage underfrequency
Trp fm<< trip due to exceeding of the second stage underfrequency
Wrn DCTripCirc evaluation of DC trip circuit state when the input closed
Trp VectorShft trip due to activation of vector shift protection
Trp ROCOF trip due to activation of rate of change of frequency protection
Trp DirOC L1 trip due to exceeding of the directional overcurrent limit in phase 1
Trp DirOC L2 trip due to exceeding of the directional overcurrent limit in phase 2
Trp DirOC L3 trip due to exceeding of the directional overcurrent limit in phase 3
Trp NVD> trip due to exceeding of the first stage of neutral voltage displacement
Trp NVD>> trip due to exceeding of the second stage of neutral voltage displacement
Wrn DirOC Test indication during activation of directional overcurrent test
Trp EFC> trip due to exceeding of earth fault current limit
Trp IGS> trip due to exceeding of ground surge instantaneous overcurrent limit
Trp I> trip due to exceeding of first stage overcurrent limit
Trp I>> trip due to exceeding of second stage overcurrent limit
Trp I> T trip due to activation of time-overcurrent protection
Trp I> V trip due to activation of time-overcurrent protection with voltage control
Trp EFC> T trip due to activation of earth fault time-overcurrent protection
Trp IGS> T trip due to activation of ground surge time-overcurrent protection
Wrn Watchdog watchdog event occurred
Trp I Unb trip due to current unbalance
Trp MaxParTime trip due to the parallel conditions has stayed longer then allowed
Trp P> trip due to the first stage of directional power limit
Trp P>> trip due to exceeding of the second stage directional power limit
Trp Vm1 Avg > trip due to exceeding of the floating average overvoltage limit in phase 1
Trp Vm2 Avg > trip due to exceeding of the floating average overvoltage limit in phase 2
Trp Vm3 Avg > trip due to exceeding of the floating average overvoltage limit in phase 3
Trp Pole Slip trip due to pole slip protection activation
Trp Dyn Volt trip due to activation of dynamic voltage protection
Trp QU Gen trip of the GCB due to QU protection activation
Trp QU Mns trip of the MCB due to QU protection activation
Sd IOM Fail error of IOM connection to InteliPro
Wrn RA Fail error of RA15 connection to InteliPro
Wrn BadPwrCfg a controller with different setting of units of power is connected to CAN
PS Disabled condition for correct calibration of Pole slip protection are not fulfilled
Wrn PS Fail disturbance on RPM input
Trp cap PF trip due to activation of capacitive PF limit protection
Trp ind PF trip due to activation of inductive PF limit protection
No.AC Rec trip due to reaching the No.AC Reclose limit
Wrn MCBmanOpen Remote / manual opening of CB
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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
List of Values
Mains Measured
Mains Freq Hz Mains freqeuency
VmL1N V L1-neutral voltage
VmL2N V L2-neutral voltage
VmL3N V L3-neutral voltage
VmL1L2 V L1-L2 voltage
VmL2L3 V L2-L3 voltage
VmL3L1 V L3-L1 voltage
Avg V1 Averge voltage of L1-N or L1-L2 (depending on the Voltage
V Setup parameter setting)
Avg V2 Averge voltage of L2-N or L2-L3 (depending on the Voltage
V Setup parameter setting)
Avg V3 Averge voltage of L3-N or L3-L1 (depending on the Voltage
V Setup parameter setting)
V positive V Voltage of positive sequence
V negative V Voltage of negative sequence
Im1 A Current in phase 1
Im2 A Current in phase 2
Im3 A Current in phase 3
Angle U1I1 ° Phase angle in phase 1
Angle U2I2 ° Phase angle in phase 2
Angle U3I3 ° Phase angle in phase 3
EarthFaultCurr A Earth fault current
GrndShortCurr mA Ground surge current from CT2 REL2 plug-in mo

Mains Power
Mains Pwr kW filtered measured mains active power
Mains Pwr Raw kW measured mains active power
MP L1 kW active poewr in phase 1
MP L2 kW active poewr in phase 2
MP L3 kW active poewr in phase 3
Mains kVAr kVar mains reactive power
MQ L1 kVar reactive power in phase 1
MQ L2 kVar reactive power in phase 2
MQ L3 kVar reactive power in phase 3
MainsApparPwr kVA mains apparent power
MS L1 kVA apparent power in phase 1
MS L2 kVA apparent power in phase 2
MS L3 kVA apparent power in phase 3
Mains PF - Mains power factor
MPfL1 - power factor of phase 1

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
MPfL2 - power factor of phase 2
MPfL3 - power factor of phase 3
Mains Ld Char - Mains load character
M Ld Char 1 - load character of phase 1
M Ld Char 2 - load character of phase 2
M Ld Char 3 - load character of phase 3

MaxVectorShift ° Maximal value of vector shift
Act ROCOF Hz/s actual value of Rate of Change of Frequency
Max ROCOF Hz/s Maximal value of Rate of Change of Frequency

NVD V neutral voltage displacement

Sync Check
Vsc Freq Hz Measured frequency of Vsc voltage
Vsc V Voltage between L2 and L3 on mains terminals
Slip Freq Hz Measured frequency slip between frequency of main three phase
voltage and voltage on L2-L3 of the mains terminals
Angle ° Shift angle between generator and mains voltage in phase 1

Pole Slip
RPM RPM Value of RPM evaluated from magnetic pickup
LoadAngle ° Load angle

Controller I/O
Aux Volts V Auxiliary power voltage
CU AI1 - Analog input 1 of controller
CU AI2 - Analog input 2 of controller
CU AI3 - Analog input 3 of controller
Bin Inputs - Binary value with reading from binary input terminals on controller
Bin Outputs - Binary value set on binary output terminals on controller
GSM SignalLvl % GSM signal strength
GSM ErrorRate - Error rate of the GSM signal
GSM Diag Code - GSM diagnosis
AirGate Diag - AirGate diagnosis
AirGate ID - Unique number for AirGate communication
Modem Status - Modem status
RemoteControl - Remote control

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Extension I/O
IOM AI1 U4 Analog from IOM or PTM module connected via CAN
IOM AI2 U5 Analog from IOM or PTM module connected via CAN
IOM AI3 U6 Analog from IOM or PTM module connected via CAN
IOM AI4 U7 Analog from IOM or PTM module connected via CAN
AIO AI1 U8 Analog input from AIO
AIO AI2 U9 Analog input from AIO
AIO AI3 U10 Analog input from AIO
AIO AI4 U11 Analog input from AIO
IOM Bin Inp - 8bits binary value from binary inputs of IOM or PTM module connected
via CAN
Relay Card CT2 - Relay output
RA Bin Out - 15bits binary value send to RA15 module connected via CAN
IOM Bin Out - 8bits binary value send to binary outputs of IOM or PTM module
connected via CAN
SharedBOut - 8bits binary value contains binaries send to shared periphery
SharedAout 1 - Analog value sends to shared periphery
SharedAout 2 - Analog value sends to shared periphery
SharedAout 3 - Analog value sends to shared periphery
SharedAout 4 - Analog value sends to shared periphery

kWh I kWh active power import
kVArh I kVArh reactive power import
kWh E kWh active power export
kVArh E kVArh reactive power export

Time - Time
Date - Date

InteliPro Info
Breaker State
FW Version
FW Branch

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
List of EMC tests
Test description Compliant to Test conditions/ level
Electrical disturbance test IEC 60255-22-1 f = 1MHz
(1MHz burst immunity) IEC 61000-4-18 U= ±0,25, ±0,5, ±1kV
IEEE C37.90.1

Electrostatic discharge tests IEC 60255-22-2 Test voltage:

IEC 61000-4-2 U= ± 2, ±4, ±6kV contact discharge
U= ± 2, ±4, ±8kV air discharge

Radiated electromagnetic IEC 60255-22-3 Field intensity: 10V/m

field immunity test IEC 61000-4-3 Scan spectrum:
IEEE C37.90.2 80 – 1000MHz, 1,4 – 2,7GHz
(80% AM 1kHz)

Electrical fast transient/burst IEC 60255-22-4 f = 5kHz

immunity test IEC 61000-4-4 U= ± 2kV
IEEE C37.90.1
Surge immunity tests IEC 60255-22-5 U= ± 0,5, ± 1kV
IEC 61000-4-5
Immunity to conducted IEC 60255-22-6 Test voltage: U= 10V
disturbances induced by IEC 61000-4-6 Scan spectrum: 0,15 – 80MHz
radio –frequency fields IEEE C37.90.2 (mod.80% AM / 1kHz)
Spot frequencies: 27MHz, 68MHz

Power frequency magnetic IEC 60255-22-8 Magnetic field intensity:

field immunity tests IEC 61000-4-8 30/300 A/m

Voltage dips, short IEC 60255-11 Test level: 0% Ut

interruptions and voltage IEC 61000-4-29 Duration [ms]: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200
variations on dc input power

Electromagnetic emission CISPR 22 Class A

tests IEC 60255-25 f = 30 – 1000 MHz

f = 0,15 – 30 MHz
Vibration tests (sinusoidal) IEC 60255-21-1 2÷25Hz / ±1,6mm / 1 octave per
IEC 60068-2-6 minute
25÷100Hz / 4,0g / 1 octave per minute

Shock and bump tests IEC 60255-21-2 A=200m/s2; T=11ms; half sinus;
EN 60068-2-27 3 shocks in all axis both directions (18
Environmental testing IEC 60068-2-1 Cold: -30°C

Environmental testing IEC 60068-2-2 Dry heat: +70°C

Environmental testing IEC 60068-2-3 Cyclic damp heat + humidity

IEC 60068-2-30 Temperature cycle: 20-55-20°C
Humidity: 97%
Isolation rated voltage IEC 60255-5 Overvoltage category III

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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Technical data
Power supply
Power supply range 8-36VDC
Power supply drop-out
50ms (from min. 10V)
Power consumption cca 200mA/8V; 50mA/36V
Peak power consumption
cca 0,56A/8V; 1,8A/36V
Backup battery type CR 1225
Estimated backup battery
10 years

Operating conditions
Operating temperature -20... 70°C
Operating temperature (LT
-40... 70°C
Operating humidity 95% non-condensing (IEC/EN 60068-2-30)
Protection degree (front
Vibration 5-25Hz, +/- 1.6mm; 25-100Hz, a = 4g
Shocks amax 200m/s
Storage temperature -30... 80°C
InteliPro is intended for use with switchgear and
Intended use according to
associated equipment as per the category for Protective relays –
UL 508 standard

Physical dimensions
Dimensions 185x125x60mm (WxHxD)
Mounting cutout size 175x115mm (WxH)

Standard conformity
EN 61000-6-1, EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3, EN 61000-6-4
Low voltage directive EN 61010-1:95 +A1:97

Binary inputs
Number of binary inputs 9
Galvanic insulation Not insulated
Common pole Positive, Vs = 8-36VDC
Closed contact voltage <2V
Open contact voltage 4V - Vs
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InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Input resistance 4,2 kOhm

Binary outputs
Number of binary outputs 8
Galvanic insulation Not insulated
Type Transistor, switching to negative supply terminal
Operating voltage 8-36VDC
Switching current 500mA (suppression diodes required for inductive loads)

Analog inputs
Number of analog inputs 3
Galvanic insulation Not insulated
Electrical range 0-2500ohm
Resolution 10bits, 4digits
Predefined: VDO 10Bar, VDO Temperature, VDO Fuel level
Supported sensor types User defined: 10 points non-linear sensors can be defined by the
Precision 1% from the range

Mains measurements
Measurement inputs 3ph mains voltage, 3ph mains current
Measurement type True RMS
Voltage range 480V Ph-Ph (277V Ph-N)
Max. measured voltage 340V Ph-N
1% of nominal voltage at 20°C and 50 or 60 Hz; 1,5% on the
Voltage accuracy
complete frequency and temperature range
Current range 5A
Max. measured current 9A
Max. allowed current 12A continuous, 50A/1s
Current accuracy 2% of nominal current at CT Ratio = 50A / 5A or higher
CT input burden <0.5VA
Frequency range 30-70Hz, measured from L3
Frequency accuracy 0.05Hz
To assure accurate measurement of the mains current, we recommend direct metallic connection
between COM terminal of Mains Current measurement and the minus "-" terminal of the unit power
supply. The potential difference between those two points must not overreach 10 V.

NVD and Sync Check measurement

Measurement inputs NVD voltage, Sync Check
Measurement type True RMS
Voltage range NVD: 277V

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014
InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Sync Check: 480 V
Min. measured voltage Sync Check: 30 V
NVD: 340V
Max. measured voltage
Sync Check: 589 V
1% of nominal voltage at 20°C and 50 or 60 Hz; 1,5% on the
complete frequency and temperature range. For accurate NVD
Voltage accuracy
measurement it is necessary that voltage with identical frequency is
connected to the Mains Voltage terminals all the time.

Remote communication interface

RS232 Optional using the plug-in module IL-NT-RS232, D-SUB9M socket
Optional using the plug-in module IL-NT-RS232-485, plug-in
terminal block
Baud rate Depending on selected mode (up to 57600 bps)
USB Optional using the plug-in module IL-NT-S-USB
Ethernet Optional using the plug-in module IB-Lite

Extesion modules interface

Type CAN bus
Galvanic insulation Insulated, 500V
Baud rate 250kbps
Bus length max. 200m
Termination resistor 120Ohm, built-in, jumper activated

Interface to other controllers

Type CAN bus, available in MINT type only
Galvanic insulation Insulated, 500V
Baud rate 250kbps
Bus length max. 200m
Termination resistor 120Ohm, built-in, jumper activated

Relay Card CT2-REL2

The module is delivered as a default part of the InteliPro unit.
Relay contacts (terminals
RE11, RE14 and RE21, RE24)
Number of relay outputs 2
Type Dry contacts
Operating voltage 250 VAC
Max switched voltage/current 250 V / 10A
Current measurement inputs 2 x 1ph current measurement
Measurement type True RMS
Number of current inputs 2

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014
InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide
Input 1 (CT k1, l1):
Current range 50 mA
Max. measured current 90 mA
Max. allowed current 120 mA
Current accuracy 2% of nominal current
Input 2 (CT k2, l2):
Current range 5A
Max. measured current 9A
Max. allowed current 12A continuous, 50A/1s
Current accuracy 2% from the range
CT input burden <0.5VA

Recommended CAN cables

• Belden 3082A DeviceBus for Allen-Bradley DeviceNet

• Belden 3083A DeviceBus for Allen-Bradley DeviceNet
• Belden 3084A DeviceBus for Allen-Bradley DeviceNet
• Belden 3085A DeviceBus for Allen-Bradley DeviceNet
• Belden 3086A DeviceBus for Honneywell SDS
• Belden 3087A DeviceBus for Honneywell SDS
• Lapp Cable Unitronic Bus DeviceNet Trunk Cable
• Lapp Cable Unitronic Bus DeviceNet Drop Cable
• Lapp Cable Unitronic Bus CAN
• Lapp Cable Unitronic-FD Bus P CAN UL/CSA

InteliPro, SW version 1.5, ©ComAp – September 2014
InteliPro 1.5 Comprehensive Guide

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