Delhi University Students' Union Constitution
Delhi University Students' Union Constitution
Delhi University Students' Union Constitution
1. Name
The Union will be called “The Delhi University Students’ Union”, hereinafter
referred to as the Union.
2. Office
The office of the Union will be located in the Union building in the main
University Campus. It shall also be its official address.
(v) To promote harmonious relations among all sections of the
University Community.
4. Activities
5. Patron
(ii) Students of a College/Institution may become members of the Union
by a resolution passed by absolute majority of the total number of
students on rolls of the College/Institution concerned on the last
working day of July of that year.
(iv) Students who become members of the Union under sub clauses (i) or
(ii) of this clause may withdraw from its membership by a resolution
passed by absolute majority of the total number of students on rolls
of the College/Institution concerned on the last working day of that
7. Funds
Every member of Union shall pay Rupee 20/- (Ref. E.C. Resolution No. 178
Dated 21.03.2012) as annual subscription to Union funds which will be
collected alongwith the fees collected at the time of admission by the
respective College/Institutions.
(i) The Presidents of the Unions of Colleges/Institutions affiliated to the
Union, provided that such a President does not suffer from any of the
disqualifications laid down under Clause 9.
(ii) Two members directly elected by simple majority vote from each
College/Institution, provided that a College/Institution with a total
strength of 500 or less will send only one member to the Central
(iii) All the office-bearers of the Union elected under this Constitution.
2) The members of the Central Council mentioned in sub clause (iv), (v)
and (vi) above will have no right to vote in the Meetings of the
Central Council.
3) The Central Council will be the supreme authority of the Union and
shall carry on the activities of the Union in accordance with this
(ii) He/she has completed the age of 26 years, if he/she is a student in
day classes or 30 years, if he/she is a student in the evening classes,
at the beginning of the first term of the year in which he/she is likely
to become a member of the Central Council ; or
(vi) He/she has been found guilty of and punished for the use of unfair
means in any of the examination of a college, University or Board.
Explanation :
(i) All the office-bearers of the Union elected under this Constitution ;
(iv) The Treasurer of the Union ; and
Secretary will be elected by the members of the Union from among
such of the members of the Union as will not be taking a final year
examination of the University during the year in which they seek
election to the office of the Vice-President or Joint Secretary.
4) All the office-bearers of the Union will function within the frame
work of the policies laid down by the Central Council and under the
general supervision and direction of the Executive Committee in the
performance of their day-to-day work. Delegation of powers, if any,
to the office bearers will have to be specifically provided for by a
resolution of the appropriate council or committee for a specific
duration of time but not exceeding one month.
(i) He/she has exceeded the age of 25 year on the 16th August of the
year in which he/she wishes to seek election; or
(ii) He/she completed more than 7 year from the 1st July of the
calendar year of passing +2 examination to the 30th June
immediately preceding the election.
for an act which is coercive in nature and constitutes a threat to
life and property; or
(iv) He/she has been found guilty of and punished for the use of unfair
means in any examination of a University or Board.
Explanation :
There shall be a Staff Advisor of the Union who shall be appointed by the
(i) The official year of the Union will be from 16th of August of every year
to the 15th of August, of the following year.
(iii) The election of the eleven members of the Executive Committee from
among the members of the Central Council should be completed
latest by the 31st August each year;
16. Election
(i) The Patron will appoint every year a Chief Election Officer and other
Election Officers who shall arrange to conduct the elections of the
office-bearers and the members of the Central Council of the Union
for that year in various Colleges and Institutions of the University.
(ii) The Staff-Advisor of the Union conduct the elections of the members
of the Executive Committee of the union.
1) (i) The President of the Union will be the Chief Executive Head of the
Union and will function in all matters relating to the Union in
accordance with this Constitution.
(ii) The Secretary of the Union will act in consultation with the
President and will function in all matters relating to the Union in
accordance with this Constitution;
2) (i) The President of the Union shall preside at the meetings of the
Central Council and the Executive Committee and it shall be his duty
to conduct these meetings in an orderly and peaceful manner in
accordance with this Constitution.
(ii) It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Union to prepare the
minutes of all the meetings of the Central Council and Executive
Committee and to keep the records of these meetings properly and
in safe custody.
18. Meetings
(iii) The meetings of the Central Council or the Executive Committee will
be convened by the Secretary of the Union by giving at least 7 days’
notice. An emergency meeting of the Executive Committee may,
however, be convened in consultation with the Staff Advisor by
giving at least 24 hours notice.
(iv) All the meetings of the Central Council and the Executive Committee
shall be held at the Union office.
(v) An agenda of the meeting will be issued alongwith the notice of the
meeting except for an emergency meeting.
(vi) The notice of a meeting and a copy of the agenda (except for an
emergency meeting) for the meeting will be duly served on all the
members; the notice of the meeting would be served as under:
(vii) The attendance and the minutes of the meetings of the Central
Council and the Executive Committee shall be confirmed in the
subsequent meeting. A copy of the confirmed minutes shall be
furnished to the Staff Advisor immediately thereafter.
19. Quorum
(i) Not less than one-third members of the Central Council of the Union
may move a resolution of no-confidence against any of the elected
office bearers ;
A meeting of the Central Council shall be convened within two weeks of the
formation of the Executive Committee and the budget estimates proposed
by the Executive Committee shall be placed before the Central Council for
A copy of the budget as approved by the Central Council shall be filed with
the Patron within 2 days after its approval.
22. Funds
(i) Funds of the Union will be utilized for the welfare of the students in
accordance with the approved budget.
(ii) No expense out of the Union funds will be incurred unless provision
with regard to them is made under a specific head of the duly
approved budget.
(iii) Each item of expenses of more than Rs. 500/- will be made by the
Union only after it is duly authorized by a specific resolution of the
Executive Committee of the Union. A sum of Rs. 500/- however will
be advanced to the Union as imprest money. Ordinarily no other cash
advance will be permitted. Should it be necessary to advance cash to
the Union the total amount thus advanced at a time shall not exceed
Rs. 2000/-.
(iv) All expenses out of the Union fund will be incurred in accordance
with the rules made in this regard.
(vi) The Accounts of the Union shall be subject to audit by the Internal
Auditor of the University as well as the Chartered Accountant
approved by the University. The Accounts of Union will be audited
twice in a year at half yearly intervals.
(vii) Unspent balance of the Union funds of a year, if any, will be credited
to a special fund of the Union. The money under this fund may be
spent for student welfare purposes in accordance with the rules
framed by the University in this behalf
The Patron may appoint a Committee for framing such rules as may be
necessary for the working of the Constitution. The rules so framed will
come into effect from a date to be notified by the Patron.
by the Executive Council of the University. The decision of the Tribunal shall
be final.
This Constitution, or any amendment thereof, shall come into force with
effect from a date to be notified by the Patron.