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The 76th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition

Saturday, December 5, 2015

A1 Let A and B be points on the same branch of the hyper- four numbers off the list. Repeat with the three smallest
bola xy = 1. Suppose that P is a point lying between remaining numbers 4, 5, 7 and their sum 16. Continue
A and B on this hyperbola, such that the area of the tri- in this way, crossing off the three smallest remaining
angle APB is as large as possible. Show that the re- numbers and their sum, and consider the sequence of
gion bounded by the hyperbola and the chord AP has sums produced: 6, 16, 27, 36, . . . . Prove or disprove that
the same area as the region bounded by the hyperbola there is some number in the sequence whose base 10
and the chord PB. representation ends with 2015.
A2 Let a0 = 1, a1 = 2, and an = 4an−1 − an−2 for n ≥ 2. B3 Let S be the set of all 2 × 2 real matrices
Find an odd prime factor of a2015 . 
a b

A3 Compute c d

2015 2015
! whose entries a, b, c, d (in that order) form an arithmetic
2πiab/2015 progression. Find all matrices M in S for which there is
log2 ∏ ∏ (1 + e )
a=1 b=1 some integer k > 1 such that M k is also in S.

Here i is the imaginary unit (that is, i2 = −1). B4 Let T be the set of all triples (a, b, c) of positive integers
for which there exist triangles with side lengths a, b, c.
A4 For each real number x, let Express
1 2a
f (x) = ∑ n
, ∑
n∈Sx 2 3b 5c

where Sx is the set of positive integers n for which bnxc as a rational number in lowest terms.
is even. What is the largest real number L such that
f (x) ≥ L for all x ∈ [0, 1)? (As usual, bzc denotes the B5 Let Pn be the number of permutations π of {1, 2, . . . , n}
greatest integer less than or equal to z.) such that
A5 Let q be an odd positive integer, and let Nq denote |i − j| = 1 implies |π(i) − π( j)| ≤ 2
the number of integers a such that 0 < a < q/4 and
gcd(a, q) = 1. Show that Nq is odd if and only if q is for all i, j in {1, 2, . . . , n}. Show that for n ≥ 2, the quan-
of the form pk with k a positive integer and p a prime tity
congruent to 5 or 7 modulo 8.
Pn+5 − Pn+4 − Pn+3 + Pn
A6 Let n be a positive integer. Suppose that A, B, and M are
n×n matrices with real entries such that AM = MB, and does not depend on n, and find its value.
such that A and B have the same characteristic polyno-
mial. Prove that det(A − MX) = det(B − XM) for every B6 For each positive integer k, let A(k)√ be the number of
n × n matrix X with real entries. odd divisors of k in the interval [1, 2k). Evaluate

B1 Let f be a three times differentiable function (defined A(k)
on R and real-valued) such that f has at least five dis- ∑ (−1)k−1 k
tinct real zeros. Prove that f + 6 f 0 + 12 f 00 + 8 f 000 has at
least two distinct real zeros.
B2 Given a list of the positive integers 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . , take the
first three numbers 1, 2, 3 and their sum 6 and cross all

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