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Solve boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations

sol = bvp4c(odefun,bcfun,solinit)
sol = bvp4c(odefun,bcfun,solinit,options)
solinit = bvpinit(x, yinit, params)


odefun A function handle that evaluates the differential equations f(x,y). It

can have the form

dydx = odefun(x,y)
dydx = odefun(x,y,parameters)

where x is a scalar corresponding to x, and y is a column vector

corresponding to y. parameters is a vector of unknown
parameters. The output dydx is a column vector.

bcfun A function handle that computes the residual in the boundary

conditions. For two-point boundary value conditions of the form bc(y
(a),y(b)), bcfun can have the form

res = bcfun(ya,yb)
res = bcfun(ya,yb,parameters)

where ya and yb are column vectors corresponding to y(a) and y

(b). parameters is a vector of unknown parameters. The output
res is a column vector.
See Multipoint Boundary Value Problems for a description of
bcfun for multipoint boundary value problems.


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A structure containing the initial guess for a solution. You create

solinit using the function bvpinit. solinit has the
following fields.

x Ordered nodes of the initial mesh. Boundary

conditions are imposed at a = solinit.x
(1) and b = solinit.x(end).

y Initial guess for the solution such that

solinit.y(:,i) is a guess for the
solution at the node solinit.x(i).

parameters Optional. A vector that provides an initial guess

for unknown parameters.

The structure can have any name, but the fields must be named x,
y, and parameters. You can form solinit with the helper
function bvpinit. See bvpinit for details.

options Optional integration argument. A structure you create using the

bvpset function. See bvpset for details.

sol = bvp4c(odefun,bcfun,solinit) integrates a system of
ordinary differential equations of the form

y′ = f(x,y)

on the interval [a,b] subject to two-point boundary value conditions bc(y(a),y(b)) = 0.

odefun and bcfun are function handles. See the function_handle

reference page for more information.

Parameterizing Functions explains how to provide additional parameters to the

function odefun, as well as the boundary condition function bcfun, if necessary.

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bvp4c can also solve multipoint boundary value problems. See Multipoint
Boundary Value Problems. You can use the function bvpinit to specify the
boundary points, which are stored in the input argument solinit. See the
reference page for bvpinit for more information.

The bvp4c solver can also find unknown parameters p for problems of the form

y′ = f(x,y, p)

0 = bc(y(a),y(b),p)

where p corresponds to parameters. You provide bvp4c an initial guess for

any unknown parameters in solinit.parameters. The bvp4c solver
returns the final values of these unknown parameters in sol.parameters.

bvp4c produces a solution that is continuous on [a,b] and has a continuous first
derivative there. Use the function deval and the output sol of bvp4c to
evaluate the solution at specific points xint in the interval [a,b].

sxint = deval(sol,xint)

The structure sol returned by bvp4c has the following fields:

sol.x Mesh selected by bvp4c

sol.y Approximation to y(x) at the mesh points of sol.x

sol.yp Approximation to y′(x) at the mesh points of sol.x

sol.parameters Values returned by bvp4c for the unknown parameters,

if any

sol.solver 'bvp4c'

sol.stats Computational cost statistics (also displayed when the

stats option is set with bvpset).

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The structure sol can have any name, and bvp4c creates the fields x, y, yp,
parameters, and solver.

sol = bvp4c(odefun,bcfun,solinit,options) solves as above

with default integration properties replaced by the values in options, a structure
created with the bvpset function. See bvpset for details.

solinit = bvpinit(x, yinit, params) forms the initial guess

solinit with the vector params of guesses for the unknown parameters.

Singular Boundary Value Problems

bvp4c solves a class of singular boundary value problems, including problems with
unknown parameters p, of the form

y′ = S · y/x + F(x,y,p)

0 = bc(y(0),y(b),p)

The interval is required to be [0, b] with b > 0. Often such problems arise when
computing a smooth solution of ODEs that result from partial differential equations
(PDEs) due to cylindrical or spherical symmetry. For singular problems, you specify
the (constant) matrix S as the value of the 'SingularTerm' option of
bvpset, and odefun evaluates only f(x,y,p). The boundary conditions must be
consistent with the necessary condition S · y(0) = 0 and the initial guess should
satisfy this condition.

Multipoint Boundary Value Problems

bvp4c can solve multipoint boundary value problems where
a = a0 < a1 < a2 < ...< an = b are boundary points in the interval [a,b]. The points
a1,a2,...,an−1 represent interfaces that divide [a,b] into regions. bvp4c enumerates
the regions from left to right (from a to b), with indices starting from 1. In region k,
[ak−1,ak], bvp4c evaluates the derivative as

yp = odefun(x,y,k)

In the boundary conditions function

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yleft(:,k) is the solution at the left boundary of [ak−1,ak]. Similarly, yright

(:,k) is the solution at the right boundary of region k. In particular,

yleft(:,1) = y(a)


yright(:,end) = y(b)

When you create an initial guess with

solinit = bvpinit(xinit,yinit),

use double entries in xinit for each interface point. See the reference page for
bvpinit for more information.

If yinit is a function, bvpinit calls y = yinit(x,k) to get an initial

guess for the solution at x in region k. In the solution structure sol returned by
bpv4c, sol.x has double entries for each interface point. The corresponding
columns of sol.y contain the left and right solution at the interface, respectively.

To see an example that solves a three-point boundary value problem, type

threebvp at the MATLAB® command prompt.

Note: The bvp5c function is used exactly like bvp4c, with the exception of
the meaning of error tolerances between the two solvers. If S(x) approximates
the solution y(x), bvp4c controls the residual |S′(x) – f(x,S(x))|. This controls
indirectly the true error |y(x) – S(x)|. bvp5c controls the true error directly.
bvp5c is more efficient than bvp4c for small error tolerances.

Example 1
Boundary value problems can have multiple solutions and one purpose of the initial
guess is to indicate which solution you want. The second-order differential equation

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y′′ + |y| = 0

has exactly two solutions that satisfy the boundary conditions y(0) = 0, y(4) = −2.

Prior to solving this problem with bvp4c, you must write the differential equation as
a system of two first-order ODEs

y1′ = y2

y2′ = −|y1|.

Here y1 = y and y2 = y′. This system has the required form

y′ = f(x,y)

bc(y(a),y(b)) = 0

The function f and the boundary conditions bc are coded in MATLAB software as
functions twoode and twobc.

function dydx = twoode(x,y)

dydx = [ y(2)

function res = twobc(ya,yb)

res = [ ya(1)
yb(1) + 2];

Form a guess structure consisting of an initial mesh of five equally spaced points in
[0,4] and a guess of constant values

y1(x) ≡ 0


y2(x) ≡ 0

with the command

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solinit = bvpinit(linspace(0,4,5),[1 0]);

Now solve the problem with

sol = bvp4c(@twoode,@twobc,solinit);

Evaluate the numerical solution at 100 equally spaced points and plot y(x) with

x = linspace(0,4);
y = deval(sol,x);

You can obtain the other solution of this problem with the initial guess

solinit = bvpinit(linspace(0,4,5),[-1 0]);

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Example 2
This boundary value problem involves an unknown parameter. The task is to
compute the fourth (q = 5) eigenvalue λ of Mathieu's equation

y" + (λ – 2q cos2x)y = 0.

Because the unknown parameter λ is present, this second-order differential equation

is subject to three boundary conditions:

y′(0) = 0

y′(π) = 0

y(0) = 1

It is convenient to use local functions to place all the functions required by bvp4c in
a single file.

function mat4bvp

lambda = 15;
solinit = bvpinit(linspace
sol = bvp4c(@mat4ode,@mat4bc,solinit);

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fprintf('The fourth eigenvalue is approximately %


xint = linspace(0,pi);
Sxint = deval(sol,xint);
axis([0 pi -1 1.1])
title('Eigenfunction of Mathieu''s equation.')
ylabel('solution y')
% -----------------------------------------------
function dydx = mat4ode(x,y,lambda)
q = 5;
dydx = [ y(2)
-(lambda - 2*q*cos(2*x))*y(1) ];
% -----------------------------------------------
function res = mat4bc(ya,yb,lambda)
res = [ ya(2)
ya(1)-1 ];
% -----------------------------------------------
function yinit = mat4init(x)
yinit = [ cos(4*x)
-4*sin(4*x) ];

The differential equation (converted to a first-order system) and the boundary

conditions are coded as local functions mat4ode and mat4bc, respectively.
Because unknown parameters are present, these functions must accept three input
arguments, even though some of the arguments are not used.

The guess structure solinit is formed with bvpinit. An initial guess for the
solution is supplied in the form of a function mat4init. We chose y = cos 4x

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because it satisfies the boundary conditions and has the correct qualitative behavior
(the correct number of sign changes). In the call to bvpinit, the third argument
(lambda = 15) provides an initial guess for the unknown parameter λ.

After the problem is solved with bvp4c, the field sol.parameters returns the
value λ = 17.097, and the plot shows the eigenfunction associated with this

More About

bvp4c is a finite difference code that implements the three-stage Lobatto IIIa
formula. This is a collocation formula and the collocation polynomial provides a
C1-continuous solution that is fourth-order accurate uniformly in [a,b]. Mesh
selection and error control are based on the residual of the continuous solution.

[1] Shampine, L.F., M.W. Reichelt, and J. Kierzenka, "Solving Boundary Value
Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations in MATLAB with bvp4c," available at

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See Also
@ | bvp5c | bvpget | bvpinit | bvpset | bvpxtend | deval

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