Beauty Parlourr Project

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Under MUDRA Scheme

Submitted by: -


Address:- Village- PO- PS-

Pin –

Dist -

Submitted to



For kind sanction.

The Proposal in Brief:

 Introduction: - Beauty Parlour Business is a demand oriented

business in present day life. Women are passionate to go for
parlour at least once in a month to beautify them. This is very
tough for rural women to connect with high profile Beauty
Parlour in the city. So there is a scope for Beautician to access
their service in rural area by opening up small beauty parlour
unit in villages. It will create self employment opportunity in
rural areas and thus rural Beauticians can spot the opportunity
for upgrading their life styles too.
 Objective of the Proposal: - After getting financial support
from Bank, the Beautician will be able to-
1) Start small scale Parlour in his locality.
2) Build up self confidence to become self reliant by working at
local level.
3) Gradually can upgrade the business standard
A) Total Project cost: Rs. 61600/-
I) Fixed Cost :- Rs. 49500
II) Variable Cost :- Rs. 12100/-

Total- Rs. 61600/-

III) Details of Fixed Expenditure :-

Item Quantity Rate Total

Spa Machine 1 nos. 10,000 10,000
Straight Machine 1 no. 4000 4000
Vibration Machine 1 nos. 400 400
Scissor Big) 2 nos 400 800
Tel Comb 6 nos. 25 150
Water Spray 2 nos. 125 250
Apron 2 nos. 150 300
Wall Mirror 2 nos. 2000 4000
Fan 2 nos. 3000 6000
Chair 1 nos. 8000 8000
Manicure & pedicure kit 1 nos. 400 400
Threading scissor 2 nos 100 200
Hair rebonding kit- 1 nos. 7000 7000
Bridal Make up kit 1 nos 8000 8000
Total Rs. 49500/-

IV) Running Expenditure

Items Quantity Rate Total

Facial kit normal 02 450 900
Gold bleach 01 700 700
Message cream for 01 350 350
manicure & pedicure
Thread 1Piece 50 50
Powder 2 nos. 150 150
Straight cream kit 1 no. 7500 7500

Sudal 1 nos 100 100

Hair Brash 2 nos. 100 200
Antiseptic cream 1 nos. 150 150
Small Towel 2 nos 100 200
Plastic Bucket 1 no. 150 150
Plastic Bowl 1 nos 200 200
Electric Bill Monthly -- -- 500
Wax paper 1 Peck. 200 200
Wax lotion 1 mos. 250 250
Misc. 500
Total Running Expenditure 12100

Monthly Proposed Outcome :

Works Details Proposed Estimated Total

rate customer
Facial 350 15 nos. 5250
Bleach 250 15 nos. 3750
Manicure 200 15 nos. 3000
Pedicure 250 15 nos. 3750
Threading 20 15 nos. 300
Hair Cutting 150 10 nos. 1500
Oil Message 60 06 nos. 360
Waxing ( Both Hands) 400 02 nos. 800
Hair Colour 500 02 nos `1000
Hair Straight 4000 01 no. 4000
Hair rebonding and 6000 01 no. 6000
Bridal Make up (Seasonal) 3000 02 nos. 6000
Estimated Gross income per month Rs. 35710

(Rs. Thirty Five thousand Seven Hundred ten )only

B) Infrastructure:-

I) Land- Own
II) Building – Own
C) Source of Fund
I) Own fund (5%) = Rs. 3080
II) Family support = Rs. 8520/-
III) Bank Loan = Rs. 50,000/-
Rs.61600/- (Sixty one thousand six
Hundred) only
D) Loan Recovery Period =5 years
E) Interest Rate = approx 9.85
F) Monthly Instalment to Bank approx @ Rs.1000/- per month.
G) Net Monthly income :- Rs.(35,710-12,100+1000) =22610/-

Signature of the candidate

Forwarded to ...........................................................Bank for kind

verification & sanction .


RRUDSET Institute

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