FEMA B-526 Earthquake Safety Checklist 110217 508
FEMA B-526 Earthquake Safety Checklist 110217 508
FEMA B-526 Earthquake Safety Checklist 110217 508
FEMA B-526 / November 2017
Important Numbers and Addresses
Your family may not be together when an
earthquake strikes, so use the spaces below
to record information that will help you
communicate with one another. Remember,
during the first 24 hours following a major
earthquake, use your telephone only in case of
Call 911 an emergency (see page 9). You may be able
for emergencies to text message before being able to make
phone calls.
Purifying Water
If bottled water is unavailable or you have questions about the
quality of water, purify before drinking. Below are three ways to
purify water:
Bleach. If you are not able to boil water, you can use regular
household bleach to purify it. Do not use scented, color safe
bleach or bleach with added cleansers, as the added chemicals
might be harmful. The amount of bleach depends on the strength
of the bleach and how clear the water is, as shown below.
If the water is cloudy, let it settle and filter through a clean cloth
or coffee filter. Add bleach according to the table above, stir, and
let stand for 30 minutes. Water should have a slight bleach odor.
If it doesn’t, repeat the dosage and let it stand for another 15
minutes. If it still does not smell of chlorine, discard it and find
another source of water.
Home Preparedness
In the event of an earthquake, you may be instructed to shut off
the utility services at your home. Teach responsible members
of your family how to turn off the gas, electricity, and water at
valves and main switches. Consult your local utilities if you need
more information.
You can shut off all water to your property by finding the water
meter box (usually at the street or sidewalk). Inside the water
meter box, you will see a valve that is similar to the valve on
your gas meter. Turn it the same direction as you would your gas
valve. Based on your geographic location, the water main shut-
off valve may be located inside your home.
• Stay there.
Plan to Reunite
Post a message in clear view that states where you can be
found. Take your Disaster Supplies Kit. List reunion points in
case of separation. Such points may be the homes of neighbors,
friends, or relatives; schools; or community centers. Use the
blanks below to list reunion points, or add an emergency phone
registration in the Next of Kin Registry (NOKR) by calling 1-800-
915-5413; or by making an entry via an Emergency Information
Link (https://pleaseno.ipower.com/nok/restricted/reg.php)
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
FEMA Publications
You can order printed copies of the following publications
by calling the FEMA Distribution Facility at
1-800-480-2520. As noted, some are available for
download from the FEMA website.
Business Name: _________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________ City: _____________ State: ________
Zip: ________________ Office Phone: _______________________________________
Medication: ___________________________ Prescription #: _____________________
Allergies: _______________________________________________________________
Doctor’s Name: ___________________________ Phone: ________________________
Pharmacy Phone: _________________________ Blood Type: ____________________
Notes: _________________________________________________________________
Cut Line