Carnegie 1957

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By William Carnegie, B.Sc., Ph.D. (Associate Member)"
In the present paper the static bending of pre-twisted cantilever blading is examined.
The blading is pre-twisted linearly about the centroid of its cross-section to a maximum
angle of n/2 radians and is considered to be mounted encastr6 at the root. The behaviour
of such blading, particularly when bending under a distributed load, is of considerable
practical importance.
By the application of variational calculus, static equilibrium equations are derived from
expressions for the total potential energy of blades subject to either concentrated or
uniformly distributed bending loads. Solution of the equilibrium equations yields
expressions for the static deflexions. Over a range of pre-twist angles between 0 and n/2
radians deflexions are calculated for blades of (1) narrow rectangular cross-section when
subjected to either method of loading, (2) narrow aerofoil cross-section when subjected to
a uniformly distributed load.
Sets of steel cantilever blades of MITOW rectangular cross-section are loaded laterally
at their free ends and the deflexions determined by measurement. The experimental
values of deflexion compare reasonably with the relevant calculated ones. Small
discrepancies bemeen the two sets of results are not yet fully explained and further
investigation of the problem is under consideration.
For blades where the pre-twist angles do not exceed 7r/2 radians, the agreement
obtained between the two sets of deflexions for the concentrated load system is such that
the validity of the theory, when it is applied to other loading systems, can safely be
assumed without further recourse to experiment.

INTRODUCTION pre-twisted blades, use will be made of the static bending

THEADVENT OF THE GASTURBINE in recent years has resulted results in analysing the dynamic problem. The conse-
in the use of pre-twisted blading in both the turbo- quences of failure, due to fatigue resulting from the pro-
compressor and the turbine unit. Particularly in the turbo- longed vibrations, of blades of rotating machines requires
compressor designed on the basis of the 'Free Vortex' no emphasis.
theory, blades possessing considerable axial pre-twist are
encountered. The static and dynamic behaviour of blades Notation
each depend to a significant extent on the magnitude of the
A Area.
pre-twist imposed.
A Constant.
The static bending of pre-twisted blades of 'thin-walled'
B Constant.
section is analysed by Zickel (1955)t, the pre-twist angles
considered being between 0 and 10 7-r radians. The theory
C Torsional stiffness.
C Constant.
given is stated, however, to be inaccurate at small pre-twist
angles. The objects of the present paper are to study the
D Constant.
static bending of cantilever blades having pre-twist angles
E Modulus of elasticity.
not greater than 4 2 radians and provide expressions for
E Constant.
the lateral deflexions.
F Fibre force.
F Constant.
In a subsequent report dealing with the vibrations of Shear force in xlz plane.
The MS. of this paper wasjirst received at the Institution on 26th FY Shear force in ylz plane.
February 1957.
* Lecturm, The University, Birmingham. 4% Second moment of area of section about xlxl.
t An alphabetical list of references is given in Appendix V I . IYY
Second moment of area of section about ylyl.

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Product moment of area of section about xlxland 41 Slope in xlz plane.

Second moment of area of section about X X .
Second moment of area of section about Y Y .
Slope in y l z plane.
Variational function.
Bending moment in xlz plane. STATIC DEFLEXION RELATIONSHIPS
Bending moment in y l z plane. The procedure for determining the static deflexion relation-
Radius of curvature in xlz plane. ships of pre-twisted blading consists of the application of
Radius of curvature in y l z plane. variational methodst to the equations for total potential
Torque or twisting moment. energy V of blades subjected to either a concentrated or a
Total potential energy, variational integral. uniformly distributed bending load. Solution of the re-
Concentrated load. sulting equations of equilibrium yields expressions for the
Concentrated load applied at distance L along static deflexions.
Co-ordinate measured from centroid in X Concentrated Load System
Co-ordinate measured from centroid in Y When a horizontal blade, of negligible weight, is subjected
to a concentrated load acting vertically downwards through
the centroid of the cross-section at the free end, the total
Co-ordinate measured from centroid in x direction.
potential energy V,as derived in Appendix 111, is given by
Co-ordinate measured from centroid in y direction.
equation (66), namely,
Normal stress.
Gravitational acceleration.
Width of cross-section.
Depth of cross-section.
Co-ordinate distance between centre-of-flexure
and centroid in x direction. where the blade is initially along the zz axis, the positive y
Co-ordinate distance between centre-of-flexure axis is vertically upwards, and the second moments of area
and centroid in y direction. (I,,, Iyy)and the product moment (I,) are taken about the
Co-ordinate distance between centre-of-flexure reference axes xlxland ylyl.
and centroid in X direction. Only rectangular cross-section blades are considered for
Co-ordinate distance between centre-of-flexure the concentrated load system. Hence r, = 0 and equation
and centroid in Y direction. (1) reduces to
Curved length.
Potential energy.
Strain energy.
+YLYI, * (2)
Weight per unit length.
Deflexion of centre-of-flexure in xz plane.
Deflexion of centroid in xlz plane.
Deflexion of centre-of-flexure in y z plane. symmetry.
2 dz Cid0)2
the term - - being eliminated from considerations of

Deflexion of centroid in y l z plane. For stable equilibrium to obtain in a static system the
Co-ordinate distance measured along - blade. potential energy must be a minimum. Ignoring the boun-
X X , Y Y Principal axes through centroid. dary term WLyLin the expression for V , since it does not
xx, y y Co-ordinate axes through centre-of-ff exure. affect the minimum value of the remaining integral, equa-
xlxl,ylyl Co-ordinate axes through centroid. tion (2) is of the form of equation (74), Appendix IV. Thus
zz Longitudinal axis. application of the relevant Euler characteristic equations
xLy yL,,+ 0, Deflexions at distance L along blade. (75a) and (75b), also given in Appendix IVYto the integral
x', xl', y', y 1 , 8 etc. First derivatives with respect to z. of equation (2) results in the following pair of simultaneous
x", xll', y", y1", 8" etc. Second derivatives with respect equations representing the condition of stable equilibrium
to 2. of a blade, namely,
c.g. Centroid.
c.f. Centre-of-flexure.*
CY Angle between co-ordinate axes xlxl, y l y l and
principal axes X X , Y Y . Angle of pre-twist and

about line of centroid.
Static angle of elastic twist or torsional deflexion. EkyyE) (g)}
dz2 +EIxy =0 . (3b)

* A dejinicion of 'Centre-of-Flexure' is given in Appendix V. j-A brief discussion of variationaf calculus is given in Appendix IV.

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Integrating these equations twice By the use of standard trigonometrical relationships

. . . (10)
EIyyE)+EIxy@) = Cz+D = M , . (4b) Double integration of this equation, making use of the
appropriate boundary conditions, namely (dyldz) = y = 0
where A, ByC and D are arbitrary constants. The addition at z = 0, results in an expression for y; putting z = L in
of the final elements (My,M,) to the equations follows this expression gives
directly from the results of analyses given in Appendix I,
sin 2uL-2u,
that is equations (38a) and (38b).
Since the load W (W = W,) is applied in the yz plane it
follows that M, = 0. Also if z is measured from the root . . . (11)
and L is the blade length, My = - WL at z = 0 and hence Although when uL = 0 the final bracket is indeterminate,
My = - WL = B. At z = L, however, My = 0 and there- successive differentiation shows that equation (11) reduces
fore 0 = AL+B = AL- WL; thus A = W and for the WL3
general point My = - WL+ Wz = - W(L-z). toy, = -- , the standard expression for the deflexion
Thus equations (4a) and (4b) become of a straight blade of uniform cross-section.
For a blade of rectangular cross-section and thickness
mn3 121133 IXx n2
ratio nlm, I,, = - 12, Iyy = - and - = -; thus
12 IYY m2

Simultaneous solution of equations (5a) and (5b) will . . . (12a)

result in expressions for the deflexions x and y in terms of
the blade dimensions, the elastic constants, the loading and A second solution of the simultaneous equations (5a) and
angle of pre-twist. (5b) will yield a value for the x deflexion x, at the free end
Rearrangement of equation (5b) and substitution into of the blade, which in the case of the rectangular cross-
(5a) gives section is
WL3 cos 2UL+2UL2--1

Putting uL = 0 in equation (12b), the final bracket is

Combining equations (42) (44) and (46), Appendix 11, it indeterminate. Successive differentiation shows that x, = 0
can readily be shown that (Ixx Iyy-Ixy2) = I,,Zyy. Thus which is the expected result for a straight blade.
equation (6) may, with slight rearrangement, be written Letting n = m in the above equations, deflexion ex-
pressions for a square-section cantilever bar are obtained,
Hence by use of equation (44), y,=--;x,=O
. * (13) .
(IyycOs2 U+ I,, sin2 u)W(L-z) For convenience of general application equations (12a)
- (8) and (12b) can easily be expressed in dimensionless form.
Thus writing 5= WL3/3EI,
Considering the angle of pre-twist a to vary in a linear
manner along the length of the blade then, in general,
a = Ez+F. If a = 0 at the root cross-section, however,
F = 0 since z = 0. Thus, letting u = at the free end, . . . (14a)
it follows that U, = EL or E = uL/L; hence a = zccL/L.
Subsdtuting this expression for u in equation (8)
(f) = 8{1-(;zm)z){
cos 2uL+2uL2- 1
} * (14b)

The dimensionless deflexions (yLb)and (x,/j) are thus

expressed in terms of the thickness ratio (n/m) of the blade
and the angle of pre-twist a,; they are independent of the
. . - (9) blade length and its material.

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Uniformly Distributed Load System For a rectangular cross-section blade, since,Z = mn3/l2
When a horizontal blade deflects owing to its own dis- and I,, = nrn3/l2, equations (Ha) and (18b) can be
tributed weight, the total potential energy V stored is given written
by equations (67) or (68), Appendix 111. If the positive y cos 2ffL+2ffL2-
axis of reference is taken to be vertically upwards then the
potential energy is thus
. . . (19a)

XL =- --
The completion of the problem requires the solution of
Equation (15) is of the form of equation (74), Appendix the independent equation (16c). To integrate this equation
IVYand application to it of equations (75a), (75b) and (75c), it is necessary to substitute for r, which is given by equation
Appendix IVYresults in the following set of stable equili- (47a), Appendix 11. For a blade having a linear pre-twist
brium equations variation with length this equation becomes

= -w . (16a) r, = r, cos (7)-r, sin (F) . . (20)

$kyy($)+EIXy($)] =0 . (16b) since CI = 0 at z = 0 and, thus, CI =

-$[.g)j = -wr,

Substituting from equations (38a) and (38b), Appendix I,

it follows that
(16c) Substitution of equation (20) into equation (16c) gives

%[.(g)j = w[r, cos e ) - r y sin

Double integration of this equation making use of the

e)] . (21)

Y =
-w . . . . (16d) appropriate boundary conditions, To = 0 at z = L and
0 = 0 at z = 0, results in an expression for 8. Considering
-0 . . . . (16e) the blade cross-section to be uniform, that is Cis a constant,
the expression for 0 at z = L is, namely,
For a blade of uniform cross-section the torsional stiffness
Cis a constant and, thus, equation (16c) can be written e, = C -{
wrxL2 1- cos aL-ctL sin ctL

C(2) = wr, . . . . (16f)

Combination of equations (16a) and (16b) with equations
(16d) and (16e) respectively followed by double integration With aL = 0 the above expression is indeterminate but,
of the two resulting expressions, making use of the relevant on successivedifferentiation of numerator and denominator,
boundary conditions, gives reduces to

which is the equation for the angle (8), of elastic twist when
kyy($)+EIm(g)] = 0 = M, (17b) pre-twist is absent.
For a rectangular cross-section blade, since r, = ry = 0,
Simultaneous solution of these two equations, as pre-
viously carried out for the concentrated load system, eL=o . . . . - (24)
results in the following expressions for the tip deflexions To summarize the results of the present analysis,
YL and XL equations (18a), (18b) and (22) may be expressed in dimen-
yL = 1+2}+${
-g-[+{ I-?}{
cos 2aL+2aL2-- 1
aL4 11 sionless form. Using the parameters 7 = wL4/8EI, and
0 = wrxL2/2C then
. . . (Ha) cos 2ffL+2aL*- 1
($)= -+{1+5}-${1-5}{ aL4
. . . (25a)
When uL = 0 equations (Ma) and (18b) reduce to yL
= -wL4/8EI, and xL= 0 which are the standard results
for a blade without pre-twist. ffL4
} ..
sin 2ffL-2CIL+4aL3

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1- cos aL-olL sin aL The boundary conditions for the concentrated load
system can also be established by slight modifications to the
above procedure. Owing to the presence of the constant
term in equation (2), applicable to the concentrated load
system, an additional quantity WL6yLmust be added to the
- terminal-point equations (26) and (27), thus, allowing for
Thus the dimensionless deflexions (y,l?j>(x,E)and (eL/8) an arbitrary variation Sy, of the terminal function y,. The
are dependent only on the shape of the cross-section lower limit equation (28b) established above, is unaltered
and the angle of pre-twist. except for the elimination of the term containing 8, elastic
twist in this case being absent. For a cantilever blade
measuring distance z from the root as before, the terms yo,
Boundary Conditions yo),xo, and xo) are all zero and thus the lower-limit equation
The boundary conditions of the two problems analysed is satisfied. The upper-limit equation (28a) afier elimination
above have been deduced by inspection of the system. In of the 6 terms, becomes
each case they are required to satisfy the additional terminal
point equation quoted in Appendix IV if the first variation (SyL'MyL- ~YLFJ+(SXL'MXL- + ~ L ~ =
Y L0

is to vanish completely. Hence the validity of the chosen . . . (28c)

boundary conditions can be verified. Since the terms y,, y:, 3c, and x; are not prescribed,
Application of the terminal-point equation (76), given in their variations (6yL,Sy,' etc.) are arbitrary. Thus, to fulfil
Appendix IV, to equation (15) for the uniformly distributed equation (28c), as is necessary for the first variation to
loading system gives vanish completely, MPL,MxLand FxLmust each be equal
to zero: also WLSyL-F,,Sy, = 0 and thus FyL= VLas
is to be expected for a blade subjected to a concentrated
load WLat its free end.

By application of the calculus of variations, equations have
been established fulfilling the requirements for stationary
. . (26) - values of potential energy, and hence for equilibrium, of
pre-twisted cantilever blades subjected to either single
Making use of equations (38a), (38b), (40a) and (40b),
Appendix I and equation (53), Appendix 111, equation (26) concentrated or uniformly distributed lateral loading. The
becomes boundary conditions applicable to either method of loading
have also been established. The second variation deciding
[ ~ s ~ ~ M , - ~ ~ F , ~ + (se~,)]: ~~~~ =Mo ~(27)- ~ ~ F the
, ~ stability
+ or otherwise of the equilibrium conditions is
not here examined, the stability of the system being
This expression must be satisfied separately at each of assumed.
the limits in order that the first variation shall vanish. Thus,
for the upper limit
(~Y'LM,--SY,F,L)+(~X'LM~L- SxLFxL)+(seLTd = 0
Before presenting the deflexion calculations, a brief descrip-
. . . (28a) tion of the experimental work will be given. The deflexion
and for the lower limit tests described are confined to pre-twisted steel blades of
(SY 'OMyo + +
-SY OF,,) (Sx'oMxo-~ x o ~ x o(680 ) To,) = 0 uniform
loads at
rectangular cross-section subjected to concentrated
their free ends. Each blade is mounted rigidly as a
. . . (28b) cantilever and, on application of a load to its free end, the
For a cantilever blade, measuring distance z from the resulting deflexions are determined by means of (1) a pair
root, it is known that yo,yo),xo, xo' and Oo, referred to as the of dial gauges, (2) a travelling microscope.
imposed boundary conditions, are all zero. Thus, since the The apparatus used is shown in Fig. 1, Plate 1. The pre-
variations of fixed quantities are zero, 6y0, Syo), 6x0, 8x0' twisted blade, provided with a short straight length for
and SOo are also zero and hence condition (28b) is Ilfilled. mounting purposes, is gripped rigidly in the steel mounting
The terms y,, y,', x, x,' and 8, are not prescribed and block. The fiee end of the blade has a small projection a
their variations (8yL,Sy,' etc.) can, thus, be arbitrary. In machined on it to which the loading string is attached and
order that condition (28a) shall be fulfilled, as is necessary loads may be applied either vertically, or horizontallymaking
for the fist variation to vanish, MyL,FyLy MxL, FxL and use of the roller b shown in Fig. lb. The two dial gauges,
To, must each be equal to zero. Hence, application of the from which the restoring springs have been removed, are
terminal-point equation specifies the additional boundary fitted with light cylindricalfeet c along which the blade can
conditions (M%,FyLetc.) necessary to satisfy the problem. slide. One of the dial gauges is arranged to measure vertical

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tip deflexions, the other to measure horizontal tip deflexions. THEORETICAL A N D EXPERIMENTAL
The travelling microscope is also illustrated in its two RESULTS
positions, one for vertical (Fig. la) and the other for Concentrated Load System: Rectangular Cross-
horizontal (Fig. lb) deflexion measurements. section
Tests were carried out on seven mild steel blades pro-
vided with axial pre-twists of 0, 15, etc. up to 90 deg. Each The measured static deflexions of the rectangular cross-
blade was pre-twisted over a length of 6 inches, the actual section blades are presented in Fig. 4a, Plate 2, for the
method used being shownin Fig. 2, Plate 1. A 2-inch straight vertical load application and Fig. 4b, Plate 2, for the hori-
length was left at one end of the blade for mounting and zontal load application. Results obtained with both the dial
the projection a formed on the other end after pre-twisting. gauges and the travelling microscope are presented to a
The cross-sec6on of the blade material measured 1 inch x base of pre-twist angle ctL. The experimental deflexion
iLc inch (nominal) and its modulus of elasticity, determined values are plotted at the actual values of pre-twist angle ocL
in an accurately conducted tensile test on a specimen of the which differs slightly from the nominal figures of 0 deg.,
rolled strip, was found to be 30x 106 Ib. per sq. in. A 15 deg., etc. The corresponding theoretical curves, cal-
complete set of pre-twisted blades is illustrated in Fig. 3, culated from equations (12a) and (12b), are also given. In
Plate 1. the calculations a mean value of 0.0635inch was used for
The test procedure was, briefly, as follows. With one of n (Fig. 5a, Plate 2) and m (Fig. 5b, Plate 2). Actual width
the blades mounted in the block (Fig. 1) the dial gauges and thickness values of the specimens are presented in
were arranged to record, respectively, any vertical and Table 1 for reference.
horizontal displacements of the tip section. Readings of the
gauges were taken before and after the application of a 1 lb. Table 1. Thickness Values of Rectangular
Cross-section Specimens

1 1 1 1
load, applied first vertically and then horizontally, and the
deflexions for each method of loading deduced. The pos-
sibility of error due to backlash in the springless gauges was 0
m/n, inches . 1 :1 :3 :4 :6 7: 90
eliminated by taking several readings with both rising and n/m, inches . 0.063 0.064 0.064 0.063 0.064 0.063 0.064
falling loads. Care was also required to ensure that the dial
gauge feet were actually contacting the blade tip before a
reading was obtained. It will be seen from studying the curves that a reasonable
The optical measurements were conducted thus. With measure of agreement exists between the measured and
the travelling microscope mounted in the position shown in theoretical deflexions. With the load applied vertically (Fig.
Fig. la, its horizontal hairline was sighted on one comer of 4a) the measured deflexions tend, however, to be greater
the blade tip section and the reading of the vernier observed. than the calculated ones. Den Hartog (1952) quotes the
After application of the load the hairline was resighted on fact that pre-twisted blades of thin-walled section display
the comer of the blade, by rotation of the micrometer screw, much greater deflexions than those predicted by existing
and a second reading of the vernier taken. The vertical theory, this being due to inclination of the blade fibres. The
deflexion was thus readily determined. Measurement of problem has since been analysed by Zickel(l955) for blades
horizontal deflexions using the microscope presented some of thin-walled section, pre-twist angles up to values of 10 7~
difficulty. Associated with the horizontal deflexions being radians being considered. At the pre-twist angles of the
measured were the accompanying vertical deflexions which, blades examined in the present report, however, the de-
in some cases, were large enough to exceed the aperture of flexion increase expected due to this effect is not greater than
the microscope. Hence if the blade was visible before de- about 1per cent. Furthermore examinationof Fig. 4b reveals
flexion it was out of view after deflexion and, with the that, in this case, the measured deflexions are less than the
microscope set in the position shown in Fig. lb, vertical calculated ones. A complete explanation of this unexpected
adjustment was not available to bring the blade again into behaviour of pre-twisted blades is not yet available. How-
view after loading. The problem was surmounted as follows. ever, it can be shown qualitatively that, in addition to
The square d was set up against the blade adjacent to the modified bending moments resulting from inclination of the
end cross-section, the vertical hairline in the eyepiece being blade fibres, there are lateral moments produced which tend
made coincident with one of the vertical edges of the square to deform the blade cross-section. This deformation would
and the vernier reading obtained. The load was applied and modify the blade deflexions, calculated on the basis of the
the square moved, in a direction normal to the blade simple bending theory, in a manner consistent with the
longitudinal axis, till it again contacted the blade. By corresponding observations for both methods of loading.
rotation of the micrometer screw the hairline was adjusted Further investigations of either a theoretical or experimental
to coincide once more with the edge of the square and a nature are required to confirm such a tentative theory.
second reading of the vernier was taken. Hence the hori- Otherwise it should be treated with some caution. The
zontal deflexion could be determined. argument given does not account for the considerable
The above procedure was conducted on each of the blades difference between theory and practice shown by the y
in turn and the deflexions so obtained, together with deflexions of Fig. 4a when pre-twist is absent. If, for
theoretically calculated values, are presented below. example, the difference is due to an error in the value used

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a Vertical position. b Horizontal position,

Fig. 1. Static De$exion Apparatus

Fig. 2. Method of Pre-twisting Fig. 3. Set of Pre-twisted Blades

[I.Mech.E., 19571

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014 0.03


0.10 3 0.02
Y) z
U z
z P
6-I 008 2

; B

004 2 0 0I


0 0
0 20 40 tn 80 I

a Load applied vertically.

x Microscope. o Dial gauges. Theoretical.

Fig. 4. Static Dejexions of Rectangular Cross-section Blades Subjected to Concentrated Loading




a Load applied vertically. b Load applied horizontally.

Fig. 5 . Views Looking Axially Along a Typical Blade from Tip towards Root Cross-section

[I.Mech.E., 19571

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for the modulus of elasticity then all the theoretical curves

will be affected. The author’s opinion is that, since con-
siderable care was taken in the determination of the
modulus, it is more likely due to another cause not yet
Two secondary effects are worthy of mention since they
will modify, slightly, the measured deflexion values. First,
during the pre-twisting, the blade sections adjacent to the
mounting block were not subject to pure torsion due to
longitudinal constraints; this caused a small amount of
non-linearity in the pre-twist at one end of the blades.
Secondly, an additional amount of work hardening of the
rolled steel strips occurred when the pre-twist was imposed
which could lower the elastic modulus. Neither of these
factors can account for the observed behaviour of the blades,
and their influence on the measured deflexions would, in
fact, be almost negligible. It should also be noted that the
effect of shear was neglected in the theoretical analysis
since, for the blade lengths considered, its contribution to
the deflexions would be extremely small.
Referring again to the curves in Fig. 4a it will be observed a Broad face of root cross-section horizontal.
that, generally, the measured deflexions obtained using the
microscope are greater than those recorded by the dial I .o

gauges. The discrepancies are due, in all probability, to the

dial-gauge feet not contacting the blade at its most extreme
section; hence the readings would be less than expected. 08
The differences of magnitude between the two sets of
experimental results plotted on. Fig. 4b are much less -
consistent in .this respect and at some points the dial gauge X
deflexions are the larger. This apparent contradiction in M 06
behaviour was put down to the effects of friction at the U
bearing of the roller over which the load was applied. I
Errors due to this cause were to some extent eliminated by P
care in load application. -I

The slight scatter in the experimental points can be ;

accounted for by small variations in thickness of the
individual blades (Table 1). Deflexions are particularly 02
sensitive to changes of thickness since, in the deflexion
formulae, this parameter is raised to the third power.
The agreement shown between the theoretical and the I
observed results, although referring only to the special case 0, 20 40 60 80 I
of a concentrated load system, confirms in large measure
the validity of the theoretical approach. When a blade b Broad face of root cross-section vertical.
deflects under its own distributed weight, it appears Fig. 6. Theoretical Static Dejexions of Rectangular Cross-
justifiable to expect a similar measure of agreement between section Blades Subjected to Uniformly Distributed
calculated and measured deflexions. The theoretical ex- Loading
pressions for x and y (and O), deduced for the distributed
loading system, can thus be used with reasonable confidence as shown in Fig. 7a. Fig. 6b gives the calculated results for
in future dynamic problems. blades having their broad faces at the root cross-sections
arranged vertically as shown in Fig. 7b. Use is made of
Distributed Load System : Rectangular Cross- equations (19a) and (19b) to calculate the deflexions.
section Since one purpose of the present calculations is to provide
The theoretical deflexions of cantilever blades of uniform data for use in further analyses, the curves in Fig. 6 are
rectangular cross-seaion, subjected to uniformly distri- based on the actual blade dimensions appropriate to the
buted loads (that is their own weight) and mounted with corresponding future tests, namely width m/or depth n = 1
their longitudinal axes horizontal, are presented in Fig. 6. inch, depth n/ or width m = 0.068 inch, length L = 6
Fig. 6a gives the calculated results for blades having their inches, modulus E = 3 0 106 ~ Ib. per sq. in., density
broad faces at the root cross-sections arranged horizontally p = 0.284 Ib. per cu. in., material-rolled steel strip.

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a Broad face of root cross-section horizontal. b Broad face of root cross-section vertical.

Fig. 7. View Looking Axially Along a Typical Blade from Tip towards Root Cross-section

I .4



7 1.1
f 03



-0.1 20 40 60 a0

a Base line of root cross-section approximately horizontal. b Base line of root cross-section approximately vertical.

Fig. 8. Theoretical Static Dejexions and Elastic Twists of Aerofoil Cross-section Blades Subjected to Uniformly Distributed

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Distributed Load System: Aerofoil Cross-section particulars refer to it. I,,/ or I, = 0.0001 inch4, I,,/ or
The theoretical deflexions and elastic twists of cantilever I, = 0.006 71 inch4, (I, and Iyy were determined by
blades of uniform asymmetrical aerofoil cross-section, the derived area method from a large-scale diagram of the
mounted with their longitudinal axes horizontal and sub- cross-section); area A = 0.0914 sq. in., angle of inclination
jected to uniformly distributed loads acting vertically down- between principal axis XX/or Y Y and base line of section
ward, are shown graphically in Fig. 8. The results presented = 2 deg. (Fig. lo), density p = 0.284 lb. per cu. in.,
in Fig. 8a are for blades arranged as indicated in Fig. 9a; modulus E = 31 x lo6 lb. per sq. in., length L = 6 inches,
the results presented in Fig. 8b are for blades arranged as r,/ or r, = 0.0076 inch, ry/ or r, = 0.0470 inch, material
indicated in Fig. 9b. The deflexions are calculated using -stainless iron. (The co-ordinates of the centre-of-flexure
equations (18a), (18b) and (22). in relation to the centroid were determined experimentally
As before, the calculations are based on the dimensions as will be described in a later report.) Values of torsional
of blades on which future tests are to be made. The blade stiffness C were obtained from supplementary tests also to
cross-section, with the position of the centroid and centre- be described in a later report.
of-flexure marked, is shown in Fig. 10 and the following Torsional deflexions 0, are calculated for positive and

\ \


___- *I


iI \ Y

4 $1
a Base line of root cross-section approximately horizontal. b Base line of root cross-section approximately vertical.
Fig. 9. Vieurs L o o k i q Axially Along a Typical Blah from Tip towards Root Cross-section


Y , ,Y
Fig. 10. Cross-section of Asymmetrical Aerofoil Blade Showing Position of the Centroid and Centre-of-jZexure

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f 2.0
z 1.5



4 5

a Base line of root cross-section approximately horizontal. b Base line of root cross-section approximately vertical.

Fig. 11. Calculated Values of rxLBLand rYLOL

for Aerofoil Cross-section Blades

Table 2. Calculated Values of r,, and ryL for Aerofoil Cross-section Blades; Base Line of Root Cross-section Approximately
Horizontal (Fig.9a)

r x L , inches . . +0.007 60 -0.004 87 -0.016 92 -0.027 83 -0.036 90 -0.043 33


-0.04'1 00

{ryL, inches . . -0.047 00 -0.047 27 -0.044 50 -0.038 57 -0.030 08 -0.019 50 -0.007 60

rxL, inches . . +0.007 60 +0.019 50 +0.030 08 +0.038 57 +0.044 50 +0.047 27 $0.047 00
vE { ryL, inches . . -0.047 00 -0.043 33 -0.036 90 -0.027 83 -0.016 92 -0.004 87 +0.007 60

ffLO l o l l 5 30 45 60 75 90
a L + v ~ {pinches
+0,047 00
+0.007 60
$0.047 27
-0.004 87
+0.044 50 +0.038 57 +0.030 08 +0.019 50 +0.007 60
yL, -0.016 92 -0'027 83 -0.036 90 -0.043 33 -0.047 00
jrxL, inches
r,,, inches
+0'047 00
+0.007 60
+0.043 33
+0.019 50
$0.036 90 +0'027 83 +0.016 92 $0.004 87 -0.007 60
+0.030 08 +0.038 57 +0.044 50 $0.047 27 +0.047 00

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negative pre-twist angles aL, since the numerical values of deflexions depend on the direction of pre-twist, a clockwise
OL are dependent on the sign of 9.Corresponding values of pre-twist giving different deflexions from an anti-clockwise
r,, and ryL, determined using equations (47a) and (47b), one of the same magnitude.
Appendix 11, are presented in Tables 2 and 3 for both
blade-mounting positions. Additional deflexions (rxLOL)and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
(ryLOL)occurring due to asymmetry, whose magnitudes will The author wishes to record his appreciation to Professor
also depend on the sign of the pre-twist angle, are given in G. F. Mucklow and Professor F. K. Bannister for permis-
Fig. 11. Hence, the total static deflexions (y,+rxLOL)and sion to carry out the experimental work in the department
(xL+ryLOL) will be dependent on the direction of pre-twist. of MechanicalEngineering of the University of Birmingham.
Thus, a blade given clockwise pre-twist has slightly
Merent total deflexions from one with anti-clockwise pre-
twist and this will apply generally to blades of asymmetrical APPENDIX I
section. G E N E R A L E Q U A T I O N S OF B E N D I N G O F A B L A D E
Fig. 12 shows two views of a short element of a blade at distance z
CONCLUSIONS from the root cross-section. The element of an unloaded blade is
The measured static deflexions of pre-twisted cantilever shown in Fig. 12a; after the application of transverse loads, the
blades of uniform rectangular cross-section, subjected to distorted element of a deflected blade is shown in Fig. 12b.
lateral concentrated loads at their free ends, confirm the Application of the transverse loads on the blade results in bend-
ing moments Mx and My on the face or cross-section of the ele-
theoretical approach based on the simple bending theory. ment. The moments, deduced below, act initially in the xz and
It can, thus, be concluded that a similar treatment will y z reference planes respectively and the corresponding local
apply when the loading is uniformly distributed along the deflexions are x1 = x and y1 =y, torsion effects being considered
blade length provided that the pre-twist angles do not absent.
Before deflexion the longitudinal reference axis through the
exceed the specified range of 0 to 7r/2 radians. centroid of the blade cross-section is zz and the original straight
The argument applicable to the above may reasonably be length of the element is dz. After deflexion the longitudinal
extended to the calculation of the deflexions and elastic reference axis through the centroid of the cross-section is ss and
twists of blades of either rectangular or aerofoil shape. the curved length along the line of centroid is ds. The shape of the
Hence deflexion formulae for each of these cases can be cross-section, of area A, is not prescribed. X X and YY are
principal axes inclined at an angle (I to the x l x l and y l y l axes
determined theoretically. respectively, principal axes being the two axes at right angles about
Where aerofoil blades are of asymmetric form the total which the product moment of area Zxy is zero.

1 / I I
4‘ L M y

a Before deflexion. b After deflexion.

Fig. 12. Short Element of Blade in the UndeJected and Dejected Positions

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Adopting the usual assumptions that initially plane sections where X and Y are co-ordinates with reference to the principal
remain plane after bending, the strain e on the longitudinal fibre axes.
BB of area dA, distant a and b from the neutral fibre A A in the
x and y directions respectively, becomes
Hence, since b = X sin a + Y cos a it follows that
Strain e on fibre due to bending = (addl+bdQz)/dz (29) . Ixx = [ r(X2 sin2 a + Y2 cosz a +2XY sin a cos a)dXd Y
41 = and 4 2 = 3 dz
. . .
(30) = Zm sin2 a + I n cos2 a+Zxy sin 2a
are the slopes at the element, in the xz and y z planes respectively, and since Zxy, the product moment of area about the principal
of the blade after bending. axes, is zero
For small deflexions the curved length ds of the neutral fibre
differs little from the initial length dz and hence if R1 and R2 are Zw = Zw sin2 a+Zm C O S ~a . . . (42)
the radii of curvature at the element due to bending in the xz and Similarly, with a = X cos a - Y sin a and
yz planes respectively, then
dS = dz = Rid41 = Rzd$z . . .
(31) Iyy = j Aa2dA = 11aZdXdY . . 9 (43)
Hence from equations (29)and (31)the strain e becomes
a b
e = -+-
R i R2
. . .
(32) Y
Thus the stress f on the fibre is
f = Ee = -+-Ea Eb
Ri R2
. . .
Making use of equations (30)and (31)the following expressions
can be written

Substituting expressions (34)into equation (33)

f=Ea(g)+Ebe) . . . (35)
and thus the longitudinal force dF on the fibre is given by -

dF = f d A = Ea (2)
- dA+Eb (-
ZjdA * * (36)

The moments of the force dF about the axes ylyl and xlxl are
dMx = dFa and dMy = dFb respectively. Thus
dMx = E (2)
- azdA+E (-
2)abdA . . (37a)
and similarly
dMy = E ( g ) b z d A + E ( Z ) a b d A . .
Integration over the blade crow-section gives the total moments
Mx and My on the face of the element, namely,

Y ‘\ ‘Y

My = E Z x x ( g ) + E Z x y ( g ) . . . (38b)
Fig. 13. Geometrical Relationships between Co-ordinate Axes
The total shearing forces on the face of the element are
the following expression can be deduced for Zm,
Fx =-dMx andFy = -
. . .
I,, = In cos2 a+Z= sin* a . . . (44)
and thus The product moment of area I , about the reference axes
xlxl andylyl is given by:

Z, = jAabdA = J j a b d X d Y . . . (45)

and on substituting for a and by equation (45)becomes

Zxy = s j ( X sin a+ Y cos a)(X cos a- Y sin a)dXdY
STANDARD RELATIONSHIPS sin a cos a- Y Zsin a cos a + x Y cos2 a
= JJ(x2
Relationrhips Between Iw, Zyy, ,I I= and Iw - X Y sin2 a)dXdY
In Fig. 13 which shows the cross-section of a blade with principal
axes X X and Y Y, = (Zm-Zm) sin OT cos a

Zxx = sA
b2dA = sJb2dXdY . . . (41) Thus Ixy =
(ZYY -I n ) sin Za
2 . . . * (46)

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Relationships Between rx, ry, rx and ry the gain du,, in the gravitational potential energy of a short element
d z of the blade is
Referring to Fig. 13 the following relationships can be written for
rx and r, dug* = wxldz . . . . . (57)
rx = rx cos a-ry sina . . .
(47a) Allowing for associated twist 0 of the blade, x1 = x+ryO and
ry = rx sin a+ry cos a . . .
(47b) thus
dugx = w(x+ryO)dz . . . .
. (58)
where r, is the distance measured in the y direction between the
centre-of-flexure and the centroid of the unstrained blade.
APPENDIX I11 Over the total length of the blade, the gain ugx in the gravita-
tional potential energy is given by
Strain Energy of a Blade Due to Combined Bending-Bending ugX = JIw(x+ryO)dz . . . . (59)
When a blade is subject to simultaneous bending in the xz and y z
reference planes, torsion effects being prevented, the strain energy If, alternatively, the positive y reference direction is arranged
dvb in a short element of length dz is given by vertically upwards, the corresponding increase is
dVb = +Mxd$l++MydQ2 . . . .
ugy = / ~ w ( y + r x B ) d z . . . . . . (60)
On substituting from equations (34) and (38)
dub = ..(.I..(2)
+E L y ($$)} (2)
where rx is the distance measured in the x direction between the
centre-of-flexure and the centroid of the unstrained blade.
Considering now the gravitational potential energy of a con-
(49) centrated load W, the corresponding relationships are
ugx = Wxl or u, = Wyl . . .
where XI (or y l ) is the displacement directly under the load.
. . . (50) In the general case of n concentrated loads W1, W2, W,, . ..
at whose points of application the deflections are q l ,~ 1 . 2 , . ..
Thus, the total strain energy of bending
L is as follows
Vb in a blade of length XI.,,, (or for the alternative case ~ 1 . 1 ,y1.2, . ..
yl.,J the relation-
ships are
n=n n=n

. . . (51)
ugx = c W n x l . . or ugy = c W n y l . . . (62)
n=l n=1
Strain Energy of a Blade Due to Torsion
When a blade is in pure torsion about a longitudinal axis parallel Total Potential Energy of a Cantilarer Blade Due to Concentrated
to the zz axis, but not necessarily coincident with it, the strain Load at Free End
energy dvt in a short element of length dz is given by When a cantilever blade is subjected to a concentrated transverse
dvt = &Ted0 . . . . . . (52) load acting at its free end, the total potential energy V consists of
The twisting moment Te is related to an angle of twist 0 and the the strain energy w of the blade plus the gain in potential energy u,
torsional stiffness C by the following expression, namely, of the concentrated load in the gravitational field. Therefore using
equations (56) and (62) and considering the positive x axis of
Te=C(g) . . . . . . (53) reference to be vertically upwards, the total potential energy V is
and on substituting equation (53) into equation (52)
V = w+ugx = ~ + W L X I= . LV + W L ( X L + ~ ~ ~ L ) (63) . .
dvt = f C ( $ ) ( c ) d z = f C ( c ) ' d z . . . . (54)
Thus, for a blade of length L, the total strain energy of torsion dZ+W~(x~+ry0~) . . .
q is Alternatively considering the positive y axis of reference to be
vertically upwards .the corresponding expression for potential
energy is
Strain Energy of a Blade Due to Combined Bending-Bending- V = w+u, = V + ~ L Y I . L = ~ + W L ( Y L + T X ~ L(65)
) .
When torsion occurs simultaneously with bending in the x z and
y z reference planes, the total strain energy w is obtained by ap-
plication of the principle of superposition to equations (51) and
dZ+WL(YL+rxeL) * . . (66)

(551, namely, Total Potential Energy of a Cantilever Blade Due to its Own
Distributed Weight
When a cantilever blade deflects under its own distributed weight,
. . . (56) the total potential energy V consists of the strain energy v of the
blade plus the gain in potential energy ug of the distributed weight
Potential Energy of a Blade Due to Gravitational Forces in the gravitational field. Therefore using equations (56) and (59)
When an initially horizontal blade deflects under its own weight, and thus considering the positive x axis of reference vertically
or under static loads concentrated at points along its length, the upwards, the total potential energy V is
gravitational potential energy decreases.
If only the weight of the blade itself is considered, the deflexion
is that due to a distributed load, of w per unit length, whose line
of action is through the centroid of the blade cross-section. Thus,
if the positive x a x i s of reference is arranged vertically upward,

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Alternatively, with the positive y axis of reference vertically The Euler characteristic equations, specifying stationary condi-
upwards, the total potential energy V is the sum of equations (56) tions for the integral (74), are then of the form
and (60),namely,

For the first variation to vanish completely the following terminal

point equation must be satisfied at each of the limits
The problem of finding points at which functions of one or more
variables possess stationary values is well known. Certain rules are
applied to the equations relating the function to its variables from
which can be ascertained, firstly the co-ordinates of the stationary
points, and secondly whether these points are maxima or minima. 6y, Sx and 68 being, as before, arbitrary variations of the functions
Similarly, the ‘Calculus of Variations’ is concerned with finding y , x and 0 respectively.
functional forms for which given integrals assume maximum or
minimum values. The ‘First Variation’ enables the stationary A P P L I C A T I O N T O STATIC PROBLEMS
values to be determined; the ‘Second Variation’ states whether The calculus of variations can be applied to many problems in
these values are maxima or minima. As in the case of maxima and statics, including the problem of bending of blades. The total
minima of functions, many problems arise where only the first potential energy V of the blades in bending, consisting of the
test need be applied, the second being obvious from the nature gravitational potential energy u, and the strain energy o, is required.
of the problem. This is the case throughout the present report. Equations (66) and (68) of Appendix I11 are examples.
One of the simpler forms of integrals is of the following type, In a conservative system, if the expression for the total potential
namely, energy is stationary then the system is in static equilibrium and if,
V = ~ ~ g ( e , y , y ‘ ) d z. . . . (69) in addition, the stationary value is a minimum then the equilibrium
is stable. Thus, since equations (66) and (68) representing the
where y is a single-valued function of z in the interval (a, b). The total potential energy of a blade are integrals, application to them
integral may be shown (Forsyth 1927) to be stationary for special of the appropriate characteristic equations gives the equations of
weak variations if y satisfies the differential equation static equilibrium. The boundary conditions of the blade must
satisfy the additional terminal point equation at each of the limits
in order that the first variation shall vanish completely. The
second variation, demonstrating the stability of the equilibrium
this being referred to as the Euler characteristic equation. can be assumed. That is to say the stationary condition established
In order that the first variation shall vanish completely, the above, and represented by the equations of static equilibrium, is
following additional terminal point equation must be satisfied at taken to be a minimum.
each of the limits.

=0 . . . . . APPENDIX V
where Sy is an arbitrary variation of the function y .
If the integrand of equation (69) contains, in addition to y ,
the variables x and 6 and their first derivatives, each functions of z When a cantilever blade is supported rigidly at the root and loaded
but independent of one another, then additional characteristic at the free end with a concentrated load normal to the longitudinal
equations can be written for x and 8, namely, axis then, in general, lateral displacement and twist of normal
cross-sections relative to one another will occur. Application of the
load at one particular point in the cross-section will not cause
twist and this point is defined as the ‘Centre-of-Flexure’. When the
s - z ( zd ) =34o . . . . . blade is subjected to distributed transverse loads the centre-of-
flexure may depend on the load distribution, but for long blades
The terminal point equation for this case, to be satisfied at each the dependence will not be appreciable.
limit separately, is given by

+ ( g ) S x + (%)SO]: =0
. .
Sy, 6x and 68 being arbitrary variations of the functions y , x and REFERENCES
8 respectively.
More complex integrals of the following type may occur, that DENHARTOG,
J. P. 1952 ‘Advanced Strength of Materials’, first
is, edition (McGraw-HilI Book Co., New York, Toronto and
#(y,y’, y”, x, x’, x”, 8, 8’, 8”, z)dz . . (74) FORSYTH, A. R. 1927 ‘Calculus of Variations’ (Cambridge
University Press, London).
where x, y and 8 are each functions of z but independent of one ZICKEL,J. 1955 Jl. Applied Mech., vol. 22, No. 3, p. 348,
another. ‘Bending of Pre-twisted Beams’.

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Dr. A. D. S. Barr (Graduate) wrote that he felt that the case, a force acting on the centroid of a cross-section would
non-uniform pre-twist necessarily caused by the method of be equivalent to an equal force acting on the flexural axis
pre-twisting might account partially for the discrepancy along with a pure couple. Thus the general flexure problem
between theory and experiment shown in Fig. 4. The clamp- would be resolved into a simple flexure problem and a
ing of the root during pre-twisting prevented section warp- torsion problem. In practice, if the aerofoil section blading
ing and resulted in an increase of torsional stiffness so that was pre-twisted in the manner shown in Fig. 2, the axis of
the rate of twist would be lower near that section. Similarly, twist would coincide with the Aexural axis, not with the line
the rate of twist would decrease near the tip and the maxi- of centroids.
mum rate would be found near the middle of the beam. The
effect of the lower twist rate near the root was that, for the Mr. J. Dunham, B.A. (Graduate), wrote that the key to
load applied vertically, as in Fig. 5a, more of the beam in the the paper appeared to be in the reference in the ‘Intro-
most highly stressed portion was nearer the smaller second duction’ to an associated paper, to be issued later, on
moment of area of the cross-section and the deflections yL the vibration of twisted blades. Considered by itself,
would increase. For the load applied horizontally, as in the theoretical analysis was surprising. It started with the
Fig. 5b, more of the beam near the root was nearer the derivation of equations (38a) and (38b). From them, the
larger second moment of area and the deflections yL would energy of the blade was calculated in Appendix 111. The
be decreased as found in Fig. 4b. Similarly for the x-dis- Calculus of Variations was then employed to establish from
placement in Fig. 5b, the load W could be resolved along the energy expression equations (4a), (4b), (17a), and (17b),
the X and Y axes and apparently the X-component would which were identical with equations (38a) and (38b). The
displace the tip less in the X-direction than in the uniform use of energy had only led back to the original starting
pre-twist case, while the deflection due to the Y-component point. The energy method was presumably described
would increase, the consequence of those two effects being because it was later needed in the vibration analysis.
that the x, displacement would decrease. That was, of The method used to find the centre of flexure of an
course, only a very rough physical argument. The com- aerofoil, referred to on p. 881, and both the theoretical and
plications introduced in finding y analytically by two experimental work on the vibration problem, would be of
integrations from equation (8) when cc was some simple great interest to engineers working on compressor blade
non-linear function of z were very great. It would be vibration.
interesting if the author could provide figures indicating
how the pre-twist angle cc varied along the experimental Mr. E. L. Johnson, BSc. (Graduate), wrote that it
beams. Non-uniform pre-twist could not, of course, account appeared that the paper was somewhat incomplete and
for the difference between theory and experiment for aL could be considered only as an introductory article to a
zero. series of papers to be published some time in the future and,
The calculations shown in Fig. 8 for a non-symmetric unfortunately, the author had not gone far enough in the
section were interesting, particularly in the indication of the paper to enable much comment to be made. It would,
difference in the angular deflection for clockwise and anti- perhaps, have been better if publication had been delayed
clockwise pre-twists. until the work was complete and then a comprehensive
The author considered the non-symmetric blades to be report could have been written.
pre-twisted about the line joining all the centroids of cross- Concerning those results which were quoted, the author
sections. In that case the line containing all the shear centres had stated on p. 878 that ‘a reasonable measurement of
or flexural centres would not be straight but would describe agreement exists between the measured and theoretical
a helix about the axis of centroids. As a consequence, it deflections’. He wondered whether the author really con-
would not generally be possible to apply a force to the beam sidered a 10per cent discrepancybetween the calculated and
without twisting it somewhere. That feature made the measured deflections for an untwisted blade as shown in
independent treatment of bending and torsion, as used in Fig. 4a to be satisfactory, especially since the theoretical
Appendix 111, invalid. Appendix 111, however, was valid variation between blades of 0” and 90” twist was only of
ifthe axis of pre-twist contained all the shear centres, that is, the order of 25-30 per cent. The corresponding discrepancy
if the axis of pre-twist was the A exural axis, because in that for the blade having a twist of 90” was 20 per cent.

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From comments on pp. 878 and 879 it would appear that The change in stiffness caused by anti-clastic distortions
some difficulty had been experienced in measuring the was not likely, however, to account for the differences in
deff ections. He wondered whether improved instrumenta- Fig. 4a, as may be illustrated by assuming that the equivalent
tion techniques would give better correlation between ‘stiff)bending stiffness of the cross-section of the pre-twisted
calculated and experimental values. beam had the extremely low value of 50 per cent of the
He was interested to note on p. 883 that, for an asym- corresponding quantity for an otherwise identical un-
metric section in which the centre-of-flexure was displaced twisted beam. It followed from equations (11) and (12)
fiom the centre of gravity, a blade having a clockwise pre- that the tip deflections xLand yL would be changed at a
twist had slightly different total deflections from one with representative pre-twist angle aL of 45” by only -0.4 per
anti-clockwise pre-twist, and in that connection Figs. 8 cent and +0.02 per cent, respectively, of the values shown
and 11 were extremely stimulating; the paper would be of in Fig. 4a. Furthermore, the greater part of the differences
much more value, however, if the author could give some shown in that figure occurred at zero pre-twist and must
indication, not only of the tip deflections but also of the therefore have been due to other causes. Deflections larger
deflection curve along the length of a blade having a given than predictions could sometimes be ascribed to experi-
pre-twist, for example, for aL = 15” or 30” and with the mental causes such as stress concentrations or elastic
base line of the root cross-section approximately horizontal. deformations of supporting structures and, although care
He wondered whether the author had any experimental had been taken to avoid such contingencies, it would be
results for blades of aerofoil section and, if so, whether the difficult to eliminate them altogether. Deflections smaller
experimental and calculated values were in better agreement than predictions, as shown in Fig. 4b, were less common.
than in the case of flat blades. Anti-clastic distortions would have a much greater effect
there than on the deflections in Fig. 4a and could have
contributed more significantly to the apparent increase in
Dr. L. Maunder (Graduate) wrote that an interesting stiffness.
result of the paper was the comparison between experi- In connection with the expressions involving -torsional
mental and calculated deflections shown in Fig. 4. Since stiffness, it seemed worth while to point out that as reported
equations (11) and (12b), on which the calculations were by Den Hartog (1952) it had been shown by Chen Chu that
based, followed directly from beam theory, the author had the torsional stiffness as determined in pure torsion of a
rightly pointed to certain factors introduced by pre-twist, thin-walled pre-twisted beam was a rapidly increasing
but absent from beam theory, which could account in part function of pre-twist. That conclusion had explained some
for differences between theoretical and experimental results. important practical results, one of which was that a beam
Some of those factors had been analysed by Zickel(l955). without constraints at its ends could be pre-twisted
Another, applicable to the type of thin rectangular cross- uniformly, simply by applying torsional couples at the ends,
section considered, had been determined in a recent paper but that to untwist uniformly a pre-twisted beam required
by Reissner and himself (1957)*. It consisted of an inter- additional constraints at intermediate points.
action between normal bending displacements and the
anti-clastic distortions of cross-sections, the latter having the Professor B. G. Neal, M.A., Ph.D., A.M.I.C.E., wrote
same form as those which occurred in the bending of un- that the derivation of the static deflection relationships given
twisted beams. For the case of pure bending, it had been by the author appeared to be unnecessarily complicated, as
shown that the effect of that interaction on deflections could the results could be obtained far more quickly by elemen-
be expressed in terms of an ‘equivalent’ bending stiffness of tary theory. To illustrate that point, consider the case of a
the cross-section about its ‘stiff’ principal axis (EIyy of pre-twisted cantilever subjected to a concentrated load
Fig. 5a), and also that, within the limits of the theory, the acting vertically at the free end. Initially, consider only the
bending stiffness of the cross-section about its ‘flexible’ effect of the ffexibiLity of an element of length dz at a
principal axis was unaffected by pre-twist. The equivalent distance z from the clamped end, where the pre-twist was
‘stiff‘ bending stiffness was a decreasing function of pre- to an angle a = (z/L)aLwith the horizontal (Fig. 5a but
twist, and hence a pre-twisted beam of the type considered with a replacing aL).In the usual way, the bending moment
would be found to be more flexible than would be predicted due to the load W was split into the two components
by ordinary beam theory. For loading involving variable W(L-z) cos a, causing bending about the principal axis
bending moments, the result could not be expressed so XX,and W(L-z) sin a,causing bending about the principal
simply, and anti-clastic distortions could either increase or axis YY. The f i s t of those components caused a change of
decrease the effective bending stiffness of a cross-section, slope of W(L-z) cos adz/EI, in the element dz, and hence
depending on the bending moment variation. Strain a deflection component W(L-z)2 cos adz/EI, in the YY
measurements taken by himself during pure bending tests plane which was inclined at an angle of a to the vertical.
of a steel strip had verified that anti-clastic distortions Similarly, the second of those components caused a
occurred in a pre-twisted beam, even when its cross-section ddection component W(L-z)2 sin adz/EI, in the XX
was as thin as 2* in. x & in. plane.
* Maunder, L., and Reissner, E. 1957 Jl. Mech. Phys. Solids, Resolving those deflection components in the vertical
val. 5, p . 261, ‘Pure Bending of Pretmited Rectangular Plates’. and horizontal directions, and then integrating over the

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length of the cantilever, it followed at once that the upward It would also be interesting to ascertain the method the
deflectionyLand the lateral deflection x, were given by author had used to check whether each cantilever was truly
encastred, as any pre-twist in the clamped end of the speci-
men might possibly reduce the rigidity of the fixing and
thereby create errors in the deflection reading when the
specimen was placed under load. That might have con-
tributed to some of the 10 per cent error between the
from which the results given in equations (11) and (12b) experimental and theoretical results shown by the author
followed at once. in Fig. 4a and b. A correlation between the deflections (or
Turning to the experimental results, it was noticeable preferably the slopes dx/dz and dy/dz) of various sections
that no attempt was made to confirm whether or not the and the position of the section along the cantilever length
clamping arrangements for the cantilevers were fully effec- would have given evidence of any such distortion of the
tive. In fact, it was a common experience that it was fixing. That would have been particularly useful in the
impossible to secure complete clamping of a member; case of the beam having the maximum degree of pre-twist
instead there was always a high, but not iniinite, degree of as it would have given greater support to the validity of the
restraint against rotation when heavy clamping blocks such theory incorporated in the paper and would have given an
as those used by the author were employed. The additional indication of whether a correction was necessary to allow
deflections thus caused could often be surprisingly high, for the inclination of the fibres and for lateral moments.
and it was suggested that experiments of that kind were The derivation of the differential equations from first
incomplete unless rotations of the clamping blocks were principles was good engineering practice although for that
carefully measured. For vertical loading the effect would be preliminary work it was thought the method of solution
that the observed vertical deflections would be fictitiously could have been simplified by considering a section distant z
high while the horizontal deflections would be unaltered, from the fixed end and then resolving the bending moments
and that provided a qualitative explanation of the results due to the horizontal and vertical loadings parallel to the
shown in Fig. 4a. However, for horizontal loading the principal axes of the section. Referring to Fig. 5a but replac-
observed horizontal deflections would be fictitiously high ing aLby the general angle of pre-twist a and also applying
while the vertical deflections would be unaltered, and so the a horizontal force P in the positive x-direction and a vertical
discrepancies in Fig. 4b could not be due to that effect alone. force W in the positive y-direction, the bending moments
Dr. H.Nuttall, B.Sc. (Associate Member), and Mr. F.A. acting on a section could then have been written as
Gaydon, M.Sc. (Bristol), wrote that the experimental bending moment about the X - a x i s
results of the paper were most interesting, particularly in = Ma = -P(L-x) sin a- ~ ( L - z )cos
view of the promised subsequent report which was to bending moment about the YY-axis
treat the very complex problem of the vibration of pre-
twisted blades. = M , = P(L-Z) cos a+W(L-z) sin
One point which was not clarified was concerned with the The familiar strain-energy equation could then have been
value of the elastic modulus used in calculating deflections, written as
when working with pre-twisted blades. The value which
should be used was that of the metal after work-hardening
due to pre-twist. If the blades had not been annealed, the
value of the elastic modulus of the material might wed be
reduced by 8 or 10 per cent. That would also have an
important bearing on any theoretical calculation concerned
with the frequency of vibration of such blades.
Mr. H.A. Slyper, B.Sc. (Associate Member), wrote that
he had been engaged on a research programme associated where a = zz aL.
with the vibrations of twisted cantilever beams at Imperial That equation could then be differentiated, giving the
College, London. solutions
He noted from Fig. 2 that the author had pre-twisted the au L3 2a,- sin 2%
specimens by hand. He himself had been performing the
pre-twisting operation in a torsion-testing machine, which aW EI,
permitted a better control over the actual amount of pre-
twist and also retained the longitudinal centre-line of each
specimen normal to the centroid of the section at its fixed
w(*+2aL-sin 2a,
point. An indication by the author of the degree of out-of-
alignment from the longitudinal centre-line and the actual "{
EI, 8aL3
value of the torsional stiffness C for the specimens tested
would therefore be useful additional information.

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au L.3 2a,2- +
1 cos 2a, which would be functions of the pre-twist angle a. The
ar EI,, 801~3 opinion of the author on those alternative methods would
be of interest.
It was at first sight disturbing that the equations derived
in the author's paper and those above for the deflections at
"'{ the free end of the cantilever were apparently indeterminate
for the special case of angle of pre-twist a, being zero. That
EIXX difficultycould have been overcome by the substitution of
a power series for sin 201, and cos 2~3,i.e.

These equations could be reduced to those given in

I,* = -*n2
equations (12a) and (12b) on substituting W for W and cos 2a, = 1-- (2ULI2
+--(2.L4!I4 ...
p = 0 and -
IYY m2 With the angle of pre-twist aL equated to zero in the re-
An alternative method of solution which was suitable for constituted equations it could be shown that the equations
the more general application to the pre-twisted tapered did reduce to the standard form for the defiection of a
cantilever beams used in turbine and compressor blading uniform cantilever.
was by the use of a numerical integration process based on The conclusion had been reached by the author that the
equation (9) as given by the author for the displacement in theory was suitable for pre-twists in the range 0 to ~ [ 2
the y-direction and by a corresponding equation in the radians. He felt that that conclusion should be qualified by
direction. In the modified equations I , and I,, would then an indication of the rate of pre-twist (ctJL) for a given
refer to the moments of inertia at the section considered, 'slenderness ratio' or its equivalent.

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Author’s Reply
Dr. W. Carnegie wrote, in reply to the communications, rigid or nearly rigid, the centre-of-flexure must be, at least,
that he thanked all the contributors to the discussion for nearly coincident with the centre-of-torsion. His own experi-
their helpful suggestions, which enhanced the value of the ments for aerofoil blades showed that the two points,
paper.. although not coincident, were nearly so. Hence, for strict
In reply to Dr. Barr, non-uniform pre-twist might well accuracy, Appendix I11 was clearly correct only when the
explain, in part, the discrepancies between the theoretical blades were pre-twisted about the line of centre-of-flexure.
and experimental results of Fig. 4 as shown by the physical For pre-twists about other axes in the vicinity the treatment
argument put forward. At the time of carrying out the should, however, be a close enough approximation if elastic
experiments, however, the non-linearity in pre-twist had twist was considered to take place about the centre-of-
been measured and found to be small; its effect on the blade flexure, which seemed a reasonable assumption to make.
deflexions was, thus, considered to be unimportant. No It would be interesting to examine the effect on blade
records had been kept of the non-linearity measurements vibrations of change of pre-twist axis, coupled modes,
but, since the blades were still available, the information especially, might be considerably affected.
could easily be determined if required. Admittedly the Mr. Dunham had asked why the energy method had been
complication of solving equation (8) analytically, for a blade chosen for that particular problem. The chief reason for the
with non-linear pre-twist, was great but, on the other hand, choice of the variational method was that it provided a very
a graphical solution would be relatively straightforward. It powerful and general method of approach to the analysis of
could be shown, theoretically, that lateral moments were both static and dynamic systems possessing infinite numbers
acting on the pre-twisted blades due to fibre inclination and of degrees of freedom, i.e. systems with continuously
those moments also influenced the blade deflexions in a distributed mass and flexibility, which had certain advan-
manner consistent with the experimental observations. tages over other methods. For static systems, such as the
Experimental or theoretical confirmation of the magnitude blade example given, it specified, automatically, the
by which the blade deflexions were affected due to that additional boundary conditions (MyL,FYL,etc.) necessary to
cause presented an exceptionally difficult problem. obtain a complete solution of the problem. Those could
Regarding the question of correct axis about which to be determined by other means in the case of the blade but
pre-twist asymmetric blades, the most convenient one to the method might well find application to more complex
choose in practice, was the line of centroids due, primarily, problems where the boundary terms were not so readily
to the difficulty of determining the centre-of-flexure. I t obtained. In the dynamics of ‘continuous’ systems it could
should be pointed out that the centre-of-flexure (flexural be regarded as a natural extension of the Lagrangian method
centre) and the centre-of-torsion (shear centre) need not applicable to systems with finite numbers o f degrees of free-
necessarily be coincident, although they were generally dom. By application of ‘Hamilton’s Principle’ to the expres-
assumed to be so. Duncan, Ellis, and Scruton (1933)* had sion L = T- V , where T and V had the usual meanings of
dealt with this problem for blades symmetrical about one kinetic and potential energy, the equations of motion of the
axis and unsymmetrical about the other and they had system could be derived.
concluded that, provided the blades were long and the roots The experimental method used to determine the centre-
of-flexure and centre-of-torsion was an extension of the
* Duncan, W. J., Ellis, D.L., and Scruton, C. 1933 Phil. Mag., work of Duncan, Ellis, and Scruton, referred to above, to
Series 7, vol. 16, No.104, p . 201, ‘The Flexural Centre and the
Centre-of-twist of an Elastic Cylinder’. the case of a blade asymmetrical about both principal axes

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and a comprehensive description of those tests was given in clastic bending occurred. That could be due to the lateral
Carnegie (1956)*. It was hoped to publish complete details moments, referred to earlier, whose action would be to bend
of the vibration tests and the associated theoretical work in the pre-twisted blade laterally into a concavo-convex shape
the near future. resembling that due to anti-clastic bending. The effect could
He agreed with Mr. Johnson that a comprehensive report be shown to be dependent on the orientation of the blade
covering all the work would, in certain cases, be an advan- root cross-section in relation to the direction of application
tage. In that instance the amount of work to be covered was of the load. For the blade mounted and loaded as shown
considerable and it was possible to make a natural division. in Fig. 5a the usual anti-clastic bending effect was increased.
The present paper was complete inasmuch as it covered the Transverse blade fibres on, or near, the upper broad face
static problem of bending and, as stated above, it was hoped were, thereby, further compressed and the corresponding
to publish a concluding report dealing with the rest of the longitudinal fibres became more extended. The opposite
work in the near future. effect will occur on and near to the lower broad face, that is
The agreement shown between the theoretical and experi- to say, the longitudinal fibres would be shortened due to
mental results for the yL deflexions in Fig. 4a was by no the additional extension of the transverse ones. As a result,
means as good as it might have been and could not, there- the actual blade deflexions would be increased, compared
fore, be regarded as entirely satisfactory. If, however, the with the calculated deflexions based on the simple bending
theoretical curve was raised to coincide with either of the theory,in the manner shown in Fig. 4a. In the case of the
experimental ones at 0 deg. pre-twist, thus eliminating blade mounted and loaded as shown in Fig. 5b the lateral
errors due to unaccounted factors independent of pre-twist moments were of opposite sign, with the result that the
(for example, the values of the modulus of elasticity or actual blade deflexions were reduced, compared with the
second moments of area might be in error), the situation calculated deflexions, as shown in Fig. 4b. A short abstract
was then much improved, sufficiently so to justify the dealing with that work was to be published by himself in
extension of the treatment to a blade where the, loading was the near future.
distributed uniformly. The torsional stiffness values had been calculated by an
Considerable care was taken with the initial setting of equation similar in form to the one by Chen Chu but
the apparatus before readings were taken. Special attention developed by himself using a somewhat different approach.
was given to the alignment of the blades and the positioning The problem was treated in a more general way by con-
of the dial gauges and travelling microscope. The possibility sidering a blade in which the centroid and centre-of-torsion
of experimental errors could not, however, be entirely over- were not coincident. The fact that a blade could be pre-
looked, and any suggestions for improvements in measuring twisted without constraints but not untwisted again was also
techniques would be much appreciated. very interesting. Such behaviour would, clearly, be restricted
The fact that the static deflexions of blades depended on to thin blades. When a straight blade, constrained at its ends
the sign of the pre-twist angle was extremely interesting to prevent warping of plane cross-sections, was pre-twisted
since it could be concluded that the dynamic deflexions it underwent a contraction in length. Thus, in the case of a
would be, similarly, dependent on the direction of the pre- rectangular cross-section blade, longitudinal fibres, at or
twist. Hence, the frequencies of normal modes of vibration, near to a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal centre-lines
especially coupled modes, would be dependent on the of the broad faces, were in compression; longitudinal fibres
magnitude of the pre-twist angle and also its direction. The at or near to the outside edges, i.e. the narrow faces, were
theoretical deflexion curves along the length of the blade, in tension. The outside fibres being in tension, and thus
for any of the cases considered, could be determined, if stable, would constrain the inner ones against buckling.
required, without great difficulty since general expressions When a pre-twisted blade, similarly constrained, was un-
for x and y (and 0) were readily deduced from the initial twisted without additional constraints along its length,
equations. however, buckling could be expected in the outside fibres
No experimental results had been obtained for the static since being in compression they were, thereby, unstable.
bending of aerofoil cross-section blades. It had not been The method used by Professor Neal to obtain the tip
considered worth while to repeat tests with concentrated deflexions, yL and x,, was a quick and useful one but the
loads, and the application of a distributed static load to a advantage of the more general approach was that expres-
blade presented a number of difficulties, especially when it sions for the deflexions x and y, applicable to any point on
was a pre-twisted one. the blade, could be obtained. General expressions for the
Mr. Maunder’s work on the pure bending of pre-twisted static deflexions with length were of use in determining
rectangular plates was extremely interesting and introduced blade frequencies by Rayleigh‘s method. The reason for the
yet another factor to be accounted for in obtaining a com- choice of the variational method in deducing the initial
plete solution of that complex problem. He was especially equations had already been given in the reply to Mr.
interested in the strain measurements made on thin steel Dunham, although he appreciated that other and, perhaps,
strip in pure bending where it had been shown that anti- somewhat more direct methods of deriving the deflexion
equations were available. The equations given by Professor
* Carnegie, W. 1956 ‘A Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Neal could, with slight modification, be extended to the
Static and Dynamic Behaviow of Pre-twisted Turbine and Com-
pressor Blading’ (University of Birmingham Library). general case or, alternatively, by use of the components of

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bending moment, W(L-z) cos a and W(L-z) sin a, it modulus used in the calculations had been determined from
followed that the changes of slope in the Yz and Xz a tensile test conducted on a section of the rolled steel
principal planes of the blade were W(L-2) cos adz/EI, material.
and W(L-z) sin adz/EI, respectively. Thus, the corre- Like Mr. Slyper, he had also been engaged in a pro-
sponding component changes of slopes in the ylz plane be- gramme of research concerned with the vibrations of pre-
came twisted cantilever blading. It would be most interesting to
make a comparison between the two investigations and the
- W(L-z) C O S ~adz/EIxx and - W(L-2) sin2 a&/EI,,, conclusions deduced.
which gave a total change of slope in the y l z plane of The method of pre-twisting by hand was satisfactory for
+ the rectangular cross-section specimens, but in the dynamic
d42 = -
Y, cos2 a Z, sin2 a)W(L- z)
which was in agreement with equation (8) for the con-
work, where aerofoil cross-section blading had been tested,
a special rig had been constructed to perform the operation.
Attempts to pre-twist blading of asymmetrical cross-section
centrated load system. Similarly, the component changes of by hand had resulted in the specimens bending about the
slope in the xlz plane were W(L-z) sin a cos adz/EI, longitudinal axis as would be expected. A pointer-gauge,
and - W(L-z) sin a cos ordz/EI, and, thus, the total mounted on the lathe bed foundation, had been traversed
change of slope in the xlz plane was given by along the longitudinal centre-lines of the rectangular cross-
(ZYY -ZXX)W(L-z) sin 2a section blades to check the alignment and any out-of-
= [ 2Ef,IYy 1 dz
Hence, general equations for the x and y deflexions could
alignment observed was easily corrected. Values of torsional
stiffness would be given in the concluding report dealing
with the dynamic tests.
be deduced by double integration as before. The blades had been securely gripped at both ends
An important step in the solution of the initial equations, during pre-twisting and any possibility of distortion of the
for example, equations (5a) and (5b), by the method in the thin cross-sections occurring under the clamps had been
paper was contained in the fact that ( I J , , - Z X y ~ )= I,Zw. considered most unlikely. A measurement of the deflexions,
He had met the left-hand side of that expression several or preferably the slopes of the various cross-sections along
times in literature where its equivalence to the product of the lengths of the blades would have provided additional
the two principal second moments of area appeared to have useful information, and further work on those lines might
been overlooked. well be contemplated, although such an investigation would
Tests had been made on the clamping block to check its be of an extended character.
effectiveness against rotation during vertical loading. A The use of Castigliano's first theorem provided another
sensitive dial-gauge with its spindle vertical and in contact quick method of obtaining the tip deflexions of the con-
with the top of the clamping block assembly, showed no centrated load system. General deflexion expressions could
change of reading during application of the load. The test be determined by introduction of a Ioad dong the blade
was carried out several times and at a number of points at an intermediate point, that load being made zero after
over the surface of the block and clamp. The dial gauge differentiation of the strain energy expression with respect
was mounted on a stand supported on the heavy cast-iron to it. The method could also be applied to a blade subjected
lathe bed foundation carrying the clamping block assembly. to a uniformly distributed load. In his view the method to
It had been thought not to be likely that the lathe bed be used in determining deflexions of pre-twisted tapered
would distort since the blades were of thin cross-section beams, of the type used for turbine and compressor blading,
and the loads applied were small. Tests to detect rotation was largely a matter of personal choice. Numerical integra-
of the block during horizontal load application had not been tion of equations for (d2y/dzZ),for example, equation (9) in
considered necessary since, with the arrangement used, it the case of the concentrated load system, and (dZx/dzz) was
was suggested that any rotation of the clamping block in a probably the most direct method of dealing with the prob-
horizontal plane would be unlikely to occur. lem. A very useful alternative to numerical integration and
One effect of clamping, not previously mentioned, would one which could also be accurate and quick, was to use a
be to prevent anti-clastic bending of cross-sections at and graphical method of solution. Bending-moment diagrams
near the root of the blade, thus causing a reduction in the for any system of loading could easily be obtained by means
deflexions compared with the values determined by simple of a link polygon and, making due allowance for the varia-
beam theory. tions of I,, I,, and a with z, the functions (d2yid.2) and
Dr. Nuttall and Mr. Gaydon had pointed out that an 8- (dZx/dz2) could be plotted along the length of the blade.
10 per cent reduction in the elastic modulus could occur By use of the link polygon method a double integration of
between the material being in the annealed state and after the plotted curves could be carried out in one step giving
cold working due to pre-twist. The blades had not been the blade deflexions x and y directly. The method quoted of
annealed after pie-twisting since they had, in fact, been cut treating the indeterminate case of aL = 0, by use of a power
from lengths of cold-rolled mild-steel strip. Hence, the series for sin 2 q and cos 2a,, was a useful alternative to the
change in modulus caused by additional working due to one given by himself and probably somewhat quicker to
pre-twisting would not be appreciable. Further, the elastic apply.

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Since the tests were not of a comprehensive nature it was be of considerable importance in short thin blades of broad
not possible to state any general conclusions and the ones cross-section, where for a 90-deg. pre-twist the rate of
given in the paper must, obviously, be confined to the pre-twist (aJL) would be large, was the influence of shear
dimensions of the bIades considered. One factor likely to on the deflexions; that might well be considerable.

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