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CHED Recognized Local College
TESDA Recognized Programs
ALCU Commission on Accreditation – Level 1 Accredited
Member, Association of Local Colleges and Universities
Excellence • Leadership • Service
Member, Local Colleges and Universities Athletic Association, Inc.


Bachelor of Elementary Education/Secondary Education
Outcomes- Based Teaching and Learning Plan in GE102
PHILOSOPHY The school is deeply committed towards the integral formation GOALS
of the human person, with a profound faith in God, in his fellow 1. The development of high-level professionals.
men and himself by providing its students the full development 2. The attainment of empowered and globally competitive graduates.
of their physical, intellectual, social and cultural endowment 3. The pursuit of better quality life for all its graduates.
for effective participation in various professions and industrial
occupations and to enable them to enjoy reasonable quality of OBJECTIVES
life to be able to contribute to the upliftment of the human 1. To provide relevant knowledge and to develop the skills, competencies, habits,
society. attitudes and values of the students that are required in the chosen profession.
VISION A University producing competent and competitive graduates. 2. To advance human knowledge through study and research.
3. To give professional training in scientific, cultural, technological, industrial and
vocational fields.
4. To mold students to become professionally competent, creative, and capable of
MISSION To provide well-balanced and relevant educational programs making free, morally upright choices and decisions and serve as positive agents
fortified with strong Filipino values and ideals of change in their respective community.
5. To provide opportunities for personal growth in leadership and community
building through a network of student curricular, extra and co-curricular
activities as well as human resource development programs for continuous
growth of students, faculty and staff.

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: dlsp_reg@yahoo.com - (Registrar’s Office), dlspsanpablocity1997@gmail.com
Course Title Readings in Philippine History Course Code GE102
Credit Units 3 Units Course Pre-/ Co-Requisites None
Course Description
Program Intended Learning At the end of this program, graduates will have the ability to:
Outcomes (PILO) 1.

Course Intended Learning At the end of this course, graduates will have the ability to:
Outcomes (CILO) 1. Evaluate primary sources for their credibility, authenticity and provenance
2. Analyzed the context, content and perspective of different kinds of primary sources
3. Determined the contribution of different kinds of primary sources.
4. Develop critical and analytical skills with exposure to primary sources
5. Demonstrate the ability to use primary sources to argue in favour or against a particular issue.

Week Intended Learning Outcomes TOPICS TEACHING – LEARNING

1st Week Recognize the policies and 1. Orientation

guidelines of the institution, the (PVMGO, Course, Discussion Method Student Handbook, 2nd Edition,
program and course Classroom) 2018

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: dlsp_reg@yahoo.com - (Registrar’s Office), dlspsanpablocity1997@gmail.com
2nd Week  History and  Lecture / Discussion  Candelaria, J. & Alporha,  Quiz
Recall basic concepts about Historiography  Comparative V. (2018). Readings in  Produce examples of
history  Historical analysis of primary Philippine History. C.M. primary sources and
Methodology and secondary Recto, Manila: Rex the corresponding
Evaluate primary sources for (Internal and sources Bookstore. p. 1-9 secondary sources
their credibility, authenticity and External Criticism)  Camagay, M.L., et al. derived from them.
provenance  Historical Sources (2018). Unraveling the
(Primary and Past. Quezon City: Vibal
Secondary Publishing p. 4-11
Sources)  Historiography by
Richard T. Vann retrieved
 Primary and Secondary
Sources retrieved from

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: dlsp_reg@yahoo.com - (Registrar’s Office), dlspsanpablocity1997@gmail.com
3rd Week – 6th Explain the perspectives that  Spiritual Beliefs of  Library Research  Chirino, Pedro. History of  Graded reporting
Week would emanate from the primary the Early Filipinos  Textual analysis the Philippine Province of  Quizzes
sources particularly the author’s  Early Philippine  Individual Reporting the Society of Jesus. Vol.  Critical Essay about
views and biases in discussing Society and 1 particular primary
early Filipino spiritual belief Culture  Corpuz, Onofre. “Chapter sources : student are to
 The Philippine 1: Barangay, Crescent, discuss the importance
Give a specific example of early Becomes a Spanish Cross” in The Roots of the of the text , the authors
Filipino social and cultural Colony Filipino Nation. Vol 1. background, the
practice which persist up to the  Introduction of Hawaii: University of context of the
present Colonial Hawaii Press, 2007 document and its
Institutions  Scott, William Henry. contribution to
Analyze the events and  Early Filipino “Chapter 12: Tagalog understanding of
circumstances leading to the Revolts Society and Religion” in Philippine History.
Spanish discovery and conquest  The Propaganda Barangay: Sixteenth-
of the Philippines Movement century Philippine
 The 1896 Culture and Society.
Identify the different colonial Manila: Ateneo
institutions that were introduced University Press, 1994
by the colonizers to the  De Zuniga, Martinez. An
Philippines Historical View of the
Philippine Islands.
Identify the causes of the early Manila, 1803
Filipino revolts

Explain how the movement

contributed to the development
of Filipino nationalism

Expound on the controversies

and intrigues that surrounded the
important events and people of
the Philippine Revolution

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: dlsp_reg@yahoo.com - (Registrar’s Office), dlspsanpablocity1997@gmail.com
1st Week – 2nd Identify and explain the major  American  Documents analysis  Agoncillo, Teodoro.  Retraction/Reflection
Week motivations which led the Occupation of the  Small Group Malolos: Crisis of the paper on a sponsored
Americans to colonize the Philippines discussion/ round Republic. Quezon City: activity like lecture,
Philippines a. Treaty of Paris table discussion or University of the symposium, round
b. The symposium Philippines Press, 1960 table discussion and the
Ascertain the significance of the
Benevolent  Foreman, John. The like.
Benevolent Assimilation
Assimilation Philippine Islands. New  Quizzes
Proclamation York: Charles Scribner’s
Sons, 1911
c. Address
Trace the events leading to the  Camagay, M.L., et al.
Philippine annexation, including Adopted by the (2018). Unraveling the
the Philippine-American War Anti- Past. Quezon City: Vibal
Imperialist Publishing
Analyze the different League
standpoints regarding the d. Primary Source
American occupation of the on the
Philippines Philippine-
American War

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: dlsp_reg@yahoo.com - (Registrar’s Office), dlspsanpablocity1997@gmail.com
3rd Week – 4th Identify and explain the  The Suppression of • Think Pair Share  Aruego, Jose. The  Journal about the topic
Week different legislations passed by Filipino • Pair-Share-Repeat Framing of Philippine discussed
the Americans in the Philippines Nationalism and • Peer Discussion Constitution. Manila:  Unit Test
to suppress nationalist the Filipinization University Pub. Co., 1936  Group Analysis Report
sentiments of the Government  Forbes, William
a. Act No. 277 or Cameron. The Philippine
Identify and explain the the Libel Law Islands. Mandaluyong:
different legislations passed by of 1901 Cacho Hermanos, 1945
the United States Congress b. Act No. 292 or  Quirino, Carlos. Quezon:
leading to the Filipinization of the Sedition Paladin of Philippine
the government and the granting Law of 1901 Freedom. Manila:
of independence c. Act No. 1696 Filipiniana Book Guild,
or The Flag 1971.
Analyze the main provisions of Law of 1907  Taylor, George. The
the 1935 Philippine and the Act United States and the
Constitutions No. 518 or the Philippines: Problems of
Brigandage Partnership. New York:
Law of 1902 Praeger, 1964
d. Philippine  The 1935 Philippine
Organic Act of Constitution
1902 or the  Camagay, M.L., et al.
Cooper Act (2018). Unraveling the
e. The Philippine Past. Quezon City: Vibal
Autonomy Act Publishing
of 1916 or
Jones Law
f. Philippine
Act of 1934 or
McDuffie Act
g. 1935

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: dlsp_reg@yahoo.com - (Registrar’s Office), dlspsanpablocity1997@gmail.com
5th Week – 6th Explain why the Philippines was  Japanese  Lecture / Discussion  Jose, Ricardo T. The  Reaction Paper
Week occupied by the Japanese Occupation  Library and Archival Japanese Occupation.  Quizzes
 Independence and research Vol. 7 of Kasaysayan: The  KWL Chart
Explain the Japanese treatment the Establishment  Documents analysis. Story of the Filipino
of Filipinos of the New  Documentary Film People. Manila: Asia
Republic Showing. Publishing Co., 1998
Identify and explain the  Jose, Ricardo T. and
different problems which the Lydia Yu-Jose. The
Philippines had to address Japanese Occupation in
following the formal political the Philippines: a
separation from the US after the Pictorial Hisroty. Makati:
Second World War Ayala Foundation, 1997
 Camagay, M.L., et al.
Ascertain the degree of (2018). Unraveling the
destruction brought by the war Past. Quezon City: Vibal
to the Philippines Publishing

Explain the relations between

the Philippines and the granting
of independence of the latter

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: dlsp_reg@yahoo.com - (Registrar’s Office), dlspsanpablocity1997@gmail.com
1st week – 2nd
week Examine how the nation  Agrarian Reform  Gallery Walk  Anderson, Benedict.  Journal
embarked on an agrarian reform a. Message of  Small group “Cacique Democracy in  Group Report
program from the time of President discussion the Philippines” in the  Essay about the topics
President Quezon to the time of Roxas on  Jigsaw (Group Spectre of Comparisons: on Gallery Walk
President Aquino Agrarian Experts) Nationalism, Southeast
Reforms Asia and the World.
Describe the evolution of land b. Born of the Quezon City: Ateneo de
ownership from the precolonial People by Luis Manila University Press,
period to the American period Taruc 2004
c. Republic Act  The 1935 Constitution of
Analyze the principal programs No. 3844 or the Philippines
of the administrations of Agricultural  Republic Act No. 1180
Macapagal, Marcos and Aquino Land Reform  Carlos P. Garcia, Third
to achieve agrarian reform Code State of the Nation
d. Presidential Address, January 25, 1960
Identify the economic climate Decree No. 27  Camagay, M.L., et al.
surrounding the postwar e. Republic Act (2018). Unraveling the
Philippines No. 6657 or Past. Quezon City: Vibal
Comprehensive Publishing
Discuss the meaning of Agrarian
 Gleeck, Lewis Jr., The
economic nationalism pertinent Reform Law of
Third Philippine
to the Philippine situation after 1988
Republic, 1946-1972.
the war  Economic Quezon City: New Day
Nationalism Publishers, 1993
Assess the different policies of a. Excerpt from
the postwar presidents in solving the 1935
economic issues Constitution
b. Economic
Through the
Retail Trade
c. Pres. Carlos P.

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: dlsp_reg@yahoo.com - (Registrar’s Office), dlspsanpablocity1997@gmail.com
Garcia’s Third
State of the
Nation Address
d. Claro M.

3rd Week – 4th Evaluate and identify the  An Independent  Pinwheel discussion  Republic Act No. 708  Analysis Report
Week alternative foreign policies Foreign Policy  Concept Mapping  Republic Act No. 7157  Graphic organizer
proposed by critics a. Foreign  Research Work  The Folklore of  Research output
Service Act of Colonialism
Discuss the foreign policy of the 1952 embodied  Constantino, Renato, ed.
Philippines according to the in the Republic Vintage Recto:
constitution and the laws Act No. 708 Memorable Speeches and
b. Foreign Writings. Quezon City:
Explain the concept of national Service Act of Fpundation For
minority, indigenous cultural 1991 Nationalist Studies, 1986
community and indigenous c. National  The 1987 Constitution
people Minorities  Camagay, M.L., et al.
(2018). Unraveling the
Discuss the similarities and Past. Quezon City: Vibal
differences of the struggles of Publishing
these minorities

Give specific examples on how

the government protected as
well as curtailed the rights of
national minorities, indigenous
cultural minorities and
indigenous people

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: dlsp_reg@yahoo.com - (Registrar’s Office), dlspsanpablocity1997@gmail.com
Discuss the important events  Martial Law:  Interview  Alexander R. Magno, A  Reflection Paper
leading to the declaration of Challenge to  Documents Analysis Nation Reborn, Vol. 9,  Unit Tests
Martial Law Democracy  Think-Pair-Share Kasaysayan: The Story of  Documents Analysis
a. Judy’s the Filipino People (Hong Report
Discuss and analyze the political Taguiwalo’s Kong: Asia Publication,
and social atmosphere during recollection of 1998) 143-145 & 149-151
the martial law period through the Diliman  Proclamation No. 889-A,
the necessary primary Commune of s. 1971
documents 1971  Camagay, M.L., et al.
b. Proclamation (2018). Unraveling the
Explain how basic freedoms 889- A Past. Quezon City: Vibal
were curtailed by the c. Proclamation Publishing
government during the Martial 1081  “Constitution Day,”
Law d. General Order Official Gazette, accessed
No. 1 April 15. 2017,
Explain the striking changes in e. General Order http://www.gov.ph/constit
the government system due to No. 5 utions/constitution-day/
the creation and ratification of f. 1973  Proclamation No. 9, s.
the 1973 Philippine Constitution Philippine 1986, Official Gazette
Constitution http://www.gov.ph/1986/0
Explain the controversies that g. Presidential 4/23/proclamation-no-9-s-
surrounded the assassination Decree No. 1986
case of Senator Benigno Aquino 1033
Jr. and the results of the 1986 h. 1986 People
snap elections Power
Identify the essential features of
the Philippine Constitutions
from 1973, 1986 (Freedom
Constitution) up to the 1987

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: dlsp_reg@yahoo.com - (Registrar’s Office), dlspsanpablocity1997@gmail.com
COURSE REQUIREMENTS Reporting, Quizzes, Recitation, Projects, Assignments, Individual and Group Activities, Chapter Examination and Periodical Examination.

EVALUATION Grading System (institutional) - Cumulative Grading System

 Class Standing - 2/3
 Major Exams - 1/3
Computation for Midterm and Final Grades:
 Current grading period - 2/3
 Previous grading period - 1/3
Base 50 (Transmutation of Raw Scores, see Student Handbook 2018 rev.ed.)

Grading Criteria for Class Standing: (Curriculum emphasis may vary every grading period)

Major Exams = 30%

Class Standing = 70%
Projects = 30%
Quizzes = 30%
Recitations = 20%
Activities = 20%
Passing rate is 75%

Grade Grade Grade Grade

Range Range Range Range
Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
98 – 100 1.00 91 – 89 1.75 82 – 80 2.50 CONDITIONAL 4.00
95 – 97 1.25 88 – 86 2.0 79 – 77 2.75 FAILED 5.00
94 – 92 1.50 85 – 83 2.25 76 - 75 3.00

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: dlsp_reg@yahoo.com - (Registrar’s Office), dlspsanpablocity1997@gmail.com
A true DLSPian demonstrates the following policies:

1. Learn by heart the PVMGO of Dalubhasaan.

2. Take an active part on the learner-centered approach institution and outcomes-based education actively and productively.
3. Always bring to class his/her course outline and use it as guide in his/her own academic pursuit.
4. Comply to the requirements of the course on time, including taking periodical examination as scheduled. In case of failure to take
important examinations, notify the instructors at once for appropriate program of action.
5. Follow the rules on the student discipline, attendance, the wearing of ID and school uniform as prescribed in Student Handbook 2018
revised edition.
6. Promote gender equality and advocate the anti-gender discrimination law (MCW, Sec,4-A, RA 9710)
7. Support the school’s cleanliness campaign (No littering policy) and right to clean air.
8. Uphold the policies, rules and regulations of the program, department, and of the Institution as a whole.
9. Cultivate a culture of respect, kindness, professionalism, and loyalty to his/her Alma Mater.

The use of gadgets such as laptop, mobile phones, Bluetooth speakers in the classroom are under the direct responsibility, supervision and
monitoring of the course instructor as the need may be. (Student Handbook Rev. Ed 2018, Art.3, Sec.1, No. 15).

FACULTY MEMBER: Rosielyn M.Cerilla

1 Hr./ week
11 – 12 PM every Monday and Wednesday/ DTEd Faculty Room (may change depending on the
exigency of the situation or need of the learner)

Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: dlsp_reg@yahoo.com - (Registrar’s Office), dlspsanpablocity1997@gmail.com

DLSP Library
Candelaria, J. & Alporha, V. (2018). Readings in Philippine History. C.M. Recto, Manila: Rex Bookstore.
Camagay, M.L., et al. (2018). Unraveling the Past. Quezon City: Vibal Publishing

Other Sources
Vann, R. Historiography. https://www.britannica.com/topic/historiography
Primary and Secondary Sources retrieved from https://libguides.ithaca.edu/research101/primary
“Constitution Day,” Official Gazette (2017) http://www.gov.ph/constitutions/constitution-day/

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Course Instructor Area Coordinator Program Head

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Dean, Teacher Education Department

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(OBTLP to be accomplished in triplicate copies by the instructor once noted by the Dean)

Copy for: Office of the VPAA Date Received: ___________________________

Office of the Department Dean ___________________________
Area Coordinator ___________________________
Address: Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna Tel. no. (049) 523-6455/503-1269 E-mail: dlsp_reg@yahoo.com - (Registrar’s Office), dlspsanpablocity1997@gmail.com

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