MGN (Community Project) Report

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A step toward the life transformation

of the life sustainers: Farmers

Submitted by:
Name: Rittike Ghosh
Reg No.: 11810568

In partial fulfilment for the requirements of the award of the degree of

“B. Tech C.S.E”

School of Computer Science Engineering

Lovely Professional University
Phagwara, Punjab


Problem identification and the cause of the problem

Objective to be achieved

Various steps taken to achieve the objectives

Effectiveness of the project


Food, air and water is essential for our life. We are thankful to have these
as a gift from our nature. Most of the food items are grown and it is
impossible for everyone to grow their own foods. That is why we are also
thankful to the farmers who grow foods we need, and the foods we love.
But many farmers are not happy with their occupation because of many
issues they face and hence their living standard is affected. They need to
overcome their problems and improve their living standard. To help them
resolve their problems and for the completion of the project, I have
worked under the project LIFE (Livelihood Intervention through developed
Farming and Enterprise) run by IRRWS NGO, Islampur. IRRWS has
helped me to reach the farmers to study and understand their problems.
After working for 30+ hours on this project, I have tried to identify the
problems and find long-term solutions.
This report has been prepared based on the field activities conducted and
the outcome of the solutions implemented to overcome the problems. I
am happy that I have completed this project and contributed in bringing
a small but important change in farmer’s life.

Based on a survey, below are some of the major causes of the problems
and the problems faced by the farmers.
I. Lack of knowledge about the modern farming techniques -
a) Less production
b) Long time and effort for productive output
c) More damage to the individual and the crops
d) Affected crop’s quality
II. Presence of intermediate between the farmers and the customer-
a) Reduces crop’s effective cost for the farmers
b) Eliminates guarantee of crop quality

All the field work performed are based on these problems and includes
solutions from the root cause.

The problems concern us about the future of our country. It is the farmer
who grows food for us. We must respect and help them with their
problems. To achieve the goal for the betterment of the farmers life, we
have three main objectives to be achieved.
Firstly, helping them explore and adapt modern farming techniques to
increase production and quality of the crops and safety of the individuals.
We shall also encourage to practice organic farming which is cheap and
provides high quality products.
Secondly, helping them to become independent and bring their
production to the consumers without any intermediate persons. This will
help them earn right value for the crops and will also ensure better quality
of the crops.
Last but not the least we will also have to help them with the fund so that
they can afford modern farming tools.

We must achieve the objectives to bring reformation in the farmer’s life.

So, we started working for our goal. We started from the expansion of the
NGO’s recognition. This could only be achieved with help of internet. A
website is very useful for an organisation to reach the people around the
world to convey its message for the social betterment. So, I have created
a website that wraps all the information about the NGO and its objectives.
Link: . This website will also help in
raising the fund for the rural welfare because I have mentioned the
NGO’s bank account that can be used for the funding from the people
around the world.
As formation of farmer’s club is not recommended by the government
so, we have suggested the farmers to work together and help each other
when needed. Monthly or weekly meetings must be planned by them or
the NGO to share experiences and achievements and plan better way to
get rid of the problems.
Our next objective is to introduce different techniques to the farmers that
will help them produce large quantity of high-quality crops. To achieve
this objective, we need to implement modern farming methods that
doesn’t hamper the quality of the crop and the human health. We have
introduced to the farmers about different farming practices. Some of the
introduced practices are:
1. Aquaponic system: a symbiotic relationship between fish and
plants. Fish gets nutrients from plants and plants from the fish wastes.
This is mainly useful to eliminate all soil borne diseases.
2. Monoculture System: a method of raising single crop within a
specified area. This is beneficial for reduction of opposition of nutrients,
space and solar radiation.
3. Tissue Culture: a method of using fragments of a tissue plant to
increase its production and quality. It is useful for increasing the
production of ornamental plants.
4. Hybrid seeds: method of cross between 2 or more unrelated plant
breeds. This helps in developing a hybrid plant of favourable traits that
will yield high quality crops and resistant to diseases crops.
5. Implementation of modern gadgets like drone: these gadgets can
useful for the easy surveillance of large fields.
6. Irrigation Technologies: drip and sprinkle system are the effective
methods of irrigation system. These methods use less water and has
effective result.
7. Intense Farming: Proper soil aeration to boost the circulation of air
in the soil is important.
8. Use of fertilizers and pesticides: these must be used to overcome
the problem in the plant faced due to pests and provide enough nutrients
to the plants but, the use must be kept in control.
9. SRI (The System of Rice Intensification): this method is useful for obtaining
maximum rice production from minimum input. Steps involved a.
Carefully transplant single seedlings at two-leaf stage (8-12 days)
b. Plant seedlings at 25 cm or more in a square pattern.
c. Keep soil moist and aerated. Fertilize with compost - add chemical
fertilizer only if needed.
We have helped the farmers to explore the above methods through
picture, videos and hand on demonstration in the meetings It is not so
easy to adapt these practices quickly, hence they need some time to adapt.
Beside these we have also encouraged them to practice organic farming. It
is a holistic system designed to optimize the productivity and fitness of
diverse communities within the agro-ecosystem, including soil organisms,
plants, livestock and people. We have introduced some of the best
methods to overcome most the challenges. Few of the inputs are:
A. Azolla: It is used as an eco-friendly bio-fertilizer and livestock fodder. This
are small leaf floating pteridophyte of Azollaceae family; it forms a
symbiotic relationship with the Cyno-bacterium Anabaena which fix
atmospheric nitrogen and gives the plant access to the essential nutrients.
Azolla helps to increase the efficiency of nitrogen fixation (2-3
Kg/ha/day) replacing urea almost within two to three years.
B. FYM (Farm Yard Manure): It is prepared using cow dung, cow urine,
waste straw and other dairy wastes. This is rich in nutrients like Potassium,
Nitrogen and Phosphorus, and this increases the soil fertility.
Nutrient status of FYM:
Nitrogen 0.5000
Phosphorous 0.2500
Potassium 0.4000
Calcium 0.0800
Sulphur 0.0200
Zinc 0.0040
Copper 0.0003
Magnesium 0.0070
Iron 0.4500

C. Waste Decomposer: This is used for the fast decomposition of

organic substances which can be used as a manure to the soil.
D. Neem Oil: This can be used as natural pesticide.
E. Vermicompost: It is a mixture of different worms and organic wastes.
The final product formed after composting known as vermicast is rich in
nutrients and help in increasing soil fertility.
F. Dead crops: The organic waste from the dead crops and animals can
be used as manure. As the dead matter are rich in nutrients.
We have observed fruit flies destroying crops like cucumber. To
overcome this problem, we suggested farmers to use traps like Pheromone
Trap and Yellow Stick Trap. Pheromone trap uses pheromones to lure
insects and hence reduces the insects attacking the vegetables. Yellow
Stick Trap contains adhesive that sticks the insects on it and kills them.
These ways of killing pests does not harm the plants like chemical
Mushroom Cultivation is a very well-known cultivation. It can be practised
on a large scale as well as small scale. It is beneficial for them who has
small land. The input in this cultivation is straws which are easily available,
and the output helps the farmer earn good money. Hence, we have
promoted the mushroom cultivation.
Connecting the farmers directly to the people is our next objective. To
achieve this, farmers need to be made aware about the portal where they
can sell there vegetables directly to the people and earn right amount. So,
we started counselling the farmers to use the portal which was developed by the NGO earlier
to sell their productions. This will help them earn right value for the goods
and will also ensure better quality of vegetables. Although it is not possible
for them to completely depend on it and hence they are also advised to
sell the groceries themselves in the local markets and if they are not
capable to do so then they can sell their production to the dealers.

The project was very effective for the development of farmers and we got
some satisfying results. It helped in spreading awareness among the
farmers and update their knowledge. Some of the farmers like Israi and
Jubela Biwi have accepted different farming skills and have benefited from
it. They have followed the traditional practices with modifications and
alterations where needed.
SRI was well accepted by them as it helped them to produce more with
less input.
The idea of organic farming has also become very popular among them.
Organic farming is the best practice as it gives best quality vegetables and
eliminates all harmful effects that was caused due to the chemicals before.
Due to its high demand, they can earn good money. They are using
vermicompost and azolla prepared at their home and results in higher quality
of crops.
They even started growing hybrid vegetables like tomato, papaya, etc. This
has helped to increase their resistance to the diseases and longer survival
then the normal.
Mushroom cultivation became well practiced as this also helped them earn
good money.
The portal ( has become best way for them to
sell their production to the customers at the reasonable price and to be
less dependent on the third-party seller.

The project was completely dedicated for the development of the farmer’s
life and I am happy that we achieved it to a desired level. We have reached
as many as farmers possible and tried to reform their life. We have
illustrated them about different farming practices and their benefits. Most
of them are happy with the new methods and benefited from it. Organic
farming was the most active idea of this project and they have successfully
implemented it. The farmers are now aware of most of used technologies
in the world for farming and are ready to implement it within a period.
The farmers will now be less dependent on the intermediate person to sell
their groceries as they can now sell these directly to the customers through
the portal.
Working on all the objectives has strengthened the farmer’s lifestyle of
that region but, this will ignite other farmers to improve their lifestyle.
Once all the farmers in our country are happy for what they do, our
country shall outstand everywhere, and we shall then live in a modern
India where farmers will have a respectable status and there shall be no,
child dying out of hunger.
I am happy to be a part of LIFE and work on such a beautiful project
that shall bring good changes in the community.

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