The Polynomial Method in Combinatorics: Boston College

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Boston College

Senior Thesis

The Polynomial Method in


Author: Supervisor:
Robert Laudone Dr. Joshua Greene

April 28, 2015


I would first like to thank my parents Gina and Bob Laudone, without their constant support
and love I am not sure where I would be. Thanks to my sisters Rachel and Kate who always
provide an important outside perspective and keep me grounded.

I am deeply indebted to my advisor Joshua Greene, whose advice and encouragement have
guided me for the past three years. I count myself extremely lucky to have taken his in-
troduction to abstract mathematics course as a sophomore. He continues to be a massive
source of motivation as I pursue a career in mathematics.

Finally, a big thanks to my roommate Cameron Givens who in the past year, and really
the past four years, has sat through hours of my mathematical babbling and worked with
me through some long nights in the conference room.

1 Introduction 2

2 The Finite Field Nikodym Conjecture 3

2.1 Polynomial Method Adaptations for Finite Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Proof of the Nikodym Conjecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3 The Kakeya Conjecture 6

4 The Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem 12

4.1 Statement of Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2 Introduction to Projective Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.3 Extremal Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.4 Discussion of Optimality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.5 A Soft Bound and Its Implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.6 Background and Preliminary Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.6.1 Essential Qualities of Polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.6.2 The Borsuk Ulam Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.6.3 Partitioning Polynomials and the Ham Sandwich Theorem . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.7 Proof of the Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

5 Incidences of Points with Algebraic Curves 33

5.1 Definitions and Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.2 Pach and Sharir’s Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.3 Bézout’s Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.3.1 Resultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.4 Proof of Bézout’s Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.5 A Weaker Version of Pach and Sharir’s Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

6 Spanning Trees and Welzl’s Theorem 46

6.1 Harnack’s Curve Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
6.2 Preliminary Lemmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6.3 Proof of Welzl’s Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

7 The Joints Problem 55

7.1 Generalization of our Techniques to R3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
7.2 Combinatorial Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
7.3 Proof of the Joints Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
7.4 The New Proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

8 The Distinct Distances Problem 62

8.1 Statement of the Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
8.2 A Contextual Shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
8.3 Flecnodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
8.4 Cell Decomposition in R3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

9 Conclusion 96
1 Introduction
The polynomial method is an emerging field in extremal combinatorics. It borrows much of
its ideology from algebraic geometry, but also touches upon topology, number theory and
algebra. In combinatorics, we often want to study a certain set of points P or lines L over a
field F . We can inquire about the minimal number of distinct distances among a point set
P , whether or not a subset of the points of P can form an N -gon, the number of incidences
between the points and lines, and more. Recently, mathematicians realized that they could
extract important combinatorial properties about specific sets P or L by examining the set
of polynomials that vanish on these sets.

In this paper we explore the reach of this new method. Up to this point, only Terence
Tao [22] has created an expository paper exploring parts of the Polynomial Method. Our
goal is to take this a step further: introducing the Polynomial Method through reconstruct-
ing and explaining proofs with very little assumed mathematical knowledge. In so doing, we
provide greater detail concerning the historical development of the polynomial method and
hopefully allow the general reader to glean the essential tools this method offers. Through-
out the process of the proofs, we introduce and explain all material as it becomes pertinent
and provide many examples as an attempt to make the material more understandable. We
ultimately desire to unite the heretofore disparate pieces of the polynomial method for a
more general audience.

We begin our exploration of the Polynomial Method by exploring Dvir’s proof of the fi-
nite field Kakeya Conjecture [3]. We choose this proof as a starting point for two reasons.
Our first reason is chronological as Dvir essentially pioneered the polynomial method and his
methods of proof in the finite field Kakeya conjecture formed the foundation for all future
proofs. Secondly, finite fields provide an easier introduction to the material. As we will see,
much of the proofs in the finite field case can be reduced to simple linear algebra. This
allows us to delve more deeply into the ideology behind the polynomial method rather than
getting immediately bogged down in complex proofs.

We then jump into one of the first applications of Dvir’s new ideology outside of the Kakeya
Conjecture: a new proof of the Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem, bounding the number of
incidences between points and lines in the plane. Within this context we take our first steps
into an infinite field, R2 . Along the way we discuss projective geometry, topology and the
fundamental theorem of algebra. With this in hand, we explore the implications of general-
izing the Szemerédi and Trotter theorem to algebraic curves instead of lines. We explore this
idea through a proof of a weaker version of Pach and Sharir’s Theorem [17]. We notice that
as we transition from lines to algebraic curves we have to replace the fundamental theorem
of algebra with Bézout’s Theorem. To better understand the role Bézout’s Theorem plays
in the polynomial method we explore a proof of Welzl’s Theorem [24] concerning spanning
trees. We will see Bézout’s Theorem play a critical role in almost all of the remaining proofs.

With an understanding of the polynomial method over finite fields, the projective plane
and R2 , we make the transition to R3 by exploring the Joints Problem. This is another

problem concerned with bounding incidences, but in this case we want to bound the number
of possible points where a given set of lines could meet in three or more places. Guth and
Katz provide the first proof using a degree reduction argument [6]. We walk through this
proof and the ideology behind degree reduction: finding a smaller degree polynomial that
vanishes over a given point set where many of the points are collinear. We then examine a
simpler proof provided by Quilodrán [18] that involves finding a line without many points
on it, removing this line and continuing inductively. We provide both proofs to show the
different techniques and their relative merits within the polynomial method and to introduce
the idea of degree reduction which will play an important role in the proof of the Distinct
Distances Problem.

At this point we have explored the majority of the polynomial method, and are ready to
tackle the Distinct Distances Problem. This simple question–“What is the minimum number
of distinct distances determined by N points in the plane?”–baffled mathematicians since
Erdős posed it in 1946 [5]. In 2013 Guth and Katz [7] finally provided an almost optimal
answer. In the exploration of their proof we provide explanation, missing detail and trace
the methods back to earlier sections in the paper, revealing their roots.

2 The Finite Field Nikodym Conjecture

In this section we will explore a simple example of using the Polynomial method to provide a
lower bound on the size of certain point sets. We follow Dvir’s method [3]. To derive a lower
bound, we prove that a set of too small a size cannot possibly have a polynomial we find with
small degree that vanishes on all of its points. We know that given a set of points, we can find
a polynomial that vanishes on all of those points with small degree in relation to the size of
the point set. We can thus use this relation to find a lower bound on the size of the point set.

We will make this more explicit below, but first we must state the Nikodym Conjecture.
The original Nikodym conjecture is still an open problem, and the finite field version we
are about to discuss provides some important insights into the general case. Considering
the polynomial method over finite fields also provides an easier introduction to some of the
basic techniques. We will first present some important definitions that are necessary for the
statement of our theorem.

Definition 2.1. Let F be a field with q elements. A Nikodym Set is a set N ⊂ F n such
that ∀x ∈ F n , there exists a line L(x) containing x so that |L(x) ∩ N | ≥ q/2.

Example 2.1. Trivially we can see that F n is a Nikodym set. As for any point in F n we
can take any line. The motivating question is, how small can we possible make our Nikodym
set? The following theorem provides an answer to that question in the finite field case.

Theorem 2.1 (Nikodym Problem). Any (generalized) Nikodym set in F n contains at least
cn (q n ) elements. Where q is the order of the finite field F .

In other words, the Nikodym set must contain a definite fraction of the points in F n .

2.1 Polynomial Method Adaptations for Finite Fields
The following lemmas are finite field adaptations of lemmas we will see and prove for general
fields in the following sections. Restricting our field to only finitely many elements allows
us to prove slightly more powerful results which ultimately makes the finite field versions of
problems much easier to prove. In the case of finite fields we can often reduce what would
be a complicated proof to a fairly simple linear algebra problem, as we will see. The first
result concerns the vector space of polynomials of bounded degree.
Lemma 2.1. The vector space V (d) of polynomials of degree ≤ d with n variables defined
over F n has dimension d+n
≥ d /n!.
Proof: It is easily verified that this is in fact a vector space. We can see that xd11 · · · xdnn
where d1 + · · · + dn ≤ d is a basis for this vector space. We now need to count how the
number of such monomials. By a stars and bars argument we are really looking to partition
the number d into n + 1 subsets in every possible way. Where the first n partitions designate
the degrees of each xi and the last is not included which accounts for the possibility that
the degree is less than d. This is the same as choosing nnspots from d + n spaces uniquely.
Thus the number of such monomials is exactly n ≥ d /n!.
Example 2.2. For example, say we want all bivariate polynomials of degree ≤ 5. One basis
element is x5 which corresponds to ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ − −, another is x3 y = ∗ ∗ ∗ − ∗ − ∗.
Now we will use this and some basic linear algebra to show that we can find a polynomial
of small degree that vanishes over a finite point set S ⊂ F n .
Lemma 2.2. If S ⊂ F n is finite, there exists a nonzero polynomial that vanishes on S with
degree ≤ n|S|1/n .
Proof: Let {p1 , . . . , ps } = S and let V (d) be the vector space of polynomials
 in n variables
n d+n
with degree ≤ d defined over F . We know that V (d) has dimension n by Lemma 2.1.
Consider the evaluation map E : V (d) → F s given by
E(f ) = (f (p1 ), . . . , f (ps ))
It is easy to verify that this is a linear map. We can thus see that there exists a nonzero
polynomial f ∈ V (d) that vanishes on all of S if and only if E has a nontrivial kernel. By a
basic fact from linear algebra we know that this must occur if dim(V (d)) > s where s is the
dimension of the range of E. This follows from the fact that a trivial kernel of a linear map
implies injectivity. Thus if dim(V (d)) is larger than s we cannot possibly have injectivity
so there must be a nontrivial polynomial that vanishes on all of S. So we need n > |S|.
This will occur if d+n

≥ Dn /n > |S|. Thus we have d ≥ n|S|1/n and so we can choose
d = n|S|1/n . As a result of our approximations we could possibly find d lower than this, but
this proves the result.

Now that we can create a polynomial of relatively small degree that vanishes on our fi-
nite point set, we want to investigate some limitations on the zero set of polynomials. We
thus present the vanishing lemma for finite fields. This lemma and its general field analogue
will be an essential tool in almost every proof we investigate throughout this paper.

Lemma 2.3 (Vanishing Lemma). If ` is a line in F n and f ∈ F [x1 , . . . , xn ] of degree at
most d. Then either f vanishes on `, or |` ∩ Z(f )| ≤ D. In other words, the polynomial f
vanishes on less than or equal to d points of a line `, or it vanishes on the entire line.

Proof: We can write ` in parametric form as ` = {(u1 t + v1 , . . . , un t + vn ) | t ∈ F }.

Now we will define a single variable polynomial in t using our bivariate polynomial f . Let
g(t) = f (u1 t + v1 , . . . , un t + vn ). As f has degree less than or equal to d, so does g. Thus
by the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, g has at most d zeroes if it is not uniformly zero.
So g = 0 uniformly, or it vanishes on ≤ D values of t. In terms of our original polynomial
f , this implies that f = 0 uniformly on the line `, or that it vanishes on ≤ D points of the

We now prove another important result concerning how large the degree of our polyno-
mial must be in order for it to vanish on the entire space F n . This is a result without a true
analogue in the case of general fields. It allows us to derive the lower bound we seek as it
forces a polynomial to have a minimum degree to vanish on all the points in the vector space
F n.

Lemma 2.4. A polynomial f ∈ F [x1 , . . . , xn ] of degree d < q where q is the cardinality of F

cannot vanish at every point of F n unless each coefficient of f is zero.

Proof: We will proceed by induction on n the dimension of the vector space F n . In the case
that n = 1 this is trivially true as a polynomial with degree less than q cannot vanish on q
points. Now assume the result is true for Pdf defined over F d, and consider any polynomial
f ∈ F [x1 , . . . , xn ]. We can write f = i=1 fi (x1 , . . . , xn−1 )xn . We are grouping all of the
xn terms based on degree and considering f as a single variable polynomial over xn , with
coefficients in x1 , . . . , xn−1 . We know that for each choice of x1 , . . . , xn−1 that f (x1 , . . . , xn ) =
0 for all xn ∈ F . Since d < q, we are now back in the case where n = 1, and thus f when
defined this way must have zero coefficients. This tells us that fi (x1 , . . . , xn−1 ) = 0 for each
choice of i, but not necessarily that the coefficients of these polynomials are all zero. By
our induction hypothesis however each fi is a polynomial defined over F n−1 and therefore
must have zero coefficients. But then all of the coefficients of f vanish. Thus f is the zero

2.2 Proof of the Nikodym Conjecture

We now have a polynomial of degree ≤ n|S|1/n that vanishes over any finite point set S ⊂ F n .
This in conjunction with the other lemmas will allow us to prove the finite field Nikodym

Proof: Let V (d) be as we have defined it above. We know we can find a polynomial f
that vanishes on N ⊂ F n with degree ≤ n|N |1/n by Lemma 2.4. If this degree is < q/2
where q is the cardinality of F we can see that f must vanish at every point x ∈ F n . As
we know that f vanishes on N , this implies that for every point x ∈ F n f vanishes on q/2
points of a line passing through x, by Lemma 2.3 f vanishes on that line and therefore on
x. However, by Lemma 2.4 a polynomial of degree ≤ q/2 cannot vanish at every point of

F n unless it vanishes identically. Thus the degree of f is at least q/2. As we know the
degree of our polynomial is bounded above by cn |N |1/n we have that n|N |1/n ≥ q/2, which
1 n n 1 n
implies that |N | ≥ ( 2n ) q . Choosing a suitable constant Cn = ( 2n ) we have |N | ≥ Cn q n
as desired.

3 The Kakeya Conjecture

In this section we will explore the open Kakeya Conjecture and its finite field analog, proved
recently by Zeev Dvir utilizing the polynomial method. The tension between the finite field
analog and the actual conjecture reveals the possible limitations of the Polynomial Method in
general Euclidean Geometry. This results from the polynomial method’s general dependence
on the algebraic nature of the finite field in which we work. We will explain this in more detail
soon, but the general idea is that the polynomial method struggles to generalize to results
concerning infinite sets and fields as it often explores the algebraic properties of finite fields
and sets. Exploring the polynomial method’s general reliance on the topology and algebraic
structure of the field in which we work is an important consideration and will be a theme
throughout this paper. However, as we will see, the finite field analog can lend significant
support to understanding and possibly proving the general Kakeya conjecture. We will first
present the origin of the Kakeya conjecture, known as the Kakeya needle problem posed in

Problem 3.1 (Kakeya Needle Problem). What is the least area in the plane required to
continuously rotate a needle of unit length and zero thickness three hundred and sixty degrees?

To illustrate this idea and gain some intuition, we present a couple of examples.

Example 3.1. Obvious examples of regions that would work are the unit circle, with area
π/4. Given any unit line segment, we know it must have endpoints on opposite sides of the
circle. We can perform an obvious rotation by spinning the line around the center of the

circle. This can be seen below

We take this unit line and rotate it 360 degrees about the center of the circle. This, however,
is not even close to the least amount of area required.

Example 3.2. A less obvious example is a deltoid, or Steiner Curve. Given any unit line
segment, it must have endpoints on opposite edges of the deltoid. An intuitive way to picture
the rotation is to return to how a deltoid is defined. We can define the deltoid by the rotation
of the line. We create a circle with diameter equal to half the length of the needle. So in
this case we create a circle of diameter 1/2. We then start with a tangent segment of unit
length whose midpoint is the tangent point of the circle. We begin to continuously move this
segment along the circle at its midpoint, continuously rotating the segment so that when the
midpoint has traced out the circle the line is in its starting position. The deltoid is defined
by the shape traced out by the two ends of the line segment. We can see this illustrated


This illustrates how a deltoid is constructed, the deltoid is the solid, slightly bent triangle.
Soichi Kakeya posed this problem in 1917. Eleven years later, Besicovitch shows that one
could in fact rotate a unit needle using an arbitrarily small amount of positive area. In other
words an  of area where  > 0 is arbitrarily small. This is not remotely intuitive, and he
proved it utilizing the two facts below which ultimately gave birth to the Kakeya Conjecture.
The first fairly intuitive fact is that we can translate a given needle using an arbitrarily small
amount of area. The idea being that we move the needle an arbitrary distance away and
slowly rotate it. We then move the needle in a straight line back so that it has been moved
over, and we shift it back. The second fact required the definition of a Kakeya Set:
Definition 3.1. A Kakeya set in R2 is any set that contains a unit line segment in each
A circle would be another example of a Kakeya set, as would the deltoid. Any set that satisfies
the Kakeya needle problem will necessarily be a Kakeya set as we can rotate the unit line
segment 360 degrees. So we can find a unit line segment in each direction. Besicovitch’s
shocking theorem states:
Theorem 3.1 (Besicovitch, 1919). There exists Kakeya sets in R2 of arbitrarily small
lebesgue measure.
We will not go through the proof of this theorem, as it requires a deep level of analysis
beyond the scope of our current investigations. It is true that we can construct such sets
in R2 with Lebesgue measure 0. These Kakeya sets with Lebesgue measure 0 are called
Besicovitch sets. Utilizing Besicovitch sets and the intuitive fact 1, Besicovitch was able to
prove that we could find sets that satisfy the Kakeya Needle Problem with arbitrarily small
area. He found Kakeya sets that contained the small rotations described above. Thus the

answer to the Kakeya Needle Problem is 0.

We discussed that every set satisfying the Kakeya needle problem is a Kakeya set, but the
converse is not the case. This is illustrated by an important question: Can we take  = 0?
In other words, is there a set that satisfies that Kakeya Needle Problem with area equal
to 0. Intuitively, we can posit no by the construction above, as the translations required
extremely small amounts of area. We will rigorously prove this below. We first note that
every Besicovitch set is a Kakeya set with zero area, so if the converse were true and every
Kakeya set satisfied the Kakeya needle problem, we would be done. However, we note that
this cannot be the case, thus although there are sets with arbitrarily small Lebesgue measure
(area in R2 ) that satisfy the Kakeya Needle Problem, there is no such set with area equal to
0. This proof is instructive, but requires some knowledge of real analysis. We encourage the
reader to work through it, but as long as the reader understands the difference between a
Kakeya set and a set satisfying the Kakeya Needle Problem nothing will be lost by skipping
this proof.
Proposition 3.1. There does not exist a Lebesgue measure 0 set that satisfies the Kakeya
Needle Problem, i.e. we cannot continually rotate a unit line segment 360 degrees within it.
Proof: Let E ⊂ R2 be a set within which a unit line segment can be continuously rotated.
This means that there exists a continuous map ` : t → `(t) for t ∈ [0, 1] to unit line segments
`(t) ⊂ E. We can parameterize each such line segment

`(t) = {(x(t) + s cos(w(t)), y(t) + s sin(w(t))) | − .5 ≤ s ≤ 0.5}

where x, y, w : [0, 1] → R are continuous functions. We can see that the function w(t)
defines the rotation as time changes and the functions x and y determine the midpoint of
the line segment. We recall that on a compact set such as [0, 1], all continuous functions are
uniformly continuous. This means by definition that for each  > 0, there exists some δ > 0
such that if t, t0 ∈ [0, 1] such that |t − t0 | < δ we have

|x(t) − x(t0 )|, |y(t) − y(t0 )|, |w(t) − w(t0 )| ≤ 

Fix  = .001 and the corresponding δ. We observe that w(t) cannot be a constant function of
t as otherwise the needle would never rotate. Therefore, there must exist some t0 , t1 ∈ [0, 1]
with |t0 − t1 | ≤ δ and w(t0 ) 6= w(t1 ). As if such a pair did not exist it would imply that w is
constant. Without loss of generality assume that t0 < t1 and x(t0 ) = y(t0 ) = w(t0 ) = 0, as
we can just translate if this is not the case. So we can picture a line whose midpoint is at
the origin on the x-axis of unit length.

Let a ∈ [−.4, .4] be a real number. From our choice of  = .001, as we know that |t0 − t1 | ≤ δ,
we can see that for any t0 ≤ t ≤ t1 , the line `(t) must intersect the line x = a in some point
(a, ya (t)) as for t in that interval, we know that x, y, w can at most change by .001. Thus
given the starting position of our line, as −.4 ≤ a ≤ .4 there must be a point on the line that
intersects the line x = a. By the definition of our line we know that (a, ya (t)) must lie in E.
Also, we notice that as we are continuously rotating our line that ya (t) varies continuously
with t. By the intermediate value theorem, we conclude that the interval between (a, ya (t0 ))

and (a, ya (t1 )) lies in E. This by itself will have an area of zero as it is going to trace the
rotation of our original curve along one point. However, If we then take unions over all
a ∈ [−.4, .4] each of these segments must lie in E. This then traces the rotation of the entire
line between x = −.4 to x = .4 as t varies from t0 to t1 , and we know the line must at the
least rotate by the above observation. Thus this constructed sector contained in E must
have nontrivial area. This proves the claim.

This result does make intuitive sense, and we will now examine how the investigation of
the Kakeya Needle Problem led to the Kakeya conjecture. We discussed how the answer
to the needle problem is 0, as we can make the sets arbitrarily small. However, although
these sets have essentially zero area, Davies [2] noticed that they were still necessarily two-
dimensional. When we discuss dimension, we mean Hausdorff or Minkowski dimension for a
rigorous definition we refer the reader to [16], as we will not be dealing with the Hausdorff
or Minkowski dimension in the finite case. Trivially all Besicovitch sets in R have dimension
1, and Davies noticed that in R2 they must have dimension 2, thus the Kakeya conjecture
Conjecture 3.1. A Bescovitch set in Rn has Hausdorff and Minkowski dimension n.
This conjecture remains open for dimensions n ≥ 3, and it becomes more and more difficult
as n increases. There have been many partial results bounding the Hausdorff and Minkowski
dimension, but no exact results thus far. In an attempt to better understand this conjecture,
in 1999 Woolf utilized a common mathematical technique and proposed a simpler analogue
known as the Finite Field Kakeya conjecture avoiding all the technical issues involved in
dealing with the Hausdorff and Minkowski dimension. We will generalize the definition of a
Kakeya set:
Definition 3.2. If F n is a vector space over a finite field F , we define a Kakeya set to be a
subset of F n which contains a line in each direction.
With this definition in mind, we can now pose the Finite Field Kakeya Conjecture as stated
by Wolff in 1999 [25].
Conjecture 3.2. Let E ⊂ F n be a Kakeya set. Then E has cardinality at least cn |F |n ,
where cn > 0 depends only on n.
The idea being that in the finite case we want to show that in order for a subset of a vector
space over a finite field to be a Kakeya set, it must contain a large enough number of points
that is related to the cardinality of the field and the dimension of the vector space. This
is analogous to the set necessarily having a high dimension. Very recently Zeev Dvir was
able to prove the above conjecture using the Polynomial Method. The proof follows from an
adaptation of the Polynomial Ham Sandwich Theorem below, and an ingenious observation.
For some intuition, we realize that we can produce a lower bound on the size of a finite set
E that is one dimensional by showing that the only low degree polynomial that vanishes on
E is the zero polynomial. This would imply that this set E with certain qualities must be
trivial, as otherwise we could find a nontrivial polynomial that vanishes on E. We will use
this intuition to prove the result. We will first discuss the lemma that is a simple corollary
of the Polynomial Ham Sandwich Theorem.

Lemma 3.1. Let E ⊂ F n be a set of cardinality less than n+d

for some d ≥ 0. Then there
exists a non-zero polynomial P ∈ F [x1 , . . . , xn ] on n variables of degree at most d which
vanishes on E.

Remark 3.1. This is a basic restatement for clarity of Lemma 2.2 above. The same proof
So we know that there exists a suitable
 polynomial that vanishes on our entire set as long as
the cardinality of E is less than n for some d ≥ 0. Now we will prove something unique
and incredible about Kakeya sets that forces there to be a certain number of elements in E:

Theorem 3.2. Let P ∈ F [x1 , . . . , xn ] be a polynomial of degree ≤ |F | − 1 which vanishes on

a Kakeya set E. Then P must be identically zero.

Proof:PSuppose for sake of contradiction that P is not identically zero. Then we can write
d th
P = i=0 Pi where 0 ≤ d ≤ |F | − 1 is the degree of P and Pi is the i homogeneous
component of P . So we are partitioning P into its homogeneous components, thus Pd is
nonzero as P is of degree d. Since we know that P vanishes on E and E is nonempty this
implies that d cannot be zero.

Let v ∈ F n \ {0} be an arbitrary direction. We note that we subtract zero as the re-
sult would be trivial if we chose the zero direction. As E is a Kakeya set, we know that E
contains a line {x + tv | t ∈ F } for some x = xv ∈ F n . Thus as we know that P vanishes on
E this implies that P (x + tv) = 0 ∀t ∈ F . The left hand side is a polynomial in t of degree
at most |F | − 1 as P is of degree at most |F | − 1 and it vanishes on all of F . Thus this
polynomial must be identically zero. As if it is nontrivial, it can vanish on at most |F | − 1
points, but F clearly contains |F | points.

In particular, the td coefficient of the polynomial, Pd (v) vanishes for any nonzero v as we
chose v arbitrarily since E is a Kakeya set. We can see that the coefficient of this polynomial
is Pd (v) if we examine all the coefficients of td , each td coefficient will be generated by a term
in our polynomial of degree d. Thus when we factor out the td and consider the multivariable
polynomial as a single variable polynomial defined over t, the coefficient is the polynomial
Pd . Since Pd is a homogeneous polynomial of degree d > 0, Pd must vanish on all of F n .
This is because we know that Pd (v) = 0 ∀v ∈ F n \ {0}, and trivially equals zero for the zero
vector. As F is finite, however, this does not imply that Pd is identically zero. We do now
have that Pd (x) = 0 ∀x ∈ F n . Since d ≤ |F | − 1 < |F |, we can apply the above analysis
to Pd . As we now know that it must vanish on the entire Kakeya set as it vanishes on F n .
However, this implies that when we consider Pd as a polynomial defined over each variable,
x1 , . . . , xn independently with coefficients in the remaining variables that Pd must vanish
identically as it vanishes on all of F , since it vanishes on all of Fn , but has degree < |F |. If
we do this for each variable we reach get the same result, and thus we conclude that Pd = 0
identically. However we stated in the beginning of the proof that Pd cannot be zero as P is
of degree d. This is a contradiction and proves the theorem.

Essentially we have now proved that given a polynomial that vanishes on a Kakeya set,

it must have degree at least |F | where the Kakeya set is defined over F n . We will now com-
bine this with the above lemma to prove the result which we will just state as a corollary.
Corollary 3.1. Every Kakeya set in F n has cardinality at least |F |+n−1


Proof: If this is not the case that it implies that there exists a nontrivial polynomial of
degree |F | − 1 that vanishes on E by Lemma 3.1. This is a direct contradiction to Theorem

The method employed in this proof is to show that any polynomial of a small enough degree
m that vanishes over the Kakeya set E must be the trivial polynomial. We know, however,
by Lemma 3.1 that we can find nontrivial polynomials that vanish over any given set as long

as the cardinality of that set is less than n where n is the degree of the vector space that
E is defined over and d is the degree of the polynomial. Combining these two results forces
the cardinality of E to be a certain size, as otherwise the results contradict each other. In
other words, we must have n ≤ |E|, as otherwise we can take d = m and Lemma 3.1
applies and leads to a contradiction.

We said that this analogue would lend significant support to the original conjecture. This
is the case as this result essentially rules out highly algebraic counterexamples to the orig-
inal conjecture. By highly algebraic we mean sets with a strong algebraic structure. This
is because these sets could likely be adapted to a finite field example. This result differs
greatly from the other results we have proved thus far, as we utilized the polynomial method
to supply a lower bound on the cardinality of a set. The following joints problem actually
evolved from the above proof of the Finite Field Kakeya conjecture.

4 The Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem

We now transition to working over an infinite field by investigating one of the most seminal
results in incidence geometry and combinatorics that is deeply intertwined with the poly-
nomial method: The Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem. This theorem deals with a given set
P of m points and L of n lines. Given these two sets, one may wonder how many possible
incidences they generate and how this is related to the number of elements in each set. The
Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem provides a bound on this number of incidences, and we will
actually prove that this bound is optimal.

4.1 Statement of Theorem

Before the statement of the theorem, we must first provide the definition for some notation.
Definition 4.1. Given a set points P and lines L in the plane, let I(P, L) denote the number
of incidences between that occur between the points in P and lines in L. i.e, the number of
pairs (p, `) such that p ∈ P and ` ∈ P , and p ∈ `.
Theorem 4.1 (Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem). I(P, L) = O(m2/3 n2/3 + m + n) for every
set P of m distinct points and every set L of n distinct lines in the plane.

4.2 Introduction to Projective Geometry
Many important techniques throughout this paper will involve basic ideas from Projective
Geometry. We will thus introduce the ideology behind Projective Space, and the idea of
Planar Duality. For further reading, we refer the reader to [14, 10].
Definition 4.2. The Complex Projective Space Pn of dimension n is the set of complex
one-dimensional subspaces of the complex vector space Cn+1 . An analogous definition can
be supplied for the Real Projective Space.
Definition 4.3. Alternatively, we can define an equivalence relation ∼, where given vectors
a, b ∈ V in some vector space V , a ∼ b if a = λb, where λ is a constant in U , the field
over which the vector space is defined. The projective space of V can then be defined as
(V \ {0})/ ∼. Where Pn is thus the set of equivalences classes of V \ {0} under our defined
equivalence relation. We can see that this is an analogous definition as each unique line
passing through the origin will by definition represent a unique equivalence class.
Remark 4.1. We can utilize this definition to define the Real and Complex Projective spaces
as above. In these cases we let V = U = R or C. The Complex Projective Space then
becomes (C \ {0}/ ∼).
Definition 4.4. When working in Projective Space, we utilize projective coordinates. For
sake of ease we will make this definition for P2 (R), and explain how it can be generalized. The
coordinate [a, b, c] ∈ P2 (R) is representative of the equivalence class of all scalar multiples of
[a, b, c] as a vector in R3 \ {0}. In other words, the projective coordinates [a, b, c] and [c, d, f ]
are equal if [a, b, c] = [λc, λd, λf ] for some nonzero constant λ. We can easily generalize this
to greater dimensions by taking vectors with more elements.
Utilizing this definition, we can see that any point [a, b, c] ∈ P3 can be represented by
[a/c, b/c, 1]. This leads to the following natural and interesting fact:
Proposition 4.1. The mapping (x, y) → [x, y, 1] defines an inclusion from the Euclidean
Plane to the projective plane. Once again we note that this mapping can be generalized.
Proof: This is fairly clear as given any (x, y) we know that x = a/c and y = b/c for some
a, b, c in the original vector space. Thus, this defines an injective mapping.

One may wonder, however, what occurs when z = 0 in our projective coordinates. This
is exactly the complement of the above image, and it elicits the following definition.
Definition 4.5. The set of points z = 0 in the projective plane defines a line. We call this
the line at infinity.
This definition makes intuitive sense, as if z = 0 in any point in the projective plane, if we
were to attempt to divide by 0 we would have the point [∞, ∞, 1] (in a loose sense). The
above map also illustrates why the dimension of Pn is n, as we can define an embedding of R,
the extended real numbers, i.e. R ∪ {∞, −∞} into Pn . This is defined by the above mapping
coupled with sending {−∞, ∞} → ∞. In this sense we can now multiple and divide by 0
and infinity.

Definition 4.6. We define an affine space as a point set A together with a vector space V
over a field F and a transitive group action of V on A. Explicitly, an affine space is a point
set A with a map f : V × A → A where

f (v, a) = v + a

with the following properties

(a) ∀a ∈ A, 0 + a = a

(b) ∀v, w ∈ V , ∀a ∈ A, v + (w + a) = (v + w) + a

(c) ∀a ∈ A, f (v, a) = v + a is unique.

Remark 4.2. Under these operations we note that by choosing an origin point for A, one can
identify it with V . Each point can then become a vector and A will become a vector space
under the operations of V . Similarly, any vector space V is an affine space over itself if we
take each vector as a point set. Obviously all of the axioms hold. Affine spaces generalize
properties of parallel lines in Euclidean Space. There is no way to add vectors as there is no
origin to serve as reference. It does make sense to subtract two points of the space to create
a vector. Affine spaces will become extremely useful when we discuss hyperplanes. We will
now connect Affine Spaces, Projective Spaces and Vector Spaces.

Proposition 4.2. Affine Spaces are open subspaces of Projective Spaces which are quotient
spaces of Vector Spaces.

We now introduce the procedure to create the planar dual of a set points P and lines L.

Proposition 4.3. Given a set of m points P and n lines L in the plane. We can construct
a set of n points J and m lines K that are the original arrangement’s standard planar dual.

Proof: Given our original arrangement, we let I(P, L) = k. Thus we need I(J, K) = k. We
can achieve this planar duality utilizing a trick from projective geometry. We select a point
O in the plant that does not lie on any line in L and is not any point in P . We create a
circle of arbitrary radius r around that point (preferably small radius). We then exchange
points and lines in the following manner. For any given line `, we draw a line segment q
perpendicular to ` that passes through O. We then place a point p on this perpendicular
such that the product of the length of q and the length of the line segment Op equals r2 .

This points p is the dual of the line `. We can see this explicitly below.

Then, for any given point p, examine the line segment Op. Find the point q on the segment
Op such that Op · Oq = r2 . Draw a line ` perpendicular to Op, that passes through q. This
is the planar dual of the point p. We can explicitly see this process below.

If we proceed in this fashion for all points and lines, I claim that we preserve incidences. It
is clear that we interchange the number of points and lines. We will examine the specific
case where a point and a line are incident in the original graph and prove this incidence is
preserved in the dual. This then generalizes easily for all incidences. We will first show an

example where a point p and a line l0 are incident in the original graph. Utilizing the above
process we create the line l, the planar dual of p. We also create the point p0 , the planar
dual of l0 . It stands to show that l and p0 are incident.

From the construction we know that Oq · Op = r2 and that Op0 · Om = r2 . Let v be the
point where l intersects Om. We want to show that v = p0 . We can achieve this by proving
that Ov · Om = r2 . As these two right triangles share a common angle, they are similar.
Thus we can see that Om = Ov
, cross multiplying we have that Oq · Op = Ov · Om, but
Oq · Op = r . This implies that Ov · Om = r2 . Thus p0 = v and incidence is preserved.

4.3 Extremal Examples

Before proving the Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem, we wish to explore the extremal cases
that make the theorem tight and thus optimal. One must notice the three terms that can
contribute to the number of incidences. Asymptotically, we fall into two cases: (1) One
of the terms m or n dominates the other, (2) They are within a close enough range that
n2/3 m2/3 dominates m and n. We want to explore explicit examples of each of these cases
and discuss the implications.

Example 4.1. If we examine the extremal example where we have m points and n = 1
line, we can see that the Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem is tight. The maximal number
of incidences that could occur is if all of the points could be intersected by the one line,
in which case the number of points m completely determines the number of incidences. In
other words I(P, L) = O(m). Which is what the Theorem predicts, as if n = 1, m2/3 < m
and n < m, assuming there is more than one point, thus we have I(P, L) = O(m). This is
easily illustrated where m = 8, the maximal number of incidences is exactly 8. This can be

seen in the figure below.

Example 4.2. The exact same idea can be applied for the case where we have n > 1 lines
and m = 1 point. We can see that by standard planar duality, the maximal number of
incidences occurs when every line intersects the point, and it can only intersect it once.
Thus I(P, L) = O(n) where the implied constant is 1. This is exactly what the Szemerédi
and Trotter Theorem tells us. We can see an illustration of this extremal example below:

The above image is actually the planar dual of the first image. There are exactly eight lines
and one point. The line becomes the point, and every point it intersects becomes a line that
intersects the point in the dual.

Example 4.3. We will now look at a more interesting example that provides a sharp bound
for the case when m and n are close enough that neither term can dominate the other. Take
the set of points P = {1, . . . , N } × {1, . . . , 2N 2 } and the set of lines L = {(x, y) | y =
mx + b} where m ∈ {1, . . . , N } and b ∈ {1, . . . , N 2 }. We can see that |P | = m = 2N 3 and
|L| = n = N 3 . The Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem would tell us that I(P, L) = O(N 4 ).
We can see that the number of incidences is exactly N 4 . This is because each line intersects
exactly N points. We can see this because a line intersects a point for every value of x as x
ranges between 1 and N . This is because in this interval, x ≤ N , m ≤ N and b ≤ N 2 , thus
y ≤ 2N 2 , for each point x, and y is an integer. This tells us that a given line ` with slope m
and y-intercept b intersects exactly N points, mainly (1, m + b), (2, 2m + b), . . . , (N, N m + b).
We can see an illustration of this below where we let N = 3:

The black lines are when m = 1 and b ranges from 1 to 9. The green lines are when m = 2,
and the red are when m = 3. We can see that each line contributes exactly three incidences,
and as there are a total of 27 lines, this means that there are 34 = 81 incidences. Looking

at the Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem, it would tell us that we should expect at most this
many incidences.

Example 4.4. We notice the iterating fact that utilizing a linear transformation of the
above lattice, we can generate infinitely many extremal examples. These extremal examples
in general can be visualized in the projective plane. If we have N lines going through the
point at infinity and we select another point in the plane and draw 2N 2 lines passing through
that point, the incidences generated by these lines create an extremal example. This extremal
example is merely a linear transformation of our original integer lattice. An example of this
can be seen below.

We can see that this is exactly the same as our lattice example. The dashed green and blue
lines represent the N 3 lines, here where N = 2, and we can see that we have 2N 3 points. We
also notice that this very closely resembles the standard planar dual of the lattice. The dual
graph will also represent an extremal example, as it presences incidences. The dual graph

for N = 2 is pictured below.

This picture has many parts. We have the original graph pictured with blue points, four
blue lines and four red lines. We then selected our point O, and drew a circle to begin
constructing our dual graph. The purple line is perpendicular to each of the red lines, and
the corresponding red points on that line represent the planar dual of each red line in the
original graph. Similarly, the light blue line is perpendicular to each of the blue lines. Each
blue point on this line represents the planar dual of each of the blue lines. We then labeled
each point that is important to the dual. Each of the dashed green lines represents one of
those points and is labeled accordingly. We will now only show a picture of the completed
dual graph, excluding points from the original graph that are not incident to any lines, as
these can really be placed anywhere in the dual graph as long as they are not incident to

any of the dual points. We can see the dual graph below.

We notice that there are 8 points and 16 lines, i.e. N 3 points and 2N 3 lines. We once again
note that some lines are not included as they do not generate any incidences, just as in
the original graph there were points that were not incident with any lines. There are also
exactly 16 incidences, i.e. O(N 4 ) incidences. Thus, this is another extremal example. The
partitioning polynomial in this case is of degree 2 as before and is created by placing a line
through each of the blue points and a line through each of the red points. We will investigate
the possibility of creating duals for algebraic curves and r-partitioning polynomials in a later

4.4 Discussion of Optimality

Between these three examples, we illustrate how the bound cannot be improved (i.e. there
is no lower bound), as in any case there exists a point line arrangement that makes the
Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem sharp. The only issue that could arise is if there exists a
point-line arrangement such that I(P, L) > O(m2/3 n2/3 + m + n). Thus, we will combine
these examples with the proof below that any set of lines and points is in fact bounded by
O(n2/3 m2/3 + m + n) to show that the bound is optimal.

4.5 A Soft Bound and Its Implications
We will now introduce an important Lemma which illustrates how one can quickly derive
a soft bound on I(P, L). This will ultimately play an important role in the proof of the
Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem.
Lemma 4.1. I(P, L) ≤ n + m2 , where P contains m points and L contains n lines.
Proof: We will divide the lines of L into two subsets: the lines in L0 that are incident to at
most one point of P , while the lines in L00 pass through at least two points.

It is clear that I(P, L0 ) ≤ |L0 | ≤ n, as each line can only have one incidence with a point by
definition. Now we must bound I(P, L00 ). This can be done by noticing that a point p ∈ P
can have at most m − 1 incidences with the lines of L00 , since there are at most m − 1 lines
passing through p, as each line in L00 that passes through a point p, must also pass through
at least one other point in P . As there are only m − 1 other possible points the line could
pass through, this means there are at most m − 1 lines from L00 incident with any point
p. As there are a total of m points, this means that, I(P, L00 ) ≤ m(m − 1) ≤ m2 . Thus
I(P, L) = I(P, L0 ) + I(P, L00 ) ≤ n + m2 .

For these first few propositions, we will explore the implications of the above lemma that will
prove extremely useful in the proof of the theorem. Our motivation here is to explore the
separation between m and n necessary so that one term individually begins to asymptotically
dominate I(P, L).
Proposition 4.4. If m2 ≤ n, then I(P, L) = O(n).
Proof: If m2 ≤ n, then by Lemma 1.1 above, we have that I(P, L) ≤ n + m2 ≤ 2n = O(n).
We can see that in this case the Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem is tight. If m2 ≤ n, then
O(m2/3 n2/3 + m + n) = O(n).
Corollary 4.1. If n2 ≤ m, then I(P, L) = O(m).
Proof: This follows from standard planar duality. Interchanging the roles of the lines and the
points. The above proposition implies the corollary immediately. In this case we see that the
Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem is tight again, as if n2 ≤ m, O(m2/3 n2/3 +m+n) = O(m).

It is important to notice that within the interval n ≤ m ≤ n2 , the Szemerédi and Trotter
Theorem predicts that m2/3 n2/3 will dominate. As within this interval O(n2/3 m2/3 +m+n) =
O(n2/3 m2/3 ) Thus, the above corollaries need to be the exact points at which m and n begin
to dominate in order for the theorem to be true. We will prove that this is actually
√ the case.
It turns out to be extremely useful that we only have to consider the interval n ≤ m ≤ n2 ,
as we will see.

4.6 Background and Preliminary Results

Here we present and establish all of the results necessary to prove Szemerédi and Trotter
Theorem using the polynomial method. In the following subsection, we highlight the effec-
tiveness of the polynomial method by presenting some of the restrictive qualities of Z(f ) for

a given polynomial f . We begin by introducing the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. It
will come into play repeatedly, and eventually be subsumed by Bézout’s Theorem when we
begin our study of incidences with algebraic curves in place of lines.
Definition 4.7. If a function f has a derivative on a set G, we say that f is analytic on G.
If f is analytic on the entire complex plane, we say that f is entire.
Theorem 4.2 (Fundamental Theorem of Algebra). Every nonconstant, single variable poly-
nomial f ∈ C[x], has at least one complex root.
Proof: Suppose that P (z) = an z n + an−1 z n−1 + · · · + a1 z + a0 , with an 6= 0, has no roots.
It follows immediately that f (z) = P (z) is entire. This is clear as rational polynomials (i.e.
functions of the form f (z)/g(z) where f (z) and g(z) are polynomials) are analytic whenever
the denominator is nonzero [19]. Thus if P (z) 6= 0 for any z, then the rational function f (z)
is entire. We will prove that it is bounded over the whole plane. There are two cases to
(a) We know that |P (z)/z n | ≥ |an |/2 for |z| sufficiently large, as |P (z)/z n | → an as
|z| → ∞. Say |z| ≥ α. Thus we see
1 2 2
|f (z)| = ≤ n ≤ n
|P (z)| |z ||an | α |an |

Where |z| ≥ α. So in this case |f (z)| is bounded by a constant.

(b) When |z| ≤ α, we have the case of a continuous function, |f (z)|, on a closed disk.
Under such circumstances, by the extreme value theorem it is know that the function
must be bounded, as it achieves its maximum and minimum within this disk.
Thus in either case f (z) is bounded, and we know that it is entire. However, the only
bounded entire functions are constant [19]. If f (z) is constant, this implies that P (z) is as
well. This proves that the only polynomials that have no roots are constant.
Corollary 4.2. We can inductively apply the above theorem to factor any given f ∈ C[x]
into exactly n linear factors, where n = deg(f ). This tells us that a given nonconstant, single
variable polynomial f ∈ C[x] has exactly n roots in C.

4.6.1 Essential Qualities of Polynomials

Definition 4.8. For a given polynomial f ∈ R[x, y] we will define the zero set of f as the
set of all points in R2 on which f vanishes. We will denote the zero set as Z(f ).
Lemma 4.2 (Vanishing Lemma). If ` is a line in R2 and f ∈ R[x, y] is of degree at most
D, then either ` ⊆ Z(f ), or |` ∩ Z(f )| ≤ D. i.e. The polynomial f vanishes on less than or
equal to D points of a line `, or it vanishes on the entire line.
Proof: We must write ` in parametric form: ` = {(u1 t + v1 , u2 t + v2 ) | t ∈ R}. Now
we will define a single variable polynomial in t utilizing our bivariate polynomial f . Let
g(t) = f (u1 t + v1 , u2 t + v2 ). As f is of degree D, this means that g is of degree at most D.

Thus by the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, g has at most D zeroes if it is not uniformly
zero. So it is either uniformly zero on the line, or it only equals zero at ≤ D values of t. In
terms of our original function f and our line ` this means that if f vanishes on > D points
of the line `, that f must vanish on the entire line.

Proposition 4.5. A nonzero bivariate polynomial f ∈ R[x, y] does not vanish on all of R2 .

Proof: Assume we have such a nonzero bivariate polynomial f ∈ R[x, y] that vanishesP on all of
R2 . This means that every point (x, y) ∈ R2 satisfies f (x, y) = 0. Let f (x, y) = ij aij xi y j ,
and define g(x) := ij aij x . We know that f (x, y) vanishes on all the points where
x = y. At these points f (x, x) = ij aij xi xj = ij aij xi+j = g(x). However, f (x, x) = 0
for all x by assumption. This implies that g(x) = 0 ∀x ∈ R. Also, as f was a nonzero
polynomial, this implies that g is as well because f and g share coefficients. This implies
that we have found a nonzero single variable polynomial with real coefficients and bounded
degree (deg(g) = max i + max j) that vanishes on infinitely many points x ∈ R. This is
a contradiction by the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Thus, f cannot vanish on all of
R2 .

Lemma 4.3. If f ∈ R[x, y] is nonzero and of degree at most D, then Z(f ) contains at most
D distinct lines.

Proof: We know that a nonzero bivariate polynomial does not vanish on all of R2 . Now we
fix some point p ∈ R2 such that p 6∈ Z(f ). Assume that Z(f ) contains the distinct lines
`1 , . . . , `k . We can select another line ` incident to p that is not parallel to any of the `i , and
does not pass through any of the points of intersection `i ∩ `j . This is true because we must
only avoid finitely many points as the lines `1 , . . . , `k are distinct. By assumption ` is not
completely contained in Z(f ) as it is incident to p, and it has at most k possible intersections
with ki=1 `i as a distinct line can only intersect a line in one point. Thus Lemma 2.1 tells
us that k ≤ D.

4.6.2 The Borsuk Ulam Theorem

We introduce the following theorem as a tool to prove the Ham-Sandwich Theorem.

Theorem 4.3 (Borsuk-Ulam Theorem). Let f : S n → Rn be a continuous map from the n-

dimensional sphere S n ⊂ Rn+1 to the Euclidean Space Rn which is antipodal. Then f (x) = 0
for at least one x ∈ S n .

We will prove this theorem in the case the n=2 and for a proof of the n-dimensional case and
applications we refer to reader to [1, 15]. To prove this theorem we will take a quick detour
into Topology. Skipping the following section will not detract from the rest of the paper,
but we include the proof for completeness and for the curious reader as an example of how
many disciplines the polynomial method spans. We must first introduce some terminology.
In the following we assume a basic knowledge of topology.

Definition 4.9. For our purposes, we will assume that we are working in Rd . A hyperplane
h in Rd is an affine linear subspace of dimension d − 1.

Definition 4.10. We say that a function f is antipode-preserving on its domain X if ∀x ∈ X,
f (−x) = −f (x).

Definition 4.11. If f and g are continuous maps of the space X into the space Y , we
say that f is homotopic to g if there is a continuous map F : X × [0, 1] → Y such that
F (x, 0) = f (x) and F (x, 1) = g(x) for each x ∈ X. F is called a homotopy between f and
g. We say that a function h is nul-homotopic if it is homotopic to a constant map.

We are now ready to state and prove some important lemmas and theorems that will ulti-
mately make the proof of the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem relatively simple.

Theorem 4.4. If h : S 1 → S 1 is continuous and antipode-preserving, then h is not nulho-


Lemma 4.4. Let h : S 1 → X be continuous. Then the following conditions are equivalent:

(a) h is nulhomotopic.

(b) h extends to a continuous map k : B 2 → X.

(c) h∗ is the trivial homomorphism of fundamental groups.

We will not prove this theorem or lemma, but for rigorous proofs we refer the readers to
Munkres [16]. The theorem number is 57.1 and the lemma number 55.3. We will now use
this theorem to prove an important lemma.

Lemma 4.5. There is no continuous antipode-preserving map g : S 2 → S 1 .

Proof: Assume for sake of contradiction that such a map exists. Let S 1 be the equator of S 2 .
Then consider the restriction of g to its equator. This is a continuous antipode-preserving
map h from S 1 to itself. By Theorem 4.4 we know then that h is not nulhomotopic. However
we can see that h easily extends to a map from the upper half-sphere of S 2 to S 1 as g is a map
of all of S 2 to S 1 so we can easily restrict it to the upper half-sphere and h is a restriction
of g. However we notice that the upper half-sphere is homeomorphic to B 2 . Lemma 4.4
then tells us that h is nulhomotopic, contradicting the claim of Theorem 4.4. Thus such a
function g cannot exist.

We are now ready to prove the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem in the case that n = 2.

Proof: Suppose that f (x) 6= f (−x) ∀x ∈ S 2 . Then the map

f (x) − f (−x)
g(x) =
||f (x) − f (−x)||

Is a well-defined, continuous map from S 2 → S 1 . We also notice that g is antipode preserving

as g(−x) = −g(x) for all x. Thus g is a continuous, antipode preserving map from S 2 → S 1 ,
which we just proved cannot exist. So there must exist a point x ∈ S 2 such that f (x) =
f (−x).

4.6.3 Partitioning Polynomials and the Ham Sandwich Theorem
In this subsection, we present the core tools utilized to prove the Szemerédi and Trotter
Theorem. We ultimately desire a way to efficiently partition a set of given points in the plane
utilizing the zero set of a bivariate polynomial. When we accomplish this, we will utilize
the above results concerning the restrictive nature of the zero sets of such polynomials to
establish the desired bound on I(P, L). We first present the Ham Sandwich Theorem in its
discrete version.

Theorem 4.5 (The Ham Sandwich Theorem). Every d Lebesgue-measurable sets A1 , . . . , Ad ⊂

Rd can be simultaneously bisected by a hyperplane.

Now we are ready to prove the Ham-Sandwich Theorem. The techniques in this proof are
closely related to and helped spawn the ideas behind the polynomial ham sandwich theorem.

Proof: We can recognize Rn+1 as the space of affine-linear transformations (x1 , . . . , xn ) →

a1 x1 + · · · + an xn + a0 on Rn . Each non-trivial affine linear form E ∈ Rn+1 \ {0} determines
a hyperplane in Rn+1 , mainly the set of vectors such that {E = 0}. This divides Rn into
two spaces (E > 0) and (E < 0). We can thus define f : Rn+1 \ {0} → Rn whose ith
coordinate fi (E) at E is the volume of Ai ∩ {E > 0} minus the volume of Ai ∩ {E < 0}.
Essentially, f measures the extent to which the given hyperplane {E = 0} bisects the given
sets A1 , . . . , An . It is intuitively clear that f is continuous, but very subtle to prove. For an
intensive proof we refer the reader to [15].

The function f is also homogenous of degree zero, as it has no variables. Most impor-
tantly it is odd, as if we take f (−P ), the ith coordinate will by definition be Ai ∩ {−P > 0}
minus Ai ∩ {−P < 0}. This equals Ai ∩ {P < 0} minus Ai ∩ {P > 0} which we can easily
recognize as −f (P ). This means that if we restrict f to S n , it is an antipodal map. By
Theorem 1.3 above, this means that there exists some P such that f (P ) = 0. Thus, the
hyperplane described by {P = 0} exactly bisects the given sets A1 , . . . , An .

Corollary 4.3. [15] Every collection of d finite sets A1 , . . . , Ad ⊂ Rd can be simultaneously

bisected by a hyperplane.

Definition 4.12. For a given bivariate polynomial f ∈ R[x, y] and A1 , . . . , As ⊆ R2 , we say

that f bisects Ai if f > 0 on at most b|Ai |/2c points of Ai and f < 0 on at most b|Ai |/2c
points of Ai .

Lemma 4.6. Bivariate Polynomials of degree D form a real vector space V of dimension

with basis given by the monomials xi y j where i, j ∈ Z≥0 and i + j ≤ D.

Proof: It is clear that given any two polynomials f, g ∈ V that f + g ∈ V and k · f ∈ V

where k ∈ R is a constant. We also have an identity element f (x, y) = 0. The other axioms
of a vector space follow easily. Now, we must prove that dim(V ) = D+22

We can easily see that the proposed basis elements are linearly independent, as they each
contain distinct powers of x and y. We can also see that they do in fact span the entire

space V , as any polynomial of degree D is by definition a sum of monomials 0≤i+j≤D aij xi y j
where aij ∈ R. Thus any element of V is a R-linear combination of monomials. Thus, by
definition the proposed set is a basis for V . It remains to found the number of basis elements
to determine the dimension of V .

We can see that counting the number of described monomials is equivalent to counting
the number of pairs (i, j) of nonnegative integers with i + j ≤ D. We can see that

= i=1 i. We will count these pairs utilizing a “stars and bars” argument. If
we want the sum of (i, j) to equal D we have D + 1 options for i and then we only have 1
for j. In general, the choice of i determines the choice of j if we fix our desired sum. Thus,
if we want to sum to equal n ≤ D, we have n + 1 options. To count the total number of
possible pairs, we must sum from n = 0, . . . , D. This sum is exactly,
D D+1  
X X D+2
i+1= i=
i=0 i=1


This tells us that dim(V ) = 2
, as desired.

Theorem 4.6 (The Polynomial Ham Sandwich Theorem). [7] Let A1 , . . . , As ⊆ R2 be finite

sets, and let D be an integer such that 2 −1 ≥ s. Then there exists a nonzero polynomial
f ∈ R[x, y] of degree at most D that simultaneously bisects all the sets of Ai ,

Proof: By Lemma 4.6, D+2

is the dimension of the vector space of all bivariate real poly-
nomials of degree D. Now, set k := D+2

− 1, and we let Φ : R2 → Rk denote the Veronese
map, given by:
Φ(x, y) := (xi y j )(i,j)|1≤i+j≤D ∈ Rk
We regard the right side as a k-tuple, where each element of the tuple is determined by
raising a given x and y to all the possible powers (i, j) where their sum is greater than 1
and less than D. This will give us k pairs as we have just removed the one pairing where
i = j = 0. We may assume that s = k as k ≤ D+2 set A0i := Φ(Ai ) for i = 1, 2, . . . , k,

− 1,
and we let h be a hyperplane simultaneously bisecting A01 , . . . , A0k . This is guaranteed to
exist by the Ham SandwichPTheorem (Theorem 4.5). We know that h is defined as the set of
vectors z satisfying, a00 + i,j aij zij = 0, where (zij )(i,j)|1≤i+j≤d are the coordinates in Rk of
a given vector z. We do this to easily think of our embedded vectors, as zij will correspond
to the coordinate in our vectors that equals xi y j .

Now let f (x, y) := i,j aij xi y j . The zero set of this polynomial splits each subset in the
desired fashion. This is because if f (x, y) = 0 for some (x, y) this implies that the embedded
vector Φ(x, y) lies on the hyperplane. This results from the definition of the embedding,
where each coordinate is a possible monomial of our bivariate polynomial. Thus if (x, y)
satisfies our polynomial, and our polynomial has the same coefficients as the hyperplane
description, the embedding of (x, y) must be contained in the hyperplane. Similarly, if a
vector contained in the hyperplane has a Veronese pre image, the corresponding vector in
R2 will satisfy f . This means that the zero set of our polynomial corresponds directly to the
given hyperplane. We can see that in the case where a point in Rk has a Veronese preimage,

the hyperplane and bivariate polynomial are in a sense equivalent. P Thus, if we are given
a point x ∈ Ai ”above” our hyperplane, this means that a00 + i,j aij zij > 0, where zij
represents the components of our vector x. We can see that given the corresponding pre
image Φ(z, y) = x ∈ A0i , which we know exists by our definition of A0i , where (z, y) ∈ Ai , by
definition f (z, y) > 0. Similarly, if we are given any points (x, y) ∈ Ai where f (x, y) > 0, we
can embed it with the Veronese mapping and see that it lies “above” the hyperplane. Equiv-
alent arguments establish the case for points in which f (x, y) < 0. Thus as the hyperplane
bisects each A0i , the zero set of f must bisect each corresponding Ai .
Remark 4.3. It is important to note that this the Polynomial Ham Sandwich Theorem could
be generalized to Lebesgue-measurable sets by applying the same argument. However, in
this case one must carefully account for the relationship between the measure of a set and
the corresponding measure of its Veronese Mapping.
Definition 4.13. Let P be a set of m points in the plane, and let r be a parameter,
1 < r ≤ n. We say that f ∈ R[x, y] is an r-partitioning polynomial for P if no connected
component of R2 \ Z(f ) contains more than m/r points of P .
Definition 4.14. We will define the connected components of R2 \ Z(f ) as cells.
Theorem 4.7 (Polynomial Partitioning Theorem). [7] For every r > √ 1, every finite point
set P ⊂ R admits an r-partitioning polynomial f of degree at most O( r).
Proof: The motivating idea is that we want to inductively utilize the polynomial ham sand-
wich theorem to find our desired polynomial. We want to construct collections P0 , P1 , . . . ,
each consisting of disjoint subsets of P , such that |Pj | ≤ 2j for each j. This means that each
collection Pj contains at most 2j subsets of P . We start with P0 := {P }. Having constructed
Pj , with at most 2j sets, we use√the polynomial ham-sandwich theorem to construct a poly-
j j
 fj of degreej deg(fj ) ≤ 2 · 2 , as we have at most 2 sets and we need D so that
− 1 ≤ s ≤ 2 where s is the number of sets in Pj . By the polynomial ham sandwich
theorem this fj bisects each of the sets of Pj . Now examine all the subsets Q ∈ Pj , we will

let Q+ and
S Q consist of the points at which fj > 0 and fj < 0 respectively. We will set
Pj+1 := Q∈Pj {Q+ , Q− }. In this way, we are essentially evenly splitting each of the sets of
Pj utilizing Theorem 1.4, to construct Pj+1 which will result in |Pj+1 | ≤ 2j+1 sets.

We can also see that each of the sets in Pj has size at most |P |/2j , as each of the col-
lections of sets is constructed by starting from the original set P and splitting that set in
half with the polynomial ham sandwich theorem. So after j iterations, each set in the col-
lection can have size at most |P |/2j . Now for sake of ease, let t = dlog2 (r)e; this means that
each of the sets Pt , has size at most |P |/r, as 2t ≥ r. Now set f := f1 f2 · · · ft .

By our construction, no component of R2 \ Z(f ) can contain points of two different sets
in Pt , as any arc connecting a point in one subset to a point in another subset must contain
a point at which one of the polynomials fj vanishes, so the arc must cross Z(f ). Using the
iteration above, we have divided P in each iteration i with the zero set of the polynomial fi ,
once we reach the tth iteration, if we multiply all of the polynomials in the preceding steps,
we create a polynomial whose zero set is the union of all of the other zero sets. Thus we can

see that f is an r-partitioning polynomial for P .

Now we only have to bound the degree to complete the proof:

j t
X √ X 2 √
deg(f ) = deg(fj ) ≤ 2 2j/2 ≤ √ 2t/2 ≤ c r
i=1 j=1
√ j/2
We get the second inequality because we know that the degree of each fi ≤ 22 by
construction. The second inequality is just summing a geometric series:

√ Xt
√ j √ 2 2t+1 − 1
2· ( 2) = 2 √
2 t+1
=√ · (2 2 − 1)
≤√ 2t/2
√ √
From above, we can let c = 2 2/( 2−1) < 7, as we know that t = dlog2 (r)e. This completes
the proof.

4.7 Proof of the Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem

We are now ready to prove the Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem. It took a lot of prelimi-
nary work, but each lemma and theorem we proved thus far is a tool we will utilize while
implementing the polynomial method throughout the remainder of the paper. The myriad
number of tools makes the following proof simple and concise. We now present the proof of
the Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem, first presented by [13].

Proof: We will first do the proof for m = n, and show in this case that I(P, L) = O(n2/3 m2/3 ).
It is easy from there to indicate the changes necessary to handle an arbitrary m.

We set r := bn2/3 c, and let f be an r-partitioning polynomial for P

√. By the polynomial
partitioning theorem (Theorem 4.7), we know that D = deg(f ) = O( r) = O(n1/3 ). This is
where the choice of r becomes more clear. It will be important soon that the degree of our
partitioning polynomial be asymptotically bounded by n1/3 .

Now let Z := Z(f ) the zero set of f ; let C1 , . . . , Cs be the connected components of R2 \Z(f );
let Pi := P ∩ Ci , and let P0 := P ∩ Z. So now we have partitioned the plane utilizing our
polynomial’s zero set, and we have created a collection of sets that consists of all of the
points of P that are contained in each cell of R2 we created in our partitioning. Since f is
an r-partitioning polynomial, we have that |Pi | ≤ n/r = n1/3 , i = 1, 2, . . . , s. Once again we
see the importance of the r we selected. Now the degree of our partitioning polynomial and
the number of points in each partition are bounded by the same number. Also, let L0 ⊂ L
consist of the lines of L contained in Z; we have that |L0 | ≤ D by Lemma 4.3 above. Now

we can break up I(P, L) and bound each component:
I(P, L) = I(P0 , L0 ) + I(P0 , L \ L0 ) + I(Pi , L)

The first piece can be easily bounded:

I(P0 , L0 ) ≤ |L0 | · |P0 | ≤ |L0 |n ≤ Dn = O(n4/3 )

It is clear that the number of total incidences can be at most the number of points times the
number of lines, and we have adequate bounds on both sets. We can also bound the second
I(P0 , L \ L0 ) ≤ |L \ L0 |D = O(n4/3 )
The first inequality follows from the fact that we know each line in L \ L0 can only intersect
Z(f ), and thus the points of P0 in at most D = deg(f ) points. Otherwise, by the vanishing
lemma (Lemma 4.2) above, this would imply that the line was Ps in L0 , which by definition
is impossible. So now we are close, it just remains to bound i=1 I(Pi , L). Let Li ⊂ L be
the set of lines containing at least one point of Pi , it is important to note that the Li are
typically not disjoint as multiple lines can contain points from multiple Pi . By repeatedly
applying Lemma 4.1, and summing we know that:
X s
I(Pi , L) ≤ (|Li | + |Pi |2 )
i=1 i=1

We know that si=1 |Li | = O((D + 1)n) = O(n4/3 ), since by Lemma 4.2, no line in L \ L0
intersects more than D + 1 of the sets Pi , as this would imply that it crossed through Z in
more than D P places, which would implyPthat f vanished on Li , a contradiction. Finally, we
can see that si=1 |Pi |2 ≤ (maxi |Pi |) · si=1 |Pi | ≤ nr · n = O(n4/3 ). The first inequality is
clear. We know, however, that the largest a set Pi can be is nr by Theorem 4.7, and we know
that the sum of all of the sets is exactly n. Once again, though, we see the importance of
having r := bn2/3 c, as this means that each set contains at most n1/3 points, and we are able
to extract the same bound on the third component as all the rest. Thus if look at the sum,
we see that I(P, L) = O(n4/3 ) = O(m2/3 n2/3 + m + n), as desired.

We can generalize the above proof for an arbitrary m as follows. We may assume, with-
out loss of generality, that m ≤ n; the complementary case is handled by interchanging the
roles of P and L by a standard planar duality. In other words, once we know how the points
and lines are arranged and where the intersect, we can imagine each point as a line, and each
line as a point. Where a line intersects a point in the √
dual graph if the point was intersected
by the line in the original. We may also assume that n ≤ m, as otherwise the theorem fol-
lows from Lemma 4.1 above. As in this case n ≤ m2 , so I(P, L) ≤ 2n = O(n2/3 m2/3 + m + n)
very easily. So we set r := b m
c (which we quickly note is consistent with the proof above

where m = n). We also note that 1 ≤ r ≤ m for the assumed range of m because m ≥ n.
We can then proceed as above where m = n. We will have D = deg(f ) = O(m2/3 /n1/3 ), and
it follows that each of the partial bounds in the proof are at most O(m2/3 n2/3 ).

Example 4.5. We will explore how this partitioning technique in the above proof works
in practice with the third extremal example described above in the case where N = 2. We
will have 16 points and 8 lines creating 16 incidences. As m 6= n, we will let r = b m
16(4/3) 16
b 82/3 c = 10. We also know, then, that each cell can contain at most b 10 c = 1 point. So
we will create a 10 partitioning in which each cell contains at most one point utilizing the
process described in the proof of the polynomial partitioning theorem. The green dashed
line will represent the zero set of our constructed polynomial.

We omit P0 as it is just the set of lines without any partitions. We begin in the top left
image with P1 . We can see it has exactly two partitions, each containing less than 9 points.
We continue to partition the sets. In the last image, we have added an additional line to
get exactly 10 cells, but we can achieve the desired partitioning with one point in each cell
with only 8 cells. As we followed√ the exact process described above, we know that our
polynomial will have degree O(b 10c) = O(3) as desired. Utilizing this polynomial, we now
want to make sure that each section that we separated the incidences into above is actually
bounded by O(162/3 82/3 ) = O(25.39). We now include all of the lines to directly examine
the incidences.

We can see that exactly two of the lines are completely contained within the zero set of our
polynomial f . This is allowed, as f is of degree O(3). We also quickly note that f must be
of degree ≥ 5, as otherwise more than two lines would vanish, and this would too drastically
increase the size of the zero set. We can actually explicitly calculate f , as we have described
all of its zero sets as lines. We have f (x, y) = (y − x + 3)(y + 7x − 15)(y − x + 1)(y − x +
5)(y − x + 7), which expands to f (x, y) = 7x5 − 27x4 y − 127x4 + 38x3 y 2 + 380x3 y + 842x3 −
22x2 y 3 − 378x2 y 2 − 1838x2 y − 2522x2 + 3xy 4 + 124xy 3 + 1150xy 2 + 3636xy + 3375x + y 5 +
y 4 − 154y 3 − 1114y 2 − 2535y − 1575. As predicted, Pthis polynomial has degree exactly 5. We
can see that I(P0 , L0 ) = 4, I(P0 , L \ L0 ) = 4 and si=1 I(Pi , L) = 8, giving us a total of 16
incidences. We notice that each piece is bounded by O(214/3 ) as desired. If we picture this
point line arrangement in the plane, we can plot our polynomial to visualize exactly what
we mean by a polynomial bisecting a set of points.

This is the graph of our polynomial f (x, y) with the plane z = 0. The intersection shows
the lines we had described as the zero set of f . We can see that there are exactly 10 cells.
Also note that the picture is consistent with our definition of bisection. i.e. f is positive in
5 cells and negative in 5 cells.

Example 4.6. We will now introduce a general technique for manufacturing an r-partitioning
polynomial for the extremal lattice example with 2N 3 points and N 3 lines. We notice that
4/3 4
according to the proof of the Szeméredi and Trotter Theorem, we want r := b 2 N 2N c =

b24/3 N 2 c. This means that we want a polynomial with degree O( 24/3 N 2 ) = O(22/3 N ) =
2N 3
O(N ). We also want each cell to contain ≤ b 24/3 N3
c = b 2N
1/3 c points. To achieve this, we can

construct the zero set of the polynomial by placing a line through each column of the points
in our lattice. This will give us exactly a degree N polynomial as there are N columns in

total. We also notice that each cell will contain 0 points, which is clearly less than b 2N
1/3 c.
4 4
We also notice that in this case I(P0 , L \ L0 ) = N = O(N ) as desired. We can see an
example of this below.

In this case, we do not even need more cells to achieve the result in the proof of the Szeméredi
and Trotter Theorem.

5 Incidences of Points with Algebraic Curves

We have just established an asymptotic bound on the number of possible incidence between a
given set of points and lines. The next reasonable step is to investigate the possible number
of incidences between a set of points and a set of algebraic curves. We will first provide
some necessary definitions, which will lead into a discussion of the main result, followed by
a presentation of lemmas and proof.

5.1 Definitions and Terminology

Definition 5.1. An algebraic curve is a subset of R2 of the form {(x, y) ∈ R2 | P (x, y) = 0},
where P (x, y) ∈ R[x, y] is a bivariate polynomial. In other words, an algebraic curve is the
zero set of a real bivariate polynomial.

Definition 5.2. The degree of an algebraic curve is the degree of its determining bivariate

Definition 5.3. A simple curve is any curve described in the plane that does not intersect

5.2 Pach and Sharir’s Theorem

We begin this section by presenting the main theorem. This theorem by Pach and Sharir
generalizes the Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem to deal with simple curves. The number of
incidences in the former case was limited by the fact that no more that one line could pass
through any two given points. This is not the case with simple curves.
Theorem 5.1 (Pach and Sharir). [17] Let P be a set of m points and let Γ be a set of n
simple curves, all lying in the plane. If no more that C1 curves of Γ pass through any k given
points, and every pair of curves of Γ intersect in at most C2 points, then:

I(P, Γ) = O(mk/(2k−1) n(2k−2)/(2k−1) + m + n)

with an appropriate constant of proportionality that depends on k, C1 , C2 .

This is really an incredible result. We can see that it does agree with the Szemerédi and
Trotter Theorem in the case that we only consider lines, which are simple curves. Here, no
more than 1 line of Γ can pass through any 2 given points, and every pair of lines intersect in
at most 1 point. Thus Pach and Sharir’s Theorem tells us that I(P, Γ) = O(m2/3 n2/3 +m+n),
the exact bound given by the Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem. We will now investigate some
preliminary lemmas and theorems before stating and proving a slightly weaker version of this

5.3 Bézout’s Theorem

This section acts as an introduction to basic algebraic geometry. We will follow Kirwan’s
[14] framework and elaborate slightly. Bézout’s Theorem is a seminal result concerning the
interaction between zero sets of two bivariate polynomials. It is interesting to note that once
we substitute algebraic curves for lines, the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra no longer
provides the necessary bounds on the zero sets of bivariate polynomials. We were able to use
this simpler result by exploiting the line y = x to examine our bivariate polynomials f (x, y)
as a single variable polynomial f (x, x). Due to the complexity of Algebraic Curves, this is
no longer possible. Thus we must introduce a stronger result: Bézout’s Theorem. We will
prove that Bézout’s Theorem is actually a generalization of the Fundamental Theorem of
Algebra which allows us to bridge the gap between lines and algebraic curves. We also note
that we can working in P2 is equivalent to working in C2 by the section above on projective
geometry. This is because any point (a, b) ∈ C2 maps to a unique equivalence class [a, b, 1]
in P2 . This ability to interchange and exploit qualities of projective spaces will be extremely
useful in the following proofs. We will only present a weaker version of the theorem, as it is
sufficient for our needs in the following proofs.
Theorem 5.2 (Bézout’s Theorem Weaker Version). Let f, g ∈ C[x, y] be two bivariate
polynomials of degree Df and Dg respectively that do not share a common component. Then
the system f = g = 0 has at most Df Dg solutions.

Before we can prove Bézout’s Theorem, we must first present some important theory con-
cerning resultants.

5.3.1 Resultants
Definition 5.4. Let
P (x) = a0 + a1 x + · · · + an xn
where a0 , . . . , an ∈ C, an 6= 0, and

Q(x) = b0 + b1 x + · · · + bm xm

where b0 , . . . , bm ∈ C, bm 6= 0, be polynomials of degrees n and m in x. The resultant RP,Q

of P and Q is the determinant of the m + n by m + n matrix
 
a0 a1 . . . an 0 0 ... 0
 0 a0 a1 . . . an 0 ... 0 
 
 . . . . . 
 
 . ... . 
 
 0 0 . . . 0 a0 a1 ... an 
 
 b 0 b1 . . . b m 0 ... 0 
 
 0 b0 b1 ... bm 0 . . . 0 
 
 . ... . 
0 . . . 0 b0 b1 ... bm

P (x, y, z) = a0 (y, z) + a1 (y, z)x + · · · + an (y, z)xn
Q(x, y, z) = b0 (y, z) + b1 (y, z)x + · · · + am (y, z)xm
are polynomials in three variables x, y, z then the resultant RP,Q (y, z) of P and Q with
respect to x is defined as a determinant in exactly the same way as RP,Q was defined above
but with ai (y, z) and bj (y, z) replacing ai and bj for 0 ≤ i ≤ n and 0 ≤ j ≤ m.
Remark 5.1. We note that RP,Q (y, z) is a polynomial in y and z whose value when y = b and
z = c is the resultant of the polynomials P (x, b, c) and Q(x, b, c) in x, provided that an (b, c)
and bm (b, c) are nonzero.
We will soon provide an equivalent definition of the resultant of two polynomials that is
much easier to understand intuitively. We first begin by presenting some important lemmas
about resultants.
Lemma 5.1. If P (x, y) is a nonzero homogeneous polynomial of degree d in two variables
with complex coefficients then it factors as a product of linear polynomials.
P (x, y) = (αi x + βi y)

for some αi , βi ∈ C.

Proof: As P (x, y) is homogeneous, we can write
d d
X X x
P (x, y) = ar xr y d−r = y d ar ( )r
r=0 r=0

where a0 , . . . , ad ∈ C are not all zero by assumption. Let e be the largest element of {0, . . . , d}
such that ae 6= 0. Then
X x
ar ( )r
is a polynomial with complex coefficients of degree e in one variable xy . By the Fundamental
Theorem of Algebra, we can factorize the above single variable polynomial as
d e  
X x r Y x
( ) = ae − γi
y i=1

for some γ1 , . . . , γe ∈ C. Then

Y x
P (x, y) = ae y − γi
= ae y (x − γi y)

This is P (x, y) expressed as a product of linear polynomials.

Remark 5.2. We were able to utilize the homogeneity of our polynomial to simplify our
problem, allowing us to utilize the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. This trick of proving
properties of bivariate polynomials by exploiting a reduction to single variable equivalences
will be a recurring practice.
Lemma 5.2. Let P (x) and Q(x) be polynomials in x. Then P (x) and Q(x) have a non
constant common factor if and only if RP,Q = 0. i.e. the above matrix is singular.
Proof: Let
P (x) = a0 + a1 x + · · · + an xn
Q(x) = b0 + b1 x + · · · + an xn
be polynomials of degrees n and m in x. Then P (x) and Q(x) have a nonconstant common
factor R(x) if and only if there exist polynomials φ(x) and ψ(x) such that

P (x) = R(x)φ(x), Q(x) = R(x)ψ(x)

φ(x) = α0 + α1 x + · · · + αn−1 xn−1
ψ(x) = β0 + β1 x + · · · + βm−1 xm−1

We can see that deg(φ(x)) < n and deg(ψ(x)) < m as P (x) and G(x) must have a non-
constant common factor. Thus deg(R(x)) ≥ 1. We know that deg(R(x)) + deg(φ(x)) =
deg(P (x)) = n and similarly for G(x). Thus deg(φ(x)) < n and deg(ψ(x)) < m. The above
factorization happens if and only if there exist the same ψ(x) and φ(x) such that

P (x)ψ(x) = R(x)φ(x)ψ(x) = Q(x)φ(x)

If we equate the coefficients of xj in the equation P (x)ψ(x) = Q(x)φ(x), which is equivalent

to φ(x)ψ(x) = ψ(x)φ(x) for 0 ≤ j ≤ mn − 1, we find

α0 β0 = β0 α0
α0 β1 + α1 β0 = β1 α0 + β0 α1
αn βm−1 = βm αn−1

The existence of a nonzero solution

(α0 , . . . , αn−1 , β0 , . . . , βm−1 )

to these equations is equivalent to the vanishing of the determinant which defines RP,Q .

The following lemma is a generalization of the previous to polynomials in three variables. It

is important to note that we can assume our polynomials in three variables are homogeneous
as we add the third variable for homogenization.

Lemma 5.3. Let P (x, y, z) and Q(x, y, z) be nonconstant homogeneous polynomials in x, y, z

such that
P (1, 0, 0) 6= 0 6= Q(1, 0, 0)
Then P (x, y, z) and Q(x, y, z) have a non constant homogeneous common factor if and only
if the polynomial RP,Q (y, z) in y and z is identically zero.

As we make the shift to polynomials in three variables, we must utilize Gauss’ Lemma
concerning primitive polynomials. We ultimately want to redefine our three variable poly-
nomials as single variable polynomials, and prove the following results in C[x, y] (the field
of polynomials with complex coefficients). Considering our polynomials over x in this ring
is equivalent to considering them in x, y, z with coefficients in C. However, C[x, y] is a ring
and not a field, which restricts our ability to interact with the polynomial. Thus, utilizing
Gauss’ Lemma, we can relate C[x, y] to the ring C(x, y) (the field of rational polynomials
with complex coefficients). Gauss’ Lemma tells us that if our polynomials share a common
factor in C(x, y), they must also share a common factor in C[x, y]. We will now make this

Lemma 5.4 (Gauss’ Lemma). If R is a unique factorization domain and g(x), h(x) ∈ R[x]
are primitive then so is their product g(x)h(x).

Proof: Let g(x) = α0 + α1 x + · · · + αn xn and h(x) = β0 + β1 x + · · · + βm xm . Suppose for
sake of contradiction that g(x)h(x) are nor primitive. This means that the coefficients of
g(x)h(x) are divisible by some element p ∈ R that is greater than the unit element. We can
assume as R is a unique factorization domain that this element is irreducible. Since g(x) is
primitive, this implies that p does not divide some αi . Let αj be the first coefficient of g(x)
that p does not divide. Similarly, let βk be the first coefficient of h(x) that p does not divide.
In f (x)g(x), the coefficient of xj+k , cj+k is
k j
cj+k = αj βk + αj+i βk−i + αj−i βk+i
i=1 i=1

We represented cj+k in this way for a reason. By our choice of βk , p|βk−1 , βk−2 , . . . , β0 .
This implies that p| ki=1 aj+i bk−i . Similarly, by our choice of αj , p|αj−1 , αj−2 , . . . , α0 . This

implies that p| ji=1 aj−i bk+i . We assumed, though, that p|cj+k . This means that p|αj αk .
As p is an irreducible element of R a unique factorization domain, this implies that p|αj or
p|βk . This is impossible though, as we assumed that p does not divide either. Thus g(x)h(x)
is primitive.

Definition 5.5. Given a polynomial g(x) defined over a unique factorization domain R, we
call the greatest common divisor of the coefficients of g(x) the content of g(x).

Corollary 5.1. Let R be a unique factorization domain and K a field containing R such
that every element of K can be written as ab−1 where a, b ∈ R and b 6= 0. K is the field of
quotients of R. If f (x) ∈ R[x] is primitive then f (x) is irreducible in R[x] if and only if it
is irreducible in K[x].

Proof: First, suppose that we have some f (x) ∈ R[x] that is primitive and irreducible in R[x]
but reducible in K[x]. Thus f (x) = g(x)h(x), where g(x), h(x) ∈ K[x] of positive degree.
As K is the field of quotients of R, we know that g(x) = (g0 (x)/a) and h(x) = (h0 (x)/b)
such that a, b ∈ R, and where g0 (x), h0 (x) ∈ R[x]. We also know that g0 (x) = αg1 (x)
and h0 (x) = βh1 (x) where α, β ∈ R and are the content of g0 (x) and h0 (x) respectively.
Thus g1 (x) and h1 (x) are primitive polynomials in R[x]. Combining the above we can see
that f (x) = αβ g (x)h1 (x). Whence, abf (x) = αβg1 (x)h1 (x). By Gauss’ Lemma we know
ab 1
that g1 (x)h1 (x) is primitive in R[x] and K[x] as g1 (x) and g2 (x) are. Thus, the content of
αβg1 (x)h1 (x) is αβ. Since f (x) is primitive, the content of abf (x) is ab. But then ab = αβ.
This implies that f (x) = g1 (x)h1 (x) and we have obtained a nontrivial factorization of f (x)
in R[x]. This contradicts our assumption that f (x) is irreducible in R[x]. We note that this
factorization is nontrivial is g1 (x) and h1 (x) are of the same degrees as g(x) and h(x) in
R[x], as we are only factoring out constants, so they cannot be units.

Now, suppose that we have some f (x) ∈ R[x] that is primitive and irreducible in K[x].
This immediately implies that f (x) is irreducible in R[x] as R ⊂ K.

Corollary 5.2. Let R be a unique factorization domain and K its field of quotients. Then
two polynomials f (x) and g(x) in R[x] have a nonconstant common factor as elements of
R[x] if and only if they have a nonconstant common factor as elements of K[x].

Proof: Corollary 5.1 immediately implies this result. Assume that f (x) and g(x) in K[x] have
a nonconstant common factor h(x). This means that f (x) = h(x)φ(x) and g(x) = h(x)ψ(x).
We can assume without loss of generality that both of these polynomials are primitive (we
could just factor our the content). Following the same proof as above, we can prove that
f (x) = αβ
h(x)φ(x) and g(x) = αγ
h(x)ψ(x) where h(x), φ(x), ψ(x) ∈ R[x]. This implies that
f (x) and g(x) have a nonconstant common factor in R[x]. The other direction is trivial as
R ⊂ K.

Now we are ready to prove Lemma 5.3.

Proof: Let P (x, y, z) and Q(x, y, z) be nonconstant homogeneous polynomials in x, y, z of

degrees n and m such that
P (1, 0, 0) 6= 0 6= Q(1, 0, 0)
We may assume that P (1, 0, 0) = 1 = Q(1, 0, 0) by a simple transformation. Then we can
regard P and Q as monic polynomials of degrees n and m in x with coefficients in the ring
C[y, z] of polynomials in y and z with complex coefficients. This ring C[y, z] is contained in
the field C(y, z) of rational functions of y and z. That is, functions of the form
f (y, z)
g(y, z)
where f (y, z) and g(y, z) are polynomials in C[x, y] and g(y, z) is not identically zero. We
can see the containment by making g identically one. We must also notice that C(x, y) is
the field of quotients of C[x, y]. Since C(y, z) is a field the proof of Lemma 2.2 shows that
the resultant RP,Q (y, z) vanishes identically if and only if P (x, y, z) and Q(x, y, z) have a
nonconstant common factor when regarded as polynomials in x with coefficients in the field
C(y, z). It follows from Corollary 2.2 to Gauss’ Lemma that this happens if and only if
P (x, y, z) and Q(x, y, z) have a nonconstant common factor when regarded as polynomials
in x with coefficients in C[x, y], or equivalently as polynomials in x, y, z with coefficients in
C. Since any polynomial factor of a homogeneous polynomial is homogeneous [14], the result
Remark 5.3. We also want to point out that we require
P (1, 0, 0) 6= 0 6= Q(1, 0, 0)
So that P (x, y, z) and Q(x, y, z) have the same degree when regarded as polynomials in x
with coefficients in C[y, z] as they do when regarded as polynomials in x, y, z together. This
will be important in the coming proof.
Lemma 5.5. If
P (x) = (x − α1 ) · · · (x − αn )
Q(x) = (x − β1 ) · · · (x − βm )
where α1 , . . . , αn , β1 , . . . , βm ∈ C, then
RP,Q = (βj − αi )

In particular
Where P, Q and R are polynomials in x. The corresponding result is also true when P, Q
and R are polynomials in x, y, z.
Proof: In the algebraic closure of P (x) and Q(x), which is necessarily contained in C we can
P (x) = (x − α1 ) · · · (x − αn )
Q(x) = (x − β1 ) · · · (x − βm )
as homogeneous polynomials in x, α1 , . . . , αn and β1 , . . . , βm then the proof below of Lemma
5.6 shows that the resultant RP,Q is a homogeneous polynomials of degree nm in the variables
α1 , . . . , αn , β1 , . . . , βm . Moreover, by Lemma 2.2, this polynomial vanishes if αi = βj for any
1 ≤ i ≤ n and 1 ≤ j ≤ m. As this would imply that P (x) and Q(x) have a nonconstant
common factor (x − αi ) = (x − βj ). We note that this is a nonconstant factor as we are
assuming that αi and βj are variables. Thus, RP,Q is divisible by
(αi − βj )

As it vanishes on each of these sets. Since this is also a homogeneous polynomial of degree
nm in α1 , . . . , αn and β1 , . . . , βm it must be a scalar multiple of RP,Q . If we let

β1 = β2 = · · · = βm = 0

So that Q(x) = xm then

RP,Q = (−αi )m

and n
(αi − βj ) = (−αi )m
1≤i≤n,1≤j≤m i=1

This is because all of the coefficients of Q(x) are 0 except for the first which is one. Thus
the determinantQ of the above matrix yields the above product. This tells us that we must
have RP,Q = 1≤i≤n,1≤j≤m (αi − βj ). QWe can also see that RP,QR = RP,Q RP,R . This is
because we now know that RP,QR = 1≤i≤n,1≤j≤m (αi − βj ) where βj is all Q of the roots of
the polynomial
Q product QR. However, we can see that this is the same as 1≤i≤n,1≤j≤r (αi −
γj ) · 1≤i≤n,1≤j≤` (αi − νj ) where r + ` = m = deg RQ. Where γj are the roots of Q and νj
are the roots of R. Thus RP,QR = RP,Q RP,R . Therefore, if P, Q, R are polynomials in x, y, z
we have
RP,QR (b, c) = RP,Q (b, c)RP,R (b, c)
for all b, c ∈ C, and so
RP,QR (y, z) = RP,Q (y, z)RP,R (y, z)
as desired.

Lemma 5.6. Let P (x, y, z) and Q(x, y, z) be homogeneous polynomials of degrees n and m
respectively in x, y, z. Then the resultant RP,Q (y, z) is a homogeneous polynomial of degree
nm in y and z.

Proof: By definition, the resultant RP,Q (y, z) of homogeneous polynomials P (x, y, z) and
Q(x, y, z) of degrees n and m is the determinant of an n + m by n + m matrix whose ij th
entry rij (y, z) (where it makes sense to have an entry) is a homogeneous polynomial in y
and z of degree dij given by
n + i − j if 1 ≤ i ≤ m
dij =
i−j if m + 1 ≤ i ≤ n + m

In other words, the row we are in determines which polynomial we are looking at. That
is, if we are in rows 1 through m, we are looking at the homogeneous degree n polynomial
P (x, y, z). When we are in rows m + 1 through n + m we are examining the coefficients of
the homogeneous degree m polynomial Q(x, y, z). So in the first m rows, the sum of x and
the homogeneous polynomial r(y, z) must be n. In any given row i, the degree of the x term
in the j th row is exactly j − i where it is defined. This is equivalent to our statement in the
definition that we place the constant term of the polynomial in the i, j position. Thus we can
see that for the first m rows the degree of r(y, z) must be n + i − j, as (n + i − j) + (j − i) = n
as desired. For the remaining n rows, we can see that the degree of x in a fixed row i and
column j is exactly m + j − i, as we must account for the fact that we are starting m rows
lower. Thus we can see that dij in this case equals exactly i − j as (m + j − i) + (i − j) = m
as desired. This tells us that RP,Q (y, z) is a sum of terms of the form
± riσ(i) (y, z)

where σ is a permutation of {1, . . . , n+m}. This can be seen by utilizing Laplace Expansions.
The determinant just a sum of products of the homogeneous polynomials that make up its
entries. The permutation allows us to account for ambiguity. We do not need to know the
exact form of the resultant to prove this result. We do note that we must have one coefficient
from each column by the nature of the Laplace Expansion. We know that each term is a
homogeneous polynomial of degree
X m
X m+n
diσ(i) = (n + i − σ(i)) + (i − σ(i))
i=1 i=1 i=m+1
X m+n
= nm + i− σ(i)
i=1 i=1
= nm

The first equality is easily derived from our above discussion of the degrees of each entry of
the matrix. The second equality is a redistribution of the sums. We can just collect Pall m of
the n terms to get nm. We then collect all of the positive i terms, which gives us m+n i=1 i.

Similarly we collect all of the negative σ(i) terms, which gives us m+n
i=1 σ(i). However, if we
Pm+n from 1 to n + m a permutation is bijective so we will have each term in our sum. Thus
i=1 i − σ(i) = 0. Therefore RP,Q is a homogeneous polynomial of degree nm in y and z.
As the sum of homogeneous polynomials is homogeneous and we just calculated the degree
of each term in the sum.

5.4 Proof of Bézout’s Theorem

With the above lemmas, we are ready to prove the weaker form of Bézout’s Theorem. The
above theorem is equivalent to finding a bound of Df Dg on the intersections of the algebraic
curves described by the zero sets of the polynomials f and g.

Proof: Let C and D be the algebraic curves described by the zero sets of f (x, y, z) and
g(x, y, z) respectively. We first suppose that C and D have at least nm + 1 points of inter-
section. We will prove that in this case C and D must have a common component, which
contradicts our assumption that they do not. Choose any set S of nm + 1 distinct points
in C ∩ D. Then we choose a point p in P2 , the projective real plane, which does not lie on
C or on D or on any of the finitely many lines in P2 passing through two distinct points
of S. For sake of ease and application we apply a projective transformation to assume that
p = [1, 0, 0]. Then the curves C and D are defined by homogeneous polynomials f (x, y, z)
and g(x, y, z) of degrees n and m such that

f (1, 0, 0) 6= 0 6= g(1, 0, 0)

because [1, 0, 0] does not belong to C ∪ D. By Lemma 5.5 the resultant Rf,g (y, z) of f and
g with respect to x is a homogeneous polynomial of degree nm in y and z. We also know
Rf,g (y, z) is not identically zero by Lemma 5.3 as we are assuming that f and g do not share
any common component. By Lemma 5.1 then the resultant is the product of nm linear
factors of the form bz − cy where (b, c) ∈ C2 \ {0}. Furthermore, if (b, c) ∈ C2 \ {0}, then
bz − cy is a factor of Rf,g (y, z) if ant only if the resultant of the polynomials f (x, b, c) and
g(x, b, c) in x vanishes. This is because we know the resultant can be written as a product
of linear factors of the form (bz − cy). If bz − cy is a factor and we let z = c and y = b
the resultant must vanish. However, we can regard f (x, b, c) and g(x, b, c) as polynomials
in x, and Lemma 5.3 tells us that they vanish if and only if f (x, b, c) and g(x, b, c) share a
common factor. This means that ∃a ∈ C such that f (a, b, c) = 0 = g(a, b, c). This string of
implications ultimately tells us that f (a, b, c) = 0 = g(a, b, c) if and only if bz − cy is a linear
factor of Rf,g (y, z).

Now if [a, b, c] ∈ S for any possible point [a, b, c], then by definition f (a, b, c) = 0 = g(a, b, c).
We also know that b and c are not both zero because [1, 0, 0] does not belong to S, and if b
and c were 0, as we were working in projective space [a, 0, 0] = [1, 0, 0]. Thus by the above,
we have that bz − cy is a linear factor of Rf,g (y, z). Furthermore, if [α, β, γ] ∈ S is distinct
from [a, b, c] ∈ S then βz − γy is not a scalar multiple of bz − cy, because otherwise [a, b, c],
[α, β, γ] and [1, 0, 0] would all lie on the line in P2 defined by bz = cy. This contradicts our
assumption that we selected [1, 0, 0] such that it did not lie on any of the finitely many lines

passing through two points in S. This shows that for each point in S, there is a distinct linear
factor of Rf,g (y, z). As we know that |S| = nm + 1, this means that Rf,g (y, z) has nm + 1
distinct linear factors. However, we know that Rf,g (y, z) is homogeneous of degree nm. So
it can only have nm + 1 distinct linear factors if it is identically zero. This, however, implies
by Lemma 5.2 that f (x, y, z) and g(x, y, z) have a nonconstant homogeneous common factor.
This, as we discussed, is a contradiction.
Remark 5.4. As mentioned in the beginning, Bézout’s Theorem implies the Fundamental
Theorem of Algebra. Given any single variable polynomial f (x) of degree n, we can also
regard it as a bivariate polynomial f (x, y) of degree n over x and y. If we let g(x, y) = x − y.
Bézout’s Theorem tells us that f = g = 0 has at most n solutions. However, g(x, y) = 0
when x = y. Thus we are looking for the solutions to f (x, y) when x = y. This is equivalent
to examining the zero set of f (x). This tells us that f (x) vanishes on at most n points. The
stronger version of Bézout’s Theorem tells us that f (x) vanishes at exactly n points. This
is the exact statement of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Incredibly, the stronger
version of Bézout’s Theorem also tells us that two lines intersect in exactly one point. We
recall our discussion of the projective plane above and recognize that given two parallel lines,
they will in fact intersect at the point at infinity.

5.5 A Weaker Version of Pach and Sharir’s Theorem

We have now made the transition from lines to algebraic curves with Bézout’s Theorem.
Thus, we are ready to prove a weaker version of Pach and Sharir’s Theorem. We note
that this version still generalizes the Szeméredi and Trotter theorem, but restricts Pach and
Sharir’s result to algebraic curves rather than simple curves.

Theorem 5.3. Let b, k, C be constants, let P be a set of m points in the plane, and let Γ be
a family of n planar curves such that

(a) every γ ∈ Γ is an algebraic curve of degree at most b, and

(b) for every k distinct points in the plane, there exist at most C distinct curves in Γ
passing through all of them.

Then I(P, Γ) = O(mk/(2k−1) n(2k−2)/(2k−1) + m + n), with the constant of proportionality de-
pending on b, k, C.

Before we commence, we must again restrict the range of m and n that we have to consider.
We thus introduce a lemma analogous to Lemma 4.1.

Lemma 5.7. Under the conditions of Theorem 5.3, we have I(P, Γ) = O(n + mk ), and also
I(P, Γ) = O(m + n2 ); the constants of proportionality depend on b, k, C.

Proof: Just as in Lemma 1.1, for the first estimate we divide the planar curves of Γ into two
subsets: Γ0 consisting of curves with fewer than k incidences, and Γ00 curves with at least
k incidences. The first group altogether generates O(n) incidences, as each can generate at
most k incidences and there can be at most n curves in Γ0 . We also note that there are at
most C k−1 curves in Γ00 that intersect each point of P . This is because given any point

in P , we know by (b) that there exist at most C distinct curves in Γ passing through k dis-
tinct points. However, each curve in Γ00 must pass through at least k distinct points. Thus
given any point p ∈ P , we can count the number of possible curves in Γ00 passing through
that point by counting all of the possible sets of k distinct points that include p. This is
exactly m−1
. For each of these sets, we know that there are at most C distinct curves
in Γ passing through them. Minimally, each curve of Γ00 passes through exactly k points.
Thus the number of curves in Γ00 is at most C m−1 . Thus the curves of Γ00 generate at most

m · C m−1 incidences. We note that m · C m−1

k−1 k−1
= O(m) · O(mk−1 ) = O(mk ). This tells
us that between our two sets Γ0 and Γ00 we have at most O(n)+O(mk ) = O(n+mk ) incidences.

For the second estimate, we first note that we can assume the curves of Γ are irreducible.
As if they are not, we can reduce them and apply the following analysis to each irreducible
part. As each of the curves are irreducible, by Bézout’s Theorem, every pair of curves of Γ
intersects in at most b2 points. This draws upon assumption (a), that each curve has degree
at most b. We then divide the points of P into P 0 consisting of points lying on at most
one curve each, and P 00 consisting of points lying on at least two curves. We note that P 0
generates at most O(m) incidences. As there are m points, each generating one incidence.
Now if we examine the points in P 00 , we know they lie at intersections of our algebraic curves.
However, by Bézout’s Theorem, we know that any γ ∈ Γ has at most b2 (n − 1) intersec-
tions with the other curves. This is because it can intersect every other curve in at most
b2 points. Thus P 00 contribute at most b2 (n − 1) incidences. As at worst, there could be a
point of P 00 at each of those points of intersection. However, as b is a constant, we note that
b2 (n − 1) = O(n2 ). Combining, we have that I(P, Γ) = O(m) + O(n2 ) = O(m + n2 ).

As before, this allows us to prove the following proposition. Notice how similar this is
to our previous proposition. The sole change being that we take the k th root of n. We note
that this is consistent with our previous bounding of m, where for any 2 distinct points,
there exist at most 1 line passing through them, which makes k = 2.

Proposition 5.1. If mk ≤ n, then I(P, Γ) = O(n)

Proof: If mk ≤ n, then Lemma 5.7 implies I(P, Γ) = O(mk + n) = O(2n) = O(n). We

can see that in this case Theorem 5.3 is tight, as O(mk/(2k−1) n(2k−2)/(2k−1) + m + n) =
O(n1/(2k−1) n(2k−2)/(2k−1) + n + n) = O(n).

Proposition 5.2. If n2 ≤ m, then I(P, Γ) = O(m).

Proof: If n2 ≤ m, then Lemma 5.7 implies I(P, Γ) = O(m + n2 ) = O(2m) = O(m). We can
once again see that Theorem 5.3 is tight in this case, as O(mk/(2k−1) n(2k−2)/(2k−1) + m + n) =
O(mk/(2k−1) m(2k−2)/(4k−2) + m + m) = O(m).
Remark 5.5. Similarly, this means that in order for our Theorem to be correct, these need
to be the exact points as which m and n begin to dominate. As within these bounds, the
Theorem predicts that mk/(2k−1) n(2k−2)/(2k−1) , will begin to dominate. We will once again
prove that
√ this is the case. Utilizing this soft bound allows us to restrict our gaze to the
interval n ≤ m ≤ n2 , which will be extremely useful in the following proof.

We are now ready to prove Theorem 5.3. We make a preliminary note that this proof will
be extremely similar to the proof of the Szeméredi and Trotter Theorem. This makes sense,
as we have made the transition from lines to algebraic curves utilizing Bézout’s Theorem,
which will allow us to apply the same proof techniques. This ingenious idea highlights the
power of mathematical progression.

Proof: As discussed, we may assume that m ≤ n2 and that n ≤ mk . We then set

r := m2k/(2k−1) /n2/(2k−1) , and we observe that our assumptions on m, n yield 1 ≤ r ≤ m.
Let f be an r-partitioning polynomial for P of degree

deg(f ) = O( r) = O(mk/(2k−1) /n1/(2k−1) )

We now proceed similarly to the proof of the Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem. We let
Z := Z(f ), P0 := P ∩ Z, and let Γ0 ⊂ Γ consist of the curves fully contained in Z. As
discussed we may assume that each γ ∈ Γ is irreducible, as otherwise we can reduce it and
apply the proof to the irreducible components. Thus each γ ∈ Γ0 is irreducible. This implies
that γ ∈ Γ0 must be a zero set of a factor of f . This follows form Bézout’s Theorem, as if we
let gγ be the irreducible bivariate polynomial whose zero set describes γ, then we know that
gγ has finite degree. Bézout’s Theorem tells us that if gγ and f do not share a common factor
that they intersect in at most deg(f ) deg(g) places. However, we know that they intersect
in infinitely many points, mainly every points in γ. This implies that f and gγ must share
a common component. However, as gγ is irreducible, this implies that gγ must be a factor √
of f . Thus γ is the zero set of the factor gγ of f . This implies that |Γ0 | ≤ deg(f ) = O( r),
as each curve determines a factor of f and f has at most deg(f ) factors. Thus we have
I(P0 , Γ0 ) = O(m + |Γ0 |2 ) = O(m + r) = O(m) = O(mk/(2k−1) n(2k−2)/(2k−1) ) by Lemma 2.7
and the definition of r, as r ≤ m, and because m ≤ n2 and n ≤ mk . We quickly note here
that we had to utilize a slightly harder technique to bound I(P0 , Γ0 ), as the trivial bound of
|P0 ||Γ0 | that sufficed in the proof of the Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem would not provide
the desired result here.

We next consider γ ∈ Γ \ Γ0 . If we apply Bézout’s Theorem to √ γ and every irreducible

component of Z in turn, we see that |γ ∩ Z| ≤ b · deg(f ) = O( r). As we know that
f cannot vanish on all of γ, and thus they must not share a common component as the
bivariate polynomial describing γ is irreducible. This tells us that for any given γ that
|γ ∩ Z| ≤ b · deg(f ), as Z is the algebraic curve described by f and by definition
√ each γ is
an algebraic curve of degree at most b. This tells us√ that I(P0 , Γ \ Γ0 ) = O(n r) as there
are at most n curves in Γ \ Γ0 . We notice that O(n r) = O(mk/(2k−1) n(2k−2)/(2k−1) ).

Ps if we let C1 , . . . , Cs be the connected components of R \ Z, we just have to bound
PsPi = P ∩ Ci and Γi is the set√of curves that meet Ci . By Bézout’s
i=1 I(Pi , Γi ), where
Theorem, we have i=1 |Γi | = O(n · deg(f )) = O(n r). To get a bound on this sum, we
know that we are working with n curves at most. So we must ask, how many Γi can a single
curve be in. We know that if a curve γ appears in two Γi that it must intersect Z in at
least one place. Thus we see that each γ can be in at most b · deg(f ) + 1 = O(deg(f )) Γi by
Bézout’s Theorem. This tells us that as there are n total curves that if we sum the number

of curves in all of the Γi that there are at most O(n) · O(deg(f )) = O(n · deg(f )) curves.
Thus by Lemma 2.7, we have
s s
! s
√ k−1
I(Pi , Γi ) = O (|Γi | + |Pi | ) ≤ O(n r) + (max |Pi |) O |Pi |
i=1 i=1 i=1

= O(n r + (m/r)k−1 m) = O(mk/(2k−1) n(2k−2)/(2k−1) ).

If we combine all of the above results, it tells us that I(P, Γ) = O(mk/(2k−1) n(2k−2)/(2k−1) ).
Remark 5.6. It is incredible that we do not need a stronger version of Bézout’s The-
orem to prove this result. The mere bound on the number of incidences provides the
necessary information. This proves that within our unknown interval where m and n
are no longer greater than mk/(2k−1) n(2k−2)/(2k−1) the number of incidences is bounded by
O(mk/(2k−1) n(2k−2)/(2k−1) ). Thus this weaker form of Pach and Sharir’s Theorem is sharp in
all cases.

6 Spanning Trees and Welzl’s Theorem

This section deals with a Theorem originally proved by Chazelle and Welzl. We will first
provide a few definitions
Definition 6.1. We say that a topological space X is arcwise connected if for any points
a, b ∈ X, there exists a homeomorphism f : [0, 1] → X such that f (0) = a and f (1) = b.
Remark 6.1. We note that this is a stronger connection than the usual path-connectedness
discussed in Topology. In order for a topological space to be path-connected, there has to
exist a continuous function from [0, 1] to X whose initial point is a and final point is b.
Arcwise connected requires the existence of a homeomorphism, i.e. there must also exist a
continuous inverse and f must be bijective. To see an example illustrating the difference
take the set X = {a, b}, with the trivial topology. It is path connected but not arc wise
connected. As the function f : [0, 1] → X defined by f (t) = a for t 6= 1 and f (t) = b for
t = 1 is a path from a to b that is continuous (as the pre image of any open set is open).
However, we note that there cannot exist a homeomorphism from [0, 1] to X since injectivity
is impossible.
Definition 6.2. Let P be a finite set of points in R2 . A geometric graph of P is a graph
G with vertex set P whose edges are realized as straight segments connecting the respective
end-vertices. A geometric spanning tree on P is an acyclic connected geometric graph on P .
Definition 6.3. Let X be an arc wise connected set made of segments and algebraic arcs
that contains the point set P . We say that a set X ⊂ Rd has crossing number at most k
if each line, possibly with finitely many exceptions, intersects X in at most k points. An
equivalent definition is that the crossing number of a geometric graph G whose vertices
are represented by a point set P is the maximum number of edges that can be intersected
simultaneously by a line not passing through any point of P .
With these definitions in mind, we are now ready to present Welzl’s Theorem:

Theorem 6.1 (Welzl [24]).
√ Every set of n points in the plane has a geometric spanning tree
with crossing number O( n)
In this section, we begin to explore the breadth of applications for the Polynomial Method.
The weaker form of Pach and Sharir’s Theorem was a generalization of the Szemerédi and
Trotter Theorem, and thus we could say it makes sense for the polynomial method to apply
to both with the added tool of Bézout’s Theorem. However, this problem utilizes the Poly-
nomial Method to construct geometric spanning trees with reasonable crossing number. The
only common theme being a limit on crossing. Our knowledge of the zero set of bivariate
polynomials should lead us to think we can control a crossing number by lowering the num-
ber of points in each cell of our decomposition. Before we can prove this Theorem, we will
need to provide some terminology. We also must prove another important Theorem concern-
ing the number of possible (arc wise) connected components of Z(f ) for a given bivariate
polynomial f .

6.1 Harnack’s Curve Theorem

As mentioned above, this theorem allows us to bound the number of components of the zero
set of an r-partitioning polynomial f . We already have all of the tools necessary to prove
this fairly easily. The general idea is to fix a variable in the bivariate polynomials to consider
them as a single variable polynomial so we can apply basic theorems from Calculus.
Theorem 6.2 (Harnack’s Curve Theorem [8, 13]). Let f ∈ R[x, y] be a bivariate polynomial
of degree D. Then the number of (arc wise) connected components of Z(f ) is at most
1 + D−1
. The bound is tight in the worst case.
Proof: We will begin by bounding the number of bounded components of Z(f ). We choose
an arbitrary direction, assuming without loss of generality that it is the x-direction. We may
assume that f is square-free, because eliminating repeated factors of f does not change its
zero set. We notice that every bounded component of Z(f ) has at least two extreme points
in the x-direction as we are working with an arc wise connected bounded component. We
also know that such an extreme point has to satisfy f = fy = 0, as we know the boundary
points are dictated by the zero set of f . We can see that fy = 0 as we know the directional
derivative on our curve in the x direction is maximal. This tells us that
Of · < 1, 0 >=
Is the maximal rate of change at those extremal values. However, we also know that the
magnitude of the gradient is the maximal rate of change at a given point this tells us that
df df df
( )2 + ( )2 = ||Of || =
dx dy dx
This implies that dy = 0 as desired. Here fy is the partial derivative of f with respect to y.
Since f is square free, f and fy have no common factor [12], and so by Bézout’s Theorem,
the system f = fy = 0 has at most D(D − 1) solutions. As fy will have degree at most D − 1

assuming f has degree D. We know that every bounded component consumes at least two
of these critical points, as each bounded component has at least two extreme values and that
is where f = fy = 0. Thus we can see that the number of bounded components of Z(f ) is
at most 21 D(D − 1) = O(D2 ).

If B is a sufficiently large number, then if we are assuming generic directions of the coordinate
axes every unbounded component of Z(f ) meets at least one of the two lines x = ±B. Thus,
there are at most 2D unbounded components, and in total we get a bound of 12 D(D + 1) on
all components.

6.2 Preliminary Lemmas

With a simplified form of Harnack’s Curve Theorem allowing us to bound the number of cells
created by our r-partitioning polynomial, we will now begin to approach the Lemma. The
original proof of this Lemma involved the iterative construction of the Geometric Spanning
tree [24]. In order to create this spanning tree, however, we want to convert the zero set of
our r-partitioning polynomial with a fairly low crossing number for the point set P into a
geometric spanning tree. The following Lemmas allow us to do this. We will first introduce
the Steiner Tree, as it will be essential in the proof of the following Lemma.

Definition 6.4. Given a point set P , we say that S is a Steiner Tree for P if S connects
all of the points in P by lines of minimal length in such a way that any two points may be
interconnected by line segments either directly or by the addition of other points and line
segments. These other points are called Steiner Vertices.

Remark 6.2. We note that this is extremely similar to creating a minimal spanning tree for
a set of vertices P , and in some cases the minimal spanning tree and the Steiner Tree are
the same, but in most they are not.

Lemma 6.1 (Euler’s Theorem). In a connected graph where every vertex has even degree,
there exists an Eulerian Circuit.

Proof: Suppose that we have a graph G with even degree vertices. We will prove this by
induction on the number of edges in the graph. In order for every vertex to have even degree
we know that there have to be at least two edges that form a two-cycle. This is the base case,
clearly if there are two vertices with a duplicated edge between them there is an Eulerian
Circuit. Now suppose we have a graph G on n > 2 edges. We designate an arbitrary root
vertex v in G and follow edges, arbitrarily selecting one edge after another until we return to
v. Call this trail W . We know that we can return to v eventually as every time we encounter
a vertex that is not v, we are listing one edge adjacent to it. As there are an even number
of edges adjacent to each vertex there will always be a suitable edge to list next. In other
words, we will never get stuck at a vertex that is not v, as if we could reach the vertex by
construction there must be an edge to leave on. We note that if W includes every edge in G
we are done as this is our Eulerian Circuit.

Otherwise, let E be the edges of W . The graph G \ E has components C1 , . . . , Ck . We

note that each component satisfies the induction hypothesis. It must be connected, as oth-
erwise we would have designated it as two or more different components, it has less than
m edges as it is a subset of G and by definition our walk W contains at least two edges.
We also note that every vertex in each component has even degree. We know that every
vertex has even degree because every vertex in our walk W has even degree by construction.
Thus when we removed these edges from G, we are removing an even amount of edges from
vertices of even degree. This means that the vertices will still all have even degree.

By induction, each component has an Eulerian Circuit E1 , . . . , Ek . As G is connected, there

is a vertex ai in each component Ci on both our walk W and the circuit Ei (as otherwise
we could separate the graph). Without loss of generality, assume that as we follow W , the
vertices a1 , . . . , ak are encountered in that order. If this is not the case we can just relabel.
We now create an Eulerian Circuit in G by starting at v, following W until we reach a1 ,
following the entire circuit E1 ending back at a1 , and then continuing to follow W until
reaching a2 , where we then follow the entire circuit E2 . We continue this process until we
have reached ak , follow Ek , end up at ak again and follow W back to v. We note that in
this way we use every edge exactly once. This shows that there exists an Eulerian Circuit
in G. This completes our induction step, and the result follows for any connected graph G
with even degree vertices on any number of edges by induction.

Lemma 6.2. Let P be a set of n points in the plane, and let X be an arc wise connected set
containing P , with crossing number at most k. Then there exists a geometric spanning tree
of P whose edges are straight segments and whose crossing number is at most 2k.

Proof: We will algorithmically construct this spanning tree. In the first stage of the proof,
we will construct a Steiner tree S for P , whose edges are arcs contained in X. For sake of
ease, we will order the points of P arbitrarily to create a sequence p1 , . . . , pn . We will set
S1 = {p1 }, and, having iteratively built a Steiner tree Si ⊂ X for {p1 , . . . , pi }, we choose an
arc αi ⊂ X connecting pi+1 to some point qi of Si , in such a way that αi ∩ Si = {qi }. We
know such an αi exists as Si ⊂ X, and P ⊂ X. Thus there is some arc αi in X that connects
the existing Si to pi+1 . We can choose this arc to only intersect Si at qi almost trivially.
Then we set Si+1 := Si ∩ αi . Having reached i = n, we set S := Sn . This is demonstrated in

the figure below

We also note that the crossing number of S is at most k since S ⊆ X and X has crossing
number at most k. Now in the second stage of our construction, we replace arcs by straight
segments. We do this by noticing that the points qj divide S into finitely many sub arcs, and
we replace each of them by a straight segments connecting its endpoints. It is easily seen
that the crossing number does not increase [13]. This yields a Steiner tree for P whose edges
are straight segments. We note that we cannot necessarily construct a normal spanning tree
in this way as we need the potential Steiner vertices to allow Si ⊆ X in our first stage. As

a continuation of our example, we can see this process below.

In the third and final stage, we will eliminate the Steiner vertices and obtain a normal span-
ning tree, at the price of at most doubling the crossing number. This is done by performing
an in order traversal of the tree. We designate an arbitrary root vertex of the tree and
arbitrarily order the vertices of the constructed Steiner tree. Starting from our arbitrary
root vertex, we trace each edge in both directions, skipping over the Steiner points, and con-
nect each pair of consecutively visited points of P by a straight segment. The image below
illustrates exactly what we mean by tracing each edge in both directions. The idea is we
start at a root, want to reach each other vertex from this root and return to the root. This
is equivalent to doubling all of the edges in our graph and finding an Eulerian Circuit in the
resulting graph. We know we can do this by Lemma 3.1 as all of the vertices in our graph
would have even degree. This Eulerian Circuit in the newly created graph is equivalent to
a closed walk where we use each edge exactly twice as desired. We are following this path
in our tree and connecting the points from P that we visit. After we have completed our
walk and created all of the segments between P , we eliminate any cycles that we may have
created in our walk. In this way, we at most double the crossing number. We can see the

traversal process below

We have chosen the root vertex to be p1 . We can see the tree that this traversal creates

The constructed tree is in red. Now we notice that depending on the choice of root vertex
we could end up constructing a different spanning tree. We note, however, that each of these
trees can at most double the crossing number that our Steiner tree had. This is the case
because if we look at every edge in our new graph, we can follow the train between edges in
our steiner tree that led between the two vertices we ultimately connected in our final tree.
The idea behind this is seen below:

This is the component that is associated to our first edge. It consists of two edges of our
original graph. Minimally the component can consist of one edge if the edge in our new tree
is already an edge in the old tree. If we add in all of the components of our Steiner Tree
that we picked up in order to connect edges in our new tree during our walk, we will at
most have two copies of each edge from our Steiner tree. This is because we used each edge
exactly twice. We also notice that we must always have at least one copy of each edge. Now,
we see that in order for a line to intersect an edge in our new graph, it must intersect the
component associated to that graph. However, as these components are part of the original
tree, we know that the line can only cross k unique edges of the components. As each edge
can appear in at most two unique components, this implies that any line can intersect at
most 2k components which correspond to new edges in our spanning tree. Thus the crossing
number of our spanning tree at most doubles.

Now we have the ability to create a Spanning tree for a point set contained within an
arc wise connected set X that has crossing number at most twice that of X. Now we will
utilize the Polynomial Method to construct such a point set with a low crossing number.
Lemma 6.3. Let P be a set of n points in the plane. Then there exists a set X ⊂ R√ that
contains P , has at most n/2 arc wise connected components, and crossing number O( n).

Proof: If n is below a suitable constant, we can interconnect the points of P by an arbitrary
geometric spanning tree that will satisfy our requirements for the Theorem. Thus we may
assume that n is large. We now apply the polynomial partitioning theorem to obtain an
r-partitioning polynomial f for P . We want r as large as possible, while also requiring that
Z := Z(f ) is guaranteed to have at √ most n/2 connected components. We know we can do
this because we have deg(f ) = O( r), and so by Harnack’s theorem, we can take r = n/c
for a suitable constant c. The idea is that we want each cell to contain as few points of
P as possible, while also controlling the number of cells that are created. Harnack’s Curve
Theorem relates the degree of f to the number of connected components of Z, telling us
that the number of connected components is O(deg(f )2 ) = O(r). Thus if we make r = n/c
for a correct constant c, this allows us to maximize r while making sure there are less than
n/2 components.

Then, for every p ∈ P not lying in Z, we pick a straight segment αp connecting p to a

point of Z.SJust as above we also require that αp intersects Z in only one point. We let
X := Z ∪ p∈P \Z αp . Clearly, X has at most n/2 components by construction as adding
these αp does not increase the number of connected components. It remains to bound the
crossing number of X.

Let ` be a line that is not contained in Z and that does not contain any of the segments
αp . We notice that these conditions exclude only finite many lines as above we bounded
the number of lines that can be contained in Z, and we know there are only finitely many
segments αp as there
√ are only finitely many points in P . We notice that ` intersects Z in at
most deg(f ) = O( n) points, as r = n/c. We know that if ` is not contained in Z by the
vanishing lemma it must only intersect Z in at most deg(f ) points. So it remains to bound
the number of segments αp intersected by `.

Since f is an r-partitioning polynomial for P , no component of R2 \ Z contains more than c

points of P as r = n/c. The line ` meets
√ at most 1 + deg(f ) components as discussed, so it
intersects at most c(1 + deg(f )) = O( √n) of the segments of αp . Adding, this tells that any
arbitrary line crosses X in at most O( n) places.

Remark 6.3. This is really incredible. By maximizing r, we maximized the number of cells
and minimized the number of points in each cell. In this way we were able to utilize the
vanishing lemma and this small bound on the number of√points in each cell to see that any
line could intersect our constructed set X in at most O( n) points.

6.3 Proof of Welzl’s Theorem

With these two lemmas, we can now easily prove Welzl’s Theorem.

Proof: Given Lemma 6.1, we notice that √it suffices to construct an arc wise connected set X
containing P , with crossing number O( n). We notice the set X constructed in Lemma 6.2
has at most n/2 arc wise connected components. We want to iteratively apply this Lemma
to construct an arc wise connected set.

Thus we construct a sequence A0 , A1 , . . . of sets such that each Ai contains P and has
a t most n/2i arc wise connected components. We begin with A0 := P , and having con-
structed Ai we choose a point in each of its components. This yields a set Ri of at most n/2i
points. Lemma 3.2 then provides usp with a set Xi such that Ri ⊂ Xi with at most n/2i+1
components and crossing number O( n/2i ). We set Ai+1 := Ai ∪ Xi and continue with the
next iteration. Eventually for some j we reach an arc wise connected Aj , which we use as
X. We notice that this must happen as there are n/2i connected components in Ai , thus
if we reach j such that 2j ≥ n this implies that Aj will have 1 connected component. The
crossing numbers of the Xi are bounded by a geometrically decreasing sequence,
√ and we see
that X has crossing number bounded by its sum. This sum is exactly O( n) as desired.

Remark 6.4. The key here was to start with our point set and repeatedly apply the polyno-
mial partitioning theorem to construct these sets Xi that will eventually yield a completely
connected set that contains P . The polynomial partitioning theorem allows us to control
the crossing number as mentioned above. We can then use Lemma 6.1 to create the desired
spanning tree.

7 The Joints Problem

We will now transition into a discussion of the Joints Problem. In the Szemerédi and Trotter
Theorem section, we were calculating the number of possible incidences between sets of
points and lines. In the Joints Problem, we now consider the issue of bounding the number
of intersections between a set of N lines when we restrict our view to only considering
intersections of three of more linearly independent lines. These points of intersection will be
referred to as joints:
Definition 7.1. Given a set of lines L, we define a joint as a point where three lines with
linearly independent directions intersect.
q q q
We can see that given a N3 × N3 × N3 cube in the integer lattice, we get N lines with
3 3
joints by simply taking all lines in coordinate directions which intersect the cube and
the lattice. Each point of the integer lattice that intersects with our cube will generate
q 3 3/2
a joint, and there are exactly 3
= N3√3 points. This acts as our extremal example
for the joints problem, just as the integer lattice acted as our extremal example for the
Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem. We notice that this makes sense, as before we were looking
for intersections of two lines, so we examined the integer lattice in R2 . Now if we want to
maximize the number of times intersections of three lines occur the natural step is to look
at the integer lattice cube in R3 . The joints conjecture emerged form this line of thinking,
and posited that the integer cube is in fact the worst possible case. In 2008, Larry Guth and
Nets Katz proved the Joints conjecture stated below more rigorously as a Theorem:
Theorem 7.1. [6] Any set of N lines in R3 form at most O(N 3/2 ) joints.

7.1 Generalization of our Techniques to R3
We already have most of the algebraic techniques necessary to complete the proof of the
Joints Problem. However, our current weakened form of Bézout’s Theorem only works in C2
where we have two polynomials in C[x1 , x2 ] the vanish on many similar points. We need to
generalize Bézout’s Theorem one step further so that it works in C3 when two polynomials
in C[x1 , x2 , x3 ] vanish simultaneously on many lines. Before we proved that if two bivariate
polynomials vanish on many similar points, they must share a line on which they both vanish.
Now we will prove that if two trivariate polynomials vanish on many lines, they must share
a plane on which they both vanish. The proof of this is similar to the above, as it utilizes
the technique of considering these multivariable polynomials as single variable polynomials
with coefficients in the other variables and applying the techniques with resultants to obtain
the desired result. We first need a quick definition.

Definition 7.2. We say that a plane and a line intersect transversally if at every point of
intersection, their separate tangent spaces at the point together generate the tangent space
of the ambient manifold at that point.

Lemma 7.1. Let f and g be elements of C[x1 , x2 , x3 ] and suppose that f and g have posi-
tive degrees l and m respectively. Suppose there are more than lm lines on which f and g
simultaneously vanish identically. Then f and g have a common factor.

Proof: Without loss of generality, we may choose x1 so that f and g have positive degree in
x1 . As they must have positive degree in one of the variables, so we will call this variable x1 .
We can also choose x3 so that the plane x3 = 0 is transverse to at least lm + 1 of the lines of
vanishing. We can see that at least one variable must have this property as we assumed that
f and g vanish simultaneously on more than lm lines, and thus if we look at a plane, up to
a simple change of variables for the polynomials we can find a transverse plane. Fixing x3
and applying Bézout’s Theorem, we have that the polynomials f and g with x3 fixed now
considered as polynomials in C[x1 , x2 ] intersect in at least lm + 1 points. Thus they share a
common component. Thus if we consider f and g as polynomials in x1 with coefficients in
x2 and x3 , by definition 2.4 above we see that the Rf,g (x2 , x3 ) is a bivariate polynomial in x2
and x3 . We also see that if we we fix x3 = c for some c ∈ C, that f and g as polynomials in x1
now have coefficients in x2 alone, and thus as we know that they share a common component
for any fixed x3 , by Lemma 5.2, Rf,g (x2 ) = 0. However, as this is true for any x3 = c that
we chose, this implies that Rf,g (x2 , x3 ) = 0 identically. Thus by Lemma 2.3, we have that
f (x1 , x2 , x3 ) and g(x1 , x2 , x3 ) have a nonconstant homogeneous common factor as desired.

Now we will prove the real analog of this lemma. We will only use the result below, but we
needed the complex version to prove the real version.

Corollary 7.1. Let f and g be elements of R[x1 , x2 , x3 ], and suppose that f and g have
positive degrees l and m respectively. Suppose that there are more than lm lines on which f
and g simultaneous vanish identically. Then f and g have a common factor.

Proof: We can think of f and g as elements of C[x1 , x2 , x3 ], and they must vanish on more
than lm complex lines of C3 as any real line is a complex line. By Lemma 5.3, f and g

must have a common factor h in C[x1 , x2 , x3 ]. We can assume h is irreducible. We cannot,
however, assume that h is real. If it is real we are done If h is non-real, then the irreducible
factorization of f must contain both h and h. As it is a well known fact that if a polynomial
has a common complex factor, it must also contain the complex conjugate of h, h. Thus, f
is divisible by the real polynomial hh, and similarly so is g. Thus they share a common real
nontrivial factor.

We will now prove a result similar to Lemma 4.3 above dealing with polynomials in R[x, y, z].
We first provide a few definitions

Definition 7.3. Let f be a nontrivial irreducible polynomial in R[x, y, z] of degree D > 0.

We say that a point a ∈ Z(f ) is critical if Of (a) = 0, where this is the gradient of f .
Otherwise, we say that a is regular.

Definition 7.4. Similarly, we say that a line ` is critical if ` ⊂ S and every point of ` is

Proposition 7.1 (Joint’s Property). If f ∈ R[x, y, z] is a trivariate polynomial that vanishes

on three non coplanar lines that define a joint j, Of also vanishes at j. Up to a simple shift
of variable we may assume without loss of generality that these non coplanar lines point in
the x, y and z directions respectively. Say our three lines are `1 , `2 , `3 . If f vanishes when
restricted to `1 , we obtain the fact that Of · v|`1 = 0 where v is the direction of `1 , which we
have assumed is the x-direction. Thus fx = 0. Similarly, when we restrict to `2 and `3 we
get that fy = fz = 0. Thus at each joint Of = 0.

Proof: If f vanishes on three non-coplanar lines, this means that it must have a critical
point at their intersection. Up to a simple change of variable we may assume without loss of
generality that these three different directions are the x, y and z directions. As f vanishes

We can now prove the extension of Lemma 4.3

Lemma 7.2. Given an irreducible polynomial f ∈ R[x, y, z] of degree D, the set Z(f ) con-
tains no more than D(D − 1) critical lines.

Proof: Suppose this is not the case. We examine f and a nontrivial component of Of which
will have degree at most D − 1. We know that Z(f ) contains more that D(D − 1) lines, thus
f and Of vanish on more than D(D − 1) lines, as every point on those lines is critical and
by definition this means that Of = 0. By Bézout’s Theorem, we see that f and Of must
have a common factor. However if f and its gradient share a common factor, this implies
that f contains a square [12], which is a contradiction to the irreducibility of f . Thus Z(f )
cannot contain more than D(D − 1) critical lines.

7.2 Combinatorial Background

Next, we must introduce some combinatorial lemmas essential for the upcoming proof. First
we will provide some basic definitions. For further reading we refer the reader to [9].

Definition 7.5. We define a graph G as a vertex set V (G) paired with an edge set E(G), we
say G = (V, E). Where the vertex set is some collection of points, and the edge set consists
of pairs of points in the vertex set. Each pair in the edge set represents an edge in the graph.
Definition 7.6. We say that a graph is bipartite if its vertex set V can be partitioned into
two subsets X and Y such that every edge in E(G) consists of a pairing (x, y) where x ∈ X
and y ∈ Y .
Definition 7.7. The degree of a vertex v ∈ V (G) is equal to the number of pairs in E(G)
in which v is present. In other words, the number of edges that are incident to v.
Lemma 7.3. Let (X, Y, E) be a bipartite graph with E the edges and X and Y the two sets
of vertices. Suppose that |E| > ρ|Y |. Let Y 0 be the set of vertices of Y having degree at least
µ and let E 0 be the set of edges in E between Y 0 and X. Then

|E 0 | > (ρ − µ)|Y |

Proof: We notice that the vertices in Y \ Y 0 are incident to at most µ|Y | edges in total as
otherwise they would be included in Y 0 . Since the total number of edges |E| > ρ|Y | we can
see that
|E 0 | > |E| − µ|Y | > ρ|Y | − µ|Y | = (ρ − µ)|Y |
As desired.
Lemma 7.4. Let x1 , . . . , xm be positive quantities and y1 , . . . , ym positive quantities, then
there is an integer 1 ≤ k ≤ m so that
xk j=1 xj
≥ Pm
yk j=1 yj
Proof: Suppose that this is not the case. Let ρ = Pj=1
m . Then xk < ρyk for all k. Thus we
j=1 yj
have that m m
xj < ρ yj
j=1 j=1

This is clearly impossible as we know that ρ equals this implies that

j=1 xj
ρ > Pm =ρ
j=1 yj

7.3 Proof of the Joints Problem

We now have the tools necessary to attack the Joints Problem. We will first present the
original proof of Guth and Katz [6] as published in 2008. We will then discuss a recent
development that utilized the same ideas and massively simplified the proof. First we will
state an important fact

n nk

Fact 7.1. k
≤ k!

Proof: Suppose that we are given a set of lines L of cardinality N . Let J be the set of joints
determined by L. We suppose that |J| ≥ KN 3/2 with K a large, but universal, constant.
We ultimately hope to arrive at a contradiction.

We create a bipartite, three-colored graph (L, J, R, G, B). Where our first vertex set X
consists of the set of joints and our second vertex set Y consists of a vertex for each line. We
draw an edge between a vertex in X and a vertex in Y if a line in Y is incident to a joint in
X. In this way we see that each joint vertex in X has degree at least three, as it is formed by
three non coplanar lines by definition. For each joint, we arbitrarily color one of its incident
edges red, one green, and one blue. We know we can do this as we just said that each of
these vertices has degree at least three. The sets R, G, and B consist of, respectively, the
red, green, and blue edges.

We will now refine these sets slightly. We let LR be the set of lines which have at least
N 1/2 indecencies in R. In other words, a line can only be in LR if its corresponding
vertex in Y has at least 1000 N 1/2 red edges incident to it. We let JR be the set of joints
having a red incidence with aline of LR . In this way we restrict some of the joints, as not
every red edge connects a joint to line that has many red edges incident to it. By Lemma
|JR | ≥ |J|
This is the case because we know that there are at least 3|J| edges, so we can let ρ = 3|J|,
and there each edge in LR has degree at least 1000 N 1/2 by construction, so µ = 1000 N 1/2 and
once again we know that |Y | ≥ 3|J|, we also note that each edge between LR and X must
correspond to a unique joint as each joint only has one red edge by construction, thus if we
can find a lower bound on the number of edges we find a lower bound on the number of
joints in JR
K 1 999
|JR | ≥ (|Y | − N 1/2 )|Y | ≥ (3|J| − |J|)(3|J|) ≥ |J|
1000 1000 1000
As desired using Lemma 4.3. Now let LG and LB be those lines having respectively at least
N 1/2 green or blue incidences with joints in JR . In this way we know that each of these
lines intersects a joint that also intersects a line in LR . We could have easily selected green
or blue as our base color and the same results would follow. We let J 0 denote the set of joints
which has red, green, and blue incidences with lines in LG and LB . Once again by Lemma
4.3, we can see that
|J 0 | ≥ |J|
This is the case for a similar reason as above. This time we restrict our bipartite graph to
be the set of joints in JR and the vertices of the sets of lines in LR , LG and LB . We have a
lower bound on JR in terms of J, and we know how many incidences the vertices in JR must
have with each of the vertices in LR , LG and LB . A fairly simple lower bound can then be
obtained. We now want to produce a polynomial of relatively low degree vanishing on all

the points of J 0 . We say a line ` of LG and LB meets a line `0 of LR if ` ∩ `0 is a joint of JR .
Each line of LG and each line of LB meets at least 1000 N 1/2 lines of LR by construction. We
now take a random subset L0R of the lines of LR , picking each line with probability K1 .

By the law of large numbers, with positive probability, the following events occur. Each
line of LG and LB must meet at least 2000 N 1/2 lies of L0R and

|L0R | ≤
The Law of Large Numbers essentially states that if we perform an experiment enough times
the average of the results will be close to the expected value. Thus if we take enough random
subsets of LR we can find one with the above qualities. We now make a set of points S by
selection 12 N 1/2 points of each line L0R . Then

N 3/2
|S| ≤
This is clear as there are at most 2N
lines and we are selection 12 N 1/2 points from each. We
now find a polynomial p which vanishes on all poitns of S. By the estimate  on the size of
1/2 N 3/2
S, we may select p with degree O( Nk1/3 ). This is the case as we need D+3 3
− 1 > K
, this
implies we can take D = O( Nk1/3 ) by the above fact. With K sufficiently large, this means
that p must vanish on each line of L0R by the vanishing lemma as each line contains 21 N 1/2 .
We also notice that because of the number of lines of L0R that each line of LG and LB meet,
it means that p must vanish identically on each line of LG and LB by the vanishing lemma
again. Therefore, the polynomial p must vanish on the entire set J 0 .

Now, it is not necessarily the case that p is irreducible. Thus we factor p into irreducibles
p= pj

We denote the degree of the polynomial pj by dj and observe that

X N 1/2
dj = O( )
K 1/3

This is clear as we know that the sum of these degrees equals the degree of the original
polynomial p. We let Jj be the set of J 0 on which pj vanishes, and we have that
|Jj | = Ω(KN 3/2 )

Thus we have that Pm

|Jj |
m = Ω(K 4/3 N )
j=1 dj

By Lemma 7.4 this implies that we can find a j for which |Jj | = Ω(K 4/3 N dj ). From now
one we will restrict our attention to Jj . We denote by LR,j , LG,j , and LB,j those lines in
LR , LB and LG which are incident to at least dj + 1 elements of Jj , and we let Jj0 be those
elements of Jj incident to a line each from LR,j , LG,j , and LB,j . With K sufficiently large
by the same logic as above we have
|Jj0 | ≥ |Jj |
We now define L0R,j , L0G,j , and L0B,j as the set of lines which are incident to more than dj + 1
points of Jj0 . We define Jj00 to be the set of joints defined by these lines. We have

|Jj00 | ≥ |Jj |
We now consider two cases. First, if there are fewer than d2j lines in each of L0R,j , L0G,j , and
L0B,j . In this case, we start over again, having a joints problem with fewer liens and more
favorable exponents than the original. We can see that the above process is easily utterable
and we just continue to restrict our sets until we reach our contradiction.

In the second case, we may assume without loss of generality that L0R,j contains at least
d2j lines. By the definition of LR,j , LG,j , and LB,j , the polynomial pj vanishes identically
on each one in these sets. However, this implies that each point of Jj0 is a critical point
of pj because otherwise it would be impossible for pj to vanish on three, intersection, non-
coplanar lines. As is proved in the Joints Property above. This, however, implies that each
component of the gradient of pj vanishes at each point of Jj0 . let q be one of the components
of the gradient which does not vanish identically. We know that this must exist as pj is not
constant. Then q has degree at most dj − 1. Thus, it must vanish on every line of L0R,j . But
this contradicts Proposition 7.2, as this implies that pj is reducible.

7.4 The New Proof

The Polynomial Method is evolving so quickly that often when one proof is produced, math-
ematicians quickly refine the techniques to produce a more succinct proof. As evidenced by
the new proof below presented by René Quilodrán in 2009 [18]. The motivating idea is that
we want to find a soft line that is incident to less than 2j 1/3 joints where j is the number of
joints. If we can always find such a line, we will then be able to bound the total number of
joints based off of the number of lines. This is the essence of the above proof, and the proof
of the following lemma follows almost directly from the end of the above proof.

Lemma 7.5. Given a set of N lines `1 , . . . , `N , L that form j joints, we can find a line `i
that is incident to less than or equal to 2j 1/3 joints.

Proof: Suppose for sake of contradiction that this is not the case. In other words assume
that every line is incident to > 2j 1/3 joints. We will now find a polynomial p that vanishes on
all of the joints with minimal degree. As there are j joints and we are now working in R3 we
want to find a degree D such that D+3 3
− 1 > j. However by our above fact we know that

3 √
− 1 ≤ (D+3)

3 6
− 1. Thus we want D > 3
6j 1/3 + 61/3 − 3, so we can choose D = 2j 1/3 .
By the polynomial ham sandwich theorem, we can find a polynomial that vanishes on all
of the joints with degree D = 2j 1/3 . As we want to choose the degree of our polynomial
minimally this implies that D < 2j 1/3 . However, by the vanishing lemma, as each line con-
tains more than 2j 1/3 joints this means that f must vanish completely on each line. By the
Joints Property, we know that each joint is incident to at least three non-coplanar lines. This
implies that f vanishes on three non-coplanar lines, i.e. in three non coplanar directions at
each joint. Just as in the above proof that the gradient of f , Of must vanish on each joint,
as f can only vanish in three non coplanar directions at a point if that point is an extremal
value of f by the Joints Property above. We also know that as f is not a constant function
by construction that one of the elements of Of must be nontrivial. Let’s say that it is fx
without loss of generality. We can see that fx is a polynomial of degree D − 1 that vanishes
on every joint. However, we chose f so that it has minimal degree. This is a contradiction.
So there must exist a line that is incident to at most 2j 1/3 joints.

With this lemma, we can now easily prove the Joints Theorem. The new proof is given

Proof: Given our N lines we can write them `1 , . . . , `N . Say they form j joints. We know
that amongst these lines by the above lemma there exists a line `i such that `i is incident
to at most 2j 1/3 joints. If we say without loss of generality that this is line 1, we can now
examine the set of lines `2 , . . . , `N , and reapply the lemma. If we do this inductively, we
know that for each set there exists a line that is incident to less than or equal to j 1/3 joints.
As there will be a total of N iterations we have

2N j 1/3 > j

This implies that j < 23/2 N 3/2 . As desired.

We notice that neither of the above proofs actually prove that the grid graph is the worst
possible scenario. As this would imply that j < N√27 . We will investigate a sharper bound
to prove that the grid graph is the worst case example.

8 The Distinct Distances Problem

We are now ready to approach arguably the greatest problem solved by the polynomial
method: The Distinct Distances Problem. Posed by Paul Erdős in 1946 [5], and finally
solved in 2013 by Guth and Katz [7], the polynomial method did not provide an alternative
proof, but rather the first and only answer to the distinct distances problem. In order for it
to become applicable a massive process of contextual shifts had to occur in order to reframe
the question in terms of incidences between lines and points in R3 . We will first state the
theorem. We will then work through the proofs in Guth and Katz’s paper [7] explaining and
piecing them together in a slightly different fashion.

8.1 Statement of the Theorem
In his 1946 paper [5], Erdős conjectures that the number of distinct distances determined by
m points in the plane is & √log m
. However in 2013 Guth and Katz were able to prove the
Theorem 8.1 (Guth and Katz [7]). A set of m points in the plane determines & log m
distinct distances.

The rest of this chapter will be dedicated to carefully examining the proof of this theorem.
We notice that Guth and Katz’s lower bound is slightly different from Erdős’s conjecture.
We will later go over how Guth and Katz’s argument works on the square grid that Erdős
founded his conjecture upon, and show that their estimate is actually sharp up to constant
factors. We will now provide some definitions to begin the process of the aforementioned
contextual shift.

8.2 A Contextual Shift

Elekes and Sharir are really the pioneers of the contextual shift we are about to discuss. We
follow a string of relations to simplify the problem. Before we do so we will quickly introduce
some notation for sake of ease.

Definition 8.1. Let P be a set of points. We denote by d(P ) the set of distinct distances
determined by the points in P .

We are now ready to make our first reduction by defining a quadruple.

Definition 8.2. Given a set of points P , we say that a subset of points (p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 ) ∈ P 4
is a quadruple if d(p1 , p2 ) = d(p3 , p4 ) 6= 0. The collection of all quadruples for a given set of
points P is denoted Q(P ).

We notice that given two pairs of points who are equal distance from each other, say (p1 , p2 ) =
d(p3 , p4 ), they define eight different quadruples at least. That is (p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 ), (p3 , p4 , p1 , p2 ),
and all other permutations where pairs must be adjacent in the first two or last two spots are
valid and distinct quadruples. We also notice that given one pair of points at any distance
we can define a quadruple using that pair. We define such a group because the number
of quadruples is intimately related to the number of distinct distances. Intuitively we can
see that if the number of distinct distances is large, the number of quadruples should be
relatively small as there would not be many pairs of points at equal distance. We can make
this exact with the following Lemma.

Lemma 8.1. For any set P ⊂ R2 with m points,

m4 − 2m3
|d(P )| ≥
|Q(P )|

Proof: Consider the distances in d(P ). We will denote them by d1 , . . . , dn , assuming here
that |d(P )| = n. There are exactly m2 − m ordered pairs (pi , pj ) ∈ P 2 with pi 6= pj . This

is easily seen as we have m choices for the first point and then m − 1 choices for the second
point. Let ki be the number of these pairs that are at a distance di from one another. We
can see then that n
ki = m2 − m

If we sum over all of the possible distances we will by necessity get every pair of points and
we know there are exactly m2 − m points.

Now we notice that the cardinality of |Q(p)| is equal to ni=1 ki2 . This is because for each
element of ki we want all pairs such that the distance between the first two points equals
the distance between the second two. If we limit our view to each subcategory ki we want
to select two pairs of points, one for the first slot in the quadruple and one for the second.
There are exactly ki2 ways to choose these two pairs of points as we discussed above that we
can choose the same pair of points twice. Thus these points determine exactly ki2 quadruples.
If we sum over all possible distinct distance we can count all quadruples. Now we notice
that by the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality
Xn Xn
2 2 2
(m − m) = ( ki ) ≤ ( ki2 )n = |Q(P )||d(P )|
i=1 i=1

If we divide through and rearrange we have

m4 − 2m3 + m2 m4 − 2m3
|d(P )| ≥ ≥
|Q(P )| |Q(P )|
As desired.

With this relationship, we can now provide a lower bound on |d(P ) by establishing an
upper bound on |Q(P )|. Using this lemma we can now prove Theorem 8.1 by establishing
the following upper bound on |Q(P )|.
Proposition 8.1. For any P ⊂ R2 of m points, the number of quadruples in Q(P ) is bounded
by |Q(P )| . m3 log(m).
We notice that if this is the case applying Lemma 7.1 we have
m4 − 2m3 m4 − 2m3 m−2
|d(P )| ≥ & 3 =
|Q(P )| m log(m) log(m)
Which is the exact inequality we desire. We will now make our next reduction by relating
this set of quadruples to a group of positively oriented rigid motions of the plane. We will
define exactly what this is now.
Definition 8.3. A rigid motion is the action of taking an object and moving it to a different
location without altering its shape and size. Examples of a rigid motion are reflection,
rotation, translation and glide reflections. Actually, all rigid motions can be created by some
combination of those four movements.

Definition 8.4. We say that a rigid motion is positively oriented if the plane after we alter
it defined by v1 , v2 satisfies (v1 × v2 ) · e3 > 0.
We will now define an extremely important group that is surprisingly closely related to our
set of quadruples that allows us to study the set of quadruples in relation to symmetries of
the plane in R3 .
Definition 8.5. Let G denote the group of positively oriented rigid motions of the plane in
R3 .
This reduction and connection is made possible by the following proposition.
Proposition 8.2. Let (p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 ) be a distance quadruple in Q(P ). Then there exists a
unique positively oriented rigid motion g ∈ G such that g(p1 ) = p3 and g(p2 ) = p4 .
Proof: The existence of such a rigid motion is fairly obvious and easy to prove, its uniqueness
is what will be extremely useful. We notice that all positively oriented rigid motions taking
p1 to p3 can be obtained from the translation from p1 to p3 and then rotating the resulting
plane about p3 . We want to show that the rigid motion that sends p1 to p3 and the resulting
rotation that sends the translated p2 to p4 is unique. Since d(p3 , p4 ) = d(p1 , p2 ) > 0 we know
that there exists a unique rotation sending the point p2 + p3 − p1 to p4 . As we shift p2 up by
p3 − p1 since we are shifting the entire plane on which p1 and p2 are defined up by p3 − p1
in order to translate p1 to p3 . We can then rotate the plane about p3 to move this point
p2 + p3 − p1 to p4 because the distance from p1 to p2 is equal to d(p3 , p2 + p3 − p1 ) as the
distances between corresponding points were not changed in translation. This tells us that
d(p3 , p2 + p3 − p1 ) = d(p1 , p2 ) = d(p3 , p4 ), so there exists a unique rotation about p3 that
sends our translated p2 to p4 . Thus we have constructively shown that there is a unique rigid
motion g such that g(p1 ) = p3 and g(p2 ) = p4 .

Now using Proposition 8.2 we can define a map E : Q(P ) → G in the following way.
Definition 8.6. Given a set of quadruples Q(P ) we define a map E : Q(P ) → G the group
of positively oriented rigid motions of the plane by E((p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 )) = g where g(p1 ) = p3
and g(p2 ) = p4 .
We know that this map is well defined by the uniqueness proved in Proposition 8.2. We
want to use E to estimate |Q(P )| by counting appropriate rigid motions of the plane. It is
important to note that E is not necessarily injective. We could easily have the same rigid
motion for different quadruples. We notice that the number of quadruples in E −1 (g) depends
on the size of P ∩ g(P ). This makes sense as we would expect that more quadruples would
map to a rigid motion if that rigid motion ’preserves’ more points in our point set P . We
will make this explicit now.
Lemma 8.2. Suppose g ∈ G is a rigid motion of the plane and that |P ∩ g(P )| = k. Then
−1 k

the number of quadruples in E (g) = 2 2 .
Proof: Suppose that P ∩g(P ) = {q1 , . . . , qk }. Let pi = g −1 (qi ). Since qi ∈ g(P ), each point pi
lies in P . For any ordered pair (qi , qj ) with qi 6= qj , the set (pi , pj , qi , qj ) is a distance quadru-
ple. This is theca ace because we know that pi , pj , qi , qj ∈ P by definition. We also know that

g preserves distances, thus as qi = g(pi ) and qj = g(pj ) we know that d(pi , pj ) = d(qi , qj ).
Since qi 6= qj we know that d(qi , qj ) 6= 0 and so this is a well defined distance quadruple.

Now we need to check that every distance quadruple in E −1 (g) is of this form. Once we
do this, we can easily count the number of quadruples in the pre image of g under E.
Let (p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 ) be a distance quadruple in E −1 (g). We know that g(p1 ) = p3 and that
g(p2 ) = p4 by definition of E. So p3 , p4 ∈ P ∩ g(P ). Say p3 = qi and p4 = qj . Now we can see
that p1 = g −1 (qi ) = pi and p2 = g −1 (p4 ) = pj . This implies that our quadruple is actually of
the form (pi , pj , qi , qj ) as desired.

Now that we know every possible quadruple in the pre image of g under E is of the above
 we will count all such quadruples. We can do this by selecting qi , qj from P ∩ g(P ) in
possible ways. For each one we get two possible quadruples as we can order qi , qj in 2
ways. Alternatively we could count the number of quadruples by selecting qi , for which we
have k options, and qj for which we have (k
 − 1) options as we cannot have qi = qj . Either
way this gives us a total of k(k − 1) = 2 2 options. Each selection will define a quadruple
as pi and pj are uniquely determined by qi and qj .

We now have a relationship between quadruples and rigid motions defined by our map-
ping. We will use this to count the number of quadruples in an alternative way. However,
we notice that in order to use Lemma 8.2 we need to divide our rigid motions based on how
many points of P they preserve. We accomplish this with the following definition.
Definition 8.7. Let G=k (P ) ⊂ G be the set of g ∈ G with |P ∩ g(P )| = k.
Notice that G=m (P ) is a subgroup of G as it is the set of all g ∈ G such that all points
overlap. It is the group of orientation-preserving symmetries of P . We also notice that for
other k, G=k (P ) is not a group, but these sets can still be regarded as partial symmetries of
P . Since P has m elements, G=k (P ) is empty if we take k > m. With this definition and
Lemma 7.2 we can now could Q(P ) in terms of G=k (P ).
Proposition 8.3. |Q(P )| = m k
k=2 2 2
|G=k (P )|

Proof: This is the case as for each g ∈ G=k (P ) we know that there are exactly 2 k2 quadru-

ples in its pre image by Lemma 8.2. We also know that if k > m that G=k (P ) = 0. Thus
to count all possible quadruples it suffices to count all of the possible rigid motions in each
G=k (P ) where 2 ≤ k ≤ m and multiply each by 2 k2 . We notice that k ≥ 2 as otherwise we
could not have a quadruple as at least two points must overlap.

Now we would like to rewrite this in a slightly easier way. Rather than considering all
partial symmetries that preserve exactly k points of P , we would like to consider the sets of
partial symmetries that preserve ≥ k points of P . This motivates the following definition.
Definition 8.8. Let Gk (P ) ⊂ G be the set of g ∈ G such that |P ∩ g(P )| ≥ k.
We can see that G=k (P ) = |Gk (P )| − |Gk+1 (P )|. Substituting this in to Proposition 8.3 we
can count our quadruples in terms of Gk (P ).

Proposition 8.4. |Q(P )| = k=2 (2k − 2)|Gk (P )|

Proof: From Proposition 8.3 we know that |Q(P )| = m k

k=2 2 2 |G=k (P )|. As noted above
we can see that G=k (P ) = |Gk (P )| − |Gk+1 (P )|. Substituting this in we have
m   m
X k X
|Q(P )| = 2 (|Gk (P )| − |Gk+1 (P )|) = (2k − 2)|Gk (P )|
2 k=2

We get the last equality by examining the two coefficients of each Gk (P ), with the exception
of G2 (P ) which only occurs once, with coefficient 2 which is exactly 2 ∗ 2 − 2. For every
other k Gk (P ) appears exactly once as when k = m Gm+1 = 0 as we have noted. Thus the
coefficient of each term Gk (P ) is exactly (k)(k − 1) − (k − 1)(k − 2) = 2k + 2 where here
k ≥ 2 by our previous observation.

We will now work on bounding the number of partial symmetries to bound the number
of quadruples which will in turn provide a lower bound on the number of distinct distances.

Proposition 8.5. For any P ⊂ R2 of m points, and any 2 ≤ k ≤ m, the size of Gk (P ) is

bounded as follows
|Gk (P )| . m3 k −2

We notice that if we can prove this inequality we have

X 2k − 2
|Q(P )| . m3 . m3 log(m)

Which proves Proposition 8.1 and thus the desired result. In order to prove this result need
to reduce the problem once more to bounding the number of incidences between points and
lines in R3 , a problem similar to the Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem we addressed at the
beginning of this paper. Elekes and Sharir [4] were the first to relate Gk (P ) to an incidence
problem involving certain curves in G. Their choice of coordinate system ultimately reduced
the distinct distances problem to bounding the number of incidences between a certain class
of helices. As these helices were difficult to deal with Elekes and Sharir were not able to
complete the proof. However, Guth and Katz [7] adapted Elekes and Sharir’s framework,
providing a better coordinate system, to reduce the distinct distances problem to bounding
the number of incidences between lines and points determined by a certain subset of rigid
motions. These lines were far easier to deal with and lent themselves well to the polynomial
method. This motivates the following definition.

Definition 8.9. For any points p, q ∈ R2 define the set Spq ⊂ G by

Spq = {g ∈ G | g(p) = q}

This is the set of positively oriented rigid motions moving p to q.

We notice that each Spq is a smooth one-dimensional curve in the 3-dimensional Lie group G.
The sets Gk (P ) are closely related to the curves Spq as we can see in the following Lemma.

Lemma 8.3. A rigid motion G lies in Gk (P ) if and only if it lies in at least k of the curves
{Spq }p,q∈P .

Proof: First suppose that g ∈ Gk (P ). Then we can see that |P ∩g(P )| ≥ k by definition. Let
q1 , . . . , qk be the distance points in P ∩ g(P ). As before let pi = g −1 (qi ). For any qi ∈ g(P ),
we see that pi lies in P by the definition of pi . Since g(pi ) = qi we can see that g lies in Spi qi
for i = 1, . . . , k. Since that qi are all distinct, these are k distinct curves.

To address the converse, suppose that g lies in the curves Sp1 q1 , . . . , Spk qk . Where we as-
sume that (p1 , q1 ), . . . , (pk , qk ) are all distinct. We claim that q1 , . . . , qk are distinct points.
If this is the case we can see that g lies in Gk (P ). Suppose not, then ∃i, j such that qi = qj .
Since g is a bijection over these points, we see that pi = g −1 (qi ) = g −1 (qj ) = pj . This tells
us that (pi , qi ) = (pj , qj ) which contradicts our assumption that all of the pairs are distinct.
This tells us that q1 , . . . , qk are distinct points, and thus that g lies in Gk (P ).

Thus bounding Gk (P ) is a problem of incidence geometry about the curves {Spq }p,q∈P in
the group G. By maing a careful change of coordinates, Guth and Katz were able to reduce
this problem to an incidence problem for lines in R3 . First we must make a slight distinction
between rigid motions in our set G.

Definition 8.10. Let G0 denote the open subset of the orientable rigid motion group G
given by the rigid motions which are not translations.

We can write G = G0 t Gtrans , where Gtrans denotes the translations. We then divide
Gk (P ) = G0k t Gtrans
k . Translations are a very special class of rigid motions and it is fairly
easy to obtain the bound |Gtrans
k | . m3 k −2 , as we can see

Proposition 8.6. Let P be any set of m points in R2 . The number of quadruples in

E −1 (Gtrans ) is ≤ m3 . Moreover, |Gtrans
k | . m3 k −2 for all 2 ≤ k ≤ m.

Proof: Suppose that (p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 ) is a distance quadruple in E −1 (Gtrans ). By definition,

there is a translation g so that g(p1 ) = p3 and g(p2 ) = p4 . Therefore we know that
p3 − p1 = p4 − p2 as the translation will preserve distances and these points are in a distance
quadruple. This equation allows us to determine p4 from p1 , p2 , p3 . Hence in order to get p4
we only need to select the points p1 , p2 , p3 for which there are at most m3 options. Hence
there are ≤ m3 quadruples in E −1 (Gtrans ).

By Proposition 8.3 we can see that

−1 trans
X k
|E (G )| = 2 |Gtrans
=k (P )|

By noting that |Gtrans |Gtrans

k (P )| = l≥k =l (P )| we see that
3 −1 trans k
m ≥ |E (G )| ≥ 2 |Gtrans
k (P )|

This inequality shows that |Gtrans
k (P )| . m3 k −2 for all 2 ≤ k ≤ m.

We can thus separate out all of the rigid motions that are translations. Unfortunately,
bounding G0k (P ) is far more difficult and studying how Guth and Katz [7] were able to ac-
complish this bound will be the focus of the rest of this section. Their first step was to pick
a nice new set of coordinates ρ : G0 → R3 . We know that each element of G0 has a unique
fixed point and an angle θ of rotation about this fixed point with 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π, as this is how
we can define these rigid motions. We thus define the following map.
Definition 8.11. We define the map ρ : G0 → R3 by
ρ(x, y, θ) = (x, y, cot( ))
Where (x, y) is the unique fixed point of the rigid motion g ∈ G0 and θ is the angle of rotation
as discussed above.
With this change in coordinate system Guth and Katz were able to prove the following.
Proposition 8.7. Let p = (px , py ) and q = (qx , qy ) be points in R2 . With ρ as above, the set
ρ(Spq ∩ G0 ) is a line in R3 .
Proof: We notice that the fixed point of any transformation taking p to q must lie on the
perpendicular bisector of p and q. We can verify that the set ρ(Spq ∩G0 ) can be parameterized
px + qx py + qy qy − py px − qx
, ,0 + t , ,1
2 2 2 2
This set is all rigid motions that take p to q and are not translations. The idea being that
as we move along the perpendicular bisector to find the fixed point of our rigid motion we
are moving in a linear fashion and using our map ρ as we find a point on the perpendicular
bisector that is the fixed point of a rigid motion sending p to q the angles θ change linearly
in R3 under the cotangent function.

Definition 8.12. For any p, q ∈ R2 , let Lpq denote the line ρ(Spq ∩ G0 ). Lpq is parameterized
by the above line in Proposition 8.7.
If we let L be the set of lines {Lpq }p,q∈P , by examining the parameterization it is easy to check
that there are exactly m2 distinct lines in this set where |P | = m, as two points determine
a line in our parameterization and there are exactly m2 distinct pairs of points. Incredibly
now we notice that g ∈ G0k (P ) if ρ(g) lies in at least k lines of L. This is the case by Lemma
8.3, as if g ∈ G0k (P ) then it lies in at least k of the curves {Spq }p,q∈P , and as g ∈ G0 this
implies that ρ(g) will intersect {ρ(Spq ∩ G0 )}p,q∈P } = {Lpq }p,q∈P = L in at least k places. We
have now officially reduced the distinct distances problem to bounding incidences between
points and lines in R3 . For the remainder of this chapter we will study the set of lines L
determined by the set G0 and we will see how Guth and Katz bounded the number of points
lying in k lines.

To prove the distinct distances problem, it would suffice to prove that there are . m3 k −2
points that lie in at least k lines of L, as bounds the size of G0k (P ) appropriately. Unfor-
tunately, such an estimate does not hold for an arbitrary set of m2 lines. For example, if
all the lines of L lie in a plane, then one may expect ∼ m4 points that lie in at least two
lines as we should be able to select two lines at random and find that they intersect as they
lie in the same plane. This number of intersection points is far too high. There is another
important example, which occurs when all the lines lie in a regulus. We will provide some
definitions to make our discussion of reguli make sense.
Definition 8.13. We say that a surface S is ruled if for every point of S there is a line that
intersects that point and lies completely in S. We say that a surface is doubly-ruled if for
every point of S there are two lines that intersect that point and lie completely in S.
A common exactly of a doubly ruled surface is a hyperboloid of one sheet depicted below.

We can see that for each point on the Hyperboloid there are exactly two lines that intersect
at that point and lie completely in the hyperboloid. Now for a more complicated example
we can consider a regulus.
Definition 8.14. A regulus is a doubly-ruled surface where each line from one ruling inter-
sects all the lines from the other ruling.
Now we notice that if L contains m2 /2 lines in each of the rulings, then we would have ∼ m2
points that lie in at least 2 lines. This once again creates a problem as there are far too many
points of incidence. because of this example and the last, Guth and Katz had to show that
not too many lines of L lie in a plane or a regulus. They accomplished this in the following
Proposition 8.8. No more than n lines of L lie in a single plane

Proof: For each p ∈ P , we consider the subset LP ⊂ L give by

Lp = {Lpq }q∈P

Notice that if q 6= q 0 then Lpq and Lpq0 cannot intersect. We notice that with different q
and q 0 but the same p under our map ρ there is only one point where the fixed point of our
rotation could be the same (a possible intersection of perpendicular bisectors of (p, q) and
(p, q 0 )). However at this point as q and q 0 are not the same, the angle of rotation could not
be the same so that p is sent to q in the first case and p is sent to q 0 in the second. Thus our
two lines cannot intersect at this point either and therefore can never intersect.

So the lines of Lp are disjoint. From the parametrization of our line in Proposition 8.7,
it follows that the lines of Lp all have different directions. So the lines of Lp are pairwise
skew, and no two of them lie in the same plane. Therefore, any plane contains at most n
lines of L, as otherwise this would imply that there were two lines in one of our subsets Lp
that lie in the same plane.

The situation for reguli is more complicated because all m lines of Lp lie in a single reg-
ulus. However, we will prove that this can only occur for at most two values of p.
Proposition 8.9. No more than O(n) lines of L lie in a single regulus.
Proof: To prove this proposition we will first prove the following lemma
Lemma 8.4. Suppose that a regulus R contains at least five lines of L0p . Then all the lines
in one ruling of R lie in L0p .
Proof: We fix the value of p. We’ll check below that each point of R3 lies in exactly one line
of Lp , then all the lines in one ruling of R lie in L0p . We will construct a non-vanishing vector
field V = (V1 , V2 , V3 ) on R3 tangent to the lines of L0p . Moreover, the coefficients V1 , V2 , V3
are all polynomials in (x, y, z) of degree ≤ 2. We will do this construction explicitly at the
end of the proof.

The regulus R is defined by an irreducible polynomial f of degree 2. Now suppose that

a line Lpq lies in R. At each point x ∈ Lpq , the vector V (x) points tangent to the line Lpq ,
and so the directional derivative of f in the direction V (x) vanishes at the point x. In other
words V · Of vanishes on the line Lpq . Since f has degree 2, the dot product V · Of is a
degree 2 polynomial.

Now suppose that R contains five lines of L0p . We know that f vanishes on each line, and the
previous paragraph shows that the dot product V · Of vanishes on each line. By Bézout’s
theorem as discussed above, f and V ·Of must have a common factor as they are both degree
2 and they both share infinitely many points of vanishing. Since f is irreducible, we must
have that f divides V · Of . Since f vanishes on R, this implies that V · Of must vanish on
the regulus R. As this is the dot product of V and Of , this implies that V is tangent to R
at every point of R. If x denotes any point in R, and we let L be the line of L0p containing x,
then we see that this line lies in R. In this way, we get a ruling of R consisting of lines from L0p .

Essentially what we have done is show that given a line in L0p contained in our regulus
defined by f , we know that V · Of also vanishes on that line. So by Bézout’s Theorem we
show that V ·Of and f must share a common factor. However, as f is irreducible this implies
that f must divide V · Of . This implies that V · Of vanishes on the entire regulus. Thus V
is tangent to R at every point of R. We have used a common line to show that our vector
space is tangent to the entire regulus. Once we show this, if we examine any point on the
Regulus, we know that it is contained in exactly one line in L0p , as V · Of vanishes on each
line in L0p we know that it vanishes on this line. However at this point x on the Regulus
V · Of is tangent to the Regulus, and thus so is the line.

It remains to define the vector field V . We begin by checking that each point (x, y, z)
lies in exactly one line of L0p . By the equation in Proposition 8.7, (x, y, z) lies in Lpq if and
only if the following equation holds for some t.
px + qx py + qy qy − p y px − qx
, ,0 + t , , 1 = (x, y, z)
2 2 2 2

Given p and (x, y, z), we can solve uniquely for t and (qx , qy ). First, we see that t = z. This
is easy. Next we get a matrix equation of the following form
1 z qx
= a(x, y, z)
−z 1 qy

In this equation, a(x, y, z) is a vector whose entries are polynomials in x, y, z of degree ≤ 1.

We must notice that the polynomials also depend on p, but since p is fixed in this case,
we suppress the dependence. Since the determinant of the matrix on the left-hand side is
1 + z 2 > 0, we can solve this equation for qx and qy . The solution has the form
= (z 2 + 1)−1 b(x, y, z)

In this equation, b(x, y, z) is a vector whose entries are polynomials in x, y, z of degree ≤ 2.

The vector field V (x, y, z) is (z 2 + 1)( qy −p
y px −qx
, 2 , 1). Recall that p is fixed, and qx and qy can
be expressed in terms of (x, y, z) by the equation above. By the equation in Proposition 8.7,
this vector field is tangent to the line Lpq . After multiplying out, the third entry of V is z 2 +1,
so V is non vanishing. Plugging in the above equation for qx and qy and multiplying every-
thing out, we see that the entries of V (x, y, z) are polynomials of degree ≥ 2. As desired.

Given this lemma, the proof of Proposition 8.9 is fairly straightforward. If a regulus R
contains at least five lines of Lp , then all the lines in one ruling of R lie in L0p by Lemma 7.4.
But if p1 6= p2 , then L0p1 and L0p2 are disjoint, which we can check form the explicit formula
in proposition 7.7. Heuristically, this is fairly easy to see as we have discussed above since
these lines are the image of a set of rigid motions under our mapping ρ, and if p1 and p2 are
different points, it is not possible for the lines to intersect. Explicitly, if we plug in p1 and p2
into our equation for the line we see that it is impossible for them to every be equal. Since a

regulus has only two rulings, there are at most two values of p such that R contains ≥ 5 lines
of Lp . As if there were more than 2 it would imply that all of the lines in the two rulings of
R were contained in three disjoint sets of lines which is impossible. There two values of p
contribute ≤ 2n lines of L in the surface R, as p is fixed and there can be at most n values of
q that could at best create n distinct lines in Lp for each of the two p. Thus these two values
of p can contribute at most 2n lines. The other n − 2 values of p contribute at most 4(n − 2)
lines of L in the surface R, as each one can contribute at most 4 lines by the above. Since if
they contributed more than 4 it would imply that all the lines in a ruling were contained in
a third disjoint Lp set. Therefore, the surface R constains at most 2n + 4(n − 2) . n lines
of L. Which tells us that no more than O(n) lines of L lie in a single regulus.

The motivating idea behind the above proof is that when we restrict our gaze to the set
of lines with a fixed p there are a limited number of lines form each set that can exist in
the regulus. We use the Lemma to show that the regulus can contain at most 2 of the Lp
sets completely. We have a bound on the number of lines from L that can exist in these
sets, mainly m. Then we use the fact that the regulus can contain at most
S 4 lines from the
remaining Lp sets, which accounts for all the possible lines in L as L = p∈P Lp . This forces
the number of the lines in any given regulus from L to be relatively low. We are now ready
to prove part of the distinct distances problem using Flecnodes.

8.3 Flecnodes
Unfortunately, when bounding the number of incidences we must consider the cases where
k = 2 and k > 2 separately. In other words, we need to use different methods to bound the
number of points of intersection of two or more lines in L and the number of points where at
least k > 3 lines meet. We will first address the problem of bounding the number of points
where at least two lines meet. To derive this bound Guth and Katz used Flecnodes and their
relationship with ruled surfaces. We will first state the theorem and then work through its
proof. We notice that many of these techniques are familiar as they are used throughout the
proofs above.

Theorem 8.2. Let L1 be any set of n2 lines in R3 for which no more than n lie in a
common plane and no more than O(n) lie in a common regulus. Then the number of points
of intersection of two lines in L1 is O(n3 ).

We notice that this theorem implies that |G02 (P )| . n3 , as we just proved above that in our
set no more than n lines lie in a single plane and no more than O(n) lines lie in a single
regulus. To commence with the proof of this theorem we must first introduce Flecnodes.

Definition 8.15. Given an algebraic surface in R3 , p(x, y, z) = 0 where p is a polynomial

of degree d ≥ 3. A flecnode is a point (x, y, z) where a line agrees with the surface to order
three. That is, the directional derivative of the surface at (x, y, z) in the direction of our line
up to the third derivative equals zero.

To find all such points it suffices to solve the system of equations:

 p(x, y, z) =0

O p(x, y, z) = 0

 O2v p(x, y, z) = 0
 3
Ov p(x, y, z) = 0

Where v is the direction of our line. These are four equations for six unknowns (x, y, z) and
the components for the direction vector v. However, we notice that the last three equations
are homogeneous in v and may be viewed as there equations in five unknowns. As we notice
that given any two components of v, we can uniquely determine the third component. Thus,
we can view the whole system as 4 equations in 5 unknowns. We may also reduce the
last three equations to a single equation in three unknowns (x, y, z). We write the reduced
F l(p)(x, y, z) = 0
The polynomial F l(p) is of degree 11d − 24. It is called the flecnode polynomial of p and
vanishes at any flecnode of any level set of p. For a greater discussion of how we reduce
our original equation to just three unknowns and for more information on the Flecnode
Polynomial, we refer the reader to Katz’s paper concerning the flecnode polynomial [11].
This polynomial is extremely useful in determining when a surface is ruled or when a surface
contains a ruled factor.

Proposition 8.10. The surface p = 0 is ruled if and only if F l(p) is everywhere vanishing
on it.

Proof: If the surface p = 0 is ruled, by definition there is a line contained in the surface
through any point you choose. Thus if you take this line it will obviously agree with the
surface at this point up to order three, so F l(p) vanishes at that point.

Conversely, if F l(p) vanishes everywhere on p = 0 we must prove this in a more computa-

tional manor. Ultimately the argument involved seeing that setting F l(p) = 0 is equivalent
to rewriting a differently equation on p which implies rudeness. Once again we refer the
reader to Katz [11] for a rigorous proof.

An immediate and useful corollary of Proposition 8.10 stems from a technique we are familiar
with. This corollary is essentially the reason we involve the flecnode polynomial.

Corollary 8.1. Let p = 0 be a degree d hyper surface in Rd . Suppose that the surface
contains more than 11d2 − 24d lines. Then p has a ruled factor.

Proof: By Bézout’s Theorem since both p and F l(p) vanish on the same set of more than
11d2 − 24d lines, they must have a common factor q. We know that q is a factor of p and
that F l(p) vanishes on the surface q = 0 as q is also a factor of F l(p) and so when q = 0
F l(p) = 0. Thus, by the definition of the Flecnode polynomial, for every regular point on
the surface q = 0, there must exist a line which agrees with the surface to the third order.

We can see that this is the case because q is a factor of p, as F l(p) is the flecnode polyno-
mial corresponding to p, if it vanishes on any point in any level surface of p that point is a
flecnode. We determined that F l(p) vanishes on all points of the surface q = 0 which is a
subset of a level surface of p. This tells us that the flecnode polynomial corresponding to q,
F l(q), vanishes identically. This implies by Proposition 7.10 that q is ruled.

Now Guth and Katz restricted their gaze to surfaces of degree less than n. The reason
for this will become apparent in the proof of Theorem 8.2 below. Ultimately, we will prove
some important results concerning ruled algebraic surfaces of degree less than n. These will
become useful because when we utilize the polynomial method in the proof of Theorem 8.2,
we will be working with a polynomial of degree O(n). Thus they restrict their attention to
surfaces modeled by
p(x, y, z) = 0
Where p is a square free polynomial (if there is a square we remove it and reduce the degree
without affecting the zero set) of degree less than n. We can thus uniquely factorize the
polynomial into irreducible polynomials,

p = p1 · · · pk

Where k ≤ n.

Definition 8.16. We say that p is plane-free and regulus-free if none of the zero sets of the
factors is a plane or a regulus.

As we have already noticed, the only doubly-ruled algebraic surfaces in R3 are planes and
reguli. Thus if p is plane-free and regulus-free this means that the zero-set of the factors
of p are irreducible algebraic singly-ruled surfaces. These surfaces have some fairly rigid
properties that we will exploit to prove the following lemma that will ultimately allow us
to prove Theorem 8.2. We will first introduce an essential Lemma and then provide some
important propositions that will allow us to prove it.

Lemma 8.5. Let p be a polynomial of degree less than n so that p = 0 is ruled and so that
p is plane-free and regulus-free. let L1 be a set of lines contained in the surface p = 0 with
|L1 | . n2 . Let Q1 be the set of points of intersection of lines of L1 . Then

|Q1 | . n3

Before we are able to prove Lemma 7.5, we need to address some potential problems.
Specifically lines that intersect infinitely many other lines and points that have infinitely
many lines passing through them. We will obtain a bound on the number of such lines
and points that will allow us to exclude them and only consider well behaved lines and
points. In the forthcoming analysis we let p(x, y, z) be an irreducible polynomial so that
p(x, y, z) = 0 is a ruled surface which is not a plane or a regulus. In other words, the sur-
face S = {(x, y, z) : p(x, y, z) = 0} is irreducible and singly-ruled. Our discussion in this
paragraph motivates the following definition.

Definition 8.17. We say that a point (x0 , y0 , z0 ) ∈ S, where S is described above, is an
exceptional point of the surface if it lies on infinitely many lines contained in the surface.
We say that a line ` contained entirely within S is an exceptional line of the surface if there
are infinitely many lines in S which intersect ` at non-exceptional points.
Now we have to be careful here in understanding this definition. If a line ` contains an
exceptional point, we know that there will be infinitely many lines in S which intersect `
by the definition of an exceptional point. However, this does not mean that ` is necessarily
exceptional. In order for ` to be exceptional, it must intersect infinitely many lines in S
at points that have only finitely many lines through them. In other words, it must contain
infinitely many points of intersection. This is the reason for our definition. Exceptional points
have infinitely many intersections with lines and exceptional lines must contain infinitely
many points of intersection. Intuitively, there should not be many of these lines in our
surface. We will now make this idea explicit.
Proposition 8.11. Let p(x, y, z) be an irreducible polynomial. Let S = {(x, y, z) : p(x, y, z) =
0} be an irreducible surface which is neither a plane nor a regulus.
(a) Let (x0 , y0 , z0 ) be an exceptional point of S. Then every other points (x, y, z) of S is
on a line ` which is contained in S and which contains the points (x0 , y0 , z0 ).

(b) Let ` be and exceptional line of S. Then there is an algebraic curve C so that every
point of S not lying on C is continued in a line contained in S and intersecting `.
Proof: The idea here is to prove that because exceptional points lie on so may lines, given
any point in S we can find a line completely contained in S that is incident to both that
point and our exceptional point. We will ultimately use this fact to show that there can
only be so many exceptional points on an irreducible algebraic surface that is neither a plane
or a regulus. To prove part (a), we observer hat by a change of coordinates we can move
(x0 , y0 , z0 ) to the origin. We let Q be the set of points q different from the origin so that the
lines q to the origin is contained in S. We want to show that Q contains all points of S besides
the origin. We observe that Q is the intersection of an algebraic set with the complement
of the origin. We know this is the case because the surface S is described by a polynomial
of finite degree, say d. By definition Q with the origin is a ruled surface that is a subset of
our singly-ruled surface S. Thus Q itself is the intersection of this ruled surface which is an
algebraic set with the origin removed. In other words, there is a finite set of polynomials
E so that a point q different from the origin lies in Q if and only if each polynomial in E
vanishes at q. This is because if d is the degree of p, to test whether q ∈ Q we need only
check that the line containing q and the origin is tangent to S to degree d + 1 at q. If this
is the case then p must vanish identically on the line and therefore the line is contained in
S and thus q ∈ Q.

By assumption the zero set of each polynomial in E contains the union of infinitely many
lines contained in S since we are assuming that the origin is an exceptional point. Thus by
Bézout’s Lemma we know that each polynomial in E must share a common factor with p.
As p is irreducible this implies that each polynomial in E has p as a factor. As Q is described
by the union of the zero sets of these polynomials intersected with the complement of the

S this implies that Q is all of S except the origin as Z(p) ⊆ e∈E Z(e) but obviously
e∈E Z(e) ⊆ Z(p) = S. We have thus proved part (a).

To prove part (b) we observe that by a change of coordinates, we may choose ` to be

the coordinate liny = 0;z = 0. We let Q be the set of points q not on ` so that there is a line
from q to a non-exceptional point of ` which is contained in S. We would like to prove that
Q is the intersection of an algebraic set with the complement of an algebraic curve which
we will call C. This implies that except for a set of points defined by an algebraic curve,
for every other point in S, we can find a line that contains that point and intersects our
line ` in a non-exceptional point. To prove this claim, for points (x, y, z) on S outside of
an algebraic curve, we will identify the point at which the line containing (x, y, z) intersects `.
Consider a point (x, y, z) on S for which δx (x, y, z) 6= 0. In particular, the point (x, y, z) is
a regular point of S, as if (x, y, z) were a singular point all of the partial derivatives must
vanish. Since δx (x, y, z) 6= 0 we know there is a well-defined tangent plane to the surface S
at (x, y, z). Thus, there is a unique point (x0 , 0, 0) of ` which lies in the tangent plane to
S at the point (x, y, z). In fact, we can solve for x0 as a rational function of (x, y, z) with
only the polynomial δx (x, y, z) in the denominator. We can do this by explicitly creating
the tangent plane at that point (x, y, z) and solving for x when y = z = 0 in our plane. We
know that the plane must intersect the x-axis because it’s partial derivative with respect to
x is non-zero, thus it cannot be tangent to the x-axis. Thus we can find a set E of rational
functions having only powers of δx (x, y, z) in their denominators ,so that for any (x, y, z) at
which δx (x, y, z) does not vanish, we have that (x, y, z) ∈ Q if and only if every function in
E vanishes on (x, y, z).
In order for the previous paragraph to be useful, we need to know that δx (x, y, z) does
not vanish identically on S, as otherwise we will not be considering any points. Suppose
δp δp
for sake of contradiction that δx (x, y, z) does vanish identically on S. Since δx (x, y, z) is
definitionally of lower degree than p and p is irreducible, it must be that δx (x, y, z) vanishes
identically as a polynomial so that p depends only on y and z. In this case, since S contains
` and it contains a line `0 intersecting ` by the definition of `, it must contain all translations
of `0 in the x-direction, as we could shift it along ` in the x-direction since p does not depend
on x. Thus it contains a plane which is a contradiction. This is where we see the importance
of our assumption that Z(p) is plane free.
Thus, we let C be the algebraic curve where both p and δx (x, y, z) vanish. Away from
C, there is a finite set of polynomials F which we can obtain from E by multiplying through
by a large enough power of δx (x, y, z) so that a point (x, y, z) of S outside of C is in Q if and
only if each polynomial in F vanishes at (x, y, z). This makes sense based on our previous
observation that (x, y, z) ∈ Q if and only if the set E of rational functions vanishes at (x, y, z)
δp δp
where δx (x, y, z) does not vanish. We are restricting our view to only points where δx (x, y, z)
does not vanish. So if we clear the powers of δx (x, y, z) out of the denominator and examine
where these new polynomials F vanish outside of C we will find all of the points that are
in Q. Since we know that p is irreducible and Q contains an infinite number of lines by the

definition of an exceptional line, it must be that each polynomial in F has p as a factor.
This is extremely similar to the previous argument. Thus every point of S which is outside
of C lies in Q, as desired.

With this structural result, we can now control the number of exceptional points and lines
contained in our surface. WIth this quantitative bound we can then proceed to prove Lemma
Corollary 8.2. Let p(x, y, z) be an irreducible polynomial. Let S = {(x, y, z) : p(x, y, z) =
0} be an irreducible surface which is neither a plane nor a regulus. Then S has at most one
exceptional point and at most two exceptional lines.
Proof: Let (x0 , y0 , z0 ) and (x1 , y1 , z1 ) be distinct exceptional points of S. Since S is singly-
ruled, a generic point of S is contained in only a single line ` contained in S. Thus by
Proposition 7.11 if the point is different from (x0 , y0 , z0 ) and (x1 , y1 , z1 ) this line ` must
contain both (x0 , y0 , z0 ) and (x1 , y1 , z1 ). However, there is only one such line (i.e. the line
between (x0 , y0 , z0 ) and (x1 , y1 , z1 )), and this would imply that S is a single line. However,
this implies that (x0 , y0 , z0 ) and (x1 , y1 , z1 ) are not exceptional points which is a contradic-
tion. Thus there can only be one exceptional point.

Now let `1 , `2 , `3 be exceptional lines of S. There are curves C1 , C2 and C3 so that the
generic point in the complement of C1 , C2 and C3 lies on only one line contained in S (since
S is singly-ruled) and this line must intersect each of `1 , `2 and `3 by Proposition 8.11. Thus
as there are infinitely many points not contained in C1 , C2 and C3 , this means that there are
infinitely many lines contained in S which intersect `1 , `2 and `3 . Moreover, we notice that
since the lines are exceptional, there must be an innate set of lines which intersect the three
away from the possible three points of intersection of any two of `1 , `2 , `3 . This stems from
our previous discussion about the importance of the definition of an exceptional line. If any
two of the three lines are coplanar, this means there is an infinite set of lines contained in
S which lie in one plane. This contradicts the irreducibility and non planarity of S, as we
could factor out the plane. If, on the other hand, `1 , `2 and `3 are pairwise skew, then the set
of all lines which intersect all three are one ruling of a regulus. We recall that a regulus is a
doubly-ruled surface where each line from one ruling intersects all the lines from the other
ruling. We can define the first ruling by the set of all lines that intersect `1 , `2 and `3 and
since they are pairwise skew we could define the second ruling by the set of lines defined by
drawing lines through all the lines in our first ruling. This second ruling will not necessar-
ily be contained in our surface S, but between the two rulings we have created a regulus.
Thus we can see that as our first ruling is by construction contained in S, that S contains
infinitely many lines of a regulus which contradicts the fact that S is irreducible and not a
regulus. Here is where our assumption that Z(p) does not contain a regulus is important.

We are now ready to prove Lemma 8.5, which will ultimately allow us to prove Theorem 8.2.

Proof: We will say that a point (x, y, z) or a line ` is exceptional for the surface p = 0,
if it is exceptional for pj = 0 where pj is one of the irreducible factors of p. Thus, Corollary
8.2 tells us that there are no more than n exceptional points and 2n exceptional lines for

p = 0. As p has at most n factors, since p has degree less than or equal to n. Each factor
can have at most two exceptional lines and one exceptional point–thus the n exceptional
points and 2n exceptional lines. Thus there are . n3 intersections between exceptional
lines and lines of L1 as there are n2 lines in L1 and at most 2n exceptional lines. Thus
to prove the lemma, we need only consider intersections between non exceptional lines of
L1 at nonexceptional points. As there are also at most n points of intersection generated
by exceptional points. Thus if we can bound the number of points of intersection gener-
ated by non exceptional lines of L1 and non exceptional points and find that this number
is . n3 this would prove the lemma as we would account for all possible types of intersections.

We note that any line contained in a ruled surface which is not a generator (i.e. part of
the ruling. As we know that in a ruled surface every point has at least one line contained
in the surface that contains that point, a set of lines such that this is true for all points is
a generator for the ruled surface) must be an exceptional line since each point of the line
ail lave a generator going through it. Since there are only finitely many non-generators,
almost every point must lie in a generator. It is actually possible to prove by a limiting
argument that every point lies in a generator. Let q be a point in the ruled surface and let
qi be a sequence of points that converge to q with qi lying in a generator `i . It is clear that
such a sequence exists as if this were not the case it would imply that there was an infinite
sequence of points that all were not contained in generators, which is impossible. By taking
a subsequence, we can arrange it so that the directions of `i converge, and so the lines `i
converge to a limit line ` which contains q and lies in the surface. This is the case because
as we approach q on the surface, the lines will begin to approach a common direction. If we
are farther away we can disregard stray lines that do not begin to converge. This line ` is a
limit of generators and so it is a generator.

Let ` be a non-exceptional line in the ruled surface. In particular ` is a generator, as we know

that not being a generator implies that it must be an exceptional line, so the contrapositive
tells us that a non-exceptional line must be a generator. We claim that there are at most
n − 1 non-exceptional points in ` where ` intersects another non-exceptional line in the ruled
surface. This claim implies that there are at most (n − 1)n2 non-exceptional points where
two non-exceptional lines intersect, as at each of these n − 1 points ` can at most intersect
n2 other lines. This would prove the bound we desire.

To prove the claim, choose a plane π through the generator `. The plane intersects the
surface in a curve of degree at most n, as we know that the surface does not contain the
plane and the surface is of degree n. One component is the generator itself by construction.
The other component is an algebraic curve c of degree at most n − 1. There are at most
n − 1 points of intersection between ` and c as otherwise c contains ` by Bézout’s Theorem
and we know this is not the case. Suppose that `0 is another non-exceptional line and that `0
intersects ` at a non-exceptional point q. It suffices to prove that q lies in the curve c. As if
this is the case we just discussed that there are at most n − 1 points of intersection between
` and c. Thus if q lies in c there can be at most n − 1 non-exceptional points in ` where `
intersects another non-exceptional line in the ruled surface.

Since `0 is a generator, as it is non-exceptional, it lies in a continuous 1-parameter fam-
ily of other generators. This is true because we know that `0 is a generator for our surface
and that our surface is singly-ruled. Now, consider a small open set of generators around `0 .
These generators intersect the lane π as we know that `0 intersects ` which is part of the plane
and thus generators in this small open set must intersect π by a similar limiting argument
as above. So each of the generators in this small open neighborhood intersects either ` or
c. Since q is non-exceptional, only finitely many of the generators intersect q. Since there
are only finitely many exceptional points, we can arrange it so that each generator in our
small open set intersects π in a non-exceptional point by a simply transformation. Since ` is
non-exceptional, only finitely many of our generators can intersect `. Therefore, almost all of
our generators must intersect c. As q is the points of intersection between ` and `0 , in order
for essentially all of our generators in the small open neighborhood about `0 to intersect c q
must lie in c. This proves the result as discussed.

The overall progression of thought in the above proof begins by exploiting our limits on
extremal lines and points that could generate too many incidences. We can then narrow
our view to intersections between non-exceptional lines at non-exceptional points. Guth and
Katz first make the important observation that if a line in the ruled surface is not exceptional,
then it must be a generator for the surface. We then examine any non-exceptional line in the
surface and another non-exceptional line that intersects our original line at a non-exceptional
point. We look at a small open family of generators around our second non-exceptional line.
Guth and Katz exploit the fact that the original line is non-exceptional to show that most
of the generators in this family must intersect c, as we know they intersect the plane that
the original line and c define but can only intersect the original line in finitely many places.
Now we know that this open set of lines is generated around our second line and thus q. We
can make this open neighborhood arbitrarily small, thus in order for infinitely many of these
lines to always intersect c q must be contained in c. With this Lemma we can now prove
Theorem 8.2.

Proof: We assume that we have a set L of at most n2 lines for which no more than n
lie in a plane and no more than n lie in a regulus. We suppose for sake of contradiction that
for Q a positive real number Q >>> 1 there are Qn3 points of intersection of lines in L and
we assume that this is an optimal example. In other words, there is no m < n such that we
have a set of m2 lines so that no more than m lie in a plane and no more than m lie in a
regulus where there are more than Qm3 intersections.

We now apply a degree reduction argument similar to the original proof of the Joints Prob-
lem in chapter 6. For further discussion of this degree reduction technique we refer the reader
to a paper by Katz [11] in which he discusses both the Flecnode polynomial and this idea
of degree reduction we will soon use. We let L0 be the subset of L consisting of lines which
intersect other lines of L in at least Qn
different points. The lines not in L0 participate in
at most Qn10
points of intersection. This is because there are at most n2 points not in L0
and each of them can participate in at most Qn 10
points of intersection by construction. Thus
there are at least 10 points of intersection between lines of L0 as we are assuming that

there are Qn3 points of intersection between all the lines of L. We let α be a real number
0 < α ≤ 1 so that L0 has αn2 lines.

Now the idea is we have many points on each line, and we want to find a low degree
polynomial that vanishes on all the points. To reduce the degree of this polynomial, we
reduce the density of our points or our lines while still maintaining enough to find a low
degree polynomial that vanishes on all of our lines using the vanishing lemma. It will then
vanish on all of our points. So we select a random subset L00 of lines in L0 choosing lines
independently with probability 100
. With positive probability, there will be no more than
200αn2 2
lines in L00 . We notice that we could state that there will be no more than 100αn Q
in L based off of our chosen density, but this statement is still correct as we can raise the
upper bound, and it will only increase the probability. We can also see that each line of L0
will intersect lines of L00 in at least n different points. This is because each of these liens must
intersect at least other lines of L in at least Qn10
different points and we are selecting the lines
with density Q , so we can say with positive probability that there will be approximately
Qn 100
10 Q
∼ 10n ∼ n points of intersection between L00 and L0 .

R αn
Now pick √
points on each line of L00 , where R is a constant that is sufficiently large,
3/2 3
but universal. Call the set of all the points G. There are O( RαQ3/2n ) points in G, as we know

there are approximately 200αn Q
lines in L00 and we are selecting R√Qαn points from each of
these lines. The bound even holds if we consider the fact that there are at most n2 lines in
1/3 1/3
L00 . So we may find a polynomial p of degree O( R Qα n ) that vanishes on every point of G
using the polynomial ham-sandwich theorem in R3 . With R sufficiently large, p must vanish √
identically on every line of L00 by the vanishing lemma as we know there are at least R√Qαn
points on each line of L00 . Since each line of L0 meets L00 at n different points, it must be that
p vanishes identically on each line of L0 once again by the vanishing lemma. We have thus
found a polynomial of reduced degree that vanishes on all of our lines and most importantly
all the points of intersection. We will now study the zero set of p to bound the total number
of incidences between lines in the zero set.

We may factor p = p1 p2 where p1 is the product of the ruled irreducible factors of p and p2 is
the product of the unruled irreducible factors of p. Each of p1 and p2 is of degree O( αQ1/2n ).
Guth and Katz purposefully suppress the R dependence here since R is universal. This is
an assumed worse case scenario where the original polynomial p could be the product of
ruled irreducible factors in which case p = p1 , or that p is the product of unruled irreducible
factors in which case p = p2 . Either way we know that the degree is O( αQ1/2n ) as this is the
degree of p. We now break up the set of lines of L0 into the disjoint subsets L1 consisting of
those lines in the zee set of p1 and L2 consisting of all the other lines in L0 .

Here Guth and Katz are continuing to subdivide the entire set of lines we began with in order
to bound each subdivision and reach a contradiction. An important aspect of creating this
subdivisions is to make sure that there are not too many intersections between the points in
each subdivision. Here, for example, we notice that there are no more than O(n3 ) points of

intersection between lines of L1 and L2 since each line of L2 contains no more than O( αQ1/2n )
points where p1 is zero by Bézout’s Lemma. As otherwise this would imply that p1 and p2
have a common factor which we know is impossible. However, we know that L2 contains
at most n2 points, and thus there are no more than O(n3 ) possible points of intersection
between L1 and L2 . Thus we are left with two not mutually-exclusive cases which cover all
possible points of intersection. This tells us that there are either 3Qn
points of intersection
between lines of L1 or there are 10 points of intersection between lines of L2 . This follows
from our assumption that there must be Qn3 points of intersection of lines of L. We will
handle each of these cases separately and derive a contradiction in each case.
Suppose we are in the first case where there are 3Qn 10
intersections between lines of L1 .
Guth and Katz now use the same technique to further partition our set of lines. We factor
p1 = p3 p4 where p3 is plane-free and regulus-free and p4 is a product of planes and reguli.
We break L1 into disjoint sets L3 and L4 . Where L3 consists of lines in the zero set of p3
and L4 consisting of all the other lines of L1 . Just as before there are O(n3 ) intersections
between lines of L3 and L4 since lines of L4 are not in the zero set of p3 and we know that p3
has degree O( αQ1/2n ) and so every line cannot intersect more than this many points, otherwise
this implies that the line is in L3 . As there are at most n2 lines we get our desired bound
on the number of incidences between lines in L3 and L4 , so our partition is valid and useful.

Now we wish to prove that there are at most O(n3 ) points of intersection between the
lines in each of our respective partitions which will force us into case two. Moreover, there
are at most O(n3 ) points of intersection between lines of L4 because they lie in at most n
planes and reguli each containing at most n lines. This is the case because there are at
most n2 lines in L4 . We know that these lines must all lie in some set of planes and reguli
by construction. However, by assumption no more than n lines lie in any single plane or
reguli. Thus there are at most n reguli that contain at most n lines as this would account
for all n2 lines. This is a worst case scenario, we notice that there could be more reguli
and planes that each contain less lines, but this will reduce the total number of points of
intersection between lines as these reguli and planes must be distinct. We see that if we are
in the worst case scenario each line has at most O(n) intersections with planes and reguli it
is not contained in and there are at most O(n2 ) points of intersection between lines internal
to each plane and regulus as each of the n lines contained in the plane or the regulus could
at most intersect all of the other n lines, leading to n2 points of intersection. As there are
at most n planes and reguli this means that there are at most n · O(n2 ) = O(n3 ) points of
intersection in L4 . We also notice that as p3 is plane free and regulus free by Lemma 7.5
there are O(n3 ) points of intersection between lines in L3 .

Thus we must be in the second case as otherwise we contradict our assumption that there
are at least Qn3 points of intersection. So this means that many of the points of intersection
are between lines of L2 , all of which lie in the zero set of p2 which is totally unruled by con-
struction. Recall that p2 is of degree O( αQ1/2n ). Thus by Lemma 4.3, its zero set contains no
more than O( αn
)lines, this is essentially O(d2 ) where d is the degree of p2 . This is because it
must be unruled and we know that if its zero set contains more than that many lines it must

have a ruled factor as it would share a factor with the Flecnode Polynomial. We would like
to invoke the fact that the example we started with was optional to reach a contradiction.
In other words, we would like to construct a smaller set of lines such that these lines with M
elements satisfy the conditions that no more than M lie in a plane and no more than M lie
in a regulus but that there are QM 3 points of intersection. Unfortunately, we cannot quite
do this yet with our set L2 , we need slightly more refinement. Our set L2 has βn2 lines with
β = O( Qα
). This is because L0 has αn2 lines, so we can always find some large constant such
that the number of lines in L2 is bounded by βn2 for our defined β. We know that no more
than √n lines lie in any plane or regulus, whereas we need to know that there√ are no more
than βn lines. As this would imply that we could take our new M = βN < N , as at
worst β = α < 1. Then there are exactly M 2 lines, with no more than M in any plane or

Suppose that this is not the case. We will now further refine our set of lines. We con-
√ of L2 which we call L5 as follows. If there is a plane or regulus containing
struct a subset
more than βn lines of L2 we put those lines in L5 and remove them from L2 . We repeat as
needed labeling the remaining lines L6 . Since we removed O(n) planes and reguli, there are
O(n3 ) points of intersection between lines of L5 . This is because as we have discussed there
are at most n lines in any plane or regulus, and at most√ n lines in L2 . We want to remove
planes or reguli if and only if they contain more than βn lines of L2 , as they can contain at
most n lines, there are at most O(n) planes or reguli to remove. Thus L5 consists of at most
O(n) planes or reguli containing at most n2 lines. We’ve seen this argument before a few
paragraphs up. Each of these lines can at most intersect O(n) lines from a plane or reguli
they are not contained in, and there are at most O(n2 ) points of intersection between lines
internal to each plane and regulus as each of the n lines contained in the plane or the regulus
could at most intersect all of the other n lines, leading to n2 points of intersection. As there
are O(n) planes and reguli this means that there are at most O(n) · O(n2 ) = O(n3 ) points
of intersection between lines in L5 . Now, since no line of L6 belongs to any plane or regulus
of L5 there are fewer than O(n3 ) points of intersection between lines of L5 and L6 . This is
because there are at most n2 lines in L6 and they can intersect at most O(n) lines of planes
and reguli they are not contained in. Thus as they are not contained in any planes of reguli
of L5 , they can intersect at most O(n3 ) lines. Thus this partitioning is acceptable. Now
we apply optimality of our original example to rule out having more than O( Qn1/2 ) points
of intersection between lines of L6 , as otherwise as discussed out original choice of n would
not be optimal. Thus we have reached a contradiction and there must be O(n3 ) points of
intersection between our original set of lines L.

This is an incredible proof. It utilizes degree reduction, the important results of the poly-
nomial method concerning the zero set of a polynomial and algebraic properties of planes
and reguli. We see elements of almost all of the previous theorems we have discussed. The
degree reduction argument seems eerily similar to the original Joints Problem proof. This
does beg the question of whether or not there is a simplified proof like the one Quilodran
produced for the Joints Problem. The idea of exploiting a low degree polynomial is very
familiar to us. Exploiting the properties of planes and reguli is really the hidden key to this

argument. This concludes Guth and Katz’s proof of the first part of the distinct distance
problem where we want to bound the number of incidences between two of more lines. We
will now begin to prove the final part in which we find a better bound on the number of
three or more incidences. An interesting point to consider is that all of the following proofs
work for R3 , but not for the complex numbers. We know that the Szemerédi and Trotter
Theorem holds for the complex version

8.4 Cell Decomposition in R3

We will now begin discussing how Guth and Katz prove the second and final part of the
Distinct Distances Proof. As previously discussed they had to break the proof into two cases.
We have now dealt with the case of bounding the number of points of incidence between
two or more lines in our set, however this bound will not be good enough in general to
prove the final result if we were to use it for all points of incidence. Thus we now want
to bound the number of incidences between three or more lines in our set. Guth and Katz
used this in conjunction with the previous section to prove the Distances Problem. This
section will rely heavily upon work we have already discussed, specifically Theorem 4.7,
the Polynomial Partitioning Theorem, above. We begin by stating the Theorem that we
will prove throughout this section, the second piece to the proof of the Distinct Distances

Theorem 8.3. Let L be any set of n2 lines in R3 for which no more than n lie in a common
plane, and let k be a number 3 ≤ k ≤ n. Let Pk be the set of points where at least k lines
meet. Then
|Pk | . N 3 k −2

Once we prove this Theorem we have shown that |G0k (P )| . n3 k −1 for all 2 ≤ k ≤ n. We
will discuss how this directly proves Theorem 8.1 at the conclusion of this section. We begin
proving Theorem 8.3 by introducing a generalized version of the Polynomial Ham Sandwich
Theorem (Theorem 4.6) to Rn due to Stone-Tukey [20].

Theorem 8.4 (Stone-Tukey [20]). For any degree d ≥ 1,  the following holds. Let U1 , . . . , UM
be any finite volume open sets in Rn , with M = d+n n
− 1. Then there is a real algebraic
hypersufrace of degree at most d that bisects each Ui .

We will not provide a proof of this result, as it delves slightly too deep for the purposes of
our paper, but we refer the curious reader to Stone and Tukey’s paper. We will now present
and prove a corollary to this theorem that Guth and Katz introduced concerning finite sets
of points.

Theorem 8.5. Let A1 , . . . , AM be finite sets of points in Rn with M = n+d

− 1. Then
there is a real algebraic hyper surface of degree at most d that bisects each Si .

Proof: For each δ > 0, define Ui,δ to be the union of δ-balls centered at the points of Si . By
the generalized polynomial ham sandwich theorem we can find a non-zero polynomial pδ of
degree ≤ d that bisects each set Ui,δ .

We want to take a limit of polynomials pδ as δ → 0. This will ultimately provide the
result we desire. To help make this work, we define a norm |||| on the space of polynomials
of degree ≤ d. Any norm would work, but we will let ||p|| denote the maximal absolute value
of the coefficients of p. By scaling pδ we can assume that ||pδ || = 1 for all δ. Now we can
find a sequence δm → 0 so that pδm converges in the space of degree ≤ d polynomials. We
let p be the limit polynomial and observe that ||p|| = 1. In particular, p is not 0. Since the
coefficients of pδm converge to the coefficients of p, it’s easy to check that pδ converges to p
uniformly on compact sets.

We claim that p bisects each set Si . Suppose this is not the case and that instead without
loss of generality p > 0 on more than half the points of Si . Let Si+ ⊂ Si denote the set of
points of Si where p > 0. By choosing  sufficiently small, we can assume that p >  on
the -ball around each point of Si+ . Also, we can choose  small enough so that the -balls
around the points of Si are disjoint. Since pδm converges to p uniformly on compact sets,
we can find m large enough so that pδm > 0 on the -ball around each point of Si+ as these
-balls are compact. By making m large, we can also arrange so that δm < . Therefore,
pδm > 0 on the δm -ball around each point of Si+ . But then pδm > 0 on more than half of the
Ui,δm . As we constructed each pδ so that is bisects each of these sets this is a contradiction
which proves that p bisects Si .

The basic idea here is to create shrinking balls around each of the points in our finite
point set. We know that for any set of any sized balls around some points we can find a
polynomial that bisects the union of these balls by the Polynomial Ham Sandwich Theorem.
We then continue to shrink the balls and look at the corresponding limit of the polynomials.
These polynomials will converge to a polynomial that necessarily bisects the finite points that
all of the -balls were centered at. Using this generalization of Theorem 4.6 it only makes
sense that we can now prove a generalization of Theorem 4.7 (The Polynomial Partitioning
Theorem) to n dimensions.
Theorem 8.6. If P is a set of S points in Rn and J ≥ 1 is an integer, then there is a
polynomial surface Z of degree d . 2J/n with the following property. The complement Rn \ Z
is the union of 2J open cells Oi , and each cell contains ≤ 2−J S points of P .
Proof: We will do the construction as before in J steps. In the first step, we pick a lin-
ear polynomial p1 that bisects P . We let P + and P − be the sets where p1 is positive and
negative respectively. In the second step, we find a polynomial p2 that bisects P + and P − .
We continue in this process, more finely dividing the points. At each new step we use our
generalized polynomial ham sandwich theorem to bisect the sets from the previous step.

We will make this inductive process explicit. At the end of step j, we have defined j polyno-
mials p1 , . . . , pj . We define 2j subsets of P by looking at the points where the polynomials
p1 , . . . , pj have specified signs. There are j polynomials and 2 options for their signs (we also
notice that the polynomials could vanish on some of the points, but these points could be
placed in either subset). Now we use Theorem 8.4 to bisect each of these 2j sets. It follows
by induction that each subset contains ≤ 2−j S points.

Now we let p be the product p1 , . . . , pJ and we let Z denote the zero set of p. We want
to estimate the degree of p as before. By Theorem 8.4 the degree of pj is . 2j/n . Hence the
degree of p is d . Jj=1 2j/n . 2J/n .

Now we define the 2J open sets Oi as the sets where the polynomials p1 , . . . , pJ have spec-
ified signs. Can really be imagines as a 2J -tuple containing entries that are either 0 or 1.
If the ith entry is 1, this means that pi is positive on this set and if it is 0 it means that
pi is negative. The sets Oi are open as for any point in the set we can necessarily find a
small enough  so that each of the polynomials maintains its sign on that point as all of
the polynomials are continuous. We can also see that these Oi are disjoint by construction.
Their union is exactly the complement of Z as for any point not in Z our polynomials as-
sume either or positive or negative value and thus the point is in one of the Oi . As we saw
above, the number of points in P ∩Oi is at most 2−J S. This completes the generalization.

It’s interesting to see how easily some of these results can be generalized once the origi-
nal result that they depend on is generalized. Now using this generalized cell decomposition
we will prove an estimate for incidences of lines when too many lines lie in a plane. This
Theorem will ultimately imply the second piece of the Distinct Distances Problem proof.
We will spend the rest of this section proving this theorem.
Theorem 8.7. Let k ≥ 3. Let L be a set of L lines in R3 with at most B lines in any
plane. Let P be the set of points in R2 intersecting at least k lines of L. Then the following
inequality holds:
|P | ≤ C[L3/2 k −2 + LBk −3 + Lk −1 ]
It is important to notice that if we set L = N 2 and B = N we have that

|P | ≤ C[N 3 k −2 + N 3 k −3 + N 2 k −1 ]

If we compare this to Theorem 8.3 we see that it is exactly what we seek to prove. It is
extremely interesting to compare Theorem 8.7 to the Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem. It is
actually rather easy to generalize the Szemerédi and Trotter Theorem to higher dimensions,
Theorem 8.8 (Szemerédi and Trotter). If L is a set of L lines in Rn and P denotes the set
of points lying in at least k lines of L, then

|P | . L2 k −3 + Lk −1

We will not explicitly go through the proof as we only mention this for a point of comparison
and to illustrate the connection between the Distinct Distances problem and everything we
have discussed thus far. The general idea it that we take any generic projection from Rn
to R2 . The set of lines L will project to L distinct lines in R2 and the points of P project
to distinct points in R2 . We can then apply the Szemerédi and Trotter theorem in R2 to
get the result. We can actually see that Theorem 8.7 implies the Szemerédi and Trotter
theorem when B = L. In other words, if we really don’t have any restriction on how many
of the lines can lie in a single plane. We notice that as B gets smaller we can bound the
number of incidences far more efficiently. This interestingly illustrates that if we know not

too many lines lie in a single plane the number of incidences decreases. Guth and Katz use
both Theorem 8.7 and 8.8 in their proof of Theorem 8.3. Guth and Katz now prove Theorem
8.7 under some uniformity hypotheses and ultimately show that every possible case reduces
to this special case by some inductive arguments.

Proposition 8.12. Let k ≥ 3. Let L be a set of L lines in R3 with at most B lines in any
plane. Let P be a set of S points in R3 so that each point intersects between k and 2k lines
of L. Also, assume that there are ≥ 100 L lines in L which each contain ≥ 1001
SkL−1 points
of P . Then
S ≤ C[L3/2 k −2 + LBk −3 + Lk −1 ]

The second part of this proposition is our uniformity assumption about the lines. We notice
that there are ∼ Sk total incidences between lines of L and points of P . This is because there
are S points and each intersects at least k lines. This tells thus that the average line of L
contains ∼ SkL−1 points of P . We essentially assume here that there are many lines that are
about average. We handle extremal examples simply by reducing them to this case. We will
first give a general outline for the proof of the Proposition and then commence with the proof.

We suppose that
S ≥ AL3/2 k −2 + Lk −1 (1)
Where A is a large constant that we will choose below. Assuming equation (1), we need to
show that many lines of L lie in a plane. In particular, we will find a plane that contains
& SL−1 k 3 lines of L. If this is the case, it forces B & SL−1 k 3 as we assumed that no
more than B lines lie in a single plane. This then tells us that S . BLk −3 , and we will
be done. So really the problem has been reduced to finding a plane that contains many lines.

Now we will outline how Guth and Katz found this plane. First, we prove that a defi-
nite fraction of the lines of L lie in an algebraic surface Z of degree . L2 S −1 k −3 . Second, we
prove that this variety Z contains some planes, and that a definite fraction of the lines of L
lie in the planes. Since there are at most d planes in Z, one plane must contain & L/d lines
by the Pigeon Hole Principle. As d . L2 S −1 k −3 , this plane contains & SL−1 k 3 lines, which
is what we wanted to prove. The essential aspect is really finding this algebraic surface with
the proper degree.

We notice that the bound for the degree d is sharp up to a constant factor because of
the example where we have L/B planes with B lines in each plane. We can arrange the B
lines in each plane to create B 2 k −3 k-fold incidences. This set of lines has a total of LBk −3
k-fold incidences as there are exactly L/B planes. In this specific case the lines L lie in
∼ L2 S −1 k −3 planes. Since the planes can be taken in general position, the lines L do not lie
in an algebraic surface of lower degree.

A reasonable question to ask is why we don’t use the same methods in the last section
to prove the case where k ≥ 3. Guth and Katz originally tried this to find Z but using their
reduction arguments could only reduce Z to be an algebraic surface of degree L2 S −1 k −2

which was not small enough for their purposes. Thus they had to rely on this cell decom-
position method. First we will prove that almost all the points of P lie in a surface Z with
properly controlled degree. Guth and Katz regard this lemma as the most important step.
Lemma 8.6. If the constant A in inequality (1) is sufficiently large, then there is an algebraic
surface Z of degree . L2 S −1 k −3 that contains at least (1 − 10−8 )S points of P .
Proof: asdf

This lemma ultimately shows that most of the points of P are contained in our algebraic
surface of the desired degree. We now let Pz denote the points of P that lie in Z. By Lemma
8.6 we know that |P \ PZ | ≤ 10−8 S. We now want to prove that many lines of L lie in the
surface Z. This result depends on a quick calculation about the degree of d. Recall that an
average line of L contains SkL−1 points of P . We prove that the degree of d is much smaller
than SkL−1 , thus by the vanishing Lemma the average line is contained in Z and by our
uniformity assumption almost all of our lines are average. Thus almost all of our lines are
contained in Z.
Lemma 8.7. If the constant A is sufficiently large, then

d < 10−8 SkL−1

Proof: Inequality (1) can be rewritten as

1 ≤ A−1 SL−3/2 k 2

If we square both sides and multiplying by d, we see that

d ≤ dA−2 S 2 L−3 k 4 . A−2 SkL−1

Choosing A sufficiently large completes the proof.

As an immediate corollary using the vanishing lemma, we get the following lemma.
Lemma 8.8. If l is a line of L that contains at least 10−8 SkL−1 points of PZ , then l is
contained in Z.
Proof: The line l contains at least 10−8 SkL−1 points of Z. Since d > 10−8 SkL−1 , the line l
must lie in the surface Z by the vanishing lemma.

Now let LZ denote the set of lines in L that are contained in Z. We will show that a
definite fraction of the lines of L are in LZ .
Lemma 8.9. The set LZ contains at least (1/200)L lines.
Proof: We assumed that there are ≥ (1/100)L lines of L which each contain ≥ (1/100)SkL−1
points of P . Let L0 ⊂ L be the set of these lines. We claim that most of these lines lie in
LZ . Suppose that a line l lies in L0 \ LZ . It must contain at least (1/100)SkL−1 points of P .
However, if our polynomial does not vanish on the line it must contain < 10−8 SkL−1 points

of PZ . This tells us that it must contain at least (1/200)SkL−1 points of P \ PZ . Using this
we derive the following inequality:

(1/200)SkL−1 |L0 \ LZ | ≤ I(P \ PZ , L0 \ LZ )

Where here as before the right hand side of the inequality represents the number of incidences
between the point set and line set. However, we know that each points of P lies in at most
2k liens of L, giving us an upper bound on the number of incidences:

I(P \ PZ , L0 \ LZ ) ≤ 2k|P \ PZ | ≤ 2 · 10−8 Sk

As we know from Lemma 8.6 that |P \ PZ | ≤ 10−8 S. Combining these two inequalities we
(1/200)SkL−1 |L0 \ LZ | ≤ 2 · 10−8 Sk
This tells us that |L0 \ LZ | ≤ 4 · 10−6 L. We know that at the very least there are (1/100)L
lines in L0 . This tells us that |LZ | ≥ (1/200)L at the very least.

We have no completed the first step of our outline. We have found a surface Z of de-
gree . L2 S −1 k −3 which contains a definite fraction of the lines from L. We now prove that
Z contains some planes, and that these planes contain many lines of L. This step is closely
based on the work in Elekes and Sharir’s paper [4]. We know that each point of PZ lies in
at least k lines of L by construction. However, such a point does not necessarily lie in any
lines of LZ . Therefore we make the following definition.

Definition 8.18. We define PZ0 to be the set of points in PZ that lie in at least three lines
of LZ .

This subset is important because each point of PZ0 is a special point on the surface Z, it is
either critical or flat. We will quickly define and recall exactly what this means

Definition 8.19. We say that a point x ∈ Z an algebraic surface defined by a polynomial

p is critical if the gradient Op vanishes at x. If x is not critical we say that x is regular.

We saw this before, but we have not yet discussed what a flat point is

Definition 8.20. We say that a regular point x ∈ Z is flat if the second fundamental form
of Z vanishes at x.

We will not deeply delve into exactly what the second fundamental form of Z is, but it is
the symmetric bilinear form on the tangent space of the surface of a point p. Understanding
exactly what this means is not essential to the proof, only understanding properties of flat
points. These will be discussed as they come up. We now prove that each point of PZ0 must
fall into one of these two categories.

Lemma 8.10. Each point of PZ0 is either a critical point or a flat point of Z.

Proof: Let x ∈ PZ0 . By definition, x lies in three lines which all lie in Z. If x is a critical point
of Z, we are done. If x is a regular point of Z, then all three lines must lie in the tangent
space of Z at x. In particular, the three lines are coplanar. Let v1 , v2 , v3 be non-zero tangent
vectors of the three lines at x. The second fundamental form of Z vanishes in each of these
three directions. This is because the second fundamental form is a symmetric bilinear form
on the two-dimensional tangent space, thus it must vanish. Thus, by definition x is a flat
points of Z.

Lemma 8.10 shows that points of PZ0 are important or special points. Next we will show
that almost every point of P lies in PZ0 . Heuristically this makes sense given our regularity
assumption. We know that each point has at least three lines going through it, we also now
know that there are many lines in Z. As there are many lines going through each point, and
a large fraction of these lines are contained in Z, it stands to reason that many of the points
will be incident to at least three lines in LZ .
Lemma 8.11. The set P \ PZ0 contains at most 10−7 S points.
Proof: Lemma 8.6 tells us that |P \ PZ | ≤ 10−8 S. Suppose that x is a point if PZ \ PZ0 . We
know by assumption that x lies in at least k lines from L, but that it lies in at most two
lines from LZ as otherwise it would be in PZ0 . So x lies in ≥ k − 2 lines of L \ LZ . This tells
us that
(k − 2)|PZ \ PZ0 | ≤ I(PZ \ PZ0 , L \ LZ )
As minimally each of the points in the set PZ \ PZ0 lies in k − 2 lines of L \ LZ , thus the
total number of incidences between that set of points and lines has the above lower bound.
However, we showed in Lemma 8.8 that each lines of L \ LZ contains ≤ 10−8 SkL−1 points
of PZ . This allows us to obtain an upper bound on the number of incidences:
I(PZ \ PZ0 , L \ LZ ) ≤ I(PZ , L \ LZ ) ≤ (10−8 SkL−1 )L
Combining these inequalities, and once again invoking our assumption that k ≥ 3 we obtain:
|PZ \ PZ0 | ≤ 10−8 S ≤ 3 · 10−8 S ≤ 10−7 S
As desired.

We now let Pcrit ⊂ PZ0 denote the critical points of PZ0 and we let Pf lat ⊂ PZ0 denote
the flat points of PZ0 . We will now attempt to separate our lines in the same way we just
separated our points, to do so we have the following definitions
Definition 8.21. We say that a line l ⊂ Z is a critical line if every points of l is a critical
points of Z. Now if a line is not critical but l ⊂ Z and every regular points of l is flat, we
call l a flat line.
Our next goal is to show that Z contains many flat lines, which is a step towards showing
that Z contains a plane. As each flat line is contained in the tangent surface to Z at the
point, and so if Z contains many such lines it makes sense that it would contain a plane. In
order to do this, we show that the flat points of Z are defined by the vanishing of certain

Lemma 8.12. Let x be a regular point of Z. Then x is flat if and only if the following three
polynomial vectors vanish at x:
Oej ×Op Op × Op
For j = 1, 2, 3.

here ej are the coordinate vectors of R3 , and × denotes the cross product of vectors. Each
vector above has three components, so we have a total of nine polynomials. Each polynomial
has degree ≤ 3d. For further explanation we refer the reader to [4]. They actually use a
more efficient set of polynomials–only three. Now, to find critical or flat lines, we use the
following lemmas.

Lemma 8.13. Suppose that a line l contains more than d critical points of Z. Then l is a
critical line of Z.

Proof: At each critical points of Z, the polynomial p and all the components of Op vanish.
Since p has degree d, we conclude that p vanishes on every points of l by the vanishing
lemma. Similarly, since Op has degree d − 1 we conclude that Op vanishes on every point of
l. By definition this means that l is a critical line of Z.

Now we will prove a similar lemma for determining when a line is flat based on how many
flat points it contains.

Lemma 8.14. Suppose that a line l contains more than 3d flat points of Z. Then l is a flat
line of Z.

Proof: Let x1 , . . . , x3d+1 be flat points of Z contained in l. By Lemma 8.12 each polynomial
Oej ×Op Op × Op vanishes at xi . Since the degree of these polynomials is ≤ 3d, we once again
use the vanishing lemma to conclude that each of these polynomials vanishes on l. Similarly,
p vanishes on l as 3d + 1 > d. Therefore, the line l lies in Z and every regular points of l is
a flat points. However as xi are all regular points of Z this means that l cannot be a critical
line, and thus it must be a flat line.

Using these basic lemmas we will now prove that a definite fraction of the lines of L are
either critical or flat. As we did before the the set of points, we will define L0Z to be the set
of lines of LZ that contain at least (1/200)SkL−1 points of PZ0 . In other words, L0Z is the set
of lines that are contained in the zero set Z that contain at least (1/200)SkL−1 points in Z
that are either flat or critical. We will show that if each line contains this many points, they
necessarily must be either critical or flat.

Lemma 8.15. Each line of L0Z is either critical or flat.

Proof: Since every points of PZ0 is either critical or flat, each line in L0Z contains either
(1/400)SkL−1 critical points or (1/400)SkL−1 flat points. As at worst the points are exactly
equally distributed, otherwise the line would contain more of one kind. However, by Lemma
8.7, d ≤ 10−8 SkL−1 . Thus by Lemmas 8.13 and 8.14 each line of L0Z must be either critical
or flat. It’s interesting to note that this actually forces the large majority of the points on
our lines to be either critical or flat as a line cannot be both. Thus the line must contain

less than 10−8 SkL−1 points of the other class (divided by 3 if the line is critical).

We have already shown that LZ contains a definite fraction of the lines of L, but we will
now show that actually thanks to our regularity assumption and our new bounds on the
number of critical and flat points a definite fraction of the lines of L lie in L0Z . Another way
of thinking about this is that most of the lines in L contain a large enough portion of either
critical or flat points.

Lemma 8.16. The number of lines in L0Z is ≥ (1/200)L.

Proof: Guth and Katz first bring attention to the regularity assumption in Proposition
8.12. That is, we know that there are at least (1/100)L lines of L that each contain
≥ (1/100)SkL−1 points of P . We denote these lines by L0 ⊂ L.

Suppose a line l lies in L0 \ L0Z . We know that l contains at least (1/100)SKL−1 points
of P by the above. However, it must contain less that (1/200)SkL−1 points of PZ0 as other-
wise it would be in L0Z . Therefore, it contains at least (1/200)SkL−1 points of P \ PZ0 . This
allows us to derive the following inequality:

(1/200)SkL−1 |L0 \ L0Z | ≤ I(P \ PZ0 , L0 \ L0Z )

This is a similar argument to Lemma 8.9. The similar idea being: derive a lower bound on
the number of points a line in a certain set must contain and use this to derive a lower bound
on the number of incidence between a point set and that set of lines. We will then examine
properties of this point and line set to derive another upper bound on the incidences which
will ultimately give us a bound on the number of lines that are in |L0 \ L0Z |. This then gives
us a bound on the number of lines that must lie in L0Z . We will now complete the second
part of this line of argument.

Since each point of P lies in at most 2k lines of L:

I(P \ PZ0 , L0 \ L0Z ) ≤ I(P \ PZ0 , L) ≤ 2k|P \ PZ0 |

We once again see the importance of creating an upper bound on the number of lines our
points can lie on. Now Lemma 8.11 tells us that P \ PZ0 contains at most 10−7 S points.
Combining the above we have

(1/200)SkL−1 |L0 \ L0Z | ≤ 2k · 10−7 S

If we simplify this expression, we see that

|L0 \ L0Z | ≤ 4 · 10−5 L

Thus almost all the lines of L0 lie in L0Z . We know that there are at least (1/100)L lines in
L0 , and that at most 4 · 10−5 L of them are not in L0Z . Thus L0Z ≥ (1/100)L − 4 · 10−5 L ≥

Now we know that a definite fraction of our lines are either critical or flat. We will now
bound the number of critical lines in Z. Once we obtain this bound, we know that the
number of critical or flat lines in Z is ≥ (1/200)L, so we see how many of these lines must be
flat. Once we have a lower bound on the number of flat lines in Z, we will prove that a large
majority of these lines must lie in planes contained in Z. By the pigeon hole principle, this
will allow us to find a plane with a suitably large number of lines in it to prove our theorem.

Lemma 8.17. A surface Z of degree d contains ≤ d2 critical lines.

Proof: This lemma follows easily from Bézout’s theorem applied to p and Op. As p has degree
d and Op has degree d−1, this implies that p and Op can at most share d(d−1) lines. Each of
these shared lines is critical by definition and thus there are at most d2 critical lines in Z.

We notice now that if A from equation (1) is sufficiently large, then d2 will be much less
than L. We explicitly record this calculation in the next lemma.

Lemma 8.18. If A is sufficiently large, then d ≤ 10−4 L1/2

Proof: The inequality in equation (1) implies that 1 ≤ A−1 SL−3/2 k 2 . Thus

d ≤ dA−1 SL−3/2 k 2 . A−1 L1/2 k −1

If we choose A sufficiently large this completes the proof.

We explicitly proved and stated this lemma because it illustrates, in conjunction with Lemma
8.17 proves that Z contains at most d2 < 10−8 L critical lines. Since L0Z contains at least
(1/200)L lines, we see that most of these lines must be flat. In particular, L0Z contains at
least (1/300)L flat lines of Z.

Guth and Katz now use this to prove that Z contains some planes. We let Zpl denote the
union of all the planes contained in Z. We let Z̃ denote the rest of Z so that Z = Zpl ∪ Z̃. In
terms of polynomials, Z is the vanishing set of p. The polynomials p factors into irreducibles
p = p1 p2 · · · . We separate these factors into two groups: factors of degree 1 and factors of
degree greater than 1. Each factor of degree 1 defines a plane, and Zpl is the union of these
planes. The product of the remaining factors is a polynomial p̃, and Z̃ is the zero set of p̃.
The point of making this distinction is that any line that lies in both Zpl and Z̃ must be a
critical line of Z. So a flat line of Z lies either in Zpl or in Z̃ but not in both. A flat line
of Z that lies in Z̃ is a flat line of Z̃ fairly clearly because if the polynomials if Lemma 8.12
vanish for Z and Z̃ ⊆ Z, then they vanish when we restrict to Z̃. Now we use a lemma
proved by Elekes and Sharir to bound the number of flat lines in a surface of degree ≤ d.

Lemma 8.19 (Proposition 8, [4]). If Z is an algebraic surface of degree ≤ d with no planar

component, then Z contains ≤ 3d2 flat lines.

We know that L contains at least (1/300)L flat lines of Z by the above arguments. But Z̃
contains only 3 · 10−8 L flat lines by Lemma 8.19 as we know that d ≤ 10−4 L1/2 by Lemma
8.18 and by construction Z̃ has no planar component. This tells us that the rest of the flat

lines lie in Zpl . In particular, L contains at least (1/400)L lines in Zpl .

Now we know that there are a lot of lines in Zpl , and we know that the number of planes in
Zpl is ≤ d . L2 S −1 k −3 . As the number of planes contained in a surface can be at most the
degree of the surface, because each plane is a factor of degree one. So one of these planes
must contain & Sk 3 L−1 lines of L as a result of the Pigeon Hole Principle as there are at
least (1/400)L lines to be divided amongst at most L2 S −1 k −3 planes. Thus at least one plane
contains at least (L(1/400)L 3 −1
2 S −1 k −3 ) ∼ Sk L lines. In other words B & Sk 3 L−1 , since by definition
there are no more than B lines contained in any plane.

At several points throughout this argument we need A to be sufficiently large. We now

choose A large enough for all of this steps, i.e. we take the maximum A necessary. We
thus conclude that either S ≤ AL3/2 k −2 + Lk −1 or else S . LBk −3 . In general this tells us
that S ≤ C[L3/2 k −2 +Lk −1 +LBk −3 ] as desired. This completes the proof of Proposition 8.12.

Guth and Katz consider Proposition 8.12 to be the heart of the proof of Theorem 8.3.
Now that we have proved it we only need to reduce the general case to Proposition 8.12. We
do this by first removing the assumption that many liens have roughly the average number
of points and proving that the result reduces properly.

Proposition 8.13. Let k ≥ 3. Let L be a set of L lines in R3 with ≤ B lines in any plane.
Let P be a set of S points so that each points meets between k and 2k lines of L. Then

S ≤ C[L3/2 k −2 + LBk −3 + Lk −1 ]

Proof: Let L1 be the subset of lines in L which contain ≥ (1/100)SkL−1 points of P . If

L1 ≥ (1/100)L, then we have all the hypotheses of Proposition 8.12 and we have

S ≤ C[L3/2 k −2 + LBk −3 + Lk −1 ]

Guth and Katz now show that S actually obeys this same estimate, with the same constant,
regardless of the size of L1 . The proof proceeds by induction on the number of lines. From
now on we will assume that |L1 | ≤ (1/100)L, as otherwise as discussed we are done. We
now only have finitely many size of L1 to consider. We know that the lines in L1 contribute
the majority of the incidences as they contain a majority of the points in P . In particular
we have the following inequality,

I(P, L \ L1 ) ≤ (1/100)SkL−1 · L = (1/100)Sk

As there are at most L lines in L \ L1 , each of which is incident to at most (1/100)SkL−1

points of P . We now define P 0 ⊂ P to be the set of points with ≥ (9/10)k incidences with
lines of L1 . If x ∈ P \ P 0 then x lies in at least k lines of L by construction, but less than
(9/10)k lines of L1 . In other words, we know that x lies in at least (1/10)k lines of L \ L1 .
This tells us

(1/10)k|P \ P 0 | ≤ I(P \ P 0 , L \ L1 ) ≤ I(P, L \ L1 ) ≤ (1/100)Sk

If we divide through by (1/10)k we have

|P \ P 0 | ≤ (1/10)S

In particular this tells us that |P 0 | ≥ (9/10)S. Thus, most of the points in P are incident to
≥ (9/10)k lines of L1 . We know that a point of P 0 has at least (9/10)k incidences with L1
and at most 2k incidences with L1 . Once again we see the importance of the upper bound.
Unfortunately, this is just a slightly larger range than we have considered before. In order
to do induction, we need to reduce the range. We observe that P 0 = P+0 ∪ P−0 , where P+0
consists of paris with ≥ k incidences to L1 and P−0 consists of points with ≤ k incidences
with L1 . We define P1 to be the larger of P+0 and P−0 . It has ≥ (9/20)S points in it as P 0 has
≥ (9/10)S points and the larger of the two subdivisions will have at least half the points of P 0 .

If we picked P1 = P+0 then we define k1 = k. If we picked P1 = P−0 then we define k1

to be the smallest integer ≥ (9/10)k. Each point in P1 has at least k1 and at most 2k1 inci-
dences with lines of L1 . If we fall in the first case we know that each point has ≥ k incidences
and also ≤ 2k incidences with L1 . If we fall into the second case we that that each point has
≤ k incidences with lines in L1 and ≥ (9/10)k incidences, where we note that 2(9/10)k ≥ k.
We also importantly note that k1 is an integer ≥ (9/10)k ≥ (27/10) as k ≥ 3 and thus k1 ≥ 3.

The set of liens L1 and the set of points P1 obey all the hypotheses of Proposition 8.12
using k1 in place of k and the same B. We also note that there are fewer lines in L1 than in
L. Doing induction on the number of lines and applying the same argument, we may assume
that our result holds for these sets L1 as we increase the size of L arbitrarily. If we denote
|L1 | = L1 and |P1 | = S1 , we have
S1 ≤ C[L1 k1−2 + BL1 k1−3 + L1 k1−1 ]

We know that S1 ≥ (9/20)S, this implies that S ≤ (20/9)S1 . Also we know that L1 ≤
(1/100)L and that k1 ≥ (9/10)k. Using these relationships we have

S ≤ (20/9)S1 ≤ [(20/9)(1/100)(10/9)3 ]C0 [L3/2 k −2 + LBk −3 + Lk −1 ]

The braced product of fractions is < 1, and so S obeys the desired bound with the same

In this proof we should recognize a familiar technique. Guth and Katz are able to prove
a larger theorem about a set of points and lines by limiting their gaze to favorable sets of
points and lines and relating the results from these favorable sets to the overall sets. If we
can obtain sufficient bounds on the favorable sets we consider such as L1 and P1 above, this
can often allow us to prove more general results about the remaining points and lines we are
considering. Finally with this proposition we are ready to prove Theorem 8.3:

Proof: Let k ≥ 3. Suppose that L is a set of L lines with ≤ B in any plane. Suppose
P is a set of points, each intersecting at least k lines of L. We subdivide the points
that S
P = ∞ j
j=0 Pj , where Pj consists of the points incident to at least 2 k lines and at most 2

lines. We define kj to be 2j k. Then Proposition 8.13 applies to (L, Pj , kj , B) as we have
partitioned the points so that each set Pj meets between kj and 2kj lines of L. We can thus
conclude that
|Pj | ≤ C0 [L3/2 kj−2 + LBkj−3 + Lkj−1 ] ≤ 2−j C0 [L3/2 k −2 + LBk −3 + Lk −1 ]

Now S ≤ j |Pj | ≤ 2C0 [L3/2 k −2 + LBk −3 + Lk −1 ]. This completes the proof.


We can now backtrack through our reduction argument from the beginning of this sec-
tion to show how we proved the distinct distances problem by proving these two theo-
rems. With Theorems 8.3 and 8.2 we proved that in general |Gk (P )| . n3 k −2 for all
2 ≤ k ≤ n. This proves Proposition 8.5. Now the number of quadruples in Q(P ) is ex-
pressed in terms of |Gk (P )| in Proposition 8.4. Plugging in our bound for |Gk (P )|, we get
that |Q(P )| . N 3 log(N ), proving Proposition 8.1. Finally, the number of distinct distances
is related to |Q(P )| by Proposition 8.1. Thus plugging in our bound for |Q(P )| we see that
|d(P )| & N (log(N ))−1 , proving the distinct distances problem (Theorem 8.1).

9 Conclusion
We conclude this survey with the proof of the Distinct Distances Problem as it acts as a
pseudo-survey for the polynomial method. In it Guth and Katz employ degree reduction,
polynomial partitioning, and Bézout’s Theorem. They also generalize the Szemerédi and
Trotter Theorem and employ the common practice of partitioning a given set of points and
lines into subsets with more favorable conditions. Through a series of reduction arguments
Guth and Katz proved that the potential reach of the Polynomial Method is almost limitless.
We have seen it appear in the basic context of point-line incidences, curve-line incidences,
construction of spanning trees, dense line incidences and finally in bounding distances.

We now want to discuss some potential future applications and questions. Particularly,
we wonder how these techniques could be applied to the unit distances problem, which in-
volves bounding the number of unit distances that can exist amongst a set of N p
points. Erdős
also posed this problem in 1946 [5], and conjectured that the answer is O(N log(N )). If
this were the case it would imply the distinct distances problem by a simple Pigeon-Hole
argument. We want to know the minimal p number of distinct distances amongst N points,
we know that there are at most O(N log(N )) pairs at the same p distance, and there are
approximately N pairs of points. Thus there are at least O(N/ log(N )) distinct distances
which is exactly what Erdős conjectured.

We also wonder how many distinct r-partitioning polynomials there are for a given set
of points up to equivalence based on which points are grouped in each cell. The polynomial
partitioning theorem guarantees the existences of such a polynomial, but it would be inter-
esting to investigate exactly how many exist. This could shed more light on the properties
of the zero sets of polynomials, and could lead to an explicit algorithm constructing such a

We leave the reader with a question concerning the dependence of the polynomial method
on the topology of the field over which we work. Particularly we notice that recently Toth
[23] proved that the Szemerédi and Trotter theorem holds in the complex plane. However, he
needed to produce a completely different proof as the proof we present in Section 4 depends
on the Topology of R2 . In particular, the Szemerédi and Trotter theorem relies on convexity
in R2 , which has no analogue and thus fails over finite fields. For example, if we let F be our
finite field and P be the entire plane F 2 , and L be all of the lines in F 2 . We can see that
|P | and |L| are both of order O(|F |2 ), however I(P, L) = O(|F |3 ) which is far larger than
the Szemerédi and Trotter bound. So it makes sense that the topology of our field plays an
essential role. For a deeper exploration of this topic we refer the reader to Tao’s blog [21].
On the contrary, we can see that the proof of the Joints Problem can easily be generalized
to higher dimensions and can apply to finite fields. Thus an interesting question to consider
is how these techniques could be stripped of their reliance on the topology of the underlying

These are merely a few potential future avenues to explore with the Polynomial Method. We
hope that this paper revealed the importance and elegance of this emerging field in extremal

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