Research 2
Research 2
Research 2
A Research Paper I
As Part of the Requirements
in History I
Presented to:
Allan B. Supilanas
Presented by:
Nowadays, more and more people live in General Santos City but they don’t
know the History at the same time, the Origin of the name “Dadiangas” shortly before
the World War 2. General Paulino Santos came in this southernmost tip of Mindanao,
together with the first Batch of settlers, Mainly from Luzon. They came here for pursuing
one of the programs of the National Land Settlement Administration (NLSA) when the
vessel carrying them landed on the shore (Along with what we now call as General
Santos Park). General Santos and the Pioneering batch of settlers immediately noticed
various assemblages or Forest of a certain type of a thorny tree which Dadiangas tree
grew abundantly almost everywhere. When asked about the name of the subject tree,
the Moro and B’laan inhabit who welcomed General Paulino Santos and his encourage
answered: “Dadiangas”. From then on, General Santos and Pioneer batch of settlers
The B’laans predominantly occupied the Barrio Buayan after World War II and
Maguindanaoan’s (our Muslim Brothers). The elder people originally got the
name Buayan because they fear the crocodile infested Buayan River which extends up
to Malandag, Malungon and Sarangani. That once, any person who tries to go into the
water, the women will shout “Hoy may Buaya dyan” and so Buayan become the name.
Mayor Ireneo S. Santiago was appointed First Mayor of the Municipality of Buayan with
Paulino Torres Santos (June22, 1890 – August 29, 1945) - a military officer who
became the Commanding General of the Philippine army from May 6 to December 31,
1936. Upon his retirement, he served as a civilian administrator under President Manuel
L. Quezon. Gen. Santos was born in Camiling, Tarlac to Remigio Santos and Rosa
Torres. After his Spanish education from 1897 to 1900, he enrolled in an English school
in 1901. In 1907, when he had finished the sixth grade, he was appointed as municipal
teacher, a post which he held until the following year. In 1908, at age 18, he was an
enlisted man in the Philippines Constabulary and he had just completed his first
enlistment when he was named civil service clerk at the P.C headquarters in 1912. That
same year, he enrolled in the constabulary officer’s School where in, two years later, he
graduated valedictorian. Santos was appointed as Third Lieutenant of the P.C in 1914,
and as such, he worked hard and continued studying to be more effective in his
He is one of the first settlers who came to Dadiangas (Buayan District) which was
called as “Dadiangas” before. He also was the leader of the pioneers sent here to take
care of the land. General Santos City is the southernmost port city of the Republic of the
Christian pioneers led by General Santos on February 27, 1939. They were given a
mission to cultivate the fertile expanse of land. This eventually led into the Birth of a
municipality until this day, people still honor him because of his contribution that led to
From 1916 to 1917 Paulino Santos fought bravely in Lanao where he attained
Murphy with the Medal of Valor in 1917. He was eventually appointed as the governor
of the undivided province of Lanao. His administration oversaw the growth and
established the Davao Penal Colony, and transferred the Bilibid Prison from
Quezon appointed Major General Paulino Santos as the Chief of Staff of the Philippine
General Paulino Santos was born on June 22 1890 in Camiling Central Luzon
Philippines. His father is Remigio Santos and his mother is Rosa Torres Santos has two
child Paulino and Anastacio Santos. Paulino Santos was married to Elisa Angeles of
bulacan and has seven children including Rosa Santos Munda, Lordes Santos, Paulino
Santos Jr, Remigio Santos II, Jose Angeles Santos, Isabel Santos and Amado Santos.
Republic Act No. 5412
Article 1
Title of Act
Section 1. Title. This Act shall be known as the “Charter of the City of General Santos”.
Article 2
The City of General Santos, which is hereby created, shall comprise the present
territorial jurisdiction covering all the barrios and sitios of Upper Malungon, Tagaytay,
The City of General Santos, hereinafter called the city, constitute and as such is
endowed with the attribute of perpetual succession and possessed of the powers, which
this charter. The specific mention of particular powers in others sections of this charter
shall not construed as limiting the powers in other sections of this charter shall not be
construed as limiting the powers of the city in the premises to those thus mentioned.
Section 4. Seal and General Powers
The city shall have a common Seal, and may alter the same at pleasure. It may take,
purchase , receive, hold, tease, convey, and dispose of real and personal property for
the general interests of the city , condemn private for use constructed and be construct
with use and be used, prosecute as well as depend to final judgment and execution,
actions where its interests are involved, and exercise all the powers hereinafter
The city shall not be liable or held for damages or injuries to persons or property arising
from the failure of the City Mayor, the City Council, or any other city officer or employee,
to enforce the provisions of this Charter, or of any law or ordinance, or from the
negligence of said Mayor. Provided however, that nothing herein contained shall
prevent any aggrieved party from filing a personal action in the proper court gains any
official or employee of the city government for any act or omission in the performance of
his duties
GENERAL PAULINO SANTOS and to inform and awaken the history of the city to all
new and old settlers. A part of this research is to conducted interviews and seeking
In conducting this study, the researchers are looking forward for the better
results. The researchers are hoping that they can gathered information to further and
To study deeply in the History of Dadiangas before it was called General Santos
To what and who are the reasons why dadiangas was change to developer of the