Alcpt Form 71

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Directions for items 1-56. You will hear statements or

questions. Select the best answer and mark your answer sheet,

1. a) 10 7. a) Kim should eat more

b) 100 beef.
c) 1,000 b) Kim should eat more
d) 10,000 cherries.
c) Kim should eat more
2. a) The humidity will be spinach.
high. d) Kim should eat more
b) The wind will die pastry.
c) The weather will 8. a) He drives poorly.
become hot. b) He never drives.
d) The weather will c) He drives very well.
become cold. d) He is learning to
3. a) a full year
b) half a year 9. a) He is in good health.
c) a quarter of a year b) He is just the right
d) fifteen weeks size.
c) He is in good company.
4. a) suddenly d) He is just the right
b) carefully age.
c) recently
d) usually 10. a) He will go to the
5. a) You can speak in this b) He will go to the
room. cafeteria.
b) You may smoke in this c) He will go to the post
room. office.
c) You can have your d) He will go to the
meals in this room. service station ..
d) You can drink In this
room. 11. a) Have fun all week.
b) Have a good time on
6. a) It is easy to read. Friday.
b) The price is too high. c) Enjoy Saturday and
c) The tag is of good Sunday.
material. d) Have fun Monday
d) The price is right. through Friday.

12. a) keep a constant speed

b) slow down occasionally
c) speed up sometimes
d) get there as soon as


13. a) two languages 2l. a) so they would be worth

b) two desks more
c) two facts b) so they would be
d) two rooms secure
c) so they would shine
14. a) He likes to meet d) so they would expand
b) He's interested in 22. a) He arrived.
many things. b) He left.
c) He's funny to listen c) He returned.
to. d) He landed.
d) He believes in
following rules. 23. a) a little wet
b) not wet
15. a) flowers c) partly wet
b) gasoline d) completely wet
c) metal
d) money 24. a) The pen is in my
16. a) He is going to town. b) I am writing with the
b) He's the new pen.
Instructor. c) I am going to write
c) He gave me one. with this pen.
d) He's at the library. d) I wrote with this pen.

17. a) within a week 25. a) He wants to move the

b) never plan.
c) almost at once b) He doesn't agree with
d) within a day or so the plan.
c) He accepts the plan.
18. a) a picture d) He wants to change it.
b) the sky
c) himself 26. a) This is the original
d) trouble book.
b) This book is
19. a) many pencils of one completely new.
color c) This new book is the
b) many different colors same as the old-book.
of pencils d) This book has been in
c) all of the blue my family several
pencils years.
d) all of the cheapest
pencils 27. a) Take a message for me.
b) Write a letter for me.
20. a) the wall c) Telephone me tomorrow.
b) the door d) Take him back now.
c) the ceiling
d) the floor


28. a) She didn't finish the 36. a) the bats and the balls
course. b) the tickets for the
b) She wasn't successful games
in the class. c) the baseball team
c) She made the highest d) the sports instructor
d) She was the tallest 37. a) that the temperatures
girl in class. were too high
b) that the temperatures
29. a) supper weren't high enough
b) lunch c) that the temperatures
c) breakfast were the same
d) brunch d) that the temperatures
weren't the same
30. a) Janice will take your
place. 38. a) her clothes
b) Mrs. Dennis will send b) her beliefs
for you. c) her actions
c) Dave will work next to d) her friends
d) Mrs. James will go 39. a) The student learned
with you. about the trip.
b) The student forgot
31. a) He fastened it to the about the trip.
engine. c) The student was
b) He put it inside the worried about the
engine. trip.
c) He fired it. d) The student didn't
d) He cleaned it. think about the trip.
32. a) fine 40. a) She began the
b) very poorly conversation.
c) long stories b) She continued the
d) about people conversation.
c) She interrupted the
33. a) imagined conversation.
b) untrue d) She finished her
c) actual conversation.
d) minor
41. a) I speak better English
34. a) the story than John.
b) the language b) John speaks better
c) the rule English than I.
d) the plan c) John and I speak
English equally well.
35. a) about noon d) I cannot speak English
b) in the afternoon at all.
c) a few minutes after
eight o'clock
d) 7:47 a.m.


42. a} It doesn't matter when 48. a) He ripped them.

we arrive. b) He dirtied them.
b) It isn't possible to c) He soiled them.
arrive early. d) He wrinkled them.
c) It's very easy to
arrive early. 49. a) The place is
d) It matters when we beautiful.
arrive. b) The ground is even.
c) The shade is good.
43. a) There is a sign on the d) The area is not
door. crowded.
b) There is a window in
the door. 50. a) We destroyed the
c) There is a line on the planes.
door. b) We damaged the planes.
d) There is a nail in the c) We took the planes.
door. d) We spotted the planes.

44. a} No one may break the 51. a) He had to find out

rule. about the customs.
b) No one has heard the b) He had to organize the
rule. customs.
c) No one will enforce c) He had to adjust to
the rule. the customs.
d) No one can follow the d) He had to disregard
rule. the customs.

45. a) He sleeps until 7 a.m. 52. a) He gazed at her.

b) He always sleeps at 7 b) He glared at her.
a.m. c) He gaped at her.
c) He eats breakfast at 7 d) He glanced at her.
d) He isn't awake at 7 53. It is
a) spoiled
46. a) Yes, there is trouble. b) rare
b) Yes, it is helpful. c) fresh
c) Yes, it is boring. d) bloody
d) Yes, there is a good
way. 54. a) to haul freight
b) to drain the field
47. a) because the wind c) to pump water
shifted d) to spray paint
b) because the weather is
mild 55. a) She was very scared.
c) because the wind died b) She was very angry.
down c) No one tried to help
d) because a storm is her.
coming d) NO one could ease her


56. She is

a) fair
b) prejudiced
c) hateful
d) kind

Directions for items 57-66. You will hear conversations or

persons giving information. Select the best answer and mark
your answer sheet, a, b, c, or d.

57. a) He is a businessman. 63. a) He knows Sally can

b) He is a teacher. come.
c) He is a military man. b) He thinks Sally can
d) He is a farmer. come.
c) He hopes Sally can
58. a) the model come.
b) the station d) He doubts Sally can
c) the volume come.
d) the amount
64. a) waiting for an article
59. a) She knows nothing at b) planning to write an
all. article
b) She knows the most c) searching for an
important things. article
c) She knows a great d) reading an article
d) She knows more than 65. a) the hand lever
anyone else. b) the brake drums
c) the hydraulic system
60. a) His boss gave them a d) the foot lever
raise in pay.
b) His boss gave them a 66. a) It's rough.
new task to perform. b) It's hard to follow.
c) His boss gave them c) It's wide.
some new equipment. d) It's very smooth.
d) His boss gave them new •

6l. a) a part
b) a tool
c) a box
d) a pulley

62. a) It was the wrong color.

b) It was made the wrong
c) It was made of the wrong
d) It was the wrong size.




Direttionsfor items;67~100. Select the best answer and mark

your answer sheet,a:, b, c, or d. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST

67. She hopes she better work next year.

a) will do
b) did
c) has done
d) must

68. Just as the teacher called his name, he walked the


a) into
b) with
c) up
d) on

69. I brush

a) with a toothbrush after every meal my teeth

b) after every meal with a toothbrush my teeth
c) with a toothbrush my teeth after every meal
d) my teeth with a toothbrush after every meal

70. One of the prisoners escaped.

a) was wounded
b) got away
c) was released
d) wouldn't work

71. The driver kept watching the instrument.

a) speedometer
b) road
c} windshield
d) map

72. John has fast reactions. He has

a) quick responses
b) two movements
c) a new disease
d) many friends


73. It is popular~y believed that the study of Latin and Greek

is a prerequisite for the study of medicine. This is not
true. However, the composition of medical vocabulary makes
it evident why this belief persists. Approximately 75% of
our medical terminology is derived from Latin or Greek.

According to this paragraph,

a) a doctor should be able to converse in Latin and in Greek

b) many medical terms come from Latin or Greek words
c) a medical student should not study Latin or Greek until
after he becomes a doctor
d) medical terms in this country are primarily of English

74. In the future, to improve your writing?

a) will you trying

b) have you trying
c) will you try
d) are you trying

75. She mailed the letter the post office.

a) on
b) of
c) over
d) at

76. The wind began

a) blow
b) blows
c) blown
d) to blow

77. Frank needed some stamps, he went to the post office.

a) for
b) so
c) as
d) if


78. In English, a word may have several different meanings; for

example, the word "precipitation." Any form of water or ice
which falls on the earth is precipitation. Rain is a common
example of one form. Snow, sleet, and hail are examples of
the frozen forms of precipitation.

According to this paragraph,

a) rain and snow are the same form of precipitation

b) precipitation may fall in different forms
c) rain falls in many different places
d) precipitation has only one form

79. The doctor the medicine for the patient.

a) prescribed
b) took
c) wrote
d) established

80. The students are polite.

a) strange
b) courteous
c) patient
d) eager

81. Dave took all the measurements with precision.

a) experience
b) practice
c) exactness
d) ease

82. These two metal pieces repel each other.

a) They attract each other.

b) They move away from each other.
c) They move as one piece.
d) One looks like the other.

83. This pill is coated with sugar.

a) counted
b) made
c) covered
d) taken


84. over the crest of the h i I L, he saw the ooean.

a) Look
b) Looking
c) Looks
d) Looked

85. to the radio is very good practice in language


a) Listened
b) Listen
c) Listening
d) Listens

86. Joe was his watch.

a) winding
b) wound
c) wind
d) winds

87. Many people Americans speak English.

a) between
b) besides
c) beyond
d) through

88. There was an accumulation of dishes on the table. What was

on the table?

a) a few different dishes

b) a couple of dishes
c) several valuable dishes
d) a pile of dishes

89. A person who has an ailment should •

a) go back to work
b) see a doctor
c) see a lawyer
d) be very happy

90. If your clothes become soaked with water, they will

a) stay dry
b) become lighter
c) become partly wet
d) become completely wet

91. When you,go t.o ~lle gyrrmasium to work out, you need to take
··your own combination lock with you along with your gym
clothes and towel. The facilities are excellent and
well-designed. However, the gym is a high-theft area and
your things must be secured even when you are taking a
According to the paragraph, you should __

a) maintain your physical fitness

b) lock up your things at the gymnasium
c) report thieves caught in the gym
d) utilize the gym's excellent facilities

92. Did they mind the delay?

a) want
b) prefer
c) cause
d) object to
93. Watch out for speeding cars on the expressway.

a) Look at
b) Be careful of
c) Glance at
d) Take care of
94. Mary should more film for her camera when she was

a) had gotten
b) get
c) be getting
d) have gotten
95. Henry has acquired three classic cars. He is going to keep
and give the other to his sisters.

a) both, ones
b) one, ones
c) another, one
d) ones, one
96. the major spoke to a student, he was unaware that a
test was being snatched.

a) Whenever
b) As
c) Whereas
d) If


97. Mr. Wilson is a very dependableyouqg man. When he tells

you that he .will do somethingf6fyou! :Y()~ can always
him to db it.

a) cross up
b) count on
c) depend in
d) count to

98. Ms. Warren, the newly hired teacher, was asked to speak
extemp concerning her teaching experiences while in

a) -oraneity
b) -orary
c) -orize
d) -oraneously

99. Joe couldn't see the car beside him because his vision
was poor.

a) latent
b) rearview
c) occluded
d) peripheral

100. Family-owned farms are few and far between these days.

a) uncommon
b) concentrated
c) usual
d) occupied


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