Flyer Hygrophil F5673
Flyer Hygrophil F5673
Flyer Hygrophil F5673
Moisture Measurement in Gases and Liquids
The specialists BARTEC Gmbh manufactures the Hygrophil F-5673 to provide measurement of trace and residual
moisture in gas or liquid mediums. Although the emphasis is on natural gas measurement, the
at BARTEC have Hygrophil F-5673 is also suitable for moisture measurement in technical gas and liquid
many years of hydrocarbon applications.
experience in
The Hygrophil F-5673 utilizes proven multi-layered sensor and fibre optic technology to measure
the field of moisture content. Various distinctive advantages result from this measurement method including:
measurement ■ No sample conditioning system is required
technology. ■ Maintenance-free operation
They create ■ Measurement can be done at full line pressures up to 200 bar
solutions you ■ Measurement can be made in gas or liquid medium
can rely on: ■ Interference-free measurement
economical, ■ Long term sensor stability
■ Integrated Temperature RTD for live compensation
reliable and
■ Sensor can be installed in Class 1, Div. 1, or Zone 0 areas
applicable over
■ Up to 3 sensors can be connected
d e c a d e s .
■ Datalogger
■ Ethernet
■ Graphical display
Connection of up to 3 moisture sensors L 1660 *)
Gas inlet
Retraction tool
Sensor L 1660 is installed directly
Gas outlet in pressured line
Sample system
Sensor L 1660 is installed at high-pressure
**) side (up to 170 bar)
*) switch cabinet can be ordered from BARTEC **) heated line and sample probe can also be ordered from BARTEC
This patented measurement methodology results in a sensor that cannot be contaminated by liquids or other
gas contaminants. The technology also allows for measurement to be done directly in situ at full line pressure,
resulting in a more accurate measurement without the mandatory need for any sample conditioning.
Technical data Hygrophil-F, type 5673-xx, evaluation unit
Device-specific data
Range of indication Measurand Range start Range end
Vol % 0% 1%
PPMV 0 ppm 15,000 ppm
VP 0 hPa 10 hPa
MC 0 mg/m³ 20,000 mg/m³
DT/FP -120 °C 75 °C
SP 0 bar 250 bar
TT -50 °C 150 °C
Calibrated range -80 °C up to +20 °C DT
Accuracy +/- 1 °C
Display Graphic display 320 x 240 dots
Keyboard Touch-screen with red background illumination
Electrical data
Auxiliary energy DC 10 to 36 V max. 50 W (Si 6,3 A MT)
AC 100 to 240 V max. 110 VA (Si 1 AT)
Auxiliary quantities Temperature (TT) at the measurement spot is measured by means
of a measurement sensor integrated in the humidity probe, or it is
entered manually. Pressure (SP) is measured via a 4 to 20 mA signal
from an external pressure transmitter, or it is entered manually.
CO2 content (0 to 100 %) is measured via a 4 to 20 mA signal, or it
is entered manually.
Measurement channels 1, 2 or 3
Measurement rate Approx. 30 measurements/minute per channel
Analog output per measurement channel Clamp connection 0/4 to 20 mA, Ex ia, galvanically separated
Source and sink
Resolution 0,0003 mA
Burden 500 Ω
Precision 0,03 mA
Temperature drift < 0,001 mA/°C
Control outputs 1 switch output for Open Collector, Ex ia, galvanically separated
Switch voltage 20 up to 30 V, switch current max. 0,2 A
Insulation voltage VCM = 1.500 V max.
1 relay changeover contact
Intrinsically safe, 30 V, min. 20 mA
Connection via plug-in terminals
Interfaces Ethernet, RS 232, RS 485 (MODBUS, PROFIBUS in preparation)