Keynesian Investment Multiplier

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Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla



Investment Multiplier: Its working and leakages, Importance and


Course code :- BA 202

Course title :- Economics - II

Submitted by :- Submitted to :-

Bhart Bhardwaj Mr. Hari Chand

Course :- B.A. LL.B.(2nd sem) (Assistant Prof. Economics)

Roll no. :- 1020181935

Acknowledgement :-
I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible
without the kind support and help of many friends and our respectful
professor Mr. Hari Chand. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of

I am highly indebted to HPNLU for their guidance and constant supervision

as well as for providing necessary information regarding the report & also for
their support in completing the project.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & member of

HPNLU for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in
completion of this project.

I would also like to thank all my friends in developing the project and people
who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.

- Bhart Bhardwaj

S. No. Contents Page

1. Concept of Investment Multiplier 4
2. Derivations of Investment 4–5
3. Working of multiplier and its 6–8
4. Importance of Multiplier 9
5. Leakages in the working of 9 – 11
i) Saving
ii) Debt cancellation
iii) Imports
iv) Price inflation
v) Hoarding
vi) Purchase of stocks and
6. Criticism 11 – 13
The Concept of Investment Multiplier:
The theory of multiplier occupies an important place in the modern theory of income and
employment. The concept of multiplier was first of all developed by F.A. Kahn in the early
1930s. But Keynes later further refined it. F.A. Kahn developed the concept of multiplier with
reference to the increase in employment, direct as well as indirect, as a result of initial increase
in investment and employment. Keynes, however, propounded the concept of multiplier with
reference to the increase in total income, direct as well as indirect, as a result of original
increase in investment and income. Therefore, whereas Kahn’s multiplier is known as
’employment multiplier’, Keynes’ multiplier is known as investment or income multiplier. The
essence of multiplier is that total increase in income, output or employment is manifold the
original increase in investment.

Investment Multiplier:-
According to Keynes, income depends upon effective demand which in turn depends on
consumption and investment

i.e. Y = C + I

Consumption function is stable in short run and MPC is less than unity. Therefore all the
increase in income do not go to the increase consumption to extent of increase in income with
a result that a gap must be made up by investment. Keynes believed that initial increment in
investment increases the final income by many times. Keynes gave it the name of investment


ΔY = k ΔI

k = 1/1 - MPC

Derivation of Investment Multiplier:

1. Investment multiplier can be derived from income expenditure equation. If ∆Y stands

for increase in income, ∆I stands for increase in investment and MPC for marginal
propensity to consume, we can write the equation (i) above as follows:
ΔY = ΔC + ΔI
1 = MPC + (ΔI/ΔY)
(dividing both sides by ΔY)
1 – MPC = ΔI/ΔY
ΔY = ΔI(1/1-MPC)
ΔY/ΔI = 1/1 – MPC
Here ΔY/ΔI measures the size of multiplier.
Therefore, Size of multiplier or k = 1/ 1 - MPC

It is clear from above that the size of multiplier depends upon the marginal propensity
to consume of the community. The multiplier is the reciprocal of one minus marginal
propensity to consume. However, we can express multiplier in a simpler form. As we
know that saving is equal to income minus consumption, one minus marginal
propensity to consume will be equal to marginal propensity to save, that is, 1 – MPC =

Therefore, multiplier is equal to 1/ 1- MPC =1/MPS.

2. Multiplier can be derived from Keynes Psychological law of consumption. The basic
proposition of this law is that MPC is less than one.

Let us suppose that MPC<1 by a fraction say 1/k, where k is positive and greater than 1.

ΔC/ΔY = 1-(1/k)

1/k = 1 – (ΔC/ΔY)

1/k = (ΔY – ΔC)/ΔY

k = ΔY/(ΔY – ΔC)

k = 1/1 - MPC
Working of the Multiplier :-
Multiplier is the mechanism through which income gets propagated as a result of added
investment. How a new investment brings about a multiple increase in income by increasing
consumption, is clear from the following example. This example gives us what may be
described as a ‘motion picture’ of income propagation under certain assumptions. Assuming
the marginal propensity to consume as 1/2, let us suppose further that there is an investment of
Rs. 20 crores in public works. The MPC being 1/2 (multiplier) will be 2 [1/1 ½].

An investment of Rs. 20 crores will increase the total income by Rs. 40 crores. When an original
investment of Rs. 20 crores is made, half of it will be spent on consumption by the income
recipients (because MPC = y , Rs. 10 crores out of Rs. 20 crores will be spent on consumption
in the first round).

In the second round, income shall increase by Rs. 10 crores ; in the third round, income shall
expand by Rs. 5 crores ; in the fourth by Rs. 2.5 crores in fifth by Rs. 1.25 crores ; and so on,
till it has increased to Rs. 40 crores i.e., 2 times the original investment. Thus, we note that
there is an infinite geometric series of the descending variety, viz. Rs. 20 cr. + Rs. 10 cr. + Rs.
5 Cr. +2.5 Cr. + Rs. 1.25 Cr……. and soon, adding up to Rs. 40 crores. We see that the
multiplier is equal to the ratio of the increase in income to the increase in investment, i.e., Rs.
40 cr. + 20 cr. = 2. In this way, multiplier is having the value 2.

It may, however, be noted that the whole process of income expansion is spread over time as
income does not increase to Rs. 40 crores all at once in a single jump. Keynes, however, did
not give much importance to time lags involved in the process of income generation. The
multiplier effects of investment on income are shown below in the form of a diagram.

In this figure, consumption curve CC is drawn according to the MPC being less than one.
E1Y1 gives us the equilibrium level of income since C +1 curve intersects the 40° line at the
point E1. Let us suppose that for one reason or the other, investment rise from C + I to C + I +
∆I. The new curve C +1 + ∆I, intersects the 45° line at E2. E2Y2 gives us the new level of
income at Y1Y2. This is greater than the vertical distance between C +I and C + I + ∆I curves.

Reverse Operation of the Multiplier:

Multiplier is a double-edged weapon. It works in the backward direction as much as in the
forward direction. The process of income propagation through the multiplier docs not work in
the forward direction only. It is a double edged weapon. It works to decrease income in the
case of a fall in income as quickly as it increases income in case of a rise in income. It works
in the reverse direction or forward direction depending upon the direction of the initial change
in investment.

We can illustrate the reverse operation of the multiplier graphically. Let us assume that MPC
= 0.5. Suppose, investment decreases by Rs. 20 crores, there will be a reduction in income to
the extent of Rs. 40 crores (MPC = ½ and K=2). The higher the MPC the greater the value of
the multiplier and the greater the cumulative decline in income.
In other words, a community with a high propensity to save is affected less by the reverse
operation of the multiplier than the one with a low propensity to save. A high multiplier would
cause greater jerks and shocking declines of income whenever investment falls. But there is
one redeeming feature in the MPC being less than one the multiplier is not infinite. Otherwise
there would not have been a limit to the fall in income with a decline in investment.

In figure 6.6, the initial equilibrium is shown at point E1 with a level of income OY1. Let
investment fall by ∆I so that the total expenditure curve conies down by the distance ∆I(E1K).
The new expenditure line C + I = ∆I intersects the 45° line at the point E 2 and the level of
income falls to OY2. The decrease in income is more than the decrease in investment. Just as
consumers do not spend the full increment of income on consumption, similarly they do not
curtail expenditure on consumption by the full extent of the decrement of income. The reverse
operation of multiplier is shown in the diagram given below.

Assumptions of Multiplier Keynes's theory:-

The multiplier works under certain assumptions which limit the operation of the multiplier.
They are as follows:
(1) There is change in autonomous investment and that induced investment is absent.
(2) The marginal propensity to consume is constant.
(3) Consumption is a function of current income.
(4) There are no tine lags in the multiplier process. An increase (decrease) in investment
instantaneously leads to a multiple increase (decrease) in income.
(5) The new level of investment is maintained steadily for the completion of the multiplier
(6) There is net increase in investment.
(7) Consumer goods are available in response to effective demand for them.
(8) There is surplus capacity in consumer goods industries to meet the increased demand for
consumer goods in response to a rise in income following increased investment.
(9) Other resources of production are also easily available within the economy.
(10) There is an industrialised economy in which the multiplier process operates.
(11) There is a closed economy unaffected by foreign influences.
(12) There are no changes in prices.
(13) The accelerator effect of consumption on investment is ignored.
(14) There is less than full employment level in the economy.
Importance of Multiplier:-
The introduction of multiplier analysis in income theory is one of Keynes’ path-breaking
contributions, in as much as it has not only enriched economic analysis but also profoundly
affected economic policies. “It is true that Lord Keynes did not discover the multiplier, that
honour belongs to Mr. R.F. Kahn. But he gave it the role, it plays today, by transforming it
from an instrument for the analysis of ‘road-building’ into one for the analysis of ‘income
building’. From his own and subsequent work, we now have a theory, or at least its sound
beginning, of income generation and propagation, which has magnificent sweep and simplicity.
It set a fresh wind blowing through the structure of economic thought”.

From the foregoing qualifications and limitations it should never be concluded that the concept
of multiplier is of little use. Despite the structures, multiplier has been of great importance both
to economic theory and policy. Firstly, it established the immense importance of investment as
the major dynamic element in the economy. Not only did it indicate the direct creation of
employment, it also revealed that income was generated throughout the system like a stone
causing ripples in a lake.

On the side of practical economic policy it is of the utmost importance because the case for
public investment has all the more been strengthened by the introduction of this concept; it tells
us that a small increment in investment leads to a large increase in investment and employment.
A knowledge of multiplier is of vital importance during the course of business-cycle studies
and for its accurate forecasting and control. Further, it is a useful analytical tool for following
suitable employment policies. Thus, we find that the theory of multiplier has brought almost a
virtual revolution in the thinking of economists and policy-makers alike. With the use of this
concept, the approach has radically changed from ‘no intervention’ to the growth of the public
sector in practically all the countries of the world.

Leakages in The Working Of Multiplier:

We have learnt about the timeless and instantaneous multiplier. But in actual practice the
working of the multiplier is affected by a large number of considerations. We see that the whole
of the increment in income is not spent on consumption nor is it entirely saved. Therefore, the
value of the multiplier is neither one nor-infinity. This is because there are several leakages
from the income-stream as a result of which the process of income propagation is slowed down.
Important leakages are as follows:
1. Saving:
Saving constitutes an important leakage to the process of income propagation. If the whole of
the increment in income was to be spent on consumption (i.e., if MPC is one) then, ‘once- for-
all’ increase in investment would go on creating additional consumption so that the full
employment would ensure. This is not the case in actual practice, because a part of the increased
income is not spent on consumption but saved and ‘peters out’ of the income stream, thereby
limiting the value of the multiplier. In fact, the whole of saving forms a sort of leakage arid
higher the propensity to save, the lower is the value of multiplier. Further, for various reasons
these savings constitute an important leakage.

2. Debt Cancellation:

It has been observed that part of the income received by the people in the economy may be
used for paying off old debts to the banks and individuals, who may, in turn, fail to spend. As
such, the consumption is not stimulated and the value of the multiplier is thereby reduced.

3. Imports:

If there is an excess of imports over exports, part of the increased income as a result of increased
investment will go to increase income in the foreign countries at least in the short period. It is
argued that in the long period, the increased income in the foreign countries will go to increase
the demand for exports and thus will have beneficial effects on the income of the country
importing goods. But this may or may not be the case, as it presupposes free trade. In this way
imports and the money spent on the imported goods constitute an important leakage.

4. Price Inflation:

Price inflation constitutes another important leakage from the income stream of an economy.
As long as there is unemployment of resources and factors of production, increase in
investment will have expansionary effects. But once that full employment or near full
employment of the resources has been attained, increase in investment will go to raise prices
and the cost of the factors of production, because at this level the factors of production become
scarce and a competition ensues between the consumer goods industries and investment goods
industries for securing the scarce resources even at higher prices. Thus, as a result of price
inflation a major part of the increased income is dissipated instead of promoting consumption,
income and employment.

5. Hoarding:

Hoarding or the tendency of the people to hold idle cash balances forms another leakage. If the
people have high liquidity preference and a tendency to keep idle cash balances they will
diminish the expenditure on consumption in the economy, thereby restricting the value of the

6. Purchase of Stocks and Securities:

Sometimes, people purchase old stocks and securities with the newly created income and do
not spend it on increased consumption. Some of them purchase new insurance policies. Thus,
this type of financial investment severely restricts the value of the multiplier, as the increased
incomes, instead of being spent on consumption, are spent on nominal (not real) investments.

All these factors constitute potential leakage from the income stream resulting from an
expansion of new investment. This new income under such circumstances, does not give rise
to secondary consumption expenditures. It is, therefore, highly desirable that to have the
desired results of multiplier, these leakages should be plugged. To the extent these leakages
from the income stream can be controlled, the original increase in investment will have greater
multiplier effects.


Criticism is levelled on the ground that Keynes’ theory of multiplier rests on the simple
assumption of increases in consumption as a result of increases in income and, further, on the
MPC being less than one. Actual studies show that the relationship between income and
consumption is not so simple as presumed by Keynes, nor is consumption the function of
income alone. Multiplier depends upon a large number of limitations and qualifications like
the availability of consumer goods, maintenance of investment, direction of investment,
multiplier period, and takes no account of the effect of induced consumption on investment,
besides completely overlooking the time-element.
Keynes’ logical theory of the multiplier takes into consideration the effects of increases in
consumption as a result of increases in income, but it takes no account of the effects of increases
in consumption on investment (induced investment). On this ground alone, the theory has been
severely criticized by D.H. Robertson, R.M, Goodwin and A.P. Lerner.

These writers rightly grudge the undue importance and attention given to the multiplier, which
they feel, in a way, is too bad; “since the concept, often seems like nothing but a cheap jack
way of getting something for nothing and appears to carry with it a spurious numerical
accuracy.” Prof. A.G. Hart has insisted, no doubt correctly, that the multiplier concept is a
useless ‘fifth wheel’. It adds nothing to the ideas or result already implied in the use of
consumption function. Haberler with some justice, accused Keynes of dealing in tautology
when he discussed the multiplier—that is of defining something as necessarily true, and then
proclaiming as discovery the ‘truth’ of the relationship made inevitable by definition.

Prof. Hazlitt has also criticized the concept of multiplier rather bitterly. He calls it ‘strange
concept’, ‘a myth, much ado about nothing’. He asks, “What reason is there to suppose that
there is such a thing as the multiplier”? He doubted if there could be any precise or mechanical
relationship between social income, consumption, investment and extent of employment. He
called it a worthless toy made familiar by monetary cranks. According to Prof Hutt, “the
conventional multiplier apparatus is rubbish and that it should be expunged from the text

Thus, the main points of criticism against the concept of multiplier as given by Keynes
are that:
(i) It assumes as instantaneous relationship between income, consumption and investment—it
is a timeless phenomenon.

(ii) It is of static nature which is unsuited to the changing process of the dynamic world, it fails
to reckon the influence of time lags and its results are obtained only under static conditions,

(iii) It ignores the influence of induced consumption on induced investment, i.e., there is a
relationship between the demand for capital goods and the demand for consumption goods, i.e.,
the demand for capital goods is a ‘derived demand’,
(iv) Further, its sole emphasis on consumption is also not proper. It would be more realistic to
speak of a ‘marginal propensity to spend’ rather than to consume,

(v) Again, Haberler feels that this multiplier theory is an un-verified hypothesis because
Keynes offers no adequate proof except a number of vague observations,

(vi) Prof. L.R. Klein has pointed out that empirical studies in respect of the behaviours of
aggregate consumption in relation to aggregate income, show that actual trends in spending
have a much more complicated relationship which may be non-linear and the assumption of
linear relation between aggregate consumption and aggregate income is open to question.

(vii) Again, consumption is not the function of income alone and the marginal propensity to
consume is not constant as was assumed by Keynes as the basis of multiplier.

Nevertheless, the multiplier idea has been widely used as a way of summarising the workings
of the Keynesian model, and a whole body of literature has grown up which employs this
terminology. A strong defence has been put up by writers like Harrod, Hansen and Samuelson
who have tried to deal with the criticism and made the whole analysis dynamic. In the words
of S.E. Harris, we may sum up the position as follows: “On the discussion of the multiplier,
many economists have gone on fishing expeditions, but though they had many bites they did
not catch any large fish. Indeed, they have added much to Keynes’ relatively simple and
unverified presentation”.

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