Compensation For Executive and Supervisory Board Members

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Compensation Report

COMPENSATION FOR EXECUTIVE AND international stage. The amount of variable

SUPERVISORY BOARD MEMBERS compensation depends on SAP’s
This compensation report outlines the performance against performance targets
criteria that we applied for the year 2015 to that the Supervisory Board sets for each
determine compensation for Executive plan year. The performance targets are key
Board and Supervisory Board members, performance indicator (KPI) values aligned
discloses the amount of compensation paid, to the SAP budget for the plan year.
and describes the compensation systems. It The following criteria apply to the elements
also contains information about share- of Executive Board compensation for 2015:
based payment plans for Executive Board 1) This compensation report is part of the
members, shares held by Executive Board audited management report
and Supervisory Board members, and the – The fixed annual salary element is paid as
directors’ dealings required to be disclosed a monthly salary.
in accordance with the German Securities – The variable STI element was determined
Trading Act. under the STI 2015 plan. Under this plan,
COMPENSATION FOR EXECUTIVE BOARD the STI compensation depends on the SAP
MEMBERS Group’s performance against the
Compensation System for 2015 predefined target values for three KPIs:
The compensation for 2015 for Executive non-IFRS constant currency cloud and
Board members is intended to reflect SAP’s software growth; non-IFRS constant
company size and global presence as well as currency operating margin increase; and
our economic and financial standing. The non-IFRS constant currency new and upsell
compensation level is internationally bookings. In addition, the STI 2015 plan
competitive to reward committed, provides for a discretionary element that
successful work in a dynamic business allows the Supervisory Board, after the end
environment. of the fiscal year 2015, to address not only
The Executive Board compensation package an Executive Board member’s individual
is performance-based. It has three performance, but also SAP’s performance
elements: in terms of market position, innovative
– A fixed annual salary element power, customer satisfaction, employee
– A variable short-term incentive (STI) satisfaction, attractiveness as an employer
element to reward performance in the plan and the performance in our Business
year Network Group.
– A variable long-term incentive (LTI)
element tied to the price of SAP shares to Moreover, if there has been any
reward performance over multiple years extraordinary and unforeseeable event, the
Supervisory Board can, at its reasonable
The Supervisory Board sets a compensation discretion, retroactively adjust payouts up
target for the sum of the fixed and the or down in the interest of SAP. For 2014,
variable elements. It reviews, and if this discretion was applied.
appropriate, revises, this compensation On February 18, 2016, the Supervisory
target every year. The review takes into Board assessed SAP’s performance against
account SAP’s business performance and the agreed targets and determined the
the compensation paid to board members amount of compensation payable under
at comparable companies on the the STI 2015 plan. The STI 2015 plan pays
out after the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders in May 2016.
– The variable LTI element was determined
under the RSU Milestone Plan 2015. “RSU”
stands for “restricted share unit.” This
originally four-year plan was established in
2012 and focuses on the SAP share price
and on certain objectives derived from our
Company strategy for the years through
2015. For each of the four years, the
members of the Executive Board are
allocated a certain number of RSUs for the
respective year based on a budget amount
that was granted to each Executive Board
member in 2012 already for each of the
years 2012 through 2015. The number of
RSUs allocated to each member for a given
year is their target amount (an amount in
euros) for that year divided by the SAP
share price over a reference period (defined
in the RSU Milestone Plan 2015 terms) at
the beginning of the respective year. The
number of RSUs an Executive Board
member actually earns in respect of a given
year depends on the Company performance
against the objectives for that year (a year is
a “performance period” in the plan). The
objectives derive from SAP’s strategy for the
period to 2015. The plan objectives relate to
two KPIs: non-IFRS total revenue and non-

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