This document provides an overview of the upcoming public reading and discussion of Anne Carson's translation of Sophokles' Antigone, including:
1) The cast list for the reading, featuring prominent scholars and philosophers in the roles.
2) A brief excerpt from Judith Butler's work discussing Antigone's role and speech acts.
3) An excerpt from Jacques Derrida's Glas discussing the role of the impossible or unclassifiable element in defining a system.
4) A note from translator Anne Carson vowing to preserve Antigone's screams in the translation.
This document provides an overview of the upcoming public reading and discussion of Anne Carson's translation of Sophokles' Antigone, including:
1) The cast list for the reading, featuring prominent scholars and philosophers in the roles.
2) A brief excerpt from Judith Butler's work discussing Antigone's role and speech acts.
3) An excerpt from Jacques Derrida's Glas discussing the role of the impossible or unclassifiable element in defining a system.
4) A note from translator Anne Carson vowing to preserve Antigone's screams in the translation.
Original Description:
Anne Carson. Aportes del feminismo al mito de Antígona (en inglés)
This document provides an overview of the upcoming public reading and discussion of Anne Carson's translation of Sophokles' Antigone, including:
1) The cast list for the reading, featuring prominent scholars and philosophers in the roles.
2) A brief excerpt from Judith Butler's work discussing Antigone's role and speech acts.
3) An excerpt from Jacques Derrida's Glas discussing the role of the impossible or unclassifiable element in defining a system.
4) A note from translator Anne Carson vowing to preserve Antigone's screams in the translation.
This document provides an overview of the upcoming public reading and discussion of Anne Carson's translation of Sophokles' Antigone, including:
1) The cast list for the reading, featuring prominent scholars and philosophers in the roles.
2) A brief excerpt from Judith Butler's work discussing Antigone's role and speech acts.
3) An excerpt from Jacques Derrida's Glas discussing the role of the impossible or unclassifiable element in defining a system.
4) A note from translator Anne Carson vowing to preserve Antigone's screams in the translation.
Ismene sister of Antigone _____________________________ Elisabeth Angel-Perez Kreon king of Thebes ________________________________________ Judith Butler Haimon son of Kreon & Eurydike ____________________________ Karen Shimakawa Eurydike wife of Kreon, mother of Haimon _______________________ Freddie Rokem Teiresias blind prophet of Thebes, led by a boy ____________ Opie Boero Imwinkelried Guard ________________________________________________ Timothy Murray Messenger _____________________________________________________ Paul Monaghan Chorus of old Theban Men ____ Laura Cull, Jon McKenzie, and conference audience Nick a mute part, [always onstage, he measures things] ___________________ Ben Hjorth
John Ireland will facilitate the post-reading discussion.
Thanks to assistant Jeanne Schaaf and conference co-organizer Anna Street Who then is Antigone within such a scene, and what are we to make of her words, words that become dramatic events, performative acts? She is not of the human but speaks in its language... If she is human, then the human has entered into catachresis: we no longer know its proper usage... Antigone is the occasion for a new field of the human, achieved through political catachresis, the one that happens when the less than human speaks as human, when gender is displaced, and kinship founders on its founding laws. She acts, she speaks, she becomes one for whom the speech act is a fatal crime, but this fatality exceeds her life and enters the discourse of intelligibility as its own promising fatality, the social form of its aberrant, unprecedented future. Judith Butler, Antigone's Claim, 82 Effet de focalisation, dans un texte, autour d’un lieu impossible. Fascination par une figure irrecevable dans le système. Insistance vertigineuse sur un inclassable. Et si l’inassimilable, l’indigeste absolu jouait un rôle fondamentale dans le système, abyssal plutôt, l’abîme jouant un rôle quasi transcendantal et laissant se former au-dessus de lui, comme une sorte d’effluve, un rêve d’apaisement? N’est-ce pas toujours un élément exclu du système qui assure l’espace de possibilité du système? Le transcendantal a toujours été, strictement, un transcatégorial, ce qui ne pouvait être reçu, formé, terminé dans aucune des catégories intérieures au système. Le vomit du système.
Jacques Derrida, Glas, 171, 183
The effect of focusing,
in a text, around an impossible place. Fascination by a figure inadmissible in the system. Vertiginous insistence on an unclassable. And what if what cannot be assimilated, the absolute indigestible, played a fundamental role in the system, an abyssal role rather, the abyss playing an almost tran-scendental role and allowing to be formed above it, as a kind of effluvium, a dream of appeasement? Isn’t there always an element excluded from the system that assures the system’s space of possibility? The transcendental has always been, strictly, a transcategorial, what could be received, formed, terminated in none of the categories intrinsic to the system. The system’s vomit.
Jacques Derrida, Glas, 151, 162
Dear Antigone, I take it as the task of the translator to forbid that you should ever lose your screams. Anne Carson
Illustrations by Bianca Stone, used by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp
Marat/Sade: The Persecution and Assassination of Marat as performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the direction of the Marquis de Sade