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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

Q1. Explain the construction and principle of operation of N-Channel and P-Channel Junction
Field Effect Transistor (JFET).

Answer: N-Channel Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET)


Gate(G) P N P




The above figure shows the cross sectional view of the N-Channel JFET. P-type semiconductor
material are embedded into the N-type semiconductor material as shown in the figure. N-type
semiconductor material form a channel between embedded layers of P-type material. Two P-N
junctions are formed. Contracts at the top and bottom are referred as Drain (D) and Source (S)
respectively. Both the P-type are connected together to form Gate (G).

(Note: For P-Channel JFET, embedded material is N-type. Construction of P-Channel is

left to you. In the remaining section, only N-Channel types are explained. P-channel types
are left to you.)

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

Principle of Operation:
Depletion Region

+ e

- - e e

When a positive Drain (D)-Source (S) voltage(VDS) is applied with Gate(G) shorted with the
Source (S) terminal (VGS=0), the electrons in the N-Channel are attracted to the Drain (D)
terminal and due to the flow of electrons, Drain Current (ID) is established. The value ID depends
on the applied VDS and the resistance of the N-Channel. There is uniform voltage drop across the
channel and the two P-N junctions are reversed biased. This results in increase of width of the
depletion regions. The depletion regions are wider near the drain region.
ID increases linearly with the increase of VDS till saturation effect sets in. The value of VDS where
the saturation effect sets in is referred to as Pinch-Off (VP) voltage. When VDS reaches VP, the
value of ID remain same with the further increase of VDS.
The Gate–Source voltage (VGS) is to control the value ID. When a negative voltage is applied
between Gate and Source terminals, there is an increase of width of the depletion layers and as a
result the value of Drain Current (ID) decreases. As the value VGS is made further negative, at a
certain value of negative VGS, the Drain Current become zero. This voltage is referred as Gate-
Source pinch-Off voltage.

The relation between the Drain Current, ID for a given value of VGS is given by
 V 
ID  IDSS 1  GS 
 VP 
Where IDSS is the Drain to Source Current when Gate is shorted with the Source.
VP is the Pinch –Off voltage.
The drain resistance (rd) in the saturation region is given by
rd  2
Where r0 is the resistance at VGS=0 and VP is the Pinch –Off voltage.
 VGS 
1  
 VP 

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

Q2. Explain the Characteristics of N-Channel and P-Channel Junction Field Effect Transistor.
Answer: N-Channel Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET)
Output Characteristic


Saturation region Breakdown
5 region


2 VGS=-2V


5 10 15 20 25

The output characteristic of the N-Channel JFET is shown in the above diagram. Drain Current
(ID) is plotted against Drain-Source voltage (VDS) keeping the Gate-Source voltage (VGS)
constant. As shown in the diagram, at lower value of Drain-Source voltage (VDS), the Drain
Current (ID) is proportional Drain-Source voltage(VDS) and it follows the Ohm’s law. This region
is referred as Ohmic region. As Drain-Source voltage (VDS) increases further, at a certain value
Drain Current (ID) does not increase and this region as shown in the diagram is referred as
Saturation region. If Drain-Source voltage(VDS) is goes on increase, then after certain value of
Drain-Source voltage(VDS), the Drain Current (ID) increases rapidly with small increase of
Drain-Source voltage(VDS) as shown in the diagram. This region is referred as breakdown

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

Transfer Characteristic

ID(mA) ID(mA)

6 6

5 5 VGS=0

4 4

VGS= -1V

3 3

2 2 VGS= -2V

1 1

VGS= -3V
VGS= -4V
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 0 5 10 15 20 VDS(V)

The transfer characteristic of the N-Channel DE-MOSFET is shown in the above diagram. Drain
Current (ID) is plotted against Gate-Source voltage (VGS) keeping the Drain-Source (VDS) voltage

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

Q3.Explain the construction and principle of operation of N-Channel and P-Channel Depletion
Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (DE-MOSFET).

Answer: N-Channel Depletion Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor


Cross Section of an N-Channel DE-MOSFET

Source(S) Gate(G) Drain(D)


N+ N N+ N+ region



The above figure shows the construction of DE-MOSFET. It consists of a P-type substrate. Two
N+ type regions linked by an N-channel are formed in the substrate. The source and the drain
terminals are formed by connecting metal contacts to the two N+ regions. The gate terminal is
connected to the insulating silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer on the top of the N-channel. There is no
direct connection between the gate terminal and the channel.

Principle of Operation:
When a positive voltage is applied between drain and source terminals (+VDS), with gate shorted
to the source (VGS=0), then there is a flow of electrons towards drain terminal through
N-channel as the electrons are attracted to the positive terminal at drain. This constitute Drain
Current (ID). The value of ID increases with increase of VDS up to a certain value of VDS. After
that value of VDS, the ID remain constant and this value is referred as IDSS (Drain Current with
Drain shorted with the source).
For positive gate to source voltage, the electrons (minority carrier) in the P-Substrate are
attracted towards the gate terminal and concentration of electrons at the N-channel increases. As
a result, the drain current increases. As the application of positive drain to source voltage

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

increases the drain current, the region of positive gate-source voltage is referred to as the
enhancement region.
For negative gate to source voltage, the electrons in the N-channel are repelled towards the
P-substrate and the concentration of electrons at the N-channel decreases. As a result, the drain
current decreases. As the application of negative drain to source voltage decreases the drain
current, the region of negative gate-source voltage is referred to as the depletion region.
Therefore, gate to source voltage is used to control the gate current.

Q.4 Explain the characteristics of N-channel DE-MOSFET.

Answer: Output Characteristics of N-channel DE-MOSFET


7 Saturation region





5 10 15 20 25
The output characteristic of the N-Channel DE-MOSFET is shown in the above diagram. Drain
Current (ID) is plotted against Drain-Source voltage (VDS) keeping the Gate-Source (VGS) voltage
constant. As shown in the diagram, at lower value of Drain-Source voltage (VDS), the Drain
Current (ID) is proportional Drain-Source voltage(VDS) and it follows the Ohm’s law. This region
is referred as Ohmic region. As Drain-Source voltage (VDS) increases further, at a certain value
Drain Current (ID) does not increase and this region as shown in the diagram is referred as
Saturation region.

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

Transfer Characteristics of N-channel DE-MOSFET

ID(mA) ID(mA)

7 7
VGS= +2V

6 6
VGS= +1.5V

5 5
VGS= +1V

4 4
VGS= 0.5V

3 3

2 2
VGS= -0.5V

1 1
VGS= -1V
VGS= -2V
-2 -1 0 +1 +2 0 5 10 15 20 VDS(V)

The transfer characteristic of the N-Channel DE-MOSFET is shown in the above diagram. Drain
Current (ID) is plotted against Gate-Source voltage (VGS) keeping the Drain-Source (VDS) voltage

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

Q5.Explain the construction and principle of operation of N-Channel and P-Channel

Enhacement Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (E-MOSFET).

Answer: N-Channel Enhancement Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor


Cross Section of an N-Channel E-MOSFET

Source(S) Gate(G) Drain(D)


N+ N+ N+ region


The above figure shows the construction of E-MOSFET. It consists of a P-type substrate. The
source and the drain terminals are formed by connecting metal contacts to the two N+ regions.
The gate terminal is connected to the insulating silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer . There is no direct
connection between the gate terminal and the semiconductor.

Principle of Operation:
When a positive voltage is applied between drain and source terminals (+VDS), with gate shorted
to the source (VGS=0), then there is no flow of electrons towards drain terminal as N-channel is
For positive gate to source voltage, the electrons (minority carrier) in the P-Substrate are
attracted towards the gate terminal and concentration of electrons between the two N+ region
increases. As a result, the drain current starts only when sufficient gate to source is applied. The
minimum gate to source voltage required for the significant starting drain current is referred as
threshold voltage (VT).

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

Q.6 Explain the characteristics of N-channel E-MOSFET.

Answer: Output Characteristics of N-channel E-MOSFET


7 Saturation region





0 10
5 15 20 25
VGS= VT = +2V
The output characteristic of the N-Channel E-MOSFET is shown in the above diagram. Drain
Current (ID) is plotted against Drain-Source voltage (VDS) keeping the Gate-Source (VGS) voltage
constant. As shown in the diagram, at lower value of Drain-Source voltage (VDS), the Drain
Current (ID) is proportional Drain-Source voltage(VDS) and it follows the Ohm’s law. This region
is referred as Ohmic region. As Drain-Source voltage (VDS) increases further, at a certain value
Drain Current (ID) does not increase and this region as shown in the diagram is referred as
Saturation region.

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

Transfer Characteristics of N-channel E-MOSFET

ID(mA) ID(mA)

7 7
VGS= +8V

6 6
VGS= +7V

5 5
VGS= +6V

4 4
VGS= =+5V

3 3
VGS= +4V

2 2
VGS= +3V

1 1
VGS= +2.5V

0 2 4 6 8 0 5 10 15 20 VDS(V)

The transfer characteristic of the N-Channel E-MOSFET is shown in the above diagram. Drain
Current (ID) is plotted against Gate-Source voltage (VGS) keeping the Drain-Source (VDS) voltage

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

Q7.Mention the difference between JFET and MOSFET,

1. JFETs are operated in depletion mode only. 1.DE-MOSFET can be operated in both
depletion and enhancement mode and E-
MOSFET are operated in enhancement mode
2. Input resistance of JFET is around 10 Ω.
2. Input resistance of MOSFET is much higher
than JFET. Input resistance of MOSFET is
around 1013Ω.
3. Drain resistance of JFET is much higher 3. Drain resistance of MOSFET is in the range
than MOSFET. Drain resistance of JFET is in of 1 KΩ to 50 KΩ
the range of 100 KΩ to 1MΩ.
4. Leakage gate current for JFET is much 4. Leakage gate current for MOSFET is
higher than MOSFET. Leakage gate current for smaller than JFET. Leakage gate current for
JFET is in the range of 100 μA to 100nA. MOSFET is in the range of 100nA to 10 pA.
5. Construction of JFETs are more difficult Construction of MOSFET are easier than
than MOSFET and JFET are less widely used JFET and MOSFET are widely used than

Q8. Discuss about the handling of MOSFET.

Answer: Due to the presence of thin Silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer in MOSFET, they are easily get
damaged if not properly handled.
A person accumulates static charge from surrounding. When that person handles a MOSFET,
that charge may create a potential difference across the SiO2 layer and that potential difference
may breakdown the insulation of SiO2 layer.
An effective method to prevent MOSFET from damage is to connect Zener diodes back to back
between the gate and the source terminal as shown in the figure below. Connecingt Zener diodes
back to back between the gate and the source terminal prevent the rise potential difference across
Silicon dioxide(SiO2) layer to a specified maximum limit.

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Q9. Discuss the application of Field Effect Transistors (FET).

Answer: Applications Field Effect Transistors (FET) are mentioned below:
(i) Amplifiers: FET devices are commonly used as low-noise amplifiers and as buffer amplifiers.
(ii) Analog Switch: FETs are used as analog switches.
(iii) Multiplexer: FET devices are used in multiplexer circuits where each FET device acts as a
single-pole single-throw switch.
(iv) Current Limiters: FETs can be used as current limiter in an electronic circuit.
(v) Voltage-variable resistors: FETs when operated in the ohmic region, acts as voltage- variable
(vi) Oscillators: FETs are used in phase shift oscillators.

Q.10 Explain the working of CMOS inverter device.

Answer: Construction of CMOS Inverter

G2 Vin
S2 S1
D2 Vout

N+ P+ P+ N+ N+ P+

P-type well

N-type Substrate

Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) is those in which both P–type and N-type
E-MOSFETs are diffused onto the same chip. The above figure shows the basic CMOS Inverter.

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CMOS Inverter Circuit Diagram



Vin Vout


The basic inverter circuit using CMOS is shown above. Inverter is a logic circuit that inverts the
applied input signal. The complementary N-type and P-type E-MOSFETs are connected in series
with their gate terminals tied together to form input terminal. The drain terminals are connected
together to form output terminal.
When the input voltage Vin is at logic LOW, the gate-source voltage of Q2 (P-channel
E-MOSFET) is -VSS which makes Q2 in ON state resulting low resistance path between VSS and
Vout . The gate-source voltage for Q1(N-channel E-MOSFET) is zero which makes Q1 is in OFF
state resulting very high resistance between output terminal and ground. As a result the output
voltage is equal to VSS , that is, Vout is HIGH.
When the input voltage Vin is at logic HIGH, the gate-source voltage of Q2 (P-channel
E-MOSFET) is zero which makes Q2 in OFF state resulting high resistance path between VSS
and Vout . The gate-source voltage for Q1(N-channel E-MOSFET) is HIGH which makes Q1 is in
ON state resulting low resistance between output terminal and ground. As a result the output
voltage ,Vout is HIGH.

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

Q11. Figure below shows a biasing configuration using DE-MOSFET. Given that the saturation
drain current is 8mA and the pinch-off voltage is -2V, determine the value of gate-source
voltage, drain current and the drain-source voltage.



Answer: The figure below shows the circuit along with terminals.




From the above figure, Gate-source voltage (VGS) is 2V.

 V 
We know, in a DE-MOSFET, I D  I DSS 1  GS 
 VP 
Here, given that IDSS=8mA and VP=-2V
3  2  3
Hence, ID  8 10  1    32 10  32mA
 2 
Now, applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to output section, we have
18  0.4 103  32 103  VDS  0
 VDS  5.2V
Therefore, Gate-source voltage=2V, Drain current=32mA and Drain-source voltage=5.2V

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Q12. Design a voltage-divider–bias network using a DE-MOSFET with the supply voltage
VDD=16V, IDSS=10mA and VP = -5V to have a quiescent drain current of 5mA and gate voltage
of 4V. (Assume the drain resistor RD to be four times the source resistor RS).
Answer: The following is a voltage divider bias network using DE-MOSFET.




Given VDD=16V, Gate Voltage (VG)=4V, Drain current (ID)=5mA, IDSS=10mA and VP = -5V
As the quiescent drain current (ID) is less than the saturation drain current (IDSS), the MOSFET is
operated in the depletion mode.
We know, in a DE-MOSFET,
 V  V V
ID  IDSS 1  GS   5 103  10 103  [1  GS ]2  [1  GS ]2  0.5
 VP  5 5
 1  GS   0.5  1  GS  0.7 (Only +ve is considered, otherwise VGS will be large negative)
5 5
 VGS  1.5V
The gate-source voltage,
VGS  VG  VS  VGS  VG  I D R S  1.5  4  5 103  R S  R S  1.1K
R D =4  R S (Given)  R D =4.4K
Assume R 2 =1K
R2 1000
Again, VG =  VDD  4  16  R1  3000  3K
R1 +R 2 R1  1000

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Q13. Figure below shows a circuit using E-MOSFET. Given that the threshold voltage for the
MOSFET is 2V and ID (on) =6mA for VGS (on) =5V, determine the value of the operating point.


Answer: Drain current(ID) in an E-MOSFET is given by

I D =K(VGS -VT ) 2  6 103  K(5-2) 2  K= 103 A/V 2
VGS =VDD -I D R D  VGS =15-I D 110  VGS  15  1000I D

Now, I D =K(VGS -VT ) 2  I D  103 (15  1000I D  2) 2  1500I D  (13  1000I D ) 2
 1500I D  169  26000I D  106 I D
 106 I D  27500I D  169  0
27500  (27500) 2  4 106 169
 ID 
2 106
27500  80250000 27500  8958.24
 ID    9.27mA or 18.23mA
2 106 2 106
For I D  9.27mA, VGS  15  1000I D  15  1000  9.27 10 3  5.73V which is selected
For I D  18.23mA, VGS  15  1000I D  15  1000 18.23 103  3.23V which is rejected
since VGS should be positive and more than threshold voltage for E-MOSFET
Therefore, the operating point is (9.27mA, 5.73V)

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

Q14. Explain the Astable Operation of multivibrator using 555 Timer IC.
Answer: The following figure shows the 555 Timer connected for astable operation.



+ S Q
PIN6 -

R Q Vout
- PIN3



As shown in the figure, the 555 Timer contains a voltage divider, two comparators, an RS flip
flop, and an npn transistor. Since the voltage divider has equal resistors, the top comparator has a
2V V
trip point of UTP= CC and the lower comparator has a trip point of LTP= CC . The Pin 6 is
3 3
connected to the upper comparator. The voltage on the pin 6 is called threshold voltage.
Initially, the Q output of the RS flip-flop is LOW and Vout is HIGH. The transistor is in CUT
OFF and there is no collector current through RA. This makes the capacitor to start charging from
VCC. As the capacitor plate voltage starts rising and reaches UTP= CC , trip occurs and the
output of the upper comparator SET the RS flip-flop. At this point, Q the output of RS flip is
HIGH and Vout is LOW. This forces the transistor in saturation and saturated current flows
through the collector resistor RA and the capacitor stop charging. The capacitor start discharge
through RB and the transistor. When the capacitor voltage falls and reaches LTP= CC , trip
occurs and the output of the lower comparator RESET the RS flip-flop. At this point, Q the
output of RS flip is LOW and Vout is HIGH.

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This process repeats. Vout remains HIGH while capacitor charges and remains LOW while
capacitor discharges.
The following figure shows the block diagram of 555 Timer connected for astable operation.



555 Timer


The following figure shows output waveform and the capacitor waveform.

T tH tL Output Waveform

Capacitor Waform

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

Q15. Explain the Monostable Operation of multivibrator using 555 Timer IC.
Answer: The following figure shows the 555 Timer connected for monostable operation.




+ S Q
PIN6 -

+ R Q
+VCC Vout
- PIN3
Trigger PIN2



As shown in the figure, the 555 Timer contains a voltage divider, two comparators, an RS flip
flop, and an npn transistor. Since the voltage divider has equal resistors, the top comparator has a
2V V
trip point of UTP= CC and the lower comparator has a trip point of LTP= CC .
3 3
Initially, the Q output of the RS flip-flop is HIGH and Vout is LOW. This saturates the transistor
and capacitor is at ground. This circuit remains in this stage until a trigger arrives.
When the trigger input falls less than VCC/3, the lower comparator reset theflip-flop and the Q
the output of the flip-flop changes to LOW, the transistor goes to cut off, allowing the capacitor
to charge. At this point, Vout is HIGH. The capacitor charges and when the capacitor voltage
reaches 2VCC/3, the upper comparator sets the flip-flop. The Q the output of the flip-flop changes
to HIGH and turns on the transistor. The capacitor starts discharging through the transistor. At
this point, Vout is LOW. Therefore, the Vout remains HIGH only for the period while capacitor
charges after a trigger is made. Vout again comes back to LOW until another trigger is made.

The following figure shows the block diagram of 555 Timer connected for monostable operation.

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555 Timer
Trigger Vout


Q16. Discuss the Ideal Opamp versus practical Opamp.

Answer: The following is the comparison between Ideal Opamp and Practical Opamp
Ideal Opamp Practical Opamp
Internal Impedence is infinite Input Impedance range 100KΩ to 1000MΩ
Output Impendence is zero Output impedance range from 10Ω to 100Ω
Open loop differential voltage gain is Open loop gain is in the range of 10,000 to
infinite 100,000
Bandwidth is infinite Bandwidth is limited.
DC input and output offset voltage is zero Finite DC input and output offset voltage
Input differential voltage is zero Finite differential voltage is finite

Q17. Discuss the performance parameters of operational amplifier.

Answer: The following are the performance parameters of operational amplifier:
(i) Bandwidth: Bandwidth of operational amplifier is the range frequencies it can amplify for a
given amplifier gain.
(ii) Slew rate: It is defined as the rate of change of output voltage time. It gives the idea as to
how well the opamp output follows a rapidly changing waveform at the input.

(iii) Open-Loop Gain: Open-loop gain is the ratio of single-ended output to the differential input.

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(iv) Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR): It is the ratio of the desired differential gain (Ad)
to the undesired common mode gain(Ac). CMRR is a measure of the ability of the opamp to
suppress common mode signal. The ratio of CMRR is usually expressed 20log (Ad/Ac)dB.

(v) Power Supply rejection Ratio (PSRR): PSRR is defined as the ratio of change in the power
supply voltage to corresponding change output voltage. PSRR is also defined as the ratio of
change in one of the power supply voltage to the change in the input offset voltage with the other
power supply voltage held constant.

(vi) Input Impedance: Input Impedance is the impedance looking into the input terminals of the
opamp and mostly expressed in terms of resistance only.

(vii) Output Impedance: Output Impedance is defined as the impedance between the output
terminal of the opamp and the ground.

(viii) Settling Time: Settling Time is expressed as the time taken by the opamp output to settle
within a specified percentage of the final value in response to a step input. It gives the response
of the opamp to large step input.

(ix) Offset and Offset Drifts: An ideal opamp should produce a zero output for a zero differential
input. But it is not so in the case of practical opamps. It is observed that a DC differential voltage
is to be applied externally to get a zero output. This externally applied input is referred to as the
input offset voltage. Output offset voltage is the voltage at the output with the both input
terminals grounded. Input offset current is the difference between the two bias current flowing
towards the inputs of the opamp. Input bias current defined as the average of the two bias
currents flowing into the two input terminals of the opamp.

Q18. Explain the Peak Detector Circuit.

Answer: The following is the circuit diagram for a Peak Detector Circuit:

R2 R4

D Vout
Vin + C R

Peak detector circuit produces a voltage at the output equal to peak amplitude of the input signal.
During the positive half cycle, the diode D is forward biased. The capacitor charges rapidly to

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the peak from the output of the opamp. As the input starts decreasing beyond the peak, the diode
gets reversed biased, thus isolating the capacitor the capacitor from the output of the opamp. The
capacitor can now discharge only through resistor (R) connected across it. The value of R is
much large. The purpose of the resistor is to allow a discharge path so that output can respond to
changing amplitudes of the signal peak. The buffer circuit connected ahead of the capacitor
prevents any discharge of the capacitor. The capacitor voltage, that is, the peak of the input is the
output voltage.

Q19. Explain the following comparators:

(a) Zero crossing detector
(b) Comparator with reference
(c) Comparator with hysteresis
(d) Window comparator
Answer: (a) The following is the circuit diagram and waveform of the Zero crossing detector.

Non-Inverting zero crosing detector


Vin +

Inverting zero crosing detector



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Non-Inverting Zero Crossing Detector: As shown in waveform, output (Vout) of the operational
amplifier is +Vsat during the positive half cycle. As the input wave crosses zero voltage, the
output (Vout) changes from +Vsat to -Vsat. That is, output (Vout) of the operational amplifier is -
Vsat during the negative half cycle.
Inverting Zero Crossing Detector: As shown in waveform, output (Vout) of the operational
amplifier is -Vsat during the positive half cycle. As the input wave crosses zero voltage, the
output (Vout) changes from -Vsat to +Vsat. That is, output (Vout) of the operational amplifier is
+Vsat during the negative half cycle.

(b) The following is the circuit diagram and waveform of the comparator with reference.

Non-Inverting comparator with positive reference

Vref Vin Vref

Vin +
R1 Vout

R2 Vout

Vref = + R2 .VCC
R1 + R 2

Non-Inverting comparator with negative reference

Vin +
R1 Vout

Vref = - R2 .V
R1 + R 2

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Non-inverting comparator with positive reference:

The potential at non-inverting terminal is Vref   .VCC
R1  R 2

If Vin>Vref , the output Vout=+Vsat and If Vin<Vref , the output Vout=-Vsat

Non-inverting comparator with negative reference:

The potential at non-inverting terminal is Vref   .VCC
R1  R 2

If Vin>Vref , the output Vout=+Vsat and If Vin<Vref , the output Vout=-Vsat

(c) Following is the circuit diagram and waveform of comparator with hysteresis:


-BVsat +BVsat
R2 B=
UTP=+BVsat -Vsat

Let us assume Vout =+Vsat , then voltage at non-inverting terminal is UTP= .VCC
R1  R 2

When the input signal (Vin) exceeds this voltage, the output Vout =-Vsat .Then then voltage at
non-inverting terminal is LTP=- .VCC
R1  R 2
When the input signal (Vin) goes below this voltage, the output Vout =+Vsat .Then then voltage at
non-inverting terminal is UTP=+ .VCC again
R1  R 2

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(d) Following is the circuit diagram and waveform for window comparator:

D1 V0

Vi Vout +Vsat

+ D2

In a window comparator, there are two reference voltages called lower trip point (LTP) and
upper trip point (UTP).
When the input voltage is less than the lower trip point (LTP), the output of the upper
operational amplifier (A1) is +Vsat and the output of the lower operational amplifier (A2) is -Vsat .
Therefore, diode D1 is forward biased and the diode D2 is reversed biased. As a result, the output
across RL is Vout=+Vsat.
When the input voltage is greater than upper trip point (UTP), the output of the upper operational
amplifier (A1) is -Vsat and the output of the lower operational amplifier (A2) is +Vsat. Therefore,
diode D1 is reversed biased and the diode D2 is forward biased. As a result, the output across RL
is Vout=+Vsat.
When the input voltage is greater than the lower trip point (LTP) and lower than upper trip point
(UTP), output of both operational amplifiers (A1 and A2) is -Vsat. Therefore, both diode D1 and
the diode D2 are reversed biased. As a result, the output across RL is Vout=0.

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

Q20. Explain the Relaxation Oscillator using operational amplifier.

Answer: Following is the circuit diagram and wave form of the relaxation oscillator using
operational amplifier.
Circuit diagram:


C +


Output Waveform

Capacitor Waveform

Relaxation oscillator is an oscillator circuit that produces an non-sinusoidal output. Time period
of the oscillator is dependent on the charging time of a capacitor connected in the oscillator

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

Let us assume Vout =+Vsat , then voltage at non-inverting terminal is .VCC
R1  R 2
At this point, the capacitor starts charging towards +Vsat through R and as the capacitor voltage
reaches the voltage at non-inverting terminal, the output Vout=-Vsat. At the same time, the voltage
at the non-inverting terminal changes to –(R1/(R1+R2).Vsat. The capacitor starts discharging
towards -Vsat. As voltage reaches –(R1/(R1+R2).Vsat , the output is Vout=+Vsat and the cycle
1 B R1
The time period of the output wave form is T=2RCln( ) where B=
1 B R1  R 2

Q21. Explain the Active Filters.

Answer: Following are circuits diagram for Low Pass filter and High Pass filter;

Low Pass Filter High Pass Filter

Vin + Vin +
C Vout Vout

Low Pass filter: At low frequencies, the reactance of the capacitor is much higher than the
resistance of the R-C circuit and hence, the output voltage is nearly equal to the applied input
voltage. The operational amplifier is acting as voltage follower.
High Pass filter: At high frequencies, the reactance of the capacitor is much lower than the
resistance of the R-C circuit and hence, the output voltage is nearly equal to the applied input
voltage. The operational amplifier is acting as voltage follower.

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

Q22. Explain the non-linear amplifier.

Answer: The following is the circuit diagram for non linear amplifier.




In a non-linear amplifier, the gain value is a non-linear function of the amplitude of the input
signal. A simple method to achieve non-linear amplification is by connecting a non-linear device
such as PN junction diode in the feedback path.
In the above circuit, the diodes act as open circuit and the gain is high due to minimum feedback
when the value of the input signal is small. The diodes offer very small resistance and the gain is
low when the value of the input signal is large. Such a circuit typically may cause the output
voltage to change in the ratio of 2:1 for an input change of 1000:1. Resistance R1 decides the
compression ratio. Higher the value of R1 , lesser the compression ratio.
A common application of such a non-linear amplifier is in AC bridge balance detectors.

Q23. Explain the current to voltage converter and the voltage to current converter.
Answer: Current to voltage converter:
Following is circuit diagram for current to voltage converter.

Ii +

Current to voltage converter is transimpedance amplifier. An ideal transimpedance amplifier has

zero input impedance and zero output impedance.

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Guide for Analog and Digital Electronics Module 1

The circuit shown above is transimpedance amplifier having voltage shunt feedback with a
feedback factor of unity.
 A OL 
V0  Ii  R   
 1  A OL 
For, A OL  1, V0  Ii  R
The output voltage, Zin  1  A

Zo  where R o is the output resistance of the opamp
1  A OL
Voltage to current converter:
Following is circuit diagram for voltage to current converter.

I0 R2


Voltage to current converter is transconductance amplifier. An ideal transconductance

amplifier has infinite input impedance and infinite output impedance.
The circuit shown above is transconductance amplifier.
Vi V
I0  , If A OL  1 then I0  i
R  R2 Ri
R1  1
 R1 
Closed loop input impedance is given by Zin  R i  1  A OL  
 R1  R 2 
 R1 
Closed loop output impedance is given by Zo  R1  1  A OL  
 R1  R 2 

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