2013abd Eestab
2013abd Eestab
2013abd Eestab
Computadores y de Sistemas
Doctor of Philosophy
First of all, the author would like to express his sincere appreciation and
gratitude to his supervisor, Dr. Guzmán Díaz González, for his invaluable
The author would like to express his sincere gratitude to Dr. Cristina
González Morán for her guidance, insightful comments and suggestions during
The author would like to thank Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación for the
Finally, the author would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the
constant encouragement and support from his family and ex-director. Hazem
Introduction 1
Economic Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
probable intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
formance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
List of Figures
vs distance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.5 Wind speed sampling at scale parameter (3) processed by: (a)
2.6 Wind speed sampling at scale parameter (5) processed by: (a)
2.9 Wind speed time series processed by scale parameter (3): (a)
cated by (asterisks). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
(1.4) respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.18 Errors between the empirical distribution and a set of tted dis-
wind speed scale and shape parameters (8) and (1.4) respectively. 75
limits; dashed line: one MSU with power limitation; dotted line:
values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
3.6 Wind turbines curve tting: (a) Enercon-600 kW. (b) Enercon-
900 kW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.18 Total levelized cost of energy at dierent wind speed levels . . . 117
3.34 Daily power percentage, Enercon-600 kW: (a) mean wind speed
3.36 Daily power percentage, Enercon-2000 kW: (a) mean wind speed
angle of rotation mode θpll . (d) DC-link mode of the 2nd, 3rd
wr2,3,4 . (c) DC-link mode of the 2nd and 4th DFIGs vdc2,4 . (d)
4.19 DC-link tension at low dc-link control gains versus the wind speed174
DC-link mode vdc1,2 . (b) DFIG mechanical speed mode ωr1,4 . . . 200
ζdc3,4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
x List of gures
(a) DC-link mode ζdc1,4 . (b) DFIG mechanical speed mode ωr1,4 . 204
DC-link mode ζdc1,2,3,4 . (b) DFIG mechanical speed mode ωr1,2,3,4 . 208
4.33 Frequency vs demand increment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
List of tables xi
List of Tables
4 m/s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
5 m/s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Case 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Case 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
CF Capacity factor
MG Microgrid
NR Newton-Raphson
SS Static switch
AAR wind turbine average annual revenue
n Sampling moment
N number of samples
µ average value
σ standard deviation
ω operating frequency
Cbat battery capital cost
i discount rate
ηc charge eciency
ηd discharge eciency
ϑ model parameter
A open loop state variables matrix
B control matrix
C output matrix
D feed-forward matrix
xxii Nomenclature
ϕ right eigenvector
ψ left eigenvector
s laplace operator
∇ gradient vector
As aordable and adequate energy is considered the main path towards eco-
nomic prosperity, by 21th century the EU countries are confronted with mov-
Fossil fuels release damaging gases, the combustion of such sources creates
some acids as sulfuric and carbonic, which rise into the atmosphere and return
as acid rain, and subsequently damages soil and water. In addition, these re-
leased gases cause rapid heating and adverse eects on climate change.
thermal power plants, fuelled mostly by fossil fuels, accounted for 54% of the
total installed capacity in EU, followed by hydro, nuclear generation and other
are the main emitters of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) that is the basic contributor
generation can be briefed in the following points: (1) The transmission and
the transmission and distribution networks by huge investment. (3) The cen-
tralized generation can oer adequacy mostly, but cannot ensure the required
Several studies have been conducted to ensure the main shortfalls of the
a new energy policy in January 2007 based on distributed generation, for re-
duction greenhouse gas emission, improving power quality and increase the
nuclear energy, wind energy and other renewable energy sources (RES), ac-
cording to EUROSTAT.
energy sources, the study and analyses of the new developed generation trend
the major issues related to the distributed generation have been extensively in-
tion to overcome the negative sides of the centralized power utilities, in order
to enhance the electric and thermal energy, optimize power quality, minimize
The main objective of the thesis is to conduct several technical and eco-
mance for isolated microgrids supplied by wind energy and dierent energy
storage systems and nally predicting some stability constraints for genera-
This thesis is divided into ve chapters; Chapter 1 shows the state of the
art, to clear the main dierence of operation and control between the conven-
tional power utility grid and microgrids; moreover, the problems of supplying
energy sources. Finally, thesis contributions are listed, and comparisons be-
tween thesis contributions and other recent researches regarding microgrids are
ing the variance of wind speed samples, and also including the correlations
crogrids supplied by wind energy and dierent energy storage systems. The
ducted by the small signal stability criteria. The analyses are carried out
power among generation sources, and also through dierent wind speed levels.
4000 other RES
3500 fossil
electricity (TWh)
2005 2007 2010 2012 2015 2017
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
The world's rst power station was built in the Bavarian town of Ettal and
went into operation in 1878. The rst public power station was the Edison
1882. In September 1882, the Pearl Street Station was established by Edison
to provide electric lighting. Through the rst few decades of the 20th century,
central stations became larger, using higher steam pressures to provide higher
through steam turbines in central stations, as they have played the primary
role in the generation level. Generators were no longer limited by slow speed
As the synchronous generators play the main role in the generation level of
the centralized power utility grids, they can be classied as either high-speed
of them are manufactured from magnetic steels. The armature winding car-
ries the load current and supplies power to the system. The rotor excitation
This rotating magnetic ux induces an electromotive force in each phase of the
6 Chapter 1
rotor circuits. Thus, the rotor plays an important rule for power control and
are beyond the scope of this thesis. For more details, it is recommended to
Through the last decades, the conventional power systems have faced some
problems related to gradual depletion of fossil fuel resources, poor energy e-
ciency, environmental pollution, low power quality and power market monopoly
at all times, but cannot ensure the required power quality for certain network
like natural gas, biogas, wind power, solar photovoltaic cells, fuel cells, com-
bined heat and power (CHP) systems, microturbines and stirling engines. This
type of power generation is termed as distributed generation (DG) and the en-
ergy sources are termed as distributed energy resources (DERs). The term
active with the integration of DGs, subsequently the are termed as active dis-
tribution networks.
es have proved more positive impacts over the centralized generation. Firstly,
the distributed generation can alleviate the loading of the transmission and
can be minimized, which leads to lower energy taris. Secondly, the distributed
ation can reduce system expansion costs of the main power utility by limiting
Chapter 1 7
the utility transmission capacity expansion and oering the best utilization
eectively reduce the emissions and environmental warming, due to high de-
capable to restart its generation after a total system collapse without import-
ing any external power to restore, at least, a portion of the power system to
ed generation can be claried by some main features, such as DGs have small
generation capacities, DGs are located near to customers and DGs are inter-
The proposed microgrid models in this thesis are supplied mainly by DGs
energy sources which are wind energy connected to the grids directly with-
droop control uses only local power to detect changes in the system and adjust
The main objective of this thesis is to conduct several technical and eco-
dierent energy storage systems and nally predicting the stability constraints
of the generation sources by small signal stability analysis. The following text
its actual average generation as a function of its rated power; the capacity fac-
tor can be dened as the ratio of the actual energy produced from a generation
unit, in a given period, to its potential output at full capacity. Thus, the ca-
On the other hand, for intermittent wind energy sources, the capacity factor
which can share supply microgrids with other distributed generators, is rela-
is built up from several minor wind generating units, because droop control
from the volatility of conventional energy prices, their variability is still much
lower than uncertainty of the wind power. In contrast, in the case of microgrids
supplied by wind energy, some doubts emerge regarding the impact of wind
acteristics of such grids require scheduling more reserve for ensuring adequate
security and reliability levels, but the higher reserve requirements may sub-
ywheels are required to supplement the wind generators, during the moments
of demand shortfall. Hence, the energy storage systems as batteries can handle
such problems by managing the power control during the transient moments.
For this purpose, the thesis introduces a study based on optimizing both en-
wind energy and batteries. Hence, the maximum possible energy production
and reducing power swings among dierent generation units is high, in case of
systems, some standards and recovery strategies from power imbalances have
been set and handled from decades. In addition, the stability analysis of
conventional generation has been conducted in many studies, and the most
dominant variables which can violate the stability of networks are well-known.
system reserve and capabilities of the whole system to recover from distur-
stability analysis of isolated microgrids, supplied by wind energy and also gen-
eration sources interfaced via inverters, under dierent scenarios. Thus, the
This chapter shows the state of the art to clear the main dierences of oper-
ation and control, between the conventional power utility grid and microgrids
This Chapter is divided into nine sections. In Sections 1.2-1.5.2, the con-
cepts of microgrids operation and control are introduced, to reveal the opera-
energy sources. In Section 1.6, the topic of capacity factor analysis of droop-
Section 1.7 shows the necessity of optimizing both energy production and eco-
Through this thesis, the DGs are employed in microgrids either in the iso-
dynamics of DGs are far from synchronous generation units; hence, the men-
eration units.
tion networks without any DG units are passive since the electrical power is
networks. The grid becomes active when DG units are added to the distribu-
passive networks.
tors must be equipped with power electronic interfaces to synchronize all DERs
together and provide the required power quality [10]. This control exibility
allows the microgrid to present itself to the main utility power system as a
single controlled unit that meets local energy needs for reliability and security.
Figure 1.1 shows the energy ow for both a centralized conventional grid
and a microgrid supplied by distributed resources, also the gure shows the sin-
gle point of connection to the utility called point of common coupling (PCC);
Chapter 1 11
moreover, the static switch (SS) is responsible for isolating or connecting the
microgrid from/to the utility power grid. Basically, the key dierences be-
tween the microgrid and the conventional power grid can be accounted in the
and so the optimum local power quality can be ensured. (4) The operation
tromechanical interaction, between the stator and rotor circuits of those gen-
controller of each microsource and a central controller for the whole microgrid.
trol the power ow and load voltage prole of the microsource in response to
any disturbance and load change, without any communication with the central
protection coordination and provides the power dispatch and voltage set points
aged. Suitable market reforms must be made to allow such participation and
ises, then CHP can operate at very high energy eciencies and the gen-
erated heat can be eectively used to supply local heat loads [5];
12 Chapter 1
within a given area and does not easily dierentiate among their needs.
pansion costs of the main power utility, by limiting the utility transmis-
sion capacity expansion and oering the best utilization of current trans-
mission capacity, and consequently the customers benet well from this
impact, as this cost is realized from the tari imposed on them. Without
this benet, the customers have to pay heavily for power supply due to
power system to service again after the collapse. The microgrid black
central controller.
by one of two modes. Firstly, the isolated mode, where the microgrid is fully
isolated from the power utility grid. Secondly, the grid-connected mode, where
there is no connection to the host grid. Thus, the DERs control is respon-
is also responsible for managing the real and reactive power contribution
of DERs, such that load power is shared among dierent DERs in the
quency of the system terminal voltages are imposed by the utility grid.
Thus, the control task can be summarized as the regulation of the real
and reactive power is undertaken through the exchange among the DERs
From the previous mentioned microgrid modes, it is clear that the power
electronic interface of each microsource plays the main role to synchronize the
of DGs introduce an additional supplying nodes and change the power ow
in microgrids. The presence of DGs directly aect voltage proles along feed-
ers by changing the direction and the magnitude of real and reactive power
conventional centralized grid and the microgrid emerges from two points:
models; on the other hand, some solving techniques related to microgrid power
not directly applicable to microgrids, for some reasons can be termed in the
following points: (1) The presence of unbalanced three-phase loads, single and
interfaces, which are managed by various control strategies. (3) The presence of
The power ow software tools, which have been developed for large-system
are not tailored for the microgrid analyses, because they lack the exibility to
Some authors have developed new updates to power ow theories, in order
to accommodate new features of the microgrid concept which can consider the
features of the algorithm and the exibility of the software tool, to overcome
the drawbacks of the classical Newton-Raphson algorithm for power ow anal-
In [14] Hassan proposed a two-step power ow analysis approach that can
als, unbalanced loads and three/four-wire distribution lines. The author con-
sidered the steady state sequence component frame models of DGs for the
of classical power ow models, which do not account for the unbalances. The
frame. The three-phase unbalanced power ow was decomposed into three
iterative scheme, while the other two subproblems were formulated into two
The proposed model of the microgrid power ow in this thesis accounts
for dissimilarities between single and three phase loads, also considers the
power ow is based on decomposing the electrical phasor quantities into direct-
quadrature components. All loads and generators are referred to one master
source of generation. This master is the innite bus, in case of the grid con-
the microgrid isolated mode. The full details of the microgrid dynamic model
After setting the microgrid power ow model, which is proved as totally
dierent from the power ow models of centralized utility grids, it is necessary
For this sake, a special attention must be paid to the microsource electronic
only responsible for determining the dynamics of the system through the direct
mode, the power electronic interfaces and their sequences of control are the
The power electronic interface has some characteristics can be termed in the
following points: (1) The electronic interface contains the necessary circuitry
to convert power from one form to another one. This may include both a rec-
Chapter 1 17
tier and an inverter or just an inverter. (2) The power electronic interface is
compatible in voltage and frequency with the electric power system to which
nents are used to dynamically store energy for circuit power ow dampening,
of DGs improves through the ability to control harmonic contents of the out-
put voltage and current; moreover, to provide fast operation to switch modes
voltage of arbitrary amplitude and phase; therefore, this allows the DGs to
produce any power amount at any power factor. The electronic interfaces
have a wider operating power factor range than synchronous generators. This
can be an extremely useful, if the DGs are allowed to regulate voltage and/or
supply reactive power to the system, whereas the voltage regulation in con-
available. Typically, there is a DC bus within the electronic interface that can
of a common DC bus can also allow the integration of several DGs technologies
1. PQ-mode : The inverter only injects the power available at its input into
2. Vf-mode : The inverter is controlled to feed the grid with reference values
generators are usually interfaced to the microgrid by inverters and their in-
ertias are far from contributing to power system dynamics, in order to track
the maximum available power from the sustainable sources. However, there
some kinetic energy can be stored in the rotating parts, as the drive train part
of the wind turbine, in order to be used during voltage and frequency dips.
Consequently, this stored energy can contribute to improving the grid stability,
Some authors have discussed this important point. In [17] Morren proposed
a control strategy for wind turbines, to turn them more sensitive to power sys-
tem frequency dip, by means of an additional controller that adapts the torque
set point as a function of the grid frequency deviation. The emulated inertia is
proportional to the controller constant, and this loop is activated when the grid
justing the rotor speed and active power according to the deloaded optimum
power extraction curve. In [19] Anaya showed a controller which can dynami-
cally manipulate the position of a wind turbine rotor, to slow down the wind
temporary option, as it can be employed for the moment of frequency dip only.
Otherwise, the wind turbine will suer from stalling as it loses all its kinetic
energy. The main strategy which must be adopted to control the dispatch-
inverters is called droop control. The droop control strategy can enforce all
and frequency at the point of common coupling. Usually, there are multiple
DGs operating in parallel and feeding the microgrid, and so DGs must partici-
pate in the grid stabilization and voltage regulation. The frequency-droop and
dynamically changing the power sharing levels to set the frequency and voltage
at new values.
Some authors discussed this important point. In [20] Lopes showed the
is shared equally among dierent DGs. The proposed control separates the
tasks in the frequency domain, as power sharing and voltage regulation are
black start, by sequence of actions as the interfaces are controlled by the droop
tion dispatch levels by selecting the droop constants from a region where a
In [24] Seon proposed power exchange among dierent DGs by droop reg-
The proposed control among DGs in this thesis is based on the droop
and the dierences between microgrids and conventional grids were detailed.
and toxic emissions. Some vital terms as generation capacity, economic perfor-
tant topic at present; however, these renewable resources are usually given by
can lead to severe problems, such as system frequency oscillations and/or vio-
lations of power lines capability. The generation patterns resulting from these
renewable sources may have some similarities with the electricity demand pat-
terns, but they usually record deviations from the demand patterns. Conse-
in balance.
In [22] Moreira showed that during the black start, the connection of un-
the last step of the black start in order to smooth voltage and frequency vari-
In [25] Emanuel showed a critical case may occur, as a load demand may
be lower than the available power from photovoltaic solar arrays, and sub-
ahead, then processing an objective function to enhance the power quality for
all consumers.
demand supply of a microgrid with wind generators; the results show a capa-
Alba in [29] proposed a method for tracking the deviations between wind
a microgrid.
Obviously, the major dierence of generation between the wind power and
conventional power is related to the intermittent nature of the wind. The ef-
fectiveness of the wind power control is highly dependent upon the available
generation margin, which is decided from the available wind speed. In order
analysis of wind energy based on ecient wind speed sampling can play a key
As mentioned from the last Section, the rst objective of this thesis is to
grids supplied by wind generators. For this reason, capacity factor analyses of
wind speed sampling strategy, by reducing the variance of wind speed sam-
ples, and also including the correlations among wind speeds. Thus, each wind
Most researches related to wind power have used Monte Carlo for wind
speed sampling, taking into consideration that Monte Carlo technique accu-
mulates the samples in certain areas of the wind speed probability domain.
keeping the power balance is still more dicult for stand-alone microgrids,
scheduling more reserve for ensuring adequate security and reliability levels,
Figure 1.2 shows a sample of two interconnected areas. The tie line power
ow between both areas Ptie is managed by the automatic generation control
the control parameters of AGCs are updated according to annual load de-
energy prices, their variability is still much lower than uncertainty of the wind
microgrids. Moreover, the debate about the capacity needed from intermit-
quality is pivotal. For this sake, the purpose of Chapter 3 is to provide a study
isolated microgrids, supplied by wind energy and batteries. Hence, the maxi-
mum possible energy production at the lowest energy cost can be claried.
imum generation cost with stable power ow limits in the islolated mode or
each area, it is assumed that summation of the total power generation, load
demand and net tie-line interchange power is nearly zero. During an unstable
operation, the tie-line interchange power is assumed to ow from high capac-
Chapter 1 23
AGC area 1
AGC area 2
ity areas to low capacity areas. When the tie-line capacity is small and power
imbalance among dierent areas is large, then large oscillations in the tie-line
power will occur and the possibility of resynchronization among dierent gen-
eration units will be small. Thus, some generation units will be disconnected
from the operation. On the other hand, in the isolated microgrid mode, the
problems under faulty conditions, but also to instability under small distur-
bances, such as small changes in loads and power transfers that occur during
system, based on Elgerd (1982). The disturbance near to one of the power sta-
tions distorts the power balance at the neighbouring stations. The resulting
electromechanical swings in the power system can be compared with the way
ods from power imbalances have been set and handled from decades. These
standards can be briefed in the following terms: (1) Power system stabilizers
in rotor circuits. (2) Fast valving for steam turbines. (3) Braking resistors for
hydro turbines. (4) Defence plan strategy to handle the operation of turbines
stable generators
resynchronized generators
disturbed generator
inverters. The analysis proved that the dominant variables which could violate
Chapter 1 25
the system stability of the both synchronous generators and distributed gen-
for stability analysis of microgrids, because the generation sources in the case
of microgrids are non-conventional and their modellings are totally far from
For this important matter, some recent articles have discussed the small
signal stability of power systems supplied by wind energy. In [31] Ostadi proved
that stability in a grid supplied by wind turbines and a grid utility varies under
turbines and a utility grid varies under dierent wind speeds, and proposed a
In [33] and [34], both Lihui and Yang respectively proved that the stabil-
ity of a power system varies under dierent wind speeds, and determined the
dominant variables.
For the previous considerations, the small signal stability analysis are con-
generators and also generation sources interfaced via inverters, under dierent
The three topics of this thesis, which were discussed briey in this Section
will be more detailed through the following Sections. The rst topic belongs to
speed sampling strategy will be introduced in Section 1.6. The second topic
isolated microgrids supplied by wind energy and dierent energy storage sys-
tems will be shown in Section 1.7. The third topic belongs to small signal
stability analysis will be shown in Section 1.8. Finally, the thesis contributions
ing normal operation. Reliability evaluation techniques for these units are well
established and are routinely used in the capacity planning of electric power
energy sources are hourly and seasonal uctuating. Thus, capacity determi-
which can share supply microgrids with other distributed generators is rela-
tively complex.
Through last decades, power networks in Europe and North America in-
volved in several blackouts; however, in each case the blackout was caused by
has driven many observers to argue that there are underlying reasons for such
wind energy. Large changes of wind power due to changing weather patterns
mean that the actual network ow may be quite dierent from the predicted
energy. The reason for the interest in capacity factor analysis of a wind gen-
erator is that the analysis provides a smart, summarized indication about the
combined interaction between the generator and the site that is between wind
power curve and stochastic wind speed. Subsequently, the accurate wind en-
ergy capacity determination reduce the need for balancing energy and reserve
power, which are needed to integrate wind power into the balancing of sup-
ply and demand in electricity supply systems. Thus, power plant scheduling
the current and future wind power feed-in at each grid connection point. This
leads to lower integration costs for wind power, lower emissions from conven-
tional power plants used for balancing, and subsequently to a higher value of
Chapter 1 27
wind power.
cern about capacity factor analysis in such grids is that the proposal of consid-
rated and average power of wind generation units. This fact can be explained
of the microgrid may occur that make it possible for the maximum delivered
power to be less than the sum of power injections. However, before conducting
Figure 1.4a shows the wind time series during a day by dierent averaging
times in Germany, Ernst (ve minute and an hour) sampled wind time series.
It is observed that wind is more uctuating when the wind speed samples are
taken every ve minutes. The average value of the one hour sampled wind
series was 3.6 m/s, whereas the average value of the ve minutes sampled
wind series was 4.4 m/s. Thus, this gure explains well that the ve minutes
sampled wind series are spread over a wider area of wind speed values.
wind farm turbines and the distance separating these turbines. Normally, the
wind is driven by weather fronts and a daily pattern caused by the sun; de-
According to [35], the wind speed correlations among wind turbines based
decay parameter ranges from 500 to 700. Regardless the issue of correlations,
it is clear that the variations smooth out faster when the time scale is small.
The conclusion of this gure coincides with the conclusion of Figure 1.4a that
the wind speed series of the same wind distribution parameters, but at dif-
ferent sampling periods are spread over dierent values. Both gures indicate
the impossibility that the wind speed sampling can concentrate on a specic
the whole range of the event probability domain, and so the sampling process
can not cover all wind speed probabilities. Moreover, MCS is characterized by
wind power sampling typically lead to a degree of risk analysis and give the
For this reason, the wind speed sampling process based on LHS is adopted
in Chapter 2, in order to provide more accurate and reliable wind speed sam-
The proposed LHS sampling technique can stratify equally all wind speed
samples overall the wind speed probability domain. In Chapter 2, some com-
paritive simulations are conducted to clear the superiority of the LHS over the
conventional MCS.
The reliability of wind generators does not depend only on ecient deter-
mination of wind speed samples, but also on a wind speed correlation which
must be considered among dierent wind farm turbines. Clearly, wind speed
does not maintain a specied stable level, and so multi-state model must be
series model, which considers the time lagging eect among dierent wind tur-
In [38] Gao used a genetic algorithm method to adjust the ARMA models
and simulate hourly wind speed samples based on the degree of wind speed
method has the following desired properties: (1) It can be applied to all types
wind speed (m/s)
8 1h−sample
0 5 10 15 20
correlation coefficient
0.8 4h−avg
0.6 1h−avg
0.4 5min−avg
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
the capacity factor analysis can be used to evaluate the site-matching suitabil-
a microgrid supplied by wind turbines are vital issues, as it aects both the
energy, additional capacity is needed to meet actual load demands. The char-
acteristics of such grids require scheduling more reserve for ensuring adequate
security and reliability levels, but high reserve requirements may substantially
tal questions are always conducted regarding the optimum economical sizing
of microgrids. Moreover, the debate about the capacity needed from inter-
quality constraints is pivotal. For this sake, technical and economic analyses
In general, the most ecient wind turbine might not be the most eective
for transforming wind power in electric power on a specic site, and so the
main goal is to maximize the wind annual energy production [39]. The energy
production from a wind turbine depends on several factors, such as wind speed
conditions from the area and the characteristics of the wind turbine itself, in-
The selection of the optimal wind turbine has been discussed in some pa-
studies have been conducted regarding site matching of wind turbines. The
capacity factor curves was discussed in [40], but in general the economic con-
siderations of the turbine are not provided through wind site matching studies.
Other studies have focused on the matching of wind turbines to wind farms
and [42]. In [43], [44] and [45] Sureshkumar, Razak and Srivastava respectively
brid energy systems, but it does not take into consideration the droop regu-
lation of microgrid interfaces, and also does not account for the reserve issue,
software cannot be reliable to determine the denite optimum model from the
share microgrids supply with the intermittent wind energy, as generation must
power balance is still more dicult for stand-alone microgrids supplied by in-
termittent generators. The total requirements for these storage systems are
unclear at present, because most of the recent studies which have optimized
the capacity factor and economics of wind energy production, have not taken
into consideration the operation of storage systems, which share supply with
wind energy. Thus, the optimum point of operation is totally dierent, when
aspects of such storage systems are signicant and must be brought into the
economic evaluations.
by wind energy and various batteries via a multi-objective function. The op-
function of both capital costs and energy production. Hence, the maximum
possible energy production at the lowest cost of energy can be ensured, taking
yses are conducted also by simple payback and net present value.
feasibility for microgrids must be extended to satisfy the power balance and
32 Chapter 1
nal stability analysis is conducted in Chapter 4, and the purpose of the analysis
because all these constraints may cause perturbations, and subsequently insta-
inverters in distribution networks may not only lead to problems under faulty
changes in loads and power transfers, which occur during normal power system
operation. Moreover, the modelling of DFIGs are totally far from synchronous
the small signal stability study. Small signal stability is the ability of a power
The small signal stability analyses of conventional power systems have been
studied in many works. In [46] and [47], Wang and Evandro studied the small
Chapter 1 33
eters changes.
machinery and on the relationship between the active power and rotor angle
frequencies and intermittent energy sources which are DFIGs. Therefore, the
Microgrid small signal stability analyses have been conducted in some re-
cent papers. In [33] and [34], both Lihui and Yang respectively presented
tronic inverters.
All the previous microgrid stability studies belong to either microgrid sup-
high. In the case of grid-connected mode, the utility grid can provide an ade-
dierent in the case of isolated microgrid, as the available reserve and capabil-
ities of the whole system to recover from disturbances are limited, especially
and also DGs interfaced through inverters are conducted, under dierent sce-
grids, supplied by intermittent energy sources. These weak points are ac-
counted by the following terms: (1) The uncertainties of the generation ca-
pacity for microgrids, supplied by intermittent energy sources. (2) The full
insight regarding the economic and technical feasibility evaluation for micro-
grids are unclear at present. (3) Usually, microgrids are supplied by DGs via
and the behaviour of such DGs are totally far from conventional generation
For the all mentioned doubts, the thesis analyses and proposes solutions
Thesis contributions are summarized in the following points, also some com-
parisons between thesis contributions and other recent researches are shown
regarding wind farm. The model was sampled by Monte Carlo Markov
Vallée in [51] showed some clustering algorithms for wind turbines, in or-
der to group wind parks with close statistical behaviour, allowing highly
Chapter 1 35
tic way, and the evaluation was processed by the non sequential Monte
Carlo sampling.
In this thesis, a modied algorithm for wind speed sampling Latin Hy-
percube Sampling (LHS), based on [7] is adopted. The algorithm avoids
of wind speed samples, but also on wind speed correlations among wind
turbines based on the distance separating them. The wind speed does
wind speed samples for a wind farm. In [37] Wijarn employed the ARMA
time series model, which considers the time lagging eect among dierent
ARMA models, and to simulate hourly wind speed samples based on the
In [41] Tai determined the feasibility of a wind farm, via the capacity
factor of each wind turbine, under dierent values of tower height and
36 Chapter 1
rated wind speed, and determined the feasibility of the wind farm as a
In [42] Wang processed simulations for wind turbines under dierent hub
heights, diameters and mean wind speeds, to determine the most feasible
In this thesis, the issue of optimizing both energy production and eco-
the capacity factor and economics of wind turbines production, but have
which share the supply with wind generators. Therefore, the optimum
storage systems, if both wind turbines and storage systems are employed
This thesis provides benet evaluations for microgrids from the perspec-
energy units and batteries, all economic evaluations in the thesis are
ergy density, operational losses and life time. Through the thesis, some
the high cost that entails communication establishment between all dis-
plug & play cannot be conrmed. Through the thesis, the real-reactive
age the real-reactive power exchange in the system, several authors have
itates the desired real and reactive power ow between the utility and
All the previous authors proposed strategies to optimize the power ow
turbines and a grid utility varies, under dierent levels of wind penetra-
plied by wind turbines and a utility grid, under dierent wind speeds,
In [33] and [34], both Lihui and Yang respectively proved that the sta-
termittent energy source. Through this thesis, the stability analyses are
which are DFIGs and also other DGs interfaced by inverters. The reason
Chapter 1 39
which can violate the stability of microgrids. The analyses are processed
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
The main function of an electric power system is to meet its customers
demand with electrical energy by minimum possible cost; at the same time,
continuity and power quality must be ensured [54]. Advanced electric power
systems around the world have undergone de-regulation with major changes
Each part of the power chain, as power plant owners, transmission system
owners, operators, regulators and nally the customers are all involved in this
power availability and quality. Any modern society, can appreciate perfectly
how main necessities of daily life would be without energy. From statistics, it
is expected that necessity for available and high quality of power supply will
continue to increase.
system ability to satisfy the customer demand for electrical energy. Power sys-
tem reliability can be further subdivided into two dierent categories, system
System Reliability
system to meet the customer demand. These facilities include those parties of
the power chain to generate energy starting from power plants to transmission
and nally distribution networks required to transport the energy to the actual
consumer load points. On the other hand, system security is related to the
[54]. Therefore, to ensure a reliable power system, both reliability terms must
be well evaluated.
Wind energy is one of the fastest growing renewable energy sources; Fig-
ure 2.2 shows the total wind capacity installed around the world from 1980,
world [55] by the year 2008. The cost of energy from wind has dropped to the
point that in some sites it is nearly competitive with conventional sources. The
current total installed wind capacity in Canada is 2,577 MW, which is about
has 171.2 MW of installed wind capacity with the completion of the 150 MW
The World Energy Council has estimated that the wind energy capacity
worldwide may reach as high as 474,000 MW by the year 2020 [55]. In Canada,
Chapter 2 43
Ontario, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island have committed to generate
10%, 5% and 15% respectively of the total electricity production from renew-
able energy sources by the year 2010 [56]. Many countries around the world
Denmark, Spain [57] and Renewable Obligation in the UK [58] have driven the
Figure 2.2 explains the gradual increase in the wind energy production
x 10
wind production (MW)
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
traditional power systems, it has been urgent necessity to consider the relia-
bility evaluation for wind power production. Typically, the conventional gen-
erating units are capable of generating rated power during normal operation;
reliability evaluation for these units are well established and are routinely used
in the capacity planning of the electric power utilities. Wind energy sources
last decade, the power networks in Europe and North America involved in sev-
44 Chapter 2
Large changes of wind power due to changing weather patterns mean that
an actual network ow may be quite dierent from a predicted ow. Thus,
the reliability evaluation of power systems icluding the wind energy conversion
system reliability including wind energy in the past several years. The wind
generator unit has been modelled as a multi-state unit to evaluate the eect
tion, which is dependent on time variation and climatic change on the reliability
The reliability study has been extended in [62] to investigate the eect of
which indicates the ability of a generating plant to deliver its full capacity;
that the analysis provides a smart, summarized indication about the combined
interaction between the generator and the site that is between the wind power
curve and stochastic wind speed. Subsequently, the accurate wind energy ca-
pacity determination reduce the need for balancing energy and reserve power,
which are needed to integrate wind power into the balancing of supply and
as a large generator that is built up from several wind generation units cannot
be solved as a simple sum of individual rated and average power of wind gen-
eration units. This fact can be explained as the micogrid load is shared among
make it possible for the maximum delivered power to be less than the sum of
power injections.
egy, by reducing the variance of wind speed samples, and also including the
correlations among wind speeds; thus, each wind energy source status can be
by wind generators.
Most wind energy reliability studies have been conducted by one of the
stratications through the whole range of the event probability domain, and
so the sampling process can not cover all wind speed probabilities, as shown
in Figure 2.3 where the simulation is processed by ten samples, at wind scale
parameter equals to three. Wind speed samples by MCS are accumulated over
The MCS weak points typically lead to a degree of risk analysis and give
on wind generators. For this reason, a modied strategy for wind speed sam-
46 Chapter 2
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
wind speed sample (m/s)
ecient sampling technique for the wind speed, but also on a wind speed corre-
by sampling the wind speed by LHS strategy, then introducing the correla-
and also including the correlations among wind speeds. Thus, the states of
Chapter 2 47
wind turbines can be obtained in an accurate manner and wind turbines ade-
quacy term can be determined later more precisely by capacity factor measures,
technique of the wind speed, but also on correlation among wind turbines,
• Another important issue is shown through this Chapter that is the maxi-
Bayesian to set the distribution tting of the injected power to the mi-
crogrid from the wind turbines, explaining the eect of seasonal or loca-
tional wind speed variations on the shape of the output power, and so
• Capacity factor estimations for both wind turbines and microgrids are
ferent scenarios;
48 Chapter 2
• Finally, several case studies are conducted to measure the capacity factor
(Section 2.5);
tion 2.7);
(Section 2.9);
9. Capacity factor estimation for both wind turbines and microgrid (Section
stratied model of Monte Carlo called Latin hypercube sampling (LHS), and
The Latin Hypercube Sampling uses a stratied sampling to cover the whole
will be sampled;
As mentioned in [65], [66] and [67] regarding the wind speed distribution
50 Chapter 2
Other authors, as in [68] and [69] considered that the probability distribu-
tion of the wind speed of specic wind farms cant not be formed as weibull
The only considered parameters in this Chapter is the wind speed distribu-
weibull, by two parameters, scale and shape parameters, and sampled through
the CDF.
minimum limit of samples must be K+1; In [70], the author showed a necessary
condition that (N > 4/3K). Moreover, the desired partial rank correlation co-
to be 100.
equi-probable intervals
By assuming the parameter being sampled is x and its CDF is f (x), and
Each interval is indexed by i, and so the limits of each interval (ximin and
ximax ).
The integral of f (x) is assumed to be F (x), and so the transformation of
the probability values into the sample x is conducted by using the inverse of
xi = F (x)−1 (2.1)
The lower interval limit of the interval i is (ximin ) and the upper interval
limit (xmax ) is determined from equation (2.2).
Regarding the wind speed sampling, the CDF of the wind speed is divided
equations are applied to generate the samples from CDF function as shown in
Figure 2.4, as the simulation is processed by ten samples, at wind speed scale
cumulative distribution function−LHS
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
wind speed samples (m/s)
The LHS design involves random sampling without replacement; the equipr-
obable interval of each input variable is sampled once. LHS table is generated
The LHS design was rst proposed in [70]; a computer program based upon
The N sampling indices of the rst variable are combined randomly, with
the N sampling indices of the second variable. These N pairs are then paired
randomly with the N values of the third variable. The random pairing contin-
ues until all the K parameters are included and the N ×K matrix is generated
52 Chapter 2
Figures 2.5a and 2.6a represent the LHS sampling at wind speed scale pa-
rameters: 3 and 5; while, Figures 2.5b and 2.6b represent MCS sampling at
Clearly, Figures 2.5 and 2.6 show the superiority of the LHS over MCS at
The LHS ensures a better spread of the sample points over the sampling
space, while MCS lacks stratication and that is clear from MCS gures, where
some samples are accumulated over each other without equiprobable distribu-
among wind turbines is a must. Next Section will propose a correlation method
1 1
0.9 0.9
cumulative distribution function−Monte carlo
cumulative distribution function−LHS
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
wind speed sample (m/s) wind speed sample (m/s)
(a) (b)
1 1
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 5 10 0 5 10
wind speed sample (m/s) wind speed sample (m/s)
(a) (b)
The wind is driven by weather fronts and a daily pattern caused by the
eraging eect occurs, if the time series of generators are uncorrelated or only
partly correlated.
time series are perfectly correlated, and hence go up and down in exactly the
same manner. A coecient of (0) means that time series are randomly dis-
tributed. On the other hand, when the correlation coecient is (-1) meaning,
ilar distance, the correlation becomes weak when it reaches below 0.5, with
n i=1 (xi − µx )(yi − µy )
rx,y = (2.3)
σx σy
the number of points in the times series and rx,y is the coecient of correlation
When distributing the wind power production to larger area, the total pro-
duction will be smoother and less variable, if the correlations among the site
as shown in Figure 2.7, with decay parameter ranges from 500 to 700, based
on [35].
corss correlation
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
wind farms on power system reliability, this issue have been discussed through
many papers, as [72] and [73]. In [74], the correlation among wind farms based
Other papers have discussed the correlation issue for single time series, but
with time lags (auto-correlation). For the wind power, the auto-correlation
Chapter 2 55
decreases soon with increasing the time lag. Some authors discussed this im-
portant matter as in [37], by employing the ARMA time series model, which
considers the time lagging eect, noise and residual eects; thus, by choosing a
certain instant the correlation coecients among wind farms can be produced.
The sampling time was found to inuence signicantly the forecasting error
[75], as wind variation in one site aects the another site when a delay time
method has some desired properties as it can be applied on all types of input
cal computations and the marginal distribution of wind speed samples remain
The LHS design is proposed for models, where all of input variables are
However, if the samples are stratied as in the LHS case, then this approach
destroys the integrity of the stratied samples, and so the values obtained from
linear combinations will no longer map back into each of the original structure.
aect both the random samples and stratied samples, as the marginal distri-
The adopted strategy in this Chapter for introducing the correlations among
wind turbines is based on [7], the methodology replaces the random pairing of
the (N ) values of each input parameter with a restricted pairing. This new
because the restricted pairing can reduce spurious correlations and induce the
correlation matrix I and C is the desired correlation matrix. The matrix C can
variables close to the target correlation matrix. The main steps of correlation:
matrix equal to C;
6. Rearranging the values of each variable in R, so they have the same rank
order as the target matrix R∗ .
method applies the rank sorting approach when the input variables are related
distribution, by then it is not the purpose of the current study. Thus, Iman's
to correlation values from Figure 2.7. By measuring the distance among the
0 20 40 60 80 100
wind speed (m/s)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 2.9 clears the deviation between each turbine sample and its corre-
spondent in the other turbines at the same time. Figure 2.9a represents the
correlation. Figure 2.9b represents the deviations in time series among wind
58 Chapter 2
a curve tting for the wind turbines must be conducted, which can take into
consideration null wind speed samples. Therefore, steps for conducting curve
tting of the proposed wind turbine in this Chapter will be shown in the next
in [77], but this model did not account well for dierent regions of operation;
proposes a curve tting which can describe well the nonlinearity of the turbine
operation through all possible wind speed ranges, including the null wind speed
The selected turbine for tting is Enercon-E40 600 kW rated power, cut-in
(wi ), cut-out (wf ) and rated speeds (wr ): 2.5, 28 and 12.5 m/sec respectively.
The collected wind turbine energy is null below wi ; also wind turbine energy
pitch control is activated to protect the mechanical parts of the turbine. The
blending speed (wm =10 m/s) is selected to separate two regions (II) and (III),
as shown in Figure 2.10, in order to reduce the tting errors which may occur
square residuals of the turbine curve. Contrary to [78], where the author
applied two third polynomials to t the turbine curve and resulted in diculties
The dierent operating regions of the wind turbine are shown in Figure 2.10
• Regions II and III, where the wind power varies according to wind speed,
as wi ≤ w ≤ wr ;
• Region IV, where the turbine power is always constant and equals to the
rated power, as wr ≤ w ≤ wf .
The tting of the whole wind turbine is shown in Figure 2.10, manufacturer
data are shown by diamonds; also dierent operating ranges of the wind turbine
0 w < wi or w > wf ,
Pg = a3 w3 + a0 if wi ≤ w ≤ wr , (2.4)
if wm ≤ w ≤ wr .
1+e( −(w−b2 )b3 )
order to obtain the wind power samples directly from wind speed samples by
an inversion process.
the wind turbine. It can serve to determine directly the turbine power from the
probability function of the wind speed. Thereafter, the CDF can be employed
to calculate the capacity factor of each wind turbine that serves the microgrid.
In the previous Section, a direct relation to obtain the turbine power sam-
ples from wind speed samples was shown as Pg = g(w), such a relation makes
it dicult to infer a closed form of the (power CDF) FPg (y) from the (wind
CDF) Fw (g (y)). As a result of the turbine power curve has separate and
there are ve operating regions of the wind turbine, and so the power CDF
must be divided also into ve separate regions (FP I (y) , FP II (y) , FP III (y) , FP IV (y)
g g g g
60 Chapter 2
turbine power (p.u)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
wind speed (m/s)
1 + Fw (wi ) − Fw (wf )
if w < wi or w > wf ,
1 + Fw (g −1 (y) − Fw (wf )) if wi ≤ w ≤ wm ,
FPg (y) = (2.5)
1 + Fw (g −1 (y) − Fw (wf )) if wm ≤ w ≤ wr ,
1 if w ≥ wf
Figure 2.11a shows the cumulative distribution of the wind power at wind
speed scale parameter equals to three, while Figure 2.11b shows the cumulative
distribution of the wind power at wind speed scale parameter equals to eight.
Clearly, if the wind scale parameter is low, then a higher probability of calm
wind speed samples, and subsequently null wind power production results.
After conducting the formula of the probabilistic wind power CDF, now
the turn is for a wind power sample derivation (Pg ) from a given wind speed
Chapter 2 61
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
power samples (p.u)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
power samples (p.u)
0 ≤ ξ ≤ FPg (0),
0 if
F −1II if FPg (0) ≤ ξ < FPg (g(wm )),
P (ξ)
FPg−1 (ξ) = (2.6)
FP−1III (ξ) if FPg (g(wm )) ≤ ξ < FPg (g(wr )),
1 if otherwise.
to show the locations of the wind turbines where the wind speed samples are
applied, the static loads and the microgrid supporting units (MSUs).
• Five microgrid supporting units (MSU), which are fed from Enercon-E40
• Three dynamic loads, mainly induction motors at nodes (2, 4 and 9).
The power and frequency are regulated by the droop control constants
(5 × 10 rad/W/s) of the MSUs, the nominal power of each MSU is 0.12 MW
and the base power of the microgrid is 1.27 MW. Thus, each wind turbine has
0.472 p.u, as a rated power. The balance between the demand and supply
is handled by the droop control strategy. Figures 2.13 and 2.14 show P −ω
and v − Q droop control by MSU interfaces. Equations (2.7) and (2.8) explain
order to evaluate the capacity factor of the wind turbines. A global optimiza-
tion technique Global Search will be used in the following Section to obtain
64 Chapter 2
other optimization techniques, which usually attain only local maximum load-
power demand that the microgird can meet. The maximum loadability can
that represents load increment; the set x represents the microgrid variables; h
and g respectively represent the microgrid equality and inequality constraints.
maxθ θ
s.t h(x, θ) = 0 g(x, θ) ≤ 0 (2.9)
element from some set of available alternatives. This process must be employed
collectively termed constraints over a set of unknown real variables along with
lowing form:
min f (x)
s.t h(x) = 0 g(x) ≤ 0 (2.10)
dened by two conditions. Therefore, the two main conditions must be met
Chapter 2 65
by an optimization solver.
By assuming (x ) to be a point satisfying the constraints of equation 2.11,
must be met, as shown from equations (2.13) and (2.14). Stating gj (x∗ ) < 0
implies that µj = 0 and µj > 0 implies gj (x∗ ) = 0.
min f (x)
s.t h(x) = 0 g(x) ≤ 0 (2.12)
µT g(x∗ ) = 0 (2.14)
µ≥0 (2.15)
µT g(x∗ ) = 0 (2.16)
number of local minima in the search space. A good local minima are dicult
66 Chapter 2
to be found by local search methods, because solver stops at each local min-
locate the optimum solution as shown in Figure 2.15. This methodology can
eciently realize the global solution; moreover, it converges with high dimen-
sional systems.
Figure 2.15 explains the steps of this technique. The main steps of Global
method. These trial points are then ltered by checking an initial condi-
tion, as if the distance between the trial points and expected local solver
points are greater than the preset standard distance, then these trial
point are accepted and the optimization process starts from each of the
ltered points;
3. Check if all trial points are rejected, if so the global solver generates
other starting trial points and repeats the optimization process again;
4. After analyzing a set of accepted trial points by the scatter search algo-
The Maximum
Update the step size to No
number of trials
local solvers exists?
Figure 2.16 shows histograms of 100 samples of injected power from each
1.4. As mentioned from Section 2.6, the base power of the whole microgrid
is 1.27 MW, while the rated power of each wind turbine is 600 kW, which
Figure 2.16 contains two arrows, arrow 1 indicates a bulk of ve histograms,
power samples. Arrow 2 indicates the total injected power to the microgrid.
0.47p.u, while the total injected power represented by arrow 2 ranges from 0
to 2.74p.u.
in Figure 2.16 have two peaks at the beginning and the end of each histogram;
left peak represents the null power production, when the wind speed samples
are lower than the cut-in speed of the wind turbine, whereas the right peak
represents the rated power production, if the wind speed samples are higher
Worthy to mention, the two peaks left and right ones of each histogram
depend on the stochastic parameters of the wind speed. If the wind scale pa-
rameter is high, then the histogram will shift to the right side much more and
the frequency of the injected power will be distributed all over the horizontal
axis of the injected power domain. On the other hand, if the wind scale pa-
rameter is low, then the left histogram peak will be more salient and the right
the distribution frequency of the total injected power to the grid diers from
the total injected power by all wind generators in microgrid. Therefore, the
connected to the grid. Regardless the losses in each branch among the micro-
grid nodes, the correlations among generators plays an important role in such
Chapter 2 69
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
real power (p.u)
tion functions for wind speed samples only, the model selection criteria will
be applied in the next Section to obtain the distribution tting of the injected
power to the microgrid and to indicate that distribution ttings may change
depending on the mean wind speed and the wind turbine characteristic.
tion functions by model selection criteria, in order to obtain the wind power
In this Section, the model selection criteria are conducted to infer the dis-
tribution of the output power from the wind turbines and microgrid directly.
Therefore, the analysis can be used as an index for the total microgrid energy
production and capacity factor, according to mean wind speeds, wind turbine
70 Chapter 2
Many recent researches are concerned with the question of the model choice;
sequently they are in need to study how such data aect the outcome. Both fre-
quentist and Bayesian schools have discussed this issue by dierent methodolo-
the model. In each statistical model, the estimation may be thought as the
in general, when one model clearly dominates the others that the choice is
tifying full reality. The idea can be briefed by adding parameters to a model,
same time the parameter estimates are worse, because less data per parameter
Many techniques have been developed to cope with the diculty of dis-
t, to select a simple model with the highest predictive power in a parsimonious
a model via penalizing a log-likelihood type criterion goes back to the early
Therefore, the two methods, Akaike Information Criterion [82] and the Bayesian
Chapter 2 71
Information Criterion [83] are applied through this Chapter; the aim of these
methods is to penalize the error of the model on the training data, to estimate
the microgrid. Before proceeding in the both criteria, the error measure (like-
lihood) must be introduced, because both criteria AIC and BIC depend on the
likelihood measure.
the certainty that the model can generate the data set and zero represents the
l[P (X|Θ)] = P (xi |ϑ) (2.18)
datum, N is the number of observations and ϑ is the list of the model param-
eters. The likelihood is always a very small number which results in underow
log(l[P (X|Θ)]) = log[ P (xi |ϑ)]
= log([P (xi |ϑ)])
[-∞, 0], minus innity represents the incapacity of the model to generate the
data set and zero represents the certitude that this model can eciently gen-
erate the data. This criteria is to evaluate the error in measurements and is
One of the most commonly used information criteria is AIC. The idea of
AIC [82] is to select the model that minimizes the negative likelihood penalized
parameters. Only the error measure (−ll[•]) and the number of the free pa-
rameters in the model are needed. The model which has the minimum AIC
value will be chosen. AIC is aimed at nding the best approximating model
to the unknown true data, while penalizing the model for its complexity.
The BIC [83] is similar to the AIC [82], except that it is motivated by
BIC diers from AIC only in the second term, which depends on the sample
size N. The model with the smallest BIC is equivalent to the model with the
highest probability. BIC can be used not only to choose the best model, but
In [85], the simulation results indicated the ability of AIC to select a true
model rapidly increases with the sample size, but at larger sample sizes it con-
Contrary to AIC, BIC tends to outperform AIC in large sample size and
By employing both AIC and BIC for obtaining the best probabilistic rep-
resentation of the injected power to the microgrid, the models with the lowest
AIC and BIC are considered as the best distribution probability of the micorgid
all scenarios, the distribution tting always depends on the mean wind speeds
and characteristics of wind turbines; thus, it may change from one scenario to
Chapter 2 73
Figure 2.17 explains the goodness of t of the total injected power by 100
samples to the micorgrid, at scale and shape parameters of wind speed 8 and
functions. Figure 2.18, explains the error between the empirical distribution
The concept of the choice is based on choosing the minimum value of AIC
and BIC as shown from Table 2.1. The minimum values record always rst;
such tted distributions depend also on the stochastic parameters of the wind
the injected power. Usually, the main reason of the wind energy analysis is
always to determine the capacity factor, which wind turbines can provide, in
order to evaluate their feasibilities for service. The capacity factor calcula-
tions for both wind turbines and the whole microgid will be shown in the next
0.2 generalized pareto
0.1 generalized extreme value
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
active power (p.u)
Input weibull
scale 8
shape 1.4
BIC 171.66
AIC 163.84
shape -1.12
scale 2.77
threshold 0
Exponential (2)
BIC 212.70
AIC 210.09
scale 1.04
BIC 265.62
AIC 257.80
shape 1.89
scale 0.29
location 0.14
Normal (4)
BIC 276.40
AIC 271.19
location 1.04
scale 0.92
Chapter 2 75
generalized pareto
0.6 exponential
generalized extreme value
0.5 normal
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
active power (p.u)
power systems around the world, it has been a must to consider the capacity
credits of the wind energy systems. In [86] and [87], the authors focused on
the capacity credit calculations of the wind energy system, which is associated
The increase in the penetration of the wind generation in the recent years
has led to a number of challenges for the planning and operation of the power
The power system reliability is divided into two basic aspects, system se-
curity and system adequacy as shown in Figure 2.1. The system is secure,
served due to the addition in generation capacity, and at the same time main-
taining the existing levels of reliability. The variability of the stochastic nature
The capacity factor (CF) of a wind generator is the ratio of the actual out-
put turbine power over a period of time, to its full nameplate capacity output
for the same period of time. For wind generation, the capacity factor depends
of the wind turbine, such as cut-in, cut-out and rated wind speeds. It is a
percentage of the electrical power that a wind turbine is able to supply from
between a wind generator and a site that is between the wind power curve and
quotient between delivered and rated energy over a given period of time as
in [90], whereas in [40] and [91], it was conducted from the mean cubic wind
Through this Section, the capacity factor of the wind energy is studied to
serve an important issue which is the site-matching with the isolated micro-
grid. The comparison between the capacity factor of each wind turbine and
the capacity factor of the whole microgrid is a must, because the capacity fac-
that is built up from several minor wind generation units, because the droop
Table 2.2 shows a summary of the mean injected power to the microgrid,
the capacity factor of the individual wind turbines and the capacity factor of
the whole microgrid. The capacity factor of the wind turbines ranges from
42.3% to 45.6%, while the capacity factor of the whole microgrid records only
42.16%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the droop regulation of the MSU
interfaces causes a drop in the capacity factor of the microgrid. The droop con-
stants of MSUs play an important role in restricting the maximum power of the
micorgrid. This conclusion explains the behaviour of MSU when it reaches its
whenever the bifurcation occurs, the microgrid can never support any more
Chapter 2 77
Moreover, the capacity factor of each wind turbine is dierent from the
other turbines, and also dierent from the capacity factor of the whole micro-
bifurcation limits of the microgrid, under dierent mean wind speeds and MSUs
following Section.
Input weibull
scale 8
shape 1.4
Enercon E40
ing such instability moments, the reactive power demand may be higher than
the supply reactive power and the voltage starts to decrease. Consequently,
the dierence between the reactive power supply and reactive power demand
increases and the voltage falls to a very small value (Voltage Collapse).
stability margin, as the distance to saddle node bifurcation (SNB) from the
current loading point, by increasing the loading level until a voltage, a current
or a voltage stability limit is detected in the power ow model. The CPF is
given scalar variable. This scalar parameter is typically known as the bifurca-
another way via applying CPF to the maximum microgrid loadability samples
as shown in Figure 2.19. The gure explains the behaviour of MSU interfaces
when restricting their Pmax ; solid line curve shows MSUs without power limits;
dashed line curve shows one MSU with power limitation; and dotted line curve
The CPF explains well the behaviour of the microgrid when tightening the
power limitation of MSU interfaces, as each MSU can deliver power from zero
to Pmax , while when it reaches its Pmax , the voltage degradation limit starts
to occur. Consequently, the bifurcation occurs and the microgrid can never
It is clear that the more restriction on power limitation, the earlier bifurca-
tion will occur, because the voltage is continuously degraded down to a point
in which a saddle-node bifurcation occurs; the same results were shown in [94].
wind speeds and dierent MSUs droop constants will be shown in the follow-
ing Section, in order to clear this phenomena and observe which is the most
reliable scenario, and so the microgrid can meet the increased demand.
voltage (p.u)
3.00 3.37 3.75 4.11 4.48
load (p.u)
factor. All cases of simulations in Figure 2.20 are processed for 100 sample,
based on [1]; each box represents the lower and upper quartiles (Q1 and Q3);
the horizontal line within the box shows the median (Q1), while maximum and
minimum values are represented by whiskers; the average value of each case is
plotted by (⋄), while capacity factor of each case is plotted by (∗). The details
while the droop regulation constant is 0.5 of the base droop, and the
while the droop regulation constant is 0.25 of the base droop, and the
80 Chapter 2
while the droop regulation constant is 0.1 of the base droop, and the
while the droop regulation constant is 0.5 of the base droop, Enercon
while the droop regulation constant is 0.25 of the base droop, Enercon
V52-850 kW;
while the droop regulation constant is 0.1 of the base droop, Enercon
V52-850 kW;
while the droop regulation constant is 0.1 of the base droop, and the
while the droop regulation constant is 0.1 of the base droop, Enercon
V52-850 kW;
while the droop regulation constant is 0.1 of the base droop, and the
10. Case10−→ wind speed scale and shape parameters: 6, 1.4 respectively,
while the droop regulation constant is 0.1 of the base droop, Enercon
case no.
Figure 2.20: Box plot of several scenarios.
The cases from one to three explain the gradual increase in the maximum
power limitation of each MSU; as shown, the highest limitation occurs when
the droop is high, as in the rst case. Thus, both the average power and ca-
pacity factor are lower than the third case, because the droop of MSUs is the
The cases from four to six ensure again the same results obtained from
cases one to three, as some of wind turbines are replaced by higher capacity
wind turbines. Therefore, the results as shown from Figure 2.20 indicate the
mean power and the capacity factor of the cases four to six are slightly higher
than their correspondents of the cases from one to three. By decreasing the
MSUs droops, the capacity factor and the average power rise again.
One of the interesting results that the cases nine and ten, where the wind
scale parameter equals six have average power and capacity factor higher than
cases one and two, where wind scale parameter equals eight. The clue of this
conclusion can be veried, as both the rst and second cases show a higher
restriction on MSUs by high droops, and this conclusion clears the dramatic
The previous cases show the eect of changing the droops of MSU inter-
faces, as the highest droop leads to the highest restriction on the delivered
power. The conditions are dierent in cases seven to ten, as the parameters
82 Chapter 2
which are tested through these cases are the stochastic parameters of the wind
speed. The scale parameter is reduced to four in cases seven and eight, while
in cases nine and ten the scale parameter is six. Figure 2.20 shows the lowest
scale parameter causes a dramatic fall in the average power and the capacity
Regarding Figure 2.20, it is clear that the delivered power varies according
to the wind turbines characteristics, the mean wind speed and the MSUs droop
The results of this Chapter show that the capacity factor of droop-regulated
speed stochastic parameters, droop regulation values of MSUs and the char-
capacity and reserve of a microgrid supplied by wind turbines are vital issues,
as it aects both the stability and economic performance of the whole micro-
more detailed, by considering analysis for both energy production and eco-
nomic evaluations.
Chapter 3 83
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
In rural areas, it is very dicult as well as uneconomical to transmit power
over long distances through transmission lines to supply such areas. The lack
extension and rough topography often leads to other options to supply energy.
found promising ways to satisfy the energy supply requirements for these areas
The need for ecient electric power sources in remote locations is a driving
economic penalties for electricity, because they import diesel as a primary fuel
fossil fuels. In these remote locations, renewable resources and advanced tech-
nologies, coupled with energy storage systems, can compete eciently with
The wind power is considered as one of the main possible energy sources
84 Chapter 3
wind power utilization through last years, environmental concerns and the ris-
ing cost of fossil fuel generation in many developing parts of the world have
led the energy cost of the wind power to fall one seventh of the cost in the
early 1980s [98]. In the United States, the wind energy production has shown
average annual growth 24% during the past 5 years [99]. Also in Europe, the
growth of wind energy production has shown extraordinary records before 2010
three main components: (1) Fuel cost. (2) Operation and maintenance costs.
avoided energy cost by wind power depends on the degree to which wind power
In general, wind energy avoids the full fuel cost and a considerable portion
ever, the level of avoided capital costs depends on the extent to which wind
power capacity can displace the conventional units, and so this level is directly
the uncertainty nature that it is unpredicted source of energy, and so the wind
about the eect of the wind speed variation on the operating costs of the sys-
tems. The system must maintain the balance between the demand and total
generated power from the wind energy. The costs associated with maintaining
tal questions are always conducted regarding the optimum economical sizing
constraints of power quality. For this sake, technical and economic analyses
competitive markets.
independent system operators, and the contracts between generators and cus-
this subsequently means a drastic increase in risk for generators [102]. Hence,
tal costs, such as gas turbines, despite their high operating costs. Consequently,
the wind energy, which is characterised by high capital cost, is hurt by the shift
a given price during a particular hour. The failure to meet the committed
generators which are unable to meet their commitments and nally the wind
analysis for microgrids, supplied by wind energy and energy storage systems,
from both economic evaluation models and generation capacities views. These
proles can be adopted to enhance and promote the wind energy contributions
in competitive markets.
are illustrated; moreover, pie charts are shown, to explain the daily power gen-
eration percentage, distributed between the load demand and system reserve
In general, the most ecient wind turbine might not be the most eective
for transforming wind power into electric power on a specic site, and so the
main goal is to maximize the wind annual energy production [39]. The energy
conditions from the area and the characteristics of the wind turbine itself, in-
86 Chapter 3
pacity factor. The selection of optimal wind turbines has been discussed in
some papers based on maximization of the capacity factor [40]. The choice of
magnifying the wind turbine output and contributes to a reduction of the cost
of energy [104], which is the main parameter used to compare economic per-
formances of systems.
capacity factor curves were discussed in [40], but in general the economic con-
siderations of the turbine are not provided through wind site matching studies.
Other studies have focused on the matching of wind turbines to wind farms
and [42].
share microgrids supply with wind energy sources, as the generation must al-
ways be as close as possible to system loads. The problem of keeping the power
reserve for ensuring adequate security and reliability levels, but the higher
ply systems. The total requirements for these storage systems are unclear at
present, because most of the recent studies which have optimized the capacity
factor and economics of wind energy production, have not taken into consid-
eration the operation of storage systems that share supply with wind energy.
Thus, the optimum point of operation is totally dierent when considering the
The performance and economic aspects of such storage systems are signif-
icant and must be brought into the economic evaluation, so the microgrid can
ity requirement.
Chapter 3 87
the generation sources. Hence, the maximum possible energy production and
the lowest cost of energy can be ensured, taking into consideration the droop
Before conducting the proposed simulations, the sources of data which are used
the batteries, the characteristics of several wind turbines and nally the em-
The layout of the microgrid is shown in Figure 3.1. The power and frequency
of MSUs are regulated by droop constants: (9.4 × 10−6 rad/W/s); the base
power of the microgrid is 900 kW; the rated power of each MSU is 5 p.u. The
• Three wind turbine at nodes (6, 12 and 14), the rating of these turbines
• System Reserve Unit (SRU); the function of SRU is to store the excess
higher than the load demand. The stored power in SRU can be used in
MSU interface
MSU interface
static load
Microgrids with a large number of MSUs may suer from reactive power
alleviates the large circulating reactive currents amongst MSUs. The circu-
Equations (3.1) and (3.2) explain the operational characteristic of the MSUs
The droop formulation depends on two possible states (with and without
power limit reached). In the rst state, the generated power Pg is less than the
maximum limit of power generation Pg , whereas the second state considers
the generated power as constant, because the power limit is reached. The
frequency can freely vary in both states, searching for an equilibrium in the
load share among all the generation units. The problem can be reformulated
by equation (3.3).
Pgmax − Pg if Pgmax ≥ Pg .
f= (3.3)
ω 0 − ω + mp (Pg0 − Pg ) if Pg < Pgmax .
the state that will be active upon the operating point computation is not
be hindered.
the provided algorithm solves the problem easier by less iteration process to
nd the equilibrium point. The NCP reformed equation (3.3) to equation (3.4).
as Ψ : R2 → R satisfying:
90 Chapter 3
Ψ(a, b) = 0 ⇔ a ≥ 0, b ≥ 0, ab = 0 (3.5)
as shown in (3.6).
Ψ(a, b) = a2 + b2 − (a + b) (3.6)
The daily operation of the batteries must be veried to ensure that every
day the batteries start supplying loads with the same capacity as the previous
Typically, each battery is rated to a certain capacity (kW) and feeds MSUs,
which are tuned by droop rules of (P − ω) and v − Q. Each MSU has a maxi-
mum power constraint Pmax , which the inverter can never surpass.
During the rst daily simulation sample, the maximum power constraint
Pmax must be equal to the rated capacity of each battery, but after each sam-
ple, if the battery discharges, the maximum power constraint of the inverter
Pmax must be subtracted from the consumed energy of the battery, till the bat-
tery depth of discharge is higher than 0.99 and the maximum power constraint
nearly equals zero. Thus, the battery must be out of service for the charging
During the charging process of the battery, the wind turbines or other dis-
charging batteries can supply the charged battery till the maximum power
batteries, in order to obtain the desired voltage and capacity. A Battery con-
sists of a set of cells connected together in series, parallel or both. Each cell
electrolyte enables the exchange of ions between the two electrodes, while the
Ed /ηd
Discharging : Cstbat (t + 1) = Cstbat (t) − ∆tPt
Ec /ηc
Charging : Cstbat (t + 1) = Cstbat (t) + ∆tPt (3.7)
0 ≤ PtEd ≤ PEdmax
0 ≤ PtEc ≤ PEcmax (3.8)
PtEd : Power discharged by the battery bank during the time period (t);
PtEc : Power charged by the grid to the battery bank during the time
period (t);
ηd : Discharge eciency;
ηc : Charge eciency;
Worthy to mention that during the rst and last sample every day, the
consumed energy of each battery must be zero, and the remaining capacity
The daily operation of the battery is shown by Figure 3.2, the gure ex-
consideration that the simulation is processed at base power equals to 150 kW.
92 Chapter 3
inverter power(p.u)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Typically, the wind turbine is classied by the cut-in speed, rated speed
and uring speed that complies with equation (3.10). Through this Chapter,
The daily operation of each turbine is shown in Figure 3.3. When the
wind turbine power is higher than demand load, the rest wind power will be
charge batteries.
(w2 −w2 )
Prated w2 −wi2 if wi ≤ w ≤ wr .
r i
Enercon-E33 330 3 13 28
Enercon-E44 900 3 16 28
Enercon-E82 2000 2 13 28
Vestas-V80 1800 4 15 25
0 5 10 15 20 25
cision and considers both the eectiveness and cost data for two or more
Most economic measures are valid for most investments, and it is usually
a good idea to compute several of the measures to better evaluate the invest-
are the most appropriate for a specic analysis. Dierent economic measures
show the most feasible case for the microgrid. The main concern regarding
the economic evaluation belongs to cost of energy analysis (COE), but other
economic evaluation models, such as simple payback (SPB) and net present
value (NPV) are also conducted, in order to determine the protable gains of
(kWh) of electricity including some items, such as the total cost of the gen-
erating plant, operating the plant over its life time, the nancing costs, the
return on equity and the depreciation factor. COE is a keen method to compare
COE model for wind turbines is based on [107] and is represented by equation
F CR × Cbat + CO&M + U Ce
COE = (3.12)
By assuming the following variables:
inally a little value and approximated to 0.7% of the Cwp [107]. Therefore, by
ignoring this term, the COE would result in the same design as minimizing
SPB. The xed charge rate F CR is the annual amount per dollar of the initial
capital cost needed to cover the capital cost items, such as debt payments and
battery type, based on [108] and [109], whereas the variable operation and
maintenance cost for batteries are neglected. The unit cost of input electricity
For simplicity, the numerator terms of equations (3.11) and (3.12) will be
referred in the following Sections as Fwt (Ewt ) and Fbat (Ebat ) respectively.
The AEP corresponds to the integral of the power which is injected into
the grid over a year, taking into consideration that this thesis adopts an aver-
age availability of 0.9 for wind turbines. Thus, the annual energy production
of a wind turbine depends on the turbine power output and the probability of
96 Chapter 3
wind speed.
The levelized cost of energy mentioned in this Section has some limitations,
such as it does not allow for variable equity return and assumes that the debt-
Simple Payback
ically, COE is not indication to this issue. Thereby, another measure must
be considered. Simple payback (SPB) is the number of years which the plant
SP B = (3.13)
By assuming the following variables:
T: Time in hours;
The model assumes the wind turbine will produce the same amount of elec-
tricity each year. As the simple payback does not consider the discount rate or
life of the project, the optimal design obtained using simple payback analysis
The Net present value (NPV) is another model for economic evaluation
which takes into consideration the time value of money, as money value of
today will worth more some years later. Any amount of money to be invested
backs a return higher than the rate of ination. Therefore, the future prots
The present value of the costs is the initial capital cost Cwp , assuming that
the wind power production is the same from year to year, considering the
produced electric energy and annual revenue are always constant from year
to year, and so the uniform cash ow must be discounted as it occurs in the
( )
(1 + i)L − 1
N P V = AAR × − Cwp (3.15)
i(1 + i)L
i: Discount rate;
projects, the one with highest NPV will be chosen, taking into consideration
both discount rate and investment life of the project are eective items in any
protable project, as they directly aect the optimal design of a wind turbine.
All the mentioned economic evaluations models in this Section will be di-
rectly applied to the all simulated microgrids in this Chapter, for the purpose
The mentioned sources of data in this Section will be used later for the
mentioned before, the purpose of this Chapter is to optimize both the energy
98 Chapter 3
show an interesting manner for optimizing the wind turbine specic rating.
as wind speed conditions from the area and the characteristics of the wind
turbine itself, including the cut-in, rated and cut-o wind speed parameters.
The turbine of high power rating might not be the most eective for trans-
forming wind power into electric power on a specic site, and so the main
goal becomes the maximization of the annual energy production [39], or the
since an annual energy production can be obtained with dierent turbine de-
signs and the one should be chosen where the cost of energy is the minimum.
The turbine rotor diameter is the main element which determines the tur-
bine size, energy production, and subsequently its capital cost [107].
The cost model of the wind turbine is suitable for extrapolation in terms
of the rotor diameter (D ) and rated power, and is shown by Table 3.2, based
on [107]. The cost model is used to calculate the cost of turbines with rotor
Thus, if the components of the turbine can be scaled down, mainly the
rotor diameter, then minimizing the wind turbine capital cost will be possible.
The optimal wind turbine rating for a given application is determined by the
wind turbine rating ratio (rr ): the ratio of the turbine rated wind speed wr to
Figure 3.4 shows the power curve of turbines with reduced rating ratios
have more spacious area between the rated turbine speed and cut-out speed;
each zone shown in this gure explains a dierent value of the rating ratio
rr . Therefore, the scaled down turbine, which has lower rr spends more time
Chapter 3 99
capacity factor than other turbines of higher rr . Moreover, Figure 3.5 explains
that wind turbine capital cost decline with reduction of the rating ratio, based
on [113].
The objective of this Section is to scale down a wind turbine and to check
wind output/rated output
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
wind speed/mean wind speed
fixed block
9 torque block
thrust block
8 power block
per turbine cost (106$)
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
rating ratio r
Item Equations
0.0703×D + 0.6781×D
3 2.5025
Blade - 29471
Hub + 5680.3
Pitch system
−4 −4
1.2267×10 ×D - 3.0360×10 ×D
3.5 2.5
Generator 219.33×Prated
Yaw system
Main frame
Railing Platform
Cooling 12×Prated
Tower + 2669
2 0.4037
Foundation )
102 Chapter 3
Item Equations
2.17×10 ×Prated - 0.0145×Prated + 69.54
Converter 79×Prated
D: Rotor diameter;
The rst optimization step in this Section is to scale down a wind turbine,
by minimizing its capital cost at a specic base load power. The objective
min Cwp (D, Prated ) (3.16)
The optimization solver is run at average wind speed 4 m/s, and reaches
to a turbine of 40 m diameter and rated power 600 kW, which coincides with
decreasing ICC of the wind turbine may reduce its AEP . If one step does not
balance out the another one, the proposed scaled down wind turbine may ac-
tually has a negative eect. It is necessary to study the impact of scaling down
kW) and another turbine with higher rating which is chosen to be (Enercon-
A wind speed time series of average value 4 m/s and a duration curve of
load demand are applied for the proposed comparative simulation. Thus, the
cost of energy is minimized during every time series sample. The purpose of
this step is to force the wind turbine and batteries to produce the maximum
available power at the lowest cost of energy. The objective function of this
Figure 3.6a shows the curve tting of Enercon-600 kW; Figure 3.6b shows
the curve tting of Enercon-900 kW. The diamonds in Figure 3.6 indicate the
manufacturer data.
( )
Fwt (Ewt ) Fbat (Ebat )
min + (3.17)
Ewt Ebat
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
wind speed (m/s)
From Table 3.3, it can be concluded that the decision of choosing (Enrecon-
E40 600 kW) is more optimal than choosing (Enrecon-E44 900 kW), from the
The capital cost, cost of energy and simple pay back of the 600 kW turbine
are lower than the correspondent results of the 900 kW turbine. Moreover, the
net present value, capacity factor and annual energy production of the 600 kW
turbine are higher than the correspondent results of the 900 kW turbine.
These results coincide with the results of [113] and [40], as the authors
proved if a turbine has higher (wi /wr ) and (wf /wr ) ratios taken together than
other turbines, then it proves higher capacity factor, because the turbine works
closer to its rated speed. From Table 3.1, the (Enrecon-E40 600 kW) has higher
series of average value 5 m/s. In the case of average wind speed 5 m/s, the
behaviour of (Enrecon-E44 900 kW) starts to improve and its annual energy
Chapter 3 105
production is higher than (Enrecon-E40 600 kW), although its cost of energy is
still higher than (Enrecon-E40 600 kW). This result indicates that (Enrecon-
E44 900 kW) can provide higher energy production than (Enrecon-E44 600
4.5710×10 3.2381×10
5 5
Capital Cost
Diameter 44 40
-3.9891×10 -2.8259×10
4 4
Net present value (15 years)
1.6286×10 1.8169×10
6 6
Annual wind turbine production
106 Chapter 3
4.5710×10 3.2381×10
5 5
Capital Cost
Diameter 44 40
-3.9891×10 -2.8259×10
4 4
Net present value (15 years)
2.2214×10 1.9388×10
6 6
Annual wind turbine production
Chapter 3 107
Figure 3.7a shows the power generation percentage of both wind turbines
and batteries, distributed between the loads and the SRU in the case of
Enercon-600 kW turbine, at mean wind speed 4 m/s. Figure 3.7b shows the
between the loads and the SRU in the case of Enercon-900 kW, at mean wind
speed 4 m/s. It is clear that the energy production in the case of the 600 kW
turbine is higher than the case of 900 kW. Therefore, this power shortage in
The economic evaluation was conducted in this Section, assuming that the
bines, and so the economic evaluations must be performed in such cases. Next
supplied battery
supplied wind power power to load
to SRU
power ratings and also by Vanadium Redox batteries interfaced through MSUs,
Simulations are processed at wind speed time series of average values 2, 4 and
5 m/s. The analyses of each turbine are performed, according to the cost of
energy, the simple pay back and the net present value.
Figure 3.9a shows the curve tting of Enercon-330 kW; Figure 3.9b shows
the curve tting of Enercon-900 kW; Figure 3.9c shows the curve tting of
1. Enercon-E33-330 kW
2. Enercon-E44-900 kW
3. Enercon-E82-2000 kW
MSU interface
MSU interface
MSU interface
Enercon 330 kW
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
wind speed (m/s)
turbine power (p.u) turbine power (p.u)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
wind speed (m/s)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
wind speed (m/s)
of each turbine. The results are shown in Figures 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12. The
1. The capacity factor of both 330 kW and 2000 kW turbines are higher
the turbines which have higher (wi /wr ) ratios, have higher generation
capacities. From Table 3.1, the 900 kW turbine has the lowest (wi /wr )
2. The cost of energy decreases with increasing the wind speed and still
the 900 kW shows the highest cost of energy, even though at high wind
4. From Figures 3.13, 3.14 and 3.15, the net present value of the 330 kW
turbine is the lowest after 10 years, but the 2000 kW turbine has the
best record from economic view after 20 years, indicating more protable
5. The optimum cases from the economic evaluation view are related to the
330 kW and 2000 kW turbines, as they have the highest capacity factor
and the lowest cost of energy. Moreover, if the protable gains are taken
into consideration, the 2000 kW turbine is the best choice, because it has
330 kW turbine
900 kW turbine
2000 kW turbine
capacity factor
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
wind speed (m/s)
The previous results through this Section were aimed at analysing the eco-
the batteries daily production which entails the simulations at wind speed time
the cost of energy for both wind turbines and batteries. The optimization func-
tion was shown by equation equation (3.17) and will be mentioned hereunder
900 kW turbine
2000 kW turbine
330 kW turbine
levelized cost of energy($/kWh) 0.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
wind speed (m/s)
900 kW turbine
2000 kW turbine
8.336 330 kW turbine
simple pay back (years)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
wind speed (m/s)
The rst half of the equation (3.17) is dedicated to the wind turbine term,
while the second half is dedicated to the batteries. In the case of wind speed
time series of high average value as 5 m/s, the energy production of the wind
( )
Fwt (Ewt )
turbines increase, and so the term of the wind turbines is much
Chapter 3 113
x 10
NPV ($)
after 20 years
after 15 years
−12 after 10 years
1 2 3
x 10
NPV ($)
after 20 years
after 15 years
after 10 years
1 2 3
x 10
NPV ($)
after 20 years
−5 after 15 years
after 10 years
1 2 3
the optimization solver search for more optimal equilibrium points, in order to
Figures 3.16 and 3.17 explain the daily production of the wind turbines
and batteries in the case of wind speed time series of average values 2 m/s and
5 m/s respectively. In Figure 3.17, the slope of the wind production part is
higher than the slope of wind production in Figure 3.16, due to wind speed
increase. Moreover, the axis of the battery production in Figure 3.17 reaches
higher values than the axis of the battery production in Figure 3.16.
Chapter 3 115
total production(kW)
battery production(kW) 0 0
wind production(kW)
total production(kW)
battery production(kW) 0 0
wind production(kW)
ure 3.18; it is clear that the total cost of energy for both the wind turbines
and batteries in the case of wind speed time series of average value 5 m/s is
much lower than the total cost of energy in the case of wind speed time series
of average value 2 m/s. The levelized costs of energy for both wind turbines
and batteries are summed, taking into consideration that the cycle life of the
Vanadium Redox are high and equal to 12,000 and subsequently their life time
To this end, the higher mean wind speed does not provide a higher energy
production and economic performance for the wind turbines only, but for the
storage systems as well, if the both generation units are employed in a multi-
objective function.
The objective of the Chapter is the economic evaluation for both the wind
turbines and energy storage systems; the previous interesting results of the
daily battery production, which show the possibility of reducing its cost of
energy through the performance of wind turbines. Thus, the next Section
will conduct the economic evaluation for microgrids supplied by various wind
turbines and batteries. The batteries will be analysed under dierent capital
decision to which energy storage devices to dispatch for various types of con-
pacitors and ywheels are required to supplement the DER generators during
lated mode, or actual electric outages as a result of motor starts or other short
term overloads. Some types of DERs as microturbines have little inertia for
successful starting motors, unless some sort of storage is supplied. Hence, the
energy storage systems as batteries can handle such problems by managing the
Chapter 3 117
COE at 5m/s
COE at 2m/s
total levelized cost of energy ($/kWh)
1 2
chronous machines, which are characterized by high inertia, they cannot ride
through the high power demand in a little time, leading to some power quality
in the voltage waveforms. In some cases, the harmonics are extreme that an
equipment being powered from these generators may fail. Therefore, the en-
providing power during sag moments, and to keep the voltage at buses always
The continuous risk results from high penetration of intermittent wind en-
ergy sources in power systems, as shown in [115], has been a crucial principle of
the energy storage systems supplying power grids during moments of low wind
speed. Most analyses regarding wind integration in the power system have
system security. Some of these analyses have shown benets from using energy
wind uncertainty, but the economic evaluations for power systems supplied by
wind energy in parallel with energy storage systems have not been cleared.
118 Chapter 3
Through this Section, the energy storage devices are represented by various
plied by wind turbines and various batteries are performed. The simulations
considers batteries of the most widely used for small-medium scale storage ap-
Redox batteries.
The Lead-Acid battery is one of the most mature types of batteries and
they are widely used for small-medium scale storage applications. However,
one of the main disadvantages of the Lead-Acid battery is the poor perfor-
mance at low and high ambient temperatures. In addition, the necessity for
periodic water maintenance for ooded batteries and low specic energy and
they have a higher energy density; the technology of the Nickel-Cadmium bat-
tery has been under development since 1950. On the other hand, the main
Cadmium batteries are not fully discharged before being recharged, the battery
will start losing its capacity. Consequently, the Nickel-Cadmium batteries can-
The Vanadium Redox batteries are suitable for small and medium scale
dox batteries in the world. The installed Vanadium Redox batteries are used
for remote area power systems and renewable energy stabilization. Vanadium
volume of electrolytes for more stored energy or by adding new cell stacks for
The Lithium-Ion batteries are under growing demand, due to their high
eciencies of over 95%, long life cycle of and fast discharge capabilities. The
energy cost of a high capital cost-high ecient battery supplying a grid, in par-
allel with wind turbines. For this reason, the microgrid shown in Figure 3.8 is
four times simulated at wind speed time series of average value 4 m/s; through
Chapter 3 119
Figure 3.19 shows the capital costs of the proposed batteries, as mentioned
in [120]. The battery price diers from an article to another, depending on the
manufacturer, the cycle eciency, the life time and the discharge rate. Each
equation (3.19). The charge-discharge equations for all the simulated batter-
The characteristics of the proposed batteries are detailed in Table 3.5, ac-
Vanadium Redox
600 Lead Acid
Nickel Cadmium
capital cost of batteries ($/kW)
1 2 3 4
and Vanadium batteries respectively, as the both gures explain the contri-
120 Chapter 3
technology % (Wh/kg)
bution between the wind turbines and batteries at supplying the microgrid,
whereas the annual energy production of the two batteries is shown in Fig-
ure 3.22.
Both pie charts in Figure 3.20 brief the conclusion of the current simula-
and the highest capital cost one (Lithium). The wind power production is the
same, because the ratings of the wind turbines and the mean wind speed are
the same in the both cases, but the battery power ow in the both cases are
dierent. The optimization solver which is used in the simulations must bal-
( ) ( )
Fwt (Ewt ) Fbat (Ebat )
ance between the wind turbines term and battery term .
Ewt Ebat
Clearly, the capital cost in the case of Lithium batteries is higher than
Vanadium case, and so the optimization solver searches for another equilib-
In the case of Lithium batteries, more power ows to the SRU. By end of
the day, the SRU backs this energy again to the Lithium batteries to achieve
the battery daily operation as shown in Figure 3.2. Therefore, the total power
which ows to the load is the same in case of Lithium and Vanadium batteries
to achieve Pgen =Pdemand . The total power ow from Lithium batteries to the
This result indicates the ability of the high capital cost-high ecient bat-
energy production, as shown in Figures 3.21 and 3.22. The energy cost of the
Lithium battery which has capital cost (600 $/kw) equals to the cost of energy
of the Nickel-Cadmium battery which has capital cost (400 $/kw). This can
Lithium battery is higher than the Nickel-Cadmium case, due to higher power
Until now, some important results were concluded regarding supplying iso-
lated microgrids by wind turbines and batteries. Next Section will show the
supplied battery
supplied wind power power to SRU
to SRU
supplied battery
power to SRU
Vanadium Redox
0.7 Lead Acid
Nickel Cadmium
levelized cost of energy($/kWh)
1 2 3 4
x 10
Vanadium Redox
6 Lead Acid
Nickel Cadmium
annual production (kW)
1 2 3 4
essarily increasing the wind farm model. After occurrence of several aggregated
wind farm models, the eect of such models on steady state and dynamic anal-
yses have been shown in many papers. However, the economic evaluation of
aggregated wind farm models on power systems have not been considered.
are performed. The economic evaluations of the aggregated wind farms are
provided by the cost of energy, simple pay back and net present value.
• The third case employs one Vestas-1800 kW wind turbine only to supply
The microgrid layout for the rst case is shown in Figure 3.1, while the
layout of the second and third cases is shown by Figure 3.24. Moreover, the
micorgrid is supplied in the rst, second and third cases by Vanadium Redox
batteries interfaced through MSUs, in order to share power supply with the
proposed wind turbines of each case. The simulations are performed for each
case at wind speed time series of average values 4 and 5 m/s respectively, by
Figure 3.23a shows the curve tting of Enercon-600 kW; Figure 3.23b shows
the curve tting of Vestas-1800 kW; Figure 3.23c shows the curve tting of
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
wind speed (m/s)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
wind speed (m/s)
turbine power (p.u)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
wind speed (m/s)
MSU interface
MSU interface
static load
static load static load
aggregated wind turbine
Figures 3.25, 3.26 and 3.27 show that the turbines with higher wi /wr ratio
still have the highest capacity factor, the highest annual energy production
and the lowest cost of energy. Enercon-E40-600 kW turbines have the lowest
kW turbines shows the lowest capacity factor and the highest energy cost.
The benets of aggregation are not for wind turbines only, as the annual en-
ergy production for batteries in the both cases of Vestas-1800 kW and Enercon-
E82-2000 kW, are higher than the Enercon-E40 600 kW case, as shown from
Figure 3.28. Therefore, the batteries energy cost in both cases of Vestas-1800
shown from Figure 3.29. Consequently, the total energy cost in both cases of
turbines capacities can be a better choice than dispersing the same capacities
of wind turbines at dierent microgrid nodes. Moreover, the cases of wind tur-
bines aggregation show more protable gains than smaller capacity dispersed
at mean wind speeds 4 and 5 m/s respectively. Figure 3.35 shows the per-
5 m/s respectively. Figure 3.36 shows the percentage of power generation for
bles 3.6 and 3.7 show the results of the economic evaluation models and energy
Up to this point, all the possible scenarios for economic evaluation of mi-
crogrids, supplied by wind energy and batteries were conducted; however, the
objective of optimizing the energy production and economic feasibility for mi-
tion cost with stable power ow limits. For this sake, the small signal stability
E−40 at 5m/s
E−40 at 4m/s
0.16 E−82 at 5m/s
E−82 at 4m/s
cpacity factors of wind turbines
1 2 3 4 5 6
x 10
E−40 at 5m/s
E−40 at 4m/s
E−82 at 5m/s
E−82 at 4m/s
V−80 at 5m/s
V−80 at 4m/s
AEP (kW/year)
1 2 3 4 5 6
E−40 at 5m/s
E−40 at 4m/s
E−82 at 5m/s
E−82 at 4m/s
V−80 at 5m/s
V−80 at 4m/s
1 2 3 4 5 6
x 10
E−40 at 5m/s
E−40 at 4m/s
E−82 at 5m/s
3.5 E−82 at 4m/s
V−80 at 5m/s
3 V−80 at 4m/s
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
E−40 at 5m/s
E−40 at 4m/s
1.4 E−82 at 5m/s
E−82 at 4m/s
1.2 V−80 at 5m/s
V−80 at 4m/s
LCOE ($/kWh)
1 2 3 4 5 6
x 10
after 20 years
−8 after 15 years
after 10 years
1 2 3
x 10
after 20 years
after 15 years
after 10 years
1 2 3
x 10
after 20 years
after 15 years
−3 after 10 years
1 2 3
supplied battery power to SRU
supplied wind
power to SRU supplied battery power
to load
supplied battery power to SRU
supplied battery power to SRU
6 5 6
Capital Cost 1.1694×10 9.7143×10 1.2759×10
5 4 5
NPV(15 years) -1.0205×10 -2.8259×10 (for each turbine) -1.1135×10
6 6 6
AEP (wind turbines) 1.8239×10 5.4507×10 1.8764×10
6 5 6
Capital Cost 1.1694×10 9.7143×10 1.2759×10
5 4 5
NPV(15 years) -1.0205×10 -2.8259×10 (for each turbine) -1.1135×10
6 6 6
AEP (wind turbines) 2.1735×10 5.8164×10 2.3033×10
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 137
Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction
The previous Chapter discussed the economic evaluation and capacity fac-
However, the objective of optimizing the energy production and economic fea-
sibility for microgrids must be extended to satisfy the power balance and gen-
eration limit among dierent microgrid generators. The electric power system
ity is secured primarily using synchronous generators, and for this reason it
dispersed users. Nowadays, the justication for the large centralized station
tributed generation is commonly used for small scale generations and can oer
lead to problems under faulty conditions, but also to instability under small
disturbances, such as small changes in loads and power transfers that occur
during normal power system operation. This type of stability is known as the
are totally dierent from the synchronous generators; as they are intermittent
Many recent microgrid small signal stability studies belong to either iso-
lated microgrids supplied by wind energy and connected to utility grids [33]
both sources of generation have not been studied before. Thus, in this Chap-
ter, the small signal stability analysis of isolated microgrids supplied by DFIGs
ered to be small, if the linearized system around the equilibrium point, still
disturbance [2]. Small-signal stability problems are normally divided into two
types, one type of problems is associated with the steady-state stability limits
is usually controlled in such a way that an increase of the voltage angle leads
inecient generators control strategies. The other possible reason for oscilla-
tory problems is related to large power transfers through weak links, and so
inter-area oscillations may appear. The dierent types of small signal insta-
wind speed variations, power demand increment and dierent power exchange
Chapter 4 139
structed, based on [123], for some important purposes, such as realizing the
reliable operating points of DGs, identifying the most dominant DGs control
parameters which can aect the microgrid stability. Therefore, in future work,
the most dominant DGs control parameters can be set appropriately and an
adequate control strategy can be developed to keep the microgrid stable. The
used to reveal the data of the microgrid stability modes. Thereafter, the sta-
bility analysis is conducted under dierent wind speed levels, droop constants
for the isolated mode and grid-connected mode is congured and briefed as
12 and 14).
voltage-frequency inverters at nodes (8, 10, 11 and 13), as shown in Figure 4.1.
droop control constants, which are valued to be 9.4 × 10−7 rad/W/s, whereas
incremental change in one or more of the state variables of the power system.
The power system state variables are usually dierent from one state space
model to another one. Some examples of power system state variables can be
The microgrid state variables in this Chapter are chosen based on micro-
grid elements which are capable of storing energy. These elements can be
variables, the system is driven from the equilibrium. If thereafter the system
returns to its steady state, then it is stable; whereas, if the initial deviation
The main dierence between transient stability and small signal stability
a generator or a line, the new steady state might be dierent from the initial
state is identical to the initial state, because no change in the network topology
tween the eigenvalues of the microgrid and their dynamic behaviour. The
142 Chapter 4
microgrid dominant eigenvalues can be detected, and also the relation between
the behaviour of such dominant eigenvalues and the time domain can be ob-
By assuming that:
dierential equations;
By assuming that the system indicated by equations (4.1) and (4.2) is time
invariant, then the time part can be excluded from these equations.
Equations (4.1) and (4.2) can be linearized based on [2], and the resulting
point. To this end, equations (4.1) and (4.2) are expressed in terms of their
Taylor's series expansion. The second and higher orders of the partial deriva-
tives of f and g are excluded and only taking into account the rst-order terms.
Consequently, the nal form can be described by equations (4.3) and (4.4).
state variables and system output equations. The proposed microgrid dynamic
Chapter 4 143
system. The open loop includes microgrid plant and controller models, whereas
the closed loop system applies feed-back concept. As mentioned before that
the microgrid state variables in this Chapter are chosen based on microgrid
elements which are capable of storing energy. These elements can be accounted,
A model of RLC lter will be highlighted in the following part, to clear how
the state variables are obtained, and how the linearization model is conducted.
Thus, by the same manner, the state space model can be conducted for all the
By considering the RLC lter as shown in Figure 4.3, the single phase
current and voltage of the inductive part can be regarded as ii (t) and vL (t),
while the same correspondent values of capacitive part can be regarded as as
ic (t) and vc (t). Applying the voltage drop equation for the inductive part of
d ii (t)
vL (t) = Rf ii (t) + Lf (4.5)
The proposed state space modelling in this Chapter considers all the mi-
be rewritten as follows:
vL (t) = Rf ii (t) + ( + jω)Lf ii (t) (4.6)
The dynamic equations of the lter inductive part can be obtained as shown
in equation (4.7).
i̇id = −Rf
i + ωiiq + 1
Lf i d Lf Ld
i̇iq = −ωiid + −Rf
i + 1
Lf iq Lf Lq
ω: Operating frequency;
normal cases of power exchange among the microgrid generators and during
considered non-linear terms in equation (4.7) are (ωiiq ) and (−ωiid ). The
linearized equation for the lter inductive part is shown by equation (4.8). The
∆i̇id ω 0 ∆i i
0 ∆v Ld I i [ ]
= Lf + Lf + ∆ω
d q
−R (4.8)
∆i̇iq −ω0 Lff ∆iiq 0 L1f ∆vLq −Iid
The linearized equation of the lter capacitive part can be derived by the
same manner. The current in the lter capacitive part can be indicated by
ic (t) = Rc vc (t) + ( + jω) Cf vc (t) (4.9)
∆v̇cd 0 ω0 ∆vcd 1
0 ∆i cd Vc [ ]
= + Cf + ∆ω
∆v̇cq −ω0 0 ∆vcq 0 C1f ∆icq −Vcd
Chapter 4 145
The state space modelling of the rest microgrid elements can be obtained
by the same manner of the RLC lter. The following Section shows the state
4.4, as it consists of LCL output lter and controllers of power, voltage and
current. The inverter dc bus dynamics are neglected with respect to high
The reason for LCL lter choice is that the droop control is mainly based
on the assumption that the output impedance of the generator is pure induc-
tive, due to the large impedance of the lter and power lines. However, the
voltage current
controller controller
ered as the LCL lter and the controllers of the inverter. The feed-back part
146 Chapter 4
in Figure 4.4.
LCL Filter
The detailed LCL lter is shown in Figure 4.5. By considering the same
manner for modelling the RLC lter, the state variables of LCL lter are cho-
sen as the inductance currents ii , io and the voltage across the capacitor vo .
The linearized model of the LCL lter is shown by the following equation.
f −1 1
∆i̇id ω0 0 0 0 ∆iid 0 0 0
Lf Lf
∆i̇ −ω −Rf 0 −1 0 0 ∆i 1
iq 0 Lf iq 0 0 ∆v id
∆v̇ 1 0 ω0 −1
0 ∆vod
0 ∆viq
od Cf 0 0 0 0
∆v̇ = 0 1
−ω0 0 0 −1 0
oq ∆v oq 0 0 0 ∆vgd
Cf Cf
∆i̇od 0 0 L1c 0 0 ω0 ∆iod 0 0 0 ∆vgq
∆i̇oq 0 0 0 L1c −ω0 0 ∆ioq 0 0 0 Lc
Vo [ ]
−V od
Chapter 4 147
Power Controller
The external power control loop sets the magnitude of the frequency and
inverter output voltage, according to the droop characteristics for the real and
reactive power. The instantaneous active and reactive power components p̃ and
q̃ respectively are calculated from the measured output voltage and current as
p̃ = 1.5(vod iod + voq ioq )
q̃ = 1.5(voq iod − vod ioq )
P = ωc
1.5(vod iod + voq ioq )
Q = ωc
1.5(voq iod − vod ioq )
where the variables P and Q are considered as state variables. The operator
148 Chapter 4
∆ indicates to the linearized variables, while variables Iod , Ioq , Vod , Voq are the
∆Ṗ = −ωc ∆P + 1.5ωc (∆vod Iod + ∆voq Ioq + Vod ∆iod + Voq ∆ioq )
∆Q̇ = −ωc ∆Q + 1.5ωc (∆voq Iod − ∆vod Ioq + Voq ∆iod − Vod ∆ioq )
The output voltage and current are processed by the voltage-current con-
and the voltage across the q coordinate is assumed to be zero. The proposed
current controller is employed to limit the high transient current, and improves
can be ensured.
Figure 4.7 shows the inverter voltage-current controller; the dynamic equa-
Thereby, the terms Φvd , Φvq , ζid, ζiq are considered as the state variables.
i∗id − iid = eid = sζid =⇒ ζ̇id = i∗id − vid
i∗ − i = e = sζiq =⇒ ζ̇iq = i∗ − v
iq iq iq iq iq
− vod = evd = sΦvd =⇒ Φ̇vd
− voq = evq = sΦvq =⇒ Φ̇vq
Chapter 4 149
In the case of isolated microgrid, the network state space modelling is rep-
resented on the reference frame of one of the individual inverters (the master
considered as the innite bus. This reference frame is regarded as the common
reference frame, and all the other inverters are referred to it. The common
reference frame must be chosen to rotate at the same frequency of the micro-
grid. The output voltage of each inverter is related directly to the microgrid.
inverter as the common reference for the whole microgrid state variables.
Figure 4.8 shows the common reference frame of the master voltage-frequen-
to the microgrid, this inverter will be aligned to the master inverter frame by
By considering the droop relation between the frequency and active power,
tating frame to the common reference frame, each inverter reference frame can
δ̇2 = ω2 − ω1 (4.16)
gains are dened by a separate matrix included by the feedback system. There-
fore the eect of the controller gains change can be observed. The state space
u is the control variables matrix and y is the output variables matrix. The
proposed model of the inverter in this Chapter considers the following matrices:
∆x = [∆iid ∆iiq ∆vod ∆voq ∆iod ∆ioq ∆ζid ∆ζiq ∆Φvd ∆Φvq . . .
∆P ∆Q ∆δ]T
∆z = [∆VgD ∆VgQ ]T
chine with its stator windings directly connected to the grid and its rotor
verter is divided into the rotor side converter and grid side converter. These
DC voltage source.
Figure 4.9 shows the Power ow in the DFIG. The electro-magnetic torque
and constant for a constant grid frequency. Pr is positive, if the DFIG me-
chanical speed is greater than the synchronous speed, and it is negative, if the
152 Chapter 4
mechanical speed is lower than the synchronous speed. The rotor side and
the grid side converters have the capability of generating or absorbing reactive
power and can be used to control the reactive power or the voltage at the
grid terminals. The rotor side converter is used to control the wind turbine
output real power, whereas the reactive power control is assumed deactivated
in the proposed DFIG model in this Chapter, as the reactive power control is
By the same manner of the inverter state space modelling, the DFIG model
can be derived. The model separates between open-loop and closed-loop sys-
tems. The open-loop includes the induction generator part and the regulators
regarding grid side converter (GSC) and the rotor side converter (RSC), while
the feedback system includes the control variables which are introduced to
Induction Generator
equivalent circuit model, where Rr and Xr are the rotor resistance and reac-
tance before being referred to the stator side, as shown in Figure 4.10. The
DFIG induction machine steady state model is decomposed into the dq coor-
' '
Vmd = Vrd + ωpll Lrd irq − Rr ird − ωr Lm imq
Vmq = Vrq − ωpll Lrd ird − Rr irq + ωr Lm imd
Vmd = −ωpll Lm imq
Vmq = ωpll Lm imd
Tm = Te + F . (4.19)
The linearized model of the induction generator can be derived by the same
manner of the RLC lter. The induction generator linearized equations are
˙ = − Rs ∆isd + ωpll ∆isq + 1
∆Vsd − 1
∆Vmd + Isq ∆ωpll
Lsd Lsd Lsd
˙ = −ωpll ∆isd − Rs
∆isq + 1
∆Vsq − 1
∆Vmq − Isd ∆ωpll
Lsd Lsd Lsd
˙ = − Rr ∆ird + (ωpll − ωr )∆irq + 1
∆Vrd∗ − 1
− Lm
Lrd Lrd Lrd
∆Vmd ω ∆imq
Lrd r
+(−Irq − LLm Imq )∆ωr + Irq ∆ωpll
˙ = − Rr ∆irq − (ωpll − ωr )∆ird + 1
∆Vrq∗ − 1 Lm
∆irq ∆Vmq + ω ∆imd
Lrd r
Lrd Lrd Lrd
+(Ird + LLm Imd )∆ωr − Ird ∆ωpll
˙ = ωpll ∆imq + 1
∆Vmd + Imq ∆ωpll
˙ = −ωpll ∆imd + 1
∆Vmq − Imd ∆ωpll
p . Tm F p . Te
∆ωr˙elec = − . ωr − (4.19)
Rotor-Side Converter
Figure 4.11. In order to decouple the electromagnetic torque and rotor excita-
stator-ux-oriented reference frame, with its d-axis oriented along the stator-
ux vector position. The PI controllers are used for rotor current regulation.
The rst part of the RSC controller aims at controlling the active power,
so as to track the Pref , which is shown by Figure 4.11b. The reference active
is shown by Figure 4.11a, and aims at controlling the reactive power, but it is
∆ζ˙Q = −∆Qg = 1.5Igq ∆Vsd − 1.5Igd ∆Vsq + 1.5Vsd ∆iigq − 1.5Vsq ∆igd
˙ = ∆i∗ − ∆ird = − Lm +Lsd 2 T ∗ . ∆Ψs + Lm +Lsd ∆T ∗ − ∆ird
rd 1.5pLm . Ψs e 1.5pLm . Ψs e
˙ = ∆i∗ − ∆irq
Q: Reactive power.
DC-link capacitor
The equation which describes the energy balance of the DC-link capac-
Figure 4.12.
iCdc Vdc = 1.5(ird Vrd + irq Vrq )
iCdc Vdc = 1.5(ibd Vbd + ibq Vbq ) (4.21)
∆ib ∆ir
∆V˙dc = − (4.22)
Cdc Cdc
Chapter 4 157
vb : DC-link tension.
Grid-Side Converter
Figure 4.13a shows the DFIG reference frame transformation, as the DFIG
stator voltage must be synthesized with the microgrid frequency. Thus, the
Figure 4.13b shows the DFIG phase-locked loop circuit, as the pulsation of the
Figures 4.14a and 4.14b show the control scheme of the grid-side converter.
oriented reference frame with its d-axis oriented along the grid voltage vector
position. The PI controllers are used for DC-link voltage regulation. The ref-
erence signal for the DC voltage Vdc∗ is set to a constant value independent of
˙ bd ) = − Rb ∆ibd + ωpll ∆ibq + 1
− 1
∆(i ∆Vsd ∆Vbd + Ibq ∆ωpll
Lb Lb Lb
˙ bq ) = − Rb ∆ibd − ωpll ∆ibd +
∆(i 1
∆Vsq − 1
∆Vbq − Ibd ∆ωpll
Lb Lb Lb
˙ = −∆Vdc
˙ = ∆ibd∗ − ∆ibd
∆ζibd (4.23)
˙ = −∆ibq
˙ = ∆Vsq
∆θ̇ = ∆ωpll − ∆ω1
The proposed model of the DFIG in this Chapter considers the following
the high time constant of rotating machines and their controls. In contrast,
DGs in microgrids are interfaced by inverters and their response times are
Figure 4.15 shows the modelling of the proposed short distribution line in this
Chapter, based on [125]. The model considers both the inductive and resistive
By the same manner, the linearized form of the microgrid distribution lines
Chapter 4 161
to the linearized variables, whereas Ilined and Ilineq are the distribution line
˙ d −Rline 1
∆iline ω0 ∆ilined 0 ∆v gi
= Lline + Lline
∆ilineq −ω0 Lline
∆i lineq 0 1
∆v gi
0 ∆vgj Ilineq [ ]
+ ∆ω
0 Lline
∆v gj −I line d
The proposed model of the distribution line in this Chapter considers the
following matrices:
∆x = [∆ilineD ∆ilineQ ]T
∆z = [∆VgD ∆VgQ ]T
The proposed static load model is shown in Figure 4.16; each static load is
connected between its correspondent microgrid node and a neutral point. The
162 Chapter 4
˙ d −Rload 1
∆iload ω 0 ∆i loadd 0 ∆vgj
= Lload
+ Lload
˙ q
∆iload −ω0 −R load
∆i load q 0 1
∆v gj
Iloadq [ ]
+ ∆ω
The proposed model of the static load in this Chapter considers the follow-
ing matrices:
∆x = [∆iloadD ∆iloadQ ]T
∆z = [∆VgD ∆VgQ ]T
The state space modelling of all proposed microgrid elements were detailed
until now. The aim of the next Section is to conduct the eigenvalues of the
state matrix. Thereafter, the inuence of each dynamic state in the microgrid
can be measured through the participation factor index. Also, the correspon-
dence between the eigenvalues of the state matrix and the time domain will
be dened.
Chapter 4 163
tained as:
The eigenvalues of the matrix A, which was mentioned by equation (4.3) are
indicated by λ. The eigenvalues are obtained from the characteristic equation
the system. The eigenvalues consist of real and imaginary components, and
λ = σ ± jω (4.23)
an oscillatory mode.
164 Chapter 4
Participation Factor
namic state on a given mode. The normalized participation factor Pni of the
|ϕni ||ψin |
Pni = ∑n (4.23)
i=1 |ϕni ||ψin |
Where n is the number of state variables, ϕin is the ith element of the nth
right-eigenvector and ψin is the nth element of the ith left-eigenvector.
Time Response
According to [2], the time response of ith state variable can be shown
as follows:
with the open loop systems only, but in current state space model, the closed
[123] is adopted to dene the time response in this Chapter, and can be shown
by equation (4.5).
Where K is the system gains matrix, and the term (A−BKC) is the closed
loop state variables matrix and can be indicated by Ac .
Thus far, the state space modelling of all proposed microgrid elements
were detailed and the eigenvalues, participation factor and time response were
dened. The next Sections will show the small signal stability analyses of
The wind energy is characterized by its uctuating nature, and so the gen-
and not controlled any further. Typically, there are two impacts of connecting
wind energy to the grid, local and wide impacts of wind power. The local
impacts of wind power are the impacts that occur in the electrical vicinity of a
wind turbine or wind park that can be attributed to a specic turbine or park.
wind power penetration level in the system as a whole. Local impacts can
be realized in some main points, such as power ow, voltage of power system
nodes, harmonics and ickers. The system wide impacts, on the other hand are
level in the system as a whole. The wide impacts can be realized in some other
a high degree of reliability and security of the system operation. The main
These problems may considerably limit the amount of wind generation that
can be connected to the power systems, increasing the complexity of their op-
ensured [127]. This depends on the ability of the system to restore balance
The doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is one of the most popular wind
conversion systems due to its high energy eciency, reduced mechanical stress
on the wind turbine and low power rating of the connected power electronics
converter [128]. As the penetration level of DFIG wind power generation into
the grid increases, the stability issue of the DFIG wind turbine system is of
166 Chapter 4
been studied to investigate the performance of the DFIG system and its im-
pact on power system dynamics in [129] and [130]. In [131] and [132], detailed
dynamic models of DFIGs have been presented and small signal stability anal-
yses have been conducted. The small signal stability analyses can identify the
eects of the system parameters and operating points on the system modes.
The purposes of the behaviour and stability analyses of the DFIG systems
can oer better understanding of the system intrinsic dynamics, which can be
supplied by DFIGs and other DGs interfaced through inverters, with respect
to wind speed increment. The simulations are processed for the isolated mi-
ure 4.1, where the microgrid is isolated. The wind speed is sampled from 1.5
m/s to 8 m/s for the rst DFIG only at the 6th node of the microgrid, while
the wind speeds at other DFIGs are assumed constant at 7 m/s; two hundred
samples are taken, also the proportional and integral dc-link gains of all DFIGs
Figure 4.17 shows the loci of dominant eigenvalues of the isolated micro-
grid during wind speed increment. Figure 4.17a is related to the rst DFIG
the dc-link state variables of the rst DFIG vdc1 , ζdc1 ; Figure 4.17c is related to
the mode of the voltage-frequency inverters aected by angle of rotation state
variables δ2,3 ; Figure 4.17d belongs to the dc-link mode of the second, third
factors and their damping ratios. In Table 4.1, the rst three columns belong
to the status of the dominant state variables at the rst simulation sample,
while the last column of remarks belong to the status of the dominant state
Chapter 4 167
Table 4.1 and Figure 4.17 show that the system is stable through all the
range of wind speed increment, because there are not any mode cross the imag-
inary axis creating a saddle node or Hopf bifurcations, but at the same time,
either of the rst DFIG where the wind speed variations occur, or other DFIGs
of constant wind speed overall simulation, move towards the imaginary axis.
modes, which are dominated by all DFIGs magnetization currents and other
the rst DFIG is a dominant mode, but its response clearly improves through
moving to the left part at the real axis as shown in Figure 4.17b, while other
DFIGs dc-link modes are out of interest, because of being far from the imagi-
The mechanical speed variables of the DFIGs aect some modes, all of
them lay at the real axis without any oscillation, and these modes are decou-
pled, as the modes dominated by the rst DFIG of the changeable speed is
separated from the rest DFIGs, and all the mechanical modes of the DFIGs
are nearly xed, they do not show better or worse behaviour during the wind
speed increase.
frequency (11.1 rad/sec) and far from the imaginary axis, and so they are not
included in the analysis. These modes as shown in Figure 4.17c, and move by
little values to higher frequencies far from the imaginary axis, such a move-
ment is logic, due to dierent levels of power exchange during the wind speed
variation, and so the inverters try to resynchronize and recover from power
Clearly, the dominant modes through current simulation are dedicated to the
Table 4.1: Dominant Modes of the Isolated MG During Wind Speed Increment-Case 1
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
dierent dc-link proportional and integral gains of DFIGs kpdc , kidc , as both of
them are set as 0.1, in order to clear the eect of the dominant dc-link modes
on the microgrid stability. The wind speed of the rst DFIG at the 6th node
is sampled from 1.5 m/s to 8 m/s by 200 samples, while the other DFIGs have
Table 4.2 shows the dominant modes, as they are dedicated to DFIGs state
Table 4.2, the rst three columns belong to the status of the dominant state
variables at the rst simulation sample, while the last column of remarks be-
long to the status of the dominant state variables at the last simulation sample.
Figure 4.18a shows the magnetization current mode of the rst DFIG imdq1 ;
Figure 4.18b shows the mechanical modes aected by the contributing DFIGs
wr2,3,4 ; Figure 4.18c shows the dc-link mode vdc2,4 of the second and fourth
DFIGs; Figure 4.18d shows the dc-link mode vdc1 , ζdc1 dominated by the rst
The obvious dierence that occurs with decreasing the proportional and
integral control gains of dc-link control circuit that the system turned to insta-
while the magnetization currents of the rest DFIGs inuence other oscillatory
modes, and the frequencies of all magnetization current modes increase during
The trajectories of the mechanical modes involved by the DFIGs are nearly
ables are the only responsible for instability in the microgrid, as shown in
Figure 4.18c and 4.18d. The dc-link state variables of the second, third and
fourth DFIGs dominate the unstable mode, shifting it to the right part, while
the rst DFIG dc-link state variables motivate a Hopf bifurcation by crossing
the imaginary axis to the right side. Finally, the modes related to the invert-
ers angle of rotation δ, are still out of interest, because they lay far from the
imaginary axis.
Chapter 4 171
Figure 4.19 shows the deteriorated behaviour at low dc-link control gain
values versus the wind speed, as the dc-link tension reaches terrible values,
Table 4.2: Dominant Modes of the Isolated MG During Wind Speed Increment-Case 2
Hopf )
x 10
−0.285 −0.28 −0.275 −0.27 −9.124−9.122 −9.12 −9.118
real real x 10
−7 (a) (b)
x 10
0.5 0.5
0 0
−1.5 −1
3.39 3.395 3.4 0 1 2 3
real real
(c) (d)
nite bus; the proposed microgrid is shown in Figure 4.2. The wind speed is
sampled from 3 m/s to 8 m/s by 150 samples, and these samples are applied to
the rst DFIG only at the 6th node, while the wind speed of the other DFIGs
are constant at 7 m/s, also the dc-link proportional and integral gains kpdc , kidc
are set as 1.1.
Table 4.3 shows the dominant modes of the current simulation, participa-
tion factors and their damping ratios. In Table 4.3, the rst three columns
belong to the status of the dominant state variables at the rst simulation
sample, while the last column of remarks belong to the status of the dominant
Figure 4.20a shows the dc-link mode of the rst DFIG vdc1 , ζdc1 ; Fig-
174 Chapter 4
dc−link tension (p.u)
1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5
wind speed (m/s)
ure 4.20b shows the dc-link mode related to the rest DFIGs vdc2,3,4 ; Figure 4.20c
shows the mechanical speed mode of the rst DFIG wr1 ; Figure 4.20d shows
tization currents disappear, and lay far from the imaginary axis, while the
oscillatory modes dictated by dc-link state variables are more damped with
wind speed increase in the current case than the isolated microgrid case, and
In addition, the stability of the mechanical speed mode related to the rst
DFIG improves during wind speed increase, while in the isolated microgrid
simulations, this mode lays at the real axis near to the saddle node bifurcation
-1.6 -1.5 -1.4 -1.3 -1.8 -1.75 -1.7
real real
-4 (a) -4 (b)
x 10 x 10
5 5
0 0
-5 -5
-6 -4 -2 0 -5.4 -5.2 -5 -4.8 -4.6
real real -3
x 10
(c) (d)
by setting the DFIGs proportional and integral gains of the dc-link circuits
as 0.1, in order to clear the eect of these gains on the stability of the whole
Table 4.4 explains the dominant modes, their participation factors and
damping ratios. In Table 4.4, the rst three columns belong to the status
of the dominant state variables at the rst simulation sample, while the last
column of remarks belong to the status of the dominant state variables at the
Figure 4.21a shows the rst DFIG dc-link mode vdc1 ,ζdc1 ; Figure 4.21b shows
the magnetization current dominant mode of the second and third DFIGs
imdq2,3 ; Figure 4.21c shows the dc-link modes of the second and the fourth
DFIGs vdc2,4 .
The grid turns totally unstable; also the magnetization current modes ac-
quire their dominant oscillatory nature again in the current case, and step
towards the imaginary axis with increasing wind speed, raising a Hopf bifur-
by dc-link state variables cross the imaginary axis with wind speed increase,
The dominant modes shown in the simulations of this Section coincide with
other studies as in [132] and [133], where the dominant modes are related to
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
(a) x 10
314.105 -5
-0.28 -0.278 -0.276 3.58 3.5805 3.581
real real
(b) (c)
• The stability of the microgrid vanishes with decreasing the DFIGs dc-
link proportional and integral gains, either in the isolated mode or grid-
connected mode;
• By increasing the wind speed, the oscillatory dominant modes move to-
• For both the stable isolated microgrid and grid-connected mode, the
stability of the mechanical speed modes of the DFIGs improve with in-
• The oscillatory modes in the case of isolated microgrid are related to the
mode, the oscillatory modes are related to the dc-link state variables
and move far from the imaginary axis with higher damping ratio with
• In the case of stable isolated microgrid, the dc-link mode of the DFIG,
other DFIGs, where their wind speeds are constant. Moreover, the me-
from the other mechanical modes of DFIGs, where their wind speeds are
to the innite bus were conducted in this Section during wind speed increment.
The simulated microgrid through this Chapter is supplied by both DGs inter-
faced by inverters and DFIGs. Therefore, the stability study during inverters
droop regulation is necessary, because they play the main role for stable power
The microgrids are usually built using low-inertia generators that can easily
generation, the drawback is that large demand steps can cause a system to
The droop control uses only local power to detect changes in the system and
The droop control uses the real power out of a generator to calculate the
In [134] it was concluded that DGs may have signicant impact on the
reactive power. In [135] it was shown that DGs could have signicant impacts
unit aects the system stability by generating or consuming active and reac-
When the power control strategy can handle successfully the load demand, the
DG unit can be used as a mean to enhance the system stability and improve
suer more challenges which call for the needs of stability analyses. First of
all, the DGs interfaced by inverters have much less over current capability
inverters and multiple small DGs with dierent power capability [137].
Due to all previous challenges, there is a strong need for stability analyses
the rst trials to study the stability of DGs interfaced by inverters, the stability
182 Chapter 4
analyses have been conducted by Bode plots using the phase margin and gain
margin. In single LCL grid-tie inverter systems, bode plots have been used
The stability of large scale DG systems with droop control is usually anal-
ysed by the state-space models. The purpose of this Section is small signal
stability analysis of the isolated microgrid, supplied by wind energy and DGs
interfaced through inverters operating by the droop control, under droop con-
ators supplying the isolated microgrid are increased gradually through eighty
Figure 4.22 explains the dominant modes trajectories of the isolated mi-
processed at high wind speed equals to 10 m/s. Figure 4.22a shows the trajec-
tory of DFIGs magnetization current mode imdq1,2,3,4 ; Figures 4.22b show the
trajectories of the modes related to the inverters angle of rotation δ2,3 ; Fig-
ure 4.22c shows the trajectories of the modes dominated by the integral terms
of inverters voltage controllers Φvd1,2,3,4 ; Figure 4.22d shows the dc-link mode
tion factors and their damping ratios. In Table 4.5, the rst three columns
belong to the status of the dominant state variables at the rst simulation
sample, while the last column of remarks belong to the status of the dominant
It is clear that the system is stable, as no critical eigenvalues cross the imag-
inary axis. The modes aected by DFIGs magnetization current shift towards
the imaginary axis. In Figure 4.22b, the angle of rotation of the inverters in-
uence modes near to the imaginary axis and turn them to oscillatory modes,
moving clock wise towards the imaginary axis again to cross it creating a Hopf
bifurcation with incrementing the droops. In Figure 4.22c, other modes related
Chapter 4 183
to voltage controller variables of the inverters move at the real axis towards
the imaginary axis, by incrementing the droops, these modes turn unstable.
The Modes dominated by DFIGs dc-link variables step towards the imagi-
nary axis as in Figure 4.22d; other modes dominated by dc-link variables move
far from the imaginary axis with incrementing the droops. Mechanical speed
modes of the DFIGs shift far from the imaginary axis by little values.
Table 4.5:
0 0
−200 −100
0.005 5
0 0
−0.005 −5
−5.8−5.6−5.4−5.2 −5 −4.8−4.6 −0.265−0.26−0.255−0.25−0.245
real real
(c) (d)
turn to be unstable as shown in Figure 4.23. Figure 4.23a shows the trajec-
tory of the DFIGs magnetization current mode imdq1,2,3,4 ; Figures 4.23b and
Figure 4.23c show the trajectories of the inverters angle of rotation modes δ2,3 ;
Figure 4.23d shows the dc-link mode related to the third DFIG vdc3 , ζdc3 .
Table 4.6 shows the dominant modes of the current simulation, participation
factors and their damping ratios. In Table 4.6, the rst three columns belong
to the status of the dominant state variables at the rst simulation sample,
while the last column of remarks belong to the status of the dominant state
Clearly, the modes dominated by the inverters angle of rotation turn un-
stable and cross the imaginary axis by incrementing the droops, producing a
ure 4.23c step towards the imaginary axis through dierent trajectories, but
they are still stable. The modes dominated by dc-link variables of the third
DFIG move towards the imaginary axis by incrementing the droops as shown
in Figure 4.23d. DFIG magnetization current modes shift towards the imagi-
It can be observed that DFIG magnetization current modes have the same
response, by incrementing the droops of inverters, during the low and high wind
speed cases (3 and 10 m/s) respectively, as they move towards the imaginary
axis. Moroever, The inverters angle of rotation modes have the same trajectory
for all wind speed cases, as they inuence oscillatory modes and move clock
wise towards the imaginary axis again to cross it causing a Hopf bifurcation,
with incrementing the droops. In addition, during the low wind speed case (3
m/s), the inverters angle of rotation modes turn unstable more rapidly. Fur-
thermore, for the dc-link and mechanical speed modes of the DFIGs, it is clear
that during the high wind speed case (10 m/s), the stability of such modes
improve by incrementing the droops, and during the low wind speed case (3
m/s), these modes shift towards the imaginary axis and their stability worsen.
The dominant modes of the current simulations coincide with the dominant
Figure 4.24 shows the behaviour of the microgrid during the inverters
droops increment through the low wind speed case (3 m/s). Figure 4.24a ex-
plains that the inverters keep stable, till certain droop limit, and the increment
over this droop limit motivates synchronization problems and the inverter-
Figure 4.24b. Figure 4.24c clears the frequency collapse in the microgrid,
which is created from inverters droops increment. Figure 4.24 shows clearly
that the instability case experienced from the droop increment is (oscillatory)
Table 4.6:
200 100
0 0
−200 −100
−4 −3
−8 −6 −4 −1.35 −1.3 −1.25 −1.2 −1.15
real real
(c) (d)
• The magnetization current modes of the DFIGs have the same response
during the low and high wind speed cases, as by incrementing the invert-
ers droops, these modes have oscillatory motion towards the imaginary
• The inverters angle of rotation modes have the same trajectory during
the low and high wind speed cases, as they inuence oscillatory modes
near to the imaginary axis and move clock wise, to cross it, causing a
• The stability of dc-link and mechanical speed modes related to the DFIGs
worsens by incrementing the droops during the low wind speed case;
earlier during the low wind speed case than the high wind speed case.
190 Chapter 4
9.4e−7 9.9e−7 2e−6 5e−6 7e−6 9.4e−6 2e−5 4e−5 5e−5
droop constant
frequency (p.u)
9.4e−7 9.9e−7 2e−6 5e−6 7e−6 9.4e−6 2e−5 4e−5 5e−5
droop constant
of inverters droop increment and wind energy increase, but the analysis of
point, where it can no longer deliver the expected demand power. This point is
known by the Saddle-Node Bifurcation limit (SNB), where the system is char-
dierential equations (ODEs), which are mainly related to Saddle Node and
Hopf Bifurcations.
system demand increase beyond certain limits. Typically, if the reactive power
demand is greater than the supply reactive power, the voltage will decrease.
As the voltage decreases, the dierence between reactive power supply and
demand increases and the voltage falls even more until it eventually falls to a
very small value. The bifurcation limit is critical for the operation and plan-
sion lines and other elements by their protective systems leading to cascading
in [141], where maximum loading point was estimated in normal steady state
condition and also in dierent line outage conditions. In [142], the sensitivi-
ties of the load parameter with respect to the load bus power injections are
evaluated for each optimal power ow solution, also the participation of the
load buses in both active power generation and critical loadability has been
The proposed small signal stability analyses in this Section are conducted
192 Chapter 4
induction generators, under continuous power demand increment for the mi-
in such nonlinear systems may occur under certain conditions, leading to os-
DFIG from a bifurcation perspective has not been cleared well in most papers,
Based on the proposed DFIG model in this Chapter, the dominant eigen-
Through this Section, the load demand is increased gradually through four
hundred samples, from 7.5 p.u to 12 p.u, and simulations are processed for the
critical eigenvalues.
Table 4.7 shows the dominant modes, participation factors and their damp-
ing ratios in the isolated microgrid. The simulation is processed at mean wind
speed equals to 7 m/s. In Table 4.7, the rst three columns belong to the
status of the dominant state variables at the rst simulation sample, while the
last column of remarks belong to the status of the dominant state variables at
Figures 4.25a and 4.25b show the dierent DFIGs magnetization current
mode trajectories; Figures 4.25c and 4.25d show dierent trajectories of the in-
verters angle of rotation modes; Figure 4.26a shows the DFIGs dc-link modes;
From the previous gures, it is clear that the instability originates from
at the real axis and turn oscillatory to cross the imaginary axis and causing
a Hopf bifurcation, as shown in Figure 4.26a. The rest modes have dierent
response to the load demand increase, but all of them are stable.
Some modes related to DFIGs magnetization currents move counter clock wise
Chapter 4 193
towards the imaginary axis, while other modes inuenced by DFIGs magne-
tization currents step far from the imaginary axis. Inverters angle of rotation
modes have two dierent trajectories, but both of them step towards the imag-
inary axis. Finally, DFIGs mechanical speed mode shows a slight response to
the load demand increment and moves far from the imaginary axis by little
Table 4.7:
Dominant Modes of the Isolated MG During Demand Increment at Mean Wind Speed: 7 m/s
200 200
0 0
−200 −200
5 5
0 0
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 −4 −3 −2
real real
(c) (d)
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2
−9.6 −9.5 −9.4 −9.3 −9.2 −9.1
real x 10
Table 4.8 shows the dominant modes, participation factors and their damp-
ing ratios in the case of load demand increment from 7.5 p.u to 12 p.u for the
to 7 m/s. In Table 4.8, the rst three columns belong to the status of the
dominant state variables at the rst simulation sample, while the last column
of remarks belong to the status of the dominant state variables at the last
simulation sample.
Figures 4.27a and 4.27b show dierent DFIGs magnetization current modes
trajectories; Figure 4.27c shows the trajectory of modes dictated by DFIGs in-
tegral terms of phased-locked loop circuits; Figures 4.27d and 4.28a show the
DFIGs dc-link modes; Figure 4.27b shows the trajectory of DFIGs mechanical
speed mode.
The modes dictated by DFIGs dc-link variables are still the source of in-
stability in the system, by crossing the imaginary axis to the unstable part.
Some modes related to DIFGs magnetization currents move towards the imag-
inary axis and their frequencies increase with incrementing the load demand as
step far from the imaginary axis as in Figure 4.27b. In Figure 4.28b, DFIGs
mechanical speed mode shows a slight response to the load demand increment
and moves far from the imaginary axis by little values. DFIGs integral terms
of phased-locked loop circuit modes are far from the imaginary axis and out
Dominant Modes of the Grid-Connected Mode During Demand Increment at Mean Wind Speed: 7
200 200
0 0
−200 −200
−1 −2
Table 4.9 shows the dominant modes, participation factors and their damp-
ing ratios, in the case of load demand increment from 7.5 p.u to 12 p.u in the
12 m/s. In Table 4.9, the rst three columns belong to the status of the dom-
inant state variables at the rst simulation sample, while the last column of
remarks belong to the status of the dominant state variables at the last simu-
lation sample.
Figures 4.29b and 4.29c show the modes related to the inverters angle of rota-
tion modes; Figures 4.29d and 4.30a show the trajectories of the DFIGs integral
terms of dc-link modes; Figure 4.30b shows the trajectory of the DFIGs me-
chanical speed.
Through the simulation of low wind speed case (7 m/s), where the source of
instability in this case was related to the modes dominated by dc-link variables
only, but in the current case of wind speed equals to 12 m/s, the instability
source of the system originates from two dominant modes, those inuenced by
the inverters angle of rotation and the DFIGs dc-link state variables. DFIGs
magnetization currents mode steps towards the imaginary axis, while DFIGs
mechanical speed mode shifts slightly far from the imaginary axis through load
demand increment.
Table 4.9:
Dominant Modes of the Isolated MG During Demand Increment at Mean Wind Speed: 12 m/s
0 0
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
−5 0 5 −2 −1 0 1 2
real real
(c) (d)
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
−0.0175 −0.017 −0.0165 −0.016
Table 4.10 shows the dominant modes, participation factors and their
damping ratios, in the case of load demand increment from 7.5 p.u to 12
p.u for the grid-connected mode. The simulation is processed at mean wind
speed equals to 12 m/s. In Table 4.10, the rst three columns belong to the
status of the dominant state variables at the rst simulation sample, while the
last column of remarks belong to the status of the dominant state variables at
Figures 4.31a and 4.31b show the trajectory of the DFIGs magnetization
current modes; Figure 4.31c shows the modes related to the DFIGs integral
terms of phased-locked loop circuit; Figures 4.31d and 4.32a show the trajec-
tory of the DFIGs integral terms of dc-link circuit; Figure 4.32b shows the
The current case is totally stable and no mode is observed crossing the
imaginary axis to the unstable part creating Hopf or saddle node bifurcations.
The modes dominated by all DFIGs magnetization currents still move towards
the imaginary axis with lower frequencies. The DFIGs mechanical speed mode
still show the same response as previous cases, and it moves slightly far from
the imaginary axis. The modes dictated by dc-link variables vdc step towards
the imaginary axis as shown in Figure 4.31d, while the modes dominated by
ζdc move far from the imaginary axis as shown in Figure 4.32a, but still the
Figure 4.33 shows a comparison between the isolated microgrid mode and
ed mode, the frequency is stable because a sucient reserve coming from the
innite bus.
Table 4.10: Dominant Modes of the Grid-connected Mode During Demand Increment at Mean Wind Speed:
12 m/s
200 200
0 0
−200 −200
−28.5 −28 −27.5 −27 −26.5 −15 −10 −5
real real
(c) (d)
x 10
grid frequency (p.u)
isolated microgrid
microgrid connected to Inf bus
7.5 8.4 9.2 9.8 10.5 11 11.5 12
demand power (p.u)
The conclusions of all the load demand increment scenarios are briefed
• For the both cases of isolated microgrid and grid-connected mode, and
during the low wind speed case (7 m/s), the source of instability is the
mode inuenced by the DFIGs dc-link state variables, which strikes the
• For the isolated microgrid and during the high wind speed case (12 m/s),
two sources of instability can be considered which are the DFIGs dc-link
and the inverters angle of rotation modes, as both of them cross the
• The best response is shown in the grid-connected mode, and during the
high wind speed case (12 m/s), as the system is totally stable, and the
Chapter 5
5.1 Conclusions
In this thesis, several technical and economic analyses were conducted, re-
by wind energy and batteries and nally predicting some stability constraints
• The applied LHS sampling technique serves to sample the wind speed,
branch among the microgrid nodes, the correlations among wind turbine
of this thesis show that varying the wind speed input for only one wind
can be less than the sum of power injections by each generation unit,
ate by the droop control. The more restriction on the maximum power
constraint of each inverter, the earlier bifurcation will be, because the
bifurcation occurs;
• The wind turbine cut-in to rated speed (wi /wr ) ratio is a vital element to
enhance the annual energy production of the wind turbine. The higher
(wi /wr ) ratio, the higher annual energy production and minimum cost of
energy can be ensured. Moreover, high wind turbines (wi /wr ) ratios do
for wind turbines only, but for storage systems which operate in parallel
capacities can be a better choice than dispersing the same turbines ca-
order to study the dominant variables which can violate the stability of
214 Chapter 5
Regulated Microgrids
eration. More particularly, the paper is focused on wind generation and its
among generating units. The paper also presents a minimization problem that,
The analysis includes an investigation into the best model that represents the
Chapter 5 215
to determine the dominant variables which can violate the stability of micro-
grids. The critical state variables were determined, and the proposed future
work will be dedicated to develop power ow models with stable constraints
for isolated microgrids. The proposed future work will extend to the following
models, to ensure the dispatching and loading within the small signal
consideration, which can ensure the robustness of the solution for various
formed in Chapter 4 can be used to select the most eective input signal
objective controller design for a DFIG, including the damping ratios and
reach terrible values that could damage the dc-link circuit. In addition,
In [144] and [145] Kenneth and Qiao showed that proper coordinated
reactive power control strategies between the wind farm and the FACTS
can be adopted to reduce the level of sags and comply with grid code
Chapter 5 217
Chapter 5
5.1 Conclusiones
En esta tesis se han realizado diversos estudios técnicos y económicos sobre
control droop.
de la turbina eólica. Cuanto mayor sea el índice (wi /wr ), mayor será
de energía.
queña señal para estudiar las variables dominantes que pueden amenazar
las microredes.
Chapter 5 219
Regulated Microgrids
eration. More particularly, the paper is focused on wind generation and its
among generating units. The paper also presents a minimization problem that,
The analysis includes an investigation into the best model that represents the
220 Chapter 5
potencia con restricciones estables para las microredes aisladas. Los trabajos
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