Experiment 13

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Group No.

: 5
To observe and learn physical and chemical properties of ketones and
differentiate these properties from that of the aldehydes.
 Test tubes
 Droppers
 Bunsen burner
 Beaker
 Graduated cylinder
 Acetone – C3H6O
 Ethyl alcohol – C2H5OH
 Ether – (C2H5)2O
 Tollen’s reagent – Ag(NH3)2
 Fehling’s solution (A and B) – CuSO4
 Schiff’s reagent – C20H19N3·HCl
 Sodium bisulfite – NaHSO4
 10% Potassium Iodide – KI
 Sodium hypochlorite – NaClO
 Distilled water – H2O


In this experiment the first procedure was for the test in solubility of ketone, 1 ml
each of water, ether, ethyl alcohol was added to separate test tubes then added with 1 ml
of acetone nitrate
For the second procedure was for tests in chemical properties of acetone. First
was the Tollen’s test, 1 ml pf ammoniacal silver nitrate was placed to a test tube then
added with 5 drops of acetone. Mixed and brought to water bath. Second was with the
used of Fehling’s reagent, in another test tube 2 ml each of solution A and B of the
reagent were mixed then added with 5 drops acetones. Mixed then warmed in a water
bath. Third test was with Schiff’s reagent, 1 ml of the reagent were placed in a test tube
then added with 5 drops of acetone. Fourth test was with Sodium hydroxide, in another
test tube 0.5 ml of acetone was placed then added with 2 ml of 60% NaOH. Stirred and
warmed. Fifth test was for the addition of sodium bisulfite, 1ml of the reagent was
placed to test tube and added with acetone little at a time then any reaction was observed.
For the last test was the iodoform test, in a test tube 0.5 ml of acetone was added then
with 3 ml of 10% KI and 10 ml sodium hypochlorite. Mixed and reaction was recorded.


A. Solubility
In water In ether In ethyl alcohol

Acetone Partially soluble Partially soluble Totally soluble

B. Chemical PropertIes of Acetone

Tests performed Observations

a) Tollen’s test Formation of black precipitate

b) Fehling’s test No change in Royal blue solution

c) Schiff’s test Mixed thoroughly; Orange solution

d) With NaOH Clear solution

Clear Solution; Formation of bubbles

With Sodium


Yellow cloudy solution

f) Iodoform test



Ketones, similar to aldehydes, consist of a carbonyl group but of different location.
In contrast, the carbonyl group of ketones is located in-between hydrocarbon radicals,
while the carbonyl group of aldehydes is terminal. Hence, the formula is R-CO-R.
The goal of the experiment was to observe and learn physical and chemical
properties of ketones and differentiate these properties from that of the aldehyde. To be
able to accomplish this, the methodology was divided into two which is to test the solubility
and to investigate the chemical properties of ketone. For solubility test, ketone was mixed
in each of water, ether, and ethyl alcohol. In investigating the chemical properties, the
following tests and reagents reacted with ketone were applied: Tollen’s test, Fehling’s
Reagent, Schiff’s Reagent, With NaOH, Addition of Sodium Bisulfite, and Iodoform Test.
The representative of Ketones was acetone. In every test and/or reagent added,
observations with regards to the changes after reaction were recorded which actually give
characterization about ketones. The data and results help in determining the said organic
Hence, the goal or the objective of the experiment was achieved which actually
helped in understanding the difference between ketones and aldehydes not only in terms of
the chemical structure but also in terms of properties.


1. Give some commercial and medical applications of acetone.

 Acetone is a solvent, which is a liquid that can dissolve other substances. Acetone is
most commonly known as the solvent that removes nail polish, but it is also found in
bath and fragrance products, hair and skin care products, as well as skin-lightening
 Acetone is used to first clean the skin and remove excess fat and oils in a process
called defatting.
 It can be used as a chemical intermediate and a solvent for vitamins and cosmetic

2. Define Ketosis.

Ketosis is a normal metabolic process. When the body does not have enough
glucose for energy, it burns stored fats instead; this results in a build-up of acids called
ketones within the body.

3. How is acetone prepared commercially? Show equations.

Acetone is prepared in laboratory by dry distillation of calcium acetate. Acetone

may be prepared by pyrolysis (heating pure acid in absence of oxygen) of Acetic acid, the
dry distillation of Calcium acetate and oxidation of isopropyl alcohol.

C6H5CH(CH3)2 + O2 → C6H5OH + OC(CH3)2 CH3COCH3

4. Name a hormone, a sugar, and a vitamin that are all ketones. Cite the importance of

Ketone-body metabolism are the anabolic hormone insulin and the primarily
catabolic hormones, glucagon, cortisol, catecholamines and growth hormone. These
hormones may regulate ketone-body metabolism at three sites: adipose tissue, by
regulating fatty acid supply to the liver; the liver itself, by determining the relative
activities of the re-esterification and fatty acid oxidation pathways; and the periphery, by
influencing the rate of extrahepatic utilization of ketone bodies.

Blood glucose. Ketones are produced when the body burns fat for energy or fuel.
They are also produced when you lose weight or if there is not enough insulin to help
your body use sugar for energy. Without enough insulin, glucose builds up in the blood.
Since the body is unable to use glucose for energy, it breaks down fat instead. When this
occurs, ketones form in the blood and spill into the urine. These ketones can make you
very sick.

Raspberry ketone is a chemical from red raspberries, as well as kiwifruit,
peaches, grapes, apples, other berries, vegetables such as rhubarb, and the bark of yew,
maple, and pine trees.
Raspberry ketone is a chemical from red raspberries that is thought to help for
weight loss. Some research in animals or in test tubes shows that raspberry ketone might
increase some measures of metabolism. It might also affect a hormone in the body called
adiponectin. Adiponectin can increase the rate at which the body burns fat and reduce
appetite. However, it is important to keep in mind that there is no reliable scientific
evidence that raspberry ketone improves weight loss when taken by people.

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