iscosity Ranges for ISO & ASTM Systems
Mid-Point Kinematic Viscosity Limits Saybolt Viscosity SUS
Kinematic Stat 40°C (104°F} = ASTM, Saybolt 400°F (37.8°C)
Viscosity Min, Max. Viscosity Number Min. Max.
2.2 1.98 242 32 34.0 35.5
32 2.88 352 36 36.5 38.2
46 ata 5.06 40 39.9 427
68 6.12 7.48 50 45.7 80.3
10 9,00 11.0 60 55.5 628
15 15 13.5 165 76 7 83
22 2 19.8 24.2 105 96 15
32 32 28.8 35.2 150 135 164
as 40 a4 50.6 218 191 234
68 6a 612 ws 318 280 345,
100 +00 90.0 no 465 40 500
150 150 138 165 700 615, 750
220 220 198 242 1000 900 110
320 320 268 352 1500 1310 1600
460 460 a4 806 2150 1886 2300
680 eo 812 748 3150 2800 3400
1000 10900 900 1100 4650 4100 5000
1500 1500 1350 1650 7000 6100 7600Viscosity Ranges for AGMA Lubricants
Eaareme Pressure
Viscosity range gear lubricants — | Synthetic gear oils?)
mm/s (cStlat | Equivalent
AGMA Lubricant No. orc {50 grade | AGMA Lubricant No. | AGMA Lubricant No,
0 28.8 to 35.2 32 os
1 41.410 50.6 46 1s
2 61.216 748 68 2EP. 28
3 90 10 110 100 SEP 3S
__4 135 t0 165 150 4eP 4s
5 198 10 242 220 SEP 5S
6 288 9 352 320. eEP. 6S
Comp" 44 to 506 -460__| __ZEP __| ___7s___|
8,8 Comp" G12 to 748 680 aEP. 8S
8A Comp 900 to 1100 1000 8A EP =
9 1350 to 1650 1500 SEF Es
10 2880 10 3520 = 10 EP ios
1 4140 to 5060 = TEP 118
12 6120 to 7480 = iZEP 128
190 to 220 cSt at
13 100°C (212°F)5) = 43 EP 138
Residual compounds)| Viscosity ranges")
JAGMA Lubricant No. | _ ¢St at 100°C (212°F)
148 428.5 to 857.0
158 857.0 to 1714.0
Niper ISO 3438, industrial Liquid Lubricants - ISO Viscosity Classification, Also ASTM D 2422
land British Standards Institution B.S. 4231
extreme pressure lubricants should be used anly when recommended by the gear manufac:
lstSynthetic gear oils 96 — 138 are available but not yet in wide use.
101s marked Comp are compounded with 3% to 10% fatty or synthetic fatty oils.
SVViscosities of AGMA Lubricant Number 13 and above are specified ot 100°C (210°F) as mea-
surement of viscosities of these heavy lubricants at 40°C (100°F} would not be practical.
ls!Residual compounds-diluent type, commonly known as solvent cutbacks, are heavy oils
containing @ volatile, non-flammable difuont for ease of application. The diluent evaporates
teaving a thick film of lubricant on the gear teeth. Viscosities listed are for the base compound
Jwithout diluent.
CAUTION: These tubricants may require special handling and storage procedures. Diluent
can be toxic or irritating to the skin. Do not use these lubricants without proper ventilation.
Consult lubricant supplier's instructions.
Courtesy of American Gear Manufacturer's Assoc.VISCOSITY GRADES ~ SAE
(SAE J-200 APR 97)
tow shearfels . _Lowshearfite ign sneapeate
LawTereaave fc], _owTempsrnure Ch Kamat Venacy® Kiaratie Vacs? “Vacate
vec case CENSOR TP Pumping Visit “fesattore” fesgar ore agro
ow 3250 at 30 60.000 21-40 38 - -
a 3500 31-25 ooo at 38 3a =
ow 3500 3t-20 ‘0.000 at 20, a 7
1s 3500 at 15 60,000 a 25, $6 - -
zow 4500 61-10 ‘0.000 at 20 se = -
zw 5000 6 6 150.000 4-15, 32 =
ie = = 56 34 25
x = 7 83 ae 23
“ = = ue mea 28,0040, 540, 0d
10Vi-46 gravest
a - - us 162 3.7 (18Aea0, 20820,
240,40 grade
0 - - nea ana ‘a
0 = = na 61 2
Yeote: cP =1 mPoes: 1 eSt | goes
ZA values arecrnalspecenions as deined by AST D-3044 lwo text Section 3
ASTM D-as84 (see wlo Appendix Band tent, Section 4.1]. Nete thet the presence of any yield slebes detectable by ths method constitutes a
faaure regardless of vaconity
sastine 4s,
EASTIN0.4885, CEE L-36-4-90 (ASTM D-47411, oF ASTM D S451
(SAE J-306 OCT 91)
SAE for Viscosity of Viscosity at Viscosity at
Viscosity 180,000 cA! 100°C eSt2 100°C 0&3?
Grade eo Minimum Maximum
70W 553 44 ~
75W 40 44 _
Bow 28 70 -
a5w “12 11.0 =
90 - 13.5 <240
140 - 249 <41.0
260 - 41.0 -
"Centipoise {cP)is the customary absolute viscosity unit and is numerically equal to the
seottesponding St unit of millipascal-seoond (mPa).
2Centistokes {cSt} is the customary kinematic viscosity unit and is numerically equal to
the corresponding $i unit of square millimeter per second (mm/s).
The precision of ASTM Method D-2983 has not been established for determinations
made at temperatures below -40°C; consequently, this fact should be realized in any
producer-consumer relationship. it is expected that ASTM will shortly undertake work
inthe range dawn to -63°C for ASTM D-2983.