I. Objectives

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School Osmena National High School Grade level 11

Teacher Melmar B. Reverente Learning Area Earth Science

Time and Date 4:00-5:00 pm/ July 23 2019 Quarter/Week/Day 1Q/W8/D1

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding about the
different layers of the Earth.
B. Performance Standards The Learners should be able to:
Identify the different layers of the Earth.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives The learning should be able to describe the difference
in materials from the different layers of the earth.
Learners will be able to:
1. Identify where the earth’s Core, mantel, and
crust is.
2. Recognise the difference in materials from the
different layers.
A. Reference
1. Earth Science book Earths Materials and Resources pp 109-111
B. Other learning materials Power point presentation.
A. ELICIT Let the student recall their learning

 What do you see in the pictures?

 How are they related?

B. ENGAGE Present this picture and asked these questions:

 Have you been into the centre of the earth?

At this point the teacher will give an input about the

earth’s interior. And that earth is divided into four
layers; core, inner mantel, outer mantle, and crust.
 Who is the centre of your life?
At this point the teacher will encourage students to tell
stories about who the centre of their life are and how
that person becomes their centre. (Values Integrations)

C. EXPLORE The student will perform this activity by groups,

Activity: Look for my right place: (10min)
Note: You can put colour in your activity sheet.

D. EXPLAIN Post-Lab Discussion:

Student will report by group of their activity. (10Min)
After this point the teacher will present the topic
through power point.
E. ELABORATE At this point the teacher will ask again the previous
questions: what are the layers of the earth?

F. EVALUATE Identify the layers of the earth.

G. EXTEND The student will research on the earth’s different


Prepared by:

Melmar B. Reverente

Teacher I

Subject Teacher

Noted by:

Cristine P. Balacano

T-III/ Teacher-In-Charge

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