Evolution of Form
Evolution of Form
Evolution of Form
•History of Pondicherry has a major influence on evolution of form, hence the factors such as
climate, nature of landscape , geographical feature and colonial planning conclude to the grid iron
•To understand the evolution of form -study of flourishing history Pondicherry Is important.
1.Pre col
2.Colonial period
3.After independence
Early history of Pondicherry prior to its settlement by foreigners though the influence of the major
south Indian kingdom of the Cholas, Pandavas and Vijayanagar is self evident in the architect of that
period. The region’s long history of interaction. With foreigners began with the roman empire. The
cornerstone of trade with the romans lay in the port city of Arekmedu from where galleys laden
with silk, spices, birds, animals, silver and precious stones left for roman shores
13th CE : Pandya
The Portuguese were the first to arrive in Pondicherry in the 16th century followed soon after by the
Danes and the French. The arrival of the French in 1673 started the transformation of Pondicherry
from a small fishing village to the bastion of French rule in India and the epicentre of Indo- French
trade. Though the Dutch captured Pondicherry from the French in 1693, the French regained control
of the region under the Treaty of Ryswick in 1699. In 1706 Pondicherry had population of 40,000
while the English town of Calcutta had barely 22,000. D
The British in India took advantage of the decline of the French power and gained control of
Pondicherry in the 1760s - they destroyed the fort and most of the French Quarter but were forced
to cede the territory back to France. But by early 19th century, the British were firmly in control of
most of the Indian subcontinent and little French enclaves like Pondicherry became inconsequential
to the bigger picture.
•In 1673, French people won the battle of erode wanted to show power , hence built the fort with
planning of a new town.
•Under Governors such as Francois Martir and Dupleix, it grew into a prominent fortified town and
an important port of call. In 1746 the British lost fort St. George in Madras to Dupleix, and retaliated
bye capturing Pondicherry in 1761 and razing the town to the ground, sparing only a few structure.
However the treaty of pairs returned Pondicherry to the French
•In 1761 Britishers took over the new town concept and tried a new way of planning of the
settlements and destruction and fort built by Francois Martin
•By the time they have started the construction of settlement in 1763 again France emperors took
over the land
•This battle in between two lasted in 1815 with establishment of France rulers
•Hence under assistance of Francois plan of new town was sanctioned in 1820 which also had
additions i.e. Grand Canal and Pati canal.
•As fort was never built again the vacant ground was used as parade ground after got converted into