Blood Collection and Handling - : Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
Blood Collection and Handling - : Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
Blood Collection and Handling - : Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
Blood Collection
and Handling –
Dried Blood Spot (DBS)
Purpose To provide you with the skills to collect and handle dried blood
spots (DBS) for EQA purposes.
Notes on
EQA Specimen An example EQA specimen transfer log is provided for your
Transfer Log reference at the end of this module.
Dry Completely There are several ways in which you can effectively dry DBS
The image on the left is one that was taken in India. DBS are
dried horizontally between bamboo.
The image on the right can be obtained from Schleicher &
Schuell Bioscience, Inc. (Manufacturer of DBS collection cards)
DBS change from bright red to dark red as they dry.
Step 1 - Stack Place weighing or glycine paper between DBS cards before
DBS transport to prevent cross-contamination.
Sandwich bags will not work as many of these are of the type
where you fold the top. The bag should be a sealable heavy duty
plastic bag, one that will prevent moisture from entering.
How to Package
DBS for Shipping
Invalid DBS
Invalid DBS
Invalid DBS
Invalid DBS
Invalid DBS
Find out how much you have learned by answering these questions.
Find out how much you have learned by answering these questions.
Specimen Test Subject Final Result Date Specimen Collected by Referral Lab Date to Date Conf Result of
Tracking ID* (Testing Specimen Type Req referral lab Result Re-test
Number Site) Collected (DBS or Completed Received
Serum) )
*ID = Identification
Lab Req = Laboratory Requisition