2018 Schindler Annual Report GR e
2018 Schindler Annual Report GR e
2018 Schindler Annual Report GR e
Worldwide, fast, 24 hours a day.
In CHF million
Δ %
2018 2017 Δ % local currencies
Earnings per share and participation certificate in CHF 8.79 7.70 14.2
As of December 31
Before restructuring costs (CHF 26 million) 11.9%
Before restructuring costs (CHF 35 million) 12.0%
One-time tax refund CHF 60 million (income taxes CHF 33 million, net interest income CHF 27 million)
With the implementation of IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers as of January 1, 2018, the order backlog is reported
net of already recognized revenue for contracts with customers. Previous-year figures have been restated accordingly.
2018 2017
11 669 10 879
EBIT margin Return on equity Number of employees
In % In % As of December 31
9 979 9 967 10 374 10 989 11 669 740 747 766 884 1 008
9 246 9 391 9 693 10 179 10 879 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2 Milestones
4 Schindler in brief
6 Statement of the Board of Directors
10 Shaping cities
36 Business review
40 Markets
46 Examples of significant orders
68 Financial calendar
69 Important addresses
2018 was a year of growth and a year full In the 70s, shareholders held shares on tions. Research confirms that the aver-
of challenges for Schindler. Most impor average for five years. Today, in a age longevity of a family company in
tantly, 2018 was a year when Schindler’s technology-driven marketplace, where Europe and in the US is 74 years; that’s
purpose enabled us to overcome unex- the majority of the trading volume on the more than three times longer than their
pected obstacles, and at the same time stock exchange is measured in millisec- non-family peers, with an average life
continue to build our platform for future onds, stocks are only held for around six span of 24 years.
success. Growth remains our number one months. One side effect is that the aver-
objective and, in spite of the return of age life span of a company has dropped Schindler, with a history of over 144
foreign exchange headwinds, both our dramatically, from almost 40 years back years, is a case in point. The Schindler
revenue and profit continued to grow, then to 18 years today, and it is projected family, who founded the company in
while we preserved the profitability level 1874, is still the leading shareholder
achieved over the last few years. five generations later. Throughout its
life, Schindler has adapted, grown, and
Financials aside, the idea that a compa- increasingly short prevailed over seismic shifts in industry.
ny’s sense of purpose is the most crucial term approach is It transitioned from steam to electrical
factor in its success is regaining credence at odds with power, from relay to microprocessors,
in the marketplace. Yet, creating ‘share- and is now evolving in the dynamic
holder value’ is still seen as a corporation’s
sole purpose.
digital era. Schindler is a world leader in
vertical transportation, even though
there are no megacities in Switzerland.
However, there is now a growing view to slip even further by 2025. On the other In 1980, it was the first company in his-
that this monolithic approach has inher- hand, it typically takes 8 years to develop tory to set up an industrial joint venture
ent flaws and is outdated in today’s envi- a new smart phone, up to 15 years to bring in the People’s Republic of China. It is a
ronment. Board directors have a fiduciary a medication to market, and more than classic story of Swiss engineering excel-
duty to act in the best interests of a cor- 20 years to get payback on a new factory. lence and entrepreneurial courage.
poration, and not merely to do sharehold- This increasingly short term approach is
ers’ bidding. Also, over the last 50 years, at odds with the entrepreneurial courage People often ask me if there is a secret
the profile of shareholders has changed essential to stay competitive. recipe to our growth. I do not think so.
significantly: today’s shareholders are typi- Yet, I do believe it comes down to two
cally anonymous and entrust their shares So, is there another approach and what elements. Firstly: right time, right place –
to third parties. might it look like? And what might be its with urbanization burgeoning, the ele
purpose? One viable alternative is the vator and escalator market has grown
Individual savers and company employees board and management working together exponentially alongside it. Secondly,
are now a seldom minority. Unlike the to create value way beyond the short operating on the fundamentals of a well-
individual and engaged shareholders of term. In reality this is nothing new. Several run family company with a particular
the past, today’s institutional intermed entrepreneurial corporations, and family emphasis on cultivating a robust system
iaries often focus on the short term and companies in particular, have applied this of checks and balances.
are typically subject to incentives too basic principle for centuries, generating
often at odds with the actual shareholders top performance and outliving their com- As I start my 25th year at Schindler, I
they represent. Today’s shareholders are petitors. Recent bank studies show that am, more than ever, convinced that the
not uniform – they range from sovereign family companies outperform their peers famous adage ‘Culture eats strategy
states, pension funds and central banks to both in Switzerland and globally, and that every day for breakfast’ is at the core of
hedge funds – and, as such, tend to have consistently over the last ten years. This our growth. This view is also shared by
vastly different interests. can be explained precisely by their pur-
pose: family companies feel obliged to
preserve wealth for the coming genera-
Throughout its 144-year history, Schindler has embraced global changes as a strategic
opportunity through targeted investments, constant innovation, and a clear focus
on the elevator and escalator business. Today, for example, seven out of ten elevators
in the world are sold in Asia. Accordingly, Schindler has significantly expanded its
footprint in the region, including supply chains, technical training facilities, and
research and development.
Tradition of innovation
Over the years, Schindler has built a tradition of pioneering innovative, custom-
er-driven products, including destination control systems and the first-ever patent for
elevators without a machine room. Other landmark examples include development
of exclusive elevator suspension traction media and ‘InTruss’ modernization, which
enables existing escalators to be upgraded with significantly diminished building
impact. With the dawn of artificial intelligence, the company is at the forefront of the
‘Internet of Elevators and Escalators’ (IoEE). ‘Schindler Ahead’ provides a unique,
cloud-based digital toolbox connecting machine, users, technicians, and around-the-
clock call centers in a closed-loop ecosystem. To realize the full potential of digitization
across the entire value chain, Schindler launched in 2018 a multiyear strategic invest-
ment program aimed at implementing the ‘Digital Twin’ functionality across the full
scope of the business.
As one of the industrial sector’s leading digital companies, Schindler will continue
to invest in the smart networking of products and digital processes.
Board of Directors
Front row, from left: Patrice Bula, Prof. Dr. Monika Bütler,
Prof. Dr. Pius Baschera, Erich Ammann, Carole Vischer
Back row, from left: Dr. Rudolf W. Fischer, Alfred N. Schindler,
Silvio Napoli, Luc Bonnard, Tobias B. Staehelin,
Anthony Nightingale – not pictured: Michael Nilles
The year 2018 saw a continuation of the market trends that had already emerged in
previous years, as challenges intensified. Alongside material costs and wage inflation,
pricing pressure, and the return of foreign exchange headwinds, Schindler faced an
extremely competitive environment. The company managed to adapt to such fast-
changing market conditions and delivered strong growth and significantly improved
cash flow, while securing stable margins. Most importantly, Schindler further strength-
ened its global position through strategic investments and by accelerating innovation.
Order intake grew by 6.2% to CHF 11 669 million, corresponding to an increase of 6.6%
in local currencies. Revenue rose by 6.9% to CHF 10 879 million, equivalent to a
growth of 7.3% in local currencies. Operating profit increased by 6.9% to CHF 1 269
million and the EBIT margin reached 11.7%, in line with the previous year despite the
adverse external factors. Net profit increased by 14.0% to CHF 1 008 million, and cash
flow from operating activities improved by CHF 195 million to CHF 1 005 million.
In 2018, we made significant investments that will deliver strategic value in the future.
Starting with innovation, significant progress was achieved with ’Schindler Ahead,’
the leading IoT platform in the elevator and escalator industry. Further advances were
made with the closed-loop system for servicing elevators and escalators, introducing
new ‘use case’ algorithms to our true predictive maintenance system for elevators.
Our cloud technology stack was complemented with a new crowd knowledge platform,
enabling global consolidation of the local expertise of service technicians worldwide.
Schindler is determined to realize the full potential of digitization across the entire
value chain. We launched a multiyear strategic investment to implement ‘Digital Twin’
functionality across the full scope of our business in collaboration with Dassault
Systèmes. The ‘Digital Twin’ is achieved by combining the digital representation of
each individual piece of equipment along the value chain, thereby enabling traceability
and optimization of each individual unit – including development, production, delivery,
installation, and service.
Schindler’s innovation not only focuses on the digital space, but also on the more
traditional activities of the business. With the launch of R.I.S.E (Robotic Installation
System for Elevators), we are investing to deliver a quantum change in quality assurance,
work safety, and installation speed in the elevator industry.
Other strategic investments included the acquisition of more than 25 service companies,
the increase in our stake to 49% in the Chinese joint venture Volkslift Elevator, the
completion of the escalator factory in India, and the opening of the new escalator step
factory in China.
In over 144 years of history, Schindler has grown around the world while being recognized
as a responsible corporate citizen in each country where the company operates.
We have consolidated our efforts in our sustainability strategy, which underscores our
long-term focus, our responsibility toward the environment, and the social commitments
that were not only initiated but still are driven by the founding families. The sustain
ability strategy focuses on six areas selected to deliver the greatest impact and to be
measured against ambitious targets set for 2022.
People are what a company is made of, and the workforce across the world is our
greatest asset. By the end of 2018, the Schindler team was 64 486 employees strong,
corresponding to a growth of 3 467 employees in one year. As in the recent past,
the largest increase in headcount occurred in the dynamic markets of the Asia-Pacific
region. To sustain levels of growth, training, and development of employees – at all
levels of the company – must remain at the core of Schindler’s priorities. Over the last
five years, we have opened ten new technical training centers around the world, to
create the necessary infrastructure to certify more than 4 000 employees per year in
an ideal environment.
Schindler Holding Ltd. closed the fiscal year 2018 with a net profit of CHF 502 million
(previous year: CHF 575 million). The Board of Directors will propose a dividend of
CHF 4.00 per registered share and per participation certificate to the forthcoming
General Meeting, scheduled for March 26, 2019.
Some of the key elevator and escalator markets are expected to slow down in 2019.
Growing political and economic challenges point to the importance of executing our
strategy in a focused manner. With its vast geographical diversification, Schindler is
ideally positioned to benefit from developments in several areas where markets will
continue to grow.
For 2019, excluding any unforeseeable events, we expect to continue growing faster
than the market, with revenue increasing between 4% and 6% in local currencies.
As in previous years, the annual forecast for net profit will be provided with the publication
of the half-year results.
Overall, 2018 was a successful year for Schindler. Our progress and the results we achieved
are a testimony to the exemplary commitment, world-class expertise, and remarkable
performance of our employees, to whom we wish to express our most sincere gratitude.
Most importantly, we would like to thank our customers around the globe for the
privilege of their business and for the trust that they continue to place in Schindler.
Finally, this message would not be complete without thanking our shareholders,
for their valuable trust and for their essential support to the company.
San Francisco
Salesforce Tower
Go West
The new Salesforce Tower is much
more than a symbol of prestige for
the Schindler crew.
‘Schindler delivered
ahead of schedule
and more than
exceeded our
Danny Murtagh
Vice President of Engineering
Boston Properties
‘We’ve grown
into a
real family.’
Salesforce Tower
Salesforce Tower
Commercial building
326 m
34 elevators 3
‘I’ve never
worked with
such a
strong team.’
Tremon Adams
High-Rise Adjuster
Salesforce Tower
A perfect pair
T he customers always want everything
by yesterday – but that doesn’t worry
District Service Sales Manager Ashleigh
Wilson. ‘Boston Properties and Salesforce
have high expectations. I like working
with them because we’ve had a great
relationship right from the start.’
Schindler and
Salesforce are a
winning combination.
‘I am a
Schindler kid.’
Ashleigh Wilson
District Service Sales Manager
661 x
The new Istanbul Airport was built in record
time. It was a Herculean task for the Schindler
team who installed 328 elevators, 166 escalators,
and 167 moving walks in just two years.
‘A unique
opportunity to
showcase Schindler’s
and capabilities.’
Zafer Kabadayi
General Manager of Schindler Turkey
Istanbul Airport
Terminal 1
328 elevators
166 escalators
From 2019, 90 million passengers are
expected to use the airport every year
All-round safety
S eçil Yüzgül takes 30 000 steps each
day. On her 10-kilometer route, she
goes from one installation site to the
In her own career, Seçil has made a
180-degree turn. Before coming to Istan-
bul two years ago, the qualified geologist
with so many men was tough at first,’
she recalls. There are now around 1 000
women employed at the airport and
next, checking whether employees and paleontologist worked as an assistant the situation has improved significantly.
have complied with the strict safety at the University of Ankara. Today, she is ‘Especially the toilet facilities!’ she adds,
rules and flagging potential risks. And one of three women in Schindler’s health laughing. She never had a problem assert-
there are plenty of those on a building and safety team in Turkey. ‘Working ing her authority within the Schindler
site where more than 30 000 employ- team, although her role involves assessing
ees are working at any one time. ‘This men’s work.
‘We introduced
is why we introduced the 360-degree
safety rule. It stipulates that our employ the 360 degree Schindler’s investments in safety have paid
ees have to turn to look in all directions safety rule.’ off. It has twice been named the safest
to spot any risks in good time.’ company by airport operator IGA – and
Seçil Yüzgül much more importantly: There have been
Health and Safety Specialist
no injuries on the team, even though ele-
vator installers have the most dangerous
job of all. ‘That fills me with pride and
motivates me to do my best each day,’
she says.
Seçil Yüzgül
takes 30 000 steps
each day.
A city of superlatives: Once a fishing
village, Shenzhen is now home to more
than 11 million people and its skyline is
dotted with more than 300 skyscrapers.
Schindler has an important role to play
in Shenzhen’s two most spectacular
Tencent Seafront
77 elevators
PORT Technology
231 m
4 escalators
Huang enters the elevator and travels Sitting in his office, Yigui Wei doesn’t
to the recreation deck on the 23rd floor, notice the minutiae of the hustle and
which boasts a proper sports area com- bustle going on around him – he only
plete with a basketball court, climbing perceives it on a larger scale, when
wall, and running track for joggers. he sees trucks moving between the
Huang stands in front of the wall of win- skyscrapers. The 35-year-old manages
dows and points to Shenzhen’s skyline, the local branch of Schindler – a job
which features some of the most spec that gives him a great view here in the
tacular buildings on the planet. eastern part of the city. However, the
tall buildings and busy construction
work are not first and foremost an
architectural wonder for Wei. Instead,
Today, the city has more he sees them as a source of potential
than 300 skyscrapers orders. Today, the city has more than
reaching a height 300 skyscrapers reaching a height
of over 200 meters. of over 200 meters, Wei explains.
A large proportion of them are fitted
with Schindler elevators.
2 3
86 million
Macau Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong The largest urban region in the world
The combined population of Hong Kong,
Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Macau is
86 million. In future, these four major
cities will officially form the Pearl River
Delta Metropolitan Region.
Landmark buildings
with Schindler products
A Tencent Seafront
B Ping An Finance Center
33 double-deck elevators
‘The career
for women are
generally just as
good as for men.’
Danny Huang
Client Service Team Manager
Milan reinvented
97 elevators
’At first, the Milanese didn’t entirely didn’t waste any time in naming the CityLife has breathed new life into Milan.
trust us. They couldn’t imagine what this towers, christening them Il Curvo (The Located not far from the heart of the
dusty old part of town would look like Curved One), Lo Storto (The Twisted One), city, it represents the ‘green lungs’ of
once we had finished,’ explains Marco and Il Dritto (The Straight One). Two of Milan. This is the city’s second-largest
Beccati, who has been managing the the three towers, which reach a height of park and it has 5 kilometers of cycle
project for nine years. ‘Today, our district between 170 and 220 meters, are already paths and a metro station, with cars
has become a place to work and a place occupied, while PwC employees are due confined to driving and parking below
where the whole of Milan can relax.’ to move into the Libeskind building in ground. Of the 5 000 people who
2020. Schindler secured the order for Il already work in the towers, no fewer
In 2010, Schindler won the contract to Curvo in 2016. than 70% travel to work using public
supply elevators for the seven residential transport.
buildings designed by Zaha Hadid, with
their curves and rounded balconies, and CityLife has breathed How do you compete successfully in the
the eight buildings created by Daniel new life into Milan. global market? Key Account Manager
Libeskind, with their angular and asymmet- Paolo Cassani explains: ‘We weren’t
rical exteriors. The apartments were soon
sold or rented. Angelo Fumagalli, General
Manager of Schindler Italy, comments:
‘CityLife is a prestigious project that has
transformed Milan’s skyline. With its visi
bility and appeal that extends far beyond
Milan, CityLife is a must for every high-tech
company. We had to be part of it.’
1 2
3 4
‘We weren’t
offering standard
we offered the
best solution.’
Paolo Cassani
Key Account Manager
5 6
16 elevators
PORT Technology
175 m
2 escalators
‘I already use
the Schindler name
almost like a
for elevators.’
Yama Karim
Studio Libeskind, New York
40 Markets
46 Examples of significant orders
The growth of the middle class and the aging of the population in industrialized nations
and emerging markets is generating additional demand for elevators and escalators.
The use of energy-efficient and user-friendly technologies in buildings is also increasing,
leading to a greater need to modernize outdated units. As one of the leading providers
of elevators and escalators, Schindler is part of this trend and is committed to shaping
a sustainable future.
Strategic initiatives support the realization of these objectives. Their main focus is on
the modularization of the product portfolio as well as the digitization of the business.
Modular concepts for elevators are a core strategic element of Schindler’s efforts
to enhance competitiveness. They lower the complexity of the product portfolio by
substantially reducing the range of components. Furthermore, modular product
platforms seamlessly close the gap between different product lines. The standardization
of key components leads to economies of scale and lower raw material costs and
increases quality. In addition, it will enhance the efficiency of the installation process
and service business in the medium term.
In its efforts to digitize the business, Schindler is concentrating on the further develop-
ment of the ‘Internet of Elevators and Escalators’ and ‘Schindler Ahead,’ as well as the
‘Digital Twin’ for elevators and escalators, which it began rolling out in 2018 as part of
a multiyear investment program.
Order intake rose by 6.2% to CHF 11 669 million (previous year: CHF 10 989 million),
corresponding to a growth of 6.6% in local currencies. The Americas region achieved
the strongest increase, followed by the EMEA and Asia-Pacific regions. The proportion
of major projects rose substantially compared to the previous year.
As of December 31, 2018, the order backlog was CHF 8 618 million, equivalent to
an increase of 6.3% (+9.7% in local currencies) compared to the order backlog of
CHF 8 106 million as of December 31, 2017.
Schindler generated revenue of CHF 10 879 million in 2018 (previous year: CHF 10 179
million), corresponding to a growth of 6.9%, or 7.3% in local currencies. Foreign
exchange headwinds had a negative impact of CHF 44 million. The largest regional
contribution came from the Americas, followed by the EMEA and Asia-Pacific regions.
2018 2017
2018 2017
l Asia-Pacific 38% 39% l Asia-Pacific 27% 27%
l Americas 31% 30% l Americas 28% 29%
l EMEA 31% 31% l EMEA 45% 44%
The Chinese new installations market grew slightly and other
markets in the region also generated growth.
China saw a slowdown in economic growth, and uncertainty increased as a result of
the trade dispute with the USA. In addition, developments in the construction sector
continued to be impacted by measures to prevent real estate speculation. Despite this,
the world’s most important elevator and escalator market grew slightly in the reporting
year – primarily in the residential construction segment. In contrast, the commercial
sector continued to experience high vacancy rates and declining volumes, especially
in mid-sized and smaller cities. Projects were delayed as a result of ongoing liquidity
shortages among real estate developers. The Chinese market remained highly com
petitive – particularly in respect of major projects.
Schindler pursued its growth strategy and achieved above-market growth in the new
installations business in this challenging environment. The service and modernization
businesses generated high growth rates. On the campus in Jiading, Shanghai, Schindler
opened a new escalator step plant, thereby completing its production infrastructure
in China.
In the reporting year, the Indian economy benefited from a good macroeconomic
environment, policies aimed at promoting stability, and reforms such as the simplification
of the tax system and measures to combat black market trading. The construction
industry benefited from advancing urbanization as well as from investments in
infrastructure and the construction of social housing. The commercial real estate
sector also generated growth.
Schindler was able to benefit from these favorable conditions, achieving strong
growth in the new installations business as well as in the service and modernization
businesses. A new escalator plant was opened in Pune.
Schindler performed in line with the market and achieved growth in the service and
modernization businesses in particular.
In local
2018 2017 Δ % currencies
Revenue (in CHF million) 2 935 2 769 6.0 6.5
Number of employees 24 594 22 998 6.9
Production sites
R&D, IT Services, Digital Business Hub
Countries with Schindler Group companies are shown below
South Korea
Thailand Vietnam
Cambodia Philippines
Malaysia Brunei
Pune Suzhou Shanghai
New Zealand
The Americas
Growth in the region was supported by the undiminished
strength of the US market and signs of a recovery in Brazil.
North America
The US construction sector experienced moderate growth. The continuing trend
towards urbanization had a positive impact on the demand for apartment buildings.
In the institutional buildings sector, an acceleration of activity was visible in the leisure
and education segments in particular. In contrast, there was a slight slowdown in
commercial properties, hotels, and shopping malls.
Against this backdrop, Schindler further strengthened its market position and
increased order intake. Growth was supported by the sale of elevators such as the
machine room-less model of the Schindler 3300 and the Schindler 5500 for the
mid-rise segment.
Latin America
In most markets in Latin America, demand in the new installations business developed
positively. After three years of recession and declining unit sales, demand in Brazil
stabilized at a low level and the first signs of a recovery emerged.
In local
2018 2017 Δ % currencies
Revenue (in CHF million) 3 047 2 927 4.1 7.7
Number of employees 14 600 14 186 2.9
Production sites
R&D, IT Services, Digital Business Hub
Countries with Schindler Group companies are shown below
USA Morristown
Costa Rica
Panama Venezuela
São Paulo
The positive trends in Northern and Southern Europe continued
and Schindler generated growth in both new installations and
the service business.
The construction industry in Northern Europe experienced strong levels of activity.
However, the high degree of capacity utilization, high levels of employment, and the
shortage of skilled workers on construction sites led to some challenges in the
execution of projects. The development of the elevator and escalator market was
generally very solid, driven primarily by residential construction. Growth slowed in the
commercial real estate sector. In terms of regional developments, Germany displayed
very positive trends, and most markets in Eastern Europe grew compared to the
previous year. In the UK, uncertainty surrounding Brexit persisted. Markets in Southern
Europe mainly benefited from the strong residential construction sector and experienced
predominantly robust growth, with the exception of Turkey. Overall, the new installations
business in the Middle East achieved growth, although developments varied between
individual markets.
Schindler was able to benefit from the favorable operating conditions in Europe and
further strengthened order intake. The service and modernization businesses generated
a solid contribution and were supported by several acquisitions of smaller or mid-sized
service companies. In the Middle East, Schindler also saw positive trends in the new
installations and service businesses.
In local
2018 2017 Δ % currencies
Revenue (in CHF million) 4 897 4 483 9.2 7.6
Number of employees 25 292 23 835 6.1
Production sites
Headquarters, Holding
Norway Estonia
Sweden Latvia
Lithuania Russia
Irland Danmark
UK Netherlands Poland
Belgium Luxembourg Czech Republic
Germany Austria Slovakia
Switzerland Slovenia Hungary
Liechtenstein Rumania Ukraine
France Croatia Bulgaria
Andorra Monaco Italy Bosnia-Herzegovina
Zaragoza Portugal Serbia
Spain Greece Turkey
Morocco Lebanon
Egypt Qatar UAE
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
significant orders
Asia-Pacific Americas
Beijing Daxing International Scotia Plaza,
Airport, China Toronto, Canada
275 m
62 moving walks 12 escalators
New Munch Museum,
Oslo, Norway
8 elevators
16 escalators
Imperial Avenue, residential building, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Matrix Office Park, office buildings, Zagreb, Croatia
20 elevators, including 7 Schindler 7000, 7 Schindler 5500, 8 Schindler 3300 elevators, including
and 6 Schindler 3300 2 with The PORT Technology
Auckland Bangkok
– Westfield 277, – Rama 4 Home Office,
Newmarket, commercial buildings
commercial buildings – The Obsidian,
Christchurch residential buildings
– Christchurch Convention – Muang Thai Office at
Centre Sukhumvit Road,
Wellington office building
– Bowen Campus, – Intrarat Hospital
Bowen State Building, – Oriental Residence
and Charles Fergusson Bangkok, commercial
Tower, office and building
commercial buildings Chiang Mai
– The New Concept Pool
Villa Garden View,
Philippines residential buildings
Nakhon Sawan
Caticlan – Radiation & Surgery
– Marriott Hotel Building, hospital
Clark Global City
– West Aeropark,
phase 2, Vietnam
office buildings
– Widus Tower 4, Hanoi
expansion, hotel and – To Hop TM, VP Va Nha
casino O De Dan, residential
Paranaque buildings
– Grand Westside Hotel – Starlake, residential
– Sunshine Center,
Singapore phases 1 & 2,
residential buildings
– Mandai, bird park Ho Chi Minh City
– Woodlands Health – Pmh Cr 1 and 2,
Campus, hospital phase 2,
– Parc Esta, residential commercial building
buildings – Coop Mart,
shopping mall
– Alpha 2–4,
South Korea residential buildings
– Vinhomes Central
Bucheon Park,
– Queen’s Park Bucheon residential buildings
Okgil, complex mall – Khu Nha O Xa Hoi
Suwon Hung Phat,
– Suwon Convention residential buildings
Center – The Sun, residential
Nha Trang
– Swisstouches La Luna
Resort, hotel
‘Digital Twin‘
– Digital continuity
– Single source of data
Industrialization Engineering
and supply chain – CAD, 3D methodology
– Synchronized data flow – Simulation and virtual testing
– Supplier integration – Requirement engineering
– Process simulation and optimization – Design for manufacturing,
installation and maintenance
Schindler Ahead – the networked At its center is the ‘Ahead Cube,’ a smart InTruss – the inner structure
ecosystem communication gateway installed on each preserved
The cloud-based digital platform connected unit. The ‘Ahead Cube’ runs This technology enables existing escalators
‘Schindler Ahead’ is the world’s first analytics and transmits data. Over-the-air to be upgraded with minimal downtime.
digitally connected closed-loop main (OTA) functionality ensures that the During the modernization process, the
tenance, emergency, and information product is always up to date. existing ‘skeleton’ is retained and only
system for elevators and escalators. aged parts are replaced. The escalator is
This powerful machine-learning-supported ’Schindler Ahead’ can connect elevators then equipped with state-of-the-art tech-
system offers a predictive maintenance and escalators from all manufacturers and nology and electronic systems. This pro-
service for customers. It increases brands – an attractive prospect. prietary approach means that construction
the availability of the units (Uptime) and work is minimized and customers can
accelerates product development. regain use of their equipment with minimal
In addition, ‘Schindler Ahead’ enables downtime. In addition, the performance
customers, service technicians, and and energy efficiency of the unit – and its
customer contact centers to access entire aesthetics – are improved.
information (Insights) in real time, and a
range of personalized solutions ensures
greater convenience for passengers.
Facility Uptime
products Insights
Schindler moves more than one billion To achieve these objectives, our sustain
people each day. And not just vertically – ability strategy focuses on six areas in The Sustainability Report produced
we connect people in a variety of ways. which we can generate the greatest in accordance with GRI guidelines is
available under: www.schindler.com/
We contribute to mobility in the urban possible impact. Schindler’s effort has
world and make everyday life easier. With been recognized with the inclusion in the
our products and services, we have our SXI Switzerland Sustainability 25® Index
finger directly on the pulse and shape the on the SIX Swiss Exchange, which is
way people live today – and will live in composed of the 25 most sustainable
the future. Schindler strives to minimize its companies on the SMI Expanded Index.
use of natural resources, invest in people, Schindler also subscribes to the Carbon
and ultimately make a positive contribution Disclosure Project (CDP).
to society. We want to create value for
people and permanently improve the
quality of life in cities.
Six priorities
Enhance safety
Pioneer smart
urban mobility
Create value
in communities
of suppliers
Attract diverse
vehicle fleet
Enhance safety Create value in communities Partnership with Habitat for Humanity®
in the USA and India
Passenger and employee safety is one Schindler not only moves people. We Inspired by the successful project carried out in
of our company’s core values. More also assume our social responsibility with Morristown, New Jersey, USA, in 2017, employees
than one billion passengers and more a coordinated focus in three main areas: in New Holland, Ohio, USA, volunteered to work
on renovation projects with their local Habitat for
than 64 000 employees put their trust in Humanity® organization. In India, Schindler employees
Schindler each day. We work hard to Vocational education and training – spent their vacation building five homes in New
guarantee and continuously improve the To achieve our ambitious growth targets, Delhi as part of the Schindler volunteering project
safety of our products. The same applies Schindler is partnering with government
to safety at work. Our objective is to bodies to invest in the next generation of Tour de Schindler – cycling to support the
fight against cancer
increase safety in the workplace and to professionals. More than 30 programs are
The Tour de Schindler 2018 attracted 22 cyclists
reduce the ‘total case rate’ by a further underway to help 2 000 young people who covered a total distance of 830 kilometers from
20% by 2022. from around the globe to begin a career The Hague to Berlin, cycling between 150 and
330 kilometers each day. Schindler employees
and improve their career opportunities. pedaled across Europe in support of a good cause,
We also support education outside the as they do each year. As part of this event,
company, with programs such as ‘Igniting Schindler and the participants donated to cancer
support groups in Germany and the Netherlands.
Minds’ in India.
Schindler ‘Igniting Minds’ scholarship program
in India
In India, Schindler has launched an award-winning
program – ‘Igniting Minds’– to promote the
technical training of young people. Scholarships
are awarded to talented students at engineering
Attract diverse talents and ITI colleges – with more than 700 graduates
Schindler promotes an inclusive culture having benefited to date. Schindler wants to award
in which we value our employees, with 1 000 scholarships by 2020.
63 Five-year overview
66 Key figures registered share/participation certificate
Order intake 11 669 6.2 10 989 5.9 10 374 4.1 9 967 –0.1 9 979 5.5
Income statement
Revenue 10 879 6.9 10 179 5.1 9 683 3.1 9 391 1.6 9 246 4.9
Operating profit (EBIT) 1 269 2 6.9 1 187 2 4.8 1 133 2,4 13.1 1 002 2 –12.0 1 138 2,6 27.0
in % 11.7
Balance sheet
With the implementation of IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers as of January 1, 2018, the order backlog is reported
net of already recognized revenue for contracts with customers. Previous-year figures have been restated accordingly.
Restructuring costs 2018: CHF 26 million, 2017: CHF 35 million, 2016: CHF 27 million, 2015: CHF 29 million, 2014: CHF 40 million
One-time tax refund CHF 60 million (income taxes CHF 33 million, net interest income CHF 27 million)
Gain on sale of operations in Japan: CHF 50 million (CHF 31 million after taxes)
Revaluation gain ALSO participation: CHF 26 million
XJ-Schindler (Xuchang) Elevator Co. Ltd. revaluation gain: CHF 145 million, gain on sale of Mall of Switzerland
development project: CHF 82 million (CHF 75 million after taxes), impairment of intangible assets: CHF 21 million (CHF 18 million after taxes)
Hyundai Elevator Co. Ltd. impairment: CHF 40 million
Restated following change in cost definition
+6.6% +7.3%
+4.6% +4.6% +4.6%
participation certificate
Registered shares
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Number of registered shares/participation certificates outstanding 67 077 452 67 077 452 67 077 452 68 061 802 68 180 352
thereof treasury shares 370 846 489 174 556 115 1 513 747 545 769
Nominal value in CHF 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
High in CHF 238.80 224.00 193.50 171.00 143.90
Low in CHF 183.00 176.90 147.80 125.10 119.80
Year-end rate in CHF 190.60 220.50 177.90 169.00 142.60
P/E ratio December 31 21.70 28.60 24.90 26.90 18.40
P/E ratio December 31 before exceptional items 23.20 28.60 26.90 26.90 22.70
Earnings per registered share/participation certificate in CHF 8.79 7.70 7.14 6.28 7.74
Earnings before exceptional items per registered share/participation certificate in CHF 8.23 7.70 6.61 6.28 6.28
Cash flow from operating activities per registered share/participation certificate in CHF 9.37 7.56 8.69 10.07 8.09
Equity at year-end per registered share/participation certificate in CHF 33.93 29.52 25.76 21.30 25.70
Gross dividend per registered share/participation certificate in CHF 4.00 1 4.00 5.00 2.70 3.20
ordinary in CHF 4.00 1 4.00 3.00 2.70 2.20
extraordinary in CHF – – 2.00 – 1.00
Pay-out ratio in % 45.5 52.0 70.0 41.9 41.4
Proposal by the Board of Directors
Additional information
in CHF million 2018 1 2017 2016 2015 2014
Total dividend
20 713
9 495
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Participation certificate
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
At the end of 2018, registered shares of Schindler Holding Ltd. were held by
8 312 shareholders (previous year: 7 135).
On the same date, the Schindler and Bonnard families – within the scope of s hare-
holder agreements – and parties related to these families held 47 662 664 registered
shares (previous year: 47 661 559) of Schindler Holding Ltd., corresponding to
71.1% (previous year: 71.1%) of the voting rights of the share capital entered in
the Commercial Register.
Dividend policy
The dividend policy is earnings-related and provides for a payout ratio of 35% to 65%
of net profit attributable to shareholders of Schindler Holding Ltd.
2019 2020
For further information about our company, our products, and our services,
please contact one of the following addresses:
Schindler Management
Asia-Pacific (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
555, Xingshun Road
Jiading District, Shanghai
P. R. China
Telephone +86 21 6709 6666
Fax +86 21 6709 6677
The original German version is binding. English and Chinese translations of the Group
Review are available. The Financial Statements are published in German and English.
Overall responsibility,
concept, and text
Schindler Management Ltd.
Corporate Communications
Ebikon, Switzerland
Management Digital Data AG
Lenzburg, Switzerland
Multicolor Print AG
Baar, Switzerland
Manuel Rickenbacher
Zurich, Switzerland
Pages 54–55:
Remo Inderbitzin
Schwyz, Switzerland