Cluster Definition: NABARD's Cluster Development Programme
Cluster Definition: NABARD's Cluster Development Programme
Cluster Definition: NABARD's Cluster Development Programme
Cluster Definition
Participatory Clusters
Under participatory cluster, the approach would be to coordinate the efforts of all the agencies involved in carrying out
the action plan prepared for the cluster development. NABARD would be the main promoter and involve its
resources wherever assistance is not forthcoming from other agencies/ the other agencies do not have provision for
support. In this mode of Cluster Development, the intervention budget would be limited to Rs.15 lakh per cluster over
a period of 3 years.
Intensive Clusters
Under Intensive Development, NABARD would primarily be the source for meeting the resource requirements to
fund the planned promotional interventions. Support from other agencies wherever forthcoming would be utilised.
The implementation period for the intensive cluster development would be a maximum of 5 years with an outlay not
exceeding Rs. one crore.
Strengthening of existing clusters, and development of new clusters in exceptional cases, towards sustainable
competitive advantage through technology upgradation & transfer, raw material access, skill development,
managerial inputs, credit support and marketing assistance. Broadly speaking, the cluster development objectives
and strategies are the same for both the types of clusters except that in the case of clusters for intensive
development , the size of NABARD financial intervention and challenges are different; interventions are more broad-
based, intensive and entailing higher level of financial support. In all cases the assistance should meet the criteria of
cost effectiveness in terms of the impact on livelihoods and incomes. The cluster development programme of
NABARD is a comprehensive strategy aimed at holistic development of the cluster through planned interventions to
achieve the main objective of raising the income level and thereby living standards of the artisans through various
Cluster Philosophy
• Focussed assistance.
• Demand based assistance.
• Flexible instruments of assistance to meet specific needs of cluster.
• Close monitoring to spur continuous development and innovation.
Focus Areas
The following sectors have been identified for development on priority basis under Cluster Development Programme:
A reputed agency with proven track record and associated with NABARD in other programmes may ideally be
selected as CDA. SHG Federation / Registered Artisans’ Association, Govt Aided Agencies / Government
Departments, Co-operatives and other Technical / Financial Agencies could also be considered as CDA depending
on their suitability.
The CDA would be conducting and grounding the diagnostic study, preparing the Cluster Action Plan and its
implementation, networking with the institutions, capacity building of the cluster beneficiaries.
The CDA will identify a key personnel to implement the Cluster Development Programme. He will be designated as
Cluster Development Facilitator ( CDF). CDF is a person who oversees the implementation of the Cluster
Development Programme in a professional and effective manner directly at the cluster location. It is therefore,
necessary in the interest of the cluster development, that the CDF conducts the diagnostic study. The CDF is
expected to work for the set vision of the cluster in association with the supporting agencies. CDF creates trust
among the cluster stake holders. The CDF should be available full time for at least 3 days in a week in the Cluster. It
is imperative that the CDF is a graduate. The CDF would be suitably empowered in terms of skills through training,
adequate functional autonomy etc. necessary for achieving the objectives. With multifarious duties and assignments
on hand with District Development Managers, it is absolutely necessary to have an efficient CDF. DDM need to
adopt a role of ‘Project Programmer and Guide’ to the CDA & CDF. The CDA is suitably compensated for the monthly
remuneration of the CDF and other direct overheads on account of its involvement in the Cluster Development
Programme (as may be fixed by NABARD from time to time).
Diagnostic Study
The implementation of the Cluster Development Programme starts by gathering dispersed knowledge through a
participatory Diagnostic study. The diagnostic study aims at finding the gaps in the existing infrastructure, skills,
activity process, technology, design, credit , marketing and other linkages in the cluster to effectively address them
through planned development strategy.
The study has to focus not only on the potential and constraints but also the local linkages and support mechanisms
or the absence of the same in the cluster. The participatory process helps to have a clear understanding of the
prevailing situation.
The Diagnostic Study should be detailed in the coverage. In the case of Participatory clusters, the study would be
conducted by the CDF/CDA. Keeping in view the background data and other information already available with the
CDA, size of our clusters, and support of the DDM, it should be possible for the CDA official(s) to conduct the field
study for collecting data including conduct of semi structured interview of the cluster stake holders under the
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques in a matter of one week to 10 days.
• How many people / families are employed ? How many of them are engaged in cluster activity?
• What is the monthly income for a unit / family / individual ? How does it vary with skill levels?
• How old is the cluster ?
• Sources of raw material
• Skill levels
• Methods of production (traditional or otherwise)
• Marketing
• Access to credit
• Extent of financial support from government or other collaborating organisation
• How are the products marketed?
• Any other relevant details which deserve special mention.
It will be desirable to document two - three case studies of different set of artisans to have better understanding of the
issue and to use as a reference point.
Though the findings of the baseline survey would form a part of the diagnostic study report, it is desirable that these
details are collected before submitting the proposal.
• Forward Linkages
• Backward linkages
• Business Development Service Providers ( BDS)/ Consultants
• Support Institutions ( including Financial Institutions)
The mapping will be done on the basis of existing linkages ( Pre Intervention map) and envisaged future linkage (
Post Intervention map).
Areas of Concern -
After in-depth study , the areas of concern will be identified. These are the areas which are the bottlenecks for the
development of the cluster.
Documentation of the entire business process (one full operating cycle) in the cluster may be done and photographs
and other visual clippings incorporated in the report.
Existing Policy Frame Work
Government Policy on licensing, taxes, infrastructure, other rules and regulations relevant to the identified sub-sector
and compliance with existing legislations need to be incorporated. Study has to highlight the issues arising out of
WTO stipulations on the sub-sector and suggest possible solutions thereof as the future of the business will lie largely
on the competitiveness of the cluster products both in terms of quality and pricing in the liberalised post WTO
regime. Possibilities of branding of cluster products including protection of traditional knowledge through
Geographical Indications Act, 1999 to be discussed.
SWOT / Stake holder / STEP Analysis
On the basis of the extensive study SWOT Analysis, Stake holder Analysis and STEP analysis of the cluster may be
made. Suggestions to overcome the weaknesses, combat threats, utilise the opportunities in order to maximise
cluster progress may be clearly brought out in the study.
Interventions - After the indepth study of the areas of concern and analysis of the scenario, the interventions will be
formulated with a brief picture of their expected impact, costs involved and the implementing agencies through whom
these will be facilitated / conducted. The interventions will have to be cross-checked with the objectives and vision of
the Cluster.
Vision - A vision statement for the Cluster will have to be formulated impregnated with the dream of the cluster
beneficiaries as to how the cluster should be after 3 - 5 years. The vision will be the heart of the entire cluster
development activity.
Launching of the Cluster & Trust Building
RO may formally launch the cluster development programme by organising a small function at the cluster location by
inviting all the organisations involved / to be involved in the development of the cluster.
Establishing an atmosphere of trust within the cluster is an essential pre requisite for formulation of a realistic action
plan for the cluster that will have support from the clients, service providers and support agencies. The participatory
approach like creating Artisans Association, if the same is not already existing, conducting orientation programmes
for development of soft skills which have been successfully adopted under IGWDP watershed model could well be
adopted in the Cluster Development Approach. The participatory approach would go a long way in enhancing the
social capital and building of Trust. The trust building process should ideally start during the diagnostic study. All
the stake holders, viz. artisans, govt departments, bankers, prominent traders / service providers etc. should be
invited for ‘cluster workshop’ wherein the important findings of the diagnostic study would be discussed. The meet
could be decided well in advance and major stakeholders could be asked to present a paper indicating their version /
opinion / suggestion for implementation of the cluster development programme. This would enable the stakeholders
to appreciate mutual inter dependence and the challenge. The participatory need assessment exercise could help
in trust building among the stakeholders.
• The support of the district administration is crucial for provision of infrastructure and extension services.
• The participation of bankers in the Committee will help in easy access to credit
• It is also necessary that agencies external to NABARD oversee the implementation of the project to suggest
mid-term corrections and evaluate the programme objectively.
• After NABARD's exit from the cluster, the cluster representatives will be in a position to approach any of the
authorities/ agencies in view of their earlier rapport to sustain the progress achieved.
It is often observed that on account of preoccupation of the District Collector, the CDC meetings are not being held
regularly. In such situations, the CDC meetings may be conducted and the participants may elect a member
amongst themselves to act as Chairman for the Meeting. However, a copy of the proceedings may be forwarded to
the regular Chairman.
The identified NGO will act as the Cluster Development Agency (CDA) for implementing the project. The CDA will
identify a key personnel to implement the programme. He will be designated as Cluster Development Facilitator
(CDF). His close rapport with the cluster artisans is very important particularly in identification, planning, monitoring
and assessing the development of clusters from their (artisans') point of view.
• A survey should be conducted at the end of the project period to help assess the development in
comparison to the pre development phase as documented in the first Diagnostic Study.
• CDA should submit a final evaluation report (end of the project report).
• A video-film may be made to document the process of development in the cluster.
Status as on 30.11.2009
As on 30.11.2009, 107 clusters have been adopted by NABARD for implementation. Purpose wise classification is - 2
NPRI; 57- Handloom; 33 handicraft ; 7 Food Processing ; 5 Rural Tourism ; 1 Bee Keeping ; 1 Leather work ; 1
Rural Tourism cum handicraft cluster. A list of NABARD supported clusters is given in Annexure.