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Back-end development of mobile

application for the collection of

dietary data
Fredrik Bäck

November 5, 2012
Master’s Thesis in Interaction and Design, 30 credits
Supervisor at UmU: Åsa Holmner Rocklöv
Examiner: Håkan Gulliksson

Umeå University
Department of Applied Physics and Electronics
SE-901 87 UMEÅ

Smartphones are used by incredibly many people, and in 2011 there where a total of 491.4
million units soled worldwide. Smartphones are known as advanced phones, or personal
digital assistants (PDAs). This makes a relevant technique for performing dietary studies
when the test patients are on the move. This thesis shows how to create a back end en-
vironment for an Android application with existing techniques linked together, using MS
SQL database, Visual Studio Web Service, web pages and C# classes and ASP.NET secu-
rity. The back end development is used in a dietary study on Gothenburg University, but
could be applied on many similar back end projects using databases and server develop-
ment. Techniques used in this thesis are: REST (Representational State Transfer) -client
implementation and development inside the Android application, using HTTP methods to
set and get information from the server and database, and JSON-format to read and trans-
fer information in an easy and understandable way, both from the Android application and
from the database. FileMaker is also used in this project as a third part programme to
visualise the information in the database.

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Gothenburg and Umeå university . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Statens livsmedelsverk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Paper outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 Background 5
2.1 PhD thesis project plan by Åsa Svensson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 The database from SLV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Mats Högdals Android application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3.1 Application database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3 Problem Description 15
3.1 Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

4 Technology and software 17

4.1 Limitations in software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.1.1 Choosing software for android . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.1.2 Choosing software for the database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.1.3 Choosing software for the server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.2 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.2.1 Native vs. Mobile Web applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.2.2 Android techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3 Working with android . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3.1 REST client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.3.2 JSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.4 Working with server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.4.1 Web service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.4.2 C# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.4.3 Web pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.4.4 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27


4.5 Working with database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4.5.1 Graph databases on social web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

5 Methodology 33
5.1 Android . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.2 Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.2.1 Web page design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.3 Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.4 FileMaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.5 User guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

6 Resulting work 35
6.1 Android . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6.1.1 Implementing REST-client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6.1.2 Programming and design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6.2 Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
6.2.1 Web Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.2.2 Web page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
6.2.3 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6.3 Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6.3.1 Database of dietary study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6.3.2 ODBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
6.4 FileMaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

7 Conclusions 51
7.1 Future work and changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

8 Acknowledgements 53

References 55

A User guide 59
List of Figures

1.1 Smartphones market in quarter 4, 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2.1 Start page and registration page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.2 Menu page and statistics page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Register intake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Search food. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.5 Image of food size on plate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.6 Register physical activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.7 Android application database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4.1 Content in ASP.NET web service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

4.2 Complete software overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.3 JSON Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.4 ASP Framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.5 WebForms round trip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.6 XML request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.7 Comparison between VB and C#. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.8 Security levels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.9 Relational database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.10 Relationship in database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.11 Graph database theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.12 Difference in graph database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.13 Difference in web, from early usage to todays social web. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

6.1 REST-client path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

6.2 Inside the REST-client. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6.3 REST-client process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
6.4 Get information from Web Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.5 Set information to Web Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6.6 Webpages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
6.7 Login webpage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42


6.8 Default webpage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

6.9 Admin webpage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6.10 Webpage security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6.11 Authentication process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6.12 Database information line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6.13 Project database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
6.14 Filemaker user page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
6.15 Filemaker nutrition per meal page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
List of Tables

4.1 Native development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

6.1 Ordinary database table structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

6.2 Transponded table structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Chapter 1


The focus of this thesis has been the back-end development of a pre-developed phone appli-
cation using an Android[16] operating system. The application is a dietary tracker which
will be used in a study aiming to teach children and teenagers to understand their dietary
The development of Internet and smartphones offers an unprecedented opportunity to
perform dietary studies. The possibilities given by the smartphones are many, as they
make it easy to have high definition graphic screens right in the pocket of its users, and
enough capacity to perform advanced technical computing such as video or image capitation,
downloading from Wifi or surfing on the Internet.
Android is the largest selling operating system in the forth quarter of 2010 according to
Canalys[9], making it the preferred choice.

Figure 1.1: Chart showing the smartphones market in quarter 4, 2010[9].

2 Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Gothenburg and Umeå university

Göteborgs university (GU) and The Department of Food, Nutrition and Sport Science
performs research and education with the ambition to lay a ground for good health and
sustainable development.
Areas of focus for food and nutrition/home economics, includes eating habits, meals,
what kind of impact food has on public health and leadership/organisation in restaurants
and larger households. The focus on sport science is broad and ranges from exercise and
health promotion to elite sports. [21].
Umeå University (UmU) and The Department of Food and Nutrition have two mayor
study programmes, the dietetics programme and the food and nutrition/catering manage-
ment programme.
The department’s general focus is the health and dietary habits of specific groups, with
a particular emphasis on children´s health[24].

1.2 Statens livsmedelsverk

The swedish national food agency, named statens livsmedelsverk, SLV, is the central admin-
istrative authority for matters concerning food in Sweden. They are responsible for dietary
recommendations to the general population, but also specific groups who might have food
allergies. SLV:s leading words in there work is safe food, fair practise in the food trade and
healthy dietary habits.
SLV is also active in matters concerning trade areas referring food, which help the
consumers to rely on the labelling in many products. Labels are, for example, used to
ensure food composition, quality and origin of the food[32].

1.3 Paper outline

Chapter two - Background
This thesis work is part of a research project on dietary studies which is part of Åsa Svens-
son´s Phd studies. The background provides a introduction to her project about dietary
studies using validation, reliability and user friendliness as key aspects. The database from
SLV are overlooked and explained to understand what parts are relevant to the project and
Mats Högdahl’s front end development, the user interface, is shown.

Chapter three - Problem description

This chapter describes the main task in the project, and describes the goals of the project
from a technical viewpoint, discussing what is needed for the server, database and android
application to co-work. The project limitations are defined to show what is possible in the

Chapter four - Technology and software

This chapter describes the techniques used in this project, from server control to database
abstraction. Limitations in software is explained to show why specific software choices where
made, and Related work show why some techniques are useful in this project. In addition,
1.3. Paper outline 3

techniques such as JSON-file format and REST-clients used in the android application as
well as the server is explained.

Chapter five - Methodology

Methodology in this project work where about choosing which computer programme, code
technique or web page should be used. Many of the choices made are based upon observation
and relevance to the project. Given some key aspects, the rest are following the similar path
to make the project work smoothly.

Chapter six - Resulting work

This chapter explains what has been made, and how the parts are working together. It
shows how to implement the REST-client specific to this project, and how it is combined
with the android application to create a connection to the server. It shows the different C#
classes used in the android application and how these are used to help the REST-client.
The parts used in the Web Service inside the server are explained to show how to connect,
receive and guard information sent from the android application and database, and vice
versa. Also The database and Filemaker are reviewed, and explained.

Chapter two - Conclusions

Conclusion and future work are explained and analysed in this chapter, given an idea of
how to proceed and learn from this project. The most common aspects of future work
are the ability to update and optimise smartphone OS, programming code or computer
4 Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2


This thesis is a part of a research project at the Department of food, nutrition and sport
science at GU, aiming to perform dietary studies on children using mobile technology. Specif-
ically, the outcome of the development performed in this thesis will be applied and evaluated
within the PhD project of Åsa Svensson. A front-end application has been designed and
developed by Mats Högdal, whereas this thesis was limited to the back-end component al-
lowing the application to retrieve data on specific food type and store data in a database
from SLV.
The development of smartphones the resent years has made it simpler to use advanced
techniques, which leads to the possibility to perform advanced studies on test persons out-
side of a usual laboratory or test environment, and the test persons could perform the test
on there own terms within the tests conduct rules. The capability of smartphones and
their ability to use external devices through cable, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or some other technol-
ogy gives the test participant the possibility to preform advanced measurements on blood
pressure[35] and sleep rhythm.
Performing dietary studies with traditional methods, such as food diaries, questionnaires
and interviews are somewhat complicated and time consuming, both for the test participant
and the scientist. Moreover, these methods are relatively unreliable, since they all rely on
the participant’s memory, truthfulness and ability to judge the correct amounts of food

2.1 PhD thesis project plan by Åsa Svensson

The PhD thesis main subject is an evaluation on different dietary study methods concerning
minors. One of the aims is to develop a new dietary study method based on a smart phone
and evaluate its accuracy, reliability and user friendliness[36].
The best ways to perform dietary assessments in the age group 11-16 is to use a dietary
history interview. From the age 4-11 years old, the preferred approach is using a 24 hour
recall in three different sessions, using the parent as the corresponding test participant[8].
The PhD thesis is a collection of several dietary studies performed in Sweden, where
goal 1-2 are dietary studies performed at Umeå University, and part 3-4 are studies using
valuation from a newly developed smartphone technique.
In part 3 and 4, the goal is to use new smartphone technology to monitor the intake
of food from minors. Previous methods using smartphones already exist, though not in
Sweden and not adapted to Swedish households and food habits[29]. That makes the need

6 Chapter 2. Background

of a new smartphone application necessary, and the development of this application is the
basis of a master thesis project.

2.2 The database from SLV

The database from SLV is the database, which the smartphone application and the back-
end application use to get the nutrition values from different food types. Several different
tables, holding the values from SLV’s own dietary studies, represent the database. The
whole database is not needed when working with the applications, and it contains values
that are not interesting. The main tables used are explained in the text below.
Food table (Livsmedel): This table contains all the food types that are used in the
study. There are 1909 different food items, given a variety from carrots to soda. All foods
are suited for a Swedish diet.
Nutritional values table (Näringsvärden): This table is the largest one, containing
101177 rows of nutritional values. The large size of the table is because of the many different
kinds of nutritional values, 53 different values to be exact. 53 nutritional values time’s 1909
different food items equals 101177 rows of nutrition. All the nutritional values are listed in
food weight of 100 gram.
Nutrients table (Näringsämnen): In this table the names of the 53 different nutri-
tional values are listed. The table above (nutritional values table) only contains a number
linked to this table for every name of the nutrient. This table also contains a description
and a shortening for every nutrient.
Main group table (Livsmedelgrupp): All the food items are included in different
main groups, making it possible to keep a record if the test participants are eating from
many food groups or from one or two specific.
Minor tables These tables are used to make it easier for the test participant to choose
a food, not knowing exactly what the food type is from the beginning.

– Cooking method (Matlagningsmetod): E.g. cooked, baked, fried and dried.

– Dish type (Maträttstyp): E.g. pizza, soup, salad and stewage.

– Food category (Livsmedelskategori): E.g. oil, rice, white bread, drinks and sweeteners.

– Dishes with (Rätter med): E.g. Pasta dishes, mushroom dishes and meat dishes.

2.3 Mats Högdals Android application

Mats Högdal has made the front-end development of this project, meaning the GUI (Graph-
ical user interface), user tests, Android development and graphical guidelines. The appli-
cation contains several features, being able to register your daily intake of food, and the
possibility to view statistics over the nutrition values from a specific day.
2.3. Mats Högdals Android application 7

(a) Start page (b) Registration page

Figure 2.1: Illustration of the graphical user interface. Start page (a) allows a new user to
register or an old user to log in, and registration page (b) where personal information can
be entered upon registration.
8 Chapter 2. Background

(a) Menu page (b) Saved days

(c) Statistics (d) Statistics

Figure 2.2: In the menu page (a), you are able to register the day, or look at saved days.
The saved days (b) page is showing meals and physical activity saved from earlier days. It
is also possible to choose statistics (c)(d), showing how much energy etc. your intake has
2.3. Mats Högdals Android application 9

(a) Register intake (b) Choose date

(c) Choose meal (d) Choose time

Figure 2.3: When registering food intake (a) the test participant could choose between date
(b), meal (c) and time (d).
10 Chapter 2. Background

(a) Search for food (b) Search for chicken

(c) Search in categories (d) Saved food

Figure 2.4: When the test participant needs to find some kind of food (a), he or she could
either search by typing the name (b), or searching through categories of food (c). When the
food is found, it is saved on a specific date (d).
2.3. Mats Högdals Android application 11

(a) Image of plate

Figure 2.5: When finding the food the test participant chose, it is given the choice of different
sizes of food on a plate to estimate how much food they have eaten.
12 Chapter 2. Background

(a) Register physical activity (b) Register physical activity

Figure 2.6: When registering physical activity(a)(b), the test participant registers not only
the amount of physical exercise, but also if there has been any psychological problems that
day, or if the person actively has tried to change his or her weigh.

2.3.1 Application database

All of the functions in the application is relying on the internal database inside the android
application, using some parts from the SLV database. When saving personal setting, meals
or physical activities, it is placed in specific tables created inside the application. The
food, pictures of the plates with food, and categories are from SLV used to simplify for the
test participant. All of this information is then saved and sent to the server, saving the
information for the dietary study.
2.3. Mats Högdals Android application 13

Figure 2.7: Android application database.

14 Chapter 2. Background
Chapter 3

Problem Description

This project is part of a larger development involving an android application, divided into
front-end development and back-end development. The task is to develop the back-end part
of this application. For the application to work it is necessary to use a back-end developed
part that is able to contact and send information back and fourth to a database, since the
database is holding all information used in the nutrition study, and all information that is
going to be saved from the study.
To help the database to communicate, a server is necessary, with the capability to com-
municate between the smartphone and the database over the Internet.
Also a third part programme is used, to show the database information in an accessible
and readable way, and not only as values from a database column.

3.1 Goals
There are some specific goals that need’s to be reached in order for the application to work.
All the goals are set in a back-end point of view when developing, with the assumption that
the front-end part is fully developed.
These goals are parts used in an opening plan to make the back-end work as smoothly
as possible. The goals/parts shouldn’t be to many, making it hard to keep track of what is
doing what, e.g. in the source code.
Application goals: The application is using android OS, and to write an application
in android the code is written in Java[18] and XML[37]. The goal in the application is to
make it possible to communicate with the server, being able to send and collect information
when needed. It should be able to make a connection using Wi-Fi and if necessary translate
the values from the database.
Server goals: The main purpose of the server is to connect to the application and
database, and act as a translator/delivery agent for the values collected. The server goals
are divided into two: the first is that it should be possible to collect information coming
from a source over the Internet, being the android application, and make something useful
of the information, e.g. placing it into the database or using it to confirm values. The
second goal is that the server should be able to send information back to the source brought
from the database and sent back over the Internet.
Database goals: The database should contain the values given from SLV, and also
the new values collected by the application. The database should be made as simple as

16 Chapter 3. Problem Description

possible, using relations that is a common technique in database connections. Relations are
the connections between the tables in the database.
Database information goals: This programme or application should be used to show
the values from the database in a way that is readable in the programme SPSS[19]. The
possibility to alter or only show parts of the information in the database should also be
given though there is no one with technical education that is going to use the database.
This makes it necessary to show the information in an accessible and readable way.
Download goals: The goal is to make it possible to distribute the application to a
large number of users. The application should either be handed out or downloaded from a
webpage or similar.
Smart and simple code goals: the goal is to write code that is smart and simple,
making it easier to understand and read. When the project has ended, there is no one who is
going to continue working with the code as a developer. If someone wants to make updates
or change something it shouldn’t be too hard to achieve.
Security and integrity goals: All parts of the project should be protected. The
applications and the server traffic over the Internet should be encrypted. Also the server
connection to the database should be encrypted, since it contains information about private
individuals and measurement data from SLV.

3.2 Limitations
Limitations of the project are technical knowhow and physical restriction.
technical knowhow: The persons leading the project are not experienced in the pro-
grammes and techniques used in this back-end project. This makes it hard to know exactly
what the limitations in the project should be set at, e.g. what if some programme needs to
be changed or updated, what could happen then?
physical restriction: The smartphone should be able to use the application without
any phone card, making it reliable only to Wi-Fi. This means that the application is
restricted to send its information and communicate to the server freely.
Chapter 4

Technology and software

This chapter of the report contains an explanation on why some software where used. There
will also be a theoretical study consistent with the goals and what is required from the

4.1 Limitations in software

The choice of server and database was limited since the database from SLV was in MS (Mi-
crosoft) SQL format. The primary choice fell on using MS Server using ASP (Active Server
Pages) [5] as the primary server tool when communicating to Internet and the database.
One other option was to use PHP (Hypertext PreProcessor) [30] but it is newly developed to
use with MS SQL databases and on MS Servers, making ASP (also developed by Microsoft
and used for many years, being well documented) smoother to work with.
Important to note is the software used in this project is not the same software used to
control and manage the physical server and database. The programme chosen in the project
is used to alter and manage the content of the server and database.

4.1.1 Choosing software for android

Eclipse[11] is a free, well-known development programme, recommended by Android[17],
making it the foremost option of software for this project. Also, Mats Högdal has started
developing the application in Eclipse, therefor making it an Eclipse project, making it simple
to import and export to and from Eclipse.

Eclipse is foremost used by Java developers, and since android is written in Java, it is a
good match combining the two. To help the project SVN[4] was used. SVN is a version
control system specifically developed to overcome some limitations in CVS (older version).
A version control system keeps track of history and change and makes it possible to step
back in time or to track who made previous changes. It allows for collaboration on the same
project for developers who are spread across the world.
To use SVN you need to download an appropriate SVN plug-in. An SVN suitable for
using in Eclipse are: http://www.eclipse.org/subversive/

18 Chapter 4. Technology and software

4.1.2 Choosing software for the database

Given that the database from SLV where in MS SQL (Microsoft structured query language)
format, the obvious choice of main programme for creating the database was Microsoft SQL.
Also, it is not possible to use any other SQL programme other then Microsoft own when
using a MS SQL database. This means it is possible to get and set values in the database,
as with any other database, but it would not be possible to alter the database to the same
extent as if you were developing the database from scratch.


To make it possible to connect a third party programme to the database, the use of ODBC
is needed. ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) is used as a separate small programme,
making a connection to the database usable from many different applications or operation
The third part programme in this project is used to show what is saved in the database,
in a simple and useful way and also making it possible to export the information in specific

4.1.3 Choosing software for the server

The choice of software for the server was (for obvious reasons) based on the choice of database
language. Thus, to make it easy to connect to the database, the natural choice fell on a
software capable of using ASP. ASP is a technique developed to read and write dynamic
web pages and application using information from databases. Microsoft programme Visual
Studio is used when making Web pages, Web services and Web applications, containing
ASP.NET[5], which are a web application framework and the successor of Microsoft ASP.

Web service

To make a connection between the android application and the database, the use of Internet
application capable of GET and SET methods to and from the database is important.
Creating a web service in visual studio makes this possible, since it contains web methods,
web pages, and C#[27] classes. C# is a simple object-oriented programming language
with similarities to Java, which was developed by Microsoft to be used within .NET. This
is particularly useful when there is a need to perform more complicated, object-oriented
programming, which is harder to do using only .NET.
4.1. Limitations in software 19

Figure 4.1: Content in ASP.NET web service.

Figure 4.2: Complete software overview. The unknown third part programme is FileMaker,
but it is not combined in this illustration since it is used as a separate part.
20 Chapter 4. Technology and software

4.2 Related Work

Similar to this project is the master thesis work Speedflirt for Android, a study of porting
a mobile phone application and its effects on user experience from Erik Jansson and Niclas
Jonasson[22] and the master thesis Supporting communication and collaboration in the pro-
cess automation industry from Jonas Brönmark and Mikaela Åkerlind[7]. The first thesis
is about porting an Android application, and finding suitable techniques for cross-platform
development. The thesis brings up information useful to this project, both in terms of tech-
niques and user experience guidelines for Android. the second thesis is examining the use of
mobile applications and social web in automation industry, which gives an insight of specific
industrial us of applications.

4.2.1 Native vs. Mobile Web applications

Native applications are applications made from the phones own platform, making it possible
to access the phones hardware and GUI (Graphical user interface). The disadvantages when
creating native applications is the restriction to that specific platform, meaning a developer
need to alternate between programming languages and developing programmes[7].

Platform Language(s) IDE OS X

iPhone Objective-C, C Xcode OS X
Android Java, C, C++ Eclipse/Netbeans Windows, Linux, OS X
Blackberry Java Eclipse Windows
Symbian C, C++, QT, Java Any text editor Windows, Linux, OS X
Windows Phone C#, VB.NET Visual Studio Windows
webOS HTML, Javascript, CSS Any text editor Windows, Linux, OS X

Table 4.1: Native development[22].

Mobile Web applications are the opposite of native applications, meaning they are de-
veloped on a separate platform, being able to be used on different native platforms. The
application is constructed as a webpage, but it is encapsulated inside a native shell. This
means an application could be used on Android, iPhone and Blackberry phones, looking
similar and operating in a similar way. The disadvantage with using Mobile Web applica-
tions is that the developer doesn’t get access to the phones hardware, such as camera, GPS
and Bluetooth.

4.2.2 Android techniques

The implementation of REST was an essential part of the work by Jansson and Jonasson,
and this work describes how to implement a REST-client suitable for Android development.
A REST-client is a client responsible for client-server communication using HTTP calls[22].

4.3 Working with android

Android is an open-source software containing operating system, Application programme
interface (API) libraries and key functions for creating smart phone applications. Android
applications created by developers, called third-party applications, are written in the same
4.3. Working with android 21

API as the native applications preinstalled in Android smartphones. This makes it possible
to use all Android features, and to create custom made applications suitable for your own
purpose[25]. Some examples of useful features are:

– GSM, EDGE and 3G networks for data transfer, enabling you to send or receive data
across mobile networks.

– Full multimedia hardware control, including recording with the camera.

– Background application and processes.

– Web browser.

The possibility to create a native Internet-based application is offered in Android. This
means the application is relying on raw data coming from the Internet, e.g. XML or JSON-
files. This possibility of creating an Internet-based application is preferred when creating
social media application, not needing to go through Androids WebKit. I.e. cutting out the
middle hand[34]. Since the application is using raw data from the Internet, the methods
used for getting the data are HTTP methods, e.g. GET or POST[33].

Application internet status

The possibility to alter, examine or shut down the applications access to Wi-Fi and mobile
net (e.g. GPRS, 3G) is useful, since the applications don’t always have the possibility to
be connected to the Interned. This is useful when creating methods who need Internet, and
the ability to test the application when the Internet connection is lost is vital. It needs to
be able to save tasks, and perform these as soon as a reliable connection is set. Android
broadcast intents is what describes changes in network connectivity and offers the API used
when controlling network settings and connections[25].

In the beginning, every application runs on one main ”thread”, containing al tasks. A thread
is the smallest sequence of programmed instructions that can be managed independently.
This means that a simple task, such as downloading a image occupies the process. But
when using multiple threads, it is possible to download the image and do other tasks at the
same time, since different tasks are performed on different threads. To avoid a main thread
to freeze, hang up or even close down the application, the usage of multiple threading is
sometimes necessary. The reason to use threading is important, since the main thread don’t
perform any other task while the requested task is operational[34].

4.3.1 REST client

Representational State Transfer (REST) is a software architecture used by distributed sys-
tems. It was originally created by Roy Fielding, who is one of the authors to HyperText
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) v. 1 and v. 1.1[13].
REST-client architecture is depending on client and server communication. Clients pass
a request to the server, the server process the request and return a response. In REST, the
client who is passing the request is only doing it when it is making a transition into a new
22 Chapter 4. Technology and software

state. When the client has passed a request, and is waiting for an answer, the client is said
to be in transition. When the client receives the answer, it is ready to initiate a new state.
The name Representational State Transfer is chosen to simulate the transition the client
goes through. E.g. when a client requests a webpage it needs to wait for the request to
return (the webpage to show) before being able to initiate a new state (change to the next
REST-client/server communication is a stateless communication, meaning there is no
client information saved on the server. This makes it possible to change the client or server
independently, without having to change the mode of communication[13].

RESTful web service

A RESTful web service is a web service using the principles of REST and implemented in
HTTP. The client-requested answer from a RESTful server is often in the format of XML,
HTML or JSON, and the web service needs to support HTTP methods, e.g. GET, PUT,
DELETE and POST[33].
The two most important methods are[22]:

– Retrieve a recourse from the server, HTTP-GET.

– Update a recourse from the server, HTTP-PUT.

When a client is sending a request, it passes the information inside the URI as parameters
in the HTTP-header. Example[22]:

– URI: http://www.example.com/login

– Parameters: username=Steve pass=Smith

– Complete request: http://www.example.com/login?username=Steve&pass=Smith

Additional information is sent inside the HTTP body, as metadata (data in data). This
metadata could be JSON, XML or another valid Internet media type. The response from
the server is then packed inside a HTTP-body (also containing metadata if requested), and
returned to the client[22].
The large advantage of using a REST is the ability to request information from a server,
e.g. a database server, and pass the information in a format easily read by the client (e.g.

4.3.2 JSON
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a lightweight text-data interchange format, which is
language and platform independent. This makes it easy for both humans to read and for
machines to parse and generate[38]. JSON is built on two structures[23]:

– A collection of name/value pairs. This is know as an object in many developing


– An list of values in order. This is know as an array in many developing languages.

4.4. Working with server 23

Figure 4.3: JSON Example.

The official Internet media type of JSON is application/JSON, and the primary usage of
JSON is to send and receive data from a server as an alternative to XML. E.g. suppose an
application wants to request something from a web page, if you are using XML the response
from the server needs to be parsed and structure by a Document Object Model (DOM), and
then used to update the web page. Alternatively, you could use JSON and get a JavaScript
Object represented as a string (i.e. a JSON-String) back from the server and use directly
as it is[20].

4.4 Working with server

Making use of the server programme, many different parts are used in one web project. As
seen in picture 4.1, there are different parts needed, which has to cooperate to make the
server work. Some of these parts are more specifically about programming, while some are
a question about design, e.g. the web page.

Using the .NET framework when developing the web project is preferred since the frame-
work is highly supported by the database and server, which are coming from the same devel-
oper. The .NET framework is made from four different parts, Common Language Runtime,
a set of class libraries, a set of programming languages, and the ASP.NET environment [12].
24 Chapter 4. Technology and software

Figure 4.4: ASP Framework.

Common Language Runtime (CLR) makes it possible to use all the programming lan-
guages together in one runtime environment. A runtime environment provides a set of
operating system services to the executable code. These services take care of details in the
low-level operations system, such as physical memory allocation. Previous to the .NET
framework, e.g. Visual Basic and C++ hade there own runtime environments, making it
impossible for one language to work together with another, meaning they used double the
amount of memory needed, since they couldn’t share functions. With the introduction of
CLR it was possible to interoperate with each other, being able to allocate memory in one
language and release it in another language[12].


WebForms are used as a foundation in of a Web-based application. A WebForm is used to

interact with the user in the application, using different server controls such as text boxes,
buttons or check boxes. The WebForm contain two different parts, the user interface (UI)
and the programming logic. The UI is the visual part of the WebForm, containing HTML.
This is specified in a file ending with .aspx. The programming logic part, containing the
code performing the function of the form, is used as an code-behind file, using the .aspx.cs
extension and is written in C#. WebForms is used as an integrated part of the project,
primary used in security and web pages but also used by the database to gain information[12].
4.4. Working with server 25

Figure 4.5: WebForm uses a function called round-trips. When a user interacts with a
WebForm on a browser, it is requesting a process on the server, and the information is
submitted by the server and processed, returning the information back through a browser
(if an answer is requested) .[12]

4.4.1 Web service

A web service is a web site that interacts with programmes, instead of people. The devel-
opment of .NET framework was to enhance the usage of Internet development using web
services. The web service main function, instead of delivering web pages, is to make an
XML request, perform a specific function, and return the response as an XML message[12].
This makes it possible for the Android application to connect to the web service and to get
or set a parameter in the function the web method uses.

Figure 4.6: XML request

Two different technologies are used when defining a Web service, the discovery mech-
anism and the service description. The discovery mechanism uses an XML document on
the server to enable client applications to detect if the web service exists, and if there are
any detailed description of that service. The service description describes the input and
outputs of the Web service. A Web service can be invoked ether by using raw HTTP, or by
using an XML message in a specific form called SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)[12].
Unfortunately Android does not support SOAP, making raw HTTP-code the option to use
when making the connection to the Web service.
26 Chapter 4. Technology and software

4.4.2 C#
C# or C Sharp as it is also called, is an object oriented programming language developed
by Microsoft in 2000. Since C# is object oriented it uses encapsulation, heritage and poly-
morphism. Encapsulation is when you place the functionality inside one package, heritage
is a structured way to extend code and functionality to new programmes or part of the
programme. Polymorphism is the ability to create a variable, a function, or an object that
has more than one form [6].
Another programming language used in .NET framework is Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET),
which is a BASIC programming language (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction
Code) developed to show college students a basic and understandable language when first
encountering computer programming. Both VB.NET and C# is part of the same .NET de-
velopment framework from Microsoft. The difference between the two languages is mostly
the syntactic, i.e. the words you use to write the code. Otherwise both of the languages
compile to the same runtime framework in .NET, and are both object-oriented languages.
This makes the choice between C# or VB.NET hard, but since there is a shorter learning
curve to C# than VB.NET, when using Java as a prior language (Which is used in the
Android application), C# would become the more natural choice of developing language.

Figure 4.7: Comparison between VB and C#.

4.4.3 Web pages

Creating web pages is a straightforward technique in ASP.NET. Web page files could contain
HTML, C#, VB.NET or some other ASP.NET language. Since it isn’t a pure HTML file,
it is given the extension .aspx, being read by MS Server. The main page in any web project
4.5. Working with database 27

should be named Default, index or iisstart, since this is the default value of the start page
IIS is searching for when opening a web page.

4.4.4 Security
It is quite important to keep a web service Internet secured, keeping unauthorised people
from altering or gaining your private information. Security in Microsoft platforms, as when
using web services, are divided into group 1. Security on IIS. 2. Client authentication. 3.
Client rights. The main difference when managing security on a public Internet application
like this, is that you don’t know who the users are, in comparison to when you manage
security on a local area network[31].

Figure 4.8: Security levels.

Internet Information Services

Internet Information Services (IIS) uses Anonymous Access, and Windows Security. Win-
dows security is the username and password you have on your Windows computer, or uses
to log on to a shared Windows computer. If anonymous Access is turned off, anyone trying
to enter the web service needs to verify his or her authentication. If they’re not an authen-
ticated person by the administrator of the web service, it is not possible to enter[31]. This
kind of verification unfortunately only work on Windows browsers and Windows security,
making it useless when you are making a large web service/web page used by many different
users, and you don know what technology they have.

Client authentication
Client authentication is using the class FormsAuthentication inside the web project. This
class makes it possible to verify users using cookies and authorisation. In the web project
there is a file called Web.Config. Inside this file there is a section about the security on
the web project, and this is where you would alter the content if forms authentication were
used. As default, there are no restrictions in Web.Config, but by assigning authorisation
groups, ASP.NET directs all traffic to a specific form, where authentication is checked[31].

4.5 Working with database

A database is a computerised record-keeping system used to save large amounts of infor-
mation or collections of computer files in order. The largest used database language right
now is Structured Query Language (SQL)[10], created originally by IBM. SQL is now an
international standard used by almost any commercial product using databases. Databases
28 Chapter 4. Technology and software

are used in many different sizes of systems and are called singel-user systems when de-
scribing smaller machines e.g. the phone book in a smartphone, and multi-user systems
if many users are able to use the database at the same time[10].
Between the physical database and the user, there needs to be a Database Management
System (DBMS). The DBSM in this project is MS SQL Server 2008 R2. MS SQL is a
database using a relational system, not to be compared with relationship in databases, even
though MS SQL uses relationship also.
Relation is how the database is built, and shown to users. The relational database is
based on logic and mathematic, making it easy teaching the foundations and principles[10].
The relational database could be explained as:

1. The user perceives the data as tables (and only as tables).

2. The operators available to the user for (e.g.) retrieval are operators that derive ”new”
tables from ”old” tables.

Figure 4.9: Relational database.

Relationship are the connections made between the tables in the database, used to
facilitate the user when retrieving information from the database.
4.5. Working with database 29

Figure 4.10: Relationship in database.

4.5.1 Graph databases on social web

As seen from the name, Graph databases are databases who´s not using the traditional
relational database structure, where you save information in tables. Large companies as
Facebook, Google and Amazon have made their own versions of this kind of database, for
its capability to handle large amounts of data. The idea of a graph database is not new,
going back to the eighties, but in recent years the large-scale usage of graph databases
has emerged thanks to foremost social network developing companies having thousands of
people connection to their databases at once[3].

The essential theory about graph database is similar to object oriented programming
(OOP), making it’s structure understandable for developers using OOP languages. The
idea is to have the information in the database inside nodes (or sometimes called vertex),
and to have a connection between nodes called edge[28]. This means that the the database
is using a graph as its primary data structure.
30 Chapter 4. Technology and software

Figure 4.11: Graph database theory.

Figure 4.12: In social web pages as Facebook, many users are connected to each other. This
makes the connections aware of each other, making notifications to many people at the same
time. On social web applications like Twitter, the users are followers of each other. This
means that the information sent over the database are sent in a linear direction, going from
one person to the next.

The usage of graph database is a natural evolution coming from the progress of Internet
structure. In the beginning there where one person going on to one webpage, finding the
information this person needed. This developed to becoming several webpages working
together, moving on to become the social web. Social web are a way of social interaction
using internet. It could mean online shopping, gaming or social web sites as Facebook[28].
4.5. Working with database 31

Figure 4.13: Difference in web, from early usage to todays social web.

In a comparison between regular relational database management system (RDBMS)

and a graph database, the result showed the graph database to be considerably faster in
searching through all the nodes[28]. The test compares PostgreSQL[2] versus Neo4J, a
Swedish developed graph database, from Neo Technology[1].
Test parameters:
– 1 Million Vertex
– 4 Million Edges

– Scale Free Topology

– PostgreSQL vs. Neo4J
– Both Hash and BTree
Depth RDBMS Graph
1 100ms 30ms
2 1000ms 500ms
3 10000ms 3000ms
4 100000ms 50000ms
5 N/A 100000ms

Restricted usage in project

The usage of Graph databases was not possible in the project considering that the database
from SLV was in MS SQL format. Since the test participants are not going to be over 300
persons, the need of using a large-scale database was not required. If the test participants
would be many thousands of people, or if they needed to view or review each other in a
dietary study the usage of graph databases would become relevant.
32 Chapter 4. Technology and software
Chapter 5


Creating the solutions and designs in this project was not advanced work, but it was more
time consuming then originally planed, resulting in a delay of several weeks. One of the
main reasons for this time consumption were the project specifications who kept altering,
making the design from one week obsolete, and new ones needed to be created.
Since this was not a front-end project (front-end development were made by Mats
Högdal), it was not a question about drawing buttons and interfaces, and making user
test on the interface. It was about how the back-end parts as simple as possible is made to
fit in the goals description.
Using the goals to perform and plan the back-end development gave some specific parts
needed. The ability to secure information from the application, and sending it to the server
were one of the most important goals. THe information should also be structured and stored
in a efficient way.

5.1 Android
The android development started with the search on how to transfer information from the
smartphone onto the Internet.
The first step of development was what format the information should be. The choice was
between XML and JSON. JSON where chosen because of the easy readability in Android.
It could be contradictory since Android applications are written in Java and XML. But it
does not mean that XML would be easier to use when sending the information using server
and database.
The second step of development were to send the information using a REST-client. Hav-
ing read about REST-clients techniques, it suited this project well. REST uses a standardi-
sation, easy to adapt to the projects Internet transfer. Using this technique, the information
could be easily packed and a connection to the server would be created at the same time.

5.2 Server
In the beginning of the project, there was a discussion on whether or not to use PHP to
transfer information. PHP uses simple codes and do not take much space on the server.
However, this would mean that that the application would be responsible of all calculations
needed to be done before sending the information to the database. When the database

34 Chapter 5. Methodology

from SLV were used, it were in MS SQL format, making the choice to use PHP obsolete
since PHP and MS SQL connections were a new technique. That gave the point of using
Microsoft developer programmes, being adaptable and commonly used techniques. Thus,
the connection to the database would be of minimal problem, and the transition between
programmes would be easy.
Inside the Web Project, a Web Service were made. This Web Service could do a numerous
things, e.g. send and read HTTP methods (GET,PUT,POST,UPDATE), and it would fit
the REST-client made in the application.
Inside the Web Service, the need to calculate information and transform information
from the database to JSON, was possible because of the ability to use programming files
next to the Web Service. These files could ether be made in C#, the programming language
in ASP.NET or by Visual Basic. C# were more similar to the object oriented language
Java, and therefor C# was chosen.

5.2.1 Web page design

The four web pages were kept in downsize, need to know basis, since it would be used in
smartphones and/or computers. The information on the webpages was minimal, there was
no images, only a small amount of text and buttons. There is a login/logout display at the
top, underlined and visible.

5.3 Database
The design of the database were made to be a copy of the parts needed from the database
in the application, and were made in a lowest necessary need basis. Some of the tables were
direct copies from the application database, since it was identified to be the easiest way of
sending information.
If the table in the application containing personal information were lost, the backup on
the server wouldn’t have all the necessary information needed, but now the user don’t need
to fill in the gaps. The other tables are a collection of information from the application
database and the information needed from SLVs database.

5.4 FileMaker
The main function of FileMaker was its ability to show information easily from a database,
and to export it to SPSS. The design used in FileMaker is simple, directly made from
FileMakers own standard templates. There were no need to make any extra interface, since
it only would show the information as it is inside the database.

5.5 User guide

There were no technical people in this project, the creation of a user guide for how programs
work was necessary. It can be seen at Appendix A. The text are written in Swedish, since
it was used by Swedish personnel.
Chapter 6

Resulting work

Inside this chapter a thorough overview on the work is shown containing all parts of the
project. First of is the android application back-end development, implementing a REST-
client and how to use it. The next step is the server, showing the web pages, security and
how the information from the android application is received, translated and sent back if
requested from the application. The database is explained, showing how it is created, and
how to use it. FileMaker is the third part programme used to how the information in the
database. It is explained and it is shown how to be used.

6.1 Android

Inside the Android project, different main parts where made to complete the goals. The first
part where the ability to connect to the server, using a REST- client, with specific attributes
to fit the applications purpose. The second part is going a bit deeper inside the project,
focusing on the programming design and how the different classes are working together.
Since the android application is developed on two separate locations, the android classes
inside this project are developed as autonomous as possible. This makes it easier for all
project developer to make changes without disturbances or delaying.

6.1.1 Implementing REST-client

The REST-client is using a client to communication with the server, where the client passes
the information to the server, the server process the information and returns a response
[13]. This kind of information transfer is useful in an application, when its main Internet
connection purpose is to send and receive simple information from a server, being the data
to and from the database containing dietary information about the test participant.

36 Chapter 6. Resulting work

Figure 6.1: The REST-client path. (1) The information is sent from the android application
to the translator class. (2) The translator class transforms the information to JSON-format
and transfer it to connect class. (3) The connect class makes the connection to the server,
and sends the information. (4) If the connect class requests a answer from the server, it is
sent back in JSON-format. (5) The information is sent back to the translator class, and
extracted. The translator class checks where to send the information inside the application
before it is sent. (6) The information is used inside the application.

Java Class Translator

When passing information from the application towards the server, the first step is to trans-
form the information to a format readable to the server. The main purpose of Translator
is to get the information from the application and translate it into JSON, packing all the
information, before it is passed to the Connect class. The same technique is used when the
information comes from the server, or more specific, is passed down from the Connect class.
However since the information from the server is sent in JSON format, which is manageable
by Android, it is passed to the method in the application requesting the information.

Java Class Connect

The next step when sending the information to the server is to make the HTTP-connection,
which is responsible for connecting to the server. This is made inside Connect, using HTTP-
methods. If the method is passing information to the server, the method needs the infor-
mation from Translator class, being the JSON-object and the web service method needed
to perform the connection. When the method is requesting an answer from the server,
the information is HTML text, and placed inside a new JSON-object before it is passed to
Translator. This is because the JSON text is imbedded inside HTML text, and needs to be
taken out and then placed inside a JSON object.
6.1. Android 37

6.1.2 Programming and design

To assist the REST-client, some classes were made to perform an Android specific type of
task. The different classes are used to control the applications Internet connection, to start
new threads when needed and to use a timer when it needs to make check-ups. All of this
is taking place inside the REST-client.

Figure 6.2: Inside the REST-client.

The Internet status control is used since the application can’t be relying on Internet
connection as Wi-Fi or 3G. When a test participant wishes to send information to the
server, and there is no Wi-Fi close by, this information needs to be sent at a later time.
If the Internet connection is closed down, the application could easily save the information
and send it as soon as it goes online. To do this, it needs to know the connection status of
the application.
Creating new threads are important for the application to perform correctly and without
delay. The main thread in Android is the one responsible for all main graphics, if nothing is
altered or added to the project by the developer. For example, if the test participant needs
to get dietary information from the server using the REST-client, it would try to connect
to Internet (i.e. Web Service) and wait for the answer. Since this request is done on the
main thread, all other activities would freeze until the task is complete. If the information
(file size) is large it could take minutes to download and the application would be frozen.
To solve this potential problem, a new thread is created for every request made by the
application user, and the download is not noticeable.
The timer is used with a Service, which is not a thread, but a means in Android to do
background processing inside the main activity thread. This is used for time consuming
(but not process consuming) activities, such as a timer. Since it is part of the main thread,
it will follow the applications warnings and interruptions.
38 Chapter 6. Resulting work

Figure 6.3: This image shows the REST-client process. When the test participant sends
the information, it firstly needs to check if it is connected to the Internet. If there is no
connection, it saves the information and starts a timer trying to see if there is any connection
possible. If there is a connection, or the timer finds a connection, a new thread is created
to send the information.

6.2 Server
In this project, the server is used as a communicator, project holder, storage and calculation
devise. All of this was made possible inside the Web Service.

.apk file
One of the main reasons to use a server was the ability to place an application package file
(.apk) file on it, and being able to downloading it from the server simply by clicking on
the file. This is done from the web browser, on the test participant’s Android phone. This
makes it much easier as a developer to give the application to whoever needs it. I.e. only
people performing the test have access to the web page containing the application file. The
android phone has a restriction when using application files from unknown sources. To use
the application the user needs to remove the restriction inside the phone, on the settings.
This is simply done by accepting it inside the settings of the phone, and accepting that the
application is using the phones Internet when installing it. Many other applications use the
6.2. Server 39

same technique as this application; the only difference is that the test participants now need
to accept the settings.

6.2.1 Web Service

Creating a connection to the database inside the Web Service is the primary function of
this Web Service. It is done by using an .asmx file containing the web methods called from
the Android application. All of these methods are written specifically to handle one task,
but the most common one are simple GET or SET information to the database. When
getting information from the database, it is called by the application, given some or none
parameters of what is should get, and retrieves the information by using SQL Queries. The
information is then packaged and sent back to the application.

Figure 6.4: Get information from Web Service.

Sending information to the database through the Web Service is a bit more complicated.
The information needs to be sent through the REST-client (see section Android). When the
information is collected by the web method, the information is passed on to the web service
classes and placed inside the right database table. If the information is about updating the
database, it is passed down using SQL queries. However, if the information needs to be
controlled against the database or calculated, it is sent from the web method into the right
C# class, where it is calculated and passed down to the database.
40 Chapter 6. Resulting work

Figure 6.5: Set information to Web Service.

JSON translation or ConvertClass

The ConvertClass is the most important class inside the Web Service. It is the class that
takes the information given from the database and transforms it into a JSON-array. The
information from the database is shown the same way as they are placed, in tables. It is
possible to send this information directly to the application, but then it would be harder to
pinpoint some exact value, as it only would be read as a text file.


The Checkclass is the class used when some information needs to be confirmed inside the
database. If the test participant is passing on some new private information, this class
checks if the user exist, if the information in the database needs to be altered or replaced,
and gives the correct response back to the web method. This class also examines if there are
some food types needed to be changed in the database, or the information passed is older
then the one in the database.


CalculateMealClass takes the meal information from the application, and places it in the
correct database table. This is demanding some GET and SET methods from the database,
since the food needs to be calculated depending on how much you eat, what you eat and
when you eat. E.g. if the test participant eats an apple, with a weight of 46 gram. The
information is sent to the web method and passed to the CalculateMealClass. The class
then finds out what kind of nutrition an apple contains, and since it is given in 100 gram,
the nutrition needs to be reduced from 100 gram to 46 gram. The information is placed in
the database, in the tables containing nutrition, nutrition per meal, nutrition per day and
nutrition per main group. If the test participant changes the information, from an apple to
an orange, all the information in the tables needs to be changed.
6.2. Server 41

To make the information in the tables usable in the programme SPSS[19], It has to be
transponded, that is, shifted from row pairs into table columns. This is so the information
is easily read and used inside FileMaker and SPSS. This kind of information altering is not
something MS SQL does easily, so it was necessarily to make this kind of change manually
using C# methods. The tables containing this information is made to match the tables used
by CalculateMealClass, except that they are shifted to the side.

Id FoodId NutritionId Amount

1 1 1 0,14
2 1 2 2
3 1 3 0,001
4 1 4 55
5 1 5 3

Table 6.1: Ordinary database table structure.

Id FoodId Nitrition 1 Nutrition 2 Nutrition 3 Nutrition 4 Nutrition 5

1 1 0,14 2 0,001 55 3

Table 6.2: Transponded table structure.

DeleteMealClass has the simple task of deleting information inside the database, though all
information is not always replaced with new. It is also the class responsible for altering or
deleting information when the user changes a meal item or some nutrition in the database.
Since the database is containing nutrition information over different aspects, such as meal,
day etc. it is important that the final amount is calculated correctly at the end of the day.

6.2.2 Web page

The web pages are the only parts of the web project observed from outside the server. It
is the tool from which the test participant is able to reach the application, and also where
access to the web pages can be administred.
There are four web pages in the entire project. The first one is the Default.aspx page,
containing the link which the test participants could download the information and the
necessary information needed on how to install it. The second page is the GuestPage.aspx.
This is the page where guests of this project are able to download the application, they
wish to test it. The third page is the AdminPage.aspx, where administrative tasks are
performed. This is possible to do from inside the Web Service itself, but using the web page
makes it much easier for a non-technological person to understand. The fourth page is the
Logon.aspx page, which you are directed to if you don’t have a valid username or is a new
user. This page is overlooking all other pages, and if a person tries to move inside a page
where they don’t have permission, the Login.aspx page is shown.
42 Chapter 6. Resulting work

Figure 6.6: Webpages.

Figure 6.7: Login webpage.

6.2. Server 43

Figure 6.8: Default webpage.

44 Chapter 6. Resulting work

Figure 6.9: Admin webpage.

6.2.3 Security
Security inside the Web Service is most important, otherwise all kinds of different persons
could easily gain information from the database. It is also important to ensure the integrity
of the participants by keeping names, personal information and dietary habits concealed to
unauthorised people.
Security have been implemented in the server, and Web page security using cookies was
used. This means that the login information is saved a short time, since the cookie used
inside this Web Project is using a timeout after 10 minutes. Besides using the Login.aspx
web page, there needs to be more backside information for this to work. Inside the Web
Service Web.config file (the file where authentications and behaviour of the Web Service is
written), the permission to all the web pages are given.
6.3. Database 45

Figure 6.10: The ? (questionmark) means all users, and the * (star) means all registered
users. The * could also be replaced with a specific name, or a group meaning only this
person/group have access to the webpage.

Figure 6.11: This is how the forms authentication is processing when it checks if a user is

The Web service uses the same database as the food measurements, giving it a couple
of extra tables to keep track of new users. These are the tables the Forms authentication
and the AdminPage.aspx use. Inside the AdminPage are you able to see the username,
all available users, create new users, change password on old users and remove users if not
needed anymore.

6.3 Database
The database is divided into three parts. The first part is from SLV, the second part is
the one used in the dietary measurements and the third part is the one used by the Web
46 Chapter 6. Resulting work

The first part, containing all the different tables from SLV is explained in chapter 2
(Background). The third part is created and used by the Web Service containing all tables
to keep track of all users of the web pages and the security if those. This is also where you
assign administrators to the project.

6.3.1 Database of dietary study

Different parts of the database are copys of the database used in Mats Högdals front-end
work, i.e. the database used in the android application. This part contains the Personal
table and the Activity table. The usage of a database copy is because it would be easy to
send back and forth information that the user is setting or adjusting. If the user changes the
smartphone to another and continues the study, all the settings are saved in the database
and sent to the new smartphone. The same approach is used for the Activity table.
Since all test participants get a unique id, this is what keeps track of the person’s meals.
All meals eaten by this person are saved in the Meal table, and the food in every meal is
saved in the Food table. The Dates table keeps a record of al dates in the calendar, giving
a specific date a specific id, making it possible to easily overlook what date something was
saved. The other tables contains the nutrition food measurements.

Figure 6.12: The dietary study database is connected to several tables from the SLV
database, taking all information from those tables and placing it inside the dietary study
6.4. FileMaker 47

Figure 6.13: Project database.

6.3.2 ODBC
ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) is used to create a connection between FileMaker
and the database. In windows, a ODBC source is available for free, but for Macintosh it
has to be downloaded as a third part programme.

6.4 FileMaker
FileMaker was the programme chosen to simplify for the non-developers of the project to
access and visualise the data. This programme is a way of reading database information
in a simple manner and to export the information to a format readable to SPSS. First of,
there are seven different pages created. All of these contain different information:
– (1) Get all users.
48 Chapter 6. Resulting work

– (2) Get all users and activity.

– (3) Get all users, activity, meals and food.
– (4) Get nutrition per meal.

– (5) Get nutrition per food.

– (6) Get nutrition per day.
– (7) Get nutrition per main group.

The top three pages shows simple information as usernames etc. The later four shows
the more important information of the project, e.g. nutrition. The information sent to
these comes from the tables that are transponded (see chapter 6, section 3), and therefor
these tables are also transponded and ready to be exported. In FileMaker, it is possible to
search for a specific person or meal, making it possible to filter the information and show
only information that is relevant for a certain user. Also, in the later four, the information
about the test participants is added.
6.4. FileMaker 49

Figure 6.14: Filemaker user page.

50 Chapter 6. Resulting work

Figure 6.15: Filemaker nutrition per meal page.

Chapter 7


The work in this project contained many different implementations, from the implemen-
tations of databases, programming classes to web pages. This makes it hard and time
consuming to deliver all the pieces needed, and the focus on the work is to make the parts
work together, and identify and choose parts that do work together.
The biggest challenge in this project was the time aspect. When needed to optimise
and create a system with parts never been used by the developer, a lot of time is needed to
understand the software and workflow. Creating a Web Service was in the beginning a bit
confusing, but when understanding the GUI and workflow, it showed real good capacity.
All the original goals where reached, and the back-end is fulfilling its purpose. From the
beginning, the goals where not set in stone, they where more guidelines of what was needed
in the project. When the project developed forward, more specific goals could be created.

7.1 Future work and changes

For future work, there is a lot of things possible of optimising. Of course, many systems
need to be updated since the phones OS (operating system) or the server gets updated with
newer software, often making it run more smoothly.
In this project, almost all the modules would benefit from further development. The An-
droid device is in need of a more reliable and functional REST-client. It could be developed
in a more object-oriented manner and the classes do not work together in the most effectual
way, making check-ups and thread-starts consuming both in terms of time and efficiency.
The server has several parts, which could use a look-over. One suggestion would be to
change the website to an environment better suited for smartphones. Another is to develop
the security further in the web service in order to keep the information safer and make
the database harder to access. One major part that needs a look-over in the future is the
connection between the database and the web methods. These classes contains methods
specific to the database developed in this project, but if these databases would change you
would need to change some parameters inside the code, making it fit the new database. It
would have been preferred if they where completely adoptable, making it possible to change
in databases or web methods without having to search for possible error.
The database is as simple as it gets, but it is still adapted to the database in the Android
application. If the application changes, the database also needs a change. For the future, it
would be preferred if the database and the application database where more alike, making
the same changes to the both at one time.

52 Chapter 7. Conclusions

FileMaker fills it purpose of use, but it has a flaw. It could only contain 66 columns
[14] after each other in the views, making it necessary to create two separate views for one
database containing all 53 nutrition values plus the information about the user. If this were
changed in a newer version of FileMaker, it would be much appreciated and used.
Chapter 8


I’d like to give a big thanks to everyone who has been involved in the project:

– Åsa Svensson - Project commissioner and dietary expert.

– Christel Larsson - Project supervisor and supreme dietary expert.

– Mats Högdal - Co-worker and front-end developer.
– Åsa Holmner-Rocklöv - Master thesis supervisor and helper in need.
– Claes Bergman - Very friendly office neighbor and narrator of anecdotes.

54 Chapter 8. Acknowledgements

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[2] Postgresql. http://www.postgresql.org/. [Online; accessed 24-April-2012].

[3] R. Angles and C. Gutierrez. Survey of graph database models. ACM Computing
Surveys (CSUR), 40(1):1, 2008.

[4] Apache. Subversion. http://subversion.apache.org/. [Online; accessed 26-April-2012].

[5] ASP.net. Web development with power, productivity and speed. http://www.asp.net/.
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[6] J Bradley. Lär dig C# på tre veckor, pages 10–13. Pagina Förlags, 2002.

[7] J. Brönmark and M. Åkerlind. Supporting communication and collaboration in the

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labeled water. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 110(10):1501–1510, 2010.

[9] Canalys.com. Google´s android becomes the world´s leading smart phone platform.
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[10] C.J. Date. An introduction to database systems, pages 3–104. Pearson, 2008.

[11] Eclipse. Eclipse. http://www.eclipse.org/. [Online; accessed 26-April-2012].

[12] J. Ferguson, P. Boutquin, and M Gupta. C# Bible, pages 4–16, 422, 533–549. Wiley
Technology Publishing, 2002.

[13] R.T. Fielding. Architectural styles and the design of network-based software architec-
tures. PhD thesis, University of California, 2000.

[14] FileMaker. Technical specifications of filemaker pro 11 and filemaker pro

11 advanced. http://help.filemaker.com/app/answers/detail/a id/7541/technical-
specifications-of-filemaker-pro-11-and-filemaker-pro-11-advanced. [Online; accessed 31-

[15] R.S. Gibson. Principles of nutritional assessment. Oxford University Press, USA, 2005.

[16] Google. Google´s android operating system. http://www.android.com/. [Online; ac-

cessed 27-March-2012].


[17] Google. Installing the sdk. http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html. [Online;

accessed 26-April-2012].

[18] James Gosling. Java programming language. http://www.oracle.com/us/technologies/java/overview/index.html?

[Online; accessed 13-April-2012].

[19] IBM. Ibm spss statistics. http://www-01.ibm.com/software/se/analytics/spss/. [On-

line; accessed 13-April-2012].

[20] IBM. Using xml and json with android, part 1: Explore the benefits of json
and xml in android applications. IBM developerWorks, August 2010. [On-
line; accessed 25-April-2012] http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/x-

[21] iki.gu.se. Göteborgs university (gu) and the department of food and nutrition, and
sport science. http://www.iki.gu.se. [Online; accessed 27-March-2012].

[22] E. Jansson and N. Jonasson. Speedflirt of android, a study of porting a mobile appli-
cation and it’s affects on user experience. Master’s thesis, University of Umeå, 2011.

[23] JSON.org. Introducing json. http://www.json.org/. [Online; accessed 25-April-2012].

[24] kost.umu.se. Umeå university and the department of food and nutrition.
http://www.kost.umu.se/. [Online; accessed 27-March-2012].

[25] R. Meier. Professional Android 2 Application Development 2nd Edition. Wrox/Wiley,


[26] Microsoft. Explained: Forms authentication in asp.net 2.0.

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff647070.aspx. [Online; accessed 6-June-

[27] Microsoft. Visual c#. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/hh388566. [Online;

accessed 26-April-2012].

[28] Alessandro Nadalin. Graphdb in php. http://www.graph-database.org/. [Online; ac-

cessed 24-April-2012].

[29] J. Ngo, A. Engelen, M. Molag, J. Roesle, P. Garcı́a-Segovia, and L. Serra-Majem. A

review of the use of information and communication technologies for dietary assessment.
British Journal of Nutrition, 101(S2):S102–S112, 2009.

[30] PHP.net. What is php. http://www.php.net/. [Online; accessed 26-April-2012].

[31] G Shepherd. Microsoft ASP.Net 2.0 Steg för steg, pages 229–256. Pagina förlags AB,

[32] slv.se. National food agency. http://www.slv.se/. [Online; accessed 27-March-2012].

[33] The Internet Society. Hypertext transfer protocol - http/1.1, 1999.

http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616.html. [Online; accessed 25-April-

[34] J. Steele and N. To. The Android developers cookbook - building applications with the
Android SDK. Addison-Wesley, 2010.

[35] S. Sultan and P. Mohan. How to interact: Evaluating the interface between mobile
healthcare systems and the monitoring of blood sugar and blood pressure. In Mobile
and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking & Services, MobiQuitous, 2009. MobiQuitous’ 09.
6th Annual International, pages 1–6. IEEE, 2009.

[36] Å. Svensson. Validering av olika kostundersökningsmetoder samt utveckling och valid-
ering av en ny kostundersökningsmetod för användning med mobiltelefon. Doktorand-
projektplan för en sammanläggningsavhandling, March 2010.
[37] W3C. extensible markup language. http://www.w3.org/standards/xml/. [Online;
accessed 13-April-2012].

[38] w3school.com. Json: Javascript object notation.

http://www.w3schools.com/json/default.asp. [Online; accessed 25-April-2012].
Appendix A

User guide


Fredrik  Bäck  

Fredrik  Bäck   mail:  beck.fredrik@gmail.com  tel.nr:+46733524393   2012-­‐03-­‐15  

Inloggningsuppgifter  ..........................................................................................................  3  
GU-­‐konto:  .................................................................................................................................................................................  3  
MS-­‐Server  .................................................................................................................................................................................  3  
MSSQL-­‐databas  .....................................................................................................................................................................  3  
VPN  .............................................................................................................................................................................................  3  
Filemaker  .................................................................................................................................................................................  3  
SVN  (Sourceforge)  ...............................................................................................................................................................  3  
Användning  .......................................................................................................................  3  
VPN  ............................................................................................................................................................................................  3  
MS-­‐server  (Microsoft-­‐server)  ........................................................................................................................................  4  
MSSQL-­‐databas  (Microsoft  SQL-­‐databas)  .................................................................................................................  6  
Visual  Studio  ..........................................................................................................................................................................  8  
ODBC  (Open  DataBase  Connectivity)  ......................................................................................................................  10  
Filemaker  (ofullständig)  ................................................................................................................................................  15  
Ladda  hem  applikationen  till  telefonen  från  internet  ......................................................................................  21  
SVN(Sourceforge)  .............................................................................................................................................................  22  
Uppbyggnad  ....................................................................................................................  23  
Hela  projektet  (server,  databas,  webbtjänst  och  FileMaker)  ........................................................................  23  
Webbprojektet  (Hemsidor  och  webbservice)  .....................................................................................................  25  
Databasen  ............................................................................................................................................................................  26  
Kontaktuppgifter  .............................................................................................................  26  
SLV  ..........................................................................................................................................................................................  26  
GU  ............................................................................................................................................................................................  27  


URL:  http:  


Samma  som  GU-­‐konto  

FTP:  www.ftp.gu.se  (Användning  av  VPN  nödvändig  om  man  är  utanför  GU-­‐nätet).  
I  programmet  används  samma  som  till  MSSQL-­‐databasen.    

SVN  (Sourceforge)  

Virtual  private  network  (VPN),  på  svenska  ”virtuellt  privat  nätverk”,  är  en  teknik  som  
används  för  att  skapa  säkra  förbindelser,  så  kallade  tunnlar,  mellan  två  punkter  i  ett  
osäkert  datanätverk.  
VPN  måste  alltid  användas  när  man  inte  är  inne  på  GU:s  nätverk/Eduroam  för  att  
komma  åt  servern  eller  databasen.    
För  att  skaffa  VPN,  gå  in  på:  

MS-­‐server  (Microsoft-­‐server)  
Till  MAC:  
För  att  komma  åt  serverutrymmet  använder  man  SMB  (Server  Message  Block).  För  att  
logga  in  på  SMB  från  MAC  används  denna  guide:  http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1568  
Till  Windows  (rekommenderat):  
För  att  komma  åt  utrymmet  med  Windows  lägger  man  till  en  ny  nätverksenhet.  
1. Gå  in  på  Dator.  
2. Välj  anslut  nätverksenhet.    

3. Välj  en  ledig  enhet  (B,C…X,Y,Z).  
4. Ange  länken  till  serverutrymmet.    

a. Ange  användarnamn  och  lösenord  där  det  är  nödvändigt.    
b. Om  du  inte  kan  logga  in,  kontrollera  att  du  är  på  GU:s  nätverk  inloggad  
med  x-­‐konto,  eller  att  du  använder  VPN  med  x-­‐konto.    
Denna  nätverksenhet  används  sedan  när  man  ska  lägga  upp  hemsidor  eller  liknande  
från  Microsoft  Visual  Studio  som  ska  användas  på  matmobil.ped.gu.se  
Det  som  finns  på  nätverksenheten(servern)  nu  är  skapat  som  ett  webbprojekt  i  
Microsoft  Visual  Studio,  vilket  är  ett  lämpligt  program  att  använda.    

MSSQL-­‐databas  (Microsoft  SQL-­‐databas)  

Modell  av  databas:  Microsoft  SQL  2008  R2  
För  att  komma  in  på  databasen  behöver  man  användaruppgifter  och  ett  program  som  
kan  hantera  MSSQL-­‐databas,  som  t.ex.  Microsoft  SQL-­‐server  2008.  Programmet  Visual  
Studio  och  SQL  Server  Express  ger  också  åtkomst  till  databasen,  men  ger  begränsad  
åtkomst  om  man  ska  göra  ändringar  i  databasen.  I  både  Microsoft  SQL-­‐server  2008  och  
Visual  Studio  kan  man  skriva  SQL-­‐kommandon  direkt  mot  databasen.    
Microsoft  SQL-­‐server  2008:  
1. Starta  SQL  Server  Management  Studio.  
2. Fyll  i  uppgifterna  till  databasen  i  rutan  som  kommer  upp.    

3.  Om  anslutningen  fungerar  kommer  databasen  synas  till  vänster  i  programmet.      
Microsoft  Visual  Studio:  
1. Gå  in  på  View,  Server  explorer.    
2. Tryck  på  connect  to  database.  
3. Skriv  in  uppgifterna  till  databasen,  testa  sedan  anslutningen  (test  connection).    
4.  Fungerar  anslutningen  som  den  ska,  tryck  ok.  Databasen  ska  då  komma  upp  i  Server  
Explorer  till  vänster.    

Visual  Studio  
I  Microsoft  Visual  Studio  är  webbprojektet  skapat.  För  att  kunna  ladda  upp  projektet  till  
servern  behöver  man  först  skapat  en  nätverksenhet  (se  MS-­‐server  ovan).  
1. Kolla  så  att  nätverksenheten  är  igång.    
2. Starta  VS-­‐projektet.    
3. Välj  Build,  Publish  ”namn  på  projektet”.    
4. Ange  nätverksenheten  som  mottagare.  


ODBC  (Open  DataBase  Connectivity)  

ODBC  till  MAC  används  som  ett  som  ett  tredjepartsverktyg,  dvs.  man  behöver  köpa  det  
till  datorn.  En  bra  ODBC-­‐driver  som  rekommenderas  finns  på:  
Till  Windows  är  ODBC-­‐drivern  något  som  följer  med  programvaran.  För  att  koppla  upp  
sig  mot  skapar  man  en  ODBC-­‐koppling.    
1. Gå  in  på  kontrollpanelen,  System  och  säkerhet,  Datakällor  (ODBC).  

2. Ange  System-­‐DNS,  Lägg  till.  
3. Välj  SQL  Server  Native  Client  10.0.  Finns  inte  den  behöver  man  ladda  ner  en  
uppdatering  till  Windows:  
http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=16177,  välj  sedan  
Microsoft  SQL  Server  2008  Native  Client  som  finns  listat  en  bit  ner  på  sidan.    
4. Döp  kopplingen  till  wh-­‐matmobil  OL.  Det  är  viktigt  då  kopplingen  i  FileMaker  
heter  så.    
5. Ange  användarnamn  och  lösenord  till  SQL-­‐databasen.    
6. Ange  att  default  database  ska  vara  WH-­‐Matmobil.      

7. Testa  anslutningen  och  spara.  ODBC-­‐källan  kommer  sedan  hittas  automatiskt  av  
program  som  använder  ODBC,  som  t.ex.  FileMaker.    
OBS.  Om  anslutningen  inte  syns  i  FileMaker  är  det  för  att  man  har  angett  en  64-­‐bit  
version  av  ODBC  källa.  FileMaker  kan  endast  läsa  32-­‐bit  ODBC-­‐källor.  Då  behöver  man  
gå  in  på  C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.  Dubbelklicka  på  filen  odbcad32.exe.  
Där  får  man  ange  en  ny  ODBC-­‐källa  enligt  anvisningarna  ovan.  

OBS.  Innan  man  kan  starta  FileMaker  behöver  ODBC-­‐kopplingen  vara  skapad.  Om  man  
inte  är  inne  på  GU:s  nätverk  eller  Eduroam  behöver  VPN-­‐anslutningen  vara  på.      
Filemaker  laddas  hem  från  www.ftp.gu.se  och  installeras  som  ett  vanligt  program.    
Starta  projektet  i  FileMaker:    
1. Kontrollera  att  ODBC-­‐kopplingen  är  skapad  med  namnet  wh-­‐matmobil  OL.    
2. Starta  FileMaker.    
3. Starta  projektet  genom  att  trycka  på  Bläddra  i  mitten  längst  ner  och  välj  

4. Projektet  kommer  då  vilja  att  du  anger  inloggningsuppgifter  för  databasen  som  
den  hämtar  information  ifrån.  Hoppa  över  detta  steg  genom  att  trycka  på  Avbryt.    
5. FileMaker  kommer  då  starta  men  visa  tomma  tabeller.  
6. Gå  in  på  Arkiv,  Hantera,  Externa  datakällor.    
7. Markera  den  ODBC-­‐källa  som  finns.  Tryck  sedan  Redigera.    

8. Välj  Ange  för  DNS.    
9.  Markera  den  nyskapade  datakällan  (SQL  server  native  client  10.0).  Tryck  OK.    
9. Tryck  OK  i  programfönstret  ”Redigera  datakälla”.  
10. Tryck  OK  i  programfönstret  ”Hantera  externa  datakällor”.    
11. Nu  ska  databasen  synas  i  FileMaker.    

Ladda  hem  applikationen  till  telefonen  från  internet  

När  man  exporterar  en  Android-­‐applikation  från  ett  program  får  man  en  .apk-­‐fil  
(application  package  file).  Denna  apk-­‐fil  läggs  upp  på  servern  som  man  har  tillgång  till  
den  på  Internet.    
För  att  ladda  hem  och  installera  applikationen:  
1. Tillåt  telefonen  att  ta  hem  okända  källor  (unknown  sources)  
a. Gå  in  på  Meny.  
b. Fortsätt  till  inställningar.  
c. Fortsätt  till  applikationer.  
2. Markera  rutan  okända  källor.    

3. Gå  in  på  hemsidan  som  apk-­‐filen  finns  genom  telefonens  internet.  Ladda  hem  
4. Installera  applikationen  i  telefonen.    
5. Hittar  man  inte  programmet  eller  ska  ta  bort  det  finns  det  under  hantera  
program  (manage  applications,  se  bild  ovan).      

SVN  är  ett  versionshanteringssystem  speciellt  utvecklat  för  att  komma  tillrätta  med  
vissa  begränsningar  i  CVS(äldre  version).  Ett  versionshanteringssystem  håller  reda  på  
historik  och  förändringar  och  gör  det  möjligt  att  backa  tillbaka  i  tiden  eller  att  spåra  vem  
som  gjort  vad.  Dessutom  möjliggör  det  samarbete  på  samma  projekt  för  utvecklare  som  
är  spridda  över  världen.  
Till  SVN  används  ett  konto  på  www.Sourceforge.net.  För  att  använda  SVN  behöver  man  
ladda  hem  ett  lämpligt  SVN-­‐tilläggsprogram,  där  man  sedan  använder  
inloggningsuppgifterna  för  att  ladda  hem  projektet.  Ett  SVN  som  är  lämpligt  att  använda  
För  att  programmera  applikationen  används  ett  program  som  heter  Eclipse.  Eclipse  
finns  att  ladda  ner  från:    
För  att  kunna  utveckla  Android  behöver  man  Android  SDK,  vilket  man  laddar  ner  från  
Använda  SVN  i  Eclipse:  
1. Gå  in  på  File,  Import,    SVN,  Project  from  SVN.  Tryck  Next.    
2. Välj  create  a  new  repository  loation.    
3. Ange  den  URL  som  finns  vid  inloggningsuppgifterna,  samt  användarnamn  och  
4. Tryck  Finish.  Projektet  ska  då  dyka  upp  till  vänster  i  programmet.    
5. För  att  uppdatera  versionen  högerklickar  man  på  projektet,  sedan  Team,  update.  
Om  man  vill  skicka  upp  en  ny  version  gör  man  lika,  men  trycker  commit  istället  
för  update.    


Hela  projektet  (server,  databas,  webbtjänst  och  FileMaker)  

Webbprojektet  (Hemsidor  och  webbservice)  


Fredrik  Bäck  
Tel:  0733  52  43  93  
Mail:  beck.fredrik@gmail.com    

Marianne  Arnemo  
Tel:  018-­‐175500  
Mail:  marianne.arnemo@slv.se  
Fredrik  Willander  
Tel:  0733-­‐899  558
Mail:  Fredrik.Willander@slv.se  
Joakim  Larsson  
Tel:  031-­‐7865313,  0768-­‐880255  
Mail:  Joakim.larsson@handels.gu.se

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