Green Chemistry: Principles and Practice: Paul Anastas and Nicolas Eghbali
Green Chemistry: Principles and Practice: Paul Anastas and Nicolas Eghbali
Green Chemistry: Principles and Practice: Paul Anastas and Nicolas Eghbali
Green Chemistry is a relatively new emerging field that strives to work at the molecular level to
achieve sustainability. The field has received widespread interest in the past decade due to its
ability to harness chemical innovation to meet environmental and economic goals simultaneously.
Green Chemistry has a framework of a cohesive set of Twelve Principles, which have been
systematically surveyed in this critical review. This article covers the concepts of design and the
Published on 20 November 2009. Downloaded on 04/05/2018 08:25:09.
scientific philosophy of Green Chemistry with a set of illustrative examples. Future trends in
Green Chemistry are discussed with the challenge of using the Principles as a cohesive design
system (93 references).
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products and processes so that they are profitable while being III The Twelve Principles
good for human health and the environment. Following the
scientific enthusiasm of Green Chemistry, teaching initiatives, The Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry were introduced in
governmental funding, and the establishment of Green 1998 by Paul Anastas and John Warner (Fig. 2). They are a
Chemistry Research Centers have multiplied in the past two guiding framework for the design of new chemical products
decades. Many universities now offer classes on Green and processes, applying to all aspects of the process life-cycle
Chemistry and Green Engineering. Some institutions offer from the raw materials used to the efficiency and safety of the
degrees in the field. Governmental funding has also increased transformation, the toxicity and biodegradability of products
in several countries around the world.10 and reagents used. They were summarized recently into the
more convenient and memorable acronym, PRODUCTIVELY.11
The following sections are intended to provide a general
II Framework of Green Chemistry knowledge about Green Chemistry. For the convenience of
the reader, technical examples are cited for each principle.
The three main points about the Green Chemistry framework
can be summarized as:
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Fig. 1 Risk is a function of hazard and exposure. Fig. 2 The Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry.
Roger Sheldon.13 This metric helps to quantify the amount of so that the final product contains the maximum number of
waste generated per kilogram of product. It is a means to assess atoms from the reactants. The ideal reaction would incorporate
the ‘‘environmental acceptability’’ of a manufacturing process. all of the atoms of the reactants. The AE is measured as the
The environmental factor which has been adopted by many ratio of the molecular weight of the desired product over the
in the chemical industry underscores how inefficient certain molecular weights of all reactants used in the reaction (Fig. 4).
industrial processes have been and opened the door to creative It is a theoretical value meant to quickly assess how efficient a
solutions. One well-known example is the early synthesis of reaction will be.
ethylene oxide which was prepared through a chlorohydrin To illustrate this concept, a few examples such as the
intermediate (Fig. 3a). The E-Factor for the entire synthesis as Grignard reaction, A3 coupling and the Diels–Alder reaction
stated above was equal to 5. For each kilogram of product, are presented below. The Grignard reaction, which received
5 Kg of waste were to be disposed. This does not take into the recognition of the scientific community for its importance
consideration the waste water contaminated by chlorine
by-products.12–14 When the synthesis was modified to use
molecular oxygen, thus removing the need for chlorine, the
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3 Synthesis
As illustrated in Fig. 5, the synthetic toolbox of organic
chemists has been improved by a significant amount of
innovative work. Many of the new reactions that have been
developed in the past decade add to the already existing green
reactions that were discovered during the past century.
Reactions based on cycloaddition,17,22 rearrangement,23 or
multi-component coupling reactions24 were already known
and constitute one category of efficient reactions. Cascade or
tandem reactions,25 C–H activation,26 metathesis,27 and
enzymatic reactions28,29 are rather new approaches and
illustrate strong examples of cleaner, more efficient synthetic
tools available to organic chemists. The Grubbs catalyst, for
example, allows alkene metathesis through a mechanism
similar to Wittig-type reactions such as the Horner–
Wadsworth–Emmons reaction (formation of a four membered
ring as reaction intermediate, Fig. 5). It is an essential tool for
the construction of larger molecules. However, unlike the
Fig. 5 Examples of green reactions.
Wittig reaction, the metathesis reaction does not produce a
large amount of waste. The formation of phosphonium salts in
selectively without the need for any activating or directing
the case of the Wittig reaction is unfortunately unavoidable
groups. Those examples demonstrate the power of C–H
since it is part of the design of the reaction and is the main
activation in advancing Green Chemistry.
driving force.30
C–H activation is another relatively new area of chemistry
4 Molecular design
which holds great promise for the future.26 In traditional
coupling reactions, activated carbon–halogen bonds are While there has been significant focus on designing chemicals
usually used because of their high reactivity. Since halogenated for various functions ranging from medicines to materials,
molecules are rarely natural, it implies additional steps there has been a surprising lack of interest in taking into
to produce the precursor. The replacement of traditional consideration hazard in the design process. Understanding the
coupling reactions with C–H activation eliminates the need properties of a molecule that have an impact on the
for halogenated precursors and therefore the halogenated environment and the transformations that take place in the
waste byproduct generated. biosphere is essential to sustainability. Through a mastery of
Two famous examples of C–H activation were published in this understanding, chemistry will be able to genuinely design
1993 by Murai31 and in 2007 by Fagnou.32 In the first case, molecules that are safer for humans and the environment. Work
Murai et al. employed a ruthenium catalyst to couple the by Ariëns33 in 1984 and by Garrett and Devito in 1996 showed
inactivated substrates acetophenone and 2-methylstyrene. that designing safer chemicals is not only highly needed for the
This work was one of the first examples of C–H activation advancement of Green Chemistry, but is also possible.34
and represents a milestone in the field. In the second In recent decades, there has been a significant amount of
case, Fagnou and Stuart coupled two aromatic compounds work in the field of toxicology that has moved it from being a
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6 Energy aspects of our consumer life and our economy. Turning towards
renewable feedstocks both for material and fuel has now become
Rising concerns over the depletion of petroleum feedstocks
more urgent. The major renewable feedstock on the planet both
and the increase in energy consumption have pushed the
for material and energy is bio-mass,58 the material available
development of more energy efficient processes and for the
from living organisms. This includes wood, crops, agricultural
search for renewable energies; non-depleting resources in a
residues, food, etc.59
time frame relevant to human scale.49
Examples of renewable material include cellulose, lignin,
As mentioned in the first section (first principle), unutilized
suberin and other wood compounds, polyhydroxyalkanoates,
energy may also be considered a waste. The design of chemical
lactic acid, chitin, starch, glycerol and oil.60 Lignin, for
reactions or systems that do not require intensive energy use is
instance, is a major waste of the pulp and paper industry. It
highly desirable. Reducing the energy barrier of a chemical
has been burned on the production site to provide energy for
reaction or choosing appropriate reactants so that the trans-
many years. In recent years it has found new applications as,
formation may proceed at room temperature is one example of
for example, dispersants, additives, and raw materials for the
what chemists can do to reduce energetic requirements, with
production of chemicals such as vanilin, DMSO or humic
all the direct and indirect benefits associated with it.1
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7 Renewable materials
It has been estimated that the vast majority of our manufacturing
products are derived from petroleum feedstock or natural
gas.1,49,58 The depletion of those resources will touch many
9 Catalysis
In many cases, the formation of waste is linked to the
traditional use of a stoichiometric amount of reagents.67
Switching from stoichiometric methodologies to catalytic
processes is perceived as one major way to improve the
efficiency of the synthetic toolbox. Catalysis can improve the
efficiency of a reaction by lowering the energy input required,
by avoiding the use of stoichiometric amount of reagents, and
by greater product selectivity. This implies less energy, less
feedstock and less waste.68 Moreover, it often opens the door
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the sample is analyzed. Green chemists must take into industry has been adapting to the new challenges of Green
consideration the functional requirements of analytical Chemistry.
methods since it will be counterproductive if the chosen As a first example, a greener synthetic pathway which was
methods contribute to further environmental problems. Green attributed to Eastman for its enzymatic esterifications.85 This
analytical chemistry can be defined as the use of analytical biocatalytic process runs under mild conditions, minimizes the
procedures that generate less waste and are safer to human formation of byproducts and saves energy, resulting in
health and the environment.79 This definition includes both increased efficiency. Overall hundreds of litres of organic
aspects of ‘‘live’’ monitoring of a chemical transformation and solvents were eliminated from the previous process.
the environmental shortcomings associated with traditional In 2008, researchers at Dow AgroSciences were rewarded
analysis. In situ monitoring of a reaction has significant for the design of green pesticides. While trying to understand
advantages in terms of Green Chemistry. When action can the structure–activity relationships of natural biopesticides in
be taken quickly, it may prevent accidents, save energy, and/or an effort to predict analogues that would be more active,
prevent the formation of significant amounts of by-products they designed Spinetoram. The company expects that the
that would otherwise require additional purifications. production of this new pesticide will eliminate ‘‘about 1.8
Published on 20 November 2009. Downloaded on 04/05/2018 08:25:09.
When it comes to the analytical methods themselves, most million pounds of organophosphate insecticides during its first
of them share two problems linked to the two major steps five years of use.’’86
of a method: a pretreatment of the sample which includes In 2006, Merck developed a greener synthetic pathway for
extraction, separation or even sometimes chemical modification Sitagliptin, a chiral b-amino acid derivative used for the
of the sample, and a signal acquisition step.79 Since the treatment of type 2 diabetes.87 The approach was based on a
pretreatment step usually calls for large volumes of solvent, novel asymmetric catalytic hydrogenation of unprotected
it has been the center of analytical chemists concerns. If the use enamines which avoided the need of excessive derivatization
of solvents can not be avoided for an extraction step, benign (Fig. 11).88 Merck presented a three-step synthesis, claiming
alternatives such as Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) or an increase in the overall yield. Implementing the new route on
SCF extraction should be considered.79,80 a manufacturing scale showed a significant reduction in the
Material used in the manufacture of analytical apparatus amount of waste, making the new process a more cost-effective
should be taken into consideration. Both green chemists and option.
green engineers building new sensors should be aware of the In 2004, BMS developed a new approach to Paclitaxel, the
toxicity and any potential environmental problems related to active ingredient in the anticancer drug Taxols.89 Paclitaxel is
the material they handle. Mercury electrodes, for example, commercially produced from the naturally occurring precursor
are often used for electrochemistry. Replacing them with 10-deacetylbaccatin III (10-DAB) through an 11 step synthesis.
carbon-based electrodes such as nanotubes or nanofibers has This ‘‘semisynthetic route’’, which was first developed as an
proven to be an effective solution.81 economically viable approach to the molecule, was not
without certain environmental concerns. A more sustainable
12 Accident prevention process was therefore investigated by BMS using the latest
Dangerous substances and processes have multiplied in our biotechnological advances. Instead of synthesizing Paclitaxel
working environment. According to the ‘‘Chemical accident from a precursor, the active compound was extracted directly
prevention and the clean air act amendments of 1990,’’ from plant cell cultures. This method eliminated all organic
preventing accidents starts by identifying and assessing the solvents, hazardous reagents, and additional steps associated
hazards.82 All types of hazards whether it is toxicity, physical with the previous process. BMS is now manufacturing
hazards such as explosivity or flammability, and global Paclitaxel using only plant cell cultures.
hazards should be addressed in the design of chemicals and
processes in order to prevent accidents such as Bhopal or the
Love Canal incident.83
A recent and shocking illustration of these dangers and
hazards can be found in the UCLA accident that occurred in
January 2009.84 Handling of the very common and highly
flammable butyllithium reagent resulted unfortunately in a
terrible outcome with the death of the research assistant
involved. This accident should be a strong reminder to the
scientific community that many chemicals we still use present
serious hazards and should be replaced by safer alternatives to
prevent accidents wherever possible.
IV Accomplishments by industry
There are numerous examples of successful industrial changes
using Green Chemistry.85 The following section is not
intended to present an exhaustive list of the awards winners
but rather introduce a few key examples to show how the Fig. 11 New synthesis of Sitagliptin.
V Future challenges
The accomplishments in the field of Green Chemistry thus far
are impressive due to the scientists in academia, industry,
and research institutes around the world. However, the
accomplishments achieved thus far are a prelude to the grand
challenges still to be addressed by the field. A few notable
challenges are mentioned below.
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