Centurion University of Technology and Management
Centurion University of Technology and Management
Centurion University of Technology and Management
and Management
IQAC Meeting
Examination and Evaluation Systems of B.Tech and MBA Programme
Minutes of Meeting
The meeting of IQAC Cell, Centurion University was held and the following resolutions were
taken by the Board;
1. Examination and evaluation Systems of B.Tech and MBA programme was discussed and
the scheme of evaluations was designed and approved by the Conducting Board as
Centurion University of Technology
and Management
Total 30%
The corrected answer papers of the internal assessments have to be shown to the students
within seven calendar days of the conduct of examination. A consolidated marks scored
paper wise shall be sent to the University within 2 weeks of completion of internal
End Semester Examinations will be conducted as per the Academic Calendar of the
University. Specific dates will be intimated by separate notification. The weightage for
semester examinations (theory) is 70%. However, the weightage of management papers
(theory) of B.Tech Programme is 40%.
The syllabus for practical paper shall specify the number of experiments to be conducted
in a semester.
A practical paper has 100 percentage points.
Each practical / experiment (work) shall have equal percentage point as its weightage.
A practical paper shall have 2, 3 and 6 contact hours per week depending on the credits
assigned to it (1, 2 and 4 credits weightage respectively).
The dates for experiments are to be planned and the course completion reports
(CUTM/EXAM/EX-004) to be maintained in each Lab.
A practical / experiment and its evaluation shall be completed in all respect either within
the allotted hour (if possible) or latest by the next lab class. A practical experiment will be
evaluated based on the following components. The relative weightage of the components
are given below:-
Centurion University of Technology
and Management
A Project shall carry 100 percentage points.
Each candidate shall do a project under the guidance of a Supervisor. There could be a Co -
Supervisor if the project is interdisciplinary in nature. For an Industry based project, the Co -
Supervisor could be from concerned Industry. Project could be Theoretical / Practical / Design
Evaluation of a major / minor project will be done on following points.
Centurion University of Technology
and Management
F Report 20 points
G Defense 20 points
TOTAL 100 points
SL # Components Weightage
1 Class Tests (Theory - 25 %
Maximum 2)
2 Quizzes (Between 3 25 %
to 6)
3 Group Tests 25 %
Assignments/ Project
work/ Case Studies)
4 Class Participation 05 %
and Attendance
The semester examinations shall be conducted by the University both in terms of paper
setting and evaluation as per the Academic Calendar. The weightage for semester examinations
(theory) will be 40%.
Note: The industry guide has to give his remark on behavior, sincerity and the quality of work
done by the candidate. We can design a format on various attributes of evaluation which will be
sent to the industry guide for his remark. This exercise will give a platform to the placement cell
to interact with industry and will ensure the quality of work done by the student
Grading System
A letter grading system shall be followed in CUTM. The uniform Grading System to be followed
for all Academic Programmes is described below: A Nine Point grading system on base of 10
shall be followed in CUTM.
N.B. Grade C shall be considered as average, Grade D shall be pass Grade for theory and
Grade C shall be Pass Grade for Practical/ Sessional/ Project/ Seminar.
Definition of Terms
POINT - Integer equivalent each letter grade (a).
CREDIT - Integer signifying the relative emphasis of individual course item(s) in a semester as
indicated by the Course structure and syllabus (b).
CREDIT POINT - (b) x (a) for each course item.
CREDIT INDEX - ΣCREDIT POINT of course items in a Semester.
Centurion University of Technology
and Management
The meeting was adjourned with thanks to all the members present in meeting.