Materials and Methods: Chapter-2
Materials and Methods: Chapter-2
Materials and Methods: Chapter-2
Synthesis of ligand(L):2-amino-4-phenyl-thiazole
Chemicals used:
yl)methylene)hydrazine (IV)
Copper: Copper is one of the important transition element. It occurs in the range
of oxidation states +1, +2, +3. In cupric compounds and its ions undergo
very top position in inorganic chemistry due to their important role in oxidation,
complexes provide model for phenol oxidizing enzymes. Copper also involved in
many biological processes. For example Cu(DMG)2 shows some activity against
cancer and shows increasing life span, but only DMG is not active againt cancer.
Cobalt: Cobalt is an important metal with its oxidantion state +2 and +3 in its
structure, liability, stability as well many other aspects of their chemistry. Cobalt
Being a vital element in animal nutrition, cobalt and its biological importance has
transition metals and is hardand ductile. Pure nickel, powdered to maximize the
reactive surface area, shows a significantchemical activity, but larger pieces are
slow to react with air under standard conditions because anoxide layer forms on
Even so,pure native nickel is found in Earth's crust only in tiny amounts,
golden tinge that takes a high polish. It is one of only fourelements that are
beingiron, cobalt and gadolinium. Its Curie temperature is 355 °C (671 °F),
meaning that bulk nickel isnon-magnetic above this temperature. [9] The unit
giving an atomic radius of 0.124 nm. This crystal structure is stable topressures
of at least 70 GPa. Nickel belongs to the transition metals and is hard and ductile.
Manganese: Manganese is the member of the first transition series having the
atomic number 25, having variable oxidation states from +2 to +7; most stable
[Ar] 3d5 4s2. It is an important nutrient in all the forms of life. Manganese plays
Ethanolic solution of ligand (3) (2 mmol) was slowly added to ethanolic solution
of MCl2.nH2O (1 mmol, where n = 0, 1, 2, 3…) [Metal= CuCl2, NiCl2, CoCl2, MnCl2]
and the mixture was kept on a water bath at 70 oC with continuous stirring for
one hour. The solid complex formed was filtered and washed with ethanol then
with ether.
Physico-chemical Techniques
of the infrared spectrum of the organic compounds is useful to find out the
functional groups attached to the central organic nucleus ring. Complete analysis
of the spectra has not been attempted. However, attention has been focused on a
order to suggest the most probable manner of bond formation of the functional
The electronic spectra of the complex in the visible region were recorded
in ELICO SL 117 scanning mini spectrophotometer provide with the quartz cell.
The working range of the spectrophotometer is 900-400 nm. The spectra of the
ions in the complexes based on the positions and number of d-d transition peaks.
were done to know whether the anions of the metal salts remain inside or
outside the coordination sphere of the central metal ion. The conductance data
were recorded in 10-3 M DMF solutions at room temperature using an Elico Cm-
180 conductometer. The cell constant of the conductivity cell used was 0.5 cm-1.
carried out in order to find out the effective magnetic moment per each metal in
the complexes. The number of unpaired electrons possessed by the metal ion can
be determined from the effective magnetic moment of the metal ion. On the basis
of unpaired electrons, it is possible to infer the valence state of the metal ion in
the complex and further if there are more than three d-electrons and the
the Gouy method at room temperature. The effective magnetic moment per
whereχmis the molar susceptibility of the complex obtained after applying the
diamagnetic corrections [1]by the use of pascals constants for other atoms and
2.2.5. 1H NMR
internal reference in CDCl3 solvent. The proton NMR spectra were determined on
Free radicals are types of Reactive oxygen species (ROS),which include all
highly reactive, oxygen-containing molecules. Free radicals may be defined as
chemical species associated with an odd or unpaired electron. They are neutral,
short lived, unstable and highly reactive to pair up the odd electron and finally
achieve stable configuration. They are capable of attacking the healthy cells of
the body, causing them to lose their structure and function. Cell damage caused
by the free radicals appears to be a major contributor to aging and degenerative
diseases of aging such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, immune
system decline, liver diseases, diabetes mellitus and stress among others.
Two models that are employed for evaluating antioxidant activity are,
In vitro model.
In vivo model.
Fig; 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH)
When a solution of DPPH is mixed with that of a substance that can donate
a hydrogen atom, then this give rise to the reduced form DPPH-H (2,2-Diphenyl-
1-picrylhydrazin) that will be yellow colour due to the picryl group still present.
Fig; 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH)
Standard flask.
Test tubes.
A DPPH blank was prepared without compound and ethanol was used for
the base line correction. Changes (decrease) in the absorbance at 517nm were
measured using a UV-Visible spectrophotometer and the remaining DPPH was
calculated. The percent decrease in the absorbance was recorded for each
concentration, and percentage quenching of DPPH was calculated on the basis of
the observed decrease in the absorbance of the radical.