Stds Causes Treatment Chancroid

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CHANCROID Causes ancroid has

Bacterial disease become resistant to
caused by Penicillin,
Haemophilus ducreyi, Tetracycline and
which is transmitted Erythromycin and
by direct sexual Ciprofloxacin in
contact. some cases.
Uncircumcised men Preferred
are more likely to treatments now
contract the disease involve
than circumcised Azithromycin (1x 1
men. g PO), Ceftriaxone
Confections with (1x 0.25 g IM) or
Treponema pallidum Ciprofloxacin (2x
or HSV occur in 10% 500 mg PO for 3
of persons who have days) or
chancroid. Erythromycin
3x500mg PO for 7
days. Bubos may
need to be drained.
Patients need re-
examination 1 week
after treatment. All
sex partners have
to be treated.

Donovanosis/ A chronic, mildly Azithromycin (1x 1

Granuloma contagious STD g PO per week, for
inguinale caused by an at least 3 weeks) or
intracellular gram- Erythromycin (4x
negative bacterium, 500 mg PO for at
Klebsiella (formerly least 3 weeks) or
Calymmatobacterium) Doxycycline (2x
granulomatis. 100 mg PO for at
Donovanosis lesions least 3 weeks) or
coexist with Trimethoprim-
secondary bacterial Sulfamethoxazole
infection other STIs (2x1 (800/160 mg)
daily PO for at least
3 weeks) or
Ciprofloxacin 2x
750mg PO for 3
weeks or until all
lesions have
completely healed.
Sometimes wound
resection is
necessary. Scars
left by the sores are
regarded as
Therefore, annual
examinations are
Genital Herpes Two types of herpes There's no cure for
genital herpes, but
simplex virus infections
medications can ease
can cause genital symptoms and reduce
herpes: the risk of infecting
others. Condoms also
1. HSV-1. This is can help prevent the
spread of a genital
the type that herpes infection.
usually causes
cold sores or fever
blisters around
your mouth. HSV-1
is often spread
through skin-to-
skin contact,
though it can be
spread to your
genital area during
oral sex.
Recurrences are
much less frequent
than they are with
HSV-2 infection.

2. HSV-2. This is
the type that
commonly causes
genital herpes.
The virus spreads
through sexual
contact and skin-
to-skin contact.
HSV-2 is very
common and
highly contagious,
whether or not you
have an open

Because the virus dies

quickly outside of the
body, it's nearly
impossible to get the
infection through contact
with toilets, towels or
other objects used by an
infected person.

Genital warts
Most cases of genital While visible genital
warts are caused by warts often go away
HPV. There are 30 to 40 with time, HPV itself
strains of HPV that can linger in your skin
specifically affect the cells. This means you
genitals, but just a few may have several
of these strains cause outbreaks over the
genital warts. course of your life. So
managing symptoms is
The HPV virus is highly important because you
transmittable through want to avoid
skin-to-skin contact, transmitting the virus to
which is why it’s others. That said,
considered an STI. genital warts can be
passed on to others
In fact, HPV is so
even when there are no
common that
visible warts or other
the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
(CDC)Trusted You may wish to treat
Source says that most genital warts to relieve
sexually active people painful symptoms or to
get it at some point. minimize their
appearance. However,
However, the virus you can’t treat genital
doesn’t always lead to warts with over-the-
complications such as counter (OTC) wart
genital warts. In fact, in removers or treatments.
most cases, the virus
goes away on its own
without causing any
health problems.

Genital warts are

usually caused by
strains of HPV that differ
from the strains that
cause warts on your
hands or other parts of
the body. A wart can’t
spread from someone’s
hand to the genitals,
and vice versa.

Trichomoniasis Trich is caused by a tiny,

one-celled parasite N ine out of 10 people
called Trichomonas with trichomoniasis are
vaginalis. Anyone who’s cured with a single
sexually active can get it. course of antibiotics.
It affects women more Stubborn cases may
than men, and older require larger doses
women tend to get it administered over longer
more than younger ones. periods of time. It is
And, it affects African- important
American women more that sex partners also be
than white or Hispanic treated because
women. You get trich
from having sex with infection can be passed
someone who has it. back. Partners should
Typically, trich is passed also avoid intercourse
between until one week after the
the penis and vagina, last dose of antibiotic.
and it doesn’t matter if a
man ejaculates or not -- it The drug most
can be spread just commonly used to fight
through contact. Women trichomoniasis
who have sex with is metronidazole (Flagyl)
women can also get trich , which comes in tablet
because it can spread form taken
through vaginal contact, by mouth and gel form
as well. for vaginal use. If you
take Flagyl orally, you
may experience side
effects such as
nausea, vomiting, or a
metallic aftertaste. You
can minimize discomfort
by taking the drug during
or immediately after a
meal. Avoid drinking
alcohol within 24 hours
of taking the medicine. If
you do, you may
severe abdominal
pain and vomiting.

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