An Arqueologique Guide To Mexico

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The document provides an overview of an archaeological guide to Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. It details various archaeological sites and museums in the region.

An archaeological guide to Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula

Some of the sites mentioned include Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Cobá, Ek Balam, Dzibilchaltún, and Sayil.

An Archaeological Guide to Mexico's Yucatán

author: Kelly, Joyce.
publisher: University of Oklahoma Press
isbn10 | asin: 0806125853
print isbn13: 9780806125855
ebook isbn13: 9780806170480
language: English
Mayas--Antiquities--Guidebooks, Yucatán Peninsula -
subject -Antiquities--Guidebooks, Mexico--Antiquities--
publication date: 1993
lcc: F1435.K45 1993eb
ddc: 917.204/835
Mayas--Antiquities--Guidebooks, Yucatán Peninsula -
subject: -Antiquities--Guidebooks, Mexico--Antiquities--
Page iii

An Archaeological Guide to Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula

By Joyce Kelly
Photographs by Jerry Kelly and the Author
Drawings and Maps by the Author

University of Oklahoma Press : Norman and London

Page iv
By Joyce Kelly
The Poetic Realism of Alan Flattmann (Jackson, Miss., 1980)
The Complete Visitor's Guide to Mesoamerican Ruins (Norman, 1982)
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Kelly, Joyce, 1933-
An archaeological guide to Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula/Joyce Kelly.
p. cm.
ISBN 0-8061-2499-7 (alk. paper)
1. MayasAntiquitiesGuidebooks. 2. Yucatán PeninsulaAntiquitiesGuidebooks
3. MexicoAntiquitiesGuidebooks. I. Title.
F1435.K45 1993
917.204'835dc20 92-50715
Text Design by Cathy Imboden.
The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the
Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library
Resources, Inc.
Copyright © 1993 by the University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Publishing Division
of the University. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the U.S.A.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

This book is affectionately dedicated to the delightful people of the Yucatÿn Peninsula,
who have made traveling in their land such a pleasure, and especially to those who ha
helped us reach the isolated sites. Their constant willingness, cheerfulness, and dedica
tion are a joy.
Page vii

List of Illustrations ix
Alphabetical List of Sites and Monuments xiii
Preface xv
Acknowledgments xvii
Part One: Introduction
The Peopling of the New World 3
The Archaeology of the Yucatán Peninsula 4
Chronological Chart 6
Geographic Divisions and Points of Reference 8
General Advice and Miscellaneous Notes 9
The Rating System 18
List of Sites and Museums by Ratings 19
Part Two: The Sites and Museums
1. Northern Yucatán 23
General Information for Section I 25
Mérida Museum 26
Dzibilchaltún and Dzibilchaltún Museum 29
Yaxcopoil Museum 35
Acancéh 35
Mayapén 37
Aké 43
Izamal 45
Ikil 47
Chichén Itzé and Chichén Itzá Museum 50
Balankanche (Cave) 67
Cobá-Yaxuná Sacbé 68
Ek Balam 69
2. West-central Yucatán and Northeastern Campeche
General Information for Section 2 75
Oxkintok 76
Uxmal and Uxmal Museum 83
Nohpat 96
Mul-Chic 99
Sacbé (Sacbé-Xhaxche) 101
Xkampon 105
Kabáh 107
Chac I (Gruta de Chac) 114
Chac II 116
Sayil 118
Sodzil 129
Xlapak (Maler-Xlabpak) 131
Labná 133
Huntichmul 139
Chuncatzim I (Xcanelcruz) 142
Chuncatzim II 144
Sabacchá 146
Pich Corralché 150
Loltún (Cave) 153
Chacmulún 156
Kom 164
Chacbolay (Chacbolai) 169
Kiuic 171
Dzulá (Tzulá) 176
Xkichmook 177
Xcavil de Yaxché 181
Yaxché-Xlapak 184
Balché 186
Chunhuaymil I 187
Chunhuhub 188
Xcochkax 192
Almuchil 194
Miramar 195
Itzimté 197
Santa Rosa Xtampak 198
3. East-central Campeche
General Information for Section 3 209
Tohcok (Tohkok) 211
E1 Tabasqueño 212
Hochob 216
Dzibilnocac 220
Kancabchén 224
4. Northern and West-central Campeche
General Information for Section 4 229
Campeche Museum (Campeche City) 230
Hecelchakán Museum 232
Edzna (Etzna) 234
Page viii
5. Southeastern Campeche and Southern Quintana Roo
General Information for Section 5 243
Balamku (Chunhabil) 244
Calakmul 247
Manos Rojas 252
Chicanná 254
Becan 260
Xpuhil 267
Culucbalom 269
Puerto Rico 271
A Note on the Río Bec Sites 273
Río Bec B 274
Río Bec A 277
Río Bec I 278
Río Bec N 279
Río Bec II 281
Hormiguero 282
Payan 287
Kohunlich 289
Xulhá 293
Limones 294
6. Northern Quintana Roo, Part 1 (Mainland)
General Information for Section 6, Part 1 299
Punta Laguna 301
Cobá 303
E1 Meco 309
Pok-ta-Pok (Cancún) 313
Ni Ku (Punta Cancún) 314
Yamilum (Cancún) 315
E1 Rey (Cancún) 317
Playa del Carmen 319
Xcaret 321
Chakalal 323
Yalku 324
Xelha 325
Tancah 328
Tulum 330
Muyil (Chunyaxché) 337
6. Northern Quintana Roo, Part 2 (Cozumel)
General Information for Section 6, Part 2 343
Cozumel Museum 344
San Gervasio (Cozumel) 345
E1 Cedral (Cozumel) 348
Caracol (Tumba de Caracol) (Cozumel) 350
A Note on Four East Coast Temples (Cozumel) 352
Temple 1 352
Temple 2 352
E1 Real (Temple 3) 353
Temple 4 354
Glossary 355
Selected Readings 358
Index 361
Page ix

Color Plates 206
Masks on Structure I, Xlapak
Temple of the Seven Dolls, Dzibilchaltún
E1 Castillo, Chichén Itzá
Governor's Palace, Uxmal
Structure 1, Group A, Sacbé
Codz-Poop, Kabáh
Structure 5, Sabacché
The Palace, Sayil
The Arch, Labná
Edifice I, Chacmultún
Structure 5, Group 1, Kiuic
Main Palace, Chunhuhub
Principal Palace, Hochob
Structure III, Calakmul
Temple of Five Stories, Edzna
Jaguar panel, Balamku
Structure II, Chicanná
Structrue I, Becan
Structure I, Group B, Río Bec
Mask panel on Structure I, Group I, Xpuhil
Structure II, Hormiguero
Mask panel on Structure I, Kohunlich
Temple of the Frescoes, Tulum
Structure 32-a, San Gervasio
Great Ball Court panel, Chichén Itzá 24
Mask panels, Structure 1, Group A, Sacbé 74
Structure 1, E1 Tabasqueño 208
Jade mosaic mask from Calakmul, Campeche Museum 228
Mask panel, Balamku 242
Corner masks on the Temple of the Frescoes, Tulum 298
Structure 1, Caracol 342
Black-and-White Photographs
Camera, loop, and snap clip, unassembled 14
Camera, loop, and snap clip, assembled 14
Camera, loop, and snap clip, in use 15
Carved stone figure reportedly from Banqueta-Tunich,
Mérida Museum
Structure 38-sub and 38, Dzibilchaltún 30
Temple of the Seven Dolls, Dzibilchaltún 31
Stela 19, Dzibilchaltún Museum 32
Carved stone column, Yaxcopoil Museum 34
Pyramid, Acancéh 35
Detail of the Temple of the Stucco Facade, Acancéh 36
E1 Castillo, Mayapán 39
Structure Q-151, Mayapán 40
Detail of a mask on Structure Q-151, Mayapán 41
Structure Q-126, Mayapán 42
Structure 1, Aké 44
Upper pyramid of the Kinich-Kakmo, Izamal 46
Summit temple, Structure 1, Ikil 48
E1 Castillo, Chichén Itzá 52
Temple of the Warriors, Chichén Itzá 53
Serpent columns on the Temple of the Warriors, Chichén
Skull Rack (Tzompantli), Chichén Itzá 56
Temple of the Bearded Man, Chichén Itzá 57
Temple of the Jaguar and the Great Ball Court, Chichén
Carved pillar in the chamber below the Temple of the
Jaguar, Chichén Itzá
Chichán-Chob, Chichén Itzá 59
E1 Caracol, Chichén Itzá 60
Las Monjas and its annex, Chichén Itzá 60
La Iglesia, Chichén Itzá 61
Akab-Dzib, Chichén Itzá 62
Atlantean figure, Chichén Itzá 63
Temple of Four Lintels, Chichén Itzá 64
Temple of the Three Lintels, Chichén Itzÿ 65
Carved panel from the Venus Platform, Chichén Itzÿ
Structure 17, Ek Balam 70
Portal vault, Oxkintok 78
The Labyrinth, Oxkintok 79
Structure MA-1, Oxkintok 80
Carved column, Oxkintok 81
E1 Adivino, Uxmal 85
Nunnery Quadrangle, Uxmal 86
Page x
Detail of the North Building of the Nunnery Quadrangle,
Ball court and the Nunnery Quadrangle, Uxmal 88
West building of the Cemetery Group, Uxmal 88
Carving from the Cemetery Group, Uxmal 89
Great Pyramid, the Dove-Cotes Building, and the South
Temple, Uxmal
Chac step mask on the Great Pyramid, Uxmal 90
Corner Chac masks on the great Pyramid, Uxmal 91
Dove-Cotes Building, Uxmal 92
House of the Turtles, Uxmal 93
Governor's Palace, Uxmal 93
Tlaloc mask from E1 Adivino, Uxmal Museum 95
Structure 1, Group II, Nohpat 98
Principal structure, Mul-Chic 100
Detail of roof comb, Mul-Chic 101
Structure 1, Group A, Sacbé 102
Detail of mask panels on Structure 1, Group A, Sacbé 103
Structure 1, Xkampon 105
Codz-Poop, Kabáh 109
Detail of the facade of the Codz-Poop, Kabáh 110
Detail of step mask, Codz-Poop, Kabáh 111
Palace, Kabáh 112
Temple of the Columns, Kabáh 113
Arch, Kabáh 113
Structure 2, Chac II 117
Stela 4, Sayil 120
Palace, Sayil 121
Detail of the Palace, Sayil 121
Temple 2, Sayil 122
Structure 4B2, Sayil 123
Mirador, Sayil 123
Stela 9, Sayil 124
Structure 2B5, Sayil 125
Column of Structure 4B1, Sayil 126
Structure 4C1, Sayil 127
Baño de la Reina, Sayil 127
Mural painting in Structure 1, Valley Group, Sodzil 129
Structure 2, Valley Group, Sodzil 130
Structure I, Xlapak 132
Palace, Labná 134
Detail of a Chac mask on the Palace, Labná 134
East Building, Labná 135
E1 Mirador, Labná 136
Labná Arch 137
Arch, structures to the north, and E1 Mirador, Labná 138
Banded columns on Structure 1, Group A, Huntichmul 140
Structure 2, Group C, Huntichmul 141
Structure 1, Chuncatzim I 143
Structure 1, Chuncatzim II 145
Structure 5, Sabacché 146
Detail of Structure 5, Sabacché 147
Detail of the frontal Chac mask, Structure 5, Sabacché 148
Structure 1, Sabacché 149
Stela in the Main Group, Pich Corralché 151
Structure 1, Northeast Group, Pich Corralché 152
Bas-relief carving, Loltún Cave 154
Glyph-carved jamb from Yaxhom, Loltún Cave 155
Edifice 5, Chacmultún 158
Structure 4, Chacmultún 159
Structure 20, Chacmultún 160
Structure 7, Chacmultún 160
Edifice 1, Chacmultún Group 161
Detail of Edifice 1, Chacmultún Group 162
Edifice 2, Chacmultún Group 163
Structure 1, Group B, Kom 167
Structure 2, Group B, Kom 168
Castillo, Chacbolay 169
Structure 3, Group 1, Kiuic 171
Structure 4, Group 1, Kiuic 172
Structure 5, Group 1, Kiuic 173
Structure 6, Group 1, Kiuic 174
Structure 1, Group 2, Kiuic 175
Structure 2, Group 3, Kiuic 175
Mask panel on the Palace, Xkichmook 178
Structure 12, Xkichmook 179
Structure 4, Xkichmook 180
Temple-Palace, Xcavil de Yaxché 183
Castillo, Yaxché-Xlapak 185
Main Palace, Chunhuhub 189
Molding in the Main Palace, Chunhuhub 190
Adjacent Palace and the Main Palace, Chunhuhub 191
Glyph-carved panel, Xcochkax 193
Page xi
Ball Palace, Almuchil 195
Chac mask, Miramar 196
Detail of the first level of the Palace, Santa Rosa Xtampak 199
Detail of the third level of the Palace, Santa Rosa
Building with the Serpent Mouth Facade, Santa Rosa
North Range of the Cuartel, Santa Rosa Xtampak 203
Columned structure, Tohcok 211
Temple-Palace, E1 Tabasqueño 213
Tower, E1 Tabasqueño 214
Principal Palace, Hochob 217
Structure 1, Hochob 218
Structure 5, Hochob 219
Temple-Palace, Dzibilnocac 221
Detail of the Temple Palace, Dzibilnocac 223
Doorway with three lintels in Structure 1, Kancabchén 224
Carved column, Campeche Museum 230
Carved column from Xcalumkin, Hecelchakán Museum 233
South Temple, Edzna 234
Stucco mask on the Temple of the Masks, Edzna 236
The Temple of Five Stories, Edzna 237
House of the Moon, Edzna 238
Structure with the bas-relief stucco facade, Balamku 246
Stela 29, Calakmul 248
Stela 28, Calakmul 249
Structure III, Calakmul 250
Structure with the corner masks, Manos Rojas 254
Structure II, Group A, Chicanná 255
Detail of Structure II, Chicanná 256
Structure I, Group A, Chicanná 257
Structure III, Group A, Chicanná 257
Structure VI, Group B, Chicanná 258
Structure XX, Group D, Chicanná 259
Structure I, Becan 260
Structure II, Becan 261
Structure III, Structure III-a, and Structure I, Becan 262
Structure IV, Becan 263
Mask panel and step mask on Structure IV, Becan 264
Structure X, Becan 265
Structure I, Group I, Xpuhil 267
Detail of Structure I, Group I, Xpuhil 268
Detail of Structure V, Culucbalom 270
Tower, Puerto Rico 272
Structure I, Group B, Río Bec 274
Detail of the roof comb on Structure I, Group B, Río Bec 275
Detail of Structure XVII, Group I, Río Bec 278
Structure I, Group N, Río Bec 280
Structure II, Hormiguero 282
Chenes mask on Structure II, Hormiguero 283
Frontal masks, Structure II, Hormiguero 284
Structure V, Hormiguero 285
Structure I, Payan 287
Structure IV, Kohunlich 290
Pyramid of the Masks, Kohunlich 291
Mask on the Pyramid of the Masks, Kohunlich 292
Structure 1, Xulhá 293
Iglesia and Stela 11, Cobá 304
Templo las Pinturas, Cobá 305
Lapida C, Group D, Cobá 306
Nohoch Mul, Cobá 307
E1 Castillo, E1 Meco 311
Structure 1-b, E1 Meco 311
Sculpture fragment in Structure 7, E1 Meco 312
Columned structure, Pok-ta-Pok 313
Small temple, Ni Ku 315
Main structure, Yamilum 316
Structure 3-B, E1 Rey 318
Structure C-1, Playa del Carmen 320
Structure A-VI, Xcaret 322
Caleta Temple, Chakalal 323
Small shrine and enclosure, Yalku 324
Structure at the Mercado, Xelha 326
Casa del Jaguar, Xelha 327
Detail of mural in Structure 44, Tancab 329
E1 Castillo and the Temple of the Descending God, Tulum332
Temple of the Descending God, Tulum 333
Temple of the Frescoes and Stela 2, Tulum 334
Detail of the murals from the Temple of the Frescoes,
Corner mask on the Temple of the Frescoes, Tulum 336
Temple with the roof comb, Tulum 337
Page xii
Castillo, Muyil 339
Temple 8, Muyil 340
Carved column from Miramar, Cozumel Museum 344
Portal vault, San Gervasio 346
Structure 32-a, San Gervasio 347
Structure Ia, E1 Cedral 349
Structure 1, Caracol 351
Two-room temple, E1 Real 353
General map of the Yucatán Peninsula 22
Northern Yucatán (Map 1) 27
West-central Yucatán and northern Campeche (Map 2) 77
Area near Santa Elena (Map 2A) 97
Area along the Puuc Highway (Maps 2B and 2B1) 115
Area near Xul (Map 2c) 165
Area near Bolonchén (Map 2D) 182
East-central Campeche (Maps 3 and 3A) 210
Northern and west-central Campeche (Map 4) 231
Southeastern Campeche and southern Quintana Roo
(Map 5)
Area near Xpuhil (Maps 5A and 5A1) 253
Northern Quintana Roo (Map 6) 302
Area near Cancún (Map 6.4) and Cozumel Island (Map
Site Plans
Mayapán 38
Chichén Itzá 51
Uxmal 84
Kabáh 108
Sayil 119
Chacmultún 157
Tulum 331
Chronological Chart 6
Page xiii


Acancéh: 1Mérida
Aké: 1Mérida
Almuchil: 2Uxmal, 2D
Balamku (Chunhabil): 5Xpuhil
Balankanche (Cave): 1Mérida
Balché: 2Uxmal, 2D
Becan: 5Xpuhil, 5A
Calakmul: 5Xpuhil
Campeche Museum: 4Campeche
Caracol (Tumba de Caracol): 6San Miguel de Cozumel, 6B
Chac I (Gruta de Chac): 2Uxmal, 2B
Chac II: 2Uxmal, 2B
Chacbolay (Chacbolai): 2Uxmal, 2C
Chacmultún: 2Uxmal
Chakalal: 6Caneún
Chicanná: 5Xpuhil, 5A
Chichén Itzá and Chichén Itzá Museum: 1 Mérida
Chuncatzim I (Xcanelcruz): 2Uxmal, 2B and 2B1
Chuncatzim II: 2Uxmal, 2B and 2B1
Chunhuaymil I: 2Uxmal, 2D
Chunhuhub: 2Uxmal, 2D
Cobá: 6Cancún
Cobá-Yaxuná Sacbé: 1Mérida
Cozumel Museum: 6San Miguel de Cozumel, 6B
Culucbalom: 5Xpuhil, 5A
Dzibilchaltún and Dzibilchaltún Museum: 1 Mérida
Dzibilnocac: 3Hopelchén
Dzulá (Tzulá): 2Uxmal, 2C
Edzna (Etzna): 4Campeche
Ek Balam: 1Mérida
E1 Cedral: 6San Miguel de Cozumel, 6B
E1 Meco: 6Caneún, 6A
E1 Real (Temple 3): 6 San Miguel de Cozumel, 6B
E1 Rey: 6Caneún, 6A
E1 Tabasqueño: 3Hopelchén
Hecelchakán Museum: 4Campeche
Hoehob: 3Hopelchén
Hormiguero: 5Xpuhil, 5A
Huntichmul: 2Uxmal, 2B
Ikil: 1Mérida
Itzimté: 2Uxmal, 2D
Izamal: 1Mérida
Kabáh: 2Uxmal, 2A
Kancabchén: 3Hopelchén
Kiuic: 2Uxmal, 2C
Kohunlich: 5Xpuhil
Kom: 2Uxmal, 2C
Labnái: 2Uxmal, 2B and 2B1
Limones: 5Xpuhil
Lolttin (Cave): 2Uxmal, 2B
Manos Rojas: 5Xpuhil, 5A
Mayapán: 1Mérida
Mérida Museum: 1Mérida
Miramar: 2Uxmal, 2D
Mul-Chic: 2Uxmal, 2A
Muyil (Chunyaxché): 6Cancún
Ni Ku (Punta Cancún): 6Cancún, 6A
Nohpat: 2Uxmal, 2A
Oxkintok: 2Uxmal
Payan: 5Xpuhil, 5A
Pich Corralché: 2 Uxmal, 2B
Playa del Carmen: 6Cancún
Pok-ta-Pok: 6Cancún, 6A
Puerto Rico: 5Xpuhil, 5A
Punta Laguna: 6Cancún
Río Bec A: 5Xpuhil, 5A and 5A1
Rio Bec B: 5Xpuhil, 5A and 5A1
Río Bec N: 5Xpuhil, 5A and 5A1
Río Bec I: 5Xpuhil, 5A and 5A1
Río Bec II: 5Xpuhil, 5A and 5A1
Sabacché: 2Uxmal, 2B and 2B1
Sacbé (Sacbé-Xhaxche): 2Uxmal, 2A
San Gervasio: 6San Miguel de Cozumel, 6B
Santa Rosa Xtampak: 2Uxmal, 2D
Sayil: 2Uxmal, 2B
Sodzil: 2Uxmal, 2B
Tancah: 6Cancún
Temple 1: 6San Miguel de Cozumel, 6B
Temple 2: 6San Miguel de Cozumel, 6B
Temple 3: see E1 Real
Page xiv
Temple 4: 6San Miguel de Cozumel, 6B
Tohcok (Tohkok): 3 Hopelchén
Tulum: 6Cancún
Uxmal and Uxmal Museum: 2Uxmal
Xcaret: 6Canún
Xcavil de Yaxché: 2Uxmal, 2D
Xcochkax: 2Uxmal, 2D
Xelha: 6Cancún
Xkampon: 2Uxmal, 2A
Xkichmook: 2Uxmal, 2C
Xlapek (Maler-Xlabpak): 2Uxmal, 2B
Xpuhil: 5Xpuhil, 5A
Xulhá: 5Xpuhil
Yalku: 6Cancún
Yamilum: 6Cancún, 6A
Yaxché-Xlapak: 2Uxmal, 2D
Yaxcopoil Museum: 1Mérida
Page xv

Some years ago when I wrote The Complete Visitor's Guide to Mesoamerican Ruins,
I had to make a lot of decisions. Some turned out to be good, such as including only
sites I had personally visited. I have never regretted that decision and have followed it
also in this volume. Other decisions, such as not including area maps (which would
have lengthened all already-long work), proved to be not the best, as has been pointed
out frequently by readers and reviewers. That deficiency is corrected here.
Since the completion of my original book I have visited dozens of sites and museums
that were not included in it, and another new decision had to be made. To incorporate
these into the original format would have increased the size of the book considerably,
making it more difficult to carry. For this reason I decided to concentrate on a single
geographic area at a time.
A great deal of the new material I have collected is for the Mexican part of the Yucatán
Peninsula, and that is covered in this volume.
There have been many changes since my first work appeared in 1982, such as
significant advances in the decipherment of Maya hieroglyphic writing by a host of
scholars, and architectural surveys that have allowed more precise dating of some of
the structures. New excavations have been undertaken, and new theories have been
proposed. In Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula many sites have been cleared and
consolidated in the last few years, so visiting these sites is now worthwhile, and some
new sites have been discovered and reported.
And, happily, some things have remained the same. The people of Yucatún are as
delightful and gracious as ever and always happy to help you reach sites you could
not get to on your own.
I believe another good decision I made originally was to include a rating system for
the sites, to let the reader know at a glance how worthwhile a visit would be. That is
retained in this work. Some sites and museums in my original volume have been
upgraded because of improvements. There are no new four-star sites, however, or
even three-star sites (with the exception of Hochob, which has been upgraded),
though some come close.
Much of the new material involves isolated sites that you can reach only with the help
of a local guide. When I am planning to visit a site of this type, there are certain
questions I ask a guide. How far is it by paved road, rock road, and dirt road? What is
the likely condition of the rock and dirt roads? How long a walk is involved? How
long do you think it will take to get there, see the site, and return? Is there much
standing architecture? Are there carved monuments? Is the site cleared or overgrown?
The reader will want answers to the same questions, which I have tried to anticipate.
Driving times are listed for each part of a trip, and walking time is included. Road
conditionsas far as it is possible to tellare listed.
In The Complete Visitor's Guide to Mesoamerican Ruins, all of Mesoamerica was
covered, and the capsule information at the beginning of each site included the
heading ''Culture," since sites pertaining to various cultures were included. In this
volume all the sites are Maya, so the culture heading has been eliminated. In a few
cases the original name of a site is known, and when it is, it is listed in the beginning
capsule information. When the original name is unknown, then that heading is not
For ease of reference, the heading "Maps" has been added. The numbers following the
heading indicate on which map, or maps, a site will be found.
My sincere hope is that the additions and changes incorporated here will make this
work easier for the reader to use and less cumbersome to carry.
Page xvii

During the preparation of this work several people have provided me with
information, some of which would have been unavailable otherwise. To all of them I
express my heartfelt thanks and sincere gratitude. My job was made easier because of
their kindness, and this work is more thorough because of it. They are E. Wyllys
Andrews V, Nicholas Dunning, Victoria Bricker, Walter R. T Witschey, Bonnie and Jim
Bade, Ruth Gubler, and Molly Mignon.
For digitizing my drawn maps and site plans into finished form and for cheerfully
complying with many revisions, I would like to thank Phyllis and Robert O'Hair.
Their work saved me countless hours.
I would also like to thank my husband, Jerry, for accompanying me to the sites, for
taking and printing the black-and-white photographs used in this volume, and for
offering constant and loving encouragement while this work was in progress.
Page 1

Page 3

The Peopling of the New World

Migrations from the Old to the New World took place across the Bering Strait at a time
of glacial advance, when a land bridge formed, perhaps as early as 40,000 years ago.
Migrations continued in several waves until around 8000 B.C. These early immigrants
were hunters, who followed game across the land bridge. Once across, they followed
the ice-free routes in present-day Alaska and Canada, heading south and eventually
spreading through what are now the American continents. There is evidence that the
Valley of Mexico was occupied by 20,000 B.C., coastal Belize perhaps as early as 9000,
and the southern tip of South America at least by 7000.
The early inhabitants of the New World were a mobile population; in addition to
hunting, they gathered wild plants to supplement their food supply. In the coastal
areas, where some of the earliest evidence of settled villages occurs, the sea provided
bountiful food resources, although agricultural products were consumed as well.
Some of the wild plants that were originally gathered were later cultivated and
domesticated, and as time went on, these agricultural products became an increasingly
important part of the food consumed. This gradually resulted in semisedentary groups
and, later, the formation of settled inland villages. These changes proceeded at an
extremely slow pace, which varied in different regions.
Plants domesticated by the ancient Mesoamericans included maize (corn), beans,
squash, chili peppers, and amaranth. Maize was the most important of these foodstuffs
and remains so even today in the diet of the native populations. Pottery first appeared
in coastal Guerrero around 2400 B.C., in the Tehuacán Valley around 2300, and in the
Valley of Oaxaca between 2000 and 1400.
By 1150 B.C. the Olmecs on the southern Gulf Coast of Mexico had developed and were
occupying San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán in southern Veracruz. According to Michael D.
Coe, this site "has been established as one of the oldest civilized communities in
Mesoamerica, if not the oldest." Most of the monuments at San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán
were carved between 1150 and 900, including the famous colossal heads. Power then
shifted to La Venta, which was the principal Olmec center from 900 to 400. This was
during the Middle Preclassic period, when there were major developments in most of
Mesoamerica. By the Late Preclassic period (300 B.C.-A.D. 250) ceremonial architecture is
found throughout.
Various cultural groups were developing at different rates, but many proceeded to an
eventual peak during the Classic period (A.D. 250-1000), when there was a proliferation
of activity in architecture and sculpture.
For many years the Postclassic period (A.D. 1000 until the Spanish conquest) was seen
as a time of decadence and decline in the Maya area. While many earlier centers
collapsed (especially in the southern lowlands), other regions endured, and new
centers arose. The view of the Postclassic has changed in recent years. Although a
number of new interpretations have been suggested, no single view has been totally
accepted. For now, perhaps this period is best thought of as one of reorientation, cut
short by the arrival of the Spaniards.
Undoubtedly, tremendous accomplishments were realized in the New World by the
native Americans, but the question of outside influence should be mentioned. Many
scholars, while admitting possible transpacific contacts (probably accidental),
generally see no evidence that these contacts were more than incidental or that they
had an important or lasting effect on the developments of the indigenous cultures.
The best information we have indicates that the pyramids, temples, sculpture,
painting, and other arts we see today in Mesoamerica, as well as the advancements in
calendrics, astronomy, and hieroglyphic writing, were products of the people whose
ancestors migrated across the Bering Strait thousands of years ago.
Page 4

The Archaeology of the Yucatán Peninsula

The earliest evidence of the presence of human beings on the Mexican part of the
Yucatán Peninsula is found at Loltún Cave. A calibrated radiocarbon date of 2200 B.C.
(with a range from 2456 to 2043) comes from a pre-ceramic-level deposit that
contained stone tools (chert flakes) associated with animal remains (modern fauna).
This is later than the earliest remains found elsewhere in the Maya area and other parts
of Mesoamerica. It is possible, however, that earlier remains exist on the peninsula but
are still undetected.
Loltún Cave also has some of the earliest ceramics on the peninsula, dating to around
700 to 650 B.C., in the Middle Preclassic period. There is also a platform at Loltún that
dates to the same time. Other centers in northern Yucatán have ceramics dating to this
period, including the cenote at Maní, Komchen (near Dzibilchaltún), and Chichén Itzá,
but none from quite as early are known from Campeche or Quintana Roo as yet. Later
in the Middle Preclassic, there is ceramic evidence from Campeche, at Dzibilnocac,
Becan, and Edzna from 600 to 400 B.C. There is also evidence of the establishment of
agricultural villages during the Middle Preclassic in Campeche.
The earliest known architecture on the peninsula is found at Dzibilchaltún (in the
Mirador Group, 4.5 miles west of the site center) and at Komchen. According to E.
Wyllys Andrews V, "Before 400 B.C. both Komchen and the Mirador Group provide
sure evidence of public architecture in formal arrangements concentrated near the
centers of villages or towns."
Beginning in the Late Preclassic, almost all parts of the Yucatán Peninsula were
occupied, though the occupation in some areas seems to have been meager. The
population growth that began in the Middle Preclassic period continued into the Late
Preclassic. Later in the Late Preclassic, some earlier centers were depopulated, while
others continued to thrive.
There were many ebbs and flows in the fortunes of individual areas of the Yucatán
Peninsula (and their populations) from the Preclassic period onward, and many of
these are far from being fully understood. Several causes (and combinations of
causes) may have accounted for the shifts that occurred. Among them are population
pressures due to rapid growth, partial deforestation of some areas, climatic changes
that caused movements of populations to better agricultural lands, and changing trade
routes (possibly because of outside influences).
A great deal is still to be learned about the Early Classic period (A.D. 250-600) in the
Yucatán Peninsula, but some details of what was happening during this time are
known. Dzibilchaltún and Komchen were then sparsely populated; Cobá (in the
northeast), first inhabited in the Late Preclassic, continued to show urban continuity;
in northern Yucatán, Oxkintok, Izamal, Aké, and Acancéh undertook major
At Becan, which had been an important Preclassic center in the south, there was a
decline in population during the first part of the Early Classic period (A.D. 250-450),
followed by an increase in the later part (450-600). Kohunlich, in the southeast,
experienced a major period of occupation and construction during the Early Classic.
After steady growth during most of the Late Preclassic period, Dzibilnocac suffered a
drastic decline in population starting at the end of that period, and there is scant
evidence of occupancy during Early Classic times. At Edzna, population also greatly
decreased in the Early Classic from its peak during the Late Preclassic, but some
architectural endeavors were undertaken.
The bulk of architectural remains seen today by the visitor to the Yucatán Peninsula
date to the Late Classic (A.D. 600-830) and Terminal Classic (830-1000) periods,
although there are substantial Late Postclassic (1200-1540) remains on the east coast.
Page 5
Late Classic period was a time of significant population growth everywhere in the
Maya lowlands, including most of the Yucatán Peninsula. Some earlier centers that
had been greatly depopulated (or abandoned) were reoccupied. Some of the existing
buildings were enlarged and refurbished, and a great amount of new monumental
architecture was constructed.
Three prominent architectural styles (named for the areas in which they are found)
developed in neighboring regions of the central part of the peninsula during Late
Classic and Terminal Classic times. These styles are Río Bec, Chenes, and Puuc (and a
style called Chenes-Puuc in an intermediate area); see the Glossary for a brief
description of these styles. There was some overlap in time among these styles, and
influences flowed from one to the other. Various authorities propose different
directions and dates for these flows. What follows is based on a "hybrid" model
published in 1985, developed after a conference on the subject.
Briefly, the Rio Bec stylethe most southerly of the threedeveloped around A.D. 600, and
influences proceeded from this area northward to the Chenes region shortly thereafter.
On this, authorities are in general agreement. From the Chenes area, influences
emanated to the intermediate Chenes-Puuc zone around 750, and from there to the
Puuc area slightly later, again northward. When these influences reached the Puuc
region around 770, there was already an architectural tradition in place. This dated
back to as early as 550 at a few sites (Early Oxkintok style) and is well represented at a
number of sites from around 610 to 770 (Proto-Puuc and Early Puuc styles). Some
authorities believe that this earlier tradition was the main precursor of Classic Puuc
architecture (770-1000), while others hold that the influences from the Rio Bec and
Chenes areas were more direct antecedents.
Around A.D. 825, the direction of influence reversed, and the Classic Puuc architectural
style began to influence Chenes-Puuc and Chenes sites. In the Terminal Classic
Period, the Río Bec region felt some influence from the Puuc area. Classic Puuc
architecture also spread to other areas during the Terminal. Classic period: to Chichén
Itzá and nearby sites in the northeast, to Dzibilchaltún to the north, and Edzna to the
During the Terminal Classic, the centers in the Puuc region developed trade relations
with the people of the Gulf Coast of Campeche and Tabasco, as we know from the
evidence of ceramics. These people are often called the Putun or Chontal Maya, but
who they actually were is uncertain. There is also architectural evidence of influence
from Oaxaca to the Puuc sites in the Terminal Classic, in the move to veneer masonry
and mosaic decorations.
After the Terminal Classic, the Puuc centers were depopulated, as were some others in
northwestern Yucatán. During the Early Postclassic period, Chichén Itzá was the
dominant force in central Yucatán, until it, in turn, collapsed some time before A.D.
1200. While in its position of power, it controlled the region to the north, including the
coastal area, and thereby controlled trade. Isla Cerritos, on the north coast of the
peninsula, is believed to have been the main port of Chichén Itzá, and excavations
there and in nearby areas have uncovered trade goods from central Mexico, the Gulf
and Caribbean coasts, and both the lowlands and highlands of Guatemala.
In northern Quintana Roo (the northeastern part of the Yucatán Peninsula),
Cobáwhich had been the dominant regional center during the Classic periodwent into
decline toward the end of the Terminal Classic, when its main avenues of trade were
cut off. Some east coast sites were occupied during the Early Postclassic period, but
according to Anthony P. Andrews, "The Early Postclassic Period in northern Quintana
Roo is at present poorly understood." The interior of northern Quintana Roo, north of
Cobá, is almost unknown archaeologically.
After the fall of Chichén Itzá, the fortified site of Myapán became the dominant force
in central Yucatán in the Late Post-classic period, but near the end of that period, it
succumbed to waring factions. Also in the Late Postclassic, there was tremendous
growth along the east coast of the peninsula
Page 6
and on the offshore islands. Almost all the sites known in this area of Quintana Roo
were occupied during that time. Cobá experienced a resurgence, and the
Tulum/Tancah area was flourishing as a port of trade when the Spaniards arrived in
the sixteenth century.

Chronological Chart
The sites included in the chronological chart are large and important ones where
significant ceramic studies and excavations have been undertaken. The thin lines in
the chart indicate the time period during which a site was occupied; the thicker lines
show the site's major period and the time when most of the visible architecture was
Three of the sitesEdzna, Dzibilnocac, and Becanalso had important peaks in their
occupational and architectural histories during the Late Preclassic period, though
structures from this period are seldom visible today. The early apogees of these sites
were followed by declines (in some cases the sites were nearly abandoned) before
peaks were reached in the Late and Terminal Classic periods, as indicated in the chart.
Cobá, after suffering a decline in the Early Postclassic period, experienced another
peak in the Late Postclassic, and some of its architecture dates to that period. While
there is ceramic evidence of some degree of occupancy at the Puuc sites in the
Preclassic and Early Classic periods, it is generally very sparse. At Sayil it amounts to
but a handful of potsherds.
The information used to compile this chart came from various sources and reflects the
views of several authorities. Others use slightly different beginning and ending dates
for some of the periods and for the major period at some of the individual sites. Some
archaeologists divide the chronology into more periods, especially for certain areas,
but for simplicity's sake these periods have not been included in the chart shown here.
These periods are the Terminal Preclassic or Protoclassic (A.D. 50 or 75 to 250), the
Middle Classic period (475 or 550 to 650 or 680), and the Middle Postclassic period
(1200 to 1400). In any case, the chart should give the reader a fair idea of what was
happening on the Yucatán Peninsula (at least at a few sites) during the times in
Notes on Dates Used in the Text
The hieroglyphic dates for inscribed Maya monuments given in the text have been
converted to the Christian calendar using the Goodman-Martínez-Thompson
( correlation.
In 1986 George E Andrews published a work on Puuc architectural styles in which he
explains his method of dating individual structures on a stylistic basis. This had been
done in 1980 by H. E. D. Pollock, and Andrews's system differs somewhat from
Pollock's. Andrews based his divisions on Pollock's work, his own earlier studies, and
on work by Paul Gendrop.
Andrews breaks the architectural styles into six divisions with the following suggested
dates: (1) Early Oxkintok (A.D. 550-610), (2) Proto-Puuc (610-670), (3) Early Puuc
(670-770), (4) Classic Puuc Colonnette style (770-830), (5) Classic Puuc Mosaic style
(830-1000), and (6) Late Uxmalfound only at Uxmal (1000-1050). (Not all authorities
are in agreement with these dates, especially for Late Uxmal.) Andrews also lists
structures at a few sites that are in a style he calls "atypical" or "intermediate." These
structures seem to be clearly in the Classic Puuc tradition, but they do not correspond
precisely to any of the three Classic Puuc styles.
For many Puuc structures covered in the text, Andrews's classification of styles and
dates has been followed.
Page 7
Page 8

Geographic Divisions and Points of Reference

The Yucatán Peninsula is made up of three Mexican states: Yucatán on the north,
Campeche on the west, and Quintana Roo on the east; geographically, the peninsula
also includes the Department of Petén of northern Guatemala, and the entire country
of Belize. In this volume only the Mexican portion of the peninsula is covered, and it
is divided into six geographic sections. General information about each section
precedes the coverage of the sites in that area. I recommend reading the general
information for a section first.
The general information includes the availability of accommodations and restaurants,
how to reach the area, and the location of nearby gas stations, along with any special
points of interest about the area. It also indicates whether a guide is needed to reach
sites in that section, and if so, who they are and where to find them. This will prevent
excessive repetition of the information in the text for each site.
Each of the six sections is coordinated with an area map bearing the same number.
The maps show mileages and the location and name of each site. For each section a
point of reference is given. This is generally the bestor most likelyplace to stay when
visiting sites in that area. In the case of northeastern Quintana Roo, the general
information is in two parts, and two points of reference are given: one for the
mainland, and one for the island of Cozumel.
Possible stopovers, in addition to the point of reference, are listed, and these include
information about lodging and food.
Some sections are so densely covered with ruins that the main area map is then
subdivided into smaller areas, drawn at a larger scale, so that mileages and site names
can be shown clearly.
The geographic divisions used here are based strictly on accessibility to the sites from
the points of reference. These divisions sometimes overlap state borders, which are
really unimportant in getting around. Different maps actually place state borders in
somewhat different locations. In the case of the Yucatán-Campeche border along
Highway 261, there is an arch over the highway, supposedly marking the frontier, but
this is not where it is shown on most maps. The problem really is only for the writer
who is trying to describe the location of a site. For instance, if the arch truly marks the
border, then Yaxché-Xlapak is in northeastern Campeche. If the border is where most
maps place it, then Yaxché-Xlapak is in west-central Yucatán. This is true of some
other nearby sites as well.
The borders shown on the general map in this volume are those used on the 1:
1,000,000-scale topographic map published in Mexico in 1983 by the Secretaría de
Programación y Presupuesto (SPP). These are the same borders used in the Atlas
Arqueológico del Estado de Yucatán (1980) and on the National Geographic map
(1989). All of these maps show the Yucatán-Cam-peche border to be south of the arch
on Highway 261, and the location of the sites, given in the text, will follow these
To aid the reader in locating a particular site, an alphabetical list of sites is included at
the front of the book, following the list of illustrations. Following the site name is a
number, indicating both the section and the area map where the site will be found.
This is followed by a name, which is the point of reference for that area, and thenfor
some sitesan additional number and letter. This indicates on which detail maps the site
will also be found.
Under the heading "Location" at the beginning of the coverage of each site, "Yucatán"
refers to the state, not the peninsula.
Page 9

General Advice and Miscellaneous Notes

The maps included in this volume are intended to help the reader reach the
archaeological sites and museums covered in the text. They do not show all the roads
and towns on the Yucatán Peninsula. For this, and for connecting roads to other parts
of Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala, you will want to have a good general road mapor
The American Automobile Association publishes a road map of Mexico, revised
annually, available to their members through their offices in the United States. At a
scale of 1:3,800,000, it is generally adequate to get you to and around the Yucatán
The same is true of the l:3,000,000-scale road map by Shell, published by Prentice
Hall and available at bookstores in the United States. You will need something with
more detail, however, for the unpaved roads.
In 1989 the National Geographic Society published "Land of the Maya: A Traveler's
Map" at a scale of 1:1,609,000. It covers the Yucatán Peninsula and includes some
unpaved roads and many of the archaeological sites. It can be ordered from National
Geographic Society, Washington, D.C., 20036.
Several maps are available at a scale of 1:1,000,000, which shows more detail. These
include "Traveller's Reference Map of Yucatán Peninsula," which is sold through
ITMB Publishing Ltd., 736A Granville Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6Z 1G3, and
through some speciality map retailers. This map shows gas stations and many
archaeological sites. It also includes plans for the major sites. Another map at this
scale is "Mexico Road Atlas and Tourist Cities," published by Pemex (Petróleos
Mexicanos), the national oil company of Mexico. It is in booklet form with 41 pages
and has symbols indicating hotels, trailer parks, restaurants, points of interest, gas
stations, and so forth. The Pemex atlas is sold at some bookstores, tourist shops, and
hotel shops in Yucatán. Finally, Mexico's Secretaría de Programación y Presupuesto
produces individual folding tourist maps of all parts of Mexico. The one of interest
here is ''Mexico, Sureste (Península)," which covers the entire Yucatán Peninsula. It
has extensive text on the back (in Spanish), describing the various points of interest,
and these are cross-referenced to numbers on the map. It can be purchased at the
same kind of places as the Pemex Atlas.
If you need maps with even more detail, see "General Information for Section 1" for
where to buy them in Mérida.
GuidesThe Paper Kind
For your travels around the Yucatán Peninsula, you will want to have a general guide
that has more detailed listings of hotels and restaurants than it is possible to give in
this volume. Though the guides listed below are recommended, they are far from
being the only ones available. Check at your bookstore for others.
A good general guide, and an old favorite, is Fodor's Mexico (Fodor's Travel
Publications, New York and London). It has information on deluxe to modest hotels
(although it does not list them all), restaurants, sights, and so forth. It is revised
Bantam Books (New York) recently began publishing travel guides to various
countries, including Mexico. The title is Mexico, followed by the year of that issue,
and it is updated annually. This guide has become popular, with good reason. It is well
arranged and has the usual listings of better hotels and some of the more modest ones,
restaurants, shopping, and points of interest. It also gives road connections.
The American Automobile Association (AAA) publishes a Mexico Travel Guide
annually, and it is available to members. Only AAA-rated hotels and restaurants are
listed. While all of these facilities are good to excellent, it excludes other more modest
but perfectly acceptable places.
A useful guide for the region is Chicki
Page 10
Mallan's Guide to the Yucatán Peninsula, published in 1986 and revised in 1989 to
include Belize. It is available from Moon Publications, 722 Wall Street, Chico, CA
95928. It is also available at some bookstores and hotel shops on the peninsula. It has
good informataion for budget travelers, including listings of youth hostels, trailer
parks, budget hotels (as well as better hotels), and bus schedules.
Aimed almost exclusively at the budget traveler is Let's Go Mexico, (Harvard Student
Agencies, Inc., St. Martin's Press, New York), updated annually. It lists only budget
accommodations and restaurants and has detailed bus information.
A variety of regional guides for the Yucatán Peninsula or for parts of it are sold in
bookstores and hotel shops in the larger cities and resort areas on the peninsula.
The Mexican government's National Institute of Anthropology and History (Instituto
Nacional de Antropología e Historia, INAHpronounced "een-ah") publishes excellent
small guides to the major archaeological sites. These guides are not always available,
as certain issues maybe out of print at any given time. If you see one for a site you
plan to visit, do not pass up the chance to buy it. The guides are not always available
at the sites themselves. Look for them at museums and bookstores.
GuidesThe Human Kind
Whether to hire a guide to take you on a conducted tour of the larger sites is strictly a
matter of personal preference. I am speaking here of sites such as Chichén Itzá and
Uxmal and others that are easy to reach on your own. If you have an INAH guidebook
or a site plan (see below), you can really get around by yourself, and you will not be
hurried through. However, some of these sites have bilingual guides who are generally
pleasant and conscientious. They are also bonded by the Mexican government and
have identification to that effect. Rates for a tour of the site are sometimes set by the
government and should be discussed beforehand. When bilingual guides are available
at a site, it is mentioned in the text.
Note: I recommend copying the site plans for the places you intend to visit. Mark any
special points of interest and carry the plans with you. The site plans included in this
volume are intended to help the reader reach the structures that are of interest to the
visitor. They do not show all the structures at the sites.
For some ruins that you can reach on your own, a local guide can be of assistance in
visiting the site itself, especially if you do not have a site plan. Examples are Muyil and
Chicanná. Often the caretaker or one of his children will offer to show you' around,
and this will save some time. These guides generally do not speak English, and price
is not generally discussed beforehand, though there is nothing wrong with doing so.
The price of a couple of beers is normally sufficient for a tour of the site; more, if they
have had to do a lot of clearing.
For some isolated sites you must have a guide just to get there.' Not all of these sites
are terribly remote; some, in fact, are only a few minutes from a paved road, but you
will not be able to find them without assistance, and it would be foolhardy to try.
It is often possible to locate a guide, make arrangements for a trip, and leave
immediately. If time permits, however, try to make arrangements the day before,
especially if it is going to be a long trip.
In the "Getting There" section for a site, if the heading Guide is included, it means you
must have one even to reach the site in question. These sites are found in Sections 2,
3, and 5 of this book. The name of the guide recommended for that site is given, as
well as where you can find him. More details are provided at the end of "General
Information" for that section, under Guides. All of the guides listed are reliable and
trustworthy and are highly recommended, but this does not indicate that they are the
only ones.
It should be understood that while these guides can get you to a site and can point out
features of interest that you might miss without them, they do not take you on a
conducted tour. These guides do not speak English, and generally price is not
discussed beforehand, but you certainly may if you wish. The difference between
these guides and the ones
Page 11
who show you around a site you have reached on your own is that you will be
spending a lot more time with them. Getting there generally takes longersometimes
much longerthan visiting a site. Sometimes the trails to and around an isolated site and
the site itself are partly overgrown. Your guide will always have a machete along to do
the needed clearing. He should be properly compensated.
While I try to avoid gross overpaying, I feel it is better to err in that direction when in
If your goal is only the four-star sites, lack of Spanish will not be much of a hindrance
because guides and key hotel personnel generally speak some English. If, however,
you plan to visit some of the isolated sites, a little Spanish will help considerably. You
will have to use whatever Spanish you know both in making arrangements and in
traveling to and from the site. This really does not take a lot, and sign language will
also help.
I recommend carrying one of the small Spanish-English phrase books and
dictionaries. Berlitz's is the best known. If you are driving, you will want to know the
Spanish for the parts of the car in case you should need a mechanic.
Visiting the Isolated Sites
An isolated site, as the term is used here, is one that can be reached only with the
assistance of a guide, as described above. By far the best way to reach these sites is in
your own vehicle. The availability of car rentals is discussed in the general
information for each section. Buses do not go to these sites, but in some cases, where
there is a town nearby that can be reached by bus, there is another possibility. You
may be able to find someone there with a vehicle, invariably some kind of truck, who
will be willing to take you. If they also know how to reach the site of your choice, that
is a bonus. If not, you will still have to locate a guide. In any case, this method of
reaching isolated sites cannot be guaranteed, but for those who may wish to try, the
closest bus connection is mentioned when it is reasonably near, and when the site in
question is worth the effort.
Some of the isolated sites can be reached in a standard vehicle, while roads to other
sites will require a high-clearance vehicle or one with four-wheel drive. When a
standard vehicle is adequate, no mention of vehicle type is made in the text, but when
a special type is needed, it is specified in "Getting There." An example of a high-
clearance vehicle would be a Combi (a Volkswagen mini-van), or even a Volkswagen
Beetle. Sometimes four-wheel drive is needed if a dirt road is wet, but not if it is dry,
in which case a high-clearance vehicle would suffice. (See "Climate and Travel in the
Rainy Season.")
When visiting isolated sites, it should be noted that no food or drink is available, and
you should take whatever you will need with you. These sites generally do not even
have a resident caretaker.
In traveling to some of these sites, you will be on seldom-used roads that will
probably have trees or other vegetation lying across them. Your guide will have his
machete, as pointed out above, but having your own to help clear the road is a good
idea. In some cases an ax will be better, in which case it would be best to have your
own. When you are likely to encounter this type of situation, such as going to
Calakmul or the Rio Bec sites, it is mentioned in the text.
A few of the dirt roads going to isolated sites are not shown on even the most detailed
published maps. In these cases I have had to approximate the routes and have
mentioned this in the text. Although the path of the road may be approximate in such
cases, the distance is accurate.
When you are traveling to isolated sites, you will invariably come across unmarked
branch roads. Your guide will be able to direct you, and this is the main reason that
you must have one along. The maps included here give the distances, but even if you
carefully check your odometer reading, you could easily miss an unmarked cutoff by
a couple of hundred feet. The cutoffs for some dirt roads are barely discernible, and
for some foot trails, impossible to spot. Another reason for having a guide is that if
you should have
Page 12
car trouble, someone will have to go for help, and your guide will be better able to do
this than you. A third and very important reason is that, because of the looting of the
ancient sites, unescorted visitors who go wandering around sites where there is no
resident caretaker are not looked upon too kindly by authorities, no matter how
honorable the visitor's intentions.
See "What to Take" for additional information.
A Note on "Connection(s)" and "Getting There"
The headings "Connection(s)" and "Getting There" are at the end of the coverage of
each site. Generally the first connection given is from the point of reference for that
In the case of some isolated sites, an intermediate point is listed, and this is where you
can find a guide for the site in question. From the intermediate point, mileages and
times to the site itself follow. In some cases, following these directions will entail
some backtracking. However, this will give the reader a more accurate idea of the
distance and time involved, since a guide is necessary to reach the site. In case you
already have a knowledgeable guide with you, distances and times directly to the site
from the "Connection" are given.
The times listed for drivingand sometimes walkingare when the roads and trails are
in fair condition. If a dirt road is very muddy or if it or the trail is overgrown and
vegetation has to be cutback, it will of course take longer. The distances listed for foot
trails are approximate, but the time given should be fairly accurate unless the trail has
become terribly overgrown.
The times listed in the text do not include the time needed to find and make
arrangements with a guide or to drive him to his home afterward.
Is It Dangerous?
Two questions we are often asked are, first, "Is it dangerous to travel alone in the
remote areas?" I assume the questioner wants to know whether one is in any physical
danger from the people. The answer is emphatically no. Maybe we have been
inordinately lucky, but we have never felt the least bit threatened or even
uncomfortable, and other frequent visitors report the same thing. In fact, the more
remote the area, the nicer the people. The people of the Yucatán Peninsula have a
well-deserved reputation for their friendliness.
You should use common sense, however, and not invite trouble. Do not leave luggage
or camera gear visible, even in a locked car. Keep the items out of sight in the trunk,
and keep the trunk locked, especially in the more touristed areas.
The second question is, "What about snakes?" Yes, there are snakes, but we have
encountered few, and never in a threatening situation. When you walk through the
jungle, you will be making lots of noise and will normally scare off any snakes that
may be around. You will find insects to be much more of a problem. Nevertheless, it
is advisable to look where you are stepping when you walk on jungle trails.
What to Take
FOOTGEAR: Comfortable footgear is a must. If your only goal is the larger, cleared
sites, tennis shoes or the equivalent will suffice. If, however, you plan to visit some of
the isolated sites, you will need something more serious, like good hiking boots.
When you are climbing over loose rubble and walking over muddy trails, boots are
better than tennis shoes. I was once accused (jokingly I hoped) of having a foot fetish.
Maybe so, but my sense of adventure dwindles rapidly in direct proportion to the
increase in discomfort of my feet. If boots are recommended for a particular site, it is
mentioned in the text; otherwise, tennis shoes may be considered adequate.
CLOTHING: For visiting the ruins the most comfortable clothing is lightweight but
fairly sturdy cotton. Denim jeans or khaki work pants are fine. For the major cleared
sites, ladies will find split skirts (culottes) more comfortable for climbing. Shorts for
both men and women are now considered
Page 13
acceptable attire at the major sites, but for overgrown, isolated sites, pants are better
for the protection they afford.
I recommend pants (or shorts) with belt loops whether or not you use a belt (see the
section "Camera Gear" for why). Cotton or cotton-synthetic blends are best for shirts.
Those that are 100 percent synthetic are hot as Hades and cling to you uncomfortably
when you get wet, which is always. Long sleeves offer more protection from the sun,
insects, and thorny bushes, while short sleeves are cooler. I use one or the other,
depending on the trip. Make sure your shirts have pocketsthe more the better.
Guayaberas (shirts worn outside the pants) are available throughout the Yucatán
Peninsula. They come with long and short sleeves, in cotton and blends, in sizes for
men, women, and children, in various colors, with or without decorations, and
generally with four pockets. They are ideal. (See "General Information for Section 1"
for the best places to buy them.)
You will find a few large handkerchiefs or bandanas useful to wipe the sweat from
your brow. Facial tissue just won't do.
Other items you should have are sunglasses (preferably glare free) and a sun hat
(lightweight and with good ventilation) for the larger cleared sites and hikes across
open country.
MISCELLANEOUS GEAR: If you are traveling by car (yours or a rented one), by all
means take or buy an ice chest. It will repay you a thousandfold. Inexpensive, plastic-
foam chests are now available in the cities and larger towns of the Yucatán Peninsula.
Icehouses are found throughout most of the peninsula, and their locations are listed in
the general information for each section. Ice, water, and cold drinks whenever you
want them can extend your endurance considerably.
Take one or two terry-cloth towels. When dipped in the cold water in your ice chest
and applied to the face and back of the neck, they can be incredibly refreshing,
especially when you return to your car after climbing around ruins or from a long
hike. To get rid of the bugs on your windshield, take along a pot cleaner, the sponge
kind with a plastic mesh covering. The sponge holds enough water to make the job
easier, and the plastic mesh won't scratch the glass.
You will also want a plastic bottle for carrying drinking water with you in your
vehicle. These are available in tiendas ("shops") in even the smallest towns. The water
in the Yucatán Peninsula is very alkaline. Add the juice of a lime to the water to make
it more palatable, or carry bottled water. There are times when beer or refrescos ("soft
drinks") just won't do.
When you are walking to a site and will be away from your vehicle for more than an
hour or so, you should have a canteen of water with you. When this is needed, it is
mentioned in the text.
For long trips to isolated sites you should have some food along. Canned tuna,
deviled ham, and crackers or bread are available almost everywhere (don't forget a
can opener), or order something from your hotel restaurant the night before. Box
lunches, in general, are not recommended. They consist of two dry sandwiches, a
hard-boiled egg, an orange, and a banana. I personally prefer club sandwiches, even if
they get a little soggy.
You should have insect repellent with you for all the sites, since even the cleared ones
can have insects. Repellent is crucial for sites that are overgrown. We generally carry a
spray can in the car and have an extra small bottle in our camera bag for use on the
You will often need matches (or a butane lighter) and paper at isolated sites or on the
trails going there. This is to smoke out wasps from their nests. Your guide will
carefully do this. He may have some paper with him, but he will never have matches.
CAMERA GEAR: Since all photographers will have their own favorite equipment
(preferably already well tested), only general recommendations are made here. You
will have a normal lens, of course, and a telephoto will sometimes be useful.
Absolutely essential, however, is a wide-angle lens (the wider the better, short of a
fish-eye), especially for sites that have not been cleared. Often it is impossible to back
off far enough from a struc-
Page 14

Camera; screw that fits into camera bottom

with attached metal loop; snap clip attached
to leather loop, to be connected to belt or
belt loop. Unless otherwise noted, black-
and-white photographs by Jerry Kelly.
ture to get an overall shot with a normal lens. My favorite lens is a wide-angle zoom
that goes from 24 mm to 35 min. The only improvement I can think of would be if it
went to 20 mm on the wide end.
If you are visiting a site that requires a long hike and you have a lot of camera gear,
carry it in a waterproof backpack. This is more comfortable than a shoulder-strap bag
on long hauls.
While we are at a site, we wear the cameras around our necks and attach them to our
belts or belt loops, which leaves our hands free for climbing. This way you don't have
to worry about an expensive new lens banging against a stone. We attached metal
loops to screws that fit into the bottom of the camera (the case may have to be
removed). A machinist can make it for you. To our belts (or belt loops) we attached a
leather loop with a snap. To this is attached a spring-type clip. The clip can be hooked
through the loop hanging from the camera. It is easy to engage and disengage (see
illustrations). It is extremely helpful, especially if you are carrying more than one
camera. Lens caps should be kept in place, except while actually shooting.
Your gear will get dirty, and you should have lens-cleaning liquid, tissue, and a brush.
Sunshades are a help, and a flash unit can be useful.
Bring your film from home. It is available in the cities and larger towns and at some
sites, but it is more expensive, and often the selection is limited. Keep exposed film in
its original container and in a plastic bag. Store it in a cool placewhich may be hard to
findand have the film processed as soon as possible. Mailing your film home
immediately in prepaid mailers is a possibility,

Camera, screw and metal loop, and snap clip

and leather loop, as they should be assembled.
Page 15

Camera, screw and metal loop, and snap clip and leather loop, attached to belt. Shown as
used. Photograph by author.
but I'd hesitate to trust the mails with valuable film.
Photography is freely permitted at the archaeological sites and museums, but tripods
and video cameras are generally prohibited at both places. (Exceptions are noted in the
text.) Most museums also prohibit flash equipment. Ask before using it.
If you are carrying camera, lenses, tape recorders, or other equipment of other than
United States manufacture, you should have it registered with United States Customs
before you leave home. You will be given a certified list that you can present upon
your return. Otherwise, you may be required to pay duty on them.
Entry Requirements and Departure Tax
citizens of the United States and Canada are not required to have passports to enter
Mexico. They must, however, have proof of citizenship and a tourist card. A birth
certificate or a passport can be used as proof of citizenship. Naturalized citizens of the
United States can use their naturalization papers, but naturalized citizens of Canada
must have a passport. Tourist cards can be obtained at the border when you enter
Mexico upon presentation of proof of citizenship. If you fly to Mexico, you can get a
tourist card through your airline, with proper proof of citizenship.
Requirements vary for citizens of other countries; check with the nearest Mexican
consulate for particulars. In general, how-
Page 16
ever, a valid passport with a visa for Mexico will probably be required.
You should have your tourist card with you at all times, since officials at certain
checkpoints will want to see it. See "Immigration and Aduana (Customs) Stations" for
the location of these stations on the Yucatán Peninsula.
If you are driving your own car into Mexico, please note that new regulations went
into effect in January 1992 and were changed again three months later. As of April
1992, the requirements were as follows: Tourists must sign a declaration promising to
return their vehicle to the United States and must pay a $10.00 fee using an
international credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express). Cash and checks
are not acceptable. (The purpose is to prevent cars from being illegally sold in
Mexico.) This fee entities a tourist to a six-month multiple-entry visa. You must also
have your original car title, in the driver's name, and the original current registration.
If the car is registered under another person's name or is in the name of a company,
you must have a notarized letter from the owner, giving you permission to bring the
car into Mexico for a specified period of time. If the car is not fully paid for, you must
have a notarized letter from the lienholder to the same effect. You must also have, of
course, a valid driver's license. You will be issued a car permit at the border (as part of
your tourist card) to bring your vehicle into Mexico, upon presentation of the above
Since regulations tend to change, it would be best to check with your nearest Mexican
consulate beforehand for current requirements.
Mexico has a departure tax on flights, both domestic and international. The tax on
international flights is the equivalent of about $13.00 in United States currency; it is
lower for domestic flights.
Note: Some airports require that the tax be paid in pesos. Save some for this purpose
when you are leaving.
Auto Insurance
If you are driving your own car into Mexico, you must buy auto insurance; your
United States or Canadian policy is not valid.
Sanborn's, one of the best-known agents, has several offices in the United States near
the Mexican border. If you want your policy ahead of time, write to Sanborn's
Mexican Insurance Service, P.O. Box 310, McAllen, TX 78502. They will also give
you excellent road logs for your trip. Other agents can be found near the border as
The American Automobile Association will provide coverage for its members through
some of its offices in the United States. These offices are in the states that border
Mexico, and in Louisiana. Check with your nearest AAA office for more details.
If you fly to Mexico and rent a car, you can get insurance through your rental agent.
You should drive carefully, of course, and avoid night-driving on the highways. The
hazards include people walking along the edge of the road, cattle occupying the center
of the road, and slow-moving vehicles without taillights.
Gas Stations and Car Repairs
All gas stations in Mexico are operated by Pemex (Petróleos Mexicanos), the national
oil company. Stations are not as numerous as they are in the United States, but with a
little planning you should have no trouble. The location of stations is listed in the
general information for each section of the peninsula.
There are two grades of gasoline: Nova (leaded), dispensed from a blue pump, and
Magna Sin (unleaded), from a green pump. Diesel fuel is also sold and comes from a
red pump. Nova and diesel are sold at all stations. Magna Sin is available at many, but
not all stations. If you need Magna Sin, keep an eye out for the green pump and fill up
once your tank reaches half full.
If you rent a car, you will be able to use the more widely available Nova in many
cases. Check with your rental agent.
Sometimes stations or individual pumps run dry. This is signaled by putting the pump
hose across the top of the pump. Stations that
Page 17
often have this problem are mentioned in the text.
There are mechanics even in the small townslook for a sign saying Taller Mecá-nico.
They can handle minor repairs on the spot with only a minimum of equipment. If
your problems are major, of course, you will have to get to the nearest large town or
If you need a tire repaired, look for a sign saying Vulcanizadora, or keep an eye out
for a tire propped up near the road or hung from a pole. This indicates the same thing.
Immigration and Aduana (Customs) Stations
There are a few Immigration and Aduana stations on the Yucatán Peninsula. Have
your tourist cards (both driver's and passengers') ready for inspection. Depending on
which direction you are traveling, you may be waved on.
These stations are at the following locations: (1) On Highway 180, 50.9 miles west of
Cancún, near Nuevo Xcan and the cutoff for Cobá. (2) On Highway 186 at the east
edge of Escárcega. Be prepared to stop if you are traveling west into Escárcega from
Chetumal and the station is in operation. (3) On Highway 186, 19.9 miles east of
Xpuhil, and (4) 17.1 miles farther east (near Francisco Villa and the cutoff for
Kohunlich). These stations are 25.4 miles and 42.5 miles west of the junction of
Highways 186 and 307. Stop if you are traveling west toward Xpuhil in the last two
cases. (5) On Highway 307, 0.9 mile north of the north end of the Bacalar bypass (and
13.7 miles north of the junctions of Highways 186 and 307). Stop if you are traveling
north, toward Tulum.
Climate and Travel in the Rainy Season
It is warm to hot all year on the Yucatán Peninsula, except for a few chilly mornings in
the winter. Highest temperatures, which can be searing, occur at the end of the dry
season in April and May, before the rains start. June through October are also hot, and
then it cools off a bit from December through March.
The rainy season is June through October, with a slackening of precipitation in July
and August. Generally it rains hard, but for short periods, in the afternoon or evening,
and this does not interfere with travel plans in most cases. If you plan to travel on dirt
roads, however, you should check locally about their condition. General road
conditions for reaching each site are given in the text, and mention is made if a high-
clearance vehicle (see "Visiting the Isolated Sites" above for a description) or one with
four-wheel drive is needed. Nevertheless, extremely wet weather can render some dirt
roads impassable, even for vehicles with four-wheel drive.
Note: You should not try to travel a seriously muddy road in a four-wheel drive
vehicle unless you also have a winch. If you do get stuck, you will have a difficult
time getting unstuck. At least with a standard vehicle, you will not get in as deeply and
can more easily get out.
Dress Code
One of the delights of the Yucatán Peninsula is its casual dress code, which is due in
great part to its tropical climate. Men wearing guayaberas or sport shirts with slacks
will be properly attired no matter where they go or what time of day it is, except for a
couple of places on Cancún. See "General Information for Section 1" for the best
places to buy guayaberas. Ladies may wear skirts or slacks with blouses, or casual
dresses to the best places on the peninsula.
If you want to dress upladies especiallyno one will object, but it is nice to know you
have a choice.
Even though casual dress is acceptable, neither men nor women should wear beach
attire in the cities and towns. Please save that for the beaches.
Shorts are acceptable attire for everyone for climbing around the major archaeological
sites. See "What to Take" for more details.
Page 18

Archaeological Sites and Artifacts

There are fees to enter the larger archaeological sites and museums, but they are
reasonable and vary with the site or museum; Sundays are generally free. Isolated sites
where there is no guardian are free. Sites are generally open every day, from 8:00 A.M .
to 5:00 P.M . Check locally if in doubt.
Mexico has laws prohibiting the removal of pre-Columbian artifacts. These items are
considered part of the national patrimony, and United States Customs is cooperating in
preventing the entry of such items into the United States.
Looting of the ancient sites has reached alarming proportions, and the Mexican
government is enforcing its regulations more stringently than ever to halt this illegal
traffic. An incredible amount of information is lost to the world of archaeology
because of this illicit digging and thievery.
High-quality reproductions of Maya polychrome pots, sold as reproductions, are
available in Muna. See "General Information for Section 2" for where to find them.
Careful looking will also turn up good reproductions in shops in Mérida and Cancún
and in the town of Ticul, known for its pottery industry.
Museum Names
In each museum section the formal name of the museum is listed first, followed by
the popular name. The popular name indicates the city or site of the museum.
The popular name is used in the Contents, in the "List of Sites and Museums by
Ratings," in the photographic captions, in the text, and in the "Alphabetical List of
Sites and Museums."
Many specialized words, foreign words, anagrams, and names of deities are used in
the text. Those that occur frequently are explained in the Glossary at the end of the
book. Those used infrequently are explained in the text.

The Rating System

The rating system was devised to help the reader see at a glance how worthwhile a
visit to a particular site would be. The rating does not necessarily indicate the relative
importance of a site in ancient times but reflects a combination of factors, of which
relative importance is one. Other considerations are the degree of preservation or
restoration and ease of access compared with the visual rewards received. For
instance, Nohpat is rated one star, even though it is a very large site and was obviously
an important one in ancient times. It is on a sacbé that connects Uxmal to Kabáh, and
it has an abundance of architectural remains. However, Nohpat is overgrown, much of
the architecture has fallen, and there has been no restoration. In addition, getting
around the site is difficult, so it offers little to the visitor.
Other examples are Hormiguero and Rio Bec B, both rated two stars. These sites have
been consolidated and partly restored, and the structures are very exciting visually, but
access is rather difficult. If they were on a paved road, both would rate three stars.
Finally, there is the special case of Calakmul, which is unrated. Because of
uncertainties of access (which can range from difficult to impossible), I am unable to
give a fair rating for this site. I can only suggest reading the text before even
considering a visit. Calakmul is by far the most difficult site to reach that is covered
A site of major importance and a must for all
A very important site and a must for the enthusiast.
*** Fairly to very interesting for others, depending on
the site.
Of some importance and moderately to very
interesting for the
Page 19
enthusiast. Slightly to moderately interesting for
others. (I recommend reading the text for these sites
before deciding upon a visit. You will find some
more appealing than others, primarily because of
Of interest only to the enthusiastwith one exception
* that is mentioned in the text. Others may ignore
Of minor importanceonly for the avid enthusiast.

List of Sites and Museums by Ratings

Four Stars ****
Chichén Itzá
Three Stars ***
Campeche Museum
Mérida Museum
Two Stars **
Balankanche (Cave)
Chichén Itzá Museum
Chuncatzim I
Cozumel Museum
Dzibilchaltún Museum
Ek Balam
E1 Meco
E1 Rey
E1 Tabasqueño
Hecelchakán Museum
Loltún (Cave)
Playa del Carmen
Rio Bec B
San Gervasio
Santa Rosa Xtampak
Uxmal Museum
One Star *
Caracol (Cozumel)
Chac II
Chuncatzim II
Chunhuaymil I
E1 Cedral
E1 Real (Temple 3)
Manos Rojas
Page 20
Pich Corralché
Puerto Rico
Punta Laguna
Rio Bec N
Río Bec I
Temple 1
Xcavil de Yaxché
Yaxcopoil Museum
No Stars
Chac I (Gruta)
Cobá-Yaxuná Sacbé
Ni Ku
Rio Bec A
Río Bec II
Temple 2
Temple 4
Page 21

General Map of the Yucatán Peninsula, showing sites and museums covered in the text and the areas del
the sectional maps.
Page 23

Section 1
Northern Yucatán
Page 24

Bas-relief panel from the east side of the Great Ball Court, Chichén Itzá. Early Postclassic period.
Page 25

General Information for Section 1

Point of Reference:
Mérida, Yucatán.
Map: 1

Mileages given to the sites in this section are from the center of Mérida.
The lovely colonial city of Mérida, the largest city on the peninsula, is the capital of
the state of Yucatán. It is built on top of the ancient Maya city of Tiho. Since its
modern founding in 1542 by Francisco de Montejo the younger, it has retained its
place of importance as the commercial, social, and cultural center of the peninsula.
Mérida can be reached by air from some cities in the United States, Mexico City, Can-
cún, and other parts of Mexico. There are also train and bus connections with central
Mexico. If you have the time, you can drive to Mérida from the United States (in five
days from Brownsville, Texas, with good stopovers along the way).
As you would expect in a city of over half a million people, there are numerous hotels
and restaurants in all price ranges, as well as trailer parks. Hotel rates are the same
Most visitors fly in, and bus or rent a car to reach the nearby attractions. Car rentals
are available at the Mérida airport, south of the city, and at agencies in town. If you
want a high-clearance vehicle that will seat five, ask for a Combia Volkswagen mini-
There are bus connections between Mé-rida and almost all parts of the Yucatán
Peninsula. Exceptions are noted in the text pertaining to the individual sites.
For visitors who intend to explore some of the more remote areas of the peninsula
and who need maps that are more detailed than most road maps, a trip to the office of
the Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (INEGI) in Mérida is
They have topographic maps of the Yúcatan Peninsula and the rest of Mexico (at
various scales). For the peninsula there are maps at scales of 1:1,000,000, 1:250,000,
and 1:50,000. The 1:50,000-scale maps are so detailed that they are not really useful
for general travel; however, they can be most useful for locating dirt roads that are not
shown on less detailed maps.
Master maps at the INEGI office show the areas covered by the more detailed maps,
and when you make your selection, someone there will get them for you. The price is
reasonable and the office staff is helpful, but it is good to have some idea of what you
want beforehand.
The INEGI office is in a building at Paseo de Montejo, no. 442. There is a Xerox sign
on the front of the building. As you enter, go straight ahead down a hallway to the
end, and turn left. The first door on the left is the entrance. The office is open from
8:00 A..M . to 3:00 P.M .. Monday through Friday and does not close for siesta.
If you prefer traveling on conducted tours, try one of the many travel agencies in
Mérida, or ask at your hotel for a recommendation. The two oldest agencies are Maya-
land Tours (formerly Mérida Travel Service), in the Casa del Balam Hotel, and
Yucatán Trails, at Calle 62, no. 482. The most popular tours are to Chichén Itzá and to
Uxmal (each daily), but others are available, and special tours can be arranged by car,
Combi, or bus.
There is a light-and-sound spectacle at Uxmal, and there are evening tours to the site
for the presentation, with a return to Mérida the same night. See ''Uxmal" for more
Reasonably priced taxis are available in Mérida, and some can be hired to see
attractions outside the city. Make price arrangements beforehand.
Mérida has grown steadily and gracefully over the years, and prices in general are
reasonable for what you receive in return. Mérida is also known as the "White City"
Page 26
because of its cleanliness, and it is a very relaxed and informal place. Many businesses
and shops close for siesta from around 1:00 P.M . until 5:00 P.M ., but restaurants remain
It is also a good place to shop. The main market is centered on Calle 65 between
Calles 56 and 54. This is one block south, and two and three blocks east, of the Main
Plaza. Jewelry and handicrafts from all over Yucatán are sold, in addition to the food
products found at all municipal markets. Near here is a handicraft market (corner of
Calles 65 and 60), and next door is La Poblana, which is probably the largest
hammock store in Mérida.
There are all sizes and many colors, and the hammocks are made from a variety of
materials. The pure cotton ones are best and, considering the amount of use you will
probably give them, will last a lifetime. They are not cheap but are worth the money.
Yucatecan hammocks are the best in the world, and if your travel plans indicate you
might need one, Mérida is the best place to buy it.
Guayaberas are also a good buy here. Tony's, on Calle 65 across from the hammock
shop, is one of the favorite places to get them. Another shop, Ropa Típica Calderón,
is a large place, and has the advantage of being open from 8:00 A.M . to 6:00 P.M .,
Monday through Saturday, and 8:00 A.M . to 2:00 P.M . on Sunday. It is a bit out of the
main part of town at Calle 15, no. 191, in the Garcia Ginéres residential section,
northwest of the center. They also sell embroidered blouses and dresses for ladies. A
taxi can get you there and wait while you shop.
OTHER STOPOVERS: There are both good and modest hotels in Progreso, and east
and west of it, on the north coast of the peninsula. Going east from Mérida on
Highway 180, there are hotels in Pisté Oust west of Chichén Itzá), at Chichén Itzá (to
the east of the site), and Valladolid. Pisté also has a trailer park.
GAS STATIONS: There are several stations in and on the outskirts of Mérida and in
Progreso. Along Highway 180 heading east, there are stations at Tahmek, Pisté, and
Valladolid. Along the same highway heading south from Mérida, there are stations at
Umán and Maxcanú (27.9 miles south of Umán).
GUIDES: A guide is not necessary to reach any of the sites covered in northern
Yucatán. For local guides to show you around a particular site, see the coverage of
that site.
Regional Museum of Anthropology (Mérida Museum)
The Mérida Museum is housed in the Cantón Palace on Paseo de Montejo and Calle
43. This elegant building was originally constructed as a residence for General
Francisco Cantón Rosado in the early twentieth century. Later, for a time, it became
the official residence for the governors of Yucatán.
The entrance to the museum is on Calle 43, and most of the collection is exhibited in
several rooms and hallways on the main floor, where there is also a small bookstore
selling publications. There are additional exhibits on the second floor.
On the main floor, one room houses the "Piece of the Month"; another, devoted to the
geology of the area, has a relief map of the Yucatán Peninsula showing the principal
archaeological sites. Early worked stone tools are also displayed.
In other rooms are language charts, displays showing dental and cranial deformations,
exhibits of agriculture and methods of
Page 27

Northern Yucatán
Page 28

Carved stone figure, originally part of a facade decoration,

possibly from Banqueta-Tunich (Hacienda San Simon).
Terminal Classic period. Now in the Mérida Museum.
food preparation, jade jewelry, and an unusual but unlabeled stela. Most items are
labeled, however, and in some of the display cases information is given in both
Spanish and English.
Another room is devoted to social evolution, with maps showing Preclassic, Classic,
and Postclassic sites and a diagram showing the mechanics of the Maya calendar.
There are ceramic exhibits, one of the most interesting of which is an Early Classic
cylindrical tripod vessel from Becan with a Teotihuacán-style two-piece hollow
statuette found associated with it. The statuette in turn held many smaller, solid
figurines inside. The statuette and figurines are typical of Teotihuacán art, while the
vessel (the shape of which is also typical of Teotihuacán) portrays Maya deities.
There are many large, carved stone monuments from throughout the Yucatán
Peninsula, including a paneled stela from Oxkintok, the bottom of a stela from Dzilám
González (a site near the north coast of Yucatán that is now mostly destroyed), and a
two-headed jaguar throne from the Uxmal region.
One especially unusual piece is labeled as coming from Banqueta-Tunich (a site about
9 miles south of Uxmal) on the lands of Hacienda San Simon. (Some authorities are
unconvinced that Banqueta-Tunich is actually the source of the sculpture.) The
sculpture, which is the top section of a three-part facade decoration, portrays a grossly
inflated human figure with very thin arms. It dates to the ninth or tenth century A.D.,
though its style is considered non-Classic.
Another unusual piece is a sculpture (or stela) from Tabi, which portrays two men
carrying a slain and decapitated deer. One man holds the deer's head, and there is a
band of glyphs at the top. There are large cutouts in the stela that bring to mind the
modern sculpture of Henry Moore.
There are copies of some of the murals from Chacmultún and Tulum and part of an
original mural from Mul-Chic. The Mul-Chic mural depicts a battle scene on the right
and richly attired warriors in a procession on the left (both, admittedly, not easy to
discern). There is a poorly preserved band of glyphs in the upper register. The mural
dates to the eighth or ninth century A.D.
Other displays include musical instruments, urn burials, a lovely painted capstone
from Xnubec, models of the Nohoch Mul at Cobá, the Governor's Palace at Uxmal
and the Great Ball Court at Chichén Itzá, Atlantean figures, and a stucco head from
The second floor of the museum is devoted to material from Oxkintok, some of
which was excavated between 1986 and 1991 by the Spanish Archaeological Mission
in Hispanic-America.
Page 29
The museum collection has moved several times over the years, and there has been an
increase in the number of items displayed. There have also been improvements in the
way the collection is presented. If your last visit was before 1989, I strongly suggest a
revisit. Allow 1½ hours to view the collection.
The museum is open from 8:00 A.M . to 8:00 P.M . Tuesday through Saturday and 8:00 A.M .
to 2:00 P.M . on Sunday. It is closed on Monday. Photography is permitted, but flash is
Dzibilchaltún and Dzibilchaltún Museum
(tseeb-eel-chahl-toon; derivation: Maya for "Where There Is Writing on Flat Stones")
Northern Yucatán.
Map: 1 (p. 27)

The Site
Dzibilchaltún is a very large site, and an extremely important one archaeologically,
because of its almost continuous occupation from 800 B.C. to the present. It had its ups
and downs and was nearly abandoned for many years, but its stratigraphic sequence is
clearly defined.
As you enter the gate to the site, take the trail heading south. The trail passes the small
restored temple (Structure 38-sub) and the remains of Structure 38, which once
covered it. They are on a platform which supports a few remains of other temple
bases. Structure 38-sub dates to the first half of the eighth century, and its simple
design is pleasing. There are inset panels in the upper wall zone on all four sides of
the building, and it is probably one of the earliest vaulted structures at Dzibilchaltún.
In the Terminal Classic period Structure 38 was built on top of Structure 38-sub, and
the lower parts can be seen today. At this time the platform supporting the structures
was enlarged. A large unrestored mound lies adjacent to the south side of the
A bit farther on, the trail is marked with a sign pointing left to the Temple of the Seven
Dolls. There are some architectural remains along the way.
Shortly after the turn, on the left, there is a restored platform and the lower temple
walls of Structure 39, one of few at Dzibilchaltún dating to the Early Postclassic
period. Stones from Terminal Classic buildings were used in the retaining walls of the
platform and in the walls of the structure on top, and in Late Postclassic times a
stairway was added and the platform was extended. Next to it on the east is a fair-
sized, four-tiered pyramid (Structure 36), with a central stairway facing south toward
the Main Plaza. Structure 36 dates to the Late Classic period.
Stela 19 (now in the Dzibilchaltún Museum) was found set into the basal terrace of
Structure 36, and a copy has been placed in its original location. Stela 18 was also
found set into the terrace, and it as well as the copy of Stela 19 may be seen by
descending the modern stairway at the southwest corner of Structure 36.
Part of the Main Plaza, southwest of Structure 36, is occupied by a small, restored
open chapel, built by the Spaniards, probably in the 1590s. Some of the stones of the
pre-Columbian city were used in its construction.
From there the trail continues east. Along the way it passes a small, low platformwith
stairways on all four sidesthat supports a plain stela. Over 25 monuments are known
from the site; about half are un-
Page 30

Structure 38-sub and 38, Dzibilchaltún. Late and Terminal Classic periods. Early Spanish
chapel on the right.
carved. Farther east is the Temple of the Seven Dolls (Structure 1-sub), the principal
restored structure at the site. It is 465 yards from the Main Plaza. There are remains of
other structures near this temple. They, along with the platform and stela, are part of
the Seven Dolls Group, all of which rests on a large, flat terrace, over 3 feet high.
The Temple of the Seven Dolls is almost square, with a central inner chamber
surrounded by a vaulted corridor. There is a doorway on each of the four sides of the
temple, and large rectangular windows flank the east and west doorways. The inner
chamber had access from the east and west from the outside corridor, and a tower
rises above the central part of the roof, over this chamber.
In the upper wall zone of the temple there are inset panels with remains of projecting
stone masks above each doorway and on each corner. All were originally covered
with stucco to give the final details, and some of this remains on the mask in the
center of the south side.
The temple rests on a pyramidal platform with stairways on all four sides. The
structure was built during the early part of the Late Classic period. Later in that period
it was filled and covered with a much larger construction, the outlines of which can be
seen on the north and west sides, where stones on the ground mark its outer limit.
Some of the remains of the later structure can be found on the other two sides. It then
seems that the later structure fell into disuse and was probably abandoned for 200
years. Then around A.D. 1200-1450 the Maya tunneled into the later construction to the
floor of the earlier temple and cut a hole into the rubble below. In this they placed
seven crude clay figures, each exhibiting some deformity. These figures, or dolls, give
the temple its name. Perhaps they were used in connection with ceremonies for curing
diseases, although this is far from certain.
E. Wyllys Andrews IV first saw this structure as a large mound whose superstructure
had collapsed, revealing buried chambers. Most of the later construction was
removed, exposing the partially intact temple below. Its restoration ensued.
The design of the Temple of the Seven Dolls is unusual for the Maya area because of
its truncated tower and unique functional
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Temple of the Seven Dolls, west side, Dzibilchaltún. Late Classic period.
windows. It is possible that it was an experimental form of northern Maya
A dozen Maya sacbeob are known at Dzibilchaltún, and although the visitor today will
hardly realize it, the approach to the Temple of the Seven Dolls is over one of them
(Sacbé 1). It is one of the two major sacbeob at the site, both of which extend from
the Main Plaza, as do some of the others.
When you return from the Temple of the Seven Dolls and reach the far (west) end of
the Main Plaza, take a left turn and go a short distance to the Cenote Xlacah (shlah-
kah), the largest of several cenotes at Dzibilchaltún. It is 100 feet across at its widest
point, at least 140 feet deep, and it goes down at a slant. Numerous artifacts were
recovered from its depths. There are shade trees in the area, which is a nice place to
relax and have a picnic lunch. Swimming in the cenote is allowed, but a sign informs
you that you must wear a swimsuit.
From the cenote, return north to the Main Plaza and follow the trail to the left (west).
This trail follows Sacbé 2, which goes over 1,000 yards to an unexcavated terrace
complex that is similar to the Seven Dolls Group. The sacbé, however, is cleared only
as far as Structure 57, about 250 yards from the turnoff.
Structure 57 lies north of the sacbú, and it was the only structure with a standing vault
at Dzibilchaltún when the site was first visited by archaeologists. Since then, it has
been consolidated. It probably dates to the first half of the ninth century.
Discovering the exact extent of an ancient city is difficult at best, and this is
particularly true of Dzibilchaltún. About 8,400 structures have been mapped in a 7.3-
square-mile area, and it is estimated that during its peak period, there was a population
of 20,000 people. The agricultural sustaining area for Dzibilchaltún, however, extends
far beyond the mapped section.
Page 32
The area of Dzibilchaltún was apparently first occupied about 800 B.C., by inhabitants
with a ceramic tradition related to that in the Petén of Guatemala. Starting around 250
B.C., population increased rapidly and reached a peak around 50 B.C. This was followed

by a decline that lasted until about A.D. 600, when Dzibilchaltún again grew rapidly to
an enormous size. It probably reached its greatest extent around 830, and about this
time a new style of architecture was introduced that continued through the year 1000.
This included finely cut veneer facing stones such as those used in the Puuc cities to
the south.
During the early part of the following period (A.D. 1000-1200), construction ceased,
although small groups of squatters continued to occupy the site. Population dropped
to less than 10 percent of its former size. Beginning late in this period and continuing
through the next (1200-1540), construction resumed in a modest way, and during this
time Dzibilchaltún's inhabitants dug into and reused the Temple of the Seven Dolls (as
a shrine). At least one other earlier building was also reused.
Recent History
The existence of Dzibilchaltún was never forgotten, since it was almost continuously
occupied up until the Spanish conquest. The open chapel that was erected in the
middle of what had been the Main Plaza is one of the earliest colonial structures in
The pre-Columbian structures at Dzibilchaltún were cannibalized for building
materials for use in several haciendas, towns, and roads. This went on until the 1950s.
The archaeological discovery of the site, however, was by Andrews and George W.
Brainerd, who first visited Dzibilchaltún in 1941. They discovered, near the Hacienda
Dzibilchaltún, "a large group of hitherto unreported mounds." Brainerd collected
pottery sherds, and Andrews explored and recorded the architectural remains. The
few weeks they spent there convinced them that they had "stumbled upon the remains
of a truly extraordinary city."
World War II interrupted work until 1956, when the Middle American Research
Institute (MARI) of Tulane University sponsored excavations. During the next couple
of years the National Geographic Society, the National Science Foundation, and the
American Philosophical Society helped fund the project, which continued until 1965
under Andrews's direction. Andrews presented a progress report in 1965, published
by MARI; a more comprehensive final report, with co-author E. Wyllys Andrews V,
was published in 1980.
In 1986 Eduardo Toro Quiñones carried out additional excavations. Fragments of two
stelae were discovered, and part of one of the sacbeob was consolidated. The work
was sponsored by INAH and SEDUE (Secretary of Urban Development and Ecology).
The Mexican government provided funds for some of the restoration at the site.
Mérida to Dzibilchaltún: 12.4 miles by paved road (:20).
Getting There
From Mérida head north on Highway 261 for 9.3 miles (to just past Kilometer 15), and
turn right at the cutoff for Dzibilchaltún (marked with a sign). Go 2.5 miles (part of
this road is very narrow), make a right turn, and continue 0.6 mile to the site.
Dzibilchaltún can be reached by private car, taxi, bus, or on conducted tours from
Mérida. Cold drinks are available at the site. Since the most interesting structures at
Dzibilchaltún face west, the afternoon is the best time for photography. Wear a sun
hat, and allow 2 hours to visit the site and museum.
Dzibilchaltún Museum
The small but well-arranged museum at Dzibilchaltún is located near the entrance to
the site. It displays artifacts from the site as well as photographs taken during excava-
Page 33
tion. Notable are two fragments of Terminal Classic stelae (Stelae 9 and 19), the seven
clay figures discovered in the Temple of the Seven Dolls, and inscribed bones
recovered from Cenote Xlacah. Ceramic examples from the earliest through the latest
periods at the site are also displayed. The museum is well worth a visit while you are
at the site.

Stela 19 from the site, Dzibilchaltún Museum. Terminal

Classic period.

Hacienda Yaxcopoil Museum (Yaxcopoil Museum)
Hacienda Yaxcopoil has a small archaeological museum with a collection of artifacts
that were found on hacienda lands. Although the items are unlabeled, they come from
the greatly mined nearby site of Yaxcopoil ("Place of the Green Alamo Tree").
Included are carved stone columns and panels depicting standing figures, benches
with projecting heads, and other carvings, some of which are well preserved. There is
also a display of ceramics.
The museum is in one of the rooms (called the Maya Room) of the main house of the
hacienda, and family portraits, furniture imported from Europe, and memorabilia are
displayed in other rooms. This is a worthwhile stop when you are driving between
Mérida and Uxmal. The hacienda is on the west side of Highway 261, near Kilometer
33; it is 20.7 miles south of Mérida, 9.7 miles south of Umán, and 28.0 miles north of
Uxmal. There is a sign on the high-
Page 34

Carved Stone column from the site, Yaxcopoil Museum.

Late Classic period.
way at the entrance to the hacienda and a lovely colonial Moorish double arch that is
quite photogenic.
The hacienda, which dates to the seventeenth century, experienced the boom years of
sisal cultivation in the late nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries. The hacienda
buildings are attractive, and the sisal processing equipment is interesting. All of this is
worth a look while you are there.
The hacienda and museum are open Monday through Saturday from 8:00 A.M . until
sunset, and on Sunday from 9:00 A.M . to 1:00 P.M . Allow 30 minutes to see the museum
and another 30 minutes to tour the rest of the hacienda. Soft drinks are available in
one of the rooms of the main house.
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(ah-kahn-keh; derivation: Maya for ''Howl [or Groan] of the Deer"; also the name
of an unidentified medicinal plant)
Northern Yucatán.
Map: 1 (p. 27)

The Site
The two structures at Acancéh are both in the town of that name. The first is a
pyramid facing an open areain front of the church and near the Main Plazain the
center of town, and the other is the Temple of the Stucco Facade, a couple of blocks
The pyramid rises in four tiers and has an inset central stairway and apron moldings
of the typical Petén Maya type. This Early Classic structure has been compared to the
famous Late Preclassic pyramid E-VII-sub at Uaxactún. It is faced with roughly cut
stones and must have been plastered originally. Only the front of the structure has
been restored. I recommend climbing the pyramid, as there are a couple of pieces of
sculpture and carved decorations lying around near the top.
The Temple of the Stucco Facade (Structure 1) is part of a poorly preserved acropolis
made up of structures from several periods. There is evidence of a Late Preclassic
beginning in this complex, although Structure 1 was built during the Early Classic
period. It was then filled with rubble, and another structure was built over
Early Classic pyramid on the Main Plaza, Acancéh.
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Detail of the decoration on the Temple of the Stucco Facade, Acancéh. Early Classic period.
it. Ceramic evidence also indicates that Acancéh was occupied from the Late
Preclassic to the Late Postclassic period.
The most interesting feature of Structure 1 is the remains of a carved stucco frieze on
the upper part of the building. The frieze depicts anthropomorphic bats, birds, and a
squirrel. Each figure is surrounded by a terraced border, forming separate panels.
Speech scrolls are found with some of the animals, and some glyphlike elements are
interspersed between the panels. All the decorations are distinctly non-Maya. Current
opinion is that they were done in the style of Teotihuacán, since they especially relate
to the mural painting from that site. Few other architectural remains are found in the
Recent History
The stucco frieze at Acancéh was discovered in the early years of the twentieth
century. It was brilliantly colored when first uncovered, as recorded by Adela Breton,
but no real evidence of color remains today.
The site was visited and reported upon by Eduard Seler in 1911, but most of what we
know about Acancéh comes from the work done by E. Wyllys Andrews IV in 1941
and 1942 for the Carnegie Institution of Washington.
In 1989 a one-month project of consolidation and restoration was undertaken at the
Temple of the Stucco Facade to preserve the stucco frieze. This work was supervised
by Beatriz Quintal Suaste, in collaboration with the Restoration Section of the Yucatán
Regional Center of INAH.
Page 37
1. Mérida to Acancéh (via Kanasin): 16.1 miles by paved road (:35).
2. Mérida to Acancéh (via Ticopo): 19.2 miles by paved road (:46).
Getting There
1. Take Yucatán (state) Highway 18 heading southeast from Mérida to Kanasin and
2. Take Highway 180 heading east from Mérida to the cutoff for Ticopo (13.0 miles).
Turn right and go into Ticopo, then right again and proceed to Acancéh.
When you reach Acancéh, you will see the pyramid (behind a locked gate) near the
plaza. Ask at the nearby market for the caretaker (guardián), and someone will point
out his house across the street. When you find him, he will open the gate for you and
take you to the Temple of the Stucco Facade (also behind a locked gate). If he is not at
home, try taking a picture of the pyramid, and he will find you.
Acancéh can be reached by private car, bus, or taxi from Mérida. Cold drinks are
available in town. Allow 1 hour to visit both structures.
A visit to Acancéh makes an interesting half-day trip out of Mérida when combined
with a visit to Mayapán.
(mah-yah-pahn; derivation: Maya for "Standard of the Maya")
Original Name:
Northern Yucatán.
Map: 1 (p. 27)

The Site
Although the Late Postclassic site of Mayapán is often described as a sad imitation of
Chichén Itzá, said to exhibit poor workmanship and a decadence in all the arts, it
nevertheless is an interesting site to visit. Perhaps I enjoyed it more because I was
expecting less.
The part the visitor sees today is only the small ceremonial center that stood in the
heart of the city, which was a true urban center.
A wall, more than 5 miles long and up to 6 feet high, encircled the city, enclosing an
area of 1.6 square miles. Within the confines of the wall some 3,600 structures have
been mapped, most of which were residential. Population estimates for Mayapan's
heyday vary from 6,000 to 15,000 people, most authorities settling on a figure around
Mayapán is in an infertile region of Yucatán and was supported by tribute from
neighboring areas, whose nobles were forced to live as hostages within the city walls,
thus ensuring payment from their "home towns."
Most of northern Yucatán was under the control of Mayapán from around A.D. 1250,
when it was founded by the tribe of Cocoms, until its looting and destruction around
1440. The destruction is credited to the rebellion of excessively exploited tribes, led by
a member of the rival Tutul Xiu family. The city was burned, and the ruling Cocom
and all but one of his sons were slain. The survivor was on a trading expedition to
Although Mayapán dates to the Late Postclassic period, it incorporated Puuc-style
carved and plain stones in some of its structures. These stones are believed to have
come from a nearby earlier site, perhaps from Telchaquillo or Santa Cruz, a small site
Page 38
Page 39

El Castillo, northwest corner, Mayapán. Late Postclassic period.

southeast of the main ruins of Mayapán. The Chac masks found on Structure Q-151 at
Mayapán were constructed from Classic period Puuc elements in addition to cruder
carvings (where a part was missing) produced by Mayapán's artisans, in imitation of
the Puuc style. The stone elements forming the masks are practically identical to those
found at Kabáh.
You can see Mayapán without a guide, but having the caretaker or his son along will
ensure that you do not miss any of the interesting features.
When you arrive at the site, the first building you see on your right is Structure Q-80,
a mound with some remains of a vaulted temple on top, entangled with tree roots that
seem to be supporting it. A trail leads from there to Structure Q-82, a partly restored
temple, a short distance to the southeast. Its pyramidal base rises in two terraces, and
the lower wall and portions of a column remain, but the most interesting feature is a
carved serpent head decorating the top of the stairway on the left.
From here the trail leads southwest and enters the Main Plaza. The plaza itself is of
interest for the many pieces of sculpture and carved decorative architectural elements
lying around. All are worth a look.
Facing the plaza on the south is the stepped pyramid called E1 Castillo (Structure Q-
162)the largest at Mayapán. This pyramid, which originally had stairways on all four
sides, is obviously a copy of the larger and better-preserved E1 Castillo at Chichén
Itzá. Its north side, facing the plaza, is the best preserved. There are no remains of a
temple on top, nor did it ever support a vaulted structure.
The trail leads along the east side of E1 Castillo and turns to the left, where it im-
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Front view of Structure Q-151, Mayapán. Late Postclassic period.

mediately passes Structure Q-151, with its Chac masks. This long, low structure also
has remains of numerous columns and small altars and is one of the most interesting
at the site. Just behind the mask on the southwest corner is a slab in the exterior wall
with an interesting carving of a bird.
The main trail continues east, and soon you come to a cutoff on the right that leads to
Structure Q-143, a small ruined pyramid some yards away. It is worth climbing to see
the carved serpent heads and columns, the only remains of a small temple that stood
on top.
Return to the main trail. By following it east, you pass a number of overgrown
mounds. A bit farther, in a clearing at the end of the trail, is Structure Q-126, a circular
two-chambered building on a rectangular base. Access is up the partly restored
stairway on the south side. This building was one of four observatories reported at
Two other features in this area are a sculptured figure on a base, a few feet to the west
of the structure, that you see upon entering the area, and a stela lying at an angle near
the base of the east side of the structure. Both are poorly preserved.
From here you return to the Main Plaza and continue west. The trail leads to Structure
Q-71, a small platform with well-made moldings of Puuc stone, a stairway, and a few
remnants of the lower portion of a building on top. Structure Q-71 is believed to have
been a shrine and is surrounded by many small mounds.
Other structures are found a bit farther north, some of which were clearly residential.
One of the features of Mayapán is the large number of rather elaborate residences,
their proximity to the main ceremonial precincts, and the relative paucity of religious
structures. Authorities explain this by saying that by the time Mayapán was built,
religion had lost its predominant place in Maya culture.
Recent History
Since Mayapán was destroyed only a hundred years before the Spanish conquest,
memory of it lingered among the native pop-
Page 41

Detail of the well-preserved Chac mask on the front of Structure Q-151, Mayapán. Late
Postclassic period.
ulation. It is mentioned in native documents and was commented on by Bishop Diego
de Landa in 1566 from information he gathered.
Its description and location check with the known facts, but some of the data reported
in these early sources cannot be substantiated archaeologically. For instance, it is
reported that a triple alliance among Uxmal, Chichén Itzá, and Mayapán (the League of
Mayapán) existed during the period A.D. 987-1185. Archaeological evidence, however,
shows that Uxmal was practically abandoned for the second half of that period and
that Mayapán had not yet been founded.
Little note is taken of Mayapán thereafter until John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick
Catherwood visited the site. This was followed in 1843 by Stephens's report, which
included illustrations by Catherwood. Although the site was mentioned by historians
and was known to a few people in the locality, Stephens felt that "ours was the first
visit to examine these ruins."
The next visitor of note was Sylvanus G. Morley, almost a hundred years later, but it
was only in the 1950s that investigations were begun. The work was sponsored by the
Carnegie Institution of Washington, and publications by several prominent
archaeologists were issued during the following ten years. These included work by A.
Ledyard Smith, Morris Jones, H. E. D. Pollock, Ralph L. Roys, Tatiana
Proskouriakoff, Robert E. Smith, Karl Ruppert, and Sir J. Eric S. Thompson.
Page 42

South side of Structure Q-126, Mayapán. Late Postclassic period.

1. Mérida to Mayapán (via Kanasin): 28.9 miles by paved road (:55), then 0.2 mile by
dirt road (:02).
2. Mérida to Mayapán (via Tixcopo): 32.0 miles by paved road (1:06), then 0.2 mile by
dirt road (:02).
Getting There
See "Acancéh" for getting that far. From Acancéh take Yucatán Highway 18 heading
south. The highway goes through the town of Tecoh, where there is an interesting
huge church and convent, and continues through Telchaquillo. One mile past this last
town, (i.e., 12.8 miles south of Acancéh), there is a dirt cutoff that goes 0.2 mile to the
right to Mayapán. It passes the caretaker's house on the way to the site.
Mayapán can be reached by private car or taxi from Mérida, and a bus can get you as
far as Telchaquillo. There is no food or drink at the site. Allow 1¼ hours for a visit.
Page 43

(ah-keh; derivation: Aké is an Indian surname)
Northern Yucatán.
Map: 1 (p. 27)

The Site
Aké is one of those sites that is a real sleeper. It has interesting remains, is easy to
reach, and has been long known, but it attracts few visitors.
When you reach the Hacienda Ruinas de Aké, you can park on the Hacienda Plaza, on
the east side of which are remains of two of Aké's ancient structures. Set back from
the plaza is Structure 14, a great terraced platform made of huge stones, with the more
recent hacienda chapel on the top of the south part of the platform.
Right on the plaza is Structure 15, which rises to a height of about 40 feet. It is a steep
terraced pyramid, with a few remains of a summit temple on top. The original
pyramidal base was later encased by another, and both construction phases are visible
today. On the south side of the structure, the top four courses of stone are part of the
summit temple. Just below this is a projecting molding that is part of the original
pyramidal base; the remainder is secondary construction with vertical walls and
projecting moldings. Both Structures 14 and 15 date to the Early Classic period.
From this area head south, toward the henequen factory and follow the path to
Structure 1, the best known at Aké. Structure 1 is a large pyramidal base supporting a
platform and remains of 36 stone columns. This monumental structure faces an
ancient plaza and is approached on the south side by a stairway over 150 feet wide.
The stairway is made of gigantic stone blocks, some over 6 feet long, and some are
almost that wide.
The pyramidal base of Structure 1 was encased with another larger construction after
it was originally built, but there was probably little difference in time between the two
phases, as the use of massive blocks is found in both. The second-phase stonework is
found at the lower level of the base, surrounding the structure; what is seen above that
is part of the initial construction.
Each column was made of 11 large, roughly squared stones, with smaller stones filling
in the gaps, and they were probably thickly coated with lime mortar to give the
finished square shape. There are three rows of 12 columns each, and a few still rise to
their original height of about 14 feet. It is likely that the structure had a pole-and-
thatch roof, as little debris was found atop the platform. Structure 1 dates to the Early
Classic period. Although appearing unrefined today, the sheer mass of the structure
and its immense facing stones are quite impressive. Aké is a good two-star site.
From the top of Structure 1 you can see other huge mounds on the west side of the
plaza and more distant mounds as well. According to Lawrence Roys and Edwin M.
Shook, "There are about 25 conspicuous mounds and more than 100 lesser mounds,
platforms, and other constructions distributed over an area greater than 2 sq. km. [0.8
square mile]."
Structure 2 lies to the southwest of Structure 1 and is a good vantage point for
photographs of the latter. Structure 2 is a terraced pyramid, also with two construction
phases, and it originally had stairways on the north and south sides, though little of
these remain today. Because of the destruction of the pyramid it was impossible to
determine if there was once a stairway on the east (plaza) side.
On the north side of the structure, near the center, an area of the original facing stones
of the pyramid is in place. It is made
Page 44

Structure 1, south side, Aké. Early Classic period.

of stones almost as large as those used on Structure 1, and deeply inset panels formed
part of the decoration; these surfaces are believed to have had elaborate stucco
decorations originally. The wall at the top of the east end of the north side is a more
modern construction, probably built in the late nineteenth century. Against the base of
the wall are two small abandoned lime kilns, apparently built around the same time.
Modern field walls are also found near the north base of Structure 2. The maximum
height of the structure is 59 feet, and a foot trail now gives access to the top.
There are two areas of interest on top of Structure 2. One is a rounded vaulted
chamber that was dug into the fill of the pyramid below the top floor of the summit. It
is one of the few beehive-type Maya vaults known. The surface of the chamber was
plastered several times, and it was most likely a chultun built for water storage, though
dry storage or a ceremonial use are possibilities. There are no indications that it was
used as a tomb.
Nearby is a small part of a wall, the remains of a building added on top of the pyramid
at a later date. Though little remains, the finely cut facing stones, so different from the
massive blocks used in the pyramid, are identifiable as Puuc style. Sadly, most of the
stones of this building, and parts of the pyramid as well, found their way into the lime
kilns. The Structure 2 pyramid was built in the Early Classic period, while the vaulted
chamber and the building on top were constructed in Late Classic or Terminal Classic
Immediately to the south of Structure 2 is Structure 6, a huge, long mound with a
north-south axis and a centrally located pyramid on top. The structure is greatly
ruined, but the central pyramid rises to a height of 59 feet, and a few remains of
vertical terrace walls can be seen. Structure 6 is believed to be of Early Classic date.
Due west of the center of Structure 6, in a field planted with henequen and protected
by a barbed wire fence, is a standing (and rather eroded) stone, over 10 feet tall.
Désiré Charnay believed this to be a picoté, or punishment stone, to which an
offender was tied before being whipped. Roys and Shook believe the monument is a
stela that possibly supported a finished work in lime plaster originally. This is the only
known stela at Aké.
In addition to the structures, Aké is also known for its sacbeob; the longest is Sacbé 1,
which goes almost 20 miles east to Izamal. The remaining seven sacbeob at Aké
connect the various structures at the site.
Recent History
John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood visited Aké in 1842; it was the last
ruin they saw on their second trip to Yucatén. Stephens was the first to publish a
report on the site, and it included Catherwood's drawing of Structure 1. Charnay
reported Aké in 1883 and 1885, and an English translation
Page 45
of the latter appeared in 1887. He too included a depiction of Structure 1, which
appeared then much as it does now. Afterward, others visited Aké, including
Augustus and Alice Le Plongeon, Sylvanus G. Morley, Marshall Saville, and H. E. D.
Pollock, who reported the beehive-shaped vault at the top of Structure 2 in 1936.
The first detailed report of the whole sitecalled preliminary by its authors Roys and
Shookis the most descriptive. The information was gathered in the early 1950s and
published in 1966. Others participating in this project were Tatiana Proskouriakoff,
one of whose drawings accompanied the report, and Víctor Segovia, who traced the
entire length of Sacbé 1 after its beginning was discovered by Shook. Segovia also
located the other sacbeob within Aké. Although diligently searched for by both Shook
and Segovia, the expected sacbé between Aké and Tiho (Mérida) was not found.
1. Mérida to Aké (via Tixcocob): 22.8 miles by paved road (:53).
2. Mérida to Aké (via Tamek): 25.4 miles by paved road (:38), then 7.5 miles by rock
road (:19).
Getting There
In either case leave Mérida as though you were taking Highway 180 east. On the
eastern outskirts of the city, at Kilometer 5, is a Pemex gas station. Here is where you
make the choice; the left fork is Highway 80 to Tixpehual and Tixcocob, and straight
ahead is Highway 180 to Tamek.
1. From the junction at the Pemex station, take Highway 80 to Tixcocob (13.1 miles),
turn right on to an unnumbered road, and go on to Aké. You will pass through the
village of Ekmul along the way.
2. From the junction at the Pemex station, take Highway 180 to the cutoff for Aké
(22.3 miles). This is 0.5 mile past the cutoff for Tamek. The junction for Aké is
marked with a pyramid sign, where you turn left onto a rock road (not shown on most
maps). Go 5.7 miles to a cross road, and then turn right for another 1.8 miles to Aké.
You will join a paved road shortly before you reach the Hacienda Plaza of Aké, and
that is the road to Tixcocob.
If you are going to make a side trip to Aké while driving from Chichén Itzá to Mérida,
use the route from Tamek to get to Aké, and the one via Tixcocob (in reverse) to get
to Mérida.
Allow 45 minutes for a visit. Cold drinks are available at Aké. You might also want a
couple of photos of the old henequen factory on the plaza.
(ee-sah-mahl; derivation: Maya name for the god Itzamná, ''Dew of Heaven")
Original Name:
Northern Yucatán.
Map: 1 (p. 27)

The Site
The Pyramid of Kinich-Kakmo in the town of Izamal is one of the largest in Yucatán.
As you drive to the town, you can see it rising from the plain. It is also visible from
the Main Plaza in Izamal, and so it should be easy to
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The second, or upper, pyramid of the Kinich-Kakmo, Izamal. The area in front is the flat
top of the massive lower pyramid. Early Classic period.
get to. It is not. It is only two blocks north of the church and convent in the center of
town, but its base is hidden by modern buildings. Ask directions, and then look for an
open gate with some stone steps leading up. The steps ascend right from the street,
and from this level, you cannot see the top of the pyramid, so its size is not apparent.
When you find the steps, you may still wonder whether you are in the right place. You
are. The steps have been restored, and it is an easyif hot climb. The pyramid rises in
terraces, and part of it is faced with huge stones. Other unrestored areas are grass
covered. The base of the pyramid is about 640 feet by 570 feet, and it rises to a height
of 56 feet.
It is rather a surprise when you reach the top of the stairs to discover not only that the
flat top of the pyramid is so large but also that another pyramid of respectable bulk
and 59 feet highrises from it.
This partly restored upper pyramid is set over the rear of the first, leaving a large open
area in front. This gives the feeling that you are at ground level, which is only
dispelled when you turn and look at the town below. Only then does the size of the
whole structure become apparent.
The upper pyramid rises in terraces, has rounded corners, and is faced with small
boulders. There are remains of a stairway with alfardas on the front. You may walk
around the base of the upper pyramid, although the path narrows and gets steep at the
rear. Although there is no remaining sculpture at Izamal, the massiveness of the
Kinich-Kakmo (over 17 million cubic feet) makes a visit worthwhile.
In ancient times Izamal covered an area of about 2 square miles, and the Kinich-
Kakmo bordered the north side of a large plaza. On the south side was another
pyramid that was partly leveled to form the base of the Franciscan church and convent
built in 1553, one of the oldest churches in Mexico. There were other pyramids on the
east and west, but they are mostly destroyed. The one on the west originally had large
sculptured human heads of stone and stucco, but nothing remains of them today.
Other pyramids at Izamal have been totally leveled.
These pyramids date to the Early Classic period, during which time Izamal was the
greatest religious center in northern Yucatán. It retained its importance until it was
conquered in the Postclassic period by Hunac
Page 47
Ceel, the founder of Mayapán, and it was occupied at the time of the Spanish
conquest. During its heyday Izamal was an important shrine and place of pilgrimage,
dedicated to Kinich-Kakmo, a manifestation of Kinich-Ahau, the sun god, and
Itzamná. Izamal was also an important trading center for salt found on the nearby
coast. It was connected to Aké by a sacbé.
Recent History
Izamal is mentioned in the native chronicles and by Bishop Diego de Landa, who said
that there was at Izamal "a building of such height and beauty that it astonishes one."
John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood visited the site in 1842, near the end
of their second trip to Yucatán, and described and drew an illustration of one of the
large stucco heads.
Désiré Charnay also visited Izamal, and in 1885 he described and illustrated the site. In
1887 an English translation of the original French text appeared. The stucco head
reported by Stephens was destroyed by the time Charnay visited Izamal, but he
reproduced the illustration from Stephens's report and included an illustration of his
own of another head on the same structure.
Restoration of the Kinich-Kakmo was undertaken by INAH in the 1970s.
1. Mérida to Izamal: 44.0 miles by paved road (1:03).
2. Chichén Itzá to Izamal: 42.6 miles by paved road (1:07).
Getting There
1. Take Highway 180 heading east from Mérida to Hoctún, turn left on an unnumbered
road, and go to Citilcúm. (You will pass through the village of Kimbilá along the way.)
In Citilcúm take a right turn and proceed to Izamal.
2. Take Highway 180 heading west from Chichén Itzá to Kantunil. Turn right and
continue to Izamal. (You will pass through the village of Sudzal along the way.)
If you are driving between Mérida and Chichén Itzá, a side trip to Izamal will cost you
only 13.2 miles (:24), since you can take the two routes described above and eliminate
the section of Highway 180 between Hoctún and Kantunil.
There are restaurants in Izamal, some across the street from the Kinich-Kakmo, and
the town can be reached by private car, bus, or taxi from Mérida or Chichén Itzá.
Allow 40 minutes to visit the Kinich-Kakmo, after you find it.
(ee-keel; derivation: Maya for "Place of the Wind")
Northern Yucatán.
Map: 1 (p. 27)

The Site
Ikil is worth a visit only if you plan to make the rather difficult climb to the top of the
pyramid. The trail is rubble, dirt, and roots, but there are some small trees that provide
a handhold.
Although the site of Ikil has not been mapped, it is known that there are some low
platform mounds surrounding the pyramid. The mounds, however, do not support
standing architecture, and so the pyramidor, more precisely, the summit temple atop
the pyramidis the feature of most interest.
The pyramid-summit temple known as Structure I is 80 feet high, one of the "largest
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The summit temple of Structure I, Ikil. View of the east chamber. Probably early Late
Classic period.
architectural monuments of the northern Maya area," according to E. Wyllys Andrews
IV and George E. Stuart, who studied the site.
Originally the summit temple rested atop a three-tiered platform. In later times, rooms
were added to the outside of each of the three tiers (6 on each side, for a total of 24),
and stairways were added on all four sides of the platform. These constructions totally
encased the original platform. The stairways are pierced (at least on the two upper
levels) by vaulted passageways. The original construction probably dates to the early
Late Classic period, and the rooms and stairways were probably added in Terminal
Classic times. The stonework in the two construction phases is quite different. None
of the stairways affords access to the summit temple today.
As you climb the rocky trail ascending the pyramid, you pass one of the vaulted
passageways beneath the stairway, and later you see another vault that is part of one of
the added rooms. As you near the top, you will see the huge rounded corner stones
that are part of the summit temple.
The summit temple consists of a rubble core surrounded by a vaulted corridor,
although the effect today is of two rooms, the east and west chambers. The extreme
weight of the core has caused it to subside, with the result that all but one small
section of vault has collapsed, causing the capstone atop this section (in the west
chamber) to tilt toward the core at an odd angle.
Each of these chambers has a niche built into the core, and the niches were originally
spanned by glyph-carved stone lintels. In the west chamber, a section of the lintel with
five glyph blocks and a fraction of a sixth remains in place; in the east chamber only
two glyph blocks remain. Originally each lintel con-
Page 49
tained ten glyph blocks; the portions in place are well preserved.
To the left of the niche in the east chamber is a large stone ring tenoned into the wall
of the core. It is assumed that originally there was another ring to the right of the
niche. They perhaps functioned as rod holders or tie-rings for curtains, although the
remaining ring seems very massive for such a purpose.
The outer walls of the summit temple were constructed of huge stone blocks, some
weighing as much as 3,000 pounds, and remains of these can be seen in both east and
west chambers. According to Andrews and Smart, "No such [other] megalithic walls
are known from the Maya area," although they note that similar huge stones are used
in substructure facings at Aké and Izamal.
Recent History
Ikil seems first to show up in the literature in Sylvanus G. Morley's Inscriptions of
Petén (1937-1938), where it is listed in the appendixes, and in a later work by the
same author, although the site is not described in either publication.
Under the name "Iki," the site is shown on a 1940 map by Tulane University, but the
source of information is not listed.
In 1954 an account of the site and sketches of the glyph blocks that were in place was
published by Alberto García Maldonado, a Yucatecan artist, in Mérida's newspaper
Diario del Sureste. Garcia was first brought to Ikil by the Dorantes brothers of a
nearby town, and he sent drawings of the glyph blocks to César Lizardi Ramos, a
Mexican epigrapher, who identified them as noncalendric glyphs and noted "a number
of resemblances to early forms." It was through Garcia that Andrews's attention was
brought to the site.
Andrews received permission to search for the missing fragments of the two lintels,
and all but two glyph blocks were recovered and recorded in 1956; the two missing
ones were assumed to have been pulverized in the collapse of the lintels. The
uncovered fragments were reburied for protection, and shortly afterward were dug up
by García, who made and published additional drawings.
In 1966 Andrews, Smart, and Richard Furno returned to Ikil to gather architectural
information. Structure I was almost entirely cleared, and enough data were collected
to permit a restoration drawing. Although no extensive excavation was carried out, a
small sample of ceramics was collectedmostly from the surfaceand it gave no evidence
to contradict the dates suggested by the architecture or glyphs. This work was
sponsored by the National Geographic Society and the Middle American Research
Institute of Tulane University, and in 1968 the latter published the information.
Although mask elements, other decorations, and columned doorways were reported
by Andrews and Stuart, they are not discernible today when you climb the pyramid.
There is some evidence that the core of the summit temple once supported a roof
comb or some sort of superstructure. If indeed it did, this would have added
considerably to the height of the structure.
It is thought that perhaps Ikil was an old shrine whose base was added to during the
period of dominance by Chichén Itzá.
1. Chichén Itzá to Ikil: 21.2 miles by paved road (:34), then 300 yards by foot trail
2. Mérida to Ikil: 63.8 miles by paved road (1:32), then 300 yards by foot trail (:08).
Getting There
From Chichén Itzá head west on Highway 180 to Libre Unión. From Mérida head east
on Highway 180 to the same town. In Libre Unión take the unnumbered road heading
south (marked for Yaxcabá) to a little past Kilometer 9 (the markers are hard to spot).
At this point there is a sign on the left saying San Isidro and a dirt road on the right
leading about 300 yards to the small rancho. Ask at the house for someone to show
you the way to the pyramid. The residents of the house are familiar with the ruins, but
they do not know them by the name of Ikil. When we inquired, we were told that
there was no special name for the site.
Page 50
You will be directed back to the paved road, where you can park on the west side. The
foot trail is directly opposite on the east side. The trail soon passes a gate and is easy
to follow, but it would be difficult to find the best access route up the pyramid without
being shown. For this reason you need to have someone from the rancho along.
Once you begin your climb, you will find a machete helpful to cut back the vegetation
for better photographs. Ikil is not a very visited site, and the trail can become
overgrown, as is the pyramid and summit temple. Wear boots and have a wide-angle
lens for your camera.
Allow 1 hour to walk to the pyramid, climb it, look around at the summit temple, and
return to your car. There is no food or drink here, but if you are packing a picnic
lunch, there is a nearby cenote that would be a pleasant place to eat. Head north (back
toward Libre Unión) for 4.4 miles. At this point there is a rock road to Cenote Xtojil; it
goes to the right for 0.6 mile.
You can reach Ikil by private car or taxi from Chichén Itzá or Mérida. A bus can get
you as far as Libre Unión, but connections from there are questionable.
Chichén Itzá and Chichén Itzá Museum
(chee-chehn eet-sah; derivation: Maya for "The Mouth of the Well of the ItzáS")
Earlier Name:
Uucil-abnal ("Seven Bushes"),
according to Michael D. Coe;
Uuc-hab-nal ("Seven Bushy
Places"), according to Ralph L.
Original Name:
Chichén Itzá for the later part of
its pre-Columbian history.
Northern Yucatán.
Map: 1 (p. 27)

The Site
Chichén Itzá is truly a world-class site, one that should be seen by all visitors to
Yucatán. It is one of the largest and most studied sites on the Yucatán Peninsula and is
better preserved than most others. In addition, many of its structures have been
consolidated and restored over the years.
Until 1983, Highway 180 went right through the site, but for ecological reasons this
part of the highway was closed, and a bypass was built north of the site. The entrance
to Chichén Itzá is by a cutoff from the highway on the west side of the site. The hotels
on the east side can be reached by taking the bypass and then heading back toward the
site (west) on the old section of Highway 180 that is still open for local traffic.
The ruins of Chichén Itzá can be most easily covered by breaking them into three
areas: (1) structures north of the old highway (this is the area you enter from the
service building); (2) those immediately south of the old highway, now called the
South Group (signs point out the way to this area); and (3) some outlying groups
farther south in the bush, misnamed "Old Chichén."
There are two principal styles of public architecture at Chichén Itzá. The first is a local
variant of the Puuc style found at sites in west-central Yucatán and northeastern
Campeche. The other style, according to Peter J. Schmidt, "is partly derived from the
same roots but is vastly enriched by elements
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The north side of El Castillo, Chichén Itzá. Early Postclassic period.

and concepts from other parts of Mesoamerica, notably the Gulf Coast, Oaxaca, and
central Mexico."
Early investigators of Chichén Itzá proposed that Puuc-style traits were "Maya" and
the features found in the other style were "Toltec." Decorative features of the "Toltec"
style include serpent columns, Chac Mools, Atlantean figures, serpent heads at the top
of alfardas, tzompontlis, and carvings of processions of warriors, among others.
Architecturally, this style embodies stepped pyramids, dance platforms with stairs on
all four sides, large columned porticoes, gallery-patio compounds, as well as other
While Mexican influence is clearly present at Chichén Itzá, Schmidt believes that
"continuity of construction techniques, residential systems, and other features of daily
life, such as ceramic vessel types, argue for the continued Maya character of Chichén
As you approach Chichén Itzá from the west, E1 Castilloalso called the Temple of
Kukulcántowers above the vegetation and is visible from some distance away. It is
near the entrance to the site and is centrally located in a large open area called the
North Terrace, or Central Plaza; like the other principal structures in the north area of
the site, it is "Toltec" style. E1 Castillo is a square-based stepped pyramid about 75 feet
tall, crowned by a temple. It originally had stairways on all four sides; two of these
have been restored.
The visible structure covers a smaller, earlier one (of similar plan), and some
interesting sculpture is found on the inside of the latter. The inner structure was
discovered during excavation. A tunnel was cut into the outer structure, and a stairway
was located, which is the entrance to the inner structure. The entrance is at the base of
the north side of E1 Castillo, but the inner temple can be visited only during certain
hours. Check as you enter the site, as the schedule is subject to change. Also, check on
the open hours for the interior structure of the Temple of the Warriors and the painted
chamber of the Temple of the Jaguars. The open hours of the three do not overlap;
you can probably work all three into your schedule if you plan ahead.
One word about the interior of El Cas-
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The Temple of the Warriors, Chichén Itzá. View from the southwest. Early Postclassic period.
tillo: the steep stairway leading up is very narrow, and it is generally hot, steamy, and
jammed with people inside. If you are the least bit claustrophobic, you had better pass
this up.
If you do go, you will see a Chac Mool and a throne in the shape of a jaguar at the top
of the stair. Unfortunately, they are protected by bars, which interfere with
photography. If you want some photos anyway, bring a flash unit and a wide-angle
lens (for the Chac Mool just behind the bars), and a normal or slightly long lens for
the Jaguar Throne some feet behind. The jaguar is painted red and has some jade
incrustations depicting the jaguar's spots and jade balls representing the eyes. A
turquoise mosaic disc was found on the seat of the throne.
Climbing the exterior of E1 Castillo is much more pleasant and affords delightful
views of the north section of the site. It is a good spot for photos of the Temple of the
Warriors, which lies to the east. This latter temple is composed of a pyramidal base
rising in three tiers, with a temple on top, approached by a stairway on the west side.
There is a large colonnade of stone pillars carved with figures of warriors at the base
of the structure on the west side.
At the entrance to the temple there is a Chac Mool and two beautifully carved serpent
columns; at the rear are small Atlantean figures supporting an altar. The facade of the
temple has sculptures depicting Chac, the Maya rain god. The Temple of the Warriors
also had at least two construction phases. There is an earlier inner temple, with pillars
sculptured in bas-relief, which retain much of their original color, and murals once
adorned the walls of the inner structure. There are also a Chac Mool and the heads of
serpent columns inside.
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Serpent columns on top of the Temple of the Warriors, Chichén Itzá. Early Postclassic period.
A large courtyard, adjacent to the south of the Temple of the Warriors, is surrounded
by numerous mined buildings known collectively as the Group of the Thousand
Columns. The many columns were originally roofed over, forming a colonnade part
way around the courtyard.
On the east side of the courtyard is a consolidated building called the Steam Bath,
reached by a trail. It has four columns on the
Page 55
west face and remains of simple three-member moldings on the rear of the structure
and its eastward projection. The other structure of interest in this area is the Mercado,
or Market, on the south side of the courtyard, built on a slightly elevated platform.
There is an interesting carved altar in this area and a square patio surrounded by tall
columns with simple capitals. The perimeter of the patio was probably roofed with
thatch; no stones that could belong to a roof have been found. Other structures in the
Group of the Thousand Columns are unrestored, but two ball courts are known.
From here return to the Central Plaza and head north to the Venus Platform. This
square platform has a stair on each of its four sides and may have been used as a
dance platform. It is decorated with bas-relief sculpture and three-dimensional serpent
Due north of the Venus Platform you come to a trail (built atop an ancient Maya
sacbé) that continues north 300 yards to the Sacred Cenote. Although the cenote is a
natural formation, it may have been altered to achieve its nearly circular shape. It is
about 180 feet in diameter, and its sides rise 80 feet above the water level. The Sacred
Cenote was apparently not used as a water supply but was reserved for rituals and
human sacrifice involving the rain god. The notion that the sacrificed victims were all
beautiful young virgins was disproved when human remains of young children and
older adults, both male and female, were discovered. The Sacred Cenote is in a
depression, and the surrounding dense vegetation cuts off most of the air. On a still
day, the heavy atmosphere and buzzing insects can create a hypnotic effect, and one
can easily imagine this as a place of human sacrifice. There are remains of a small
temple on the edge of the cenote.
When you return to the Central Plaza, head right and visit the Platform of the Tigers
and Eagles. This is similar to the Venus Platform, but smaller, and its decorative motifs
include jaguars and eagles holding human hearts in their claws, almost identical to
some bas-reliefs at Tula in central Mexico.
North of this platform is the Skull Rack, or Tzompantli. The sides are covered with
bas-reliefs; some depict skulls in profile, except for the corners, where they are shown
full face. Oddly enough, each is different from the other and has its own personality.
Other reliefs show warriors in full regalia. Two Chac Mools were excavated from the
Now head west to the Great Ball Court, the largest in Mesoamerica; its walls measure
272 feet long, but the playing area extends some distance beyond. There are interesting
bas-relief carvings on the lower walls of the ball court depicting ball game activities
and ritual sacrifice. A small temple lies at each end of the ball court, and from in front
of the north temple (the Temple of the Bearded Man) a person speaking in a natural
voice reportedly can be heard at the other end of the court, about 150 yards away.
The Temple of the Bearded Man gets its name from some bas-relief carvings on the
inside of the temple. There are two columns at the entrance to the one-room temple,
and these, the interior walls, and the remaining portion of the vault are completely
covered with bas-reliefs. In the vault there are some remains of red paint, and this
emphasizes the carvings. The larger temple at the south end of the ball court also has
remains of columns with carvings, but the walls and vault surfaces are plain.
Even more interesting is the Temple of the Jaguars on top of the south end of the east
wall of the ball court, and reached by a steep stair. The roof of the temple is supported
by carved serpent columns similar to those at the Temple of the Warriors, and in an
inner chamber there are a few fragments of murals that can be seen during the hours
when this room is open. Unfortunately, the murals are poorly lighted and hard to
make out. A carved wooden lintel spans the doorway to the inner room.
When you return to the plaza level, you can enter a chamber below the Temple of the
Jaguars that faces east. It has polychromed bas-reliefs on pillars, walls, and vault in a
good state of preservation and a simple three-dimensional sculpture of a jaguar,
possibly a throne.
After a visit to this northern section of Chichén Itzá, it is time for a lunch break before
you continue to the South Group.
When you reach the South Group, you
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A corner of the Skull Rack (Tzompantli), Chichén Itzá. Early Postclassic period.
first come to the Ossuary, or Grave of the High Priest, to the right of the trail.
Although mostly ruined, it is similar in design to E1 Castillo, though built on a smaller
scale. There are remains of serpent columns on top, pillars carved with human
figures, and the temple walls. Near the base of the Ossuary are some carved-stone
Follow the trail south to the Red House, or Chichán-Chob, to the right of the trail.
This small temple is built on a platform with rounded corners and is reached by a
stairway on the west side. Simple medial and cornice moldings, a perforated central
roof comb, and a flying facade with Chac masks form the exterior decorations. The
walls are plain between the upper moldings and below the medial molding, giving a
feeling of sober restraint. The Red House (so called because of a red strip painted on a
wall) is Puuc style. Its other name, Chichán-Chob, is Maya and probably means
something like ''small holes," referring to the latticework in the roof comb. A band of
glyphs is found on the vault of the interior of the structure, and it has been dated to A.D.
Northwest of the Red House, and off the main foot trail, is the House of the Deer,
named for the depiction of a deer that once existed in one of the rooms. The style of
the House of the Deer is similar to that of the Red House.
Follow the main trail south to E1 Caracol, which lies to the left. This is one of the
most imposing structures in the South Group. Caracol means "snail" in Spanish and,
by extension, "spiral," referring to the stairway found inside the structure. E1 Caracol
is supposed to have served as an observatory, and it is the only round structure found
at Chichén Itzá. The upper terrace of E1 Caracol has some three-dimensional
Page 57

The Temple of the Bearded Man at the north end of the Great Ball Court, Chichén Itzá.
Early Postclassic period.

The Temple of the Jaguar and the Great Ball Court, from the southeast, Chichén Itzá. Early
Postclassic period.
Page 58

Carved pillar in the chamber below the Temple of the

Jaguar, Chichén Itzá. A crying rain deity and aquatic
animals are depicted. Early Postclassic period.
sculpture of human heads. This is a good place for photographs of some of the other
Due south of E1 Caracol is the Temple of the Sculptured Panels. The panels are on the
north and south exterior walls of the lower portion of the building, and a rocky path
leads to the temple on top from the south side. This is a good vantage point for
photographs of E1 Caracol and other structures.
A short distance southwest of the Temple of the Sculptured Panels are two of the most
interesting buildings in the area. The largest is Las Monjas, or the Nunnery, with its
annex; it is 210 feet long, 105 feet wide, and more than 50 feet high. This building saw
several building stages, leading to its present impressive size. There is much
interesting detail here, especially in the form of Chac masks. A doorway in the east
face of the annex forms the open mouth of a monster, a feature associated with the
Chenes style, although the rest of the structure is Puuc style. The upper level of Las
Monjas has some carved lintels still in place.
Near the annex of Las Monjas is the diminutive La Iglesia, the Church. The lower
walls are plain, but the upper facade and roof comb are a riot of Chac masks, many
complete with curling snout. These are accompanied by stepped-fret patterns and
other interesting designs. Both La Iglesia and Las Monjas are worth some detail photos
as well as overall views.
About 100 yards east by foot trail is the Akab-Dzib ("Obscure Writing"), named for
some hieroglyphs appearing on a lintel (including a date equivalent to A.D. 870). This
structure was built in at least two stages. The central portion was constructed first, and
the flanking north and south wings were added later. The Akab-Dzib is undecorated
except for simple medial and cornice moldings.
The third section of Chichén Itzá is "Old Chichén," which has both Puuc-and
"Toltec"-style remains, as does the rest of the site. The structures are scattered in the
bush, but are connected by trails, which begin south of Hacienda Chichén (now a
hotel). Visiting "Old Chichén" entails a hot steamy hike into the bush, but some of the
structures are worth the effort.
To see the structures you must have a guide. While some of the trails are easy to
follow, not all of the branches are marked, and sometimes parts of the trail are
overgrown. You can ask for a guide at the ticket office in the service building when
you enter the site, or check at the Mayaland Lodge on the east side of the site.
When you visit "Old Chichén," you come first to the Date Group, the most interesting
in the area. The name comes from a lintel with an Initial Series date of A.D. 879.
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The Red House, or Chichán-Chob, west side, Chichén Itzá. Terminal Classic period.
It is the only Initial Series date known from Chichén Itzá, and the lintel is found
spanning the top of two Atlantean figures, which form the doorway of a small temple,
only the lower walls of which remain. It has been said that the lintel was previously
used in an earlier building. A small Chac Mool is found at the base of the mound that
supports the temple.
A bit south is the Puuc-style Temple of the Phalli, and behind this are remains of
several structures, Atlantean figures, and carved columns. A short distance northwest
is an enclosure with more Atlantean figures and, a bit farther on, a crude sculpture of
a serpent. Just west of the Temple of the Phalli is a structure called the Telecotes
("owls"), with remains of carved columns depicting owls and other motifs. The trail to
the next area of interest leaves from the Telecotes and heads southwest.
You come next to the Temple of Four Lintels. Little remains of this structure, except
for the four carved lintels and the jamb-stones that support them. The lintels date to
A.D. 881 and are carved on some of their edges and on the undersides. The glyphs on

the edges of the two lintels that face north are especially well preserved and are very
photogenic. Try to do this trip in the morning when they receive the best light.
A short distance southwest is the Temple of the Three Lintels, the only restored
structure in "Old Chichén," and a gem. It is a Puuc-style structure, faced with thin
veneer masonry associated with the style. Although other structures at Chichén Itzá
are also in Puuc style, they generally lack this particular feature. Chac masks decorate
the tipper facade and are interspersed with engaged columns and a lattice pattern; the
lower walls are plain. Two of the lintels, dated A.D. 879,
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El Caracol, from the south, Chichén Itzá. The structure shows both Puuc and central
Mexican traits. El Castillo rises in the background at left of center.

Las Monjas, or the Nunnery, and its annex, north side, Chichén Itzá. La Iglesia is at far
left. Terminal Classic period.
Page 61

La Iglesia, west side, Chichén Itzá. Terminal Classic period.

are carved on their front edges. The whole has a feeling of quiet dignity.
From the Temple of the Three Lintels, you retrace your steps part of the way before
taking a side trail to the left. This brings you to two structures that are kept reasonably
well cleared. The one you reach first is mostly a rubble mound but is worth climbing
to see the remains of carved rectangular columns on top. A bit southwest is the
Castillo of "Old Chichén." It is also mostly rubble, but there are remains of carved
facing stones on the west side, a stairway on the north side, and carved columns and
jambs on top. There is also a carved serpent head near the base of the Castillo that was
probably a part of the original construction. From the top of this structure Las Monjas
and El Castillo of the North Group are visible to the northeast, in the distance.
Ceramic evidence indicates that Chichén Itzá was occupied from the Middle Preclassic
period onward. It grew steadily to a position of regional importance, and during the
ninth to twelfth centuries it was the political and cultural center of northern Yucatán.
Exactly when Mexican influence first appeared at Chichén Itzá, and how it reached the
site, is still being debated and studied, and continuing epigraphic research will
doubtless add to our knowledge about the history of the site. At present, some
authorities believe that two groups arrived at Chichén Itzá: the Itzás and the "Toltecs."
The Itzás are said to have been Putun or Chontal Maya, whose home was along the
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The Akab-Dzib, west side, Chichén Itzá. Terminal Classic period.

Gulf Coast of Mexico between Tabasco and Champotón. They were known as sea
traders and have been called the "Phoenicians of the New World" by Sir J. Eric S.
Thompson. Thompson believed that they had trade connections with the people of
central Mexico (through their merchants) and a sea route from Tabasco, around the
Yucatán Peninsula, to Honduras.
The Toltecs were the dominant group in central Mexico during the late Terminal
Classic and Early Postclassic times. Legend has it that some of this group, led by the
famous Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcóatl, left their capital at Tula and proceeded to
Yucatán. It is possible, however, that the "Toltecs" who arrived in Yucatán were a
highly Mexicanized group of Chontal Maya who were associated with the Toltecs.
Some authorities believe that the Itzás arrived in Yucatán around A.D. 866, led by
Kakupacal, and that the "Toltecs" followed around 987. Other scholars believe that the
Itzás arrived after the "Toltecs." Still others believe that there was no ''Toltec invasion"
and that exotic ideas arrived at Chichén Itzá along with trade goods. Edward Kurjack
says, "These new concepts were fused with indigenous art forms to create the mixture
observed at Chichén Itzá." He further states that this apparent foreign influence "seems
to have been a by-product of native commerce."
According to E. Wyllys Andrews V, "An increasingly accepted argument is that
Mexican influence was present in Yucatán considerably before the collapse of the
Puuc cities, quite possibly before A.D. 900, and that Puuc and 'Toltec' Chichén Itzá
coexisted in northern Yucantán for a century or more." Other authorities also suggest
that the two different architectural styles may have been contemporaneous, at least in
Page 63

An Atlantean figure in the Date Group, Chichén Itzá. Early Postclassic period.
After Chichén Itzá went into decline sometime before A.D. 1200, Mayapán became the
dominant center in northern Yucatán. Nevertheless, pilgrims still visited Chichén Itzá,
as they had for many centuries, and this continued until the Spanish conquest.
Page 64

Detail of the Temple of Four Lintels, showing the two lintels that face north, Chichén Itzá.
Terminal Classic period.
Recent History
In 1528, during the early attempts by the Spaniards to conquer the Yucatán Peninsula,
Francisco de Montego the elder established himself at Chichén Itzá for a time, but the
hostility of the natives forced him to leave. In 1566 Bishop Diego de Landa described
Chichén Itzá as a "very fine site." He gave its location and related the history of the
place as given him by local informants. Another Spanish cleric, Diego López de
Cogolludo, mentioned the site in 1688. The books of Chilam Balam (native chronicles
written in the Maya language, but using the Spanish alphabet) record the history of
Chichén Itzá. These early documents plus Landa's work are the principal sources of
historical information about the site. Unfortunately, the chronology of the native
documents is confused and bathed in legend, and it is difficult to put the pieces
together accurately.
In more modern times, John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood explored the
site, but Stephens credited the first visit by a "stranger" to a certain John Burke of
New York, who was working as an engineer in Valladolid. Stephens also mentions a
visit to Chichén Itzá by Baron Friederichsthal in 1840. Stephens said that the baron
was the first to bring notice of the site to the public. A much wider audience, however,
read Stephens's 1843 publication.
In Stephens's time, the road from Mérida to Valladolid passed through the ruins, much
as the modern highway did until a few years ago, and he commented that "the great
buildings tower on both sides of the road in full sight of passers-by, and from the fact
that the road is much traveled, the ruins of Chichén are perhaps more generally
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The Temple of the Three Lintels, Chichén Itzá. Terminal Classic period.
to the people of the country than any other in Yucatán."
He and Catherwood spent some time at the site and recorded it in text and drawings.
Catherwood also produced a map, but for some reason it does not extend far enough
north to include the Sacred Cenote, although Cenote Xtoloc (in the South Group),
which they used for bathing, is included.
In 1863 Désiré Charnay and E. E. Viollet-le-Duc published a work in Paris, and in
1885 Charnay published another (translated into English in 1887). All these
publications include information on Chichén Itzá.
In 1873 Augustus Le Plongeon first visited Yucatán. He and his young wife, Alice,
spent seven years there, three months of which they devoted to investigations of
Chichén Itzá. He drew plans, copied murals, and took photographs of the site (some
in stereo). Although this was clearly a contribution, his fantastic theories were
disdained by archaeologists.
Alfred P. Maudslay briefly visited Chichén Itzá in 1889, and during his stay he
surveyed, measured, and photographed the site. He had as his assistant Edward H.
Thompson, the American counsul in Yucatán, who later returned to the site after
buying Hacienda Chichén Itzá with funds provided by Allison V. Armour, a patron of
scientific research. Thompson rebuilt the ruined hacienda and moved his wife and
children there from Mérida, intending it to be a profitable enterprise as well as to serve
as a home near the ruins. For thirty years he lived at Chichén Itzé and carried out
investigations. Some of his reports remain unpublished, although others have found
their way into print.
Thompson is best known for dredging the Sacred Cenote, where he recovered
artifacts of copper, gold, jade, and clay as well as human bones. Some of these items
were given to visiting friends to take back to the Peabody Museum of Harvard
University, for whom Thompson was working. The Mexican government learned of
this traffic and attached Thompson's hacienda. In 1958
Page 66
many of these items in the Peabody's collection were returned to Mexico.
Thomspon spent his remaining years a poor man back in the United States, but he had
proved his point that the Sacred Cenote was indeed a place of human sacrifice, as
legend said.
After Thompson's work, professional archaeologists took over reserach at Chichén
Itzá. Sylvanus G. Morley first visited Chichén Itzá in 1907, as a guest of Thompson,
and returned to do extensive work for the Carnegie Institution of Washington and the
Mexican government. He began his work in 1924 and continued for two decades. In
1926 Sir J. Eric S. Thompson joined the field staff. In 1961 the Sacred Cenote was
again dredged. This time a modern air pump was used, and divers explored its depths.
About 4,000 artifacts were recovered in four months' work. The project was
undertaken by INAH in cooperation with the National Geographic Society and the
Exploration and Water Sports Club of Mexico (CEDAM). Additional work at the
Sacred Cenote was conducted in the late 1960s, which was reported by Román Piña
Chan in 1970.
In 1987 Charles E. Lincoln of Harvard University reported the detailed mapping of a
section of "Old Chichén," and in 1991 a project to restore the Group of the Thousand
Columns was begun.
1. Chichén Itzá (hotels) to the parking area for the ruins: 3.0 miles by paved road
2. Mérida to Chichén Itzá (parking area): 73.9 miles by paved road (1:48).
Getting There
1. From the hotel area on the east side of Chichén Itzá, take old Highway 180 heading
east for 0.7 mile (or lessdepending on which hotel you are starting from) to the
junction with the bypass that goes around the site on the north. Turn left onto the
bypass and go 1.8 miles to its other end and the cutoff for the ruins (marked with a
sign). Turn left at the cutoff and go 0.5 mile to the parking area.
2. From Mérida head east on Highway 180 to the junction for the cutoff for the ruins
(73.4 miles) and continue straight ahead for the remaining 0.5 mile to the parking area.
From the parking area you enter a large, well-designed service building that houses
the Chichén Itzá Museum, a restaurant, shops, rest rooms, and a bookstore, in
addition to the ticket office. When you leave the far end of the building, there is a trail
that goes straight ahead to the Central Plaza and enters it near El Castillo. A marked
branch trail heads right (shortly after you leave the service building) and goes to the
South Group.
You can reach Chichén Itzá by private car, taxi, bus, or on conducted tours from
Mérida. Bilingual guides are available at the site. Wear a sun hat, and if you plan to
visit "Old Chichén," wear a long-sleeved shirt and slacks. Allow 2 full days if you
want to see the site properly, including "Old Chichén," which takes a tiring 3 hours in
A light-and-sound spectacle is presented in the evening at Chichén Itzá. There is a
presentation in Spanish at 7:00 P.M . and another in English at 9:00 P.M . Tickets can be
purchased at the site or from some of the larger nearby hotels. For suggestions on
photographing the spectacle, see "Uxmal."
Chichén Itzá Museum
The nicely arranged Chichén Itzé Museum has displays of various items from the site.
Labels are in Spanish, with a synopsis in English and French. Photography is
permitted, but flash is not.
There is a rectangular column carved with a figure, with animals in the headdress, that
comes from a group to the south of El Caracol. One of the carved panels from the
Venus Platform is displayed, and there are other carved columns, both tall and short
Atlantean figures, a Chac Mool, and carved serpent heads.
One of the more interesting displays is a ball court ring, carved with a feathered
serpent, that was discovered inside the Tzompantli when it was excavated.
Photographs showing the restoration of
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Carved panel from the Venus Platform at the site. Chichén Itzá
Museum. Early Postclassic period.
El Castillo are exhibited, as are ceramics from the site, and one section gives
information on the early investigators of Chichén Itzá.
Outside the museum, in a patio area, there is a large model of the site. You can see the
museum collection and the model in half an hour.
Balankanche (Cave)
(bah-lahn-kahn-cheh; derivation: Maya for "Throne of the Jaguar Priest" or
"Hidden Treasure of the Jaguar")
Northern Yucatán.
Map: 1 (p. 27)

The Site and Recent History

The cave of Balankanche has been known for hundreds of years, but in 1959 José
Humberto Gómez, a tourist guide, discovered a sealed section at the end of one of the
chambers. He opened it and followed a long passage to a circular cavern. In the center
of the cavern was a huge stalagmite resembling a tree trunk
Page 68
with small stalactites forming the "leaves." Around the base of the stalagmite he
discovered a treasure trove of pottery, jewelry, and carved artifacts. These items
remain in place today and can be seen when you visit the cave. Many of the artifacts
date to the "Toltec" period at Chichén Itzá. In a nearby area of the cave is a group of
miniature metates with their accompanying manos, and farther on is an underground
1. Chichén Itzá to Balankanche: 3.9 miles by paved road (:07).
2. Mérida to Balankanche: 77.3 miles by paved road (1:53).
Getting There
From Chichén Itzá (junction with Highway 180 and the cutoff to the site) or Mérida,
take Highway 180 heading east to the cutoff for Balankanche (3.6 miles from Chichén
Itzá and 77.0 miles from Mérida). The cutoff is marked with a sign and heads left to
the cave.
There are guided tours of the cave in Spanish at 9:00 and 10:00 A.M . and at 12:00, 2:00,
and 4:00 P.M . Tours in English start at 11:00 A.M . and at 1:00 and 3:00 P.M .
The caverns are adequately lighted, but the descent at the entrance can be extremely
slippery in wet weather, and at these times boots would be best. There are also some
low overhangs in spots, through which you must crawl or waddle. Tours last about 20
or 30 minutes.
There is a botanical garden and restaurant at the cave.
Cobá-Yaxuná Sacbé
(koh-bah yah-shoo-nah; derivation: Cobá is Maya for "Ruffled Waters"; Yaxuná is
sometimes given as "Your Green House," although some authorities disagree)
Northern Yucatán.
Map: 1 (p. 27)

The Site
Many Maya sacbeob have been traced, and a good deal has been written about them,
but few are discernible today. This is a place to see one.
The Cobá-Yaxuná Sacbé is not terribly impressive visually. You see only a clearing in
the trees with weeds on top, but if you stop for a look, you will realize that the sacbé
is actually a raised roadway made of limestone boulders. See "Cobá" in Section 6, Part
1, for more details.
Highway 295 crosses the sacbé at right angles, and the junction is marked with a sign
saying Mirador.
Valladolid to the Cobá-Yaxuná Sacbé: 13.6 miles by paved road (:20).
Getting There
If you are traveling Highway 295 between Valladolid and Felipe Carrillo Puerto, you
will cross the sacbé 13.6 miles south of Valladolid (and 1.2 miles south of
Tixcacalcupul), and you may want to stop for a couple of minutes. Otherwise, it really
is not worth the detour from Valladolid and back just to see it.
There is no food or drink at the Mirador, only the sign.
Page 69

Ek Balam
(ehk bah-lahm; derivation: Maya for "Black Tiger")
Northern Yucatán.
Map: 1 (p. 27)

The Site
Ek Balam is a large site with a continuous settlement area covering about 4 square
miles. In the center is the site core, surrounded by a double wall. The outer wall is
over 4,000 feet in circumference, and it outlines a roughly oval shape that measures
over 1,000 feet from east to west (its longest dimension). It encloses an area of about
30 acres. The entrance to the site today is over the West Sacbé, which approaches the
wall on that side. When you drive in, you can park near the caretaker's champa inside
the double wall. In the core area of Ek Balam there are massive structures surrounding
a plaza, and though the site is overgrown as a whole, the trails and more interesting
features are kept cleared. Unfortunately, most of the architecture is poorly preserved.
As you begin your tour, you first pass the north side of Structure 2, which borders the
west side of the plaza. This structure is. a huge platform, over 30 feet tall, and some of
the facing stone of the platform is in place on the north side. There is a simple
molding near the top. A range of rooms on top of the west side of the platform is
mostly ruined.
Nearby, on the north side of the plaza, is Structure 1, the largest at Ek Balam. It is over
500 feet long, half as wide, and about 100 feet tall at its highest point. Structure 1 is
composed of a 33-foot-high basal platform and the fallen remains of several structures
on top. The central structure is the largest and tallest, and brings Structure 1 to its
highest point. There is a trail to the top of the platform, and the caretaker will bring
along a rope to help you climb. At the top of the platform there is a saucer-shaped
depression, dug by looters, and nearby you can see the entrance to a vaulted stairway
that goes into the basal platform. From the top of the platform you can see Structure
17 to the south, through the vegetation. The climb to the top of the central structure
atop the platform is steeper and longer, and there is not much standing architecture,
but reportedly there is a lovely view. We did not climb this part, but we were told that
from the top you can see the pyramids at Cobá, over 35 miles away.
After returning to ground level, you walk south to a fair-sized platform with the
remains of two identical buildings on top, called Las Gemelas ("The Twins"). The
platform and buildings are collectively called Structure 17, and it borders the south
side of the plaza. The upper buildings face east and are some of the best-preserved
architecture at Ek Balam. The backs and sides of the buildings are standing, and the
structures are separated by a passageway. Both structures have a simple, three-
member, rectangular medial molding, with a recessed middle section. The temple on
the south (right, as you face the back of the structures) has a few stones of its cornice
molding in place. In the upper wall zone, between the two moldings, there are
projecting tenons that probably supported stucco decorations originally. The fronts of
the buildings have fallen, but each structure originally had four rooms. The buildings
were once covered with stucco and are believed to have been elite residences. A rocky
trail ascends the platform at the rear (west side) of the buildings.
In the plaza, a short distance east of Structure 17, is a stone statue of a headless torso
wearing a pectoral. His arms are behind his back, and it appears that the figure
depicted is a captive. Close by are a couple of carved stones that were probably part
of an architectural decoration. Near this are remains of a couple of carved but broken
Page 70

Rear (west) side of the south building of the pair called Las Gemelas ('The Twins") of
Structure 17, Ek Balam. Terminal Classic period.
To the east, and occupying the southeast corner of the plaza, is Structure 10, a
platform with remains of a small standing temple on top. The temple faces west and
has one room and a single doorway spanned by a stone lintel. Much of the facing
stone has fallen, but on the south side of the temple (right as you are facing it), part of
a three-member molding with a recessed middle part is still in place. Some stones
carved with squared spirals are found on the ground nearby. The east and south sides
of the platform of Structure 10 have a good deal of their facing stones in place.
From Structure 10 the trail goes to a huge chultun with a large opening at its entrance,
and then to a small cleared area where there is a bas-relief stone carving of a profile
serpent head with a tenon on the back. Farther on is an eroded circular altar.
You now leave the plaza area and return to where you parked. From there, head west
on foot for a short distance to see the remains of one of the walls that encircles the
core of the site; nearby, a couple of carved stones are in a cleared area.
Preliminary ceramic studies indicate that Ek Balam was occupied during the Late
Preclassic period, although no architectural remains dating to that time have been
found so far. Few sherds of Early Classic date have been recovered. The peak period
of Ek Balam was the Terminal Classic, when most of the structures were erected and
when the site had its greatest occupation. Although this is the same period in which
the Puuc cities flourished, there is little evidence of Puuc-style architecture at Ek
According to William M. Ringle and George J. Bey, the site "appears to have been
Page 71
constructed rapidly by an elite who migrated into the area"; furthermore, "Ek Balam
appears to have been occupied for only a few hundred years before abandonment."
Ringle and Bey also believe that the walls surrounding the core of the site were
symbolic and doubt that they ever served a defensive function.
In addition to the West Sacbé, on which you entered the site, there are others on the
north, east, south, and southwest.
Recent History
In 1597 conquistador Juan Gutiérrez Picón prepared the Relación de Ek Balam for the
king of Spain. Gutiérrez had an encomienda (a grant of land and the labor of the
inhabiting Indians) in the region, and he questioned the village elders about the site
and the history of the area. His informants told him that the cabecera (principal town
of the province) was named Tiquibalon by a great lord called Ek Balam. In the
Relación, Gutiérrez described the site in some detail and included the history of the
area as given him by the Indians. According to Ringle and Bey, however, ceramic
studies indicate that "the ethnohistoric Ek Balam was not located in the site center."
In 1886, on his last trip to Yucatán, Désiré Charnay heard rather vague reports about
pyramids, vaults, and monuments at Ek Balam. These came from Don Juan Medina,
who owned a nearby hacienda, and who offered Charnay assistance with
transportation and necessities. Charnay visited and described the site and considered it
a great discovery.
Sylvanus G. Morley and Jean Charlot visited Ek Balam in the late 1920s and issued a
brief description of the site, which they believed was probably late (Postclassic
period). In the early 1980s Ian Graham studied the carved monuments at Ek Balam
and produced a preliminary map of the site; in 1984 he gave his information to Ringle
and Bey.
Beginning in 1985, several seasons of work were undertaken at Ek Balam, directed by
Ringle and Bey, to study the cultural history of the site, its demography, and its
political and economic organization. This was sponsored by the National Geographic
Society, the Middle American Research Institute of Tulane University, and Davidson
College, under the auspices of INAH. Work included mapping of the core area of Ek
Balam, its immediate surroundings, and some secondary peripheral sites. Test pits
were excavated, ceramic samples were collected and analyzed, and some of the
standing architecture was cleared.
Valladolid (plaza) to Ek Balam: 14.1 miles by paved road (:26), 2.2 miles by rock road
(:08), then 0.6 mile by dirt road (:05).
Total from Valladolid to Ek Balam: 16.9 miles (:39).
Getting There
From Valladolid head north on Highway 295 to the cutoff marked for Hunuku. Turn
right at the cutoff and go to the village of Santa Rita. Then turn left (the only choice)
and go 0.1 mile to the north end of Santa Rita. Then continue 2.1 miles straight ahead
on the rock road that goes to the village of Ek Balam. (A right turn at the north end of
Santa Rita will take you to the village of Hunuku.) The rock road to the village of Ek
Balam is no more than two tire tracks, but the surface is good. This road enters the
village on the south side of the plaza. Turn right and then left to go around the plaza,
and then take the dirt cutoff on the right to the parking area for the ruins.
When you enter the village of Ek Balam, youngsters will offer to show you the way to
the site. Once you reach the site, they or, better yet, the caretaker will show you
around. You will see more with someone along. The caretaker of Ek Balam is
Anastasio Baas Pomol; he is pleasant, knowledgeable, and helpful.
There is no food or drink at Ek Balam. Allow 1 1/4 hours for a visit. The site can be
reached by private car or taxi from Valladolid. Buses travel along Highway 295 and
could drop you off at the first cutoff, but that is as close as you could get to Ek Balam
by bus.
Page 72
If you start from Chichén Itzá, add 26.9 miles by paved road (:38) to the total given
above. If starting from Mérida, add 100.3 miles by paved road (2:24) to the total given
above. In both cases take Highway 180 heading east to Valladolid and then follow the
directions already listed. You can also reach Valladolid by taking Highway 180 heading
west from Cancún, 98.9 miles by paved road (2:36).
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Section 2
West-Central Yucatán and Northeastern Campeche
Page 74

Mask panels above the center doorway of Structure 1 of Group A, Sacbé View
from the south. Terminal Classic period.
Page 75

General Information for Section 2

Point of Reference:
Uxmal, Yucatán.
Maps: 2, 2A, 2B, 2B1, 2C, and

Mileages given to the sites in this section are from the junction of Highway 261 and
the entrance road to the Uxmal ruins.
There is no town at Uxmal, but there are three good hotels near the archaeological
zone. The Hacienda Uxmal was the first, and for many years, the only one. It is a
charming colonial-style facility; its pool is crystal clear and is surrounded by lush,
well-kept gardens. The rooms are spacious, and the floors are cool tile. The rooms
have ceiling fans (adequate for most of the year), and many also have air
conditioning. Hacienda Uxmal is on the east side of Highway 261, across from the
archaeological zone.
Right on the highway (east side) is the restaurant Nicte Ha, open from 1:00 to 8:30
P.M., which is a part of the Hacienda Uxmal operation. It is a convenient place to have
lunch or to get a cold drink if you are waiting for a bus back to Mérida. Buses run
several times a day each way.
The Archaeological Villa (a hotel operated by Club Med, but open to the general
public) is right at the entrance to the ruins and is typical of the Archaeological Villas
found at other sites. The rooms are air-conditioned, small, but well designed.
The Mision Uxmal is 1 mile north of the archaeological zone, on the west side of the
highway. It is a modern hotel/motel, and all the rooms are air-conditioned.
All the hotels have dining rooms, bars, and swimming pools, and the cost of
accommodations for all three is in the same price range.
For the more budget-minded traveler who nevertheless wants to stay near Uxmal,
there is the Rancho Uxmal, 2.5 miles north of the archaeological zone, on the west
side of the highway. It has 12 rooms, all with ceiling fans. There is also parking for
recreational vehicles, electrical hookups, and bathrooms with showers. This is also a
good place to eat. Nicely prepared regional specialties, soups, sandwiches, and other
fare are available. Their beer is ice cold, and the management is accommodating.
You can, of course, visit the ruins of Uxmal on a day tour from Mérida, but this really
does not allow enough time at the site for serious visitors. If you plan to spend more
time in the areaand certainly there are many nearby sites to visityou can drive to
Uxmal from Mérida or take a bus. Driving your own vehicle or a rented one is
recommended, as this is the only reasonable way to reach some of the isolated sites.
Closest car rentals are at the airport in Mérida.
A number of sites in this section lie along the Puuc Highway. There is no regularly
scheduled bus service along this highway, but sometimes in the high season (July and
August, and December through March) buses do run. The service is irregular, but
your hotel at Uxmal may have information.
The major sites of Kabáh, Sayil, Xlapak, Labná, and Loltún can be reached on
conducted tours from Uxmal. Check at your hotel and make arrangements the day
If you drive to Uxmal from Mérida, you will pass through Muna, where there is a
small shop selling high-quality reproductions of Maya polychrome pots. This is the
establishment of Martín Morales, on Calle 13, a dirt street that intersects the highway
at the north entrance to Muna. From the highway go west for one long block. The
shop is then the first building on the left. You can easily spot Calle 13, even if you
miss the sign. Vendors of huipils hang their wares on lines in this area, and you will
see them as you approach along the highway from Mérida. Morales makes, fires, and
decorates the pots, and while not cheap, the quality is excellent. There is also an
icehouse in Muna on the plaza.
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Another interesting place to shop in the area is at Tienda E1 Chacmool in Santa Elena.
The shop is at the south end of the town, on the east side of Highway 261. The shop is
actually the home of Miguel Angel Uc Delgado (son of the caretaker of Sayil) and his
attractive young wife. Miguel does excellent wood carvings and stone sculptures of
Maya deities and other Maya motifs. His wife sells typical clothing and other
interesting items. You will pass right by their shop on your way to Kabáh.
OTHER STOPOVERS: There are modest hotels in Ticul and Tekax on Highway 184;
one, the Motel Cerro Inn on the west side of Ticul, has space for a few recreational
Food is available at some of the small hotels. Two good spots to eat are Restaurant
Los Almendros on the main street in Ticul, serving Maya specialities (they also have a
branch in Mérida), and the restaurant of the Hotel Peraza in Tekax, which also serves
Maya specialties and other fare as well. Their poc-chuc is excellent. This is a
marinated and grilled pork steak, served with side orders of grilled, chopped
tomatoes, pickled onions, and chili peppers.
GAS STATIONS: The closest station to Uxmal is at Muna, and gas is also available at
Ticul, Oxkutzcab, and Tekax. South of Uxmal the nearest station is at Hopelchén, but
it is sometimes out of gas.
GUIDES: Miguel Uc Medina, the caretaker of Sayil. He can generally be found at
Sayil. If not, someone will be able to tell you when he is expected or where to find
Emilio Santos Camal, a resident of Santa Elena. He lives at Calle 27, no. 214, on the
corner of Calle 22. His house is only a block or so off the highway. Ask someone if
you cannot find it.
Pedro Pacheco Dzul, a resident of Bolonchén. His house is in the center of town,
opposite the highway, and near the market and plaza. Ask, and someone will be able
to point it out to you. There is no street address.
Bonifacio Canul, the caretaker of Chunhuhub and a resident of Xculoc village. He is
generally at Chunhuhub in the morning. Look for him in the village in the afternoon.
His house is near the plaza, and someone will be able to point it out. There is no street
All of these guides have had experience with archaeologists working in the area, and
all are very pleasant, knowledgeable, and trustworthy.
Some of the guides who work at the archaeological zone of Uxmal also know how to
reach some of the other sites. They generally do not have a vehicle, but you can
arrange for a vehicle and driver through Hacienda Uxmal, and perhaps through the
other two large hotels as well. Check with them a day ahead.
(Ohsh-keen-tohk; Derivation: Maya for ''Three-Day Flint")
West-central Yucatán.
Map: 2 (p. 77)

The Site
Oxkintok is a large and important site that was occupied for a long period (from about
300 B.C. to A.D. 1100, according to Ricardo Velázquez Valadéz). It has 11 large temple-
pyramids and a number of smaller ones, an internal sacbé system, and one sacbé that
leads to a group of buildings 0.6 mile to the
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West-central Yucatán and northern Campeche

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Structure 2B8, with remains of a portal vault, Oxkintok. Late Classic period.
southeast. This may have also continued another 0.6 mile to a pyramidal structure.
The earliest known Initial Series date in the Northern Maya area is the equivalent of
A.D. 475, on a lintel at Oxkintok. Twenty-one carved stelae, six plain ones, and a

number of carved and plain altars have been found at the site. There are also carved
lintelsin addition to the one mentioned aboveand carved columns.
On the way to the center of the site, the road passes within a couple of hundred feet of
Structure 2C1. This structure is on the right side of the road, but sometimes the
intervening area is overgrown, which makes the structure hard to spot. Structure 2C1
rests on a platform, and it is a short but steep climb to get to the building. It borders
the east side of a courtyard surrounded on the other sides by structures that are now
totally fallen. Structure 2C1 has three ranges of rooms and a solid central core. The
northeast corner of the building was never completed, but the inner halves of some
vaults on the south and west sides are standing. The stonework employed in the
structure is Classic Puuc (A.D. 770-1000).
Continue along the road (heading west). For the moment, pass up the cutoff to the left
that goes to the North Plaza, and go beyond it for a short distance to a cutoff on the
right that goes to Structure 2B8, a few yards from the road. Only a small part of this
Early Puuc-style structure (A.D. 670-770) is standing, but enough is left to show that it
had a portal vault. Originally this vault stood in the middle of a single row of four
rooms aligned north-south. The room north of the vault and part of the vault itself are
standing. A new lintel was placed above the west doorway of the room during
consolidation. On the east facade of the room the upper wall zone is in place; it is
slightly battered and overhangs the lower wall. There is one tenon in the upper wall
zone, and it may have supported some stone or stucco decoration originally. A little
farther along the road, on the left, is a broad restored stairway that leads
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The Labyrinth, or Satunsat, west side, Oxkintok. Early and Late Classic periods.
to the upper Northwest Plaza of the Dzib Group, which you will see later on your tour
of the site.
From here follow the road to its western end, where you will see some remains of
more modern ruinsthose of an abondoned hacienda. You can turn around here and
return to the cutoff for the North Plaza, turn right and drive in part way, and then
continue on foot on a clear trail.
Three groups of structures surround the North Plaza, which were given names during
the most recent work at the site. They are the Dzib Group, May Group, and Ah Canul
Group, and you will come to the Dzib Group first. This group is composed of four
plazas, and some of the structures around them have been excavated and consolidated.
On the east side of the Northeast Plaza is a rather low spiral structure believed to be a
steam bath (DZ-12). If you climb the structure, you can easily see its spiral design.
There is a stairway abutting the west side of the structure that descends to the plaza.
On the south side of the plaza is a broad stairway with glyph-carved risers in the
center of the lower steps. To the right and on a higher level is a consolidated structure
(DZ-15) with an interesting molding, and behind is Structure DZ-8, but they are best
reached from the south, later in your tour. At the northwest corner of the plaza is a
small consolidated ball court (DZ-10). You now leave the Dzib Group, follow the trail,
and take a right branch that goes to the Labyrinth, or Satunsat ("Lost and Lost").
This rather large structure has three levels and has been completely cleared and
consolidated. The top level is partly fallen, and the two lower levels are buried within
the bulk of the building. Both these levels contain a maze of long, narrow roomsno
wider than the walls that separate themwith interior stairways connecting the two
levels. The vaults in the rooms are stepped, and the structure was remodeled in
ancient times. Part of the Labyrinth is Early Oxkintok style (A.D. 550-610), and some
additions and remodeling were undertaken at the end of the Classic period, hundreds
of years later. The only other known example of this type of building is Structure 19 at
Yaxchilán, also called the Labyrinth. There are small openings in the interior and
exterior walls that
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East side of Structure MA-1 (formerly Structure 3B2), Oxkintok. Classic period.
act as ventilators and afford a little light. Access to the interior rooms is from a
doorway on the first level, on the west side of the structure. If you plan to take a look,
have a flashlight with fresh batteries. If you want a full tour of the inside, it would be
best to have a guide (see "Getting There").
During excavation two burials were found in the Labyrinth, one containing four
vases, jade earplugs, fragments of a jade mask, and items of shell and stone. One
green stone plaque had a glyphic inscription. This burialbelieved to be secondaryhas
been provisionally dated to the Middle Classic period. Indications are that the second
burial was several centuries later.
From the west side of the Labyrinth a path leads north and goes uphill to Structures
DZ-8 and 15, mentioned before. Structure DZ-8 has a broad stairway on the west that
descends to the Northwest Plaza of the Dzib Group. There is a projection on the upper
part of the stairway, and there are the lower walls of rooms on top. Abutting the
structure on the east side, at a slightly lower level, is Structure DZ-15. The roof is
gone, but the lower walls of two rooms and the northeast corner of the structure are
standing. There is a simple rectangular base, above which is the rounded comer of the
wall, and above this a two-member molding, both parts of which are carved. There is
a low stairway on the east side, and on the ground in front is a row of carved
architectural decorations that were once part of the structure; still others lie about.
When you climb back to the trail, you can see another broad, low stairway to the
north, on the east side of the Northwest Plaza, and, on the north side of the plaza, the
lower remains of walls of a small structure. Below this is the stairway that leads from
the plaza to ground level and the road.
About 40 yards to the southeast of the
Page 81
Labyrinth is the May Group, a large platform that has a monumental north stairway
and that supports several buildings. The dominant feature is the centrally located, tall
pyramid with remains of a temple on top (Structure MA-1, formerly 3B2). The
structure has been cleared and consolidated and has a stairway on the north side.
During excavation, rooms were discovered on two levels on each side of the lower
part of the stairway, and this work shows that the structure was built in several phases.
Remains of some of these phases can be seen on the east and west sides. The temple
atop the pyramid is dated to the Middle Classic period, but the dating of the
substructure awaits further study. The structure was probably abandoned before the
Late Postclassic period.
During excavation a tunnel was cut into the base of the pyramid through the north
stairway, and a rich offering of jade objects was discovered. This ritual deposit
included an earplug, a tubular bead, and fragments of a mask. Also included were a
shell carving of a crocodile and manta ray spines (now believed by some authorities to
have been used in bloodletting rites).
The trail that passes the base of the platform of the May Group continues to the east to
the Ah Canul Group, where there are several structures of interest. You first pass
Structure CA-5, a range structure with remains of lower walls. Abutting this structure
on the east, setback a few feet, is Structure CA-6, another range structure, but one that
is larger and better preserved. The westernmost part of the building is intact, including
its doorway. Enter the doorway and go to another in the medial wall for a look at the
lintel that dates to A.D. 475 (carved on the underside).
Exit this room the way you entered and proceed to the east end of Structure CA-6.
There is a transverse room on this end of the building, with part of a stepped vault
remaining; a lintel that spans a doorway inside the room is also carved on the
Carved column in the Ah Canul Group, Oxkintok. Late
or Terminal Classic period.
To the east of Structure CA-6 is a plaza, with Structure CA-7 bordering the east side.
Structure CA-7 is Puuc style and dates to the Late or Terminal Classic period. It is
composed of a double range of rooms with two transverse rooms on each end. On the
west side was a portico or gallery originally, with a roof supported in part by four
columns carved with figures, two of which remain.
Page 82
The roof of the portico is gone, while some of the structure behind it is intact and has
been consolidated. On the north end part of the front wall of the portico has some
remains of decorations; there are plain columns with banded colonnettes as a base and
a dentate design that runs vertically between sections of plain stones.
At the south end of Structure CA-7 is the small and greatly ruined Structure CA-8,
with a carved column standing in front. From here, cross the plaza to its northwest
comer (where you entered) and follow the trail heading north. You next come to
Structure CA-4, to the right of the trail. This is a partly consolidated pyramid that rises
in tiers and has a western stair. On both sides of the base of the stairway are the
remains of small structures.
A short distance to the northwest is Structure CA-3, which has been consolidated. The
structure was built in an early style, and it was chosen for study because previously a
lintel carved with an Initial Series date, equivalent to A.D. 487, had been found nearby.
During excavation a burial was found (believed to be secondary), and grave goods
included remains of a jade mosaic mask. The only ceramic vessel in the burial was a
Petén type, which dates the burial to between the Early and Middle Classic periods.
Recent History
In 1841 John Lloyd Stephens decided to visit the Cave of Maxcanú, which he had
heard was a subterranean construction, with a "marvelous and mystical reputation" in
the region. He further said, "The universal belief was, that it contained passages
without number and without end." What he was taken to was the Labyrinth of
Oxkintok. Until his visit it was believed that this was a natural hill, but his exploration
proved that it was a man-made structure, and he described its passages in 1843. He
climbed to the top of outside of the structure after visiting its interior and from there
saw other mounds, two of which he also climbed, and one of which had remains of
standing vaults.
While studying caves in Yucatán in 1895, Henry C. Mercer also explored the
Labyrinth. The following year he published plans of the first two levels, a section of
the structure, and a description of the building.
Edwin M. Shook explored Oxkintok and published a description and a plan of the site
in 1940. George W. Brainerd dug several trenches at Oxkintok to recover ceramic
samples in 1940, and his results, published in 1958, show the presence of typical Puuc
ceramics of Late Classic (or Terminal Classic) date, as well as some that dated to the
Early Classic period. A study of the relationships of the various structures at Oxkintok
was published by George F. Andrews in 1975. In 1980 H. E. D. Pollock published
details of the standing architecture at the site, and he included additions to Shook's
The first extensive excavation at Oxkintok was begun in 1986 by the Spanish
Archaeological Mission in Hispanic-America, under the direction of Miguel Rivera
Dorado. The mission also help fund the consolidation of some of the structures,
carried out by the Salvage Brigade of the Yucatán Regional Center of INAH, under the
direction of Velázquez Valadéz. The Spanish Mission's project, which continued
through the 1991 season, resulted in a new and more detailed map of the site, a study
of the peripheral area around the site core, and the discovery of two carved stelae, as
well as the work mentioned above.
Some of the material from the site is now displayed on the second floor of the Mérida
Uxmal to Oxkintok: 26.7 miles by paved road (:38), then 0.5 mile by rock road (:02).
Getting There
From Uxmal head north on Highway 261 to Muna and turn left at the sign for
Opichén. This paved road is very narrow, but there are wide spots along the way so
that oncoming vehicles can pass each other. Go to and through Opichén, and on to
Calcehtok. In the center of Calcehtok there is a sign on the left for Oxkintok. If you
want a guide for the site who can give you a tour of the Labyrinth,
Page 83
this is where to find him. His name is Roger Cuy, long-time caretaker of Oxkintok,
and he lives in the house on the southwest corner of the junction for the road to
Oxkintok. Turn left at the junction and go 0.8 mile to another junction on the right.
Turn right and proceed to the site, 2.3 miles ahead. The first 1.8 miles of this stretch
are paved, the remaining 0.5 mile to the cutoff to the North Plaza is rock.
There is no food or drink at the site; at the least, have cold drinks along and wear a
sun hat. Having your own vehicle is the only recommended way to reach the site.
Allow 2 hours to see the cleared structures described above. If you have Roger along
and want a complete tour of the Labyrinth, add 30 minutes more.
Also of interest in the area are the Grutas ("Caves") of Calcehtok. When you leave
Oxkintok and get to the junction for the road to Calcehtok, turn right for 0.9 mile to
reach them. Roger can also give you a tour of the caves.
Uxmal and Uxmal Museum
(Oosh-mahl; Derivation: Often Given As the Maya "Oxmal," Meaning "Thrice Built,"
Sometimes "Three Times" Or "Three Passed. "Ralph L. Roys Found These
Derivations Unconvincing. Uxmal Is, Nevertheless, a Very Old Place Name.)
West-central Yucatán.
Map: 2 (p. 77)

The Site
Uxmal is a truly beautiful site with an abundance of architecture, though it is more
compact than Chichén Itzá. It measures over 0.5 mile from north to south and 700
yards from east to west, with a few buildings scattered outside the main area, mainly
lying to the south. A wall surrounds the main part of the site, and some of its east
section was traced by John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood in 1841. Its
location is shown on a site plan published by Stephens in 1843, and it is reported that
in recent years the remainder of the wall was traced. Nevertheless, this wall is not
apparent to visitors today.
The architecture at Uxmal dates to the Late and Terminal Classic periods and is typical
Puuc style (except for a few Mexican motifs and three structures in Chenes style).
The latest recorded date at the site is A.D. 907, and all the stelae at Uxmal date to the end
of the Late Classic and Terminal Classic periods. Some authorities believe Uxmal and
other Puuc sites were abandoned around 925-975, while others believe Uxmal was
occupied for another hundred years or more. It is known from ceramic evidence that
the site was occupied from the Preclassic period.
When visiting Uxmal, some backtracking is necessary to reach the outlying groups.
The following sequence is one of several possibilities. Signs in Spanish near the major
structures give information about them, with condensed versions in English and
French. Other signs point the way to trails that lead to the various groups of buildings.
The first major structure near the entrance to the site is the monumental E1 Adivino
(also called the Temple, Pyramid, or House of the Magician, Soothsayer, or Dwarf).
The base is often referred to as oval or eliptical, but since its east and west faces are
on a straight line, perhaps it is better described as a rectangle with severely rounded
E1 Adivino was built during five separate construction periods. The top structure,
Temple V, is of course the latest, and it brings the building to its final height of
approximately 100 feet. The earliest, Temple I, is beneath the lower portion of the
stairway of
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El Adivino, from the southwest, Uxmal. Terminal Classic period.

the west face, and it was almost totally covered by later construction. Its rooms were
filled with rubble beforehand, but portions of two well-preserved Chac masks were
visible over the central doorway until fairly recently. Because of the drenching rains
spawned by Hurricane Gilbert in 1988, the passageway that led to Temple I had to be
blocked off to assure preservation of E1 Adivino.
Temple II is no longer visible from the outside of the pyramid but may be reached by
climbing the east stairway and entering a chamber made during excavation. This
temple has only been partly excavated, but its central chamber is supported by
columns, and it is topped by a roof comb that is visible in a trench in the floor of
Temple V above.
Temple III (no longer visible) was attached to the west side of Temple II. Later,
Temple IV was added on in the same direction. Temple IV is visible from the outside
of the pyramid on the west side. This temple has a monster-mouth mask forming its
doorway and is referred to as the Chenes temple for that reason. Nevertheless, H. E.
D. Pollock considers Temple IV a Puuc copy of a Chenes facade. Certainly the crisp
quality of the stonework would seem to substantiate this view. When the crowning
Temple V was constructed, it effectively buried the earlier Temples II and III, as well
as the rear and part of the sides of Temple IV. Temple I was probably built around A.D.
800, and Temple V about 950-1000. The Magician or Dwarf who gave his name to this
structure is a character in Maya folklore.
If you decide to climb E1 Adivino, you might want to go up one side and down the
other. There are interesting Chac masks flanking the west stairway up to the level of
Temple IV.
West of El Adivino is another of Uxmal's more impressive structures: the Nunnery
Quadrangle, or Casa de las Monjas. This is actually a complex of buildings
surrounding a large, roughly rectangular courtyard or
Page 86

The Nunnery Quadrangle, looking west from El Adivino, Uxmal. Late and Terminal Classic
plaza. The individual buildings are labeled the North Building, the East Building, and
so forth, and they rest on platforms that rise above the plaza level. In addition, two
smaller structures at plaza level flank a broad stairway that leads to a terrace fronting
the North Building. Stela 17 is at the base of the stairway. The plaza-level structure on
the west is called the Temple of Venus because of designs on its upper facade, and the
smaller structure on the east is Building Y.
A painted capstone was found in Building Y, and the inscription on it includes a
probable date of A.D. 907 and the name of Lord Chac, one of Uxmal's rulers. It is
believed that several structures at the site were begun or completed during Lord
Chac's reign, including the Nunnery Quadrangle, the Ball Court, and possibly the
Governor's Palace. This ruler is also named and portrayed on Stela 14 and is possibly
mentioned on the Ball Court rings.
The entrance to the Nunnery Quadrangle is through a large corbeled, portal vault in
the center of the South Building. There are remains of red handprints in the top of the
vault. It is also possible to enter the quadrangle from any of its four corners, as the
buildings do not join each other.
There is an inner structure in the North Building, which, along with the South
Building, was constructed first, then the East and West buildings. The Temple of
Venus and Building Y were added later, and the facade of the North Building was
refurbished. All the structures and additions were erected during the late part of the
Late Classic and the Terminal Classic periods.
Each of the buildings of the Nunnery Quadrangle has its own individual decorations,
which are fantastic in their variety and quantity. This is a great place to take detail
photographs with a telephoto lens. Some of the decorations on the West Building
show motifs that are considered to be Mexican, such as the feathered serpents. A
recent suggestion by Jeff Karl Kowalski is that '''Toltec' traits which appeared during
the Terminal Classic may have been introduced by Maya groups such as the Chontal-
speaking Itzá, rather than by central Mexicans."
In the late 1980s the South Stairway of the Nunnery Quadrangle was consolidated, as
was the north side of the Great Platform
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Detail of decoration on the North Building of the Nunnery Quadrangle, showing hut-type
niches, Uxmal. Terminal Classic period.
that supports the Governor's Palace and the House of the Turtles.
A path heading south from the Nunnery Quadrangle goes between the two sides of a
small ball court. A copy of one of the stone rings, carved with glyphs, is in place on
the east side of the western section of the court. The Ball Court is believed to date to
around A.D. 905.
The Cemetery Group lies to the west-northwest of the ball court, and there are trails
leading to it. This group has several structures surrounding a square plaza, but most
are poorly preserved. The most interesting is the central building on the west side,
which has been restored. It is a simple, relatively early temple supported by a
moderately high pyramidal base. The temple has remains of a roof comb.
In the plaza below are four small platforms decorated with skull-and-crossbones
motifs, giving the group its name. These skull racks (tzompantlis) are another
Mexican trait. Hieroglyphs form the top border on the platforms.
From the Cemetery Group, another trail (sometimes overgrown) goes to the Platform
of the Stelae. You should have a guide to reach it. The sixteen stelae originally found
scattered around the platform were placed on their sides by Sylvanus G. Morley to
facilitate their study. Two of the stelae have been removed, restored, and placed on
view in the Uxmal Museum.
The stelae remaining on the platform are mostly broken, eroded, and covered with
lichen. Some of the stelae show certain central Mexican traits.
From the Platform of the Stelae you can see the remains of the North Group 200 yards
to the northeast. If you wish to see this group, you should have a guide. The North
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The Ball Court with the Nunnery Quadrangle in the background, Uxmal. Terminal Classic

The partly restored west building of the Cemetery Group, Uxmal. Late Classic period.
Page 89

Skull-and-crossbones motif decorating the sides of a platform in the plaza of the Cemetery
Group, Uxmal. Terminal Classic period.
Group has not been restored, but there are remains of several structures, including one
in Chenes style and a portal vault. You can get photos of some of the structures from
the Platform of the Stelae and other views from the highway, near the entrance to
Hacienda Uxmal.
From here you must retrace your steps almost to the Ball Court, where a path
branches south to the Great Pyramid and the Dove-Cotes Building.
The Great Pyramid has had its north stairway and temple restored, and it gleams a
brilliant white against the green vegetation. It is an easy climb to the top which is a
great vantage point for viewing and photographing the rest of the site. This spot is
especially good for telephoto shots of the restored structure on the west side of the
Cemetery Group, which rises above the vegetation.
The huge step mask on the interior of the temple is most impressive, as are the Chac
masks on the exterior corners. Generally overlooked in the profusion of decorations
are some smaller heads that appear to be depictions of the sun god. They are frontal
views, framed by what seem to be profile bird heads, and located on the corners just
below the snouts of the rain god. Do not miss them.
Adjacent to the west of the Great Pyramid is the Dove-Cotes Building (Casa de las
Palomas). It is part of a complex that was originally similar to the Nunnery
Quadrangle, but it is not as well preserved. The main feature is the stepped roof
comb, which is in excellent condition. Its fancied similarity to dove-cotes gives the
building its name.
South of the Dove-Cotes Building is a large unrestored (but cleared) mound called the
South Temple. You can get a good view of
Page 90

The Great Pyramid (left), the Dove-Cotes Building (right), and the remains of the
South Temple (right background), from the northwest, Uxmal. Terminal Classic period.

Chac step mask in the temple atop the Great Pyramid, Uxmal. Terminal Classic period.
it from the portal vault entrance of the Dove-Cotes Building, or you can follow the
trail from the portal to the South Temple itself.
From the Great Pyramid you can follow the back of the Governor's Palace along its
terrace (heading northeast) to the Chenes Temples that lie on the west edge of the
terrace. They were mostly covered by the later construction of the terrace but are
worth a look. On one there are remains of a Chenesstyle monster-mouth mask, and it
is possible that originally the other temple displayed the same motif.
Continue along the terrace to the House of the Turtles. This small but nicely
proportioned structure of typical Puuc style has been restored and gets its name from
representations of turtles that adorn its cornice molding. That and a continuous row of
plain columns in the upper wall zone and simple medial and cornice moldings are the
only decorations on the temple. Its sobriety is an
Page 91
interesting contrast to the more elaborate decorations on the other structures at Uxmal.
From the House of the Turtles walk around to the front of the Governor's Palaceone
of the real gems of Maya architecture. This exquisite structure lies atop a platform that
was built upon a natural elevation. A broad stairway leads to the palace. The structure
was built originally as three separate unitsa long central building flanked by a smaller
building on either endand the three were joined by two roofed passages with a high
vault. At a later date, the passages were blocked up with cross walls, and small rooms
with columned porticoes were built on each side. Motifs on the upper facade of the
Governor's Palace are corner Chac masks, stepped-fret and latticelike designs, and
three-dimensional human figures with elaborate headdresses; together they form a
harmonious whole.
Kowalski, who studied the Governor's Palace in great detail, suggests a date of around
A.D. 900-915 for its construction, while George F. Andrews dates it to 1000-1050 on the

basis of its architectural style. In any case, it is one of the last structures completed at
Uxmal; a couple of others were begun but never finished.
Two small platforms lie on the terrace in front of the Governor's Palace. One supports
a cylindrical column, and the other a sculpture of a bicephalic jaguar that was used as
a throne. From this spot (or farther back on the terrace) you can get a good
photograph of the Governor's Palace with a wideangle lens. It is a very long
building322 feetand the front catches the morning light, which best brings out the
To get to the next area of interest, you have to get off the platform that supports the
Governor's Palace; there is a path with steps going down on the north side near the
east end of the platform. Follow the trail heading south after you get off the platform
and go past its base. Later, take a left branch to the House of the Old Woman. The Old
Woman for whom this structure is named is the mother of the Dwarf (already
mentioned) in Maya folklore.
Chac masks on the northwest corner of the temple
atop the Great Pyramid, Uxmal. Small, humanized faces
of the sun god are just below the snouts of the Chac
masks. Terminal Classic period.
There is a two-room, partly standing structure near the base of a large mound. The
standing structure is earlier, and it was partly covered and incorporated into the later
construction of a pyramidal type. The small lower structure has a roof comb with
rectangular slots and some tenons that supported sculpture at one time.
The path that takes you to the House of the Old Woman continues south for about 0.3
mile to the Temple of the Phalli, but you should have a guide to get there. This small,
Page 92

The Dove-Cotes Building as seen from the Great Pyramid, Uxmal. Note the remains of
vaulted rooms. Late or Terminal Classic period.
poorly preserved structure has a sculpture in the form of a phallus that protrudes from
the upper part of the building and that served as a drain for water collecting on the
roof. It is believed that originally there were more of these drains and that they were
nonerotic in nature. It is thought that they were symbolic of fertility of the soil.
From here retrace your steps back to E1 Adivino and to the exit of the site.
Note: A greatly fallen freestanding arch has been reported at Uxmal and is shown on
some site plans. It marked the beginning of a sacbé that extended to Kabáh, and it is
reported to be very similar to the portal vault at that site. The location of the Uxmal
arch, however, is unknown today.
Recent History
Uxmal is one of the few sites on the Yucatán Peninsula whose existence was never lost
to human knowledge. It is mentioned in early colonial documents and is shown on a
map dating to only fifteen years after the Spanish conquest. According to a
genealogical tree, a member of the Xiu family founded Uxmal. Legend relates that
Uxmal was one of three centers forming the League of Mayapán (the others were
Mayapán and Chichén Itzá). This is not supported by the archaeological evidence,
which indicates that Uxmal was virtually abandoned long before the founding of
Mayapán. It is possible that Uxmal was reoccupied by the Xiu dynasty many years
after its original near-abandonment, which would account for its late date in the native
chronicles. Some of the names for the struc-
Page 93

The House of the Turtles, south side, Uxmal. Late Classic period.

The Governor's Palace, east side, Uxmal. Terminal Classic period.

Page 94
tures used today were given them by the early Spanish conquerors.
Jean Frédéric Waldeck visited Uxmal for eight days, and he published his information
and some fanciful drawings in 1838 in Paris. Waldeck knew of the site from a brief
mention of it in an atlas of the two Americas by Alexandre Buchon. Waldeck's volume
came to the attention of Stephens, but he and later investigators were unable to find
some of the things reported by Waldeck.
Stephens and Catherwood visited Uxmal briefly in 1840, at the end of their first trip to
Central America and Yucatán, and returned at the end of the following year for a more
thorough investigation. Stephens's measurements and Catherwood's illustrations are
much more accurate than the information published by Waldeck.
At the end of the nineteenth century, Uxmal was studied by Augustus Le Plongeon and
Edward H. Thompson, and Eduard Seler reported on the site in 1913 and 1917. The
first systematic modern exploration of Uxmal was undertaken by Frans Blom in 1929
for Tulane University. A site plan was one of the results of his research.
In 1941 Morley studied the stelae at the site, under the auspices of the Carnegie
Institution of Washington.
Since 1938 Mexico's INAH has been in charge of the almost continuous restoration at
Uxmal. Directors of the INAH work were José Erosa Peniche, Alberto Ruz Lhuillier,
and César Sáenz for the earlier years, and more recently Alfredo Barrera Rubio,
Tomás Gallareta Negrón, and others.
The area of Uxmal is the point of reference for the site. From Mérida (the next nearest
point of reference) to Uxmal: 48.7 miles by paved road (1:11).
Getting There
From Mérida take Highway 180-261 heading southwest to Umán. In Umán the two
highways diverge. Follow the signs for "Ruinas," which is Highway 261 to Uxmal.
The "Ruta Corta" signs indicate Highway 180 to Campeche.
Uxmal can be reached by private car, taxi, bus, or on conducted tours from Mérida,
and there is a large parking area near the entrance to the site. A nearby service
building houses the Uxmal Museum, a restaurant, artisans shop, book store, rest
rooms, and the ticket officeall surrounding a patio.
Note: There is an extra charge to bring a video camera or a tripod into the site.
The major areas of Uxmal are kept cleared, so wear a sun hat, and if you plan to visit
some of the outlying groups (those for which you need a guide), wear a long-sleeved
shirt. Bring lots of film, and allow a full day to see everything; a day and a half is
Bilingual guides are available, and although you can see the major, cleared structures
on your own, you should hire a guide to reach the outlying groups as mentioned
In the evening a light-and-sound pageant is presented that lasts about 45 minutes. You
can buy tickets at your hotel at Uxmal or make arrangements in Mérida for a bus trip
that returns after the pageant. You can also buy tickets at the site itself. The schedule
includes a 7:00 P.M . presentation in Spanish and a 9:00 P.M . English version, but verify
the times. Chairs are provided, and cameras are allowed. Try fast color film (daylight
or tungsten), and use the recommended exposure for floodlighted buildings or one
stop less exposure. There is not enough light for direct metering with most light
meters, and you are too far away from the structures for flash to be useful. Use your
fastest normal lens, set on infinity, and open it up all the way. Improvise some sort of
support (with your foot propped up on your chair, your knee will serve the purpose,
or use another chair if one is available). Be ready to shoot because the lighting
changes rapidly. With luck, you may get a few good photos.
Page 95

Mask of Tlaloc from El Adivino. Late Classic period.

Uxmal Museum.
Uxmal Museum
The Uxmal Museum is at the entrance to the site in a building complex inagurated in
1985. Photography is permitted, but the use of flash is not.
A site plan of Uxmal, at the entrance to the museum, shows the placement of the
major structures and the wall that encircles the main part of the site.
Inside the museum are four carved stone heads representing Tlaloc, the central
Mexican rain god, that came from the lower west side (Temple 1) of E1 Advino.
An interesting set of stone panels, carved with hieroglyphs, comes from E1 Chimez, a
structure that lies to the south of the main part of the site, outside the surrounding
wall. Dates recorded in the inscription refer to the ninth and tenth centuries A.D.
There are two restored stelae on display as well as a phallic stone and one of the
carved stone turtles from the House of the Turtles. There are also architectural
sculptures, ceramic displays, and informative charts. The collection is nicely arranged
and labeled.
Outside of the museum, along a wall facing the patio, is a collection of carved stones
from the site. Though they are unlabeled, they are worth a look. You can see the
museum and the outside display in half an hour.
Page 96

(noh-paht; derivation: Maya for ''large dogfish" or possibly "big lump of clay." Noh
means "large," and Pat is also an Indian surname.)
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2A (p. 97)

The Site
Nohpat is a very large site, about the size of Kabáh; unfortunately, it is greatly ruined,
as it was in 1842 when John Lloyd Stephens first saw it. The site has been looted and
stonerobbed for many years, which has contributed to its deterioration.
Undoubtedly, Nohpat was an extremely important place in ancient times. This can be
deduced from the abundance of architectural remains and from the fact that it is on a
sacbé that connects Uxmal and Kabáh.
In visiting the site, you will have to depend on your guide to show you around the
more interesting spots. In the area now called Group II, we saw what we took to be
two large structures. There may have been more, but the site is so overgrown and
fallen that it is difficult to say. We saw remains of some standing vaults, and this may
have been part of Structure 4 or 5.
Later we saw the two-story Structure 1, where there were some remains of medial and
cornice moldings on the east facade of the upper level. In another area of this
structure, one of the rooms has an intact vault and standing jambstones at the
doorway, but the lintel is no longer in place, and other parts of the front wall have
collapsed. Nearby are the remains of an understair half vault. Structure 1 is Classic
Puuc style (A.D. 770-1000).
Getting around Group II at Nohpat is really a bit dangerous. There is loose rubble
everywhere, and the ledges around the structures are narrow to nonexistent. It is also a
long, rocky way down if you should fall. Exercise extreme caution.
From the upper level of Structure 1 of Group II, you can see the Nohoch Mul ("Great
Mound") of Group I in the distance. Group I of Nohpat lies to the northwest of Group
II, and the Nohoch Mul, also called Structure 1 of Group I, is the largest construction
at the site. This pyramid-temple was described by Stephens as being" 150 feet high on
the slope, and about 250 feet long at the base."
You can climb the pyramid from the south side, over huge stones that formed a
stairway. Other megalithic-style stonework is employed on the terraces around the
structure. Only a few stones remain of the summit temple atop the pyramid, but it is
probably Early Puuc style (A.D. 670-770), according to Nicholas Dunning. The footing
on the way up the Nohoch Mul is fairly good, but the climb is steep.
From the top of the Nohoch Mul, you can see Uxmal to the northwest, Santa Elena to
the east, and Kabáh to the southeast.
At the south side of the Nohoch Mul, there are the scattered remains of some carved
but eroded stones. We saw one stone that our guide thought may have been carved,
but we did not see the others that are reported.
There has been no consolidation or restoration at Nohpat.
Recent History
Stephens reported Nohpat in 1843, and four illustrations of the site, produced by
Frederick Catherwood, were included. One is a sketch of the Nohoch Mul, and the
others show carved stone monuments. One of the monuments, now called
Miscellaneous Stone 4, was found in two parts, a head and a body. Stephens had his
helpers put the head back on top of the body, and according to Dunning, they remain
that way today.
There were a couple of other early visi-
Page 97

Area near Santa Elena

Page 98

Structure I of Group II, east facade of the second level, Nohpat. Late or Terminal Classic
tors to Nohpat, and in 1845 one anonymous writer described a sacbé that connected
Nohpat to Uxmal and Kabáh.
The site is mentioned in several publications over the years, and in 1936 H. E. D.
Pollock studied the sacbé during his brief visit to Nohpat. His workers traced the
sacbé to within 1 kilometer of Uxmal (to the small site of Cetulix, an outlying group
of Uxmal), where they lost it in a swampy area. The sacbé runs just west of the
Nohoch Mul at Nohpat. Pollock's work was published in 1980.
In 1987 Dunning did a sketch map of Nohpat, and in 1988 members of the Sayil
Archaeological Project visited the site, and several changes in the map were made as a
result. In 1990 Ramón Carrasco Vargas mapped much of the site in detail.
Uxmal to Santa Elena: 7.9 miles by paved road (:09).
From the junction of the northernmost entrance to Santa Elena and Highway 261: 1.6
miles by paved road (:03), then 2.6 miles by fair rock and dirt road (:39) to Group II
at Nohpat. From there, 0.4 miles by dirt road (:08) to the Nohoch Mul, then 0.1 mile
more by dirt road (:04) to the area with the carved stones.
Total from Uxmal to Santa Elena and then to Nohpat (both groups): 12.6 miles (1:03).
Total from Uxmal to Nohpat (direct): 9.4 miles (:57).
Getting There
Guide: Emilio Santos Carnal, in Santa Elena.
From Uxmal head southeast on High-
Page 99
way 261 to Santa Elena, then return to the cutoff for Nohpat. Turn left and after 2.3
miles take a left branch to reach Group II. After you visit this area, drive back 0.3 mile
and take the left fork to the Nohoch Mul. Then go straight ahead to the area with the
carved stones. When you are ready to return, you may have to cut back some
vegetation to be able to turn your vehicle around.
To reach Nohpat directly from Uxmal, head southeast on Highway 261 for 6.3 miles to
the cutoff for Nohpat, turn right, and follow the directions above.
Allow 2 hours to see Group II, 35 minutes for the Nohoch Mul, and 20 minutes to
walk to and see the stones. Wear boots, definitely.
Usually it will take 5 hours from the time you leave Santa Elena until you return. This
includes time for a couple of breaks to have cold drinks that you have brought along.
A high-clearance vehicle is recommended to reach Nohpat. If it has been wet, the dirt
part of the road will be slippery, and a vehicle with four-wheel drive would make the
ride more comfortable, though this is not mandatory.
Buses go to Santa Elena.
(mool-cheek; derivation: possibly "Mound Coati" in Maya. Mul means "mound,"
and Chiic is the name for coati mundi.)
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2A (p. 97)

The Site
Mul-Chic is a small site that was discovered in the 1960s. Some excavation and
restoration were undertaken, and the site was cleared; unfortunately, it has become
overgrown once again. The restored architectural remains face three sides of a small
plaza. Some remnants of steps can be seen on the fourth side, but they are unrestored.
The largest and most interesting structure at Mul-Chic is a six-tiered pyramid with a
stairway facing the plaza. The pyramid was built on top of an earlier structurea one-
room temple with a vaulted roof and a perforated and decorated roof comb. The roof
comb rises from the front of the temple over the single doorway as a flying facade.
Some of its stucco decorations may still be seen. The temple was built on the level of
the plaza. A simple medial molding forms a border around the building and rises to
clear the doorway; this structure is Early Puuc style (A.D. 670-770).
Originally murals inside the room depicted scenes of warfare, but they have been
removed. One wall of the murals can be seen in the Mérida Museum. During
restoration of the structure a skylight was installed to illuminate the interior.
Although building over earlier construction was a common practice in the Maya area,
here at Mul-Chic it seems a bit unusual in that the earlier structure was a totally
different type from the latter.
The remaining architecture on the other two sides of the plaza are, for the most part,
the lower walls of small buildings, with some columns in the doorways. One structure
has what appears to be a small altar set into the rear wall.
These remains date to a later period than the inner structure with the roof comb.
Recent History
Work at Mul-Chic was undertaken by Mexican archaeologist Román Piña Chan, who
reported his findings in Mexico in the early 1960s. George F. Andrews studied the
Page 100

Principal structure, the tiered pyramid, Mul-Chic. Late or Terminal Classic period. Note part
of the roof comb of the inner structure at upper right.
architecture at the site in the 1980s, and reports were published in 1985 and 1986.
Uxmal to Santa Elena: 7.9 miles by paved road (:09).
From the junction of the northernmost entrance to Santa Elena and Highway 261: 0.3
mile by paved road (:01), then 1.0 mile by rough dirt road (: 18).
Total from Uxmal to Santa Elena, and then to Mul-Chic: 9.2 miles (:28).
Total from Uxmal to Mul-Chic (direct): 8.6 miles (:26).
Getting There
In 19821 wrote that visitors could get to Mul-Chic without a guide. Since then the site
has become very overgrown, and you will need a guide to clear it. This accounts for
Mul-Chic's rating of one star instead of its original two stars.
Guide: Emilio Santos Camal, in Santa Elena.
From Santa Elena take Highway 261 heading northwest to the cutoff for Mul-Chic,
turn left and proceed to the site.
From Uxmal head southeast on Highway 261 to the cutoff for Mul-Chic, turn right and
go on to the site.
Note: Emilio may know another way to Mul-Chic, directly from Santa Elena. If he
suggests this route, follow his advice.
A wide-angle lens is useful to get shots of the temple with the roof comb while
standing on the pyramidal building that encases it.
A high-clearance vehicle is recommended. Allow 30 minutes to visit Mul-Chic once
your guide has cleared some of the veg-
Page 101

Detail of the roof comb of the inner structure, Mul-Chic. Late Classic period.
etation. The clearing will take longer than visiting.
If the road to Mul-Chic is very muddy, you can walk in almost as fast as you can
drive. If you walk, wear boots and carry a canteen of water.
Buses go to Santa Elena.
(sahk-beh shash-cheh; derivation: Sacbé is Maya for "white road "; Xhaxche, the
name of a nearby savanna)
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2A (p. 97)

The Site
Sacbé is a real charmer. It has an interesting history, and it is not too difficult to reach.
The main feature here is Structure 1 of
Page 102

Structure 1 of Group A, Sacbé. View of the center and west doorways of the south facade.
Terminal Classic period.
Group A, a three-room building that faces south. The east room has fallen, but the
center and west rooms are well preserved. The lower walls of the structure are plain,
and this contrasts nicely with the highly decorated upper wall zones and medial
molding. The decorations above the center room are largely intact; those over the west
room have fallen.
There are two stacked, mosaic-style Chac masks above the doorway of the center
room, and the lower one has an intact, curled snout. The masks rest upon the
rectangular lower course of the medial molding. The middle member of the molding
has four rather unusual banded colonnettesof somewhat spherical shapeon each side
of the lower mask. Beyond these, on either side, are geometrical stones that form a
stepped-fret design, and beyond that, more of the spherical colonnettes. The top
course of the medial molding is rectangular.
Above this molding, on either side of the masks, are plain areas interrupted by a
diagonal row of projecting square stones engraved with an X-shaped design. To the
left and right of these are large squared spirals, in the background of which are short
Only the lower course of the cornice molding remains, and that is rectangular.
Originally it was topped by a continuous row of colonnettes, as depicted by Frederick
Catherwood and published by John Lloyd Stephens in 1843. This illustration also
shows that there were two stacked Chac masks on the southwest corner of Structure
1, and two above the doorway to the west room. These have fallen, and parts of a
couple of snouts are found inside one of the intact rooms. Structure 1 is Classic Puuc
Mosaic style (A.D. 830-1000).
Structure 2, about 40 feet to the south-
Page 103

Detail of stacked mask panels above the center doorway of Structure 1 of Group A, Sacbé.
Terminal Classic period.
east, is a partly standing three-room Early Puuc-style building (A.D. 670-770). It also
faces south, and the larger center room originally had two columns in the doorway.
The one on the west is still in place, and it supports a lintel; the other column is buried
in debris. What remains of the back wall of Structure 2 has a simple rectangular
medial molding.
Structures 3 and 4 lie to the southwest of Structure 2 and are mostly fallen. There are
two chultunes, one near each of these structures.
There has been no consolidation or restoration at Sacbé.
Recent History
Stephens was the first to report Sacbé, and he described the two structures that are
now numbered I and 2. He commented that another (Structure 3 or 4) was so ruined
that "its plan could not be made out." He also reported seeing three ruined buildings
on the way to Sacbé.
What Stephens found to be "one of the most interesting monuments of antiquity in
Yucatán" was the sacbé that he saw near the site. He described it as a "roadway of
stone, about eight feet wide and eight or ten inches high." This sacbé, of course, is
what gives the site its name.
Stephens was told by the natives of the area that the sacbé ran from Kabáh to Uxmal,
as indeed it does, and he found this to be "the only instance in which we had found
among the Indians anything like a tradition." He wanted to trace the route of the
sacbé, but time and circumstances prevented this.
Teobert Maler visited Sacbé in the late 1800s. He called the site Xhaxche and
photographed Structure 1. His photograph was published in 1911 by Henry A. Case
and in 1926 by George O. Totten, and Structure 1 appears today almost exactly as
shown in the
Page 104
photograph. Maler's text is part of his Peninsula Yucatán, volume 1.
In a study of facade masks, Karin Hissink discussed the one on Structure 1 at Sacbé,
along with others, in a work published in 1934. Hissink worked from some of Maler's
In 1980 H. E. D. Pollock mentioned that Stephens and Maler had visited the site, and
he repeated some of Stephens's comments, but he added no new information. He
further stated where Maler's photograph had been published.
Sacbé is not included in the 1980 catalog of archaeological sites Atlas Arqueológico
del Estado de Yucatán, by Silvia Garza Tarazona de González and Edward Kurjack. In
the introduction to this work, the authors state that the location of Sacbé had not been
identified. Considering the rather vague directions given by Stephens and Maler,
which date back a hundred years and more, and the fact that some of the roads they
traveled have become overgrown, this is understandable.
On the basis of published illustrations, George F. Andrews classified Structure 1 as
Classic Puuc Mosaic style. In summary, of the various authors writing about Sacbé,
only Stephens and Maler actually visited the site. It is likely that from Maler's time on,
there were no non-Maya visitors until 1987, when Hanns J. Prem, Ursula Dykerhoff,
and Nicholas Dunning were taken to Sacbé by Emilio Santos Carnal.
Shortly thereafter, Dunning drew a site plan of Group A and reported that Group B,
about 500 yards to the north, is made up of three small fallen, vaulted buildings.
Perhaps they are the ones seen by Stephens on the way to Structure 1. Dunning calls
the site Sacbé-Xhaxche, combining the names used by Stephens and Maler.
In 1990 Ramón Carrasco Vargas of INAH followed and mapped sections of the sacbé
between Kabáh and Nohpat. He reports that there are settlement remains wherever
there is high ground along the way.
Uxmal to Sacbé: 12.9 miles by paved road (:15), 2.0 miles by fair dirt road (:12), 0.8
mile by overgrown dirt road (: 15), then a few hundred feet by foot trail (:05).
Total from Uxmal to Sacbé: 15.7 miles (:47).
Getting There
Guide: Emilio Santos Camal, in Santa Elena. Emilio knows Sacbé by the name
From Uxmal head southeast on Highway 261 to Santa Elena, then south to the cutoff
for Sacbé. Turn right onto the dirt road. Along this stretch you will cross the ancient
sacbé, but unless it is pointed out, you might think it is just another limestone outcrop.
Turn right at the overgrown dirt road, which is actually an old wagon road. Along this
section you will probably have to stop and cut back vegetation a few times, as this
part of the road is seldom used. Once the road is cleared, you should be able to drive
out in the time indicated.
Dunning reports that the sacbé is very distinct near where it is crossed by the old
wagon road. Because of the overgrown conditions of the road, I am afraid I missed it.
Park on the side of the road where your guide indicates, and walk straight ahead for a
short distance, then to the left. There is a slight climb to get to Group A. Your guide
will lead the way.
Allow 40 minutes to see the two structures once you get there. Wear boots, and have a
wide-angle lens for your camera.
A high-clearance vehicle is recommended to reach Sacbé.
Buses go to Santa Elena.
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(shkahm-pohn; derivation: Maya for "Yellow Copal")
West-central Yucatáin.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2A (p. 97)

The Site
There are two structures of interest at Xkampon, both are L-shaped, and both rest on
the same platform, where they almost form a quadrangle. Structure I is at the
southeast corner, and Structure 2 is at the northwest corner. The three corner rooms in
each structure are standing or partly standing; the remaining rooms have fallen.
When you reach the site, you come to Structure I first. It is a lovely and typical
example of Classic Puuc Colonnette style (A.D. 770-830). Most of the facing stone of
the lower walls has fallen, but it appears that this area was plain. Above, there is a
three-member medial molding with a zigzag-and-triangle decoration in the middle, and
rectangular stones above and below. Many of the zigzag, or comb, elements have
The upper wall zone is a continuous row of split columns, banded in the center.
Above this, only the lower course of the cor-
Inside corner of Structure 1, Xkampon. View from the northwest. Late Classic period.
Page 106
nice molding is in place, and it is rectangular. Whatever base molding exists is buried
in debris.
There are three standing doorways in Structure 1, and each is topped by a large stone
lintel. Part of the vault of Room 2, the corner room, is intact; it has a row of recessed
Of Room 3, to the north of Room 2, only the doorway and part of the upper wall zone
above it are standing. Room 1, to the west of Room 2, has fared a little better, but
even here the area west of the doorway has fallen.
Structure 2 lies about 20 yards to the northwest of Structure 1; it is more ruined and is
more buried in rubble than the former. It is also Classic Puuc Colonnette style and has
banded, split columns in the upper wall zone. Room 2 of Structure 2 is on the corner.
It is relatively small and mostly fallen. Its only entrance is on the inside from Room 1,
which abuts it on the south. Room 3, now also greatly fallen in front, is adjacent to the
east of Room 2.
One feature of Structure 2, not seen in Structure 1, is the use of ik- or T-shaped
stones, projecting down from the rectangular molding above the doorway to Room 1,
and above the banded columns on the front (south side) of Room 3.
The back vault of Room 1 has collapsed, but in the cross wall, above the lintel of the
doorway to Room 2, is a three-member molding with short colonnettes in the middle.
Above this is a plain section, and then a simple, two-member rectangular molding
near the top of the vault. What little remains of the top of the vault shows recessed
It is unusual to see this sort of decoration on the inside of a room, but there is a
similar case at Chunhuhub, at the north end of the northern longitudnal room of the
Main Palace.
There has been no consolidation or restoration at Xkampon.
Recent History
John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood visited Xkampon in 1842, and their
work was published the following year. Stephens, believing that what is described
above was one structure, said, ''Its form was rectangular, its four sides enclosing a
hollow square," and further, "Two angles only remain." One of these, now called
Structure 2, was illustrated.
A sketch plan of the site by Nicholas Dunning, drawn in 1987, shows that there are
actually two structures and that they do not connect on the northeast or southwest
corners as presumed by Stephens. Structure 2, already partly fallen in Stephens's time,
is now even more ruined.
Teobert Maler photographed Structure 1 in the late 1800s, and his photograph was
published by Henry A. Case in 1911 and again by George O. Totten in 1926. Maler's
photograph is part of his Peninsula Yucatán, volume 1.
In a 1980 publication H. E. D. Pollock mentioned the site briefly as having been
visited by Stephens and Maler and described the architecture as "typical Classic Puuc."
Dunning reports that there are several other quadrangles of fallen vaulted buildings at
Xkampon. They are spread along a series of outcrops that extend a little over a
kilometer (0.62 mile) in length. He also says that Structures 1 and 2 lie toward the
eastern end of the site.
Uxmal to Xkampon: 12.9 miles by paved road (:15), 6.0 miles by fair dirt road (1:00),
then about 0.5 mile by foot trail (:20).
Total from Uxmal to Xkampon: 19.4 miles (1:35).
Getting There
Guide: Emilio Santos Carnal, in Santa Elena. Try to make arrangements the day before
you plan to go, as Emilio will want to find a helper to take along to assist in cutting
back the vegetation. There generally is some that must be removed on the last part of
the road, the foot trail, and at the site itself. On the way out, once the trail and road are
cleared, you can walk and drive in the times indicated. On the way in, it could take up
to an hour longer.
Page 107
From Uxmal head southeast on Highway 261 to Santa Elena, then south to the cutoff
for Xkampon. Turn right onto the dirt road and go 6.0 miles. Along the first part of
this stretch you will cross the ancient sacbé that goes from Kabáh to Nohpat and on to
Uxmal, but unless it is pointed out, you might think it is just another limestone
A high-clearance vehicle is recommended to reach Xkampon. Have a wide-angle lens
for your camera, wear boots, and carry a canteen of water to the site. Wear a sun hat,
as the walk is partly through open savanna.
Allow about 1¼ hours to see Xkampon once you reach it. This will allow time for
your guide to cut back vegetation so you can photograph the structures.
When you visit Xkampon, you will pass near Sacbé and may want to see that too. The
side trip will take about 1½ hours extra. See "Sacbé" for details of that site. If you
want to visit both sites, go to Xkampon first and see Sacbé on the way back.
The road to Xkampon goes through irrigated fields, and you will see pipes providing
water along the way. The cornfields in this area are truly impressive and are some of
the finest we have seen.
Buses go to Santa Elena.
(kah-bah; derivation: Questionable. Kabáh may be Maya for "He of the Strong
Hand" or "Hand That Nails. "Kabahaucán, the name used for the site by Teobert
Maler, means "The Royal Snake in the Hand," according to him. Kabáh is,
nevertheless, a very old place name.)
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2A (p. 97)

The Site
The ruins of Kabáh straddle Highway 261, and most of the cleared structures are on
the east side of it. Closest to the road on the east, and one of the most impressive
structures at the site, is the well-known Codz-Poop ("Coiled Mat"), named for a
supposed resemblance between the cuffed snouts of the Chac masks (which serve as
steps to the inner rooms) and a rolled mat. Today the structure is also known at the
Palace of the Masks, or Structure 2C6.
The Codz-Poop is 151 feet long and rests on a platform atop a high terrace, which acts
as a court in front. On the west side of the structure there are two rows of standing
rooms (five rooms in each row), one behind the other, the rearmost being on a higher
level. The end rooms of the structure on the extreme north and south have fallen.
Behind the upper-level rooms on the west side is a solid masonry core, and more
vaulted rooms on the north, east, and south surround it. These rooms are also greatly
It is believed that the core was intended to support a second story that was never built.
A roof comb, however, rests on the west side of the core, just behind the upper rooms
of the west side. H. E. D. Pollock believes that the roof comb, which was secondary to
the early roof, was apparently built in lieu of a second story.
The entire west facade of the Codz-Poop is a mass of Chac masks. This is unusual in
Puuc-style architecture, as generally only the upper facades of structures are highly
decorated. It does seem a bit overdone when compared to other structures at the site
and with palace-type buildings at Uxmal and Sayil.
The Chac masks reportedly number 400, each being constructed of 30 separate pieces.
In much of the Puuc area, identical pieces of carved-stone decoration are found,
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The Codz-Poop, from the southwest, Kabáh. Terminal Classic period.

and a central "factory" has been postulated. One wonders whether the factory didn't
overproduce certain designs and sell them at discount to Kabáh's architects.
George F. Andrews feels that the constant repetition of the mask destroys its value as a
significant visual form. Tatiana Proskouriakoff says that "the separate motifs merge
into a single intricate pattern of shades and deep shadows," and finds the effect
disappointing and demonstrating baroque ostentation. Nevertheless, in the warm glow
of late afternoon sunlight, the structure is striking. Try to photograph it then.
The roof comb of the Codz-Poop is made of a stepped-fret design, and it was restored
in 1991. The rest of the structure and its platform have been partly restored, but many
carved stones lie on the ground awaiting incorporation. Two sculptured doorjambs
were found in the Codz-Poop. Sir J. Eric S. Thompson dated these jambs to A.D.. 879.
According to Andrews, the structure is Classic Puuc Mosaic style (830-1000).
In front of the structure is a small platform bearing hieroglyphs on its sides, and
nearby is a chultun sunk into the terrace. South of the chultun and bordering the south
side of the terrace is Structure 2B3, which rests on a moderately high platform.
Though the structure is greatly ruined, the platform is easily climbed, and this is a
good place from which to photograph the Codz-Poop.
Behind the Codz-Poop is Structure 2C3; it is more ruined but interesting nevertheless.
There are some columned doorways on the lower level, and from the top you get
good views of the back of the Codz-Poop and the front of the Palace (Structure 2C2),
which lies adjacent to the northeast. This is also a good spot for telephoto shots of
some of the ruined structures on the other side of the highway.
The Palace is a multiroomed structure with two columned doorways (out of seven) on
the west facade of its upper story. The decoration is much simpler than that on the
Codz-Poop, and the Palace also has remains
Page 110

Detail of Chac masks of the facade of the Codz-Poop,

Kabáh. Terminal Classic period.
of a perforated, single-wall roof comb above the medial wall of the second story. A
stairway leads to the second story and is pierced at ground level, forming a half vault.
The Palace and Structure 2C3 border the east and south sides of a raised plaza
respectively. The smaller Structure 2C1 is on the north side of the plaza, and 2C4 is on
the west. Consolidation and partial restoration of all these structures were begun in
A path from the Palace leads about 300 yards to the east to the Temple of the Columns
(Structure 1C1). This building is 113 feet long and has five doorways. Its name comes
from the engaged columns in between the doorways and banded columns that
decorate the upper wall zone. There are also colonnettes as the middle part of the
base, medial, and cornice moldings. This temple has been partly restored. Both the
Palace and the Temple of the Columns are Classic Puuc Colonnette style (A.D. 770-830).
There are other structures on the east side of the highway, but they are not cleared and
are mostly mounds. The site of Kabáh has major buildings covering about 0.5 square
mile, and a settlement area of about 2 square miles.
Now head to the west side of the highway. Kabáh's large Arch is the only restored
structure in the west section, but some unrestored remains in two areas are worth a
look. As you head along the trail toward the Arch, you pass a large pyramidal mound
on the right. This is Structure lB2, the tallest at Kabáh, called the Principal Teocalis by
John Lloyd Stephens, and there are a few remains of a temple on top. The pyramidal
base of the structure is unstable, and climbing it is not recommended. From here
follow the trail to the Arch.
The Arch spans 14 feet and is very plain when compared to the one at Labná. It also
differs in that it has no other structures attached. Asacbé leads from Kabáh's Arch and
extends to Uxmal 10 miles away; it passes Sacbé and Nohpat along the way. A similar
though fragmentary arch has been reported at the Uxmal end of the sacbé, but its
location is unknown today.
When you leave the arch (heading south), look for a trail to the right; it leads about 0.3
mile through the bush to a group of three ruined structures facing a plaza. This whole
group is very overgrown, and this area of Kabáh is not often visited. If you climb up
the structure where the trail ends, you will find an intact room with a corbeled vault
and remains of stucco decoration on a cross wall. This is Structure 2A2. The building
and the decoration were reported by Stephens in 1843.
You can climb to the roof of this structure over a steep rocky path for good views of
the other two buildings in this group. Structure 2A3 lies on the south side of the
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Detail of the Chac mask used as a step to one of the entrances of the Codz-Poop, Kabáh,
Terminal Classic period.
plaza and is the building from which Stephens removed sculptured doorjambs, but the
structure today is badly fallen. The two-story Structure 2A1 is on the west side of the
plaza, and though it too is partly fallen, some remains of vaults and decorative stones
can be photographed with a telephoto lens from the top of Structure 2A2. From there,
you can also see the Principal Teocalis and structures on the east side of the highway.
There are other ruined buildings on the west side of the highway that I have not seen.
Structures 1A5 and 6 are northeast of the group just described and are Early Puuc
style (A.D. 670-770). Structures 1A1 and 2 are Classic Puuc Mosaic style, and they are
north of Structure 2A2. Structure 1A1 has a Puuc imitation of a Chenes monster-
mouth entrance. The masks and other decorative elements are reported to be very
similar to those on Temple IV of E1 Adivino at Uxmal.
Although the architectural remains at Kabáh all date to the Late and Terminal Classic
periods, some ceramic sherds found in trenches date to the Late Preclassic period.
Apparently Kabáh was at its peak from the eighth through the tenth centuries.
One sculpture found at the site is believed to date to a later period, however, perhaps
to the Late Postclassic. This is a three-dimensional male figure with a snake draped
over his shoulders. Part of the face of the figure is broken off, but the features that
remain appear un-Maya.
The sculpture was found a little south of the Principal Teocalis, along a sacbé that
connected to a smaller pyramid to the south. The statue is now installed on the porch
of a building near the entrance to Kabáh, next
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The Palace, west side, Kabáh. Late Classic period. Photograph taken during restoration.
to another sculpture from the site. It is the three-dimensional figure that is referred to
in the derivations of the name Kabáh and Kabahaucán given above.
Recent History
Stephens and Frederick Catherwood visited Kabáh in 1842, on their second trip to
Yucatán. They first heard of the site from Father Estanislao Carrillo, the curate of
Ticul. Father Carrillo told Stephens that until the opening of the road to Bolonchßn (a
town farther south), nothing was known of the ruins by the white inhabitants of the
area. Stephens speculated that perhaps the Indians knew of them.
Even after the opening of the road, which went right through the ruins, no one but the
priest bothered to visit them. Stephens and Catherwood recorded Kabáh in text and
illustrations published in 1843, and a rough sketch map of the site was included.
The history of Kabáh in the following years parallels that of Sayil and Labná in that it
was studied by Maler, Edward H. Thompson, and Sylvanus G. Morley and was
photographed by Henry N. Sweet on an expedition for Peabody Museum of Harvard
Later Alberto Ruz Lhuillier explored the site, and ceramic studies were undertaken by
George W. Brainerd and Robert E. Smith. Over the years restoration was undertaken
by the Mexican government, and in 1991 a major effort was begun by INAH, under
the direction of Ramón Carrasco Vargas.
Uxmal to Kabáh: 13.8 miles by paved road (:16).
Getting There
From Uxmal take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to Kabáh. The site is
near Kilometer 120, and there is a parking area at Kabáh on the west side of the
Kabáh can be reached easily by private car or on conducted tours from Uxmal. Buses
pass the site, but first-class buses will not stop to drop you off. A second-class bus
will stop, but ask the driver before you board just to make sure.
Soft drinks and packaged snacks are
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Detail of the Temple of the Columns showing banded columns in the upper wall zone,
Kabáh. Late Classic period.

The Arch, south side, Kabáh. Late Classic period.

Page 114
available at the site. Wear a sun hat, and if you plan to see the Temple of the Columns
or the three ruined structures on the west side of the highway, wear a long-sleeved
Allow 11½ hours to see the structures near the highway (both sides), another 30
minutes to get to and see the Temple of the Columns, and an additional 45 minutes for
the group of three ruined structures in the west section.
Chac I
(Gruta De Chac)
(groo-tah deh chahk; derivation: Chac, the name of the Maya rain god, and "Gruta
de," is Spanish for "Cave of")
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2B (p. 115)

The Site
The Gruta de Chac is a deep cave system with a permanent water supply at the
bottom. We were told that it was used as such by the local population into the 1950s.
Actually it is more interesting to read about the cave than to visit it.
There is not much to see here except the opening to the cave, which was smaller than
I expected. The entrance slopes downward, then there is a level area, and you can
walk in a short distance. From there it is a vertical drop, and at this small opening you
can see the remains of an old, rotted ladder.
John Lloyd Stephens reported the depth of the vertical shaft to be about 200 feet. In
The Hill Caves of Yucatán, Henry C. Mercer gives the distance as 100 feet, and he
counted eight ladders of different lengths in the shaft. From the bottom of the shaft he
reported the horizontal passage and final descent to the water level to be 2700
feetmuch of it no higher than crawl space.
If you have read Stephens's or Mercer's accountsand I highly recommend them and
are filled with nostalgia about this infamous cave, you may want to go as far as the
opening to the first vertical shaft. Both accounts will convince you that to go beyond
the opening would be foolhardy. It would be.
Recent History
Stephens was the first to report the Gruta de Chac in Incidents of Travel in Yucatán,
published in 1843, and he gives a long description of his harrowing trek to the water
Mercer's comments are more concise, but the description of the almost suffocating
heat and humidity parallels Stephens's account. In the 1950s Edwin M. Shook visited
the cave and collected potsherds, some of which were published by George W.
Brainerd in 1958.
In 1962 E. Wyllys Andrews IV was shown an almost complete Maya vessel of
unfamiliar design by Jaime Fernández, who had found it in a cave south of Kabáh.
Andrews was excited by the story and visited the Cave with Fernández and others. He
then realized that this was the Gruta de Chac reported by Stephens.
Access was more difficult than in Stephens's and Mercer's time because the ladders
had mostly rotted away, and the descent had to be made by ropes.
Andrews was astounded by the amount of pottery in the cave and collected specimens
of two main types. One type was
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Area along the Puuc Highway

Page 116
a beautiful black-and-red-on-orange polychrome, and the other a slateware with buff
slip and black trickle design. The vessels were used to collect and transport water, and
many were broken in transit, accounting for the thousands of vessels he found.
In later periods, lighter-weight gourds were used to carry the water, and he found
many of these as well.
Andrews was able to reconstruct a number of vessels from the material he collected in
the ''course of four Sunday visits to the cave." He says, "The deposits still in the cave
are inexhaustible." In 1965 the Middle American Research Institute of Tulane
University published Andrews's work, which included color illustrations of one
reconstructed water jar and polychrome sherds of other jars.
In 1984 members of the Sayil Archaeological Project visited the entrance to the cave
and a two-level building complex atop a platform a short distance to the southwest. I
have not seen the platform or the structures.
Uxmal To Sayil: 19.4 Miles By Paved Roads (:24).
From the Sayil Junction On the Puuc Highway: 2.2 Miles By Paved Road (:04), About
500 Feet Walking Along the Highway (:03), Then an Few Hundred Feet By Foot Trail
Total from Uxmal To Sayil and Then To Gruta De Chac: 21.8 Miles (:36).
Total from Uxmal To Gruta De Chac (Direct): 17.2 Miles (:28).
Getting There
Guide: Miguel Uc Medina, at Sayil.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 southeast and then south to the Puuc Highway. Turn
left and proceed to Sayil. From Sayil, head northwest on the Puuc Highway and park
on the right side at Kilometer 30. Return southeast about 500 feet along the highway
and take the foot trail (on the right side) to the cave. The distance along the foot trail is
short, but the trail may be somewhat overgrown.
Bring a flashlight to see inside the cave entrance and to get as far as the vertical shaft.
Allow 20 minutes to take a look.
Chac II
(chahk; derivation: name of the Maya rain god)
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2B (p. 115)

The Site
Chac II is a relatively small site with a little standing architecture. The building called
Structure 1 by Teobert Maler is a complex one of three stories. There are several partly
standing vaults, and the structure was built in two phases. Part of the building is Early
Puuc style (A.D. 670-770), and the rest is Classic Puuc style (770-1000). The facades of
the rooms have almost totally fallen, and the structure is overgrown. A columnar altar
(or fragmented door column) is found near the west side of the structure.
Maler's Structure 2 (to the southwest of Structure 1) had three rooms and a single
doorway (to the central room) on the south side. The central room was mostly intact
until 1987, and it had remains of a simple medial molding that rose above the
doorway of the facade. Sometime after 1987and possibly due to the rains of Hurricane
Gilbert in 1988a large part of the central room collapsed, but a small part of the mold-
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The central room of Structure 2 (Maler's designation), before it partly collapsed sometime
after 1987, Chac II. Late Classic period.
ing remains. This structure is Early Puuc style.
Maler's Structure 3 is southwest of Structure 2. It is a range structure of five rooms,
the fronts of which have fallen, but the parts of the vaults that are standing are made
of well-cut stones, and the architecture is Classic Puuc Colonnette style (A.D. 770-830).
I have not visited Maler's Structure 4 (reported to be a badly fallen pyramid), but it
and Structure 1 are visible from the Palace at Sayil.
There has been no restoration or consolidation at Chac II. Research in the 1980s, by
the Sayil Archaeological Project, indicates that Chac II maybe connected to Sayil on
the south.
In 1990 Miguel Uc Medina showed Michael Smyth (the director of the 1990 Sayil
Project) a sacbé that runs in an easterly direction from Chac II for an unknown
distance. They lost it where it is buried by the Puuc Highway.
Recent History
During his travels in Yucatán in 1842, John Lloyd Stephens visited the ruins now
called Chac II. He described Structure 1 but did not illustrate it in his 1843 publication.
He mentions another structure but comments that he "found nothing of particular
intrest." From Structure 1 he could see the Casa Grande ("Palace") at Sayil.
Maler visited the site in 1887, and it is included in his Península Yucatán, volume 1.
The Early Puuc-style Structure 2 was described by George F. Andrews in 1985.
Uxmal to Sayil: 19.4 miles by paved roads (:24).
From the Sayil junction on the Puuc Highway: about 0.5 mile by paved road (:02),
about 700 feet walking along the highway (:05), then about 0.6 mile by foot trail (:20).
Page 118
Total from Uxmal to Sayil and then to Chac II: 20.6 miles (:51).
Total from Uxmal to Chac II (direct): 19.6 miles (:48).
Getting There
Guide: Miguel Uc Medina, at Sayil.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to the Puuc
Highway. Turn left and continue to Sayil. From Sayil return along the Puuc Highway,
and park on the left (west) at the junction with a small side road. Continue on foot
along the highway, then take the foot trail to the left and follow it to the site.
The trail is fairly open as far as Structure 1, but it can be overgrown and generally
needs to be cleared to get to the other buildings. A little climbing is involved in getting
from one structure to the next.
Have a wide-angle lens for your camera, wear boots, and allow 1¼ hours to see the
structures once you get there. Have a canteen of water with you when you walk to the
site and visit it.
(sah-yeel; derivation: Maya for "Place of the Ants")
West-central Yucatán.
Map: 2 (p. 77) and 2B (p. 115)

The Site
Sayil is a large, attractive site with a good deal of standing architecture. It has a
settlement area of 1.7 square miles, according to Nicholas Dunning, who further says
that the population of Sayil was over 9,000 people during its peak in the Terminal
Classic period.
Well-cleared trails at the site lead to the most interesting structures, and one heads east
from the parking area and goes to the Palace. On the way it passes a shelter that
houses Stelae 3 and 4 from the site. They were moved from their original location on
the Stelae Platform (see below) to their present position in 1991, when they were
restored. They can now be enjoyed by more visitors, since few made the trek through
the high grass to see them. Tatiana Proskouriakoff believed Stela 3 was a Cycle 10
monument (A.D. 830 or later) and that Stela 4 was decadent style (810-889). From the
stelae, continue along the trail to the Palace.
The Palace (Structure 2B1) is certainly one of the masterpieces of Maya architecture. It
rises in three stories and has 94 rooms (which includes a group of fallen rooms that
form a projection at the southwest corner). A wide central stairway divides the
structure into two wings, and the second and third stories are set back, so that the
roofs of the first and second stories act as terraces for the second and third. You will
need a wide-angle lens to get the entire structure in a head-on photo.
The second story has wide doorways supported by two round columns with square
capitals, and the upper facade is decorated with Chac masks and depictions of the
"diving god" (see "Cobá" and "Tulum," both in Section 6, Part 1, for more on this
deity). There are banded facade columns between the doorways and plain columns in
the upper wall zone between the masks and depictions of the diving god. The second
story is the most interesting of the three and contrasts nicely with the other two, which
are simpler. The double-columned doorways give a feeling of lightness to the whole
structure, which measures 275 feet wide and 130 feet deep.
Proskouriakoff said of this remarkable building, "This forthright simplicity of
arrangement, combined with the casual disregard of minor imperfections of symmetry
Page 119
Page 120
and a freedom from the oppressively monotonous intricacy of ornament that mars
many Puuc structures, makes the Sayil Palace one of the most satisfactory
compositions that the Maya ever created." The Palace was not built all at one time.
Three of the rooms on the first level (west side and adjacent to the stairway) are Early
Puuc style (A.D. 670-770); the first-level rooms on the east side are Classic Puuc
Colonnette style (770-830); the second story is Classic Puuc Mosaic style (830-1000).
The third story is a local variant style, but it also dates to 830-1000. A catch basin and
chultun are found near the northwest corner of the building.
When you leave the Palace, walk past the far east end and follow the trail to the right.
This trail goes about 400 yards to the Mirador. Before reaching the Mirador, however,
you will find two side trails to other structures. Take these as you come to them. The
first side trail heads left and goes to Temple 2 (Structure 2C4) about 200 yards away.
Temple 2 is a small structure with three doorways on the west side and two on the
east. A simple medial molding runs above the doorways, and the upper facade is
plain. The temple is Early Puuc style; though mostly unadorned, it is worth a visit.
From here return to the main trail and turn left. You will soon come to the second side
trail, on the right, which goes about 300 yards to the Temple of the Lintel (Structure
3B1). On the way to this temple, the trail branches again, to the left (marked with a
sign saying Juego de Pelota, or Ball Court), but pass this up for the moment and
continue to the Temple of the Lintel.
The Temple of the Lintel is a small, greatly ruined structure with a fallen front (east)
facade but is noteworthy for some carved glyphs that decorate the front of the lintel
(in the doorway on the right as you face the structure). The lintel is on the east side of
the medial wall of the bilding, above a doorway that connected two rooms, and is
plain on the underside. The faces of the jambs supporting the lintel are also carved
with glyphs.
Stela 4, Sayil. Terminal Classic period.
Return now to the trail marked for the Ball Court and turn right for a 7-minute walk.
When you reach the end of this trail, you may be surprised that the impressive
structure you are looking at is most assuredly
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The Palace of Sayil, overall view of the south side, Sayil. Late and Terminal Classic periods.

Detail of the western half of the south side of the Palace of Sayil. Late and Terminal
Classic periods.
Page 122

Temple 2 (Structure 2C4), east side, Sayil. Late Classic period.

not a ball court. Rather, it is a large palace-type building (Structure 4B2), with ranges
of rooms on four sides forming a rectangle around a solid core. The east facade has
been restored, is in excellent condition, and has seven doorways leading to five
rooms; the three center doorways enter the center room, and behind this is another
The entire lower facade is decorated with banded columns; those next to the center
doorway are larger than the others, and almost all are in perfect condition. The upper
wall zone has shorter versions of the same motif in a continuous row. Stacked, frontal
Chac masks once adorned the area above the center doorway, but these have fallen.
There were also corner masks on each end, and these are also gone. The other ranges
of rooms in this structure are poorly preserved. The solid core, in the center of the
four ranges, has a platform on top and a few remains of lower walls that formed the
four-room second story. Structure 4B2 is Classic Puuc Mosaic style.
Although the low bush in front of the east facade has been cleared, many small trees
remain, and even with a wide-angle lens, it is impossible to get a definitive photo of
the whole east facade of the building.
What about the sign saying Ball Court? On the site plan of Sayil, Structure 4B2 is
about 100 yards west of the Ball Court, so perhaps this general area goes by that name.
The Ball Court itself is buried in the bush and not very scenic, according to Dunning.
Return now the way you came. Turn right at the junction with the trail to the Temple
of the Lintel and right again at the junction with the trail to the Mirador, and go a short
distance to it.
The Mirador (Structure 3B2) is the remains of a temple atop a pyramidal base, and
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Structure 4B2, east side, Sayil. Terminal Classic period. (Photograph by author)

The Mirador, view from the north, Sayil. Late Classic period.
Page 124
when you reach it, you will be facing the back (north side) of the building. The north
facade has fallen, but the medial wall and a perforated roof comb with projecting
stones are standing. Stucco decorations were supported by these stones when the
temple was constructed. The rubble heap to the left (east) of the Mirador is the
remains of three fallen rooms, and it shares the pyramidal base of the Mirador. The
Mirador is Early Puuc style.
From the Mirador take the trail that leads from the left side of its base. This goes about
140 yards to Stela 9, propped up on a cement base and protected by a thatch shelter.
This crudely carved frontal view of a very phallic figure is unlike the other stelae
reported from Sayil and is totally un-Maya in feeling. A connection has been
suggested with other crude sculpture from Pustunich in west-central Campeche and
Telantunich in the southern part of the state of Yucatán. It is thought to be very late
and the work of "marginal groups" not sharing in the higher intellectual achievements
of Maya civilization.
From here, return to the Palace, go to its west end, and follow a trail to the left for
about 100 yards to Structure 2B5. This structure is "unusual in that [the] upper floor
rests at half-vault height," according to H. E. D. Pollock. The structure faces east, and
the south part of this facade has been restored. The lower wall is plain, while the
upper wall zone is decorated with banded colonnettes. Originally there were Chac
masks above the two doorways, and perhaps others over the doorways in the north
part of the east facade, which is now fallen. Part of the snout of one of the Chac
masks is found lying on the ground. The rubble remains of a stairway in the center of
the building divides the east facade in two, and only a few stones of the second-story
room are standing. Structure 2B5 is Classic Puuc Mosaic style.
Stela 9, Sayil.
You can visit the structures described above on your own, as the trails are well
cleared. To reach some other interesting buildings at Sayil, you must have a guide.
Ask at the ticket office. These structures are sometimes partly overgrown or are on
trails that are overgrown. Their locations and descriptions are given below, but you
will have to depend on your guide to get you there.

You can see Structure lB2 on the top of a steep hill to the north of the parking area
and on the other side of the Puuc Highway. You can get a telephoto shot of it from the
parking area. This building is a partly fallen Classic Puuc Colonnette-style structure
that has been consolidated in part. There is a
Page 125

Structure 2B5, south part of the east facade, Sayil. Terminal Classic period.
group of three large banded columns in the lower wall, and smaller columns in groups
of three, four, and five in the upper wall zone. Anthropomorphic stucco heads were
used as decoration within the groups of upper columns, and one eroded example is
still in place in the section directly above the columns in the lower wall. I have not
visited this structure (having satisfied myself with telephoto shots), but reaching it is
reported to be a rather difficult climb.

Structure 4B1 is a small, totally ruined building notable for its carved doorway
columns, capitals, and lintels, some of which can still be seen. One column portrays a
richly attired figure holding a shield in his left hand and a staff, or lance, in his right
hand. For protection, the columns are kept covered with stones (which your guide
will have to remove and replace). A capital and lintel lie nearby, and their carved
edges are visible in the debris of the structure. Proskouriakoff suggested a late date for
the sculpture of Structure 4B1 and calls the style "Late Yucatán, variant," while George
F. Andrews believes the structure itself is Early Puuc style. Structure 4B1 is about 150
yards northwest of Structure 4B2.

Structure 4C1 is an Early Puuc-style building that faces east. The north additions to
the structure have fallen, but the south room, which once stood as a separate building,
has been consolidated. There is no medial molding as such, but the battered upper
wall zone overhangs the lower wall, and what remains of the cornice molding is very
About 120 yards to the northwest of Structure 4C1 is the Stelae Platform (Structure
4B4), upon which stood eight of the nine stelae known from Sayil, but all have been
removed. Two are at the entrance to Sayil, as mentioned earlier, and the others have
been moved to museums in Mexico City and Mérida. Only some plain altars remain
on the platform.
The Stelae Platform rests astride a sacbé that leads to other structures, and this is part
of a system of sacbeob that runs roughly
Page 126

Carved column of Structure 4B1, Sayil. Late or Terminal Classic period.

north-south and bisects the site. It begins near the Palace on the north end and
connects to the Mirador Group. Another sacbéleaves that group, and with a few minor
changes in direction, wends its way to the Stelae Platform and beyond to the Ball
Court, where it ends.
From Structure 4C1 head north to a nearby branch trail that leads to the Baño de la
Reina (''Bath of the Queen"), or La Reina Group, about 300 yards away. Only the front
of the structure is standing, and it has been consolidated. The lower wall is plain, and
the highly decorative upper wall zone is mostly intact. A Chac mask above the single
doorway is very similar to the one on the second story of the Palace, but it lacks the
lower curled teeth of the latter. Beyond the mask on either side is a continuous row of
colonnettes, each banded at the top, middle, and bottom. The middle part of the three-
member medial molding is made of ik- or T-shaped stones, and more of these are
found in what remains of the cornice molding. The Baño de la Reina would appear to
be Classic Puuc Mosaic style; it is altogether delightful.
Recent History
The ruins of Sayil were first reported by John Lloyd Stephens in 1843, and he
included en-
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Structure 4C1, east face of the south room, Sayil. Late Classic period.

Baño de la Reina, Sayil. Terminal Classic period.

Page 128
gravings by Frederick Catherwood of the Palace (west side), the Mirador, and
Structure 4B2, a plan of the Palace, and a detail of its second level. Stephens saw the
figure of the so-called diving god on the facade of the Palace and described it as "the
figure of a man supporting himself on his hands, with his legs expanded in a curious
rather than delicate attitude" (he later saw the figure at Tulum and made the
connection with the one at Sayil).
Teobert Maler published a report on Sayil in 1895, and he mentions the stelae at the
site, which were not seen by Stephens. The stelae were relocated by Frans Blom in
1930. In 1946 a beautiful restoration drawing of the Palace, by Proskouriakoff, was
published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, which funded her 1940 trip to
the area. Another restoration drawing was published by Andrews in 1975.
In 1980 Pollock reported on the architecture of Sayil in some detail, and he included a
site plan drafted for him by Edwin M. Shook. In 1983 the Sayil Archaeological Project
began, and it continued into the 1990s, under the direction of Jeremy A. Sabloff and
Gair Tourtellot, funded by the National Science Foundation. During this work (among
other things) a new and more detailed map was produced, ceramic surface collections
were made in various parts of the site, and two residential platforms were intensively
Ceramic analysis shows that almost all of the collection belongs to the Terminal
Classic period, which was the predominant period of occupation and construction at
the site. A few sherds were earlier Classic or Preclassic, and some Postclassic ceramics
were also found. Michael Smyth was project director in 1990, and major funding that
year was through Earthwatch. With the exception of Uxmal, this work at Sayil makes
it the most thoroughly studied Puuc site.
Over the years parts of the Palace and other structures were consolidated and restored
by the Mexican government, and in the late 1980s the Salvage Brigade of the Yucatán
Regional Center of INAH consolidated additional structures at the site. Most notable
perhaps was the clearing and consolidation of the west wing of the first level of the
Palace. During this work sounding shafts and stratigraphic pits were sunk into the first
and second levels of the structure. According to Ramón Carrasco Vargas, the results
show that "a two-level structure had existed prior to the erection of the three-level
Palace structure."
Uxmal to Sayil: 19.4 miles by paved road (:24).
Getting There
From Uxmal take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to the Puuc
Highway. Turn left and proceed to the parking area for Sayil (on the right).
Cold drinks and packaged snacks are available at the site, as are rest rooms. If it has
been wet, boots would be best, as the trails at Sayil can get muddy. Allow 2% hours to
visit the structures you can reach on your own, and about the same amount of time if
you want to see all of those for which you need a guide.
Sayil can be reached on conducted tours from Uxmal as well as in your own vehicle.
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(sohd-seel; derivation: Maya for "Place of the Bats")
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2B (p. 115)

The Site
Several structures, in three groups, have been reported at Sodzil, of which we have
seen Structures 1 and 2 of the Valley Group.
The main feature of interest at the site are some fragmentary remains of mural
paintings in Structure I of the Valley Group. Structure 1 is also called the Conjunto las
Pinturas ("Group of the Paintings"). This rather large structure faces east, and there is
a single range of eight rooms in the lower section. The four rooms on the south are on
a slightly higher level and are larger than the four to the north. According to Nicholas
Dunning, the northern rooms employ Early Puuc stonework, which would date them
to A.D. 670-770, while the southern rooms could be either Early or Classic Puuc; they
date to the Late or Terminal Classic period in any case.
The front facades of all eight rooms have fallen, but the back of the vaults and some
Remains of a mural painting showing a figure with outstretched arm, in Structure 1 of the
Valley Group, Sodzil. Late Classic period.
Page 130

The columned doorway of Structure 2 of the Valley Group, Sodzil. Late Classic period.
cross walls are standing. The murals are found near the center of the structure, in the
southernmost of the northern rooms, and they are on the back wall and the adjacent
right cross wall.
The largest fragment depicts parts of human figures with outstretched right arms, each
holding a sort of stafflike object. Karl Herbert Mayer reported in 1987 that the figures
are stylistically similar to the smaller figures in the murals at Chacmultún. When intact,
those at Sodzil were about 20 inches tall. Like the figures at Chacmultún, the ones at
Sodzil are also in a procession. Several earth colors and Maya blue were used in the
murals, and some of the areas of Maya blue are still brilliant. To the right of the main
fragment is another, with rectangular designs and a shieldlike object.
Behind the northern rooms, and on a higher level, are the fallen remains of other
vaulted rooms of Structure 1.
Across from Structure 1, and facing west, is the smaller, stately, Early Puuc-style
Structure 2, which rests on a massive terrace. The facing of the terrace appears to be a
huge wall when first observed. On top, Structure 2 has three rooms, one of which is
partly intact. Two plain cylindrical columns with square capitals and large
cornerstones support three large stone lintels that top the doorways into the room; part
of the vault inside the room is intact. A few feet to the south of Structure 2, and still
on the terrace, is the opening to a chultun.
Structures 3 through 8 of the Valley Group are all fallen, vaulted buildings, according
to Dunning.
There are two hills at the site, each about 130 feet high, and each supports
architectural remains. Structure 1 of the East Cerro Group is reported to be a complex
building, apparently constructed in several stages, while Structure 1 of the West Cerro
Page 131
is much smaller and fallen. Dunning reports that from Structure 1 of the West Cerro
Group there is a nice view of Sayil.
Recent History
The location of Sodzil is shown in the Atlas Arqueológico del Estado de Yucatán
(1980), by Silvia Garza Tarazona de Gonzalez and Edward Kurjack, where the site is
numbered but not named. It is known that archaeologists had visited the site
previously, but there were no published reports.
In February 1987, during an archaeological reconnaissance in the area, a group of
seven scholars was taken to the site by Marcelino Pech Dzul. The ruins were
tentatively named Sodzil, after a nearby sarteneja (a natural hollow in the caprock that
collects rainwater), and it was soon realized that the site was included in the atlas.
Mayer, who was one of the group, believes that earlier visitors had probably not
noticed the paintings. Dunning and George E Andrews were also part of the group. A
month after their first visit, Dunning returned to Sodzil, further explored the site, and
mapped it. In the summer of 1987 Rubén Maldonado Cárdenas and Tomás Gallareta
Negrón, of the Yucatán Regional Center of INAH, made a plan of Structure 1 of the
Valley Group, as did Andrews in 1988. Maldonado Cárdenas also did drawings of the
mural fragments, and in August 1987 delivered a report in Campeche at the Second
International Meeting of Mayanists.
Uxmal to Sodzil: 19.4 miles by paved roads (:24), 2.8 miles by dirt road (:35), then
about 650 feet by foot trail (:04).
Total from Uxmal to Sodzil: 22.3 miles (1:03).
Getting There
Guide: Miguel Uc Medina, at Sayil. Miguel is definitely the guide of choice in this
case. The route to Sodzil goes through Sayil, and as its caretaker, you must have his
permission to drive through.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to the Puuc
Highway. Turn left and proceed to Sayil. From the parking area at Sayil, take the dirt
road that goes to the Palace (east), and then follow it south. You pass the side trails to
other structures of Sayil along the way. After 2.5 miles, take the cutoff to the left for
0.3 mile, and park on the side of the road. Walk to the right to Structures 1 and 2 of
the Valley Group. A high-clearance vehicle is recommended.
There may be trees or low-hanging vegetation across the road on the last 0.3 mile. It
will take a few minutes to clear the road, but you can drive back to Sayil in the time
Wear boots and allow 45 minutes to see the two structures described above.
Locally, Sodzil is also called "Haltun de Sodzil." Haltun is Maya for the Spanish
Xlapak (Maler-Xlabpak)
(shlah-pahk; derivation: Maya for "Old Walls" or "Old Ruined Walls")
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2B (p. 115)

The Site
Several structures have been reported at Xlapak, but for the visitor, the building of
interest is Structure I, which has been partly
Page 132

Structure I, north side, Xlapak. Terminal Classic period.

but nicely restored. Structure I has nine rooms, and although two doorways and part
of a room have collapsed, the structure is mostly intact.
There are sets of Chac masks in stacks of three on the corners of the upper facade and
above the center doorways on the north and south sides. The masks rise above the
coping course, which gives them special emphasis. The five existing panels of masks
are in good condition and are very photogenic. The snouts of the masks on the
corners curve upward, while those in the panels above the doorways have a
downward curl.
In the upper wall zone, in between the masks, are stone mosaics with frets and other
geometric designs. The base, medial, and cornice moldings have colonnettes in the
middle section, and the cornice molding is topped by a coping course.
The lower walls of Structure I are plain except for facade columns at the corners; the
columns have rounded bases and capitals. The doorways of the structure are
unadorned, but those in the center of the north and south sides are wider than the
Although Structure I (to all outward appearances) would seem to have been built all at
once, there was actually a sequence in construction. The longitudinal central and south
rooms were built first, and at that time there were no doorways on the north wall. The
existing north range of rooms was added later, and these rooms do not connect
directly with the others.
Near the center of the south side of the structure is a catch basin that drains into a
A few feet to the southeast of Structure I is a rubble mound that is the remains of
Structure II. On the west side, part of a stone mosaic with a fret is still standing. Both
Structures I and II are Classic Puuc Mosaic style (A.D. 830-1000).
Recent History
Teobert Maler reported Xlapak under the name of Maler-Xlabpak in 1902, and he
included a photograph of Structure I. In 1913 Herbert J. Spinden published a similar
photograph of the structure by Henry N. Sweet.
Page 133
Karin Hissink included Xlapak in her study of masks on buildings in Yucatán in 1934.
In 1980 H. E. D. Pollock published a detailed description of Structures I and II, and
the architecture was further analyzed by. George F. Andrews in articles published in
the 1980s.
Structure I was restored by the Mexican government in the late 1960s, and it is well
Uxmal to Xlapak: 22.6 miles by paved roads (:29).
Getting There
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to the Puuc
Highway. Turn left and proceed to the parking area for Xlapak (on the right).
Xlapak can be easily reached by private car or on conducted tours from Uxmal.
Cold drinks and packaged snacks are available at the site. Allow 30 minutes to see and
photograph Xlapak.
(lahb-nah; derivation: Maya for "Old Ruined Buildings")
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77), 2B and 2B1 (p.

The Site
Labná is a thoroughly delightful site. Its major structures are the Palace and, across a
large plaza, the Arch and E1 Mirador. Another palace-type structure, called the East
Building, lies on the east side of the plaza, and there are many unexcavated mounds in
the area.
The Palace is a large two-story structure set on a terrace that is over 400 feet long. The
first story was a group of separate buildings that were later joined together by the
platform built to support the second story. One section of the first story, on a slightly
lower level, runs perpendicular to the rest of the building and has a simple molding
for decoration. The molding rises above the three central doorways but not the one on
the north end. This structure, called the South Wing, is Early Puuc style (A.D. 670-770).
Many interesting and more decorative motifs are found on other parts of the Palace.
Bundles of columns in relief flank some of the doorways, and the ubiquitous masks
of Chac are found on the upper facades. Some of the masks are simplified and
alternate with stepped-fret designs, and this area of the Palace is Classic Puuc Mosaic
style (A.D. 830-1000).
The first story of the Palace has a few jogs in its front, rather than running in a straight
line; on one of the outer corners is an interesting sculpture of a serpent head, with an
open mouth containing a human head. Below this on the corner of the base molding is
a carved head. A few feet away, above the doorway of the west facade, is a Chac mask
with a date equivalent to A.D. 862 inscribed on the underside of its elongated proboscis.
The second story of the Palace is made up of separate structures, of which only the
easternmost is in fairly good condition. Even here the ends of the building have
collapsed, but the center portion retains its two large doorways with two columns
each, supporting the lintels. The Palace is a great place for detail photographs because
of the multitude of decorations.
An interesting feature at the Palace is a chultun, which is built into the structure.
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Overall view of the south side of the Palace, Labná. Late and Terminal Classic periods.

Detail of a Chac mask on the Palace bearing the date A.D. 862, Labná.
Page 135

The East Building, from the southwest, Labná. Late Classic period.
The circular catch basin that drains into the chultun is located on the terrace that
supports the second story, in front of the structure just described. Originally there
were 67 rooms in the Palace.
About 100 yards east-southeast of the Palace is the East Building, which is much more
sober in its decoration. This L-shaped structure rests on a terrace and has eight rooms;
the southernmost room has collapsed, as has part of the end room on the west. The
upper wall zone of the facade is decorated with a continuous row of small columns
and three-member medial and cornice moldings with colonnettes in the middle part.
The lower walls of the structure are plain, and the building is Classic Puuc Colonnette
style (A.D. 770-830).
About 200 yards south of the Palace is a group of structures dominated by the
pyramid-temple called E1 Mirador or E1 Castillo. When John Lloyd Stephens saw this
structure in 1842, more of it was standing. According to his description, the temple
had three doorways and measured 43 feet in front, although an 8-foot section and one
doorway had already collapsed. As he predicted, another section has since fallen.
The pyramidal base of the structure has not been restored, but its shape is rectangular
and is believed to have risen in tiers. Part way up the pyramid are the remains of
another room. This room is earlier than the pyramid and was filled in when the
pyramid and its stairway were constructed. There are indications that the simple
molding adorning this room rose above the doorway.
A rocky path leads to the temple on top of the pyramid and its small restored platform,
and from here there are good views of the Palace and the east side of the Arch.
The roof comb of E1 Mirador is above the front, forming a flying facade. It has
rectangular perforations and projecting stones with remains of stucco decoration,
including the lower part of a human figure on the southwest corner. E1 Mirador is
Early Puuc style and must have been quite impressive when intact.
The Labná Arch, also called the Portal Vault or Gateway, is one of the gems of this
type of structure. It rests on a low platform
Page 136
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West face of the Labná Arch. Terminal Classic period.

(rising in four steps) and forms a passageway between two courtyards, each of which
is almost surrounded by structures. Many of these structures have collapsed, but there
is some standing architecture north of the Arch.
The west face of the Arch is the most interesting. Above the doorways to its two small
rooms is a decorative three-member molding of zigzags and triangles, and above this
are depictions of Maya thatch huts with niches in the lower sections. Figures, perhaps
seated, are thought to have existed inside the niches originally. Flanking the huts are
latticelike patterns and another three-member molding, and the whole is surmounted
by the remains of a roof comb. Only a few courses of stone were found and restored,
but we know that the roof comb was
Opposite, El Mirador, south side, Labná, Late Classic period,
in three separate sections and was pierced by rectangular openings; it probably had
stucco figures as decoration. Tatiana Proskouriakoff believes that there is enough
evidence to suggest that the individual sections of the roof comb were stepped, and
she shows it as such in her restoration drawing.
On the northwest corner of the upper facade of the Arch is a mosaic Chac mask. The
east face of the Arch is simpler in decoration, having stepped frets and geometric
designs as its motifs.
A range of rooms extends to the north of the Arch, and some of this is standing. There
is one intact doorway. Unusual features here are the use of door jambs imitating
banded columns (but carved only on the front) and a lintel that is rounded on its front
surface. On either side of the doorway the walls are decorated with a stone mosaic,
and some of the individual stones have shallow carving
Page 138

View of the Arch and remains of structures to the north, Labná. Terminal Classic period.
El Mirador is in the background.
as well. The upper wall zone is a continuous row of banded columns, and the three-
member medial molding is highly decorative. The Labná Arch and the standing rooms
to the north are Classic Puuc Mosaic style.
The other rooms surrounding this courtyard are simply mounds of rubble today.
A sacbé at Labná (about four feet high) runs north-south through the center of the
plaza and connects the Palace and the group including E1 Mirador and the Arch.
Two one-room buildings lie on a hill about 750 yards to the southwest of the Labná
Arch; however, there are no trails leading to them. They are called the South Group or
Las Gemelas.
Recent History
Stephens first heard of Labná from the brother of a priest from the nearby village of
Nohcacab (the modern Santa Elena), but his informant had not personally visited the
site. Stephens had the major structures cleared, and they were duly recorded by
Frederick Catherwood. An engraving of the front of the Palace was used as the
frontispiece for Incidents of Travel in Yucatán.
The site, especially the chultunes, was studied by Edward H. Thompson near the turn
of the century. Thompson was appointed American consul to Mexico, stationed in
Yucatán, and was under instructions to investigate Maya sites in the area. He is better
known, however, for dredging the Sacred Cenote at Chichén Itzá. He wrote a book
about his work among the Maya in 1932, but his more scholarly reports were
published by the Peabody Museum of Harvard University and the Field Columbian
Museum of Chicago between 1897 and 1904.
Sylvanus G. Morley visited Labná as well as other sites in the area in his early days in
the field. The ceramics of this site and others in Yucatán were reported by George W.
Brainerd in 1958. Herbert J. Spinden published photos of the major structures in 1913.
These were taken by Henry N. Sweet and Thompson for the Peabody Museum
Page 139
In 1980 H. E. D. Pollock described and illustrated the structures at Labná in detail, and
George F. Andrews analyzed the architecture in several articles published in the 1980s.
Restoration by the Mexican government has been conducted at Labná over the years,
and in 1991 a major effort was undertaken by INAH, under the direction of Tomás
Gallareta Negrón.
Uxmal to Labná: 24.5 miles by paved roads (:32).
Getting There
From Uxmal take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to the Puuc
Highway. Turn left and proceed to the parking area for Labná (on the right).
Labná can be reached easily by private car or on a conducted tour from Uxmal.
Cold drinks and packaged snacks are available at the site, and there are rest rooms.
Wear a sun hat and allow 21/2 to 3 hours for a visit.
Bring lots of film; Labná is a very photogenic site. Its most photogenic feature is the
west side of the Arch. Try to see and photograph this in the afternoon.
Note: There is an extra charge to bring a video camera or a tripod into the site.
(hoon-teech-mool; derivation: Maya for ''Freestanding Pyramid" or "Ruined Hills")
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2B (p. 115)

The Site
Huntichmul is near Labná and is somewhat larger than the latter. Unfortunately, it is
more difficult to reach, has less standing architecture, and has had no restoration and
only a little consolidation.
One of the best-preserved and most intresting buildings at Huntichmul is Structure 1
of Group A, called the Half-Column Palace of Four Rooms by Teobert Maler. It has
been partly consolidated. The structure faces southwest and rests on a platform built
on the slope of a hill. Two of the four original doorways are standing, and a fair
amount of the facing stone on the lower front wall is in place. The plain facing stones
alternate with columns in groups of three that extend from the base molding to the
medial molding. Each column is banded at the bottom, middle, and top. The group of
columns on the left, as you face the structure, is intact; some of the others have fallen.
The three-member base molding has a continuous row of colonnettes in the middle,
and this design is repeated in the cornice molding. The upper wall zone is a
continuous row of split columns, banded in the center, and this rests on a simple,
three-member medial molding that offers a nice contrast to the columns in this elegant
structure. Structure 1 of Group A is Classic Puuc Colonnette style (A.D. 770-830).
Some distance away, to the southwest in Group E, is a large stone phallus, about six
feet long, lying on the ground.
To the west are the remains of Structure I of Group C, called the Chief Temple by
Page 140

Group of three banded columns in the lower wall of Structure 1

of Group A, Huntichmul. Late Classic period.
Maler. This building was constructed in stages on a natural hill that was artificially
terraced. It is now almost totally collapsed but is believed to have had rooms on three
levels. The most interesting thing about this structure is that the center doorway on the
top level carried a monster-mouth facade, typical of Chenes architecture, in an area
rather far north of most of the architecture in that style.
Maler published a photograph of this facade in 1895, when more of it was standing.
Much had fallen when H. E. D. Pollock visited the structure in the 1930s, and he was
unable to determine whether the structure "is built in true Chenes style or whether it is
a Puuc copy of a Chenes building."
In the 1980s George F. Andrews reported that the upper level of Structure 1 of Group
C used other Chenes construction techniques. This and the existence of some
megalithic-style stonework at the site led Nicholas Dunning to suggest that
"Huntichmul was one of the first sites established in this area of the Puuc."
A short distance to the north is Structure 2 of Group C, called the Building with the
Inscriptions by Maler. This two-story building has fallen, except for the west side of
the lower level. Three rooms on this level had doorways on the west facade, and the
north doorway is still standing. The center
Page 141

Structure 2 of Group C, view of the north doorway of the west facade, Huntichmul. Late
Classic period. This is a good example of a simple molding breaking above the doorway,
a feature typical of Early Puuc-style architecture.
doorway was once topped by a carved stone lintel with an inscription of six glyphs on
the face and a standing figure on the underside. Photographs of the lintel, when it was
in place, and drawings of both carved faces were published by Pollock in 1980, from
material he had gathered in the 1930s.
The center doorway has now collapsed, along with some of the adjacent facade, but
according to Dunning the lintel remains in the rubble. Structure 2 of Group C is an
Early Puuc building (A.D. 670-770).
These are the only structures I have seen at Huntichmul, but Dunning reports that two
others (Structure 3 of Group C and Structure I of Group D) are well preserved and are
now kept cleared.
Recent History
Maler visited Huntichmul in 1887 and reported the site in 1895. Other data are in
Península Yucatán, volume 2.
Edward H. Thompson also mentions the site in an 1889 publication. Huntichmul is
cited through the years by other authors, and in 1950 Tatiana Proskouriakoff, in her
study of Maya sculpture, said that the carved lintel "is difficult to relate to any of the
known schools of Yucatán." She could offer no opinion of its date.
In 1970 Pollock described Maler's Chief Temple (Structure 1 of Group C), and in
1980, the other structures at Huntichmul. Andrews published articles in the 1980s that
included the architecture at the site, and
Page 142
Huntichmul was mapped by Dunning in 1987.
Note: There are at least three Maya sites called Huntichmul. The one described above
is called "Huntichmul I" by Maler, "Huntichmul, near Labná" by Pollock, and
"Huntichmul, Santa Rita" in the Atlas Arqueológico del Estado de Yucatán. Locally
the site is called Santa Rita after a nearby rancho.
Uxmal to Huntichmul: 24.7 miles by paved road (:32), 4.4 miles by dirt road (:45),
then about 800 yards by foot trail (:30).
Total from Uxmal to Huntichmul: 29.6 miles (1:47).
Getting There
Guide: Miguel Uc Medina, at Sayil, or someone he recommends.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to the Puuc
Highway. Turn left and proceed to the cutoff for Huntichmul (0.2 mile past the
junction for Labná). Turn right onto the dirt road, and continue for 4.4 miles. Park on
the side of the road and walk in an easterly direction to the site. The route of the foot
trail as shown on Map 2B is approximate.
The dirt road to Huntichmul is bumpy and is slippery when wet. A high-clearance
vehicle is recommended, and four-wheel drive would not be a bad idea. You may lose
time on the dirt road removing trees that lie across it. When the road is clear and dry,
you can drive it in the time indicated.
Considering the long, hot walk to the site and the time you will spend climbing
around it, you should carry a canteen of water with you. Visiting Huntichmul can be
exhausting. Allow 2 1/4 hours to see Huntichmul once you get there. Wear boots and
have a wide-angle lens for your camera.
Chuncatzim I
(choon-kaht-seem; derivation: Maya for "At the Place of the Catzim Tree")
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77), 2B and 2B1 (p.

The Site
Structure I is the only well-preserved building here, but it is very worthwhile and easy
to reach. It has also been consolidated and partly restored, making it more interesting
visually. There are ten rooms on the first story and four on the second.
Structure 1 faces north onto a court, and there are remains of a stairway on the north
side that originally led to the second story. The stairway is pierced by a passageway
formed of a half vault where it joins the building. There are three doorways on the
north side: one beneath the stairway and two others to the east and west of it. Each
doorway enters a single room without interior connections.
Beyond these rooms are two others with doorways facing east and west. The side
walls of the east and west rooms face north and are set back from the three rooms
facing north, giving a certain liveliness to the front facade. The lower wall zone of
Structure 1 is plain, and above there is a three-member medial molding. This is topped
by a continuous row of split columns, and above this is a cornice molding, with
colonnettes in the middle section.
Page 143

Structure 1, north side, Chuncatzim I. Late Classic period.

The same kind of upper facade decoration continues around the rest of the lower
story, though some has fallen. On the rear, three rooms project from the main part of
the building, and there are engaged columns with round bases and capitals in place at
the two outside corners. A plan of the structure by Teobert Maler and a restoration
drawing by H. E. D. Pollock indicate that there were similar columns on the four
corners of the main part of the first story as well.
The second story is not only smaller but also simpler in decoration. Most of the facing
stones of the upper facade of the second story have fallen, but Pollock shows
restorations indicating a two- or three-member medial molding, then a plain section,
topped by a three-member cornice molding. No columns or colonnettes are included.
Pollock believed that Structure 1 may have been built in stages, the three north-facing
rooms of the first story first, then other parts of the structure. His reasons are that the
three rooms facing north are surrounded by unusually heavy interior walls and that
the "stairway to the second story overlays upper facade decoration and cornice
molding of front range, and is obviously secondary to it." He ends by saying, "All of
this must remain conjectural without excavation." In any case, what can be seen of
Structure 1 today is Classic Puuc Colonnette style (A.D. 770-830).
On the west side of the court are a few remains of Structure 2. This was either a
simple platform, supporting a building of perishable materials, or the lower remains
of a building that was never completed. Pollock believed the latter possibility was
more likely, since numerous stone spheres, which he determined to be a part of a base
molding, were found. A row of five spheres atop a molding of grooved, rectangular
stones can be seen in place on the west side of Structure 2, near its south end. Other
spheres and pieces of molding lie scattered about.
Recent History
Maler visited Chuncatzim I and drew a plan and section of Structure 1, dated 1886.
This was published by Pollock in 1980. Maler called Structure 1 "The Palace-Temple
by the Sabacché Road," and the top of the drawing is labeled "Labná." He also wrote,
near the top of the drawing, that there were three pho-
Page 144
tographs of the structureobviously ones he took. He also included a detail drawing of
the spherical stones that are part of the base molding of Structure 2.
In 1888 Edward H. Thompson reported upon Chuncatzim I, under the name Chun-
Kat-Dzin. Frans Blom wrote about the site in 1935, and he considered it to be an
outlier of Labná, a possibility also mentioned by Pollock. Based on his settlement-
pattern studies, Nicholas Dunning (1990) concluded that Chuncatzim I (which he calls
Xcanelcruz) is indeed a part of greater Labná.
Uxmal to Chuncatzin I: 25.1 miles by paved road (:33), then about 100 yards by foot
trail (:03).
Getting There
Guide: Miguel Uc Medina, at Sayil.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to the Puuc
Highway. Turn left and proceed to the cutoff for Chuncatzim I (0.6 mile past the
junction for Labná). You can park on the left side of the highway in front of a fence
and walk in from there on a wide trail. Wear boots and allow 20 minutes for a visit.
Chuncatzim II
(choon-kaht-seem; derivation: maya for "At the Place of the Catzim Tree")
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77), 2B and 2B1 (p.

The Site
The only standing building at Chuncatzim II is Structure 1, but it has a certain
undeniable charm. It rests on a slight rise in the ground, faces east, and is
multichambered. The vault in the room on the south (left as you face the structure) is
intact. That of the room on the right has partly collapsed, as has the rest of the
According to Karl Hebert Mayer, who first reported the structure, it originally had four
doorways, only two of which were standing when he visited the site in 1982. Some of
the debris burying the lower part of the building at that time has been cleared,
exposing the base molding. Some consolidation and the restoration of one of the
doorways have been completed.
The middle part of the base molding has banded colonnettes in groups of three,
separated by plain stones. The upper and lower parts of this three-member molding
are formed of simple, rectangular slabs. The lower walls of the structure are plain and
are faced with well-cut, rectangular stones.
The lower part of the medial molding forms a projection above the doorways and the
lower wall between them. The rest of this molding has fallen. Above this are the
remains of split, banded columns and the lower part of the cornice molding.
In the debris around Structure 1 Mayer found a curved snout of typical Puuc style and
concluded that the upper facade of the building originally had at least one mosaic-style
Chac mask. He also found another decorative stone with a "quadrangular frame and a
round element in the center," which he interpreted as the rectangular ear plug of
Page 145

Structure 1, east side, Chuncatzim II. Late or Terminal Classic period.

the postulated mosaic mask. According to Nicholas Dunning, the structure is "Classic
[Puuc] Transitional style."
The back of Structure 1 has a simple, geometric, three-member medial molding,
running along its length. The wall zone above this molding appears to be plain.
There are rubble remains of other structures nearby, and some decorative elements,
primarily parts of banded columns, are lined up neatly. Perhaps eventually they will be
Recent History
In April 1982 Mayer was visiting sites in the vicinity of Rancho Sabacché, guided by
Pedro Góngora Interián, a guardián of the Zona Puuc. After stopping at Structure 5 of
Sabacché, Mayer wanted to visit Chuncatzim, the site reported by H. E. D. Pollock in
1980 and by earlier writers (see "Chuncatzim I"). Góngora Interián told Mayer that
there were two sites called Chuncatzim locally, and they visited both. Mayer
recognized that the second site they saw was the one reported by Pollock.
He then realized that the other ruin called Chuncatzim by Góngora Interián was an
unreported site. In 1984 Mayer published his report on Chuncatzim II. To avoid
confusion, Mayer designated the previously known Chuncatzim (Xcanelcruz) as
Chuncatzim I, and the previously unreported site as Chuncatzim II. This is the
nomenclature used here.
Mayer also commented, however, that his Chuncatzim II might be a part of the nearby
dispersed site of Sahacché and that perhaps the structure should be designated
Sabacché, Structure 8. He admits that this was difficult to determine. In a 1990
settlement-pattern study, Dunning indicated that Chuncatzim II (under the name of
Chuncatzim) is a separate site from Sabacché.
Uxmal to Chuncatzim II: 25.7 miles by paved road (:34), then about 0.8 mile by good,
wide foot trail (:15).
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Getting There
Guide: Miguel Uc Medina, at Sayil.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to the Puuc
Highway. Turn left and proceed to the cutoff for Chuncatzim II (1.2 miles past the
junction for Labná). You can park on the left side of the highway, in front of a gate,
and walk in from there.
Wear boots and allow 20 minutes for a visit. Try to see Chuncatzim II in the morning,
when the front of the structure is best lighted.
(sah-bah-cheh; derivation: Maya for "Place of the Ink Tree")
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77), 2B and 2B1 (p.

The Site
Sabacché is an extremely dispersed site, and remains are found on both sides of the
Puuc Highway. Those on the west will be described first.
Structure 5 at Sabacché, also called the Serpent Head Palace, faces east and rests on a
platform built on top of a natural rise of limestone bedrock. The structure is one story,
and originally there were six rooms in a single row; they are numbered in sequence
from 1, at the north end, to 6, at the south end. Rooms 1 and 2 form the North Wing,
Rooms 4, 5, and 6, the South Wing; the two are connected by Room 3, an intermediate
chamber. The North Wing is on a somewhat lower level than the rest of the structure
because of differences in the level of the underlying bedrock.
Structure 5 was constructed in stages, but according to H. E. D. Pollock, we cannot be
sure of the exact sequence. Nevertheless,
View of Room 2 of the North Wing, with remains of part of the South wing on the left,
Structure 5, Sabacché. Terminal Classic period.
Page 147

Detail of Room 2 of Structure 5, east side, Sabacché. Terminal Classic period.

he finds it likely that the three rooms of the South Wing were built before the two
rooms of the North Wing.
The best-preserved part of Structure 5 is Room 2. The adjacent Room 1 has collapsed,
except for the cross wall that connects it with Room 2. The North Wing projects
forward from the South Wing by a couple of feet.
Room 2 has an intact doorway and an upper facade that is a riot of decoration. When
this entire wing was intact, surely it was one of the architectural gems of the area. On
the right, as you face the structure, there is part of a frontal mosaic Chac mask, with a
tightly curled snout. To the left of this is a row of columns graduated in length and
resting on square stones; they lead to a squared spiral. The background of this area is
a checkerboard pattern of projecting and recessed square stones. Beyond this is a part
of a corner Chac mask that was restored in 1983, along with other parts of the facade
of Structure 5.
In order to use corner Chac masks, it would have been necessary to place the facade
of the North Wing in front of the earlier South Wing, which would account for the
projection of the former. Pollock presumed that a mirror image of this design
continued to the right, above the fallen Room 1.
The three-member medial molding running across Room 2, and presumably Room 1
originally, is also highly decorated. The middle part is made of flat stones, and some
of these are incised with stepped-fret patterns; they alternate with others displaying
vertical slashes. Below this is a continuous row of short, banded columns. There are
remains of a red handprint on the lintel above the doorway of Room 2.
The base molding, across the front of the north wing of Structure 5, is buried today,
but Pollock reports it to be of a typical
Page 148

Detail of the remains of the frontal Chac mask at the north end of Room 2, Structure 5,
Sabacché. Terminal Classic period.
three-member type, with a continuous row of colonnettes in the center. The lower
walls of the structure are plain, and the stones are finely cut and dressed. The
cornerstone, which provides most of the projection of the North Wing, is slightly
To the left of the cornerstone is the wall of the small Room 3, the only one without a
doorway opening onto the facade. Its only entrance is on the inside, from Room 2.
The facing stones of the lower wall of Room 3 were replaced during restoration.
There is a large vertical stone in this area that was originally the northeast corner of
Room 4 of the South Wing.
Again to the left are vertical jambstones that formed part of the doorway leading to
Room 4. This and the other two rooms of the South Wing have mostly fallen.
The back of Structure 5 is standing in part, though much of its facing stone is gone.
The junction of Rooms 2 and 3 is evident here. The rear of Structure 5 is simple in the
extreme, compared to the front. On the rear of the North Wing there is a three-
member medial molding. The upper and lower parts are mostly plain, and the middle
section has groups of colonnettes alternating with plain stones.
The base molding in the rear has colonnettes in the middle part, in groups of five,
separated by plain stones. Structure 5, or at least its North Wing, is Classic Puuc
Mosaic style (A.D. 830-1000).
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Structure 1, east side, Sabacché. Late Classic period.

The once-lovely Structure 7 at Sabacché, with its latticework flying facade, was
illustrated by Frederick Catherwood in John Lloyd Stephens's work and later
photographed by Teobert Maler. According to all recent reports, this building has
collapsed into a pile of rubble.
On the east side of the highway are Structures 1 through 4, which partially enclose a
court (overgrown). Structures 2, 3, and 4 are nothing more than mounds today, but
Structure 1 makes this area worth a visit.
This small, one-room building faces east and had a high roof comb on the front as a
flying facade. There are large projecting stones on the front wall and smaller ones on
the roof comb above. Originally there were more projecting stones on the sides of
both as well. These stones once supported stucco decorations, perhaps
anthropomorphic, judging by the remains on Structure 4, the Mirador, at Labná.
The single doorway in Structure 1 is intact, and one large stone forms the jamb on the
south side. There is also a large lintel spanning the jambs. A simple medial molding
crosses the front of the structure and breaks above the doorway. Structure 1 is Early
Puuc style (A.D. 670-770).
When Maler photographed Structure 1 in 1887, some of the top of the roof comb had
already fallen, but the remaining part spanned the width of the building. Since then,
the north end of the structure and the roof comb above it have collapsed. In 1985
George F. Andrews reported that what then remained of the roof comb tilted
backward at an angle of more than 12 degrees.
The rains caused by Hurricane Gilbert in October 1988 caused even more of the roof
comb and part of the southeast corner of the building to fall. Only part of the lowest
section of the roof comb is still in place. Repair work to the walls, corners, and vault
was undertaken by Ramón Carrasco Vargas of INAH in 1989, and substantial supports
were in-
Page 150
stalled inside the structure to prevent further deterioration.
Recent History
In 1842 Stephens and his artist companion, Catherwood, visited Sabacché. Stephens
described four structures in the area, and Catherwood produced drawings of two of
them, now numbered Structures 5 and 7. This was published in 1843. Even at that
time the now-fallen Structure 7 had a large crack in the front running up from the
In 1895 Maler reported Sabacché, and he published photographs of Structures 1 and
7. The site is mentioned in other publications but was most thoroughly covered (up
until that time) by Pollock in 1980. Later in the 1980s Andrews studied the architecture
at the site.
Uxmal to Sabacché (Structure 5): 25.7 miles by paved roads (:34), then about 0.4 mile
by dirt road (:08).
From the Sabacché, Structure 5 junction on the Puuc Highway to the Sabacché,
Structure 1 junction: 0.2 mile by paved road (:01), then 0.2 mile by good foot trail
Total from Uxmal to Sabacché (structures on both sides of the highway): 26.9 miles
Getting There
Guide: Miguel Uc Medina, at Sayil.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to the Puuc
Highway. Turn left and proceed to the cutoff for Sabacché, Structure 5 (1.2 miles past
the junction for Labná). Turn left onto the dirt road, go through a gate, and continue
to Structure 5, then return to the highway.
To reach Structure 1, drive north for another 0.2 mile, and park on the right side of
the highway. From there, follow the trail to Structure 1. Locally, this structure is
sometimes called San Fran, after a nearby rancho.
Try to see both Structures 5 and 1 in the morning, when they are best lighted.
Allow 30 minutes to see Structure 5, and another 20 minutes for Structure 1.
Pich Corralché
(peech kohr-rahl-cheh; derivation: Maya and Spanish for ''Corral Made of Pich
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2B (p. 115)

The Site
Pich Corralché is a large site with a settlement area of about 1.4 square miles; it ranks
in size near Sayil and Kabáh. Unfortunately, the structures at the site are poorly
preserved, which accounts for the one-star rating.
The Main Group at Pich Corralché is made up of numerous quadrangles, and there
are pyramids and remains of many vaulted structures as well. Since the architecture is
greatly fallen, however, the stelae found in this group will be of more interest to the
The stelae are broken and lie on their sides, but the carving can be made out, and
some parts of it are quite clear. In the same area there is also a short cylindrical stone
with the top broken off. What remains of the lower part is carved but eroded.
In 1887 Teobert Maler photographed a building at Pich Corralché (which he called X-
corralché) that had a column in a doorway and a medial molding that rose above it.
There were also remains of diamond-shaped
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Lower part of a stela in the Main Group, Pich Corralché. Late or Terminal Classic period.
decorations on the facade. This structure has not been relocated and may have fallen,
but its style was Early Puuc (A.D. 670-770). Nicholas Dunning believes that this
structure was probably located in one of the quadrangles of the Main Group. Maler
also photographed the stelae in the Main Group, and this was published by H. E. D.
Pollock in 1980.
There are two groups of ruins nearby that are considered to be a part of Pich
Corralché The East Group is made up of mounds and a massive rubble platform; the
Northeast Group has some remains of Structure 1. This Classic Puuc structure (A.D.
770-1000) is two stories, but like the others at the site, it is mostly fallen.
Recent History
Pich Corralché has been known for some time through Maler's photographs, some of
which have been published by others. His text on the site is in Península Yucatán,
volume 1.
Casts of two of the stelae at Pich Corralché are in the Peabody Museum of Harvard
University. According to Herbert J. Spin-den, the casts were made by Désiré Charnay.
Several articles that include Pich Corralché were published by George F. Andrews in
the early 1980s, and a map of the Main Group was drawn. The map was later updated
by Dunning, who also drew sketch plans of the East and Northeast groups.
The site remains inadequately ex-
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An interior vault of Structure 1 of the Northeast Group, Pich Corralché. Late or Terminal
Classic period.
plored, and there has been no consolidation or restoration of the architecture.
Uxmal to Pich Corralché: 30.4 miles by paved road (:41), 2.6 miles by fair rock road
(:11), 1.4 miles by dirt road (:09). Then 0.4 mile over limestone outcrops (:07) to the
Northeast Group.
Return the last 0.4 mile (:07) and continue another 0.4 mile by dirt road (:05) to the
Main Group.
Total from Uxmal to Pich Corralché (both groups): 35.6 miles (1:20).
Getting There
Guide: Miguel Uc Medina, at Sayil, or someone he recommends.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to the Puuc
Highway. Turn left and proceed to the cutoff for Pich Corralché. The cutoff is 5.9
miles past the junction for Labná, and just past (east of) an electric substation. Turn
left onto the rock road (which later becomes a dirt road), and go 4.0 miles. Then take
a right fork for 0.4 mile to reach the Northeast Group. Actually you can walk this last
part about as fast as you can drive it, and probably more comfortably. It is all
limestone outcrops and loose boulders hidden by weeds.
Allow 20 minutes to see the remains of Structure I of the Northeast Group. Then
Page 153
return to the dirt road and continue for 0.4 mile to reach the Main Group. Allow 30
minutes to see the stelae and the few remains of fallen, vaulted buildings.
A high-clearance vehicle is recommended. Wear boots and have a wide-angle lens for
your camera.
Loltún (Cave)
(lohl-toon; derivation: Maya for "The Rock of Flowers")
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2B (p. 115)

The Site
For the enthusiast the primary reason for a visit to Loltún is to see the well-preserved
bas-relief sculptured figure on the outside rock wall, near the Nahkab entrance to the
cave. This bigger-than-life-sized figure of a man in profile with an elaborate costume
is believed to date to the Late Preclassic period (or possibly the late part of the Middle
Preclassic). It is one of the earliest known sculptures in Yucatán, indeed in all the
Maya Lowlands.
The figure is holding a lance in his right hand and may represent a warrior, though
some authorities believe that the relief is related to Maya deities. A vertical row of
glyphs is carved above and to the left of the figure; these are the earliest reported from
Yucatán. The numeral 3 accompanies the top glyph, but no date has been deciphered;
the relief is dated by its style. A drawing of the relief in the INAH guide for Loltún
lists the sculpture as Preclassic Maya and says that in a study, Anthony P. Andrews
compared the relief to the Late Preclassic Stela 11 from Kaminaljuyú, in the Guatemala
highlands. The guide further states that the Loltún relief is between 2,200 and 2,500
years old.
When you tour the cave, you are shown through several caverns, some of which are
gigantic. In several spots there are remnants of paintings, including both positive and
negative painted hands, a motif seen in many parts of the Yucatán Peninsula.
The Loltún Head, discovered in the cave in 1960 by Jack Grant and Bill Dailey, was
for several years in the Mérida Museum. It has been returned to the cave, where you
can see it when you take a tour. The head is about two feet tall and is rather crudely
carved. When displayed at the Mérida Museum, it was labeled as in Olmec style or
showing Olmec influence, a view that some authorities reject.
In a large chamber that you visit near the end of the tour are several carvings on
boulders and wall surfaces. Although they have been recorded and were reported
many years ago, they have not been dated, nor have the paintings. The carvings
include spirals, crude faces, and geometric designs.
The chamber in which these carvings appear has an opening to the surface, so there is
some light. You need fast film for available-light shots; a flash is also useful here and
to shoot the paintings, where there is no natural light.
A nearby chamber with another opening to the surface has a ladder and steps carved
into the rock, and this is your exit to the surface. From there you walk aboveground
back to where you parked.
Excavations at Loltún show that the cave was used from very early times. Some lithic
artifacts associated with animal remains were found in a preceramic level that dates to
around 2200 B.C., and the earliest ceramics date to the Middle Preclassic period, around
700-650 B.C. Ceramics from succeeding periods were also discovered, and analysis by
Fernando Robles Castellanos and
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Preclassic bas-relief carving at the entrance to Loltún Cave.

Page 155

Glyph-carved jamb from the Main Group at

Yaxhom, on display at Loltún Cave. Late or
Terminal Classic period.
Eduardo Toro Quiñones indicates that a climax was reached during the Late Classic
period. Little material from the Postclassic and colonial periods has been found.
There are four monuments displayed at Loltún near the ticket office, and all are worth
a look while you are there. One is a six-foot-tall stone phallus from Nohoch Cep (one
of the groups at Yaxhom); two others are glyph-carved jambs from the Main Group at
Yaxhom. Both jambs have an Introducing Glyph at the top, but the double columns of
glyphs below (where an Initial Series date would normally be found) have no
numerical coefficients, and according to Nicholas Dunning, "only a few calendrical
signs are identifiable."
Another carved stone comes from Group B at Yaxhom; it is circular and has a single
large glyph. All the groups at Yaxhom from which these monuments come are 2 to 2½
miles from Loltún.
Recent History
Loltún Cave was first studied by Edward H. Thompson, who reported his findings in
1897 while working for Peabody Museum of Harvard University. He worked at Loltún
on two occassions. The first expedition was during the 1888-1889 season, and the
second was two years later. He explored the cave and discovered several carvings on
the walls and boulders of one of the chambers. He also excavated in that area and
found fragments of pottery and stone implements at various depths. Photographs of
these items and of the sculptured figure on the outside wall appear in his publication.
A few years later Henry C. Mercer explored the cave, undertook some excavation, and
published photographs of the carvings inside the cave. Oddly enough, he made no
mention of the Preclassic figure at the entrance.
Drawings of the sculptured figure were published by Tatiana Proskouriakoff (1950)
and Miguel Covarrubias (1957).
The most recent work at the cave was sponsored by the Southeast Regional Center of
INAH and the Yucatán State Government.
1. Uxmal to Loltún (via Santa Elena, Ticul, and Oxkutzcab): 31.6 miles by paved road
2. Uxmal to Loltún (via the Puuc Highway): 36.5 miles by paved road (:59).
Page 156
Getting There
Both routes from Uxmal to Loltún are good; use the one that best fits with your travel
plans. If you take the first route, leave Uxmal heading southeast on Highway 261 to
Santa Elena, then go northeast on an unnumbered road to Ticul, then southeast on
Highway 184 to Oxkutzcab. When you reach Oxkutzcab, go two blocks past the Main
Plaza to a sign indicating the way to Loltún. Turn right and continue to the cave. The
entrance is marked and is on the right side of the road.
If you use the second route, take Highway 261 southeast and then south to the Puuc
Highway. Turn left and go 16.5 miles to the junction with a road (on the left) that goes
to the village of Yaxhom. Take this road and go 3.2 miles to the junction with the road
to Oxkutzcab, and then turn left. When you join this road, you will be just about at the
entrance to Loltún (on the left). You can also go to the end of the Puuc Highway at
Cooperativa and turn left to reach Loltún, but this is 1.3 miles (:02) longer than taking
the cutoff to Yaxhom.
There is a parking area at Loltún and a restaurant. Tours of the cave (some in English)
are conducted on Tuesday through Sunday. They start at 9:30 A.M . and thereafter at 1½-
hour intervals; the last tour begins at 3:30 P.M .
As you approach the entrance to the cave, the bas-relief figure is on the rock wall to
the left of the main entrance, a bit above eye level. Once you reach it, you can see and
photograph it in a few minutes. Avoid the use of flash; it washes out the figure and
emphasizes the discoloration in the rock. This is especially true if the sculpture is wet,
as it sometimes is. When it is wet, good photos are extremely difficult to get. Try fast
film and available light. There are some trees you can lean against for support. The
sculpture never gets direct sunlight, but there is likely to be more ambient light in the
morning, especially in the rainy season, so if you plan to see Loltún and other sites the
same day, go to Loltún first.
If you want to see the bas-relief sculpture at the entrance to the cave but do not wish
to tour the cave itself, ask at the ticket office. They will probably allow you to see the
sculpture without taking a full tour of the cave.
Bring your own flashlight for extra light in the cave and for reading your camera dials
when setting up for flash shots in dark areas.
Allow 1½ hours to visit the cave and walk back to your car, and a few minutes more
to see the monuments near the ticket office.
You can reach Loltún on conducted tours from Uxmal or by taxi from Oxkutzcab, as
well as in your own vehicle.
(chahk-mool-toon; derivation: Maya for "Mounds Made of Red Stone")
West-central Yucatán.
Map: 2 (p. 77)

The Site
Chacmultún is a real sleeper. There is a good deal of standing architecture that has
been restored, some interesting decorations, and remains of polychrome frescoes. The
site has been known for a long time, is easy to reach, and is kept cleared, yet it attracts
few visitors.
While it may not be quite equal to the more popular Sayil and Labná, it is certainly in
the same class, especially since its restoration.
There are three groups of structures at Chacmultán, all of which you should see. As
you enter the site, the road passes the first group, a complex of buildings on the right.
This group is called Chacmultán, the same
Page 157
Page 158

Edifice 5, north side, lower level, Cabalpak Group, Chacmultún. Late Classic period.
as the site as a whole. Pass it by for the moment and continue about 250 yards to the
end of the road. Facing you is the second group, called Cabalpak (meaning something
like "Lower Terrace") or Edifice 5. This is a multi-storied structure, although that fact
is not apparent at a glance.
Its lower story has twelve rooms, with many of the corbeled vaults intact, and with a
facade that has been nicely restored. The upper wall zone is formed of a continuous
row of banded columns, and there are colonnettes in the medial and cornice moldings,
each of which is composed of five parts. The front of the lower-level rooms is
divided by a partly restored stairway in the center. Climb the stair to the top of this
lower section, and walk to the left side to see the opening to a chultun.
Then walk to the right side and you will see a trail going uphill. As you climb this
trail, you will see architectural remains on higher and higher levels. Only then can you
appreciate that the structure is multistoried. The first three stories are built on terraces
on the side of a natural hill; the fourth story is on top of the hill itself. The upper
levels are hidden from view by trees when you are standing at ground level or on the
terrace above the lower story.
The remains on the other levels are not as well preserved as the first but are worth a
look. There are four ranges of rooms above the first, for a total of five in all. Two
ranges are on one level, however, so Edifice 5 is generally considered to be four-
storied, although some consider it to have five stories.
There are some intact vaults and in-place stone lintels in the upper stories. Another
interesting feature is the crudely carved foot-shaped stones projecting from the vaults
in one of the upper rooms. The soles of the feet face out, and the toes point up. They
appear to be too high to function as convenient hooks, and one wonders about their
use. Structure 5 is Classic Puuc Colonnette style (A.D. 770-830).
When you return to ground level, look for a trail heading east (left as you face Edifice
5) that takes off from the front of the structure.
The trail leads about 0.3 mile to the third group at Chacmultún, called the Xetpol
("Broken Head") Group. (This group was named for an anthropomorphic sculpture
found in the area.) The last part of the trail is up a hill over 100 feet high, making it a
rather tiring, but not too difficult, climb.
At the top of the hill is a long building (Structure 4) with five doorways in a central
section, flanked by projecting rooms. Most of the structure is remarkably intact, and
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Structure 4, west facade of the central section, Xetpol Group, Chacmultún. Late Classic
part of it has been restored. In the far left room of the central section of the structure,
there is an altar or bench, with niches below. This room has no doorway to the outside
and can be entered only through the adjacent room on the south, through the far left
doorway of the central section. Even more interesting are fragmentary remains of wall
paintings found in the center room, on the rear wall on either side of a doorway that
leads to an upper chamber. Little remains except black line-work, but the sure flow of
the lines indicates the hand of a master artist.
The west facade of Structure 4 is extremely plain. The base molding is a single course
of rectangular stones, and the three-member medial and cornice moldings are very
simple. George F. Andrews considers this structure to be an intermediate type of
Classic Puuc architecture.
You can get to a higher level with more architectural remains by going around either
end of Structure 4. A stairway on the south side has been restored. The upper building
(once considered an upper level of Structure 4, but now designated Structure 20) is set
back from Structure 4, and the terrace in front of Structure 20 forms the roof over
Structure 4. From this terrace you can see the two other groups at Chaemultún below
in the distance.
The two-storied Structure 20 has been partly restored and has a number of vaulted
rooms on its lower level. There are some stone lintels in place in the first story and a
partly restored stairway on the north side
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Structure 20, west side, Xetpol Group, Chacmultún. Late Classic period.

Structure 7, south side, Xetpol Group, Chacmultún. Late Classic period.

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Edifice 1, southwest corner, Chacmultún Group, Chacmultún. Terminal Classic period.

(left as you face the structure). The second story was greatly fallen when the site was
first reported, but it is known that the rooms of this story rested on a platform, and
this has been restored. The decoration on the building is very simple. The original
construction of structure 20 is Early Puuc style (A.D. 670-770), but the building was
added to later.
As you face Structure 20, look for a trail that leads to the right for a short distance to a
small two-room building (Structure 7). It is simple in design with a single regtangular
course of stone for a medial molding, but it is worth a few minutes to visit. Structure
7 is Early Puuc style.
Now return to ground level and your car for a cold drink and a rest. You will need
After this break, drive back to the Chacmultún Group, which you saw when you
entered the site. Across the road from this group are a couple of small mounds that
form the Central Group, but there is no standing architecture there.
The Chacmultún Group has the most extensive architectural remains at the site,
consisting mainly of three major buildings: Edifice 3 on a lower level, and Edifices 1
and 2 on a higher terrace.
Edifice 3 is composed of about 20 rooms, and remains of mural paintings can still be
seen in one of them. They are located on the back wall of the second room on your
right as you approach the building. The opening to this chamber faces south. The
murals are in poor condition, but figures in a processional, wearing ritual regalia, can
still be discerned. There is a padlocked door to this room, but the caretaker will open
it for you. There are many intact vaults in Edifice 3, and the remaining medial molding
has a design carved on its middle member.
Climb now to the upper level of the group. Edifice 1 is a large building with a central
stairway on the south, banded columns decorating the upper wall zone, and three-
member medial and cornice moldings, the middle parts of which are carved. There are
projecting stone phalli in the middle of the cornice molding; these are best observed
on the west end of the building. The west part of the south facade of the structure has
been restored, and the large center doorway (of three) is supported by two cylindrical
Page 162

Detail of the west facade with hut-type niche above the doorway, Edifice 1, Chacmultún
Group, Chacmultún. Terminal Classic period.
columns with rectangular capitals. There are two hut-type niches in the upper wall
zone of this area, and another on the west end of the building. For this and other
reasons, Edifice 1 (as well as Edifice 5) reminds you most of Labná.
The remaining rooms of Edifice 1 are unusually wide, and one of them has six
projecting foot-shaped stones like those mentioned earlier in the upper level of Edifice
5. The east side of Edifice 1 (right as you face the structure) is mostly collapsed. On
the west end of the building are the remains of a stairway, supported by a vault, that
once led to the roof of the structure. It is of more modest dimensions than the south
stairway, and both were built after the construction of the rooms. Although there were
several stages of construction in Edifice 1, the exact sequence has not been
determined. It is believed that second-story rooms were planned but never built. On
the northwest corner of the building there is an extension formed of three rooms.
These are mostly fallen, but jambstones and lintels that were part of the entrance to
one of the rooms are standing, and there are remains of lower walls and a three-
member medial molding like the one on the main part of the structure. Edifice 1 is
Classic Puuc Mosaic style (A.D. 830-1000), and it must have been a truly outstanding
piece of architecture in its heyday.
The other structure on this upper level, Edifice 2, is a most unusual one. Its east face
has a recessed central stairway flanked by remains of vaulted roomsone on each side.
This is backed by a large core of a solid mass of rubble. It is theorized that this solid
core was meant to support an upper story that was never built. The core and stairway
of the structure were built first and are Early Puuc style; the vaulted rooms flanking
the stairway are Classic Puuc Colonnette style and were added later.
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Edifice 2, northeast corner, Chacmultán Group, Chacmultán. Late Classic period.

The north and south sides of Edifice 2 have no openings in the exterior walls, but
there is a small opening in the west wall several feet above ground level, but no
stairway leading to it has been discovered. The opening enters a narrow chamber that
makes a 90-degree turn to the fight, goes up a few steps, and continues straight ahead
almost to the south end of the building. The purpose of this crudely vaulted chamber
has not been determined; it seems to go nowhere in particular. Sunk into the terrace
between Edifices 1 and 2 is a chultun with a catch basin on the surface.
Although the structures at Chacmultún were erected during the Late and Terminal
Classic periods, the general area was inhabited earlier. Late Preclassic ceramics were
found in a cave 2.5 miles from the site. There are Late Postclassic ceramics at the site
itself, indicating that it was occupied, at least to some extent, long after the latest
buildings were erected.
Recent History
Teobert Maler described Chacmultún in works published in 1895 and 1902, and he
gave the structures such fanciful names as ''The Chamber of Justice" for Edifice 2.
Edward H. Thompson, working for the Peabody Museum of Harvard University,
explored and mapped the site in 1899 and did a watercolor copy of the murals. This is
fortunate, for when he returned two years later, they had been greatly defaced. He
reported his findings in 1904.
Mexican scholars who studied Chacmultún in the early and mid-twentieth century
were Federico Mariscal, José Erosa Peniche, and Enrique Juan Palacios. In 1980 H. E.
D. Pollock described and illustrated the major structures at Chacmultún, and Andrews
analyzed the architecture, in articles published a few years later.
In the early 1980s major restoration at the site was undertaken by the Mexican
government, and nearby groups were explored and recorded, some of which were
Page 164
Some of this work was reported by Antonio Benavides Castillo in 1985.
1. Uxmal to Chacmultún (via Santa Elena, Ticul, Oxkutzcab, and Tekax): 43.5 miles by
paved roads (1:19).
2. Uxmal to Chacmultún (via the Puuc Highway): 50.7 miles by paved roads (1:18).
Getting There
Both routes to Chacmultún are good; use the one that best fits with your travel plans.
If you take the first route, leave Uxmal heading southeast on Highway 261 to Santa
Elena, then go northeast on an unnumbered road to Ticul, then southeast on Highway
184 to Tekax. As you enter Tekax, you will see a pyramid sign for Chacmultún. Turn
right at the sign and go a long block to a cemetery. Then turn leftthe only choiceand
go another block to a junction with a road that has a sign for Kancab. Turn right at the
junction and take the road west through the village of Canek and on to Kancab. In
Kancab take the cutoff to the left for Chacmultún (marked with a sign).
If you use the second route, take Highway 261 from Uxmal heading southeast and
then south to the Puuc Highway; turn left and continue to Cooperativa. Turn right at
the end of the road (left goes to Loltún and Oxkutzcab), and go to the junction for
Chacmultún (marked with a sign). Turn left and go to Kancab. This part of the road is
narrow. In Kancab turn right at the sign for Chacmultún and proceed to the site.
The road from Kancab to Chacmultún is now paved, but there are lots of dips and
curves along the way. Drive slowly.
Chacmultún can easily be reached by private car, but buses go only as far as Tekax.
From there you could probably get a taxi to the site. There is no food or drink at
Chacmultún. Wear boots and allow 3 hours to see the three groups at the site. On the
way back to Uxmal treat yourself to a lunch of poc-chuc at the Hotel Peraza in Tekax.
(kohm; derivation: Maya for "depression" or "ravine")
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2C (p. 165)
The Site
Kom is a dispersed site with three main groupsA, B, and Cand two other groups of
somewhat lesser importance. All three main groups are very worthwhile, and the site
as a whole, according to George E Andrews, shows "considerable variety in building
form and architectural style, including both early and late [Puuc] styles."
When you drive to the site you reach Group C first. Park on the dirt road, and follow
a foot trail for a short distance to the right to Structure 1, the only standing building in
Group C. Originally this structure had six rooms in a double range of three rooms,
back to back. Those on the south have totally collapsed, and of those facing north,
only the center room is fairly well preserved.
The north facade of Structure 1 originally had five doorways, one in each end room
and three entering the center room. Only the central doorway of the center room
remains intact, though jambstones of the other doorways, nearest the one in the center,
are still in place. Many of the facing stones of the north wall have fallen, but those that
remain would indicate that the lower part of the wall was plain. The upper section
(but still below the molding) has a recessed,
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Area near Xul

Page 166
geometric design in the form of a horizontal cross, with a projecting stone in the
center. This feature is best observed on the extreme left (east). A reconstruction
drawing by Andrews shows two more crosslike designs on the facade of the central
The interior of the central room is partly intact, and the vault is complete in the middle
of the room. It is gracefully curved and is topped by a line of recessed capstones.
Structure 1 of Group C is Early Puuc style (A.D. 670770).
Return to your vehicle and follow the road north for 0.3 mile. This brings you to the
base of a low hill that is topped by Group A, the largest architectural assemblage at
Kom. A trail leads up the hill and passes between Structures 4 and 6.
These two structures are at right angles to each other, and each is a single range of
rooms. Both lie along the edge of the flattened top of the hill. The doorways of both
face downhill, and both bildings are fallen or partly fallen, though remnants of vaults
can be seen.
At the top of the hill you come first to Structure 2, which borders a plaza on the south.
(Structure I is on the west side of the plaza, and the few remains of Structure 5 are
found on the north side.) Structure 2 has four rooms in a line facing north, two of
which have been consolidated and partly restored. Though the facing stones of the
lower walls of the north facade are gone, two doorways are intact, with their
jambstones and lintels.
Remains of a simple medial molding are found above each doorway and in one place
in the wall between them. The molding seems to overhang the doorways more than is
usual and appears today to be almost a sort of canopy.
To the southeast of Structure 2, away from the plaza, is Structure 3, a building with
seven rooms in two rows, back to back. It is partly fallen, but the exterior east end
wall and some of the interior cross walls are standing. The exterior east wall is
decorated with a typical three-member medial molding with columns above it.
From here, head northwest, passing the side of Structure 2, and continue across the
plaza to Structure 1, the largest at Kom. This 13-room building appears to have been
built in different stages. Its east facade has mostly fallen, and decorative fragments lie
in heaps on the ground in front. One large section has columns and a three-member
molding, of which the middle part is colonnettes. The south wall and some of the
interior doorways of Structure 1 are intact, and some of the rooms have been
Part of Structure 1 is two stories, and the rest is one story. One single range of three
rooms, extending to the east, is mostly rubble. The rear (west face) of the structure has
many decorative elements in place in the upper section (of the same type that lie on
the ground in front of the building). Below the decorations the facades of the rooms
have fallen, but the inner parts of the vaults are standing, as are a couple of cross
walls and an interior doorway. When intact, Structure 1 must have been a truly
impressive piece of architecture. It appears to be Classic Puuc Colonnette style (A.D.
When you leave Group A, follow the road as it curves to the right, to the base of a hill
supporting Group B. The largest building in this group is Structure 1, with six rooms.
The three on the west were constructed first and are Early Puuc style, and at that time
the structure was L-shaped. The central room on the west has three doorways, and
there are remains of a simple rectangular molding that rises above them. Between the
molding and the lintels over the doorways are some diamond-shaped stones for
decoration. The south room of this part of the structure projects from the rest of the
west facade and has one doorway on the south side.
During Classic Puuc times three rooms were added on the east side. The center room
on the east, which projects from the others, is mostly fallen, but most of the north and
south rooms are standing. A cornice molding with a continuous row of colonnettes is
still in place in a few spots, and more of this decoration can be seen in the large
clumps of the fallen facade of the center room. The structure has been partly restored.
A few feet to the north of Structure 1 is Structure 2, which faces south. Of the original
three rooms, only the one on the west is
Page 167

Structure 1 of Group B, view of part of the west side, Kom. Late Classic period.
in good condition; the others are greatly fallen. In the lower wall there are three large
banded columns on the southwest comer, two of which are complete. The upper wall
zone displays a continuous row of colonnettes, banded in the center, and it is
separated from the plain lower wall by a simple three-member medial molding.
Shorter colonnettes adorn part of the cornice molding.
A short distance to the northeast is Structure 3 of Group B, with one of its two original
rooms still standing. It is also decorated with banded colonnettes in the upper wall
zone and smaller plain colonnettes in the middle of the three-member medial and
cornice moldings. Structures 2 and 3 of Group B appear to be Classic Puuc Colonnette
Recent History
In 1928 José Reygadas Vértiz described several sites in a Mexican publication,
including Groups A and B at Kom. In 1936 H. E. D. Pollock visited Kom, and in 1980
he published a brief report (and a synopsis of Reygadas's information).
The site is included in the 1980 Atlas Arqueolégico de Estado de Yucatán by Silvia
Garza Tarazona de González and Edward Kurjack.
Andrews studied the architecture at Kom and published his findings in several articles
in the 1980s. In late 1987 the Salvage Brigade of the Yucatán Regional Center of
INAH, under the direction of Ricardo Veláz-quez Valadéz, carried out consolidation in
Groups A and B at Kom. The site was mapped by Uwe Gebauer in 1988.
Uxmal to Kom (via the Puuc Highway): 45.3 miles by paved road (1:09), 0.8 mile by
rock road (:04), then 1.6 miles by dirt road (:15) to Group C at Kom.
Total from Uxmal to Kom (Group C): 47.7 miles (1:28).
Getting There
Guide: Miguel Uc Medina, at Sayil, or ask around in Xul.
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Structure 2 of Group B, south facade, west room, Kom. Late Classic period.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to the Puuc
Highway. Turn left and go to Cooperativa, then right and continue to Xul. In Xul turn
right at the sign for Kom, pick up the rock road, and go to the dirt cutoff for Kom.
Turn right and proceed to Group C. There are some limestone outcrops along the dirt
road, but they can be crossed in a standard vehicle if you take it slowly.
Bring a wide-angle lens for your camera, and wear boots. Allow 2 hours to see the
three major groups at Kom, including travel time between them.
Buses go as far as Xul.
Page 169

Chacbolay (Chacbolai)
(chahk-boh-lahee; derivation: Maya for "jaguar")
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2C (p. 165)

The Site
The Castillo at Chacbolay is the only well-preserved structure at the site, but to the
southeast the fallen remains of two vaulted buildings have been reported. Chacbolay
is better than the average one-star site, even with its single standing building.
The Castillo has eight rooms around a central, solid core, and a stairway on the west
side. Beneath the stairway there is a doorway entering the central room of the west
facade, and two other doorways enter rooms on either side. In the upper wall zone,
above the north and south doorways (in the rooms on the west side), are niches that
perhaps originally housed some decoration. Today the niches are empty except for the
remains of red paint.
The niches are bordered by sections of plain stone, and there are groups of three

The Castillo, from the southwest, Chacbolay. Late Classic period.

Page 170
banded columns at the north and south corners of the upper wall zone on the west
side. Below these, in the otherwise plain lower wall zone, are tall, single, banded
columns. There are also upper wall zone niches on the north and south sides of the
structure near the west end, and probably there were more originally, but parts of the
other facades have fallen.
The building has the usual base molding, but one variation in the medial and cornice
moldings is the inclusion of spherical stones in groups of three near the corners. The
rest of the two upper moldings is made up of the more common colonnettes, as is the
base molding.
Two vaulted passages pierce the stairway; the one nearest the bilding is mostly intact,
while only a small part of the other vault is standing (at the base of the stairway). Only
the upper part of the stairway remains, but originally it descended to the base of the
natural hill that supports the structure.
The Castillo at Chacbolay was not built all at once, and authorities differ about which
parts were built first. There seems to be agreement, however, that the west rooms
were a later addition. The best place to see two different construction phases is on the
north side of the building, a few feet to the east of the doorway. At this junction there
are large vertical stones on the left (east), next to smaller square stones on the right.
Teobert Maler speculated that the core of the building might contain rooms that were
later filled in, but H. E. D. Pollock found no evidence for this. Pollock believed that a
second story was planned but never constructed, a situation also found in Edifice 2 at
Recent History
Maler visited Chacbolay in 1888 and first reported it in 1902. More information is
contained in Peninsula Yucatán, volume 1.
The site is later mentioned in works published in Mexico and the United States.
Pollock described the Castillo in detail in 1980. On the basis of the architecture,
George F. Andrews classifies the Castillo of Chacbolay, at least its west rooms, as
Classic Puuc Colonnette style (A.D. 770-830).
No extensive excavation has been undertaken at the site, but it was mapped by Uwe
Gebauer in 1988.
Uxmal to Chacbolay: 45.3 miles by paved roads (1:09), 3.3 miles by rock road (:14),
then 0.5 mile by poor dirt and limestone road (:05).
Total from Uxmal to Chacbolay: 49.1 miles (1:28).
Getting There
Guide: If this is the only site you will be visiting in the area, you can ask for a guide at
the village of Xobenhaltun, 1.6 miles past the cutoff for Chacbolay as you drive west
from Xul, or ask in Xul. If you plan to see other sites on Map 2C on the same trip,
check with Miguel Uc Medina, at Sayil.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to the Puuc
Highway. Turn left and go to Cooperativa, then right and continue to Xul. In Xul turn
right at the sign for Kom and pick up the rock road. Go to the dirt cutoff for
Chacbolay, turn right, and continue to the site.
Wear boots and allow 30 minutes to see the Castillo. A wide-angle lens is a must here,
and even with that you will not be able to get a shot of the entire west facade of the
Buses go as far as Xul.
Page 171

(kee-week; derivation: Maya for "plaza," "market," or "market place")
Original Name:
Possibly Kiuic.
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2C (p. 165)

The Site
Kiuic is a fascinating site with several well-preserved structures. Some consolidation
and restoration have been undertaken, and if access were easier, it clearly would be a
three-star site.
There are three numbered groups at Kiuic, and the sequence in which you visit them
will depend on which branches of the dirt access road are open at the time. Here, the
groups will be described in numerical order. Depend on your guide to get you around.
There are four standing, or partly standing, structures in Group 1 that are of interest.
Structure 3 has been restored and is a fine example of Classic Puuc Colonnettestyle
architecture (A.D. 770-830). It is one story, with four rooms facing north. In the upper
wall zone, decorations include split columns in groups of three, separated by plain
sections. There are restrained base, medial, and cornice moldings decorated with
Nearby, to the southeast, is Structure 4 of Group 1, which faces east. Though badly
fallen, one of its original five doorways remains intact. The upper zone of the facade
overhangs the lower wall without the usual medial molding. This upper zone rises at
the doorway, and the effect is similar to the broken medial molding seen in other Early
Puuc-style structures (A.D. 670-770). A carved capstone was found inside the room
with the standing doorway, but it has been looted and was replaced with a plain stone.
At the back of Structure 4, on a higher level, is an almost completely fallen double
Structure 3 of Group 1, north side, Kiuic. Late Classic period.
Page 172

Structure 4 of Group 1, east side, Kiuic. Late Classic period.

of rooms. These may be a part of Structure 4 or may be a separate structure.
Adjacent to the south of Structure 4 is Structure 5, originally with six rooms. Only
part of it is standing now, but what remains of the east facade is exquisite. John Lloyd
Stephens, who saw this structure in 1842, described it as "remarkable for its simplicity
... and, for its grandeur of proportions." He removed a painted capstone from the
interior of the room by digging down through the roof.
The walls of the facade are decorated with banded columns, alternating with
diamond-shaped designs, and Frederick Catherwood, who accompanied Stephens,
produced an engraving showing wall segments on either side of a doorway. In the
early 1930s the northern part of the facade collapsed, perhaps in part because of the
removal of the capstone. This structure is Classic Puuc Colonnette style.
The most monumental building at Kiuic is Structure 6 of Group 1, also called the
Nohochpak, about 200 feet to the southeast of Structure 5. At ground level Structure 6
has a range of 12 rooms facing north, in a single line, divided by a central stairway
(now rubble) that leads to the roof of the structure. Set back from the top of the
stairway is another range of rooms that is mostly fallen. The lower level rooms on the
west side of the stairway are well preserved and have been consolidated, and the
upper facade is decorated with a continuous row of split columns. Colonnettes also
decorate the middle member of the medial and cornice moldings. Structure 6 is
Classic Puuc Colonnette style.
Group 2 lies to the northeast of Group 1, and Structure 1 is the best preserved of this
group, with three existing rooms that face west, two of which are intact. The entrance
to each room was originally supported by two columns, forming three doorways,
though the facade of the southernmost room
Page 173

Structure 5 of Group 1, remains of the east facade, Kiuic. Late Classic period.
has collapsed. The columns in the center room are plain, while those in the north
room (and originally the south room as well) were constructed in three parts.
Each of the three-part columns has a center section in the form of molding, though the
columns in the north room had a different design from those on the south. The batter
of the upper facade of the building, its simple cornice molding, and the subtle variety
of its columns give the structure a certain charm and elegance. Behind these rooms are
the rubble remains of three others that faced east, and they were back-to-back with
those described. Structure 1 of Group 2 has been consolidated and is Early Puuc style.
A short distance to the northeast are the remains of Structure 2, a fair-sized pyramidal
mound with a range of three vaulted rooms at ground level on the west side. Though
the mound is mostly rubble, there are remains of geometric decorations in the upper
facade of the rooms. The decorations include a stepped-fret design and split columns,
and above this a three-member cornice molding.
H. E. D. Pollock reported that the pyramid appears to have been built against the back
of these rooms and that the rooms were supposedly filled at that time. He further
reported that ''the pyramid presumably supported a temple building now completely
fallen." This is the only temple-pyramid at the site. Mapping of Kiuic by Uwe Gebauer
indicates that a stairway ascended the pyramid on the east side.
Page 174

Structure 6 of Group 1, the Nohochpak, view of the west half of the north side, Kiuic. Late
Classic period.
Group 3 is east of Group 2, and the best-preserved building is Structure 2. Its center
room, of three that face west on the first level, has two columns with capitals in the
doorway and remains of triangular and diamond-shaped decorations above the
massive stone lintels. The lower wall is plain, and much of the facing stone of the
upper walls has fallen, as has the north room. A simple doorway to the south room is
intact, and the structure has been partly restored. There is a badly fallen room above
and behind the central room of the first level, and indications are that a stairway on
the east side led to it. Structure 2 of Group 3 is Early Puuc style.
Structure 1 of this group lies a few feet to the west and is mostly collapsed, but a
partly standing vault can be seen.
Recent History
In 1843 Stephens was the first to report the site of Kiuic, and his work included two
illustrations by Catherwood, Structures 5 and 6 of Group 1. Teobert Maler visited
Kiuic in 1888, and his text and illustrations are in Península Yucatán, volume 1.
Kiuic is included in many publications through the years, but those works are mainly
descriptive. No extensive excavation has been undertaken at the site, but some of the
structures were consolidated in the 1980s. Pollock covered the architecture of Kiuic in
some detail in 1980, and George E Andrews analyzed several of the structures in
articles published in the mid-1980s. The site plan drawn by Gebauer in 1988 indicates
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Structure 1 of Group 2, view of the west facade, Kiuic. Late Classic period.

Structure 2 of Group 3, view of the west facade, Kiuic. Late Classic period.
Page 176
the presence of a number of buildings at Kiuic not described above.
Uxmal to Kiuic: 45.3 miles by paved road (1:09), 6.2 miles by rock road (:29), then 2.2
miles by poor dirt road, with bumpy limestone outcrops (:30but see below).
Total from Uxmal to Kiuic: 53.7 miles (2:08).
Getting There
Guide: Miguel Uc Medina, at Sayil.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to the Puuc
Highway. Turn left and go to Cooperativa, then right and continue to Xul. In Xul turn
right at the sign for Kom, pick up the rock road, and go to the dirt cutoff for Kiuic.
Turn right and continue to the site.
You must have a high-clearance vehicle to reach Kiuic, and while four-wheel drive
may not be absolutely necessary, it would be a help in getting over the limestone
There is a gate at the entrance to the dirt road. If no one has recently driven this road,
there may be some trees lying across it, in which case it will take you longer than the
30 minutes indicated above.
Allow 1 hour and 45 minutes to visit the three groups described above. Though there
is a lot to see at Kiuic, it is fairly easy to get around, and little climbing is involved.
Wear boots and bring a wide-angle lens for your camera.
Buses go as far as Xul.
Dzulá (Tzulá)
(tsoo-lah; derivation: Maya for "Well [Waterhole] of the Foreigner")
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2C (p. 165)

The Site
Dzulá is known mainly for its remains of mural paintings. Structure 1 though, which
houses them, is in itself quite impressive.
This two-story building rests atop a hill, and originally there was a stairway on the
southwest side. A plan of the structure drawn by Uwe Gebauer shows that there are 17
rooms in the upper story, arranged in a square, with openings on all four sides. There
are possibly as many as 25 rooms below, concealed in the first story, according to
Nicholas Dunning. Structure 1 is a truly massive building, though much of it has
To reach the upper level and the murals, you make a not-too-difficult climb over
rubble fallen from the structure. On the way you will see the remains of large vaulted
The outside wall of the room with the major fragments of the murals has collapsed,
but the murals are protected by a thatch shelter.
The best-preserved section of the paintings is on the inner vault, just above the spring
line, in the corner of the room. There is a line of five figures, though only the legs of
three and the legs and torsos of two more are in place. They are easier to discern,
however, than the figures in Edifice 3 at Chacmultún.
The abutting end wall also has remains of paintings, and there are a few fragments at
the top of the vault nearby, all depicting figures. The figures form three rows and are
separated by painted borders on which they
Page 177
stand. Some sort of ritual procession may be indicated, perhaps an offering of tribute
or the installation of a Maya lord.
Elsewhere in this room, and elsewhere in the structure, areas of plaster remain
attached to the underlying wall. A few small areas retain some paint, but the designs
are difficult to make out. Some of the larger areas of plaster appear to have been
Other structures are reported at Dzulá, to the northeast, east, and west of the hill
topped by Structure 1, but these are greatly fallen. The site as a whole is medium size
and dates to the Late Classic Period, and Structure 1, probably to around A.D. 770-830.
Recent History
In 1842 John Lloyd Stephens visited Dzulá and saw the paintings described above, but
he gave no name for the site. He commented that the murals were "by far the most
interesting paintings we have seen in the country." Unfortunately, he did not visit
Chacmultún, where the murals with the figures were then in good condition.
Edward H. Thompson published a short report on Dzulá in 1904 and illustrated it with
a photograph of the inner corner of the room with the paintings and a drawing of
some of the figures in the two upper rows. A native of the area told Thompson that he
and his friends called the ruins "Tzula," and this is the name Thompson used in his
Some of Thompson's work was republished in Mexico in the 1920s and 1940s, and
Dzulá was mapped by Gebauer in 1988, completing the work of George E Andrews.
There has been no in-depth excavation, and no restoration or even consolidation,
except that the edges of the painted plaster fragments have been cemented to the walls
to prevent further deterioration.
Uxmal to Dzulá: 45.3 miles by paved road (1:09), 3.7 miles by fair rock road (:20), 1.2
miles of somewhat worse rock and dirt road (:12), then a short distance by foot trail
Total from Uxmal to Dzulá: 50.3 miles (1:46).
Getting There
Guide: Miguel Uc Medina, at Sayil, or ask around in Xul.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to the Puuc
Highway. Turn left and go to Cooperativa, then right and continue to Xul. In Xul go
straight ahead at the sign for Dzulá. Shortly south of Xul the paved road veers to the
left (to Nocacab), and a rock road goes straight ahead. Follow the rock road south,
then turn right onto another rock road. Go 1.2 miles, park on the side of the road, and
walk to the site from there.
A wide-angle lens and fast film are recommended for photographing the paintings in
natural light. Otherwise, bring a flash unit. Allow 30 minutes to see Structure 1 and
the paintings, and wear boots for the climb to the room that houses them.
Buses go as far as Xul.
(shkeech-mook; derivation: Maya for "The Buried Beauty," according to Edward H.
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2C (p. 165)

The Site
Xkichmook is actually a very good two-star site. A number of structures are reported,
and four of them are of interest to the visitor.
Page 178

Mask panel in the upper facade of the south wing of

the Palace, Xkichmook. Late Classic period.
As you climb to the site from the north, you first come to the rear of the Palace
(Structure 1), an L-shaped structure and the largest at Xkichmook. You can actually
see the structure as you begin to climb to the site. The main facade of the Palace faces
south. In the center of this facade is a stairway (now in ruin) from a plaza to a two-
room temple on top; the rest of the structure is one story. On either side of the fallen
stairway are remains of decorations.
Rooms project from each side of the stairway, and on the west a range of five rooms
extends to the south. The corners of the rooms of the upper story are decorated with
stacked, projecting Chac masks reminiscent of those on Structure XX at Chicanná. To
get a good view of the masks, climb the rubble stairway and head left (west). The
masks on the northwest corner are well preserved, and there are also masks in the
upper wall zone of the building.
Four of the rooms that extend to the south also face the plaza (east); the fifth room (on
the northwest corner) has a doorway facing west. The upper facades of these first four
rooms are highly decorated with remains of mask panels and columns. In this row the
two rooms in the center project in front of those on each end. The mask panels on the
two center rooms were larger (occupying the entire upper facade) and somewhat
different from those on the end rooms (where the masks are confined to the space
between the medial and cornice moldings). The mask on the room farthest right
(north) as you face this row is the best preserved.
To the southeast of the Palace (and once considered a part of it) are two well-
preserved rooms that face west onto the same plaza. This is Structure 12, and it
originally had nine rooms, though much of it has fallen. The upper wall zone of the
standing rooms is decorated with large rosettes that have a rectangular, lower
extension. This is a unique feature, although small rosettes are sometimes found in the
cornice molding on some other structures. There is a two-member cornice molding, as
well as a three-member medial molding with an unusually high upper part. The lower
walls of Structure 12 are mostly plain, but there is a vertical recess (one of three
originally) that divides the two rooms. The base molding is in three parts, with groups
of three colonnettes in the middle section.
You now leave the plaza area the way you came in and take a trail to the right. A short
distance away is the partly ruined Structure 4. This building had eight rooms
surrounding a solid central core, and part of the north facade (west side) is fairly well
preserved. The upper wall zone is decorated with groups of three columns separated
by plain areas, and in the area above the standing doorway are triangular decorations
in a panel that is divided by a horizontal course. The medial and cornice moldings
have groups of three colonnettes as part of the decoration.
From Structure 4 the trail continues to Structure 6, a two-room building that is fairly
well preserved. It faces west, and there is a stack of three frontal Chac masks in the
lower wall between the doorways. Three similar masks decorate the upper wall zone,
which also has plain columns. Most of the fine detail of the masks is executed in
stucco. The medial and cornice moldings include a mat-symbol motif that is seldom
Page 179

The two standing rooms of Structure 12, Xkichmook. Late Classic period.
In a detailed study of the structures at Xkichmook, George F. Andrews concluded that
Structures 4, 6, and 12 are in a transitional style that he calls Chenes-Puuc, and earlier
investigators had also noticed some Chenes traits at the site. Andrews believes that
Structure 1 is "almost purely Chenes in conception and execution," while H. E. D.
Pollock saw the style of this structure as "something of a blend of Puuc and Chenes
traditions, but basically Puuc." Andrews's work on Xkichmook was published in 1984
and 1985. He believes the structures at Xkichmook date to the Late Classic period,
while other authorities prefer a Terminal Classic date.
Recent History
Xkichmook was discovered in 1886 by Thompson, who first reported itunder the
name Kich Mooin an 1888 publication of the American Antiquarian Society.
Thompson returned to the site in 1891 and conducted research over a period of
several years. His detailed report on Xkichmook was published by the Field
Columbian Museum of Chicago in 1898, for whom he was working, with the
sponsorship of Allison V. Armour.
Some authorities disagree with Thompson about the derivation of the name of the site
and offer other possibilities. Locally the site is sometimes called Kichmo, but Xkich-
Page 180

Upper facade of Structure 4, north side, Xkichmook. Late Classic period.

mook is the generally accepted name today in the literature.
Teobert Maler visited Xkichmook in 1889, and three of his excellent photographs of
the site were used in Arquitectura Prehispánica, by Ignacio Marquina (1951). Maler's
other data are in Península Yucatán, volume 1.
In 1979 some clearing of the structures was undertaken, and lithic studies were carried
out in the late 1980s.
Uxmal to Xkichmook: 45.3 miles by paved roads (1:09), 16.1 miles by rock road (:53),
1.9 miles by fair to poor dirt road (:12), then about 0.5 mile by foot trail (:10).
Total from Uxmal to Xkichmook: 63.8 miles (2:24).
Getting There
Guide: Miguel Uc Medina, at Sayil, or ask around in Xul.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to the Puuc
Highway. Turn left and go to Cooperativa, then right and continue to Xul. In Xul, go
straight ahead at the sign for Dzulá. Shortly south of Xul the paved road veers to the
left (to Nocacab), and a rock road goes straight ahead. Follow the rock road south to
the cub off for San Martín Hill, and turn right onto the dirt road to reach the Ejido of
Xkichmook (in San Martín Hill).
Page 181
Once you reach the ejido, whoever you have brought along as a guide should ask
permission to visit the site. Since the trail to the site is through ejido fields, someone
from the ejido will accompany you.
Driving your own vehicle is the only reasonable way to reach Xkichmook, since
regular bus service goes only as far as Xul.
Wear boots, have a wide-angle lens for your camera, and allow 1 hour to visit the site.
Xcavil De Yaxché
(shkah-weel deh yahsh-cheh; Xcavil is Maya for "second sowing" [land that is sown
with seed]; Yaxché means "ceiba" and is also the name of a nearby hacienda or
rancho. Note: Xcavil is the spelling used in the literature; however, the pronunciation
shown is that used locally.)
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2D (p. 182)

The Site
Several groups of structures are reported at the dispersed site of Xcavil de Yaxché,
some with well-preserved architecture. The only one I have seen, however, is
Structure I of the Central Group, called the Temple-Palace by Teobert Maler.
This large structure must have been a splendid building when intact; even in partial
ruin it is impressive. It faces west, and the first story is composed of a double range of
eight very wide rooms that run north-south. Three other smaller rooms form an
extension to the rear, and there are several intact doorways on this lower level. The
upper wall zone of this level includes highly decorative banded columns, squared
spirals, and a simple two-member medial molding.
The west facade is divided in the center by a stairway that ascends to a smaller
second-story structure of five rooms. The stairway is mostly rubble, but parts of the
upper structure are standing, and its west facade is the best preserved. There is a
medial molding with a continuous row of colonnettes in the middle part, and in the
upper wall zone some plain columns and remains of a stepped-fret design.
When Maler photographed the Temple-Palace, there was a mask panel above the
doorway of the center room, in the rear extension on the first level. The mask has
since fallen, although the doorway is still intact. On the north side of the rear
extension is an extremely narrow doorwaybarely should width. The doorway is very
low, though this is due in part to rubble on the floor.
The Temple-Palace is Classic Puuc Mosaic style (A.D. 830-1000), as are some other
structures at Xcavil de Yaxché, while other buildings at the site are Early Puuc style
Recent History
Xcavil de Yaxché was first reported by Maler in 1902, and he included a photograph
of the mask panel mentioned above. In 1934 Karin Hissink, in a study of mask panels
in Yucatán, presented a drawing of the same mask done from Maler's photograph.
Maler's plan and elevation of the Temple-Palace were reproduced by H. E. D. Pollock
in 1980.
The site was mapped by Nicholas Dunning in 1987, and George E Andrews studied
the architecture and presented his results in 1988. There has been no extensive
excavation or consolidation of the structures.
Page 182

Area near Bolonchén

Page 183

Structure 1 of the Central Group (the Temple-Palace), from the southwest, Xcavil de
Yaxché. Terminal Classic period.
Uxmal to Bolonchén: 33.3 miles by paved road (:43).
From the plaza in Bolonchén: 9.7 miles by paved road (:15), 3.7 miles by poor dirt
road (:55), then 0.5 mile by foot trail (:10).
Total from Uxmal to Bolonchén and then to Xcavil de Yaxché: 47.2 miles (2:03).
Total from Uxmal to Xcavil de Yaxché (direct): 27.8 miles (1:33).
Getting There
Guide: Pedro Pacheco Dzul, in Bolonchén.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to Bolonchén.
From Bolonchén return north on Highway 261 to the cutoff for Xcavil de Yaxché
(unmarked), and turn right onto the dirt road. This road has lots of bumpy limestone
outcrops. If it is wet, you will probably need a vehicle with four-wheel drive; when
dry, you can drive it in a high-clearance vehicle. After you park near the site, follow
the foot trail to the north to reach it. Allow 1 hour to visit the Temple-Palace.
Note: If the dirt road looks so bad that you decide to walk in from the highway, wear
boots and carry a canteen of water.
Buses go to Bolonchén.
Page 184

(yahsh-cheh shlah-pahk; derivation: Yaxché is Maya for ''ceiba" and also the name
of a nearby hacienda or rancho; Xlapak is Maya for "Old Walls" or "Old Ruined
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2D (p. 182)

The Site
Mapping of Yaxché-Xlapak in 1987 by Nicholas Dunning shows that the site covers an
area of over 1.5 square miles, larger by far than previously thought and roughly
equivalent in size to Sayil. Several groups are reported at the site, with structures,
platforms, plain conical altars, and six stelae, some of which are carved. The stelae
and the platform on which they lie were discovered by Dunning during his work at
the site. The architecture at the site ranges from Proto-Puuc to Early Puuc to Classic
Puuc Colonnette style, covering a time span from about A.D. 610 to 830.
Dunning notes that unlike other large sites, there are no particularly large structures at
Yaxché-Xlapak; "Rather, there are numerous medium-large structures and hundreds of
smaller vaulted buildings spread across a large area." The only structure I have seen at
Yaxché-Xlapak is Structure I of the East Cerro Group (called Structure III or the
Castillo by Teobert Maler). It is one of the largest and best-preserved buildings at the
This structure is Classic Puuc Colonnette style (A.D. 770-830). It rests atop a hill and
faces west, with a range of six rooms running north-south. The doorways to the four
center rooms are intact, and remains of a stairway are found in the center of the west
facade. The base of the stairway is pierced by a passageway formed of a half vault,
and the stairway itself leads to the flat roof of the structure. A low platform is reported
on the roof, but no rooms.
The lower west wall of the structure is plain, and the upper wall zone has a
continuous row of banded columns. Colonnettes are used, also in a continuous row,
as part of the medial and cornice moldings. This range of rooms was built first,
according to Antonio Benavides Castillo and Abel Morales López. Later, nine rooms
were added to the east side in three more construction stages, and five of the rooms
form an eastern projection.
The most interesting of these is the room with a doorway on the north, supported by
two intact round columns with square capitals. This is the largest room in the
structure, the only one with a columned entrance, and it has a pointed vault without
capstones, which is rarely found in Puuc architecture, although other examples are
reported from Sayil and Itzimté. The exterior north facade of this room has groups of
three plain columns in the upper wall zone, separated by flat stones, and continuous
rows of colonnettes in both the medial and cornice moldings.
Recent History
Maler visited Yaxché-Xlapak in 1887 and reported the site under this name because
Yaxché was the name of a nearby hacienda that is still in operation today. His report
was published in 1902 and included a photograph of the west facade of the Castillo.
The structure seems to have suffered little since that time. He described, but did not
illustrate, four other structures at the site, three of which have not been relocated.
The site was briefly mentioned by Alberto Ruz Lhuillier in 1943, and in 1979
Benavides Castillo and Morales López published a detailed description of the Castillo,
including photographs, a plan, and brief notes on other structures at the site. The
architecture was studied by George F. Andrews in 1985; later, Dunning explored
Yaxché-Xlapak, discovered the stelae, and mapped the site.
Page 185

Structure 1 of the East Cerro Group (the Castillo), from the northwest, Yaxché-Xlapak. Late
Classic period.
Uxmal to Bolonchén: 33.3 miles by paved road (;43).
From the plaza in Bolonchén: 9.2 miles by paved road (:14), then 0.4 mile by foot trail
Total from Uxmal to Bolonchén and then to Yaxché-Xlapak: 42.9 miles (1:27).
Total from Uxmal to Yaxché-Xlapak (direct): 24.5 miles (:59).
Getting There
Guide: Pedro Pacheco Dzul, in Bolonchén.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to Bolonchén.
From Bolonchén return north on Highway 261 to the stopping place along the
highway (east side). There is no real shoulder to the road in this area, but there is a
limestone outcrop on which you can park. If you are driving a high-clearance vehicle,
you can pull off the road a bit farther and park under the shade of a tree. You walk to
the site from there, and the last part is very uphill.
Wear boots and a sun hat, carry a canteen of water, and have a wide-angle lens for
your camera. Allow 35 minutes to see the Castillo.
Buses go to Bolonchén.
Page 186

(bahl-cheh; derivation: Maya name for a tree used in making a native alchoholic
drink, and the name of the drink as well)
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2D (p. 182)

The Site
Balché is a dispersed site with several standing, or partly standing, structures reported.
Unfortunately, they are all on the tops or sides of hills, so a good deal of climbing is
involved in visiting the site. If you do not mind climbing, rate Balché two stars.
I could not begin to give a written, detailed "tour" of this site, so the following is
simply a description of the structures we saw. Depend on your guide to get you
From where you park your vehicle you can see a structure atop a tall hill. We were
told that there was no trail to it and did not attempt to reach it. From there you walk
for some distance and climb about 150 to 200 feet to reach Structure 6. Actually, you
climb, descend a bit, and climb again. From the top of the first climb, Structure 6 is
clearly visible.
On the lower level, Structure 6 has a row of three rooms in a line. The end rooms are
smaller than the central room, and each end room has a single narrow doorway; the
central room has three doorways that are wider, and all five doorways are intact. The
lower walls of the building are plain, and the upper wall zone overhangs the lower.
There is no projecting medial molding as such, but the overhang would seem to serve
the same aesthetic purpose. The decoration of the upper wall zone is completely
geometric. There is a lower rectangular section, above which are alternating recessed
and projecting square stones; above this is another continuous rectangular course.
In this upper course, projecting stones above each doorway are shown in a
reconstruction drawing by George F. Andrews. The one above the second doorway
from the right, as you face the structure, is still in place. Perhaps the stones supported
some decoration that is now fallen. At yet a higher level is a section of vertical,
recessed and projecting stones.
Behind these three rooms, and on a higher level, are three more. The central room has
three doorways, and the two projecting end rooms each have a doorway on the side.
A simple, rectangular medial molding-or perhaps the lower course of an overhanging
upper wall zoneis the only decoration remaining.
At one time this upper level was thought to be a separate structure, but now it is
known to be the second story of a two- story building. Structure 6 is Early Puuc style
(A.D. 670-770).
Near Structure 6 is another building, of which only a small part is standing. Part of the
vault of one room is intact, and there are two cylindrical columns with square capitals
at the doorway. A simple, rectangular medial molding projects above the lintels. I am
not sure of the number of this structure, but it appears to be Early Puuc style.
On the way back to your vehicle you pass the base of a hill that supports Structure 4,
and you can see it from ground level. Structure 4 is part way up the hill, and a section
of the building is well preserved, though other parts have fallen.
The lower walls of Structure 4 are plain, and some of the facing stone is gone. There
is one intact doorway and, above the lintel that spans it, a three-member medial
molding. The middle part of the molding is a continuous row of colonnettes. What
remains of the upper wall zone is plain, and a single rectangular course of stones is all
that is left of the cornice molding. Structure 4 is Classic Puuc Colonnette style (A.D.
Page 187
Recent History
In 1887 Teobert Maler visited a site that he called Xbalché, where he saw several small
buildings. His information on the site is part of Peninsula Yucatán, volume 1. It is
believed that these structures are part of Balché, but they have not been relocated, and
Maler apparently did not see the ones described above. These were first reported in
1978, and Balché is not included in the Atlas Arqueológico del Estado de Yucatán.
For a while after its rediscovery, Balché was thought to be a part of nearby Yaxché-
Xlapak. Recent authors, however, primarily Andrews and Nicholas Dunning, consider
it to be a separate site. Andrews, the principal investigator of Balché, reported on the
architecture in articles published in 1985 and 1986, and Dunning's settlement-pattern
study appeared in 1990.
There has been no consolidation or restoration at the site.
Uxmal to Bolonchén: 33.3 miles by paved road (:43).
From the plaza in Bolonchén: 8.4 miles by paved road (:13), 1.9 miles by fair dirt road
(:09), 0.1 mile by a spur dirt road (:01), then about 0.9 mile by foot trail (:20).
Total from Uxmal to Bolonchén, and then to Balché: 44.6 miles (1:26).
Total from Uxmal to Balché (direct): 27.8 miles (1:00).
Getting There
Guide: Pedro Pacheco Dzul, in Bolonchén.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to Bolonchén.
From Bolonchén return north on Highway 261 to the cutoff for Balché, on the right.
This is the same cutoff that goes to Chunhuaymil I. (This is exactly opposite a cutoff
on the left that goes to the village of Xculoc.)
Turn right onto the cutoff and right again at the spur road, then park. You walk to the
site from there.
Allow 1¼ hours from the time you leave on foot until you return to your vehicle. This
will give you the time to walk and climb to the structures, and see them.
Wear boots, and carry a canteen of water for the climb to Structure 6.
Buses go to Bolonchén.
Chunhuaymil I
(choon-wahee-meel; derivation: Maya for "Place of the Trunk of the Uayam [Guava]
West-central Yucatán.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2D (p. 182)

The Site
Chunhuaymil I is a small site, and of its five numbered buildings, only Structure I is
partly standing. The site is also overgrown, so the one-star rating is a bit generous.
Structure 1 is made up of five rooms--three in a row facing south onto a court, and
two abutting the rear, forming an L-shaped section. Each room has a single entrance,
and there are no interior connections.
Of the rooms facing south, only the doorway to the central room is intact. There are
remains of a simple, rectangular medial molding above the lintel and running along
the front wall. In one section, a second rectangular course lies above the first and
projects from it. The east and west rooms each had two columns in the doorways
originally. The west room is now a pile of rubble, and
Page 188
the front of the east room has fallen. Nicholas Dunning reports that the columns of
this room are carved in high relief but poorly preserved, and one is said robe in situ.
The other is on the ground in front of the structure. I am afraid I missed the columns.
Dunning also reports that Structure 1 is Early Puuc style (A.D. 670-770) and appears to
have been built in two or three stages. He says further that the central capstone of the
central room facing south has been removed. He believes that it was probably painted.
Structures 2 and 3 are on the east and west sides of the same court faced by Structure
1. Structure 2 shows Classic Puuc (A.D. 770-1000) stonework in its lower walls, and
door columns are found in the rubble of Structure 3.
Across the dirt road from these structures are two mounds, the remains of Structures 4
and 5 that have been mostly destroyed by stone removal.
Recent History
The location of Chunhuaymil I is shown on one of the maps in the Atlas
Arqueológico del Estado de Yucatán. The site is numbered but is not named in the
accompanying text.
Dunning described the site and did a sketch map of it, which was part of his doctoral
dissertation (1990). This is the major reference for the site.
Uxmal to Bolonchén: 33.3 miles by paved road (:43).
From the plaza in Bolonchén: 8.4 miles by paved road (:13), then 5.0 miles by dirt
road (:30).
Total from Uxmal to Bolonchén, and then to Chunhuaymil I: 46.7 miles (1:26).
Total from Uxmal to Chunhuaymil I (direct): 29.9 miles (1:00).
Getting There
Guide: Pedro Pacheco Dzul, in Bolonchén.
From Uxmal, take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to Bolonchén.
From Bolonchén return north on Highway 261 to the cutoff on the fight. (This is
exactly opposite a cutoff on the left that goes to the village of Xculoc.)
Turn right onto the dirt road, and proceed to Chunhuaymil I. The road is narrow and
rather bumpy and actually goes through the site on the way to the village of
Chunhuaymil. Although Structure 1 is only about 100 feet to the left of the road, it is
almost impossible to see because of the intervening vegetation. Your guide will have
to open the trail or cut a new one to reach the structure, which will take a few
Wear boots, have a wide-angle lens for your camera, and allow 10 minutes to see
Chunhuaymil I once you reach it.
There is a cleared area on the south side of the road, between the mounds of
Structures 4 and 5, where you can turn your vehicle around.
Buses go to Bolonchén.
(choon-hoo-hoob; derivation: Maya for "Place of the Huhub Tree")
Northeastern Campeche.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2D (p. 182)

The Site
Chunhuhub is a very good two-star site and is highly recommended to the serious
enthusiast. The two principal structures of the
Page 189

The Main Palace, west facade, Chunhuhub. Terminal Classic period.

Main Group are easy to reach; they are the Main Palace to the north and the Adjacent
Palace to the south. They lie at the rear of a large terrace and are separated by a pile of
rubble believed to be the remains of a stairway that led a raised court. Both buildings
face west, so the afternoon is the best time for photography. There is a pile of rubble
to the west of the structures that offers a good vantage point for photographing the
palaces. Even from this distance you will need a wide-angle lens to get both palaces in
an overall view.
The Main Palace is about 115 feet long and has six rooms. There are four in a north-
south line, each with a doorway facing the terrace, one transverse room on the
extreme north end, and one inner room behind the central room. (From the outside,
the entrance to the central room is the second doorway from the left as you face the
structure.) The structure has been restored, and during this work new lintels were
installed to replace those that had fallen in the two middle doorways of the north-
south line of rooms. The lower walls on either side of the doorway to the central
room are decorated with stepped-fret elements and rows of colonnettes above and
below. Beyond this, on each side, are three facade columns. The rest of the lower
walls of the Main Palace are plain.
The three-member base molding has a top and a bottom rectangular section, and the
middle part has stepped frets alternating with groups of three colonnettes. The medial
and cornice moldings are unusual in the number of parts included. There are six in the
medial molding and five in the cornice molding; both have rectangular courses and
short colonnettes. On the north part of the upper facade, the moldings and upper wall
decorations have fallen, except for the lowest course of the medial molding. In the
center and south part of the facade, a good deal of decoration is in place.
Above the central room the medial molding was reduced to four parts so that it rose
above the doorway, and it projects from the walls more than the adjacent molding.
This can best be observed to the south of the doorway to the central room.
Between the moldings in the upper facade are frets, plain and banded split columns,
and, originally, anthropomorphic figures carved almost in full round. The figures are
no longer in place.
The doorway from the central room to the inner room is more than 6.5 feet wide
Page 190

Three-member molding in the north longitudinal room,

at the entrance to the north transverse room, the Main
Palace, Chunhuhub. Terminal Classic period.
and is intact with its massive lintel and full-width jambstones. A short flight of three
or four steps leads from the outer room to the inner room.
The only access to the north tranverse room is from the northernmost, longitudinal
room. Above the doorway that enters the transverse room is a three-member
rectangular molding. (This is the inside of the north wall of the north longitudinal
room.) It is unusual to see this kind of molding on the interior of a room, but there is
a similar example in Structure 2 at Xkampon.
At the south end of the Main Palace, set back from the front of the building, is an
understair half vault, indicating a stairway to the top of the structure on the south side.
The Adjacent Palace is about 25 feet south of the Main Palace, and it has been
consolidated. It is about 85 feet long and has three rooms, each with a doorway. The
center doorway is wider than the others, and the lower walls of the structure are plain.
There is an interesting section of base molding in place between the north and center
doorways. It is made up of stepped frets, alternating with groups of three colonnettes,
and above there is a running design formed of loops.
Both the medial and cornice moldings are made of five members, and both include
rectangular sections and colonnettes, some in groups of three, and others in a
continuous row. The upper facade is decorated with stepped frets, banded columns,
and panels with projecting tenons. According to H. E. D. Pollock, there were
weathered remains of a human figure on the tenon of the panel over the central
doorway when he visited the site. He says, "Judging from the tenons still in place,
there once were eight such figures." The architecture of both the Main and Adjacent
Palaces is Classic Puuc Mosaic style (A.D. 830-1000).
Behind the Main and Adjacent palaces is a raised court that you can reach by climbing
the rubble between the two palaces. There are a few remains of fallen architecture,
including a partly intact vault, and mounds of rubble that are the fallen remains of
other structures. To the southwest of the Adjacent Palace is a large rubble mound with
a couple of columns on top.
There are four other groups of structures at Chunhuhub that we have not seen. One is
the Temple Group, a large greatly ruined pyramid with fallen structures on the top,
and three outlying hilltop groups. These last were called the First, Second, and Third
Castillos by Teobert Maler, and locally the Third Castillo was called Xpostan in his
time. It is now called Xpostanil.
Reportedly, the Temple Group lies a short distance to the west of the Main Group. The
three castillos are from 0.6 mile to 1.2
Page 191

The Adjacent Palace (center right) and the Main Palace (left), view from the southwest,
Chunhuhub. Terminal Classic period.
miles to the north and northwest of the Main Group. If you wish to see these, your
guide will be able to get you there. The most interesting would seem to be the Third
Castillo, but getting to any of them would require a good deal of climbing.
Recent History
In 1843 John Lloyd Stephens was the first to report Chunhuhub. Three illustrations by
his artist companion, Frederick Catherwood, were included. These depicted the Main
Palace, a detail of the doorway to the central room of this structure, and the Adjacent
Palace. Stephens found the doorway to the central room of the Main Palace to be "the
largest and most imposing we had seen in the country." He mentions other structures
in the area, and they may be the ones called the Castillos and the Temple Group by
Pollock's description of the architecture was published in 1980, the same year that
Edward Kurjack cleared some of the structures at Chunhuhub as part of the work to
produce an atlas of the archaeological sites in Campeche.
In 1989 the site was mapped and the structures recorded in detail. This work was
conducted by the French Center of Mexican and Central American Studies, and the
French National Center of Scientific Research, Unit 312, under the direction of Pierre
Becquelin. This was part of the fourth and final season of field work in the Xculoc
area. In the earlier seasons other nearby sites were studied. All of the work was
undertaken with the collaboration of the Campeche Regional Center of INAH.
Uxmal to Chunhuhub: 24.9 miles by paved road (:30), 6.7 miles by rock road (:30),
then 300 yards by dirt road (:03).
Total from Uxmal to Chunhuhub: 31.8 miles (1:03).
Getting There
From Uxmal head southeast and then south on Highway 261 to the cutoff for
Chunhuhub (also the cutoff for Rancho Yaxché and Xculoc village). It is sometimes
marked with a sign for Xculoc, and sometimes with a handmade sign for Yaxché that
is not easy to
Page 192
spot. A good landmark is a small abandoned building just before the cutoff, a few feet
to the right of the highway.
Turn right on the rock road, go to the dirt cutoff, and turn left. The dirt road is no
more than a wide path through cornfields, and from this junction you cannot see the
ruins, as they are hidden by trees. If you cannot spot the dirt road, continue along the
rock road for about 0.5 mile, stop and turn around. Look to the right, and you will be
able to see the structure. This will help you find the dirt road to them when you drive
Drive the dirt road slowly, and watch out for one high limestone outcrop near the end.
Stop before the outcrop and walk in the rest of the way if you do not have a high-
clearance vehicle.
If you would prefer to have a guide with you, go first to Bolonchén and find Pedro
Pacheco Dzul. This is 8.4 miles (:13) along Highway 261, past the rock cutoff for
Chunhuhub, so you will have to add 16.8 miles by paved road (:26) to the total given
If you are going to Chunhuhub in the afternoon, there is another option. Stay on the
rock road and go on to Xculoc village. This is 3.3 miles (: 13) past the dirt cutoff for
the site. Ask for Bonifacio Canul, the caretaker of Chunhuhub. If he is there, he will
be happy to take you to the site. If he is not, one of the other villagers will probably
be able to get you there. If you choose this option, add 6.6 miles by rock road (:26) to
the total given above. Bonifacio is generally at Chunhuhub in the morning.
Wear boots and a sun hat, and allow 1 hour to see the two palaces. There is no food or
drink at the site.
Buses go to Bolonchén but do not run along the rock road to Chunhuhub. The closest
you could get by bus would be the junction of the rock road and Highway 261.
(shkohch-kahsh; derivation: Maya for "wild ix-koch," wild castor bean)
Northeastern Campeche.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2D (p. 182)
The Site
The Main Group at Xcochkax has structures on five levels, on the sides and top of a
hill. This small site also includes other outlying buildings to the north, northwest, and
east. Depend on your guide to get you around.
Much of the architecture at Xcochkax is greatly fallen, but some details can still be
seen. On the lowest level of the Main Group are fragmentary remains of a lower wall
with three short columns. This building is Classic Puuc Colonnette style (A.D. 770-830).
Higher up the hill is a partly ruined, L-shaped structure. There are glyph-carved panels
lying around that once formed a decoration surrounding one of the doorways. At one
time a glyph-carved lintel was in place over one of the doorways as well. This
structure is Early Puuc style (670-770).
On top of the hill are some badly fallen buildings, but of more interest here are some
carved figures that were once jambstones or columns of one or more of the buildings.
There are other carved and decorated stones, including a lintel, and a panel of five
carved glyphs.
Recent History
In 1980 H. E. D. Pollock reported on the architecture at Xcochkax from data he had
collected many years before. Tatiana Proskouriakoff mentions one of the carved
columns in her 1950 study of Classic Maya sculpture and lists it as "Late Yucatán,
variant?" She
Page 193
considered the high-relief column to be of a non-Classic type.
In 1986, during the first field season of the Xculoc (Campeche, Mexico) Project, the
mapping of Xcochkax was started, and the architecture was studied in detail. A
number of previously unreported buildings were discovered, and the site proved to be
somewhat larger than originally thought. Ceramic studies were also undertaken, and
of the identified fragments, 99 percent dated to the Terminal Classic period, and only 1
percent to an earlier period.
This work was undertaken by Unit 312 of the French National Center of Scientific
Research and the French Center of Mexican and Central American Studies, under the
direction of Pierre Becquelin and Dominique Michelet, and with the collaboration of
the Campeche Regional Center of INAH. Work began in 1986, and preliminary reports
were issued in 1987 and 1988.
Uxmal to Bolonchén: 33.3 miles by paved road (:43).
From the plaza in Bolonchén: 8.4 miles by paved road (:13), 8.6 miles by rock road
(:39), 0.2 mile by dirt road (:02), then about 0.5 mile by foot trail (:15).
Total from Uxmal to Bolonchén, and then to Xcochkax: 51.0 miles (1:52).
Total from Uxmal to Xcochkax (direct): 34.2 miles (1:26).
Getting There
Guides: Pedro Pacheco Dzul, in Bolonchén, or Bonifacio Canul, at Chunhuhub or in
Xculoc village (see below).
From Uxmal take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to Bolonchén.
From Bolonchén return north on Highway 261 to the cutoff for Xculoc village (see
"Chunhuhub" for landmarks). Turn left onto the rock road and continue to the dirt
cutoff for Xcochkax (on the right). Drive in the short distance and park, then continue
to the site on foot.
Glyph-carved panel from the Main Group, Xcochkax.
Late or Terminal Classic period.
If you go to Xculoc village to get Bonifacio as a guide, add 2.8 miles of rock road
(:08) to the direct total from Uxmal. Wear boots and allow 50 minutes to see Xcochkax
once you arrive.
Buses go to Bolonchén but do not travel the rock road to Xcochkax.
Page 194

(ahl-moo-cheel; derivation: Maya for ''Place of the Young Toads")
Northeastern Campeche.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2D (p. 182)

The Site
Almuchil is a small site, and the best-pre-served building is Structure 3, also called the
Ball Palace. This is the only structure at Almuchil that we have visited. Five other
structures at the site are partly or greatly fallen, and they are reported to be 200 to 250
yards to the northwest and southwest of Structure 3. There are also some outlying
hilltop buildings.
Structure 3 was originally two stories, but the upper rooms have totally collapsed. The
structure has four rooms on the first story, and three of these, in a north-south line,
are intact. The structure faces west, and behind it to the east is a platform that once
supported the second story. Teobert Maler believed that there was once a stairway on
the east side.
The lower walls of Structure 3 are plain, and some of the facing stones have fallen.
Those that remain are finely cut, faced, and fitted. The interior masonry is cruder.
There are plain but well-cut lintels above the doorways, as well as full-width
jambstones. The medial and cornice moldings are each made of three rectangular
The upper wall zone is made up of simple but varied and unusual decorations. Above
the north doorway (left as you face the structure) there are three spheres, or balls of
stone, arranged vertically, followed by six split columns. The use of stone spheres is
rare in Puuc architecture, but other examples are found at the Castillo of Chacbolay
and on Structure 2 at Chuncatzim I. The arrangement of spheres and columns is
repeated three more times across the front of Structure 3 and ends above the center
doorway. Beyond this some of the upper wall zone has fallen, but on the south part of
the facade, continuing to the end of the south room, there is a different motif.
In this area there are groups of three split columns, separated by plain areas that are
bordered with dentate elements arranged vertically. Maler believed the plain areas may
once have been decorated with sculpture, but there do not seem to be remains of
tenons in these areas.
On the inside of the south room (right as you face the structure) are the remains of a
column of small, painted glyphs. They are on the north (left) cross wall near the top.
Structure 3 at Almuchil is Classic Puuc Colonnette style (A.D. 770-830).
Recent History
Maler visited Almuchil in 1887 and published some of his findings in 1902. More
information is contained in Península Yucatán, volume 2.
The site is mentioned in works published in Mexico in the 1940s and 1950s, and H. E.
D. Pollock described six structures at Almuchil in 1980. In an analysis of Puuc
architecture, George E Andrews lists Structure 2 as Early Puuc style (A.D. 670-770), and
Structures 1, 4, and 6, in addition to Structure 3, as Classic Puuc Colonnette style.
There has been no restoration at Almuchil.
Uxmal to Almuchil: 24.9 miles by paved road (:30), 10.0 miles by rock road (:43), 3.5
miles by rough rock road (:40).
Total from Uxmal to Almuchil: 38.4 miles (1:53).
Getting There
Guide: Bonifacio Canul, at Chunhuhub or in Xculoc Village.
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Structure 3 (the Ball Palace), west facade, Almuchil. Late Classic period.
From Uxmal take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to the cutoff for
Xculoc village. See "Chunhuhub" for landmarks. Turn right and go to Xculoc village.
From the plaza at Xculoc village take the rock road heading left. This is a wretchedly
bumpy road that goes over groups of limestone outcrops and hills. You will need a
high-clearance vehicle, and four-wheel drive would be useful. The road must be
driven slowly, or you will certainly damage your vehicle. As you near the site, there
are large stones hidden by weeds; be especially careful n this area. Having your own
vehicle is the only recommended way to reach Almuchil.
Since some clearing may have to be done, allow 45 minutes to see and photograph
Structure 3more time if you plan to try to see some of the other structures. Try to see
Structure 3 in the afternoon when the light hits the main facade. Have a wide-angle
lens for your camera, and wear boots.
(mee-rah-mahr; derivation: Spanish for "Look at the Sea." Miramar is the name of a
nearby hacienda)
Northeastern Campeche.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2D (p. 182)

The Site
Miramar is a small to medium size site with two structures that can be visited. It also
has some unique features, one of which is the
Page 196

Corner Chac mask, Miramar. Terminal Classic period.

decoration on the main structure. This makes Miramar a decidedly good one-star siteI
was really tempted to give it two stars.
The main structure faces north and originally had two sets of stacked Chac masks, one
set each on the northeast and northwest corners. One set has been moved to the
Campeche Museum. These masks projected in front of the facade of the east and west
wings of the structure; according to George F. Andrews, the projection is about five
feet. He further says, "The two sets of masks are separated by a long passageway at
right angles to the main facade which does not appear to have been vaulted. This is
also a unique architectural feature."
The corner masks are constructed in the usual mosaic style, but they are different
from any I have seen. You first notice the teeth, which seem clenched and almost
humanlike. The snouts of the masks curl down-ward, and above them and in between
the eyebrows of the mask is a stone that is incised with a curved chevronlike design.
There are many carved stones lying around in front of the structure, and these were
originally parts of the masks.
A short walk in a northerly direction will get you to the next structure. This one is
greatly ruined, though an interior doorway with an intact lintel can be seen.
Recent History
We were told that Miramar was known to people in the area for some time but that it
was reported to the authorities in Campeche only in 1979, by Pedro Pacheco Dzul.
Andrews visited the site in 1984 and mentions it briefly in an article published in 1985.
The site is also mentioned in articles by Andrews, Paul Gendrop, and others in 1987,
but no specific architectural style or date is given for the buildings.
Uxmal to Bolonchén: 33.3 miles by paved road (:43).
From the plaza in Bolonchén: 5.2 miles by paved road (:08), then 2.5 miles by fair dirt
road (:20).
Total from Uxmal to Bolonchén, and then to Miramar: 41.0 miles (1:11).
Total from Uxmal to Miramar (direct): 30.6 miles (:55).
Getting There
Guide: Pedro Pacheco Dzul, in Bolonchén. Locally Miramar is also sometimes called
Dios Chac.
From Uxmal take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to Bolonchén. From
Bolonchén return north on Highway 261 to the cutoff for Hacienda Miramar, which is
on the left. Drive in on the dirt road
Page 197
to the hacienda. Your guide should ask permission there for you to visit the site, as it
is on hacienda lands.
From the hacienda, turn right onto another dirt road and continue to the parking area.
From there it is a few minutes on foot, with a short climb, to the main structure.
The route of the dirt road from the hacienda to the site (and the location of the site
itself) as shown on Map 2D, is approximate.
Wear boots, have a wide-angle lens for your camera, and allow 40 minutes to see the
two-structures at Miramar.
Buses go to Bolonchén.
(eet-seem-teh; derivation: Maya name for a plant used to flavor posole, a beverage
of ground maize and water)
Northeastern Campeche.
Maps: 2 (p. 77) and 2D (p. 182)

The Site
Itzimté is a fairly large site, but unfortunately most of its structures are greatly ruined.
This is partly due to removal of the cut-stone facing (by people living in the area),
which has been going on for over a century. Nevertheless, there are three spots that
are worth a look.
You first climb to Structure 1, a large building that bounds the south side of a raised
plaza. This structure originally rose in three levels and had stairways on both the north
and south sides. It is noteworthy for a well-preserved room with an intact vault under
the north stairway. Northeast of Structure 1 is Structure 4, only one wall of which is
standing. Just below the spring line of the vault are remnants of a painted band of
From here you climb back down to the road and proceed east, where another uphill
trail will get you to Structure 63. This structure, which faces west, is the largest at the
site and the tallest, with a maximum height of 71 feet. The front of the structure is
formed of artificial terraces, while the back is part of a natural hill. A stairway (in
ruin) leads up the west side to a platform that supports a row of ten rooms (mostly
collapsed), and above this is a pyramidal base that supports the remains of the
topmost structure.
Many other structures have been mapped at Itzimté, and as you wander around, you
will see the remains of some of them looming above the surrounding fields.
There is a dispirited air about the site because of its near destruction, and it would take
a very fertile imagination to picture it in its prime.
Recent History
In 1842 when John Lloyd Stephens visited Itzimté, he was the first person to record
the site; his brief description was published in 1843. At the time of his visit many cut
stones had already been removed from the structures, and even though the site had
been cleared so that he could study it, he commented, "It was melancholy that when
so much had been done for us, there was so little for us to do." He published no
illustrations of the site.
Teobert Maler visited Itzimté in 1887, and in 1902 he reported his findings, which
included one photograph. Unfortunately, the structure that he showed, with a well-
preserved Chac mask above the doorway, has since collapsed. This structure was
Classic Puuc Mosaic style (A.D. 830-1000), and at least one Early Puuc-style structure
(670-770) has been reported at Itzimté.
Although mention of the site was made in some later publications, it was only in 1973
that the existence of inscribed stelae
Page 198
and a lintel was ascertained. These were recorded by Eric von Euw that year and
beautifully presented in a 1977 publication. Some of the stelae have been restored and
are in the Stelae Gallery in Campeche City.
Von Euw calls the site Itzimté-Bolonchén to distinguish it from a site in Guatemala
called Itsimté, which also has inscribed monuments. The latter is generally spelled
with an "s," however, and is sometimes called Itsimté-Sacluk.
Although there has been no extensive excavation at the site, H. E. D. Pollock considers
Itzimté "essentially a Puuc city." There has been no consolidation of the structures.
Uxmal to Bolonchén: 33.3 miles by paved road (:43).
From the plaza in Bolonchén: 1.5 miles by paved road (:02), 0.2 mile by dirt road
(:02), then a few hundnred feet by foot trail (:03).
Total from Uxmal to Bolonchén and then to Itzimté: 35.0 miles (:50).
Total from Uxmal to Itzimté (direct): 32.0 miles (:46).
Getting There
Guide: Pedro Pacheco Dzul, in Bolonchén.
From Uxmal take Highway 261 heading southeast and then south to Bolonchén. From
Bolonchén return north on Highway 261 to the cutoff for Itzimté (unmarked), and
turn right onto the dirt road. Drive in the short distance, park, and continue on foot to
Structure 1.
Wear boots, and have fast film and a wide-angle lens for your camera. Allow 1½
hours to see Itzimté.
Buses go to Bolonchén, and cold drinks are available there.
Santa Rosa Xtampak
(sahn-tah roh-sah shtahm-pahk; derivation: Santa Rosa is Spanish for "Saint Rose,"
the name of a nearby hacienda; Xtampak is Maya for "In Front of the Wall" or "Wall
in Sight'')
Northeastern Campeche.
Maps : 2 (p. 77) and 2D (p. 182)

The Site
Santa Rosa Xtampak is a very good two-star site, and although it is on the northern
edge of the Chenes region, it is considered by many to be its capital city. It is a large
site with a core area that is "nearly as large as the entire group of major structures at
Uxmal," according to George E Andrews. There is a fair amount of standing
architecture at Santa Rosa Xtampak, but unhappily, a great deal has fallen.
Sixty-seven chultunes for water storage were carved into the limestone bedrock at the
site, and these were recorded by Evan I. DeBloois. Based on their maximum capacity,
it has been calculated that they could have supported a population of 12,000. Andrews
believes that a figure of 8,000 to 10,000 "seems fairly reasonable at the height of the
Classic period." Another indication of the importance of Santa Rosa Xtampak is that
more hieroglyphic inscriptionos have been recorded at the site than at any other in the
Chenes region.
The trails at the site are kept cleared, and getting around is not too difficult.
Unfortunately for the photographer, many trees and other vegetation remain, and this
obscures some of the structuresand often you cannot back off far enough from a
building to get a definitive photo. A wide-angle lens
Page 199

Standing room on the north part of the rear (west side) of the first level of the Palace,
Santa Rosa Xtampak. Late Classic period.
and fast film will improve your chances a little.
As you walk to the site, the foot trail passes a fallen building and, nearby, a piece of
architectural sculpture in the form of a human torso, said to have come from the
building. A short distance later the trail enters the site core at the rear (west side) of the
Palace, the largest and finest Chenes structure known. The Palace is 146 feet long and
79 feet wide at ground level, and about 50 feet tall. It rises in three stories and contains
41 rooms, some of which have fallen.
On the west side you can see the remains of multiple rooms, some with partly
collapsed vaults. On the first story, the end rooms on the left (north) are the best
preserved, with a standing exterior wall. There are tenons in the upper wall zone, just
above the medial molding, that no doubt once supported sculptural decorations.
There are two interior stairways in the west side that can be reached only from
adjacent exterior rooms. The more northerly stairway is completely intact, and you can
climb it to the second and third stories. The southern stairway is a mirror image but is
not as well preserved. These stairways offer the only currently visible access to the
second story, according to Andrews. The stairways change direction ten times on the
way up to the third story.
The west side of the third story of the Palace is well preserved, with doorways lead-
Page 200
ing to the interior stairways. The remainder of the west side of this story is a solid wall
that has five recessed panels as decoration. Recessed panels are also reported from
some structures in the Río Bec region.
On the south side of the Palace most of the outside parts of the vaults of a long central
room have collapsed, but part of the southwest corner of the structure is intact, and
next to it is a standing doorjamb with a three-member upper molding as decoration.
The interior back wall of the long central room has two doorways to interior rooms.
The wall between the doorways was once decorated with a panel carved with figures,
but this, as well as a corresponding panel in the north part of the Palace, was looted at
least by 1969. A carved geometric design remains in place above the area where the
panel with the figures was once installed. To the left of the left (west) doorway is a
plain split column in the wall. It is one of three that originally formed a panel, and the
center column was carved. The carved column was also looted before 1969.
The most interesting feature of the east side (front) of the Palace is two walls, or
pylons, that form the entry to a small court on the third story. They are at the top of
the now-fallen monumental stairway and are decorated with stone and stucco. The
motif is the typical monster-mouth doorway used in Chenes architecture, and the
design is similar to that on the Building with the Serpent Mouth Facade at the site. The
decorations are fairly well preserved and can be best photographed with a telephoto
In 1977 David F. Potter said, commenting on the monster-mouth facade design, "This
motif, when complete, typically extends to include the upper wall zone above the
doorway," meaning that originally the two walls would have been joined at the top,
forming a complete doorway. He believes this to be the case, and this also seems to be
indicated on Teobert Maler's elevation drawing of the Palace. Restoration drawings by
Paul Gendrop and Alejandro Villalobos also show it as such.
The first-story rooms adjacent to the stairway are partly collapsed, but doorways to
interior rooms are still standing, with their wooden lintels intact. On the wall that
forms the north side of the stairway are remains of a few facing stones, and enough is
left to show that this area was banded. On the second level of the east side there were
structures with a single room on the north and south corners; they are detached from
the other rooms on that level. Some remains of the structure on the south are still
The best-preserved parts of the north side of the Palace are the first-story rooms on
the northwest corner and the center rooms on the second story.
In 1843 John Lloyd Stephens described the Palace as "the grandest structure that now
rears its ruined head in the forests of Yucatán." More than a hundred years later,
Andrews had this to say, "In virtually every respect, the three story palace is a unique
building and it has no counterpart anywhere in the Chenes region." From the details
of construction he further states that the Palace "appears to have been conceived at the
outset as a three story structure," unlike many other multilevel Maya buildings. It is
true, however, that some secondary construction was found, but most authorities
agree with Andrews on this point.
About 50 yards northeast of the Palace is the Building with the Serpent Mouth Facade,
which faces south. The room that supports this facade projects in front of those on
either side and is mostly intact. Only small parts of the adjacent rooms are standing,
and the rest of the structure has collapsed. A good deal of the facade decoration has
fallen, but enough remains for it to be easily identifiedeven todayas a typical Chenes
monster-mouth doorway. Behind this room are rubble remains believed to have been
a stairway to the roof of the structure.
A few feet to the southeast are the remains of two structures with standing back walls
only a yard apart. The building on the west is composed of three rooms running
north-south and originally had a doorway to each room on the west side. This side of
the building is now fallen, but the back of the vaults and parts of the cross walls are
standing. Maler called this structure the Red House, but very little of the red paint he
observed remains.
Page 201

The south wall, or pylon, of the third level of the Palace, east side, Santa Rosa Xtampak.
Late Classic period.
Page 202

Building with the Serpent Mouth Facade, south side, Santa Rosa Xtampak. Late Classic
The adjacent building is L-shaped and also has three rooms. The back wall and one
cross wall are all that remain.
About 40 yards to the east is the Cuartel, an assemblage of structures surrounding a
courtyard. The North, West, and South Ranges are connected at the corners, and the
three form a U. The East Range is a separate structure, and access to the courtyard is at
the northeast and southeast corners. (At one time the name Cuartel applied only to the
North Range of this complex, but now it generally includes the entire group.)
As you approach the Cuartel, you come first to the outside of the West Range, with
part of its wall intact. You then head north and turn right and follow the back of the
North Range, the best preserved of the buildings in this group. Both the West and
North ranges have large stairwaysnow mostly fallenin the center, which go from the
outside to the top and continue to the inside of the courtyard. It has not been
determined whether the rubble at the top of the stairways indicates the existence of
rooms or whether it was only a platform. There are no doorways on the outside of the
West or North ranges; all the rooms faced inward toward the courtyard.
The back of the North Range is decorated with a three-member base molding that has
groups of three colonnettes in the middle member, separated by plain sections. Above
the colonnettes in the base molding (in the lower wall of the structure) are two long
inset columns. Remains of the medial
Page 203

East wing of the North Range of the Cuartel, south facade, Santa Rosa Xtampak. Late
Classic period.
molding, upper wall zone, and cornice molding are still in place.
You now enter the courtyard of the Cuartel at the northeast corner. The inside of the
North Range is well preserved and has some intact decorations. There are three rooms
in a line on each side of the stairway of the North Range, and while part of each end
room has fallen, the rest is intact. The center room of each wing is set back from the
adjacent rooms, and this three-part facade is typical of Chenes architecture. Not so
typical is the broken medial molding that rises above the center doorway of the East
Wing. It is unusual to find this style of molding in this area, as it is almost exclusively
found in the Puuc region in some of the early architecture. The instance at Santa Rosa
Xtampak is believed to postdate the Early Puuc-style examples (A.D. 670-770). So,
while Chenes-style architecture predominates at Santa Rosa Xtampak, influences from
the Puuc and Río Bec regions are also evident.
On each side of the center doorways, on each wing of the North Range, are panels of
three stacked masks in frontal view, a motif seldom found on Chenes-style buildings
but used on a number of Rio Bec-style structures. The masks on the left (west side) of
the doorway of the East Wing are the best preserved.
Other facade decorations include corner columns in the lower walls at the junction of
the rooms and inset split columns as well. There are also groups of colonnettes in the
medial and cornice moldings. Projecting stones above the medial molding and in the
cornice molding probably once supported sculptural decorations.
You leave the Cuartel at the southeast corner of the courtyard and head south to the
Southeast Quadrangle, about 150 yards away. You pass rubble mounds of fallen
architecture along the way.
The Southeast Quadrangle is made up of four ranges of rooms surrounding a
courtyard that you enter at the northwest corner. The West Range is a row of single
rooms, and the north and south ends of it are well preserved. In the center of this
range is an open-
Page 204
ing to the outside that is believed to be a portal vault. The South Range is mostly
collapsed, but it had a double row of rooms. From the amount of rubble, it is believed
that there may have been a second story over at least some of the rooms of the lower
At the south end of the East Range of the Southeast Quadrangle is a narrow vaulted
passageway that leads to the outside of the courtyard. In the north part of the East
Range there is a faintly painted capstone and a fragment of painted stucco just above
the spring line of the vault.
The North Range of the Southeast Quadrangle is poorly preserved, but it is a double
row of rooms, and there is a pyramidal mound of rubble at the center that may be the
remains of a stairway and a second-story structure. In the center of the courtyard of
the Southeast Quadrangle is a small platform and, nearby, a plain cylindrical stone
column that once may have stood upon it.
As you wind your way back to the Palace, about 270 yards to the northwest, you pass
the base of the Central Pyramidat 50 feet high it is the tallest of four pyramids at Santa
Rosa Xtampak. The Central Pyramid is actually "a series of three overlapping
pyramids with flat summits, the central one being the highest," according to Richard
B. Stamps. The Central Pyramid is today a rubble mound, but its size can still be
Eight stelae were found at Santa Rosa Xtampak, and they were all located on the east
side of the South Plaza, which is immediately south of the Central Pyramid. All of
them had been removed by 1969.
Recent History
In 1843 Stephens was the first to report Santa Rosa Xtampak, and his text was
accompanied by engravings of the rear of the Palace and the two carved panels he
found on the first level. The engravings were produced by Frederick Catherwood, and
a plan of the first floor of the Palace was also included. Stephens mentioned the
"vestiges of six buildings," but only the Palace is illustrated. From his description,
however, it is evident that one of the other buildings he saw was the Cuartel.
Maler visited Santa Rosa Xtampak in 1891 and reported the site in 1902. His work
included the Palace and some of the other structures. More information is found in
Peninsula Yucatán, volume 2.
In 1936 H. E. D. Pollock investigated the site for the Carnegie Institution of
Washington (CIW), along with Henry B. Roberts, who was conducting a ceramic
survey. It was they who discovered the eight stelae, seven of which were analyzed by
Tatiana Proskouriakoff in 1950. Pollock's report, published in 1970, covers both the
architecture and brief notes on the stelae. He also published a photograph of the one
stela not included in Proskouriakoff's work and a site plan drawn earlier by George
W. Brainerd, Lawrence Roys, and Karl Ruppert, who, in 1949, also conducted studies
for CIW.
Brainerd's final ceramic study was not published before his untimely death, but in an
article in 1958 he mentioned the presence of Middle and Late Preclassic wares as well
as Late Classic specimens.
In 1945 Alberto Ruz Lhuiller reported on several Chenes sites, including Santa Rosa
Ray T. Matheny of the Brigham Young University-New World Archaeological
Foundation (BYU-NWAF) visited Santa Rosa Xtampak as part of the foundation's
Campeche Project. This led to a more thorough study of the site in 1969 by Stamps
and DeBloois. Stamps recorded the architecture in detail during the ten weeks he spent
at the site, and this formed the basis for his master of arts thesis for BYU in 1970. A
brief ceramic analysis was included, and some of the collection was gathered by
DeBloois in and around the chultunes at the site.
The limited ceramic sampling indicates that Santa Rosa Xtampak was extensively
occupied during the Late Preclassic period and again in the Late Classic. It seems to
have been unoccupied during the Early Classic, and there is no evidence that it
remained occupied into the Postclassic period. Two possible Middle Preclassic sherds
were found, but Stamps believed that more excavation was needed to show whether
the site was truly occupied at that time as Brainerd suggested.
DeBloois also surveyed the west end of
Page 205
the site and discovered additional structures. He also found a sacbé that led from the
northwest corner of the Palace to a group of buildings to the west.
By the time Stamps and DeBloois reached Santa Rosa Xtampak, all of the stelae
(except for a few small fragments), the carved panels and columns of the Palace, and
most of the painted capstones had been looted.
In 1987 Andrews reported on Santa Rosa Xtampak, and his article included a detailed
analysis of much of the standing architecture at the site. He also made corrections to
the plans of some of the buildings previously reported. He dates the structures to A.D.
650-850, which agrees well with the probable dates of the stelae (751-889). Stamps
suggests a slightly longer time span for the architecture (600-900).
In a 1989 article Karl Herbert Mayer described a carved but eroded altar at Santa Rosa
Xtampak, which he believes is a "stela" that was briefly reported earlier by Stamps
and DeBloois. This altar bears the longest hieroglyphic inscription not only at Santa
Rosa Xtampak but also in the entire Chenes region. Mayer further reports that one of
the stelae removed from the site is in the National Museum of Anthropology and
History in Mexico City, while two others are in private collections.
Restoration of the most critical sections of the Palace began in November 1991, and
additional work was undertaken there and at other structures in 1992. Another project
was the mapping of 3.5 square miles of the site by the Center of Historic and Social
Investigations of the Free University of the Southeast (Campeche), in collaboration
with INAH, with funds provided by the Foundation for Latin American
Anthropological Research. Rogerio Cohouh Muõz was in charge of the topographical
work, and Abel Morales L1ópez drew in the architectural and cultural features.
Uxmal to Santa Rosa Xtampak: 39.0 miles by paved road (:51), 19.7 miles by fair rock
road (1:15), then a couple of hundred yards by foot trail (:10).
Total from Uxmal to Santa Rosa Xtampak: 58.7 miles (2:16).
Getting There
From Uxmal head southeast and then south on Highway 261 to Bolonchén, and
continue south to the cutoff for Santa Rosa Xtampak. The cutoff near but before
Kilometer 79 is marked with a pyramid sign that indicates it is 32 kilometers to the site
(although which site is not stated). Turn left at the cutoff, onto the rock road, and go
18.8 miles to the caretaker's house (on the right). You should stop and tell the caretake
that you are going to the site, even if you have a local guide with you (see below). The
caretake will either come with you or bicycle over and meet you there; you will
definitely need someone to show you around the site.
There is a fork in the road 0.3 mile after you leave his house. Take the right branch
and go another 0.6 mile to the dead end which is the parking area. This is at the base
of the low hill on which Santa Rosa Xtampak is situated. The climb to the site is
steepest at the beginning and gentler afterward, but not too difficult in any case.
There are two caretakers for Santa Rosa Xtampak who generally alternate duties. The
one we met was Miguel Arcángel González Pacheco, who was very pleasant,
enthusiastic, and helpful, and who introduced himself as Mike. The other is Fidel
Contún, who no doubt would be equally agreeable. You will be asked by whichever
one you meet to sign a small registration book that they carry; as you can imagine, you
will not see a lot of entries.
While it is possible to drive to Santa Rosa Xtampak without a local guide, you might
feel more comfortable having someone along. In that case contact Pedro Pacheco
Dzul, in Bolonchén, and if possible make arrangements ahead of time.
Having your own vehicle is the only recommended way to reach the site. There is no
food or drink available. Carry a canteen of water when you climb to the site, and
allow 3 hours for a visit.
Page 206

Color Plates
Stacked, corner masks on Structure I, Xlapak. Terminal Classic period.
Unless otherwise noted, color photographs by the author.
Temple of the Seven Dolls, west side, Dzibilchaltún. Early part of the Late Classic period.

El Castillo, from the northwest, Chichén Itzá. Early Postclassic period.

The Governor's Palace, from the northeast, Uxmal. Terminal Classic period.

Structure 1 of Group A, south facade, Sacbé. Terminal Classic period.

Codz-Poop, west facade, Kabáh. Terminal Classic period.

Structure 5, east facade, Sabacché. Terminal Classic period.

The Palace west part of the south facade, Sayil. Late and Terminal Classic periods.
West face of the Labná Arch, Labná. Terminal Classic period.
Edifice 1, west part of the south facade, Chacmultún Group, Chacmultún. Terminal Classic period.
Structure 5 of Group 1, detail of the east facade, Kiuic. Late Classic period.

West facade of the Main Palace, Chunhuhub. Terminal Classic period.

The center room of the south facade, Principal Palace (Structure 2), Hochob. Late Classic period.
The Temple of Five Stories, west side, Edzna. Late Classic period.
Jaguar panel on the structure with the bas-relief stucco facade, Balamku. Classic period.

The west facade of Structure III, Calakmul. Classic period.

Central part of the west facade, Structure II, Chicanná. Late Classic period.

Structure I, from the southeast, Becan. Late Classic period.

Structure I of Group B, east side, Río Bec. Late Classic period.
Frontal mask panel on Structure I of Group I,
Xpuhil. Late Classic period.

Structure II, south facade, Hormiguero. Late Classic period.

Mask on the Pyramid of the Masks (Structure I), Kohunlich. This mask is on the lowest level, south of th
Photograph by Jerry Kelly.
Temple of the Frescoes (Structure 16), from the northwest, Tulum. Late Postclassic period.

Nonah (Structure 32-a), San Gervasio. Late Postclassic period.

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Section 3
East-Central Campeche
Page 208

The north facade of the second-story temple, Structure 1, El Tabasqueño. Late

Classic period.
Page 209

General Information for Section 3

Point of Reference:
Hopelchén, Campeche.
Maps: 3 and 3A

Mileages given to the sites in this section are from the Main Plaza in Hopelchén (and
the junction for the road to Dzibalchén).
The only hotel in this area is the modest Los Arcos, in Hopelchén, which is sometimes
filled. If you want to stay there and are coming through Hopelchén early in the day, it
would be prudent to get a room (and pay for it), go on to the ruins, and return later.
There are a couple of small restaurants in Hopelchén and an icehouse on the plaza.
If you would prefer better accommodations when you visit the ruins in this area, it
would be best to plan an overnight stop at Uxmal (1:08 to the north) or Campeche,
(1:23 to the west). These are the only nearby stopovers. See Section 2 for the Uxmal
area and Section 4 for the Campeche area, and their related maps.
You can reach Hopelchén by bus and can get another to Dzibalchén, but the best way
to visit sites in the area is in your own vehicle. The closest car rentals are in
From the outskirts of Dzibalchén there is a road that goes 86.0 miles to Xpuhil.
Though passable for standard vehicles, it is a rather long (about 4 hours) and
somewhat bumpy ride, and as you would expect, there are no accommodations, food,
drink, or gas along this route. The first 12.4 miles of this road (out of Dzibalchén) are
paved, as are the last 6.1 miles (on the Xpuhil end); the 67.5 miles in the middle are
GAS STATIONS: There is a gas station in Hopelchén, but it is sometimes out of gas.
The nearest station to Hopelchén is in Campeche City.
GUIDES: Hortensio Camal Ku, the caretaker of Hochob. He lives in the village of
Chencoh, and residents can point out his house. Since you have to pass through
Chencoh on your way to Hochob, look for him in Chencoh first. If he is not in there,
you can probably find out if he is at Hochob; if so, look for him there.
Another guide is José Williams, a resident of Dzibalchén. His house is right on the
highway, on the east end of Dzibalchén, just before the cutoff for Kancabchén and
Xpuhil. When you drive from the Dzibalchén Plaza to the cutoff, his house is on the
right, and there is a sign (in English) indicating that he can get you to sites in the area.
Although we have never gone on a trip with José, we have met him, and he seemed
affable and well informed.
If you do not have your own vehicle, he can get you to Hochob by bicycle (5.6 miles
by the old dirt road) or can arrange to rent a truck to get you there, to Dziblinocac, or
to E1 Tabasqueño. Discuss the price of a trip and the cost of vehicle rental
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East-central Campeche
Page 211

Tohcok (Tohkok)
(toh-kohk; derivation: ''toh" is Maya for "motmot"; "kok" is Maya for "nightingale")
East-central Campeche.
Map: 3 (p. 210)

The Site
Part of one of the structures at Tohcok has been cleared, and it is just a few feet off
Highway 261 (north side), from which it is easily visible. The cleared part of the
building has remains of several vaulted rooms, and

Columned and vaulted structure alongside the highway, from the southeast, Tohcok.
Late Classic period.
Page 212
there is a doorway with two round columns with rectangular capitals on the east side.
The lower rooms on the west side were filled after the original construction, and an
upper level was added, though little of that remains today. Beyond the cleared portion,
more rooms extend to the north and then turn to the east.
Sometimes another structure is visible nearby, but sometimes it is overgrown. It is 0.2
mile east of the cleared structure, also on the north side of the highway, but farther
from it. From the road it appeared to be on top of a small hill or pyramidal platform.
Because of its proximity to the cleared structure, it seems reasonable to assume that it
is a part of the same site.
Recent History
Tohcok is shown on a 1940 map compiled by Tulane University. H. E. D. Pollock
noted that the site is incorrectly placed north of Hopelchén, rather than west, on this
In a 1951 work published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Edwin M. Shook
and Tatiana Proskouriakoff described Tohcok as having architecture that is "of neither
the distinctive Chenes nor Puuc style; it appears rather to be a blend of the two."
In 1985 George F. Andrews described the structure mentioned by Shook and
Proskouriakoff and also found both Chenes and Puuc traits. Tohcok is in a border
area; it is near the Chenes region (to the south), the Puuc region (to the north), and the
Edzna region (to the west). Andrews found ten other sites in this border region with a
blend of architectural styles, to which he gave the name Chenes-Puuc. The structure
of Tohcok dates to the Late Classic period.
Hopelchén to Tohcok: 2.8 miles by paved road (:05).
Getting There
Head west from Hopelchén on Highway 261 to Tohcok. You will pass the second
structure described above (although it may not be visible) before you reach the
cleared structure on the highway. The highway structure is also 0.1 mile before (east
of) a side road heading north to the village of San Juan Bautista (Sabcabchén).
You can get to Tohcok by taxi from Hopelchén if you are without a vehicle. Allow 15
minutes to see and photograph the cleared structure.
El Tabasqueño
(ehl tah-bahs-keh-nyoh; derivation: Spanish for "the Tabascan" [see text])
East-central Campeche.
Map: 3 (p. 210)

The Site
El Tabasqueño (sometimes simply Tabasqueño) is named for a man from Tabasco
who at one time owned a ranch of the same name near the archaeological site. The site
name is sometimes shortened to Tabas.
The site is reported to be fairly large, but visitors today see only two structures in the
main part of the site; the remains of the rest are reported to be collapsed. The most
important area is a plaza with structures surrounding it, although the visitor is not
really aware of this. The plaza is reported to be about 260 feet (north to south) and
165 feet (east to west); Structure 1, which faces north, borders the plaza on the south.
Structure 1, also called the Temple-Palace, is an impressive, if partly fallen, two-story
building. Its most outstanding fea-
Page 213

Structure 1 (the Temple-Palace) second story, north facade, El Tabasqueño. Late Classic
turewhich is really spectacularis an almost totally intact Chenes-style monster-mouth
mask surrounding the doorway on the north facade of the second-story temple. The
mask is executed in finely cut stone with the delicate details worked out in stucco,
some of which remains. H. E. D. Pollock notes that the stone cutting in the mask "is of
high order and shows mastery of the art." Paul Gendrop dates the temple to around
A.D. 710.

On the corners, flanking the Chenes mask, are stacks of Chac masks. Of the original
eight on each corner, six remain on the northeast corner and seven on the northwest,
and they are almost totally intact, including the downturned snouts. The north facade
of Structure 1 has been comparedwith good reason, because of a distinct similarityto
the north facade of Structure V at Hormiguero in the Río Bec region, although on the
latter, the snouts of the Chac masks are mostly gone.
The room entered by the monster-mouth mask is narrow, and the capstones that once
formed the top of the vault are mostly gone. The back wall of this room is actually the
medial wall of the two-room temple, although the adjacent south room has collapsed,
except for its back vault, which abuts the medial wall. There are no interior doorways
connecting the two rooms. There are remains of a perforated roof comb above the
medial wall, and this is best observed from the back (south side) of the structure. The
lintel in the second story temple is wood,
Page 214

Structure 2, the tower, El Tabasqueño. Late Classic period.

while those in the first story are stone. A stairway on the north, now fallen, connected
the second story temple to the plaza.
On the first level, rooms extend to the west (and originally they extended to the east as
well), and parts of the west rooms are standing. On the west wing of the north facade
(first level) there is a three-member medial molding, and part of this is well preserved,
with remains of modeled stucco in the middle member. The motif is reported to be an
anthropomorphic figure that is extended and undulating. There are remains of red
paint in this area and on the stucco of the wall below.
There are projecting tenons just above the medial molding, as well as in other parts of
the building, indicating that there was once a rich display of architectural
sculptureprobably of stuccoon Structure 1.
About 170 feet to the southwest of Structure 1 is Structure 2, very plain by
comparison with the former, but decidedly most unusual. Structure 2 is a solid
masonry tower, square in cross section, measuring about 5 feet wide and deep at the
base. It is
Page 215
currently 15 feet tall, but some of the top has fallen, and its exact original height is
There is a simple, single-course projecting molding 3 feet from the top, with smaller
projecting stones on the north and east sides. These may have once supported stucco
sculptures, as projecting stones are presumed to have done on Structure 1 and many
other buildings.
George F. Andrews reported that the cut-stone facing of the tower is
"indistinguishable from the facing stones used in the outer walls of Structure 1." He
also says that the tower stands on a low platform in front of a collapsed building, and
"I believe that the platform which supports the tower was incorporated into a stairway
leading to the building behind."
Freestanding, solid towers such as Structure 2 at E1 Tabasqueño are extremely rare in
lowland Maya architecture. Only three others are known in the Chenes region:
Structure 1 at Chanchén and Structures 1 and 2 at Nocuchich, sites that are 13 and 19
miles north of E1 Tabasqueño respectively.
Structure 1 at Nocuchich had a colossal head on the north side, but this tower has
fallen. It was originally cross-shaped in cross section, but a later addition on the south
side made it rectangular with a protrusion on the north. The cross section of Structure
2 at Nocuchich is nearly square, and Structure 1 at Chanchén is rectangular. These last
two towers are taller than the one at E1 Tabasqueño and have larger bases, and both
have vertical slots in the upper section, similar to slots found on the roof comb of
Structure 1 at E1 Tabasqueño and many other sites. Andrews, who studied the towers,
believes that the one at E1 Tabasqueño also may have had slots in its now-fallen upper
He compared the four known towers in the Chenes region and believes that they "can
best be described as symbolic representations of conventional temple buildings with
high roof combs." He professes to have no answer for why this symbolic device was
Andrews also commented on the cylindrical tower at Puerto Rico in the Río Bec
region and states that it "differs considerably from the towers in the Chenes region."
See "Puerto Rico" in Section 5 for details of that tower.
Recent History
In 1895 Teobert Maler was the first to report E1 Tabasqueño, and more information is
included in his Península Yucatán, volume 1. His photograph of the Chenes monster-
mouth doorway of Structure 1 shows that it has suffered little since he took the
picture in 1887. Only a few stones immediately above the doorway have fallen since
Pollock visited E1 Tabasqueño in 1936 and published his findings on this and other
Chenes sites in 1970. He reported details of the architecture of Structure 1, but neither
he nor Maler mentioned the tower.
In 1956 Ricardo de Robina published a plan of the main part of the site and another of
Structure 1, but the tower was not included. Apparently the first publication of the
tower was by Paul Gendrop in 1983, and Andrews's analysis of the tower followed in
There has been no excavation or restoration of the architecture at E1 Tabasqueño, but
the doorway of the second-story temple of Structure 1 has been consolidated.
1. Hopelchén to E1 Tabasqueño (via Pakchén): 18.5 miles by paved road (:29), 1.5
miles by rock road (:04), 0.9 mile by dirt road (: 17), then a couple of hundred yards
by foot trail (:16).
Total from Hopelchén to E1 Tabasqueño (Connection 1): 20.9 miles (1:06).
2. Hopelchén to E1 Tabasqueño (via the entrance near Kilometer 35): 21.8 miles by
paved road (:34), 0.9 mile by dirt road (:09), then about 1.1 miles by foot trail (:25).
Total from Hopelchén to E1 Tabasqueño (Connection 2): 23.8 miles (1:08).
Getting There
Guides: Hortensio Camal Ku, in Chencoh, or José Williams, in Dzibalchén.
If you have a guide with you when you
Page 216
leave Hopelchén, then either connection will get you to E1 Tabasqueño in about the
same time. Use whichever route your guide recommends. If you get Hortensio or José
to take you, the route via the entrance near Kilometer 35 will be shorter. In either case
you will have to add driving time to the totals given above to pick them up. To go to
Chencoh and get Hortensio and return to the Kilometer 35 cutoff for E1 Tabasqueño,
add 1:06. (See "Hochob" for details on reaching Chencoh and for options if you do
not have your own vehicle.) To go to Josh's house in Dzibalchén and return to the
Kilometer 35 cutoff, add :22.
1. When you reach Pakchén (from Hopelchén), turn fight into the village on the rock
road, and left onto the dirt road. After 0.2 mile take a sharp left and go another 0.7
mile. From there you walk to the site.
2. When you are approaching from Dzibalchén, go to the Kilometer 35 marker and a
few hundred feet beyond, and look for two dirt trails on the left; they join a few feet
later in the woods. Turn left and go 0.6 mile; turn left again, proceed for another 0.3
mile, and park. (In wet weather you may have to walk in part of this last 0.3 mile.)
From here you walk, gently uphill, to the site over a clear trail. On the way out,
walking downhill, you can make it a little faster than the time indicated.
A high-clearance vehicle is recommended to reach E1 Tabasqueño if you take the
route through Pakchén; a standard vehicle will suffice for the other route.
Allow 1 hour and 10 minutes to see E1 Tabasqueño once you get there. Wear boots,
carry a canteen of water to the site, and have a wide-angle lens for photos of the front
of Structure 1 if you want to get an overall view including the remains of the first
level. Have cold drinks in your vehicle. The nearest restaurants are in Hopelchén.
(hoh-chohb; derivation: Maya for "Place Where Ears of Maize Are Stored")
East-central Campeche.
Map: 3 (p. 210)

The Site
Hochob has been cleared and consolidated and is spectacular. It is one of the best
preserved and most studied of all the Chenes sites. Though it is relatively small, the
distinctive architectural remains make a visit very worthwhile.
Several structures are arranged around a plaza, and together they occupy most of a
low natural plateau that dominates the surrounding plain. Of prime interest is the
Principal Palace (Structure 2), which bounds the plaza on the north. This building is
composed of a central section and two lateral wings, each containing one vaulted
room, with the central section recessed from the adjacent wings. Much of the west
wing has collapsed, as has the eastern part of the east wing, but the central section is
mostly intact.
The entire facade of this section (south, or main face) is decorated with an incredibly
intricate monster-mouth mask, typical of Chenes sites. The design was constructed of
stone and stucco, and there are a few remnants of red paint in the eyes of the serpent.
A perforated roof comb rises above the front of the structure and originally supported
stucco figures. Only the lower part of the roof comb remains today.
The lower wall of the main facade of the east wing is plain, while the upper portion is
decorated with a monster-mouth motif, similar to that on the central portion. On the
southwest corner of the upper section of the east wing, there are stacked Chac masks.
Page 217

Structure 2 (the Principal Palace), center section, south facade, Hochob. Late Classic period.
Wooden lintels originally spanned the tops of the doorways of all three rooms, but
they fell many years ago. A new lintel was placed above the doorway of the central
room during consolidation.
For many years the sequence of construction of Structure 2 was debated. In 1956
Ricardo de Robina suggested that the three rooms were built separately (perhaps the
central room first) and later joined together by walls and fill. H. E. D. Pollock felt that
the lateral wings were built first; although there were definitely phases in the
construction, he believed that the structure was conceived as a unified whole. During
clearing and consolidation of the structure, Ramón Carrasco Vargas found evidence
that the end rooms were constructed first, and then the center one.
Bounding the plaza on the east is Structure 1, similar to Structure 2, but not as well
preserved. There are three rooms in a line facing west, and the front wall of the
central room has remains of a monster-mouth facade. This room projects in front of
the end rooms, and at the junctions there are stacked, corner Chac masks. The lower
walls of the end rooms are plain. Here too there
Page 218

Structure 1, center section, west facade, Hochob. Late Classic period.

was a sequence of construction, as the monster-mouth doorway decoration was added
to the simpler facade of the center room after the initial construction.
On the south side of the plaza are remains of a range of rooms running east-west, and
at each end there are pyramidal bases with structures on top. Structure 5 (the pyramid
and temple on the east end) is better preserved than its western counterpart (Structure
6), and it consists of a two-room temple, almost square in plan, with doorways facing
north and south. There are indentations, or false doorways, in the east and west walls,
and no interior connection between the two rooms. Projecting tenons are found above
the medial molding and in the cornice molding, and they probably supported some
sculptural decoration originally. There is a perforated roof comb above the medial
wall, and a fair amount of it is intact.
A good part of the pyramidal base of Structure 5 is rubble, but several of the lower
steps on the north side are in place and indicate an extremely steep, but functional,
Details of construction indicate that the lower range of rooms was built first and that
the pyramidal bases and their temples, on the ends, were added later. Beyond
Structure 6 (to the west) are the rubble remains of Structure 7, and bordering the plaza
on the west is a mound called Structure 8.
The structures at Hochob are Late Classic. Ceramics found at the site date from the
Late Preclassic period to postconquest times.
Recent History
The first scientific report on Hochob was published in 1895 by Teobert Maler,
although he had discovered the site some eight years earlier. He explored Hochob and
produced photographs, a site plan, and elevations of Structures 2 and 5. Other works
were published by Eduard Seler in 1916 and by Karin Hissink in 1934. The site is also
covered in a 1945 report by Alberto Ruz Lhuillier, and in 1956 a more thorough
investigation of the site was published by Robina. In 1970 Pollock's report on Hochob
and other Chenes sites appeared, although he had visited the area in 1936, when he
was working for the Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Page 219

Structure 5, north side, Hochob. Late Classic period.

Page 220
Up to this point, all of the work at Hochob had been exploratory and descriptive. In
1982 and 1983 Hochob was cleared, studied, and consolidated by Carrasco Vargas,
and his work has made the site a great deal more interesting for visitors.
In a 1985 article Carrasco Vargas and Sylviane Boucher state that they believe the
corner masks on buildings at Hochob and elsewhere, commonly called Chac masks,
are actually representations of Itzamná.
Hopelchén to Hochob: 25.0 miles by paved road (:41), 5.5 miles by poor rock road
(:27), then 3.1 miles by rough dirt road (:25).
Total from Hopelchén to Hochob: 33.6 miles (1:33).
Getting There
Head southeast from Hopelchén to the cutoff for the village of Chencoh. The cutoff is
near the Kilometer 40 marker and shortly after the entrance sign for Dzibalchén; there
is a cemetery on the left and a soccer field on the right. (There is not always a sign
indicating that the rock road on the right goes to Chencoh, but there may be a sign
indicating a junction on the right.) Turn right and proceed to Chencoh. In Chencoh
take a left at the plaza, and then another left to get on the road to Hochob. If you
cannot find this road, anyone around will be able to direct you. Follow the dirt road,
take a left at the fork 2.5 miles out of Chencoh (the only one you will encounter), and
proceed to the site. You can park at the base of the plateau and make the easy climb to
the site from there.
Having your own vehicle is the best way to reach Hochob, but there are other options.
You may be able to find a guide with a vehicle through one of the travel agencies in
Campeche City. If you start from there, add 54.2 miles by paved road (1:23) to the
total given above. Another option is to take a bus to Dzibalchén and contact José
Williams, who can arrange for transportation. José would also be the one to have
along if you would prefer to have a guide with you when you go to Hochob in your
own vehicle.
Allow 1 hour to visit Hochob. Have a wide-angle lens for your camera, and at least
have cold drinks along. There is no food or drink at Hochob or nearby.
(tseeb-eel-noh-ahk; derivation: Maya for "Painted Vault." The spelling and
derivation given above are those used in the literature; however, the pronunciation is
that used in the area, where the second-to-last c is not pronounced. When the name
is spelled the way it is pronounced locally (Dzibilnohac), the meaning changes to
"Large Turtle That Writes" or "Large Turtle with Writing on It.")
East-central Campeche.
Map:3 (p. 210)

The Site
Although Dzibilnocac is a large site, there is really only one structure of interest for
the visitor, but that oneor a least a part of itis superb. Dzibilnocac is also the easiest to
reach of all the Chenes sites.
The Temple-Palace (Structure A 1) rests on a platform roughly 250 feet long and 98
feet wide. The structure consists of a double range of vaulted rooms at ground level,
eight of which have an east-west axis, and two that run north-south. In the center and
on each end of the lower rooms are pyramidal bases with temples on top that form
towers. Each of the temples had two rooms. The central
Page 221

Structure A1 (the Temple-Palace), eastern temple and adjacent room, north side,
Dzibilnocac. Late Classic period.
temple was a bit larger than the other two, but most of it has collapsed. The western
temple is in a ruinous state, but the eastern temple is well preserved, has been cleared,
and is nicely consolidated. The lower range of rooms of Structure A1 was built first,
and the towers and temples added later.
All four facades of the eastern temple bear relief sculpture of the monster-mouth type
made from stone and stucco. The east and west facades have false doorways, while
the north and south faces supported the real doorways that gave access to the back-to-
back rooms. The real doorways collapsed some time ago, but the one on the north
side has been restored. There are remains of the lower section of a roof comb above
the medial wall of the temple, and stacked Chac masks on three of the four corners.
Those on the southwest corner have fallen.
The eastern temple is approached by steep but functional stairways on the north, east,
and south sides, with some of the lower steps in place. The corners are rounded on
the pyramidal base that supports the temple. Two of the lower rooms next to the
eastern temple have been cleared and consolidated, and benches are found in the
south room.
On the north exterior face of the lower part of the structure is an indentation in the
front wall, and rounded corners are found there as well. A three-member base
molding runs along the building, and in the middle part are groups of three
colonnettes, separated by plain stones.
Beneath the mound that is the remains of the central temple are the two rooms of the
lower range that run north-south, and you can reach the eastern room through an
eastern doorway by an easy trail from the back (south side) of the building. There are
Page 222
some remnants of paint in the eastern room, and in one area there is the upper part of
a figure in profile with an elaborate headdress (difficult to discern). Originally there
were painted capstones, one each in the eastern and western rooms under the central
temple, but both have been removed. Fortunately they were well documented by
scholars before their disappearance.
During clearing and consolidation, another capstonefragmented, but with most of its
parts recoveredwas found in the north room of the eastern temple. This capstone is
now in the Mérida Museum. Another capstone, of which only three small fragments
remain, was found in the lower range of rooms.
Other remains at Dzibilnocac include seven major pyramids (overgrown) and
numerous minor ones, as well as structures of collapsed architecture. The proximity
of the town of Iturbide has contributed to the extensive damage done to the site.
Recent History
In 1842 John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood visited Dzibilnocac, and
Catherwood did a drawing of Structure A1 that shows the remains of the three towers
but no details of the relief sculpture. They explored the other mined mounds, and
Stephens commented that ''beyond [Structure A1] were towering mounds and
vestiges, indicating the existence of a greater city than any we had yet encountered."
Teobert Maler visited the site in 1887, and his photograph and notes were used by
Eduard Selerwho also visited Dzibilnocacin a 1916 publication. More of Maler's
information is contained in Península Yucatán, volume 3. Other reports on
Dzibilnocac were published by Karin Hissink (1934), Alberto Ruz Lhuillier (1945),
and Ricardo de Robina (1956).
In 1949 Karl Ruppert and George W. Brainerd, sponsored by the Carnegie Institution
of Washington, visited the site. Brainerd collected ceramic samples, but Brainerd died,
and the ceramic analysis was not completed, although a map of the site was produced.
The New World Archaeological Foundation sponsored work at Dzibilnocac from 1968
through 1970. The site was remapped and proved to be larger than originally thought.
Many test pits were dug to study the ceramics, and six eroded stelae were discovered.
These finds were reported by Fred Nelson, Jr., in 1973.
This work shows that Dzibilnocac was first occupied late in the Middle Preclassic
period and that the population grew in the Late Preclassic. At the end of the Late
Preclassic, the population declined drastically, and there is scant evidence for
occupancy during the Early Classic. Again in the Late Classic, there is evidence for a
large population. The structures visible at the site today date to this period, although in
some cases these cover Late Preclassic construction. The site was abandoned around
A.D. 950.

In 1982 Ramón Carrasco Vargas, working for the Southeast Regional Center of INAH,
cleared and consolidated the east part of Structure A1. During this work he discovered
the two previously unreported capstones.
Hopelchén to Dzibilnocac: 37.4 miles by paved road (1:01), then a couple of blocks by
rock road (:03).
Getting There
From Hopelchén take the road that goes southeast to Dzibalchén. Turn left at the
Dzibalchén Plaza, then right at the end of the plaza, and follow the road as it bears to
the left to exit the town. Continue to the town of Iturbide, where you will enter its
plaza at the southwest corner. Go to the end of the plaza and turn right; this street then
continues as the road to Dzibilnocac, and you can drive right to Structure A1. Allow
45 minutes to see the structure.
Cold drinks are available in Iturbide, and when you return to the plaza, take a look at
the structure on the east side. The pyramidal base is pre-Columbian, although the stair
and guardhouse on top are modern additions. Part of Iturbide overlies the ancient site.
Page 223

East face of the eastern temple of Structure A1 (the Temple-

Palace), Dzibilnocac. Late Classic period.
Page 224

(kahn-kahb-chehn; derivation: Maya for "Spring [Well] of the Yellow Earth")
East-central Campeche.
Map: 3 (p. 210)

The Site
Kancabchén is a small site with one partly standing building (Structure 1). Its vault is
mostly intact, but the remains of the building and a few mounds that lie to the west
have been greatly stone-robbed. Structure 1 faces south and has one room, and the
north, south, and west walls are standing. Most of the east wall has fallen, and this
opening provides access to the room.
There are offsets in the spring line on the long (north and south) walls, but none on
the end walls. One feature of interest in this structure is the unusually thick front
(south) wall, which measures seven feet at the single doorway. The doorway is
spanned by three large stone lintels, one behind the other; two are intact, while the
outermost is broken and partly hanging, though still in place.
Almost all of the exterior facing stone has been removed, but near the doorway are
remains of a medial molding or, according to George F. Andrews, possibly a sloping
upper wall zone.
Recent History
Teobert Maler visited Kancabchén in 1894, and in 1895 was the first to report the site.
Although it is known that he took a photograph of Structure 1, he did not include it
with his text. Additional information on the site is part of his Península Yucatán,
volume 3.
Andrews visited the site in 1986 and reported his findings the following year. He
comments that his notes are at odds with Maler's description. Maler believed that the
room described above was an inner or rear room. Andrews believes this was probably
the only room, and today there is no obvious evidence of a front room. Andrews
further comments that because of lack of facade detail, "it is difficult to assess the
architectural style of Structure 1." He found that the style of the interior stonework
(and the fact that it was held together with clay rather than limestone mortar) "differs
sharply from typ-

Doorway with three lintels in the south wall of Structure

1, Kancabchén. View from inside the room. Late or
Terminal Classic period.
Page 225
ical Chenes construction technology." He was unable to say whether the construction
was early or late.
Hopelchén to Kancabchén: 37.4 miles by paved road (:57), then 4.0 miles by dirt road
Getting There
From Hopelchén take the road that goes southeast to Dzibalchén. Turn left at the
Dzibalchén Plaza, then right at the end of the plaza, and follow the road as it bears to
the left to exit the town. Continue for a short distance to the junction with the road
that goes to Chunchintok (marked with a sign). Turn right at the junction and go 11.6
miles to the dirt cutoff for Kancabchén.
Turn right and proceed to the site (on the right side of the road and just a few feet
from it). Structure 1 is 0.8 mile (:05) before the village of Kancabchén.
Bring your own food and drink, and a wide-angle lens to photograph the doorway
from the inside of the room. Allow 10 minutes to visit Structure 1.
Page 227

Section 4
Northern and West-Central Campeche
Page 228

Jade mosaic mask found in Structure VII, Calakmul. Late Classic period. Now in the
Campeche Museum.
Page 229

General Information for Section 4

Point of Reference:
Campeche, Campeche.
Map 4

Mileages given to Edzna are from the Main Plaza in Campeche City.
Campeche City is the largest town on the west coast of the Yucatán Peninsula. Like
Mérida, it is a charming colonial city, and it has the advantage of a location right on
the Gulf of Mexico.
There are three good large hotels. The Baluartes and the Ramada Inn are next door to
each other, and both are on the malecónnear the Main Plaza. The newer Hotel Debliz
is 2.0 miles northeast, at Avenida Las Palmas, no. 55. This avenue parallels the
malecón, one block inland. Somewhat more modest than the others is the Hotel
Alhambra, also on the malecón, 1.3 miles southwest of the Baluartes. There are
several smaller places around town, and also a trailer park.
There are many restaurants in Campeche. An old-time favorite is the Miramar, visible
from the two large hotels on the malecón. It is frequented by business people as well
as travelers, does a brisk lunchtime business, and provides fast service. It is also open
for dinner, when the pace is a bit more leisurely. Try its steamed Moro crabs.
Campeche City can be reached by train from central Mexico or Mérida, or by bus
from anywhere on the peninsula or central Mexico. You can drive to Campeche City
from the United States (four days from Brownsville, Texas, with good stopovers along
the way). Car rentals are available in town and at the large hotels. Campeche has an
airport, and flights connect with some other cities in Mexico, but road connections are
probably easier.
There are travel agents in Campeche, and some can arrange visits to Edzna or even
In Lerma, south of Campeche along the coast, there is a good icehouse.
OTHER STOPOVERS: Sihoplaya, 25 miles south of Campeche on Highway 180, has
a rather good hotel, and farther south there are a couple of modest hotels in
Champotón is a good place to stop for a shrimp cocktail. There is a small restaurant
(El Paso del Viajero) across the highway from the gas station and north of the bridge.
Another restaurant, El Manglar, is just south of the bridge.
GAS STATIONS: There are a few gas stations in and on the outskirts of Campeche
City, and going north on Highway 180, at Tenabo and Calkiní (50.3 miles from
Campeche City). Heading south on Highway 180, there are stations at Seybaplaya
(20.8 miles from Campeche City) and Champotón. South of Champotón there is a
station on Highway 261 at Escárcega.
GUIDES: A guide is not needed to reach Edzna, the only site covered in this section,
but if you are using Campeche as a stopover and point of departure for El
Tabasqueño, see "General Information for Section 3" for a guide.
Page 230

Regional Museum of Archaeology (Campeche Museum, Campeche City)

Carved column (provenience unknown) depicting

five individuals, the most shown on any of the
known carved columns. Probably Late Classic period.
Campeche Museum.
The collection of the Campeche Museum has had a number of homes over the years
and is now housed in the Casa del Teniente del Rey, a historic building in the center of
Campeche City. The museum was inaugurated at its present location in September
At the entrance to the museum is a large, Late Classic stone sculpture from the region
of Chunchintok. Other displays are in rooms surrounding a patio and along the
corridor walls facing the patio. One room is devoted to early Maya history, and
another has Stela 9 from Calakmul, polychrome pots, and figurines. There is a model
of Becan with its encircling ditch and earthwork.
There are stelae, carved panels and columns, and other stone sculpture from various
parts of the state of Campeche, including Edzna (Stelae 8, 9, and 15), Chunhuhub,
Xculoc, Xcalumkin, and Xcocha. One especialy interesting display is the unusual
corner Chac masks from Miramar, which have been restored (see "Miramar" in
Section 2 for a description).
The real gems of the collection are the jade mosaic masks and jade jewelery from
Calakmul, discovered in the 1980s. These are truly
Page 231

Northern and west-central Campeche

Page 232
spectacular. There are two large masks and three smaller ones, and all have been
Most of the items in the museum are well labeled, but the provenience of two painted
capstones and an exquisite carved column are unknown. In an open area behind some
of the rooms are stelae and other carved stones that are unlabeled but still interesting
and worth seeing.
The second floor of the museum houses colonial period material and is also worth a
Photography is permitted, but flash is not. The museum is on Calle 59 between Calles
14 and 16, and is on the south side of the street. It is open from 8:00 A.M . to 8:00 P.M .
Tuesday through Saturday, and from 8:00 A.M . to 1:00 P.M . on Sunday. It is closed on
It should be mentioned that when there is a shift of personnel during the day, the
museum closes for ten minutes. Allow 1½ hours to view the collection.
Added Extra
While you are in Campeche you will also want to see the Stelae Gallery at the Baluarte
Soledad, the old fort just to the east of the Main Plaza in town. The Baluarte Soledad
(once the home of the Campeche Museum) now houses the offices of the Campeche
Regional Center of INAH, and one room is devoted to the Stelae Gallery.
The stelae come from Edzna, Itzimté, Xcalumkin, and Xculoc, and they are labeled.
The gallery is open during the regular office hours of the Regional Center, and there is
no charge.
Outside the fort and facing the plaza are some interesting (but unlabeled) carved stone
monuments that are also worth a look. Allow 20 minutes to see the Stelae Gallery and
the outside monuments.
Archaeological Museum of the Camino Real (Hecelchakán Museum)
The Hecelchakán Museum is not as well known as some others on the Yucatán
Peninsula, though it has been in operation since the mid-1960s. It is in the center of
town, to the left of the Main Plaza (as you face it), and occupies part of a long
building. (Hecelchakán is on Highway 180, 35.5 miles northeast of Campeche City and
74.6 miles southwest of Mérida.)
In the plaza at Hecelchakán is a tall, rectangular stone column (unlabeled) carved with
hieroglyphs. You will pass by it on your way to the museum.
The museum has both an indoor section and an outdoor corridor and garden area.
Most items are unlabeled, but the wealth of carved stone monuments makes a visit
very worthwhile. Some displays are well lighted, and others are not. Photography is
permitted, but flash units are not allowed.
Inside the museum are a couple of carved and beautifully preserved glyphic
Page 233
columns, one of which came from Xcalumkin. A display case holds a nice collection
of figurines from Isla Jaina, and large transparencies show aerial views of the island
and its pyramids. There are also a large model of a pre-Columbian Maya village and
chronological charts.
Along the corridor outside are more carved columns, one with a frontal figure, and
another (from Xcalumkin) that is totally glyphic.
Carved panels and more carved columns, some with capitals carved with hieroglyphs,
are displayed in the garden abutting the corridor.
Allow 45 minutes to view the collection.

Carved column from Xcalumkin. Late Classic period.

Hecelchakán Museum.
Page 234

Edzna (Etzna)
(ehds-nah; derivation: Maya for ''House of the Grimace [or Visage]")
West-central Campeche.
Map: 4 (p. 231)

The Site
Edzna is a splendid site with a good deal of standing architecture, some of which has
been consolidated and restored over the years. Lamentably, it still attracts relatively
few visitors, though it is easy to reach if you are driving.
The monumental zone at Edzna covers an area of 2.3 square miles; the site was
occupied from around 400 B.C. to A.D. 1500. Thirty-two stelae have been reported at
Edzna, and fragments of two of them are Cycle 8 monuments (pre-A.D. 435), according
to Antonio Benavides Castillo, who dated the fragments stylistically. The lastest stela
from Edzna is dated A.D. 810, and the study of these monuments indicates that they
record information relating to five apparent rulers of the site.
All of Edzna's structures described below have been partly or completely consolidated
or restored, though this is only a small part (albeit the most important part) of the site.
Great hydraulic works are also found at Edzna, but the visitor is unaware of these.
Twelve canals and a number of reservoirs have been recorded. One canal heads for
over 8 miles in a southerly direction from near the southeast part of the Great
As you enter the site, you come first to the Platform of the Cuchillos ("Knives"),
named because of a rich offering of obsidian blades found there. The platform is over
250 feet long and 90 feet wide and is oriented roughly east-west. This was a residential
unit of 20 rooms, 12 of which were vaulted. None of the vaults is intact, but there are
two columns in the entrance to the easternmost center room. Stairways of varying
widths give access to the rooms from each side of the platform, and the broadest
stairway is on the south side, facing the Great Plaza.
The west end of the platform borders the east side of a smaller plaza surrounded by
structures on the other three sides. This is called the Annex of the Cuchillos, and there
is an altar in the center of the plaza. On the southeast corner of the plaza is an intact
portal vault that once was the access from the plaza to a sacbé that leads to the Great
Acropolis. The vault was later covered by another large structure with a stairway
facing the plaza and a room in the upper part.
Other rooms around the plaza have columned entrances and lower walls in place. This
area also shows different periods of construction.
To the south of the Annex of the Cuchillos is the Nohoch Na ("Great House"), a high
platform over 370 feet long, oriented north-south. Excavation of the structure shows
that its entire length is faced with a grand stairway that leads to two long rows of
double rooms, separated by a narrow opening. Only the lower walls of the rooms are
standing, and they were originally roofed with perishable materials. The structure
faces west, across the Great Plaza and toward the Great Acropolis, and there is
evidence that the Nohoch Na covers an earlier building.
The South Temple is a few yards southeast of the Nohoch Na and borders the south
side of the Great Plaza. Its pyramidal base rises in five tiers and has an inset stairway
on the south side (facing away from the Great Plaza), and there are remains of the
lower walls of a temple on top. The South Temple is Petén style, and next to it is the
Ball Court.
The Ball Court also borders the south side of the Great Plaza and abuts the east side of
the South Temple. The two walls of the
Page 235

The South Temple, the rear (north) side, Edzna. Classic period.
Ball Court are sloped, and there are remains of the lower walls of a room on top of
each side. The butt of a ball court ring is in place in the middle of the west side of the
Jutting eastward from the east side of the Ball Court is a small Early Classic Petén-
style construction, of which the low platform and lower walls remain. To the south of
the Ball Court is Structure 418, a platform with the lower remains of a room on top,
unimpressive visually but interesting because it was originally a Petén-style
construction to which Puuc-style cut stones were added during the Postclassic period.
A short distance to the southeast is the Temple of the Masks (Structure 414), and here
there is more to see. This Early Classic structure rises in tiers, has remains of a
stairway on the north, and on either side of it displays elaborate mask panels. There is
one mask on each side on the lower level and fragments of another on the east side
(left as you face the structure) on the level above, which formed part of a second pair.
The masks are made of stucco, are well preserved, and have remains of paint. It
appears that a humanized form of the sun god is depicted. Though smaller, they are
similar to the lower four masks at Kohunlich, which are also of Early Classic date.
The masks at Edzna are protected by thatch shelters, but there is enough light for
A few yards to the northeast of the Temple of the Masks is the stairway that ascends
the Small Acropolis on its west side. The Small Acropolis is a square platform over
240 feet on each side, and there are four structures on top arranged around a patio. At
the foot of the stairway is a group of fragmented stelae, mostly lying on their sides,
but with some clear carving that you can easily photograph.
At the top of the stairway is the Temple of the Stelae (Structure 419-2), and it too has a
western stairway that gives the impression of being an extention of the stairway that
ascends the Small Acropolis. On the lower level of the Temple of the Stelae, to the
north of the stairway (left as you face the structure), are a few remains of a stucco
mask, and another mask once adorned the other side. On top of the temple are the
remains of the lower walls of a room that was possibly roofed with perishable
materials originally.
Also atop the Small Acropolis, behind the Temple of the Stelae, is the Temple of the
Stairway with Reliefs (Structure 419-3), resting on the east side of the acropolis. This
Petén-style structure has a broad stairway on the west, and some of the stones that
form it
Page 236

Stucco mask on the Temple of the Masks (Structure 414), Edzna.

This mask is on the lower level of the temple's north side, on the
east side of the stairway. Early Classic Period.
are carved in low relief with various designs. The remains of a temple on top were
constructed with stones from other buildings, and fragments of stelae were also
incorporated. On the north and south sides of the Small Acropolis are two more
structures with stairways and the lower parts of temple walls.
Immediately to the north of the Small Acropolis is the Great Acropolis, the largest and
most impressive architectural assemblage at Edzna. The Great Acropolis is a platform
constructed over 20 feet high and measuring over 500 feet on each side. A broad
stairway on the west side provides access to the top of the platform and its several
structures. The buildings are arranged around a plaza, and there is an altar in the
When you climb the stairway to the Great Acropolis, you come face to face with the
most interesting structure at Edzna, the beautiful Temple of Five Stories or Templo
Mayor, with a height of 100 feet to the top of its roof comb, and 126 feet above
general ground level. This is the tallest structure at the site, and it dates to the Late
Classic period. It covers an earlier Petén-style pyramid-temple. On the front of the
structure the first four stories are composed of rooms flanking a central stairway, the
left side of which has been restored, and the fifth story is the temple with a roof
The stairway is pierced by vaulted passages on the first two levels, allowing foot
traffic to pass beneath the stairway from one side of the building to the other. At the
foot of the structure a broad stair of four steps leads to the first level rooms. Glyphs
are carved on the risers of the steps, some of which are well preserved. On the first
and fourth stories the doorways are supported by columns, and those on the fourth
story also had capitals.
The whole feeling of the structure is one of restraint. Simple moldings form the most
prominent feature, although projecting tenons indicate that stucco figures once
adorned the facade. This is especially true of the perforated roof comb, which was
both literally and figuratively the crowning glory of the structure. Since the temple
faces west, the afternoon is the best time to photograph it. From the top of the temple
you have a gorgeous view of the other restored structures around the plaza and
beyond. From this vantage point you can appreciate what a magnificent city Edzna
must have been in its heyday.
Abutting the southwest corner of the
Page 237

The Temple of Five Stories, from the southwest, Edzna. Late Classic period.
Temple of Five Stories (and called its "Annex") is a small structure with a western
stair and the lower walls of a room on top. It dates to the time of the Petén-style
structure beneath the Temple of Five Stories. West of the annex is the House of the
Moon ("Casa de la Luna"), which rests on the south side of the Great Acropolis and
faces north onto the plaza. It rises in seven tiers, has a broad inset stairway, and boasts
a long temple on top that originally was roofed with perishable materials. The temple
is composed of three rooms, a large one in the center, flanked by much smaller rooms
on each end. There are three pillars at the entrance to the center room, and the base of
the structure covers an earlier construction.
On the southwest corner of the Great Acropolis is the Southwest Temple, the base of
which rises in two sloped tiers. It has an eastern stair and the remains of the lower
walls of a temple on top. Adjacent to the north are two long low buildings with
columns and lower walls. The space between the two is the access to the stairway of
the Great Acropolis. The room just to the north of this space was originally one of the
two rooms of the building, but later it was closed in and converted to a steam bath
To the north of this structure is the Northwest Templea counterpart of the Southwest
Templewith a base that rises in five tiers, an eastern stairway, and remains of the lower
walls of a temple on top. From the top of this structure you can look down, on the
north side, into the Puuc Patio and the structures that border it. The North Platform
(Structure 343-3) is on the north, and the lower walls of several rooms are standing
atop a low platform. On the west is the Puuc Platform (Structure 343-2), the base of
which has colonnettes as part of the
Page 238

House of the Moon, north side, Edzna. The thatched roof (no longer in place) is believed
to be like the original roof. Late Classic period.
decoration; on top of the platform are the remains of lower walls.
When you are ready to leave the Great Acropolis and are standing at the top of its
stairway, you can see the broad sacbé that goes from it to the north end of the Nohoch
Na and the Annex of the Cuchillos, one of three sacbeob known at Edzna.
Before you leave Edzna, stop for a look at some carved stelae lying on their backs
under a thatch shelter next to the ticket office. There is enough light for photography.
Recent History
The name Etzna was given the site by scholar Nazario Quintana Bello in 1927,
although the site's existence had been known for many years to people living in the
area. Mexican historian Héctor Pérez Martinez later changed the name to Edzna
because there is no word "etz" in the Maya language. Although both spellings are
found, Edzna is now preferred.
In 1928 Federico Mariscal published some drawings and plans of Edzna; Sylvanus G.
Morley and Enrique Juan Palacios later deciphered some of the dates on the stelae.
The first extensive exploration of the site was undertaken by Alberto Ruz Lhuillier and
Raúl Pavón Abreu in 1943. They determined the extent of the principal ceremonial
center and the characteristics of the Temple of Five Stories, and the information was
published by Ruz Lhuillier in 1945. Pavón Abreu conducted further work in 1958 and
1962, and the Temple of Five Stories was partly restored. In 1968 a survey of the main
area and some peripheral areas was made by the University of Oregon, and it was
reported by George F. Andrews in 1969.
In 1970 additional excavation and res-
Page 239
toration was undertaken by Pavón Abreu and Román Piña Chan for INAH, and in
1983 the New World Archaeological Foundation reported on the hydraulic systems
and ceramics at Edzna, in works authored by Ray T. Matheny, Donald W. Forsyth, and
From 1986 through 1989 major excavations were undertaken at Edzna, and several
structures were consolidated and restored. Archaeologists involved in this work were
Pavón Abreu and Luis Millet Camara of the Campeche Regional Center of INAH, and
it was reported by Benavides Castillo in 1989 and 1990.
Guatemalan refugees formed part of the work force, and funds were provided by
agencies of the United Nations and Mexico devoted to helping refugees. A truly
international community was involved and included Spain and Norway.
In 1991 additional excavation on the north side of the Main Acropolis and
consolidation of the Temple of Five Stories were undertaken.
1. Campeche to Edzna: 39.9 miles by paved road (1:03).
2. Uxmal to Edzna: 91.7 miles by paved road (2:06).
Getting There
From Campeche head east on Highway 180 to the cutoff for Edzna (28.4 miles). The
cutoff is on the right and well marked. Turn right (onto Highway 188) and continue to
the site. There are two branch roadsone on each sideabout 0.6 mile before the entrance
to Edzna. The one on the right is actually the continuation of Highway 188. The
entrance to Edzna is straight ahead on a spur road.
From Uxmal head south and then west on Highway 261 to the cutoff for Edzna and
turn left. Then follow the directions above.
Soft drinks and packaged snacks are available at the site, and there are rest rooms at
the ticket office. Wear a sun hat and allow 3 hours for a visit. Edzna is best reached in
your own vehicle or by private tour from Campeche.
Page 241

Section 5
Southeastern Campeche and Southern Quintana Roo
Page 242

Grotesque mask panel from Balamku; west panel on the south side of the structure
with the stucco facade. Classic Period.
Page 243

General Information for Section 5

Point of Reference:
Xpuhil, Campeche.
Maps: 5, 5A, and 5A1

Mileages given to the sites in this section are from the crossroads at Xpuhil.
Although ruins abound in this area, accommodations, unfortunately, do not. This is
actually still a frontier that had poor road connections to the rest of the peninsula until
1972, when Highway 186 was paved. The area lacks the colonial charm of Mérida and
Campeche and the burgeoning tourist development of Cancún. Nevertheless, it is an
area of extreme importance for the visitor interested in the archaeology of the region.
There are no hotels as such in Xpuhil, although there are a few modest cabañas (pole-
sided and thatch-roofed) with hammocks available at the Mirador Maya Restaurant.
There is also parking space for vehicles if you are prepared to sleep in your car.
Bathrooms and showers are available. You can spot the Mirador Maya Restaurant by
its large thatch roof. It is a half-mile west of the crossroads at Xpuhil, on the south
side of the highway, on a rise of ground. If you plan to spend a night or more in the
area, this is probably your best bet.
The crossroads at Xpuhil are roads that intersect the highway, in what has become the
center of town. The road heading north goes to Zoh Laguna, and on to Dzibalchén.
See "General Informaiton for Section 3" for details. You will take the first part of this
road to get to Culucbalom and Puerto Rico. The rock road heading south from Xpuhil
is the first part of the route to Hormiguero and the Rio Bec sites.
There are several restaurants near Xpuhil crossroads. The Tulum, on the south side of
the highway is probably the best. There are also a couple of grocery stores and a bus
station near the junction. Xpuhil is the major bus stop between Escárcega and
If sleeping in a hammock or in your vehicle does not appeal to you, the alternative is
to get an early start from Escárcega or Chetumal and visit some of the five more-
accessible sites along the highway (Balamku, Chicanná, Becan, Xpuhil, and
Kohunlich) in one day, driving between the two cities or working out of one of them
and returning. To visit all five sites and drive between Escárcega and Chetumal would
take more than 12 hours (if you spend the recommended time at each site).
This is one area where having your own vehicle is extremely important. Closest car
rentals are in Chetumal at the Hotel del Prado.
OTHER STOPOVERS: The nearest good hotels are in Chetumal: the four best there
are the Hotel del Prado, the Continental Caribe, and the Caribe Princess (all centrally
located) and the Principe, a little north of the others. There are a few more-modest
places in town as well. On the western outskirts of Chetumal (before you reach the
center of town when driving in from Xpuhil) is the Paradise Motel, fair at best. The
large hotels all have restaurants, and there are several others around the city.
There are modest hotels in Escárcega; the best is probably the Hotel Escárcega. The
town also has a number of small restaurants.
Bacalar has a fair hotel with a restaurant, and a trailer park with a restaurant and clean
bathrooms. Both are on the loop that passes Bacalar Lagoon. When you are heading
north on Highway 307 and leave the highway to take the loop, you come to the trailer
park almost immediately. The hotel is farther along the loop.
GAS STATIONS: Xpuhil has a gas station at the crossroads, and there is another at
Ucum, 58.0 miles to the east (shortly before the junction with Highway 307). There is
also gas at Escárcega and Chetumal, but none between Escárcega and Xpuhil.
Page 244
GUIDE: Juan de la Cruz Briceño, caretaker of Becan. Look for him at Becan. If he is
not there, someone will be able to tell you where he is or when he is expected. Juan is
the guide of choice for all the archaeologists who work in the area. He knows the
jungle like the back of his hand, is a pleasant and reassuring companion to have
along, and is highly recommended.
(bah-lahm-koo; derivation: Maya for "Jaguar Temple")
Southeastern Campeche.
Map: 5 (p. 245)

The Site
Balamkuat least a part of itis truly spectacular! It comes close to being a three-star site.
The main feature of interest is a magnificent and well-preserved bas-relief stucco
facade, with remains of red, black, and yellow paint. In the center of the best-
preserved portion of the facade is a panel with a stylized jaguar in profile, seated on a
border made of a zigzag design, interspersed with circular elements. The figure wears
a belt with a bow below it, bracelets, a collar, and a pectoral. The head of the jaguar
seems to be skeletal, and it wears a circular earplug with a lower tau element and a
curved, three-part component above. This figure is what gives the site its name.
On each side of the jaguar are two large horizontal panels with grotesque frontal
masks, each with two serpents extending from the mouth. The heads of the serpents
are rather naturalistically portrayed on the west panel (left as you face the facade) and
can only be described as vicious looking. The masks are similar but not identical, and
above each are representations of animals, said to be tapirs. However, the animal on
the right appears to me more like a monkey, while the other looks somewhat like a
pot-bellied rabbit, although the feet seem froglike.
There are vertical sections above each animal, and each is decorated with a seated
human figure facing front with legs crossed and with arms and hands on the chest.
The head is gone from the figure on the left, while the other is better preserved.
Above the head of the figure on the right is a face that forms the headdress, and the
head of the figure itself wears earplugs. Below the chin are the eyes and part of the
nose of another face, and yet another is found on the figure's abdomen.
To the right of the east grotesque mask is another seated jaguar, whose accoutrements
are the same as those on the one described above. The extreme left part of the facade
is not as well preserved, but it appears that there might have been yet another seated
jaguar and another frontal mask.
The style of the bas-relief is distinctly unusual; it seems unrelated to the Río Bec style
found at nearby sites to the east or to the Chenes style to the north. When further
study is conducted, it will be interesting to see how it is classified.
This elaborate facade occupies the west end of a building reported to be 130 feet long
and 49 feet high. The structure borders the north side of a plaza and faces south onto
it. The stucco facade was covered with rubble that was part of a later construction,
and this protected the bas-relief. The uncovered section of the facade is about 30 to 40
feet long, stretching from the west end of the building toward the center, and you can
clearly see
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Southeastern Campeche and southern Quintana Roo

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Part of the south side of the structure with the bas-relief stucco facade, Balamku. Classic
that the bas-relief continues toward the center, though the remainder is still covered
with rubble.
When viewed from the plaza, this building has a top profile that is formed of three
humps, perhaps indicating that three individual upper structures shared a common
platform, or that there were three separate buildings that have slumped together. There
are some indications that a stairway once existed in the center of the building (east of
the bas-relief facade), but it and the rest of the structure are rubble, as are the
structures on the east and south sides of the plaza. There is a pyramidal mound on the
west side, with remains on the east side of a wide stairway of gentle slope. Behind
(north of) the building with the bas-relief facade is another large rubble mound, but I
do not know how far the site extends, since it is just beginning to be studied.
You will want to have a wide-angle lens for overall views of the stucco facade, and a
telephoto lens would be useful for detail shots of the upper section. There have been
many changes at Balamku in the past two years, and perhaps there will be more. If so,
by the time you get there, you may find it to be a three-star site.
Recent History
Balamku was officially discovered in November 1990 by Florentino García Cruz, an
archaeologist for the Campeche Regional Center of INAH, and four INAH guardians.
Previously, looters had been discovered uncovering the stucco facade, and local
people (who call the site Chunhabil) reported these illicit activities to INAH.
Sometime after its official discovery guardians were assigned to the site, and a
Page 247
protective metal roof was installed over the bas-relief facade. The stucco facade was
repaired and consolidated by a team of restoration experts headed by Julio Chan. The
plaza was completely cleared of low bush, but some small trees were left. The rubble
core between the two seated human figures was consolidated.
A short note in the March 1991 issue of Mexicon reported the discovery of the site, the
result of newspaper reports the journal had received. In this note, the date of the
structure with the bas-relief facade is given as around A.D. 500-700, although some
authorities believe it may be a little earlier. A May article in the same journal described
the stucco facade in more detail, and four photographs of it were included. This article
also states that the ceramics collected from a surface survey date from around 300 B.C.
to A.D. 600.
Xpuhil to Balamku: 37.5 miles by paved road (:45), then 1.7 miles by rough dirt road
Getting There
Head west from Xpuhil on Highway 186 to the cutoff for Balamku (at Kilometer 93.3).
The cutoff is 1.3 miles past (west of) the center of the village of Conhuas. A better
check is that the cutoff is 1.0 mile west of the Kilometer 95 marker and the west
entrance sign for Conhuas.
If you are approaching from Escárcega and do not spot the dirt road, go on to the
Kilometer 95 marker, turn around and go back 1.0 mile. The cutoff is on the north
side of the highway, and the dirt road winds around a bit on the way to the site. The
first part is bumpy limestone outcrops, but afterward it is a little smoother.
After driving in 1.7 miles, you will see (to the right) what looks like a branch road that
goes up a rise (blocked by large stones). This rise is actually part of the structure that
borders the south side of the plaza. Park at the branch and walk over the rise to reach
the plaza. (The road you came in on actually continues straight ahead and then makes
a U-turn and enters the plaza, but this part is steep and bumpy, so it is easier to walk in
the last few feet.)
Allow 45 minutes for a visit, and have your own food and drink alongthere are none
at the site or nearby.
We were told that the road to Balamku would likely be improved in the future, but
until it is, a high-clearance vehicle is recommended.
(kah-lahk-mool; derivation: Maya for ''Place [City] of Two Adjacent Mounds
Southeastern Campeche.
Map: 5 (p. 245)

The Site
Calakmul is impossible to rate fairly using the criteria applied to the other sites
covered in this work. It is truly a special case. Calakmul is enormous and immensely
important, with over one hundred reported stelae, recording numerous dynastic texts.
William J. Folan, current director of the Calakmul Project, says, "It is one incredible
place to do problem oriented research." In the early 1980s the site was mapped, and
excavations began later. Significant work was undertaken to clear and consolidate
some of the structures. During this work, two magnificent jade mosaic masks were
discovered and restored.
On the minus side (for the visitor), there is not a great deal of standing architecture,
and most of the stelae are fairly
Page 248

Stela 29, depicting Ruler 2, Calakmul. Early part of the

Late Classic period.
eroded. The real minus, however, is access to the site, which can range from difficult
to impossible. Folan says that in the rainy season it can take two to four days to reach
Calakmul. When conditions are ideal meaning when the road is bone dry and cleared
of vegetationyou can drive from the highway to the site in 4 or 5 hours. In any case,
reaching Calakmul requires an expedition that should not be undertaken lightly. For
those who may wish to try, the site is included here.
As you enter Calakmul, you come first to Stela 1, still standing, and carved on all four
sides, but very eroded. To the west is Structure VII, a fair-sized but ruined pyramidal
mound with remains of a temple on top. Below the floor of this temple a vaulted
burial crypt was found, and it contained approximately 2,000 pieces of jade. Some of
these were part of a jade mosaic portrait mask of the 25- to 30-year-old male who was
interreda seventh-century nobleman of Calakmuland there were also jade plaques,
beads, ear flares, and a ring. This burial was discovered in 1985, and the mask and
some of the jewelery are now displayed at the Campeche Museum.
Structure VII faces south on to the Central Plaza, and a row of plain stelae is found in
front of its base. On the east side of the plaza are more stelae, mostly lying on their
sides, but with some carving still discernible. Structure IV, behind these stelae, is
overgrown with vegetation.
Bordering the Central Plaza on the south is the small, ruined Structure V, with two
fairly well-preserved stelae on the north (plaza) side. Stela 29 (on the right as you face
the pair) portrays Ruler 2 of Calakmul, and his wife is depicted on Stela 28 on the left.
This royal couple face each other, and both stelae date to A.D. 623. Each figure stands
on top of a bound captive, and they too face each other. The sides of the stelae are
totally covered with glyphs, some of which record their dates, and there are panels of
glyphs on the front of each stelae as well. The stelae are over nine feet tall, and the
backs are uncarved.
According to Joyce Marcus, who studied the hieroglyphic inscriptions at Calakmul,
"This marital pair from A.D. 623 is the first of at least five royal couples depicted on
Calakmul stelae." Along the south base of Structure V are more stelae, most of which
are standing and all of which are greatly eroded.
To the south of Structure V is Structure II, the largest at Calakmul. This is a pyramidal
base with an assemblage of buildings on top. It rises 175 feet from a base that is nearly
500 feet square and is very similar in dimensions to E1 Tigre pyramid at E1 Mirador in
Guatemala, 23 miles to the south-southwest. Structure II and the nearby Structure
Page 249
I are the two "mounds," or "pyramids," that give Calakmul its name. At the north base
of Structure II are some standing but eroded stelae; one is encapsulated by the roots of
a tree.
From here it is about 130 yards east to Structure III, the best preserved at the site and
by far the most photogenic. Structure III is small when compared to the massive
pyramids of Structures I and II, but is still a fair size and contains the remains of 12
rooms resting on a platform about 15 feet high. The platform rises in tiers, and there is
abroad stairway on the west side that is the approach to Structure III. Many of the
rooms have intact vaults, some of which are stepped, and a good deal of plaster
remains on the walls. Ancient graffiti are scratched into the plaster. A more modern
inscription was left by Cyrus L. Lundell when he visited Calakmul in 1931; he
recorded his name and the date of his visit, and it was he who named the site. A few
wooden lintels remain in place in Structure III, and the second jade mosaic mask
found at Calakmul was discovered beneath the floor in one of the rooms. This mask,
discovered in the late 1980s, portrays an Early Classic ruler who was buried there
about A.D. 500. This mask is also in the Campeche Museum.
About 200 yards south-southeast is Structure I, the second largest at Calakmul. This is
also a tall pyramid about the height of Structure II but rising from a smaller base.
There is also a structure on top. The one standing stelae at the west base of Structure I
has had its front and top cut off, and there are glyphs on the sides.
Stela 28, depicting the wife of Ruler 2, Calakmul. Early
part of the Late Classic period.
Although there are many other large structures in the central area of Calakmul, they
are mostly overgrown, so those described above are the main features of interest for
the visitor, except for a sculptured rock outcrop that I have not seen. It lies about 360
yards to the west of Structure VII and represents seven bound, nude captives; it is
reported to be very eroded.
The "downtown" area of Calakmul, which has most of the monumental architecture
and stelae, covers an area of 0.7 square mile. The site nucleus, which is surrounded by
a system of canals, is 8.5 square
Page 250

Structure III, west side, Calakmul. Classic period.

miles, and the whole site occupies 27 square miles. This is the size of (or larger than)
Tikal, making it one of the largest sites in Mesoamerica. Over 6,500 structures have
been mapped at Calakmul, and the population is estimated to have been 60,000 during
Late Classic times.
Calakmul went through several developmental stages, spanning the Middle Preclassic
through the Terminal Classic periods, with much evidence of a Post-Classic
occupation. The stelae at the site date from A.D. 514 to 830.
In addition to being an important individual site, Calakmul during the Late Classic
period was also a regional center, dominant over some smaller surrounding sites such
as Oxpemul, La Muñeca, Naachtún, and Uxul.
Recent History
Lundell, a botanist working for a chicle firm, was led to Calakmul by chicleros in
December 1931. Apparently there were at least a couple of earlier visitors who
scratched their names into the plaster of Structure III, but Lundell was the first to
report the site and is credited with its discovery. He found 62 stelae, drew a map of the
site, took photographs, and gave the information to James C. Brydon, who worked
for the same chicle company. Brydon showed the material to John C. Merriam, then
president of the Carnegie Institution of Washington (CIW), when they were both
passengers on a boat bound for New Orleans. Merriam forwarded the report to
Sylvanus G. Morley, who was then working at Chichén Itzá. Morely, whose major
interest was deciphering dates on inscribed monuments, was greatly excited by the
news and had Lundell come to Chichén Itzá. Lundell arrived on March 5, 1932, and
less than a month later Morley left on the hastily arranged First Campeche Expedition,
sponsored by the CIW, to investigate Calakmul. Morley discovered 41 stelae that
Lundell had not seen, bringing the total to 103, more by far than reported from any
other Maya site. Of the total, 79 were carved. John S. Bolles was a member of the
Page 251
expedition, and he prepared a map of Calakmul.
In 1933 the Second Campeche Expedition returned to Calakmul, with John H.
Denison, Jr., as epigrapher. Other expeditions were undertaken in 1934 and 1938, and
other sites were investigated, but these expeditions did not return to Calakmul. The
information gathered during these four expeditions was published by the CIW in 1943
under the title Archaeological Reconnaissance in Campeche, Quintana Roo, and
Peten. The authors of this classic work were Karl Ruppert, who studied the
architecture, and Denison, who reported on the carved monuments. Their volume,
covering twenty-nine sites, is still one of the best sources of information for the area.
After 1933 Calakmul was virtually abandoned for almost fifty years, except for
possible visits by chicleros, howler monkeys, and looters, and rare visits by
archaeologists and others. In 1982 Folan, as field director and subproject director,
undertook work at the site. This was sponsored by the Center of Historic and Social
Investigations of the Free University of the Southeast in Campeche, with Román Piña
Chan as project director. Later, Folan became project director.
Work continued during the 1980s, which included detailed mapping of the 11.6-
square-mile central part of the site. In this work Folan was assisted by Jacinto May
Hau. Excavation of the buildings atop Structures I and II, consolidation of the upper
part of Structure VII, and clearing and consolidation of Structure III were also
undertaken. Some tombs and several stelae and carved boulders were discovered
during this work.
Folan long promoted the idea of a national park at Calakmul. In May 1989, the
president of Mexico, Carlos Salinas de Gortari, created the Calakmul Biosphere
Reserve, which encompasses 1.8 million acres.
Xpuhil to Calakmul: 34.8 miles by paved road (:41), 13.9 miles by fair rock road (:25),
then 24.3 miles by dirt road (variable time, see below).
Total from Xpuhil to Calakmul: 73.0 miles.
Getting There
Guide: Juan de la Cruz Briceño, at Becan.
Note: Visitors are allowed at Calakmul only when Folan and his staff are working
there, but not at other times without a current written permission from INAH. Juan
will know if work is underway at the site and if you may visit it.
From Xpuhil head west on Highway 186 to the cutoff for Calakmul. This is near
Kilometer 97 and is a short distance east of (before) the community of Conhuas. Turn
left on to the rock road and continue for 13.9 miles. Up to this point you should have
no difficulties. When the rock road ends and you start on the dirt road, it is impossible
to say what conditions you will encounter. Sometimes in wet weather, long stretches
of the dirt road will be under water. At the very least, the road will be slippery and
have deep mud; getting stuck will be more than a distinct possibility. For a graphic
depiction of what the road can look like, see the photograph on page 460 of the
October 1989 issue of National Geographic.
If you are still determined to try to reach Calakmul, you must have a high-clearance
vehicle with four-wheel drive and a winch, your own food and drink for a couple of
days, and a hammock or camping equipment, unless you plan to sleep in your vehicle.
At the very least have a machete and ax with you to clear vegetation from the road; a
chain saw, in addition, is advisable. Make sure your gas tank is filled before you start,
or carry extra gas. You get very poor gas mileage on bad roads.
You should also be able to make minor repairs to your vehicle, because if your have a
problem, you are a long way from help. Before you start on the dirt road remove your
windshield wiper blades and pull any side-view mirrors in toward the windows. Both
wiper blades and mirrors are easy targets for hanging lianas, and both can be ripped
off even at speeds of five miles per hour. Be prepared to have branches, twigs, and
insects fly into your vehicle, unless it is air-conditioned
Page 252
and you can keep the windows rolled up which is ideal, of course. Also expect to hear
a lot of screeching and thumping as vegetation hits the sides and top of your vehicle.
With luck you may not get a broken windshield, but you may lose some trim.
Have a wide-angle lens for your camera and fast film. Wear boots and allow 2 hours
to visit the part of the site described above. If you want to climb to the top of
Structures VII, II, and I, double or triple that amount of time.
Note: When you leave Calakmul and are heading back to the highway, you pass a
cutoff, on the right, that goes about 5 miles to Oxpemul. The cutoff is 13.7 miles past
(north of) Central Buenfil. Shortly after the cutoff there are a couple of spots where
you get a view of Oxpemul. It appears to be two small hills on top of a larger one, and
they are distinct on the eastern horizon. Juan will point them out to you, and it is
worth a telephoto shot if you are not pressed for time. It is better to do this on the way
out; on the way in, concentrate your efforts on reaching Calakmul.
Manos Rojas
(mah-nohs roh-hahs; derivation: Spanish for "Red Hands" [see text])
Southeastern Campeche.
Maps: 5 (p. 245) and 5A (p.

The Site
The name Manos Rojas was given this site because of red-painted handprints found in
one of the structures. Manos Rojas is reported to be a scattered site, with several
structures and a stone-lined aguada, but it is the structure of Group C that is of
interest to the visitor. This structure is the northernmost at the known site and is
closest to the highway. It is a large building with more than one level and is much
destroyed or buried, but there are some remains of corner masks in a vertical row,
made of stone and stucco. They are similar to those on Structure XX at Chicanná. To
the left of the corner masks (as you face them) are a few remains of relief carving
depicting profile masks. Some carved stones that were once a part of the building are
found on the ground nearby.
There are two narrow vaulted corridors running at right angles to each other, which
begin on each side of the corner masks. The vault on the left is made of well-cut stone
and is particularly well preserved. The one on the right is cruder, and both corridors
have an offset at the spring line of the vault. Some remains of larger vaultsoriginally a
part of roomsmay be seen on another corner of the structure.
Recent History
Manos Rojas was discovered in 1971 by Jack Eaton during a reconnaissance
conducted for the Middle American Research Institute of Tulane University.
Although Manos Rojas has been recorded and the existing architecture studied by
David F. Potter and the masks by Paul Gendrop, no excavation or restoration has been
undertaken, so little can be said about the site except that the architectural remains date
to the Late Classic period and the corner masks are typical of others found in the
Xpuhil to Manos Rojas: 13.6 miles by paved road (:17), then about 200 yards by foot
trail (:05).
Getting There
Guide: Juan de la Cruz Briceño, at Becan.
From Xpuhil head west on Highway
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Area near Xpuhil

Page 254

Remains of corner masks (center) and vaulted corridors (left and right) of the Structure
of Group C, Manos Rojas. Late Classic period.
186 and park on the side of the road between Kilometers 131 and 132. From there you
walk south to the Structure of Group C, over a trail that may have to be cleared.
Wear boots, have a wide-angle lens for your camera, and allow 30 minutes to see the
(chee-kah-nah; derivation: Maya for "Serpent-Mouth House")
Southeastern Campeche.
Maps: 5 (p. 245) and 5A (p.

The Site
Chicanná is an elegant site and one of the most photogenic in the area. It is medium-
sized, but some of its monumental architecture is in excellent condition, and most of
the structures described below have been consolidated and restored.
Page 255

Structure II, Group A, west side, Chicanná. Late Classic period.

When you enter the site, you come first to Group A, with buildings surrounding a
plaza, the only well-defined plaza group at the site. Structure II borders the plaza on
the east, and it alone would make a visit to Chicanná worthwhile. Its highly
ornamental main facade features a typical Chenes-style monster-mouth (or open
serpent-mouth) doorway, flanked by profile masks. These are quite similar to the
decorations on Structure 2 at Hochob in the Chenes region, 65 miles to the north. It is
Structure II at Chicanná that gives the site its name.
This structure is one story with eight rooms; the front row with three, and the rear
with five. There are also a few remains of a roof comb above the medial wall. Most of
the wall surfaces and the roof comb were originally painted red, as shown by traces of
remaining paint. Flanking the decorative facade of the center room are two relatively
plain lateral wings, and there is a broad, low stairway on the west (plaza) side. Some
of the stucco remains on the interior walls, where interesting graffiti are also found.
One is assumed to portray the facing Structure I with its towers, stairways, and
simulated temples.
Remains of some red, painted glyphs are found on the exterior of Structure II,
immediately to the right of the Chenes monster mask and just below the medial
molding, at the top of the plain lower wall of the south room. These glyphs were
revealed when a layer of stucco that covered them fell from the surface in 1986.
Structure II dates to A.D. 750-770. (All the dates given here for the structures at
Chicanná are those presented by David F. Potter, based on the ceramic sequence
established by Joseph W. Ball.) For really dramatic results, try to photograph Structure
II in the afternoon when the Chenes monster mask is catching the sunlight. It is
Structure I, on the west side of the plaza, is a typical Rio Bec twin-towered building
with a range of rooms connecting the towers. The towers have the usual rounded
corners and banded tiers, and there are remains of steep nonfunctional stairways. The
towers once supported ornamental simulated temples. There are two rows of three
rooms each between the towers, and three doorways face the plaza. There are also two
small transverse rooms behind each tower. The vaults of some of the rooms are intact.
Flanking the three exterior doorways are vertical inset panels with carved decorations.
Only the lower part remains of the panels next to the center doorway, but the others
are better preserved and show profile masks. Structure I rests on a low platform with
a broad stairway on the east (plaza)
Page 256

Central part of the west facade, Structure II, Group A, Chicanná. Late Classic period.
side. On the south side of the structure, part of the facade is standing, and it too has an
inset panel. Access to the transverse rooms behind the tower is from this side, and the
inner room is intact. A similar entrance is found on the north side of the structure. The
back wall of Structure I is solid, the lower wall zone is plain, and there are remains of
simple three-member base and medial moldings. Structure I was built slightly earlier
than Structure II.
On the north side of the plaza are the remains of Structure III, which has plain, inset
facade columns and two doorways with a circular carved stone in front of each. There
are other entrances to the structure from the east and north. To the west (left as you
face the structure) is another building that is mostly rubble, and both structures have
broad stairways on the south, facing the plaza. Structure III was an elite residence
built during the Terminal Classic period.
Three other groups at Chicanná can be reached from the Main Plaza. Structure VI, the
principal building of Group B, lies about 130 yards southeast of the Main Plaza and is
notable for some intact relief sculpture of profile masks and a perforated roof comb,
much of which remains. The perforations were partly lined with marine shells. Slabs
projecting from this roof comb presumably once supported stucco figures. Structure
VI rests on a platform and faces south. It has two rooms, one behind the other, though
part of the front room has collapsed. Later, additional rooms were constructed on the
east and west sides of the building. Structure VI dates to the same time as Structure I.
About 130 yards southwest of the Main Plaza is Group C, with Structures X and XI.
Structure X, with three rooms facing onto a broad terrace, is greatly ruined, but it
originally had a panel with a profile mask. Structure XI has 11 or 12 rooms on one
level and
Page 257

Structure I, Group A, east face, Chicanná. Late Classic period.

Structure III, Group A, south side, Chicanná. Terminal Classic period.

was intensively excavated. It shows a developmental type of vaulting, which, along
with the associated ceramics, indicates the structure is of relatively early date (A.D. 550-
650). Stone lintels are in place in some of the interior rooms. Structure XI-sub, under
the visible building, is the earliest structural unit examined at the site; it dates to 400-
Farthest from the Main Plaza, about 370 yards northwest, is Group D, with the well-
preserved and exuberant Structure XX. This building is composed of two stories and
Page 258

Structure VI, Group B, south side, Chicanná. Late Classic period.

one of the latest major constructions recorded at Chicanná. It dates to A.D. 770-830 and
it was constructed in two phases; the lower rooms were built first, then the upper
rooms and an annex on the first level were added. The first-level rooms are arranged
in a rectangle around a central core that supports the upper rooms, and the annex
projects to the west.
The front (south) facade of Structure XX is outstanding. The doorway ot the center
room on the lower level is surrounded by a monster-mouth doorway, a good deal of
which remains. Above this, on the second level, is a doorway with the same motif,
also partly intact, and this is flanked by stacked, corner Chac masks that are well
preserved. Above the upper rooms are remains of a perforated roof comb. Access to
the upper level is by a stairway at the back of the lower central room on the south side
of the structure. The stairway ascends for several steps, then divides in two at a
landing, and other stairs continue upward, 90 degrees to the right and left. Structure
XX rests on a low platform approached by a stair that is divided in the center by a
rectangular construction that has the remains of the lower curled teeth of the lower-
level monster-mouth mask.
As you walk around Structure XX, you will see remains of vertical inset panels of
profile masks on the facades of both the upper-and lower-level rooms. The lower
rooms also have benches decorated with small heads made of stucco, inside a
rectangular motif.
There is evidence for a short occupation at Chicanná during the Late Preclassic
period, but it was not extensive, and there are no structural remains that date to that
period. During the early part of the Early Classic period there is a surprising gap in the
ceramic sequence, with no evidence that the site was occupied from about A.D. 250 to
Structural activities began between A.D. 400 and 550, though these constructions are not
visible today. The following period, 550-750, was a time of major construction; much
of the standing architecture seen today dates to that period. In the next period, 750-
830, more architectural activity took placenotably the construction of Structures II and
XX. during the last period (830-
Page 259

Structure XX, Group D, south facade, Chicanná. Late Classic period.

1050) Structure III was built. The site continued to be occupied until around 1100, and
there is evidence for ritual activity during this late period, demonstrated by the
presence of censers.
Recent History
Chicanná was discovered in 1966 by Jack Eaton during exploration of the area before
the formal start of the extensive project jointly sponsored by the National Geographic
Society and the Middle American Research Institute of Tulane University. Though
Eaton discovered other sites, this find is perhaps the most noteworthy.
It is surprising that Chicanná was not discovered earlier during the Carnegie
Institution of Washington's extensive reconnaissance of the area in the 1930s,
especially considering its proximity to Becan. This says something about the density of
the vegetation in the area.
In 1970 Eaton excavated, consolidated, and partly restored Structure II, and Structure
XX was discovered. In the mid-1980s additional excavation and consolidation were
undertaken by Román Piña Chan and Ricardo Bueno Cano. The latter was also
coordinator of another project that began in October 1991.
Xpuhil to Chicanná: 5.8 miles by paved road (:09), then 0.5 mile by rock road (:02).
Getting There
Head west from Xpuhil on Highway 186 to the cutoff for Chicanná (marked with a
sign), turn left, and proceed to the site. There is no food or drink at the site. Allow 2
hours for a visit.
Buses stop at Xpuhil crossroads.
Page 260

(beh-kahn; derivation: Maya for ''Ditch Filled with Water")
Southeastern Campeche.
Maps: 5 (p. 245) and 5A (p.

The Site
Becan is built on a limestone outcrop that is as much as 30 feet higher than the
surrounding countryside and is visible from the top of Structure I of Group I at
Xpuhil about 4 miles away. The site is famous for its "moat," which gives the site its
name. The moat is actually an earthwork made of a ditch and embankment that never
held water. The earthwork fortification surrounds the site and conforms well to the
edge of the limestone outcrop on which Becan was built.
The ditch is roughly kidney-shaped, with a perimeter of 1.2 miles, and it encloses the
46 acres of the site. It is one of the most massive fortifications known in the Maya
area, as well as one of the earliest. A comparison with other Maya fortifications shows
the one at Becan to be by far the largest when seen in profile. The ditch is crossed by
seven causeways, one of which is the entrance to the site today.
As you enter the site, you come first to Structure I, which borders the south side of
the Southeast Plaza. This structure has two massive towers (on the northeast and
northwest corners) and two double ranges of rooms running along the complete
length of the building on the south side. The rooms are on two levels, and the
doorways open to the south, onto a large terrace. The towers, which are about 50 feet
high, rise in tiers and have rounded corners, but there is no evi-
Structure I, south side, Becan. Late Classic period.
Page 261

Structure II, east side, Becan. Late Classic period.

dence for temples on top. The towers are joined by a solid mass, with no openings on
the north (plaza) side of the structure, and they had steep nonfunctional stairways on
all four sides.
Flanking the central doorway of the lower-level rooms are remains of profile mask
panels; presumably there were more stacked above these originally, but only the lower
walls of the room are intact. On either side of the doorway on the east side of the
lower-level rooms are a pair of recessed panels with a cross motif, near the southeast
corner of the building. Next to this, on the right, is another doorway that leads to a
narrow interior stairway that is the access to the upper-level rooms. Structure I dates
to around A.D. 750; it has been cleared, excavated, and consolidated.
On the terrace to the south of Structure I (east side) is Structure I-a, of which the basal
platform remains. It is believed to have been an elite residence, constructed in the
Early Postclassic (or Terminal Classic) period. A short distance to the southwest you
can see part of the south retaining wall of the terrace, and nearby on the south,
Structure I-b. Only a low platform with a western stair remains, and it may once have
been topped by a building of perishable materials.
Proceed now to the Southeast Plaza, either by a trail from the upper level on the east
side of Structure I or by an exterior stairway on its west side that goes up to plaza
Structure II borders the Southeast Plaza on the west. It is composed of a lower range
of rooms on the east side, which backs up to a tall pyramidal mound with the remains
of a temple on top. This part of Structure II has been cleared and consolidated. On the
west side there is also a range of rooms and the
Page 262

Structure III (left), Structure III-a (center), and the northeast corner
of Structure I (upper right), Becan. Structure III was built in the Late
Classic period but was enlarged during the Terminal Classic or Early
Post-classic period. Structure III-a is believed to be of late date.
main stairway to the top of the structure. The lower walls of the rooms on the east
side are standing, and the east facade is decorated with panels of checkerboard
designs bordered by stepped elements and with other panels with cross motifs. During
excavation two empty tombs were found in one of the lower level rooms.
Structure III, on the east side of the plaza, has three rooms on a lower level and
remains of others higher up. There is a broad stairway from the plaza between the
central and south rooms on the lower level and a narrower inset stairway between the
central and north rooms. Some stucco medallions decorate the edge of the benches in
one of the rooms. Structure III was apparently built around A.D. 600-730 but was
modified in the Terminal Classic or Early Postclassic period.
In the Southeast Plaza, just in front of the broad stairway of Structure III, is Structure
III-a, a low circular construction with a western stair that is thought to be a late-date
Perhaps the most impressive building on the Southeast Plaza is Structure IV, which
borders the plaza on the north. This was one of the first and most extensively
excavated structures at Becan. It is also one of the most complex. Structure IV is
formed of a pyramidal base, with a broad stairway on the south leading to an upper
courtyard surrounded by rooms on three sides.
On the back (north side) of the lower level of the structure are terraces on four levels
with additional rooms. There are also Río Bec-style nonfunctional stairways on the
east and west sides of the building, as well as interior stairways, one of which exits
through the base of the west nonfunctional stairway on its north side. There is a
multitude of decorations on Structure IV, and the building totally encases the earlier
Structure IV-sub.
On the east side (right as you face the structure) of the front wall that forms the
entrance to the upper courtyard of Structure IV are remains of relief carving. The
decoration is believed to have once surrounded the doorway. There are also similar
remains on the west facade of the structure at the top of the nonfunctional stairway,
and both may have represented Chenes-style monster-mouth motifs. There are seven
rooms around the upper courtyard, and three have doorways facing it. On either side
of these door-
Page 263

Structure IV, from the southeast, Becan. Late Classic period.

ways are inset panels with cross motifs, bordered on the bottom with stepped
On the north side of Structure IV is a cascade of rooms that form the four levels of
the terraces. Access is from the west to Level 2, and you enter from two steps that are
supported by decorative stones. On Level 2 there are profile mask panels flanking
some of the doorways, and the steps to these rooms are formed of frontal masks. On
the first level there are remains of an inset panel with a cross motif. According to E.
Wyllys Andrews V, Structure IV-sub dates at the latest to A.D. 150-250 and may have
been earlier (100 B.C.-A.D. 150), while Structure IV dates to A.D. 770-830.
To the north of the terraces of Structure IV is Structure V-A, a six-room building that
faces east on to a courtyard. There is a double range of three rooms, and the east
facade has remains of checkerboard panels, bordered by stepped elements, on either
side of the central doorway.
To the northwest of Structure V-A is the greatly ruined Structure VI, which has not
been excavated. This is a large platform with mounds on top. One feature of interest
here is a vaulted tunnel, aligned east-west, that runs along the south side of the
structure; the western entrance to the tunnel can be seen next to the south side of the
platform of Structure VI. On its eastern end, the tunnel connects to the courtyard
faced by Structure V-A.
Adjacent to the north of Structure VI is Structure VIII, a massive building with a
pyramidal base, remains of rooms and two large round pillars on top, and towers near
the northwest and southwest corners of the upper level. Structure VIII dates to around
A.D. 600-730. It had a broad stairway on the front (west) that faced the Central Plaza

and the stairway may have risen in two sections, according to David E Potter. One
exploratory excavation was made at Structure VIII on the north end of the lower
stairway some years ago. Consolidation of Structure VIII was begun in 1992. The top
of Structure VIII is a good vantage point for photographs of Structure X across the
Central Plaza to the west.
Page 264

Intact mask panel and step mask on Level 2 of the north side of
Structure IV, Becan. Late Classic period,
Inside the pyramidal base of Structure VIII is a series of vaulted rooms connected by
narrow passageways. The rooms are undecorated and relatively small, especially
compared to the heightover 25 feet in one area. The purpose of the rooms is
unknown. The entrance to these rooms is on the south side of the pyramidal base of
the structure, near its east end. If you decide to visit these interior rooms, have a
flashlight and extra batteriesit is pitch black insideand a flash unit for your camera. It
would also be best to have someone along who knows the layout of the rooms. Ask
Juan de la Cruz Briceño, the caretaker of Becan, when you enter the site.
To the northwest of Structure VIII is Structure IX, bordering the Central Plaza on the
north. At 100 feet high, this is the tallest structure at Becan, and we were told there are
plans to consolidate it. It probably had a southern stairway (facing the Central Plaza)
and a temple on top.
Structure X on the west side of the Central Plaza is better preserved and has been
partly excavated and consolidated. This structure has rooms on two levels and a
stairway on the east (rising in two tiers with a landing in between) facing the plaza.
One of the risers of the lower stairway is incised with an ahau sign. (This sign is a
stylized face that signifies "lord." Ahau is also a day in the Maya month.) At the level
of the landing there is a small, rectangular opening into the upper stairway.
The first-level rooms formed lateral wings on the north and south sides of the
stairway. The upper level originally had two rows of three rooms each, but most of
the end rooms have fallen, except for parts of a couple of doorjambs. The center
rooms are better preserved, and the most notable feature of Structure X is the
sculptured remains of a Chenes-style monster-mouth doorway on the east facade of
the center doorway. The vault above the doorway has fallen, and along with it the
upper part of the design, but a fair amount is in place on either side. There are
remnants of red, yellow, and blue-green paint on the thin layer of stucco that covers
the stone reliefs.
The doorway in the medial wall between the center rooms is intact and is still spanned
by its original, well-preserved wooden lintels. Above the medial wall of the structure
is the lower part of a perforated roof comb. Structure X dates to around A.D. 600-730
and covers an earlier building.
Page 265

Structure X, east side, Becan. Late Classic period.

To the west of Structure X is the West Plaza, surrounded by long, low platforms on
the north and south sides and by a group of greatly fallen buildings, collectively called
Structure XIII, on the west. Structure XI, a ball court, is on the east side of the West
Plaza and abuts the southwest base of Structure X. Outside this plaza, to the north and
near the north edge of the ditch, is the ruined Structure XII, on the south side of
which is the one standing stela (Stela 1) known from Becan; unhappily, it is uncarved.
The three other stelae reported were originally carved but are badly eroded and
Ceramic and lithic evidence indicates that Becan was occupied from the late part of
the Middle Preclassic period (550 B.C.), possibly by colonists from the Petén in
Guatemala. During the Late Preclassic (after about 50 B.C.) the first architectural activity
began, notably, but not only, Structure IV-sub; the monumental earthworks were built
around A.D. 150-250. There was an apparent decline in population from around 250 to
450, and little architecture from this part of the Early Classic period is known at
Becan. From 450 to 600 population increased, and there is evidence of Teotihuacán
influence in the ceramics. One outstanding example is in the Mérida Museum; see that
section for details.
Between A.D. 600 and 730 the ditch began to be used as a refuse dump. Río Bec-style
architecture flourished during this period, and this style continued into the next period
(730 to 830). From that time to 950 there is evidence of a possible invasion by people
from the northwestern part of the Yucatán Peninsula, and some of the existing
structures at Becan were adapted and modified "following new spatial requirements,"
according to Ricardo Bueno Cano. Between 950 and 1050 there are signs of cultural
decline, and major architectural activity
Page 266
stopped. From around 1200 to 1450 the only evidence of occupation are some
Mayapán-type censers. From then until the early twentieth century, the area was
virtually unoccupied.
Recent History
From 1932 through 1938 the Carnegie Institution of Washington sponsored
explorations in the Río Bec region and adjacent areas. The results of these efforts were
published by Karl Ruppert and John H. Denison, Jr., in 1943. During their
reconnaissance, they discovered many sites, including Becan in 1934.
E. Wyllys Andrews IV was project director of work carried out in the Río Bec region
(including Becan) from 1969 through 1971, sponsored jointly by the National
Geographic Society and the Middle American Research Institute (MARI) of Tulane
University. Under his directorship, a great deal of new information was gathered.
Extensive ceramic analysis was undertaken by Joseph W. Ball (who returned in 1973
for additional research), the lithic assemblages were studied by Irwin Rovner, the
fortifications by David Webster, the architecture by Potter, and the cultural ecology by
Ingolf Vogeler. In addition, Jack Eaton, of the field staff of MARI, undertook
extensive reconnaissance, discovering numerous sites and relocating sites previously
The prehistoric settlement of the Becan area was studied by Prentice Thomas, Jr., for a
joint University of Tennessee-National Geographic Society expedition in 1972 and
1973. The area studied extended from Xpuhil to beyond Chicanná, or over 6 miles
from east to west, by 0.6 mile to 1.5 miles from north to south. The preliminary report
published by MARI in 1974 was compiled by Richard E. W. Adams, who was also
director of the work at Becan during the 1970 season.
Additional work on the lithic artifacts was undertaken by James B. Stoltman in 1973,
and there was further study of the Preclassic architecture in the same year by E. Wyllys
Andrews V. MARI published these more extensive reports from 1976 through 1981.
From the mid-1970s through the mid-1980s, the Southeast Regional Center of INAH
and the state government of Campeche carried out explorations and consolidation of
some of Becan's major structures. This work was directed by Román Piña Chan and
Bueno Cano. In October 1991 the latter became coordinator of a new project of
Xpuhil to Becan: 4.5 miles by paved road (:07), then 0.3 mile by fair rock road (:03).
Getting There
Head west from Xpuhil on Highway 186 to the cutoff for Becan (marked with a sign).
Turn right onto the rock road, and continue to the site. There is no food or drink at
Becan. Allow 2 hours for a visit.
Buses stop at Xpuhil crossroads.
Page 267

(shpoo-heel; derivation: Maya for "Place of the Cattails"; named after a nearby
Southeastern Campeche.
Maps: 5 (p. 245) and 5A (p.

The Site
The lovely Structure I of Group I at Xpuhil is a rather typical example of Río Bec-
style architecture, with towers joined by a lower range of rooms. One unusual feature
here, however, is the incorporation of three towers, rather than the two generally
The structure has been cleared and consolidated, and it rests atop a platform with
rounded corners. The structure faces east, and there are three doorways on that side to
the lower-level rooms. Flanking the doorways are vertical inset mask panels; those
next to the center doorway portray frontal masks, while the panels adjacent to the
other doorways have profile masks. The center room is recessed from the others, and
at the junctions the lower walls are rounded, giving the feeling of corner facade
columns. Much of the upper walls of the rooms has fallen. There are three rooms
behind the front row, each with a single entrance from the room in front. There is a
step up, from the front to rear rooms, and one step is decorated with ik- or T-shaped
Behind the towers on each end of the structure are two rooms, entered from the
Structure I of Group I, the back (west) side, Xpuhil. Late Classic period.
Page 268

Detail of the mask panel and simulated temple on the upper part of the west tower,
west side, Structure I of Group I, Xpuhil. Late Classic period.
north and south sides of the building. Inset panels also decorate these areas, though
only parts of the decoration remain.
The central tower is the best preserved, especially its west side, with its rounded
corners, banded tiers, and some steps remaining of its ornamental stairway. Its
simulated temple and parts of the monster-mouth decoration that surrounded the false
doorway are in place. (The simulated temple and those that originally topped the other
two towers may or may not have had roof combs.)
Even better preserved is a frontal maks panel just below the temple of the west tower.
You will want a telephoto lens to get shots of the temple and mask. Originally there
were three masks along this stairway (and it is believed that there were also three on
the east side on each of the north and south towers); according to David F. Potter, the
masks are "obviously feline." This is an interesting point; most of the mask
decorations in the Río Bec region are reptilian in nature.
The north and south towers have some of their lower steps in place, and according to
Tatiana Proskouriakoff, who did a restoration drawing of the structure, the stairs
incline only 20 degrees from the vertical. For this reason, the risers had to be given an
outward batter to provide the indication of steps. There is an interior stairway in the
south tower. Paul Gendrop dates Structure I of Group I to around A.D. 760.
About 60 yards to the east of Structure I is Structure II, which has been cleared and
consolidated. Structure II rests on a platform with abroad stairway on the east side
(flanked by alfardas) and rooms on the north, west, and south. Only the lower walls
of the rooms
Page 269
remain. According to Ricardo Bueno Cano, Structure II was an elite residence
constructed during the Postclassic period. He also notes that the alfardas flanking the
stairway are an uncommon characteristic in Río Bec-style architecture.
Recent History
Group I of Xpuhil was discovered by Karl Ruppert and John H. Denison, Jr., in the
1930s, while they were working for the Carnegie Institution of Washington. They
reported this find as well as others in 1943, and Proskouriakoff's drawing of Structure
I accompanied their volume.
This drawing plus photos and a model of Structure I at Río Bec B were the main
sources of information on Río Bec-style architecture until the work in the area
sponsored by the National Geographic Society and Tulane University in the late 1960s
and 1970s. During this work Jack Eaton discovered Groups II, III, and IV at Xpuhil,
and Structure I was cleared. Some additional clearing and minor restoration were
undertaken in 1977.
In the mid-1980s further work was conducted by Bueno Cano, and Structure II was
consolidated. In October of 1991 a new project began at Xpuhil, coordinated by
Bueno Cano.
Note: Two other structures that may be a part of Xpuhil lie along the rock road that
heads south from Xpuhil crossroads. The first is 0.7 mile (:02) south of the crossroads
and a few hundred feet to the left of the road, from which it is visible. It is on the land
of a lumberyard, and you can ask permission there to visit the structure. A fair amount
of the walls of the structure are standing.
The second structure is 0.5 mile (:02) south of the first, along the rock road, and is
immediately to the right. In fact, when the road was constructed, it actually cut
through part of the building. This appears to have been a rather large structure that
possibly had a tower, and we were told that it once had a mask that is now completely
Pitifully few facing stones remain on the structure. In one area there are about two
dozen that formed part of a simple, rectangular three-member molding, with the center
part recessed, and in another area a few stones are stacked vertically, apparently part
of an exterior wall.
Xpuhil (crossroads) to Xpuhil (ruins): 0.8 mile by paved road (:01), then a couple of
hundred yards on foot (:03).
Getting There
From Xpuhil crossroads head west on Highway 186 to the parking area for the site (on
the right). Structure I is on the north side of the highway, from which it is easily
visible, and you walk there from the parking area. There is no food or drink at the
site. Allow 45 minutes for a visit.
Buses stop at Xpuhil corssroads.
(koo-look-bah-lohm; derivation: the intended meaning is "Men Seated at a
Conference" in Maya [see text])
Southeastern Gampeche.
Maps: 5 (p. 245) and 5A (p.

The Site
Culucbalom is principally composed of a plaza with five structures arranged around it,
although another structure and a low mound are also reported. The site is totally
Page 270

Inset panel to the right (north) of the central doorway, east side,
Structure V, Culucbalom. Late Classic period.
overgrown, and although we were told the plaza was 50 meters wide, we could not
see across it because of the vegetation. Today only two of the plaza structures are of
interest to the visitor.
Structure I, the larger and better preserved of the two, bounds the plaza on the north
and faces south. It is reportedly composed of six rooms, although only the two center
rooms are easily discernible today, since much has collapsed. The center rooms, one
behind the other, are on a high platform; the east and west rooms are on a lower level.
The center rooms are reached by a rocky foot trail up the south side. On each side of
the central doorway are two inset panels with applied carved columns, and each
column bears the depiction of two seated figures, one above the other.
According to Karl Ruppert and John H. Denison, Jr., ''The native workmen gave the
name Culucbalom to the site because they said that the name meant 'men seated at a
conference.'" Only three of the original columns remain, and they are rather eroded. A
fourth, reported to be the best preserved of the lot, has been removed from its place
and is believed to have been looted. Above and below the columns are short sections
of a three-part molding, which give the effect of capitals. There is a perforated roof
comb on Structure I, with a few remains of projecting figures. Graffiti, both ancient
and modern, are found on the interior plaster walls of the center rooms.
To the southwest of Structure I is Structure V, set atop a low platform. Three rooms
are reported, but only the center one is easily visible today, and much of its vault has
collapsed. The most interesting feature is a pair of inset carved panels flanking the
central doorway. They depict stylized profile masks similar to those on the north side
of Structure IV at Becan.
Adjacent to the south of Structure V is a rubble mound that is the remains of Structure
In a chart published in 1987, Paul Gendrop dates Structure I to around A.D. 640, and
Structure V to about 740.
Recent History
Culucbalom was discovered in the 1930s during extensive exploration by the Carnegie
Institution of Washington (CIW). This site
Page 271
and many others were reported on by Ruppert and Denison in a 1943 CIW
publication. The site is also mentioned by Alberto Ruz Lhuillier in 1945.
In a 1987 study, Gendrop attempted a new stylistic evolution of profile mask panels in
the Río Bec style, and the panels on Structure V at Culucbalom were included.
Xpuhil to Culucbalom: 3.5 miles by paved road (:04), 0.8 mile by poor dirt road (:10),
then about 2.5 miles by foot trail (1:00but see below).
Total from Xpuhil to Culucbalom: 6.8 miles (1:14).
Getting There
Guide: Juan de la Cruz Briceño, at Becan.
From Xpuhil head north on the road that goes toward Zoh Laguna. Turn left onto an
unmarked dirt car trail, and proceed to the caretaker's house. Drive this part very
slowly because the road goes over limestone outcrops that are hidden by vegetation.
From the caretaker's house proceed on foot to the site. This sounds relatively easy, but
it is not. Sometimes years go by without a single visitor going to Culucbalom, so the
trail is often completely overgrown in parts, and not too well defined in other parts.
The first section is generally in fairly decent shape, but it soon gets worse, and then
much worse. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that in some areas there is no
trail and that a new one has to be cut. Most of the way you are traveling through dense
second-growth vegetation. There is no way to describe this to someone who has not
experienced it. Suffice to say that it requires constant machete work.
It took us 2 hours and 20 minutes on foot to reach the site, including time for Juan to
relocate the trail. Of course, if a trail has been recently cut, you could make it much
faster. On the return trip it took us only 1 hour at a fast pace. The vegetation can
completely obliterate the trail in a matter of a few months. This is unquestionably the
worst foot trail I have ever traveled.
Wear boots and a long-sleeved shirt because there are many thornbushes and some
wasps. It is also a dandy place to pick up garrapatas ("ticks"). Bring a canteen of
water, fast film, and a wide-angle lens for your camera. You do not need a sun hat, but
having your own machete along to help clear the trail is a good idea. Allow 1 hour to
visit the site once you reach it.
Puerto Rico
(poo-ehr-toh ree-koh; derivation: Spanish for "Rich Port")
Southeastern Campeche.
Maps: 5 (p. 245) and 5A (p.

The Site
The main feature of interest at Puerto Rico is an almost solid, large cylindrical tower
that once had a stepped, pointed top. The tower rests on a conical platform that is now
mostly destroyed, although the tower itself is well preserved. It reaches an impressive
height of about 20 feet and is about 10 feet in diameter, but it bears no decoration.
The facing stones on the tower are meticulously cut and carefully laid and are intact
for the most part. The tower is pierced by a few small shafts or ducts, but there are no
rooms on the inside. The original function of the tower remains uncertain, although it
has been speculated that the shafts were used in some way for astronomical
determinations. This, however, has not yet been demonstrated. Without excavation it
Page 272

Solid cylindrical tower, Puerto Rico. Late or Terminal Classic period.

impossible to tell if the tower contained a tomb, which would indicate a funerary
function. In any case, the Puerto Rico tower is unique, not only in the Maya area, but
also in all of Mesoamerica. The details of construction of the tower date it to the Late
Classic or Terminal Classic period.
About 160 feet east of the tower is a plaza surrounded by remains of ancient
structures, but these are simply mounds today. There are openings into the plaza in the
center of the mounds on the north and west sides, and reportedly on the other two
sides as well.
Recent History
Puerto Rico was discovered by Jack Eaton and Loring M. Hewen in 1967, and the
tower was reported upon by E. Wyllys Andrews IV in 1968, in a work published in
In 1980 archaeoastronomer Anthony F. Aveni wrote about the Puerto Rico tower and
noted that "the shafts were evidently constructed with great care for they are perfectly
straight and dead level with the horizon." His measurements of the direction of the
shafts confirmed Andrews's report, but Aveni could find no important astronomical
significance to them. He suggested other possibilities for the construction of the shafts
but ends by admitting that "the exact function of the circular tower at Puerto Rico
must remain a total mystery to us, at least for the present."
In 1989 George F. Andrews analyzed four freestanding towers in the Chenes region; in
a comparison, he says that the Puerto Rico tower "shows no real affinities with the
Chenes towers and the only similarity between them is that all can generally be
described as having tower-like forms." (See "El Tabasqueño" in Section 3 for more on
the Chenes towers.)
Page 273
There has been no significant excavation at Puerto Rico.
Xpuhil to Puerto Rico: 6.0 miles by paved road (:07), 2.0 miles by good rock road
(:05), 2.8 miles by poor rock road (:11), then 0.6 mile by dirt (grass) road (:05).
Total from Xpuhil to Puerto Rico: 11.4 miles (:28).
Getting There
Guide: Juan de la Cruz Briceño, at Becan.
Head north from Xpuhil on the paved road that later becomes a rock road, to the
cutoff for Puerto Rico. Turn right on another rock road and go to the next cutoff.
Turn right onto the dirt (grass) road and continue to the site. If the dirt (grass) road is
blocked by trees lying across it, you can walk to Puerto Rico in just a few minutes
more than it will take you to drive this last part.
Wear boots and allow 30 minutes to see the tower and visit the plaza.
A Note on the Río Bec Sites
Maps: 5 (p. 245), 5A and 5A1
(p. 253)

There are a number of groups called Río Bec scattered in this immediate area. They
are numbered I to VIII, lettered A through E, and G, H, J, K, L, M, and N. The group
originally reported as F was later designated number I, and to avoid confusion, there
is no letter I in the series. Some of these groups have several structures, while others
are a single building, and some of them are separated by a fair distance.
According to H. E. D. Pollock, "There is no reason to believe that these groups form a
single site, but further explorations might' disclose a continuous pattern of remains
over much of the area." Since Pollock wrote this in 1965 several new groups have
been discovered; his statement, however, still seems to hold true today.
Of the many groups so far reported, Group B is by far the most interesting to visit.
Five of the groups are covered here: Groups I, II, A, B, and N, and they will be
considered separately, except for the capsule information at the beginning that relates
to all the groups, which is covered under Río Bec B. The "Recent History" for Río Bec
B also includes the pertinent information on Groups A, I, II.
While it is possible to visit all five groups in one day from Xpuhil if conditions are
idealmeaning that the dirt roads are bone dry and you do not have to spend time
removing trees that have fallen across them it would still be a long and tiring trip of 7
to 8 hours, bumping along bad roads and walking along foot trails.
I recommend going to Río Bec B first for best photographs of the front of Structure I.
Reaching Río Bec B will give you a fair idea of what the dirt roads in the area are like
at that particular time. You can then decide whether you want to visit the other groups.
Since these are less photogenic and often overgrown, the time of day that you reach
them is less important.
After Río Bec B, the two most interesting are Group I, Structure XVII, and Group N,
Structure I.
Guide: Juan de la Cruz Briceño, at Becan. Juan will point out the cutoffs to the
various groups, which would be easy to miss even with the maps included here. None
of the junctions is marked.
Page 274

Río Bec B
(ree-oh behk; derivation: Río is Spanish for "river," and Bec is Maya for "evergreen
oak" [see text]).
Southeastern Campeche.
Maps: 5 (p. 245), 5A and 5A1
(p. 253)

The Site
Structure I at Río Bec B is magnificent; it is one of the best-preserved buildings in the
region and has been consolidated. It was one of the first buildings discovered in the
area and has the romance of having been "lost" for over sixty years before it was
relocated (see below). If access were easier, Rño Bec B would be a three-star site.
Structure I has six rooms on one level, two in the center (one behind the other) and
two smaller ones on each end. Some of the corbeled vaults supporting the roof over
the rooms have collapsed, but essentially the feeling of the whole is preserved. When
you look at it, you know exactly how the Maya architect who designed it wanted it to
There is a central doorway on the front (east) side and a doorway on each of the north
and south sides. Flanking the central doorway in the lower wall zone are inset panels
with a checkerboard design, framed by a
Structure I of Group B, east side, Río Bec. Late Classic period.
Page 275

Detail of the south part of the roof comb (east side), Structure I of
Group B, Río Bec. Note remains of the mask panel at lower right. Late
Classic period.
stepped pattern. The three-member base molding has colonnettes in groups of three in
the middle part, bordered by plain stones on either side.
There are 55-foot-high towers on each end of the front facade, with typical rounded
corners, banded tiers, and nonfunctional stairs leading to simulated temples on top.
The temples are decorated with monster-mouth masks on the east and west sides and
with inset panels bearing a cross motif (repeated four times vertically) on the north
and south sides. The stairways of the towers incline only about 8 degrees from the
vertical and have the same outward batter seen at Xpuhil.
The doorways of the structure, including those in the simulated temples, were topped
by wooden lintels. Some of these were still in place when the building was
rediscovered, but they were replaced with new lintels to protect the structure when it
was consolidated.
Above the medial wall of the central part of the structure and in between the towers is
a two-part perforated roof comb. The lower portion is decorated with stylized masks
of stone; above this were three-dimensional human figures made of stucco. The
figures are almost totally gone, but the masks are mostly intact.
There are also remains of checkerboard panels flanking the doorways on the north
and south sides of the building and colonnettes in the base molding. The rear of the
structure is plain except for simple moldings, and the base molding has plain
colonnettes in groups of three.
There are some interesting graffiti on the plaster walls on the interior of the rooms.
They are not difficult to photograph, but you will need relatively fast film. Most of the
graffiti are of a type commonly found at other Maya sites, and include depictions of
temples, processions, and typical (if rather crude) Maya-style profiles. All are worth a
photograph. The most unusual graffito, however, is a naturalistic, two-foot-high nude
female torso that is quite contemporary in feeling. It was dubbed the "Botticelli Nude"
by Hugh Johnston, who discovered it and apparently believed it to be quite old. Some
authorities, however, feel that it was probably incised in the last century. In any case, it
is completely un-Maya in feeling.
While it is undisputed that Structure I at Río Bec B was constructued during the Late
Classic period, its exact date within this
Page 276
period is still debated. In 1987 Paul Gendrop proposed a date of A.D. 630 for the first
phase of construction and 680 for the second phase. Other authorities believe the
structure was built somewhat later (700-850).
A few yards to the north of Structure I is another greatly fallen and overgrown
building. According to Juan de la Cruz Briceño, this structure has two rows of two
rooms each, the same north-south alignment as Structure I, but no towers.
Considering what we saw of it, this sounds reasonable.
Recent History
Structure I at Río Bec B hasto me at leastone of the most interesting histories of all the
sites in this guide. In 1906-1907 French archaeologist Maurice de Périgny explored the
Río Bec region and was the first to record the existence of pre-Hispanic buildings in
the area. One of the structures he found had square towers with rounded corners and
was unlike other known Maya buildings in the Petén or Yucatán. He named it Río
Beque, after a small stream (or dry watercourse) in the area, of which there are
precious few.
In 1912 Raymond E. Merwin and Clarence L. Hay, under the auspices of the Peabody
Museum of Harvard University, visited the area and relocated the structure discovered
by Périgny. In addition they discovered others. One of these was near Périgny's
building, was similar to it in design, but was much better preserved. To distinguish the
two, Périgny's structure was called Río Bec A, and the one found by Merwin and Hay
Río Bec B. They also discovered Groups C through F.
Merwin and Hay spent some time at Río Bec B and cleared Structure I of its mantle of
vegetation. Hay then took some excellent photographs of the temple; one classic shot
has been widely reproduced.
Merwin's work formed part of his doctoral dissertation but was never published. Not
until 1935 did Hay publish an article in Natural History Magazine about the structure;
this was occasioned by the completion of a model of the temple, produced by Shoichi
Ichikawa for the American Museum of Natural History. The model was produced
from Hay's photographs and Merwin's field notes and at the time was considered "the
finest reproduction of a Maya temple ever constructed."
In the 1930s several expeditions to the area were sponsored by the Carnegie Institution
of Washington, and these were reported by Karl Ruppert and John H. Denison, Jr., in
1943. During these expeditions only Merwin's Group F was relocated, and since
additional structures were discovered in this group, it was relabeled Group I. Other
new groups (II through V) were also discovered, but Structure I at Río Bec B was not
to be found. You could look at photographs and a model of this large temple, but no
one really knew where it was. It seemed almost inconceivable that, once found, it
could be lost again. That, however, is exactly what happened.
In 1971 Jack Eaton of the field staff of the Middle American Research Institute of
Tulane University (working under the sponsorship of the National Geographic
Society) methodically cut a grid system through much of the area. Using Merwin's
information and reports of local residents who claimed to have seen it a few years
earlier, he fruitlessly attempted to relocate Structure I at Río Bec B; he did, however,
find three new groups (VI, VII, and VIII).
Also in 1971 Hugh and Suzanne Johnston, a documentary film team from Princeton
engaged by WNET/13 to do a film on "Mystery of the Maya" for television viewing,
visited the area and were shown around by Eaton. The Johnstons returned to the area
in 1972 and 1973. On their third trip they were accompanied by Gillet Griffin, pre-
Columbian art historian at Princeton University, and Andrea Seuffert, an artist with the
Mexico City Museum.
In between trips the Johnstons had studied Merwin's field notes, and they drew their
own map from his data. The field notes and dissertation were contradictory. The
dissertation located Structure I at Río Bec B and other structures in a north-south
direction from a given point. The field notes, which turned out to be correct, pointed
With this preliminary work, the aid of
Page 277
workmen in the area, and Juan de la Cruz Briceño as their chief guide, they
rediscovered Río Bec B in May 1973. This was a truly exciting find for the world of
archaeology. It became known that the elusive Structure I at Río Bec B lay but a
stone's throw from one of the trails previously cut by Eaton. The discovery was
reported in June 1973, and Río Bec B rejoined other sites in the annals of Maya
Structure I was cleared once again and filmed by the Johnstons. It was presented on
television as part of "Mystery of the Maya" in April 1974.
In the late 1970s and 1980s Structure I was further cleared and consolidated, and its
architecture and decoration were studied by Gendrop and George F. Andrews.
In 1984 the South Frontier Archaeological Project was undertaken, and in 1986 the
results were reported by Ramón Carrasco Vargas, Sylvian Boucher, and Agustín Peña,
all of the Yucatán Regional Center of INAH. Most of the previously reported groups at
Río Bec were relocated, and several new groups were reported. Additional work at
Río Bec began in October of 1991, coordinated by Richardo Bueno Cano.
Xpuhil to Río Bec B: 6.1 miles by good rock road (:15), then 8.6 miles by variable dirt
road (1:06).
Getting There
Guide: Juan de la Cruz Briceño, at Becan.
Take the rock road that heads south from Xpuhil for 6.1 miles, turn left onto a dirt
road, and go 3.8 miles. Take the right branch at this junction and go 1.5 miles to a
small bridge (actually nothing more than a few planks, but it is usable). Continue
another 2.1 miles to the cutoff for Río Bec B. Turn left at the cutoff and go 1.2 miles
to the site.
A high-clearance vehicle is needed to reach Río Bec B (and the other Río Bec sites
covered here as well), and four-wheel drive will be necessary if the dirt roads are wet.
Have a wide-angle lens for overall shots of the front of Structure I, and allow I hour
to visit the site.
Note: When you take the rock road heading south from Xpuhil, you will pass two
ruined structures alongside it. See "Xpuhil" for more details.
Río Bec A
The Site
Structure I at Río Bec A is not as well preserved as its counterpart of Group B, but it
also had towers with rounded corners. Eight rooms are reported, but much of the
structure has fallen, although part of the back wall is standing. The base molding of
the structure is like that of Structure I of Group B, with plain columns separated by
flat stones in the middle part; remains of this can be seen on the back wall.
See "Río Be c B." Río Bec B to Río Bec A: about 600 yards by foot trail (:15see
Getting There
From Río Bec B you can walk to Río Bec A, which lies to the north. If the trail is
clear, you can walk there in the time indicated; if it is overgrown, it will take
somewhat longer.
Allow 15 minutes to see Río Bec A. Have a wide-angle lens for your camera.
Page 278

Río Bec I
The Site
Río Bec I is a rather large group with 17 numbered structures aligned roughly east-
west. Most of the structures have fallen, but two are of interest to the visitor today. On
the east edge of the site is Structure XVII (formerly Merwin's Group F), which has
been consolidated. The structure rests on a platform that also supported two other
buildings that have collapsed. A short climb from the south to the top of the platform
brings you to Structure XVII. Of the six original rooms of the structure, the two in the
middle (one behind the other) are partly intact, although the vaults have fallen. The
structure faces west and is most notable for the remains of a monster-mouth doorway
on the west facade that is fairly well preserved. This building has been dated to
around A.D. 800 by Paul Gendrop.
About 470 yards to the west is Structure XI of Group I, which can be reached by foot
trail. This is a rather large twin-towered structure with eight rooms that have mostly
fallen. The structure faces east, and the twin towers are standing, with remains of
typical rounded corners and banded tiers made of well-cut stones. The facing stones
of the non-functional stairways have fallen, and there are no remains of the simulated
temples that probably once topped the towers. The rear

Detail of the center of the west facade, Structure XVII of Group I, Río Bec. Late Classic
Page 279
(west side) of the structure is plain and without doorways.
When Structure XI was first reported, there were remains of beautifully executed,
well-preserved stone and stucco relief sculpture on the east facade, between the
central doorway and the north tower, depicting a monster-mouth motif. Unhappily this
sculpture has totally fallen. Gendrop dates Structure XI to around A.D. 780. The
structure is overgrown and will require some clearing to photograph the towers.
Xpuhil to Río Bec I (Structure XVII): 6.1 miles by good rock road (:15), 8.3 miles by
variable dirt road (:56), then 0.6 miles by foot trail (:19).
Total from Xpuhil to Río Bec I (Structure XVII): 15.0 miles (1:30).
Getting There
See "Río Bec B" for getting as far as the last cutoff for that site. When you reach the
cutoff for Río Bec B, instead of turning left, continue straight ahead for another 0.9
mile. Park on the side of the road and walk to the right to Structure XVII. At one time
you could drive this last part, but it has become too overgrown for vehicles. From
Structure XVII to Structure XI is 0.3 mile, a 14-minute walk.
Allow 15 minutes to visit each of the structures, plus some extra time to' clear
Structure XI. Carry a canteen of water, and have a wide-angle lens for your camera.
Río Bec N
The Site
Structure I at Río Bec N is remarkably like its counterpart at Río Bec B, though the
former is not as well preserved. Although mounds are reported in the area, Structure I
is the only numbered building at Río Bec N. This structure faces north and is slightly
smaller than Structure I at Río Bec B, but the floor plans of the two are almost
identical. At Río Bec N the two towers are standing, with some of the rounded comers
and banded tiers intact. The facing stones that formed the steps have fallen, but a good
deal of the simulated temples atop the towers is intact.
Another similarity with Structure I at Río Bec B is the use of inset checkerboard
panels flanking the central doorway on the main facade and the use of inset cross
motifs on the sides of the simulated temples.
Minor differences include the number of squares in the checkerboard pattern11 across
on the panels on the front of Structure I at Río Bec B, and 9 on Structure I at Río Bec
Nand four cross motifs on the simulated temples at B and three at N. The great
similarity of the two buildings led George F. Andrews to conclude that Structure I at
Río Bec N "appears to have been modeled after Río Bec B (or vice versa)."
It is not known whether there were checkerboard panels flanking the doorways on the
sides of Structure I at Río Bec N (as there are at B), since much of this part of the
structure has fallen. According to Hasso Hohmann, "There is no evidence of the
existence of a roof comb [at Río Bec N] as in Río Bec B." Structure I at Río Bec N has
not been cleared, much less excavated; no doubt if it were, some of the questions
about its architectural details would be clarified.
Recent History
In 1974 Andrea Seuffert published an article about the rediscovery of Río Bec B in the
bulletin of INAH. In the article, another twin-towered structurewith checkerboard
panels having nine squares acrosswas mentioned, and it is believed that this was
Structure I at Río Bec N. In 1974 Andrews
Page 280

Structure I of Group N, north side, Río Bec. Late Classic period. This photograph was
taken with a wide-angle lens pointed upward, which causes distortion. Although the
towers appear to be tilted, they are actually vertical.
visited and photographed the building, and in 1985 Hohmann did the same. Later that
year, Hohmann published a brief description and sketch of the structure, and in 1987
another report with drawings and photographs, including one taken by Andrews in
1974. Hohmann was taken to Río Bec N by Juan de la Cruz Briceño, who told
Hohmann that he had discovered the structure by chance around 1970.
In 1986 Ramón Carrasco Vargas, Sylviane Boucher, and Agustín Peña published a
article on regional settlement patterns in the Río Bec area, and Structure I at Río Bec N
was included; it was illustrated with photographs and a plan.
In 1989 Andrews published a study of checkerboard panels and cross motifs,
including those at Río Bec N.
See ''Río Bec I." Río Bec I (Structure XVII) to Río Bec N 0.3 mile by foot trail (:12).
Getting There
See "Río Bec I." From Structure XVII at Río Bec I, head north on the trail to Río Bec
Allow 15 minutes to see the structure at Río Bec N. (Juan thinks of this structure as
"Templo Juan," and I suggest you use this name when you ask him to take you there.)
Carry a canteen of water, and have a wide-angle lens for your camera.
Page 281

Río Bec II
The Site
Río Bec II is composed of several greatly fallen structures surrounding a plaza. This
assemblage of buildings is similar to Group E at Uaxactún, in the Petén of Guatemala,
which was used for solar observations. Over a dozen groups of this type have been
reported, although those are not as rigidly oriented as the one at Uaxactún. This led
Karl Ruppert to conclude that while the other groups may have copied Group E at
Uaxactún, they were nonfunctional copies of the working-model solar observatory at
that site.
You enter Río Bec II from the west, through remains of a ball court (Structure IV).
Abutting the south side of the court is Structure III, a rather tall pyramidal
construction that borders the plaza on the west. Structure I, on the east side of the
plaza, is simply rubble, but in front of it are the remains of two carved stela and a
plain one, in a north-south row.
The lower part of Stela 3 is on the right as you face the row; it is standing but very
eroded. The legs of a figure can be discerned on the frontif you look very
carefullyand there are remains of glyphs on the sides of the monument. Stela 2, in the
center, is plain. On the left is Stela 1, with remains of glyphs on its two sides but no
discernible carving on the front; the top of the stela is gone.
See "Río Bec I." From the cutoff for the foot trail to Río Bec I to Río Bec II: 0.9 mile
by variable dirt road (:11), then about 100 feet by foot trail (:02).
Getting There
See "Río Bec B" and "Río Bec I." From the junction with the foot trail to Río Bec I,
continue along the dirt road for 0.9 mile and park on the side. From there you walk
left to Río Bec II. Allow 5 minutes to see and photograph the remains of the stelae and
have a look at the overgrown mounds.
If you get as far south as Río Bec II, you may want to consider another route back to
Xpuhil, but only if you have found the roads to be completely dry so far. From the
parking place at Río Bec II, continue 0.3 mile south along the dirt road (:04), and turn
right onto another dirt road. After going 4.9 miles (:34), you will connect with the
good rock road that goes to Xpuhil. This junction is at the village of Polo Norte. Turn
right onto the rock road and go 11.2 miles to Xpuhil (:27).
This was the original route to Río Bec and was used before the bridge, mentioned
earlier, was installed. There are low spots along the route from Río Bec II to Polo
Norte that will be muddy or covered with water if there has been rain recently, and the
road is very narrow, since it is no longer used much. If it is dry and you decide to take
it, it will be 1.1 miles shorter and will save about 17 minutes in getting back to Xpuhil.
If it has been wet, it would be better and safer to return the way you came, via the
Page 282

(ohr-mee-geh-roh; derivation: Spanish for "anthill" [see text])
Southeastern Campeche.
Maps: 5 (p. 245) and 5A (p.

The Site
Hormiguero is one of the major sites in the Río Bec region, and it is stupendous; if
access were easier, it would clearly be a three-star site. Structure II at Hormiguero is
one of the largest and best-preserved buildings in the area. When I first saw this
structure in 1978, it could only be seen rather piecemeal because of the surrounding
vegetation. Even with some clearing, it was impossible to get an overall photograph of
the building. Over the years Structure II was cleared, and in 1984 it was excavated and
consolidated, so now the visitor can fully appreciate it.
When Hormiguero was first reported, it was said to be composed of three groups,
with an informal layout and an extent of 900 feet from north to south and 650 feet
from east to west. Since then, the East group was discovered lying 700 feet to the east
of Structure II.
Structure II is over 150 feet long from east to west; it faces south and rests on a
platform. During excavation 3 rooms on a lower level of the south side were
discovered, bringing the total number of rooms to 11. The center room on the main
level is surrounded by an incredible Chenes monster-mouth mask, made of stone and
covered with stucco, with much of the stucco detail intact. The original wooden lintels
above the doorway are still in place. This part of the facade recalls
Structure II, south side, Hormiguero. Late Classic period.
Page 283

Detall of the Chenes mask on Structure II, south side, Hormiguero. Late Classic period.
Structure II at Chicanná and Structure 2 at Hochob, but the mask at Hormiguero is
larger and the effect is bolder.
On either side of this central mask are tall Río Bec-style towers with typical rounded
corners, banded tiers, and steep false stairways. The towers project in front of the
central facade, and each is pierced at its base by a vaulted passage. A few of the steps
are in place near the top of the east tower (on the right, as you face the structure), and
there are four masonry blocks on top of each tower.
Beyond the towers are sections of facade with vertical rows of inset mask panels in
frontal view. Flanking the panels are applied columns made of small stones, which
originally formed the jambs of doorways for the two end rooms, but these rooms
have mostly collapsed. The lower-level rooms on each end also have remains of inset
mask panels and columns forming the jambs of doorways.
From the central room (main level) there is a step up to a rear room, and there are
three doorways connecting the two. The central doorway is very wide, while the
others are narrow, and the one on the east has an intact stepped vault.
At the rear (north side) of Structure II are remains of a projecting stairway, and above,
on the main level of the building, the lower part of large constructed columns. One of
the two doorways on this side of the building is mostly standing. Each doorway
entered a single roomwithout other connectionsbehind the towers. You can climb the
west tower from the rear (north side) over rubble. When you reach the height of the
top of the main-level rooms, you will see a short, steep stair with alfardas, leading to
the four masonry blocks that are the remains of the temple on top.
From this vantage point you can look
Page 284

Inset panel with frontal masks, south facade, west side, Structure II,
Hormiguero. Late Classic period.
down into the central rooms of the main level. According to Ricardo Bueno Cano,
these rooms were sacked and destroyed when Hormiguero was vandalized. Paul
Gendrop dates Structure II to around A.D. 700.
Structure V is about 190 feet to the north of Structure II, and it has also been partly
cleared and consolidated. Structure V consists of a rather tall pyramidal base with a
one-room temple on top that faces north and, to the west of the temple, a solid tower.
When the structure was first reported, it was speculated that perhaps there was a tower
on the east side originally as well, and though this has not yet been demonstrated,
there is a good deal of debris on that side.
The north facade of the temple displays a typical Chenes monster-mouth motif
surrounding the single doorway, and there are stacked, corner Chac masks on the
northeast and northwest. These are similar to the masks on Structure XX at Chicanná,
Structure A1 at Dzibilnocac, and Structure 1 at El Tabasqueño; like these, the relief
sculpture is made of stone, covered with stucco, and well preserved. The wooden
lintel above the doorway is still in place, although the east and west walls of the
temple have fallen. The rear (south) wall is partly standing and is curiously plain
compared to the highly ornamented north facade. The south facade has only simple
rectangular moldings as decora-
Page 285

Structure V, upper temple (left) and tower (right), north side, Hormiguero. Late Classic period.
tion, but the upper wall zone may have had some stucco decoration originally.
There is an opening into the pyramidal base of Structure V on its north side. Within it
you can see a doorway with a stone lintel and parts of a wall. These are part of the
earlier Structure V-Sub.
Some of the facing stones on the tower are in place, and they show that it had
rounded corners and banded tiers of typical Río Bec style. There is no evidence,
however, that the tower ever had a nonfunctional stairway or a simulated temple on
top, features that are characteristic of these towers. Structure V dates to around A.D.
790, according to Gendrop.
Structure VI is a short distance to the northwest of Structure V, and on your way there
you pass another, almost totally fallen building, with remnants of masks in stone and
stucco at present ground level. On the right are two corner masks, stacked one above
the other, and on the left the remains of what appears to be part of a Chenes monster-
mouth motif.
Structure VI is greatly fallen and un-restored and is reported to be a four-room
building facing south, with towers on the southeast and southwest corners. Apparently
there were no false stairways or simulated temples on top of the towers. An unusual
feature is the use of buttresses on the outer sides of the towers. The buttress on the
west side of the west tower is partly standing and exhibits banded tiers. This structure
dates to about A.D. 810, according to Gendrop. Near Structure VI is the opening to a
large chultun.
Return now to Structure II and head to the East Group. I have not seen this group, but
Structure E-1 is reported to be the most important building there. It has Río Bec-style
towers and well-preserved panels of profile masks on each side of a doorway on
Page 286
the west side of the structure. Another building in this group is a habitational unit;
there are chultunes and an aguada nearby.
Bueno Cano reports that Hormiguero was possibly occupied beginning around the
Protoclassic period (A.D. 50-250) and that this is the only site known so far in the area
that has pre-Río Bec structures (550-600). These are found below Structures II and V
and are called II-Sub and V-Sub. Hormiguero was at its peak during the Late Classic
period and apparently was abandoned before Postclassic times.
Recent History
In 1933, during one of the Carnegie Institution of Washington's extensive
reconnaissance missions in Campeche, the existence of some well-preserved ruins
was reported to the members of the expedition by the workman's cook. The site was
then visited by members of the expedition in April of the same year.
The name Hormiguero was in local use at that time for an aguada near the ruins and
was applied to the ruins as well. This probably refers to the many anthills found in the
The exploration of Hormiguero was reported, along with the results of other
expeditions in the area, by Karl Ruppert and John H. Denison, Jr., in 1943. The site
was partly cleared and photographed, and a site plan was drawn. The architecture at
Hormiguero is covered in a 1977 publication by David F. Potter for the Middle
American Research Institute of Tulane University.
In 1984 the Campeche Regional Center of INAH conducted work at Hormiguero
under the field direction of Bueno Cano and the general direction of Román Piña
Chan. Major efforts were concentrated on Structures II and V. Structure II was
cleared, excavated, and consolidated, and the lower-level rooms on the south side and
the large columns on the north side of the structure were discovered. In 1984 and
1985 the East Group was investigated, and a brief report on this group was published
in 1987. In October 1991 a new project began, with Bueno Cano as coordinator.
Xpuhil to Hormiguero: 8.6 miles by good rock road (:21), then 4.9 miles by dirt road
Note: Hormiguero is actually about 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) east of where it is shown
on most maps.
Getting There
Guide:Juan de la Cruz Briceño, at Becan.
Take the rock road that heads south from Xpuhil and go 8.6 miles. Turn right onto the
dirt road and go 3.1 miles. Then take a right branch for 0.5 mile, and then a left turn,
and proceed 1.3 miles to the site.
You need a high-clearance vehicle to reach the site, and four-wheel drive if it has been
wet. Wear boots, have a wide-angle lens for your camera, and allow 2½ hours for a
Note: There is a problem concerning the best time of day to visit Hormiguero.
Structure II gets the best light in the afternoon, while Structure V is best lighted in the
morning. In the rainy season it is better to make the trip in the morning, since rain is
less likely. If you reach the site early, you might try taking a brief look at Structure II,
going on to the others, and returning to Structure II later when the light will be better.
Even an hour or so can make a difference.
Note: When you take the rock road heading south from Xpuhil, you will pass two
ruined structures alongside it. See "Xpuhil" for details.
Page 287

(pah-yahn; derivation: Maya for "first" [see text])
Southeastern Campeche.
Maps: 5 (p. 245) and 5A (p.

The Site
The explored portion of Payan reportedly includes several widely scattered mounds
and a high pyramid faced with large stone blocks. There is some evidence of the
former existence of a building atop the pyramid.
A number of other structures are found to the southeast, but only Structure I is in fair
condition, and this is the feature of interest for visitors today. On the way to Structure
I, however, you pass some mounds and the remains of another small building.
Structure I has 16 rooms on one level, and it is reported that there are suggestions of 6
others at a lower level. Much of the structure has fallen, but the front (west) facade
has some bas-relief sculpture that is well preserved. This facade is broken by three
doorways, and it is possible that originally there were two other smaller doorways in
projections at either end. The relief sculpture on
Structure I, west side, showing relief sculpture surrounding the central doorway, Payan.
Late Classic period.
Page 288
each side of the central doorway (in the lower wall zone) depicts stylized serpent
profile masks in inset panels. The motif is repeated three times vertically, although the
lowest sections are mostly covered with debris. The two panels are mirror images of
each other, and the masks face away from the doorway. They are similar to the relief
sculpture found on Level 2 on the north side of Structure IV at Becan, but more detail
is preserved at Payan, especially in the south panel (the one on the right, as you face
the structure).
On an inclined upper wall zone above the panels is more relief sculpture of a different
type. The part over the central doorway has fallen, but from what remains above the
panels (and the amount of debris in the central doorway), it is believed that the upper-
zone sculpture continued above the doorway. In a restoration drawing, Paul Gendrop
shows the now-missing portion as the upper part of a monster mask, and he considers
this facade at Payan to be one of the most representative examples of a partial
zoomorphic doorway. His drawing was done following an unrestored version of the
remaining sculpture by George E. Stuart of the National Geographic Society. In a chart
prepared by Gendrop, Structure I at Payan is dated to around A.D. 650. Remains of
wooden lintels (reportedly zapote) are found in the doorways.
The other feature of interest at this structure is some graffiti on the plastered walls of
one of the interior rooms. Enter the north doorway of the front of the structure (the
one to the left as you face it). You will have to duck to get through because the
doorway is partly filled with rubble. Proceed straight through the remains of two
rooms and into the third, then turn left and enter a small chamber. As you enter, look
to the wall on your right. Most of the graffiti are found on this wall and include a
rather fat jaguar, a geometric design that looks like a stylized profile serpent head,
geometric human heads, what appears to be a canoe, and large platted motif. On the
opposite wall, at the level of the debris, are remains of small circular designs.
Recent History
Payan was explored by the Fourth Campeche Expedition, sponsored by the Carnegie
Institution of Washington (CIW) in February 1938. The site was named Payan
("first"), as it was the first site visited on this expedition.
This site and many others were reported upon in a 1943 CIW publication by Karl
Ruppert and John H. Denison, Jr.
Payan is included in David F. Potter's comparative study of the architecture in the
central Yucatán Peninsula, published by the Middle American Research Institute of
Tulane University in 1977.
In the 1980s Gendrop published several articles on mask panels in the Rio Bec,
Chenes, and Puuc regions, and the Payan example is included.
There has been no extensive excavation at the stie.
Xpuhil to Payan: 4.4 miles by paved road (:06), 4.5 miles by rock road (:27), then 0.5
mile by foot trail (:10).
Total from Xpuhil to Payan: 9.4 miles (:43).
Getting There
Guide: Juan de la Cruz Briceño, at Becan.
Head east from Xpuhil on Highway 186 to San José Rancho and stop on the north side
of the road at the entrance to the ranch. Juan will ask permission there for you to
drive through their property to reach the site. There are a couple of gates along the
way. To the left of the road you will pass a ruined structure in a milpa. Afterward park
and take the foot trail to the right to reach Structure I.
Wear boots and have a wide-angle lens to photograph the front of Structure I, and fast
film or a flash unit to photograph the graffiti on the inside. Since Structure I faces
west, the afternoon is the best time to photograph the sculpture on its facade. Allow
45 minutes to see and photograph the building.
Page 289

(koh-hoon-leech; derivation: possibly a corruption of "Cohune Ridge," since the
cohune is a species of palm)
Southern Quintana Roo.
Map: 5 (p. 245)

The Site
Kohunlich is a large site with some sizable structures that have been partly cleared and
consolidated. As you walk along the road that enters the site, you come first to the
Acropolis Plaza and its surrounding buildings on the left. The main structure in this
group is the Acropolis (Structure VII), bordering the east side of the Acropolis Plaza
and the north side of the Great Plaza. (The numbers of the structures given here are
those used by George E Andrews.) The Acropolis is a large rectangular platform
approached by a stairway on the west. There is also an extension on the southwest
corner and remains of rooms on top of both; the Acropolis was built in two or three
construction phases.
The original platform and four of the rooms on top "show classic Rio Bec style
architectural details," according to Andrews. In the rooms, these details include
rounded doorjambs, three-member base moldings, and, on the exterior of the rooms,
large inset corner columns made of smaller stones. Between the two rooms at the top
of the stairway is a restricted-entry passage to the upper courtyard. These rooms were
a later addition, as was the southwestern extension and its rooms on a lower level. The
platform itself was added to on the east and south sides, and the later construction
covered two Rio Bec-style towers, one on each of these sides. The towers were set
into the original platform and have steep nonfunctional stairways; the towers were
revealed during excavation.
Bounding the Acropolis Plaza on the north is Structure VIII; it is greatly ruined and
only par fly excavated. Structure IX, on the west side of the plaza, is simply a rubble
The Great (or Ceremonial) Plaza is a few yards to the southeast. In addition to
Structure VII on the north side, there are three large buildings on the other sides:
Structure IV on the east, Structure V on the south, and Structure VI on the west.
Structure IV has been partly excavated, and there are remains of rooms atop a
platform with a western stair. Three of the lower rooms have been cleared, and it is
possible that there were second-level rooms, but this part is now mostly rubble. There
is a simple, one-course rectangular molding above the doorway to the best-preserved
room, but the facing of the upper wall zone has fallen, so the architectural details of
this area are unknown. About centered on the stairway are three stelae, each on a
different level, but they are so badly eroded that it is impossible to tell if they were
once carved.
Structure V is a long platform of irregular shape with remains of the lower walls of
buildings on top; it was built in at least three construction phases. There is a
monumental stairway on the north (plaza) side and a smaller stairway on the south
that leads to another plaza, surrounded by unexcavated buildings. One of the
structures on top of the platform has remains of large constructed columns, some of
which formed doorjambs. These are similar to those on Structure II at Hormiguero.
Structure VI is also of irregular shape and is made up of several platforms and a
broad stairway on the east that ascends a large mound to a two-room temple on top.
Only the lower walls of the temple are standing, but they have rounded doorjambs
and, on the exterior corners, constructed columns. The temple also has a three-
member base molding with groups of colonnettes in
Page 290

Structure IV, from the northwest, Kohunlich. Late Classic period.

the middle part. All these features are typical of Rio Bec-style architecture.
A short distance northeast of the Great Plaza is a large paved, sunken plaza, with a
platform projecting into it on the east and a stairway on the south side of the
projection. Bordering the south side of this plaza is a low circular construction. There
are no remains of buildings surrounding the plaza.
About 300 feet to the east is the Pyramid of the Masks (Structure I), the real gem of
the site. It rests atop a small hill, and the structure itself is about 50 feet high. Structure
I was built in two construction stages, the first during the Early Classic period. The
original building (Structure I-sub) is a stepped pyramid rising in four tiers, with a
five-room temple on top and a broad stairway on the west. The pyramidal base has
rounded comers and overhanging apron moldings and is similar to some structures in
the Petén of Guatemala and in Belize.
The most interesting part of the structure is, of course, the beautifully executed and
well-preserved masks. They belong to the first construction stage and are found on
each side of the stairway of Structure I-sub. The four lower masks are very
humanized depictions of the sun god, with elaborate decorations on either side. The
two upper masks are smaller and show the same deity in a more stylized form. The
masks are made of carved stucco over a stone base. Remnants of paint are visible on
some of the masks, and each is a bit different from the others. Certainly these masks
rank as some of the finest and most sensitive Maya sculptures ever produced. The
masks are protected by thatch shelters, so for best photographic results, have fast film
and a wide-angle lens.
At a later date the pyramidal base was encased in another structure, thanks to which
the masks are so well preserved. Much of this later construction has fallen or been
removed, and little of it remains today, though a few remnants can be seen at the base
of the
Page 291

Structure I-sub (the Pyramid of the Masks), northeast corner, Kohunlich. Early Classic
pyramid on the southeast corner and the north side.
Only the lower walls of the temple on top of the pyramid are standing, but enough is
left to show that the rooms were once vaulted. It is not known if the later structure
that encased the pyramidal base of Structure 1-sub also covered the temple on top.
About 400 feet to the southwest is the Ball Court (Structure II). The court is I-shaped
and has sloping lower walls topped by vertical sections. Its size is impressive.
Recent History
According to Fernando Cortés de Brasdefer, Raymond E. Merwin, in 1913, was the
first to report the site of Kohunlich, although it was then called Clarksville, and a site
of this name is shown on the 1940 Tulane Map. Clarksville also appears in the 1959
atlas of Quintana Roo by Florencia Muller, with her reference being the Tulane Map,
and the characteristics of the site are listed simply as montículos (''mounds"). This
would seem to imply that all Merwin saw were mounds, and not the mask panels.
In 1967 looters reportedly discovered the site, removed some of the outer covering of
Structure I, and revealed the masks. Ignacio Ek, of the nearby village of Francisco
Villa, came across this work and reported it to authorities, who then took steps to
protect the masks and the site, which was known locally by the name Kohunlich at
that time.
Shortly thereafter, Victor Segovia, an archaeologist with INAH, excavated the upper
level of Structure I-sub, which was reported in 1969. Work at the site continued under
Segovia's direction from then until 1981, and other structures were cleared and
A preliminary ceramic report in 1981 by Diana Z. De Dávila indicates that there were
two major occupation and construction periods at Kohunlich, one in the Early
Page 292

Mask on the lower level of the south side of the stairway, Structure I-sub (the Pyramid
of the Masks), Kohunlich. Early Classic period.
Classic (A.D. 450-600) and another in the Terminal Classic (800-1050).
In 1987 Andrews published an analysis of the excavated architecture at Kohunlich,
noting the various Rio Bee-style details on Structures V, VI, and VII (first phase). He
discussed three chronological possibilities for the existence of these traits but
preferred the one that would have the Rio Bec-style architecture appearing at
Kohunlich during the Xcocom ceramic phase (A.D. 800-1050), postdating this style in
the Rio Bec region. He noted that the Rio Bec-style buildings at Kohunlich
incorporated rather crude stonework, compared to the Late Classic examples in the
Rio Bec region, and felt this was "indicative of the kind of 'decadence' one would
expect to find at a provincial site far from the Rio Bec heartland."
1. Xpuhil to Kohunlich: 42.5 miles by paved road (:56).
2. Chetumal to Kohunlich: 42.7 miles by paved road (:55).
Getting There
1. From Xpuhil head east on Highway 186 to the cutoff for Kohunlich. The cutoff is
on the east edge of the town of Francisco Villa and is marked with a sign. Turn right at
the cutoff and proceed to the site.
2. From Chetumal head west on Highway 186 to the cutoff and turn left to the site.
There is no food or drink at Kohunlich. Allow 2 hours for a visit.
Buses pass through Francisco Villa but do not run to Kohunlich.
Page 293

(shool-hah; derivation: Maya for "The End of the Water")
Southern Quintana Roo.
Map: 5 (p. 245)

The Site
The site of Xulhá is well named, as it lies at the south end of Bacalar Lagoon.
Structure 1, the largest reported at the site, is the feature of interest, although four
dozen other buildings have been recorded. Structure I is modest in size and consists of
a platform and remains of the lower walls of a two-room building on top. The most
interesting part of the structure is its three-member base molding, the middle part of
which is recessed from the upper and lower sections, and is unusual. This part,
measuring about a foot high, has decorations in stone and stucco, forming a sort of
Parts of the sculptural decorations are gone, but they may have encircled the structure
originally. Motifs include serpents with prominent heads and entwined bodies,
geometric designs, and mat symbols. At one time the lower part of a seated human
figure, framed with a border of incised designs, was visible. Unhappily, that has been
obliterated. Some of the decorations are on colonnettes, while others are on fiat
stones; the depth of the relief varies from low to high.
There is a stairway on the east side of the building, and the frieze that remains is on
that side, so the morning is the best time to photograph the structure.
East side of Structure 1, Xulhá.
Page 294
Recent History
The main published source of information about the frieze at Xulhá is a detailed
article by Karl Herbert Mayer that appeared in 1987. He reports that Structure 1 was
exposed by road builders around 1975. Salvage work was then undertaken by Pablo
Mayer Guala, who also recovered some ceramics dating to the Early Classic period.
Others of Protoclassic date were reported by Duncan Pring in 1977.
In a stylistic analysis of the frieze, Karl Mayer finds it most similar to the one at Tulum
on Structure 55, with a known Late Postclassic date. For this reason he tentatively
dates the frieze at Xulhá to the same period.
Peter J. Schmidt photographed the sculptural decorations in 1978, and at that time the
seated figure within the border was intact except for the head. In 1980 the upper part
of the figure was destroyed. Karl Mayer published three of Schmidt's earlier
photographs in his detailed article.
In 1981 George E Andrews recorded the architecture at Xulhá and gave his
information to Mayer, who visited the site the following year. Mayer published a brief
note about the structure in 1985 and his more detailed study in 1987.
Chetumal to Xulha: 15.7 miles by paved road (:20).
Getting There
Head west on Highway 186 from Chetumal to the junction with Highway 307, then
turn right on Highway 307 to Xulhá. Structure 1 is on the left side of the highway, on
the front lawn of the Instituto de Investigaciones Agrícolas (Institute of Agricultural
Investigations), and you can see it from the highway behind a barbed wire fence. The
gate to the institute is open during working hours. If it is closed when you arrive, a
guard on duty will allow you to enter and visit the structure.
The best way to reach Xulhá is in your own vehicle, but you could get a taxi in
Chetumal to take you there. Allow 20 minutes to see and photograph Structure 1. The
nearest restaurants are in Bacalar and Chetumal.
(lee-moh-nehs; derivation: Spanish for "lemons," and the name of the modern town)
Southern Quintana Roo.
Map: 5 (p. 245)

The Site
The structure at Limones is a pyramid with remains of a temple on top. The pyramid
rises in terraces, its base is rectangular, and there is a stairway on the west side.
According to Karl Herbert Mayer, the structure is over 10 meters (32.8 feet) high.
Although the structure has not been excavated, the style of the terracing may indicate a
Classic-period date. Since I first mentioned this structure in 1982, it was cleared and
later became overgrown with weeds. At one time there was a trail to the top; there still
is one that encircles the base.
Recent History
The pyramid at Limones has been visible for many years to anyone driving past, but it
apparently was not listed in a register of archaeological sites in Quintana Roo until
1984. Mayer published a short note on the site in 1988.
Page 295
1. Chetumal to Limones: 55.8 miles by paved road (1:05).
2. Felipe Carrillo Puerto to Limones: 39.2 miles by paved road (:47).
Getting There
1. Head west from Chetumal on Highway 186 to the junction with Highway 307, then
turn north to reach Limones. The structure is on the south end of Limones, on the east
side of the highway, and just a few feet from it; it is next to a large water tower that is
easy to spot. If you are passing by, it is worth a few minutes to see and photograph the
structure. Cold drinks are available in the town.
2. If you are starting from Felipe Carrillo Puerto, head south on Highway 307 to
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Section 6, Part 1
Northern Quintana Roo (Mainland)
Page 298

Masks on the southwest corner of the Temple of the Frescoes (Structure 16), Tulum. Late
Postclassic period.
Page 299

General Information for Section 6, Part 1

Point of Reference:
Cancún, Quintana Roo.
Maps: 6 and 6A

Cancún City is the "connection" for most of the sites in this section, and mileages
given to the sites are from the north part of the city at the junction of Highways 180
and 307. The Convention Center on Isla Caneún is the "connection" for sites on Isla
Cancún, and mileages are given from there.
Caneún, a completely planned vacation resort, was developed in the 1970s after it was
selected by computer analysis a few years earlier as the best place on the coast of
Mexico to develop one. It has continued to grow, and the number of hotels on Isla
Cancún today is mind-boggling, and more are under construction.
Isla Cancún is an island only in the strictest sense. It is connected to the mainland by
road at the north and south ends, where you cross bridges that you hardly notice. It is
perhaps better thought of as a land spit that juts into the Caribbean, backed by a
lagoon. The main thoroughfare looping Isla Cancún is Paseo Kukulcán. Cancún City
is the support facility on the mainland at the north end of Isla Cancún.
Generally, Isla Cancún and Cancún City are both simply referred to as Cancún. That
designation will be used here when the area of the two is intended. A distinction will
be made between them when one or the other is a point of reference.
Isla Cancún is the most expensive place in Mexico, though rates for all of northern
Quintana Roo, including Cozumel, are higher than other parts of the peninsula. The
large deluxe hotels are on Isla Cancún, while more modest facilities can be found in
Cancún City. Most hotels have seasonal rates. The high season is from around mid-
December through mid-April, and the rates drop about 30 percent for the rest of the
For your money you get luxurious accommodations; beautifully crystalline, azure seas;
miles of soft, white sand beaches; and all manner of water sports, including
snorkeling, scuba diving, sailing, water skiing, parasailing, jetskiing, windsurfing, and
deepsea fishing. There is a golf course, and most hotels have tennis courts and, of
course, swimming pools. There are day cruises around Isla Cancún and to Isla
Mujeres. Cancún also provides easy access to many archaeological sites.
There are innumerable restaurants of varying types on Isla Cancún and in Cancún
City, and discos for those interested in nightlife.
There are shopping centers and individual shops all over. E1 Parian is one of the
largest centers. It is located near the Convention Center, near the northeast corner of
Isla Cancún. Plaza Caracol, another shopping center, is a short distance to the west of
E1 Parián. Both sell fine jewelcry, fashion sportswear, leather goods, porcelain,
handicrafts, and uncountable other items.
In Cancún City, the Ki-Hiuie artisans market sells reasonably priced handicrafts from
all over Mexico. It is on Avenida Tulum (the main north-south avenue in the city), a
little to the north of the junction with Pasco Kukulcán, as it leaves the north end of
Isla Cancún.
The above are only a few of the many shopping possibilities, and complimentary
booklets at the hotels will list others.
The Cancún International Airport is on the mainland, near the south entrance to Isla
Cancún, and flights arrive from various cities in the United States (some daily). There
are also flights from Mérida, Cozumel, Mexico City, and cities in Central America.
Car rentals are available at the airport, through the large hotels, and at agencies in
Cancún City. Several types of vehicles are offered.
Cancún is also connected by bus to all parts of the peninsula, and there is local bus
Page 300
service along Paseo Kukulcán on Isla Cancún that connects with Cancún City. Taxis
can be found all over Cancún.
You can also drive to Cancún from the United States (six days from Brownsville,
Texas, with good stopovers along the way).
There are travel agencies at the large hotels and in Cancún City. Tours go to Tulum
and Xelha, and to Chichén Itzá, and others can be arranged.
FERRIES TO ISLA MUJERES AND COZUMEL: Both islands can be reached by
ferry, using Cancún as a point of departure. In all cases the ferry schedules should be
verified locally, as they change frequently.
To reach Isla Mujeres there are two choices. A passenger ferry from Puerto Juárez
leaves seven or eight times a day, and the trip takes less than an hour. A car ferry from
Punta Sam leaves several times a day, and the trip takes about 30 minutes. If you take
the car ferry, line up in the parking area near the pier, and go into the office building
to buy your ticket. They go on sale 30 minutes before departure. The cost will depend
on the size of your vehicle and the number of passengers, but is nominal in any case.
The same procedure is followed when you leave Isla Mujeres.
There are also two ferries to Cozumel. The car ferry leaves Puerto Morelos, and the
schedule changes daily. Arrive at the dock, get in line (smaller vehicles are lined up
separately from large trucks), and wait until the office begins to sell tickets. Have your
license plate number available. This ferry is often crowded, and there is no way to
avoid a long wait. There is one departure daily, generally in the morning. Some people
leave their vehicles in line the night before. The trip takes three to four hours,
depending on the condition of the sea.
A more civilized way to reach Cozumel is to take one of the passenger ferries from
Playa del Carmen. In addition to the regular ferry, which takes about 1¼ hours, there
is a catamaran water jet that makes the crossing in 30 to 40 minutes (although a sign
says 20 minutes). Tickets for the catamaran are sold at a booth on the plaza of Playa
del Carmen and can be purchased in advance.
The catamaran is air-conditioned and costs a bit more than the regular ferry, but in
either case the cost is nominal. Tickets for both the catamaran and the regular ferry are
sold near the dock.
There is a parking lot in Playa del Carmen near the plaza where you can safely leave
your vehicle when you go to Cozumel. Fees are reasonable.
OTHER STOPOVERS: The north part of the east coast of Quintana Roo is being
developed along with Cancún, and many of the hotels also have seasonal rates. There
are a number of places to stay, ranging from modest to excellent, between Cancún and
Tulum. Most are a short distance east of Highway 307, and signs point out the cutoffs
to some of them. The signs also indicate whether there are rooms and/or camping
Heading south from Cancún, some of the best accommodations are at Playa del
Carmen, Puerto Aventuras (12.6 miles south of Playa del Carmen), and Akumal.
There are a few modest facilities near Tulum, and a good hotel at Cobá. Most of the
hotels serve food, and there are a number of restaurants along Highway 307 and at
beach-front places just off the highway. There are also restaurants at the ruins of
Xcaret and Xelha.
GAS STATIONS: There are gas stations in and on the outskirts of Cancún City and
along the highways to the west and south. The distances given below are mileages
between gas stops. To the west on Highway 180 there are stations at the following
places: Xcan (59.6 miles), Chemax (21.4 miles), and Valladolid (17.9 miles).
Going south from Cancún City on Highway 307, there are gas stations at Puerto
Morelos, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, and Felipe Carrillo Puerto.
GUIDES: A guide is not necessary to reach any of the sites covered in this section,
except possibly one structure at Tancah. See "Tancah" for details. At Tulum, however,
you will need a guide to reach the two structures that lie outside the wall. See "Tulum"
for details.
Page 301

Punta Laguna
(poon-tah lah-goo-nah; Derivation: Spanish for "Lagoon Point," Also the Name of a
Nearby Settlement)
North-central Quintana Roo.
Map: 6 (p. 302)

The Site
Punta Laguna is a site with East Coast-style structures, even though it is about 30 miles
inland from the coast. The site includes bases of pyramids, small platforms, and
remains of domestic architecture, according to Fernando Cortés de Brasdefer. The
feature of interest for the visitor is a typical, small East Coast-style temple that sits atop
a fair-size platform.
The one-room temple is partly standing. Its single doorway is intact and faces west,
and the temple rests on the west side of the platform. Another couple of temples of
the same type are reported, but we only saw the one. Cortés de Brasdefer says, "The
ceramics date for the most part from the Postclassic and only rarely from the Classic
period." This relates well to the Postclassic style of the architecture.
There are wide, well-kept trails at Punta Laguna. As you are shown around, you will
see a group of spider monkeys cavorting in the trees above a small lagoon. This
endangered species is reported to sleep in a nearby cave at night.
The jungle around Punta Laguna is home to a variety of birds, including a rare black-
and-white owl, so the area can be enjoyed by nature lovers as well as those whose
interest is archaeological. You might as well enjoy both.
Recent History
Punta Laguna has been known at least since 1984, when it is briefly mentioned in
Mexicon. In a 1988 issue of the same journal, Cortés de Brasdefer, director of the
Quintana Roo Regional Center of INAH, described the site along with others in
Quintana Roo.
Cancún City to Punta Laguna: 70.8 miles by paved road (1:51).
Getting There
Head west on Highway 180 to Nuevo Xcan (54.5 miles). Turn left at the sign for
Cobol and proceed to the village of Punta Laguna (marked with a sign). (This road
later connects with the cutoff for Cobá and eventually joins Highway 307 near
Serapio Canul, who is mainly responsible for maintaining the trails at Punta Laguna
and protecting the buildings, lives on the left (east) side of the road. Ask for him, and
he or his young son will show you around the site, which is on the west side of the
road. You can drive in a short distance from the road and park. Having your own
vehicle is the best way to reach Punta Laguna. Although buses do pass by, you would
have a long wait for the next one.
The temple described above is about a five-minute walk from where you park, but
you are taken to this area last on a tour that lasts about 45 minutes.
Have a wide-angle lens for shots of the temple and a telephoto lens for the wildlife.
Have cold drinks in your vehicle.
Page 302

Northern Quintana Roo

Page 303

(koh-bah; derivation: Maya for ''Ruffled Waters")
North-central Quintana Roo.
Map: 6

The Site
Cobá is actually a number of separated sites that go collectively under the one name.
Overall, it is a huge site, as you will realize when you walk from one area to another.
During Late Classic times Cobá was the largest and most important site of the
northeastern Yucatán Peninsula and had an area of dense population of 27 square
Cobá proper is designated Group B and is located between Lakes Cobá and
Macanxoc. Nohoch Mul is Group C, and Macanxoc, with its many stelae, is Group A.
Group D has a ball court with carved monuments and the Conjunto las Pinturas.
Other small ruins in the area have their own names, and all the structures are located
amid five small lakes, a rare feature in northern Yucatán.
In the area of Cobá (all groups included), 45 sacbeob are now known, more than at
any other Maya site. The sacbeob connect various parts of the site, and some short
ones connect buildings within a group. Some actually go through a portion of one of
the lakes (which may have been smaller when the sacbeob were built). Some sacbeob
lead to more distant sites. By far the most impressive is the one that goes due west for
an astounding 62 miles, to connect with the minor site of Yaxuná. This is the longest
known sacbé in the Maya area, and it varies in height from 2 feet to 8 feet where it
crosses swampy areas; its average width is 32 feet. (See "Cobá-Yaxuná Sacbé" in
Section 1 for details on one place to see it.) The walls of the sacbé are roughly dressed
stone, and the bed is composed of boulders topped with small stones laid in cement. A
stucco or cement layer formed the surface, though it is not badly disintegrated.
A five-ton stone roller was found on the sacbé and at one time was thought to have
been used in connection with the road's construction (to compact the surface into a
hard layer). Now, this interpretation seems to be in question. There is reason to
believe that the Cobá-Yaxuná Sacbé continued past Cobá and connected with Xcaret
on the Caribbean Coast and that it then branched south to the Tancah-Tulum area, but
so far these connecting sacbeob have not been found.
Whether Maya sacbeob in general, and this one in particular, were used for
ceremonial or commercial purposes or both remains a debated point. At any rate,
since the Mayas lacked beasts of burden and wheeled vehicles, we can be sure that
only foot traffic traversed these ancient roads.
Unfortunately, most of the structures at Cobá are poorly preserved, but excavation and
restoration of a few have made their appearances clearer.
The easily followed main trail at the site leaves from the parking area and goes all the
way to the Nohoch Mul (about 1.2 miles away). Along the way, there are side trails to
the other groups of interest. The first side trail is marked for Groupo Cobá (Group B),
and it heads to the right.
Group B is the largest architectural assemblage at Cobá, and the Iglesia (Structure I) is
the most imposing in this group. It is a nine-tiered pyramid, with slightly rounded
corners and a broad stairway on the west side. There are a few remains of a temple on
top. Other rooms may be seen flanking the stairway at the lower level, and you can
enter those on the north side. The structure has been excavated and partly restored.
Structure A, a large platform, abuts the bottom of the stairway of Structure I on the
west and is approached by an even broader, though shorter, stairway. At the rear of
the platform there is a low enclosure housing the eroded Stela 11. Both the Iglesia and
Stela 11 date to the Late Classic period.
Page 304

The Iglesia (Structure I of Group B), west side, Classic

period. Note Stela 11 at the lower left.
Farther along the main trail you come to another side trail on the right, marked for the
Conjunto las Pinturas. Before reaching that group, you come to yet another side trail
on the fight that goes to Macanxoc (about 0.6 mile from this last junction). Macanxoc
is noted for its stelae; the buildings in this group are greatly ruined. The stelae are
whole (or have been restored), but all are fairly eroded. Some are on platforms, and
Stela 4 is partly encased by the fallen stairway of one of the larger structures at
Macanxoc; all the stelae are protected by thatch shelters.
Stela 1 has one of the longest hieroglyphic stela texts known, with 313 glyph blocks
on the front, back, and sides, and records dates from A.D. 653 to 672. Both the front
and back of the stela portray a standing figure holding a ceremonial bar, and below
the main figures are bound captives. Joyce Marcus believes the same personage is
depicted on both sides and that it is a queen of Cobol who is portrayed. Most of the
other stelae at Macanxoc are carved on only one side, and dates from 613 to 672 have
been deciphered on them. The date 613, on Stela 6 is the earliest deciphered at Cobá.
From Macanxoc, return the way you came and take a right at the junction with the trail
to the Conjunto las Pinturas, which you passed on your way to Macanxoc.
The main feature at the Conjunto las Pinturas is the Templo las Pinturas, a small one-
room temple sitting atop a stepped pyramid. The temple has a doorway on the west
side, with a column of drum-shaped stones in the middle. This structure dates to the
Postclassic period, and the architectural style is similar to the Postclassic temples at
Tulum and along the coast. Remnants of stucco adhere to the area above the doorway,
and some remains of painting are found there, giving the temple (and group) its name.
There is also a single doorway on each of the north and south sides; from the one on
the north you get a gorgeous view of the Nohoch Mul in the distance.
The pyramidal base supporting the temple has a western stair that faces the remains of
other Postclassic structures. There are low walls, columns of drum-shaped stones,
and, at the base of the stairway, a one-room building that houses the bottom portion of
an eroded stela. The Conjunto las Pinturas has been cleared and partly restored. From
this area, return to the main trail and turn right.
On both sides of the main trail you will see large rubble mounds, the remains of some
of the other buildings of Group D. Just past one of these mounds, an unmarked and
easily missed side trail (on the right and sometimes overgrown) leads a short distance
to the greatly ruined ball court of Group D and its three carved monuments. One of
the monuments is Stela 30, with a standing personage and 13 glyph blocks. The
glyphs are eroded, and no date has been deciphered, but according to George E.
Stuart, Stela 30 seems to correspond to an early period, perhaps around A.D. 500-550.
A large squarish stone called Lapida C shows a standing figure who seems to be
wearing ball game atire, holding a crosslike scepter. The figure is accompanied by a
dozen glyphs on the front of the monument and delicately incised glyphs on the edges.
The third monument is rectangular and portrays a bound captive with a beard who
Page 305

Templo las Pinturas, west side, in Group D (Conjunto las Pinturas), Cobá. Postclassic period.
is accompanied by two glyphs, perhaps recording his name. The glyphs on both these
last monuments are eroded and undeciphered, but Stuart believes these monuments
date to the same period as the nearby Stela 30. You will need a wide-angle lens to
photograph these monuments.
Continue now along the main trail to the Nohoch Mul Group, with its massive temple
pyramid of the same name. On the way to the pyramid the trail passes the excavated
and consolidated Structure X. This structure rests on a platform with a broad stairway
on the west and remains of a two-room building on top. There are five doorways
separated by piers, and the lower walls of the structure are standing.
The most interesting feature of Structure X, however, is Stela 20, which stands at
ground level, in a niche in the center of the stairway. Stela 20 dates to A.D. 780 and is
the latest recorded monument at Cobá; it also has an interesting history. The lower
parts of this broken stela were discoverd in 1930 by Sir J. Eric S. Thompson and other
members of the Carnegie Expedition who were working at Cobá. Though fairly well
preserved, these parts of the stela did not carry a date, and though a search for the
upper, dated portion of the stela was made, it was not found. In 1975 Domingo
Falcón, the caretaker of Cobol, found part of a carved stela while clearing an area on
the south side of Structure X during work at the site. At first this was believed to be a
previously unknown stela, but later it was realized that this was the dated upper
portion of Stela 20 that had been searched for forty-five years earlier. The stela is the
best preserved at the site, and it has been restored and protected by a thatch shelter.
The main figure on Stela 20 is holding a ceremonial bar and stands
Page 306

Lapida C, portraying a figure possibly wearing ball

game attire and holding a crosslike scepter, Group
D, Cobá. Possibly Early Classic period.
atop the backs of two bound captives, while two more are kneeling at the sides.
A short distance to the north is the pyramid called Nohoch Mul, a name given the
structure by Thompson, which in Maya means "Great Mound." This was the name
used for the structure by one of Thompson's Maya guides. The pyramidal base of the
Nohoch Mul is about 82 feet high, and the temple of top adds about another 20 feet to
the structure; it is the tallest pre-Columbian structure in the northeastern part of the
Yucatán Peninsula. Its pyramidal base is terraced in seven sections, and there is a 39-
foot-wide stairway that ascends the south side to a well-preserved temple with an
intact roof. The temple lies at the rear of the top platform of the pyramid and has a
single doorway and one room. There were originally three niches in the upper wall
zone of the temple; the one on the west has been destroyed. The two remaining niches
contain depictions of the diving godor descending god also found at Tulum and Sayil.
The figure in the central niche bears some remnants of paint.
According to Ralph L. Roys, the modern Yucatecan Mayas believe in bee gods, who
appear in the story of creation. They further believe that these gods dwell at Cobá.
This, plus the fact that the diving position of the figures is the same as the one found
in the apiculture section of the Codex Madrid, leads to Roys's belief that the deity
represented is a bee god.
The pyramidal base of the Nohoch Mul dates to the Late Classic period; the temple on
top is Late Postclassic and is the best preserved structure at Coba. According to Stuart,
it is possible that the upper part of the pyramid was constructed when the temple on
top was added, and that at this time the rooms found on the lower levels (flanking the
stairway) were built.
The southeast corner of the pyramid and the stairway have been partly restored, but it
is a long and tiring climb to the top. It is worth the effort, though, to see the temple
and niche figures, and for views of the area.
Ceramic studies indicate that Cobá was occupied from around A.D. 100 through most of
the Late Postclassic period and that its peak of construction was during the Late
Classic. Forty-five stelae (almost all Late Classic) are known from Cobá, and 34 of
these are covered, making Cobá the site with the most known stelae in the northern
Yucatán Peninsula.
There were apparently close ties between Cobá and Maya centers to the south in the
Petén of Guatemala during the Classic period, and Cobá's architecture at this time "is
very much in the Petén style, as are the polychrome ceramics of the period," according
to Anthony P. Andrews. The stela cult at Cobá is also in the Petén tradition, as is the
style of the stelae, one special point of simi-
Page 307

Nohoch Mul, south side, Group C, Cobá. Late Classic and Late
Postclassic periods.
larity being the depiction of captives. This motif is much more prevalent in the south,
although three stelae at Edzna and one from Dzilám Gonzalez near the north coast of
Yucatán also show this subject matter.
Later in Cobá's history, when there were commercial ties to the Puuc cities to the west,
the stela cult came to an end. Cobá seems to have declined toward the end of the
Terminal Classic period and during the Early Postclassic, and monumental
architectural construction ceased. Neighboring sites at the ends of some of Cobá's
sacbeob were abandoned, and the remaining population clustered near the lakes at the
site's center.
Sometime after A.D. 1200, and for a good part of the Late Postclassic, there was a
resurgence at Cobá, with new construction and new ceramic traditions. Classic period
buildings were repaired, and on some, Late Postclassic structures were erected, the
prime example being the temple atop the Nohoch Mul.
Recent History
The name Cobá appears in the Chilam Balam de Chumayel, a chronicle of ancient
Maya history and prophecy written in the eighteenth century (in Maya but using the
Spanish alphabet). It is probable that the Cobá mentioned is the site covered here, so
this may well be its original name.
The first modern mention of Cobá was by John Lloyd Stephens in 1843. He learned of
the site from a priest in Chemax, but unfortunately Stephens was unable to visit the
site. The priest (who had never visited the site himself) was recording information
about "objects of curiosity and interest" from the area under his jurisdiction, by
government order. Stephens copied the priest's notes, which included the location of
Cobá, its setting on several lakes, a description of some of the architecture, and the
existence and direction of the main sacbé, all of which was fairly accurate. With
regard to the sacbé, the priest's notes said that "some aver that it goes in the direction
of Chichén Itzé," as indeed it does. Yaxuná is just 13 miles southwest of Chichén Itzá.
In 1886 two Yucatecan intellectuals J.P. Contreras and D. Elizademade a brief
reconnaissance of Cobá and produced a short description and four rather fanciful
drawings. In 1891 Teobert Maler visited the site and photographed the temple atop the
Nohoch Mul.
Page 308
In early 1926 Thomas Gann briefly visited the site and reported it to Sylvanus G.
Morley, Thompson, and others who were working at Chichén Itzá. (All were unaware
of Maler's previous visit.) Later in 1926 Morley and Thompson visited the site, as did
Alfred V. Kidder and Jean Charlot, who made drawings of the sculpture. They were
accompanied by local Mayas who showed them additional sites in the area. Thompson
returned in 1930 with his bride and H. E. D. Pollock for further study of Cobá, and in
1932 Thompson, Pollock, and Charlot published a preliminary study of the site,
including a map.
In 1934 Alfonso Villa Rojas published his work on the sacbé that goes to Yaxuná, of
which he measured the entire length. In 1937 E. Wyllys Andrews IV recorded new
groups at Cobá, new sacbeob, and a stela.
In the 1970s and 1980s numerous projects by a host of scholars were undertaken at
Cobá, and these were sponsored by the Southeast Regional Center of INAH (under
the direction of Norberto Gonzalez Crespo during the early years) and the National
Geographic Society. This work included ceramic studies, study of the sacbeob,
clearing and consolidation of some of the structures, copying of the paintings, and
study of some habitational units. Some of the principal investigators were Antonio
Benavides Castillo, Fernando Robles Castellanos, William J. Folan, and George E.
1. Cancún City to Cobá (via Nuevo Xcan): 84.2 miles by paved road (2:08).
2. Cancún City to Cobá (via Tulum): 109.9 miles by paved road (2:16).
Getting There
1. From Cancún take Highway 180 west to Nuevo Xcan and turn left. This junction
for Cobá is marked with a sign. Follow this road for 27.8 miles, and then take the
final fight cutoff to Cobá.
Note: If you take this route, you will pass Punta Laguna. See that section for details.
2. From Cancún head south on Highway 307 to the cutoff for Cobá (81.1 miles). The
cutoff is marked with a sign and is on the right. From the junction go to the final
cutoff for Cobá, and then left to the site. If you are starting from any of the stopovers
south of Cancún, the second route is better.
There is a hotel at Cobá (one of the Archaeological Villas run by Club Meal) with a
restaurant. The rooms are small, well designed, and air-conditioned. There is a
swimming pool, bar, gift shop, and library. There are also a couple of small
restaurants near the site.
Visiting Cobá can be exhausting because of the distances that you must walk. To see
all the areas described above you will have to walk about 5 miles (from the parking
area and back).
Guides: Though you can reach most of the interesting areas of Cobá on your own,
you will need a guide to get to the carved monuments in the Group D ball court.
Guides are available at the entrance to the site, and you may find one who is bilingual.
Allow 4 hours to visit the site, which will give you enough time to climb the major
structures. Because of the time involved and the fact that it is almost always extremely
hot at Cobá, you may want to consider staying at the nearby hotel the night before and
getting an early start in the morning. In any case, carry a canteen of water with you to
the site, and wear a sun hat.
Cobá can be reached by private car and on tours from Cancún. Buses go to Cobá, but
the service is uncertain.
Page 309

El Meco
(ehl meh-koh; derivation: by tradition of the region, the nickname of a local resident
in the nineteenth century)
Northeastern Quintana Roo.
Maps: 6 (p. 302) and 6A (p.

The Site
The main structure at E1 Meco is E1 Castillo, or Structure 1-a. It sits in a plaza that is
surrounded by other buildings. E1 Castillo is a five-tiered pyramid with a temple on
top. It faces east, and there is a stairway on that side, bordered by alfardas. With its
temple, only part of which is standing, the structure is 41 feet high, the tallest on the
north part of the east coast of the Yucatán Peninsula. At one time the structure was
painted white by the Mexican government, and it was used as a landmark by boats
plying the nearby waters.
The entrance to the temple atop E1 Castillo had a triple doorway supported by two
round columns. The roof of the temple is completely gone but may have been vaulted.
At the base of the east side of E1 Castillo are two other buildings. The larger one on
the north is Structure l-c, and it also has two columns in the doorway. Its roof is also
gone, but it has been determined that it was of beam-and-mortar construction. The
better-preserved, smaller building on the south is Structure I-b, and it has a single
doorway, a simple molding above it, and a partly intact roof. The roof is supported by
a stepped vault, and the structure rests on a low platform. It was constructed after the
main pyramid.
Of special interest at the base of E1 Castillo, and extending from the alfardas, are
stone and stucco serpent heads. The one on the north is fairly well preserved. This
feature is found in other areas of the northern part of the Yucatán Peninsulaat Tulum,
Chichén Itzá, and Mayapánand it dates to the Postclassic period.
As is often found in Maya architecture, E1 Castillo was built over an earlier structure,
but even this one is of Postclassic date.
Structure 2 shares the plaza with E1 Castillo, and it lies a few feet in front of (east of)
E1 Castillo's stairway. Structure 2 is a small rectangular platform with stairs on the east
and west sides and no evidence of a structure on top. There are other structures
bordering the south, east, and north sides of the plaza, where remains of lower walls
and columns are found. In Structure 7 (on the south) there is a fragment of a sculpture
in the wall, and we were told it represented an animal.
On the east side of the plaza and facing west is Structure 6. This is a 6-foot-high
platform with a western stair, bordered by alfardas. There are remains of low walls
on top, as well as columns, which were once part of the three doorways of the temple.
On either side at the base of the stair are the remains of two small shrines. At the
bottom of the alfardas there were originally serpent heads, but only fragments of
these were found during recent excavations at the site.
There are some other structures at E1 Meco, but nothing of real interest for the visitor.
There is ceramic evidence for the occupation of E1 Meco in the Early Classic period
(A.D. 250-600). At that time it was probably a small village of fishermen under the
cultural influence of larger centers in the interior. The site then seems to have been
abandoned until about 1000-1100.
During the Late Postclassic period (A.D. 1200-1500) E1 Meco reached its peak, and
during that time it was a major site on the northeast coast. All of the architecture at the
site dates to this time.
Page 310

Area near Cancún and Cozumel Island

Page 311

El Castillo (Structure l-a), east side, El Meco. Late Postclassic period.

Structure l-b, El Meco. Late Postclassic period.

Page 312

Sculpture fragment in Structure 7, El Meco. Late

Postclassic period.
Recent History
The first report on E1 Meco was that of Augustus Le Plongeon in 1877. Le Plongeon
and his wife, Alice, briefly visited the site, and he gave a general description of the
plaza and the pyramid. At that time the site was called E1 Meco locally. It is possible
that E1 Meco is the ancient Belma, where the troops of Francisco de Montejo the elder
spent two months in 1528.
Teobert Maler visited E1 Meco in 1891, and he described, photographed, and drew E1
Castillo. He also recorded the serpent heads and was the first to observe that there was
an inner structure at E1 Castillo. This work was published by Gerdt Kutscher in 1971.
Others who recorded E1 Meco were William H. Holmes, in 1895, who discovered the
serpent heads at Structure 6, and two English travelers, Channing Arnold and
Frederick J. T. Frost, who visited E1 Meco around 1907 or 1908.
This was followed by the monumental work of Samuel K. Lothrop for the Carnegie
Institution of Washington (CIW). His work focused on Tulum, but it also included
many east coast sites as well. Lothrop was accompanied by Thomas Gann in 1918.
Lothrop's work was published in 1924 and was the major publication on E1 Meco to
that time. In the same year Gann published a brief description of the site.
In 1954 William T. Sanders conducted the first stratigraphic test pitting at the site. He
concluded, from the analysis of the ceramics he recovered, that E1 Meco was at its
peak during the Post-classic period. This was verified by later studies, and Holmes
and Lothrop had reached the same conclusion on the basis of the architecture. The
CIW sponsored Sanders's work and published it in 1954, 1955, and 1960.
In 1977 Anthony P. Andrews and Fernando Robles Castellanos conducted excavations
at E1 Meco, under the coordination of Norberto Ganzález Crespo. This included
clearing and consolidation of E1 Castillo, which was in imminent danger of collapse,
as well as work on other structures. Participants in the project included Peter J.
Schmidt and Rocío Gonzalez de la Mata.
Ceramics from seven test pits were collected and analyzed, confirming the work of
Sanders, and faunal remains were gathered. This work was conducted for INAH, who
published the results in 1986.
Some time after Lothrop's work and before that of Andrews and Robles Castellanos,
the west part of E1 Castillo was dynamited, probably to loosen the stone so it could be
used in modern construction.
The E1 Meco Project begun in 1977 was continued in 1979 and 1980 under the
supervision of Gonzalez de la Mata and Elia del Carmen Trejo Alvarado. A report was
issued in 1981.
Cancún City to E1 Meco: 3.3 miles by paved road (:08).
Getting There
Head east on Highway 180 to Puerto Juárez, then follow the road as it heads north to
E1 Meco.
The site is shortly before Kilometer 3
Page 313
on the road between Puerto Juárez and the Punta Sam ferry dock. It is on the left side
of the road.
Try to visit El Meco in the morning, when El Castillo is well lighted. A wide-angle lens
is useful, as the site has become overgrown.
You can reach El Meco by private car or taxi from Cancún. Allow 30 minutes for a
visit. There is no food or drink at the site, but there are a couple of restaurants nearby.
(pohk-tah-pohk; derivation: name of the ancient maya ball game)
Northeast part of Isla
Cancún, Quintana Roo.
Maps: 6 (p. 302) and 6A (p.

The Site
There are two small structures at Pok-ta-Pok on the golf course of the same name.
The one you reach first is composed of a low platform with remains of a low wall and
columns on top. There is also one section of wall that rises to almost its original
height, and part of a simple, three-member molding can be seen there.
The next structure is a couple of hundred feet away; it is smaller and not as well
preserved, and it too, rests on a low platform. Only the lower walls are standing, but a
section at the single doorway (on the west) is a
Remains of the columned structure at Pok-ta-Pok. Late Postclassic period.
Page 314
bit higher than the rest. Remnants of a stair ascend the platform in front of the
doorway. Inside the structure on the east are remains of what may have been an altar.
Both structures are of Late Postclassic date and were probably built around A.D. 1300-
1400. Construction is typical of east coast sites of that period.
Recent History
In 1975-1976 the Cancún Project was undertaken by the Southeast Regional Center of
INAH, directed by Norberto Gonzáez Crespo, and several sites on Isla Cancún were
studied and partly consolidated, including Pok-ta-Pok. The site is briefly mentioned
by Ernesto Vargas Pacheco in 1978 and by Anthony P. Andrews in 1986.
Isla Cancún to Pok-ta-Pok: 1.8 miles by paved road (:04).
Getting There
From the convention center on Isla Cancún head west on Paseo Kukulcán to the
cutoff for the Pok-ta-Pok Golf Course. Turn left and proceed to the clubhouse to get
permission to visit the ruins. Then cross a small bridge and follow the road to the first
structure that is visible from it. Continue a bit farther to the second structure, then
proceed following the road as it loops around, and rejoin the road on which you came
Allow 15 minutes to see both structures.
Ni Ku
(nee koo; derivation: Maya for ''Temple on the Point")
(Punta Cancún)
(poon-tah kahn-koon; Punta is Spanish for "point")
Northeast comer of Isla
Cancún, Quintana Roo.
Maps: 6 (p. 302) and 6A (p.
The Site
There are a few remains of a small temple here. It was originally a rectangular
structure, but today only the north, east, and part of the west wall are standing. On the
northeast comer you can see two parts of a cornice molding, and below this, a large
crack in the wall.
Since there is no doorway on the east, the entrance must have been on the west, in the
area where the wall has fallen. The roof is also gone, but it was probably of beam-
and-mortar construction. The structure dates to the Late Postclassic period and most
likely was built between A.D.). 1300 and 1400. The construction is typical of east coast
architecture from that time.
Recent History
At the end of his travels in Yucatán in 1842, John Lloyd Stephens reported sighting
stone structures along the coast of Cancún, and one of these may have been Ni Ku.
In 1975-1976 the Cancún Project was undertaken by the Southeast Regional Center of
INAH, directed by Norberto Gonzalez Crespo, and several sites on Isla Cancún were
studied, including Ni Ku. The site is briefly mentioned by Ernesto Vargas Pacheco in
1978 and by Anthony P. Andrews in 1986.
Page 315
Isla Cancún to Ni Ku: 0.6 mile by paved road (:01).
Getting There
From the Convention Center on Isla Cancún take the street that goes northeast to the
Camino Real Hotel. Ni Ku is on the grounds of the hotel, which is at the extreme
northeast corner of Isla Cancún.
Hotel personnel will direct you through a courtyard and walkway, to, and through, the
east section of guest rooms. They sometimes find it hard to believe that this is what
you came to see, Put 1]: you persevere, explaining that it is a small, ruined structure
that you want to see, they will help you.

Small temple, from the northeast, Ni Ku. Late

Postclassic period.
The structure is just a few feet to the east of the guest rooms. Allow 5 minutes to see
(yah-mee-loom; derivation: Maya for "hilly land")
Northeast part of Isla
Cancún, Quintana Roo.
Maps: 6 (p. 302) and 6A (p.

The Site
The two structures at Yamilum sit atop the highest rise of land on Isla Cancún, giving
the site its name. The views from here are superb; the structures are easy to reach and
are definitely worth a look.
The main structure is a fair-size temple, resting on a platform with a low stair on the
west side. There are two cylindrical columns on top of the west side of the platform,
and they were once part of a triple doorway that formed the entrance to the structure.
The columns are standing, as is the jambstone on the south, but much of the west wall
has fallen.
The north and south walls are better preserved, and large cornerstones are
incorporated into the construction. These walls have a two-member medial molding
and a simple, rectangular cornice molding, above which is a cornice of stones laid
vertically. Except at the northeast corner, there are only a few courses of stone
remaining of the east wall.
On the floor of the structure, near the center of the east wall, is a small, stone-and-
stucco construction that may have been an altar.
On a level lower than the main structure, and almost abutting it on the east, is a
smaller temple. It rests on its own platform and has a narrow doorway opening to the
east. On the back (west side) remains of a two-member medial molding can be seen.
This is best observed from inside the east side of the main structure.
To the east of the lower structure is a modern retaining wall of stone; below is a
beautiful white-sand beach.
Page 316

The main structure at Yamilum, from the southwest. Late Postclassic period.
The two structures at Yamilum date to the Late Postclassic period (A.D. 1200-1500), and
their architecture is typical of east coast sites from that time. Though the roofs are
gone on both structures, it is believed they were of beam-and-mortar construction.
Recent History
At the end of his travels in Yucatán in 1842, John Lloyd Stephens reported sighting
stone structures along the coast of Cancún, and one of these may have been Yamilum.
In 1911 George P. Howe described Yamilum under the name Tamul. In 1975-1976 the
Cancún Project was undertaken by the Southeast Regional Center of INAH, directed
by Norberto Gonzalez Crespo, and several sites on Isla Cancún were studied,
including Yamilum. The site is briefly mentioned by Ernesto Vargas Pacheco in 1978
and by Anthony P. Andrews in 1986.
Isla Cancún to Yamilum: 2.1 miles by paved road (:04).
Getting There
From the convention center on Isla Cancún head south on Pasco Kukulcún. Yamilum
is just north of the Sheraton Hotel, and access is through hotel grounds. Go to the
hotel lobby, and an employee will direct you to the pool area, from which you can see
and reach the main temple.
You will want to have sunglasses and perhaps a sun hat. A wide-angle lens is useful to
get overall shots of the main structure.
Allow 20 minutes to see and photograph both structures, and perhaps a few more to
enjoy to view.
Page 317

El Rey
(ehl rehee; derivation: Spanish for "the King" [see text])
Southeastern part of Isla
Cancún, Quintana Roo.
Maps: 6 (p. 302) and 6A (p.

The Site
E1 Rey is the most important site on Isla Cancún. Its name comes from a stone-and-
stucco sculpture of a human head that was found at the site. All of the sites on Cancún
have been given Maya names, so El Rey is also called Kinich Ahau-Bonil. The site is
principally composed of two plazas surrounded by buildings and platforms. The
structures and the surrounding areas are cleared, and you can see from one area to
another, so getting around is easy.
As you enter the site, you come first to Plaza II, and trails lead to the more interesting
structures. The architecture of some of the structures is similar, the buildings varying
only in size and minor details. They are composed of rectangular platforms with
vertical walls and stairways with alfardas. The lower walls and columns of the
buildings on top are standing, and at the rear of the main rooms are altars. Other
structures are simply platforms.
To the south of Plaza II is the Principal Plaza, or Plaza I, the most interesting part of
the site. The Principal Plaza is bordered on the north by the L-shaped Structure 1 (a
platform with columns) and, next to it on the east, by Structure 2. Structure 2 is a
three-tiered pyramid with part of the lower walls of a temple on top; its maximum
height is 18 feet. Originally there was direct access between the two plazas, but when
Structure 2 was constructed, it blocked this route.
Bordering the east side of the Principal Plaza is a platform with three structures on
top. Structure 3-B, in the center, is the best preserved at E1 Rey, and it has two
doorways on the west, facing the plaza. The doorjambs and lintels are recessed, and
the lower wall of the structure slopes inward. The upper wall zone has a slight
outward batter, and it overhangs the lower zone. Above the upper wall zone is a
simple, rectangular three-member molding, the middle part of which is recessed.
Above this is a cornice made of vertical stones. There was a niche (now mostly fallen)
in the cornice, in the center of the building, and it is believed that the sculpture called
E1 Rey was once in position in the niche.
Structure 3-B has two long rooms, one behind the other, and the front room has a
stepped vault. The medial wall of the building has three doorways, and they are
staggered with the two on the front wall, so that from the front you cannot see into the
rear room. The back wall of the rear room is fallen except for the lowest part, but
there are remains of three small rectangular altars set into its base. The structure was
originally painted with various motifs, but only small fragments remain today.
Structure 3-A lies to the north of 3-B. Though not as well preserved, there are two
columns at the entrance, two more on the interior of the main room, and a smaller
room at the rear containing a small altar. The roof of the structure is gone. Structure 3-
C, to the south of 3-B, is the smallest of the group and almost totally destroyed, but it
had a doorway facing the plaza, like the other two structures that share the platform.
On the south side of the Principal Plaza is Structure 4, the largest of the explored
platforms at E1 Rey; it is 115 feet long, east to west, rises in two low tiers, and has a
stairway facing the plaza. There are remains of low walls and 18 columns on top.
Within the Principal Plaza is Structure 5, a group of three small platforms joining each
other, with little remaining of the rooms on top. This structure was built in two or
three stages, and the platforms on the ends were constructed using stones from other
Page 318

Structure 3-B, from the northwest, El Rey. Late Postclassic period.

All of the structural remains at E1 Rey date to around A.D. 1300-1400 in the Late
Postclassic period.
Recent History
During the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century several authors visited
and recorded E1 Rey under a variety of names. It is possible that Augustus and Alice
Le Plongeon spent the night there in 1876. Later the site was mentioned by William H.
Holmes, Channing Arnold, and Frederick J. T. Frost. Raymond E. Merwin also visited
E1 Rey, but his work, recorded in 1913-1914, remains unpublished.
Expeditions in the area sponsored by the Carnegie Institution of Washington were
reported by Samuel K. Lothrop in 1924, and E1 Rey was included. In 1954 William T.
Sanders conducted the first excavations at the site; his ceramic studies indicate the
dates for the site.
The first extensive work at E1 Rey was undertaken in 1975 and 1976 by INAH; it
included excavation and consolidation and was reported by Pablo Mayer Guala and
Ernesto Vargas Pacheco in 1977 and 1978.
Isla Caneún to E1 Rey: 5.2 miles by paved road (:08), then 0.4 mile by dirt road (:03).
Getting There
From the Convention Center on Isla Caneún, head south on Paseo Kukulcún to a little
past Kilometer 17, to the cutoff for E1 Rey (marked with a sign). Turn right and
proceed to the site. Bilingual guides are available. Allow 45 minutes for a visit, and
wear a sun hat.
Page 319

Playa Del Carmen
(plah-yah dehl kahr-mehn; derivation: Spanish for "Beach of the Villa")
Original Name:
Xamanhá, Maya for
"North Water."
Northeastern Quintana Roo.
Map: 6 (p. 302)

The Site
There are several groups of structures at Playa del Carmen, lettered A through G, and
they are now surrounded by the modern town and the condominiums of Villas
Playacar (developed in the 1980s). As you enter the town, and just before the plaza,
you will see a sign for Playacar painted on a wall. Turn right as the sign indicates and
follow the road as it turns to the left. This brings you to a gate with a guard. Tell him
you wish to see the ruins, and you will be allowed to enter.
The groups on Playacar's grounds are C, D, and E, and you come to them in that
order. Group C is 0.2 mile from the gate, and the groups are separated by about the
same distance. After the last structure it is 0.2 mile to a turnaround at the end of the
road. You can drive to all the structures, and all are on the right side of the road and
visible from it.
The first structure you reach is one of the largest and best preserved (C4); it rests on a
platform with a stairway on the east. There are two rooms; the outer one encloses an
inner shrine on three sides. There are two columns at the main entrance, one of which
is complete, and remains of painting on the inset panel above the doorway to the inner
shrine. The structure is mostly intact except for part of its back wall and a part of the
front wall above the doorway. There are remains of both medial and cornice moldings
in this vaulted structure. There are a few remains of a couple of other buildings
A short distance south is a mostly fallen building; what remains appears to be an inner
shrine with its front wall partly intact. There are two standing columns in front of the
wall, which may have been the entrance to the building. This structure also faces east
and rests on a platform, as does the next one.
The next structure (part of Group D) has a standing front wall and an interior shrine.
There is an altar in the shrine, on which is a small vertical stone.
The last structure (part of Group E) is unusual in that its basal platform is huge and
quite a bit higher than those supporting the other structures described. Some massive
cut stones form part of the platform, and this too is an unusual feature in the area.
There are remains of a typical East Coast-style temple on top.
Return now to the Playacar gate and go on to the town plaza and park. Two blocks
south of the plaza is a military compound surrounded by a fence, and just beyond are
the two structures of Group B. Ask at the compound for permission to cross it to get a
clear view of the temples (you actually cannot get to the temples). The structures share
a platform and are at right angles to each other. Structure I is greatly fallen, but its
interior shrine is standing. Structure II is larger and better preserved, with two
columns in its front (west) doorway still supporting a wooden lintel. Part of its
interior shrine is standing, though the back wall of the building has collapsed. Both
structures of Group B are vaulted.
Now go two blocks north of the plaza and turn right for half a block. This brings you
to Group A, next to La Ruina campground. Structure I is well preserved, with a single
room facing east and medial and cornice moldings that are mostly intact. At one time
this building was used for curing tobacco. It shares a platform with Structure II, of
which only the lower part of the walls remain. Structure I is vaulted, but since the
debris of Structure II has been removed, "it
Page 320

Structure C-1, east side, Playa del Carmen. Late Postclassic period.
is impossible to tell whether it had a masonry roof," according to Anthony P.
Groups F and G are north of Group A, but I have not seen them and do not know if
they have standing architecture.
Recent History
Xamanhá was a point of embarcation for Cozumel in ancient Maya times, just as the
modem town of Playa del Carmen is today. Francisco de Montejo the elder camped at
Xamanhá with his men in 1528. The meaning of the name (North Water) may suggest
that Xamanhá was a northern outpost of Xcaret, the other point of embarcation for
Cozumel. There is little to note about Xamanhá afterward; it may have been
abandoned during the seventeenth century.
In the early twentieth century Sylvanus G. Morley, Thomas Gann, and Samuel K.
Lothrop visited the site, and on Lothrop's map, published in 1924, the name Playa del
Carmen is used. It seems that it was in the late 1970s or early 1980s that it was
definitely determined that Xamanhá and Playa del Carmen were the same place.
A reconnaissance of the Quintana Roo coast was carried out by William T. Sanders,
and Playa del Carmen was included. He published his results in 1955.
In 1972 Andrews and Davis A. Gilder recorded structures at the site, and Andrews
returned in 1973 with Arthur G. Miller and completed the site map, which was
published in 1975 by the Middle American Research Institute of Tulane University.
Additional studies were published in 1981 by Rocío Gonzalez de la Mata and Elia del
Carmen Trejo Alvarado, and by this time additional structures had been located.
The structures at Playa del Carmen
Page 321
were excavated and consolidated by the Southeast Regional Center of INAH.
While studies indicate the presence of Late Preclassic ceramics at Playa del Carmen
and evidence of a Classic and Early Postclassic occupation, the temple structures are
all of Late Postclassic date and typical of the East Coast style.
Cancún City to Playa del Carmen (plaza): 43.6 miles by paved road (:57).
Getting There
Head south on Highway 307 to the cutoff for Playa del Carmen (43.0 miles), which is
marked with a sign. Turn left and drive 0.6 mile to the center of town.
A bus can drop you off in Playa del Carmen if you do not have your own vehicle.
Allow 1 hour to visit the structures described above.
(shkah-reht; derivation: perhaps a native corruption of the spanish word caleta,
Original Name:
Pole, possibly meaning
"place of trade" in Maya.
Northeastern Quintana Roo.
Map: 6 (p. 302)

The Site
Xcaret is one of the larger sites on the east coast of Quintana Roo, with several groups
of structures reported in the core area, and others up and down the coast. The part of
the site visitors see today are Groups B and A and, from a distance, the single small
temple of Group K.
As you enter the site, you come first to Group B, with large platforms surrounding a
plaza and a small platform with an eastern stair in the center. There is no standing
architecture atop the platforms, and it is believed that most of them supported
perishable structures.
A new wide walkway leads from there to Group A, and it points directly to Structures
V and VI, which together form a twin-temple pyramid that is the dominant
architectural assemblage of the group. The two temples share a platform that is over
10 feet high, and two stairways, one in front of each temple, give access to the
structures. The twin temples are not totally intact, but they have been partly restored.
Both have simple geometric designs in the remaining upper wall zones, and there are
simple moldings above and below.
The remaining structures of Group A cluster near the twin temples, producing an
informal courtyard. All the structures in the group have one room with a single
doorway and an inset panel above it. There are remains of paint in some of the panels.
Some of the structures had vaulted roofs, while in others beam-and-mortar
construction was used. All of the temples are typical Post-classic East Coast style, and
most rest on low platforms. One has a higher platform but few remains of an upper
structure. The largest and most northerly has two stucco bird heads flanking the
A few feet from Group A a path leads to a cenote and another to a lovely caleta that is
a nice place for a swim. There is a restaurant at the caleta.
When you return to Group A and are heading back to the parking area, take a detour
to the left and go toward the sea. You will see a delightful cove and, beyond it, the
Page 322

Structure A-VI, west side, Xcaret. Late Post-classic period.

one building of Group K. A telephoto lens will be useful here. To the left you can see
a newly constructed breakwater that forms a harbor for small craft.
Recent History
Xcaret is the ancient Maya port of Pole, which was of strategic importance in Post-
classic times. It was the main port of embarcation for Cozumel (Xamanhá, or Playa
del Carmen, was another), and Pole's caleta afforded a protected harbor. Religious
architecture dominates the site core and "underscores its importance as a ceremonial
center," according to Anthony P. Andrews. It is also believed to have been prominent
in trading.
Francisco de Montejo the elder camped at Pole in 1528, and the men he left behind
when he moved on to the north were killed by the local inhabitants.
There are a few mentions of the site in the latter part of the sixteenth century and early
seventeenth century, and a Spanish chapel was built in what is now called Group G,
though little of it remains today. Pole is shown on some later maps, but the
archaeological discovery of the site under the name Xcaret is credited to the Mason-
Spinden Expedition of 1926, and the site was reported by Gregory Mason in that and
following years. Xcaret is mentioned in the literature in the 1950s and 1960s, and a
major study of the remains was published in 1975 by the Middle American Research
Institute of Tulane University. The authors were E. Wyllys Andrews IV and Anthony
P. Andrews.
Ceramic studies indicate that Xcaret was occupied beginning in the Late Preclassic
period, but the great majority of sherds date to the Late Postclassic, as does the
In 1990 Groups A and B were nicely cleared and consolidated.
Cancún City to Xcaret: 46.9 miles by paved road (1:00), then 1.0 mile by rock road
Getting There
Head south on Highway 307 to the cutoff for Xcaret (marked with a sign). Turn left
onto the rock road and continue to the site. You can park near Group G. There are rest
rooms, a ticket office, and cold drinks.
Having your own vehicle is the recommended way to reach the site. Allow 40 minutes
to see the ruins and the caleta.
Page 323

(chah-kah-lahl; derivation: possibly "Red Arrow" or "Red Cane" in Maya)
Northeastern Quintana Roo.
Map: 6 (p. 302)

The Site
One of the best-preserved ancient Maya structures on the east coast is the lovely, fair-
sized Late Postclassic Caleta Temple at Chakalal. It has one room, a single doorway
facing east, and simple medial and cornice moldings, all of which is intact. The roof is
vaulted, and there are remains of paintings on the interior walls. They depict a serpent
(difficult to make out) and a jaguar (easier to see) and both positive and negative
painted hands. The structure sits on the edge of a beautiful caleta and is easy to
photograph from several vantage points.
There are four other groups of structures at Chakalal, referred to as Chakalal Inland,
but none of the structures are as well preserved as the Caleta Temple.
Recent History
In 1926 the Mason-Spinden Expedition discovered the ruins of Chakalal, and Herbert
J. Spinden made sketches of the Caleta Temple and two of the inland structures. He
recorded the paintings in the Caleta Temple, and these were published in 1927 by
Gregory Mason, along with his own photographs.
Other photographs of the temple were published by William T. Sanders in 1955 and
Michel Peissel in 1963. In 1975 E. Wyllys Andrews IV and Anthony P. Andrews
published a description, plans, and photographs of both the Caleta Temple and the
inland groups. Their work was carried out under the research program of the Middle
American Research Institute of Tulane University.
Cancún City to Chakalal: 56.5 miles by paved road (1:12), then 0.4 mile of good rock
road (:02).
Caleta Temple, from the southeast, Chakalal. Late Postclassic period.
Page 324
Getting There
Head south on Highway 307 to the cutoff for Chakalal. The cutoff is not marked, but
it is near the Kilometer 90 marker and 0.8 mile south of the entrance to Puerto
Aventuras. Allow 15 minutes to see the Caleta Temple. There is no food or drink at
Chakalal, but both are available at Puerto Aventuras.
Note: If you are staying at Puerto Aventuras, you can reach the Caleta Temple directly
from their grounds, without returning to the highway. Just follow the signs.
(yahl-koo; derivation: possibly ''Forehead of God" or "Sayings of God" in Maya)
Northeastern Quintana Roo.
Map: 6 (p. 302)

The Site
There is a one-room shrine a little over 4 feet tall at Yalku. It is partly surrounded by a
circular wall, to which it is connected at the rear. Both the shrine and the wall are
constructed of crude masonry, although the shrine and its vaulted roof are well
preserved. There is a small altar in the rear of the shrine that once supported a stucco
idol, which has been destroyed. The shrine and wall are built on bedrock, without any
Recent History
The shrine described above was discovered in the early 1950s by Loring M. Hewen,
and it was recorded by E. Wyllys Andrews IV in 1955. Andrews IV and Anthony P.
Small shrine and enclosure, Yalku. Late Postclassic period.
Page 325
reported the structure in 1975, in a Middle American Research Institute publication.
They commented that it is "one of the most unusual structures on the central coast."
Another shrine in the vicinity was found by William T Sanders in 1954, and he
reported it the following year.
Cancún City to Yalku: 64.0 miles by paved road (1:20), 0.4 mile by good rock road
(:02), then about 50 yards on foot (:20).
Total from Cancún to Yalku: 64.4 miles (1:42).
Getting There
Head south on Highway 307 to the Yalku cut-off (unmarked but exactly opposite
Rancho San Miguel, a plant nursery). Turn left to reach the caleta at Yalku, where you
can park. The caleta has a small northern extension at the parking area. Follow this
extension to its end and continue northeast for about 50 yards to the shrine. A
compass will help. The walk is over limestone bedrock, loose boulders, and
vegetation, and there is no definite trail, so boots would be best; you should wear a
sun hat. The vegetation in this area is mostly low, but you cannot see the shrine until
you are almost there. With care, you will not get lost.
Allow 10 minutes to see and photograph the shrine, a little extra if you decide on a
swim at the caleta when you return to it. There is no food or drink at Yalku.
(shehl-hah; derivation: Maya for "Opening of Water")
Original Name:
Xala, a variation of Xelha.
Northeastern Quintana Roo.
Map: 6 (p. 302)

The Site
There are three groups of structures in the main part of Xelha on the west side of
Highway 307, and a small shrine at Xelha Caleta on the east side of the highway.
When you enter the main part of the site, follow the trail as it curves around to the
Palace Group. There are two architectural assemblages here; the one closest to the trail
is the Mercado ("Market"), and just beyond is the Palacio ("Palace").
The remains of both are platforms with the lower walls of structures on top. In one
area is a group of stone discs that may once have formed a column.
A trail from the side of the Mercado leads to a structure called the Pájaros ("Birds").
(This structure is actually right on the highway, but access is from the interior of the
site.) On the way to the Pájaros the trail passes a group of small structures named for
Samuel K. Lothrop, an early investigator of the site.
The Pájaros was partly destroyed when Highway 307 was cut through, but what
remains has been consolidated. The structure is composed of a platform with remains
of rooms on top. The most interesting feature is the medial wall, which has murals on
both sides. On the north side of the wall are two rectangular panels bordered in red,
with depictions of birdsalso mostly redwithin the panels. This mural gives the
structure its name.
On the back (south) side of the medial wall another mural was discovered in the early
1980s. A Teotihuacán warrior in full regalia is depicted on the right, in red, yellow,
and blue paint. To the left are three wide
Page 326

Structure at the Mercado, from the northwest, Xelha. Late Postclassic period.
vertical red stripes, and beyond is part of a checkerboard pattern in red and yellow,
with X's drawn in some of the squares (actually rectangles). Stepped vaults roofed the
structure, and parts of these are intact.
The Pájaros (Structure 26-Sub) was later encased in another construction. The earlier
Structure 26-Sub is Early Classic, according to Fernando Robles Castellanos, although
Arthur G. Miller believes it was not constructed before A.D. 770. In any case, it is still
one of the earliest structures at Xelha and along the east coast of Quintana Roo.
Settlement-pattern data and ceramic studies indicate that the predominant period of
occupation was during Classic times, although the site's beginnings were in the Late
Preclassic, and it continued through the Late Postclassic. Xelha is next to the "largest
natural harbor on the east coast," according to Anthony P. Andrews, and Robles
Castellanos believes that from around A.D. 600 to 1200, Xelha was a great commercial
Return to the Mercado and the trail on which you entered the site, and continue along
it to the Group of the Casa del Jaguar ("House of the Jaguar"). Partway there someone
will offer to show you the rest of the way, and you pass a lovely cenote before
reaching this group. The group is composed of several small structures informally
arranged around a plaza, the largest of which is the Casa del Jaguar.
This structure faces south and gets its name from a painting of a jaguar (difficult to
see) in a position of the descending god found at Tulum. This mural is found on the
outside wall of the inner shrine (east side) of the structure and can be photographed
through a doorway in the outer wall of the building. All the doorways of the structure
are blocked by wooden poles, but you can get photos in between. According to Miller,
the descending jaguar is the seventh layer of painted stucco, of a total of 27 layers,
found on the inside of the building. Miller believes
Page 327

Casa del Jaguar, south side, Xelha. Possibly Late Post-classic period.
that the structure was not built all at one time.
The Casa del Jaguar has two intact columns on the front facade, and all of its interior
walls were painted. There are inset panels above the doorways to the interior shrine;
in one area, above the panel, are remains of red handprints.
Two other structures in this group are of interest. One is a small shrine with remnants
of a simple molding, and the other is larger and partly fallen and rests atop a low
platform approached by a stairway on the north. Both buildings are Late Postclassic
and photogenicwhile the other structures in this group are mostly rubble. The Group
of the Casa del Jaguar was connected to the Mercado by a sacbé in ancient times, and
another led from the former in the opposite direction. Perhaps this is the beginning of
the long-sought-for sacbé connecting Xelha to Cobá, but this has not yet been
demonstrated. Scholars believe that Xelha was the main port for Cobá, and they
believe that a sacbé probably connected the two sites.
You now leave the ruins on the west side of the highway and head north to the cutoff
for Xelha Caleta. When you leave the entrance building at Xelha Caleta, take the trail
that goes on the far side of the lagoon, and you will pass the remains of the small
Recent History
Xelha was discovered as an archaeological site during reconnaissance projects
sponsored by the Carnegie Institution of Washington (CIW) carried out between 1910
and 1922 and published by Lothrop in 1924. In 1955 William T. Sanders, also working
for CIW, published ceramic studies and reported new buildings at Xelha.
Underwater studies were conducted by the Exploration and Water Sports Club of
Mexico (CEDAM) in 1960, and an underwater altar was found at Xelha Caleta. In
1973 the small caleta shrine was recorded by Andrews. Miller undertook an extensive
study of the murals in the Tancah-Tulum area, and Xelha was included in his 1982
Major work at Xelha was conducted in the 1980s by the Southeast Regional Center of
INAH, with the support of the Fideicomiso Caleta de Xelha y del Caribe, and many
structures were cleared, excavated, and consolidated. The work was coordinated by
Norberto Gonzalez Crespo, director of the Southeast Regional Center; participating
archaeologists were Pablo Mayer Guala, Antonio Benavides Castillo, and Ricardo
Velázquez Valadéz.
Page 328
Cancún City to Xelha (west side of the highway): 71.4 miles by paved road (1:30),
then 100 yards of rock road to the parking area.
Getting There
Head south on Highway 307 to the entrance to the site (marked with a sign), turn right
on the rock road, and proceed to the parking area. Wear a sun hat and allow 1¼ hours
for a visit. There is a small restaurant at the site.
The cutoff for Xelha Caletaon the east side of the highwayis 0.3 mile north of the
cutoff for the ruins on the west side, and it too is marked with a sign. When you
approach from Cancún, you will come to the cutoff for the caleta first, but I
recommend going on to the main part of the site first and returning to the caleta later.
There are shops and restaurants at Xelha Caleta. While the caleta is as lovely as ever,
it has lost some of its serenity because of the influx of visitors. Swimming and
snorkeling are allowed in certain areas of the caleta.
Xelha Caleta 'can be reached by bus tours from Cancún.
(tahn-kah; derivation: Maya for "He Who Lives in the Center of Town")
Original Name:
Xamanzamá, "North Zamá,"
possibly Zamá or Tzamá (see
Location: Northeastern
Quintana Roo.
Map: 6 (p. 302)

The Site
The site of Tancah is cut in two by Highway 307. A number of structures and
platforms are reported, two of which are of interest to the visitor, but only one is
easily accessible. Structure 12 is a few feet east of the highway and has been
consolidated. It consists of a pyramidal base rising in three tiers with a one-room
temple on top. There are fragments of a mural inside and a few remains of a roof
comb above. Access to the temple is by a stairway on the east side of the base.
Arthur G. Miller dates Structure 12 to what he terms the Terminal Classic/Early
Postclassic (A.D. 770-1200). He states that he sees "no perceptible change in the murals
and architecture of the region during this time."
Near Structure 12, a little farther from the highway, are several overgrown mounds,
and some have a few remains of standing architecture.
Across the highway from Structure 12 and about 150 feet from it is Structure 44. This
building faces west and has two long rooms, one behind the other. The rear room has
only part of its back wall standing, but the medial and front walls of the structure are
better preserved. Three doorways enter the front room, two of which are intact, and
the vault in this area is in place. There are a few remains of a simple three-member
cornice molding between the doorways and of inset panels immediately above the
The most interesting features at Structure 44 are remains of paintings on the west side
of the medial wall. They are on either side of the center doorway. On the upper right
(as you face the doorway) is a depiction of God E, the corn god, with a cleft head, and
below is God C. On the left side of the doorway is another figure that is more difficult
to discern, a running or dancing human who wears an iguana- or alligator-head
costume that streams behind him. All three figures are Middle Postclassic style (A.D.
Page 329
1400), according to Miller. He believes that the paintings date to the middle part of the
period (ca. 1350).
Structure 44 has been consolidated and rests on a low platform that also supports the
totally destroyed Structure 45 (to the south) and the lower remains of the small
shrinelike Structure 43 (to the west). The platform itself (Structure 42) was built over
several times, and burials from earlier periods were found. The earliest layer of the
platform, built upon bedrock, dates to the Late Preclassic period, and burials from the
Early Classic (the earliest found) were encountered in the next level.
Other structures at Tancah were erected during the Late Post-classic period, and in
Early Colonial times a Spanish chapel was built.

Mural in Structure 44 depicting God E, the corn god

(top), and God C (bottom), Tancah. Probably Late
Postclassic period.
Recent History
On their way to Tulum in 1842, John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood
stopped at the ranch of Tancah and were led to the remains of ancient buildings in a
milpa. Stephens described the structures there as "all small and delapidated." Juan
José Gálvez, credited with the modern discovery of Tulum, also visited Tancah
somewhat before Stephens, but attention was first brought to both sites by the latter in
In 1924 Samuel K. Lothrop reported on Tulum and other east coast sites, including
Tancah, as did William T. Sanders in 1955. Miller's analysis of the mural painting and
architecture at Tancah was published in 1982.
Cancún City to Tancah: 77.4 miles by paved road (1:38).
Getting There
Head south on Highway 307 to Tancah (unmarked). It is 6.0 miles south of the cutoff
for the ruins of Xelha (west side of the highway) and 2.4 miles north of the cutoff for
the ruins of Tulum.
You can park on the east side of the road near Structure 12. Reaching Structure 44 can
be a bit iffy. Sometimes a trail to the structure is open; most often the trail is
overgrown and you will not be able to get there without a guide and machete. Try to
find a guide at Tulum who knows the way.
Allow 10 minutes to see Structure 12 and another 30 minutes for Structure 44, plus the
time to have your guide cut a trail to it. There is no food or drink at Tancah.
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(too-loom; derivation: Maya for "wall" or "fortification"by extension, "fortress")
Original Name:
Zamá (Tzamá), Maya for "City
of the Dawn."
Northeastern Quintana Roo.
Map: 6 (p. 302)

The Site
One of the most impressive features of Tulum is its exquisite setting. It is perched on a
cliff above the turquoise waters of the Caribbean and is surrounded on three sides be
a wall.
It was long thought that the wall was a defensive feature, and perhaps it was, though
E. Wyllys Andrews IV makes the point that the construction may have been more
symbolic than tactically defensive. The wall has five entrances, one of which is used
today as access to the site, and it encloses about 16 acres. It averages 18 feet thick and
9 to 15 feet high. Michael D. Coe suggests that no more than 500 to 600 people lived
within the enclosure, but Tulum is thought to have been an important trading center.
The wall dates to A.D. 1200-1450, and the structures are all Postclassic in date. In some
cases visible structures cover earlier ones, but even those are of late date. For
example, there is an earlier temple beneath E1 Castillo, the tallest and apparently the
most important structure at the site.
One puzzling factor at Tulum was the discovery of Stela 1, dated to A.D. 564, since
moved to the British Museum by Thomas Gann. This date is several hundred years
earlier than the structures at the site, and that much earlier than the ceramic evidence
would indicate. It was long postulated that the stela was moved to Tulum from some
other site. Andrews feels that it is almost certain that it came from the nearby site of of
Tancah, whose history goes back to the Classic period. Arthur G. Miller believes that
the stela probably came from Tancah but maintains that Cobá should also be
considered a strong possibility.
Another notable feature at Tulum is the mural paintings, especially in the Temple of
the Frescoes (Structure 16). There are striking similarities with the Mixtec codices
from the Mexican highlands (Santa Rita in Belize had similar murals), but the themes
are clearly Maya. The style has been called the Late Postclassic International Style by
Donald Robertson. The Tulum murals are quite different from the Classic Maya
murals at Bonampak and Chacmultán, and from the Early Postclassic paintings at
Chichén Itzá.
Miller, who studied the murals in the Tancah-Tulum region, says that the murals in
Structure 16 (and in the small Temple of the Descending God, Structure 5) are the
"finest example of mural painting in the region and stylistically unrelated to the earlier
paintings." He dates the murals in both structures to after A.D. 1400.
The Late Postclassic style of architecture found at Tulum and most other east coast
sites is quite different from earlier Classic traditions. There was a pronounced
degradation in the building arts in the Postclassic period. Ceremonial centers were less
extensive in area, and individual structures were smaller. Some truly miniature
temples just a few feet high are found at Tulum, Xelha, and other east coast sites.
Stone cutting was poorly developed, and thick coats of stucco were relied upon to
cover rough masonry. "The vault, so long a standard form of roofing, was largely
replaced by the beam-and-masonry roof," according to H. E. D. Pollock. Stucco was
extensively used for decorative elements.
Since almost everything of interest is enclosed within the wall, and since the site is
rather small and well cleared, no special
Page 331
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El Castillo (Structure 1) at center, and the Temple of the Descending God (Structure 5)
at left, from the northwest, Tulum. Late Postclassic period.
sequence is recommended in visiting it. Just roam around and enjoy. Below is a
description of the most important structures at Tulum.
E1 Castillo (Structure 1) is a temple with two rooms (one behind the other) and two
serpent columns at the entrance, forming three doorways. The columns are similar to
those used at Chichén Itzá. There are three niches above the doorways, and the center
one houses a depiction of the descending god. The temple is approached on the west
by a stairway bordered by alfardas. There are rooms on two levels flanking the
stairway. The lower-level rooms are small, one-room oratories; the second-level
rooms are larger and have columns on the west side. The roofs of the second-level
rooms are gone.
The Temple of the Descending God has an interesting outward batter to the walls, a
niche above the single doorway with a depiction of the descending god, and remains
of mural paintings on the inside. The descending god, also called the diving god, may
be in reality a bee god. This deity is found on several structures at Tulum and other
east coast sites, as well as at Cobol in the interior, about 25 miles northwest of Tulum.
(See "Cobá" for more on this deity.) Sayil, far across the Yucatán Peninsula, has a
representation of this god that dates to the Terminal Classic perioda few hundred years
before the Tulum depiction. The figure is part human but has winglike attachments.
The Temple of the Frescoes is two stories and has four columns, forming five
doorways, in the lower level of the front (west) facade. The doorways lead to a
corridor that surrounds an inner chamber on three sides, and the walls of the inner
chamber have remains of mural paintings. The upper story is a single room with one
doorway. Above the doorways (of both levels and the inner
Page 333

Temple of the Descending God (Structure 5), from the southwest, Tulum. Late
Postclassic period.
chamber) are niches with remains of sculptures; seated figures and the diving god are
represented. There are also two interesting masks on the western corners of the first
story. The structure was built in a couple of stages.
The doorways in the lower story of the Temple of the Frescoes and the one in the
Temple of the Descending God are blocked by poles, but you can get photographs of
the murals through the openings. You are not allowed to use flash. The badly eroded
Stela 2 has been reerected on a small platform in front of the Temple of the Frescoes.
Other buildings of interest are Structure 25, noted for its excellent depiction of the
diving god in a niche above the central doorway of the inner chamber, and Structure
21, with X-shaped crossbars in its small exterior windows.
The many other structures inside the wall, including the watchtowers on the wall, are
also worth visiting. Tulum is a most photogenic site, and no special photographic
problems are encountered. Since most of the interesting structures face west, the
afternoon is the best time for photography.
There are two other well-preserved structures at Tulum, located outside the wall along
the coast, north of the main part of the site. They perhaps are older than most of the
structures in the main part of Tulum, though some authorities believe they were
constructed during the Late Postclassic period along with most of the rest of the site.
Reaching them entails a rather rough walk over limestone outcrops and loose boulders
and through spots with thick vegetation.
Closest to the wall is Structure 57, a one-room shrine. Its walls and roof are intact,
and its single doorway faces inland. From the top of the building you can get some
nice overall views of the main part of the site. This structure is approximately 0.3 mile
from the north wall.
Page 334

Temple of the Frescoes (Structure 16), with Stela 2 in front, from the northwest, Tulum.
Late Postclassic period.
Another 0.3 mile farther north is Structure 59, which is more interesting. It is a one-
room building with remains of a roof comb, the only one reported from Tulum. The
roof comb is made of slablike stones placed at an angle, which leaves triangular-
shaped openings. Parts of two levels of the roof comb remain in place and rise from
the center of the roof. It is thought that perhaps a third level existed at one time.
Recent History
In 1518 an expedition led by Juan de Grijalva sailed along part of the east coast of the
Yucatán Peninsula and spotted a town that was likened to Seville. Many authorities
believe this was Zamá (Tzamá), reported in the Spanish chronicles of the sixteenth
century, which we know today as Tulum. Miller believes that Zamá was more likely
Tancah, 2.5 miles north, because of details in the documents. In any case it seems that
Zamá, mentioned in the early Spanish records, was in the Tulum-Tancah area.
There is little to note about Tulum until the nineteenth century, when credit for its
discovery is said to go to one Juan José Gálvez. As with many other ruined cities,
Tulum was first made known to the world at large by John Lloyd Stephens and
Frederick Catherwood. The account of their visit and illustrations of the structures
were published in 1843, and they were the first to clear and explore the site.
Stephens reported a fragmented stela (Stela 1), and in 1910 George P. Howe
deciphered the date and buried the fragments for protection. Sylvanus G. Morley was
unable to find the fragments on his first visit to Tulum in 1913 but later learned their
location from Howe. In 1916 Morley returned to
Page 335

Detail of the murals on the interior of the Temple of the Frescoes (Structure 16), Tulum.
Late Postclassic period.
Tulum, found the fragments, and confirmed Howe's interpretation of the date. Morley
and his personnel also cleared and photographed the site, traced some of the murals,
and gathered information for a map. The Carnegie Institution of Washington under-
wrote these trips and continued to support work at Tulum for the next few years.
Samuel K. Lothrop reported the data from the later expeditions in 1924.
In 1938 and the following years, Miguel Angel Fernáindez studied the site, restored
some of the murals, and consolidated some of the buildings. In 1955 William T.
Sanders, working for the Carnegie Institution, reported on a reconnaissance of
northern Quintana Roo, and in 1960 he presented his study of the ceramics of the
area, including Tulum. Miller's work on the mural painting in the Tancah-Tulum
region appeared in 1982.
Before the opening of Highway 307 in 1972, Tulum was almost inaccessible to
visitors; by 1989, because of the development of Cancún, it had become the most
visited Maya site.
Cancún City to Tulum: 80.4 miles by paved road (1:43).
Getting There
Head south on Highway 307 to the cutoff for Tulum (79.8 miles), which is marked
with a sign. Turn left and go on to the site. You can reach Tulum by private car or taxi
or on conducted tours from Cancún, and a bus can drop you off there.
Guides are available at Tulum. While
Page 336

Detail of the mask at the southwest corner of the Temple of the Frescoes (Structure 16), Tulum. Late
Postclassic period.
you do not need one to get around the main part of the site, you must have one to get
to the structures north of the wall. Ask at the ticket office and wear boots and a sun
hat if you plan to attempt this trek.
Allow 2 hours to see the structures within the wall and another hour to walk to and
see the buildings outside the wall. There are small restaurants and stands selling cold
drinks at the site.
Page 337

Temple with the roof comb (Structure 59), outside the wall,
from the southeast, Tulum. Probably Late Post-classic period.

(moo-yeel; derivation: Maya for ''Place of Rabbits")
Northeastern Quintana Roo.
Map: 6 (p. 302)

The Site
Muyil is sometimes called Chunyaxché, a Maya compound meaning "Trunk of the
Green Tree (Ceiba)." Although the names are sometimes used interchangeably, the
preferred name today for the archaeological site is Muyil, while Chunyaxché properly
refers to the settlement nearby. Muyil is one of the largest sites on the east coast of
Quintana Roo and is located at the northern end of the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve.
The site has an internal sacbé system; according to Walter R. T. Witschey and Elia del
Carmen Trejo Alvarado of the Proyecto Chunyaxché, Muyil was occupied from
around A.D. 1 through 1550.
As you enter the site, you come first to the Entrance Plaza Group. This is near the
highway, and the dirt trail to the site passes right by it. This area consists of many
structures, six of which are accessible to the visitor (to the right of the path). There are
tall pyramidal mounds around a plaza, and though the mounds are mostly rubble,
some facing stones and remains of a stairway can be seen.
The mounds date to the Classic period, and in this group three or four construction
phases are evident. There is also a one-story building (Structure 6) at ground level that
has remains of standing architecture, in-
Page 338
cluding two doorway columns. This structure is Postclassic. The earliest ceramics at
Muyil date to the Late Preclassic period and were found near this plaza, but there are
no known architectural remains from this period. Witschey believes that the earliest
settlement at Muyil was in the area of the Entrance Plaza Group.
From the plaza, walk along the path to the small ticket office and continue to the east
to the Castillo. This is a pyramidal base with remains of a temple on top; it reaches a
height of 52 feet and is the tallest structure at Muyil or any of the east coast sites. The
temple faces west and has remains of three narrow doorways and a unique round
turretlike construction. On the lower west side of the pyramidal base are remains of an
inset stairway with alfardas on each side. The base of the Castillo originally rose in
terraces that have since collapsed; it was constructed during the Terminal Classic
period. There are remains of a narrow stairway near the top of the base that may have
been a later addition. The temple itself may be Postclassic, but this is uncertain.
Climbing the pyramid is prohibited, as the structure is fragile (especially since the
rains of Hurricane Gilbert in 1988, which caused part of the structure to collapse).
The Castillo is connected to other structures by sacbeob going east and west, and
Sacbé 1, heading east, has been cleared. The system of sacbeob runs for 0.3 mile, and
they apparently were constructed at different times (from the Classic to the Postclassic
periods) because their construction technologies are quite different.
From the Castillo, a trail leads in a northerly direction for a couple of hundred yards
to Temple 8, one of the best-preserved structures at Muyil. It has been cleared and
consolidated and consists of a pyramidal base, or platform, rising in terraces, with a
temple on top. The temple (approached by a stairway on the north side of the base)
has two pillars in the main doorway and corbeled vaults inside. The front part of the
roof of the temple has collapsed, but its back is mostly intact and has a simple medial
molding. An inner shrine enclosed on three sides by the outer room is reached
through a low doorway with an inset panel above it. The temple is Postclassic and
typical East Coast style.
Within the base of the structure is another temple (not open to visitors), possibly of
Late Classic date, that is similar in size to the upper temple. Below this is a natural
cave about one acre in size. Traces of geometric frescoes remain on both upper and
lower structures.
The area around Temple 8 is enclosed by a wall forming a ceremonial precinct, and
large residential mounds were found to the north, east, and west.
During the Classic period Muyil was influenced by sites in the Petén, and this is seen
most notably in the architecutre of the lower part of the Castillo. Muyil also had
connections with the major site of Cobá, 27 miles to the northwest, and was a link in a
trade route that went around the Yucatán Peninsula from the coast of Campeche to the
Gulf of Honduras.
In the Postclassic period there is ceramic evidence of contact between Muyil and
Chichén Itzá. It was during this period that most of the ceremonial architecture at
Muyil was built, and the time when the site had its greatest population.
Recent History
In 1679, in the Relación de Tzamá (a questionnaire about the Tulum area filled out for
the king of Spain), a river named Muyil is mentioned, although the site itself is not.
The river referred to is actually the channel or canal between the site and the sea.
The archaeological discovery of Muyil is credited to the Mason-Spinden Expedition of
1926, and the site was reported by Gregory Mason in that and subsequent years.
Mason and Herbert J. Spinden named the site.
Michel Peissel visited Muyil in 1958 on this walk down the Quintana Roo coast and
returned for a longer stay in 1961 to explore the site further. In 1963 he published the
first map of Muyil in The Lost World of Quintana Roo.
The site was mapped by Witschey and Trejo Alvarado during 1987, 1988, and 1989,
and ceramic studies were undertaken
Page 339

The Castillo, west side, Muyil. The base dates to the Terminal Classic period; the temple
on top may be of Postclassic date.
Page 340

Temple 8, north side, Muyil. Post-classic period.

as part of the Proyecto Chunyaxché. The work was sponsored by the Middle
American Research Institute of Tulane University and the Quintana Roo Regional
Center of INAH. In 1988 two new sacbeob were discovered, remains of additional
residential architecture were recorded, and three new sites in the area were visited.
During the 1990 field season Temple 8 was cleared and consolidated, and the natural
cave below it was explored. A survey transect, three quarters of a mile long, was cut
going west from the Castillo, and extensive field walls and house mounds were found.
Muyil is connected to the Caribbean Sea by a series of lagoons, a canal, and a natural
waterway, but so far no port facilities have been located at the site. Work at Muyil is
expected to continue.
Cancún City to Muyil: 95.8 miles by paved road (2:01).
Getting There
Head south on Highway 307 to the cutoff for Muyil (marked with a sign saying
Chunyaxché). The cutoff is 16.0 miles (:20) south of the cutoff for the Tulum ruins.
Turn left at the junction and park. From here you are in sight of the Entrance Plaza
You can reach Muyil in your own vehicle, by taxi from Tulum Pueblo or Tulum ruins,
or by bus. There is no food or drink at the site, but 2 miles north there is a restaurant
on the highway, at the junction for the village of Pino Suárez. Allow 1¼ hours to visit
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Section 6, Part 2
Northern Quintana Roo (Cozumel)
Page 342

West facade of Structure 1, Caracol. Late Postclassic period.

Page 343

General Information for Section 6, Part 2

Point of Reference:
San Miguel de Cozumel,
Quintana Roo.
Maps: 6 and 6B

Mileages given to the sites in this section are from the Main Plaza in San Miguel de
San Miguel de Cozumel is the only town on the island, but all amenities can be found
there. Most of the larger deluxe hotels are north of town, a few are to the south, and
all are on the west coast of the island. There are more-modest facilities in the town
There are plenty of restaurants to choose from, and they serve a variety of foods,
though seafood is prominent. Las Palmeras, on the malecón across from the
passenger ferry dock, is an old favorite. Their ceviche de caracol is one of the best.
This speciality of northern Quintana Roo is sea conch, marinated in lime juice, and
served cold with tomatoes, onions, and chili peppers, accompanied by crackers.
Another restaurant, often overlooked by visitors but popular locally, is Santiago's. The
food is excellent, and the management is accommodating. It is on the comer of
Avenida 15 Sur and Calle Dr. Adolfo Rosada Salas, four blocks from the plaza.
You can fly to Cozumel from Playa del Carmen, Caneún, or Mérida, and from some
cities in the United States. You can also reach the island by ferry from two points on
the mainland. See "General Information for Section 6, Part 1" for details.
Large cruise ships frequently stop at Cozumel, and their passengers are ferried to town
for the day. At these times the area becomes quite crowded.
There are car rental agencies in town and through a couple of the large hotels.
Motorscooters (Motos) are also available, but this mode of transportation is not
recommended unless you are familiar with operating them beforehand. It is all too
common to see a tourist on crutches and with bandaged legs who has taken a spill
from a Moto.
Avenida Benito Juárez is the main dividing street running east-west in San Miguel de
Cozumel; when it leaves town, it becomes the Transverse Highway heading to the east
coast. On corners where there are no stop-lights, streets running north-south
(paralleling the coast) have the right of way over those running east-west (going
Bus service is confined to the town, but taxis can be hired for a tour of the island
outlying points of interest. Make price arrangements ahead. Some can be hired by the
day. There are conducted tours to the ruins of San Gervasio through travel agencies in
town and some of the hotels.
Cozumel is an important center for scuba diving, partly because of the proximity of
Palancar Reef off the southwest comer of the island. There are many dive shops in
town, and instructions are available from some, as are trips to various diving sites.
In the best tropical fashion, Cozumel (except for restaurants) adheres to a siesta at
midday, from 1:00 P.M . until 5:00 P.M .
There is a multitude of shops in town selling a wide array of items, including designer
sportswear, gold, silver, black coral and shell jewelry, leather goods, onyx, and
handicrafts from all over Mexicoand the ubiquitous T-shirts. There are even stuffed
frogs playing guitars.
Of special appeal to those interested in archaeology are the off-set lithographs of Maya
temples by Gordon M. Gilchrist. These are high-quality, limited-edition prints,
produced from Gilchrist's original drawings and paintings. They are printed on fine
paper and come with a certificate of authentication. His renditions of the "Temple of
Ix Chef" at San Gervasio and of "Caracol" are superb.
His wife, Jennifer, also an artist, produces stunning serigraphs with Maya motifs.
Their work is available at Studio One, Avenida 25 Sur, no. 981. Gordon Gilchrist's
prints are also available at two Shops on the malecón: Cinco Soles (4 blocks north of
Page 344
Main Plaza on the corner of Calle 8 Norte) and Mi Casa Es Tu Casa (3½ blocks south
of the Main Plaza).
OTHER STOPOVERS: The only other possible stopover on Cozumel, outside of the
town and the main hotel area, is an extremely modest motel at Punta Morena that has
spartan accommodations. It is on the east coast of the island, 1.6 miles south of the
Transverse Highway, and there is also a restaurant. This is perhaps best used as a good
place to enjoy a cold beer while watching the sea on the rocky, windward side of the
island, in complete tranquility.
GAS STATION: The only gas station on Cozumel is in town at the corner of Avenida
Benito Juárez and Avertida 30. There is also a good icehouse on Benito Juárez, one
block east of the gas station.
GUIDES: A guide is not necessary to reach any of the sites covered on Cozumel.
Museum of the Island of Cozumel (Cozumel Museum, San Miguel De Cozumel)

Carved doorway column from Miramar (Cozumel),

on display in the Cozumel Museum. Late
Postclassic period.
The Cozumel Museum was opened in 1987 in a lovely building on the malecón, 2½
blocks north of the Main Plaza, in the town of San Miguel de Cozumel. There are four
salas (exhibition halls) on two floors, as well as a restoration facility, workshop area,
and library. The museum is open Sunday through Friday from 10:00 A.M . to 6:00 P.M .
(and until 7:00 P.M . in the summer) and Saturday from 1:00 to 6:00 P.M . Photography is
permitted, but flash is not.
Sala I, on the first floor, deals with the geology and environment of Cozumel, and
there is a large diorama. Sala II also has a diorama, and coral formations are covered
in detail. Diagrams are presented in Spanish and English.
Sala III (second floor) houses the archaeological specimens. There is a doorway
column carved with a figure of Ix Chel (the goddess of the moon, women, and
childbirth) giving birth. The column comes from Miramar, a
Page 345
site in the hotel area north of town that is now destroyed. Cozumel was a place of
pilgrimage for Ix Chel. Also in Sala III are several tenoned serpent heads, a beautiful
small jade Olmec head, and a delightful model of Caracol, a shrine on the south tip of
the island. Other displays include ceramic specimens and carved stone panels and
columns (mostly fairly eroded).
Also the second floor is Sala IV, which deals with the recent history of Cozumel.
Displays include photographs and machinery.
The museum is well designed and arranged. Lighting is adequate for viewing the
collection but poor for photography. Fast film and a fast lens will help.
On the outside of the museum are some carved but eroded stone monuments that are
easier to photograph. Allow an hour to view the collection.
San Gervasio
(sahn hehr-vahs-eeoh; derivation: Spanish for "Saint Gervase")
North-central part of the Island
of Cozumel, Quintana Roo.
Maps: 6 (p. 302) and 6B (p. 310)

The Site
San Gervasio is the largest site on Cozumel and is now the most visited one as well.
Until the 1980s the site was inaccessible to visitors. It is clearly the most interesting
ruin on the island and is a very good two-star site. There are seven numbered groups
at the site, but only the area around Groups I, II, and III has been cleared. Some of the
architecture in this area has been consolidated.
The trails used today follow the paths of ancient Maya sacbeob, of which there are
four in this area. The vegetation around the trails and structures has been thinned, so
you can generally see from one area to the next. Happily, many small trees were left to
provide shade, and this gives the site an informal, parklike ambience.
As you enter the site, you come first to Group III, where there are three structures of
interest; two of these border the west and north sides of a plaza. On the west side,
facing east, is Structure 27-a, with a stairway on the east side. According to David A.
Gregory, who was part of the team that surveyed the site, "Structure 27-a is a modified
talud-tableto type of platform, with two C-shaped benches on top." A burial vault,
reportedly looted in modern times, is found in the southern bench.
Structure 25-a is on the north side of the plaza and faces south. It is the most complex
masonary structure at San Gervasio, with an inner shrine that has remains of paintings
and red handprints. The shrine is enclosed by a larger structure that has two columns
in the doorway. In front of this is an open area with side walls and four piers on the
south that formed the main entrance to Structure 25-a.
Just in front of the doorway to the inner shrine, a large tomb was discovered that had
been looted in ancient times. It was originally covered with a huge capstone. Another
interesting discovery made during excavation was a stone carving of a sea turtle with a
piece of jade embedded in a hole in its back. This was found in the rubble that filled
the inner shrine.
A short distance to the east of Structure 25-a, and visible from it, is a small oratory
with an inner shrine (Structure 24-a). A large stone lintel spans the doorway to the
shrine, and there are two columns at the main entrance of the structure. The whole sits
on a low platform, and the structure faces west. Along the trail back to structure 25-a,
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Structure 31, a stepped portal vault, San Gervasio. Late Postclassic

you will see (on the right) the opening to a chultun that is just to the east of the
From Structure 25-a head west on a sacbé, then right on a connecting one, to reach
Group II. This group is an elite residential unit, and three of its structures share the
same low platform. There are remains of low walls and standing columns in this area.
From the northwest edge of this group you can see Structure 31 to the west, and you
can walk directly there without returning to the sacbé you took to get to Group II.
Structure 31 is a portal vault that straddles a sacbé that heads northeast toward the east
coast of Cozumel. Part of the vault is intact, and it is stepped from the spring line to
the capstone. The plaster surface of the sacbé is partly intact in the area under the
From the vault, follow the sacbé to the northeast until you reach another structure
sitting in the middle of the sacbé. (You cannot see the structure from the vault.) This
is one of the gems of San Gervasio and is called Nonah, the Temple of Ix Chel, or
Structure 32-a. The structure sits on a round platform with access stairs on the east
and west sides that lead to east and west doorways of this small but charming
building. Structure 32-a is believed to have been a shrine, and it has direct access from
the sacbé in either direction. The structure has been nicely consolidated, and there are
remnants of paint on it. Sitting in its small clearing with tropical vegetation around it,
the building is most photogenic.
Return along the sacbé the way you came, go through the portal vault, and continue a
bit farther to Group I. This group is made up of several buildings surrounding a plaza,
and another structure in the center of it. As you reach the entrance, the sacbé you are
on joins another at Structure 7-a, on the northeast corner of the group. Structure 7-a
has eight round columns standing on a platform, and there are a few remains of lower
Structure 8, on the north side of the plaza, is a long low platform, originally plastered,
but with no evidence of a permanent structure on top.
On the northwest corner of the plaza is Structure 4-a, a two-room vaulted building
with its medial wall and parts of its side walls intact. It is approached by a stairway on
the east. Structure 4-b lies to the south of Structure 4-a, and they share a common
platform. Structure 4-b was also vaulted, and there are remains of painting on the
Page 347

Nonah (Structure 32-a), San Gervasio. Late Postclassic period.

wall. It likewise is approached by a stairway on the east.
To the south of Structure 4-b is Structure 5-a, an L-shaped building that borders the
southwest corner of the plaza. There are many columns here, standing atop a platform
that has a stairway on the east side. On the south side of the plaza, between Structures
5-a and 6-a, is another sacbé that heads south.
There is little remaining of Structure 6-a, which rests on a lower extension of the
platform that supports Structures 6-b and 6-c. During excavations, however, a mass
burial with more than 50 individuals was discovered directly in front of the structure.
The tomb was crudely constructed and ''seemed simply to have been dug into the
support platform and hastily filled in with large rubble without being plastered over,"
according to Gregory. He further says that the presence of several Spanish beads
found in the grave has as one possible explanation that the mass burial was due to the
smallpox epidemic that struck Cozumel in 1542.
Of Structure 6-b only some lower walls and columns remain, plus a stairway leading
east to the top of the platform. A little more of Structure 6-c is intact. The medial wall
is standing in part, as are two columns that formed the main entrance to the structure.
There is a stairway on the west side of the platform; adjacent to the south is a niche in
the platform that probably once held an idol or incensario.
Now head to the center of the plaza for a look at Structure 10, a small platform
encasing an earlier structure with a stairway on the east. From here you leave the plaza
and head east on the sacbé that enters Group I; follow it straight ahead to Group III.
From there turn right to exit the site.
All of the structures described above date to the Late Postclassic period, though earlier
remains are found in other parts of San Gervasio. Group IV dates to the Early
Postclassic period, as does one of the structures in Group VI. Group VI also produced
the earliest ceramics from San Gervasio, possibly dating to the Late Preclassic period.
Of major interest in Group VI was the discovery of an Olmec jade pendant found in a
burial crypt, along with several Early Classic bowls and jade and shell beads.
Recent History
It is not certain who published the first report on San Gervasio. It may have been
Channing Arnold and Frederick J. T. Frost
Page 348
in 1909, who described a site that may have been what we know today as San
Gervasio. An informal account by Prince William of Sweden in 1922 included a site
on the interior of Cozumel that may have been San Gervasio.
The first definite report of San Gervasio seems to be that of Alberto Escalona Ramos
in 1946. He surveyed numerous sites on the east coast of Quintana Roo and on
Cozumel, including Nonah and San Gervasio. In 1955 William T. Sanders reported on
San Gervasio among many other sites.
In 1975 a preliminary report of the 1972-1973 season at Cozumel was published by the
Peabody Museum of Harvard University. This was part of the Cozumel Project, which
included the participation of staff from the University of Arizona and other
universities. Editors for the report were Jeremy A. Sabloff and William L. Rathje.
Included in it is a description of San Gervasio by Gregory and two maps of the site.
This is a major source of information on San Gervasio.
The Southeast Regional Center of INAH carried out a program of surveying,
excavation, and consolidation between 1980 and 1982.
Also in the early 1980s a direct road to San Gervasio from the Transverse Highway
was built, and in the late 1980s it was improved, making access easier.
San Miguel de Cozumel to San Gervasio: 5.2 miles by paved road (:09), then 4.2 miles
by fair, surfaced road (:15).
Getting There
From San Miguel de Cozumel head southeast on the Transverse Highway to a little
past Kilometer 8, to the junction for San Gervasio (marked with a sign). Turn left and
follow the road to the site.
Bilingual guides are available at the entrance to the site. If you wish to tour the site on
your own, you can buy a site plan for San Gervasio in town ahead of time.
You can reach the site in your own vehicle, on conducted tours, or by taxi from town.
Cold drinks are available near the ticket office at the entrance to the site.
If you want to try to visit any of the outlying groups, make arrangements with a guide
at the entrance. They may know how to get there.
Allow 1 hour to see Groups I, II, and III.
Note: There is an extra charge to bring a video camera into the site.
El Cedral
(ehl seh-drahl; derivation: Spanish for "Cedar Grove")
Southwestern part of the Island
of Cozumel, Quintana Roo.
Maps: 6 (p. 302) and 6B (p.

The Site
E1 Cedral is reported to be a dispersed site with three plaza groups, a number of
structures, and the remains of two vaults, similar to the portal vaults at Kabáh and
Uxmal. Unhappily, because of stone robbing, only one structure is of interest for the
visitor today. This is Structure Ia, which has two rooms, one behind the other, with
vaults that are mostly intact. Little of the exterior fac-
Page 349

Structure la, northwest side, El Cedral. Terminal Classic or Early

Postclassic period.
ing stone remains, but because of the work of Miguel Angel Fernandez published in
1945, we know that originally there were three-member medial and cornice moldings.
A resoration drawing of the structure by Daniel Schavelzon shows the moldings.
Roots of a tree have partly encapsulated the structure and penetrated the inside of the
rear room.
Structure Ia dates to the Terminal Classic or Early Postclassic period and was used as a
jail for the town of E1 Cedral for many years beginning in 1935. For this reason it is
called the Cárcel locally. The single doorway of the structure faces northwest and was
altered in modern times and framed with wood. Structure Ia rests on a platform about
three feet high and was once connected by a sacbé to another building.
Behind Structure Ia to the east are the destroyed remains of Structure II.
Recent History
The first detailed report on E1 Cedral was that published by William H. Holmes in
1895-1897, followed many years later by the work of Fernández. Both included
drawings of the best-preserved portal vault. E1 Cedral is mentioned by Jeremy A.
Sabloff and William L. Rathje in 1975, and by David Freidel and Sabloff in 1984.
Schavelzon's description, photographs, plan, and elevation of Structure Ia appeared in
San Miguel de Cozumel to E1 Cedral: 12.8 miles by paved road (:28).
Getting There
Head south from San Miguel de Cozumel to a little past Kilometer 17 and the cutoff
for E1 Cedral (marked with a sign). Turn left and follow the road to the village of E1
Cedral. Structure Ia is next to a modern church of similar size, and both face a
sheltered plaza area in the center of town. Some of the village children will offer to
show you around.
Allow 15 minutes for a visit. Cold drinks are available in the village.
Page 350

(Tumba Dr Cara Col)
(toom-bah deh kah-rah-kohl; derivation: Spanish for "snail" (sea conch) and
"Tumba de," Spanish for "Tomb of'')
Southern tip of the Island of
Cozumel, Quintana Roo.
Maps: 6 (p. 302) and 6B (p. 310)

The Site
The small Structure 1 at Caracol is an absolute gem; its diminutive size actually adds to
its charm. It is easy to reach, very photogenic, and even though it is rated only one
star, it is highly recommended to all visitors.
The structure was built in two phases, though both were during the Late Postclassic
period. Structure 1 sits on a low platform and faces west, so the afternoon is the best
time to photograph it. The single doorway and the central part of the west facade are
part of the first construction stage. Later, a larger but similar structure was built,
encasing the earlier one on the north, east, and south sides and forming a sort of
gallery around it. The junction of these two stages is quite apparent on the west side.
The earlier structure has a simple medial molding and a two-member cornice molding.
The newer addition has a three-member cornice molding.
There are doorways on all four sides, and those on the north and south are off-center
in the outer structure, but they align with the north and south doorways of the inner
structure. A stepped vault forms the ceiling of the inner structure, and a half vault was
used in the ceiling of the addition.
On the roof, above the inner structure, there is a rectangular base that also has
openings on all four sides, and this supports a hollow dome, or cupola, in the form of
a sea conch shell. The top of the cupola is missing, but the lower part is intact and is
embedded with rows of real conch shells. It is reported that the shells sound in the
wind, and it may be that the structure was related to a cult to the wind or to the Maya
god Kukulcán, who is a wind god in one of his aspects. It is these shellsand perhaps
the shape of the cupola that give the structure its name.
There are remains of red paint above the opening of the base of the cupola on the
west side and above the doorway to the structure on the east side.
A few feet to the northeast of Structure 1 are the remains of Structure 2, a small, one-
room building. All that is left are some of the lower parts of walls.
Recent History
Caracol was discovered by archaeologist Miguel Ángel Fernández, who was one of a
number of Mexican scholars participating in the Expedición Científica Mexicana in
1937. He reported the site in 1945 under the name Islote Celaráin. At the time of his
visit the entire cupola of Structure 1 was intact.
William T. Sanders conducted ceramic studies in Quintana Roo, and they included
Caracol, which he called Punta Islote. He reported his findings in 1955.
The site was given its current name by the directors of the Harvard University
Cozumel Project, Jeremy A. Sabloff and William L. Rathje, who published a
preliminary report of their fieldwork in 1975.
In 1979 Structure 1 was restored by the Southeast Regional Center of INAH, and in
1985 architect Daniel Schavelzon, of the University of Buenos Aires, published a
detailed report on the structure.
Page 351

Structure 1, west side, Caracol. Late Postclassic period.

San Miguel de Cozumel to Caracol: 18.0 miles by paved road (:37), then 1.7 miles by
fair sand road (:09).
Getting There
From San Miguel de Cozumel head south along the west coast of Cozumel and then
east to Kilometer 29. Take the sand road to the right to Caracol, which lies
immediately to the left of the road.
You can also get to the cutoff at Kilometer 29 by going around the other way (20.9
miles by paved road), in about the same time (:38). In this case, take the Transverse
Highway from San Miguel de Cozumel and head southeast to the east coast. Turn right
and follow the east coast to Kilometer 29, then take the sand road to the site.
Allow 20 minutes to see and photograph Caracol, and wear a sun hat. There is no
food or drink at the site.
Page 352

A Note on Four East Coast Temples (Cozumel)

Maps: 6 (p. 302) and 6B (p. 310)

There are four Maya temples adjacent to the dirt road that runs along the east coast of
Cozumel between the Transverse Highway and the Punta Molas lighthouse on the
north tip of the island. The temples are all fairly easy to spot. I am sure of the name of
only one of these, so they will simply be listed in the order that you reach them. All
the structures date to the Late Postclassic period.
From San Miguel de Cozumel, take the Transverse Highway (paved) toward the east
coast for 9.0 miles (:15). Near the end of this highway you will see a dirt cutoff on
your left. Distances given to the temples are from the junction of the Transverse
Highway and the dirt road. All four temples lie to the east of the road, between it and
the sea. Although other structures have been reported near the road, the four
described here are the only ones we were able to find.
The first part of the dirt road is actually fairly decent hard-packed sand. Then there is
a about a mile of very rough limestone outcrops. At this point you have reached
Temple 1. From there to Temple 2 is also pretty bad, but after that it is a bit smoother.
Allow 3½ hours from the time you leave the Transverse Highway until you return.
This will give you ample time to see all four temples and the lighthouse. A high-
clearance vehicle is needed for this trip. There is no food or drink available along the
dirt road.
Note: In 1988 Hurricane Gilbert hit Cozumel and washed out part of the dirt road
(between the Transverse Highway and E1 Real), and it was reported to be unrepaired
in 1991. Check locally before you attempt to take this road, and keep in mind that the
road conditions, distances, and times given below maybe somewhat different after the
road is repaired.
Temple 1
This is a one-room structure, with a single doorway facing the sea. The walls are
mostly intact, but the roof has collapsed into the interior of the temple. There is a
stone-lined opening in the ground in front of the temple that looked like a small
Temple 1 is 5.1 miles (:25) from the junction, and about 40 feet from the dirt road. It
is situated in a cleared area, and you can drive right to it.
Temple 2
Only the rear wall and part of one side wall of this structure remain standing. The rest
has collapsed toward the sea. It appears to have been a simple one-room structure.
Temple 2 lies about 50 feet from the dirt road, from which only the top part of the
structure is visible. It is 7.3 miles (:38) from the junction, and 2.2 miles (:13) from
Temple 1.
Page 353

El Real (Temple 3)
(ehl reh-ahl; derivation: Spanish for "the Royal" or "the Magnificent")
El Real, also called Castillo El Real, is the most interesting, best preserved, and largest
of the east coast temples. It has two rooms, one behind the other with an interior
connection, and a single exterior doorway facing the sea. Its roof has a stepped vault,
and there are a few remnants of paint on the inset lintel above the exterior doorway.
The temple sits on top of a platform with rounded corners on the east side, though the
middle part of the east side of the platform has fallen reportedly dynamited many
years ago.
The structure has a simple, rectangular medial molding, and the cornice molding has a
similar course, topped by a cornice of vertical stones. The building is intact except for
a large vertical crack above the exterior doorway and two holes in the rear wall, one
of which affords the best access to the interior of the building.
El Real lies about 100 feet from the dirt road and is harder to spot than the others
because of intervening vegetation. The stopping place is 10.6 miles (:54) from the
junction, and 3.3 miles (:16) from Temple 2. As the dirt road crosses a cattle guard,
look to the right to see El Real.

El Real (Temple 3), east side. Late Postclassic period.

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Temple 4
The front of this small structure is overgrown, but it appears that there was a single
doorway facing the sea and that the temple had only one room. The roof has
collapsed, but from the debris it appears to have been of beam-and-mortar
construction. Most of the walls are intact.
Temple 4 is about 30 feet from the dirt road, and its back is cleared and easily visible.
It is 12.2 miles (1:02) from the junction, and 1.6 miles (:08) from E1 Real.
About 2.5 miles (:08) past Temple 4 you come to the end of the road at the Punta
Molas lighthouse, which is rather photogenic.
Page 355

aguada: A clay-filled, low-lying area that collects water from rain and runoff. It is an
important water source in some areas.
alfardas: In architecture, raised, sloping side sections that border stairways;
apron molding: In architecture, a sloped facing that overhangs an inset, vertical
section; it is found on the bases of pyramidal structures. Prevalent in the Southern
Maya lowlands, it appears occasionally on the Yucatán Peninsula, where it generally
dates to the Early Classic period.
Atlantes (also Atlantean Figures and Telemones): Statues of men used as supporting
columns for roofs and altars. They are found at Chichén Itzá and are from the
Postclassic period.
caleta: A protected bay or cove; it is especially good for swimming.
Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcóatl: A Toltec priest-king and culture hero, the legendary
founder of Tula. He added the name of the deity Quetzalcóatl to his own name and
promoted its worship.
ceiba: A huge tree sacred to the ancient Mayas and found in the tropical rain forest.
cenote: A natural well, formed when the top surface of limestone collapses, exposing
the water below.
Chac (Chaac): The Maya rain god.
Chac mask(s): In architecture, the popular designation for stone mosaic masks with
curved or curled snouts, often covered with stucco. They are found in frontal view on
facades and on exterior angles on the corners of buildings, sometimes stacked one
above the other. Some authorities believe that some (or all) of these masks represent
not Chac but Itzamná or other deities.
Chac Mool: The statue of a figure in a recumbent pose, holding a receptacle on its
abdomen. It is found at Chichén Itzá and some east coast sites on the Yucatán
Peninsula, and at Tula and other sites in central Mexico.
champa: A thatched-roof shelter without walls that is supported by poles.
Chenes style: A Maya Late Classic architectural style found at such sites as Hochob
and Dzibilnocac and characterized by doorways surrounded by a single monster mask,
with the doorway serving as the mouth. Facades of multichambered structures are
often divided into three parts, and the center part either projects or recedes from the
rest of the facade. See also Río Bec style.
chiclero: A man who bleedes the zapote tree for its latex, which, when refined, forms
the base for chewing gum. The raw product is known as chicle.
chultun: An underground bottle-shaped storage area with a plastered surface, used
originally to store water or food.
Classic Puuc Colonnette style: A Maya architectural style characterized by three- or
four-member medial and cornice moldings and three-member base moldings, with
colonnettes in the middle (or one of the middle) parts. Upper wall zones are decorated
with columns, often banded, in continuous rows or in groups, separated by plain
stones. Lower walls are made of finely cut veneer stones and are often plain but may
include facade columns. Round columns with square capitals are found in some
doorways. Roof combs are rare. This style is dated to A.D. 770-830 by George F.
Andrews. See also Early Puuc style; Classic Puuc Mosaic style.
Classic Puuc Mosaic style: A Maya architectural style characterized by highly
decorative upper wall zones, with geometric designs and masks made of stone
mosaics. Columns are also used, some of which are banded. Base moldings are
generally in three parts, with colonnettes or other decoration in the middle part.
Medial and cor-
Page 356
nice moldings have three or more parts with various decorations in the middle (or
one of the middle) parts. Lower walls are made of finely cut veneer stones and are
often plain but may have inset columns or other decorations. Some doorways have
round columns with square capitals. Roof combs are rare. This style is dated to A.D.
830-1000 by George F. Andrews. See also Early Puuc style; Classic Puuc
Colonnette style.
codex (plural, codices): Painted books from pre-Columbian or, in some cases, early
post-Columbian dates. They are made of deerskin or bark paper and are folded like a
corbeled vault: The prevalent type of roofing used in Classic Maya structures. The
vault is built up from the tops of vertical walls, and each layer of stone or brick juts
past the one below. When the sides of the vault approach each other closely enough, a
capstone is added to bridge the remaining gap.
Early Puuc style: A Maya architectural style characterized by a simple rectangular
medial molding that often rises, or breaks, above the doorways. The base molding is
generally a single rectangular course. Roof combs rise above the front or middle wall
on some structures and are often perforated with vertical, rectangular slots and
decorated with stucco sculptures. This style is dated to A.D. 670-770 by George F.
Andrews. See also Classic Puuc Colonnette style; Classic Puuc Mosaic style.
East Coast style: A Maya Late Postclassic architectural style found on the east coast of
the Yucatán Peninsula, at some inland sites, and on the offshore islands. Tulum is the
principal site with architecture in this style, which is characterized by relatively small
to very small structures made of poorly cut stone, covered with thick coats of stucco.
Some structures are vaulted, but many have beam-and-mortar roofs. There is often a
recessed panel above the doorways, and the insides of some of the structures are
covered with paintings. Decorative exterior elements are often made of stucco, and
moldings are generally simple. Some structures have columns in the doorways and
niches above with sculpture in stucco.
ejido: A tract of land owned (and generally farmed) communally.
emblem glyph: A glyph (generally in three parts) whose main sign refers either to a
dynastic name or to a place name.
glyphs (also hieroglyphs): The form of ancient Maya writing, which includes both
pictographic and ideographic elements; some glyphs have phonetic value.
Goodman-Martínez-Thompson correlation (also GMT correlation): A correlation
between the Maya and Christian calendars proposed by Goodman, Martinez, and
Thompson. This correlation equates the Maya long-count date of to A.D.
1539. This correlation is generally, though not universally, accepted.
hieroglyphs: See glyphs.
huipil: A straight-sided slipover garment with embroidered neckline and hem, worn
by Maya women.
INAH: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (National Institute of
Anthropology and History), the Mexican government agency that is responsible for
the care of the ancient archaeological sites. It also sponsors excavations and publishes
reports as well as guides to the major sites.
incensario: A receptacle for burning incense that is generally made of clay and often
highly decorated.
Initial Series (also Long Count date): A method of recording dates in the Maya
calendar. It represents the total number of days that have elapsed from a mythical
starting point, calculated at 3114 B.C., according to the GMT correlation.
Introducing Glyph: A glyph found at the beginning of an Initial Series date, with a
variable element that is the name glyph of the deity who is the
Page 357
patron of the month on which the date ends.
Itzamná: The supreme Maya deity; the heavenly monster-god and creator-god.
Ix Chel: The Maya goddess of the moon, women, and childbirth.
Kinich-Ahau: The Yucatec name for the sun god; a manifestation of Itzamná.
Kinich-Kakmo: A manifestation of Kinich-Ahau.
Kukulcán: The Maya name for the central-Mexican deity Quetzalcóatl.
malecón: Literally a seawall or breakwater along the shore: by extension, the
designation for a roadway that follows the shore.
mano: See metate.
Maya blue: A durable blue pigment composed of a clay mineral (attapulgite) and blue
indigo dye. It was used by the ancient Mayas in painting murals and decorating
Mesoamerica: The areas of Mexico and Central America where high civilizations arose
in pre-Columbian times. It includes parts of western and eastern Mexico; all of central
and southern Mexico and the Yucatán Peninsula; all of Guatemala, Belize, and E1
Salvador; western Honduras; and part of the Pacific Coast areas of Nicaragua and
Costa Rica.
metate: A trough-shaped stone used for grinding foodstuffs, generally corn (maize),
and accompanied by a cylindrical hand stone (mano).
milpa: A plot of land cultivated by slash-and-burn agriculture, most often used for
growing corn (maize).
palace-type structures (also range-type structures): Multichambered structures built on
low platforms, rather than on tall pyramidal bases. They were probably mostly
residential or used for administrative purposes rather than for religious ceremonies.
Putun: A Chontal Maya group known as traders. They occupied eastern Tabasco and
southern Campeche.
Puuc style: A Maya architectural style named for the Puuc Hills of Yucatán. It is found
at Uxmal, Kabáh, Sayil, Labná, and numerous nearby sites. See also Early Puuc style;
Classic Puuc Colonnette style; Classic Puuc Mosaic style.
Quetzalcóatl: The major deity of central Mexico: the feathered serpent. He brought
knowledge of agriculture, arts, and science.
Río Bec style: A Maya Late Classic architectural style found at such sites as Group B at
Río Bec and Xpuhil. It is characterized by tall towers with non-functional stairways
and simulated temples on top, joined by a lower range of rooms. Facades are
sometimes decorated with monster-mouth doorways, like those on Chenes-style
buildings. See Chenes style.
roof comb: In architecture, a stone superstructure built on the roof of a structure to
give additional height and grandeur. The combs are sometimes perforated and are
generally decorated.
sacbé (plural in Maya, sacbeob): Literally, "White Road." An ancient Maya road or
causeway made of rough-stone blocks topped with crushed stone and then plastered.
stela (plural, stelae): A freestanding monolithic stone monument, either plain or
carved on one or more sides. Especially prevalent in the Maya area, it is often
accompanied by a drum-shaped altar.
stepped fret: A design composed of a squared spiral and a step element.
talud-tablero: In architecture, a sloping lower section, or talus (talud), topped by a
vertical rectangular, recessed panel (tablero).
Tlaloc: The rain god of central Mexico. He also has a lesser-known aspect as a war or
warrior god.
tzompantli: A skull rack where heads of sacrificial victims were placed. It was also a
platform with depictions of carved skulls on its sides and is from the Postclassic
zapote (also sapote and sapodilla): An extremely hard wood found in the lowland
Maya area, often used for lintels in pre-Columbian buildings.
Page 358

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Page 361

Acancéh, Yuc., 35-37
Aké, Yuc., 43-45
Akumal, Q.R., 300
Almuchil, Camp., 194-95
Andrews, Anthony P., 5, 306, 312, 322, 323, 324, 326
Andrews, E. Wyllys, IV, 32, 48, 49, 114, 116, 323, 324, 330
Andrews, E. Wyllys, V, 4, 62, 263
Andrews, George F., 6, 164, 179, 196, 198, 200, 215, 224, 279, 292
Auto insurance for Mexico, 16
Auto rentals. See Car rentals
Aveni, Anthony E, 272
Bacalar, Q.R, 243
Balamku, Camp., 244, 246-47
Balankanche (cave, Yuc.), 67-68
Balché, Yuc., 186-87
Banqueta-Tunich, Yuc, 28
Becan, Camp., 28, 260-66
Bee god, 332
Belma, Q.R., 312
Benavides Castillo, Antonio, 184, 234
Bey, George J., 70, 71
Birth certificate as proof of citizenship, 15
Boucher, Sylviane, 220, 280
Brainerd, George W, 32
Briceño, Juan de la Cruz, 244, 273, 277, 280
Bueno Cano, Ricardo, 265, 269, 286
Calakmul, Camp., 230, 232, 247-52
Calkiní, Camp., 229
Carnal Ku, Hortensio, 209
Cameras, photographic equipment, 13, 14, 15
Campeche, Camp., 229
Campeche Museum, 230, 232
Cancún, Q.R., 299
Cancún City, Q.R, 299
Canul, Bonifacio, 76
Caracol, Q.R., 350-51
Car insurance, for Mexico, 16
Carrasco Vargas, Ramón, 128, 220, 280
Car rentals, 25, 75, 209, 229, 343
Catherwood, Frederick, 94, 138
Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcóatl, 62
Cetulix, Yuc, 98
Chac I (Gruta de Chac), Yuc, 114, 116
Chac II, Yuc., 116-18
Chacbolay, Yuc., 169-70
Chacmultún, Yuc., 156-64
Chakalal, Q.R., 323-24
Champoton, Camp., 229
Chan, Julio, 247
Chanchén, Camp., 215
Chemax, Yuc., 300
Chencoh, Camp., 209
Chenes style, 5.
See also Río Bec style
Chenes-Puuc style, 5.
See also Río Bec style
Chetumal, Q.R., 243
Chicanná, Camp., 254-59
Chichén, Itzá, Yuc., 26, 50-67
Chichén Itzá Museum, 66-67
Chontal Mayas, 5, 61, 62.
See also Yucatecan Mayas
Chuncatzim I (Xcanelcruz), Yuc., 142-44
Chuncatzim II, Yuc., 144-46
Chunchintok, Camp., 230
Chunhuaymil I, Yuc, 187-88
Chunhabil, Camp., 244, 246
Chunhuhub, Camp., 188-92, 230
Chun-Kat-Dzin, Yuc., 144
Chunyaxché, Q.R., 337
Clarksville, Q.R, 291
Classic Puuc styles (architecture), 5, 6.
Clothing, 12, 13, 17, 26
Cobá, Q.R, 303-308
Cobá-Yaxuná-Sacbé, Yuc., 68
Cocom Maya rulers, 37
Coe, Michael D, 3, 330
Cortés de Brasdefer, Fernando, 301
Cozumel Island, Q.R, 300, 352
Cozumel Museum, 344
Culucbalom, Camp., 269-71
De Dávila, Diana Z., 291
DeBloois, Evan I, 198
Denison, John H, Jr., 270, 286
Departure tax, from Mexico, 16
Descending god, diving god, 118, 332
Dunning, Nicholas, 140, 144, 155, 184, 188
Dzibalchén, Camp., 209
Dzibilchaltún, Yuc, 29-33
Dzibilchaltún Museum, 33
Dzibilnocac (Dzibilnohac), Camp., 220-23
Dzilám González, Yuc., 28, 307
Dzulá, Yuc., 176-77
Page 362

Early Oxkintok style, 5, 6
Early Puuc style, 5, 6
Eaton, Jack, 252, 259, 276
Edzna, Camp., 230, 232, 234-39, 307
Ek Balam, Yuc., 69-72
E1 Cedral, Q.R., 348-49
E1 Meco, Q.R., 309, 311-13
E1 Real (Temple 3), Q.R., 535
E1 Rey, Q.R., 317-18
E1 Tabasqueño, Camp., 212-16
Entry requirements, for Mexico, 15, 16
Escalona Ramos, Alberto, 348
Escárcega, Camp., 243
Etzna, Camp., 234, 238
Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Q.R., 300
Fernández, Miguel Ángel, 335, 349
Folan, William J., 247, 251
Food supplies, 13
García Cruz, Florentino, 246
Gasoline, gasoline stations, 16, 26, 76, 209, 229, 243, 300, 344
Gebauer, Uwe, 173
Gendrop, Paul, 271, 275, 288
Gilchrist, Gorden M. and Jennifer, 343
God C, 328
God E (corn god), 328
Gonzalez Crespo, Norberto, 312, 314, 327
Gonzalez de la Mata, Rocio, 312
Goodman-Martínez-Thompson correlation, 6
Gregory, David A., 345, 347
Grijalva, Juan de, 334
Gruta de Chac, Yuc., 114
Guidebooks, 9-10
Guides, personal, 10-11, 76, 83, 209, 244.
See also in text for individual sites
Hay, Clarence L., 276
Hecelchakán, Camp., 232
Hecelchakán Museum, 232-33
Hochob, Camp., 216-20
Hohmann, Hasso, 279, 280
Holactún, Camp. See Xcalumkin
Hopelchén, Camp., 76, 209
Hormiguero, Camp., 282-86
Huntichmul, Yuc., 139-42
Icehouses, 75, 209, 229, 344
Ikil (Iki), Yuc., 47-50
Immigration and Customs Stations (Mexico), 17
Isla Cancún, Q.R., 299
Isla Cerritos, Yuc., 5
Isla Cozumel (Cozumel Island), Q.R., 300, 352
Isla Jaina, Camp., 233
Isla Mujeres, Q.R., 300
Islote Celarain, Q.R., 350
Itzamná (Maya deity), 47, 220
Itzás (Putun Mayas), 61, 62
Itzimté, Itzimté-Bolonchén, Camp., 197-98, 232
Ix Chel (Maya deity), 344, 345
Izamal, Yuc., 45-47
Jaina Island, Camp., 233
Johnston, Hugh and Suzanne, 276
Kabáh (Kabahaucán), Yuc., 107-14
Kakupacal (Maya leader), 62
Kancabchén, Camp., 224-25
Kich Moo, Yuc., 179
Kinich Ahau (Maya deity), 47
Kinich Ahau-Bonil, Q.R., 317
Kiuic, Yuc., 171-76
Kohunlich, Q.R., 289-92
Kom, Yuc., 164, 166-68
Kowalski, Jeff Karl, 86
Kukulcán (Maya deity), 350
Kurjack, Edward, 62
Labná, Yuc., 133-39
La Muñeca, Camp., 250
Landa, Bishop Diego de, 47, 64
Late Uxmal style, 6.
See also Classic Puuc styles
Le Plongeon, Augustus and Alice, 312
Limones, Q.R., 294-95
Lizardi Ramos, Cesar, 49
Loltún cave, Yuc., 153, 155-56
Lord Chac (Uxmal ruler), 86
Lothrop, Samuel K., 312
Lundell, Cyrus L., 250
Maler, Teobert, 103, 143, 163, 170, 184, 224, 312
Maler-Xlabpak, Yuc., 131
Manos Rojas, Camp., 252, 254
Maps, of Mexico and the Yucatán Peninsula, 9, 25
Page 363
Marcus, Joyce, 248, 304
Mason, Gregory, 323
Maxcanú, Yuc., 26
Mayapán, Yuc., 37-42
Mayer, Karl Herbert, 144, 145, 294
Mercer, Henry C., 155
Mérida, Yuc., 25
Mérida Museum, 26, 28-29
Merwin, Raymond E., 276, 291
Miller, Arthur G., 326, 327, 328, 330
Miramar, Camp., 195-97, 230
Miramar, Q.R., 344
Montejo, Francisco de (the elder), 64, 312, 320, 322
Montejo, Francisco de (the younger), 25
Morales López, Abel, 184
Morley, Sylvanus G., 250, 334
Mujeres Island, Q.R., 300
Mul-Chic, Yuc., 28, 99-101
Muna, Yuc., 75, 76
Muyil, Q.R., 337-40
Naachtún, Guatemala, 250
Ni Ku, Q.R., 314-15
Nocuchich, Camp., 215
Nohoch Cep, Yuc., 155
Nohpat, Yuc., 96, 98-99
Nonah, Q.R., 346
"Old Chichén," 50, 58, 59, 61, 66
Oxkintok, Yuc., 28, 76, 78-83
Oxkutzcab, Yuc., 76
Oxpemul, Camp., 250, 252
Pacheco Dzul, Pedro, 76
Passports, 15, 16
Payan, Camp., 287-88
Peña, Agustín, 280
Périgny, Maurice de, 276
Pich Corralché, Yuc., 150-53
Piña Chan, Román, 286
Pisté, Yuc., 26
Playa del Carmen, Q.R., 300, 319-21
Pok-ta-Pok, Q.R., 313-14
Pole, Q.R., 321
Pollock, H. E. D., 124, 140, 143, 170, 173, 179, 190, 213, 273, 330
Potter, David F., 200
Progreso, Yuc., 26
Proskouriakoff, Tatiana, 109, 118, 141, 212
Proto-Puuc style (architecture), 5, 6
Puerto Aventuras, Q.R., 300
Puerto Juárez, Q.R., 300
Puerto Morelos, Q.R., 300
Puerto Rico, Camp., 271-73
Punta Cancún, Q.R., 314
Punta Islote, Q.R., 350
Punta Laguna, Q.R., 301
Punta Morena, Q.R., 344
Punta Sam, Q.R., 300
Putun Mayas, 5, 61
Puuc style, 5
Quetzalcñatl, Ce Acatl Topiltzin, 62
Rain god, 55.
See also Tlaloc
Rainy season, 17
Rathje, William L., 348
Ratings, site, 18-20
Ringle, William M., 70, 71
Río Bec, Camp., 273;
A, 276, 277;
B, 274-77;
N, 279-80;
I, 278-79;
II, 281
Río Becque, Camp., 276
Río Bec style, 5
Robles Castellanos, Fernando, 312, 326
Roys, Lawrence, 43
Roys, Ralph L., 306
Ruppert, Karl, 270, 281, 286
Ruz Lhuillier, Alberto, 238
Sabacché, Yuc., 146-50
Sabloff, Jeremy A., 348
Sacbé (Sacbé-Xhaxche), Yuc., 101-104
Sanders, William T., 312
San Gervasio, Q.R., 345-48
San Miguel de Cozumel, Q.R., 343
Santa Elena, Yuc., 76
Santa Rosa Xtampak, Camp., 198-205
Santos Camal, Emilio, 76
Sayil, Yuc., 119-28
Schmidt, Peter J., 50, 52
Segovia, Víctor, 291
Seuffert, Andrea, 279
Seybaplaya, Camp., 229
Shook, Edwin M., 43, 212
Sihoplaya, Camp., 229
Sodzil, Yuc., 12-31
Spinden, Herbert J., 323
Stamps, Richard B., 204
Stelae Gallery, Campeche City, 232
Stephens, John Lloyd, 64, 82, 94, 96, 103,

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