Arabic Morphology
Arabic Morphology
Arabic Morphology
ثالثى مجرد:
In these family there are no extra letter on the ُهوform of the ماضى
The ماضىis only made up of 3 roots letters
There are 6 sub-families within family 1. The only thing that
separates one clan from another are the حركاتon the ماضىand the
َيانى مصدر مضارع ماضى باب
To open فَتْ ًحا ُُ ََي ْفت
ح َُ َفَت
ح َُ َ بابُفَت
To hit ض ْربًاَ ُُ يَض ِْر
ب َُ ض َر
ب َ َُ ض َر
ب َ ُباب
To help ص ًرا ْ َن ص ُُر ُ يَ ْن ص َُر َ َن ص َُر َ َبابُن
To listen س ْمعًا َ يَ ْس َم ُُع س ِم َُع َ س ِم َُع َ ُباب
To calculate سابًاَ ِح ُُ يَ ْحس
ِب َُ َحس
ِب َُ بابُ َحس
To be honored ًَك َرا َم ُة َي ْك ُر ُُم َك ُر َُم بابُ َك ُر َُم
:بابُفَت َ َحُ
فَ ُه َوُفاتِحُ فَتْ ًحا يَ ْفتَ ُُ
ح فَتَ َُ
فَتْ ًحا فَ ُه َوُ َم ْفت ُ ْوحُ يُ ْفتَ ُُ
ح فُتُِ َُ
الُتَ ْفت َ ُْ
ح اِ ْفت َ ُْ
َم ْفتَحَُ ُ-م ْفتِحَُ ُ-م ْفتَ َح ُة ِم ْفتَحُِ ُ-م ْفتَ َحةُِ ُ-م ْفتَاحُ
س ِم َعُ
بابُ َ
ُ :
ام ُع
س ِعا فَ ُهوُ َ س َما ًس ْمعًاُوُ ََ يَ ْس َم ُُع س ِم َُع َ
عا فَ ُه َوُ َم ْس ُموع س َما ًس ْمعًاُوُ َ َ يُ ْس َم ُُع س ِم َُع
الُت َ ْس َم ُْع اِ ْس َم ُْع
َم ْس َمعَُ ُ-م ْس ِمعَُ ُ-م ْس َم َع ُة ِمس َمعُُِ ُ-مس َم َعةُِ ُ-مسماع
بابُ َحس َ
ُ :
بانُ حا ِس ُ
ب اُوُح ْس ً
ِ سابُوُ َح ْسبً
ُ ِح ًُ َي ْحس ُُ
ِب َحس َُ
سوبُ اُوُح ْس ًُ
بان َم ْح ُ ِ سابُوُ َح ْسبً
ُ ِح ًُ س ُُ
ب يُح َ ُحس َُ
الُتَ ْحسِبُْ ا ِْحسِبُْ
سبَةُِ ُ-م ْحسابُ سبُِ ُ-م ْح َ ِم ْح َ سبَةُ
سبَُ ُ-م ْحسِبَُ ُ-م ْح َ َم ْح َ
بابُ َك ُر َمُ
ُ :
َك َر ًماُو ِك َرامةًُو ُك ْر َمةًُ فَ ُه َوُ َك ِريْمُ يَ ْك ُر ُُم َك ُر َُم
الُتَ ْك ُر ُْم ا ُ ْك ُر ُْم
ِم ْك َرمُِ ُ-م ْك َر َمةُِ ُ-م ْكرامُ َم ْك َرمَُ ُ-م ْك ِرمَُ ُ-م ْك َر َم ُة
Differentiating Between the Clans:
- In a toss-up between س ِم َُع
َ and ِب
َُ َحس, the س ِم َُع
َ family almost always wins.
- In a toss-up between ب
ُُ يَض ِْرand ِب
ُُ يَ ْحس, the ب
َُ ض َر
َ family almost always
Same patterns
Powerful families
Practice: unit-o3*3.11*part2
Drills: unit-o3*3.11*1-2drills
صرفُكبير: unit-03*3.12*review 3-5
Sarf review: unit-12*review part4
Review: unit15*11small families
Part -02
Topic- Family 2 to 10
:ثالثي مزيد فيه
Extra letters are the part of the container.
There are 9 unique families
)ج ْذر( ), root lettersصيغة( ), family membersباب( Family
- the commanding version is......االمرُمنه
- the forbidding version is........والنهيُعنه
is................................ظرف - theوالظرفُمنه
مصدر مضارع ماضى باب
تَ ْع ِلي ًما يُعَ ِل ُُم علَّ َُمَ بابُتَ ْف ِعيْل
ِجهادًاُو ُمجا َهدَُة ً يُجا ِه ُدُ جا َه ُدَ علَةُبابُ ُمفا َ
ا ِْخ ً
بارا يُ ْخ ِب ُُر اَ ْخ َب َُر بابُاِ ْفعال
تَ َعلُّ ًما َيتَ َعلَّ ُُم تَ َعلَّ َُم بابُتَفَعُّل
سا ُء ً ُ
ال تَ َ سا َء ُُ
ل َيتَ َ سا َء َُ
ل تَ َ عل بابُتَفا ُ
اراس ً اِ ْن ِك َ س ُُر يَ ْن َك ُِ س َُر اِ ْن َك َ بابُاِ ْن ِفعال
اِ ْقتِ َرابًا يَ ْقتَ ِر ُُ
ب اِ ْقت َ َر َُ
ب بابُاِ ْفتِعال
ص ِف ً اِ ْ صفَ ُُّر يَ ْ صفَ َُّر اُِ ْ بابُاِ ْف ِعالل
ارااِستِ ْغفَ ً يَستَ ْغ ِف ُُر اِست َ ْغفَ َُر ُبابُاِ ْستِ ْفعال
فعلُمضارع مصدر اسمُفاعل فعلُماضى
ماضىُمج ُهول مضارعُمجهول مصدر اسمُمفعول
فعلُناهى فعلُامر
: 02بابُتَ ْف ِعيْل
تَ ْع ِل ْي ًما فَهوُ ُمعَ ِل ُم علَّ َُم يُعَ ِل ُمُ َ
تَ ْع ِل ْي ًما فهوُ ُم َعلَّمُ ع ِل َُم يُ َعلَّ ُُم
الُتُعَ ِل ُْم ع ِل ُْم
ُم َعلَّ ُم
Rhetorical implication1 :
Words from this family are generally ُمتَ َعدِىand indicate that the action is
repetitive and is taking place over a long period of time. The pattern also
can imply hyperbole in some cases.
ُ ن ََُّز َل: to reveal gradually and repetitive over time.
ُ قَت َّ َل: to massacre (ُ قَتَ َلmeans to kill)
َ بابُ ُمفَا: 03
ًاُومجا َهدَُة ً فهوُ ُمجا ِه ُدَ جا َه ُدَ يُجا ِه ُدُ ُ ِجهاد
ًُاُومجا َهدَُة ً فهوُ ُمجاهَد َ ُج ْو ِه ُدَ يُجا َه ُدُ ُ ِجهاد
الُتُجا ِه ُْد جا ِه ُْد
Rhetorical implication :
Words from this family imply that the action is directed from one
individual/party towards another individual/party.
بابُاِ ْفعال
ُ : 04
بارا فهوُ ُم ْخبِ ُر ً اَ ْخبَ َُر يُ ْخ ِب ُرُ ا ِْخ
ُبارا ُفهوُ ُم ْخبَر ً ا ُ ْخبِ َُر يُ ْخبَ ُُر ا ِْخ
الُت ُ ْخبِ ُْر اَ ْخبِ ُْر
ُُم ْخ َبر
Rhetorical implication :
They do not always apply.
Words from this family are predominantly مت َ َعدِىand generally imply that
the action was completed immediately and all at once.
ُ ا َ ْنزَ َل: to send something down immediately and at once.
ُ : 05
تَ َعلُّ ًما فهوُ ُمتَ َع ِل ُم ُتَ َعلَّ َُم َيتَ َعلَّ ُم
ُتَ َعلُّ ًما فهوُ ُمتَ َعلَّم تُعُ ِل َُم يُتَ َعلَّ ُُم
الُتَت َ َعلَّ ُْم تَ َعلَّ ُْم
ُُمتَ َعلَّم
Rhetorical implication :
Words from this family are predominantly الزمand can sometimes imply
that the action took effort to complete.
ُ بابُتَفَا
عل ُ : 06
َ َال فهوُ ُمت
ُ سا َء
ل ُ ً ل تَسا ُء ُُ ل يَتَسا َء َ َت
َُ سا َء
ُال فَهوُ ُمتَسا َءل ُ ً ل تَسا ُء ُُ ل يُتَسا َء َُ س ْو ِءُ ُت
ُْ الُتَتَسا َء
ل ُْ تَسا َء
ُُمتَسا َءل
Rhetorical implication :
Words from this family are usually imply that the action took place
between two parties.
بابُاِ ْن ِفعال
ُ : 07
ُسارا فهوُ ُم ْن َكسِر ً س َرُ َي ْن َكس ُِرُ اِ ْن ِك
َ اِ ْن َك
ُْ الُتَ ْن َكس
ِر ُْ اِ ْن َكس
َ ُم ْن َك
Rhetorical implication :
The words from this family are always الزم. In many cases, the English
translation of words from this family sound passive.
بابُاِ ْف ِعالل
ُ : 09
ْ فَهوُ ُم
صفَ ُر رارا
ً ص ِف ْ ِا صفَ ُُّرْ َي صفَ َُّر
ْ ِا
صفَ ِر ُْرْ َالُت-ُصفَ ِر
ْ َُالُت-صفَ َُّر
ْ َصفَ ِر ْرُ الُت ْ ِا-صفَ ُِر
ْ ِا-صفَ َُّر
ْ ِا
ْ ُم
Rhetorical implication :
This family is only used for colors as a meaning to turn x color.
Oral exercise: unit-03*3.2-3.8
صرفُكبير: unit03*3.9 &3.12
Exam: unit-03*3.10
Unit 4
Review: unit-15*o5sarf
Advanced sarf:unit16
Part - 03
Topic - Irregularities In صرف
There are 3 types of irregularities in صرف. They are:
All صرفfamilies are affected by this fusion except for the two شدَّة
families, families 2(ُعلَّ َم
َ ) and 5()تعلم
Changes in مزيدُفيهfamilies:
The second and third root letters fuse in all families except
families 2(ُعلَّ َم
َ ) and 5()تعلم
الصرفُالصغيرrules :
1. The second and third root letters fuse and a شدةis used to
represent the fusion
2. There are 3 version of the امرand نهى:
The first takes (ُ)ف َّ
The second takes (ُ)ف ِ
The third follows the pattern of a normal امرor ;نهىthe two
like letters separate
The following rules apply to all families in which the fusion
1) In ماضى, the شدةis undone at the نَُّ ُهversion onwards, and the
two like root letters separate. From this point onwards, the
فعلlooks like a regular فعل
2) In مضارع, the شدةis undone only for the ن َُّ ُ ا َ ْنتversion.
َُّ ُهand ن
Changes in مجردfamilies:
الصرفُالصغيرrules :
1) The second and third root letters fuse and a شدةis used to
represent the fusion
2) There are 3 version of the امرand نهى:
The first takes (ُ)ف
The second takes (ُ)فِ
The third follows the pattern of a normal امرor ;نهىthe two
like letters separate
3) Every ماضىlooks the same regardless of the clan- they all
follow the pattern ل َُّ َف
4) In the مضارع, the حركتthat usually goes on the second root
letter is transferred to the first root letter.
الصرفُالكبيرrules :
The following rules apply to all families in which the fusion
1) In ماضى, the شدةis undone at the ن َُّ ُهversion onwards, and the
two like root letters separate. From this point onwards, the
فعلlooks like a regular فعل
**note that when this happens, the hidden حركتon the
middle root letter is restored.
2) In مضارع, the شدةis undone only for the ن َُّ ُ ا َ ْنتversion.
َُّ ُهand ن
*** When the اسمُتفضيلof مجردfamilies attacked by مضاعف:
ُُ َق = )ا َ ْف َع ُلُ(ا َ ْحق
ق ُُّ ا َ َح
All the اسماءُالتفضيلfollow this pattern in مضاعف
The جزمand نصبof مضاعف:
To make a فعلُمضارعُمضاعفlight ()منصوب, the same rules apply.
To refresh:
1. If the فعلends in a (ُُُ) change into a (ُُ) َ
2. If the فعلends in a نget rid of the ن
To make a فعلُمضارعُمضاعفlightest ( )مجزومuse the following
1. If the فعلends in a (ُُُ), there are 3 versions (the same
version we learned in the امرand )نهى:(ُ)ف,(ُ ِ )ف
َّ and splitting
the شدة
2. If the فعلends in a نget rid of the ن
Commanding and Forbidding:
These are also follow the same rules for ) (جزمin terms of
endings. The حركاتvary depending on the family.
III. ُ ُم ْعتَل: when one or two of the letters are vowels ( وor )ي:
There are 5 categories of ُ ُم ْعتَل, they are:
ِ : when the first root letter is وor ي: ض َُع
َ ) وُضُع( َو:
When the first root letter is a و, it is called مثالُواوي. This type of مثالis
far more prevalent.
When the first root letter is a ي, it is called مثالُيأءي. This type of مثال
does not occur very frequently.
مثالin the مجردfamily
1. The وis dropped in the مضارع, therefore it does not appear in the
2. When the (ـ ِ ُْوew) sound is created, the وtransforms to a يfor
3. There are always two مصدر, one that you must memorize and one
that always follows the pattern ِعلَة
In مجردfamily they behaves like a normal فعلand does not display
any irregularities. The only change is in the مضارعُمج ُهول, the ي
transform into وto avoid the (ـ ِ ُْوew) sound.
مثالin the مزيدُفيهfamily
When dealing with مثالُواوor ياءي, in the مزيدُفيهfamilies, the following
rules apply:
1. When the (ـ ِ ُْوew) sound is created, the وtransforms to a يfor
smoothness. (This occurs only in the مصدرof families 4( )اخبرand
10(ُ)اِ ْست َ ْغفَ َر
2. The vowel merges with the تin family 8( )اقتربand a ت َُّ is created
as a result.
ٔج َوف ْ اال: when the second root letter is وor ي: ل ُُ لُيَقُ ْو
َُ قُوُل( قا
When the second root letters is و, it is called اجوفُواوىand
when the second root letters is ي, it is called اجوفُياءي.
اجوفin مزيد فيهfamilies:
Only 4 families change and they are paired in two groups
4)(اسلم, and 7)(استغفر:
The vowel is replaced with an اin ماضى
The vowel is replaced with a ياءin مضارع
The مصدرhas a ةadded to the end
The vowel is omitted when the فعلis مجزومif the فعل
ends in a (ُُُ) (this includes امرand )نهى
7()اقترب, and 8( )انكسر:
The vowel is replaced with an اin ماضىand مضارع
The vowel is replaced with a ياءin مصدر
The vowel is omitted when the فعلis مجزومif the فعل
ends in a (ُُُ) (this includes امرand )نهى
اجوفin مجردfamilies:
The changes that occur can be split into two categories:
1) Consistent changes:
The ماضىalways follows the ل َُ فاpattern.
The مضارعُمجهول/ ماضىfollows the ل ُُ فِي َلُيُفاpattern
The اسمُفاعلfollows the ُفاءل ِ pattern.
The اسمُمفعولalways follows ُ )اجوفُواوي( َمفُ ْولor َُم ِفيْل
The ظرفalways follows the ُُ َمفَالَة-ُُ َم ِفيْل-ُ َمفَالpattern
The آلةalways follows the ُ )اجوفُياءي( ِم ْفيالor ُاجوفُ(م ْف َوال ِ
2) Clan-dependent changes:
ص َُرَ َ نfamily follows the ل ُُ فا َلُ َيفُ ْوpattern
ب َُ ض َر َ family follows the ل ُُ فا َلُيَ ِفيpattern
س ِم َُع
َ family follows the ل ُُ ُفا َلُ َيفاpattern
The other clan do not occur in اجوف
ص َُر َ َ نfamily follows the ل ُْ ُفpattern
ب َُ ض َر َ family follows the ل ُْ ِفpattern
س ِم َُعَ family follows the ل ُْ َُفpattern
ُThe vowel is always omitted in the مجزومform if the
فعلends in a )ُُ(ُ ضمة, regardless of the clan.
All changes that occur in the صرفُكبيرare clan dependent.
In the ماضى, the vowel is dropped ن َُّ ُهonwards and
replaced by a حركة
In the مضارع, the vowel is dropped ن َُّ ُ انتversion
َُّ ُهand ن
and replaced by a حركة
The حركةthat replaced the vowel is determined by the clan.
1) The ماضىcan only take a ضمةor كسرة
a. If it is from the ص َُر َ َ نfamily, it takes a ضمة
b. Otherwise takes كسرة
2) The مضارعcan take the حركةthat corresponds with the
omitted letter
a. For وis ل ُُ َيقُ ْو
b. For اis ل ُُ يَنا
c. For يis َي ِب ْي ُُع
Other مجردwords:
اسم تفضيل:
The vowel behaves normally. If the word is اجوفُواويthen
the vowel is و, if the word is اجوفُياءيthen the vowel is ي
ا َ ْق َو ُُم-ُُقُوُم
ُُ ا َ ْب َي- بُيُن
اسم صفة:
Recall that the اسمُصفةpattern is ُفَ ِعيْل. The يis the part of the
container of the word. When this يmeets the vowel in an
اجوفword, the two merged and create a يwithُشدة
ُُبُيُن-ُبَ ِين
النَّا ِقص: when the third root letters is وor ي:ع ُْو ُ ) دُعُو( دَعاُ َي ْد:
Changes in مزيد فيه:
ناقصُياءيand ناقصُواويbehave same way in مزيدُفيه
There are two kinds of rules
1) General Rules:
a. The ماضىalways ends in an )ىُ(الفُمقصورة
b. The مضارعends in )يُ(ياء
The only exception to this is the فتحةfamilies (ُ ت َ َعلَّ َمand
َ َ ) ت, which end in an ى
َُ سا َء
c. The اسمُفاعلalways ends in a )ٍُ( sound
d. The اسمُمفعولalways ends in )ى ً (
2) Family-specific Rules:
The pattern of each families unique مصدرchange
a. The مصدرin families 3, 4, 7, 8, 10 ends in a اء
b. The مصدرin family 2 and the second مصدرin family 3
ends in a ة
c. The مصدرin family 5and 6 ends like an )ٍُ( اسمُفاعل
i. The vowel in the هوversion always takes a الفُمقصورة
ii. The الفُمقصورةis replaced by a ياءfor the remainder of
the conjugations. The ياءis omitted in the هم, هيand هما
(feminine) form
iii. The همform ends in ( ـ َ ْواaw) rather than ( ـُواoo)- this is the
result of the ىsound in the هوform
i. The ياءis omitted in the forms that ends in هم( ونand
)انتم- this is done to avoid theُ ew sound
ii. The هنand ت ُِ انform look the same
i. Theُ ياءis omitted in the همform (to avoid the ew
i. The مضارعُمجهولends in الفُمقصورةwhich produces
فتحةsounds in the entire chart
ii. The الفُمقصورةis omitted in the همand the انتمforms
(to avoid the ew sound)
iii. The ت ُِ انand the انتنforms look the same
i. The vowel is dropped in the انت َُ version of the
command/forbidding and the corresponding حركة
replaces the vowel
ii. The rest of them are constructed normally
i. The رفعand جرforms takes a ٍ ُـ
ii. The نصبtakes يًا
iii. The ياءis present in every other form except for the
masculine plural (this includes dual masculine, dual
feminine and plural feminine)
i. The singular always ends in a ى ًُ regardless of the status
ii. The الفُمقصورةis replaced by a ياءin the masculine
dual and the feminine plural
iii. The ending combination are always proceeded by a
فتحةbecause of the original اsound
i. The اسمُمفعولrules apply to the ظرف, the only
difference being that the human plural is not used and a
feminine version does not exist.
i. Most families have a مصدرthat fits normally into the
مسلمchart. The only exception to this is the two فتحة
families ( ت َزَ َّكىand ضى
َ ) ت َ َرا. These two chart follows the
same pattern as the اسمُفاعل, the only difference being
that the human plural is not used and a feminine
version cannot be made.
Changes in مجردfamilies:
i. The نصرfamily still has an (a) sound in the ماضىand
an (u) sound in the مضارع. However, since it is ناقص
the (a) sound shows as an اand the (u) sound shows as
a و. عوُ عاُُ َي ْد
َ َد
ii. فتحfamily still has (a) sound in both the ماضيُ&ُمضارع
both shows as ى. طغَىْ طغَىُ َي
iii. ضربfamily still has (a) sound in ماضىand an (i)
sound in the مضارع. The (i) sound shows as a يand the
(a) sound as a ى. َهدَىُ َي ْهدِي
iv. سمعfamily still has (i) sound in ماضىand an (a) sound
in the مضارع. The كسرةremains in ماضىand مضارع
takes a ى. سىَ ِيُُُ َي ْن
َ نَس
The passive always follows the pattern يُيُ ْف َعىا َ ُفُ ِع
This always follows the ٍفاع ُ pattern
This always follows the ُ َم ْفعُوif it is نصر( واويfamily)
This always follows the َم ْفعًىpattern
This always follows the ُ ِم ْفعاةpattern
The صرفُكبيرof مجردis the same as the صرفُكبيرof the ُمزيد
فيه. there is only one key difference if the root letter is a و,
the وcomes back in the ماضىand مضارعcharts. Otherwise a
يcomes back.
ُ اللَّ ِف: when the first and third root letters are وor ي.
يفُال َم ْف ُر ْوق
the word مفروقliterally means separated : ي ُْ ) وُقُي( َوقَىُ َي ِق:
This irregularities combined مثالand ناقص. The same rules of
مثالand ناقصapply, both in مزيدُفيهand مجرد
The only exception to this rule is when both root letters are ي. In
this case, the word can either be treated like a ناقصword or a
ُ اللَّ ِف: when the second and third root letters are وor
ْ يفُال َم ْق ُر
ي. the word مفرونliterally means paired togather : ي ُْ لَ َوىُيَ ْل ِو
() لُوُي:
This irregularities are behaves just like ناقص. The same rules
of ناقصapply, both in مزيدُفيهand مجرد
The only exception to this rule is when both root letters are ي. In
this case, the word can either be treated like a ناقصword or a
Part - 04
Topic - Extra Notes:
The majority of افعالin Arabic are made up of a three-letter
root. These are a handful of افعال, however, that contains a
four-letter root. The technical term for this is ُربا ِعى
ُربا ِعىُمجردis the technical term for the patterns in which the
past tense has no extra letters outside of the four-letter root.
This is alternately known as R1
ُربا ِعىُمزيدُفيهis the technical term for the patterns in which
there are extra letters outside of the four-letter root. This is
alternately known as R2
Words that act as a صفة:
Is used as a صفةwhen the صفةhas a passive meaning.
It is the default صفةfor صفاتon the condition that the صفة
does not have a passive meaning.
Is used as a صفةwhen the صفةis a permanent or inherent
quality of that which is being described.
Words that behave like a فعل:
There are few اسماءthat have an action-like meaning to them. In
this way they are similar to افعال. They are similar in terms of
meaning and also behave like افعالin some ways. These صيغoften
take a مفعولُبهand sometimes they take a فاعلas well
When it takes a مفعولُبهor فاعل, it translates like a ُفعل
Since it is passive in meaning, it takes a ناءبُالفاعلrather
than a فاعلand does not generally take a مفعولُبه. It translates
in the future.
In many cases, a مصدرand its مفعولُبهtranslate most
naturally as an اضافة