Arabic Morphology

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Part -01

Topic - Family -01

‫ ثالثى مجرد‬:
 In these family there are no extra letter on the ‫ ُهو‬form of the ‫ماضى‬
 The ‫ ماضى‬is only made up of 3 roots letters
 There are 6 sub-families within family 1. The only thing that
separates one clan from another are the ‫ حركات‬on the ‫ ماضى‬and the
‫َيانى‬ ‫مصدر‬ ‫مضارع‬ ‫ماضى‬ ‫باب‬
To open ‫فَتْ ًحا‬ ُُ َ‫َي ْفت‬
‫ح‬ َُ َ‫فَت‬
‫ح‬ َُ َ ‫بابُفَت‬
To hit ‫ض ْربًا‬َ ُُ ‫يَض ِْر‬
‫ب‬ َُ ‫ض َر‬
‫ب‬ َ َُ ‫ض َر‬
‫ب‬ َ ُ‫باب‬
To help ‫ص ًرا‬ ْ َ‫ن‬ ‫ص ُُر‬ ُ ‫يَ ْن‬ ‫ص َُر‬ َ َ‫ن‬ ‫ص َُر‬ َ َ‫بابُن‬
To listen ‫س ْمعًا‬ َ ‫يَ ْس َم ُُع‬ ‫س ِم َُع‬ َ ‫س ِم َُع‬ َ ُ‫باب‬
To calculate ‫سابًا‬َ ‫ِح‬ ُُ ‫يَ ْحس‬
‫ِب‬ َُ ‫َحس‬
‫ِب‬ َُ ‫بابُ َحس‬
To be honored ً‫َك َرا َم ُة‬ ‫َي ْك ُر ُُم‬ ‫َك ُر َُم‬ ‫بابُ َك ُر َُم‬

 All the ‫( صغة‬except the ‫ )مصدر‬follow the exact same patterns

regardless of the clan
 ‫ اسمُفاعل‬- ُ‫ ُفَا ِعل‬- the one who does the action
 ‫ ماضىُمج ُهول‬- ‫ل‬ َُ ‫ ُفُ ِع‬- past passive
 ‫ مضارعُمج ُهول‬- ‫ل‬ ُُ ‫ يُ ْف َع‬- present passive
 ‫ اسمُمفعول‬- ُ‫ مفعُول‬- who/what is affected by the action
 ‫ ظرف‬- ُ‫ُمفعَلَة‬-ُ‫ُ َم ْف ِعل‬-ُ‫ َم ْف َعل‬- time/place
 ‫ الة‬-ُ‫ُ ِم ْف َعلَة‬- ُ‫ُ ِم ْفعال‬-ُ‫ ِم ْف َعل‬- a tool/device
 ‫ اسمُتفضيدل‬- ‫ل‬ ُُ ‫ ا َ ْف َع‬- ‫ ا َ ْك َب ُُر‬- bigger (comparison)
 ‫ اسمُصفة‬- ُ‫ فَ ِعيل‬- ُ‫ ُقَدِير‬- capable (a permanent trait)
 ‫ اسمُصفة‬- ُ‫ فَ ِعل‬- ُ‫ فَ ِرح‬- happy (a permanent trait)
‫‪ one who returns repeatedly (repetition,‬ا َ َّوابُ ‪ -‬فَعَّالُ ‪ -‬اسمُمبا َلغة ‪‬‬
‫الن ‪ -‬اسمُمبالَغة ‪‬‬
‫مان ‪ -‬فَ ْع ُُ‬
‫‪َ - extremely forgiving at the moment‬ر ْح ُُ‬
‫)‪(hyperbole, temporary, immediately‬‬
‫غفُورُ ‪ -‬فَعُولُ ‪ -‬اسمُمبالَغة ‪‬‬ ‫‪َ - extremely forgiving (hyperbole,‬‬
‫صدِيقُ ‪ -‬فِ ِعيلُ ‪ -‬اسمُمبالَغة ‪‬‬ ‫‪ِ - extremely/always truthful (hyperbole,‬‬
‫)‪constancy, permanence‬‬
‫)‪ - extremely holy (hyperbole, repetition‬قُدُّوسُ ‪ -‬فُ ُّعولُ ‪ -‬اسمُمبالَغة ‪‬‬
‫‪ :‬باب‬
‫فعلُمضارع مصدر ُفَ ُهوُاسمُفاعل‬ ‫فعلُماضى‬
‫ماضىُمج ُهول مضارعُمجهول مصدر فهوُاسمُمفعول‬
‫يُ َع ْنهُُفعلُناهى‬
‫والنه ُّ‬ ‫االمرُ ِمنهُُفعلُامر‬
‫واآللةُمنهُُالة‬ ‫ُمنهُُظرف‬
‫وُالظرف ِ‬

‫‪ :‬بابُفَت َ َحُ‬
‫فَ ُه َوُفاتِحُ‬ ‫فَتْ ًحا‬ ‫يَ ْفتَ ُُ‬
‫ح‬ ‫فَتَ َُ‬
‫فَتْ ًحا فَ ُه َوُ َم ْفت ُ ْوحُ‬ ‫يُ ْفتَ ُُ‬
‫ح‬ ‫فُتُِ َُ‬
‫الُتَ ْفت َ ُْ‬
‫ح‬ ‫اِ ْفت َ ُْ‬
‫َم ْفتَحُ‪َ ُ-‬م ْفتِحُ‪َ ُ-‬م ْفتَ َح ُة ِم ْفتَحُ‪ِ ُ-‬م ْفتَ َحةُ‪ِ ُ-‬م ْفتَاحُ‬

‫بُ‬‫ض َر َ‬‫بابُ َ‬‫‪ُ :‬‬

‫ض ِ‬ ‫فَ ُهوُ َ‬ ‫ض ْربًا‬
‫َ‬ ‫َيض ِْر ُُ‬
‫ب‬ ‫ض َر َُ‬
‫ب‬ ‫َ‬
‫فَ ُه َوُ َمض ُْر ْوبُ‬ ‫ض ْربًا‬ ‫َ‬ ‫يُض َْر ُُ‬
‫ب‬ ‫ض ِر َُ‬
‫ب‬ ‫ُ‬
‫الُتَض ِْربُْ‬ ‫اِض ِْربُْ‬
‫َمض َْربُ‪َ ُ-‬مض ِْربُ‪َ ُ-‬مض َْربَ ُة ِمض َْربُ‪ِ ُ-‬مض َْربَةُ‪ِ ُ-‬مضْرابُ‬
‫ص َرُ‬‫بابُنَ َ‬‫‪ُ :‬‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ص َرُة ً‬
‫ص ًراُوُنُ ْ‬ ‫نَ ْ‬ ‫ص ُُر‬‫َي ْن ُ‬ ‫ص َُر‬‫نَ َ‬
‫صورُ‬ ‫ص َرُة ً َم ْن ُ‬ ‫ص ًراُوُنُ ْ‬ ‫نَ ْ‬ ‫ص ُُر‬‫يُ ْن َ‬ ‫ص َُر‬‫نُ ِ‬
‫الُتَ ْن ُ‬
‫ص ُْر‬ ‫ا ُ ْن ُ‬
‫ص ُْر‬
‫صارُ‬ ‫ص َرةُ‪ِ ُ-‬م ْن َ‬ ‫صرُ‪ِ ُ-‬م ْن َ‬‫ص َرةُ ِم ْن َ‬
‫صرُ‪َ ُ-‬م ْن َ‬ ‫صرُ‪َ ُ-‬م ْن ِ‬ ‫َم ْن َ‬

‫س ِم َعُ‬
‫بابُ َ‬
‫‪ُ :‬‬
‫ام ُع‬
‫س ِ‬‫عا فَ ُهوُ َ‬ ‫س َما ً‬‫س ْمعًاُوُ َ‬‫َ‬ ‫يَ ْس َم ُُع‬ ‫س ِم َُع‬ ‫َ‬
‫عا فَ ُه َوُ َم ْس ُموع‬ ‫س َما ً‬‫س ْمعًاُوُ َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫يُ ْس َم ُُع‬ ‫س ِم َُع‬
‫الُت َ ْس َم ُْع‬ ‫اِ ْس َم ُْع‬
‫َم ْس َمعُ‪َ ُ-‬م ْس ِمعُ‪َ ُ-‬م ْس َم َع ُة ِمس َمعُُ‪ِ ُ-‬مس َم َعةُ‪ِ ُ-‬مسماع‬

‫بابُ َحس َ‬
‫‪ُ :‬‬
‫بانُ حا ِس ُ‬
‫ب‬ ‫اُوُح ْس ً‬
‫ِ‬ ‫سابُوُ َح ْسبً‬
‫ُ ِح ًُ‬ ‫َي ْحس ُُ‬
‫ِب‬ ‫َحس َُ‬
‫سوبُ‬ ‫اُوُح ْس ًُ‬
‫بان َم ْح ُ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫سابُوُ َح ْسبً‬
‫ُ ِح ًُ‬ ‫س ُُ‬
‫ب‬ ‫يُح َ‬ ‫ُحس َُ‬
‫الُتَ ْحسِبُْ‬ ‫ا ِْحسِبُْ‬
‫سبَةُ‪ِ ُ-‬م ْحسابُ‬ ‫سبُ‪ِ ُ-‬م ْح َ‬ ‫ِم ْح َ‬ ‫سبَةُ‬
‫سبُ‪َ ُ-‬م ْحسِبُ‪َ ُ-‬م ْح َ‬ ‫َم ْح َ‬

‫بابُ َك ُر َمُ‬
‫‪ُ :‬‬
‫َك َر ًماُو ِك َرامةًُو ُك ْر َمةًُ فَ ُه َوُ َك ِريْمُ‬ ‫يَ ْك ُر ُُم‬ ‫َك ُر َُم‬
‫الُتَ ْك ُر ُْم‬ ‫ا ُ ْك ُر ُْم‬
‫ِم ْك َرمُ‪ِ ُ-‬م ْك َر َمةُ‪ِ ُ-‬م ْكرامُ‬ ‫َم ْك َرمُ‪َ ُ-‬م ْك ِرمُ‪َ ُ-‬م ْك َر َم ُة‬
Differentiating Between the Clans:
- In a toss-up between ‫س ِم َُع‬
َ and ‫ِب‬
َُ ‫ َحس‬, the ‫س ِم َُع‬
َ family almost always wins.
- In a toss-up between ‫ب‬
ُُ ‫ يَض ِْر‬and ‫ِب‬
ُُ ‫يَ ْحس‬, the ‫ب‬
َُ ‫ض َر‬
َ family almost always

َ ‫ يَ ْن‬and ‫ َي ْك ُر ُُم‬, the ‫ص َُر‬

- In a toss-up between ‫ص ُُر‬ َ َ‫ ن‬family almost always wins.

 Introduction
 Same patterns
 ‫بابُفتح‬
 ‫بابُضرب‬
 ‫بابُنصر‬
 ‫بابُسمع‬
 ‫بابُحسب‬
 ‫بابُكرم‬
 Powerful families

 Practice: unit-o3*3.11*part2
 Drills: unit-o3*3.11*1-2drills
 ‫ صرفُكبير‬: unit-03*3.12*review 3-5
 Sarf review: unit-12*review part4
 Review: unit15*11small families

Part -02
Topic- Family 2 to 10
‫‪ :‬ثالثي مزيد فيه‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫‪Extra letters are the part of the container.‬‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫‪There are 9 unique families‬‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫)ج ْذر( ‪), root letters‬صيغة( ‪), family members‬باب( ‪Family‬‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫‪ - the commanding version is......‬االمرُمنه‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫‪ - the forbidding version is........‬والنهيُعنه‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫‪ is................................‬ظرف ‪- the‬والظرفُمنه‬
‫مصدر‬ ‫مضارع‬ ‫ماضى‬ ‫باب‬
‫تَ ْع ِلي ًما‬ ‫يُعَ ِل ُُم‬ ‫علَّ َُم‬‫َ‬ ‫بابُتَ ْف ِعيْل‬
‫ِجهادًاُو ُمجا َهدَُة ً‬ ‫يُجا ِه ُدُ‬ ‫جا َه ُدَ‬ ‫علَةُ‬‫بابُ ُمفا َ‬
‫ا ِْخ ً‬
‫بارا‬ ‫يُ ْخ ِب ُُر‬ ‫اَ ْخ َب َُر‬ ‫بابُاِ ْفعال‬
‫تَ َعلُّ ًما‬ ‫َيتَ َعلَّ ُُم‬ ‫تَ َعلَّ َُم‬ ‫بابُتَفَعُّل‬
‫سا ُء ً ُ‬
‫ال‬ ‫تَ َ‬ ‫سا َء ُُ‬
‫ل‬ ‫َيتَ َ‬ ‫سا َء َُ‬
‫ل‬ ‫تَ َ‬ ‫عل‬ ‫بابُتَفا ُ‬
‫ارا‬‫س ً‬ ‫اِ ْن ِك َ‬ ‫س ُُر‬ ‫يَ ْن َك ُِ‬ ‫س َُر‬ ‫اِ ْن َك َ‬ ‫بابُاِ ْن ِفعال‬
‫اِ ْقتِ َرابًا‬ ‫يَ ْقتَ ِر ُُ‬
‫ب‬ ‫اِ ْقت َ َر َُ‬
‫ب‬ ‫بابُاِ ْفتِعال‬
‫ص ِف ً‬ ‫اِ ْ‬ ‫صفَ ُُّر‬ ‫يَ ْ‬ ‫صفَ َُّر‬ ‫اُِ ْ‬ ‫بابُاِ ْف ِعالل‬
‫ارا‬‫اِستِ ْغفَ ً‬ ‫يَستَ ْغ ِف ُُر‬ ‫اِست َ ْغفَ َُر‬ ‫ُبابُاِ ْستِ ْفعال‬
‫‪ :‬باب‬
‫فعلُمضارع مصدر اسمُفاعل‬ ‫فعلُماضى‬
‫ماضىُمج ُهول مضارعُمجهول مصدر اسمُمفعول‬
‫فعلُناهى‬ ‫فعلُامر‬
‫‪ : 02‬بابُتَ ْف ِعيْل‬
‫تَ ْع ِل ْي ًما فَهوُ ُمعَ ِل ُم‬ ‫علَّ َُم يُعَ ِل ُمُ‬ ‫َ‬
‫تَ ْع ِل ْي ًما فهوُ ُم َعلَّمُ‬ ‫ع ِل َُم يُ َعلَّ ُُم‬
‫الُتُعَ ِل ُْم‬ ‫ع ِل ُْم‬
‫ُم َعلَّ ُم‬
Rhetorical implication1 :
Words from this family are generally ‫ ُمتَ َعدِى‬and indicate that the action is
repetitive and is taking place over a long period of time. The pattern also
can imply hyperbole in some cases.
ُ‫ ن ََُّز َل‬: to reveal gradually and repetitive over time.
ُ‫ قَت َّ َل‬: to massacre (ُ‫ قَتَ َل‬means to kill)

َ ‫ بابُ ُمفَا‬: 03
‫ًاُومجا َهدَُة ً فهوُ ُمجا ِه ُد‬َ ‫جا َه ُدَ يُجا ِه ُدُ ُ ِجهاد‬
ُ‫ًاُومجا َهدَُة ً فهوُ ُمجاهَد‬ َ ‫ُج ْو ِه ُدَ يُجا َه ُدُ ُ ِجهاد‬
‫الُتُجا ِه ُْد‬ ‫جا ِه ُْد‬
Rhetorical implication :
Words from this family imply that the action is directed from one
individual/party towards another individual/party.

َ َ‫ عاق‬: Punish. Punishment is something that one individual/party does to


‫بابُاِ ْفعال‬
ُ : 04
‫بارا فهوُ ُم ْخبِ ُر‬ ً ‫اَ ْخبَ َُر يُ ْخ ِب ُرُ ا ِْخ‬
ُ‫بارا ُفهوُ ُم ْخبَر‬ ً ‫ا ُ ْخبِ َُر يُ ْخبَ ُُر ا ِْخ‬
‫الُت ُ ْخبِ ُْر‬ ‫اَ ْخبِ ُْر‬
ُ‫ُم ْخ َبر‬
Rhetorical implication :

They do not always apply.
Words from this family are predominantly ‫ مت َ َعدِى‬and generally imply that
the action was completed immediately and all at once.
ُ‫ ا َ ْنزَ َل‬: to send something down immediately and at once.

ُ : 05
‫تَ َعلُّ ًما فهوُ ُمتَ َع ِل ُم‬ ُ‫تَ َعلَّ َُم َيتَ َعلَّ ُم‬
ُ‫تَ َعلُّ ًما فهوُ ُمتَ َعلَّم‬ ‫تُعُ ِل َُم يُتَ َعلَّ ُُم‬
‫الُتَت َ َعلَّ ُْم‬ ‫تَ َعلَّ ُْم‬
ُ‫ُمتَ َعلَّم‬
Rhetorical implication :
Words from this family are predominantly ‫ الزم‬and can sometimes imply
that the action took effort to complete.

ُ ‫بابُتَفَا‬
‫عل‬ ُ : 06
َ َ‫ال فهوُ ُمت‬
ُ ‫سا َء‬
‫ل‬ ُ ً ‫ل تَسا ُء‬ ُُ ‫ل يَتَسا َء‬ َ َ‫ت‬
َُ ‫سا َء‬
ُ‫ال فَهوُ ُمتَسا َءل‬ ُ ً ‫ل تَسا ُء‬ ُُ ‫ل يُتَسا َء‬ َُ ‫س ْو ِء‬ُ ُ‫ت‬
ُْ ‫الُتَتَسا َء‬
‫ل‬ ُْ ‫تَسا َء‬
ُ‫ُمتَسا َءل‬
Rhetorical implication :
Words from this family are usually imply that the action took place
between two parties.

َ َ ‫ ت‬: to ask one another.

ُ‫سا َء َل‬
ُ‫ تَالَ َو َم‬: to blame one another.

َ َ ‫ ت‬: to cooperate with each another.


‫بابُاِ ْن ِفعال‬
ُ : 07
ُ‫سارا فهوُ ُم ْن َكسِر‬ ً ‫س َرُ َي ْن َكس ُِرُ اِ ْن ِك‬
َ ‫اِ ْن َك‬
ُْ ‫الُتَ ْن َكس‬
‫ِر‬ ُْ ‫اِ ْن َكس‬
َ ‫ُم ْن َك‬
Rhetorical implication :
The words from this family are always ‫ الزم‬. In many cases, the English
translation of words from this family sound passive.

َ َ‫ اِ ْنقَل‬: to be turned around

َ َ‫ اِ ْنف‬: to be split
ُ‫ط َر‬
Notice that the English sound passive though the ‫ فعل‬is not ‫مج ُهول‬

‫بابُاِ ْفتِ َعال‬

ُ : 08
ُ ‫ب اِ ْقتِ َراُبًاُ فهوُ ُم ْقتَ ِر‬
‫ب‬ ُُ ‫ب َي ْقتَ ِر‬َُ ‫اِ ْقت َ َر‬
ُ‫ب اِ ْقتِ َرابًا فَهوُ ُم ْقتَ َرب‬ ُُ ‫ب يُ ْقتَ َر‬َُ ‫ا ُ ْقت ُ ِر‬
ُْ‫الُتَ ْقت َ ِرب‬ ُْ‫اِ ْقت َ ِرب‬
ُ‫ُم ْقتَ َرب‬
Rhetorical implication :
Words from this family are usually ‫الزم‬. It can sometimes imply
ُ‫ اِست َ َم َع‬: to listen carefully (ُ‫س ِم َع‬
َ - to hear)

‫بابُاِ ْف ِعالل‬
ُ : 09
ْ ‫فَهوُ ُم‬
‫صفَ ُر‬ ‫رارا‬
ً ‫ص ِف‬ ْ ‫ِا‬ ‫صفَ ُُّر‬ْ َ‫ي‬ ‫صفَ َُّر‬
ْ ِ‫ا‬
‫صفَ ِر ُْر‬ْ َ‫الُت‬-ُ‫صفَ ِر‬
ْ َ‫ُالُت‬-‫صفَ َُّر‬
ْ َ‫صفَ ِر ْرُ الُت‬ ْ ِ‫ا‬-‫صفَ ُِر‬
ْ ِ‫ا‬-‫صفَ َُّر‬
ْ ِ‫ا‬
ْ ‫ُم‬
Rhetorical implication :
This family is only used for colors as a meaning to turn x color.

‫ بابُاِ ْستِ ْفعال‬: 10

‫فارا فهوُ ُم ْست َ ْغ ِف ُر‬ ً ‫اِست َ ْغ َف َُر َيستَ ْغ ِف ُُر اِستِ ْغ‬
ُ‫فارا فهوُ ُم ْست َ ْغفَر‬ ً ‫ا ُ ْست ُ ْغ ِف َُر يُ ْستَ ْغفَ ُُر اِستِ ْغ‬
‫الُت َ ْستَ ْغ ِف ُْر‬ ‫اِ ْست َ ْغ ِفر‬
ُ‫ُم ْستَ ْغفَر‬
Rhetorical implication :
Words from this family usually imply wanting, seeking, or trying.
ُ‫ اِ ْست َ ْغ َف َر‬: to seek forgiveness (ُ‫غفَ َر‬
َ - to forgive)

َ ‫ اِست َ ْن‬: to ask for help (ُ‫ص َر‬

ُ‫ص َر‬ َ َ‫ ن‬- to help)

 Oral exercise: unit-03*3.2-3.8
 ‫صرفُكبير‬: unit03*3.9 &3.12
 Exam: unit-03*3.10
 Unit 4
 Reviw:unit-12
 Review: unit-15*o5sarf
 Advanced sarf:unit16
Part - 03
Topic - Irregularities In ‫صرف‬
There are 3 types of irregularities in ‫ صرف‬. They are:

I. ‫ َم ْه ُم ْوز‬: when one of the root letters is a ‫)ء( همزة‬:

There are 3 possibilities for the ‫ همزة‬to occur in root letters , they
 ‫ َم ْه ُم ْوزُالفاء‬: ‫ل‬ َُ ‫ا َ َك‬
 ‫ َم ْه ُم ْوزُالعين‬:‫ل‬ َُ ٔ‫سا‬َ ُ
 ‫ َم ْه ُم ْوزُاالم‬: ٔ‫دَ َرُا‬
It is treated differently in only two cases:
a) When two ‫ همزة‬comes together
b) When a ‫ همزة‬and an ‫ ا‬come together .
Change that occur in ‫ مزيدُفيه‬families:
In ‫ َم ْه ُم ْوزُالفاء‬the affected families are- 3 (‫ ) جاهد‬, 4(‫ ) اخبر‬and
َ ‫) اِ ْقت َ َر‬
Change that occur in ‫ مجرد‬families:
There are only two irregularities occur. These irregularities only
occur when the first or second root letter is a ‫همزة‬
a. When the first root letter is a ‫ همزة‬:
 When ‫ همزة‬meets with the ‫ ا‬in the ‫ اسمُفاعل‬, it becomes a
ِ ‫اخر‬ ِ ‫َء‬
 When the ‫ همزة‬meets the ‫ همزة‬in the ‫ُاسمُتفضيل‬,
ُُ ‫َءاخ َُرُ=ُآخ‬
 The ‫ همزة‬and ‫ ا‬are dropped in the commanding form.
b. When the second root letter is a ‫ همزة‬:
 The ‫ همزة‬and ‫ ا‬are dropped in the commanding form
Change that occur inُ‫صرفُكبير‬:
The ‫ انا‬version of the ‫ مضارع‬if the word is ‫ُمه ُموزُالفاء‬. The ‫همزة‬
in the root meets the ‫ همزة‬in the ‫ انا‬and turns into a ‫ آ‬. this
change occurs only in ‫ مجرد‬.
ُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُ‫ءا ُكلُُ=ُآ ُكلُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُُ َءا ُخذُُ=ُآ ُخذ‬
II. ‫ ُمضاعَف‬: when two of the root letters (specifically the ‫ ع‬and the ‫ل‬
letters ) are the same. The word ‫ مضاعف‬literally means
Multiplied. A word is classified as ‫ مضاعف‬when the second and
third root letters are the same,
ُّ ُ‫صُيَق‬
ُ‫ص‬ َّ َ‫ق‬
Root- ‫قُصُص‬

All ‫ صرف‬families are affected by this fusion except for the two ‫شدَّة‬
families, families 2(ُ‫علَّ َم‬
َ ) and 5(‫)تعلم‬
Changes in ‫ مزيدُفيه‬families:
The second and third root letters fuse in all families except
families 2(ُ‫علَّ َم‬
َ ) and 5(‫)تعلم‬
‫ الصرفُالصغير‬rules :
1. The second and third root letters fuse and a ‫ شدة‬is used to
represent the fusion
2. There are 3 version of the ‫ امر‬and ‫ نهى‬:
 The first takes (ُ‫)ف‬ َّ
 The second takes (ُ‫)ف‬ ِ
 The third follows the pattern of a normal ‫ امر‬or ‫ ;نهى‬the two
like letters separate
‫ الصرفُالكبير‬rules:
The following rules apply to all families in which the fusion
1) In ‫ ماضى‬, the ‫ شدة‬is undone at the ‫ن‬َُّ ‫ ُه‬version onwards, and the
two like root letters separate. From this point onwards, the
‫ فعل‬looks like a regular ‫فعل‬
2) In ‫مضارع‬, the ‫ شدة‬is undone only for the ‫ن‬ َُّ ُ ‫ ا َ ْنت‬version.
َُّ ‫ ُه‬and ‫ن‬
Changes in ‫ مجرد‬families:
‫ الصرفُالصغير‬rules :
1) The second and third root letters fuse and a ‫ شدة‬is used to
represent the fusion
2) There are 3 version of the ‫ امر‬and ‫ نهى‬:
 The first takes (ُ‫)ف‬
 The second takes (ُ‫)ف‬ِ
 The third follows the pattern of a normal ‫ امر‬or ‫ ;نهى‬the two
like letters separate
3) Every ‫ ماضى‬looks the same regardless of the clan- they all
follow the pattern ‫ل‬ َُّ َ‫ف‬
4) In the ‫مضارع‬, the ‫ حركت‬that usually goes on the second root
letter is transferred to the first root letter.
‫ الصرفُالكبير‬rules :
The following rules apply to all families in which the fusion
1) In ‫ ماضى‬, the ‫ شدة‬is undone at the ‫ن‬ َُّ ‫ ُه‬version onwards, and the
two like root letters separate. From this point onwards, the
‫ فعل‬looks like a regular ‫فعل‬
**note that when this happens, the hidden ‫ حركت‬on the
middle root letter is restored.
2) In ‫مضارع‬, the ‫ شدة‬is undone only for the ‫ن‬ َُّ ُ ‫ ا َ ْنت‬version.
َُّ ‫ ُه‬and ‫ن‬
*** When the ‫ اسمُتفضيل‬of ‫ مجرد‬families attacked by ‫ مضاعف‬:
ُُ َ‫ق = )ا َ ْف َع ُلُ(ا َ ْحق‬
‫ق‬ ُُّ ‫ا َ َح‬
All the ‫ اسماءُالتفضيل‬follow this pattern in ‫مضاعف‬
The ‫ جزم‬and ‫ نصب‬of ‫مضاعف‬:
To make a ‫ فعلُمضارعُمضاعف‬light (‫)منصوب‬, the same rules apply.
To refresh:
1. If the ‫ فعل‬ends in a (ُُُ) change into a (ُُ) َ
2. If the ‫ فعل‬ends in a ‫ ن‬get rid of the ‫ن‬
To make a ‫ فعلُمضارعُمضاعف‬lightest (‫ )مجزوم‬use the following
1. If the ‫ فعل‬ends in a (ُُُ), there are 3 versions (the same
version we learned in the ‫ امر‬and ‫)نهى‬:(ُ‫)ف‬,(ُ ِ ‫)ف‬
َّ and splitting
the ‫شدة‬
2. If the ‫ فعل‬ends in a ‫ ن‬get rid of the ‫ن‬
Commanding and Forbidding:
These are also follow the same rules for )‫ (جزم‬in terms of
endings. The ‫ حركات‬vary depending on the family.
III. ُ‫ ُم ْعتَل‬: when one or two of the letters are vowels (‫ و‬or ‫ )ي‬:
There are 5 categories of ُ‫ ُم ْعتَل‬, they are:
 ‫المثال‬
ِ : when the first root letter is ‫ و‬or ‫ ي‬: ‫ض َُع‬
َ ‫ ) وُضُع( َو‬:
When the first root letter is a ‫و‬, it is called ‫مثالُواوي‬. This type of ‫ مثال‬is
far more prevalent.
When the first root letter is a ‫ي‬, it is called ‫مثالُيأءي‬. This type of ‫مثال‬
does not occur very frequently.
‫ مثال‬in the ‫ مجرد‬family
‫ المثالُالواوي‬:
1. The ‫ و‬is dropped in the ‫مضارع‬, therefore it does not appear in the
2. When the ‫(ـ ِ ُْو‬ew) sound is created, the ‫ و‬transforms to a ‫ ي‬for
3. There are always two ‫مصدر‬, one that you must memorize and one
that always follows the pattern ‫ِعلَة‬
In ‫ مجرد‬family they behaves like a normal ‫ فعل‬and does not display
any irregularities. The only change is in the ‫مضارعُمج ُهول‬, the ‫ي‬
transform into ‫ و‬to avoid the ‫(ـ ِ ُْو‬ew) sound.
‫ مثال‬in the ‫ مزيدُفيه‬family
When dealing with ‫ مثالُواو‬or ‫ياءي‬, in the ‫ مزيدُفيه‬families, the following
rules apply:
1. When the ‫(ـ ِ ُْو‬ew) sound is created, the ‫ و‬transforms to a ‫ ي‬for
smoothness. (This occurs only in the ‫ مصدر‬of families 4(‫ )اخبر‬and
10(ُ‫)اِ ْست َ ْغفَ َر‬
2. The vowel merges with the ‫ ت‬in family 8(‫ )اقترب‬and a ‫ت‬ َُّ is created
as a result.
 ‫ٔج َوف‬ ْ ‫ اال‬: when the second root letter is ‫ و‬or ‫ ي‬: ‫ل‬ ُُ ‫لُيَقُ ْو‬
َُ ‫قُوُل( قا‬
When the second root letters is ‫و‬, it is called ‫ اجوفُواوى‬and
when the second root letters is ‫ي‬, it is called ‫اجوفُياءي‬.
‫ اجوف‬in ‫ مزيد فيه‬families:
Only 4 families change and they are paired in two groups
4)‫(اسلم‬, and 7)‫(استغفر‬:
 The vowel is replaced with an ‫ ا‬in ‫ماضى‬
 The vowel is replaced with a ‫ ياء‬in ‫مضارع‬
 The ‫ مصدر‬has a ‫ ة‬added to the end
 The vowel is omitted when the ‫ فعل‬is ‫ مجزوم‬if the ‫فعل‬
ends in a (ُُُ) (this includes ‫ امر‬and ‫)نهى‬
7(‫)اقترب‬, and 8(‫ )انكسر‬:
 The vowel is replaced with an ‫ ا‬in ‫ ماضى‬and ‫مضارع‬
 The vowel is replaced with a ‫ ياء‬in ‫مصدر‬
 The vowel is omitted when the ‫ فعل‬is ‫ مجزوم‬if the ‫فعل‬
ends in a (ُُُ) (this includes ‫ امر‬and ‫)نهى‬
‫ اجوف‬in ‫ مجرد‬families:
‫ الصرفُالصغير‬:
The changes that occur can be split into two categories:
1) Consistent changes:
 The ‫ ماضى‬always follows the ‫ل‬ َُ ‫ فا‬pattern.
 The ‫مضارعُمجهول‬/‫ ماضى‬follows the ‫ل‬ ُُ ‫ فِي َلُيُفا‬pattern
 The ‫ اسمُفاعل‬follows the ُ‫فاءل‬ ِ pattern.
 The ‫ اسمُمفعول‬always follows ُ‫ )اجوفُواوي( َمفُ ْول‬or ُ‫َم ِفيْل‬
 The ‫ ظرف‬always follows the ُ‫ُ َمفَالَة‬-ُ‫ُ َم ِفيْل‬-ُ‫ َمفَال‬pattern
 The ‫ آلة‬always follows the ُ‫ )اجوفُياءي( ِم ْفيال‬or ُ‫اجوفُ(م ْف َوال‬ ِ
2) Clan-dependent changes:
 Past/Present:
 ‫ص َُر‬َ َ‫ ن‬family follows the ‫ل‬ ُُ ‫ فا َلُ َيفُ ْو‬pattern
 ‫ب‬ َُ ‫ض َر‬ َ family follows the ‫ل‬ ُُ ‫ فا َلُيَ ِفي‬pattern
 ‫س ِم َُع‬
َ family follows the ‫ل‬ ُُ ‫ ُفا َلُ َيفا‬pattern
 The other clan do not occur in ‫اجوف‬
 Command:
 ‫ص َُر‬ َ َ‫ ن‬family follows the ‫ل‬ ُْ ُ‫ف‬pattern
 ‫ب‬ َُ ‫ض َر‬ َ family follows the ‫ل‬ ُْ ‫ ِف‬pattern
 ‫س ِم َُع‬َ family follows the ‫ل‬ ُْ َ‫ُف‬pattern
 ُThe vowel is always omitted in the ‫ مجزوم‬form if the
‫ فعل‬ends in a )ُُ(ُ‫ ضمة‬, regardless of the clan.
All changes that occur in the ‫ صرفُكبير‬are clan dependent.
 In the ‫ماضى‬, the vowel is dropped ‫ن‬ َُّ ‫ ُه‬onwards and
replaced by a ‫حركة‬
 In the ‫مضارع‬, the vowel is dropped ‫ن‬ َُّ ُ ‫ انت‬version
َُّ ‫ ُه‬and ‫ن‬
and replaced by a ‫حركة‬
The ‫ حركة‬that replaced the vowel is determined by the clan.
1) The ‫ ماضى‬can only take a ‫ ضمة‬or ‫كسرة‬
a. If it is from the ‫ص َُر‬ َ َ‫ ن‬family, it takes a ‫ضمة‬
b. Otherwise takes ‫كسرة‬
2) The ‫ مضارع‬can take the ‫ حركة‬that corresponds with the
omitted letter
a. For ‫ و‬is ‫ل‬ ُُ ‫َيقُ ْو‬
b. For ‫ ا‬is ‫ل‬ ُُ ‫يَنا‬
c. For ‫ ي‬is ‫َي ِب ْي ُُع‬
Other ‫ مجرد‬words:
‫اسم تفضيل‬:
The vowel behaves normally. If the word is ‫ اجوفُواوي‬then
the vowel is ‫و‬, if the word is ‫ اجوفُياءي‬then the vowel is ‫ي‬
‫ ا َ ْق َو ُُم‬-ُ‫ُقُوُم‬
ُُ ‫ ا َ ْب َي‬- ‫بُيُن‬
‫اسم صفة‬:
Recall that the ‫ اسمُصفة‬pattern is ُ‫فَ ِعيْل‬. The ‫ ي‬is the part of the
container of the word. When this ‫ ي‬meets the vowel in an
‫ اجوف‬word, the two merged and create a ‫ ي‬withُ‫شدة‬
ُ‫ُبُيُن‬-ُ‫بَ ِين‬
 ‫ النَّا ِقص‬: when the third root letters is ‫ و‬or ‫ ي‬:‫ع ُْو‬ ُ ‫) دُعُو( دَعاُ َي ْد‬:
Changes in ‫ مزيد فيه‬:
‫ ناقصُياءي‬and ‫ ناقصُواوي‬behave same way in ‫مزيدُفيه‬
There are two kinds of rules
1) General Rules:
a. The ‫ ماضى‬always ends in an )‫ىُ(الفُمقصورة‬
b. The ‫ مضارع‬ends in )‫يُ(ياء‬
 The only exception to this is the ‫ فتحة‬families (ُ‫ ت َ َعلَّ َم‬and
َ َ ‫) ت‬, which end in an ‫ى‬
َُ ‫سا َء‬
c. The ‫ اسمُفاعل‬always ends in a )ٍُ( sound
d. The ‫ اسمُمفعول‬always ends in )‫ى‬ ً (
2) Family-specific Rules:
The pattern of each families unique ‫ مصدر‬change
a. The ‫مصدر‬in families 3, 4, 7, 8, 10 ends in a ‫اء‬
b. The ‫ مصدر‬in family 2 and the second ‫ مصدر‬in family 3
ends in a ‫ة‬
c. The ‫ مصدر‬in family 5and 6 ends like an ‫)ٍُ( اسمُفاعل‬
‫ ماضى‬:
i. The vowel in the ‫ هو‬version always takes a ‫الفُمقصورة‬
ii. The ‫ الفُمقصورة‬is replaced by a ‫ ياء‬for the remainder of
the conjugations. The ‫ ياء‬is omitted in the ‫هم‬, ‫ هي‬and ‫هما‬
(feminine) form
iii. The ‫ هم‬form ends in ‫( ـ َ ْوا‬aw) rather than ‫( ـُوا‬oo)- this is the
result of the ‫ ى‬sound in the ‫ هو‬form
‫ مضارع‬:
i. The ‫ ياء‬is omitted in the forms that ends in ‫ هم( ون‬and
‫)انتم‬- this is done to avoid theُ ew sound
ii. The ‫ هن‬and ‫ت‬ ُِ ‫ ان‬form look the same
‫ ماضىُمجهول‬:
i. Theُ‫ ياء‬is omitted in the ‫ هم‬form (to avoid the ew
‫ مضارعُمجهول‬:
i. The ‫ مضارعُمجهول‬ends in ‫ الفُمقصورة‬which produces
‫ فتحة‬sounds in the entire chart
ii. The ‫ الفُمقصورة‬is omitted in the ‫ هم‬and the ‫ انتم‬forms
(to avoid the ew sound)
iii. The ‫ت‬ ُِ ‫ ان‬and the ‫ انتن‬forms look the same
‫ امرُونهي‬:
i. The vowel is dropped in the ‫انت‬ َُ version of the
command/forbidding and the corresponding ‫حركة‬
replaces the vowel
ii. The rest of them are constructed normally
‫ اسمُفاعل‬:
i. The ‫ رفع‬and ‫ جر‬forms takes a ٍ ‫ُـ‬
ii. The ‫ نصب‬takes ‫يًا‬
iii. The ‫ ياء‬is present in every other form except for the
masculine plural (this includes dual masculine, dual
feminine and plural feminine)
‫ اسمُمفعول‬:
i. The singular always ends in a ‫ى‬ ًُ regardless of the status
ii. The ‫ الفُمقصورة‬is replaced by a ‫ ياء‬in the masculine
dual and the feminine plural
iii. The ending combination are always proceeded by a
‫ فتحة‬because of the original ‫ ا‬sound
‫ ظرف‬:
i. The ‫ اسمُمفعول‬rules apply to the ‫ظرف‬, the only
difference being that the human plural is not used and a
feminine version does not exist.
i. Most families have a ‫ مصدر‬that fits normally into the
‫ مسلم‬chart. The only exception to this is the two ‫فتحة‬
families (‫ ت َزَ َّكى‬and ‫ضى‬
َ ‫) ت َ َرا‬. These two chart follows the
same pattern as the ‫اسمُفاعل‬, the only difference being
that the human plural is not used and a feminine
version cannot be made.
Changes in ‫ مجرد‬families:
i. The ‫ نصر‬family still has an (a) sound in the ‫ ماضى‬and
an (u) sound in the ‫مضارع‬. However, since it is ‫ناقص‬
the (a) sound shows as an ‫ ا‬and the (u) sound shows as
a ‫و‬. ‫عو‬ُ ‫عاُُ َي ْد‬
َ َ‫د‬
ii. ‫ فتح‬family still has (a) sound in both the ‫ماضيُ&ُمضارع‬
both shows as ‫ ى‬. ‫طغَى‬ْ ‫طغَىُ َي‬
iii. ‫ ضرب‬family still has (a) sound in ‫ ماضى‬and an (i)
sound in the ‫مضارع‬. The (i) sound shows as a ‫ ي‬and the
(a) sound as a ‫ ى‬. ‫َهدَىُ َي ْهدِي‬
iv. ‫ سمع‬family still has (i) sound in ‫ ماضى‬and an (a) sound
in the ‫مضارع‬. The ‫ كسرة‬remains in ‫ ماضى‬and ‫مضارع‬
takes a ‫ ى‬. ‫سى‬َ ‫ِيُُُ َي ْن‬
َ ‫نَس‬
The passive always follows the pattern ‫يُيُ ْف َعىا‬ َ ‫ُفُ ِع‬
This always follows the ٍ‫فاع‬ ُ pattern
This always follows the ُ‫ َم ْفعُو‬if it is ‫ نصر( واوي‬family)
This always follows the ‫ َم ْفعًى‬pattern
This always follows the ُ‫ ِم ْفعاة‬pattern
The ‫ صرفُكبير‬of ‫ مجرد‬is the same as the ‫ صرفُكبير‬of the ُ‫مزيد‬
‫ فيه‬. there is only one key difference if the root letter is a ‫و‬,
the ‫ و‬comes back in the ‫ ماضى‬and ‫ مضارع‬charts. Otherwise a
‫ ي‬comes back.
ُ ‫ اللَّ ِف‬: when the first and third root letters are ‫ و‬or ‫ ي‬.
 ‫يفُال َم ْف ُر ْوق‬
the word ‫ مفروق‬literally means separated : ‫ي‬ ُْ ‫) وُقُي( َوقَىُ َي ِق‬:
This irregularities combined ‫ مثال‬and ‫ناقص‬. The same rules of
‫ مثال‬and ‫ ناقص‬apply, both in ‫ مزيدُفيه‬and ‫مجرد‬
The only exception to this rule is when both root letters are ‫ي‬. In
this case, the word can either be treated like a ‫ ناقص‬word or a
‫ مضاعف‬word.
ُ ‫ اللَّ ِف‬: when the second and third root letters are ‫ و‬or
ْ ‫يفُال َم ْق ُر‬
 ُ‫ون‬
‫ ي‬. the word ‫ مفرون‬literally means paired togather : ‫ي‬ ُْ ‫لَ َوىُيَ ْل ِو‬
(‫) لُوُي‬:
This irregularities are behaves just like ‫ناقص‬. The same rules
of ‫ ناقص‬apply, both in ‫ مزيدُفيه‬and ‫مجرد‬
The only exception to this rule is when both root letters are ‫ي‬. In
this case, the word can either be treated like a ‫ ناقص‬word or a
‫ مضاعف‬word
Part - 04
Topic - Extra Notes:
 ‫ الفعلُالرباعى‬:
 The majority of ‫ افعال‬in Arabic are made up of a three-letter
root. These are a handful of ‫ افعال‬, however, that contains a
four-letter root. The technical term for this is ‫ُربا ِعى‬
 ‫ ُربا ِعىُمجرد‬is the technical term for the patterns in which the
past tense has no extra letters outside of the four-letter root.
This is alternately known as R1
 ‫ ُربا ِعىُمزيدُفيه‬is the technical term for the patterns in which
there are extra letters outside of the four-letter root. This is
alternately known as R2
 Words that act as a ‫ صفة‬:
 ‫ اسمُمفعول‬:
Is used as a ‫ صفة‬when the ‫ صفة‬has a passive meaning.
 ‫ اسمُفاعل‬:
It is the default ‫ صفة‬for ‫ صفات‬on the condition that the ‫صفة‬
does not have a passive meaning.
 ‫ اسمُصفة‬:
Is used as a ‫ صفة‬when the ‫ صفة‬is a permanent or inherent
quality of that which is being described.
 Words that behave like a ‫ فعل‬:
There are few ‫ اسماء‬that have an action-like meaning to them. In
this way they are similar to ‫افعال‬. They are similar in terms of
meaning and also behave like ‫ افعال‬in some ways. These ‫ صيغ‬often
take a ‫ مفعولُبه‬and sometimes they take a ‫ فاعل‬as well
 ‫ اسمُفاعل‬:
 When it takes a ‫ مفعولُبه‬or ‫فاعل‬, it translates like a ُ‫فعل‬
 ‫ اسمُمفعول‬:
Since it is passive in meaning, it takes a ‫ ناءبُالفاعل‬rather
than a ‫ فاعل‬and does not generally take a ‫مفعولُبه‬. It translates
in the future.
 ‫ مصدر‬:
In many cases, a ‫ مصدر‬and its ‫ مفعولُبه‬translate most
naturally as an ‫اضافة‬


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