Literature Information

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Importance of Languages & Literature

Human society is proud of its Language and Literature. For instance: Arabs called rest of
others as ‘Ajam’ and the British value Shakespeare and his Dramas over their colonial
possessions. The words, language and literature are familiar to every literate person. Perhaps
these are the two words which are most commonly used by the literate people because language
and literature are used not only for literary works but also for medical science, computer science
and all other subjects of studies. We often hear a professor of medicine telling his students. "I
will supply you the literature on the function of the brain" or a professor of computer science
talking about the language of computer and its literature. But very few people know the real
meaning of language and literature in a wide sense. In this lecture today, we shall discuss the
definition, meaning, function of language and literature and the difference between language and
literature. We will also discuss the purpose, aim and benefit of studying literature. We study
language because we want to speak and communicate with others but why do we study
literature? What are the benefits of studying literature in this scientific age? Isn't it the wastage of
time and energy to study poetry, novels, short stories or drama? Let’s proceed to our detailed

Definition, Meaning & Context of Language & Literature:

In our daily speech we generally take language and literature as a same thing. For us both
of them have the same meaning. If you ask any teacher of English, "what do you teach?", he
would say "language and literature". When he says this, he does not make any difference
between language and literature. He takes them as one thing as a compound word. In fact we use
language and literature as a single compound word having the one meaning.

But it is not so in reality. If we go deep into the meaning of the words, language and
literature, we find a great difference between them. We also find that language is primary and
literature is secondary. Generally a language is defined as: "the human capacity for acquiring and
using complex systems of communications." In fact the word, language, has been originally
derived from Latin word, 'Lingua' which means 'tongue'. When we use language in general, it
refers to the cognitive faculty which enables us to learn and use systems of complex

Language was originated when the early men, having different cultures, started co-
operating with one another. At this time they needed a common language to convey their
thoughts and ideas to others. So they invented a sign language which soon became very
common. But, as the human being's nature is, they were not satisfied with the sign language.
They wanted to convert their thoughts into words and wanted to hear the thoughts. So they

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started finding words which may produce sound. Ultimately they succeeded and the language
with sound came into existence.

Since the people had different cultures and regions, different languages came into
existence. After the invention of language they learnt the art of writing and, as a result, started
expressing themselves in writing. Whatever they wrote was preserved and thus in this way
literature came into existence.

Thus we see that literature is the product of language and so it depends on language. If a
language is dead, automatically, its literature is also dead. It has been rightly said that if you want
to kill and destroy a community, first kill its language, the community will automatically be
killed and vanished. Since there are many languages (nearly 3000—6000 languages are spoken
in all over the world) so many different literature came into existence. Every language has its
own literature. The literature of a language is rich because of the correct use of the language by
the writers of that language.

Language Families:
A group of language that descended from a common ancestor is known as a language
family. Followings are the language families that are most spoken in the world today:

a. Indo-European family---This family includes English, Russian, Spanish and

Hindi languages.
b. The Sino-Tibetan family---This family includes Mandarin, Chinese, Cantonese
and many other languages.
c. Semitic family---This include Arabic, Amharic and Hebrew languages.
d. Bantu family---This includes Swahili, Zulu, Shona and hundreds of other
languages spoken throughout Africa.

Forty percent of the world's languages are endangered and likely to become extinct. With
the extinction of those forty percent languages, their literature, too, will extinct and, as a result,
we will lose a huge wealth of literature. So it is the duty of every writer to study those rare
literatures and write about them so that we may preserve those valuable literatures in our

Differences between Language & Literature:

Following are some major differences between Language and Literature:

1. Language is a set of words to express our ideas to others. This is a means through
which we express our thoughts. Without means we cannot express our thoughts.
On the other hand, literature is the thought which is expressed with the help of
language. Thus it is clear that without language there is no existence of literature

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because without language we cannot express our thoughts. Language is the
fundamental unit of literature. It can be said that language makes literature.
2. Literature is produced by the creation of works in a particular language by the
writer of the language. On the other hand, language is a mode of expression of
thoughts by means of articulate sound. There can be as many literatures as there
are languages.
3. A language comprises of sounds, words and sentences. While literature is made
up of the thoughts expressed in any given language.
4. Thus it can be said that literature has several forms which are called literary forms
like prose, poetry, drama, novel, epic, short stories etc. All these literary forms are
laden with language in which it is written. In short it can be said that the entire
literature is constructed by the language in which it is written.
5. Language is the method of expression whereas literature is the collection of such
expression in the said forms mentioned above. Any literature can be said to be
rich or poor depending upon the correctness of the language in which it is created.

Literary Language:
Literary language is that language which is used in literary criticism and general
discussion on some literary works. English has been used as a literary language in countries that
were ruled by the British Empire such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Nigeria etc.
where English is official language even today.

Before the 18th century the language of literature was totally different from the language
which was used by the common man in spoken or written. So literature was not easy to
understand for a common man. Only highly qualified and educated people could enjoy the
reading of literature. So literature was far away from the reach of the common people.
Shakespeare’s language was not easy to understand for common Elizabethans. Similarly Samuel
Johnson's prose was not easy for common people because it was full of rhetoric with antecedent
models in Greek and Latin. It was only Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) who wrote the major works of
literature in the ordinary English language. Since then the language of literature has changed a

In modern times we find literature written in the languages which are really used by
common people in their daily life. This is the reason why literature has become popular in our
time. Now every literate person can enjoy the reading of literature of his or her choice because it
is written in the language which he or she uses in daily life. So today, literature has become close
to the people and so its readership has increased. On the part of writers it has now become a style
to write in ordinary and common language.

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Defining Literature:
To define literature is very difficult. In general sense, we can say whatever is written is
literature but there cannot be a clear and precise definition of literature because its scope is so
vast that it covers almost all thee spheres of life. Different scholars have differently defined the
literature but those definitions cannot be taken as final. Everyone has his own definition of
literature based on his understanding of literature.

But it is a universally accepted fact that literature is the mirror of our lives in which we
see the reflections of our lives. Literature, in its most comprehensive meaning, includes all the
activities of human soul in general, or within particular sphere, period, country, or a language.
Literature is that form of writing which arouses our feelings of the beautiful by the perfection of
form or excellence of ideas or by both.

Collins English Dictionary defines literature as written materials such as poetry, novels,
essays, etc. especially works of imagination characterized by excellence of style and expression
and by themes of general or enduring interest.

Esther Lamba has defined literature as a term used to describe written or spoken
material. Broadly speaking, literature is used to describe anything from creative writing to more
technical or scientific works, but the term is mostly used for the creative imagination, including
works of poetry, drama, fiction, and non-fiction.

As we know, the word, literature, has been derived from the Latin word, “litterae” which
means “letter”. So literature means "things made from letters." But it is also not confined to only
published works. Unpublished work also may be literature which is called oral literature.

Like any other branch of studies, literature is also divided into four major classes
namely poetry, prose, fiction, and non-fiction. It may also be divided according to historical
periods, genres, and political influences. The Important historical periods in English literature are
the Renaissance period, old English period, Middle English period, Shakespearean and
Elizabethan period, 18th century Restoration period, 19th century Victorian period, and the 20th
century modern period. There are also many important movements in English literature.
Romanticism, Feminism, post-colonialism, post-structuralism, post modernism, psycho-analysis,
Marxism etc. are the important movements in English literature.

Scope of Literature:
The scope of literature is very wide. It can cover everything which is on the earth.
Literature has the capacity to incorporate within itself the entire universe of discourses. In fact
the scope of literature is everything which can come into the human mind. It includes everything
from Mathematics to Philosophy and to the other intricate sciences. Since literature reflects life,
so the scope of literature covers the whole life of every man. It can be best understand in the

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context of what Leo-Tolstoy, the Russian writer said while defining literature. He said that
literature fails if it cannot answer the two fundamental questions: who we are and how shall we
live. If literature does not teach us how to live and does tell our identification as human beings,
then it is something else, not literature in a true sense. Tolstoy's this statement defines literature,
tells us about the function and aim of literature as well as its scope. Tolstoy believes that these
two questions drive all literature and should be guiding principles upon which all literature is
based. These are the two questions which also deal with the scope of literature.

The point here is that all literature should answer these two fundamental questions.
Literature tells us who we are and how should we live in this world. It means that the literature
has completely encompassed our life, since our birth to our death. This very idea shows how
wide the scope of literature is.

Why Should We Study Literature?

It is a frequently asked question why should we study literature? In this modern age when
man has conquered the moon, is it proper to live in the world of imagination? What is the use of
studying literature while there are a lot of things to know and study which are based on reality
and which can benefit the whole community of the world? Isn't it the wastage of time and energy
to read a poem, a novel, short stories, or dramas in this age of science and technology?

Here, again, we have to look towards what Leo-Tolstoy has said regarding the aim of
literature. According to him literature answers two important questions which are related all to
the human beings in the world and they are: who we are and how should we live in this world.
The answer of very these questions proves that literature is vital for our life because it reflects
our life in it. When we study literature we come to know ourselves which is a kind of self-
revelation. We come to where we are committing mistake in our life and so we can make
correction. In fact literature is the mirror of social and political life of the age in which it was
written. It represents the life of its age.

So literature is a kind of documents which contains the history, social or political, of its
time. By studying literature of any age, we come to know about the culture, tradition, habits,
customs, and the way of living of the people of that age. If we read Chaucer's poetry, we come to
know about the people of the 14th century and their culture, tradition, customs and their habits.
When we study Shakespeare’s sonnets and plays, we are acquainted with the culture, custom,
habits and fashion of the people of the Elizabethan period. When we read or watch Congreve's
play, The Way of the World, we get knowledge about the customs, habits, fashion, and the way
of the living of the people of the aristocratic society of the 17th century London. In the 18th
century the novel emerged as an important literary form. If we read the novels written in the 18th
century we find the description of customs, cultures, habits, and the daily life of the people of
18th century. The same case is with the modern or 20th or 21st century literature. So we can say

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that literature is a kind of historical documents which contains the true information about the age
and the society in which it was written.

Thus literature provides us not only pleasure and enjoyment but also factual information
of a particular age and its society. The second utility of studying literature is that it introduces
ourselves to us. It tells us who we are and how should we live in this world. The study of
literature makes a man sober and gentle and also teaches us the art of living. Every great and
genuine literature deals with our life and way of our living. Literature helps us understand
ourselves and the purpose of our life in this world. Thus it is clear that study of literature is vital
for us to understand ourselves, our lives and the art of living. The third point is that literature is a
communication for the educated people. It communicates through characters, stories, essays,
poetry or fiction. It is an art. Not all people can reach up to it. It is as special as science is by
itself. As we have discussed above, literature is a mirror to the contemporary life. Literature
contains everything in it—the thoughts of the great people, joy, happiness or pain of the common
poor people. The ideals of history, science or the society are also glorified through literature.
Literature is a world in itself because it can take everything in its range. The language also
attains its ultimate through literature. Therefore, before making a study of mankind, we should
go through the literature it has created.

Thus the essence of the discussion, why should we study literature is that:

 We should study literature because it gives us pleasure and joy. It is entertaining.

We read literature for the same reason that we watch movies and television.
 Literature has a wide range. It takes us to a new world, places, and in the different
periods of time. It broadens our minds and our horizon.
 Through literature we discover ourselves. We find ourselves and our life in a
character. The characters of a novel or a drama reflect our life. It is through the
study of literature that we see ourselves.
 The study of literature improves our thinking skill. It trains us in the field of high
order and high thinking. We learn this by analyzing themes, characters and
symbols in a work of literature. It enlightens our imaginative power of the mind.
 Different people study literature for different reasons. Some study for
entertainment and pleasures, some for getting information whereas some for
spiritual purposes. It can, thus, be said that the reason of study may vary from
people to people, but literature benefits all the people who study literature.
 The study of literature also enriches our vocabulary power. We read literature and
come across many new words. Thus we learn new words.
 It also improves our art of writing. We discuss the themes, characterization etc.
and using our minds we write them. This also improves our writing power.

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Our foregoing discussion demonstrates that language is not only a collection of words in
an unabridged dictionary but the individual and social passion of human beings. With the
development of human race, the language also developed and kept on changing. A number of
languages emerged and died after some times. The languages which are no more in use are called
dead languages. But a number of languages are still used by a lot of people. They are called
modern languages.

We have also seen that the language of which is used in literature is different from the
language used by the ordinary people. These languages are called the Literary Language. The
literary language contains symbols, metaphor, hyperbole, etc., to express the writer's views
effectively. But in our modern age the situation is changed. Now it is considered to be a writer's
quality to use the language of the ordinary people in his literary works. Since the literature is the
expression of human thoughts, its content is limitless because the thoughts and desire of human
beings to communicate with one another is also limitless. The subject matter of literature is as
wide as human experience itself. So the themes of literature have at once an infinite variety and
an abiding constancy. They can be taken from myth, from history, from contemporary events or
they can be a pure invention of the writer.

We have also noticed that literature has two aspects—the first is enjoyment and
appreciation and the second is the analysis and exact description. When study literature we go to
a new world—a world of dream and magic—which is totally different from our own real world.
Being an art literature expresses life in forms of truth and beauty. It reflects truth and beauty
which are present in the world but remain hidden from ordinary people. They are brought to our
attention by a sensitive human soul, the writer. On this basis literature has got two meanings. "In
the broadest sense, perhaps, literature means simply the written records of the race, including all
its history and sciences, as well as its poems and novels; in the narrow sense literature is the
artistic record of life, and most of our writing is excluded from it…."(William J. Long, English

One of the best qualities of literature is its universality. Literature is produced in many
countries, in many languages but literature does not know the boundary of nation or race. It has
universal appeal because it appeals to all human emotions. It basically deals with human
emotion—love, hate, joy, sorrow, fear, and faith. As we have mentioned above, literature is like
a historical documents of the people of a particular age because it records not only their deeds,
customs and habit but also their dreams, their thoughts which made their deeds possible. That is
why Aristotle has said that "poetry is more serious and philosophical than history". Many people
criticize literature as a mere play of imagination without any practical importance. But, in fact,
they themselves have not fully understood the literature. Literature is very near to our life and
truth because it preserves the ideals of people which are the part of human life.

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In a nutshell, Literature is the expression of life in words of truth and beauty; it is the
written record of man's spirit, of his thoughts, emotions, aspirations; it is the history, and the only
history, of the human soul. It is characterized by its artistic, its suggestive, and its permanent
qualities. Its object, aside from the delight it gives, is to know man, that is, the soul of man rather
than his actions; and since it preserves to the race the ideals upon which all our civilization is
founded, it is one of the most important and delightful subjects that can occupy the human mind.

Ghazi Muhammad Abdullah

(Assistant Professor)
Department of History & Pakistan Studies
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Friday, 22 March, 2019

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