Amie Syllabus Sec B Chemical
Amie Syllabus Sec B Chemical
Amie Syllabus Sec B Chemical
IC 402
Introduction to non-ideal reactors. Residence time corresponding state. Residual volume, compressibility factor.
distribution, dispersion model and its solution for different Equations of state. Heat effects. Clausius-Clapeyron equation.
boundary conditions. Second law. Entropy. Carnot cycle, work function, free energy.
Recommended Books Phase rule—its use in study of multicomponent systems.
.. J M Smith. Chemical Engineering Kinetics. McGraw-Hill Group B
International. Refrigeration. Thermodynamic efficiency, production of
.. O Levenspiel. Chemical Reaction Engineering. McGraw-Hill work from heat. Partial molal properties. Chemical potential,
International. fugacity.
Activity and activity coefficients. Gibbs-Duhem equation.
CH 404
Study Material & Admission
for AMIE Exams 3
CH 407
CH 412
Group A
Process equipment supports. Storage tanks and pressure HEAT TRANSFER OPERATIONS
Heat transfer equipment. Concentric pipe, shell and tube, Group A
single-pass and multi-pass heat exchangers; Condensers. Fouriers’ laws of conduction, steady state conduction of
Group B heat through solids. Steady state heating and cooling of liquids.
Single and multiple effect evaporators. Plate and frame filter Convection-free and forced, heat transfer correlations—free and
press. forced. Heat transfer from vertical surfaces and rotating bodies.
Mass transfer equipment. Absorption and distillation Heat transfer from condensing vapours and boiling liquids—
columns; Rotary dryers. filmwise and dropwise. Boiling coefficients. Fouling factors. Heat
exchange equipment like heat exchangers, condensers and waste
Recommended Books
heat boilers. Heat transfer in stirred tanks.
.. D Q Kern. Heat Transfer. McGraw-Hill International.
Group B
.. R E Treybal. Mass Transfer Operations. McGraw-Hill
Heat transfer by radiation—black body and grey body
radiation, laws of radiation. Shape factor. Combined heat transfer
.. R K Sinnett. An Introduction to Chemical Engineering coefficients with convection and radiation.
Design in Chemical Engineering: Vol 6. Coulson and
Evaporation: Various types of evaporators and their
Richardson Series, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
attachments, performance of evaporators, boiling point rise.
Single and multiple effects. Forward feed, backward feed and
CH 411
Mixing equipment and characteristics, power consumption thermistor. Response of these instruments. Instrument
and efficiency. Measurements of fluid flow by weir, V-notch, performance characteristics and evaluation.
orifice meter, venturi meter, pitot tube and rotameter. Composition measuring instruments. Spectroscopic
Recommended Books method, thermal conductivity cell, carbon dioxide analyser, fuel
.. W L McCabe and J C Smith. Unit Operations of Chemical gas analysis, oxygen analysis, pH meter, refractomer,
chromatograph, colorimetry and polarograph. Response of these
Engineering. McGraw-Hill International.
instruments. Instrument performance characteristics and
.. A M Gaudin. Principles of Mineral Dressing. Tata McGraw- evaluation.
Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
Measurement of pressure and volume. Manometer, pressure
spring. Mcleoid gauge. Pirani gauge, ionisation gauge and liquid
CH 414
Study Material & Admission
for AMIE Exams 5
.. S Sarkar. Fuels and Combustion. Orient Longman Ltd., Oils and fats: Refining, hydrogenation, fat splitting. Soaps
New Delhi. and detergents. Pulp and paper industries. Industrial
fermentation—ethyl alcohol.
CH 422
CH 425
kinetics—Michel-Menten equation. Sequential enzyme reactions, INSTRUMENTATION AND
regulation of enzyme activity. CONTROL
Group B
Transport phenomena in microbial systems. Fermentation: (See page 16, subject CH 415)
Process parameters, sterilization. Process control.
Bioreactors: Different types—design and scale up. Cellular CH 431
genetic, genetic manipulation, principles of recombinant. DNA
technolog y. Important biochemical products—their
manufacturing procedures and uses. Group A
Recommended Books Genesis of polymers, chemistry of polymerisation. Chain
.. F C Webb. Biochemical Engineering. Van Nostrand and step polymerisation, polymerisation techniques. Co-
Publishing Co. polymerisation.
.. J E Bailey and D F Ollis. Biochemical Engineering Kinetics of polymerisation, molecular weight, glass transition
Fundamentals. McGraw-Hill International. temperature. Crystallinity.
Polymer theology. Viscosity, apparent viscosity, Newtonian
CH 423
.. F B Billmeyer. Textbook of Polymer Science. Wiley Control equipment for particulate emission. Solid waste
Interscience, New York. treatment and management. Pollution control with recycling.
.. J R Fried. Polymer Science and Technology. Prentice-Hall of Group B
India (P) Ltd., New Delhi. Waste water and sludge treatments. Treatment of industrial
.. V R Gowarikar, N V Viswanathan and J Sreedhar. Polymer wastes from typical chemical industries. Pollution control in
Science. New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi. industries like acid, alkali, fertilizer, paper and pulp, food, petro-
chemicals, leather tanning and brewery industries.
CH 432