Hypnosis 0001 PDF
Hypnosis 0001 PDF
Hypnosis 0001 PDF
2000; 92:1257– 67
© 2000 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Background: The neural mechanisms underlying the modu- that would be more or less activated in hypnosis than in control
lation of pain perception by hypnosis remain obscure. In this conditions, under noxious stimulation).
study, we used positron emission tomography in 11 healthy Results: Hypnosis decreased both pain sensation and the
volunteers to identify the brain areas in which hypnosis mod- unpleasantness of noxious stimuli. Noxious stimulation caused
ulates cerebral responses to a noxious stimulus. an increase in regional cerebral blood flow in the thalamic
Methods: The protocol used a factorial design with two fac- nuclei and anterior cingulate and insular cortices. The hypnotic
tors: state (hypnotic state, resting state, mental imagery) and state induced a significant activation of a right-sided extrastriate
stimulation (warm non-noxious vs. hot noxious stimuli applied area and the anterior cingulate cortex. The interaction analysis
to right thenar eminence). Two cerebral blood flow scans were showed that the activity in the anterior (mid-)cingulate cortex
obtained with the 15O-water technique during each condition. was related to pain perception and unpleasantness differently
After each scan, the subject was asked to rate pain sensation and in the hypnotic state than in control situations.
unpleasantness. Statistical parametric mapping was used to de- Conclusions: Both intensity and unpleasantness of the nox-
termine the main effects of noxious stimulation and hypnotic ious stimuli are reduced during the hypnotic state. In addition,
state as well as state-by-stimulation interactions (i.e., brain areas hypnotic modulation of pain is mediated by the anterior cingu-
late cortex. (Key words: Functional neuroimaging; pain; statis-
tical parametric mapping.)
This article is featured in “This Month in Anesthesiology.”
䉫 Please see this issue of ANESTHESIOLOGY, page 5A.
maintain either one or the other constant. By this it is silent. The HS was considered to be present when roving
meant that subjects were not asked to actively induce eye movements were observed on oculography and if,
analgesia but only to recall pleasant life experiences, just before the scan, the subjects responded by a prear-
without any reference to pain perception.1,2 The ratio- ranged foot movement that he/she felt in the HS. Slow
nale of the present study was to explore the brain mech- ocular movements are regularly observed in the HS in
anisms underlying the modulation of pain perception isolation or intermingled with few saccades. This pattern
proper to our clinical hypnotic protocol. of ocular movements, in conjunction with the subject’s
behavior, was used to differentiate the HS from other
states. Polygraphic recordings ensured that no sleep oc-
Materials and Methods curred during the experimental session.
Each subject was scanned twice in both levels of stim-
Subjects ulation (non-noxious and noxious) in each of the three
This study was approved by the Ethical Committee of states (12 scans per subject). After each measurement,
the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Liège. the subjects were asked to verbally rate the noxious
Healthy right-handed drug-free unpaid volunteers were stimulus intensity and unpleasantness on a scale from 0
considered for selection after written informed consent
to 10 (for sensation, 0 ⫽ no pain sensation, 10 ⫽ most
was obtained. From a cohort of 30 screened subjects, 11
intense painful sensation imaginable; for unpleasantness,
(4 women, 7 men; mean age, 31.7 yr; age range, 27–55
0 ⫽ not at all unpleasant, 10 ⫽ most unpleasant imagin-
yr) were selected because they were scored as highly
able). To avoid multiple hypnotic inductions, the fifth to
hypnotizable subjects (score ⬎ 8 of 12) according to a
eighth scans were always made in HS. The order of the
French version of the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility
other two states, and of the non-noxious and noxious
Scale–Form C.6 During the selection procedure, which
stimulations, was pseudorandomized over subjects. Sub-
took place several weeks before the experimental ses-
jects were warned that scans started but were not told in
sion, detailed information about pleasant life experi-
ences that the subject wanted to use during the experi- which order the different stimulations would occur. Sub-
ment was obtained through a semistructured interview. jects were instructed to keep their eyes closed through-
out the experimental session. Ambient noise was re-
duced to a minimum, and ambient light was dimmed.
Experimental Design
Thermal Stimulation. Thermal stimuli were deliv-
Experimental Conditions. The experiment followed
ered by a Marstock thermal stimulator (Somedic: ther-
a factorial design with two factors: stimulation (warm
non-noxious vs. hot noxious) and state (resting state motest Type I; Senselab, Upsala, Sweden) that delivers
[RS], mental imagery [MI], hypnotic state [HS]). calibrated and reproducible thermal stimulations via a
In the first condition (RS), the subjects were asked to water-cooled probe (2.5 ⫻ 5 cm). The thermode was
empty their minds and remain immobile. In the second applied to the thenar eminence of the right hand. The
condition (MI), during the interscan interval, the sub- stimuli consisted of a ramp increase from 35°C to the
jects listened to sentences containing pleasant informa- predetermined level during 5 s, a plateau at this temper-
tion taken from their own past. Subjects were instructed ature for 5 s, and linear return to the baseline tempera-
to vividly imagine a pleasurable autobiographical mem- ture for 5 s. This sequence was repeated six times during
ory. The subjects were urged not to try to enter in the the scanning period. Thermal stimulation started 10 s
HS. During 90-s scanning periods, the experimenter re- before the second frame of the scans.
mained silent. Subjects confirmed by a foot movement Before the PET studies, target temperatures that were
that they used MI. In the third condition (HS), the sub- reproducibly experienced as warm and non-noxious
jects were scanned after the HS was induced. This con- (typically 39°C) or hot and noxious (typically 47°C)
dition started with a 3-min induction procedure involv- were carefully established for each subject before the
ing muscle relaxation. Subjects were then invited to study. Once established, these individual (non-noxious
reexperience their pleasant autobiographical memory. and noxious) temperatures were used during the corre-
As in clinical conditions, permissive and indirect sugges- sponding scans. Practice sessions were conducted so
tions were used to develop and deepen the HS. They that the anxiety and emotional reactions associated with
were continuously given cues for maintaining an HS. a novel experimental situation or unexpected noxious
However, during the scans, the experimenter remained stimuli would be reduced.
PET and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Acquisi- of interest: the pain ratings, the experimental states, and
tions. Before the scanning session, electrodes were put a covariate representing the interaction between ratings
in place to monitor electroencephalograph (C3–A2 and of pain perception and the states (the HS vs. control
C4 –A1), horizontal electrooculogram, and chin electro- states). The state regressor consisted of dummy variables
myogram. A venous catheter was inserted during local (⫺1 for RS and MI scans and 1 for the HS scans). The use
anesthesia in a left antebrachial vein. The subject’s head of pain ratings and states as regressors allowed the as-
was stabilized by a thermoplastic face mask secured to sessment of main effects of pain perception and the HS
the head holder (Truscan Imaging, Anapolis, MA). Ear- condition, respectively. These two covariates were cen-
phones were adapted to the subject’s head, and verbal tered, orthogonalized, and multiplied, element by ele-
communications were made at a distance via a micro- ment, to form the third covariate, which thus repre-
phone. Direct visual observation was maintained at all sented a state-by-stimulation interaction covariate. The
times. A transmission scan was performed to allow a
rationale of similar types of analysis was described by
measured attenuation correction. Twelve emission scans
Friston et al.11 In essence, this analysis looks for a differ-
were acquired at 8-min intervals in three-dimensional
ence in the slope of regression between cerebral blood
mode using a CTI 951 16/32 scanner (Siemens, Erlangen,
Germany). Each scan consisted of two frames: a 30-s flow (CBF) and pain ratings between the HS and the
background frame and a 90-s frame. The slow intrave- other states.
nous water (H215O) infusion was begun just before the In both types of analysis, the design matrix also in-
second frame to observe the head curve rising within the cluded the block effect as a confounding covariate.12
first 10 s of this frame. Six to eight millicuries (222–296 Global flow normalization was performed by propor-
MBq) were injected for each scan, in 10 ml saline, over tional scaling. Furthermore, the RS and MI were consid-
a period of 20 s. The infusion was totally automated so as ered together and contrasted to the HS. The collapse of
not to disturb the subject during the scanning periods. these states into a single one was considered when
Data were reconstructed using a Hanning filter (cutoff behavioral data showed no significant difference in pain
frequency: 0.5 cycle/pixel) and corrected for attenua- ratings between them (see Results).
tion and background activity. The resulting set of voxels for each contrast consti-
A high resolution (voxel size: 0.96 ⫻ 0.96 ⫻ 1.35 mm) tuted a map of the t statistic (SPM{t}). The SPM{t} were
T1-weighted structural magnetic resonance imaging scan then transformed to the unit normal distribution
was obtained for each subject on a 1.5 T imager (Mag- (SPM{z}). Whatever the analysis, the first step was to
netom, Siemens) a few days after the PET session. identify the main effects of pain and hypnosis. In these
contrasts, hypotheses existed as to which brain areas
PET Data Analysis should be found activated. Results were thus considered
Positron emission tomography data were analyzed us- significant at Z ⫽ 3.09 (P ⬍ 0.001, uncorrected). Based
ing the statistical parametric mapping software (SPM96 on previous literature, the main effect of noxious stim-
version; Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, ulation was considered in upper midbrain, thalamic nu-
Institute of Neurology, London, United Kingdom7) im- clei, lentiform nuclei, primary and secondary somatosen-
plemented in MATLAB (Mathworks Inc., Sherborn, MA).
sory cortexes, the insula, and the ACC. On the basis of
In short, data from each subject were realigned using a
our previous study,13 the effect of hypnosis was sus-
least square approach and the first scan as a reference.8
pected to occur bilaterally in the occipital regions and
PET data were then coregistered to individual T1-
the ACC or on the left side in parietal, motor areas, and
weighted magnetic resonance imaging scans. After re-
alignement, all images were transformed into a standard the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex.
space8,9 and then smoothed using a 16-mm full width at However, the particular interest of the present study
half-maximum isotropic kernel. was in the state-by-stimulation interaction, looking for
Two separate statistical analyses were performed. The the brain areas that would be more (or less) activated by
first one was based on categoric comparisons, and the noxious stimulation during the HS than in other states.
second used a multiple regression approach. For cate- For this purpose, we considered the analysis as explor-
goric comparisons, the design matrix10 included the 12 atory and used a more conservative level of significance
conditions (scans) for each subject. For the regression (i.e., P ⬍ 0.05 corrected for multiple comparisons at the
analysis, the design matrix consisted of three covariates voxel level).10
Results rating scale for unpleasantness did not differ from the
one for pain intensity. The interaction between state and
Behavioral Data thermal stimulation on ratings was significant [F(2,126) ⫽
The average temperature used for warm non-noxious 9.66; P ⬍ 0.001], demonstrating that subjects experienced
and noxious stimulation was, respectively, 39.1°C ⫾ 0.3 noxious stimulation differently when at rest, distracted,
and 47.2°C ⫾ 1.1 (mean ⫾ SD). or in the HS. A Tukey honest significant difference post
Figure 1 shows ratings of unpleasantness and pain hoc test showed that the state effect was only significant
sensation after thermal non-noxious and noxious stimu- for the HS versus RS (P ⬍ 0.001) and versus MI (P ⬍
lation in RS, MI, and HS. A three-way analysis of variance 0.001) but not for MI versus RS (P ⬎ 0.440).
with state (RS, MI, and HS) and thermal stimulation
(non-noxious vs. noxious) as independent factors, and PET Data
rating (unpleasantness vs. pain intensity) as within-sub- Categoric Comparisons. The SPM had 110 residual
ject variables, revealed no significant effect of the rating degrees of freedom, a smoothness estimate of 13.2 ⫻
variable [F(1,126) ⫽ 1.07; P ⬎ 0.30], indicating that the 14.3 ⫻ 14.7 mm and was composed of 193,799 voxels
(i.e., 553.6 resolution elements).
When all conditions were considered together, the
main effect of pain, as compared with non-noxious stim-
ulation, consisted of an activation in both thalamic nu-
clei (predominantly on the right side), in the right cau-
date nucleus, and in a region encompassing the left
insula and the ACC (fig. 2B and table 1). Other regions
that were not expected a priori were also significantly
activated: the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Brodma-
nn’s area [BA] 8), and the orbitofrontal cortex on both
When the analysis concerned only “alert” states (RS
and MI), the main effect of noxious stimulation was
observed in the left insular cortex (fig. 2C and table 1).
The left orbitofrontal cortex was also activated, although
it was not included in our a priori hypotheses.
In the HS, activation was observed in response to
noxious stimulation in an area encompassing the ACC
(both BA 24 and 32), right caudate, left caudate, and left
putamen (fig. 2D and table 1). Further activation was
found in a region involving the right thalamus and ex-
tending caudally to the upper midbrain. Other regions
were also found activated but were not predicted a
priori: the right orbitofrontal cortex, the right dorsolat-
eral prefrontal cortex (BA 9), and the right inferior pari-
etal lobule (BA 40).
The comparison between the HS and the other two
states (RS and MI) showed activation in the right extra-
striate area (BA 19; fig. 3 and table 1). More anteriorly,
Fig. 1. Ratings of noxious sensation and unpleasantness during activated sites were present in the right ACC, one of
the three states (RS ⴝ resting state; MI ⴝ mental imagery; HS ⴝ which crossed the border between the ACC and the
hypnotic state). Note that hot noxious stimuli had higher rat-
ings than warm non-noxious ones. Ratings for noxious sensa- corpus callosum.
tion and unpleasantness are not significantly different from The state-by-stimulation interaction (table 1) looked
each other. For noxious hot stimuli, ratings are significantly for brain areas that would be more activated by hot
lower during the HS than during RS or MI, whereas RS and MI
ratings are not significantly different from each other. Boxes noxious (as compared with non-noxious) stimuli, in the
and whiskers represent, respectively, SEMs and SDs. context of the HS (as compared with RS and MI). This
Fig. 2. Categoric comparisons: main effect of noxious simulation. (A) The design matrix included 12 conditions (scans) for each
subject. (B) All conditions; (C) non-HS states; (D) HS. The results are displayed in a transparent brain normalized to the reference
space of Talairach and Tournoux,9 thresholded at P < 0.001.
analysis did not show any significant activation at the main effect of noxious stimulation was characterized by
chosen level for this contrast (P ⬍ 0.05, corrected for a significant activation of an area involving both thalami
multiple comparisons at the voxel level). However, at and caudate nuclei (fig. 4B and table 2). The left insula
the uncorrected level P ⬍ 0.001, a region across the ACC and the ACC were also found activated. Other (unex-
and corpus callosum (P ⫽ 0.13 at voxel level; Z ⫽ 4.25; pected) regions were found activated in the right orbito-
x ⫽ ⫺2 mm; y ⫽ 16 mm; z ⫽ 14 mm) as well as a medial frontal cortex, the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
polar prefrontal area (Z ⫽ 3.38; x ⫽ 0 mm; y ⫽ 60 mm; (BA 44/46 and 9), and left parietal cortex (BA 40). This
z ⫽ 26 mm) were found activated (not shown). No mode of analysis does not permit the separate evaluation
region was found less activated in the HS than in other of the effect of noxious stimulation in alert states and HS.
states during pain perception. Significant regression was found with the state covari-
Regression Analysis. The SPM had 118 residual de- ate in the ACC, indicating an increased CBF in these
grees of freedom, a smoothness estimate of 13.4 ⫻ 14.5 regions in the HS as compared with RS and MI (fig. 4C
⫻ 14.9 mm, and was composed of 193,799 voxels (i.e., and table 2). This activation area continued caudal to the
539.2 resolution elements). ventral striatum. The left caudate nucleus was also sig-
Using subjects’ pain sensation ratings as regressor, the nificantly activated.
* In italics, the regions significant at P ⬍ 0.001 (uncorrected) that were not expected to be activated.
† In italics, the regions that were significant at P ⬍ 0.001 but did not survive correction for multiple comparisons at the voxel level (P ⬍ 0.05).
Fig. 4. Multiple regression analysis. (A) The design matrix included three covariates of interest: the pain ratings, the experimental
states, and a covariate representing the interaction between ratings of pain perception and the states (the hypnotic state vs. control
states). (B) Main effects of pain perception. (C) Main effect of state (increases in the hypnotic state as compared with the two other
states). (D) State-by-condition interaction. The results are displayed in a transparent brain normalized to the reference space of
Talairach and Tournoux9 thresholded at P < 0.001.
Main Effects of the HS subjects in the HS were verbally accompanied during the
We previously reported that the functional neuroanat- entire hypnotic session, including during the scanning
omy of the HS was characterized by the activation of a periods. The only instructions were to enter the HS and
widespread, mainly left-sided, set of cortical areas involv- let the HS imagery invade their consciousness. In the
ing occipital, parietal, precentral, premotor, ventrolat- present experiment, during the hypnotic session, the
eral prefrontal cortices, and a few right-sided regions: experimenter remained silent during the scanning peri-
occipital and anterior cingulate cortices.13 These results ods, and thermal stimuli were administered. It is proba-
were recently confirmed by another group.24 In the ble that, in these conditions, and although the subjects
present study, regional CBF distribution during the HS were not explicitly instructed to do so, most of the
differed from alert states only by a significant activation mentation in the HS was directed toward reducing pain
of a right-sided extrastriate area and the ACC. The differ- perception. This would explain the predominant activa-
ences in activation patterns are likely to be a result of the tion of the ACC, but we currently have no means to
experimental conditions. In our previous experiment, substantiate this.
* In italics, the regions significant at P ⬍ 0.001 (uncorrected) that were not expected to be activated.
These results shed further light on brain function in clear. To explore the neural network that the ACC might
the HS. The HS does not rely on a stereotyped brain affect, we performed psychophysiologic interaction
organization, as is the case for well-defined states of analyses,11 looking for regions that would respond to
vigilance such as sleep stages.25,26 On the contrary, in noxious stimulations under the modulatory action of the
the HS, brain work may be directed at will to certain ACC specifically in the HS. No significant results were
tasks. In our case, perception of noxious stimulation was obtained by these analyses, possibly because of the small
at the center of subjects’ concern. Other cognitive tasks number of observations. Consequently, the physiologic
may be generated during the HS, such as memory recall significance of the midcingulate activation in the HS
and automatic writing. Each of these cerebral functions during noxious stimulation remains putative.
is likely to correspond to a different brain activation It is unlikely that opioid neurotransmission underlies
pattern in the HS. This suggestion is in good agreement the midcingulate activation we observed under the HS,
with the results of Grond et al.,27 showing that hypnot- although the ACC contains high concentrations of opi-
ically induced catalepsy was related to increased glucose oid receptors and peptides.28,29 Indeed, psychopharma-
metabolism in the sensorimotor cortex. cologic studies showed that hypnotic analgesia was not
altered by the administration of naloxone.30 Further-
State-by-stimulation Interaction: The Effect of the more, Adler et al.20 showed that fentanyl, an opioid
HS on Pain Perception agonist that has powerful analgesic properties, causes an
The results of the interaction analysis, especially using activation rather than a deactivation of midcingulate
a multiple regression approach, confirmed a differential cortex. In other words, under fentanyl administration,
modulation in midcingulate (ACC) activity in response to ACC blood flow increases while pain perception de-
noxious stimuli, in the specific context of HS, as com- creases, in contrast to what is observed in the HS.
pared with control states. The CBF in the ACC increases It is also unlikely that the ACC might modulate pain
steeply in relation to pain ratings, in the specific context perception during the HS through attentional mecha-
of the HS. Given our experimental setting, this result nisms. The midcingulate cortex that we show activated
would suggest that ACC activity plays a role in decreas- in our study has been related to pain perception,
ing pain ratings. whereas the more anterior portions of the ACC are
The mechanisms by which the midcingulate cortex involved in attention-demanding tasks.31,32 These ana-
may modulate response to noxious stimuli remain un- tomic considerations suggest that attentional processes
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