Gita by Manoj Rakhit PDF
Gita by Manoj Rakhit PDF
Gita by Manoj Rakhit PDF
Removing Cultivated Ignorance
Liberating the Mind
Seed 3
Some seeds will fall on fertile soil, and they will germinate
Some will fall on barren lands, and wait for right time to sprout
Gita Today
Enlarged edition 2008
Author & Publisher
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ISBN 978-81-89990-16-9
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Written 2000 to 2003
Published in Dec 2007 ISBN 978-81-89990-04-7
About the Author
There is not much to say, and for this reason, in my initial works I
avoided saying much about myself. For, I believed that my works
should be my representative, not my worldly credentials. However,
readers in today’s environment aren’t quite trained to think in those
terms, and therefore, in times to come I had to change my
approach and provide as much information as may be useful for
potential readers to evaluate if my works were worthy of reading
or not. It seemed necessary at some point because I did not resort
to publicity by other means. Generally an author’s works become
known through media reviews which create an awareness and
curiosity among prospective readers. For years I have avoided that
because my works did not mince words in criticizing media as well,
and also those who may be in high places and respected by many. I
believed that if my works have substance in them, they will
themselves attract readers and the message will pass from one to
the other by word of mouth. However, I did do some sampling as
people have to become aware of their existence, at least. Hindu
Voice, the publisher of my first work ‘Arise Arjun Awaken my
Hindu Nation’ did place some ads free of cost to help the Cause.
Nevertheless, curiosity does remain among the readers to know
something about the writer. Therefore, a few details of my
background are presented here organized in chronological manner.
I was born of Hindu Bengali parents in Bankura, also the
birthplace of Shri Jay Dayaal Goenka, the illustrious founder of
Gita Press, Gorakhpur. I share the same heritage as Shri
RaamKrishn ParamHans Dev, Swami Vivekananda, Ravindra Nath
Thaakur, balidaani KhudiRaam Bose, Netaji Subhash Chandr
Bose, and numerous others. I was born in a family which has had
higher education for generations and religious inclinations as
well. My father was a gold medalist engineer, paternal/maternal
grandfather physician/surgeon, great-grandfather author and
traveler, great-great-grandfather a yogi in his later life. I passed
my High School at a relatively early age with distinctions and
merit scholarship, Graduation with a university rank, got
professionally qualified as Chartered Accountant, Company
Secretary, and in Computer System Analysis. I worked with
multinational corporations, overseas government corporations,
smaller business houses, etc in senior managerial capacities. Way
back in 1986 I was chosen for enlisting in Who’s Who in the World
by Marquis based in Chicago for almost a century. Eight years ago
(May 2000) I took voluntary retirement from employment and by
August 2002 became a fulltime researcher, analyst, interpreter,
author and publisher of the Truth as I saw it.
Prologue ........................................................................ 6
Yashodharman Seed 3 5
April 2008
Seed-1 Part-2 and Seed-2 Part-2 presented various
Frauds perpetrated against Hindu society during past few
centuries. You made your journey to the Lost World of
the Hindus through Seed-2 Part-1. Now we take you
through that course but in a different manner.
Life is a very complex process and therefore, it needs
to be dealt with, in all its complexity and variety. You
need to train your minds to look through things from
different angles. From any direction you come, you will
eventually reach the same Center—this Creation is such
a unique phenomenon.
To me History, Religion, Politics and Current events
are all inseparable disciplines of study
June 2007
This work is based on religious text of
ShrimadBhagavadGita. And yet, you may find me delving
into history, politics and current events from time to time.
Let me explain the logic as to why I do so. To my
reckoning religion, history, politics and current events are
interrelated and interdependent disciplines of study.
Religion shapes thoughts and values, which get
translated into human actions. A collective record of such
actions becomes history. Documentation of history takes
shape under the influence of contemporary politics. Very
often you see history repeating itself and reflecting through
current events.
This invisible link between religion, history, politics
and current events has far reaching consequences. And
therefore, they cannot be examined and interpreted in
isolation. I have described this phenomenon differently
in my earlier work Seed-2.
Yashodharman Seed 3 7
Sanskrit, and brought it down to the lowly level of
phonetically unscientific language English, which does
not provide any visual clue for differentiating "Put" from
"But" or, for that matter "Centre" from "Center".
English educated Sanskrit learned
Once I heard a housewife pronounce the English
word ‘Joke’ as ‘Joka’ (VÉÉäEò as VÉÉäEòÉ) on television. May be
it was her accent problem.
Do the learned people (learned in English and
Sanskrit alike) too suffer from similar accent problem? If
not, then they have no reason to pronounce Sanskrit terms
in distorted manner. What gives them the right to present
wrong examples before those who follow them?
On the other hand, if they too have similar accent
problem then shouldn’t they first deal with their own
problem and then, present correct examples before others?
Why do they take shelter under baseless argument
“tailing-a helps prevent the halant effect”? They kept
defending their stand without any concern for its outcome.
And, what has been the outcome? Practically every
second word in Sanskrit has become a “Joka”.
Today, every pundit (and ignorant equally)
pronounces ªÉÉäMÉ as ªÉÉäMÉÉ, Eò¨ÉÇÇ as Eò¨ÉÉÇ, ¨ÉÉäIÉ as ¨ÉÉäIÉÉ, vɨÉÇ as vɨÉÉÇ,
{ÉÉ{É as {ÉÉ{ÉÉ, {ÉÖhªÉ as {ÉÖhªÉÉ, +VÉÖÇxÉ as +VÉÖÇxÉÉ, and the list can be
unending. And many of them can rattle out Sanskrit shloks
like scholars do. Of what use is such scholarship, which
systematically destroys their own heritage language?
Truly Pathetic
It is rather pathetic to see how men and women of
wisdom can be so very indifferent (and perhaps callous)
towards their own heritage language Sanskrit that has
preserved in its fold the documentation of the greatest
civilization (read Seed-2) that had been present, once, on
this earth.
P.S. Different aspects dealt with in different Seeds (books)
Yashodharman Seed 3 9
ªÉnùÉ ªÉnùÉ Ê½þ vɨÉǺªÉ M±ÉÉÊxɦÉÇ´ÉÊiÉ ¦ÉÉ®úiÉ*
+¦ªÉÖilÉÉxɨÉvɨÉǺªÉ iÉnùÉi¨ÉÉxÉÆ ºÉÞVÉɨªÉ½þ¨ÉÂ**
“Yada yada hi Dharmasya Glaanir'bhavati Bhaarat;
Abhyutthaanam'adharmasya Tadaatmaanam
Srijaamyaham” BhagavadGita Adhyaay-4 Shlok-7
“Paritraanaay Saadhoonaam Vinaashaay ch
Dushkritaam; DharmSansthaapanaarthaay Sambhavaami
Yuge yuge” BhagavadGita Adhyaay-4 Shlok-8
“In every age, as adharm rises and dharm declines, I
manifest myself to protect the good, destroy the wicked,
and to reestablish dharm” BhagavadGita Adhyaay-4
Shlok-7, 8
He raised Arjun to eliminate adharm. Arjun was His
instrument. Shri Krishn was not fighting the battle
Himself. He had offered the warring sides two options.
He would be on one side, Himself but unarmed. His army
would be on the other side. Arjun chose Him unarmed.
DurYodhan was happy to get the vast army.
This particular fact has been lost sight of that
BhagavadGita was enacted to awaken men of virtue, like
Arjun, to take a stand against adharm. In that process,
whatever else was spoken, it was to let Arjun realize who
he was, and what the call of the time was for him.
Arjun was the chosen one, to wage war against
adharm, and to eradicate it from the land. Arjun finally
rose to fulfill the purpose of his birth. He was successful
in eliminating adharm, as will be apparent from the
national character of Hindus (Seed-1) that followed for
5,000 years after that. During past 170 years, all that was
neutralized and reversed, and what we see today is the
result of that conspiracy (Seed-2).
BhagavadGita has been perceived through centuries
as a monumental work on spirituality, which undoubtedly
Yashodharman Seed 3 11
explanation. We all have limited perception of Bhagavaan
Shri Krishn and His words and therefore, each such
presentation only attempts to offer one aspect of the total
meaning. No one can claim that s/he has known all, and
understood all. If someone does, he/she is fooling himself/
herself, and others!
Language changes with time. For example, modern
English is not same as it has been 500 years ago. Therefore,
we cannot expect the language spoken 5,000 years ago
would be same as the language of today.
Today's men and women would want to be told the
narrative in today's language. That cannot be achieved by
verbatim reproduction of the language of five thousand
years ago. Therefore, these translations will tend to
represent the inherent meaning in the overall context of
the whole chapter. They will not represent word-by-word
translation, though the original meaning will be retained.
From Adhyaay-1 Shlok-21 onwards this pattern will come
more in evidence.
The meaning is important. We need to go beyond
the bounds of words, and dive into the depths of its intent,
if we want to pick up the pearls of wisdom.
In Sanskrit script, these three words "Arjun Vishaad
Yog" are written as one combined word +VÉÖÇxÉʴɹÉÉnùªÉÉäMÉ
Therefore, we will present them as one combined word,
not as three separate words. It is the title of the 1st Adhyaay
of ShrimadBhagavadGita. Let us try to understand
meaning of ArjunVishaadYog.
Vishaad (I prefer not to write "Visada" as it has three
phonetic problems - use of "S" instead of "Sh", which of
the two "a" require long "a" emphasis, and use of tailing-
a) has many English equivalents as listed by M Monier-
Williams (A Sanskrit English Dictionary p.996) and
Vaman Shivram Apte (The Student's Sanskrit English
12 Arise Arjun Maanoj Rakhit
Dictionary p.524). Those English equivalents have many
different shades of meaning, as described by Oxford
Dictionary. I have chosen the following combination of
different shades of meaning, after considering the overall
context of the situation in MahaaBhaarat, as understood
by me.
ArjunVishaadYog would mean "A state of (Arjun's)
low spirit, especially as the result of a feeling, especially
love, not returned or rewarded". Here I have in mind
Arjun's love for DurYodhan, Bheeshm, DronAachaarya,
and others. I am referring to the unreturned love as
expressed through conducts of DurYodhan, and
unrewarded love as revealed by the attitude of Dhritraashtr.
I am pointing at the despondency reflected in Arjun's
speech and behavior.
Similarity between Hindu mindset today and Arjun's
state of mind at that given point of time
To explain this state of Arjun's mind I shall have to
go deeper into the background, describing the events of
the past so you can notice the connection. This is one of
several reasons that you will find me elaborate on the
history that finally led to the battle of MahaaBhaarat.
There will be another significant reason why you will see
me getting into such detail into the issues that may have
been considered not so necessary by standard works on
BhagavadGita for its first chapter. And that is to draw a
parallel between those days and today. From that you will
notice the similarity between Hindu mindset today and
Arjun's state of mind at that given point of time in many
One such example that strikes me offhand is about
those Hindus who argue in vein that Muslims were Hindus
once upon a time. On this basis, they attempt to establish
that the Muslims are no different. They are just one of
them, the Hindus. These people fail to realize, on account
of their profound ignorance about tenets of Islam, that the
Yashodharman Seed 3 13
Muslim upbringing in itself, reinforced by the teachings
of Qur'an and illustrations of Hadis, are fully capable of
transforming a Muslim into an individual with totally
different mindset than a Hindu. And that this can be
achieved within one lifetime only. There is simply no point
in tracing kinship with those who had been converted1
into Islam generations ago. It would not only be futile but
also deceiving one's own self, thereby paving the way to
have his own throat slit at a time deemed convenient by
the so-called Muslim Brother.
You want example? Well, let us look at none other
than the so-called Father of this Nation and the so-called
(refer Seed-1 Journey through Saintly Duplicity)
Mahaatma (Great Soul) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
Dr N S Rajaram writes in his book (ISBN 81-85990-52-
2): “To make the matters worse, Maulaana Mohammed
Ali, whom Gandhi had called brother, publicly humiliated
him. He said that any Muslim regardless of his character
was better than Gandhi because of his faith: "However
pure Mr Gandhi's character may be he must appear to me
from the point of view of religion inferior to any
Mussalmaan, even though he be without any character.
Yes, according to my religion and creed, I do hold an
adulterous and fallen Mussalmaan to be better than Mr
Gandhi". And yet Gandhi refused to condemn him or the
The same applies to Christian converts with some
modification. What has been happening in the North Eastern
provinces of BhaaratVarsh for long, and what all has been
happening throughout rest of BhaaratVarsh particularly at
strategic Vanvaasi areas, is something, the news of which does
not reach you as most news distribution agencies have necessary
directives how to suppress those information from reaching
rest of the Hindu population of BhaaratVarsh and to those
Hindus living abroad. Recommended reading Seed-6 That
Unknown Face of Christianity for learning what has been
happening throughout North Eastern provinces of BhaaratVarsh
all these years
14 Arise Arjun Maanoj Rakhit
violence - hard to understand in a man so passionately
attached to nonviolence. But he was not always consistent
with regard to nonviolence. When Swami Shraddhaanand
was, assassinated by a Muslim fanatic, Gandhi referred
to the assassin as his brother and appealed to the Viceroy
to pardon him! And yet, when the great patriot Bhagat
Singh was condemned to be hanged for killing a British,
Gandhi called him misguided and refused to sign an appeal
signed by many other notable figures”.
Swami Vivekananda was very clear in his mind when
he said “Mohammedans talk of universal brotherhood,
but what comes out of that in reality? Why, anybody who
is not a Mohammedan will not be admitted into the
brotherhood; he will more likely have his throat cut” Hindu
Voice, August 2004, p.25
Another example that strikes me, as I have been
writing the above paragraph, is about those Hindus who,
under the spell of their DharmGurus, continue to hold the
erroneous belief (read Seed-4) that all religions are equal
and they all lead you to same goal/god, and/or all religions
teach love and peace, only humans do not follow them
and create enmity. This happens either because their
respective DharmGurus are drowning into the ocean of
ignorance, or because they have hidden interest in
propagating the falsehood as stated above. Whatever be
the case with such dharmGurus, a common Hindu gets
trained to live in an imaginary world where all religions
are equal. With this misguided notion, he turns a blind
eye towards the reality that the teachings of these two
religions, namely, Christianity and Islam, insist that their
followers must obliterate all other religions from the face
of this earth. The documented history of these two
religions is witness that they have been doing (read Seed-
5 & Seed-2) precisely what their respective religions
demand of them, ever since these two religions came into
existence. Thus, today's Hindu is a confused one, who
tries to establish kinship with very those who are waiting
Yashodharman Seed 3 15
to backstab him. Like Arjun of that moment, who has been
described in the first chapter of Gita, today's Hindu is
caught in a whirlpool of emotions that keep telling him
all the while, these are your kin, do not raise your arms
in self-defence, it is better to get killed by them, rather
than killing them. That is precisely what Arjun would be
telling Shri Krishn, and you will hear him say that, as
you proceed with this chapter of BhagavadGita.
There is yet another example that surfaces my mind
as I write these lines. Many Hindus hold the belief that
they ought to be diving deep within themselves seeking
illumination/enlightenment/self-realization, and so on
depending on whose guru prefers which term to reflect at
his/her specialty. This belief pattern is continually
reinforced by the television gurus2. Well, I have nothing
against the concept seeking illumination within oneself.
Bhagawaan Shri Krishn also speaks a lot about such
matters as he proceeds with his discourse to Arjun. But
then, there is a vital difference. And that difference is on
account of the spread of the vision. Bhagawaan Shri Krishn
had a wider, deeper, distant vision, whereas these
television gurus have a myopic vision, a shortsighted
vision. They cannot see beyond whatever little they know.
Bhagawaan Shri Krishn gave those esoteric knowledge
to Arjun so that he could realize who he was, and as a
result whereof he could see clearly what his duty was in
that given situation. But for the widely advertised
television gurus, whose overall perspective is so limited
By television gurus I refer to those who "hire" TV time every
morning and spread their wisdom, with the inherent objective
to popularize themselves. And once, they become popular
enough they get either discounted rate on TV channels or even
get it free depending on the level of pull they have on their
audience. In such situation, TV channels satisfy themselves
with the advertisement money they raise in-between these talks
given by free TV gurus.
16 Arise Arjun Maanoj Rakhit
that they cannot show their followers much beyond the
self and peace and love. While these teachings centered
on self-realization, peace, love, etc may seem harmless,
and as harmless they truly are, they miss the very core
objective behind such teachings. This all may sound quite
confusing to you, and therefore, let me elaborate further.
The followers also have an equally myopic vision and
limited understanding. As a result, the follower becomes
internally oriented, and focuses at self-realization. Those
followers with extrovert personalities start doing some
kind of social service claiming themselves to be above
the narrow boundaries of religion. They begin to serve
people from all religions perceiving it as a service to
humanity3. Now there is nothing wrong in doing all this.
The only thing that is wrong with it is the issue of displaced
priorities. Visualize Arjun leaving KuruKshetr and getting
involved in so-called community service! By today's
standards that would have been a great job. He may have
even found his photo in some small or big newspaper or
at best TV coverage. He would have felt elated, his family
friends thumping his back. Instead, Bhagawaan Shri
Krishn prompted him to raise his mighty Gaandeev and
get into the battle. Well, you will realize the significance
of this as you proceed with my work, and you will come to
The gurus and the followers alike are inspired by Christian
approach "service to humanity" and try to copy them. But they
fail to realize that Christian missionaries do all this so-called
service with one and only one motive, and that is to convert
the recipients of such service into Christianity. All these talk
of their service to humanity is the mask to hide their true agenda,
which does not limit itself to conversion into Christianity. Its
final goal is to denationalize the converts and claim separate
statehood. To give you a real life example, if you find this talk
of denationalization as unpalatable, I suggest you probe into
the happening in Nagaland over past many decades.
Recommended reading Seed-6 That Unknown Face of
Christianity for details, or Seed-1 Part-2 for an overview.
Yashodharman Seed 3 17
appreciate that it is the battlefield of Dharm and Adharm
in context of humanity today. Today is not the time to be
self-oriented. Today is not the time for wasting valuable
energy and resources in short-lived issues like helping
people at individual level.
Yog4 has numerous English equivalents as listed by
M Monier-Williams (p.856) and Vaman Shivram Apte
(p.459). I have chosen the following two different sets of
meaning ("Contact with" and "Union with"), after
considering the overall context of the situation in
MahaaBhaarat, as understood by me.
ArjunVishaadYog may have a primary meaning:
Arjun's contact with a state of low spirit, as the result of a
feeling, of love not returned or rewarded.
Same is the state with Hindus today as we will
demonstrate later.
ArjunVishaadYog may have a secondary meaning:
Arjun's despondency that led to revelation of esoteric
knowledge by Bhagawaan Shri Krishn, which gradually
paved the way for Arjun's ultimate union with the Supreme
Soul. When I speak of this meaning, I have in mind the
entire subject matter of BhagavadGita and MahaaBhaarat.
This callous attitude towards phonetically scientific character
of our heritage language Sanskrit has turned internationally
popular term ªÉÉäMÉ as ªÉÉäMÉÉ by use of "a" which hangs at the end
of Yoga. Today every Tom, Dick and Harry "proudly"
pronounces the distorted version ªÉÉäMÉÉ on television and
Yashodharman Seed 3 21
lost heritage. Total indifference has been the key word. In
such a situation, what more could have been expected, if
not for a dilapidated Hastinaapur?
Five Paandav(s)
Yudhisthir was born with the blessings of DharmDev
and with the share of his divine qualities. He was known
for his truthfulness and righteousness. DharmDev is the
god of dharm and in his other aspect he is known as Yam,
the god of life and death in this universe. When we discuss
KarmYog (Adhyaay-3) we will deal with the concept of
Devta in greater depth, and of course, with a different
perspective. Yudhisthir had four brothers Bheem, Arjun,
Nakul, Sahdev; they were called Paandav. Duryodhan had
many brothers; they were called Kaurav.
Advised by Shakuni, Duryodhan conspired to kill
Duryodhan, under undue influence of his maternal
uncle Shakuni, conspired to kill Yudhisthir and his four
brothers. They escaped but most people remained unaware
of it. Duryodhan was made the Crown Prince, as Yudhisthir
was believed to be dead.
Why Yudhisthir did not tell others about the
Yudhisthir returned but did not tell that Duryodhan
had conspired to kill him. One could look at it in two
different ways. One: it was a major mistake the result of
which would be known as the things progress. Two:
looking from Yudhisthir's perspective it could translate
into something else. He did not want his brother to earn a
bad name. He did not want him to loose his self-respect.
He did not want the world to look down upon Duryodhan
as a bad guy, a crooked person. This was so because:
Yudhisthir did not think of DurYodhan as his "cousin".
The concept of cousin has been introduced into our Hindu
society by the ChristianBritish6 through their Christian
British were Christian first and then British. This matter has
been dealt with in greater depth in other books (Seed-2, 5, 6).
They touch upon different few aspects of the same issue in
course of dealing with other related matters. Therefore, you
would not find them all at one place.
Yesteryears' Gaandhaar was what we call Afghanistan today.
Remember Gaandhaar's role in destroying Hastinaapur in those
days and then start looking differently at Taliban's and Bin
Laden's Afghanistan today. Some things look irrelevant and
farfetched on first sight but it takes deeper insight into the design
of things coming ahead.
Yashodharman Seed 3 23
Her heart was pure. She looked at the world through the
inner eyes - the eyes of mind and heart, the eyes of
perception, the eyes of feelings - the empathy.
Gaandhaari was not only happy to marry Dhritraashtr
but she was very devoted to her cause. She chose to place
a permanent cover on her eyes so that her husband does
not feel himself as inferior to her in any respect. She did
not need any persuasion to do that. No one suggested to
her that she ought to do that. She thought of it herself that
she ought to do that. There was no sense of remorse in
her action. She did not think of it as a sacrifice on her
part. She felt she was capable enough to see through this
world with her inner eyes of mind and soul.
Kunti, the mother of the Paandavs, knew this. She
knew how good a person Gaandhaari was. She also knew
how much Gaandhaari loved Kunti's children. Kunti also
loved Gaandhaari's children equally. The thought of
"being in-laws" did not exist on their mental plane. They
were not trained to think in those terms. That is how the
Hindu family system was built up.
What robbed us of those noble qualities?
These concepts of division in the family, and the
thought of being one against the other, was the noble (or,
ignoble?) contribution to the humanity from the
ChristianWorld, which has done its best to follow its
Master during past two thousand years causing plenty of
nuisance around.
St. Mathew, one of the 12 chief disciples of Jesus
Christ and the author of 1st Gospel (record of teachings
of Jesus Christ), documented in Christian Bible’s 2nd part
New Testament under 10:35 & 10:36 “I am come to set a
man at variance against his father, and the daughter against
the mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in
law. And a man’s foe shall be they of his own household”.
St. Luke, the author of 3rd Gospel (record of
teachings of Jesus Christ), documented in Christian Bible’s
Yashodharman Seed 3 25
on exceptions because exceptions can be found
everywhere, and in everything].
The induction of ChristianEnglish education system
and undue exposure to the ChristianWorld has shaken this
foundation, broken it into pieces, shattered and destroyed
the beauty that lay within humanity. In their own world
and also in our world, they have destroyed the institution
of marriage and the concept of family. And yet, we have
not lost it all. At times I love to talk to auto-rickshaw
driver while commuting. A couple of them have described
that though they are here in Mumbai to earn their
livelihood but back home, they have in their village the
extended family which lives together, and the numbers I
have heard are like 63, 85, etc. Such large families still
live together, with all their happiness and pain they live
together. A beautiful ‘contemporary’ example would be
the serial titled "Baa, Bahu aur Baby" on StarPlus [every
Fri, Sat, Sun 9:30 PM].
Returning to the main subject, everyone other than
Paandavs, their mother Kunti, and their uncle Vidur, everyone
else remained unaware of the Vaarnaavat episode, where
DurYodhan had conspired to kill the Paandavs. Now that
Yudhisthir had returned, the throne of Hastinaapur was his
but Dhritraashtr was unwilling to dethrone his son
Duryodhan. He offered Yudhisthir the barren lands, which
Yudhisthir humbly accepted and five brothers together
converted it into the magnanimous IndrPrasth.
“IndrPrasth is identified with modern Delhi, though
it stood on the left bank of the river Yamuna, while Delhi
stands on the right” ISBN 81-208-0045-1, p.661
Paandav-Queen Draupadi ridiculed her guest
Duryodhan at IndrPrasth calling him a ‘blind man’s son
blind’ when he had a fall. Duryodhan could not forget
this insult and later he took the revenge in an exceptionally
crude manner. This was the most unfortunate event in the
Yashodharman Seed 3 27
be JanmSthaan Mandir in Ayodhya where Shri Raam had
taken birth in human form to destroy the Aasuric forces.
What is happening to that is a pathetic story you can read
in Seed 1 Part 2 Frauds on Hindu Society.
Brief description does no justice to the Epic
The brief description presented above can by no
means do justice to the epic MahaaBhaarat. Retold well,
it can present a wonderful relevance to present day context.
To do that one has to tell the whole history in adequate
depth. That is not the purpose here. Here we can express
only that much as is essential to provide the background.
It is important to add that the amount of injustice done to
the children of Paandu by Dhritraashtr and his children
were enormous. Indications given above are glimpses only.
If we were to give more details, we would have to give
much more, because giving partial details would be doing
injustice to the great epic, as incomplete history can only
create misleading impressions. And that is how
ChristianWorld and CommunistMarxists love to interpret
Raamaayan and MahaaBhaarat to the rest of the world.
Timing of the Event ~ the battle of MahaaBhaarat ~
in what manner the time has been ascertained
“Mr Cyril Fagan, to whom I am much indebted for
the immense trouble he has taken to calculate some of
these ancient horoscopes, informs me that by making a
thorough astronomical search from 4000 BC to 2000 BC,
i.e., for 2,000 years on either side of the traditional date
of Kali Yug he has been able to find that the position of
the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn in Leo, Virgo and Aquarius
respectively and Raahu in Libra could occur only in 3251
BC, in which case, Krishn’s birth should have occurred
on 4-7-3251 BC, and His death in February 3125 BC,
i.e., exactly 23 years before the beginning of Kali Yug.
These ‘justify’ to some extent that Kali Yug began ‘shortly
after Krishn’s death’ ... According to Matsya Puraan (vide
Adhyaay 271, Shlok 51-52) ... the year and the day on
28 Arise Arjun Maanoj Rakhit
which Krishn passed away mark the commencement of
Kali Yug. Without straining these authoritative quotations,
we may safely assume that on the (traditional) day of
Krishn’s death, Kali Yug commenced and that Krishn was
born in the 126th year counted backwards from 3102 BC
... The most important even is His part in the
MahaaBhaarat war, which took place about 3138 BC when
Ketu dasha was in progress in the Lord’s horoscope.”
ISBN 81-208-0901-7, pp.4-6
The battle of MahaaBhaarat took place about 3138
BC, that is, more than 5,000 years ago. The message of
BhagavadGita was delivered at the battleground of
KuruKshetr, in the midst of two opposing armies, shortly
before the battle started.
DharmKshetr KuruKshetr ~ is it a real place or
“KuruKshetr is the name of an extensive region or
plain near Delhi. It is the tract near the holy lake called by
the same name lying to the south of Thaaneshwar and
extended from the south of the Saraswati to the north of
the Dhrishaadvati” ISBN 81-208-0045-1, p.661
It is situated south of Ambala and north of New Delhi,
present day political capital of BhaaratVarsh.
“The soil of that place is red until today. So much of
blood it had once soaked over five thousand years ago
that could not be washed away until today! Numerous
temples at KuruKshetr depicting the events of
MahaaBhaarat still preserve the heritage. People of that
place today also live a very different life. Alcohol, animal
meat is not brought within the precincts of the town even
today” Gurjit Kaur of Bloor Information & Life Skills
Center, Toronto, Canada, who was born and brought up
in KuruKshetr, told me so in November 2001. Personally
I have not had the occasion to visit the sacred place as
yet. Someday, Shri Naaraayan willing, I may go there to
pay my homage.
Yashodharman Seed 3 29
Here we have a testimony from a Knight of the British
Empire that, even 5,000 years after the battle of
MahaaBhaarat, Hindus lived a life like this that has
been described below, which would indicate that
Dharm was indeed reestablished following the historic
battle of MahaaBhaarat
Sir Thomas Munro, the eminent Governor of Madras,
had written based on what he had witnessed: “If a good
system of agriculture, unrivalled manufacturing skill, a
capacity to produce whatever can contribute to either
convenience or luxury, schools established in every village
for teaching, reading, writing, and arithmetic, the general
practice of hospitality and charity amongst each other, and
above all, a treatment of the female sex full of confidence,
respect, and delicacy, are among the signs which denote a
civilized people – then the Hindus are not inferior to the
nations of Europe, and if civilization is to become an article
of trade between England and BhaaratVarsh, I am
convinced that England will gain by the import cargo”.
For reference you may check Seed-2.
What does this knight of erstwhile British Empire
convey? Mind you, he lived in BhaaratVarsh and saw it
all for himself. That too, not so long ago! Not even two
centuries may have passed. He testified, if civilization was
an item of trade between BhaaratVarsh and (then) Britain,
BhaaratVarsh would have more to give and Britain would
be in a situation to be on the receiving end. This simply
means that Bhaaratiya civilization was superior to British
civilization until some two hundred years ago. And if it
was so, then it could not have come into existence all of a
sudden. It ought to have been there much longer. How
long? Anybody’s guess! Since the days of MahaaBhaarat!
At least for previous 2,400 years (that is 400 years before
Christ was born), we have written documentary evidence
from foreigners to BhaaratVarsh. We have presented those
testimonies earlier [Refer Seed-2]. So, you cannot accuse
Hindus of having created false history because the
Yashodharman Seed 3 31
Ruler’s policies and practices give shape to the
character of a nation comprised of people. The decisive
battle was to determine the future of the nation beleaguered
by corrupt policies and practices of the ruler. The entire
nations’ battling forces had assembled at KuruKshetr to
determine the future. That made it like a DharmKshetr.
To reestablish dharm Paandavs had gathered at
KuruKshetr. To maintain the status quo Kauravs had
gathered at the same place. The event may be as old as
5,000 years. But the background is relevant even today.
There is ample testimony to that, if only we look round!
Dharm was not religion in context of MahaaBhaarat
Today people generally understand dharm as religion.
In MahaaBhaarat, there is no reference to warring religions
like Christianity and Islam, who have been at war through
centuries for religion in the name of Crusade and Jihad.
Oxford Dictionary describes Crusade as a medieval
military expedition, one of a series made by Europeans to
recover the Holy Land from the Muslims in the 11th, 12th,
13th centuries. A war instigated by the Church for alleged
religious ends. Same dictionary describes Jihad as a holy
war undertaken by Muslims against unbelievers [non-
Muslims], a single-minded or obsessive campaign.
Dictionary meaning of Dharm
Religion is not the meaning appropriate for dharm in
the context of BhagavadGita. It has many other meanings
“Law, usage, practice, custom, ordinance, statute;
Religious or moral merit, virtue, righteousness, good
works (regarded as one of the four ends of human
existence); Duty, prescribed course of conduct; Right,
justice, equity, impartiality; Piety, propriety, decorum;
Morality, ethics; Nature, disposition, character; An
essential quality, peculiarity, characteristic property,
(peculiar) attribute, Manner, resemblance, likeness; A
sacrifice; Good company, associating with the virtuous;
Devotion, religious abstraction; Manner, mode; An
32 Arise Arjun Maanoj Rakhit
Upanishad; Name of Yudhisthir, the eldest Paandav; Name
of Yam, the god of death” ISBN 81-208-0045-1, p.268
Dharm in context of MahaaBhaarat
“Dharm is really ‘doing what you are born to do’;
doing what best fits your individual aptitude in the context
of your familial and societal responsibilities [context:
Hindu Jyotish]” ISBN 0-14-019507-6, p.116
I would want to use this definition in the context of
MahaaBhaarat. A king is born to provide justice, peace,
protection, and prosperity to the people of the land.
Establishing a just administration and monitoring it is his
responsibility. Dhritraashtr was placed on the throne as
the representative of Paandu. He was supposed to have
vacated the throne once the able claimant was found.
Duryodhan resorted to unfair means to acquire the throne,
by conspiring to kill Yudhisthir at Vaarnaavat. Dhritraashtr
failed to hand over the throne to Yudhisthir after his safe
return from Vaarnaavat. Duryodhan acquired IndrPrasth
by cheating at the game of Chausar with the help of
Shakuni. After successful completion of 13 years of forest
dwelling when Paandavs returned, Duryodhan failed to
return the kingdom as agreed earlier. During these years
of rule, Duryodhan promoted injustice and developed
flatterers. Dhritraashtr and Duryodhan certainly failed to
observe their familial and societal responsibilities. Thus,
they went against dharm and favored adharm. This is told
simply and in short. The gravity of their misdeeds is not
fully expressed through such brief description. Readers
unfamiliar with the epic are requested not to form value
judgment that this in itself is not enough (based on the
little that has been explained here) to engage the whole
nation into a battle that of the magnitude of
Yashodharman Seed 3 33
Dharm in Eternal context - Analogy
of Pyramid
Every human soul’s ultimate goal is Moksh. Moksh
is the freedom from bondage of Karm. Moksh is the
freedom from the shackle of birth and death. Individual
soul attains Moksh by dissolution into the Supreme Soul.
The soul’s ‘Prime Dharm’ is to accomplish that goal, all
else is secondary or ancillary.
Let us visualize a pyramid. At the top, our dharm
takes the shape of union with God. At the base, our dharm
takes the shape of our thoughts and actions. The base of
the pyramid is very wide. So is the horizon of our thoughts
and actions. Our thoughts and actions emerge from our
day-to-day life, which has a base equally wide, as that of
the pyramid. These actions and thoughts must gradually
converge and meet the pointed top of the pyramid. That is
where we meet our God. Personally, this is how I perceive
At the base of the pyramid we have our day-to-day
life. This life revolves around many things: spiritual,
economic, social, political, ethnic, etc. One has to look at
dharm from this base. Therefore, nothing can be ignored.
Everything that life has to offer must be considered when
we think of dharm and adharm.
This would mean, we have to live our day-to-day life as
usual, but reminding ourselves all the while that our thoughts
and actions ought to focus towards attaining God. This
constant reminder will help our return towards that goal,
again and again, as we loose our path. We will keep loosing
our path repeatedly as our focus will keep diluting, since
worldly attractions will engage our interests more often.
The journey will be long and arduous. It will take
numerous births. Eventually each of us will reach there;
only the time taken will be different for each soul. So is
the case, in our normal life as well. Some of us reach our
Yashodharman Seed 3 35
Paandavs and their successors were able to encourage
similar thoughts and actions amongst their subjects. As a
result, the Hindu society survived several thousand years,
and those who visited BhaaratVarsh from outside, testified
(duly documented) what they saw and experienced. Their
testimonies indicate that, yes, common people of Hindu
society had learned the ways of living whereby they could
gradually uplift themselves towards that pointed top of
the pyramid.
However, you might wonder as to why we do not
see any evidence thereof in present day Hindu society.
For this, we will need to understand what happened during
a relatively short period of past 170 years, when ancient
Hindu education system was totally wiped out as part of a
much larger conspiracy, and was duly substituted by
English-Christian education system [details: Seed 2].
Adharm, Beware of It
• Our character is built upon our thoughts and
• Dharm and adharm blend well with our thoughts
and actions; and too often, it is very difficult to distinguish
one from the other
• One aspect of our character may be dhaarmic and
the other may be adhaarmic; only true-to-life examples
can let us see through it
• Seeing it is very important; until we are able to see
it and understand it well, we would not try to resist
When we do not recognize adharm
When we do not recognize and do not resist adharm,
it only makes its way deeper into our thoughts and actions.
Our life then starts accepting it and gives it an acceptable
place in our life. Adharm then works slowly like poison.
From individual’s life it encompasses the nation’s life.
Yashodharman Seed 3 37
repeated in our present. If we ignore adharm of our
present, we will let our future repeat them. Past is the
most significant link in the chain. It is the foundation of
the present and the future because lot of our present is
based on our past.
When we learn to admire false virtues
History’s most important role is to record the facts
as it is, and let the successive generations learn from it, as
they may want to. But, history has often been used (or,
abused?) to suppress the facts, and/or to eclipse the facts
by presenting a version more suited to the influential/ruling
interests of that time. When the truth is suppressed and
we learn to admire false virtues, in effect we learn to
encourage them. When that happens in national context,
the consequences are grave. Truth seekers must never turn
their face away from matters of far reaching consequences.
Consequences that can hurt a nation must not be ignored.
A nation comprises of people. People collectively make
the nation. What hurts the nation that hurts its people!
Yashodharman Seed 3 39
Shlok 2-20
Participants in the
Battle of Dharm and
Yashodharman Seed 3 45
relevant. From the Yagya was born Dhrisht’dyumn, the
son who would later be responsible for death of
DronAachaarya. From the Yagya was also born Draupadi,
the daughter who would later be the catalyst for destruction
of the entire Kaurav-clan. Draupadi was born with dark
complexion, and therefore, she was named Krishna EÞò¹hÉÉ.
Being daughter of Drupad, she was also named Draupadi
pùÉ{è ÉnùÒ.
A few words for the skeptics
Those, who would scoff at the statement that
Dhrisht’dyumn and Draupadi were born from the Yagya
performed, are currently living at a level of understanding
where their vision is restricted by the accomplishments
of modern science developed by the ChristianWorld. They
are so very blinded by the attainments of modern science
that they fail to see that the science developed by
ChristianWorld is yet at its infancy as it knows too little
of this universe. I have elaborated on this point at different
places in my various works with examples from today’s
world, and wouldn’t want to delve into it here much
farther. As a passing reference I might suggest reading
Autobiography of a Yogi written by Paramahansa
Yogananda, and particularly that part of the book which
relates to early period of his life, that is, the period before
he got mixed up with the ChristianWorld of America.
Unusual condition for Draupadi’s marriage
Drupad had kept the most unusual condition for his
daughter's marriage. The contender would be required to
hit the eye of the golden fish, which would be constantly
moving in a circular motion, above the head of the archer.
The archer would not be allowed to look up at the moving
fish, while aiming at it. He would have the option to look
down, at the image of the moving fish, in the water.
Looking down at the water below, he would be required
to aim up, at the eye of the "continuously moving" fish,
Yashodharman Seed 3 47
could not go waste. This led to the following event that
occurred in Draupadi’s life during her current birth to
fulfill her unfulfilled ambition of prior births.
Draupadi's Tapasya, her Karm [not Karm'Yog]
But before explaining the event let me explain the
concept behind it. Here I will be speaking of Karm, which
is very different from Karm'Yog. This note has been
necessary because plenty of TV serials have popularized
the term Karm implying Karm'Yog and thus, misleading
the audience ~ this media driven knowledge expansion
system is the gift of ChristianWorld where anyone with a
superficial knowledge and understanding becomes
qualified enough to spread his half knowledge and
understanding and thus, merrily compounds his ignorance
making rest of the world a party to it.
Human ambitions/wishes are unfulfilled/non-
materialized Karm up to a point ~ Karm that have not
taken physical shape yet ~ Karm that will materialize at
a later point of time. Thoughts and desires first surface
on our mind and then they take shape of action ~ that is
when they take shape of Karm. Simply speaking, Karm is
action materialized whereas Karm'Yog is action without
seeking anything out of it. This is an oversimplified
definition but it should suffice for the time being as this is
not the place to discuss Karm'Yog. Current topic relates
to an action out of which Draupadi had sought some
benefit. And, that benefit was to get in her next life a
husband who would be epitome of Dharm, unmatched in
physical strength, extraordinary archer, extremely
handsome and so. In her previous life these were her
ambitions/desires or whatever you may want to call them.
And she had done Tapasya for accomplishing that. I may
deal with the concept of Tapasya at some other place in
detail. For the time being it should suffice to say that it
was her Karm in her previous life. The action had already
taken place in a very intense manner. A Tapasya has the
Yashodharman Seed 3 51
Why I say Modern Science is in its infancy
When you perform a Karm you must get the result
disregard whether it is the way you wanted, or differently.
Yes, you must get the result disregard whether it is in your
current birth or in the next, or in the next to next, or so on.
Now it is true that you cannot keep an account of all that
but do not underestimate the Creator of this Universe.
Yes, I am speaking of this very Universe that comprises
of innumerable Galaxies, and within each galaxy
innumerable Solar Systems, and within each solar system
so many Planets, and our "Modern" Science, the pride of
ChristianWorld, knows "not enough" of "one" Solar
System that is our Sun! So, you understand now why I
say that this Modern Science is in its infancy, and there is
no reason for you to be so elated about its achievements
so far. The enormity of accomplishments of modern
science could seem to you as mind-boggling but then you
need to realize how small your mind is and how little it
has evolved so far! Therefore, the achievements that may
appear to you as mind-boggling can be nothing but a
minuscule of what the modern science has "yet to
accomplish". Even in comparison to the ancient Hindus
it is way behind. Modern science has very recently found
out that this universe is expanding day by day. But this
very "ever expanding character" of this universe was
known to the ancient Hindus thousands and thousands of
years ago. It was not only known but it was well
documented as well. But then the ChristianBritish not only
bothered to learn all that, instead they paid some
intellectual whores (those who rent their intellect for
money much the same way as whores rent their body for
money) fabulous sums of money to show Hinduism in
poor light by deliberately misinterpreting Sanskrit text into
English (details: Seed 2). ChristianBritish did not stop at
this as they believed in doing a thorough job. They picked
up Sanskrit texts (palm leaf originals) and shipped them
to their (so-called Great) Britain and mostly to Vatican.
Yashodharman Seed 3 53
technology is yet in its infancy, disregard how much pride
you may have in its capabilities. But then your Creator's
"Super Computer" doesn't lose data for it has perfected
that Science to the "State of Art". Isn't it how you say
when you want to describe a technology that has been
highly evolved as the "State of Art Technology"? Yes, you
do; and thus, you admit though not quite so realizing that
Science is inferior to Art, and as your science progresses
and evolves itself more and more it attains the State of
Hindu Sciences had attained the State of Art
That is why you find differences between physicians.
Some are dependent on a variety of reports (investigations)
before they begin to figure out what has gone wrong with
the body, and "this" is "science". But then, Hindu
physicians called Vaids were not at that lowly level of
science; they would hold your pulse and figure out how
many ribs in your chest were broken and exactly at which
locations. That is an example of science having itself
evolved to the State of Art. But the ChristianBritish found
it appropriate in their wisdom to derecognize that branch
of study terming it as unscientific (because the
ChristianBritish were yet toddlers in science); withdrew
all State support to the institutions of higher learning
based on ancient Hindu education system; taught Hindu
children (through the ChristianEnglish Missionary
Education system) that such physicians were quacks; and
thus, left behind a legacy of six generations of
ChristianizedHindus who keep reflecting it in their thought
process, and use every possible platform available to them
to make fun of those Vaids as quacks. The greater harm
they do is that they pass on their ignorance to the next
generation [as I write these lines I can hear from our living
room television dialogues of serial SaiBaba in which the
Vaid and the Braahman are being depicted as the villains
and are being made fun of. Serial SaiBaba has been
Yashodharman Seed 3 57
whole world that all Shoodrs were untouchables. They
had a purpose. They needed to pull down Hinduism in
everyone's eyes. They wanted the world, including Hindus
themselves who had been taught by them, know that
Hinduism practiced such a grave crime against humanity
that they treated vast majority of their own people as
untouchable. At the same time, they avoided telling the
world that Gora Sahibs (white skin gentlemen "ruling"
BhaaratVarsh) would not touch (shake hand with) vast
majority Coolies (brown skin men "ruled" Bhaaratiyas)
as if it was not a grave crime towards humanity. But why?
Is it because it was practiced by the ChristianBritish? Is it
because Christianity claims to be the religion of those
people who "only" are entitled to salvation/redemption
and none else? Gora Sahib (white skin Christian) treating
a Coolie (brown skin Hindu) as untouchable was no crime
towards humanity! When Gora Sahib had no option and
he must touch the Coolie (that is how Goras addressed
your ancestors) then that touch would be with the boot by
kicking him.
Shoodrs of ChristianWorld
Shoodrs were service class people; they did not need
much education beyond literacy. Same was the case with
Europeans in those days. Roughly the same is the case
with an average American who is a handyman, a plumber,
an electrician, a shopkeeper, and so on. You guys listen to
these Goras speak English and think that they are educated
people. It doesn't occur to you that they are simply
speaking in their mother tongue! Oh no, they don't call it
mother tongue. Plenty of them may not know much of
their parents. They may be the product of some kind of
live-in arrangement or some broken marriage, or why
marriage, now to be parents you don't even have to be
man and woman, you can simply be two men (gay) or
two women (lesbian). So, they call it their first language.
Giving it the respected place of mother tongue doesn't fit
Yashodharman Seed 3 59
Shakespeare's The Tempest)” http://
You will only harm your own people by accusing the
victims on account of your inability to identify the true
What these Gora Sahibs did to the Coolies, the same
those Hindu children were taught to do who went to
Christian Missionary schools. They copied everything that
their masters did. These Brown Sahibs also learned from
their Gora Sahibs how to treat the rest of the Coolies.
They were taught to feel proud of it much the same way
those Gora Sahibs felt. You can locate these Brown sahibs
around you even today as Gora Sahibs left the crops behind
after altering the genetics of the seeds carefully. Look at
Malcolm Muggeridge's comments and feel for yourself
how well he has described what ChristianBritish did to
us. And then think what's the point accusing the victim -
it's not going to help you build a healthy nation. Yes, you
can give ultimatum to these remaining Brown Sahibs to
mend their ways but don't disturb your calm arguing that
it is Braahmans who did most harm to the Hindu society.
If you do not learn to identify the true culprit then you
will remain divided, and that is precisely what those true
culprits had wanted, did practice, prepared fertile ground,
and left the seeds sown in that soil.
It is now for you to sit up and take notice
Do not continue playing pawns in their hands. If you
do then you will be answerable to you later generations.
For long you will not be able to keep arguing that you
were not aware. I am making you aware. It is now for you
to sit up and take notice. No point keep repeating like a
parrot as you have been doing all along. It were not the
Braahmans who destroyed Hindu society, it were the
ChristianBritish who did it (details: Seed-2). And for your
information, I am not a Braahman by birth and therefore I
have no hidden interest in arguing for them.
60 Arise Arjun Maanoj Rakhit
Malcolm Muggeridge, who worked in BhaaratVarsh
as a teacher and journalist for long years, writes: “I dimly
realized, that a people can be laid waste culturally, as well
as physically—not only in their land but in their inner
life—as if it is sown with salt. That is what happened in
BhaaratVarsh; an alien culture, itself exhausted, trivialized
and shallow, was imposed on them. When we (British)
went, we left behind... a spiritual wasteland. We had
drained the country of its life and creativity, making it a
place of echoes and mimicry.” http://
Why do I keep taking detours?
Quite often you find me taking a detour from the
supposedly main theme of BhagavadGita. I say
supposedly, because it has been taken for granted that Gita
relates to spirituality. And you will find that people read
Gita with interest during that phase of their life when they
tend to become spiritually inclined. For rest of their life
they don't touch it - they don't think it is relevant at all.
Shlok 7-10
“Duryodhan continued to speak to his teacher
DronAachaarya, “Now, please know the names of the
commanders in my army: You yourself, Bheeshm, Karn,
victorious Krip, Ashwatthaama, Vikarn, and son of
SomDutt; and other warriors who are ready to give up
their lives for me. Our army, protected by Bheeshm, is
unlimited; whereas, Paandav-army protected by Bheem,
is limited.”
Dev’Vrat became known as Bheeshm (¦ÉÒ¹¨É not
Bhisma ʦɺ¨ÉÉ ), in his youth, when he took the
extraordinary vow to help his father, and he lived by it
through all his life.
His father Shaantanu had been lonely for many years,
Yashodharman Seed 3 61
as he had lost his wife immediately after DevVrat was
born. Now, he fell in love with a young girl Satyavati.
Shaantanu, (the King of Hastinaapur) went to Satyavati’s
father (a fisherman) for permission to marry her. Her father
agreed subject to the right to the throne to the children of
Satyavati. Shaantanu could not agree to this, as it would
then be injustice to DevVrat, not only because DevVrat
was the eldest son, but also because he truly deserved the
throne, besides he had already been proclaimed as the
crown prince. DevVrat had become known to be the
formidable archer of his time, at such young age, with no
one daring to challenge him in the whole country.
Shaantanu could not take away the right of his worthy
son. At the same time, he could not forget Satyavati. He
told no one anything, remained lost within him.
DevVrat sensed his father’s condition. His father
would not share his predicament with his son. DevVrat
found out about Satyavati and went to meet her father.
On learning his wish, he promised that he would have no
claim to the throne. At this, her angler father asked: What
if your children claim the throne? DevVrat took the vow
that he would never marry. Then, father of Satyavati agreed
to marry her to Shaantanu. Bheeshm remained lifelong
unmarried, celibate.
Shaantanu gave Bheeshm the boon that he could
choose the time of his death. People, who lived a truthful
life, had the power to make their utterances come true. In
turn, Bheeshm promised to his father that he would protect
the throne of Hastinaapur, and he would not give up his
body until he finds that the throne is safe.
He was bound by his vow to place children of
Satyavati to the throne. He did so. Satyavati’s children
died early age. He placed Satyavati’s grandchildren to the
throne, first Paandu, and then Dhritraashtr. Dhritraashtr
gave it to Duryodhan.
Bheeshm had to stand by the throne to protect it,
and unwillingly he had to fight for Duryodhan. He
Yashodharman Seed 3 65
Then Arjun, whose flag carried the image of Shri
Hanumaan, looking at the well-organized military array
of Kauravs, and as the time approached for the battle in
action, raised his bow.”
Mahaabaahu (¨É½þɤÉɽÖþ)
This adjective would be often used in BhagavadGita
in relation to certain personalities. Dictionary meaning of
Mahaabaahu is long-armed, powerful. Long arms were
the characteristics of an excellent archer, who needed long
arms to stretch the bow to the maximum. Mahaabaahu is
actually a qualitative reference to such person.
Shri Hanumaan (½þxÉÖ¨ÉÉxÉ) on the flag of Arjun
Shri Hanumaan was born with the blessings of Rudr
(Shiv) and PavanDev (and with the share of their combined
divine powers). He carried the power and speed of the
wind. His birth was for assisting Shri Raam for destroying
Asur king Raawan had observed extremely severe
Tapasya (most austere penance) with the objective of
getting the boon of immortality.
Every action must bear fruit, is one of the Laws of
Creation. Therefore, he must attain the result of his
Tapasya. Immortality, however, could not be granted to
any body, as it would go against another Law of Creation,
which specifies that everything which has a beginning
must come to an end.
Therefore, he acquired the boon that he would not
be killed by any of these … a list in which he included
conceivably all possible powers on the earth.
He, nevertheless, forgot about (or ignored?) humans
and monkeys, considering them not worthy of his match.
Thus, his acquired immunity from death had a flaw, which
he did not realize!
Raawan was a very learned person, but after the
virtual immunity from death, he became arrogant and
Yashodharman Seed 3 67
He does not reveal His Supreme characteristics to all
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“Avyaktam vyaktimaapannam manyante
maambuddhayh, Param bhaavmjaananto
mamaavyayamanuttmam, Naaham prakaashah sarvasya
yogmaayaasamaavritah, Moorhoayam naabhijaanaati loko
maamajamvyayam, Vedaaham samteetaani vartmaanaani
chaarjun, Bhavishyaani ch bhootaani maam tu ved na
“Not knowing of my indestructible nature, which is
beyond the comprehension of mind and intellect, ignorant
men see Me born as a human, and think of Me as a mortal.
Moreover, because of my YogMaya, the hidden me, does
not become apparent to all, and this deluded mass of
people does not know the unborn, the unending and Me.
O Arjun! I know all the beings that existed in the Past, all
those who exist in the Present, and all those who will
come to exist in the Future, but, none among them knows
me.” BhagavadGita chapter 7 Shlok 24-26
As an Avataar, He does not reveal His Supreme
characteristics to all. Only enlightened souls are able to
recognize Him. During the course of His Leela, He appears
to the vast majority of people as an ordinary human being,
because His objective is not to prove His superiority, but
to accomplish His task for which He has descended on
the earth as an animate being.
Whether He is visible as a living being, or invisible
as a spirit, He never tries to establish His superiority over
others. You can declare that He does not exist; He is not
Yashodharman Seed 3 69
Therefore, the need for double-a to give clue to the reader
that it requires a long tone.
Divine Mother
“She stands on the bosom of Her Consort, Shiv; it is
because She is the Shakti, the Power, inseparable from
the Absolute. She is surrounded by jackals and other
unholy creatures, the denizens of the cremation ground;
but is not the Ultimate Reality above holiness and
unholiness? She appears to be reeling under the spell of
wine. But who would create this mad world unless under
the influence of divine drunkenness? She is the highest
symbol of all the forces of nature, the synthesis of their
antinomies, the Ultimate divine in the form of a woman.
Maya, the mighty weaver of the grab, is none other than
Ma Kaali, the Divine Mother. She is the primordial Divine
Energy, Shakti, and She can no more be distinguished from
the Supreme Brahm than can the power of burning be
distinguished from fire. She projects the world and again
withdraws it. She spins it as the spider spins its web. She
is the Mother of the Universe, identical with the Brahman
of Vedaant, and with Atman of Yog. As eternal Lawgiver,
She makes and unmakes laws; it is by Her imperious will
that Karm yields its fruit. She ensnares men with illusion
and again releases from bondage with a look of Her benign
eyes. She is supreme Mistress of the cosmic play, and all
objects, animate and inanimate, dance by Her will. Even
those who realize the Absolute in Nirvikalp Samaadhi are
under Her jurisdiction as long as they still live on the
relative plane. Shri RaamKrishn discovered that Maya
operates in the relative world in two ways, and he termed
these Avidya Maya and Vidya Maya. Avidya Maya
represents the dark forces of the creation: sensuous desires,
evil passions, greed, lust, cruelty, and so on. It sustains
the world system on the lower planes. It is responsible for
round of man’s birth and death. It must be fought and
vanquished. But Vidya Maya is the higher force of the
Yashodharman Seed 3 71
Creator’. And then as Swami Nikhilananda says ‘But who
would create this mad world unless under the influence
of divine drunkenness? ... She projects the world and again
withdraws it. She spins it as the spider spins its web’.
These have great relevance to the MahaaBhaarat as
a whole, and BhagavadGita in particular, though it is not
generally perceived that way.
Those who worship Bhagawaan Shri Krishn they
generally tend to ignore Divine Mother Ma Kaali and many
of them even tend to look down upon that image,
particularly those with a trace of Christianity’s influence,
for the image of Ma Kaali is rather repulsive to their taste
[see Tell them what our Gods mean].
These people tend to restrict the image of God in
their small-restricted mind as the one, which is only
beautiful. They fail to realize the basic fact of this creation
that God is limitless in His own qualities and their
Don’t we see this Mother Nature around us? When
she turns angry no modern technology can contain her
fury. Have we forgotten Montreal Ice Storm of January
1998? They were cut off from rest of the world for some
days and to accomplish that the Mother Nature did not
take that long!
Do not separate Mother Nature from God. She is
only yet another aspect of Him. When we talk of Divine
Mother you can see the reflection of Mother Nature in
As Romain Rolland describes “the lower left hand
holds a severed human head and the upper grips a
bloodstained sabre. One right hand offers boons to Her
children; the other allays their fear. The majesty of Her
posture can hardly be described. It combines the terror of
destruction with reassurance of motherly tenderness. For,
She is Cosmic Power, the totality of the universe, a
glorious harmony of the pairs of opposites. She deals out
death, as She creates and preserves”.
Refer Seed-2 ISBN 978-81-89990-15-2 for documented
evidences culled out of suppressed history
Yashodharman Seed 3 73
Shlok 21-30 Arjun’s
Yashodharman Seed 3 75
Arjun understood that God would not fight the battle
for the man when the evil was man’s own making. Man
has to fight his own battle with adharm; however, he can
expect God’s presence on his side.
Duryodhan was delighted at Arjun’s choice of
unarmed Shri Krishn for Krishn was an ordinary person
to him. He got the vast army instead of unarmed Shri
Krishn. For him, victory was where there was power, and
power was attained by the support of army. To him, power
was all that mattered; not realizing that power of dharm
finally scores over power of adharm. His was an Aasuric
Arjun’s dilemma
Our life is a battleground in itself. At times we face
situations like this. Those on whom we depended, those
whom we trusted, those whom we cared for; they stand
against us to fight us.
For Arjun the situation was much more graver. Here,
they not only stood against him, but also stood against
him in a life and death battle! A battle that would be
decisive; that would be conclusive; that would eliminate
bad people; that would leave a few, rather very few, to be
counted on our fingers!
It was the love, it was the compassion, and it was
the dense fear of a ‘kind’ that promised destruction of all
and sundry, it was the sense of total elimination,
nonexistence, that made Arjun shiver, his mighty bow
Gaandeev slipping away, his mind in total confusion.
Shlok 31
Arjun said to Shri Krishn: “Now I see all opposing
signals, killing my own people does not seem to me do
any good to any one.”
Arjun’s dilemma
That was a situation where in that vast army opposing
him, Arjun saw many of his own loved ones stand in the
forefront. The entire nations battling forces [4 million, 40
lakh] had assembled there at KuruKshetr, the larger faction
thereof supporting the evil forces of Duryodhan, and the
rest supporting the nobler tendencies of Yudhisthir.
Dilemma of our nation
Today situation is not very different on national scene,
as well as on international scene. We need to recognize
the similarities. These can become fairly apparent once
we have the necessary awareness of the facts, which are
kept under wraps by parties benefiting from such cover
Before we can graduate to next level
The battle of life at these lower levels has to be won
first before we can graduate to the next level. But when
we find it easier to shut our eyes at the need for eliminating
Yashodharman Seed 3 77
these evil forces at lower levels and attempt at graduating
to the higher levels, all we do is fool ourselves.
Running away from realities of life
For, we find it more convenient to convince ourselves
that we need to fight against our inner evils and thus
elevate ourselves to higher levels, ignoring the external
forces surrounding us that keep influencing us all the
while. In this process, we assume that we are controlling
our individual selves, separating ourselves from the
external evils that encompass our lives. This is a technique
to run away from the realities of life. Our lives are
influenced every moment in numerous ways by external
forces, the forces emerging from whatever that happens
around us.
We are letting the evil forces grow
If we continue to turn a blind eye for long towards
these external evils surrounding us, thinking that we are
growing internally, elevating ourselves spiritually, it
would only show that we are taking the easier way out,
letting the evil forces grow, and passing on the
responsibility to deal with them, to the coming
This was the state of Arjun’s mind at this point, when
he thought, no good coming of his attempting to eliminate
evil forces, represented by those who were his loved ones.
Shlok 32-34
Arjun continued to say to Shri Krishn: “I do not want
victory, I do not want kingdom, and I do not want pleasures
of life. What would I gain even by living? We seek the
pleasure of kingdom for being with our loved ones, our
guru, our children, our grandfather, uncles, in-laws, grand
children. But then, they themselves are here ready for
battle, giving up their desire for enjoyment of life and
This is the kind of state where we feel so dejected
Yashodharman Seed 3 81
its own survival, good must terminate the evil. And that
applies to any form in which evil presents itself.
When it presents itself in human form, well then,
such human representing evil must be destroyed. If one
must resist killing then it has to be for the helpless and
harmless (starting with cows, pigs, fishes, etc.).
But when helpless and harmless join the forces of
evil or take the side of evil, well they too will get terminated
in the battle between good and evil. Therefore, it is
important that we be clear in our mind, as to whose side
we are on.
Here, it must be clearly understood that I am not
speaking of President Bush’s version of terminating evil,
which was predominantly driven by the underlying motive
to acquire regulatory control over Iraqi oil wells.
Motive is important and must not be selfish, as it
was in case of America, and its President Bush.
Shlok 38-39
Arjun continued to say to Shri Krishn, “It is true that
these people are not able to see the harm that will be caused
to the family on account of this war because their vision
is blocked by sense of greed, but then we know the harm
it will bring upon to all and therefore, at least we need to
think about this.”
Nice people often tend to think this way
Good people often tend to think like this and it is,
generally, the right way to look at things, but generally;
and, in most situations in the initial stages; but not always,
and not all along the path. In time, a situation arises when
such thinking would only compound the problem. When
the limit is reached, one needs to say enough is enough,
no more of this nonsense.
As we will proceed through the pages of
BhagavadGita we will see this is what Bhagawaan Shri
Krishn tells Arjun, but let us wait for that, and proceed
Yashodharman Seed 3 83
Shlok 40-43 Arjun’s
Concerns about the
deterioration of the
eternal Family-
Shlok 40-43
Arjun continues, “When the family decays, the
eternal Family-Dharm deteriorates, and with that, the
entire family comes under influence of adharm. When
adharm persists, and it engulfs the entire family, then
women in the family take to the path of immorality. When
women take that course, they give birth to children of
mixed-Varn. This process leads to rise of men of mixed-
Varn in the family, and thus, the family goes to the dogs.
With that certain rituals related to the ancestors are
ignored, and the process leads to the decay of ancestral
lineage. With this mixed-Varn, Family-Dharm and the race
both deteriorate to its end.”
Arjun’s concern about the effects of War
Arjun’s central point here is that the existing social
structure would get destroyed on account of this war, and
it would lead to many undesirable complexities. I would
not want to jump directly into what Arjun is trying to say
here. If I do that, the very purpose of my explaining it will
On Hindu Family-Dharm
Value attached to the Seed
Hindu value system placed very high degree of
importance to morality where a woman does not accept
the seed form anyone other than her husband. We are
talking of normal circumstances of life. We speak of rules
not of exceptions.
Family structure, allocation of powers and
Each family would have a head known as Karta
whose decision would be final in case of family disputes
and disagreements.
Just and fair to all
This authority would be vested in the Karta with the
responsibility to be just and fair to all in the family, and
not to base crucial decisions on personal preferences. In
all his visible judgments and decisions, he would be
expected to demonstrate justice and fairness.
Children learning to value those qualities
Children of the family would grow up ‘learning to
Yashodharman Seed 3 85
value’ these qualities of justice and fairness. This process
of living through just and fair dealings, would inculcate
those qualities in them, through the course of their growing
up process.
Exemplary conduct became their training ground
The exemplary conduct of the Karta of the family
would be the foundation, which would be the functional
training ground for the next generation. This is how the
love for truth and justice survived in Hindu society through
Character building demands character display
But six generation of ChristianizedEnglish education
has robbed it all and brought us down to their level. In
Christian World you don’t find any such exemplary
conduct. Poor they have been trying in vain using books
as the vehicle to teach their children. They don’t realize
the basic truth that character-building demands character
This was a living reality of Hindu social life
This was a living reality of Hindu social life or else,
different visitors from different nations over different
centuries would not have mentioned so consistently of
this quality among Hindus. And that is Max Muller wrote
“Now, it is quite true that during the two thousand years
which precede the time of Mahmoud of Ghazni,
BhaaratVarsh has had but few foreign visitors, and few
foreign critics; still it is extremely strange that whenever,
either in Greek, or in Chinese, or in Persian, or in Arab
writings, we meet any attempts at describing the
distinguishing features in the national character of the
Bhaaratiyas (*Hindus), regard for truth and justice should
always be mentioned first.” Refer Seed-2
Hindu Joint Family structure and its Strengths
Returning to the Hindu family structure of earlier
Yashodharman Seed 3 87
from their mothers and grandmothers, and in this manner
the female members of the family would play the crucial
role through the formative years of growing children.
Religion would be essential part of family values
Spirituality would be an essential part of the family
values, and women folk would be the custodian and
deliverer of these values to each next generation through
their growing up process.
Fidelity would be the norm
Single spouse system and fidelity would be the norm.
Exceptions would be found in the context of political
marriages where a king would offer his daughter to another
king and thus, the two ruling families would unite and
not be threat to each other. Such marriages would primarily
be conducted for maintaining power-balance and political
equilibrium. These would be exceptions not rule, and we
have references to many kings having only one wife.
How Hindu family structure changed so drastically
that now we hardly see much evidence of our earlier
The whole system, however, changed after brutal
onslaught of Islam and its direct interference in Hindu
way of family life through forced conversions and forced
marriages of Hindu girls and Hindu women into Muslim
powerful families. This is when family values started
deteriorating substantially though it did preserve a lot of
it, as we can see from the testimonies of Sir Thomas Munro
as presented below, even after thousand years of inhumane
oppression that Max Muller called an inferno and
wondered “how any nation could have survived such an
inferno without being turned into devils themselves.” Refer
Yashodharman Seed 3 89
son, and the son against the father; the mother against the
daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother
in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in
law against her mother in law”.
St. Thomas, one of the 12 chief disciples of Jesus
Christ, documented in Gospel of Thomas (record of Secret
sayings of Jesus Christ) -- 16 Jesus said: “Perhaps men
think that I came to cast peace on the world; and they do
not know that I came to cast division upon earth, fire,
sword, war. For five will be in a house; there will be three
against two and two against three, the father against the
son and the son against the father. And they will stand
because they are single ones”.
Understanding Jesus Christ’s hidden agenda
To understand Jesus’s agenda, as documented in the
pages of Christian Bible, you may want to study
Christianity in a different Light (Seed-5)
They made you believe your social system was evil
Christian missionary educators taught the Hindus for
past six generations and media experts created the image
in the minds of the Hindus that ancient Hindu Joint Family
structure was very bad in practice. As I recollect almost
every cinema that dealt with family drama which I
happened to see during my childhood showed joint family
in bad light. This is how Christian Missionary led English
educated authors and directors would influence the thought
process of the audience without even their realizing what
harm was being done to them in a very systematic, and
yet, in a very subtle manner.
Single-Parent Family becoming the norm in Christian
World duly fulfilling documented wishes of their
Messiah Jesus Christ
This paved the way for promoting Split Family
structure which has now been refined to such levels that
gradually Single Parent system is becoming the norm in
Yashodharman Seed 3 95
multiple experiments with life! This, we call modern social
structure, and we gloat at its supposedly advanced nature.
But their super inflated ego tells them we have
There is lot to learn from the systems of olden days
that we look down upon thinking we have progressed!
Have we? Except that we satisfy our ego by consoling
ourselves with such inflated self-estimates!
This note was added on 7 April 2008. When thoughts
flow I find the compelling urge to note them down. There bound
to be some duplication but then fresh thoughts will always
carry the concept in a different manner, at least in different
words. Some may find it unacceptable but then others may
welcome it. If the subject is dear to your heart then you may
not mind the repetition which is presented differently. And more
importantly, for those who have been convinced of the opposite
thought process, may find such explanations helpful in clearing
their doubts and fundamentals.
The thought that struck me out of the blue was one
described already somewhere else in this work, and that is about
importance of seed. We cannot ignore the fundamentals on
which this “Creation” is based. For a moment set aside your
profound learning and visualize the truth inherent in these
sayings. This Creation—The Nature—whatever name you may
want to call it by—it is based on some basic modules. For
instance, the male-female module. You cannot simply ignore
it because even your modern day scientists have named
electrical plugs and sockets as male-female. Simply talk to an
electrician or an electronics guy who needs to connect to wires/
cords/cables/desktop or laptop computer with a TV Tuner/Set
Top Box with a TV/or anything for that matter, he would
probably say that he needs a male/female to make the
connections. Even the botanists would speak of pollination of
flowers with male-female concepts. I am picking up examples
beyond the realm of biology because in that field there is no
need to emphasize the concept of male-female.
Now, in the context of male-female module in the
Yashodharman Seed 3 97
who can probably arbitrate well between the two about custody
matters with regard to children and financial assets. One lawyer
wouldn’t suffice and both will need their separate
representatives in the family court. The judge will hear them
out patiently and will get handsomely paid for the services
rendered by the exchequer (Treasury—government machinery).
The lawyer will snatch their respective shares as legal service
fee which they would bill by indicating how many minutes
and seconds they spent on phone listening to the outpourings
of their frustrated client. This is only a small example of their
“professional” billing methodology which they meticulously
follow. As for the shrinks and the counsels and other
intermediaries—known as “professionals”—would have
already emptied the pockets of their clients suitably based on
the well known concept of Economics “What the Traffic can
bear” which means if you are transporting gold you pay
accordingly more towards the freight and incidental costs as
compared to if you were transporting junk iron bars. In
colloquial terms, if a rich ‘bakra’ (goat) is ‘faansoed’ (picked
in the net) then the rates will go up accordingly on account of
higher level of “quality” services rendered. Any how, after this
exasperating “circus” the two “once upon a time love birds or
soul mate” will find themselves much emptied emotionally and
financially. On the other hand all those “professional” service
and justice givers would have made their pockets heavy enough
to sit and wait for the next prey. This is how the modern
Christian World operates and the modern Christianized Hindu
World apes them.
But then, this all is not as bad as it has been made to
sound. You see it was the part of the learning process. After all
those fools of your ancestors knew nothing, they only lived
with plenty of superstitions. Those crafty Braahmans
maintained a suffocating grip over all your ancestors. You must
not believe those who did nothing but believe blindly a bunch
of thugs called Braahmans. You are the educated ones. You are
all professionally qualified. You guys have valuable degrees,
and if not degrees, at least an exposure to the modern educated
enlightened world which has progressed so very phenomenally
over those bygone days riddled with superstitions and
ignorance. You see our Lord T. B. (Tuberculosis) Macaulay
Yashodharman Seed 3 99
accuracy the degree of magnetic control or amenability
either spouse will have on the other. This helped match-
making with a view to harmony between the two.
Module calculated sexual compatibility in physical and
emotional context
The system could calculate with considerable
accuracy the sexual compatibility between the boy and
girl in question. This helped match-making with regard
to this very essential factor in a satisfying marriage. The
system considered sexual compatibility in physical as well
as emotional context.
Sounds incredible?
It may be difficult for modern people to visualize
that a mathematical system could be capable of
ascertaining such details without reference to medical and
psychological systems.
How could they have adopted something from
Well, that difficulty in perception is natural because
modern education system has not tried to evolve
mathematical modules applied to human lives. It has not
tried so because the modern Christian education system
is based on an inflated ego that it has nothing to learn
from ancient Hindu systems. Idolater Hindus were
heathens (uneducated people) to ChristianWorld.
After all modern science is brainchild of Christian
More significantly, the modern education system is
based on knowledge base of the ChristianWorld, which
would not want to entertain the thought that Hindu world
could have had better developed modules for social,
economical, judicial and other processes.
Sanjay of BhagavadGita
Sanjay is one of the central figures in BhagavadGita.
His name appears in BhagavadGita many times. He is the
person who narrates to blind Dhrit’Raashtr as to what had
been happening at KuruKshetr.
By profession he was charioteer. He drove the chariot
of Dhrit’Raashtr. He served Kshatriya Dhrit’Raashtr and
was born in a Shoodr family.
If he was untouchable how Dhrit’Raashtr allowed
him to touch his chariot or sit next to him inside the palace
when the war was in progress?
In today’s so-called “civilized” language of the Christian
World they do not call them servant any more—instead they
call them domestic help—but they do not do it because they
have become more civilized—they do it because they have
realized that if they do not pamper the ego of those whom they
are dependant on, then they will have to do every job
themselves, as in the Western Christian world they are now in
short supply (April 2008).
Yashodharman Seed 3 149
that offered services to Braahman, Kshatriya, and Vaishya
If “all” Shoodrs were untouchable then how could they
gain entry into Braahman, Kshatriya, and Vaishya
houses as household help?
If such a person were to be untouchable then how
could he or she get inside the house of a Braahman,
Kshatriya, or Vaishya family, and do household chores?
Or, would you want to believe that Kshatriyas and
Vaishyas—who were wealthy ones in the society—did
every small bits of rudimentary job by themselves and
did not employ any servants1?
Christian missionary educators deliberately planted
the lie in the minds of the ChristianEnglish educated
to uproot them from their roots
Christian missionaries and educators have preferred
to deliberately create an image that all Shoodrs were
untouchables for it served a very significant ulterior motive
of theirs. They also raised crops of missionary educated
Hindus in vast numbers, generation after generation, with
the same belief system firmly implanted in their minds.
Why Untouchable is such a sensitive word?
This term untouchable is significant in the context
that the kind of sentiment it generates among today’s so-
called educated mass is something like a crime against
A sinister design by the Christian missionary educators
The creation of generalized impression as if all
Shoodrs were untouchables and its indiscriminate
repetition in itself is a fraud against humanity.
Remember the European departmental store with
Remember the European departmental store which
At Venezia, Italia
This article was written in July 2002 at Venezia, Italia.
It was suitably edited for inclusion in this book, keeping
the essence as it is.
Islamic imperialism, British imperialism
During the British regime, and during the time
Christian Church was expanding its wings in
BhaaratVarsh, the issue of untouchables assumed
significant publicity and notoriety. Therefore, let us start
from there.
The society had been under centuries of imperialistic
foreign rule, as after Islam came the Portuguese, French,
Dutch and the British. They fought among themselves.
British the most cunning of all emerged the victorious.
Hindu society had already been weakened very
substantially by inhumane barbaric presence of Islamic
invaders and conquerors. Therefore it could not offer the
necessary resistance. Islamic imperialism was already in
its last leg and they were all fighting among their own
kith and kin, a characteristic typical of any Muslim regime
Think of it like character building through environmental
Prakriti has been described as the material cause of the
166 Arise Arjun Maanoj Rakhit
Character building process
Through this long and arduous journey the soul’s ego
acquires2 many Gun MÉÖhÉ.
Traits influence Deeds
During each of these births ºÉi´ÉMÉÖhÉ Satv’Gun, ®úVÉÉäMÉÖhÉ
RajoGun and iɨÉÉäMÉÖhÉ TamoGun arising from the |ÉEÞòÊiÉ Prakriti3
induces the man to do many Eò¨ÉÇ Karm.
Shaping of soul’s ego
Those Karm then make him the bearer of the results
of such Karm. In this manner, takes shape the soul’s Ego
But environment of earth is needed
However Satv’Gun/RajoGun/TamoGun can manifest
themselves only in the environment of this world through
a body.
Physical birth and choice of parents
When the time is ripe, the soul is then directed to
such parents who, through their genes, and through the
environment in which they live, would be able to give
that body its required character.
Parents of parents
For parents to have acquired appropriate genes and
environment, it would be necessary that their parents too
had appropriate genes and environment.
Backward Integration of Genes
The same would apply to their parents, and then their
parents, backward ...
So, there has to be systematic process through which
appropriate genes are passed from one generation to
Sophisticated system
And, for that one needs a comprehensive system in
Yashodharman Seed 3 167
place: a regulated environment, and methodology
functioning with high degree of precision.
Here I am not getting into the issue of Nir’Gun character of
Ishwar but I would like you to know that there is no inherent
contradiction in the two aspects. I would want to elaborate on
those things in another work ~ this is simply not the right place
(b) I would want to add only this much here that monitoring
does not entail that He must personally supervise each and
every function though He is capable of doing that as well ~ it
is sufficient for Him to establish a system which monitors the
whole phenomenon howsoever complex it may be (c) In short,
what you need to understand is that this Creation works like a
clockwork and is governed by a highly sophisticated
mathematical module that is even beyond human
comprehension through study of books. You need to connect
yourself to Higher Order and it is He who may decide to give
you (or not) the necessary understanding, and also, only to
that extent that He feels you are ready to grasp (d) Every aspect
of this Creation is interrelated and interdependent connected
through an invisible chain of mathematical modules.
168 Arise Arjun Maanoj Rakhit
Modern science knows so little
We do not even know how many more such
distinctive characters He has built in the human system.
Yes, He can...
Would you ever doubt that such Creator cannot
possibly monitor4 the channeling of birth for each and
every human being, that is, which parents they should be
born of, in which environment each individual must be
born into, and what time and place each individual should
take its first breath on this earth?
Yes, He can monitor each and every such
phenomenon howsoever complex it may sound.
Without a beginning and without an end
It is He who has created this Universe, which has no
known beginning and end to the mankind.
Modern science does not even know enough of our
own Solar system, leave aside how many more Solar
systems and how many more Galaxies exist in this whole
Just because our own human ability is so very limited
We should not doubt the ability of the Creator of this
Universe, just because our own human ability is so very
He does have the capability of monitoring an
extraordinarily complex system of human birth, which is
even beyond imagination of man and woman raised under
modern education system with Christian roots.
“It is not a question of belief; the scientific attitude one should
take on any subject is whether it is true. The law of gravitation
worked as efficiently before Newton, as after him. The cosmos
would be fairly chaotic if its laws could not operate without
the sanction of human belief ... Astrology is too vast, both
mathematically and philosophically, to be rightly grasped
except by men of profound understanding. If ignoramuses
misread the heavens, and see there a scrawl instead of a script,
that is to be expected in this imperfect world. One should not
dismiss the wisdom of the wise. All parts of creation are linked
together and interchange their influences. The balanced rhythm
of the universe is rooted in reciprocity ... Astrology is the study
of man’s response to planetary stimuli. The stars ... offer a
lawful channel for the outward operation of cause-effect
equilibriums that each man has set into motion in the past. A
child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial
rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual Karm”
Swami Yukteshwar Giri quoted by Paramahansa Yogananda
in his Autobiography of a Yogi, pp.161-162
The story of Sir Isaac Newton may interest some. I read it in
one of the books written by Dr. B V Raman sometime in the
year 2000. As I have dozens of his books, I find myself short
of time to locate, in which book, on which page, I had read
this, and therefore, I am skipping here the precise reference.
Dr. B V Raman narrated the following incidence about
Newton’s life. However, the interpretation that I present
afterwards, is mine.
Sir Isaac Newton’s personal library was known for its collection
on astrology. One day Halley asked him: of all, ‘you’ believe
in ‘these’ things? Newton aptly replied: I have studied them,
but you have not!
Read between the lines it would mean: do not distrust what
you know nothing about! So, the ignorance does not make
something unscientific. Halley perceived it as unscientific for
he was ignorant of it. Today vast majority of scientists fall in
this category but their ballooned ego would not let them admit
Newton, on the other hand, was a true scientist in this respect,
who would not reject anything on preconceived notion until
proven otherwise. Unfortunately, most who carry the university
label of scientist today are not scientifically inclined ‘even to
begin to understand’ this finer point. That is why they are not
Newton, Sir Isaac (1642-1727), English mathematician and
physicist, considered the greatest single influence on theoretical
physics until Einstein. Oxford Dictionary, p.1249
This preamble was not directed to belittle modern scientists. It
was to put the skeptics in place, though the so-called modern
scientists too need a rebuke. I, for one, do not have much respect
for them because they do not have adequate respect for Hindu
science. The day they will start giving Hindu science adequate
respect, I shall start respecting them. Respect is always mutual,
not one sided.
Who is a true scientist? Not necessarily one who holds
University recognition as a scientist is truly a scientist, though
today these are the people who are understood to be the
scientists of the modern times.
A true scientist is one who has the scientific spirit, one who
has a scientific bent of mind, one who does not dismiss as
‘unscientific’ something that he or she has not put to rigorous
and consistent testing, patiently, after taking due pains to
research, honestly, into all facets of available knowledge and
But today’s most so-called scientists who carry the badge of a
scientist do ‘not’ seem to reflect this quality and this tendency,
in their conduct, when it comes to the knowledge of the
Yashodharman Seed 3 175
A Kshatriya born with Kshatriya mental makeup
would be born under UttarPhaalguni Nakshatr between
26° 41’ and 30° in Sinh Raashi or UttarAashaarh Nakshatr
between 26° 41’ and 30° in Dhanu Raashi. A Kshatriya
with Kshatriya mental makeup will tend to function better
in providing the nation a safe environment for its subjects,
who may live in a secured state, and a powerful state
towards which enemies may not make advances.
A Kshatriya born with Shoodr mental makeup would
be born under Magha Nakshatr between 0° and 13° 20’ in
Sinh Raashi. A Kshatriya with Shoodr mental makeup will
tend to function better in the army as a soldier, serving
well, fighting for the nation, giving his life when necessary.
A Kshatriya born with Servant mental makeup would
be born under Chitra Nakshatr between 0° and 6° 40’ in
Tula Raashi. A Kshatriya with Servant mental makeup
will tend to function better in the army cooking food for
the soldiers, doing their laundry, etc.
A Kshatriya born with Butcher mental makeup would
be born under Swaati Nakshatr between 6° 41’ and 20° in
Tula Raashi or under Mool Nakshatr between 0° and 13°
20’ in Dhanu Raashi. A Kshatriya with Butcher mental
makeup will tend to function better in an army that would
tend to destroy other civilizations, their culture, their
universities, etc.
A Kshatriya born with Mlechchh mental makeup
would be born under Vishaakha Nakshatr between 20° 1’
and 30° in Tula Raashi. Mlechchh refers to a misfit
amongst defined categories.
These are some broad over-simplified examples of
conflicting traits that such a Kshatriya born would display
in its earthly character.
Such mixed Varn souls would require parents of mixed
Varn to give them appropriate genes
A soul passing through the passage of innumerable
births, having acquired complex character of its own,
Analogy of a House
Visualize a scenario that the Creator created a house
and now He wishes to live in it for a while to experience
the fruits of His creation, and then He wants to move on.
The Creator is a busy person and He has so much
more to do. This is an ever expanding Universe. It never
stops expanding for even a moment. Something is
somewhere changing at every moment in this Creation.
This makes the Creator a very busy person.
Creator can create replicas of His own self if He can
create this vast Universe of extraordinary variety. So He
creates tiny little Himself and, in that form, He goes to
Journey of Soul
May 2002
Our soul started its journey long time ago, and we
have no recollection of that. It may take long time before
the journey is over, and we have no knowledge of that.
Each of us started our journey from the same place.
Each of us will end our journey at the same place. Only
the duration will be different. In addition, the experience
Reference to BhagavadGita Chapter 08 Shlok 17
After death, all earthly relationships are lost unless two specific
souls desire strongly to unite once again. In that case, those
two souls will meet again in some future incarnation to fulfill
the desire. Desires are “Agam Karm” - to experience the result
of which a soul must take birth again.
Maya creates a barrier between God and us. God remains a
mystery to man. Man remains so much involved in the
environment of this world that he forgets: as to who he is, where
he comes from, where he is supposed to go.
The cuckoo’s nest is the crazy world.
Reference to BhagavadGita Adhyaay 4 Shlok 18 and 20
194 Arise Arjun Maanoj Rakhit
then tries to do it at my cost. Alternatively, if not possible,
then it would be at someone else’s cost. The process goes
on. It all begins from the desire for result. Now if we can
curtail this desire for result, our actions will assume a
different shape and character12. Moreover, that will not
set a chain reaction. Therefore, the first point is to do Karm
without desire for result.
Doing Karm without attachment towards the Work
June 2002
Another aspect is attachment to the subject or object
of the work. Example: This is my job. My reputation is at
stake with the failure and success of my job. This is one
kind of attachment to the job. I am doing this job for my
family. Somewhere at the back of my mind, I shall cherish
the hope that someday my family will do something for
me when I need. If that does not happen at the occasion
desired, someone somewhere gets emotionally hurt. This
is another kind of attachment with regard to what we all
do. Now these attachments must go. If the attachment goes
and yet our jobs are done in a detached spirit, our actions
will assume a different shape and character. Moreover,
that action will not be responsible for setting up a chain
of reactions. Therefore, the second point is to do Karm
without attachment to the subject or object of the job.
This is major challenge
June 2002
Now these two are very difficult tasks. We should
not undermine their challenge. We may train our mind for
now and do it well for the time being, but soon an occasion
will arise when we will suddenly loose our grip on the
issue and become our self as we have originally been.
Let us try to recapitulate what we have been talking
so far. We need to do our Karm on physical plane devoid
of attachment and desire for results, so that we do not add
to our karmic debts any further. We need to do no Karm
at mental plane, so thoughts do not become action. We
In absence of an appropriate word I have used “unfruitified”
by which I mean “deeds for which fruits haven’t yet been
received” (un-fruit-ified)
Yashodharman Seed 3 197
what we humans do is only a subconscious replication of
what Vidhata does!
January 2002
Karmic effects are spread over several lifetimes to
help mitigate impact of our past deeds
Good that we do not have the memory of our past
live(s). If we did, our past would have haunted our present
Our present is based on our past and our future will
be based on our present. Generally, this sequence is spread
over many life times. Meaning, the result of past actions
is experienced over many life times. This helps reduce
the impact of the past actions by spreading them over many
life times.
At the same time, it offers an opportunity to correct
ones actions, through many opportunities that are
presented throughout many life times, to help mitigate
the impact of past actions. However, quite often, we do
the contrary. Not realizing the opportunity so presented;
we tend to add more to this spiraling sequence of Karm,
primarily inspired by our own ego.
For souls nearing their dissolution into the Supreme,
such effects of their unfruitified13 deeds of previous lives
as well as those of present life tend to bear fruits in the
present life itself, thereby accentuating the impact in its
severity. At the same time, these souls are given the true
understanding of how they ought to dissolve their
remaining Karm and not add more to it. This happens
only with the Grace of God, functioning beyond the
capacities of intellect.
Karm and Karm Yog
May 2002
Karm should not be confused with Karm Yog, as
Maya is the mechanism through which this Creation comes
into existence and, retains its independent identity, not requiring
God’s involvement in the day-to-day functioning of this world.
Moksh is liberation, final emancipation, freedom from life
and death cycle.
Yashodharman Seed 3 211
Journey of the Soul has four stages,
the last being Moksh
The Creator has given His subjects this life to
experience Dharm19, Arth, Kaam, and Moksh20 through
the process of their individual Karm. Without fulfilling
each of these we cannot attain Moksh21.
Every person is born with his or her own dharm. What
we are born to do in this life is largely based on what we
have been doing so far in our previous lives. In this life
we are born to experience the fruits, may be sweet or sour,
from our Karm through the journey of our earlier lives.
At the same time we get an opportunity to take a step
forward towards the final goal of human birth, that is,
“Dharm” is perceived by many of us as “religion”.
5000 to 6000 years ago when MahaaBhaarat was written
and enacted on the stage of this world, and much more
earlier than that when Raamaayan was written and enacted
on the same stage, this Sanskrit term Dharm was used in
those epics of yesteryear. As far we know, there existed
no other religion in those distant past, like Christianity,
Islam, Buddhism, etc. Score of other religions too have
cropped up in later days to confuse people and translate
dharm into religion. But when dharm was understood in
its original sense, religion was not it.
If there was any religion at all in those ancient days,
it was to attain God the Creator, disregard what name one
called Him by. With passage of time, however, this word
has acquired the popular meaning as religion.
Some others amongst us perceive Dharm as duty,
which is a concept limited to individual interpretation at
a given point of time, because with passage of time, the
same individual finds himself changing his earlier
interpretation. Besides, in a given situation at the same
point of time, what one may consider his duty - the other
Refer to Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 12 Shlok 2 to 5
I want to read a statement from “The Coming of the Third
Millennium” which was issued by the Pope very recently in
relation to the situation in Asia: “The Asia Synod will deal
with the challenge for evangelization posed by the encounter
with ancient religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. While
expressing esteem for the elements of truth in these religions,
the Church must make it clear that Christ is the one mediator
between God and man and the sole Redeemer of humanity”.
ISBN 81-85990-60-3 [2000]
222 Arise Arjun Maanoj Rakhit
But then...
Religion has become a product for Marketing Untruth
in the name of God
We should beware of such people who tend to market
their religion as if it were a product. Like marketing people
who say that only our product works, we find religious
leaders saying that only24 their religion can get us the
salvation, which happens to be the biggest Untruth ever
told in the history of humanity! Such religious leaders are
like traders of their respective religion.
Most of them are ignorant of the Truth, in any case,
because their spiritual evolution is at a low level. They
are only repeating to the masses, which have been repeated
to them all the while, by their superiors in their religious
hierarchy. Since they are ignorant of the truth, in any case,
they cannot show the masses the correct path. A blind
man can only lead another blind man into a ditch.
However, those very few who are at the top most
level of such religious hierarchy are, at least, supposed to
know the Truth, if they deserved reaching that level. If
that is so, then why is it that knowingly they prefer to
keep the masses ignorant of the Truth? Instead, why they
prefer to mislead the masses by Untruth?
It happens to be the biggest Untruth, ever told to the
humanity, that only one religion could offer salvation to
the entire human race, none others can1! Those who are
doing it must have an ulterior motive to grind. Do they
have a missionary objective to propagate their religion
and raise the number of their followers?
Their objective may not be ignoble in it self as for
their desire to amass larger followings, but the mean to
attain that end, which they have chosen in form of a lie in
the name of God, is undeniably ignoble. Now if they are
lying in name of God to fulfill their objective, while
occupying such high level respected religious positions,
can they be worthy of our following them?
Have they simply forgotten
Yashodharman Seed 3 God? All they 223are
remembering now is their prime objective as Management,
of that religious organization that they are heading now,
Shlok 40-43 Arjun’s
Concerns about rise
of Varn’Sankars
25 August 2008
Today’s leaders (and those who want to become
leader) tend to accuse “Hindu” of inactivity? When they
use this generalized term “Hindu” whom they actually
refer to? Do they refer to the common man? If yes, then
what right do they have to accuse the common man?
Have they been able to provide a worthy leadership
to the common man? If not, who is at fault? How does
one expect common man to rise against the wrongs being
done to him at such a mass scale, as is the case today,
without being able to offer them the right leadership? How
can the common man trust you when each and every
leader, who has been the product of this “Varn’Sankar”
culture (including education), has only betrayed the masses
every time they posed their trust on them?
25 April 2008
No leadership—worth its salt—has yet risen on the
horizon—whom Hindu can handover his reins.
Hindu is waiting—he is watching—he will surrender
to the leadership—when a worthy one presents himself.
Until then—if Hindu is not letting himself turn into
yet another barbarian as are the opponent Aasuric
forces—there is no reason for someone to fume and fret
about it.
25 August 2008
This time there will be yet another battle between
Dharm and Adharm, and again, a decisive one. The color
on the horizon has begun to change!
Free Will
2001 Dec 11, Tue 12:40 PM, Yogeeta
We are born as humans, not animals, nor insects.
Many animals live in peace and harmony. Others are
bloodthirsty. So are insects. So are humans. What then
separates us from animals, insects? Why the Creator1 of
the Universe has endowed us humans with greater abilities
with regard to our mental faculties, emotional exposures,
gift of wisdom, and above all the choice of free will?
Where does ‘He’ expect us to employ this ‘Free Will’
most? Do we search for the answer to that question? Or,
do we rather spend all our life remaining preoccupied with
the thought of augmenting our power, wealth and prestige?
Freedom finally?
2000 Apr 30, Mon. 3:25 PM, Shiv Palm Beach
We all seek freedom in almost every sphere of activity
in life. But who (and how often) seeks freedom from the
life itself, that is, this cycle of birth(s) and death(s)?
Desires are Shackles
2001 Nov 10, Sat 6:15 PM, TTC Subway, Toronto
It is our desires that have shackled us and brought us
into this world that we experience around us. It is our
desires that have made us live the life we have been living.
If only desire(s) end, the cycle of birth(s) and death(s)
Words like Creator, God, Vidhata, Brahm, etc have been used,
more or less, interchangeably without any specific notion
attached to any of them, unless specifically stated otherwise.
236 Arise Arjun Maanoj Rakhit
Shackles at what Cost?
2001 Dec 12, Thus 00:17 AM, Yogeeta
Can the desires end? Can the force of water stop?
Temporarily yes, permanently no. Can the flow of water
be turned to a new direction? Can the flow be led to the
ocean where it would loose its independent existence?
Can our desires be directed towards God? Can our ego,
the sense of being ‘Me’, be surrendered to ‘Him’ whereby
it looses its independent identity? Can then cease the desire
to experience the world around us? Our desires have
shackled us, brought us into this world, and made us live
the life we have been living. When our desire(s) end, the
cycle of birth(s) and death(s) ends.
2001 Nov 30, Fri 6:55 AM, National Park
We must listen to our heart. Heart speaks to us
differently at different stages of our life. If our heart says
‘I want more’; give it more. Until one day, it will say ‘I do
not want any more’; stop there. Satisfaction... nothing
more valuable we will ever find. Except one... God.
2001 Nov 1, Saturday 10 PM, 25 Mabelle Ave., Toronto
Man makes robot, in his own image and makes it
move around. There is something inside the robot on
which man has its control and, in that manner, man’s
existence is reflected in the robot. God creates man, in
his own image and makes him move about. There is
something inside the man on whom God has control and
in that manner, God’s presence is in the man. Man gives
robot some intelligence and robot functions partially with
its own choice. God gives man some intelligence, man
calls it free will and, functions partially of his own choice,
thereby generating own Karm. Striking analogy is seen
in verse 61 chapter 18 of BhagavadGita. Shri Krishn says2
KuruKshetr, Haryaana, BhaaratVarsh, 3138 BC approximately