CREO Config m110 English
CREO Config m110 English
CREO Config m110 English
0 Parametric
Configuration Options
Datecode M180
PTC Inc.
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PTC Inc., 140 Kendrick Street, Needham, MA 02494 USA
Table of Contents
PTC Inc. 1 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Control whether auto constraint should create offsets.
Yes ‐ Auto constraint alw ays creates offsets. No ‐ Auto
constraint snaps align or mate if surfaces are wi thin
Assembly auto_constr_always_use_offset tolerance. Never ‐ Auto constraint never create offsets. yes, no, never no
PTC Inc. 2 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Specifies the angle epsilon such that if the desired
surfaces are equal or greater than the epsilon (in
Assembly comp_angle_offset_eps degrees), than an angle offset constraint will be created. 10
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 4 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Update mass properties parameters even when some of
Assembly force_upd_assem_mp_in_simp_rep the components of the assembly are not in master rep. yes, no, use_stored use_stored
Sets the default view the reference view starts with ‐
Assembly grv_default_view Dependencies or References. references, dependencies references
Ignores nondisplayed items when searching the
Assembly ignore_non_displayed_items component interface during component placement. yes, no no
Includes sub model interfaces as possible references for
Assembly include_sub_model_interfaces interface to interface component placement. yes, no yes
PTC Inc. 5 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
FAIL_PLACEMENT ‐ Fail regeneration upon component
interface criteria mismatch. WARNING_ONLY ‐ A
warning message is given during regeneration for the
criteria mismatch only without failure. IGNORE ‐ ignore, warning_only,
Assembly interface_criteria_mismatch Interface criteria mismatch ignored during regeneration. fail_placement warning_only
Enables the modification of the value of offset
Assembly modify_offset_during_comp_drag dimensions during component dragging. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Allows adding an MP_DENSITY column in FT when
a material is assigned to a model. When set may cause
the same material to have different values for the
Density parameter in different instances. Does not
Assembly mp_dens_ft_column_mtrl_assigned affect legacy models. yes, no no
If set to "Yes" Creo will automatically convert units in
Assembly mtrl_convert_units materials from a library to the model system of units. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ Use Component Chooser base Simp Rep UI, No ‐
Assembly new_wf5_simp_rep_ui Use old Simp Rep definition UI. yes, no yes
Action to take for packaged components in Assembly
mode. Update ‐ Updates components if assembly
changes. Freeze ‐ Does not move components if
assembly changes. Disallow ‐ Does not allow packaged
Assembly package_constraints components in assembly (must be fully constrained). disallow, freeze, update update
Control whether alert dialog is given when packaged
component is referenced. Yes ‐ Allow alert when a
packaged component is referenced. No ‐ No Alert is
Assembly package_ref_alert given when a packaged component is referenced. yes, no no
Yes ‐ During component placement, component being
assembled will retain its normal colors. No ‐ During
component placement, component being assembled is
Assembly preserve_comp_color_in_preview shown in preview color. yes, no no
PTC Inc. 6 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Specifies whether or not the notebook will be
Assembly regen_notebook_w_assem automatically regenerated upon assembly regeneration. yes, no yes
Sets the naming convention used when replacing
Assembly replace_comp_name_method components. transfer, remove, preserve transfer
Set the default order of the history evaluation rule in
the replace operation. Disable ‐ the evaluation rule will
be disabled by default. Number ‐ set the order of the
Assembly replace_history_rule_order rule relative to other evaluation rules. 1, 3, 2, disable, 4, 5 3
Set the default order of the interface evaluation rule in
the replace operation. Disable ‐ the evaluation rule will
be disabled by default. Number ‐ set the order of the
Assembly replace_interface_rule_order rule relative to other evaluation rules. 1, 3, 2, disable, 4, 5 1
Set the default order of the same id evaluation rule in
the replace operation. Disable ‐ the evaluation rule will
be disabled by default. Number ‐ set the order of the
Assembly replace_sameid_rule_order rule relative to other evaluation rules. 1, 3, 2, disable, 4, 5 5
Set the default order of the same name evaluation rule
in the replace operation. Disable ‐ the evaluation rule
will be disabled by default. Number ‐ set the order of
Assembly replace_samename_rule_order the rule relative to other evaluation rules. 1, 3, 2, disable, 4, 5 2
Set the default order of the same parameters evaluation
rule in the replace operation. Disable ‐ the evaluation
rule will be disabled by default. Number ‐ set the order
Assembly replace_sameparam_rule_order of the rule relative to other evaluation rules. 1, 3, 2, disable, 4, 5 4
Availability of automatic reference pairing in unrelated
replace. No ‐ Automatic reference pairing is not
Assembly replace_unrelated_automatic available. Yes ‐ Automatic reference pairing is available. yes, no no
PTC Inc. 7 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Sets the search scope for children when entering the
reference viewer. Session ‐ Search all objects in session.
Assembly rv_search_scope Window ‐ Search objects in the active window only. session, window session
Defines the search area for the component interface as
a percentage of the component size during component
Assembly search_area_for_comp_interfaces placement. 100
Expands search to include models that have not been
retrieved into session. If Yes, models will be brought
Assembly search_not_retrieved_models into session possibly causing performance issues. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ If the components used in the assembly instances
are themselves generics, the systems asks if you want to
choose an instance as each component is retrieved. No ‐
The generic model of the component is retrieved
Assembly sel_insts_on_comp_retrieval automatically. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Interference will be shown automatically, No ‐
Assembly show_interference_in_sections interference will not be shown automatically. yes, no no
Displays the Shrinkwrap alert the first time the quality
Assembly shrinkwrap_alert level is increased. yes, no yes
Defines whether simple search executes query only
inside selected models (if some models selected) or
Assembly simple_search_consider_select always in scope of entire top‐level model. yes, no no
Determines the default model status while defining a master, geometry, exclude,
Assembly simprep_default_model_status new simplified rep. graphics, light graphics rep exclude
Determines the rep to be retrieved when selecting a
reference. Automatic Retrieves the minimum rep
Assembly simprep_ondemand_selection required to perform the operation. automatic, master, disable automatic
PTC Inc. 8 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Determines on‐demand retrieval behavior in simplified
representation views. Prompt ‐ Ask for confirmation
before retrieving on‐demand. Never_prompt ‐ Retrieve
models on‐demand automatically with no confirmation. prompt, disable,
Assembly simprep_ondemand_settings Disabled ‐ on demand is disabled. never_prompt never_prompt
Specifies the color Creo uses to display new skeleton
models. The three decimal values ranging from 0
through 100 specify (in order) the percentages of red,
green, and blue in the resulting color. For example, 0 0 0.000000 75.000000
Assembly skeleton_model_default_color 49 specifies medium blue. 100.000000
Enables the dynamic snapping to constraints during the
Assembly snap_to_constraints_during_drag dragging of components. yes, no yes
Yes‐Copy Geometry will try to update location of copied
geometry based on changes to component placements
even if some components are excluded or in graphics
Assembly update_copy_geom_location rep. yes, no yes
"Yes" updates top assembly simplified reps for
replacements during regeneration and upon
Assembly update_rep_refs replacement. yes, no yes
Control the usage of 3D thumbnails when retrieving in
Assembly use_3d_thumbnail_in_lwg_rep light weight graphic representation yes, no yes
Transform analysis default behavior: use active model
Assembly use_active_model_in_transform CSYS and units or not. yes, no no
Specifies the default color used to display the current 0.000000 0.000000
Assembly Process curr_proc_comp_def_color component in a process assembly. 0.000000
Specifies the default font used on the current
Assembly Process curr_proc_comp_def_font component in a process assembly.
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 12 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 13 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Sets the minimum acceptable default angle between
Creo Simulate fem_edge_angle adjacent element edges. Enter value between 0 and 90. 30
Yes ‐ Store and retrieve automatically the FEM mesh in
the mesh file upon its creation and on entering Creo
Simulate, respectively. This option triggers Hierarchical
Mesh mode. No (default) ‐ Do not store or retrieve the
Creo Simulate fem_hierarchical_mesh FEM Mesh automatically. yes, no no
Enable inertia relief in FEM mode. Creo Simulate will
output PARAM,INREL,‐2 to a Nastran deck file or XYZ to
Creo Simulate fem_inertia_relief ANSYS PREP7 file. yes, no no
Yes ‐ All Solver files will be retained after running the
analysis. No ‐ All Solver files will be deleted after
Creo Simulate fem_keep_solver_files running the analysis. yes, no no
PTC Inc. 14 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 15 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Sets the maximum acceptable default skew angle value,
Creo Simulate fem_skew_angle measured in degrees. Enter a value between 0 and 90. 45
Interrupt the Nastran solver after the specified time
limit in minutes using the TIME executive card. A
negative number directs the solver to use its own
Creo Simulate fem_solver_time_limit default. The default value of this option is ‐1. ‐1
Sets the minimum acceptable default taper value. Enter
Creo Simulate fem_taper a value between 0 and 1. 0.5
Sets the maximum acceptable default warp angle value,
Creo Simulate fem_warp_angle measured in degrees. Enter a value between 0 and 90. 10
Specifies the ANSYS equation solver type to be used. frontal, iterative,
Supported solver types: FRONTAL, ITERATIVE (JCG), powersolver, auto, iccg,
Creo Simulate fem_which_ansys_solver POWERSOLVER (PCG), ICCG, AUTO, and SPARSE. sparse
Specifies the Y‐direction based on compressed and
uncompressed geometry. The default value is
Creo Simulate fem_y_dir_compress uncompressed. yes, no no
Creo Simulate pro_ansys_path Specify the path to ANSYS executable.
Creo Simulate pro_nastran_path Specify the path to MSC/NASTRAN executable.
Creo Simulate pro_nei_nastran_path Specifies the path to the NEi Nastran executable.
Specifies the name of the user‐defined solver to be
Creo Simulate pro_solver_name included in the SOLVE menu. See also pro_solver_path.
Specifies the path to the user‐defined solver whose
name is defined in the SOLVE menu. See also
Creo Simulate pro_solver_path pro_solver_name
Forces assembly link calculations to take into account
Creo Simulate sim_accurate_asm_links the separation of linked shells. yes, no no
Treats Mass Idealizations as additive if they are applied
to the same entity and suppresses Mass precedence
Creo Simulate sim_additive_mass rules. yes, no no
PTC Inc. 16 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 17 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
No ‐ Suppress Jacobian checks at corner nodes. ANSYS
and Nastran checks parabolic elements Jacobian at the
integration points only and FEM will fix too curved
elements for the same criterion. Yes ‐ Jacobian is
checked both at integration points and corner nodes.
Creo Simulate sim_check_jacobian_corners FEM mode will fix too curved elements accordingly. yes, no no
Specify the value of contact penetration depth in
percentage (greater than 0.0 upto 100.0 with default as
Creo Simulate sim_contact_penetration 5.0). 5
Modifies the convergence tolerance for contact. The
specified factor will be multiplied by the default
Creo Simulate sim_contact_tolerance_factor tolerance. 1
Creo Simulate sim_display_agem_controls Toggle display of AutoGEM Controls. yes, no
Creo Simulate sim_display_arrow_scale Toggle automatic arrow scaling. yes, no
Toggle display of Load arrows to have tails or heads
Creo Simulate sim_display_arrow_tail_touching touching. yes, no
Creo Simulate sim_display_beam_releases Toggle display of Beam Release icons. yes, no
Creo Simulate sim_display_beam_sections Toggle display of beam section icons. yes, no
Creo Simulate sim_display_beams Toggle display of beam icons. yes, no
wireframe, shaded,
Creo Simulate sim_display_beams_mode Specify the display mode of icons for Beams. transparent
Creo Simulate sim_display_contacts Toggle display of contact icons. yes, no
Creo Simulate sim_display_cracks Toggle display of crack icons. yes, no
Creo Simulate sim_display_fasteners Toggle display of Fastener icons. yes, no
wireframe, shaded,
Creo Simulate sim_display_fasteners_mode Specify the display mode of icons for Fasteners. transparent
Yes ‐ Geometrical references are highlighed when
Creo Simulate sim_display_highlight_refs selecting a load/constraint. yes, no
Creo Simulate sim_display_in_spin Toggle display of simulation objects in Dynamic Spin. yes, no
PTC Inc. 18 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 19 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 20 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 21 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 22 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 23 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 24 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Sets the default value for reentrant geometry detection
in both Isolation for Exclusion AutoGEM Control and
expanded diagnostics checks. The valid range is from 0
Creo Simulate sim_reentrant_geom_angle to 180 degrees. The default is 120 degrees. 120
Yes ‐ The system ignores unopposed surfaces when
meshing the model; the system also deselects the
UseUnopposed option. No ‐ the system uses the
Creo Simulate sim_remove_unopposed unopposed surfaces in the shell model. yes, no no
Forces results post‐processing after the first pass of an
Creo Simulate sim_results_on_first_pass SPA analysis. yes, no no
Specify the directory for Creo Simulate run output
Creo Simulate sim_run_out_dir storage. By default, the current directory is used.
Specify the directory for Creo Simulate run temporary
Creo Simulate sim_run_tmp_dir storage. By default, the current directory is used.
Controls the size of the elements that touch the tip of
Creo Simulate sim_sif_measure_size_factor the crack, relative to the size of the crack. 0.1
Sets the element aspect ratio criterion for the mesh
Creo Simulate sim_smooth_aspect_ratio smoothing process. 7
Sets the element edge angle criterion (Quad elements
only), measured in degrees, for the mesh smoothing
Creo Simulate sim_smooth_edge_angle process. 30
Sets the element skew angle criterion (Quad elements
only), measured in degrees, for the mesh smoothing
Creo Simulate sim_smooth_skew process. 45
Sets the element taper criterion (Quad elements only)
Creo Simulate sim_smooth_taper for the mesh smoothing process. 0.5
Sets the element warp angle criterion (Quad elements
only), measured in degrees, for the mesh smoothing
Creo Simulate sim_smooth_warp_angle process. 10
PTC Inc. 25 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Specifies the amount of memory in megabytes reserved
for solving equations and for storing element data
Creo Simulate sim_solver_memory_allocation created by the iterative solver. The default value is 512. 512
If set to YES (default), the elements that touch the end
of the spot weld are created in a circle the same
Creo Simulate sim_spotweld_split_mesh diameter as the weld (AutoGEM only). yes, no yes
Sets the default for the interfaces created between the
geometry in a structural model for meshing and running
Creo Simulate sim_struct_interface_default analysis. free, bonded, contact
Run the Sturm sequence test for a modal analysis. By
default, the solver automatically decides when to
Creo Simulate sim_sturm_sequence perform the Sturm sequence test. never, default, always default
Sets on or off the superconvergent stress recovery
Creo Simulate sim_supercon_recovery algorithm. yes, no yes
Sets the default for the interfaces created between the
geometry in a thermal model for meshing and running
Creo Simulate sim_therm_interface_default analysis. bonded, resistance, adiabatic
Allows layers to become groups for Creo Simulate
Creo Simulate sim_use_layers Independent mode. yes, no no
Sets the value of Fix Separation for fasteners created in
Creo Simulate sim_wf5_fastener_fix_separation Wildfire 5.0 or earlier with Fix Separation set to Auto. yes, no, default default
Sets the value of Frictionless Interface for Fasteners
Creo Simulate sim_wf5_fastener_frictionless created in Wildfire 5.0 or earlier. yes, no, default default
Yes ‐ Activate FEM mode of Creo Simulate. No (default) ‐
Creo Simulate simulation_fem_mode Activate Native mode of Creo Simulate. yes, no no
PTC Inc. 26 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
If set to yes the Process Guide will advance to the next
Creo Simulate simulation_process_auto_advance set automatically upon completion of the current step. yes, no no
If set to yes, the Process Guide will be launched
automatically upon entry into Creo Simulate, if template
Creo Simulate simulation_process_prompt files are present. yes, no no
Specifies the default location of the Process Guide
Creo Simulate simulation_process_template_dir template files.
Sets the file path of a NASTRAN deck template. Use full
Creo Simulate std_nastran_template path to avoid problems.
For ACIS interface allows to export object, feature and
Data Exchange acis_export_params entity level parameters. yes, no no
micron, mm, default, in, ft, m,
Data Exchange acis_export_units Allows selection of model units for ACIS export. cm default
Data Exchange afx_enabled Loads AFX application. yes, no yes
Allow creation of flat to screen notes when option is set
Data Exchange allow_flat_to_screen_note to true yes, no no
PTC Inc. 27 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Will be used to set the bend allowance table only. Sets
the default directory of the board bend allowance table
files. If not set, the system supplied bend tables are
Data Exchange board_bend_table_directory used. Use the full name and path to avoid problems.
Will be used to set the design rules file folder only. Will
be used by the design rules manager. Sets the default
directory of the board design rules files. Use the full
Data Exchange board_design_rules_directory name and path to avoid problems.
Board bend radius and bend angle values and bend
dimension location will be driven by feature‐level
Data Exchange board_drive_bend_by_parameters relations to board parameters. yes, no no
Drives the board options and values by feature‐level
Data Exchange board_drive_tools_by_parameters relations to board parameters. yes, no yes
Data Exchange board_flange_shape_sketches_dir Sets path to directory that contains the Flange shapes.
Data Exchange board_flat_shape_sketches_dir Sets path to directory that contains the Flat shapes.
PTC Inc. 28 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Append ‐ If the selected CATIA model already exists, the
new data is appended to the existing CATIA file.
Overwrite ‐ If the selected CATIA model already exists,
Data Exchange catia_out_to_existing_model the newly exported file overwrites the existing one. append, overwrite append
No ‐ Do not use a defined pen table for formatting of
Data Exchange cgm_use_pentable CGM export. yes, no no
Activates "Graft features" button under File menu. This
allows user to graft features created in CRI model to
Data Exchange cri_grafting_enable active model. yes, no no
Specifies the units to be used for data imported in Dazix
Data Exchange dazix_default_placement_unit files. micron, mm, thou
Yes ‐ Causes the MOUNTHOLE section of a Dazix file to
be processed as a mount hole. No ‐ Causes the
Data Exchange dazix_export_mounthole MOUNTHOLE section to be processed as a cut. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Passes the objects in the .edn files through z
Data Exchange dazix_z_translation translation. yes, no yes
Data Exchange direct_vrml Yes ‐ Enables direct VRML conversion. yes, no no
Provides the ability to choose DWG file version when 14, 2000, 2004, 2007, 2010,
Data Exchange dwg_export_format exporting from Creo drawing. 2013 2013
Specifies whether or not DXF BLOCKS to be imported as
Creo symbols. Yes ‐ Imports BLOCKS as symbol
Data Exchange dxf_block_to_pro_symbol definitions, No ‐ Imports BLOCKS as separate entities. yes, no no
Provides the ability to choose DXF file version when 12, 13, 14, 2000, 2004, 2007,
Data Exchange dxf_export_format exporting from Creo drawing. 2010, 2013 2013
Default, faceted boundary representation is allowed in
Data Exchange dxf_in_faceted_brep import. yes, no yes
PTC Inc. 29 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 30 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 31 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Specify the default geometry representation of all_entities, all_surfaces,
Data Exchange ecad_imp_conductor_def_geom_rep conductors when you import them into an ECAD design. all_quilts all_entities
Import sections specified as DRILLED_HOLE as through‐
all holes. Boards created with Creo drilled holes export
with default value of NPTH for the ECAD_HOLE_TYPE
parameter. Create this feature parameter if a value of
Data Exchange ecad_import_holes_as_features PTH is needed (IDF 2.0/3.0). yes, no yes
Data Exchange ecad_import_relative_accuracy Defines the relative accuracy used in ECAD import. 0.0012
Sets loading conductor data when the model is opened
Data Exchange ecad_load_conductor_data or retrieved. yes, no yes
Controls whether "ECAD import holes configs"
(ecad_pin_hole_import & ecad_via_hole_import) will
remove holes completely from the import (default) or
Data Exchange ecad_load_filtered_holes_to_ui just pre‐set the holes filter UI condition. yes, no no
Specify the file that will be used for
Data Exchange ecad_mapping_file ECAD operations.
Setup default status for missing components in
Data Exchange ecad_missing_component_status "Investigate Placement" Dialog. keep_missing, delete_missing keep_missing
Setup the default for the import of ECAD Holes type
Data Exchange ecad_mtg_hole_import MTG (IDF 3.0 or IDX ONLY) yes, no, as lightweight yes
Specifies the default coordinate system name for the
.OTHER_OUTLINE section of an IDF 2.0 ECAD
component being imported. If you do not set this
variable, the system uses ECAD DEFAULT as coordinate
Data Exchange ecad_other_outl_csys_def_name system name.
Enhanced export of special entities to ECAD formats.
Yes ‐ Attempt to approximate arcs and lines. No ‐ Use
Data Exchange ecad_outline_ents_enhanced_exp part accuracy to approximate lines. yes, no yes
Select how holes that are placed on the board outline
Data Exchange ecad_outline_holes_exp_method be exported. default, arcs default
PTC Inc. 32 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 33 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Enables the CADRA command in the EXPORT menu. This
Data Exchange enable_cadra_export enables the creation of a CADRA specific IGES file. yes, no no
Controls how dimensions are treated when importing
an IGES drawing file. Yes ‐ Each IGES dimension
explodes into an independent note with the dimension
text and a dimension with an empty note. No ‐
Data Exchange explode_iges_dimension_note Dimensions are treated as before. yes, no no
Specify whether the Creo model names should be used
for STEP export. Yes ‐ Use default naming. No ‐ Add
Data Exchange export_3d_force_default_naming suffixes to model file names. yes, no no
Data Exchange export_to_shipit Enable Ship‐it interface export. yes, no no
Extends CVPATH search path for CADDS5 data
Data Exchange extend_cvpath exchanging.
Fixes scaling problems with AutoCAD releases earlier
than Release 10. Yes ‐ Repairs AutoCAD files
Data Exchange fix_autocad_iges_text_scale appropriately. yes, no no
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Yes ‐ Breaks a large note (greater than 70 strings) down
Data Exchange iges_out_catia_notes into smaller notes, each producing an IGES entity. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Enables the export of RGB information to IGES
files. The user‐defined colors in the drawing are
exported to an IGES file as color definition entities. No ‐
Ignores the user‐defined colors in the drawing when
Data Exchange iges_out_dwg_color exporting IGES file. yes, no no
Controls the export of user‐defined line font through
Data Exchange iges_out_dwg_line_font IGES. No ‐ Exports all geometry as solid font. yes, no no
True ‐ Exports all geometry entities, other than lines or
arcs, as third‐degree B‐splines. False ‐ Does not export
Data Exchange iges_out_ent_as_bspline entities as third‐degree B‐splines. true, false FALSE
Yes ‐ Specifies IGES output with special JAMA‐IS subset
specification, compliant with the version 1.02 of JAMA‐
IS (Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association IGES
Data Exchange iges_out_jamais_compliant Subset Specification). No ‐ Specifies normal IGES. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Specifies IGES output that uses the MIL‐D‐28000
Data Exchange iges_out_mil_d_28000 entity subset. yes, no no
PTC Inc. 36 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Yes ‐ Exports the text specified by
system_iges_header_file and user_iges_header_file as a
note on the drawing. To control note placement, use
Data Exchange iges_out_start_note the configuration file option put_iges_drawing_entity. yes, no no
Exports a drawing symbol as an IGES general symbol
entity, IGES type number 228 (yes), or as its component
Data Exchange iges_out_symbol_entity entities: notes and lines. yes, no yes
Sets the maximum value for the distance between an
XYZ trimming curve (boundary) and the underlying
Data Exchange iges_out_trim_curve_deviation surface of a trimmed surface ‐1
Controls whether or not XYZ data is output in addition
Data Exchange iges_out_trim_xyz to UV data for trimmed surfaces. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ Exports all surfaces to IGES entities 141 and 143.
Data Exchange iges_out_trm_srfs_as_143 This overrides option iges_out_trm_xyz. yes, no no
When IGES geometry does not point to any views or the
drawing entity. All_views ‐ Creates a copy of the entity
for each view. No_views ‐ Does not create the entity at
all. As_is ‐ Creates the entity once, using only its own
Data Exchange iges_zero_view_disp transformation information. all_views, no_views, as_is all_views
Specifies a value used to determine the neutral bend
line for a board part. This value is always used for non‐
cylindrical bends. It is used for regular bends only when
Data Exchange initial_board_bend_y_factor no bend table is specified 0.5
PTC Inc. 37 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Yes ‐ ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY and REGION entities are
imported as set of draft entities, No ‐
Data Exchange intf2d_in_acad_expl_unsupp_ents ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY and REGION entities are ignored. yes, no yes
If set to YES tries to fix dimension texts with missing
special characters with the information from dimension
Data Exchange intf2d_in_acad_fix_dim_text definition. yes, no no
YES ‐ Ignore the 3DSOLID entities, if they exist, in the
DXF/DWG file being imported in Drawing mode. Only,
the 2D entities are processed. NO ‐ Create an assembly
by processing the 3DSOLID entities in the DWG/DXF file
being imported in Drawing mode. This is the default
Data Exchange intf2d_in_acad_ignore_3d value for this option. yes, no no
Specify whether or not to scale line fonts when
importing a DXF or DWG file to a Creo drawing. Yes ‐ the
line fonts will be scaled based on the drawing sheet size,
Data Exchange intf2d_in_acad_scale_line_fonts No ‐ the line fonts will not be scaled. yes, no yes
Wrap table texts imported from a DXF or DWG file when
Data Exchange intf2d_in_acad_wrap_tbl_texts set to YES. yes, no no
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Yes ‐ standard colors are imported as user‐defined
Data Exchange intf2d_in_std_clrs_as_user_def colors. No ‐ standard colors are mapped to Creo colors. yes, no yes
Sets the top margin in drawing units for imported
Data Exchange intf2d_in_top_margin drawings. 0
If set to yes entities having white color will be imported
Data Exchange intf2d_in_white_as_black as black when the background color is white. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ drawing tables having blanked lines are exported
to DXF/DWG as separate entities, No ‐ the tables are
exported as DXF/DWG tables but the lines are not
Data Exchange intf2d_out_acad_brk_tbl_w_bl_ln blanked. yes, no no
Yes ‐ ellipses will be exported to DXF or DWG as ellipses.
Data Exchange intf2d_out_acad_ellipses No ‐ ellipses will be exported as splines. yes, no yes
Create a single MTEXT entity for multi‐line text notes
Data Exchange intf2d_out_acad_mtext when is set to YES. yes, no yes
Controls OLE export to DXF/DWG. Yes ‐ exports OLE
objects as DXF/DWG IMAGEs. No ‐ exports OLE objects
Data Exchange intf2d_out_acad_ole_as_image as separate entities. yes, no yes
PTC Inc. 40 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
As_is ‐ Exports notes to DXF/DWG with their original
Data Exchange intf2d_out_acad_text_align alignment values. Fit ‐ Exports notes with FIT alignment. as_is, fit as_is
Yes ‐ Non‐ASCII characters are written in UNICODE
Data Exchange intf2d_out_acad_unicode encoding. yes, no no
Enables export of blanked layer entities. If an entity is
placed on a layer that is blanked and this option is set to
Data Exchange intf2d_out_blanked_layers YES, the entity will be exported. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Use the old line font mapping in CGM export:
hidden lines to type 2, CTRLFONT to type 4,
PHANTOMFONT to type 5. No ‐ Use the new mapping:
hidden lines to type 12, CTRLFONT to type 11,
Data Exchange intf2d_out_cgm_old_lfont_map PHANTOMFONT to type 13. yes, no no
Provides the ability to choose CGM metafile version
Data Exchange intf2d_out_cgm_ver when exporting from Creo drawing. 1, 3 1
Specifies the mapping file for DXF and DWG export.
Data Exchange intf2d_out_dxf_mapping_file Absolute or relative path to the file can be used.
Controls whether the enhanced entities (SPLINE and
HATCHING) are converted to the corresponding DXF none, spline_and_hatch,
Data Exchange intf2d_out_enhanced_ents entities or represented as separate lines and polylines. spline_only, hatch_only spline_and_hatch
Data Exchange intf2d_out_iges_layers_with_id Yes ‐ Exports interface IDs of layers as IGES levels. yes, no no
If set to "png" shaded views will be exported as a PNG
image and the background will be transparent. If set to
"jpeg" shaded views will be exported as a JPEG image
Data Exchange intf2d_out_image_format and the background will be opaque. jpeg, png png
YES ‐ Exports line width information to DXF. NO ‐ all
Data Exchange intf2d_out_line_width entities are exported with the default width. yes, no yes
PTC Inc. 41 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
QUILT ‐ quilt lines have higher priority than hidden lines
when exporting or plotting a drawing. HIDDEN_LINE ‐
Data Exchange intf2d_out_quilt_hl_priority hidden lines have higher priority than quilt lines. quilt, hidden_line quilt
Yes ‐ splines geometrically representing arcs will be
exported as arcs. No ‐ such splines will be exported as
Data Exchange intf2d_out_splines_to_arcs splines. yes, no yes
Strokes == text is converted to lines and dots. "NONE"‐
Does not stroke out the text for export. "ALL" ‐ Strokes
out all the text. "SPECIAL" ‐ Strokes out only special
Data Exchange intf2d_out_stroke_text characters. all, none, special none
Enables UI to selectively import I‐DEAS part and
assembly models from the I‐DEAS .mf1 and .pkg
Data Exchange intf3d_ideas_import_filter container files. yes, no no
Specifies the path for I‐DEAS installation. Use the full
Data Exchange intf3d_ideas_install_dir pathname to avoid problems.
Specifies the I‐DEAS run command. Default command is
Data Exchange intf3d_ideas_run_command "ideas". ideas.cmd
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Controls how entity names are handled when an object
is exported to STEP format from part or assembly mode.
You can give unique names to Creo datum points, no_name, user_name,
Data Exchange intf_out_assign_names datum axes, datum curves, surfaces, edges, and quilts. id_name no_name
Yes ‐ Automatically assigns interface IDs for layers that
were not assigned IDs during export. No ‐ Does not
assign interface IDs for layers that were not assigned IDs
Data Exchange intf_out_auto_layer_ids during export. yes, no no
Data Exchange intf_out_blanked_entities Filters export of entities based on their blank status yes, no yes
Specifies Catia start model to be used for CATIA II
Data Exchange intf_out_cat_start_model .model export.
Sets the Creo View recipe file for export to .ed and .edz
Data Exchange intf_out_ed_recipe_file formats. For use with Windchill 8.0 and earlier servers
none, part_layer, block_layer,
Layer mapping mechanism providing an ability to group block_nested_view_based_la
Data Exchange intf_out_layer entities to layers or blocks. yer none
Enables you to assign interface ids to layers during
Data Exchange intf_out_layer_rename_table export
Controls the maximum degree of exported B‐spline
Data Exchange intf_out_max_bspl_degree surfaces when exporting through IGES 16
Sets the Creo View recipe file for export to .pvs and .pvz
Data Exchange intf_out_pvs_recipe_file formats. For use with Windchill 9.0 and later servers
PTC Inc. 46 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Specifies the directory where import and export profiles
Data Exchange intf_profile_dir are stored. Use the full path to avoid problems.
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Yes ‐ Opens export options dialog when exporting Creo
Data Exchange use_export_2d_dialog drawing. No ‐ exports file without the options dialog. yes, no yes
Data Exchange use_iges_font_1003 Used to disable the use of IGES font 1003. yes, no yes
Specifies whether to convert Kanji notes in Creo to IGES
Kanji notes (font code) when exporting. Yes ‐ Converts
Kanji notes to IGES Kanji notes. No ‐ Converts using Font
Data Exchange use_iges_kanji_font_2001 1. yes, no no
Filename ‐ Insert specified text file into the Start section
of IGES file. Valid parametric note symbols will be
replaced during export. For example, &dwg_name in
the text file is replaced by the drawing name when a
Data Exchange user_iges_header_file drawing is exported.
The complete filename of the text file containing VDA
header information. If you intend to use the same
Data Exchange vda_header header for all VDA files, specify the full pathname.
Enables you to place an anchor on a specified VRML
component during the export to VRML. The keywords
Data Exchange vrml_anchor_url are optional.
Yes ‐ Exports a model to VRML with the Creo
Data Exchange vrml_background_color background color. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Exports a model to VRML with explode lines for
Data Exchange vrml_explode_lines assembly or assembly process data. yes, no yes
Specifies the number of levels of detail (LODs) in models
Data Exchange vrml_export_resolution exported in VRML format. high, medium, low medium
PTC Inc. 49 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Specifies the location of the model tree in the browser
window. Out ‐ Opens model tree in a separate window.
In ‐ Includes model tree in the Web page and removes
Data Exchange www_tree_location the Tree checkbox from the control panel. out, in out
PTC Inc. 50 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Set the data compression factor (0‐9, 0= no
Data Management dm_http_compression_level compression) for data exchange with a Windchill server.
Allow the user to choose to work offline when there is a
loss of server connection. Staying online will continue to
Data Management dm_offline_after_event retry server operations. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ Synchronize, Download and Upload boxes are
checked when going online. No ‐ Only Synchronize box
Data Management dm_offline_options_activated is checked when going online. yes, no yes
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Dimensions & Maintains the nominal value of a dimension regardless
Tolerances maintain_limit_tol_nominal of the changes that you make to the tolerance values. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Displays a tilde (~) in front of a dimension that is
set to display as a fraction and has an actual value that
is not rounded to equate exactly to the displayed
Dimensions & fractional value (the fraction shows 7/32 but the actual
Tolerances mark_approximate_dims value is .22, not 0.21875). yes, no no
Controls the minimum angle value under which Creo
Dimensions & assumes colinearity of the selected items when creating
Tolerances minimum_angle_dimension a driven dimension. 1
Dimensions & Encloses reference dimensions in parentheses. No ‐
Tolerances parenthesize_ref_dim Follows reference dimensions with the text "REF". yes, no no
Determines whether the Geometric Tolerance dialog
Dimensions & restricts the user by graying out elements that are
Tolerances restricted_gtol_dialog considered "illegal". yes, no yes
Dimensions & Sets the default status of the Rounded Dimension Value
Tolerances round_displayed_dim_values checkbox for newly created or shown dimensions. yes, no yes
Tbl_driven_tol_val_edit Y/N* ‐ "Yes" allows users to
directly edit the tolerance value of dimensions whose
tolerance values are driven by tolerance tables. Editing
the tolerance value of a dimension will make the
dimension non‐table‐driven. "No" disallows direct
Dimensions & editing of the tolerance values of table driven
Tolerances tbl_driven_tol_val_edit tolerances. yes, no no
Dimensions &
Tolerances tol_display Displays dimensions with or without tolerances. yes, no no
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Sets the default drawing scale for views added with the
No Scale command. The value must be greater than 0.
Drawing default_draw_scale No ‐ The system does not set a default drawing scale. ‐1
Determines initial setting of Font kerning when 2D
drawing annotations are created. Yes ‐ Font kerning is
Drawing default_font_kerning_in_drawing on for new 2D annotations. yes, no no
Displays the model in default orientation when placing a
general view on the drawing. No ‐ Model does not
appear until Default is chosen from the Orientation
Drawing disp_trimetric_dwg_mode_view dialog box. yes, no yes
When set to yes, parametric sketching constraints, such
as V for vertical, are displayed when a drawing object is
Drawing display_dwg_sketch_constraint selected yes, no no
PTC Inc. 59 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Controls model display in a drawing when
auto_regen_views is No. Wireframe ‐ Adds new views in
wireframe, displays datums. Minimal_wireframe ‐
Displays in wireframe, no datums, axes, or silhouette default, wireframe,
Drawing display_in_adding_view edges. Default ‐ Displays using the Environment setting. minimal_wireframe wireframe
Yes ‐ Drawing model files are read‐only. No model
changes can be made. Cosmetic_only ‐ Only cosmetic
changes can be made to the model. Design changes are
not allowed. Cosmetic changes include adding driven
Drawing draw_models_read_only dimensions, cross sections, and explode states. yes, no, cosmetic_only no
Defines the current draft view's coordinate values as
model units rather than drawing units. The GET POINT
menu uses the scale of the draft view and the draft
view's model units for relative and absolute coordinate
Drawing draw_points_in_model_units entry and display in the Message Window. yes, no no
Resolution of OLE object images. The range of valid
Drawing drawing_ole_image_dpi values is 0 to 600 dots per inch. 150
Sets the default drawing setup file option values for
your Creo session, otherwise, the system uses the
default drawing setup file option values. Certain
parameters in the file are valid only if you have a license <creo_loadpoint>\text\p
Drawing drawing_setup_file for Pro/DETAIL. rodetail.dtl
Resolution of exported shaded drawing views. The
Drawing drawing_shaded_view_dpi range of valid values is 0 to 600 dots per inch. 150
The named coordinate system will be used as the origin
of a newly created view or of a modified view. None ‐
The system will not use a previously specified
Drawing drawing_view_origin_csys coordinate system. none
PTC Inc. 60 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Display a warning dialog upon opening a drawing with
models that contain flexible features advising users that
Drawing drawing_warn_if_flex_feature annotations may be out of date and should be verified. yes, no yes
file, session, english,
japanese, french, german,
russian, italian, spanish,
Defines the language used during Unicode conversion of korean, chinese_tw,
pre‐Wildfire 4.0 drawings. This option does not affect chinese_cn, hebrew, greek,
the conversion of models. File ‐ Uses the language turkish, czech, polish,
stored in the drawing header file; Session ‐ Uses the hungarian, slovenian,
Drawing dwg_unicode_conversion_language language of the current Creo session. portuguese, slovak, usascii file
Yes ‐ shading display is allowed in drawing views. No ‐
Drawing enable_shaded_view_in_drawings shading display will be shown in wireframe. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ Displays all views of drawings in wireframe. No ‐
Displays views according to the display set for the
Drawing force_wireframe_in_drawings session (wireframe, hidden, and so on). yes, no no
Assigns a specified setup file to each drawing format. To
assign the drawing's parameter values to the format,
you must retrieve the drawing's setup file into the
Drawing format_setup_file format. dwgform.dtl
Controls the display of erased view outlines
(environment option Highlight Erased Views). Yes ‐
Highlights erased views. No ‐ Turns off highlighting for
Drawing highlight_erased_dwg_views erased views. yes, no yes
In drawing mode, highlights new dimensions in red until
Drawing highlight_new_dims you repaint the screen. yes, no no
In Drawing, controls quilt display in hidden line removal.
Yes ‐ Includes quilts in the hidden line removal process
(preselects Qlt HLR in the VIEW DISP menu). Default in
Drawing hlr_for_quilts the VIEW DISP menu, uses the value you have set. yes, no no
PTC Inc. 61 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Automatically adds view names to auxiliary views using
AUX VIEW* viewname‐viewname. You can modify the
Drawing make_aux_view_notes view name after adding the view to the drawing. yes, no no
Determines the handling of values entered in a format
table when you replace one drawing format with
another. Yes ‐ Stores entered values for format table
and copies them with the table. No ‐ Prompts you to re‐
Drawing make_parameters_from_fmt_tables enter all the values for the format table. yes, no no
Automatically adds view names to projection views in
the format "VIEW viewname‐viewname." You can
modify the view name after adding the view to the
Drawing make_proj_view_notes drawing. yes, no no
Yes ‐ The OLE object is displayed in any zoom level
(could result in performance degradation). No ‐ The OLE
Drawing ole_unlimit_zoom object disappears in high zoom‐in levels. yes, no no
Specifies the extent of draft entity chains selected. Yes ‐
Only entities in the chain that are tangent will be
selected. No ‐ All entities connected end to end will be
Drawing pick_chain_tangent_only selected. yes, no no
Set the default preferred export file type for export cgm, tiff, iges, dxf, step, pdf,
Drawing preferred_export_format from drawings. dwg, medusa, stheno pdf
Sets the directory for the drawing setup files. If this
option is not set, the system uses the default setup
Drawing pro_dtl_setup_dir directory.
Sets the default directory for the drawing format library.
Drawing pro_format_dir Use the full pathname to avoid problems.
Specifies the directory from which to retrieve notes
entered from a file. Use the full path name to avoid <dir_name>\dump_x86e
Drawing pro_note_dir problems. _win64\
Sets the default directory for drawing symbol palette <creo_loadpoint>\symb
Drawing pro_palette_dir files. ols\palette\
PTC Inc. 62 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Yes ‐ Sets the default of the GET POINT menu as the last
Drawing remember_last_get_point_option option picked among Pick Pnt, Vertex and On Entity. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Stores view geometry and detail items such as
solid dimensions. These items are displayed when
Drawing save_display retrieving the drawing in View‐Only mode. yes, no no
Embed ‐ Embeds a picture file inside a drawing for
preview purposes. Export ‐ Saves a drawing file as a
picture file in the working directory when saving a
Drawing save_drawing_picture_file drawing. Both ‐ Does both embed and export. no, export, embed, both embed
Determines whether the system saves the model after
you have changed it. No ‐ Saves the model every time
Drawing save_modified_draw_models_only that you store the drawing. yes, no yes
Controls selectability of hidden edges in no‐hidden
Drawing select_hidden_edges_in_dwg drawing views. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ Entities in front of cross‐section (planar or offset)
can be selected, clipped (using Z‐clipping), or erased
with EDGE DISP menu. No ‐ Geometry, datum points or
curves, cosmetic features, threads, grooves, or
Drawing selection_of_removed_entities coordinate systems cannot be erased. yes, no no
Drawing show_annotations_dialog_limit Default value for Annotations dialog box.
This option determines the default behavior for preview
Drawing show_preview_default in Show/Erase. remove, keep remove
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 64 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Enable the Learning Connector, which provides context
specific access to videos, training, help topics, and
technical support content. When enabled, the Learning
Education & Social Tools enable_learning_connector Connector is added to the ribbon bar next to Help. yes, no yes
Align NEWLY CREATED bundles where they meet or
Electromechanical align_cable_bundles branch out yes, no yes
Allow to create a bundle over a group of flat packing
Electromechanical allow_bundle_flat_cables cables. yes, no no
Electromechanical allow_harn_mfg_assy_retrieval Allow to retrieve a harness mfg assembly directly. yes, no no
Assemble parent connectors on locations referencing a
Electromechanical assemble_parent_connector subconnector. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ When regenerating a pre‐Release 11.0 cabling
assembly, the system automatically creates a separate
spool feature for every individual wire or cable in the
assembly. No ‐ An interface for the cable conversion
Electromechanical auto_convert_cables appears. yes, no yes
Automatically load Cabling Logical Reference from an
Electromechanical auto_xml_on_retrieve XML file when retrieving the cabling assembly yes, no no
Automatically create an XML Logical Reference when
Electromechanical auto_xml_on_save saving a cabling assembly yes, no no
Set the wire parameter to use to select a path during
Electromechanical autoroute_path_param_name autorouting. use_path
Control whether bundle transitions are created
Electromechanical bundle_transition_create_method automatically. Default is automatic. automatic, manual
Transition length is controlled by the formula Larger
Diameter X <percentile>. Default value is
Electromechanical cable_bundle_transition_length 50[0...250]%. 0.5
No ‐ Global clearance checking for internal cable
portions is excluded. Yes ‐ Global clearance checking for
Electromechanical cable_int_portions_for_clr internal cable portions is included. yes, no no
PTC Inc. 65 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
(Diagram) Determines the Pro/TABLE format used
when you are modifying pin parameters. "yes" ‐ You
can add user‐defined pin parameters by including them
between the DEFINE and ENDDEF statements for each
Electromechanical diagram_pin_edit_multi_line pin. "no" ‐ The system uses columnar format and yes, no no
Display warning message when duplicate harness are
Electromechanical display_duplicate_harness_msg identified in the same assembly. yes, no yes
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Yes ‐ When a cable is added between two previously
laid out locations in a three‐dimensional reference
harness, display of the new cable will update
Electromechanical update_pre_130_harness automatically in pre‐Release 13 flattened cable models. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Harnesses containing cables routed prior to
Release 16.0 will be automatically updated upon
Electromechanical update_pre_16_cable_layers retrieval to comply with new display standards. yes, no no
Enter an accuracy value to override the default lower
Environment accuracy_lower_bound limit. The minimum value for relative accuracy is 1E‐06. 0.0001
Yes ‐ Execute Activate command automatically after a
window is selected. No ‐ Don't execute Activate
Environment activate_window_automatically command automatically after a window is selected. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ Turns on the keyboard bell that rings after each
prompt. No ‐ Turns off the keyboard bell. To override
this setting use the Environment dialog box on the Tools
Environment bell menu. yes, no no
Specifies the quality of surface triangulation used to
obtain initial guess points for clearance and interference
Environment clearance_triangulation calculations. none, high, medium, low none
Environment clock Yes ‐ Displays the clock while Creo is working. yes, no no
Used with the export option iges_out_mil_d_28000. To
support MIL‐D‐28000, your company name is required
input and the system prompts you every time you
export through IGES unless you set the company name
Environment company_name in your configuration file.
Environment default_abs_accuracy Defines the default absolute part accuracy. 0
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Sets a scale factor for enlarging the size of the flip arrow
Environment flip_arrow_scale that appears for feature creation direction (default = 1). 1
Yes ‐ Items selected in the model tree are highlighted in
Environment highlight_geometry the geometry area. yes, no yes
Setup the default format type for information
presentation. Text ‐ information will be output as simple
Environment info_output_format text. HTML ‐ information will be output as html data. text, html html
Sets default method for presenting information. Both ‐
View information on screen and write information to
file. Screen ‐ View information on screen only. File ‐
Write information to file only. Choose ‐ Select method
Environment info_output_mode from the INFO OUTPUT menu. both, choose, screen, file both
Enables Intelligent Fastener. You must restart Creo for
Environment intelligent_fastener_enabled the setting to take effect. yes, no yes
Calculate mass properties upon regeneration, upon save automatic, by_request,
Environment mass_property_calculate or by user request check_upon_save by_request
Environment mathcad_automapping Toggles Mathcad analysis automapping of variables yes, no no
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
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Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
All_modes ‐ Select a datum plane by clicking on its visual
boundary. Sketcher_only ‐ Select a datum plane by
clicking on its tag in modes other than Sketcher. If you
Environment select_on_dtm_edges use Query frequently, set this option to Sketcher_only. all_modes, sketcher_only all_modes
PTC Inc. 73 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Determines whether or not the visualization
Environment startup_check_for_visualization components are checked for installation upon startup. yes, no yes
Allow the creation of pre‐Pro/ENGINEER 2000i
geometry features including ear, neck, lip, slot, flange,
Features allow_anatomic_features shaft, local push, radius dome and section dome. yes, no no
Enables the usage of advanced copy/paste functionality
Features allow_fully_dependent_copy to control degree of dependency on the pasted object. yes, no yes
Defines the Cosmetic Thread user interface. Yes ‐
Creates a Cosmetic Thread as a UDF. No ‐ Creates a
Features allow_udf_style_cosm_threads Cosmetic Thread as a Cosmetic Thread feature. yes, no no
Modify grid space in angular units for handle
Features angle_grid_interval movement. 1
Allows Creo to automatically switch from add to remove
of material for solid extrude and revolve during feature
Features auto_add_remove creation. yes, no yes
If set to yes, copying a feature group containing an
Annotation feature will automatically hide the
Features autohide_copied_group_af Annotation Features in the new group. yes, no no
PTC Inc. 74 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 75 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
In feature creation, determines whether or not the
system activates the dialog box OK button automatically
when the last required element is defined. Yes ‐ Button
Features feature_create_auto_ok is activated automatically. No ‐ You select the button. yes, no no
It sets the solid or surface default type for feature
creation. The Advanced option sets the default type for
Features feature_type_default Extrude and Revolve to solid, and all others to Surface. solid, advanced, surface solid
Initial value for the "Maintain solution topology" option
Features flex_maintain_solution_topology in created flexible modeling features. yes, no no
Features foot_grid_interval Modify grid space in foot units for handle movement. 0.083333
No‐ Uses hole‐table‐driven standard hole diameter
value. Yes ‐ Allows specifying the drilled hole value
Features hole_diameter_override instead of the standard value. yes, no no
Specify Hole tool to use external hole parameter (.hol) replace_with_external,
Features hole_file_resolution files. use_internal replace_with_external
Specifies the directory path for a standard screw‐size
parameters (.hol) file to be loaded from disk. Use the
Features hole_parameter_file_path full path name to avoid problems.
Features inch_grid_interval Modify grid space in inch units for handle movement. 0.03125
Sets the initial state of how the system treats datums
Features keep_info_datums and features created at run time. yes, no yes
PTC Inc. 76 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 77 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 78 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 79 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 80 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 81 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 82 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 83 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 84 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 85 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 86 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 87 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
This causes the specified layers to display when you
Layers display_layer begin a Creo session. The variable "value" is the layer Id.
Set to yes if user wants to see a layer tree dialog
Layers floating_layer_tree separated from navigator. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Items selected in the layer tree are highlighted in
Layers highlight_layer_items the geometry area. yes, no yes
Set the upper limit of items in a layer for highlighting. If
items in a layer exceeds this number, highlighting will
Layers layer_item_highlight_limit not occur. 500
PTC Inc. 88 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
If set to no, the top level assembly will store sub model
layer display status, allowing lower level display status
Layers save_display_status_in_submodel to be stored without having to save the sub models. yes, no yes
The items on the "Hidden Items" temporary layer are
stored permanently when layer display status is saved
Layers save_hidden_items_w_status with Save Status command. yes, no yes
When set to yes, inactive layout content is shown using
color specified by inactive_layout_color_value. When
set to no, inactive layout content is shown using their
Layout change_color_of_inactive_layout native colors. yes, no yes
Specifies the value of the color used for inactive layout
content when the option
Layout inactive_layout_color_value change_color_of_inactive_layout is set to yes 255 255 255
Specifies the transparency value to be used for inactive
layout content. Range is 0 (no transparency) to 100
Layout inactive_layout_transp_value (fully transparent). 50
Layout layout_feat_copied_geom_thick Layout feature ‐ Copied geometry thickness. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 1.5
Layout layout_scroll_bars Show/Hides scroll bars. yes, no yes
Layout layout_snap Enable/Disable snapping to geometry and guides. yes, no yes
Set and automatically create the default directory for
saving and retrieving user‐defined symbols. If you do
not specify a directory, Layout will use the same
directory as Creo drawings. Use full path name to avoid <dir_name>\dump_x86e
Layout layout_symbol_dir problems. _win64\
Allows a manufacturing model to be opened in
assembly mode from the file open dialog. Use "Open In
Manufacturing allow_mfg_in_assem_mode Assembly Mode" option in "File Open" dialog. yes, no no
No Default Application set for opening Assembly NC mfg, process, feature,
Manufacturing assy_mfg_open_mode Models. any_mode any_mode
Storage directory for holemaking MUDF's that are used
Manufacturing autodrill_udf_dir by Pro/NC Auto‐drilling functionality
PTC Inc. 89 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Enables you to control the size of the tool path arrow
for contouring NC sequences. 0 ‐ The arrow does not
Manufacturing cl_arrow_scale display. Any other value ‐ The arrow scales accordingly. 1
TOOL or TABLE ‐ defines ROTATE sign direction
convention based with respect to either rotation table
Manufacturing cl_rotate_sign_convention or cutting tool. table, tool table
Defines the file that contains the user‐defined tool
Manufacturing cmm_custom_tool_param_file parameters' list.
Enables default state of "Offset Cut" option for the
trajectory sequence. "ON" ‐ "Offset Cut" option is
selected. "OFF" ‐ the option is not selected. "AUTO" ‐
the option state depends on the selected chain
Manufacturing curve_traj_offset_opt_default reference. off, on, auto auto
Yes‐ Display manufacturing icon for manufacturing
assembly files in Open/Save dialogs. No‐ the
Manufacturing display_mfg_icon_for_mfg_assy manufacturing assembly files have assembly icons. yes, no no
Sets output of NC process information as content on the
NC Assembly CAD Document in XML Format. Yes ‐
Outputs the file whenever CAD Document is Saved. No ‐
Manufacturing dm_nc_process Does not output the file. yes, no no
PTC Inc. 90 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Defines default end option for holemaking sequences.
"AUTO" ‐ end is determined automatically,
"REFERENCE" ‐ end is determined by the selected
reference, "DEPTH" ‐ end is determined by the specified auto, through, reference,
Manufacturing drilling_ui_end_opt_default depth, "THROUGH" ‐ machine through the part. depth auto
Defines default start option for holemaking sequences.
"AUTO" ‐ start is determined automatically,
"REFERENCE" ‐ start is determined by the selected
Manufacturing drilling_ui_start_opt_default reference. auto, reference auto
Enables selection of loops on surfaces for curve
Manufacturing enable_2x_traj_multi_loops trajectory sequence. yes, no no
Allows/disallows face option for thread turning
Manufacturing enable_face_thread_turning sequence. yes, no no
Manufacturing enable_param_n_tool_upd_dialog Enable parameters and tool updation dialog. yes, no yes
Specifies the directory containing the post processor
Manufacturing gpostpp_dir files to be used by Pro/NCPOST (GPOST).
Ignore pocket number from template for tools added to
Manufacturing ignore_templ_pos_for_new_tool a workcell. Use first available pocket. yes, no no
Show/hide inapplicable cutting tools in mfg sequence
Manufacturing include_all_tools_in_list UI. yes, no no
Enable/Disable auto referencing for Manufacturing
Manufacturing mfg_auto_ref_mfg_template template yes, no no
Yes ‐ In 3, 4, and 5 axis contour and conventional mill
sequences, the entire reference part is selected as check
surfaces by default when computing the NC sequence
toolpath for those sequences. No ‐ You select the check
Manufacturing mfg_auto_ref_prt_as_chk_srf surfaces. yes, no yes
PTC Inc. 91 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Yes ‐ Uses the new customize dialog box for customizing
Manufacturing mfg_customize_dialog NC sequences. No ‐ Uses the Release 19.0 menus. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ Save / Retrieve Mesh for subsequent cutline
recalculations, No ‐ New Mesh will be computed for
Manufacturing mfg_cutline_save_mesh each cutline recalculations. yes, no yes
Sets the number of digits for i, j, k data points in a CL
Manufacturing mfg_ijk_num_digits data file. 10
top left /bottom right ‐Position of the mfg. Info dialog
Manufacturing mfg_info_location box. top_left, bottom_right top_left
Enables you to make some of the APTn index topics
modal, which means that you repeatedly get a list of
major keywords corresponding to this topic upon
Manufacturing mfg_modal_command_file completing a command line.
Do not copy any parameter of the tool to the sequence
Manufacturing mfg_param_auto_copy_from_tool parameter tree. all, none, misc, cutting none
Controls the default state of the following option in
Paste Special dialog: "Make copies dependent on
dimensions of originals". This configuration option has
Manufacturing mfg_paste_special_dep_default an effect only for manufacturing assemblies. yes, no yes
PTC Inc. 92 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Specifies the directory where Mfg Process Table settings
Manufacturing mfg_process_table_setup_dir get stored. Use the full pathname to avoid problems.
Specifies the directory where Mfg Process Templates
Manufacturing mfg_process_template_dir get stored. Use the full pathname to avoid problems.
Specifies the directory which contains all manufacturing
Manufacturing mfg_setup_dir related setup files for the current session.
Sets the default visibility status of the Stock Model after
Manufacturing mfg_stock_display_show_default creation. yes, no no
The factor is used to consider the threading of tapping
tool. The estimate removed material value of tapping
sequence is presented as estimate removed material
value multiplied by this factor. The factor should be
Manufacturing mfg_tap_mat_rem_coef greater than 0 and upto 1.0. 1
Controls whether the mfg tool comment is getting
copied from TOOL_COMMENT parameter of the
Manufacturing mfg_tbl_comment_from_retr_tool retrieved tool to the tool manager table comment. yes, no no
Specifies the storage directory for NC templates. Specify
full path to avoid problems. NC templates are used in
Expert Machinist. Templates store the recipe for a
Manufacturing mfg_template_dir toolpath as the method of tool retrieval.
Manufacturing mfg_tool_dialog_setup_file Specifies the XML based file to setup Tool Dialog.
Enables preview of a milling tool at a specified location
Manufacturing mfg_tool_preview_by_pick on the tool path or geometry of the part. yes, no yes
PTC Inc. 93 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Location of the setup file that describes which process
Manufacturing nc_autodoc_param_dir parameters are included in the parameter table.
Location for storing the report and images generated by
Manufacturing nc_autodoc_report_dir the shop floor documentation tool.
Location for documentation setup files that describe
which process parameters are included in the
Manufacturing nc_autodoc_setup_dir parameter table.
Location of the style sheet and default images used for
Manufacturing nc_autodoc_template_dir shop floor documentation.
Yes ‐ make "Submit Path" and "Abort Path" visible. No ‐
Manufacturing nc_jobman_visible make "Submit Path" and "Abort Path" invisible. yes, no no
ModuleWorks will be used for NC material removal nccheck, moduleworks,
Manufacturing nccheck_type simulation. external moduleworks
Sets the default file extension for Pro/MFG CL data files.
Enter the file extension only (without the preceding ".").
Manufacturing ncl_file_extension For example, apt produces filename.apt. ncl
Sets path for storage and retrieval of stock instances for <creo_loadpoint>\text\n
creating workpiece in NC Model. Specify full path, cmdl_data\
Manufacturing ncmdl_bar_stock_part_path including part name, to avoid problems. t
Sets path for storage and retrieval of stock instances for <creo_loadpoint>\text\n
creating workpiece in NC Model. Specify full path, cmdl_data\ncmdl_billet.
Manufacturing ncmdl_billet_stock_part_path including part name, to avoid problems. prt
PTC Inc. 94 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Sets the default directory for the manufacturing
Manufacturing pro_mf_workcell_dir workcell files. Use the full pathname to avoid problems.
Sets the default directory for the syntax menu files in
Manufacturing pro_mfg_cmdsyn_dir Pro/MFG. Use the full pathname to avoid problems.
Affects CL‐Data output for profile milling sequences. Yes
‐ Sequence parameter output_point is available with
options: tip ‐ Toolpath is output with respect to the tool
center; on_profile ‐ Toolpath is output with respect to
Manufacturing profile_output_utils the profile of the tool. yes, no no
PTC Inc. 95 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
No ‐ Does not process reference parts when generating
the shaded image (to save time). Yes ‐ Shades reference
Manufacturing shade_mfg_ref_models parts when generating shaded images. yes, no yes
Specifies how tool path information is computed. Yes ‐
Tool path information stored in file filename.tph
(filename is manufacturing model name). No ‐ Tool path
is computed each time manufacturing model is
Manufacturing store_tool_path_file retrieved or parameters are changed. yes, no yes
Controls the number of rows visible in the tool motion
list without scrolling. This value is applied to dashboard
Manufacturing tool_motion_list_length based NC Steps. 7
Manufacturing tool_path_preview_default Sets tool path preview default mode to OFF. off, on, auto auto
Yes ‐ Tool holder interference will be ignored during
Manufacturing turn_avoid_holder_interference Turning toolpath calculation. yes, no no
Specify name and path of the file containing workcell
Manufacturing wcell_fixt_info_setup_file and fixture name info.
Cut out are created in Workpiece but not the family none, operations, steps,
Manufacturing workpiece_instances table instances. operations_and_steps none
Mechanism mdo_cl_executable Path for Custom Load executable.
Mechanism mdo_integration_method Select integration method for dynamic analyses. explicit, implicit, auto auto
Mechanism mdo_spring_wire_radius Spring wire radius for dynamics spring icons. 0.15
Mechanism mdx_belt_icon_width Width of belt transmission icons. 5
PTC Inc. 96 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 97 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
PTC Inc. 98 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Yes ‐ Coordinate system name tags will be displayed. No
Model Display display_coord_sys_tags ‐ Coordinate system name tags will not be displayed. yes, no yes
Yes: display of the florin (international currency symbol)
Model Display display_florin where possible. No: use the euro symbol exclusively. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Datum plane name tags will be displayed. No ‐
Model Display display_plane_tags Datum plane name tags will not be displayed. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Datum planes will be displayed. No ‐ Datum planes
Model Display display_planes will not be displayed. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ Datum point tags will be displayed. No ‐ Datum
Model Display display_point_tags point tags will not be displayed. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Datum points and their names will be displayed.
No ‐ Datum points and their names will not be
Model Display display_points displayed. yes, no yes
Sets the display of silhouette edges for wireframe
Model Display display_silhouette_edges display only. yes, no yes
Controls the display of dimension z‐extension lines. Yes ‐
z‐extension lines will be displayed; No ‐ z‐extension lines
Model Display display_z_extension_lines will not be displayed. yes, no yes
Controls display quality of an edge for wireframe and
hidden‐line removal. Normal ‐ Normal quality of edge
display. High ‐ Increases tessellation by 2. Very_high ‐
Increases tessellation by 3. Low ‐ Decreases tessellation
Model Display edge_display_quality from normal, speeds up display. high, low, normal, very_high normal
Enable ambient occlusion. This simulates the effect of
light radiating from a real model by darkening the
Model Display enable_ambient_occlusion occluded areas. yes, no no
Model Display enable_hlr_hashing Enables hlr hashing yes, no no
PTC Inc. 99 Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
Creo 3.0 Parametric Configuration Options
When the orientation, or zoom state, of the Creo
window changes, an animation sequence of predefined
duration takes place. This option controls the minimum
Model Display min_animation_steps number of frames used in the animation sequence. 6
Sets the path to the file which contains the default <creo_loadpoint>\text\3
Model Display model_detail_options_file model detail option values for new models. d_inch.dtl
Establishes the initial standard view orientation.
User_default ‐ System uses X‐axis and Y‐axis values isometric, trimetric,
Model Display orientation defined by options x_axis and y_axis. user_default trimetric
Set the realtime rendering to project transparent_floor,
Model Display real_time_rendering_display shadows/reflections on a transparent floor. room_display transparent_floor
Spinning shaded images with software graphics only.
Note: This option has no effect if your system uses
Model Display save_triangles_flag hardware graphics. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Shades assembly components while they are being
moved. No ‐ Displays components in wireframe while
Model Display shade_moving_comp they are being moved. yes, no yes
12, 13, 14, 1, 3, 23, 24, 25, 26,
2, 4, 5, 15, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27,
Model shade quality is used to decide how much to 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
subdivide surfaces for shading purposes. Higher shade 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,
Model Display shade_quality quality is slower but produces better pictures. 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 3
Model Display shade_surface_feat Controls the shading of surface features. yes, no yes
Enables shading of objects in all windows. This option
Model Display shade_windows does not also enable color shading. all_windows, one_window all_windows
For display purposes only. Sets the angle between two
quilt surfaces below which the edge will be displayed as
Model Display tan_angle_for_disp tangent. Enter an angle between 1.5 and 15 degrees. 0.02618
Determines how edges between tangent surfaces are no, solid, centerline,
Model Display tangent_edge_display displayed. phantom, dimmed solid
Yes ‐ Applied textures will be displayed when the model
Model Display texture is shaded. yes, no yes
Model Display texture_search_path Appends a directory to the search path for textures.
Yes ‐ Transparent colors will appear as such when the
Model Display transparency model is shaded. yes, no yes
Update pre‐Creo 3.0 appearances to their latest values.
Always ‐ update without warning, Never ‐ do not
update, Prompt ‐ issue a warning dialog allowing users
Model Display update_old_appearance to choose to update or not. never, always, prompt always
Yes ‐ Use the old stroke‐based PTC font as the default
Model Display use_pre_wildfire_text_font font. No ‐ Use a True Type font as the default font. yes, no no
Convert bend report information generated prior to
Piping pipe_pre_22_bendinfo_conv Pro/ENGINEER 2000i‐2 to current saved analysis format. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ Display Pro/PIPING centerlines. No ‐ Do not display
Piping pipe_solid_centerline Pro/PIPING centerlines. yes, no yes
Specify the pipe solid label format that will be used to ,mnemonic,‐,number,‐
Piping pipe_solid_label_format automatically generate pipeline labels. ,insulation
Yes ‐ Pipelines created prior to Release 20.0 are updated
with intersection point entities. The entities are created
in session by Info>Regen Info or when you retrieve the
Piping pipe_update_pre_20_int_pts model. yes, no no
Piping pipeline_assembly_library_dir Sets the default pipeline assembly library directory. iping_data\pipelinelib\
Piping pipeline_assembly_name_format Sets the default pipeline assembly name format. mnemonic,‐,number
Specify the pipeline label format that will be used to ,mnemonic,‐,number,‐
Piping pipeline_label_format automatically generate pipeline labels. ,insulation
Piping pipeline_solid_start_part_name Sets the default pipeline solid start part name. pipeline_solid_start.prt
Specify the pipeline spool label format that will be used mnemonic‐number‐
to generate the spool labels during pipeline spool prefix[0]spoolnum
Piping pipeline_spool_label_format generation. [01]suffix[]
Piping pipeline_start_assembly_name Sets the default pipeline start assembly name. pipeline_start.asm
Piping piping_material_file Sets the default piping material filename. og\piping_material.ptd
Sets the source for material information. Note
Piping piping_material_source Material_dir requires pro_material_dir to be set. weight_length, material_dir weight_length
Piping piping_mcat_dir Sets the default piping master catalog directory. og\
Sets the default piping master catalog directory iping_data\master_catal
Piping piping_mcat_dir_file filename. og\piping_mcat_dir.ptd
Sets the default piping minimum bolting clearance
Piping piping_min_bolting_clearance value. 1
Piping piping_project_data_dir Sets the default Project data directory. ect\
Piping piping_schematic_driven Set the Schematic Driven Pipeline Modeling ON/OFF yes, no no
Specify directory with full path containing schematic <dir_name>\dump_x86e
Piping piping_schematic_xml_dir information XML file(s). _win64\
Piping piping_spec_dir_file Sets the default piping specification directory filename. ect\piping_spec_dir.ptd
Piping piping_system_tree_format Sets the default piping model tree format. mnemonic
Piping piping_thumb_wheel_increment Sets the default piping thumb wheel increment value. 1
Sets the default piping thumb wheel ratio increment
Piping piping_thumb_wheel_ratio_inc value. 0.01
Always ask before converting old piping assemblies to
Piping piping_wildfire_convert update the network structure. never, automatic, manual manual
Specifies the directory to search for insulation files used
Piping pro_insulation_dir in Pro/PIPING. Use full path name to avoid problems.
Specifies the directory to search for fittings used in
Piping pro_pip_fitt_dir Pro/PIPING.
Specifies the directory to search for linestock files used
Piping pro_pip_lnstk_dir in Pro/PIPING. Use full path name to avoid problems.
Specifies the file containing the mapping for MCAT og\piping_units_system
Piping units_system_dic_file filename and units. _dic_file.ptd
Sets the Adobe Acrobat Reader command path. This
value will be used to launch the reader after exporting a
Printing & Plotting acrobat_reader PDF document.
Yes ‐ A plot file is automatically deleted from the
directory in which it resides when it has been
Printing & Plotting delete_after_plotting successfully plotted. yes, no yes
If set to YES line priority in plotting or export is
Printing & Plotting din_std_line_priority determined according to DIN standard yes, no no
Yes ‐ Arcs and circles included in outputted Gerber plot
Printing & Plotting gerber_360_interpolation files will take this format. yes, no no
Set default scope for externally referenced models. All ‐
Any model. None ‐ Only current model and children.
Skeletons ‐ Any component in model's assembly and
higher skeletons on branch. Subassembly ‐ Only all, none, subassemblies,
Reference Control default_ext_ref_scope components and children in model's assembly. skeleton_model all
Default value for Geometry Scope allowed for
Reference Control default_geom_scope referencing. all, pg_if_exists, pg_only all
Set the specified Shared Placement reference control
conditions to newly created models if template models
Reference Control default_obj_constraints_scope were not used. all, none, interfaces all
Set the specified Shared Placement reference control
conditions to newly created models for configurable
Reference Control default_obj_module_constr_scope structure if template models were not used. all, none, interfaces, tagged tagged
Set the specified Shared Geometry reference control
conditions to newly created models for configurable
Reference Control default_obj_module_geom_scope structure modules if template models were not used. all, none, pg, tagged all
Set the specified Shared Geometry reference control
conditions to newly created models if template models
Reference Control default_object_geom_scope were not used. all, none, pg all
Specifies the directory to save/retrieve Sheet metal
Sheetmetal pro_smt_params_dir parameters files. Use full path name to avoid problems.
Yes ‐ Enables the creation of punch axis points in
Sheetmetal punch_axis_points Sheetmetal cuts and punches. yes, no no
Sheetmetal punch_models_directory Sets path to directory that contains the punch models.
YES ‐ create known dimensions on known geometry, NO
Sketcher sketcher_known_dim_on_ref_ent ‐ create reference dimensions on known geometry yes, no yes
Yes ‐ line up horizontal constraints will be used by Intent
Manager; No ‐ line up horizontal constraints will not be
Sketcher sketcher_lineup_hor_constr used by Intent Manager. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ line up vertical constraints will be used by Intent
Manager; No ‐ line up vertical constraints will not be
Sketcher sketcher_lineup_ver_constr used by Intent Manager. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ modified dimensions will be locked; No ‐ modified
Sketcher sketcher_lock_modified_dims dimensions will not be locked. yes, no no
Yes ‐ midpoint constraints will be used by Intent
Manager; No ‐ midpoint constraints will not be used by
Sketcher sketcher_midpoint_constr Intent Manager. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ parallel constraints will be used by Intent
Manager; No ‐ parallel constraints will not be used by
Sketcher sketcher_parallel_constr Intent Manager. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ perpendicular constraints will be used by Intent
Manager; No ‐ perpendicular constraints will not be
Sketcher sketcher_perpendicular_constr used by Intent Manager. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ point on entity constraints will be used by Intent
Manager; No ‐ point on entity constraints will not be
Sketcher sketcher_point_on_entity_constr used by Intent Manager. yes, no yes
Refits section after dimension modification in 2D
Sketcher sketcher_refit_after_dim_modify section or when creating the first feature. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ Enables Creo popup helptext and menus to retain
the portion of the window they obscure to be used to
System saveunders_enabled restore the window image when they are dismissed. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ Enables a trail file to be single‐stepped by entering
System set_trail_single_step <CR>. yes, no no
System tablet_device_name Specifies the name of a digitizing tablet.
System trail_delay Sets a delay in seconds between trail file steps.
Instructs Creo to create its trail file in the specified
System trail_dir directory rather than in the startup directory.
Specifies the default directory for training files. The path
name must start from the root of the directory, for
System train_file_path example, /home/users/library/training.
System web_browser_history_days Enter number of days to store history records. 20
System web_browser_homepage Enter location of Creo browser home page. index.html
Specifies whether Creo web browser should be
launched as a separate window. When set to Yes the
browser will be displayed as a separate window. The
default, No, will result in the browser being embedded
System web_browser_in_separate_window in the Creo application window. yes, no no
System windows_browser_type Select the type of embedded browser to use. chromium_browser ie_browser
Set the default update state for a child referencing the
Update Control child_of_layout_backup_update layout feature's geometry. manual, auto, notify auto
manual, auto, notify,
Update Control copied_feat_refs_update_state Copied Feature References Update no_dependency auto
manual, auto, notify,
Update Control copied_place_refs_update_state Copied Placement References Update no_dependency auto
Set the default update state for a child directly
Update Control direct_child_of_layout_update referencing the layout model through layout feature. manual, auto, notify notify
Define whether the reference model of data sharing
feature set to automatic update or manual update with
Update Control retrieve_data_sharing_ref_parts notification, will be retrieved to the session by default. yes, no, ignore_missing no
Sets the AE detail dependency for AE's that are locally
propagated. If set to independent, the AE's parameter
call outs will update to other propagated AEs
User Interface ae_propagate_detail_dependency parameters. dependent, independent dependent
Toggle display of Copy References column in Annotation
User Interface af_copy_references_flag Feature definition dialog yes, no no
Display a confirmation window when exiting Creo. This
enables you to use the mouse to confirm/cancel exiting
User Interface allow_confirm_window Creo. yes, no yes
Define path and file name of external file used to define
parameters that are automatically created in all
User Interface auto_ae_param_file Annotation Elements.
Control the default setting of the check box in the
Propagate annotation dialog box which controls
User Interface auto_include_annot_plane whether to pass all annotations plane references. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ causes the automatic, local propagation of AE's
User Interface auto_propagate_ae after a supported feature has been created. yes, no no
User Interface auxapp_popup_menu_info Enable display of popup menu info in the trail file. yes, no no
default, excel_linked,
User Interface bm_graph_tool BMX graph tool excel_embedded default
Specifies the language in which the short help messages
display when running non‐English versions of Creo. Yes ‐
User Interface help_translation Display in native language. No ‐ Display in English. yes, no yes
Determines how many other Creo windows/menus are
iconified when one window is iconified. Yes ‐ All the
windows and menus are iconified. No ‐ Only the
User Interface iconify_entire_pro selected window is iconified. yes, no yes
On ‐ Enables use of abbreviations when entering menu
User Interface kbd_cmd_abbreviation commands from the keyboard. off, on off
Provides the ability to select locations in the graphics
area via the keyboard. Yes ‐ Selection in the graphics
area may be performed via the keyboard. No ‐
User Interface kbd_selection Selection in the graphics area requires a mouse. yes, no no
Enables the loading of the UI customization file (.ui) if
User Interface load_ui_customization_run_dir located in the run directory yes, no no
Controls the position of the Menu Manager. outside ‐
Top left corner of Menu Manager is aligned to top right
corner of window, inside ‐ Top right corner of Menu
Manager is aligned to top right corner of graphics area,
adaptive ‐ Menu Manager is positioned outside if there
User Interface menu_manager_position is enough room, otherwise it is positioned inside. inside, outside, adaptive adaptive
Specify your own URL for the Menu Mapper button in
User Interface menu_mapper_location the help menu.
Specifies the language in which the menus display when
User Interface menu_translation running non‐English version of Creo. yes, no, both yes
Determines whether the generic name is displayed as
an extension of the instance name in the model tree
User Interface modeltree_show_gen_of_instance and other model name lists. yes, no yes
Specifies language in which Messages are displayed
User Interface msg_translation when running non‐English version of Creo. yes, no yes
Specifies support of keyboard macros written in native
User Interface native_kbd_macros language (for example, German). yes, no no
User Interface new_parameter_ui Enable the new parameter editor and user interface. yes, no yes
User Interface new_relation_ui Enable the new relations editor and user interface. yes, no yes
Specify your own URL for the Online Resources button
User Interface online_resources_location in the help menu.
Open any new Creo window maximized by default. This
User Interface open_window_maximized config will override "reserve_menu_space" option. yes, no no
Sets the editor that is used to edit notebook parameter
tables. Protab ‐ Use Pro/TABLE. Editor ‐ Use the system
User Interface part_table_editor editor (refer to pro_editor_command). protab, editor, excel
Determines whether relations of pattern leader are
User Interface pattern_relations_copy inherited by pattern members. yes, no yes
Specify font used in the Creo pop‐up help. Add the
comma‐delimited variables in any order (italic bold, 24,
times or 24, times, italic bold have the same effect). Any
User Interface popuphelp_font omitted variable uses the standard setting.
Enables use of an editor other than the system editor
when the option editor has been specified as the value
for the options part_table_editor or
User Interface pro_editor_command relation_file_editor.
Determines if you are prompted to save objects when
User Interface prompt_on_exit exiting a Creo Parametric session. yes, no no
User Interface propagate_inactive_annotation Yes ‐ causes the propagation of inactive annotation. yes, no yes
No ‐ A message describing the (pre)selected item is
provided only while querying. Yes ‐ A message
describing the selected item is provided in all cases (i.e.
User Interface provide_pick_message_always even when Query is not used). yes, no no
User Interface relation_file_editor Sets the editor used to edit relations. protab, editor editor
Reserves space for extra menus to the right of the Creo
User Interface reserved_menu_space window (0.0‐4.0). This option overrides windows_scale. 1
Specify whether or not the right mouse button pop up
User Interface right_mouse_button_popup menu is available or not. yes, no yes
Controls whether a family table instance is created for
edge preparation. Yes ‐ Instances of the components
Weld weld_edge_prep_instance that receive edge preparation are created. yes, no
Specifies the suffix name for the instance that will be
created during edge preparation. Part name plus
Weld weld_edge_prep_name_suffix extension makes the instance name. _noep
Specifies an initial default value for the root opening
Weld weld_edge_prep_root_open edge preparation. 0.25
Determines whether the automatic placement position
Without category 3dp_auto_placement is calculated by Creo, or externally by a 3D printer. creo, by_printer by_printer
Yes ‐ Displays and keeps the accessory window above
the active window. No ‐ Does not keep the accessory
Without category accessory_window_above window above the active window. yes, no no
Docked ‐ Displays the accessory window embedded in
the active window. Undocked ‐ Displays the accessory
Without category accessory_window_display window as a standalone window. undocked, docked docked
Without category acis_out_version Allows the user to choose ACIS export version. 4, 5 5
Specifies the file name of the user defined piping
Without category aec_parameter_file parameter codes.
Make the Delete Many command available in drawing
mode. The Delete Many command is not supported by
undo but can improve performance when deleting a
Without category allow_delete_many_in_drawings significant number of items. yes, no no
Specify the angle tolerance for snapping while freeform
Without category comp_snap_angle_tolerance dragging components. Default value is 30.0 degrees. 30
Specify the distance tolerance for snapping while
freeform dragging components. Default value is 0.1
Without category comp_snap_dist_tolerance (relative to size of component being assembled). 0.1
Provides a confirmation dialog when attempting to
Without category confirm_on_edit_foreign_models make design changes to foreign models yes, no yes
keep_constraint_type ‐ Adjusts the component position
to keep the same constraint type. reset_constraint_type
‐ Automatically changes the constraint type to keep the keep_constraint_type,
Without category constraint_reference_redefine position of the component. reset_constraint_type keep_constraint_type
Sets the maximum allowable gap between weld contact
Without category contact_surfaces_gap surfaces. 0
Without category convert_to_wf3_replace Convert to Wildfire3 replace functionality. yes, no no
If set to 'source', notes in copied tables using pre‐
Wildfire 3 kerning/padding will continue to use the old
Without category copied_table_note_text_padding appearance. If set to 'new', they will be updated. new, source new
Sets the tolerance, which is used in the analysis to
match standard thread type and standard radius, to the
Without category cosmetic_thread_match_tolerance selected thread surface. 0.001
When an object is designated, all parameters belonging
Without category designate_model_item_params to that object will be automatically designated as well. yes, no no
Simplified Rep to display initially in Open Rep Create:
"No" for none, "Yes" for graphics rep, or "Default Rep"
to display the rep indicated by option
Without category disp_in_open_rep_create "open_simplified_rep_by_default". yes, no, default rep no
Sets the default value of the follow (board) surface
option for an ECAD component. Choosing Yes will allow
Without category ecad_comp_follow_board placed components to follow the bending of the board. yes, no yes
Without category edge_tess_quality Set the accuracy level for arc tessellation. high, medium, low low
Yes ‐ Display 3D ModelSpace tab in the browser when
Creo starts. No ‐ Display 3D ModelSpace tab only when
Without category enable_3dmodelspace_browser_tab you click a 3D ModelSpace link in the navigator. yes, no yes
Uses corner point of linear helical chains in cutcom
Without category enable_cutcom_helix_corner output. yes, no yes
Controls the ability to "pre‐select" faces/datums as an
entry to Sketch based features such as Extrude, Revolve
Without category enable_face_preselection (input to the internal sketch). yes, no yes
Controls the format of time stamps in file dialogs and
the folder browser. The format for the setting is a string
consisting of up to seven portions: the year, the month,
and the date, the hours, minutes, seconds and am/pm %dd‐%mmm‐%yy
Without category file_timestamp_format designator. You can enter the portions in any order. %hh:%mi:%ss %pm
In Flexible Modeling mode sets the default selection
Without category flex_dflt_selection_srf_region filter option to surface regions. yes, no no
Reduces the number of default solutions found in
Flexible Modeling features, when modifying geometry
Without category flex_dma_reduce_solution_number with mixed convexity contours. yes, no yes
Defines default state of the Tangency Propagation
Without category flex_tan_propagation_default option in Flexible Modeling features. off, on off
Control the display and execution of the java script error
dialogs. If the dialog is presented, the user can choose show, suppress_continue,
Without category js_error_policy whether to stop or continue running the script. supress_stop
Controls whether a model is displayed in its window
Without category keep_model_in_open_window when the accessory window is open. yes, no no
Sets the directory that holds the temp files for the ming\ptc\proengineer\w
Without category last_session_directory_path session recording mechanism. ildfire\.wf\.settings
Yes ‐ Activates recording mechanism that enables the
session to be retrieved during the next session. No ‐ The
recording mechanism is not available and the session
Without category last_session_retrieval can not be retrieved. yes, no yes
Sets the level of flexibility that is allowed when dragging
a manikin. FULL ‐ All Manikin segments are articulated.
NONE ‐ Manikin is calculated as a single body. DEFAULT ‐
Without category manikin_flexibility Manikin finger segments are locked to a single body. none, default, full default
Controls whether a manikin's existing posture is applied
Without category manikin_replace_keep_posture to a replacement manikin. yes, no yes
Controls whether to take into the account values from
Without category mass_prop_load_from_file mass properties file. by_request, always by_request
Automatically switches to Replace mode for the last
reference in appropriate Measures (Distance, Angle,
Without category measure_auto_replace_mode Transform) yes, no no
This configuration option controls the number of digits
after the decimal point. If value = ‐1, this configuration
Without category measure_dec_places is ignored and measure_sig_figures is used ‐1
Determines default look of measure dialog (expanded
Without category measure_dialog_expand or collapsed) yes, no no
Determine As Object (As Center et al.) checkbox option default, all_on, all_off,
Without category measure_ref_option_status behavior in Measure Tool keep_last default
Specify font used in the Creo Model Tree. specify the
comma‐delimited variables in any order (italic bold, 24,
times or 24, times, italic bold have the same effect). Any
Without category model_tree_font omitted variable uses the standard setting.
Specify the path and name of the default plotter config
Without category quick_print_plotter_config_file file to be used by the File > Quick Drawing command.
YES ‐ Option for creation of radial hole with a linear
Without category radial_hole_linear_dim dimension will be available. yes, no no
Controls whether a comment is written to the trail file
Without category record_mapkey_comment_to_trail whenever a mapkey is executed. yes, no yes
Specifies whether to enter resolve mode when
regeneration failures occur. Resolve_mode ‐ Enter
resolve mode when regeneration failures occur.
No_resolve_mode ‐ Don't enter resolve mode when resolve_mode,
Without category regen_failure_handling regeneration failures occur. no_resolve_mode no_resolve_mode
Yes to regen models intersected with assem feats during
Without category regen_int_mdls_on_retr assembly retrieval. yes, no no
Controls whether to regenerate top model, or promot
Without category regen_solid_before_save user before regeneration if it is required yes, no, prompt, force prompt
Define whether the reference model of merge feature
set to automatic update or manual update with
Without category retrieve_merge_ref_parts notification, will be retrieved to the session by default. yes, no, ignore_missing no
Yes ‐ Displays the icon of the open Creo object in the
taskbar and window title bar. For all Creo applications
except Creo Parametric, icons include a letter indicating
the application name. No ‐ Displays the Creo application
Without category show_object_type_in_taskbar icon in the taskbar and window title bar. yes, no no
Sets the default display state of internal sketch
Without category show_sketch_dims_in_feature dimensions in the feature definition environment. yes, no no
Toggle display of the current coordinate system triad in
Without category sim_display_current_csys_triad the lower right corner of the window. yes, no
Without category sim_display_interfaces Toggle display of structure connection icons. yes, no
Without category sim_display_shell_pairs Toggle the display of shell pairs. yes, no
Enables on demand retrieval of required models during
Without category simprep_ondemand_regeneration regeneration. Can affect regeneration performance. automatic, master, disable automatic
Without category single_side_surf_color Allow application of color to a single side of a surface. yes, no no
Synchronize color assignment between sketched curves
Without category sketcher_curve_color_synch and their sketches. yes, no yes
Without category sketcher_rel_accuracy Enter a sketcher relative accuracy. 1
This option enable the user to keep a highly precise
Without category sketcher_strngthn_to_def_dec_pl value during creation or convertion strong dimension. yes, no yes
Yes ‐The relation string of parameter will be stored
along with the parameter value in Process XML No ‐The
relation string of parameter will not be stored along
Without category skip_relation_mfg_process_xml with the parameter value in Process XML yes, no no
When dynamically dragging components during
component placement, allow to snap to references one
Without category snap_single_constraints constraint at a time. yes, no yes
Without category spin_with_orientation_center Display orientation center while reorienting. yes, no yes
Set the value of transparency for components set to
"Transparent" in style state. Value must be between 0
Without category style_state_transparency and 100. 70
Suppress the ghost image of dimension when CTRL is
pressed. It allows better visibility while selecting further
Without category suppress_dim_ghost_with_ctrl dimension references. yes, no no
Specifies the default configurable assembly template
Without category template_cnfg_asm file. Use full pathname to avoid problems. inlbs_csa.asm
Specifies the designated template ESR assembly. Use
Without category template_esrasm full path to avoid problems. inlbs_asm_esr.asm
Sets the path to the file which contains the default
Without category wf_metric_solid_dtl_setup_file model detail option values for pre Creo metric models.
Number of decimal places to use for a double value in a
Without category xmlelem_double_precision feature. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Specifies the mode of mesh display in FEM
preprocessor. Values: NO_MESH, WIREFRAME, HIDDEN,
NOHIDDEN, SHADING. wireframe, no_mesh,
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ hidden, nohidden,
Creo Simulate sim_display_mesh_mode CHANGED Specify the mode of mesh display in FEM preprocessor. shading
Specifies the directory for Creo Simulate run temporary
storage. By default, the current directory is used.
Specify the directory for Creo Simulate run temporary
Creo Simulate sim_run_tmp_dir CHANGED storage. By default, the current directory is used.
Controls the size of the elements that touch the tip of
Creo Simulate sim_sif_measure_size_factor NEW the crack, relative to the size of the crack. 0.1
Specifies the amount of memory in megabytes reserved
for solving equations and for storing element data
created by the iterative solver. The default value is 128.
Specifies the amount of memory in megabytes reserved
for solving equations and for storing element data
Creo Simulate sim_solver_memory_allocation CHANGED created by the iterative solver. The default value is 512. 512
Yes ‐ Activates FEM mode of Creo Simulate. No (default)
‐ Activates Native mode of Creo Simulate.
Yes ‐ Activate FEM mode of Creo Simulate. No (default) ‐
Creo Simulate simulation_fem_mode CHANGED Activate Native mode of Creo Simulate. yes, no no
Sets Creo Simulate mode ‐ Structure (default) or
Thermal. This option is used only if the information
about Creo Simulate mode is not yet stored with the
Specify Creo Simulate mode ‐ Structure (default) or
Thermal. This option is used only if the information
about Creo Simulate mode is not yet stored with the
Creo Simulate simulation_mode CHANGED model. structure, thermal structure
Loads EFX application. no
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Data Exchange afx_enabled CHANGED Loads AFX application. yes, no yes
Displays foreign source model name in the model tree
Data Exchange atb_show_foreign_name NEW for imported models. yes, no yes
Will be used to set the bend allowance table only. Sets
the default directory of the board bend allowance table
files. If not set, the system supplied bend tables are
Data Exchange board_bend_table_directory NEW used. Use the full name and path to avoid problems.
Will be used to set the design rules file folder only. Will
be used by the design rules manager. Sets the default
directory of the board design rules files. Use the full
Data Exchange board_design_rules_directory NEW name and path to avoid problems.
Board bend radius and bend angle values and bend
dimension location will be driven by feature‐level
Data Exchange board_drive_bend_by_parameters NEW relations to board parameters. yes, no no
Drives the board options and values by feature‐level
Data Exchange board_drive_tools_by_parameters NEW relations to board parameters. yes, no yes
Data Exchange board_flange_shape_sketches_dir NEW Sets path to directory that contains the Flange shapes.
Assists in creation of an file. Yes ‐
Automatically renames components, if necessary, each
time library of component outlines is imported to Creo
Parametric. This does not create an file.
It controls if ecad_hint.add is created.
Assists in creation of an file. Yes ‐
Automatically renames components, if necessary, each
time library of component outlines is imported to Creo.
This does not create an file. It controls if
Data Exchange ecad_create_hint_add CHANGED ecad_hint.add is created. yes, no yes
2.0, 1.2
Data Exchange ecad_edmd_out_version CHANGED Set the EDMD output version. 2.0, 1.2, 3.0 2
Exports Creo Parametric cuts as holes to ECAD systems.
Data Exchange ecad_export_cuts_as_holes CHANGED Exports Creo cuts as holes to ECAD systems. yes, no yes
Exports Creo Parametric holes as cuts to ECAD systems.
Data Exchange ecad_export_holes_as_cuts CHANGED Exports Creo holes as cuts to ECAD systems. yes, no no
Specify the default geometry representation of all_surfaces,
Data Exchange ecad_imp_conductor_def_geom_rep NEW conductors when you import them into an ECAD design. all_quilts all_entities
Import sections specified as DRILLED_HOLE as through‐
all holes. Boards created with Creo Parametric drilled
holes export with default value of NPTH for the
ECAD_HOLE_TYPE parameter. Create this feature
parameter if a value of PTH is needed (IDF 2.0/3.0).
Import sections specified as DRILLED_HOLE as through‐
all holes. Boards created with Creo drilled holes export
with default value of NPTH for the ECAD_HOLE_TYPE
parameter. Create this feature parameter if a value of
Data Exchange ecad_import_holes_as_features CHANGED PTH is needed (IDF 2.0/3.0). yes, no yes
Sets loading conductor data when the model is opened
Data Exchange ecad_load_conductor_data NEW or retrieved. yes, no yes
Enhanced export of special entities to ECAD formats. no
Yes ‐ Attempt to approximate arcs and lines. No ‐ Use ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Data Exchange ecad_outline_ents_enhanced_exp CHANGED part accuracy to approximate lines. yes, no yes
Specifies an option for saving conductor data when the
model is saved. No ‐ Conductor information is not
saved. Minimal ‐ The minimum required data that
allows Conductor information to be calculated in
runtime is saved. Upon retrieval, conductors are
retrieved as entities and require using the conductors
tools to update their orientation and representation.
Data Exchange ecad_save_conductor_data NEW Full ‐ All Conductor information is saved. no, full, minimal full
Specifies path to csv file with a list of user defined ECAD
Data Exchange ecad_usrdef_area_type_file_path NEW area types.
Data Exchange ecadcollab_accept_color NEW ECAD Collaboration Accept color 0.0 255.0 0.0
Automatically redefine ECAD Areas affected by
Data Exchange ecadcollab_auto_redef_areas NEW collaboration changes yes, no yes
Automatically redefine components affected by
Data Exchange ecadcollab_auto_redef_comps NEW collaboration changes yes, no yes
Yes ‐ ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY and REGION entities are
imported as set of draft entities, No ‐
Data Exchange intf2d_in_acad_expl_unsupp_ents NEW ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY and REGION entities are ignored. yes, no yes
If set to YES tries to fix dimension texts with missing
special characters with the information from dimension
Data Exchange intf2d_in_acad_fix_dim_text NEW definition. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Breaks unsupported MI dimension types to
separate entities, No ‐ Imports unsupported MI
dimension types as different type dimensions that can
Data Exchange intf2d_in_mi_brk_unsupp_dim NEW look differently. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Maps MI drafting parts to layers, No ‐ Imports MI
Data Exchange intf2d_in_mi_lay_parts NEW drafting parts as separate entities. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ Maps MI symbol parts to symbols, No ‐ Imports MI
Data Exchange intf2d_in_mi_sym_parts NEW symbol parts as separate entities. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ Maps MI annotation views to 2D views, No ‐
Data Exchange intf2d_in_mi_view_parts NEW Imports MI annotation views as separate entities. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ standard colors are imported as user‐defined
colors. No ‐ standard colors are mapped to Creo
Parametric colors.
Yes ‐ standard colors are imported as user‐defined
Data Exchange intf2d_in_std_clrs_as_user_def CHANGED colors. No ‐ standard colors are mapped to Creo colors. yes, no yes
QUILT ‐ quilt lines have higher priority than hidden lines hidden_line
when exporting or plotting a drawing. HIDDEN_LINE ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Data Exchange intf2d_out_quilt_hl_priority CHANGED hidden lines have higher priority than quilt lines. quilt, hidden_line quilt
Sets maximum allowable deviation between original
and resulting surfaces in the process of converting Creo
Parametric surfaces to spline surfaces. By setting this
you convert surfaces with a better approximation than
by using the current model accuracy.
Sets maximum allowable deviation between original
and resulting surfaces in the process of converting Creo
surfaces to spline surfaces. By setting this you convert
surfaces with a better approximation than by using the
Data Exchange intf3d_out_surface_deviation CHANGED current model accuracy. ‐1
Controls how entity names are handled when an object
is exported to STEP format from part or assembly mode.
You can give unique names to Creo Parametric datum
points, datum axes, datum curves, surfaces, edges, and
Controls how entity names are handled when an object
is exported to STEP format from part or assembly mode.
You can give unique names to Creo datum points, no_name,
Data Exchange intf_out_assign_names CHANGED datum axes, datum curves, surfaces, edges, and quilts. user_name, id_name no_name
nx6, nx7, nx8, nx8.5,
Data Exchange intf_ug_version DELETED Sets the version of Unigraphics interface. nx9 nx6
Yes ‐ Opens export options dialog when exporting Creo
Parametric drawing. No ‐ exports file without the
options dialog.
Yes ‐ Opens export options dialog when exporting Creo
Data Exchange use_export_2d_dialog CHANGED drawing. No ‐ exports file without the options dialog. yes, no yes
Specifies whether to convert Kanji notes in Creo
Parametric to IGES Kanji notes (font code) when
exporting. Yes ‐ Converts Kanji notes to IGES Kanji notes.
No ‐ Converts using Font 1.
Specifies whether to convert Kanji notes in Creo to IGES
Kanji notes (font code) when exporting. Yes ‐ Converts
Kanji notes to IGES Kanji notes. No ‐ Converts using Font
Data Exchange use_iges_kanji_font_2001 CHANGED 1. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Exports a model to VRML with the Creo Parametric
background color.
Yes ‐ Exports a model to VRML with the Creo
Data Exchange vrml_background_color CHANGED background color. yes, no no
Enter amount of disk space (in megabytes) to allocate
for local file storage. The change to the existing setting
will take effect after Creo Parametric is restarted
Enter amount of disk space (in megabytes) to allocate
for local file storage. The change to the existing setting
Data Management dm_cache_limit CHANGED will take effect after Creo is restarted.
Indicate which objects will be written to local cache
when objects in Creo Parametric memory are saved.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ all, none, modified
Indicate which objects will be written to local cache ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Data Management dm_cache_mode CHANGED when objects in Creo memory are saved. all all
Specifies the server location where objects will be saved
when Creo Parametric does not provide an ability to
specify the target save location. This option is applicable
for Windchill ProductPoint only.
Specifies the server location where objects will be saved
when Creo does not provide an ability to specify the
target save location. This option is applicable for
Data Management dm_fallback_server_location CHANGED Windchill ProductPoint only.
Yes ‐ When there is at least one workspace created in
any context in selected server, default workspaces that
were never used, will not be listed. No ‐ (Default value)
Default workspaces will be listed for each context that
Data Management dm_hide_virtual_default_ws NEW has no workspace defined. yes, no no
Primary server/workspace must be set by user for each
Creo Parametric session.
Primary server/workspace must be set by user for each
Data Management dm_remember_server CHANGED Creo session. yes, no yes
Determines whether an object fetched from a PDM
database can be renamed in a Creo Parametric session.
Determines whether an object fetched from a PDM
Data Management let_proe_rename_pdm_objects CHANGED database can be renamed in a Creo session. yes, no no
Defines the language used during Unicode conversion of file, session, english,
pre‐Wildfire 4.0 drawings. This option does not affect japanese, french,
the conversion of models. File ‐ Uses the language german, russian,
stored in the drawing header file; Session ‐ Uses the italian, spanish,
language of the current Creo Parametric session. korean, chinese_tw,
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ chinese_cn, hebrew,
Defines the language used during Unicode conversion of greek, turkish, czech,
pre‐Wildfire 4.0 drawings. This option does not affect polish, hungarian,
the conversion of models. File ‐ Uses the language slovenian,
stored in the drawing header file; Session ‐ Uses the portuguese, slovak,
Drawing dwg_unicode_conversion_language CHANGED language of the current Creo session. usascii file
Sets the default directory for drawing symbol palette <creo3.0_loadpoint>\
Drawing pro_palette_dir CHANGED files. symbols\palette\
Specifies the directory to be used when tables are ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
retrieved or saved. Use the full path name to avoid <dir_name>\dump_x8
Drawing pro_table_dir CHANGED problems. 6e_win64\
Yes ‐ Enable snapping of drawing and report entities to
snap lines. No ‐ Disable snapping of drawing and report
entities to snap lines.
Yes ‐ Enable snapping of drawing and report entities to
snap lines. No ‐ disable snapping of drawing and report
Drawing snap_drw_entity_to_snap_line CHANGED entities to snap lines. yes, no yes
Allow Windchill SocialLink to connect with Creo
Parametric. When enabled SocialLink commands will be
Education & Social added to the Application Menu and the Ribbon bar.
Tools enable_sociallink DELETED Enter "Yes" to enable SocialLink, and "No" to disable it yes, no no
Automatic reference parts retrieval for dependent data
sharing features.
File Storage & Retrieval Define whether the reference model of data sharing
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ feature set to automatic update or manual update with yes, no,
Update Control retrieve_data_sharing_ref_parts CHANGED notification, will be retrieved to the session by default. ignore_missing no
Yes ‐ Improve performance during drag by temporarily
reducing graphics quality. No ‐ No reduction in graphics
Freestyle Feature freestyle_drag_performance NEW quality during drag. yes, no yes
Blanks specified layers when you begin a Creo
Parametric session. The value is the layer ID.
Blanks specified layers when you begin a Creo session.
Layers blank_layer CHANGED The value is the layer ID.
This causes the specified layers to display when you
begin a Creo Parametric session. The variable "value" is
the layer Id.
This causes the specified layers to display when you
Layers display_layer CHANGED begin a Creo session. The variable "value" is the layer Id.
When set to yes, inactive layout content is shown using
color specified by inactive_layout_color_value. When
set to no, inactive layout content is shown using their
Layout change_color_of_inactive_layout NEW native colors. yes, no yes
When the orientation, or zoom state, of the Creo
Parametric window changes, an animation sequence of
a predefined duration takes place. This option controls
the maximum time the system spends animating.
When the orientation, or zoom state, of the Creo
window changes, an animation sequence of a
predefined duration takes place. This option controls
Model Display max_animation_time CHANGED the maximum time the system spends animating. 1
Set the upper bound dimension on images loaded into
Creo Parametric. Images larger than this limit will be
rescaled to this upper bound during loading.
Set the upper bound dimension on images loaded into 4096
Creo. Images larger than this limit will be rescaled to 4096, 1024, 2048, ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Model Display max_image_dimension CHANGED this upper bound during loading. 8192, 16384 16384
When the orientation, or zoom state, of the Creo
Parametric window changes, an animation sequence of
predefined duration takes place. This option controls
the minimum number of frames used in the animation
When the orientation, or zoom state, of the Creo
window changes, an animation sequence of predefined
duration takes place. This option controls the minimum
Model Display min_animation_steps CHANGED number of frames used in the animation sequence. 6
Piping piping_end_compatibility_file CHANGED Sets the default piping end compatibility filename. _compatibility.ptd
Piping piping_fitt_category_map_file CHANGED Sets the default piping fitting category map filename. category_map.ptd
Piping piping_fitt_library_dir CHANGED Sets the default piping fitting library directory. glib\
Specifies the file containing the mapping for MCAT er_catalog\piping_uni
Piping units_system_dic_file CHANGED filename and units. ts_system_dic_file.ptd
Yes ‐ A plot file is automatically deleted from the
directory in which it resides when it has been ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Printing & Plotting delete_after_plotting CHANGED successfully plotted. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ Plot files are given descriptive extensions when
created. No ‐ All plot files are simply given the extension ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Printing & Plotting plot_names CHANGED .plt. yes, no no
Provides the ability to exclude empty window space ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Printing & Plotting plot_to_scale_full_window CHANGED when plotting the model to scale. yes, no yes
Sets the command that you use to start a plot on your
system; for Windows NT or Windows 95,
windows_print_manager option configures Creo
Parametric to plot to a recognized device in the
Windows NT or Windows 95 print manager.
Sets the command that you use to start a plot on your
system; for Windows NT or Windows 95,
windows_print_manager option configures Creo to plot
to a recognized device in the Windows NT or Windows windows_print_man
Printing & Plotting plotter_command CHANGED 95 print manager. ager
Specifies the type of plotter handshake initialization ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Printing & Plotting plotter_handshake CHANGED sequence generated in the plotter files. hardware, software software
Specifies whether or not to include pagesize
information when generating postscript files from Creo
Parametric. No ‐ Creo Parametric will omit Adobe level 2
pagesize information from the header of the postscript
Specifies whether or not to include pagesize
information when generating postscript files from Creo.
No ‐ Creo will omit Adobe level 2 pagesize information
Printing & Plotting ps_output_with_pagesize CHANGED from the header of the postscript file. yes, no yes
Specifies rotation for printing. Yes ‐ Rotates a PostScript
plot 90 degrees counterclockwise. Use when you are
plotting a landscape drawing on a portrait‐type laser
printer, or a portrait drawing on a landscape‐type laser ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Printing & Plotting rotate_postscript_print CHANGED printer. yes, no no
This option is used for setting PLOT window background
Printing & Plotting set_plot_background_color NEW color to transparent color. yes, no yes
YES‐ Exports color of each surface of model. NO‐ Exports
Printing & Plotting u3d_create_color_surfaces NEW one color per model. Default NO. yes, no no
Yes ‐ The exact line style used in Creo Parametric is
plotted, stroked out dot by dot, dash by dash, and space
by space. No ‐ plots lines using the line font it supports
which most closely resembles the font used in Creo
Yes ‐ The exact line style used in Creo is plotted, stroked
out dot by dot, dash by dash, and space by space. No ‐
plots lines using the line font it supports which most
Printing & Plotting use_software_linefonts CHANGED closely resembles the font used in Creo. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Indicates that a cutter is installed on a Versatec ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Printing & Plotting versatec_cutter_installed CHANGED plotter. yes, no yes
Allow direct references to layout files through layout
Reference Control allow_direct_ref_to_layout_file NEW feature. yes, no no
Default setting for newly created components that
allows/disallows referencing entities forbidden by
Reference Control def_comp_ref_ctrl_exception NEW Reference Control settings. yes, no yes
Number of selected components that will invoke
confirmation before multi‐component backing up
Reference Control def_multiple_backup_prompt_num NEW placement references. 100
Default setting that controls the level of feature backup
for newly created models. Other_models: all references
to other models will be backed up, Non_permitted: only
references that were created despite the initial none, other_models,
Reference Control def_obj_feat_refs_to_backup NEW restrictions will be backed up. non_permitted non_permitted
Default setting that controls the level of placement
backup for newly created models. Other_models: all
references to other models will be backed up, all, none,
Non_permitted: only references that were created other_models,
Reference Control def_obj_place_refs_to_backup NEW despite the initial restrictions will be backed up. non_permitted non_permitted
Default setting for newly created models that
allows/disallows referencing entities forbidden by
Reference Control def_obj_ref_ctrl_exception NEW Reference Control settings. yes, no yes
Set the specified handling method of out‐of‐scope
Reference Control default_comp_invalid_refs DELETED Accessible references to newly added components. copy, prohibit copy
Sets default condition for reference handling. Prohibit ‐
System will abort all attempts to create ext. reference
that violates scope. Copy ‐ System will issue warning
upon all attempts to create ext. reference that violates
Reference Control default_object_invalid_refs DELETED scope. copy, prohibit copy
none, other_models,
Reference Control feat_references_to_backup NEW Level of backup for feature references non_permitted non_permitted
all, none,
Reference Control placement_references_to_backup NEW Level of backup for placement references non_permitted non_permitted
Check to allow referencing components that are not
Reference Control ref_control_allow_exceptions NEW permitted by the above setting yes, no yes
Prohibit ‐ System will abort all attempts to create
external reference violating the scope. Backup ‐
Warning appears. Abort reference creation or declare as
out‐of‐scope reference. If you declare, backup copies to
Reference Control scope_invalid_refs DELETED part/assembly and backup is referenced. copy, prohibit copy
Sheetmetal die_models_directory NEW Sets path to directory that contains the die models.
Sketcher dma_sketcher_guide_width_factor NEW Guide width as a proportion of sketched line width 0.75
Sketcher sketcher_disp_guides NEW Shows guides when sketching. yes, no yes
sketcher snap sensitivity
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ high, medium, low,
Sketcher sketcher_snap_sensitivity CHANGED Adjusts the sensitivity of the snapping to geometry. very_high, very_low very_high
Style Feature style_merge_surfaces NEW Merge surfaces on exit from the Style Feature yes, no yes
Define the delimiter character in BOM format file:
Comma, TAB, Semicolon, Space or other user‐defined.
Define the delimeter character in BOM format file: comma, tab,
System csv_format_delimeter CHANGED Comma, TAB, Semicolon, Space or other user‐defined semicolon, space
Setup whether tree customization will allow separating
the tree window from Creo Parametric window.
Setup whether tree customization will allow separating
System enable_tree_indep CHANGED the tree window from Creo window. yes, no no
Yes ‐ Enables Creo Parametric popup helptext and
menus to retain the portion of the window they obscure
to be used to restore the window image when they are
Yes ‐ Enables Creo popup helptext and menus to retain
the portion of the window they obscure to be used to
System saveunders_enabled CHANGED restore the window image when they are dismissed. yes, no yes
Instructs Creo Parametric to create its trail file in the
specified directory rather than in the startup directory.
Instructs Creo to create its trail file in the specified
System trail_dir CHANGED directory rather than in the startup directory.
Enter location of Creo Parametric browser home page. <creo3.0_loadpoint>\
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ help\usascii\resource
System web_browser_homepage CHANGED Enter location of Creo browser home page. _center_index.html
Specifies whether Creo Parametrics web browser should
be launched as a separate window. When set to Yes
the browser will be displayed as a separate window.
The default, No, will result in the browser being
embedded in the Creo Parametric application window
Specifies whether Creo web browser should be
launched as a separate window. When set to Yes the
browser will be displayed as a separate window. The
default, No, will result in the browser being embedded
System web_browser_in_separate_window CHANGED in the Creo application window. yes, no no
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ie_in_process
ie_browser, ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
System windows_browser_type CHANGED Select the type of embedded browser to use. chromium_browser ie_browser
Set the default update state for a child referencing the
Update Control child_of_layout_backup_update NEW layout feature's geometry. manual, auto, notify auto
manual, auto, notify,
Update Control copied_feat_refs_update_state NEW Copied Feature References Update no_dependency auto
manual, auto, notify,
Update Control copied_place_refs_update_state NEW Copied Placement References Update no_dependency auto
Set the default update state for a child directly
Update Control direct_child_of_layout_update NEW referencing the layout model through layout feature. manual, auto, notify notify
Allow individual update control for children of layout
Update Control individual_child_update NEW feature. yes, no yes
Specifies the language in which the short help messages
display when running non‐English versions of Creo
Parametric. Yes ‐ Display in native language. No ‐
Display in English.
Specifies the language in which the short help messages
display when running non‐English versions of Creo. Yes ‐
User Interface help_translation CHANGED Display in native language. No ‐ Display in English. yes, no yes
Determines how many other Creo Parametric
windows/menus are iconified when one window is
iconified. Yes ‐ All the windows and menus are iconified.
No ‐ Only the selected window is iconified.
Determines how many other Creo windows/menus are
iconified when one window is iconified. Yes ‐ All the
windows and menus are iconified. No ‐ Only the
User Interface iconify_entire_pro CHANGED selected window is iconified. yes, no yes
Warns the user that they are initiating a DRM session.
User Interface initial_drm_warning DELETED When set to "no", this warning dialog will be skipped. yes, no yes
Specifies the Model Tree configuration file to be loaded
when Creo Parametric is started.
Specifies the Model Tree configuration file to be loaded
User Interface mdl_tree_cfg_file CHANGED when Creo is started.
Open any new Creo Parametric window maximized by
default. This config will override "reserve_menu_space"
Open any new Creo window maximized by default. This
User Interface open_window_maximized CHANGED config will override "reserve_menu_space" option. yes, no no
Specify font used in the Creo Parametric pop‐up help.
Add the comma‐delimited variables in any order (italic
bold, 24, times or 24, times, italic bold have the same
effect). Any omitted variable uses the standard setting.
Specify font used in the Creo pop‐up help. Add the
comma‐delimited variables in any order (italic bold, 24,
times or 24, times, italic bold have the same effect). Any
User Interface popuphelp_font CHANGED omitted variable uses the standard setting.
Reserves space for extra menus to the right of the Creo
Parametric window (0.0‐4.0). This option overrides
Reserves space for extra menus to the right of the Creo
User Interface reserved_menu_space CHANGED window (0.0‐4.0). This option overrides windows_scale. 1
Enables you to position the thermometer‐type scales
whenever they appear, so that they do not overlap the
Creo Parametric windows (if space permits, for
example, if windows have been scaled).
Enables you to position the thermometer‐type scales
whenever they appear, so that they do not overlap the
Creo windows (if space permits, for example, if windows no_window_overlap,
User Interface thermo_position_hint CHANGED have been scaled). window_overlap window_overlap
Sets the default number of visible message lines in the
Creo Parametric message area.
Sets the default number of visible message lines in the
User Interface visible_message_lines CHANGED Creo message area. 2
Determines whether the automatic placement position
Without category 3dp_auto_placement NEW is calculated by Creo, or externally by a 3D printer. creo, by_printer by_printer
Yes ‐ Displays and keep the accessory window above the
active window. No ‐ Does not keep the accessory
window above the active window.
Yes ‐ Displays and keeps the accessory window above
the active window. No ‐ Does not keep the accessory
Without category accessory_window_above CHANGED window above the active window. yes, no no
Controls whether the view scale is considered when
showing a variable drawing units symbol from a model
in a drawing view. YES will scale the symbol height to
keep the same proportion relative to the model as in
Without category apply_view_scale_for_shown_syms NEW 3D. yes, no yes
Setup menu manager attachment to the main Creo
Parametric window.
Setup menu manager attachment to the main Creo
Without category attach_menumanager CHANGED window. yes, no no
Sets the default value of the follow (board) surface
option for an ECAD component. Choosing Yes will allow
Without category ecad_comp_follow_board NEW placed components to follow the bending of the board. yes, no yes
Set the accuracy level for arc tessllation.
Without category edge_tess_quality CHANGED Set the accuracy level for arc tessellation. high, medium, low low
Yes ‐ Display 3D ModelSpace tab in the browser when
Creo Parametric starts. No ‐ Display 3D ModelSpace tab
only when you click a 3D ModelSpace link in the
Yes ‐ Display 3D ModelSpace tab in the browser when
Creo starts. No ‐ Display 3D ModelSpace tab only when
Without category enable_3dmodelspace_browser_tab CHANGED you click a 3D ModelSpace link in the navigator. yes, no yes
Uses corner point of linear helical chains in cutcom
Without category enable_cutcom_helix_corner NEW output. yes, no yes
Yes ‐ Generates circle records for finishing sequence
profile cuts when seqeunce parameter
Without category enable_finishing_circ_record NEW circ_interpolation is set to arc_only yes, no no
Enable OpenGL Phong lighting.
Enable advanced OpenGL capabilities including HDR
lighting, Ambient Occlusion and Order Independent
Without category enable_opengl_shader CHANGED Transparency yes, no yes
Yes ‐ Display PartCommunity tab in the browser. No ‐
Without category enable_partcommunity_tab NEW Do not display the tab. yes, no yes
Reduces the number of default solutions found in
Flexible Modeling features, when modifying geometry
Without category flex_dma_reduce_solution_number NEW with mixed convexity contours. yes, no yes
Defines default state of the Tangency Propagation
Without category flex_tan_propagation_default NEW option in Flexible Modeling features. off, on off
To improve the user experience, specific entity types
are appropriately constrained by default (i.e. ‐ fillets
with tangency constraints). Yes ‐ specific entity types
will be created with appropriate constraints by default;
No ‐ constraints will never be automatically created for
Without category layout_smart_constraints CHANGED any entity type. yes, no yes
Specifies the location of the layout symbol instance
palette. If you do not specify a directory, layout will use
the same palette as Creo Parametric drawings. Use full
path name to avoid problems.
Specifies the location of the layout symbol instance
palette. If you do not specify a directory, layout will use
the same palette as Creo drawings. Use full path name
Without category layout_symbol_inst_palette_file CHANGED to avoid problems.
Determine AsObject (AsCenter et al.) checkbox option
behavior in Measure Tool
Determine As Object (As Center et al.) checkbox option default, all_on,
Without category measure_ref_option_status CHANGED behavior in Measure Tool all_off, keep_last default
Yes ‐ Avoids gouges when CIRC_INTERPOLATE
parameter is set to ARC_ONLY or ARC_AND_POINTS
Without category mfg_circ_interpolate_gouge_fix NEW when the arc is helical. yes, no no
Yes ‐ generates groove turning toolpath in narrow deep
Without category mfg_deepgrv_turn_typ1_conn_fix NEW grooves for scan type type_1_connect. yes, no no
Default No: Enables CL Commands for Noncut passes.
Without category mfg_disbl_clcmd_on_noncut_pass NEW Yes: Disables the commands yes, no no
Specify font used in the Creo Parametric Model Tree.
specify the comma‐delimited variables in any order
(italic bold, 24, times or 24, times, italic bold have the
same effect). Any omitted variable uses the standard
Specify font used in the Creo Model Tree. specify the
comma‐delimited variables in any order (italic bold, 24,
times or 24, times, italic bold have the same effect). Any
Without category model_tree_font CHANGED omitted variable uses the standard setting.
Without category print3d_min_gap_color NEW Specifies the color that narrow gaps are highlighted 255 160 255
Without category print3d_min_gap_tolerance NEW Tolerance for gap analysis 0.02
Without category print3d_min_gap_width NEW Minimum acceptable gap for gap analysis 0.2
Without category print3d_min_wall_color NEW Specifies the color that thin walls are highlighted 255 160
Without category print3d_min_wall_tolerance NEW Tolerance for wall analysis 0.07
Sets the default directory for the Design Test mode
data. If not specified, your current working directory is
Without category pro_design_test_mode_dir DELETED the default. Use the full pathname to avoid problems.
Sets the default directory for the Creo Parametric
manikin comfort angles. You must restart Creo
Parametric for the change to take effect.
Sets the default directory for the Creo manikin comfort
angles. You must restart Creo for the change to take
Without category ptc_manikin_comforts_path CHANGED effect.
Sets the default directory for the Creo Parametric
manikin postures (or custom posture libraries you built).
Use the full path name to avoid problems. You must
restart Creo Parametric for the change to take effect.
Sets the default directory for the Creo manikin postures
(or custom posture libraries you built). Use the full path
name to avoid problems. You must restart Creo for the
Without category ptc_manikin_posture_path CHANGED change to take effect.
Check for differences in the evaluation of relation sets
evaluated and saved in versions of Creo 2.0 prior to
M110. Warn_message Check and give a warning in the
message area. Warn_dialog skip the check and warning.
Check for differences in the evaluation of relation sets
evaluated and saved in versions of Creo 2.0 prior to
M110. Warn_message Check and give a warning in the
message area. Warn_dialog Check and give a warning ignore,
in a message window. Ignore Skip the check and warn_message,
Without category relations_ang_eval_diff_check CHANGED warning. warn_dialog warn_message
Automatic reference parts retrieval for dependent
Define whether the reference model of merge feature
set to automatic update or manual update with yes, no,
Without category retrieve_merge_ref_parts CHANGED notification, will be retrieved to the session by default. ignore_missing no
Sets the angle interval if applying Shift while using 2D
Without category rotation_handle_snap_interval NEW rotation handle. 15
Yes ‐ Show a warning message during Save As operation
to remind the user that Save As from Creo will not copy
security labels from the source objects. Use Workspace
Without category save_as_security_label_warning DELETED Save As to copy security labels. yes, no no
Determines the scope of the Show Model Annotations
tool when showing model datums and selecting a
drawing view. For large assembly drawings, use all_sub_models
top_model_only to improve performance by restricting top_model_only, ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Without category show_axes_by_view_scope CHANGED the set of axes to be shown. all_sub_models top_model_only
Sets the path to the file which contains the default
Without category wf_metric_solid_dtl_setup_file NEW model detail option values for pre Creo metric models.
Number of decimal places to use for a double value in a
Without category xmlelem_double_precision NEW feature. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Without category
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Should merge feature put copied items in target model
Assembly add_merge_ent_to_rulbased_layer CHANGED on layer driven by rule. yes, no yes
Without category
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Yes ‐ Use Component Chooser base Simp Rep UI, No ‐
Assembly new_wf5_simp_rep_ui CHANGED Use old Simp Rep definition UI. yes, no yes
Controls whether "ECAD import holes configs"
Without category (ecad_pin_hole_import & ecad_via_hole_import) will
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ remove holes completely from the import (default) or
Data Exchange ecad_load_filtered_holes_to_ui CHANGED just pre‐set the holes filter UI condition. yes, no no
Without category
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Select how holes that are placed on the board outline
Data Exchange ecad_outline_holes_exp_method CHANGED be exported. default, arcs default
Set default scope for externally referenced models. All ‐
Any model. None ‐ Only current model and children.
Without category Skeletons ‐ Any component in model's assembly and all, none,
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ higher skeletons on branch. Subassembly ‐ Only subassemblies,
Reference Control default_ext_ref_scope CHANGED components and children in model's assembly. skeleton_model all
Without category
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Show/Hide the warning dialog related to Internet
System display_ie8_warning_dialog CHANGED Explorer 8 running in Compatibility Mode yes, no yes