Brand Equity, Brand Positioning
Brand Equity, Brand Positioning
Brand Equity, Brand Positioning
4. Determine how the Competitors brands are services, separation from competitors and the value
Perceived and Evaluated – This basically covers you provide. Strong positioning focuses on a
an understanding of two things. What are the single or few features that is important to the
features of the competitors products and Which customer. For example brands like Patanjali or
attributes or features are actually important to a Himalaya position their products as an Ayurvedic
customer. For example major attributes of a Maruti product.
car are low price, good mileage, low maintenance
cost, high resale value and wide service network. 7. Monitoring the position
But out of these low price and good mileage can A product positioning strategy is never-ending. It is
the two most important attraction for an Indian necessary to monitor the position overtime, for that
customer. you have variety of techniques that can be
In order to wisely position a brand, an appropriate employed it can be on the basis of some test and
set of product attributes should be selected for the interviews which will help to monitor any kind of
change in the image.
product. This can be identified with the help of
marketing research.
5. Determining the competitor’s positions. Thus, the first five steps in the positioning process
Our next focus should be to determine how provides a useful background. The sixth one only
different brands are positioned with respect to the is taken to make the position decision. The final
step is to evaluate and measure and follow up.
relevant attributes selected under the previous step.
This shows the image that the customer has about
the various product brands. In addition it also
shows which competitors are perceived as similar Brand Equity
and which as different. For example positioning
Brand equity represents ‘the total accumulated
map of few cars shown below shows important
value or worth of a brand’. It is the sum total of all
attributes and similar brands offering same
the different values people attach to the brand. A
high equity brand has high value in the
marketplace. That value is determined by
consumer perception of and experiences with the
brand. Customer based brand equity can be
positive or negative. If people think highly of a
brand, it has positive brand equity. When a brand
consistently under-delivers and disappoints to the
point where people recommend that others avoid it,
it has negative brand equity.
Strong brand equity simply means more business, brand equity of antiseptic brand Dettol. Dettol soap
more value and longevity. Here are some of the is a very strong player in a highly competitive
advantages of having strong brand equity. bathing soap market.
5. Easy Distribution. Brand equity is a good
source of achieving good distribution network. It
Advantages to Marketers ( Company) is easier to get access in the distribution chain
when the brand has equity. The dealer’s exhibit
1. Increased effectiveness and efficiency of disbelief in dealing with a brand without equity
marketing programmes - The brand equity because of the uncertainties it brings along with it.
increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Therefore, channels welcome brands with equity
marketing programmes. The expenditure for a and give access to point of purchase displays, shelf
reputed brand to achieve a goal is less than an space, etc.
unbranded product aiming to achieve the same 6. Competitive Advantage . Finally, brand
goal. For instance, retaining a customer is much equity is a provider of competitive advantage. It
costlier for an unbranded product. This may imposes barriers on the entry of competitors. It can
partially happen due to lack of brand loyalty and provide strong competitive advantages in product
preference. Similarly, launching of a new product categories where most alternatives provide the
with extensions may be much simpler, easy and same benefits.. For instance Johnson & Johnson’s
less costly. ‘Savlon’ is hardly able to compete in the market
2. Customer loyalty. The brand equity allow with ‘Dettol’ due to its strong brand equity.
a firm to have greater customer loyalty. Customer
loyalty is an integral part of the brand equity. If Advantages to Customers
you have a strong and trusted brand, you will A brand’s equity is valuable to customers because:
always have a loyal customer base buying your
products. The customers can exhibit preference and 1. Helps customers in information
commitment to a brand only. A greater number of processing. A brand is useful in aiding customers
loyal customers automatically reduce the in interpreting, processing, and storing information
expenditures that need to be incurred in about the products and the brands. Brands are taken
maintaining a customer base. by customers as a bundle of information which are
3. Premium Pricing. Brand equity allows a easily decoded (drawn meaning thereof) and stored
firm to change premium. Positive brand equity in a proper order (classification). Brands allow
allows you to charge more for your product or customers to store great quantities of information
service, because people will be willing to pay a about brands without getting confused.
premium for the reputed brand name. For 2. Customer confidence. A Brand’s positive
example Some of the world’s leading luxury watch equity enhance customer confidence in the
brands such as Rolex or Cartier always charges a purchase decision. One feels more confident in
high price because of their brand equity. In fact, purchasing a reputed brand (imagine buying an
brands, which enjoy strong equity in the market, unbranded product e.g., like tooth paste). It
command a premium price. happens because of familiarity with a brand.
4. Opportunity for growth. Brand equity Familiarity creates confidence.
provides great opportunities for growth. A positive 3. Customer satisfaction. Another area of
brand equity allows a business to add more importance of positive brand equity is high degree
products without incurring significant promotional of usage satisfaction. Brand equity also help
expenditure, trying to get your brand recognized. consumers to express their psychological needs
Brand equity makes growth easier for the firms. like personality, social status, aspiration, etc. For
For instance, manufacturer of Dettol antiseptic example, owners of ‘an IBM-Thinkpad’ express
lotion introduces Dettol soap by relying on the pride in owning a technically advanced laptop.
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Factors Determining the Brand Equity superiority of a product relative to other brands.
Perceived quality is, first, a perception by
In his Brand Equity model, David A. Aaker customers. Quality is one of the main reasons for
identifies five brand equity components: (1) brand consumer preference for a brand in any product
loyalty, (2) brand awareness, (3) perceived quality, category. Thus, superior perceived quality can also
(4) brand associations and (5) other proprietary influence brand equity. For example in Indian
assets. detergent market Surf enjoys high brand equity
even though the product is much costlier than other
detergent powders.
4. Brand Association. Anything that is
connected to the customer’s memory about the
brand is an association. Brand Associations are not
benefits, but are images and symbols associated
with a brand or a brand benefit. They are the
attributes of brand which come into consumers
mind when the brand is talked about. Customers
form associations on the basis of quality,
advertisements of the brand, price, product displays
1. Brand Awareness. Awareness of the brand in retail stores, publicity in various media,
name among target customers is the first step in the celebrity associations etc. For example- The Nike
equity building process. People will often buy a Swoosh, Sachin Tendulkar as with “MRF” aare
familiar brand because they are comfortable with association. Associations contribute to brand
the brand. Or there may be an assumption that a equity, as strong, positive associations leads to
brand that is familiar is probably reliable, and of brand purchases and also blocks the entry for new
reasonable quality. Awareness essentially means competitors.
that customers know about the existence of the 5. Other proprietary brand assets. These
brand and can also recall what category the brand assets can take several forms like patents,
is in. A recognized brand will thus often be trademarks and channel relationships. For example,
selected over an unknown brand. Building brand a trademark will protect brand equity from
awareness can help marketers to increase brand competitors who might want to confuse customers
equity to the target audience through different by using a similar name, symbol, or package.
brand promotion methods.
2. Brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is the
tendency of consumers to continuously purchase
one brand's products over another competing
brand's. It shows how likely a customer will switch
to another brand, especially when that brand makes
a change, either in price or in product features.
Brand loyalty is usually rated as the most important
indicator of brand equity because loyalty develops
repeated purchases over a long period of time. If a
company has a higher brand loyalty, it can help to
reduce marketing cost. The company can also
introduce new products targeting the same
customer base.
3. Perceived Quality. Perceived quality is the
customer's understanding of the overall quality or
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