Atmospheric Tank Design Calculation

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Design Calculation for T-109 tank

Inside Diameter of tank = 18 m

Height of tank = 18.8 m

Number of tanks = One

Product = Soft Stock Tank

Design code = API 650, 11th Edition + Add. 1, 2008 & API 2000

Appendices = E,M,P & V

Shell design = One Foot Method

Type of tank = Rafter Supported Cone Roof Tank

Maximum Liquid Level = 18.3 m

Design liquid height = 18.8 m

Specific Gravity = 1.1 (1.1 to 0.9)

Design Specific Gravity = 1.1

CA - Shell = 0 mm

CA - Bottom = 0 mm

CA - Roof = 0 mm
Design Pressure (Positive) = 2.45 KPa ( 25 G/cm )
Design Pressure (Vacuum) = 0.5 KPa ( 5 G/cm 2)
Storage Pressure (Positive) = Atm. KPa
Storage Pressure (Vacuum) = Nil KPa

Live load on roof = 1 KPa

Operating temperature (Max.) = 140 °C

Operating temperature (Min.) = 100 °C

Design Metal Temp. (Max.) = 140 °C

Design Metal Temp. (Min.) = 0 °C

Max. Filling Rate = 500 m 3/hr

Max. Empting Rate = 120 m 3/hr
Seismic design code = Appendix-E, API 650

Seismic Zone Factor Z = 0.075

Seismic Zone = Zone 1 (UBC)

Importance factor I = 1

Basic wind velocity = 45 m/sec

Flash Point = > 200 oC

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Design Calculation for T-109 tank


Material Yield (MPa) Tensile (MPa) Sd (MPa) St (MPa)

Shell -1 SA 36 250 400 147.5 171
Shell -2 SA 36 250 400 147.5 171
Shell -3 SA 36 250 400 147.5 171
Shell -4 SA 36 250 400 147.5 171
Shell -5 SA 36 250 400 147.5 171
Shell -6 SA 36 250 400 147.5 171
Shell -7 SA 36 250 400 147.5 171
Shell -8 SA 36 250 400 147.5 171
Shell -9 SA 36 250 400 147.5 171
Bottom SA 36 250 400 147.5 171
Roof SA 36 250 400 147.5 171

Temperature factor at max. design temperature as per Table M-1 = 0.885

As per clause,
The minimum thickness of shell plates shall be
td = [(4.9 * D * (H-0.3) * G)/ Sd ] + C.A.
tt = (4.9 * D * (H-0.3) )/ St
td = design shell thickness, in mm
tt = hydrostatic test shell thickness, in mm
D = Nominal tank diameter, in m = 18.014 m (Inside Tank Dia. + First Shell Course Thk.)
H = design liquid level, in m
= height from the bottom of course under consideration to the top of the shell including the top angle.
G = Design specific gravity of the liquid to be stored, as specified by the purchaser
C.A. = Corrosion Allowance, in mm
Sd = Allowable stress for the design condition, in MPa
St = Allowable stress for the hydrostatic test condition, in MPa

Wt.- Wt.-
t reqd. t prov.
Course Material H (mm) W (m) td (mm) tt (mm) New Cor.
(mm) (mm)
(MT) (MT)
Shell -1 SA 36 18.80 2.50 12.18 10.50 12.18 14.00 15.55 15.55
Shell -2 SA 36 16.30 2.50 10.53 9.08 10.53 12.00 13.33 13.33
Shell -3 SA 36 13.80 2.00 8.89 7.67 8.89 10.00 8.88 8.88
Shell -4 SA 36 11.80 2.00 7.57 6.53 7.57 10.00 8.88 8.88
Shell -5 SA 36 9.80 2.00 6.25 5.39 6.25 8.00 7.11 7.11
Shell -6 SA 36 7.80 2.00 4.94 4.26 4.94 6.00 5.33 5.33
Shell -7 SA 36 5.80 2.00 3.62 3.12 3.62 6.00 5.33 5.33
Shell -8 SA 36 3.80 2.00 2.30 1.99 2.30 6.00 5.33 5.33
Shell -9 SA 36 3.80 1.80 2.30 1.99 2.30 6.00 4.80 4.80
Total 18.80 74.53 74.53

Top shell course thickness = 6.00 mm

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